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(c) BVMed

BVMed: 5-Punkte-Plan zum Medizintechnik-Standort Deutschland

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in einem 5-Punkte-Plan Maßnahmen für die im Koalitionsvertrag vorgesehene Stärkung des Medizintechnik-Standorts Deutschlands. Zu den Forderungen des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes gehören eine beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft, eine Stärkung der Resilienz und der Lieferketten, ein Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive für die KMU-geprägte Branche, Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen sowie einfache Anerkennungsverfahren für benötigte Fachkräfte.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in einem 5-Punkte-Plan Maßnahmen für die im Koalitionsvertrag vorgesehene Stärkung des Medizintechnik-Standorts Deutschlands. Zu den Forderungen des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes gehören eine beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft, eine Stärkung der Resilienz und der Lieferketten, ein Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive für die KMU-geprägte Branche, Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen sowie einfache Anerkennungsverfahren für benötigte Fachkräfte.

Der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan bezeichnete die Medizintechnik-Branche als „Aushängeschild für die deutsche Wirtschaft“: „Wir sind Innovationstreiber. Wir sind Jobmotor. Wir haben Hidden Champions und sind Exportweltmeister. Wir haben 93 Prozent Mittelstand. Für Deutschland steht viel auf dem Spiel. Denn: Der Medizintechnik-Standort Deutschland ist stark gefährdet.“ Das liege neben den massiv gestiegenen Kosten für Energie, Rohstoffe und Logistik sowie Inflation und steigende Löhne vor allem an „hausgemachten Problemen“: Sehr kompliziertes regulatorisches System für Medizinprodukte, überbordende Bürokratisierung und Regulierungswut sowie schleppende Digitalisierung im Gesundheitssystem und mangelnde Datennutzung. „Wir senden damit keine Signale für einen innovationsfreundlichen Standort aus“, so Lugan. Er fordert: „Um Top-Talente im Land zu halten und Innovationen hier zu entwickeln, brauchen wir bessere Rahmenbedingungen!“.

Der 5-Punkte-Plan des BVMed sieht unter anderem vor:

1. Beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft
Für eine gut koordinierte MedTech-Branchenstrategie „aus einem Guss“, muss die ressortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit verbessert werden. Der BVMed fordert daher die Benennung einer beauftragten Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft sowie die Stärkung der Abteilung Gesundheitswirtschaft im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium.

2. Resilienz und Lieferketten stärken
Der BVMed spricht sich für einen „systemischen und strategischen Ansatz“ aus, um die Resilienz des deutschen Gesundheitssystems und die Lieferketten zu stärken. Dazu gehören eine bessere Einbeziehung der MedTech-Branche in die Erarbeitung von Lösungen, die Unterstützung des Aufbaus von Produktionskapazitäten in Deutschland in Produktbereichen, in denen eine strategische Unabhängigkeit erreicht werden soll, sowie die Einrichtung einer digitalen Bestandsplattform versorgungskritischer Medizinprodukte, um Transparenz in Echtzeit zu erreichen.

3. Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive
Der BVMed fordert eine Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive, die den deutschen Mittelstand im Blick hat, konsequent Überregulierungen abbaut sowie in Brüssel für standortfreundliche Regulierungen kämpft. Dazu gehört, dass die Verantwortung für Lieferketten auf die unmittelbaren Zulieferer beschränkt bleibt. Der BVMed fordert zudem einen einheitlichen ermäßigten Mehrwertsteuersatz auf Medizinprodukte sowie mehr Geschwindigkeit und bessere Förderung von klinischen Studien. Wichtig seien zudem adäquate Mechanismen, die die ambulante Hilfsmittelversorgung auch im derzeitig starren Vertragskonstrukt sicherstellt.

4. Fast-Track für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen
Der BVMed setzt sich für flexiblere und schnellere Bewertungsverfahren mit klaren Fristenregelungen beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) und beim Bewertungsausschuss ein. Forschende Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen benötigen zudem einen besseren Datenzugang und ein Antragsrecht beim Forschungsdatenzentrum. Außerdem sollte sich Deutschland dafür einsetzen, dass die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) strategisch weiterentwickelt wird und „mehr Berechenbarkeit und Schnelligkeit“ beim Marktzugang von Medizinprodukten bietet. So spricht sich der BVMed unter anderem für Fast-Track-Verfahren für innovative Medizinprodukte aus, die den Stand der Technik erheblich verbessern oder einen bislang ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf betreffen. Hier gebe es bereits etablierte Regelungen zu FDA-Programmen oder Arzneimittel-Verfahren.

5. Fachkräfte gewinnen
Um dringend benötigte internationale Fachkräfte für die Medizintechnik-Branche zu gewinnen, fordert der BVMed einfache Anerkennungsverfahren, Integrationsangebote und Internationalisierung der Verwaltungsverfahren. Außerdem sollten die Arbeitsbedingungen insbesondere in der Pflege verbessert werden, beispielsweise durch den geförderten Einsatz von digitalen Lösungen und pflegeunterstützenden Technologien.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


SGL Carbon SE: Annual General Meeting 2023

The shareholders of SGL Carbon SE approved all agenda items at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023. The Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, was attended by up to 114 electronically connected shareholders who, together with the postal votes submitted, represented 64.64% of the share capital.

CEO Dr. Torsten Derr began his speech with a review of SGL Carbon's two-year transformation phase. "In two years, we have been able to increase our sales by 23.5% and adjusted EBITDA by as much as 86.2%. In parallel, we reduced our debt by 40.4%," Dr. Derr elaborated. He also reported on the past financial year and the expectations for the future economic development of the company. In doing so, he also addressed SGL Carbon's growth markets in detail. "Over the past two years, we have made SGL fit for the future. With our products, we serve industries that significantly reflect the trends for the future: climate-friendly mobility, renewable energies and digitalization," he explained.

