From the Sector

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„Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (c) STFI
Am STFI wird eine robotergestützte Bandeinfassung in Kombination mit einem Kamerasystem zur Arbeitssicherheit gezeigt.

„Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

  • Erleben und Erforschen textiler Zukunftstechnologien zur vernetzten Fertigung und selbstoptimierenden Produktion

Industrie 4.0 – als globale Revolution, die keine Branche auslässt – ist geprägt von künstlicher Intelligenz, IoT, Robotik, 3D-Druck, Wearables, Nanotechnologie und fortschrittlichsten Materialien. Der Digitale Wandel geht auch nicht an Traditionsbranchen wie der Textilwirtschaft vorbei.

Vor allem im Bereich Automatisierung, Prozessoptimierung und Datenaustausch nimmt die Industrie 4.0 zunehmend Fahrt auf. Sie gestaltet und transformiert textile Bereiche und bringt neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen hervor wie etwa Sensorik in Textilien oder Augmented Reality im Produktionsumfeld.

  • Erleben und Erforschen textiler Zukunftstechnologien zur vernetzten Fertigung und selbstoptimierenden Produktion

Industrie 4.0 – als globale Revolution, die keine Branche auslässt – ist geprägt von künstlicher Intelligenz, IoT, Robotik, 3D-Druck, Wearables, Nanotechnologie und fortschrittlichsten Materialien. Der Digitale Wandel geht auch nicht an Traditionsbranchen wie der Textilwirtschaft vorbei.

Vor allem im Bereich Automatisierung, Prozessoptimierung und Datenaustausch nimmt die Industrie 4.0 zunehmend Fahrt auf. Sie gestaltet und transformiert textile Bereiche und bringt neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen hervor wie etwa Sensorik in Textilien oder Augmented Reality im Produktionsumfeld.

Seit 2014 arbeiten die Akteure in futureTEX in einem interdisziplinären Kompetenznetzwerk aus Industrie- und Forschungspartnern. Damit unterstützt das Projekt den Wandel der traditionsreichen Textilbranche im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zum zukunftsfähigen Industrieplayer – mit Technischen Textilien als Fundament. Alle Aktivitäten haben zum Ziel, die Position Deutschlands als Weltmarktführer im Textilmaschinenbau zu stärken sowie den Weg zu einer globalen Spitzenposition bei den Technischen Textilien bis 2025 weiter zu ebnen. futureTEX legt damit eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung der Branche zu einem der modernsten Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke zur Herstellung Technischer Textilien, Vliesstoffe und Composites.

Im Frühjahr 2016 wurde im Rahmen des Projektes der Aufbau einer Anschauungs- und Testumgebung initiiert. Im futureTEX Forschungs- und Versuchsfeld „Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) zeigen zwei Demonstratorlinien die Herstellung Technischer Textilien vor dem Hintergrund der vernetzten Fertigung sowie der selbstoptimierenden Produktion anhand einer kontinuierlichen Vliesstoffproduktion. Lösungen für unterschiedliche textile Technologien, Automatisierungsgrade und Prozessstufen für die Textilbranche werden damit erlebbar und praxisnah dargestellt. Gleichzeitig dienen die Demonstratoren als Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Industrie, um mittelständische Unternehmen für die technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Potenziale zu sensibilisieren.

Seit ihrer Inbetriebnahme wird die „Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ kontinuierlich weitergedacht. So wurde unter anderem an der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz von Industrierobotern gearbeitet. Diese ermöglichen Unternehmen unabhängig von der Unternehmensgröße Fertigungsprozesse flexibel zu gestalten und zu automatisieren.

Besonders die Handhabung biegeschlaffer Textilien stellte Robotersysteme in der Vergangenheit vor große Herausforderungen. Die stetige Weiterentwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien ebnet nun den Weg für die Integration in ein textiles Umfeld. Durch den Einsatz von Nährobotern, die mit speziellen Sensorsystemen ausgestattet sind, werden zum Beispiel Verformungen des Textils oder Falten im Material erkannt und durch entsprechende Aktoren ausgeglichen. In der „Textilfabrik der Zukunft“ lässt sich ein Blick auf entsprechende Lösungen werfen, wie zum Beispiel zur robotergestützten Bandeinfassung, einem fahrerlosen Transportsystem, einem mobilen Roboter und einem Kamerasystem zur dreidimensionalen Raumüberwachung.

Interessierte Unternehmen können an den Demonstratorlinien die praxisnahe, branchenspezifische Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0-Konzepten erleben sowie damit experimentieren, um bestenfalls Lösungen auf ihre eigenen Prozesse zu übertragen. Gleichzeitig bietet sich die Möglichkeit, den klein- und mittelständischen Textilunternehmen schulungs- und trainingsbezogene Unterstützung bei der digitalen Transformation zu geben.



