Job Market


JOBS ...

You are still missing one or the other right colour for your team?

Place your job offer today. We are here for you and look forward to your message!




  • Your job offer as html-advertisement
    You simply send us your text template.
  • Your job offer as PDF for download
  • Link to your company website
  • Part of the daily Textination newsletter
  • Post on the Textination-LinkedIn channel

1st week: € 95 plus VAT.

2nd week: € 65 plus VAT

Every further week: free of charge.

It's up to you your ad has to be taken offline.

Job Applications



  • You are looking for a new job:
    Publish your job application on Textination
  • Part of the daily Textination newsletter
  • Free of charge
  • For box number advertisements flat rate per publication: € 45 plus VAT.

You can test our new job market free of charge until 31 August 2022.



Job Offers

Job Applications

At the moment no applications are online.