The shareholders of SGL Carbon SE approved all agenda items at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023. The Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, was attended by up to 114 electronically connected shareholders who, together with the postal votes submitted, represented 64.64% of the share capital.

CEO Dr. Torsten Derr began his speech with a review of SGL Carbon's two-year transformation phase. "In two years, we have been able to increase our sales by 23.5% and adjusted EBITDA by as much as 86.2%. In parallel, we reduced our debt by 40.4%," Dr. Derr elaborated. He also reported on the past financial year and the expectations for the future economic development of the company. In doing so, he also addressed SGL Carbon's growth markets in detail. "Over the past two years, we have made SGL fit for the future. With our products, we serve industries that significantly reflect the trends for the future: climate-friendly mobility, renewable energies and digitalization," he explained.

After 14 years on the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon, this was Dr. h.c. Susanne Klatten's last Annual General Meeting as Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board. She had already informed the Company on February 14, 2023, that she would be leaving the Board at the end of this Annual General Meeting. As the largest shareholder, Dr. h.c. Klatten will remain associated with SGL Carbon through SKion GmbH.

As proposed, the Annual General Meeting elected Prof. Dr. Frank Richter as a shareholder representative on the Supervisory Board to succeed Dr. h.c. Susanne Klatten. Following the Annual General Meeting, the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board elected Prof. Dr. Richter as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Prof. Dr. Richter is Managing Director of SKion GmbH, Bad Homburg, which holds a stake of approximately 28.55% in SGL Carbon SE. Furthermore, Ingeborg Neumann, Managing Partner of Peppermint Holding GmbH, Berlin, was elected to the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE for a further term of office.


SGL Carbon SE

(c) Martin Diepold
Ahmet Mercan (CEO AlphaTauri) und Antje Hundhausen (Telekom)

AlphaTauri “Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0” ausgezeichnet mit German Innovation Award 2023

AlphaTauri und Deutscher Telekom ist am Dienstag, den 23. Mai der German Innovation Award 2023 für die Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0 (HCC 2.0) verliehen worden. Die beheizbare Smart Fashion Reihe erhielt die Auszeichnung „Winner in Excellence in Business to Consumer - Fashion“.

Kennzeichnend für die Styles der Heatable Capsule Collection (HCC) sind beheizbare Zonen, die sich per Knopfdruck, via App oder via Apple Watch aktivieren und auf eine Wunschtemperatur einstellen lassen. Die Bereiche befinden sich in den beiden vorderen Taschen sowie rechts und links am Rücken. Sie können neben den verschiedenen Heizmodi „Pulse“, „Intense“ und „Swap“ überdies auf eine bestimmte Zieltemperatur eingestellt werden, die dann automatisch gehalten und auch gespeichert werden kann. Mit Strom versorgt werden die Jacken per Power Bank, die in einer separaten Tasche am Rücken angeschlossen und verstaut wird. Die Deutsche Telekom bietet dafür ein spezielles Modell an.

AlphaTauri und Deutscher Telekom ist am Dienstag, den 23. Mai der German Innovation Award 2023 für die Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0 (HCC 2.0) verliehen worden. Die beheizbare Smart Fashion Reihe erhielt die Auszeichnung „Winner in Excellence in Business to Consumer - Fashion“.

Kennzeichnend für die Styles der Heatable Capsule Collection (HCC) sind beheizbare Zonen, die sich per Knopfdruck, via App oder via Apple Watch aktivieren und auf eine Wunschtemperatur einstellen lassen. Die Bereiche befinden sich in den beiden vorderen Taschen sowie rechts und links am Rücken. Sie können neben den verschiedenen Heizmodi „Pulse“, „Intense“ und „Swap“ überdies auf eine bestimmte Zieltemperatur eingestellt werden, die dann automatisch gehalten und auch gespeichert werden kann. Mit Strom versorgt werden die Jacken per Power Bank, die in einer separaten Tasche am Rücken angeschlossen und verstaut wird. Die Deutsche Telekom bietet dafür ein spezielles Modell an.

Nach gelungener Etablierung der beiden vorangegangenen Kapselkollektionen in den Jahren 2020 und 2022 launchen AlphaTauri und die Deutsche Telekom diesen Herbst die Heatable Capsule Collection 3.0 (HCC 3.0) und führen das branchenübergreifende, kooperative Projekt fort.


Way2ITMA: Recycling technologies offered by VDMA members

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials


(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: “Material Health” certification for comfortemp® product series

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Dibella GmbH
Marvin Groß-Hardt

Dibella strengthens its sales team with Marvin Groß-Hardt

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

The Dibella sales team is growing. Since May 1st 2023, Marvin Groß-Hardt has been supporting the company's national and international customers.

Dibella welcomes Marvin Groß-Hardt, an experienced sales employee, to the team. The trained wholesale and foreign trade merchant and graduate in business administration brings many years of experience in supporting and advising customers. He is also familiar with the special features of contract textiles due to a previous position in product and sales management for hotel beds and bedding.

At Dibella, the 30-year-old from Bocholt is responsible for looking after existing customers and building up new customer relationships at home and abroad, and will establish new contacts.

More information:
Dibella hotels Contract textiles

Dibella GmbH


DyStar launches Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.

(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

2nd Denim Innovation Night held in Bangladesh

2nd Denim Innovation Night presented by Pacific Jeans was held during the 14th Bangladesh Denim Expo to showcase the innovation in the country’s denim industry.

The show displayed the very latest in sustainably produced and innovative denim products from Pacific Jeans to apparel brands and retailers, embassy representatives, development partners and to the representatives of the industry supply chain.