Am 1. September 2019 wird Lutz Lehmann als neuer CEO Global Strategies Teil des Hohenstein-Teams. © Hohenstein

Lehmann führt Hohensteins neuen Vertriebskurs fort

  • Ab dem 1. September 2019 verstärkt Lutz Lehmann als neuer CEO den Bereich Global Strategies bei Hohenstein.

BÖNNIGHEIM - Lehmann konzentriert sich in seiner neuen Funktion auf die Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsfelder und die Weiterentwicklung der Vertriebsstrategien, um Hohensteins Position als Global Player zu stärken. Er wird die Teams Vertrieb, Marketing und Business Development direkt leiten.

„Ich freue mich, bei einem Unternehmen zu arbeiten, das in der Textilwirtschaft ein hohes Ansehen genießt“, sagt Lehmann. „Es gibt viel Potenzial für die gesamte Branche. Dies ist eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, meine Markterfahrungen und -kenntnisse einzubringen und Hohenstein in der Textilprüfindustrie weiter voranzutreiben.“ In den letzten acht Jahren arbeitete Lutz Lehmann als CEO der Hermes Hansecontrol Group.

  • Ab dem 1. September 2019 verstärkt Lutz Lehmann als neuer CEO den Bereich Global Strategies bei Hohenstein.

BÖNNIGHEIM - Lehmann konzentriert sich in seiner neuen Funktion auf die Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsfelder und die Weiterentwicklung der Vertriebsstrategien, um Hohensteins Position als Global Player zu stärken. Er wird die Teams Vertrieb, Marketing und Business Development direkt leiten.

„Ich freue mich, bei einem Unternehmen zu arbeiten, das in der Textilwirtschaft ein hohes Ansehen genießt“, sagt Lehmann. „Es gibt viel Potenzial für die gesamte Branche. Dies ist eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, meine Markterfahrungen und -kenntnisse einzubringen und Hohenstein in der Textilprüfindustrie weiter voranzutreiben.“ In den letzten acht Jahren arbeitete Lutz Lehmann als CEO der Hermes Hansecontrol Group.

Zuvor war Lehmann in verschiedenen Funktionen beim TÜV Rheinland und der SGS Deutschland beschäftigt. „Lutz Lehmann ist eine ausgezeichnete Ergänzung unseres Managementteams“, betont Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecheels, Inhaber und Geschäftsführer des Prüfdienstleisters Hohenstein. „Wir freuen uns sehr, dass er seine Erfahrungen und Verbindungen im Bereich Testing, Inspection, Certification (TIC) nach Hohenstein bringt.“


Global Marketing & Sales Hohenstein

Stoff-Empfehlung des Monats August: Elegante Glanzpunkte für den Healthcare-Bereich und das Hotel © drapilux
QF Art 189 Raum c drapilux

Stoff-Empfehlung des Monats August: Elegante Glanzpunkte für den Healthcare-Bereich und das Hotel

  • Elegante Glanzpunkte: drapilux 189 85

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet? Die drapilux-Empfehlung dieses Monats ist Artikel 189 85 und richtet sich an den Healthcare-Bereich sowie an klassische und moderne Hotels.

  • Elegante Glanzpunkte: drapilux 189 85

Textilien sind untrennbarer Teil des Interieurs, denn sie geben einem Raum Atmosphäre und eine gute Akustik. Doch welcher Stoff ist für welchen Zweck am besten geeignet? Die drapilux-Empfehlung dieses Monats ist Artikel 189 85 und richtet sich an den Healthcare-Bereich sowie an klassische und moderne Hotels.

Der Blickfang bei diesem Deko entsteht durch seine besondere Webtechnik, die sogenannte Scherlitechnik. Dabei werden zusätzlich eingetragene füllige Fäden, die lose auf der Rückseite des Gewebes liegen, nach dem Weben abgeschnitten bzw. geschert (Schweizer Ausdruck: Scherli). Bei drapilux-Artikel 189 85 bestehen die gescherten Schussfäden aus einem Filamentgarn, das sich durch seinen charakteristischen Glanz vom matten Untergrund abhebt. Das Ergebnis ist ein großzügiger Rapport (116 cm hoch x 140 cm breit) mit zwei sich überlappenden Rechtecken aus schillernden, in Scherlitechnik gewebten Punkten. Die Glanzpunkte umfassen trendige Farbtöne wie Currygelb, Aqua, Oliv, Puderrosa und Koralle. Die Fondfarben hingegen sind neutral gehalten. Das verleiht dem Stoff eine angemessene Zurückhaltung. Damit passt der Deko gut zum angesagten natürlichen Boho-Trend oder auch zu einer skandinavisch angehauchten Einrichtung. Insgesamt ist der Artikel in vier hellen und drei dunklen Kolorits erhältlich. 


schönknecht : kommunikation
gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh

Montalvo (c) Montalvo

Montalvo Announces All New Load Cell: N Micro

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its latest addition to their growing load cell portfolio, the N Micro Cantilever Load Cell. N Micro Load Cells are ideal for narrow web, light tension applications requiring precise, superior tension control measurement. Montalvo’s N-Micro load cell are commonly used in applications producing labels, tapes, and more, delivering higher quality results for higher quality end product.

