Aus der Branche

59 Ergebnisse
Photo: Archroma

Archroma: Breakthrough in bio-based textile printing

Utilizing renewable materials* and formaldehyde-free chemistries, the industry-first Archroma NTR Printing System combines newly created pigment black and customized auxiliaries for enhanced sustainability, comfort and durability
Archroma, a company in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, introduced the NTR Printing System to make bio-based pigment printing commercially possible for the first time. Based on renewable raw materials and designed for safer chemistry, it helps apparel and textile brands reduce their environmental footprint while producing brilliant black shades on garments that deliver both comfort and durability.

Bio-based pigment printing is an emerging technology that is attracting major interest from brands that want to use pigments derived from natural sources, such as plants, in the production of environmentally conscious textiles. Until now, however, bio-based pigments have not delivered color fastness that is comparable to synthetic pigments, and color quality and production performance have not been sufficient to support commercial-scale production.

Utilizing renewable materials* and formaldehyde-free chemistries, the industry-first Archroma NTR Printing System combines newly created pigment black and customized auxiliaries for enhanced sustainability, comfort and durability
Archroma, a company in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, introduced the NTR Printing System to make bio-based pigment printing commercially possible for the first time. Based on renewable raw materials and designed for safer chemistry, it helps apparel and textile brands reduce their environmental footprint while producing brilliant black shades on garments that deliver both comfort and durability.

Bio-based pigment printing is an emerging technology that is attracting major interest from brands that want to use pigments derived from natural sources, such as plants, in the production of environmentally conscious textiles. Until now, however, bio-based pigments have not delivered color fastness that is comparable to synthetic pigments, and color quality and production performance have not been sufficient to support commercial-scale production.

Archroma’s NTR Printing System is the first to utilize renewable feedstock across pigment dispersion, binder and fixing agent. Crucially, it ensures good wet-rubbing and dry-rubbing fastness, with outstanding softness on all kinds of fabrics. Furthermore, it is suitable for most popular application technologies, including printing, coating and continuous pigment dyeing, with outstanding runnability for production efficiency.

“These properties make the new NTR Printing System ideal for the highly competitive denim market, where sustainability, comfort and durability are important; for knits, where very soft handfeel is essential; and on babywear, where both exceptional softness and safety are required,” Joaquin Femat, Market Segment Director for Printing, Archroma, said.

The result of more than two years of research and development, the innovative new NTR Printing System required Archroma to create customized binding and fixing agents to ensure fastness for the pigment black dispersion comparable to current petroleum-based printing systems. All three printing elements are partially based on renewable feedstock to reduce reliance on non-renewable petrochemicals. Archroma also developed the new system to avoid toxic input streams and impurities, including formaldehyde. Two successful bulk trials were conducted with Textprint S. A. and Jeanologia.

The NTR printing system comprises the following highly efficient and robust printing elements:

  • PRINTOFIX® BLACK NTR-TF: A non-gelling pigment black with 79% renewable carbon content*, designed for use in textile applications with no impact on fastness levels.
  • HELIZARIN® NTR-SS: A formaldehyde-free super-soft binder with 40% renewable carbon content, designed to ensure very good overall fastness levels.
  • LUPRINTOL® FIXING AGENT NTR-HF: A formaldehyde-free fixing agent with 40% renewable carbon content**, designed for high wet fastness in rubbing and laundry.

All three elements are currently being evaluated for compliance with globally accepted standards like bluesign®, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC). The system also supports major industry restricted substances list (RSL) requirements.





Mimaki: Printing on non-polyester materials

Polyester has been the cornerstone of the textile printing industry for decades. Its compatibility with the digital sublimation process—a cost-effective, simple technology—has driven exponential growth in polyester printing. However, the very characteristics that make polyester well suited for sublimation printing render this printing technique unsuitable for other materials, such as cotton and some blended fibres, leaving a significant gap in the market.

This gap was, until recently, partially filled by direct-to-textile printing. However, this method requires substantial initial investments in equipment and heavily relies on the time- and resource-consuming pre- and post-processing of fabrics to ensure colourfastness, colour accuracy, and compatibility with different substrates. Consequently, a need arose for a more sustainable and cost-effective solution that could cater to a wider range of textiles.

Polyester has been the cornerstone of the textile printing industry for decades. Its compatibility with the digital sublimation process—a cost-effective, simple technology—has driven exponential growth in polyester printing. However, the very characteristics that make polyester well suited for sublimation printing render this printing technique unsuitable for other materials, such as cotton and some blended fibres, leaving a significant gap in the market.

This gap was, until recently, partially filled by direct-to-textile printing. However, this method requires substantial initial investments in equipment and heavily relies on the time- and resource-consuming pre- and post-processing of fabrics to ensure colourfastness, colour accuracy, and compatibility with different substrates. Consequently, a need arose for a more sustainable and cost-effective solution that could cater to a wider range of textiles.

In response to this demand, Mimaki spent six years developing a breakthrough technology, TRAPIS, a simple two-step textile transfer printing solution, consisting of only an inkjet printer and a high-pressure calender. The design of choice is printed by the inkjet printer onto the company’s groundbreaking Texcol® pigment ink transfer paper. This is then transferred to the application via the calender.

Entirely removing the treatment stages means that printing on non-polyester materials has gone from an expensive and time-consuming task to one that is simple, cost-efficient and more sustainable.

Ideal for home textiles and soft signage which often require vibrant colours but varied materials, this technology gives printers the ability to print on a wide variety of materials, including natural fibres like cotton and silk without losing stretchability or colourfastness. All this can be done with just one type of ink, making the process flexible and adaptable to customer demands.  

The pre-treatment and washing of the fabric is often needed in digital dye printing, producing a significant amount of wastewater in the process. TRAPIS eliminates those stages altogether and is almost entirely waterless, saving around 14.5 litres per square metre of water, an almost 90% decrease in comparison to digital dye printing .