About 500 invited guests got the opportunity to witness the denim research, design and production innovation provided by the Bangladeshi denim Group highlighting the breadth and depth of denim innovation available in the country – from fibre, through to fabrics, design, manufacture and finishing.

Pacific Jeans Limited manufactures premium jeans in Bangladesh and exports to over 50 countries. With a continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards safe and sustainable industry, the group has become one of the preferred suppliers to leading global fashion retailers.

2nd Denim Innovation Night presented by Pacific Jeans was held during the 14th Bangladesh Denim Expo to showcase the innovation in the country’s denim industry.

The show displayed the very latest in sustainably produced and innovative denim products from Pacific Jeans to apparel brands and retailers, embassy representatives, development partners and to the representatives of the industry supply chain.

About 500 invited guests got the opportunity to witness the denim research, design and production innovation provided by the Bangladeshi denim Group highlighting the breadth and depth of denim innovation available in the country – from fibre, through to fabrics, design, manufacture and finishing.

Pacific Jeans Limited manufactures premium jeans in Bangladesh and exports to over 50 countries. With a continuous focus on quality improvement and value addition, adoption of updated denim processing technology, commitment towards safe and sustainable industry, the group has become one of the preferred suppliers to leading global fashion retailers.

The program was inaugurated by Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi, MP; while the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Bangladesh H.E. Charles Whiteley was the Guest of Honor; President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Faruque Hassan and Country Representative of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) in Bangladesh Yuji Ando were special guests at the program.

The 1st Denim Innovation Night was presented by Pacific Jeans during the 7th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo in November 2017.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns launches Sustainable Yarns at Clerkenwell Design Week

B.I.G. Yarns unveils its new “SustainableYarns” platform, with Clerkenwell Design Week visitors the first to be invited to get on board and focus on what matters most for the design and manufacture of sustainable soft floorings.

The expert in polyamide (PA) 1 step 3 ply yarns offers a range of options for manufacturers to introduce sustainable yarns into carpet solutions and reach sustainability targets faster and more efficiently.

The Sustainable Yarns range creates opportunities to design with recycled content yarn (EqoCycle), to work with renewable resources (EqoBalance), and, following the launch of new polyamide 6 (PA6) EqoYarn at Clerkenwell Design Week, to also leverage the low-impact value chain.

New addition EqoYarn is a new low-impact PA6 carpet yarn based on the most recent innovations in polymer production, which enable yarn manufacturers to lower their carbon footprint by nearly 50% and give carpet manufacturers more options to reduce their impact.

B.I.G. Yarns unveils its new “SustainableYarns” platform, with Clerkenwell Design Week visitors the first to be invited to get on board and focus on what matters most for the design and manufacture of sustainable soft floorings.

The expert in polyamide (PA) 1 step 3 ply yarns offers a range of options for manufacturers to introduce sustainable yarns into carpet solutions and reach sustainability targets faster and more efficiently.

The Sustainable Yarns range creates opportunities to design with recycled content yarn (EqoCycle), to work with renewable resources (EqoBalance), and, following the launch of new polyamide 6 (PA6) EqoYarn at Clerkenwell Design Week, to also leverage the low-impact value chain.

New addition EqoYarn is a new low-impact PA6 carpet yarn based on the most recent innovations in polymer production, which enable yarn manufacturers to lower their carbon footprint by nearly 50% and give carpet manufacturers more options to reduce their impact.

For its EqoYarn Bulk Continuous Filament (BCF) production process, B.I.G. Yarns has selected the few best-in-class partners that have made major steps forward in terms of sustainability, and reduced their greenhouse gas emissions thanks to continuous investments in process efficiency, green energy, heat optimization and waste reduction. The result is EqoYarn with a carbon footprint of 4 kg CO2 eq/kg yarns, which is a CO2 reduction of up to 50% compared to conventional PA yarns.

EqoBalance PA6 yarns enable customers to reach an even higher CO2 reduction of up to 75%. Manufactured with polymers made from renewable resources such as organic waste from cooking oil instead of virgin or fossil feedstock, these yarns have a carbon footprint of 1.98 kg CO2 eq./ kg yarns. They help carpet manufacturers to create products with an extremely low carbon footprint.

EqoCycle PA6 yarns are fully recyclable and incorporate 75% recycled content originating from recycled and regenerated PA6 granules. With a carbon footprint of 4.64 kg CO2 eq./ kg yarns, they deliver the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn with the benefit of 37% CO2 reduction. EqoCycle yarns offer carpet manufacturers a sustainable alternative to help reduce the ecological footprint of their products and move towards a circular economy without jeopardizing the end-product quality.

In addition to the different CO2-reducing options, B.I.G. Yarns’ customers can access an unlimited colour range to elevate their designs. Its BCF technology for polyamide yarns, twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex, along with its colour studio, are available to support their creation of customised collections.


Beaulieu International Group

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin Technology demonstrates spray finishing system at ITMA 2023

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will present its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA 2023.

ITMA 2023 will be held June 8-14 at the Fiera Milano Rho Exhibition Centre (Milan). Baldwin will demonstrate TexCoat G4 as well as its Plasma Pure treater. ITMA participants can stop by and “touch” Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing “feels” like.  Experts will be on hand to discuss how Baldwin Technology can assist in transitioning the textile supply chain to reach their sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money.

TexCoat G4 processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy-care and flame retardants, just to name a few. The company's technology uses the same chemicals as found in traditional pad baths with no special auxiliaries required.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will present its TexCoat™ G4 precision spray finishing system at ITMA 2023.