Director of Sales and Marketing, Bryon Williams says, “Montalvo is one of the few web tension control specialists continuously developing new products for the constantly evolving industry. The N Micro is designed for narrow web applications, often running multiple webs of material that all need to be precisely tensioned at the same amount to effectively perform as one end product. It is a cost-effective solution for these applications whether they are running web or more.

Montalvo, international specialists in web tension control, announces its latest addition to their growing load cell portfolio, the N Micro Cantilever Load Cell. N Micro Load Cells are ideal for narrow web, light tension applications requiring precise, superior tension control measurement. Montalvo’s N-Micro load cell are commonly used in applications producing labels, tapes, and more, delivering higher quality results for higher quality end product.

Director of Sales and Marketing, Bryon Williams says, “Montalvo is one of the few web tension control specialists continuously developing new products for the constantly evolving industry. The N Micro is designed for narrow web applications, often running multiple webs of material that all need to be precisely tensioned at the same amount to effectively perform as one end product. It is a cost-effective solution for these applications whether they are running web or more.


Montalvo Corporation

futureTEX Foto: KARL MAYER GmbH

futureTEX: Drei Fragen an Dr. Jürgen Tröltzsch, Bereichsleiter Neue Technologien bei KARL MAYER Technische Textilien GmbH

Frage P3N Marketing: In welchem Vorhaben arbeiten Sie mit?

Antwort Jürgen Trötzsch: KARL MAYER engagierte sich im bereits abgeschlossenen Umsetzungsvorhaben TexKonzept. Zusammen mit sieben weiteren Partnern aus Forschung und Industrie wurde ein Konzept für zukunftsorientierte Textiltechnologien zur Herstellung endkonturnaher, belastungs- und prozessgerechter Textilstrukturen entwickelt. Textile Verstärkungsstrukturen für Faserverbundkunststoffe (FVK) werden aktuell noch als unspezifische Rollenware produziert. Um die Fertigungskosten bei FVK-Bauteilen zu senken, muss die Anpassung an Belastung und Aufgaben des Bauteils bereits im textilen Herstellungsprozess erfolgen. Denn der Leichtbau benötigt hochintegrierte Textilkomplexe, die u. a. produktspezifisch, bauteilnah, belastungsgerecht, mehrlagig und funktionalisiert sein müssen. Die Aufgabe des Vorhabens war die Analyse der zukünftigen Anforderungen an solche bisher nicht verfügbare Produkte und die Ableitung neuer Konzepte für Textiltechnologien und Textilmaschinen. Diese Bedürfnisse wurden praxisnah aus den Bereichen Automotive, Windkraft und Schiffbau erhoben.

Frage P3N Marketing: In welchem Vorhaben arbeiten Sie mit?

Antwort Jürgen Trötzsch: KARL MAYER engagierte sich im bereits abgeschlossenen Umsetzungsvorhaben TexKonzept. Zusammen mit sieben weiteren Partnern aus Forschung und Industrie wurde ein Konzept für zukunftsorientierte Textiltechnologien zur Herstellung endkonturnaher, belastungs- und prozessgerechter Textilstrukturen entwickelt. Textile Verstärkungsstrukturen für Faserverbundkunststoffe (FVK) werden aktuell noch als unspezifische Rollenware produziert. Um die Fertigungskosten bei FVK-Bauteilen zu senken, muss die Anpassung an Belastung und Aufgaben des Bauteils bereits im textilen Herstellungsprozess erfolgen. Denn der Leichtbau benötigt hochintegrierte Textilkomplexe, die u. a. produktspezifisch, bauteilnah, belastungsgerecht, mehrlagig und funktionalisiert sein müssen. Die Aufgabe des Vorhabens war die Analyse der zukünftigen Anforderungen an solche bisher nicht verfügbare Produkte und die Ableitung neuer Konzepte für Textiltechnologien und Textilmaschinen. Diese Bedürfnisse wurden praxisnah aus den Bereichen Automotive, Windkraft und Schiffbau erhoben.

Lesen Sie das ganze Interview in der angehängten PDF.


