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BVMed: Drohende Engpässe in der Wundversorgung

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sieht in einem Schreiben an Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach „dringenden gesetzlichen Handlungsbedarf bei der Wundversorgung im GKV-System“. Beim Nutzennachweis für „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ müsse kurzfristig im Versorgungsgesetz I eine Fristverlängerung sowie konkrete Vorgaben an den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) zu den Verfahrens- und Evidenzforderungen getroffen werden. So sollen negative Folgen für Menschen mit chronischen Wunden nach dem aktuellen Stichtag 2. Dezember 2023 verhindert werden. Den „Brandbrief“ an den Minister haben neben dem BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan und BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auch neun CEOs der im BVMed organisierten Hersteller von Verbandmitteln und Wundauflagen unterschrieben.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sieht in einem Schreiben an Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach „dringenden gesetzlichen Handlungsbedarf bei der Wundversorgung im GKV-System“. Beim Nutzennachweis für „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ müsse kurzfristig im Versorgungsgesetz I eine Fristverlängerung sowie konkrete Vorgaben an den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) zu den Verfahrens- und Evidenzforderungen getroffen werden. So sollen negative Folgen für Menschen mit chronischen Wunden nach dem aktuellen Stichtag 2. Dezember 2023 verhindert werden. Den „Brandbrief“ an den Minister haben neben dem BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Meinrad Lugan und BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auch neun CEOs der im BVMed organisierten Hersteller von Verbandmitteln und Wundauflagen unterschrieben.

Hintergrund ist, das für sogenannte „sonstige Produkte zur Wundbehandlung“ künftig ein Bewertungsverfahren durchgeführt werden muss, bevor sie durch die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) erstattet werden. Der G-BA hat bislang jedoch keine auf die Wundversorgung angepassten Evidenzkriterien für die erstattungsrelevanten Nutzennachweise definiert. Ebenso fehlt im Gesetz ein verbindlicher Beratungsanspruch der Hersteller beim G-BA. Betroffen von der neuen Regelung ist eine Vielzahl von Produkten wie etwa silber- oder PHMB-haltigen Wundauflagen, die bislang erstattungsfähig waren. Nach Einschätzung des BVMed sind rund 400 Produkte betroffen, für die ein Bewertungsverfahren zur Aufnahme in die Anlage V der geänderten Arzneimittel-Richtlinie erforderlich wird.

Handele der Gesetzgeber nicht, sei absehbar, dass anerkannte, bewährte sowie auf randomisierten kontrollierten Studien basierende Wundauflagen ab dem 2. Dezember 2023 nicht mehr für die Versorgung der chronisch kranken Wundpatient:innen zur Verfügung stehen. Dies werde nach Angaben der BVMed-Expert:innen dramatische Folgen haben:

  • Durch den Wegfall entsprechender antimikrobieller Wundversorgungsprodukte werden durch den absehbar höheren Einsatz oraler Antibiotikatherapien die entsprechenden Resistenzen deutlich steigen.
  • Ohne den zukünftigen Einsatz der etablierten Wundauflagen mit antimikrobieller Wirkung wird die Anzahl von stationären Aufenthalten unvermeidlich steigen.
  • Außerdem wird der Wegfall insbesondere von antimikrobiellen Wundauflagen zu einer zusätzlichen Belastung der Pflege führen

Der BVMed fordert folgende Schritte, um das zu erwartende Defizit in der Wundversorgung zu vermeiden:

  1. Konkrete und für den Versorgungsbereich adäquate Vorgaben an den G-BA hinsichtlich der Verfahrens- und Evidenzanforderungen, um die großen Unsicherheiten aller Betroffenen über die Erstattungsfähigkeit einer Vielzahl von Produkten zu klären.
  2. Verlängerung der Übergangsfrist und Stichtagsregelung für Bestandsprodukte, damit der G-BA innerhalb dieser Zeitspanne die ausstehenden Vorgaben zum Verfahren und zu den Evidenzanforderungen definieren sowie ein verlässliches, praxistaugliches System etablieren kann.
  3. Politische Umsetzung im Versorgungsgesetz I, um Maßnahmen kurzfristig und rasch einbringen zu können.

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres to present bio-based hygiene solutions at INDEX™23

Absorbent hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary pads, and incontinence products are an integral part of our daily lives. However, most of these products contain synthetic components and contribute to the global plastic waste problem. The search for alternatives is becoming increasingly urgent. The catch is that only innovations that offer the same performance and reliability as conventional products can be successful in the market. After all, no one wants to compromise in such a sensitive area as personal hygiene.

Kelheim Fibres is currently working on various development projects to design fully biobased AHP (absorbent hygiene product) concepts that do not compromise on performance. In this area, the company continues to focus on its wood-based specialty fibres, which the tampon industry has trusted for decades. However, the requirements for AHP products differ, as each layer must fulfil a specific function.

Absorbent hygiene products such as diapers, sanitary pads, and incontinence products are an integral part of our daily lives. However, most of these products contain synthetic components and contribute to the global plastic waste problem. The search for alternatives is becoming increasingly urgent. The catch is that only innovations that offer the same performance and reliability as conventional products can be successful in the market. After all, no one wants to compromise in such a sensitive area as personal hygiene.

Kelheim Fibres is currently working on various development projects to design fully biobased AHP (absorbent hygiene product) concepts that do not compromise on performance. In this area, the company continues to focus on its wood-based specialty fibres, which the tampon industry has trusted for decades. However, the requirements for AHP products differ, as each layer must fulfil a specific function.

To meet these requirements, Kelheim Fibres has developed a range of functionalized specialty fibres, including hydrophobic Olea, trilobal Galaxy®, and the hollow fibre Bramante. These specialty fibres ensure optimal results in every layer of the AHP product.

All of Kelheim's fibres are manufactured from 100% wood pulp derived from certified and sustainably managed forests. They are fully biodegradable - microorganisms in soil and seawater ensure that no residues remain.

A current example of such a partner project is the development of a completely bio-based panty liner with the nonwovens manufacturer Sandler and the hygiene products manufacturer pelzGROUP, which is due to be launched on the market shortly.