Additionally, this eliminates the need for wastewater treatment facilities, which can be both expensive and constrictive when it comes to where the solution is installed.


Weitere Informationen:
Mimaki textile printing polyester


Erfolgreicher Abschluss der drupa 2024 (c) Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Erfolgreicher Abschluss der drupa 2024

Die drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf ist am 7. Juni nach elf Messetagen erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. 1.643 Aussteller aus 52 Nationen boten in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen eine Innovationsschau und begeisterten das Fachpublikum. Die Internationalität lag bei 80 Prozent, insgesamt reisten Besucherinnen und Besucher aus 174 Ländern an. Am stärksten vertreten nach Europa war Asien mit 22 Prozent, gefolgt von Amerika mit 12 Prozent. Sowohl Asien als auch Lateinamerika und die MENA-Region sind Märkte mit großem Wachstumspotenzial, was sich in der deutlich gestiegenen Präsenz und in den Auftragsbüchern der Aussteller widerspiegelte.

Die Aussteller lobten die hohe Entscheidungskompetenz der Besucherinnen und Besucher. Diese wiederum gaben Bestnoten für das Angebot in den 18 Messehallen. Rund 96 Prozent aller Besuchenden bestätigten, die mit ihrem Besuch verbundenen Ziele voll erreicht zu haben. Die meisten von ihnen kamen mit über 50 Prozent aus der Druckindustrie, gefolgt von der Verpackungsbranche, deren Anteil signifikant gestiegen ist, und die als Wachstumstreiber im Fokus zahlreicher Aussteller stand. In Summe besuchten 170.000 Fachleute die drupa 2024.

Die drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf ist am 7. Juni nach elf Messetagen erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. 1.643 Aussteller aus 52 Nationen boten in den Düsseldorfer Messehallen eine Innovationsschau und begeisterten das Fachpublikum. Die Internationalität lag bei 80 Prozent, insgesamt reisten Besucherinnen und Besucher aus 174 Ländern an. Am stärksten vertreten nach Europa war Asien mit 22 Prozent, gefolgt von Amerika mit 12 Prozent. Sowohl Asien als auch Lateinamerika und die MENA-Region sind Märkte mit großem Wachstumspotenzial, was sich in der deutlich gestiegenen Präsenz und in den Auftragsbüchern der Aussteller widerspiegelte.

Die Aussteller lobten die hohe Entscheidungskompetenz der Besucherinnen und Besucher. Diese wiederum gaben Bestnoten für das Angebot in den 18 Messehallen. Rund 96 Prozent aller Besuchenden bestätigten, die mit ihrem Besuch verbundenen Ziele voll erreicht zu haben. Die meisten von ihnen kamen mit über 50 Prozent aus der Druckindustrie, gefolgt von der Verpackungsbranche, deren Anteil signifikant gestiegen ist, und die als Wachstumstreiber im Fokus zahlreicher Aussteller stand. In Summe besuchten 170.000 Fachleute die drupa 2024.

Im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen drupa stand Automatisierung mit einem starken Fokus auf KI und intelligenten Workflows einschließlich Softwarelösungen. Es wurde deutlich, dass sich digitale und analoge Technologien ideal ergänzen und voneinander profitieren. Traditionelle Branchenführer präsentierten vielfältige digitale Lösungen, digitale Pioniere integrierten konventionelle Komponenten in ihr Angebot. Das Thema Robotics nahm eine bedeutende Rolle in den Messehallen ein und veranschaulichte den Weg zur Smart Factory.

Transformation und Wachstum
Die drupa machte mehr als deutlich, dass die Branche auch vor dem Hintergrund vieler Herausforderungen hohes Zukunftspotenzial besitzt und die Aussichten vielversprechend sind. Im letzten Geschäftsjahr erzielte die globale Druckindustrie einen Umsatz von rund 840 Milliarden Euro (Quelle: Smithers) und entwickelt sich weltweit mit unterschiedlichen Dynamiken weiter.
Viele auf der Messe geschlossene neue strategische Allianzen spiegelten die Chancen wider.

Nachhaltige Technologien
Technologie ist der Schlüssel zur Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen – dies veranschaulichten die Aussteller der drupa mit zahlreichen praxisorientierten Entwicklungen und konkreten Lösungen. Oberste Priorität haben dabei Ressourceneffizienz und der Weg in eine funktionierende Kreislaufwirtschaft. Zudem zeigte der touchpoint sustainability des VDMA, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V., den aktuellen State of the Art auf, stellte Best Cases vor und gab einen weitreichenden Ausblick in die Zukunft einer nachhaltigen Druckindustrie.

Zuspruch fand das Rahmenprogramm mit seinen fünf Sonderforen drupa cube, drupa next age (dna) sowie den touchpoints packaging, textile und sustainability. In Zeiten stetigen Wandels und daraus resultierender neuer Geschäftsmodelle sorgten sie für intensiven Wissenstransfer und gaben wichtige Orientierungshilfen. Guided Tours zu verschiedenen Themenschwerpunkten rundeten das Messeerlebnis ab.

Die nächste drupa wird in 2028 stattfinden.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


EFI: Single-Pass Production Inkjet Printing for Textiles at drupa 2024

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. reported that at drupa 2024, running through 7 June at Messe Düsseldorf, it is highlighting its expertise in single-pass printing solutions for packaging, display graphics, and textile markets.

Visitors to EFI’s stand will see some of the companies latest single-pass innovations live, including the Packsize® EFI™ X5® Nozomi, a full-colour, on-demand, right-sized box system that prints, cuts, creases, glues, and erects customised boxes at the rate of up to one box every 6 seconds, and the EFI Nozomi 14000 SD single pass printer for sign and display. The company is also showcasing a vast array of applications produced on the new Nozomi 14000 AQ true water-based, single pass printer for corrugated packaging and displays and the Nozomi 12000 MP single-pass technology for direct-to-metal package printing, as well as the next generation EFI Reggiani BOLT XS single-pass textile printer.