ITMA 2023 will be held June 8-14 at the Fiera Milano Rho Exhibition Centre (Milan). Baldwin will demonstrate TexCoat G4 as well as its Plasma Pure treater. ITMA participants can stop by and “touch” Baldwin’s wide array of TexCoat G4-applied fabric samples from textile mills around the world and experience what precision finishing “feels” like.  Experts will be on hand to discuss how Baldwin Technology can assist in transitioning the textile supply chain to reach their sustainability and carbon footprint goals while improving performance and saving money.

TexCoat G4 processes a wide range of low-viscosity water-based chemicals, such as durable water-repellants including PFAS-free, softeners, anti-microbials, easy-care and flame retardants, just to name a few. The company's technology uses the same chemicals as found in traditional pad baths with no special auxiliaries required.

In addition to TexCoat G4, Baldwin is offering its Plasma Pure treatment for textiles. The system enhanced and more efficient dyeing, coating and lamination of textiles and nonwovens. Its ceramic electrodes generate an air plasma used to efficiently treat the fabric surface. Key benefits include dramatically improved absorption and adhesion properties of the fabric, boosting productivity while enhancing the absorption properties with an optimized and uniform dyeing result and a significant acceleration of the absorption process. Laminated fabrics benefit from Plasma Pure technology with greater bonding strength.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Photo: Naturopera

ANDRITZ converting line for baby diapers at Naturopera, France

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully delivered, installed, and commissioned a converting line for manufacturing baby diapers at Naturopera’s new plant in Bully Les Mines, France.

The eXcelle converting line from ANDRITZ Diatec features special technology to produce both traditional and bio-based baby diapers, supporting Naturopera in its efforts to become a leading producer of a new generation of sustainable diapers.

While most diapers available on the market consist of 70% fossil-based plastic, Naturopera is preparing to produce diapers made of 90% bio-based raw materials. This groundbreaking diaper concept was developed in a close collaboration between Naturopera and ANDRITZ. It replaces the traditional spunbond and meltblown nonwoven layers with spunlace nonwovens mostly made of natural fibers. A prototype of the 90% bio-based diaper was recently produced at Bully Les Mines.

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully delivered, installed, and commissioned a converting line for manufacturing baby diapers at Naturopera’s new plant in Bully Les Mines, France.

The eXcelle converting line from ANDRITZ Diatec features special technology to produce both traditional and bio-based baby diapers, supporting Naturopera in its efforts to become a leading producer of a new generation of sustainable diapers.

While most diapers available on the market consist of 70% fossil-based plastic, Naturopera is preparing to produce diapers made of 90% bio-based raw materials. This groundbreaking diaper concept was developed in a close collaboration between Naturopera and ANDRITZ. It replaces the traditional spunbond and meltblown nonwoven layers with spunlace nonwovens mostly made of natural fibers. A prototype of the 90% bio-based diaper was recently produced at Bully Les Mines.

The ANDRITZ converting machine operating at Naturopera is highly flexible, taking just a few settings to switch to the production of bio-based diapers. It is designed for a multiple-size process, features an operator-friendly interface, and guarantees a production speed of 800 ppm.

Naturopera is a French company producing baby care, femcare and household products with a strong focus on local production and sustainability.


Andritz AG


Project "Grow Your Own Couture" by Piero D’angelo wins IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION AWARD 2023

“Grow Your Couture” by Piero D'angelo, the winning project of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION (ISFA) competition was announced during a webinar broadcast on 18 May attended by Giusy Bettoni CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, Anna Detheridge President of Connecting Cultures and ISFA ambassadors Valentina Suarez, co-founder and CEO of Universo Mola and Vishal Tolambia winner of the 2022 edition.
Piero D'angelo's project was the best among the 110 proposals received after the international call for proposals launched on 27 October 2022.

“Grow Your Couture” by Piero D'angelo, the winning project of the IMAGINING SUSTAINABLE FASHION (ISFA) competition was announced during a webinar broadcast on 18 May attended by Giusy Bettoni CEO of C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, Anna Detheridge President of Connecting Cultures and ISFA ambassadors Valentina Suarez, co-founder and CEO of Universo Mola and Vishal Tolambia winner of the 2022 edition.
Piero D'angelo's project was the best among the 110 proposals received after the international call for proposals launched on 27 October 2022.
Piero D'Angelo, 36, a graduate in Fashion Womenswear from the Royal College of Art in London and in Textile Design from Central Saint Martins, is a Fashion and Textile Designer with a research focus on biotechnology in the fashion industry. In 2022 he founded his Fashion & Textile Design studio experimenting with a multidisciplinary approach on the importance of natural materials and Biodesign. From 2018 to 2022 Piero D'Angelo was a resident and then Product Researcher & Developer at Open Cell (Biotech Research Park), a biotech start-up community in London. He was awarded the Dorothy Waxman Textile Design Prize in 2015 and semi-finalist for the LVMH Prize in 2020.
In his communication project, 'Grow Your Own Couture' D'Angelo imagines a future scenario where it will be possible to grow one's own clothes through living organisms such as lichens that are able to absorb pollution. But the project also wants to communicate a return to nature and above all care and protection towards it. In fact, the user is not simply a user of fashion, but through a kit is part of the process of growth, care and creation of the garment, thus abandoning the traditional paradigms of fashion. The project wants to completely re-imagine the way fashion could be designed, produced and used, proposing not only a product, but also a system that wants to collaborate with nature instead of polluting or exploiting it.




Italian Textile Machinery: Drop in orders for 2023 first quarter

The textile machinery orders index for the first quarter of 2023, as processed by the Economics Office of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, declined markedly compared to January-March 2022 (-35%). In absolute terms, the index stood at 84.8 points (basis: 2015=100).