In addition to new projects in the field of biobased disposable and reusable solutions, Kelheim will also present its tried and tested fibres at INDEX™23, for example for tampons or flushable wipes.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
Christophe Lopez wird Chief Commercial Officer bei LEIBINGER

LEIBINGER ernennt Christophe Lopez zum Chief Commercial Officer

LEIBINGER, ein weltweit tätiges deutsches Familienunternehmen für Kennzeichnungssystemen, hat sein Top-Management erweitert und Christophe Lopez zum Chief Commercial Officer ernannt.

Christophe Lopez bringt mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Kennzeichnungsindustrie mit, in denen er zahlreiche Führungspositionen mit Vertriebs- und Marketingverantwortung bekleidete. In der Position als Chief Commercial Officer bei LEIBINGER wird Lopez die kommerzielle Entwicklung des Unternehmens verantworten und den Ausbau der globalen Vertriebs- und Marketingaktivitäten vorantreiben.

Lopez hat einen Abschluss der Ingenieurshochschule INSA Rennes und einen Executive MBA mit höchster Auszeichnung der Management-Universität HEC Paris. Er war langjähriges Mitglied des Executive Committee beim Wettbewerber Markem-Imaje, wo er diverse globale Führungspositionen, unter anderem mit globaler Gesamtverantwortung für den Vertrieb und das Marketing, übernahm und zuletzt als Président des Hauptstandorts in Frankreich über 600 Mitarbeiter führte. Zudem baute er das E-Commerce-Geschäft erfolgreich auf einen Umsatz von über 100 Millionen US-Dollar aus.

LEIBINGER, ein weltweit tätiges deutsches Familienunternehmen für Kennzeichnungssystemen, hat sein Top-Management erweitert und Christophe Lopez zum Chief Commercial Officer ernannt.

Christophe Lopez bringt mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Kennzeichnungsindustrie mit, in denen er zahlreiche Führungspositionen mit Vertriebs- und Marketingverantwortung bekleidete. In der Position als Chief Commercial Officer bei LEIBINGER wird Lopez die kommerzielle Entwicklung des Unternehmens verantworten und den Ausbau der globalen Vertriebs- und Marketingaktivitäten vorantreiben.

Lopez hat einen Abschluss der Ingenieurshochschule INSA Rennes und einen Executive MBA mit höchster Auszeichnung der Management-Universität HEC Paris. Er war langjähriges Mitglied des Executive Committee beim Wettbewerber Markem-Imaje, wo er diverse globale Führungspositionen, unter anderem mit globaler Gesamtverantwortung für den Vertrieb und das Marketing, übernahm und zuletzt als Président des Hauptstandorts in Frankreich über 600 Mitarbeiter führte. Zudem baute er das E-Commerce-Geschäft erfolgreich auf einen Umsatz von über 100 Millionen US-Dollar aus.


Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG


Avgol® at INDEX™ 23

Avgol®, a manufacturer of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will use this month’s INDEXTM exhibition in Switzerland to showcase how it has a laser focus on delivering against sustainability objectives to safeguard the future.

Together with its sister companies from Indorama Ventures Limited (‘IVL’), Avgol will be presenting biotransformation capable fibers, spunbond, meltblown and SMS for diversified end-use markets at the event. Avgol will present and be available to discuss with visitors how this developing technology and the company’s other related products can help businesses achieve their 2030 sustainability goals.

Avgol will also highlight the latest solutions since recently announcing its collaboration with Algaeing™. Avgol uses patented algae bio-based formulations for colorants in its products, combining a unique environmental solution for modifying the aesthetic qualities of materials with Avgol’s ongoing commitment to sustainable polyolefin based spunbond and meltblown fabrics.

Avgol®, a manufacturer of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will use this month’s INDEXTM exhibition in Switzerland to showcase how it has a laser focus on delivering against sustainability objectives to safeguard the future.

Together with its sister companies from Indorama Ventures Limited (‘IVL’), Avgol will be presenting biotransformation capable fibers, spunbond, meltblown and SMS for diversified end-use markets at the event. Avgol will present and be available to discuss with visitors how this developing technology and the company’s other related products can help businesses achieve their 2030 sustainability goals.

Avgol will also highlight the latest solutions since recently announcing its collaboration with Algaeing™. Avgol uses patented algae bio-based formulations for colorants in its products, combining a unique environmental solution for modifying the aesthetic qualities of materials with Avgol’s ongoing commitment to sustainable polyolefin based spunbond and meltblown fabrics.


Avgol / PHD Marketing Ltd

(c) BVMed | Michelle Klee

BVMed: Neue Infoblätter zum Umweltrecht

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat weitere Infoblätter zu umweltrechtlichen Vorgaben veröffentlicht. Mit den Blättern zu beispielsweise dem Batteriegesetz oder dem Elektrogeräte-Recht unterstützt der Verband Medizintechnik-Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung des Umweltrechts. Der kostenfreie BVMed-Service gibt einen Überblick zu den Anwendungsbereichen und entstehenden Pflichten aus aktuell 14 unterschiedlichen Gesetzen und Verordnungen.

Europa soll der erste klimaneutrale Kontinent werden. Hierfür sind von der EU-Kommission rund 80 Initiativen geplant. Viele davon betreffen direkt oder indirekt die Medizintechnik-Branche. Als Unterstützung für die Einordnung des umfassenden Umweltrechts bietet der BVMed in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktkanzlei eine Reihe an Infoblättern an. Neu hinzugekommen sind folgende Themen:

  • Batteriegesetz (BattG)
  • Einwegkunststoff-Kennzeichnungs-Verordnung & -Verbotsverordnung (EWKKennzV & EWKVerbotsV)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG)
  • Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte-Stoff-Verordnung (ElektroStoffV)
  • Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungs-Verordnung
  • F-Gas-Verordnung
  • Verordnung über persistente organische Schadstoffe (POP-VO)
  • Verordnung zur Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung chemischer Stoffe (REACH-VO)

Die Infoblätter decken folgende Inhalte ab:

  • Name und Verkündungsstand des Rechtsaktes
  • Hintergrundinformationen (beispielsweise die Umsetzung des europäischen Rechts durch nationale Rechtsakte)
  • Beschreibung von Anwendungsbereich und Ausnahmen
  • Beschreibung von Betroffenheit/Rollen
  • Stichpunkte zu den Pflichten
  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen (beispielsweise laufende Gesetzgebungsverfahren oder Ankündigungen in Arbeitsprogrammen)

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş.: Production line for biodegradable wet wipes by ANDRITZ

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, has successfully started up a complete line to produce nonwoven roll goods for biodegradable, plastic-free wet wipes. This line has been delivered, installed, and commissioned by international technology group ANDRITZ.