In addition to showcasing single-pass inkjet printing at the show, EFI is also introducing two new software solutions that add to the value of single-pass technology, including:

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. reported that at drupa 2024, running through 7 June at Messe Düsseldorf, it is highlighting its expertise in single-pass printing solutions for packaging, display graphics, and textile markets.

Visitors to EFI’s stand will see some of the companies latest single-pass innovations live, including the Packsize® EFI™ X5® Nozomi, a full-colour, on-demand, right-sized box system that prints, cuts, creases, glues, and erects customised boxes at the rate of up to one box every 6 seconds, and the EFI Nozomi 14000 SD single pass printer for sign and display. The company is also showcasing a vast array of applications produced on the new Nozomi 14000 AQ true water-based, single pass printer for corrugated packaging and displays and the Nozomi 12000 MP single-pass technology for direct-to-metal package printing, as well as the next generation EFI Reggiani BOLT XS single-pass textile printer.

In addition to showcasing single-pass inkjet printing at the show, EFI is also introducing two new software solutions that add to the value of single-pass technology, including:

  • EFInsight, cloud-based intelligence that optimises the operational efficiency and TCO of EFI packaging, display graphics, or textile digital inkjet printing systems with cloud-based data collection, analytics, reporting, proactive maintenance, and process control tools. It delivers the insights needed to understand the economics of production and the tools to maximise inkjet printer investments. It is currently available for EFI Nozomi single-pass printers for packaging.
  • EFI’s Life Cycle Assessment tool for Nozomi printers, which documents Nozomi’s environmental footprint, developed in partnership with Clean Agency. This tool, which EFI customers and their customers can use, analyses their CO2 emissions as part of their overall packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and has proven that printing corrugated materials on the EFI Nozomi digital press reduces Global Warming Potential (GWP) by over 50% when compared to analogue printing technologies.

Electronics For Imaging, Inc.

 Strategische Partnerschaft zwischen drupa und PRINTING United (c) Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Ford Bowers (CEO, PRINTING United Alliance) und Sabine Geldermann (Director drupa, Portfolio Print Technologies)

Strategische Partnerschaft zwischen drupa und PRINTING United

Die Messe Düsseldorf und die PRINTING United Alliance, zwei führende Messeveranstalter im Bereich Drucktechnologien, kündigen eine engere Zusammenarbeit an.

Ab 2024 wird die Partnerschaft zwischen den Messen drupa und PRINTING United Expo, ansässig in Europa und Nordamerika, die Reichweite der beiden Marken in der gesamten Branche weiter verstärken.

Mit ihrem kundenorientierten Konzept werden beide Partner auch in Zukunft daran arbeiten, ihre Veranstaltungen in einer sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickelnden Druckindustrie für ihre Zielgruppen noch relevanter und wertvoller zu gestalten.

Die PRINTING United Expo 2024 findet vom 10. bis 12. September in Las Vegas im Las Vegas Convention Center statt.

Die Messe Düsseldorf und die PRINTING United Alliance, zwei führende Messeveranstalter im Bereich Drucktechnologien, kündigen eine engere Zusammenarbeit an.

Ab 2024 wird die Partnerschaft zwischen den Messen drupa und PRINTING United Expo, ansässig in Europa und Nordamerika, die Reichweite der beiden Marken in der gesamten Branche weiter verstärken.

Mit ihrem kundenorientierten Konzept werden beide Partner auch in Zukunft daran arbeiten, ihre Veranstaltungen in einer sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickelnden Druckindustrie für ihre Zielgruppen noch relevanter und wertvoller zu gestalten.

Die PRINTING United Expo 2024 findet vom 10. bis 12. September in Las Vegas im Las Vegas Convention Center statt.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Drupa: touchpoint textile zeigt Textildrucklösungen

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Digital Textile Micro Factory: On-Demand und virtuelle Produkte – auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion
Gemeinsam mit 12 Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung zeigt das DITF live auf der drupa eine Digital Textile Micro Factory und damit eine voll vernetzte integrierte Prozesskette vom Design bis zum fertigen Produkt. Diese präsentiert neue Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und direkten Kundeneinbindung, etwa in Form von 3D-Bekleidungssimulationen mit Vernetzung zu Design-Netzwerken für den kreativen Input. Digitale Workflows und virtuelle Produkte werden direkt in den Produktionsprozess integriert. Die Technologiepartner zeigen in der Microfactory eine automatisierte on-demand Fertigung, Textildruck, Zuschnitt und Absortieren – ohne manuelle Interaktion. Solche verteilten und digital vernetzten Design- und Produktionsketten werden es der Textilindustrie ermöglichen, in Zukunft gezielter auf Kundenwünsche und Trends zu reagieren: eine Zukunft ohne Ladenhüter. Für den gesamten Prozess von der virtuellen Entwicklung bis zum fertigen Produkt wird zudem der Carbon Footprint erstellt und auf der Messe dargestellt.

Erstmals wird 2024 der Design-Wettbewerb "drupa - textile design talents" stattfinden. Dieser wurde vom DITF konzipiert und durch den Partner Mitwill umgesetzt. Angehenden Textildesignern und Newcomern bietet sich dadurch die Chance, Ideen und Visionen einem professionellen Publikum zu präsentieren.