This result is mainly due to a reduction in the orders intake recorded by manufacturers on foreign markets. Indeed, foreign orders dropped by 40%, whereas the domestic market showed a 14% increase. The absolute value of the index settled at 78.3 points abroad, while it measured in at 148.1 points in Italy. During this year’s first quarter, booked orders stood at 4.2 months of guaranteed production.

ACIMIT president Alessandro Zucchi stated that, “The order index for the first quarter confirm a trend of the past few quarters, where uncertainty still predominates in global markets, both in terms of a macroeconomic framework that is characterized by a penalizing inflationary trend and ongoing geopolitical tensions. This is a scenario that this does not facilitate investment plans for businesses.”

The textile machinery orders index for the first quarter of 2023, as processed by the Economics Office of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, declined markedly compared to January-March 2022 (-35%). In absolute terms, the index stood at 84.8 points (basis: 2015=100).

This result is mainly due to a reduction in the orders intake recorded by manufacturers on foreign markets. Indeed, foreign orders dropped by 40%, whereas the domestic market showed a 14% increase. The absolute value of the index settled at 78.3 points abroad, while it measured in at 148.1 points in Italy. During this year’s first quarter, booked orders stood at 4.2 months of guaranteed production.

ACIMIT president Alessandro Zucchi stated that, “The order index for the first quarter confirm a trend of the past few quarters, where uncertainty still predominates in global markets, both in terms of a macroeconomic framework that is characterized by a penalizing inflationary trend and ongoing geopolitical tensions. This is a scenario that this does not facilitate investment plans for businesses.”

However, this uncertainty does not appear to affect the sector’s operators, who are nonetheless permeated by a sense of optimism, as is also testified by the positive data drawn from a comparison with orders from the previous quarter (October-December 2022), for which total orders had been slightly on the rise at +3%. Indeed, the president of ACIMIT confirms that, “Manufacturers in our sector don’t lack for work, having filled up on orders last year and are now busy fulfilling them. The forecasts for 2023 remain positive”. Zucchi concluded, “I expect this confirmation of a healthy manufacturing sector to come from ITMA Milan, the world’s premier trade show dedicated to textile and clothing technologies, slated to open on June 8th at the Rho Fiera exhibition spaces. The exhibit will feature over 400 Italian manufacturers, taking up approximately 30% of the entire exhibition space. This figure is in itself a result that confirms the leadership role of Italy’s textile machinery manufacturers”.


adidas to release existing YEEZY product

adidas announced it will begin selling some of the remaining inventory of adidas YEEZY products, with an initial release end of May 2023. A significant amount will be donated to selected organizations working to combat discrimination and hate, including racism and antisemitism. These include but are not limited to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Philonise & Keeta Floyd Institute for Social Change.  

The release will mark the first time that products have been available to consumers since adidas terminated the YEEZY partnership in October 2022. The products will be existing designs and designs initiated in 2022 for sale in 2023.  Additional releases of existing inventory are currently under consideration, but timing is yet to be determined. Today’s announcement has no immediate impact on the company’s current financial guidance for 2023.

adidas announced it will begin selling some of the remaining inventory of adidas YEEZY products, with an initial release end of May 2023. A significant amount will be donated to selected organizations working to combat discrimination and hate, including racism and antisemitism. These include but are not limited to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Philonise & Keeta Floyd Institute for Social Change.  

The release will mark the first time that products have been available to consumers since adidas terminated the YEEZY partnership in October 2022. The products will be existing designs and designs initiated in 2022 for sale in 2023.  Additional releases of existing inventory are currently under consideration, but timing is yet to be determined. Today’s announcement has no immediate impact on the company’s current financial guidance for 2023.

Since terminating the YEEZY partnership in October, adidas has been exploring multiple scenarios for the potential use of the existing YEEZY inventory. The process involved seeking feedback and listening to a diverse group of employees, organizations, communities, and consumers for how to responsibly manage the existing product. The company went ahead with already committed production orders after the partnership was terminated. This was done to help protect its supply chain partners from being negatively affected by cancellations.

More information:
adidas adidas AG Sportswear shoes

adidas AG

Foto: BekaertDeslee/HeiQ
BekaertDeslee receiving the "High Product Quality" Interzum Award

BekaertDeslee's Purotex+ with HeiQ Allergen Tech wins Interzum Award

HeiQ announces that its HeiQ Allergen* Tech has powered the award-winning product, Purotex+ from BekaertDeslee. The innovative solution for mattress ticking won the Interzum Award in the category "High Product Quality", being one of the six prizes given to BekaertDeslee.

Purotex+ powered by HeiQ Allergen* Tech is a solution for reducing exposure to allergens in bedding. The technology uses active probiotics to reduce exposure to allergens, including house dust mite matter, and pet allergens. HeiQ Allergen* Tech has received the Seal of Approval by Allergy UK, and independent testing has shown that it reduces exposure to inanimate allergens by up to 96.6%, making it a highly effective solution for allergy sufferers.

The Interzum Award recognizes exceptional design and innovation in the furniture production industry. Purotex+ was selected for the award from a field of 280 submissions from 25 countries. The jury praised the product's design, innovative features, and its contribution to improving the quality of life for people with allergies.

*Inanimate allergens such as house dust mite matter & pet allergens.

HeiQ announces that its HeiQ Allergen* Tech has powered the award-winning product, Purotex+ from BekaertDeslee. The innovative solution for mattress ticking won the Interzum Award in the category "High Product Quality", being one of the six prizes given to BekaertDeslee.

Purotex+ powered by HeiQ Allergen* Tech is a solution for reducing exposure to allergens in bedding. The technology uses active probiotics to reduce exposure to allergens, including house dust mite matter, and pet allergens. HeiQ Allergen* Tech has received the Seal of Approval by Allergy UK, and independent testing has shown that it reduces exposure to inanimate allergens by up to 96.6%, making it a highly effective solution for allergy sufferers.

