From the Sector

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Alten Bekannten auf der Spur: Tiny-House-Ausstellung startet Tour © Folkwang Universität der Künste
In der Tiny-House-Ausstellung werden die vielseitigen Facetten der Bioökonomie erlebbar gemacht.

Alten Bekannten auf der Spur: Tiny-House-Ausstellung startet Tour

  • Die Tiny-House-Ausstellung »Wunderkammer der Bioökonomie« startet Ost-West-Tour im Wissenschaftsjahr.
  • Besucher*innen lernen »Alte Bekannte« - vergessene Pflanzen - neu kennen.

In der interaktiven Ausstellung dreht sich alles um Pflanzen, Böden, Mikroben und Kulturen. Fraunhofer UMSICHT koordiniert das Projekt und entwickelte zusammen mit der Folkwang Universität der Künste die Workshops und Partizipationsformate. Ziel: Allen interessierten Menschen die vielseitigen Themen der Bioökonomie näherbringen und erlebbar machen.

Vom 26. bis zum 30. August 2020 startet die interaktiven Tiny-House-Ausstellung »Wunderkammer der Bioökonomie« ihre Deutschlandtour in Oppenheim (Rheinhessen). Mithilfe der »Alten Bekannte«, alltäglichen oder in Vergessenheit geratenen Dingen wie Sauerkraut, Wein oder Kompost, schlägt das im Wissenschaftsjahr 2020/21 geförderte Projekt eine Brücke zur Bioökonomie. Das komplexe Thema wird so anschaulich und in Workshops, Touren und Debatten erlebbar gemacht. Beim ersten Tourstopp stehen Pflanzen und deren Relevanz für die Bioökonomie im Mittelpunkt.

  • Die Tiny-House-Ausstellung »Wunderkammer der Bioökonomie« startet Ost-West-Tour im Wissenschaftsjahr.
  • Besucher*innen lernen »Alte Bekannte« - vergessene Pflanzen - neu kennen.

In der interaktiven Ausstellung dreht sich alles um Pflanzen, Böden, Mikroben und Kulturen. Fraunhofer UMSICHT koordiniert das Projekt und entwickelte zusammen mit der Folkwang Universität der Künste die Workshops und Partizipationsformate. Ziel: Allen interessierten Menschen die vielseitigen Themen der Bioökonomie näherbringen und erlebbar machen.

Vom 26. bis zum 30. August 2020 startet die interaktiven Tiny-House-Ausstellung »Wunderkammer der Bioökonomie« ihre Deutschlandtour in Oppenheim (Rheinhessen). Mithilfe der »Alten Bekannte«, alltäglichen oder in Vergessenheit geratenen Dingen wie Sauerkraut, Wein oder Kompost, schlägt das im Wissenschaftsjahr 2020/21 geförderte Projekt eine Brücke zur Bioökonomie. Das komplexe Thema wird so anschaulich und in Workshops, Touren und Debatten erlebbar gemacht. Beim ersten Tourstopp stehen Pflanzen und deren Relevanz für die Bioökonomie im Mittelpunkt.

Seit jeher spielen Pflanzen für den Menschen eine besondere Rolle. Sie ernähren uns, versorgen uns mit Sauerstoff, wir bauen Möbel aus ihnen und verbrennen sie, um Wärme zu erzeugen. Pflanzen liefern uns Textilfasern und Biokunststoffe; sie sind für uns Stromquelle, Luftfilter und Schattenspender. Über Jahrtausende wurden diverse Pflanzen durch Zucht so verändert, dass wir sie vielfältig nutzen können. Doch der Klimawandel und der hohe Ressourcenverbrauch bringen neue Herausforderungen für die Pflanzenzucht mit sich. Können die »Alten Bekannten« einen Beitrag leisten, ihnen zu begegnen?

Alte und neue Pflanzenzuchtmethoden

Die »Wunderkammer der Bioökonomie« hält Antworten bereit und lässt Besucher*innen dabei selbst zu Entdecker*innen werden. In einem Workshop können mit altbekannten Methoden Zimmerpflanzen für zu Hause gezüchtet werden, die das Raumklima verbessern und anschließend auch mitgenommen werden dürfen. Expert*innen geben ihr Wissen über alte und neue Pflanzenzuchtmethoden weiter und debattieren anschließend mit dem Publikum, ob und wie diese zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft beitragen können. Schließlich erwartet Interessierte eine Wanderung durch die Weinberge der Region Oppenheim, bei der sie erfahren, warum und wie Weinstöcke gezüchtet werden.

Nach dem einwöchigen Auftakt geht die Deutschlandtour des Projekts an drei weiteren Stationen weiter: Vom 22. bis zum 28. September dreht sich in Dresden alles um das Thema Boden, im Oktober werden in Thüringen Mikroorganismen unter die Lupe genommen und im November fragt die »Wunderkammer« in Dortmund, was Bioökonomie mit Kultur zu tun hat. Die Teilnahme an den Workshops ist kostenlos.

Wie können wir nachhaltiger leben, Ressourcen schonen und gleichzeitig unseren hohen Lebensstandard erhalten? Das Wissenschaftsjahr 2020|21 – Bioökonomie hält Antworten auf diese Frage bereit. Bürgerinnen und Bürger sind dazu eingeladen, im Dialog mit Wissenschaft und Forschung den Wandel hin zu nachhaltigen, biobasierten Produktions- und Konsumweisen zu diskutieren. In vielfältigen Formaten wird das Konzept der Bioökonomie mit all seinen Potenzialen und Herausforderungen erlebbar gemacht und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet. Die Wissenschaftsjahre sind eine Initiative des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gemeinsam mit Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD).


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und
Energietechnik UMSICHT

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. (c)Paimion
Rester Paimio end-of-life textile refinement

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy and LSJH will drive the textile sector towards a circular economy and begin processing textile waste as an industrial raw material. The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. The 3,000-square-metre plant is being developed by Rester Oy, which recycles companies' end-of-life textiles and industrial waste materials. LSJH, which processes households’ end-of-life textiles on its production line, will hire part of the plant.

Outi Luukko, Rester Oy’s board chair, says, “The processing plant will begin a new era of textile circular economy in Finland. As industry pioneers, we are launching a system change in Scandinavia. The transition of the textile industry from a linear model to a circular economy is essential, as virgin materials cannot sustain the current structure of the textile industry. And why should it, when there is so much recyclable material available?”

From the perspective of Rester Oy’s main owner, work clothing supplier Touchpoint, the circular economy plant not only represents resource efficiency, but is also necessary from the perspective of the entire life cycle of a responsible work clothing collection.

Luukko adds, “Finding a local solution to a global problem is a huge leap in the right direction and raises Finland's profile as a pioneer of circular economy."

The future plant will be able to process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles annually, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste. Both production lines produce recycled fibre, which can be used for various industrial applications, including yarn and fabric, insulating materials for construction and shipping industries, acoustic panels, composites, non-woven and filter materials, and other technical textiles, such as geo-textiles.

LSJH is piloting a full-scale refinement plant

LSJH has launched a pilot production line for processing households' end-of-life textiles. Unfortunately, consumers' end-of-life textiles are heterogeneous, making them a challenging raw material for further processing. Before processing, the textiles are sorted by material into various fibre classes using optical identification technology developed by LSJH and its partners. This ensures the quality of the raw material and the resulting fibre products.