The neXline wetlace CP line combines the benefits of two technologies: wetlaid and spunlace. Natural fibers are processed gently to create a high-performance and sustainable wipe. This next-generation wipe, called Newipe®, combines the benefits of spunlace fabric, in particular remarkable strength in all directions, with the biodegradability and softness of a WetlaceTM fabric. It is produced with a lower carbon footprint, has a low lint rate, and does not generate dust during production.

Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş. is a leading nonwoven roll good producer and a member of a group company. The group company consists of 4 companies that operate end-to-end manufacturing including nonwovens, cardboard packings, plastics, and finished wet wipe products. Headquartered in Istanbul, Sapro is the leader in Türkiye and one of the four leaders in the manufacturing of wet wipes in Europe. The company produces, converts, and supplies 161 million sheets of wipes per day for personal, household, and industrial use, exporting 70% of its production to 65 countries all over the world. Sustainability plays a prominent role in Sapro’s business strategy.




Comeback of CIOSH trade fair in Shanghai

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

As a trade fair for safety and occupational health in China, the 104th China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH 2023), organized by China Textile Commerce Association (CTCA) and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS), will be grandly held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) Hall E1-E7 from 13-15 April 2023. Following three years of epidemic prevention and control measures, the situation has stabilized in China, allowing the labor protection market to enter a phase of rapid recovery and rebound. CIOSH 2023 will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 14 countries, showcasing their latest protective equipment and technology in an exhibition area exceeding 80,000 square meters.

Integrating Online and Offline Platforms
CIOSH 2023 encompasses four major sectors: Safety at Work, Security at Work, Health at Work, and Emergency Rescue Management. Renowned domestic and international exhibitors, including 3M, Honeywell, Ansell, SATA, JSP, MSA, DELTAPLUS, Lakeland, Cortina, UVEX, CM Chaomei, Xing Yu Gloves, DS, East Asia Glove, Hanvo, SOMO Zhongmai Safety, SAFETY-INXS, and TELPS, will assemble on site. At the same time, CIOSH 2023 has introduced an innovative online platform - CIOSH VIRTUAL. By offering online displays, live streaming, interactive features, and real-time communications, it breaks time and space constraints, facilitating exhibitors and visitors to continue their business exchanges and cooperations beyond the physical exhibition. So far, nearly 1,300 companies have joined the CIOSH VIRTUAL, showcasing more than 3,000 products online and attracting over 70,000 views.

CIOSH Industry Technical Seminar, Sustainable Development Emerges as the Key Focus
The annual Industry Technical Seminar, held concurrently with CIOSH, serves as a platform for professionals to discuss product solutions, share industry insights, and exchange ideas on relevant policies. In 2021, China integrated climate change mitigation measures into its 14th Five-Year Plan, established a 2030 carbon peaking action plan, and proactively pursued the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060. Under the development objectives of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality," the sustainable development of the personal protective equipment (PPE) industry has become the primary theme of this year's seminar. Experts from China Carbon Low-carbon Certification (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., China Certification Centre, Inc., and SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., will examine related policies, the effects of "carbon neutrality" on the PPE industry chain and the industries using PPE from different angles. They will also explore the future direction of PPE and offer professional guidance for the transformation of relevant enterprises.

Fall Protection Zone
Falls from height are one of the most common accidents that cause serious injury or death to workers. Effective fall protection requires not only protective equipment, but also professional instructions and training. Therefore, CIOSH set up a new Fall Protection Zone in 2021, which received unanimous acclaim. CIOSH 2023 has continued to invite SKYLOTEC, rothoblaas, JECH, Mode and NTR Safety, five companies that specialize in protection at height, to conduct on-site demonstrations on fall testing, fall protection solutions and aerial rescue, and provide visitors with the most professional fall protection guidance and training.

Occupational Health
CIOSH has always implemented the strategy of expanding the business scope in a diversified way, which devotes itself to providing innovative opportunities and new driving forces for the sustainability of the occupational safety and health industry. This year, focusing on the "occupational health" sector, the exhibition will launch an Ergonomics Zone and an Exoskeleton Technology Zone for the first time.

(c) M. Vorhof, ITM/TU Dresden

ITM at JEC 2023

From April 25th to 27th, 2023, the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) of TU Dresden will be exhibiting at the pavilion SAXONY! at JEC World 2023.

The ITM will provide a comprehensive overview of its current research in the field of machine and product development along the entire textile process chain.

The upcoming JEC 2023 exhibition will highlight innovative Customised Connective Cores (CCC), which are custom-made core-insert structures additively manufactured using cellular metal and a form-fit integrated insert. These CCCs can be seamless integrated either as patches or as full-surface core material into lightweight panels, offering significantly improved load-bearing behavior (especially 4 times the load-bearing capacity and fail-safe behavior) compared to existing technologies. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for fastening lightweight panels.

From April 25th to 27th, 2023, the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) of TU Dresden will be exhibiting at the pavilion SAXONY! at JEC World 2023.

The ITM will provide a comprehensive overview of its current research in the field of machine and product development along the entire textile process chain.

The upcoming JEC 2023 exhibition will highlight innovative Customised Connective Cores (CCC), which are custom-made core-insert structures additively manufactured using cellular metal and a form-fit integrated insert. These CCCs can be seamless integrated either as patches or as full-surface core material into lightweight panels, offering significantly improved load-bearing behavior (especially 4 times the load-bearing capacity and fail-safe behavior) compared to existing technologies. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for fastening lightweight panels.