Unterstützung aus der Branche
Partner der Microfactory sind die Firmen Assyst/Deutschland (3-D Simulation digitaler Zwilling Bekleidung), Mitwill Textiles Europe/Frankreich (Kreatives Design-Netzwerk), D.G.I. Digital Graphics Incorporation/Südkorea, Multi-Plot Europe/Deutschland (großformatiger Textildruck), LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung/Deutschland, Zünd/Schweiz (digitaler Zuschnitt)/, robotfactory/Dänemark, Asco/Niederlande (mit einer innovativen Pufferlösung als Verbindung zwischen Digitaldruck und Zuschnitt, automatisiertes Absortieren der Zuschnittteile vom Cutter durch robotfactory) sowie Brother/Japan (für kleinformatigen Textildruck und Klebetechnologie). Als Sponsoren unterstützen Vaude und berger textiles den touchpoint. Weiterer wichtiger Partner ist die Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, die das Projekt konzeptionell unterstützt und sich den klaren Auftrag gegeben hat, diese neuen Themen in den Lehrplan zu integrieren. So werden die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen von morgen auf die neuen Herausforderungen vorbereitet.

Als weiterer Partner des touchpoint textile ist die European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA) für das Vortragsprogramm verantwortlich. ESMA vertritt den industriellen, funktionellen und Spezialdruck und organisiert Bildungsveranstaltungen im Bereich Textildruck. Auf der drupa behandeln Referentinnen und Referenten aus Forschung, Entwicklung und Industrie unter anderem Fragen zu Druck- und Veredelungstechnologien, Workflows, Marktentwicklungen oder Nachhaltigkeit. Im Fokus stehen auch Trends und Anwendungen, die durch das Zusammenspiel von Digitaldruck und textilen Bedruckstoffen immer neue Potenziale erschließen. Die Vorträge gliedern sich in die Themenbereiche Research, Finishing, Print Systems & Hardware, Substrates, Inks & Chemistry und Software & Electronics. So hält zum Beispiel Assyst Vorträge über virtuelle Entwicklung von Bekleidung sowie das Forschungsprojekt ECOShoring, das durch die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU gefördert wird, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf On Demand und individualisierte und nachhaltige Fertigung. Adobe, Balta Group, Barbieri Electronic, Brother, Centexbel, CST, DITF, Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems, HS Albsig, Kornit Digital, Meteor Inkjet, Mimaki, Mitwill, Multiplot, Print-Rite, RWTH Aachen, Seiko Instruments, Tiger Coatings, Xaar und Zünd stellen ebenfalls hochkarätige Speaker für das Konferenzprogramm. Die Liste wird fortlaufend ergänzt.

Die drupa findet vom 28. Mai bis 7. Juni 2024 auf dem Düsseldorfer Messegelände statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

Photo: Manzi Gandhi, unsplash

Active Apparel Group: OEKO-TEX 100 Certified Water-Based Inks for Apparel Printing

As part of a broader initiative to reduce environmental impacts and keep ahead of evolving global chemical regulations, Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, is embracing water-based OEKO-TEX 100 Class 1 Standard Printing Inks in their manufacturing process.

Common and inexpensive inks used in the global manufacture of apparel contain a wide range of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, petroleum-based co-solvents, PVC, and other volatile organic compounds. AAG’s initiative to use OEKO-TEX approved, water-based inks creates benefits for factory workers, people living local to these factories, consumers, and everyone downstream.

AAG offers a range of printing methods to address a variety of customer needs, including:  digital printing, screen printing, and heat transfers for on-garment logos and care instructions. OEKO-TEX certified water-based inks are used for all of its digital printing and for the majority of its screen printing. These non-toxic water-based inks offer a socially and environmentally better alternative to the more commonly used Plastisol inks.

As part of a broader initiative to reduce environmental impacts and keep ahead of evolving global chemical regulations, Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, is embracing water-based OEKO-TEX 100 Class 1 Standard Printing Inks in their manufacturing process.

Common and inexpensive inks used in the global manufacture of apparel contain a wide range of toxic chemicals, including phthalates, petroleum-based co-solvents, PVC, and other volatile organic compounds. AAG’s initiative to use OEKO-TEX approved, water-based inks creates benefits for factory workers, people living local to these factories, consumers, and everyone downstream.

AAG offers a range of printing methods to address a variety of customer needs, including:  digital printing, screen printing, and heat transfers for on-garment logos and care instructions. OEKO-TEX certified water-based inks are used for all of its digital printing and for the majority of its screen printing. These non-toxic water-based inks offer a socially and environmentally better alternative to the more commonly used Plastisol inks.

Making a sizable environmental impact, the printing service of AAG’s business is significant. Digital printing averages 25,000 meters per month with screen printing averaging 60,000 garments per month.

The use of water-based inks requires a skilled production team and training of employees is ongoing. AAG currently employs 30 people at its printing operations in Ningbo, China.


Active Apparel Group

Hologenix: CELLIANT® as a printed coating (c) Hologenix

Hologenix: CELLIANT® as a printed coating

Hologenix has announced that its flagship product CELLIANT® infrared (IR) technology, a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, is now more widely available from the company as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology and increasing the number of prospective partners. The innovation has already been named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulations Category of the ISPO Textrends Awards just last month.

Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers and yarns. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be easily added directly onto the surface of all different fabric types. The company is particularly energized about how this expands the array of sustainable offerings that CELLIANT can be incorporated into, and is looking forward to partnering with brands to print CELLIANT on their ecofriendly fabrics. CELLIANT Print may be a cost-effective alternative to in-yarn solutions and allows for a more efficient supply chain.

Hologenix has announced that its flagship product CELLIANT® infrared (IR) technology, a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, is now more widely available from the company as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology and increasing the number of prospective partners. The innovation has already been named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulations Category of the ISPO Textrends Awards just last month.

Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers and yarns. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be easily added directly onto the surface of all different fabric types. The company is particularly energized about how this expands the array of sustainable offerings that CELLIANT can be incorporated into, and is looking forward to partnering with brands to print CELLIANT on their ecofriendly fabrics. CELLIANT Print may be a cost-effective alternative to in-yarn solutions and allows for a more efficient supply chain.

fabrics or to a new fabric to create a variety of different product applications. For brands who are seeking a smaller pattern roller for apparel, orthopedic products or other close-to-skin projects, CELLIANT Print can accommodate this. There is also a larger pattern roller for bedding and larger-scale applications. As long as the print covers 80% of the fabric’s surface, the design possibilities for the print itself are virtually endless. CELLIANT Print has undergone mechanical testing for wash tests and can be confirmed to last the useful life of the product, for 50+ washes.

By applying CELLIANT Print directly onto the fabric, brand partners are able to use CELLIANT with a higher loading of bioceramic minerals than what would otherwise be possible with an in-yarn solution. This makes it ideal for recovery and performance purposes. In fact, an example of a CELLIANT Print application on kinesiology tape, KT Tape® PRO Oxygen™ was launched in April to great success.


Hologenix, LLC


Baldwin Launches New PrintEnomic$ Online Resource

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched PrintEnomic$, a new online resource of specialized eBooks and resources for corrugated, narrow web and sheet-fed and web offset printers at

The collection of Baldwin videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available for free and without firewalls to help maximize printer profitability. The eBooks analyze trends, issues, and technology options specific to printers in all three categories.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier, limited-release eBooks “Untangling the Web” for narrow web and “From Beast to Beauty” for corrugated. The addition of “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” for sheet-fed and web offset printers completes the comprehensive PrintEnomic$ portfolio.
Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – the eBooks explore pressing topics including sustainability, labor challenges, counterfeiting, and brand protection.

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched PrintEnomic$, a new online resource of specialized eBooks and resources for corrugated, narrow web and sheet-fed and web offset printers at

The collection of Baldwin videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available for free and without firewalls to help maximize printer profitability. The eBooks analyze trends, issues, and technology options specific to printers in all three categories.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier, limited-release eBooks “Untangling the Web” for narrow web and “From Beast to Beauty” for corrugated. The addition of “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” for sheet-fed and web offset printers completes the comprehensive PrintEnomic$ portfolio.
Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – the eBooks explore pressing topics including sustainability, labor challenges, counterfeiting, and brand protection.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.


Digital Textile Printing: Direct-to-Film Technology

In the printing industry, direct-to-film technology is having a transformative impact on the apparel decoration space. It provides a simple and affordable garment printing process that facilitates vibrant, dynamic, full-colour designs with a durable print. It opens up opportunities for digital print service providers (PSPs) to expand their product offerings in the textile industry, their network of potential customers and expand the range of fabrics they can print on.

In the printing industry, direct-to-film technology is having a transformative impact on the apparel decoration space. It provides a simple and affordable garment printing process that facilitates vibrant, dynamic, full-colour designs with a durable print. It opens up opportunities for digital print service providers (PSPs) to expand their product offerings in the textile industry, their network of potential customers and expand the range of fabrics they can print on.

Direct-to-film vs. Screen Printing
Direct-to-film printing is the process of digitally printing directly onto a special transfer film sheet. The printed film is subsequently sprinkled with a hot-melt powder and heated. Once the transfer sheet is cured and dried, it can be heat-pressed onto a variety of fabrics to create premium transferred designs for customised merchandising, sportswear, and an array of other promotional applications for the textile market. Compared with traditional screen printing, the plate creation required for that process is far too time-consuming. Not only this, but it does not match direct-to-film’s ability to produce vivid colours and quality details such as shapes, lettering, and motifs often sought after in the promotional and merchandising space for bespoke textiles.

The Mimaki TxF150-75
Mimaki’s first direct-to-film inkjet printer is the TxF150-75, a fitting extension to the 150 series, with a maximum printing width of 80cm. Offering a stable printing plotter, the model’s built-in ink circulation system and degassed ink pack are resolutions to common direct-to-film challenges such as poor ink ejection and white ink clogging. The new printer also includes core Mimaki features including NCU (Nozzle Check Unit) and NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) for stable, uninterrupted print production. Operating in harmony with the textile printer itself is Mimaki’s ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® certified water-based pigment textile inks, formulated especially for the TxF150-75. Coupled with Mimaki’s RasterLink7 RIP software, users are offered end-to-end oversight and efficiency from creative design to final product.

In addition, and in line with Mimaki’s collaborative approach to meeting customer needs, Adkins has developed an 80cm wide powder shaker cure unit to complete this ‘A brand’ direct-to-film printing solution. By offering the printer and post-processing unit at 80cm wide, customers can print larger garments with less waste and quicker production times, making the process much more cost effective.


Mimaki Europe B.V.

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin releases latest PrintEnomic$ eBook

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched a new set of resources for sheet-fed and web offset printers at with the release of the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook.

Its PrintEnomic$ website offers curated resources that analyze trends and issues impacting not only sheet-fed and web offset printers but also narrow web and corrugated printers. Separate eBooks, videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available to help maximize printer profitability in all three specialized areas.

Baldwin is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of innovative process-automation equipment, parts, service and consumables for the printing, packaging, textile, plastic film extrusion and corrugated industries.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier-released eBooks centered on narrow web (“Untangling the Web”) and corrugated (“From Beast to Beauty”).

Baldwin Technology Co. Inc. has launched a new set of resources for sheet-fed and web offset printers at with the release of the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook.

Its PrintEnomic$ website offers curated resources that analyze trends and issues impacting not only sheet-fed and web offset printers but also narrow web and corrugated printers. Separate eBooks, videos, podcasts and instructional guides are available to help maximize printer profitability in all three specialized areas.

Baldwin is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of innovative process-automation equipment, parts, service and consumables for the printing, packaging, textile, plastic film extrusion and corrugated industries.

More than 5,000 print industry professionals have already downloaded or viewed earlier-released eBooks centered on narrow web (“Untangling the Web”) and corrugated (“From Beast to Beauty”).