Jukka Heikkilä, managing director for Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto, explains: “On the basis of the experiences gathered from the pilot project, Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto is preparing a full-scale refinement plant in the Turku region. As soon as 2023, the plant will process Finnish households' end-of-life textiles. The project involves all waste treatment plants owned by Finnish municipalities.”

Paimio has ambitious goals for circular economy companies

Rester’s initiative aims to create a circular economy cluster in Paimio that combines the processing and reuse of end-of-life textile fibres. Paimion Kehitys Oy, which is owned by the City of Paimio and the local association of enterprises, supports the development of circular economy companies in Paimio.

Mika Ingi, managing director for Paimion Kehitys Oy, says, “We want to step out of our traditional municipal role and create significant added value for everyone taking part. That is why we are involved in the development of a new modern service model based on ecosystem thinking. We are piloting the textile cluster, followed in the coming years by clusters focusing on plastic, construction, and energy. The aim of our service is to support and help develop new profitable business by bringing circular economy companies and their potential customers to innovate together."

The foundation stone of the processing plant was laid today (18 August 2020). The processing plant will begin operations in February 2021.


Kornit Digital übernimmt Custom Gateway

  • Erweiterung des Portfolios an cloudbasierten Software- und Workflowlösungen für das durchgängige Management der On-Demand-Produktion von Bekleidung und Heimtextilien
  • Übernahme markiert den nächsten wichtigen Schritt bei der Erweiterung der strategischen Partnerschaft mit führenden Markenartiklern, Einzelhändlern und Zulieferern, die ihre digitale Transformation vorantreiben

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), ein Marktführer für digitale Textildrucktechnologien, gab die Übernahme von Custom Gateway, einem Anbieter von innovativen, cloudbasierten Software-Workflow-Lösungen für die On-Demand-Produktion, bekannt.

  • Erweiterung des Portfolios an cloudbasierten Software- und Workflowlösungen für das durchgängige Management der On-Demand-Produktion von Bekleidung und Heimtextilien
  • Übernahme markiert den nächsten wichtigen Schritt bei der Erweiterung der strategischen Partnerschaft mit führenden Markenartiklern, Einzelhändlern und Zulieferern, die ihre digitale Transformation vorantreiben

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), ein Marktführer für digitale Textildrucktechnologien, gab die Übernahme von Custom Gateway, einem Anbieter von innovativen, cloudbasierten Software-Workflow-Lösungen für die On-Demand-Produktion, bekannt.

Mit ihren zahlreichen Funktionen ist die Cloud-Plattform von Custom Gateway für B2B- und B2C-Geschäftsmodelle geeignet und übernimmt alle Arbeitsschritte bei der On-Demand-Produktion. Die Plattform ermöglicht das Sourcing, Erstellen, Verwalten und Anzeigen von Content im Frontend. Die erstellten Aufträge werden in einem Auftragsverwaltungssystem erfasst und mithilfe von Algorithmen an die entsprechenden Backend-Produktionsstandorte weitergeleitet. Die intelligente Weiterleitung und die Verwaltung der Aufträge ermöglichen eine effiziente, individualisierte On-Demand-Massenproduktion. Optimiert wird der Prozess von der Auftragserstellung bis zur Auslieferung durch die Integration in vorhandene IT-Umgebungen, datengestützte Entscheidungen und Business-Intelligence-Analysen. Durch die nahtlose Frontend-Anbindung (Online-Shop oder andere Verkaufsplattform) an das am besten geeignete Backend (On-Demand-Produktions- und Logistikbetrieb) ermöglicht die Technologie Kunden, die Vorteile der Digitalisierung – Effizienzsteigerung, Skalierbarkeit und Erhöhung der Wirtschaftlichkeit – optimal zu nutzen.

Die Plattform von Custom Gateway ergänzt die Konnect-Plattform von Kornit. Neben Transparenz und Kontrolle über ihre Druck- und Geschäftsprozesse bietet sie Kunden von Kornit Geschäftsinformationen, damit diese angesichts der Marktdynamik und disruptiven Veränderungen flexibel agieren und reagieren können.

Weltweit hat Custom Gateway mehr als 300 aktive Kunden, darunter renommierte Marken, wie den größten britischen Modeeinzelhändler Next, sowie andere führende Sport-, Mode- und Content-Marken.


Kornit Digital

Thomas Dippold appointed as new member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE (c) Schaltbau Holding
Thomas Dippold

Thomas Dippold appointed as new member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE

  • Thomas Dippold succeeding Dr. Michael Majerus as CFO

During its meeting on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE decided to appoint Thomas Dippold (48) as CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020 with a tenure of five years. Thomas Dippold will succeed the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who will resign from his office as of November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

Thomas Dippold (German Diploma in Business Administration, MBA in USA) began his career at HSBC Bank in London and Düsseldorf. Further appointments led him to Schott AG amongst others in Singapore, followed by commercial management jobs and CFO positions in internationally active industrial companies headquartered in Germany. Mr. Dippold is currently CFO of the stock listed transportation technology company Schaltbau Holding AG.

  • Thomas Dippold succeeding Dr. Michael Majerus as CFO

During its meeting on August 17, 2020, the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE decided to appoint Thomas Dippold (48) as CFO and member of the Board of Management of SGL Carbon SE effective December 1, 2020 with a tenure of five years. Thomas Dippold will succeed the long-standing CFO Dr. Michael Majerus, who will resign from his office as of November 30, 2020 by mutual amicable consent.

Thomas Dippold (German Diploma in Business Administration, MBA in USA) began his career at HSBC Bank in London and Düsseldorf. Further appointments led him to Schott AG amongst others in Singapore, followed by commercial management jobs and CFO positions in internationally active industrial companies headquartered in Germany. Mr. Dippold is currently CFO of the stock listed transportation technology company Schaltbau Holding AG.

The Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE, Mrs. Susanne Klatten, welcomes Mr. Dippold: “With the appointment of Mr. Dippold, we are pleased to have gained a convincing and highly respected personality in his field. We are convinced that Mr. Dippold possesses key qualifications to sustainably support SGL Carbon SE in its upcoming tasks given his comprehensive and long-standing experience as CFO.“

The Supervisory Board thanks Dr. Majerus very much for his great achievements in the interest of SGL Carbon. In the past six years, Dr. Majerus has stabilized the Company even in difficult times with several major capital market transactions and has meaningfully contributed to the strategic realignment of the Company with the successful divestment of the graphite electrode and cathode businesses. For nine months up to and including May 2020, Dr. Majerus additionally assumed nearly all responsibilities from the recently departed CEO and provided leadership to the Company as the Speaker of the Board of Management. In this position, he safely steered the Company through the immediate impacts of the Corona pandemic. In addition, he developed substantial future growth perspectives with, amongst others, the conclusion of a large supply agreement for fuel cell components. The Supervisory Board wishes him all the best and further success in his future endeavors.


SGL Carbon SE


As expected, SGL Carbon’s second quarter impacted by Corona pandemic

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales and recurring EBIT significantly decreased in first half of 2020

As expected, the second quarter of SGL Carbon was impacted by the Corona pandemic, but not to the extent predicted in May when the quarterly statement for the period ended March 31, 2020 was published. Sales in the three months as per end of June decreased approximately 23 percent year-on-year, whereas Group recurring EBIT was at around 2 million euros and thus higher than anticipated. In total, SGL Carbon reached Group sales of 457 million euros in the first half year. This corresponds to a decrease of around 19 percent year-on-year. The decline is due to a pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM) due to capacity adjustments. Group recurring EBIT was down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros.