Another highlight at the exhibition is the repair process for fibre-reinforced composites (FRP) developed at the ITM. Instead of mechanically grinding the damaged area, the matrix in the repair area is locally dissolved using a UV-rays-induced depolymerisation process. Damaged fibres can thus be replaced by a customized repair patch. Free yarn ends on the textile repair patches are spliced with the UV-exposed yarn ends in the repair area using an adapted splicing process. In this way, a very clean, simplified and mechanically improved repair area can be achieved compared to the state of the art.

The diverse possibilities offered by the structure and process simulation of textile high-performance materials and textile manufacturing processes will also be presented. By means of multi-scale modelling and simulation, a profound understanding of materials and processes is achieved at the ITM. Finite element models on the micro, meso and macro scale have been developed and validated for this purpose. Examples from current ITM research projects demonstrate the various possibilities and areas of application of modern simulation methods in the field of textile technology.

Moreover, an innovative process for the integral manufacturing of 3D rib-stiffened preforms with complexly arranged stiffeners in 0°, 90° and ± 45° orientation was developed and successfully implemented at the ITM. Due to the process-integrated structure fixation and the continuous fibre reinforcement between shell and rib structure, the 3D preforms are perfectly suited for the production of highly load-bearing FRP components with increased bending stiffness, which will be exhibited at JEC. Hence, the lightweight construction potential of high-performance fibres can be fully exploited.

A successfully established development are partially flowable 2D textile reinforcement fabrics that are continuously manufactured in one single process step. For this purpose, the entire process chain was developed at the ITM, which allows a cost-effective and high-volume production of load-bearing thermoplastic 3D FRP components with continuous fibre reinforcement between shell and stiffeners.

At JEC 2023, the ITM will also present a partially embedded textile latice girder as reinforcement for carbon concrete applications, which was produced by means of an innovative textile manufacturing process based on the multiaxial warp knitting technology. Through the development of a customized warp insertion, manipulation and take-off system as well as appropriate shaping methods, it is now possible to produce tailored textile semi-finished products, e.g. for use in wall and ceiling panels. These textile latice girders represent a resource-saving alternative to conventional steel girders due to the reduced among of concrete required and the additional cavity for media and cable guidance.

The integration of textile actuators and sensors in FRP provides structures with additional functionalities. The research and application of such interactive FRP with different matrix materials (e.g. with thermoset, elastomer or concrete matrix systems) for structural health monitoring or adaptive systems is one of the key research areas of the ITM.

Moreover, the development and implementation of innovative yarn constructions based on recycled high-performance fibres (e.g. rCF, rGF, rAR) for sustainable FRPs is successfully promoted at ITM. By use of a special carding machine, recycled fibres are opened up, separated and joined to form a wide, uniform ribbon. Subsequently, innovative hybrid yarn constructions made of evenly mixed recycled high-performance and thermoplastic fibres with variable fibre volume fractions can be manufactured by means of various spinning technologies. Selected yarn constructions and components will be showcased at JEC.

More information:
ITM TU Dresden JEC World

ExxonMobil showcases hygiene solutions at INDEX™23

ExxonMobil will present its portfolio of products that enable innovative solutions with sustainability benefits for hygiene and personal care applications at INDEX™23. This portfolio includes ExxonMobil™ PP, Achieve™ Advanced PP (polypropylene) and Vistamaxx™ performance polymers that can be used to create differentiated hygiene and personal care products.

ExxonMobil will present its portfolio of products that enable innovative solutions with sustainability benefits for hygiene and personal care applications at INDEX™23. This portfolio includes ExxonMobil™ PP, Achieve™ Advanced PP (polypropylene) and Vistamaxx™ performance polymers that can be used to create differentiated hygiene and personal care products.

An innovation being presented will be the model baby diaper of which the chassis is made exclusively with ExxonMobil’s extensive portfolio of products. Also on display will be a new version of the high-loft, ultra-soft, silky-smooth nonwoven solution for premium hygiene products using a blend of Vistamaxx™ performance polymers, Achieve™ Advanced PP and ExxonMobil™ PP. Developed collaboratively with Reifenhäuser Reicofil, this nonwoven solution delivers sustainability benefits by including ExxonMobil™ PP ISCC PLUS mass balance certified circular polymers using Exxtend™ technology for advanced recycling of plastic waste. Produced efficiently in one step from pellet to nonwoven via high-speed spunbond process, this soft nonwoven is ideal for use in premium diapers, pant-type diapers, feminine care and adult incontinence products.



(c) Michael Kretzschmar
Awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens by Professor Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of the TU Dresden

TU Dresden awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Paul Kiekens

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.

In recognition of his extraordinary engineering achievements in the fields of textile mechanical engineering, textile technology as well as textile chemistry and surface modification of textile semi-finished products, Prof. Paul Kiekens was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.-Ing. h.c.) on April 5, 2023.
Prof. Kiekens was a university professor at Ghent University, Belgium, for almost 35 years and thus responsible for textile-oriented education and research. Intensive interaction with European business and science was always particularly important to him.
Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he opened the way for international cooperation in teaching and research in the field of textile mechanical engineering, textile technologies, and textile chemistry for the only Eastern European university research institution with a textile orientation, the ITM (formerly ITB) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU Dresden, and provided great and uncomplicated support. A close, lasting and intensive relationship developed, which had a trend-setting influence on the scientific career of Professor Paul Kiekens. This was reflected above all in the expert advice given for major projects.
These include, for example, the funded junior research group "Holistic approach to the development and modelling of a new generation of multiaxial fabrics for fibre composites to strengthen Saxon, French and Flemish industry in the high-performance sector" (SAXOMAX) and jointly acquiring the EU project "Large scale manufacturing technology for high performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites" (3D-LightTrans). Especially in these large-scale projects, intensive cooperation with industrial partners was essential for success.
As early as the 1990s, Professor Paul Kiekens had the vision of creating a European network for universities in textile teaching and research. In 1994, the Association of Universities for Textiles (AUTEX) was founded with the aim of establishing teaching and research in the field of textile technology at an internationally respected level through joint concepts. Due to the prevailing cooperation at that time between Professor Dr. Paul Kiekens and Professor Dr. Peter Offermann, the TU Dresden, represented by the ITM (formerly ITB), has been a full member and decisively integrated in the network since its foundation on July 1, 1994. Thus Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Paul Kiekens has significantly promoted the international cooperation of the TU Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with international university textile research institutions.
Professor Paul Kiekens was executive coordinator of AUTEX until his retirement. The internationally renowned symposium takes place annually as a part of AUTEX.


Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology


Autoneum: Acquisition of Borgers Automotive successfully completed

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The product and customer range of Borgers Automotive, the specialist for textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for vehicles, ideally complements Autoneum’s sustainable product portfolio. Particularly with the wheel arch liner and trunk lining product lines as well as the truck business, Autoneum’s global presence offers further potential for profitable growth also outside Europe. In addition, Borgers has more than 150 years of experience in recycling textile materials. In the 2022 financial year, the Borgers Group – excluding the mechanical engineering division which was already sold in the summer of 2022 – generated expected annual revenue of around EUR 700 million and employed around 4 500 employees worldwide. Autoneum has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with Borgers’ customers, which will ensure both sustainable profitability and the further development of technologies and processes.

From April 1, the former Borgers sites in Germany will be part of Autoneum Germany GmbH, which has been in existence for many years. The other subsidiaries worldwide will gradually be renamed Autoneum.

More information:
Autoneum Borgers

Autoneum Management AG

Celliant -how it works (c) Hologenix

Hologenix: Infrared technology with potentially positive impact on diabetic patients

The diabetic community has always been a priority for Hologenix, creators of CELLIANT® infrared technology, so the company embarked on an initial study to test the hypothesis that the technology can positively impact diabetic patients with vascular impairment, now published in Journal of Textile Science & Engineering. Another study is underway as well with more research on the horizon.

The diabetic community has always been a priority for Hologenix, creators of CELLIANT® infrared technology, so the company embarked on an initial study to test the hypothesis that the technology can positively impact diabetic patients with vascular impairment, now published in Journal of Textile Science & Engineering. Another study is underway as well with more research on the horizon.

According to statistics cited in the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition, globally, close to a half billion people are living with diabetes and that number is expected to increase by more than 50 percent in the next 25 years.
The introduction of the study in the Journal of Textile Science & Engineering also reports that diabetic patients frequently suffer from a combination of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease, which particularly affects their feet. It further states that it has been estimated that the lifetime risk for the development of foot ulcers in diabetic patients can be as high as 25 percent and that the risk of amputation is 10 to 20 times higher than in non-diabetic subjects.
The study was performed by Lawrence A. Lavery, D.P.M., M.P.H., a Professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center. His clinic and research interests involve diabetic foot complications, infections and wound healing, and he participated in the conception, design, implementation and authorship of the Journal of Textile Science & Engineering study.  

CELLIANT technology is a patented process for adding micron-sized thermo-responsive mineral particles to fibers, in this case polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers. The resulting CELLIANT yarns were woven into stockings and gloves containing either 82% CELLIANT polyester, 13% nylon and 5% spandex or for the placebo, 82% polyester with no CELLIANT, 13% nylon and 5% spandex. CELLIANT products absorb body heat and re-emit the energy back to the body as infrared energy, which is non-invasive and increases temporary blood flow and cell oxygenation levels in the body.

The objective of the study was to “evaluate changes in transcutaneous oxygen (TcPO2) and peripheral blood flow (laser Doppler, LD) in the hands and feet of diabetic patients with vascular impairment when CELLIANT gloves and stockings are worn.” While there was not a statistically significant result across all subjects, the study did show that some patients wearing CELLIANT stockings for 60 minutes had an increase of as much as 20% in tissue oxygenation and 30% in localized blood flow. According to the study’s conclusion, “the trends that were observed in favor of CELLIANT stockings suggest that a larger well-designed clinical trial should be undertaken and may provide evidence of clinical efficacy in treatment of the diabetic foot.”
The study also notes that “There have been no documented or observed side effects of wearing CELLIANT stockings, and they are relatively inexpensive compared to conventional pharmaceutical interventions.”

Hologenix has embarked on a more comprehensive trial, “Study to Evaluate CELLIANT Diabetic Medical Socks to Increase Tissue Oxygenation and Incidence of Complete Wound Closure in Diabetic Foot Wounds” – NCT04709419, which focuses on the impact of CELLIANT technology to potentially improve tissue oxygenation and wound healing outcomes.
“We are excited to explore whether future studies of infrared, with its most common biological effects of increased localized blood flow and cellular oxygenation, could result in a breakthrough in diabetic patients with vascular impairment,” said Seth Casden, Hologenix Co-founder and CEO. “We see a huge potential opportunity with this research for helping to fulfill our core mission of improving people’s health and well-being by potentially reducing the impact of diabetes, and we are actively seeking partners to expand our research efforts.”



Eingangsbereich Shop Bild dan-pearlman

Neuer Store – alte Möbel: Globetrotter eröffnet Re:Think-Store in Bonn

Am 11. Mai eröffnet der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter seinen neuen Re:Think-Store in der Bonner Weststadt. Das nachhaltige Konzept: Ein großer Teil der Einrichtung des Vormieters Conrad Electronic wurde übernommen und weitergenutzt. Darüber hinaus wird die neue Filiale zahlreiche nachhaltige Angebote, wie eine eigene Reparaturwerkstatt und einen 2nd Hand An- und Verkauf, bieten.

Das Besondere am Konzept: Große Teile des vom Vormieter vorhandenen Inventars wurde weiter-genutzt und teilweise zu etwas völlig Neuem umgewandelt – wie etwa einer großen Bären-Skulptur aus Abfall oder einer Teststrecke für Wanderschuhe, in die nach dem Patchwork-Prinzip alte Materialien verbaut wurden. Ergänzend wurde weiteres, gebrauchtes Inventar aus anderen Globetrotter-Filialen weiterverwendet. Wie genau diese umgewidmet wurden, wird anhand von Schautafeln und Ausstel¬lungsstücken im Store erläutert.