Through interviews with customers, industry insiders, in-house engineers – and reviews of the latest reporting – Baldwin explores four trends in the “Video Didn't Kill the Radio Star. And Digital Didn't Kill Print” eBook:

  • The resurgence in book publishing
  • Labor challenges
  • Direct mail marketing as a cure for screen fatigue
  • Sustainability

Baldwin Technology Company Inc.


EFI Reggiani showcases its innovations at ITMA 2023

At ITMA 2023, EFI™ Reggiani is presenting its sustainable Reggiani ecoTERRA pigment printing line up, the high-speed EFI Reggiani HYPER and Reggiani BOLT XS direct-to-fabric printing solutions, and EFI Inèdit end-to-end digital textile workflows.

At ITMA 2023, EFI™ Reggiani is presenting its sustainable Reggiani ecoTERRA pigment printing line up, the high-speed EFI Reggiani HYPER and Reggiani BOLT XS direct-to-fabric printing solutions, and EFI Inèdit end-to-end digital textile workflows.

The EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA solution is an all-in-one solution for water-based pigment printing that requires no ancillary equipment for pre- and post-treatment. By reducing water, energy and chemicals consumption in the overall process, customers can now obtain a sustainable, direct-to-fabric printing solution. For the first time at ITMA, EFI Reggiani is presenting its full ecoTERRA line up of four models, including a 340 printing width, with speeds ranging from 150 to 600 sqm/hour. This allows customers to choose the best TCO/ROI based on output volume and speed range.
Reggiani ecoTERRA water-based pigment inks deliver excellent wet and dry fastness properties, sharpness in detail, and durability while also ensuring printhead longevity with reduced maintenance costs. Thanks to the enhanced polymerisation and finishing unit, EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA also provides an enhanced tactile experience and fabric softness.
In addition to highlighting EFI Reggiani’s sustainable product offering, the company will also demonstrate the significant productivity and efficiency advantages offered by its portfolio of high-speed, high-performance digital textile printers at ITMA 2023. Attendees will discover how mass production can transition to a digital, on-demand workflow with the high speeds and high print quality of the EFI Reggiani HYPER scanning printer and the next-generation EFI Reggiani BOLT XS single-pass textile printer.

Visitors to the booth also will see EFI Reggiani’s new proprietary end-to-end digital printing workflow and the latest enhancements to EFI Inèdit digital textile software. Inèdit, now part of EFI Reggiani, is one of the leading developers of raster image processors (RIPs) and related software for digital industrial textile printing. The EFI Reggiani end-to-end workflow with Inèdit integration boosts productivity and production capabilities for digital textile print operations while ensuring maximum security for customer’s designs thanks to two-level encryption.
EFI Reggiani QUERY, the user-friendly, advanced data analysis tool to measure printer performance, keep track of real costs per metre, and monitor water and energy consumption, will also be demonstrated.



(c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital presents Enhanced Presto MAX at ITMA

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

Kornit Digital LTD., a leader in sustainable, on-demand digital fashionx and textile production technologies, announced the Company is taking the power of digital fashion to new heights with enhancements to the Kornit Presto MAX system for digital fabric decoration on demand.

Designed with the fashion and home décor industry in mind, the enhanced solution presents innovative capabilities for transforming virtual concepts into custom fabrics, supplementing digital efficiency and quality with white printing on colored fabrics. The new NeoPigmentTM Vivido ink achieves darker, deeper blacks and colors and establish new fashion standards with a pigment-based process. Kornit’s patented solution offers a streamlined and completely dry process for the a sustainable fabric decoration.

At ITMA 2023, Kornit will also be displaying an end-to-end partner ecosystem – underscoring how integrated solutions ensure a smooth transition towards a digital infrastructure and enable long-term business growth. Highlighting the power of partnership alongside Kornit is, a supplier of textiles and apparel leveraging digitally enabled, eco-friendly waterless printing. The company will be showing Presto MAX with fabrics highlighting the depth of black inks. Working alongside Kornit, Zünd will demonstrate how its modular cutting systems is the foundation for an end-to-end “eco factory,” completing fashion decorated by Presto MAX with their digital cutting solutions. Pentek Textile Machinery joins to display the possibilities for inline, sustainable softening of fabrics for unique and demanding applications.


Kornit Digital

(c) Mimaki

Mimaki launches Tiger600-1800TS Dye Sublimation Printer

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, is debuting the new Tiger600-1800TS, Mimaki’s most productive sublimation transfer printer, on its stand at ITMA 2023. This latest high-speed, compact and robust roll-to-roll inkjet printer has been designed to accelerate the analogue to digital transformation within the textile printing industry.

The Tiger600-1800TS boasts a maximum printing speed of 550 m2/h (143% faster than the previous model) owing to the renovated high-speed printhead and Mimaki’s proprietary image quality enhancement technologies. The printer’s size has also been halved compared to the previous system, with the paper mounting and winding system both located at the back of the machine. This smaller footprint enables customers to easily install multiple units to meet fluctuating demand, whilst also increasing overall production capacity.

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, is debuting the new Tiger600-1800TS, Mimaki’s most productive sublimation transfer printer, on its stand at ITMA 2023. This latest high-speed, compact and robust roll-to-roll inkjet printer has been designed to accelerate the analogue to digital transformation within the textile printing industry.

The Tiger600-1800TS boasts a maximum printing speed of 550 m2/h (143% faster than the previous model) owing to the renovated high-speed printhead and Mimaki’s proprietary image quality enhancement technologies. The printer’s size has also been halved compared to the previous system, with the paper mounting and winding system both located at the back of the machine. This smaller footprint enables customers to easily install multiple units to meet fluctuating demand, whilst also increasing overall production capacity.