At a glance*:

  • Sales in the second quarter approximately 23 percent below prior-year period; Group recurring EBIT of around 2 million euros was slightly better than anticipated at the presentation of the results of the first quarter 2020
  • Group sales in the first half year 2020 at almost 457 million euros and thus around 19 percent below the prior-year period; decrease in sales due to pandemic-related overall weaker business development as well as expected declining developments in the market segments Battery & other Energy (GMS) and Textile Fibers (CFM)
  • Group recurring EBIT down approximately 71 percent to 11 million euros
  • As a result of measures taken at an early stage and contrary to the normal seasonal trend, cash and cash equivalents at nearly 154 million euros as of June 30, 2020 developed very positively compared to the end of 2019
  • According to the full year forecast published on July 28, 2020, SGL Carbon expects Group sales to decline by 15 to 20 percent and a slightly positive operating recurring EBIT
  • Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon: "My ambition is to achieve lasting success with SGL Carbon. Over the past two months, we have been conducting a comprehensive analysis of our processes, structures and markets. Based on this, we will identify the options that will enable us to sustainably increase our profitability. The Corona pandemic is forcing us to act even faster."

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
SGL Carbon Coronakrise Umsatz

SGL CARBON SE Corporate Communications

Sappi: High-quality face masks – in top-quality packaging (c) Wolford AG
For the packaging of its ‘Care Mask’, Wolford used the high-quality Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board from Sappi.

Sappi: High-quality face masks – in top-quality packaging

  • The quality of Sappi’s Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board makes the difference for Wolford

The unique combination of physical and optical features combined within the Algro Design range of products, convinced the textile manufacturer, Wolford, to use the range to package its innovative face mask. When creating the packaging solution for its ‘Care Mask’ the company chose to combine the premium 350 gsm Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board with extremely challenging ink covering and a number of finishing options. The end result is a packaging solution that is as elegant as it is creative and as a result, perfectly complements the product inside.

  • The quality of Sappi’s Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board makes the difference for Wolford

The unique combination of physical and optical features combined within the Algro Design range of products, convinced the textile manufacturer, Wolford, to use the range to package its innovative face mask. When creating the packaging solution for its ‘Care Mask’ the company chose to combine the premium 350 gsm Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board with extremely challenging ink covering and a number of finishing options. The end result is a packaging solution that is as elegant as it is creative and as a result, perfectly complements the product inside.

  • Premium packaging for premium products
  • Perfect for complex graphic applications
  • Unique service from the innovation leader Sappi

Wolford, founded in Bregenz, Austria, in 1950, is the global market leader in skinwear ‘made in Europe’. Since its establishment, the company has come up with numerous product innovations and is always at the cutting edge. Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit Europe, product developers were considering the idea of launching their own face mask protection, having witnessed the effects of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Asia. Thanks to an outstanding, highly efficient development division, a new product, ‘Care Mask’, was quickly brought to market.

It meets the high-quality standards of Wolford and consists of a premium, soft, breathable material that ensures high wearing comfort. Wolford is particularly proud that such a high-quality product could be developed in just a few weeks, despite reduced working hours and staff working from home. It generally takes some time to progress from development to product maturity. In this case however, everything was ready for market launch within two weeks.

Top quality meets top quality

Alongside the product, Wolford developed an appropriate packaging solution for their high-quality product, in collaboration with their in-house graphics department. To enable the ‘Care Mask’ to be quickly launched, a suitable material needed to be found, which could meet Wolford’s high standards in terms of quality, appearance and feel.
Wolford’s long-term partner, Sappi Europe had the perfect solution right away with its 350 g/m2 Algro Design Advanced solid bleached board. Thanks to its double-coated top and lightly coated back, the material from the innovation leader is a perfect choice for premium packaging.

The high brightness and silky, soft touch of the paperboard gives the packaging a premium, exclusive look and feel. The colour brilliance of Algro Design Advanced and the continuous, precise reproduction of complex print motifs were exactly what Wolford was looking for and met the high standards of the brand. Thanks to its additional outstanding finishing and processing properties, further processing with grooves, hot-foil embossing, paint finishes and adhesives was also easily achievable, which made it perfect for Wolford’s needs.

Service comes first at Sappi

Product capability alone was not enough for this venture however. To allow Wolford to achieve their goal of two weeks from inception to market ready, they also required a highly responsive service level from their trusted partner and Sappi responded at every level.  From selecting the right quality and size to the precise delivery of the paperboard to the printers, all in the space of five days, Sappi was flexible and immediately ready to respond. Thanks in no small part to the proactive support provided by all contributors to the creative process, the ‘Care Mask’ was launched at the end of March 2020 and was a resounding success. 5,000 masks were sold out within an hour and were sent on their way to the customers in their exclusive packaging.


Sappi Europe

Sample from the development of the nano porous high-temperature thermal insulation material Sample from the development of the nano porous high-temperature thermal insulation material (© ZAE Bayern).

Consortium develops new generation of thermal insulation for high-temperature furnaces

In the joint project "AeroFurnace" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the consortium, consisting of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE Bayern) as joint coordinator, the furnace manufacturer FCT Systeme, and SGL Carbon has succeeded in improving the thermal insulation properties of a new composite material by up to 120 percent compared to commercially available felt-based carbon materials. This enabled the project partners to move into a new quality level of thermal insulation in high-temperature industrial applications and pave the way for more energy efficient thermal insulation.

Dr. Gudrun Reichenauer, coordinator of the joint project and head of the work group Nanomaterials at ZAE Bayern: "In this project, we have been able to make the latest findings from the world of nanomaterials accessible to the market through intensive cooperation and thus set new standards in the field of thermal insulation materials."

In the joint project "AeroFurnace" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the consortium, consisting of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE Bayern) as joint coordinator, the furnace manufacturer FCT Systeme, and SGL Carbon has succeeded in improving the thermal insulation properties of a new composite material by up to 120 percent compared to commercially available felt-based carbon materials. This enabled the project partners to move into a new quality level of thermal insulation in high-temperature industrial applications and pave the way for more energy efficient thermal insulation.

Dr. Gudrun Reichenauer, coordinator of the joint project and head of the work group Nanomaterials at ZAE Bayern: "In this project, we have been able to make the latest findings from the world of nanomaterials accessible to the market through intensive cooperation and thus set new standards in the field of thermal insulation materials."

Dr. Thomas Kirschbaum, project manager at SGL Carbon: "In furnace simulations at the partner FCT, we have already been able to demonstrate what the new material can do: Depending on the temperature program, up to 40 percent of the required process energy can be saved with the new thermal insulation material. The potential of the new material is great." This prediction will be reviewed under real conditions in a demonstrator component in the second half of 2020 as part of the still ongoing BMWi project.

Dr. Jürgen Hennicke, project lead and head of R&D at FCT Systeme: "As a leading manufacturer of industrial vacuum or inert gas high temperature furnaces, the new generation of insulating materials enables us to create furnaces with a more favorable ratio of usable space to external dimensions, thus offering customers improved cost efficiency and productivity".

Based on laboratory samples in plate form it has already been demonstrated that the production of the new material can be represented by technically simple processes and is in principle well scalable. However, there is still a long way to go before the product is ready for serial production.

The third largest share of final energy in Germany is used for the generation of heat in industrial processes (22.6 percent). In many industries, e.g. in the steel and ceramics industry, energy-intensive high-temperature processes run above 1000°C – these alone require almost 50 percent of the industrial process heat. Suitable thermal insulation materials can significantly reduce energy demand while maintaining the same usable volume.