Am 11. Mai eröffnet der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter seinen neuen Re:Think-Store in der Bonner Weststadt. Das nachhaltige Konzept: Ein großer Teil der Einrichtung des Vormieters Conrad Electronic wurde übernommen und weitergenutzt. Darüber hinaus wird die neue Filiale zahlreiche nachhaltige Angebote, wie eine eigene Reparaturwerkstatt und einen 2nd Hand An- und Verkauf, bieten.

Das Besondere am Konzept: Große Teile des vom Vormieter vorhandenen Inventars wurde weiter-genutzt und teilweise zu etwas völlig Neuem umgewandelt – wie etwa einer großen Bären-Skulptur aus Abfall oder einer Teststrecke für Wanderschuhe, in die nach dem Patchwork-Prinzip alte Materialien verbaut wurden. Ergänzend wurde weiteres, gebrauchtes Inventar aus anderen Globetrotter-Filialen weiterverwendet. Wie genau diese umgewidmet wurden, wird anhand von Schautafeln und Ausstel¬lungsstücken im Store erläutert.

„Der Re:Think Store ist eines der spannendsten Experimente, das wir bei Globetrotter je gewagt haben. Wir wollten den Store so nachhaltig wie möglich gestalten – und nichts ist nachhaltiger, als Materialien zu nutzen, die bereits da sind,“ so Globetrotter CEO Andreas Vogler. „Die große Herausforderung bei diesem Projekt bestand darin, aus einem Elektronikmarkt einen Globetrotter Store machen.“

Entwickelt und umgesetzt wurde das innovative Store-Konzept von dan pearlman und loom shopex¬pansion. „Nachhaltige Ladenbau-Projekte sind Stand heute noch sehr herausfordernd, da innovative Ansätze in einer eher weniger nachhaltigen Branche umgesetzt werden müssen, in der aber gerade sehr viel im Umbruch ist. Der Re:Think-Store ist ein tolles Beispiel, wie die Wieder- und Weiterverwendung von Bestand und Material kreativ in einem nachhaltigen Store-Konzept umgesetzt werden kann. Solche wegweisenden Innovationen sind heute der Ladenbau-Standard von morgen,“ so
Eva Schall, Leiterin des Bereichs Nachhaltigkeit bei loom.

Vergrößerter Store mit erweitertem Angebot
Auf einer Fläche von 2.150m² bietet die neue Filiale auf zwei Etagen deutlich mehr Fläche als die alten Räumlichkeiten in der Vorgebirgsstraße. Damit bieten sie auch mehr Raum für altbekannte Angebote, wie Outlet- und Second Hand, aber auch für neues, wie etwa Shop-in-Shop Flächen der Outdoor-Marken Fjällräven, Rab, Icebreaker und Frilufts. Einen zentralen Anlaufpunkt wird die neue, hauseigene Werkstatt bieten: Hier können Ausrüstungsstücke direkt vor Ort repariert und gepflegt werden. Die sogenannte Clubhütte stellt das Herzstück des Stores dar: Hier kommt die lokale Outdoor-Community bei Workshops und Vorträgen zusammen.

In der neuen, vergrößerten Filiale wird Globetrotter eine Vielzahl neuer Arbeitsstellen schaffen – so¬wohl in Voll- als auch in Teilzeit.




C&S becomes co-owner of the brand Siviglia

After the recent acquisition of Texo S.R.L. which has strengthened the company's presence in the luxury segment, C&S takes a further step forward in the creation of a widespread garment manufacturing hub in the heart of Italy. C&S takes ownership of the Seville brand together with the Bianchetti family, who remain co-owners covering mainly style research and development functions. The Italian style, which amounts to an aesthetic identity and a guarantee of artisan quality, a cultural orientation toward manufacturing excellence and product design, finally to an approach to the market characterized by availability, openness and interaction with the customer.

This acquisition strengthens C&S direct contact with retail, going alongside HAIKURE, PDF and other brands still being finalized, and will be able to generate a profitable exchange with the Style Services Luxe and Style Services Denim divisions, through which C&S stands out as an exceptional partner for all the brands that choose to rely on its experience in the world of jeans, luxury and formalwear.

After the recent acquisition of Texo S.R.L. which has strengthened the company's presence in the luxury segment, C&S takes a further step forward in the creation of a widespread garment manufacturing hub in the heart of Italy. C&S takes ownership of the Seville brand together with the Bianchetti family, who remain co-owners covering mainly style research and development functions. The Italian style, which amounts to an aesthetic identity and a guarantee of artisan quality, a cultural orientation toward manufacturing excellence and product design, finally to an approach to the market characterized by availability, openness and interaction with the customer.

This acquisition strengthens C&S direct contact with retail, going alongside HAIKURE, PDF and other brands still being finalized, and will be able to generate a profitable exchange with the Style Services Luxe and Style Services Denim divisions, through which C&S stands out as an exceptional partner for all the brands that choose to rely on its experience in the world of jeans, luxury and formalwear.

High quality and Made in Italy trousers, but there is more, the brand Siviglia from the Marche region brings to C&S a wealth of tailoring skills and product construction. Born in Marotta (PU) in 2006 from the Bianchetti family, Siviglia is a reality that has experienced rapid commercial success since its entry into the market thanks to the intuition of the iconic trousers with fabric inserts at mid-thigh inspired by the Spanish horsemen, hence the name that recalls the Andalusian capital.

The success of Siviglia is built on coats, trousers and jeans characterized by fit and linear style, thanks to the continuous research on the product, on the fabrics and on the emerging trends, in a personal reinterpretation of the codes of elegance. The corporate style permeates not only the choice of materials and accessories, but is distinguished by the packaging components and the use of visual and communicative languages in line with the brand identity. By interpreting the contemporary and foreseeing the future needs of a constantly evolving market, Siviglia aims to provide its customers with the best in the broadest sense, including among its qualitative goals the reduction of the environmental impact of productions and materials used.

More information:
C&S Siviglia Bianchetti

Menabò Group srl

(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

ITMA 2023: Zünd presents digital single- ply cutting

At ITMA 2023 in Milan, Zünd is focusing on the advantages of digital single-ply cutting in modern garment production.