A further environmental benefit of the Tiger600-1800TS will be the bluesign® certification of its MLSb510 series sublimation transfer inks. This certificate, expected to be awarded in June 2023, will provide assurance that these inks are of highest quality combined with due consideration for the safety of consumers and print operators, and environmental conservation, and therefore, contributing to the sustainability of the textile industry.

Mimaki’s expertise in developing reliable, easy-to-use and efficient solutions has also not faltered in the development of the Tiger600-1800TS. The printer’s ink tanks can be replaced without interrupting the printing process, minimising down time. Maintenance of the printer is also reduced with its roller paper feeding method eliminating the need for the application of adhesives onto a belt.


Mimaki Europe


Mimaki at ITMA 2023

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Mimaki Europe, a provider of industrial inkjet printers, cutting plotters, and 3D printers, has announced the introduction of two technologies at ITMA 2023: a Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System and the Neo-Chromato Process. These innovations are showcased for the first time, and ahead of commercial availability, at the exhibition in Milan, Italy, solidifying Mimaki's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in the textile printing industry.

Mimaki’s New Textile Pigment Transfer Printing System
The transfer printing method is more sustainable than both analogue and digital textile dye printing methods with zero water consumption and substantially lower CO2 emissions. The system comprises three essential elements: the Textile Pigment Ink, the Transfer System and the Textile Pigment Transfer paper, Texcol®.

Texcol® is a transfer paper pioneered by Dutch paper manufacturer, Coldenhove that allows for transferring a digital print using an environmentally friendly 3-step transfer process to create a vibrant application on a wide range of materials, including natural fibres. The design is initially printed onto the paper using a customised TS330-1600 - Mimaki’s high-volume, high-quality dye sublimation printer - and Mimaki’s new pigment inks developed for the process. The module that adapts the TS330-1600 will be available as an option for existing and new Mimaki customers in Q3 2023 but is being previewed on the Mimaki stand at ITMA.

Mimaki’s new Textile Pigment Ink is undergoing bluesign certification before commercial availability. bluesign is a renowned certification programme that ensures the highest levels of safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

As the final stage, the Texcol® paper undergoes a one-step waterless process, through an entry-level calendar machine onto the textile of choice.

Cyclical textile technology
Mimaki is also debuting its new, unique Neo-Chromato Process, which revolutionises the reuse of coloured polyester textiles.

By decolourising polyester textiles that have been dyed using dye sublimation technologies, this innovative process allows materials to be re-printed or dyed immediately, contributing to a smaller circular economy. There is no limit to how many times reused polyester can be treated with the Neo-Chromato Process and the process itself minimises water usage and pollution by enabling the disposal of the absorbent paper and decolouring solvents used in the process as burnable waste.


Mimaki Europe B.V.


Fiery® gibt Unabhängigkeit bekannt

Fiery®, ein Anbieter von digitalen Front End-Technologien für den Produktions- und industriellen Druck, gab bekannt, dass das Unternehmen von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. ("EFI") getrennt und als eigenständiges Unternehmen gegründet wurde, das unabhängig agieren wird, aber im Besitz der EFI Eigentümerin Siris Capital Group LLC (zusammen mit ihren Tochtergesellschaften "Siris") bleibt.

Toby Weiss, langjähriger Chief Operating Officer und General Manager von Fiery, wird das Unternehmen als CEO von Fiery weiter leiten, während Jeff Jacobson zusätzlich zu seiner Rolle als Executive Chairman von EFI als Executive Chairman von Fiery fungiert.

Fiery®, ein Anbieter von digitalen Front End-Technologien für den Produktions- und industriellen Druck, gab bekannt, dass das Unternehmen von Electronics For Imaging, Inc. ("EFI") getrennt und als eigenständiges Unternehmen gegründet wurde, das unabhängig agieren wird, aber im Besitz der EFI Eigentümerin Siris Capital Group LLC (zusammen mit ihren Tochtergesellschaften "Siris") bleibt.

Toby Weiss, langjähriger Chief Operating Officer und General Manager von Fiery, wird das Unternehmen als CEO von Fiery weiter leiten, während Jeff Jacobson zusätzlich zu seiner Rolle als Executive Chairman von EFI als Executive Chairman von Fiery fungiert.

"Bei den Lösungen von Fiery ging es schon immer darum, den Digitaldruck zu ermöglichen und Druckmaschinen zu verbessern, und dies ist ein Meilenstein bei der Umsetzung dieser Mission", so Weiss. "Fiery OEM-Partner werden davon profitieren, dass sie mit einem Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, das sich voll und ganz darauf konzentriert, den Wert ihrer Druckplattformen durch erstklassiges Farbmanagement, leistungsstarke Bildverarbeitung und automatisierte Workflows zu steigern."
"Fiery wird sich weiterhin auf die enge Zusammenarbeit mit seinen OEM-Partnern, einschließlich des EFI Inkjet-Geschäfts, konzentrieren, um die Entwicklung von Spitzentechnologie fortzusetzen, die die nächste Generation der Automatisierung, der Genauigkeit und des Gewinnpotenzials im Digitaldruck vorantreibt", so Weiss weiter. "Fiery ist jetzt noch besser in der Lage, als neutraler Partner zu fungieren, um den Erfolg von OEMs im Digitaldruck sicherzustellen. "Wir freuen uns darauf, unsere Investitionen als eigenständiges Unternehmen zu beschleunigen und gleichzeitig unser wachsendes Produktportfolio voranzutreiben, erstklassige Farbalgorithmen zu integrieren und fortschrittliche Cloud-Technologie zu entwickeln."

Weitere Informationen:
EFI Fiery® EFI Textildrucker Textildruck


(c) EFI GmbH

EFI Reggiani with textile printing solutions at India ITME 2022

Textile companies could take full advantage of expanded print opportunities with EFI™ Reggiani textile solutions presented at the 8-13 December India ITME Exhibition in Greater Noida.

The EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver printer was shown at ITME 2022: a solution to enter the industrial printing segment with a short, smart and green process. The EFI Reggiani TERRA Solution eliminates the need for steaming or washing on direct-to-textile applications, using a greener, more efficient polymerisation process that takes place as the printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer. As a result, users can achieve superior printing results while using less time, water, and energy.

The EFI Reggiani exhibit at ITME was also promoting:

Textile companies could take full advantage of expanded print opportunities with EFI™ Reggiani textile solutions presented at the 8-13 December India ITME Exhibition in Greater Noida.

The EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver printer was shown at ITME 2022: a solution to enter the industrial printing segment with a short, smart and green process. The EFI Reggiani TERRA Solution eliminates the need for steaming or washing on direct-to-textile applications, using a greener, more efficient polymerisation process that takes place as the printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer. As a result, users can achieve superior printing results while using less time, water, and energy.

The EFI Reggiani exhibit at ITME was also promoting:

  •  EFI Reggiani HYPER printer, a scanning printer available in 1.8-metre, 2.4-metre or 3.4-metre widths that prints at up to 20 linear metres per minute peak speed, making it the fastest textile scanning printer on the market;
  • Mezzera Concord, the continuous rope washing line from the specialist in washing solutions that transports fabric by overflow for tensionless running with an independent squeezing mangle for each channel;
  • One of the industry’s broadest line-ups of high-end, superior-quality textile inks, including EFI Reggiani AQUA and EFI Reggiani Diamond reactive, IRIS dye-sublimation, ARIA direct disperse, FUOCO acid, and GEA and TERRA pigment inks; and
  • Inèdit, recently acquired by EFI Reggiani, a developer of raster image processors (RIPs) and related software for digital industrial textile printing with their product portfolio that features proven, highly advanced workflow solutions for textile profiling, calibration, design integration and much more.


(c) EFI

EFI verkauft den 300. FabriVU Soft-Signage-Drucker

Die Orbus Exhibit & Display Group® hat ihre umfangreiche und langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem Digitaldrucktechnologie-Anbieter Electronics For Imaging, Inc. fortgesetzt und sich für den EFI™ VUTEk® FabriVU® 340+ Soft-Signage-Drucker entschieden, um die steigende Nachfrage nach Sublimations-Soft-Signage-Drucken zu bedienen. Der neue Drucker, der jetzt in der Orbus-Produktionsstätte in Las Vegas in Betrieb ist, stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein für EFI dar, da es sich um den 300. weltweit installierten EFI VUTEk FabriVU Drucker handelt

Orbus ist Nordamerikas führender Hersteller von Soft-Signage- und Fahnendrucken für Messeauftritte, Werbedisplays, Erlebniseinzelhandel und Unternehmensinterieurs. Das Unternehmen ist einer der größten Nutzer von EFI Soft-Signage-Druckern weltweit. Das neu installierte Modell FabriVU 340+ gesellt sich zu zwei weiteren FabriVU Druckern bei Orbus Las Vegas. Das Unternehmen verfügt in seiner Hauptniederlassung über einen vierten FabriVU Drucker sowie über zwei EFI Industriedrucker für hohe Auflagen, die ausschließlich für die Sublimationsdruckproduktion eingesetzt werden.

Die Orbus Exhibit & Display Group® hat ihre umfangreiche und langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem Digitaldrucktechnologie-Anbieter Electronics For Imaging, Inc. fortgesetzt und sich für den EFI™ VUTEk® FabriVU® 340+ Soft-Signage-Drucker entschieden, um die steigende Nachfrage nach Sublimations-Soft-Signage-Drucken zu bedienen. Der neue Drucker, der jetzt in der Orbus-Produktionsstätte in Las Vegas in Betrieb ist, stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein für EFI dar, da es sich um den 300. weltweit installierten EFI VUTEk FabriVU Drucker handelt

Orbus ist Nordamerikas führender Hersteller von Soft-Signage- und Fahnendrucken für Messeauftritte, Werbedisplays, Erlebniseinzelhandel und Unternehmensinterieurs. Das Unternehmen ist einer der größten Nutzer von EFI Soft-Signage-Druckern weltweit. Das neu installierte Modell FabriVU 340+ gesellt sich zu zwei weiteren FabriVU Druckern bei Orbus Las Vegas. Das Unternehmen verfügt in seiner Hauptniederlassung über einen vierten FabriVU Drucker sowie über zwei EFI Industriedrucker für hohe Auflagen, die ausschließlich für die Sublimationsdruckproduktion eingesetzt werden.

Die verbesserte Leistung verdankt der VUTEk FabriVU 340+ Drucker dem neuen CMYK-x-2-Array mit acht Druckköpfen und einer neuen Elektronik für die zuverlässige und konsistente Produktion von Messeauftritten, Backlit-Drucken, Folierungen für Einzelhandelsausstattungen, Frontlit-Drucken, Blockout-Bannern sowie Textilien für die Innenausstattung. Das Fahnendruck-Kit des Druckers kann offenporige Materialien bei Anwendungen mit hoher Durchdringung problemlos verarbeiten, indem es die Tinte aufnimmt, ohne die Rückseite des Materials zu berühren.
Wie alle VUTEk FabriVU Drucker druckt er sowohl auf Transferpapier als auch direkt auf Textilien.

Weitere Informationen:
EFI Digitaldruck Textildrucker



Dow: Advanced silicone ink for printing especially on highly elastic garments

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

Designed for an increased matte effect and improved hand feel, the patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M offers excellent wash durability, high elongation, very soft low tack touch and avoids the “orange peel effect” on cotton substrates. Additionally, SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M enables safer textile development with its ability to be formulated without the use of PVC, phthalates, solvents, organotins and formaldehyde.

(c) CSR Europe

Epson at EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE about Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.


Epson and CSR Europe