Archroma joins hands with Liberty Textile Mills Limited to produce life-saving PPE in Pakistan © Liberty Textile Mills Limited
Product lines of Liberty Textile Mills Limited.

Archroma joins hands with Liberty Textile Mills Limited to produce life-saving PPE in Pakistan

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has joined hands with Liberty Textile Mill Limited (Liberty), a leading producer in healthcare textiles to produce high quality personal protective equipment (PPE).

Liberty will be benefitting from Archroma’s specialty solutions for hygiene protection, and well-established technical expertise in the area of medical textiles. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the PPEs manufactured by Liberty are aimed at easing the current shortage of PPEs for medical professionals in Pakistan.

Liberty carries over two decades of experience in medical textiles and exporting them all over the world. Its partnering with Archroma is a major step forward towards creating enhanced protection in the current crisis. With its advanced scientific knowledge and technical expertise, Archroma provides a complete set of specialty chemicals required to produce PPEs, in particular in the area of antimicrobial and barrier coatings. The project will assist in enhancing medical standards in hospitals, isolation centers and intensive care units, in Pakistan and, very soon, worldwide.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has joined hands with Liberty Textile Mill Limited (Liberty), a leading producer in healthcare textiles to produce high quality personal protective equipment (PPE).

Liberty will be benefitting from Archroma’s specialty solutions for hygiene protection, and well-established technical expertise in the area of medical textiles. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the PPEs manufactured by Liberty are aimed at easing the current shortage of PPEs for medical professionals in Pakistan.

Liberty carries over two decades of experience in medical textiles and exporting them all over the world. Its partnering with Archroma is a major step forward towards creating enhanced protection in the current crisis. With its advanced scientific knowledge and technical expertise, Archroma provides a complete set of specialty chemicals required to produce PPEs, in particular in the area of antimicrobial and barrier coatings. The project will assist in enhancing medical standards in hospitals, isolation centers and intensive care units, in Pakistan and, very soon, worldwide.

“By continuously challenging the status quo, we at Archroma are able to support our customers operating in or entering the area of medical textiles, with a holistic and expert approach to hygiene protection. With our collaboration with Liberty, we are so proud to be able to bring state-of-the art protection to health professionals and the general public,” comments Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan.

“Liberty has a presence of more than five decades with high achieving accolades. Our processing units are fully equipped with latest equipment complying with international standards. We take this new partnership with Archroma as a start of building a strong relationship in the area of medical textiles. The COVID-19 pandemic has given a wake-up call to work extensively towards enhancing healthcare facilities. We are looking forward to new innovations in producing top-class PPEs,” adds Taimoor Mukaty, Director of Liberty Textile Mills Limited.

Italian creativity merges with Chinese technological innovation to create a new capsule collection ADVANCE DENIM BY PAOLO GNUTTI (c) ADVANCE DENIM

Advance Denim by Paolo Gnutti

  • Italian creativity merges with Chinese technological innovation to create a new capsule collection

A new era is born in the world of denim, Paolo Gnutti and Advance Denim will combine their skills to create capsule collections for both the US and Asian markets.

These collections will combine Paolo Gnutti’s artistry and Advance denim’s technological innovation to create “magical” inspiration that is with the reach of all brands.

Advance Denim has the distinction of being the oldest denim manufacturer in China and has dedicated its efforts since day one around the core beliefs of innovation , service , quality and people. These core beliefs are the foundation of their day to day focus of becoming a world leader in denim. They are also  committed to making the most sustainable denim possible and they are constantly investing in the infrastructure and systems that will help them to reach aggressive sustainability goals . Sustainability is important but Advance Denim has always been true to denim and strive to produce innovative high-quality products that exceed the needs of the market

  • Italian creativity merges with Chinese technological innovation to create a new capsule collection

A new era is born in the world of denim, Paolo Gnutti and Advance Denim will combine their skills to create capsule collections for both the US and Asian markets.

These collections will combine Paolo Gnutti’s artistry and Advance denim’s technological innovation to create “magical” inspiration that is with the reach of all brands.

Advance Denim has the distinction of being the oldest denim manufacturer in China and has dedicated its efforts since day one around the core beliefs of innovation , service , quality and people. These core beliefs are the foundation of their day to day focus of becoming a world leader in denim. They are also  committed to making the most sustainable denim possible and they are constantly investing in the infrastructure and systems that will help them to reach aggressive sustainability goals . Sustainability is important but Advance Denim has always been true to denim and strive to produce innovative high-quality products that exceed the needs of the market

“We are looking forward to Paolo bringing his Italian artistic aesthetics to our denim.” Said Ms. Amy Wang, General Manager of ADVANCE DENIM. “ We believe it is the combination of eastern and western design and culture that have never been offered to our customers before and will take Advance Denim to a whole new level. It is our goal to also offer these high quality designs at a competitive price from our Vietnam facility.” conclude Ms. Wang.

Paolo Gnutti, a life time dedicated to denim innovation and creativity, bases the creation of his collections following  precise themes and  stylistic contaminations. He uses indigo bases which are completely transformed thanks to the use of flocks, 3D prints, colored foils and metallic effects.

Paolo Gnutti has the ability to conceive ground breaking fashion, thanks to his incredible creativity and visionary irreverent combination that ushers in a new concept of  fashionability to the denim world.

“ My passion and my professional exploration lead me to acquire the skill needed to develop unforgettable and unique textile concepts” said Paolo Gnutti “ I’m trilled to begin this collaboration with Advance Denim. I feel that we need a new challenge in our denim world, a new era of true globalization; we will create a capsule collection that will reach all customers, from premium to the mass market.”

A new era begins, based on the evolution of the  market and the search for innovation and inspiration that is both technically performance driven and accessible to all brands.

More information:
ADVANCE DENIM Paolo Gnutti Denim



Tata Communications delivers strong performance

  • Tata Communications announces its financial results for the quarter ended June 30th, 2020

Commenting on the results, A.S Lakshminarayanan, MD and CEO, Tata Communications, said, “We have started this new financial year with strong performance amidst an uncertain and unpredictable economic environment. Digital is increasingly defining and shaping the experiences in this new world. It will become even more strategically core as businesses look to adopt new ways of working and transform how they operate, and how they engage with their audiences and with each other. We continue to be a key partner for our customers as they look to now focus on business recovery, acceleration, and growth.
Our new proposition, Secure Connected Digital Experience, is aimed at enabling customers to adopt new digital working models by providing a holistic ecosystem of solutions that are suited for this digital-first environment and are built for the long term. We’re seeing good interest in the market for these solutions. We remain focused on our strategy to deliver profitable growth and to be a preferred digital partner to our customers.”

  • Tata Communications announces its financial results for the quarter ended June 30th, 2020

Commenting on the results, A.S Lakshminarayanan, MD and CEO, Tata Communications, said, “We have started this new financial year with strong performance amidst an uncertain and unpredictable economic environment. Digital is increasingly defining and shaping the experiences in this new world. It will become even more strategically core as businesses look to adopt new ways of working and transform how they operate, and how they engage with their audiences and with each other. We continue to be a key partner for our customers as they look to now focus on business recovery, acceleration, and growth.
Our new proposition, Secure Connected Digital Experience, is aimed at enabling customers to adopt new digital working models by providing a holistic ecosystem of solutions that are suited for this digital-first environment and are built for the long term. We’re seeing good interest in the market for these solutions. We remain focused on our strategy to deliver profitable growth and to be a preferred digital partner to our customers.”