At the show, Zünd will demonstrate the advantages of individual cutting on demand and what benefits single-ply cutting of textiles offers. In the course of digitalization, the market environment of the apparel industry has changed. Producers are responding to increasing digitalization and ever-shorter product life cycles by investing in lean and highly automated production workflows. Solutions from Zünd supported process streamlining from ordering to cutting while minimizing manual interventions.

At ITMA 2023 in Milan, Zünd is focusing on the advantages of digital single-ply cutting in modern garment production.

At the show, Zünd will demonstrate the advantages of individual cutting on demand and what benefits single-ply cutting of textiles offers. In the course of digitalization, the market environment of the apparel industry has changed. Producers are responding to increasing digitalization and ever-shorter product life cycles by investing in lean and highly automated production workflows. Solutions from Zünd supported process streamlining from ordering to cutting while minimizing manual interventions.

Zünd's single-ply cutters are the cutting tools in digitized production, offering manufacturers flexibility and profitability. Intelligent automation functions, optical solutions and software tools facilitate resource optimization, keep an eye on material consumption and support employees who can turn their attention to value-adding activities. With digital single-layer cutting, manufacturers speed up their cutting and expand their production capacities at the same time. They can accept orders at very short notice and easily meet delivery times thanks to highly economical and efficiently scalable on-demand production. Peaks in demand can be easily managed.

Zünd cutters give users new flexibility in their production workflow. He can work with complex motifs, demanding textiles and different shapes. The cutting technology enables the apparel industry to produce highly individualized customized garments in small batches and on demand just as economically and efficiently as in high volumes. It can process and handle more orders in less time. At the same time, both material and time are saved. In combination with the MindCut production software and precise single-layer cutting, there is almost no waste. The cut parts can be nested very close to each other and close to the material edges. This not only offers considerable savings potential, but also helps to reduce the ecological footprint.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG


SHIMA SEIKI at SPINEXPO 40th Session Shanghai

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will participate in the 40th Session of SPINEXPO in Shanghai, China from 12th - 14th April 2023.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, together with its Hong Kong subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI (HONG KONG) LTD., will participate in the 40th Session of SPINEXPO in Shanghai, China from 12th - 14th April 2023.

At SPINEXPO, SHIMA SEIKI will offer visitors a choice between its "SDS®-ONE APEX4" apparel design system and its "APEXFiz®" subscription-based design software. Whereas SDS®-ONE APEX4 is offered as an all-in-one proprietary hardware + software package, APEXFiz® is subscription-based design software that can be installed on customers' individual computers. Both SDS®-ONE APEX4 and APEXFiz® software support the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. When a design is approved for production, knitting data is automatically generated for converting to machine data, allowing smooth communication for digitally bridging the gap between studio and factory. APEXFiz® thereby helps to realize sustainability while digitally transforming the fashion supply chain.

Also on display at SPINEXPO will be SHIMA SEIKI's "yarnbank®," an online web service for searching and viewing the latest yarns, developed with cooperation from yarn companies from around the world. Registered users can download yarn data for free, for use in fabric simulation and virtual sampling on APEXFiz®, avoiding the need to scan yarn on their own. By using yarn that is used in actual production, designers and apparel companies can furthermore rest assured that the simulations created using yarn from yarnbank® are not merely realistic images but accurate representations using yarn that can actually be purchased and used in production. With yarnbank®, the entire supply chain from yarn companies and apparel companies to knit manufacturers can be connected digitally.

SHIMA SEIKI will also display the latest collection of its knit samples, including WHOLEGARMENT® knitwear that is knit in its entirety on the machine without the need for linking or sewing afterward. Together with virtual sampling performed on APEXFiz®, WHOLEGARMENT® offers smart production for realizing a sustainable fashion supply chain.



(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. acquires Australian B2B flooring wholesaler Signature Floors

B.I.G. has signed an agreement with Australian B2B flooring wholesaler to acquire its complete range of activities. Through this acquisition, both companies will strengthen their growth opportunities in both soft, resilient and hard flooring in Australia and New Zealand.

CEO Pol Deturck comments: “This acquisition will provide great opportunities for all our stakeholders, especially our customers, suppliers and employees. Both B.I.G. and Signature have solid positions as leaders in the flooring industry and a shared commitment to sustainability, product innovation, design and customer service.”

Signature Floors is an Australian B2B flooring wholesaler serving retailers, commercial contractors, architect-designers and end-users in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1989, the company has 120 employees and is owned by 2 family shareholders which are both active in the company. Signature has offices, warehouses and showrooms in Melbourne and Auckland spread over 3 locations.

B.I.G. has signed an agreement with Australian B2B flooring wholesaler to acquire its complete range of activities. Through this acquisition, both companies will strengthen their growth opportunities in both soft, resilient and hard flooring in Australia and New Zealand.

CEO Pol Deturck comments: “This acquisition will provide great opportunities for all our stakeholders, especially our customers, suppliers and employees. Both B.I.G. and Signature have solid positions as leaders in the flooring industry and a shared commitment to sustainability, product innovation, design and customer service.”

Signature Floors is an Australian B2B flooring wholesaler serving retailers, commercial contractors, architect-designers and end-users in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 1989, the company has 120 employees and is owned by 2 family shareholders which are both active in the company. Signature has offices, warehouses and showrooms in Melbourne and Auckland spread over 3 locations.

Together, B.I.G. and Signature will integrate their sales and business activities over the coming months, ensuring business continuity for customers, partners, suppliers and employees.

Both companies expect to close the transaction at the end of April 2023.


Beaulieu International Group


SABIC presents portfolio for healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

The company’s PURECARES polyolefin products are based on technologies free of both tris (nonylphenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and phthalates. Consumer comfort is achieved by using SABIC polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) polymers for bi-component fibers to answer multiple needs for soft and loft handfeel nonwovens, enabling easy lamination to other building blocks on medical nonwovens or absorbent hygiene applications.

In addition, SABIC produces TRUCIRCLE certified circular polymers for its PURECARES PP and PE portfolio with feedstock based on advanced recycling of mixed and used plastic that would otherwise typically not be suitable for mechanical recycling processes. These more sustainable solutions can be adopted in downstream processes as direct drop-in alternatives to incumbent materials with no compromise in production efficiency, purity and product performance.



(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.