The Interzum Award recognizes exceptional design and innovation in the furniture production industry. Purotex+ was selected for the award from a field of 280 submissions from 25 countries. The jury praised the product's design, innovative features, and its contribution to improving the quality of life for people with allergies.

*Inanimate allergens such as house dust mite matter & pet allergens.



(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi at ITMA 2023

As a global provider of sustainable woodfibre products, Sappi will be showcasing its solutions for the garment industry under the theme “Fashion meets Forest” at ITMA 2023 – with sublimation papers and its dissolving wood pulp, used for the production of garment fibres under the “Verve” brand name.

How can the woodfibre industry support a more sustainable garments market? Sappi is eager to answer this question at the ITMA and has created a “knowledge trail” for visitors to explore under the motto “Fashion meets Forest”. Visitors to the stand can follow the journey from wood via cellulose and fibre to the finished yarn and the printed garment.

Sublimation papers: Expanded production capacity in Carmignano
Sappi’s Transjet sublimation papers stand for fast, uniform ink transfer and minimal ink consumption. As a premium supplier, Sappi is constantly striving to meet its customers’ needs. So, at this year’s ITMA, various sublimation papers with optimised qualitative properties will be on show.

As a global provider of sustainable woodfibre products, Sappi will be showcasing its solutions for the garment industry under the theme “Fashion meets Forest” at ITMA 2023 – with sublimation papers and its dissolving wood pulp, used for the production of garment fibres under the “Verve” brand name.

How can the woodfibre industry support a more sustainable garments market? Sappi is eager to answer this question at the ITMA and has created a “knowledge trail” for visitors to explore under the motto “Fashion meets Forest”. Visitors to the stand can follow the journey from wood via cellulose and fibre to the finished yarn and the printed garment.

Sublimation papers: Expanded production capacity in Carmignano
Sappi’s Transjet sublimation papers stand for fast, uniform ink transfer and minimal ink consumption. As a premium supplier, Sappi is constantly striving to meet its customers’ needs. So, at this year’s ITMA, various sublimation papers with optimised qualitative properties will be on show.

Sappi maintains the high quality of its coated Transjet and uncoated Basejet sublimation papers by regularly investing in new, state-of-the-art technologies. At the end of April, a new warehouse has been inaugurated at the Carmignano mill in Italy. In the next month’s, Sappi will further invest in two new converting machines with a width of 1.9 meters and 3.2 meters as well as in a fully automated packaging line. All the investments will support the company’s vision of having a complete in-house solution for the sublimation industry, have a positive impact on CO2 emission, satisfy the increased demand of their customers as well as further improve lead times.
“Verve” dissolving wood pulp for high-quality textiles
Sappi will also be showcasing its dissolving pulp (DP) brand “Verve”. DP provides the feedstock raw material toward producing rayon fibres such as Lyocell and viscose and further into yarns and fabrics. Textiles produced from wood based cellulosic fibres are noted for their breathability, colour fastness, softness, drape, absorbency and biodegradability. In addition to the garment industry, dissolving pulp is also used in various household and pharmaceutical products.


Sappi Europe

(c) Carbios

Carbios recognized as a flagship start-up in French green innovation

Carbios has been selected among the 22,000 start-ups in the French Tech ecosystem to represent French innovation at the 6th “Choose France” Summit.  “Choose France” is an international business summit dedicated to the attractiveness of France launched at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic. Only ten companies, including Carbios, have been chosen to exhibit their technologies at the Château de Versailles.  On this occasion, Carbios announces that it has joined the Coq Vert community launched by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME[1] and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, to connect with other environmentally committed business leaders and advance its international deployment.

Carbios has been selected among the 22,000 start-ups in the French Tech ecosystem to represent French innovation at the 6th “Choose France” Summit.  “Choose France” is an international business summit dedicated to the attractiveness of France launched at the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic. Only ten companies, including Carbios, have been chosen to exhibit their technologies at the Château de Versailles.  On this occasion, Carbios announces that it has joined the Coq Vert community launched by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME[1] and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, to connect with other environmentally committed business leaders and advance its international deployment.

“With INRAE[2], we chose to highlight Carbios at the Choose France summit as a symbol of French economic dynamism,” comments Philippe Gassmann, Secretary General Choose France 2023 (French Treasury). ” With its innovative “Made in France” biotechnologies that bring plastic into the circular economy, Carbios illustrates the wealth of  innovation within the French cleantech ecosystem.  I thank Carbios for its ambassadorship for this ecosystem to the 200 foreign guests attending the 6th Choose France Summit with the theme: Investing for a sustainable future.”

“Carbios is honored to have been selected by the Elysée Palace for Choose France.  This international summit provides an opportunity for meetings between the President of the Republic, members of the Government and the leaders of major foreign and French companies to discuss France’s economic ambitions and attractiveness,” commented Emmanuel Ladent, Chief Executive Officer of Carbios. “Carbios is in the midst of a major industrial rollout, with a first plant planned in the Grand Est region, and the international commercial deployment of our processes.  We are very grateful for the French Government’s support at this strategic time for the company.”
(Emmanuel Ladent, CEO, and Alain Marty, Chief Scientific Officer, representing Carbios at Choose France)

The Coq Vert community
Launched by Bpifrance, in partnership with ADEME and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, this community brings together 2,000 members who are players in sustainable development and are convinced of the need to act for energy and ecological transition.