Commenting on the results, Pratibha K. Advani, Chief Financial Officer, Tata Communications, said, “We have registered another quarter of strong growth. Data portfolio, which has been the key driver for our business, recorded a double-digit growth of 10% YoY with robust margin expansion of 460 Bps.

Enterprise business has also shown a healthy increase in the quarter, on the back of strong growth in India as well as the international markets, with India growing by 6.7% and international by 8.3% YoY. We continue to drive cost efficiencies in our business and with every successive quarter, we are improving our financial fitness.


  • Strong growth in Data business; revenue grew by +10% YoY on the back of robust performance across all segments, despite an uncertain economic environment.
  • Data EBITDA was at INR 975 crore; up +32.4% YoY on the back of margin expansion of 460 Bps YoY led by cost efficiency initiatives.
  • Due to lockdown and remote working, we are witnessing increased bandwidth usage and higher collaboration traffic. Enterprises have upgraded their capacities and are consuming more data to support this work model. Consequently, our India enterprise business grew by 6.7% YoY and international enterprise business grew by 8.3% YoY on the back of strong demand. This has led to increase in both revenue and profitability.
  • Consolidated revenue was at INR 4,403 crore; growth of +5.6% YoY on the back of strong growth in Data business.
  • Consolidated EBITDA at INR 1,042 crore; increase of +26.2% YoY and margin expansion of 390 Bps on the back of strong profitable growth in data business and focus on cost efficiencies.
  • Consolidated PAT at INR 258 crore as compared to a profit of INR 77 crore in Q1 FY20; growth of +236% YoY.
  • CAPEX for this quarter was INR 372 crore as compared to INR 342 crore in Q4 FY20.

*Please read the attached document for more information

More information:
Tata Communications

Tata Communications-Presseteam @ Harvard Engage


Autoneum: Corona-related slump in revenue – bottom point overcome

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production completely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

 Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production com-pletely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

Autoneum promptly responded to the pandemic-related market slump by adopting extensive cost-cutting measures in all regions. These include the reduction of employee costs by, among other things, adjusting time accounts, introducing short-time work at eligible locations and temporary layoffs as well as headcount reduction, mainly among temporary workers. In addition, operating expenditures were limited to the absolutely necessary. The investment volume for 2020, already reduced from previous years, was downsized even further. Autoneum continues to benefit in this regard from the high level of investments undertaken in recent years.

 Although the coronavirus crisis and the measures taken to contain it dominated Autoneum’s course of business in the first half of 2020, the Company achieved necessary operational and financial im-provements during this period. The comprehensive turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress and is on track. Efficiency improvements already achieved there had a posi-tive effect on the figures of the first half-year, but were significantly overcompensated by the substan-tial impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Savings and cost flexibilization measures taken immediately and implemented worldwide in view of the revenue loss could not offset the ongoing, capacity-related fixed costs. This led at the Group level to a negative EBIT of CHF –31.8 million (prior-year period: CHF 16.4 million), which equates to an EBIT margin of –4.4% (prior-year period: 1.4%). The net result decreased because of the severe revenue shortfall to CHF –54.9 million (prior-year period: CHF –6.0 million).

For 2020 Autoneum expects revenue to develop at market level. Although customers’ production volumes should increase again in the second half of 2020 compared with the first semester, latest fore-casts indicate that they will remain clearly below the level of the second half of 2019. Immediately implemented and ongoing cost reduction measures as well as further operational optimizations also within the turnaround program in North America will lead to improvements in the second half of the year. Due to the current uncertainties, a reliable statement on the net result for the full year 2020 thus cannot be made. With regard to the mid-term targets, a recovery of the profitability level is expected, but it will largely depend on the market development.


Autoneum Management AG

Sustainable leadership for GtA with new Monforts Montex wide width lines (c) AWOL Media
GtA Managing Director Andreas Niess

Sustainable leadership for GtA with new Monforts Montex wide width lines

Following the successful commissioning of two new Monforts Montex wide-width stenter lines and additional environmental management equipment at its plant in Germany, GtA – Society for Textile Equipment GmbH – is aiming to be the first textile finishing company to become entirely CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025.

GtA is a partner company to Germany’s large-format digital printing fabric leader, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, which has has this year been able to considerably expand its portfolio due to the new Monforts lines.

Headquartered in Gross-Zimmern, close to Frankfurt, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH and its partners in Germany have an annual production of 37 million square metres of warp knits for a range of end-use applications, including garments, automotive interiors and technical textiles, but increasingly with a concentration on digital printing substrates.

Fault-free textiles

Following the successful commissioning of two new Monforts Montex wide-width stenter lines and additional environmental management equipment at its plant in Germany, GtA – Society for Textile Equipment GmbH – is aiming to be the first textile finishing company to become entirely CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025.

GtA is a partner company to Germany’s large-format digital printing fabric leader, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, which has has this year been able to considerably expand its portfolio due to the new Monforts lines.

Headquartered in Gross-Zimmern, close to Frankfurt, Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH and its partners in Germany have an annual production of 37 million square metres of warp knits for a range of end-use applications, including garments, automotive interiors and technical textiles, but increasingly with a concentration on digital printing substrates.

Fault-free textiles

A new standard in pure white, 100% clean and fault-free textile substrates has been demanded by this market in recent years due to the rapid growth in digitally-printed banners and billboards – often referred to as ‘soft signage’.

The substrates of choice for digital printing are 100% polyester warp knits which are resilient and allow excellent take-up of inks, and vibrant colours and clear and precise images to be achieved with digital printing techniques. The knitted construction also has the advantage of elasticity, which is a plus in terms of flexibility for installers.

Critically, the warp knitted fabrics have extremely smooth surfaces which is becoming increasingly important due to the general move away from PVC coatings which were the standard in the past.

It was to finish these fabrics for Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH as well as providing such services for many other customers, that the GtA plant in Neresheim, Baden-Württemberg, was established in 2015.

The purpose-built plant on a greenfield site was initially equipped with a fully-automated, 72 metre long Monforts installation comprising a washing machine integrated with a 3.6 metre wide, seven-chamber Montex stenter. The line quickly went from single to double shift production and then to 24/7 operation  to meet demand.

Expanded widths

Building on the success of this installation, GtA has now installed two more Montex stenter lines – both in expanded working widths of 5.6 metres and purpose-built at Montex GmbH in Austria.

A six-chamber Montex unit is combined with a washing machine to guarantee the purity of the substrates, while a five-chamber line is integrated with a wide-width coating machine. This new coating capability at GtA has led to a number of new additions to the Georg and Otto Friedrich DecoTex range for digital printing, including wide width fabrics with flame retardant, antimicrobial and non-slip finishes.

The new Montex stenter lines benefit from all of the latest innovations from Monforts, including the Smart Sensor system for the optimised maintenance planning of key mechanical wear components on the stenters. A comprehensive overview of the condition of all parts at any time is now available for operators within the highly intuitive Qualitex visualization software.

With Qualitex, all article-specific settings can be stored and the formulations for thousands of treatment processes called up again at any time. Individual operators can also personalise their dashboards with the most important machine functions and process parameters.

Environmental commitment

GtA is run by a seasoned team of textile professionals led by Managing Director Andreas Niess.

“We have received excellent service from Monforts from the outset and we were happy to place the order for these two new lines as part of our ongoing cooperation,” he says. “With all of the latest Monforts advances in technology we are fully in control of all production and quality parameters with these lines, as part of our significant commitment to innovative environmental technology.”