Mimaki auf der FESPA 2023

Mimaki Europe kehrt in diesem Jahr als Goldsponsor auf die FESPA Global Print Expo 2023 zurück (23. bis 26. Mai in München, Deutschland). Mit seinen neuesten Innovationen, Technologien und Kooperationsprojekten wird das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit anderen Branchenvertretern auf der FESPA „neue Perspektiven“ präsentieren. Mimaki wird seine Flaggschiff-Drucker und -Schneideplotter für den Werbetechnik-, Industrie- und Textilmarkt vorstellen, darunter den kürzlich angekündigten DTF-Drucker (Direct-to-Film) TxF150-75, die leistungsstarke 330-Serie und die 100-Einstiegsserie.

TxF150-75, der auf der FESPA sein internationales Messedebüt geben wird, ist Mimakis erster Vorstoß in die DTF-Technologie, ein einfaches und kostengünstiges Verfahren zur Veredelung von Kleidungsstücken, vor allem T-Shirts. Durch die in das Gerät integrierten Kerntechnologien von Mimaki werden häufig auftretende DTF-Druckprobleme verhindert, z. B. schlechter Tintenausstoß und das Verstopfen der Düsen für weiße Tinte, sodass alle Prozesse effizient und mit minimalem Aufwand durchgeführt werden können.

Mimaki Europe kehrt in diesem Jahr als Goldsponsor auf die FESPA Global Print Expo 2023 zurück (23. bis 26. Mai in München, Deutschland). Mit seinen neuesten Innovationen, Technologien und Kooperationsprojekten wird das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit anderen Branchenvertretern auf der FESPA „neue Perspektiven“ präsentieren. Mimaki wird seine Flaggschiff-Drucker und -Schneideplotter für den Werbetechnik-, Industrie- und Textilmarkt vorstellen, darunter den kürzlich angekündigten DTF-Drucker (Direct-to-Film) TxF150-75, die leistungsstarke 330-Serie und die 100-Einstiegsserie.

TxF150-75, der auf der FESPA sein internationales Messedebüt geben wird, ist Mimakis erster Vorstoß in die DTF-Technologie, ein einfaches und kostengünstiges Verfahren zur Veredelung von Kleidungsstücken, vor allem T-Shirts. Durch die in das Gerät integrierten Kerntechnologien von Mimaki werden häufig auftretende DTF-Druckprobleme verhindert, z. B. schlechter Tintenausstoß und das Verstopfen der Düsen für weiße Tinte, sodass alle Prozesse effizient und mit minimalem Aufwand durchgeführt werden können.

Zu den weiteren bemerkenswerten Technologien, die auf der Messe gezeigt werden, gehören Mimakis Flaggschiffe für Sign Graphics, von der 100 Einstiegsserie bis zur 330-Hochleistungsserie. Der Druck- und Schneide-Workflow wird mit Mimakis neuestem Schneideplotter, dem CG-AR Serie, demonstriert. Aus dem industriellen Bereich von Mimaki können die Besucher die fortschrittlichen UV-Flachbettdrucker des Unternehmens erleben, vom kleineren UJF-6042 MkII e bis zum großformatigen JFX600-2513. Bei den Textildruckern werden die Sublimationsdrucker TS100-1600 und TS330-1600 zu sehen sein.

Ganz im Sinne des FESPA-Mottos „New Perspectives“ wird Mimaki die globale Messe nutzen, um die Druckindustrie mit einem verschärften Blick auf die Nachhaltigkeit in einem neuen Kontext zu betrachten. Das Unternehmen plant, sein Engagement in diesem Bereich zu bekräftigen und mit kreativen, umweltbewussten Experten aus der gesamten Branche zusammenzuarbeiten. In diesem Jahr wird Mimaki die von der Natur inspirierten Kunstwerke des niederländischen Surrealisten Rik Lina ausstellen.

Auch die bekannte Customer Gallery wird wieder zu sehen sein, dieses Mal mit einer Reihe von inspirierenden Anwendungen, die von Mimakis Kunden aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen erstellt wurden − vom Industrie- und Textildruck über die Werbetechnik bis hin zum 3D-Druck.

More information:
Mimaki Mimaki Europe Textildrucker

Mimaki Europe B.V.

Novafiber CEO and Head of Production together with ANDRITZ technicians and project manager in front of the newly installed 6-cylinder EXEL line

Novafiber starts up textile recycling and airlay lines from ANDRITZ

International technology group ANDRITZ has delivered, installed, and commissioned a mechanical textile recycling line and an airlay line at Novafiber’s nonwovens production mill in Palín, Guatemala. Both lines have been successfully operating since December 2022.

The recycling line – the second tearing line ANDRITZ supplied to Novafiber – processes post-industrial textile waste from Central America. The recycled fibers feed the latest ANDRITZ Flexiloft airlay line, which produces nonwoven end-products for the bedding and furniture industries – a true example of a circular textile-to-nonwoven approach. The production process ensures complete material use as a state-of-the-art edge trim recycling system returns any waste directly to the tearing and/or airlay line.

This combination of ANDRITZ tearing and airlay lines allows Novafiber to process large amounts of post-industrial garments, controlling the supply chain from raw material to final product. In addition, it enables energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint due to the reduction of shipments.

International technology group ANDRITZ has delivered, installed, and commissioned a mechanical textile recycling line and an airlay line at Novafiber’s nonwovens production mill in Palín, Guatemala. Both lines have been successfully operating since December 2022.

The recycling line – the second tearing line ANDRITZ supplied to Novafiber – processes post-industrial textile waste from Central America. The recycled fibers feed the latest ANDRITZ Flexiloft airlay line, which produces nonwoven end-products for the bedding and furniture industries – a true example of a circular textile-to-nonwoven approach. The production process ensures complete material use as a state-of-the-art edge trim recycling system returns any waste directly to the tearing and/or airlay line.

This combination of ANDRITZ tearing and airlay lines allows Novafiber to process large amounts of post-industrial garments, controlling the supply chain from raw material to final product. In addition, it enables energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint due to the reduction of shipments.

Based in Palín, Novafiber is a leading company in Guatemala for producing nonwovens from post-industrial textile waste for both the local market and export.