[1] ADEME = The French Agency for Ecological Transition
[2] INRAE = France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment



EU Trade Highlights (c) Euratex

European textile industry increasingly exposed to global pressure

"Policy makers need to consider that global dimension."
EURATEX released its 2023 Spring Report, which analyses latest trade flows for textiles and clothing products.

In 2022, EU trade in textiles and clothing has exceeded, for the first time in history, the €200 billion mark. This record growth of total trade is mainly due to a sharp increase of clothing imports (+36,6% in value), especially from China and Bangladesh, which outweighs Europe’s positive export performance. As a result, the EU’s trade deficit in textiles and clothing has increased to €70 billion, which is 48% higher than the year before.

Such a growing deficit is a cause for concern; the objective of the EU’s Industrial Strategy to strengthen resilience and “strategic autonomy” is not happening. Instead, the dependency has increased, and becomes critical in certain raw materials and fibres.

"Policy makers need to consider that global dimension."
EURATEX released its 2023 Spring Report, which analyses latest trade flows for textiles and clothing products.

In 2022, EU trade in textiles and clothing has exceeded, for the first time in history, the €200 billion mark. This record growth of total trade is mainly due to a sharp increase of clothing imports (+36,6% in value), especially from China and Bangladesh, which outweighs Europe’s positive export performance. As a result, the EU’s trade deficit in textiles and clothing has increased to €70 billion, which is 48% higher than the year before.

Such a growing deficit is a cause for concern; the objective of the EU’s Industrial Strategy to strengthen resilience and “strategic autonomy” is not happening. Instead, the dependency has increased, and becomes critical in certain raw materials and fibres.

It also challenges the Commission’s ambition is to promote – and prevail – high quality and sustainable textile products on the Single Market – regardless where they have been produced. With imports now reaching €140 billion, it will be a challenge to effectively control the quality and compliance over these imports. Market surveillance will need to be stepped up massively, without becoming a barrier to trade.

The efforts on the EU’s export performance need to be strengthened, so as to rebalance the European trade relations with the rest of the world. EU companies are world leader in high end fashion products and in technical textiles. More needs to be done to support their activities in established markets but also emerging economies. For instance, the ongoing FTA negotiations with India should focus on improving market access and ensure “fair” competition with local companies.

The EURATEX Spring Report highlights significant differences between trade in value and in volume. EU’s export of textile products has increased by 13% in value, but actually dropped by nearly 7% in volume. This obviously reflects the very high inflation figures from last year, caused initially by the rising energy prices and changing central bank policies. This in turn leads to uncertainty with the consumer, resulting in low demand and gloomy prospects for the entire value chain.

Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented on these latest figures: “This report confirms once again that “textiles” is one of the most globalised sectors of the European economy, and hence the importance of taking that global dimension into account, when designing EU and national policies. Failing to do so may have a devastating effect on the global competitiveness of the European textile industry.

Looking forward, he added: “It is essential to stabilise inflation, restore consumer confidence and ensure a level playing field for all operators in the textile industry. On that basis, European companies can prosper and offer quality jobs to 1.3 million workers”.

More information:
Euratex China Import


(c) Marketmedia24

Marketmedia24 veröffentlicht Studie zu Gardinen, innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz

  • Umsatzplus von 27 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2030 möglich

Gardinen, innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz bilden einen Markt, der in Deutschland jährlich um rund 2 Prozent zulegt. Diese seit mehr als 15 Jahren geltende „Regel“ wurde 2020 mit einem Umsatzplus in Höhe von 5,3 Prozent durchbrochen. Der Corona-Schub fürs Zuhause hat auch die Nachfrage nach Verschönerungen und/oder Verhüllungen der Fenster beflügelt. Und wie in den meisten Living-Branchen flachte die Kauflust mit dem Rückgang der Pandemie ab. Zwar deutet der leichte Umsatzanstieg in 2022 die Normalisierung des Konsums an, doch das Mengenwachstum zog nicht im gleichen Maße an, so die Marktforscher von Marketmedia24, Köln, im aktuellen „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2023“. Gleichwohl gibt es positive Signale. So planen 41,9 Prozent der Konsument*innen in der DACH-Region noch in diesem Jahr neue Anschaffungen für ihre Fenster – und knapp 20 Prozent in 2024. Dies weisen die repräsentativen und zielgruppengenauen Forschungsergebnisse von 1.000 Personen aus, die Marketmedia24 exklusiv für die neue Studie befragt hat.

  • Umsatzplus von 27 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2030 möglich

Gardinen, innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz bilden einen Markt, der in Deutschland jährlich um rund 2 Prozent zulegt. Diese seit mehr als 15 Jahren geltende „Regel“ wurde 2020 mit einem Umsatzplus in Höhe von 5,3 Prozent durchbrochen. Der Corona-Schub fürs Zuhause hat auch die Nachfrage nach Verschönerungen und/oder Verhüllungen der Fenster beflügelt. Und wie in den meisten Living-Branchen flachte die Kauflust mit dem Rückgang der Pandemie ab. Zwar deutet der leichte Umsatzanstieg in 2022 die Normalisierung des Konsums an, doch das Mengenwachstum zog nicht im gleichen Maße an, so die Marktforscher von Marketmedia24, Köln, im aktuellen „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2023“. Gleichwohl gibt es positive Signale. So planen 41,9 Prozent der Konsument*innen in der DACH-Region noch in diesem Jahr neue Anschaffungen für ihre Fenster – und knapp 20 Prozent in 2024. Dies weisen die repräsentativen und zielgruppengenauen Forschungsergebnisse von 1.000 Personen aus, die Marketmedia24 exklusiv für die neue Studie befragt hat. Parallel geht das Best-Case-Szenario der Kölner Marktforscher davon aus, dass die Handelsumsätze mit Gardinen bzw. innenliegendem Sicht- und Sonnenschutz bis zum Jahr 2030 um 27 Prozent steigen werden.