The GtA plant, which operates in near-cleanroom conditions, has also been equipped with proprietary technology to fully exploit the Monforts air-to-air heat recovery systems that are now standard with Montex stenters.

“Around 30 per cent of our investment volume at the site goes to energy-saving measures and we are sure that this commitment is worthwhile,” Mr Niess says. “As an example, our integrated heat recovery system fully exploits the waste heat from the process exhaust air and the burner exhaust gases of the Monforts stenters, allowing us to achieve an exhaust air temperature of  between 30 to 34°C, compared to what would conventionally be between 140 to 160°C. Another focus has been on exhaust air purification technology and here too, the latest technology has been installed with integrated heat recovery elements.”

This, he adds, saves 52% of the energy that would normally be used – equating to 5,800,000 KwH per year. The necessary audits for energy-efficient companies are also carried out annually.

In addition, GtA has purpose-designed the automatic chemical mixing and dosing systems that feed the padders for the key treatments that are carried out on the fabrics through the stenters.

The company is going further, however, in its pursuit of clean production and raw materials.

"We want to be an asset and not a burden on our immediate environment and therefore do not use any additives containing solvents," Mr Niess says. “We were the first to use fully halogen-free flame retardant chemistry, and we use bio-based, finely ground alumina products for the washing process instead of surfactants. PES polyester yarns made from recycled material are also increasingly used and the latest additions to our raw materials portfolio, the RC-Ocean products, are made from recycled sea plastic.

“We are now planning a combined heat and power plant for the production of electrical energy and heat and we will also build a photovoltaic system that converts solar radiation into electrical energy. GtA wants to be the first textile finishing company to be CO2-neutral in the manufacture of all of its products by 2025. The complete heat supply and heating for the 13,000 square metre production hall, as well as the office building and the hot water supply for the domestic water, is already energy-neutral. We are convinced that this commitment will pay off in the long term and our positive business development proves that sustainability and business profitability are perfectly compatible.”

In addition to the products for Georg and Otto Friedrich GmbH, GtA  offers its manufacturing capacities for other customers as a contract service.

All products are manufactured in accordance with Öko-Tex Standard 100, product class 1 and the company is also involved in the research and development of new sustainable manufacturing processes, in cooperation with many regional universities and funding project partners.


AWOL Media for A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Bemberg™ Natural Stretch linings by Gianni Crespi Foderami : “the preciousfabric that naturally stretches without tricks” (c) Bemberg™
Bemberg™ Natural Stretch by Gianni Crespi Foderami s.r.l

Bemberg™ Natural Stretch linings by Gianni Crespi Foderami

  • “the preciousfabric that naturally stretches without tricks”

Bemberg™ Natural Stretch, the ground-breakingprecious fabric by Gianni Crespi Foderami s.r.l. is the 100% sustainable lining fabric created from a cutting-edge highly engineered process Specialized  in  the  creation  of linings for high quality menswear,   womenswear   and childrenwear,  Gianni  Crespi Foderami  s.r.l.has  teamed  up with Bemberg™, the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers by leading    materials manufacturer  Asahi  Kasei, to develop a precious 100% Bemberg™ lining with outstanding stretch performance  woven in its DNA.

  • “the preciousfabric that naturally stretches without tricks”

Bemberg™ Natural Stretch, the ground-breakingprecious fabric by Gianni Crespi Foderami s.r.l. is the 100% sustainable lining fabric created from a cutting-edge highly engineered process Specialized  in  the  creation  of linings for high quality menswear,   womenswear   and childrenwear,  Gianni  Crespi Foderami  s.r.l.has  teamed  up with Bemberg™, the Japanese brand of regenerated cellulose fibers by leading    materials manufacturer  Asahi  Kasei, to develop a precious 100% Bemberg™ lining with outstanding stretch performance  woven in its DNA.

Bemberg™ Natural    Stretch was   achieved   thanks   to the leading  Italian  manufacturer’s ability  to  vertically  set  up,  control,  engineer  and  design  a  whole  integrated  production process, ranging from sectional warping the shipment service.Bemberg™  Natural  Stretch  achieve  maximum  flexibility,  resistance,  and  comfort  without the use of elastomers and polyesters. How? The secret is in the process indeed.Elasticity is achieved thanks to a complex way of yarn twisting, weaving, and finishing.Bemberg™  yarns  are  smart,  responsible  and  high-tech.  Made  from  a  cotton  linter  bio-utility material,  the  natural  derived  source  does  not  deplete  forestry  resources. 

The company’s matchless, high-tech natural fibers are characterized by a unique touch and feel as well as unique performances such as moisture control and is antistatic.Bemberg™Natural Stretch: a smart solution for contemporary living.


GB Network


ITM 2021: Accelerating the Textile Sector that Has Become Stationary Due to Pandemic

The ITM 2021 Exhibition, which is postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, will direct the world and Turkish textile industry, which will demonstrate a vigorous comeback in the post-pandemic period.

The ITM Exhibition, which was planned to be held between 2-6 June this year, was postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the troublesome Coronavirus pandemic. Participating companies in countries that had to interrupt their production, especially Italy, France, Spain, Germany and China, which were most affected by the virus, welcomed the postponement of the ITM Exhibition. The countries, holding similar opinions that it is not possible to save from the pandemic without effective drug treatment or vaccine against coronavirus, started normalization process by increasing their protective measures while fighting against the pandemic.

The ITM 2021 Exhibition, which is postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, will direct the world and Turkish textile industry, which will demonstrate a vigorous comeback in the post-pandemic period.

The ITM Exhibition, which was planned to be held between 2-6 June this year, was postponed to 22-26 June 2021 due to the troublesome Coronavirus pandemic. Participating companies in countries that had to interrupt their production, especially Italy, France, Spain, Germany and China, which were most affected by the virus, welcomed the postponement of the ITM Exhibition. The countries, holding similar opinions that it is not possible to save from the pandemic without effective drug treatment or vaccine against coronavirus, started normalization process by increasing their protective measures while fighting against the pandemic.

More information:
ITM textile machinery fair


TAL - Eliminating EtO issues with Low Shrink SAF Fabrics (c) AWOL Media
SAF nonwovens can absorb up to 200 times their own weight in water.

TAL - Eliminating EtO issues with Low Shrink SAF Fabrics

  • Technical Absorbents Limited (TAL) has developed a new grade of superabsorbent fibre (SAF) specifically for use within a new range of SAF nonwoven fabrics that are more resistant to shrinkage.

The new SAF was developed in response to the demand from the medical industry for a superabsorbent fabric suitable for use in advanced wound pad dressings. The fibre had to be capable of withstanding the moisture used in the EtO sterilization process that is frequently employed in the production of the pads, in order to ensure product safety and compliance.

EtO sterilization is a low-temperature process (typically between 37 and 63°C) that uses ethylene oxide gas to reduce the level of infectious agents. While generally applied in gas form, however, the EtO is usually mixed with other substances – and often steam.

  • Technical Absorbents Limited (TAL) has developed a new grade of superabsorbent fibre (SAF) specifically for use within a new range of SAF nonwoven fabrics that are more resistant to shrinkage.

The new SAF was developed in response to the demand from the medical industry for a superabsorbent fabric suitable for use in advanced wound pad dressings. The fibre had to be capable of withstanding the moisture used in the EtO sterilization process that is frequently employed in the production of the pads, in order to ensure product safety and compliance.

EtO sterilization is a low-temperature process (typically between 37 and 63°C) that uses ethylene oxide gas to reduce the level of infectious agents. While generally applied in gas form, however, the EtO is usually mixed with other substances – and often steam.

“Obviously superabsorbents and moisture generally aren’t a good combination at this stage in processing and can cause problems,” says TAL Product Development Director Dr Mark Paterson. “Other methods can be used, but when silicone materials are included, which is more frequently becoming the case, EtO is the preferred treatment method. Regular SAF grades tend to shrink a little and can become hard, which is often not desirable. This innovative SAF grade significantly reduces such potential problems.”

The amount of shrinkage caused by EtO sterilization depends very much on the product design and construction, he adds, but in general, the new SAF has been tested and proven to reduce fabric shrinkage by around 70%. It is suitable for use in all SAF nonwoven formats, whether needlepunched, thermally bonded or airlaid.

While the proprietary process developed at TAL for the production of this new fibre and resulting fabrics was prompted by the specific requirements of wound pad dressings, TAL sees opportunities for its application in other areas as well.

“It’s an extremely flexible fibre that can be easily switched with existing SAF grades when manufacturing fabrics and we have a number of current projects in which we’re exploring other end-uses,” Mark concludes. “We believe this new range could also open up entirely new application areas on the market.”



Screen Print India in Mumbai to re-open doors in March 2021

Messe Frankfurt India has announced new dates for the Mumbai edition of Screen Print India - the leading trade fair for screen, textile, sublimation and digital printing technologies The exhibition will be held in parallel with Gartex Texprocess India, from 19 – 21 March 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. With the gradual re-opening of commercial activities and businesses, the co-located fairs will enable the industry to channel their efforts back towards business development and cater to the needs of screen printing, textile and garment manufacturing industry players as it gears up to bring the production and manufacturing value chain under one roof.

Messe Frankfurt India has announced new dates for the Mumbai edition of Screen Print India - the leading trade fair for screen, textile, sublimation and digital printing technologies The exhibition will be held in parallel with Gartex Texprocess India, from 19 – 21 March 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. With the gradual re-opening of commercial activities and businesses, the co-located fairs will enable the industry to channel their efforts back towards business development and cater to the needs of screen printing, textile and garment manufacturing industry players as it gears up to bring the production and manufacturing value chain under one roof.
While the focus segments under Gartex Texprocess India will draw attention to innovations in garmenting & apparel machinery, the product launches and live demos at Screen Print India will enable business visitors and traders to track technological advances in digital textile and screen-printing technologies. The secure, business-focused ambience will enable both printing and textile sector players to showcase, source and strengthen their supply chains and keep pace with the shifting demand for screen printing, textile printing, digital and sublimation technologies across other sectors.
Screen Print India will also host a series of sessions on processes and innovations related to the graphics industry. Another key highlight of this successful trade fair is the Screen Print Excellence Awards that upholds a strong tradition of honouring technology inventors and trailblazers within the screen-printing industry. With this in mind, the Mumbai edition will curate a special “SPI Gallery” to showcase award winning pieces of screen-printing excellence.


Messe Frankfurt, India

Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19. © 2020 Archroma
Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19.

ARCHROMA Starts Production of Hand Sanitizers to Help Fight COVID-19

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

In April 2020, Archroma announced the introduction in Brazil of Mowiplus® HPC 9600, a new thickener for sanitizing gels, developed to address the global shortage in the thickener traditionally used for sanitizing gels.

Archroma is also actively supporting manufacturers in the production of face masks and medical protective equipment. Its antimicrobial and barrier products in particular are in high demand, and Archroma is making every effort to assist existing and new customers entering this sector by providing technical know-how and support.

The company is supporting producers of packaging & paper who are facing high demand for food packaging as many restaurants have switched to delivery or take-away, as well as for parcels and boxes supporting online shopping.

Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan comments, “Within Archroma we are cognizant of the acute community need for high quality hygiene products that are also comfortable for users, as hand sanitizers tend to be harsh on the skin, so we took on the challenge to develop and start production in record time. The Archroma team in Pakistan won’t rest in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopes this new product will help to stop the spread of the virus and the suffering that it causes.”


EMG for Archroma


PREMIUM+SEEK PASSPORT: The first Digital Trade Show launches July, 14

The PREMIUM GROUP and its partner, JOOR, the largest B2B wholesale platform in the world, have together developed a digital marketplace showcasing a curated portfolio of brands compiled in partnership with the relevant retailers. The first digital trade show in the world launches on 14 July 2020: PREMIUM+SEEK Passport.

The JOOR Passport platform is geared towards the current market conditions, where only limited travel is permitted, as well as towards the time after the pandemic when physical events will be able to take place again.

The trade show experience is condensed into a one-stop shop for users: one website, one app to search for and find suppliers, and one place to upload and access data and content – in short, one comprehensive digital experience.

The digitalisation of business interactions represents a year-round marketplace where retailers can discover new styles and designers, and brands can generate new contacts.

The PREMIUM GROUP and its partner, JOOR, the largest B2B wholesale platform in the world, have together developed a digital marketplace showcasing a curated portfolio of brands compiled in partnership with the relevant retailers. The first digital trade show in the world launches on 14 July 2020: PREMIUM+SEEK Passport.

The JOOR Passport platform is geared towards the current market conditions, where only limited travel is permitted, as well as towards the time after the pandemic when physical events will be able to take place again.

The trade show experience is condensed into a one-stop shop for users: one website, one app to search for and find suppliers, and one place to upload and access data and content – in short, one comprehensive digital experience.

The digitalisation of business interactions represents a year-round marketplace where retailers can discover new styles and designers, and brands can generate new contacts.

On the summer trade show dates the seasonal brand lookbooks curated by PREMIUM and SEEK can be uploaded to individual profiles and key looks can be presented in virtual showrooms. The PREMIUM GROUP translates the recipe for success – Commerce, Content and Community – for the digital sphere. Buyers can find out the latest on style and trend stories on the PREMIUM+SEEK Passport homepage, which also highlights key themes such as sustainability. This enables retailers to continue to gain inspiration from brand worlds, to keep abreast of developments and discover new things.

More information:

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology meanwhile in demand across the globe (c) Oerlikon
Daniel Günther (2nd from left), Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President, together with Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, Matthias Pilz, Head of Oerlikon Neumag, and Matthias Wäsch, Chairman of the Works Council, at the tour of the Neumünster site where the Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology – currently in huge demand across the globe – is manufactured.

Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology meanwhile in demand across the globe

  • Schleswig-Holstein Minister President visits Neumünster, Germany

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at the Oerlikon Nonwoven business unit of the Swiss Oerlikon Group. From the manufacturing site in Neumünster, Germany, the high-tech meltblown systems – with their patented ecuTE+ nonwovens electro-charging technology – are meanwhile be exported all over the world. For the very first time, a contract has now been signed with a business in Australia. Today, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther was won over on site by the technology of a ‘global player’. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, was thrilled, stating: “The machines and systems for manufacturing manmade fiber and nonwovens solutions from Neumünster enjoy an outstanding reputation throughout the world. It is especially in this crisis that the technology from Schleswig-Holstein has proven itself to be absolutely world-class.”