Obwohl viele Deutsche auf ihr Budget achten müssen, bleiben die Produkte der Branche im Fokus der Menschen. So stellen Anbieter fest, dass aufgrund der gestiegenen Energiekosten gezielt nach Produktlösungen gesucht wird, die mit ihren isolierenden Eigenschaften beim Energiesparen helfen. Richtig eingesetzt können Hausbewohner auf lange Sicht bares Geld sparen und gleichzeitig zum Klimaschutz beitragen, unterstreicht der Verband innenliegender Sicht- und Sonnenschutz (ViS), Wuppertal, und verweist gleichzeitig auf das Zukunftspotenzial von „smarten Lösungen“. Diese tragen zur Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs im Sinne von Nachhaltigkeit und zur Gebäudesicherheit bei, gleichzeitig liegen in der Digitalisierung echte Wettbewerbschancen für die Fachbetriebe der Branche. Insgesamt gibt das Thema Nachhaltigkeit den Takt für die Zukunft von Gardinen, innenliegendem Sicht- und Sonnenschutz vor.

Dass das Thema in Teilen der Bevölkerung bereits ankommt, unterstreichen die aktuellen Primärforschungen von Marketmedia24. Danach ist es für 22,4 Prozent der Deutschen wichtig, dass Gardinen, Rollos, Jalousien & Co. nachhaltig produziert werden oder zertifizierte Umweltsiegel tragen. Für die überwiegende Mehrheit aller Befragungsteilnehmer*innen in der DACH-Region zählen jedoch Qualität, leichte Anbringungsmöglichkeit sowie das Produktdesign zu den wichtigsten Kaufkriterien.

Unter den Vertriebswegen sind aus Sicht der Gardinen-, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz-Hersteller der stationäre Fachhandel und Fachmärkte unverzichtbar. Zwar hat dieses Handelsformat als langjähriger Marktführer seinen Spitzenplatz an den Wettbewerb im Möbelhandel abgeben müssen. Aber mit dem Jahr 2022 wächst der Marktanteil der Spezialisten wieder leicht (plus 0,4 Prozentpunkte). Und gemeinsam mit dem Online-Handel sowie den Bau- und Heimwerkermärkten werden hier aktuell rund Dreiviertel der Marktumsätze repräsentiert.

Für die längerfristige Zukunft (bis 2030) bewertet Marketmedia24 die Entwicklung der Fachhandelsstufe tendenziell zurückhaltend. Dennoch weist das Best-Case-Szenario in der Studie aus, dass dieser Vertriebsweg innerhalb der nächsten sieben Jahre zulegen wird. Das Wachstum der Onliner und Versender wird mit plus 50 Prozent am stärksten ausfallen. Nicht ganz so rosig, aber auf jeden Fall positiv, können unter den gleichen Rahmenbedingungen auch Discounter, Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte und mit vergleichsweise leichterem Umsatzplus der Möbelhandel in die Zukunft schauen.

Wer aktuell und in Zukunft den Verbraucher*innen auf der Spur bleiben will, dem empfiehlt Marketmedia24 die beliebtesten Kommunikations- bzw. Informationsquellen zu studieren. So halten fast 70 Prozent der DACH-Bewohner*innen Suchmaschinen wie Google und Bing für „sehr wichtig“ bzw. „wichtig“, während Social-Media-Kanäle aktuell von 40,8 Prozent Zustimmung erfahren. Überraschenderweise sind für 56,5 Prozent der Youngster (bis 24 Jahre) Werbeprospekte wichtige Info-Tools, und noch einmal fast 50 Prozent dieser Zielgruppe sind an interaktivem Live Shopping zum Beispiel bei TikTok oder Instagram interessiert. Als noch wichtiger werden jedoch die Erfahrungen bzw. Empfehlungen von Freunden, Familie, Kolleg*innen und Kommiliton*innen bewertet.


Adient: ISCC PLUS certification for sustainable foam production

Adient, a leading supplier of automotive seating systems, has achieved full ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) of its foam plants in Lučenec (Slovakia) and Mandling (Austria) for increasing the sustainability of foams produced for its automotive seating systems. The stringent global sustainability certification system of ISCC allows for proven enhanced traceability of circular polyurethane (PU) foams throughout the supply chain.
The environmental impact of the newly developed PU formulations and processes of molded foams is improved by the re-integration of waste materials from industrial & natural origins replacing crude oil into the PU raw materials. This reduces the use of fossil-based materials in favor of recycled materials, to foster the development of a circular economy. As a result, the plants can offer foams with up to 20% less CO2 impact while fulfilling the same quality requirements as their conventional equivalents. To date, Adient is the first European ISCC PLUS certified PU foam manufacturer in this field.

Adient, a leading supplier of automotive seating systems, has achieved full ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) of its foam plants in Lučenec (Slovakia) and Mandling (Austria) for increasing the sustainability of foams produced for its automotive seating systems. The stringent global sustainability certification system of ISCC allows for proven enhanced traceability of circular polyurethane (PU) foams throughout the supply chain.
The environmental impact of the newly developed PU formulations and processes of molded foams is improved by the re-integration of waste materials from industrial & natural origins replacing crude oil into the PU raw materials. This reduces the use of fossil-based materials in favor of recycled materials, to foster the development of a circular economy. As a result, the plants can offer foams with up to 20% less CO2 impact while fulfilling the same quality requirements as their conventional equivalents. To date, Adient is the first European ISCC PLUS certified PU foam manufacturer in this field.

Based on a mass balance approach, the certification highlights the need to envi-ronmentally balance every single stage of automotive value creation, including the entire supply chain.