  • Schleswig-Holstein Minister President visits Neumünster, Germany

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders in the high double-digit millions of euros at the Oerlikon Nonwoven business unit of the Swiss Oerlikon Group. From the manufacturing site in Neumünster, Germany, the high-tech meltblown systems – with their patented ecuTE+ nonwovens electro-charging technology – are meanwhile be exported all over the world. For the very first time, a contract has now been signed with a business in Australia. Today, Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister President Daniel Günther was won over on site by the technology of a ‘global player’. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, was thrilled, stating: “The machines and systems for manufacturing manmade fiber and nonwovens solutions from Neumünster enjoy an outstanding reputation throughout the world. It is especially in this crisis that the technology from Schleswig-Holstein has proven itself to be absolutely world-class.”

In addition to a tour of the meltblown system and its assembly and production facilities, the visit by Minister President Daniel Günther had one purpose above all: the dialog between politicians and business. Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon Nonwoven, and Matthias Pilz, Head of Oerlikon Neumag, jointly expressed their thanks for the support that Oerlikon has repeatedly had the fortune to experience over the past months and years in Schleswig-Holstein and looked to the future full of hope. “As a result of our additional investment at the site here in Neumünster – be this in our new technology center that will be completed by the end of this year or in our new logistics center that is already operating – we, as one of the region’s largest employers, are continuing to move forward, supported by a State Government that is also focusing on both promoting industry and business and on advancing an efficient training and educational system, as innovation is only possible with outstanding engineers”, stated Matthias Pilz. And Rainer Straub directed his appeal specifically at the Minister President: “Treat education and training as a priority. Ultimately, they will secure the future of Schleswig-Holstein as a center of excellence and manufacturing!”

Five-million-euro digitalization program

Daniel Günther, the incumbent Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein since 2017, immediately responded, making reference to one of the Federal State’s current training initiatives: “The State Government is supporting higher education institutions and students in the present coronavirus crisis. With a five-million-euro digitalization program, we are investing on the long-term digitalization of our higher education institutions. With this, we are overall creating a future for young people, particularly also for those who could very well go on to invent the next generation of manmade fiber systems.” And the Minister President was just as impressed by the willingness and readiness with which Oerlikon has been providing high-level support since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to master the present challenges as he was with the company’s meltblown technology itself. Rainer Straub explained: “When, at the beginning of the pandemic in February, demand for protective face masks increased rapidly, we at Oerlikon Nonwoven responded immediately. We ramped up all the available production capacities here in Neumünster in order to quickly manufacture nonwovens for producing face masks using our laboratory systems. As a result, we have been able to make a small, regional contribution to covering demand. In parallel, we have pulled out all the stops in order to systematically further expand our skills as machine and system builders so as to cater to the initially expected, and now also continuing, global demand for meltblown systems as quickly as possible.”

Leading meltblown technology

The Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology – with which nonwovens for protective masks can also be manufactured, among other things – is recognized by the market as being the technically most efficient method for producing highly-separating filter media made from plastic fibers. The capacities for respiratory masks available in Europe to date are predominantly manufactured on Oerlikon Nonwoven systems. “Ever more manufacturers in the most diverse countries are hoping to become independent of imports. Therefore, what we are experiencing in Germany is also happening in both industrialized and emerging countries throughout the world”, commented Rainer Straub. In addition to China, Turkey, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Austria and numerous countries in both North and South America, Australia and not least Germany will for the first time also be among the countries to which Oerlikon Nonwoven will be delivering machines and equipment before the end of 2021.

TMAS members ready to support digital textile transformations, post Covid-19 (c) TMAS
TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson.

TMAS members ready to support digital textile transformations, post Covid-19

  • Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – have adopted a range of new strategies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, aimed at assisting manufacturers of textiles and apparel to adjust to a new normal, as Europe and other regions emerge cautiously from lockdown.

“Many European companies have been forced into testing new working methods and looking at what it’s possible to do remotely, and how to exploit automation to the full, in order to become more flexible,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “Others have been taking risks where they see opportunies and there’s a new sense of solidarity among companies.

“It’s extremely encouraging, for example, that over five hundred European companies from across our supply chain are reported to have responded to the shortages of facemasks and PPE – protective personal equipment – by converting parts of their sites or investing in new equipment.”

New supply chains

  • Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – have adopted a range of new strategies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, aimed at assisting manufacturers of textiles and apparel to adjust to a new normal, as Europe and other regions emerge cautiously from lockdown.

“Many European companies have been forced into testing new working methods and looking at what it’s possible to do remotely, and how to exploit automation to the full, in order to become more flexible,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “Others have been taking risks where they see opportunies and there’s a new sense of solidarity among companies.

“It’s extremely encouraging, for example, that over five hundred European companies from across our supply chain are reported to have responded to the shortages of facemasks and PPE – protective personal equipment – by converting parts of their sites or investing in new equipment.”

New supply chains

Amongst them are TMAS members of the ACG Group, who quickly established a dedicated new nonwovens fabric converting and single-use garment making-up plant to supply to the Swedish health authorities. From a standing start in March, this is now producing 1.8 million square metres of converted fabric and turning it into 692,000 finished medical garments each month.

“In 2020 so far, we have seen new value chains being created and a certain amount of permanent reshoring is now inevitable,” says Premler-Andersson. “This is being backed by the new funding announced in the European Union’s Next Generation EU plan, with €750 billion marked for helping industry recover. As the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has stressed, “green and digital” transitions hold the key to Europe’s future prosperity and resilience, and TMAS members have new solutions to assist in both areas.”

Remote working

Automated solutions have opened up many possibilities for remote working during the pandemic. Texo AB, for example, the specialist in wide-width weaving looms for the paper industry, was able to successfully complete the build and delivery of a major multi-container order between April and May.

“Our new Remote Guidance software now makes it possible for us to carry out some of the commissioning and troubleshooting of such new lines remotely, which has been helpful” says Texo AB President Anders Svensson.

Svegea of Sweden, which has spent the past few months developing its new CR-210 fabric relaxation machine for knitted fabrics, has also successfully set up and installed a number of machines remotely, which the company has never attempted before.

“The pandemic has definitely led to some inventive solutions for us and with international travel currently not possible, we are finding better methods of digital communication and collaboration all the time,” says Svegea managing director Hakan Steene.

Eric Norling, Vice President of the Precision Application business of Baldwin Technology, believes the pandemic may have a more permanent impact on global travel.

“We have now proven that e-meetings and virtual collaboration tools are effective,” he says. “Baldwin implemented a home office work regime from April with only production personnel and R&D researchers at the workplace. These past few months have shown that we can be just as effective and do not need to travel for physical meetings to the same extent that was previously thought to be necessary.”

Pär Hedman, Sales and Marketing Manager for IRO AB, however, believes such advances can only go so far at the moment.

“Video conferences have taken a big leap forward, especially in development projects, and this method of communication is here to stay, but it will never completely replace personal meetings,” he says. “And textile fabrics need to be touched, examined and accepted by the senses, which is impossible to do via digital media today. The coming haptic internet, however, may well even change that too.”

Social distancing

The many garment factories now equipped with Eton Systems UPS work stations – designed to save considerable costs through automation – have meanwhile benefited from the unintentional social distancing they automatically provide compared to factories with conventional banks of sewing machines.

“These companies have been able to continue operating throughout the pandemic due to the spaced nature of our automated plant configurations,” says Eton Systems Business Development Manager Roger Ryrlén. “The UPS system has been established for some time, but planned spacing has proved an accidental plus for our customers – with improved productivity.”

“Innovations from TMAS member companies have been coming thick and fast recently due to their advanced know-how in automation concepts,” Premler-Andersson concludes.  “If anything, the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have only accelerated these initiatives by obliging our members to take new approaches.”