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Manteco (c) Manteco

MANTECO debuts at Première Vision’s Smart Creation platform

For the first time, Italian textile company Manteco showcases its ultimate innovations at Première Vision’s Smart Creation, the fair’s most cutting edge epicentre showcasing visionary innovators pushing for a sustainable change and making the difference in the fashion business. The Prato-based company is leader in the production New Generation Recycled Wool thanks to a specially designed KM0, traceable and circular economy model.

For the first time, Italian textile company Manteco showcases its ultimate innovations at Première Vision’s Smart Creation, the fair’s most cutting edge epicentre showcasing visionary innovators pushing for a sustainable change and making the difference in the fashion business. The Prato-based company is leader in the production New Generation Recycled Wool thanks to a specially designed KM0, traceable and circular economy model.

Behind the sustainable approach and the premium quality textiles there are generations of ‘saper fare’ - know-how, in Italian -, indeed, Manteco’s products are not only responsibly Made in Italy but imbued with the skills of the artisans and makers working within 10 kms around the company. “Made in Italy does not mean processing high-quality materials with international technologies and then label the final product for export. It means products grown, taken care of and handcrafted in the country.” Says Matteo Mantellassi, CEO of Manteco. “But there’s a further step to this: harnessing the local ‘genius loci’, meaning the skills, traditions and human potential of a territory. We are proud to say that since 1943 we have always been 100% Made in Italy.”


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GB Network Marketing & Communication

Photo: PINKO

PINKO: New management and strategies

Young, all-Italian dream-team will lead Pinko to a next level

Pinko looks ahead. Evolution & revolution are the keywords for the new management’s strategies. For the first time, President Pietro Negra will be supported by an all-Italian young team to build the success of the brand from now on. Research and innovation have always been part of the Pinko DNA: once again, they lead the path to cutting edge management.

The Pinko family grows with figures fully trained in the realms of fashion, luxury and retail, the actual Pinko R-evolution kickstart. “We pondered on Pinko’s future,” says Pietro Negra, President of Cris Conf in Fidenza (Parma), which he founded with his wife Cristina Negra and which controls Pinko. “This is just the beginning of a bigger project to be disclosed step by step in the next few months. The company turnover is a crucial point for any family business willing to preserve its independence. We believe in the power of younger generations. Therefore we created an all-Italian team to boost an already successful business model.”

Young, all-Italian dream-team will lead Pinko to a next level

Pinko looks ahead. Evolution & revolution are the keywords for the new management’s strategies. For the first time, President Pietro Negra will be supported by an all-Italian young team to build the success of the brand from now on. Research and innovation have always been part of the Pinko DNA: once again, they lead the path to cutting edge management.

The Pinko family grows with figures fully trained in the realms of fashion, luxury and retail, the actual Pinko R-evolution kickstart. “We pondered on Pinko’s future,” says Pietro Negra, President of Cris Conf in Fidenza (Parma), which he founded with his wife Cristina Negra and which controls Pinko. “This is just the beginning of a bigger project to be disclosed step by step in the next few months. The company turnover is a crucial point for any family business willing to preserve its independence. We believe in the power of younger generations. Therefore we created an all-Italian team to boost an already successful business model.”

Federico Bonelli, with experiences in Ernst & Young, The Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Company has been appointed General Manager. Emanuele Bianchi, previously in Diesel Coccinelle and Dolce & Gabbana, takes on as Marketing & Communication Director. Cecilia and Caterina Negra, the founders’ daughters and pivotal figures of Pinko’s success, confirm their roles leading respectively the Communication and the Creative department. Caterina Salvador becomes Director of Style and Product after working in Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Coin. More talents will be eventually hired.

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ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


PIAVE MAITEX presents smart performance with “AGAIN” line

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

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GB Network marketing communication


ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Milano Unica fair with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Experts in the production of stretch lace since 1985, ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) for their transformed products, together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko – Tex®).

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Milano Unica fair with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Experts in the production of stretch lace since 1985, ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) for their transformed products, together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko – Tex®).


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Bemberg

Bemberg™ Opens its New Showroom and presents Innovations at Premiere Vision New York

Bemberg™ opens its new Lining Showroom in New York in the heart of the Garment District. This is the first showroom totally dedicated to unique, high quality Bemberg lining fabrics. The initial focus will be on a homeland supply of Japanese-made lining manufacturers, introducing them to the market in a new and dynamic way.

The showroom hosted by CHH America, whose remit will be to communicate the advantage and values in choosing Bemberg™ for the best linings option, and how its unique, responsible profile can add quality and brand value appeal to tailoring based apparel brands, designers and upcoming fashion students. The unique offer from this showroom is a dedicated new stock service, managed by CHH, where they will deliver even small meterage on demand.

In addition to this service, Bemberg™ is pleased to present a full range of new fabric innovations at Premiere Vision New York. These include manufacturers from around the world including SMI, Sidonios, Ekoten, Ipeker and Silver from the US, as well as the luxury linings already installed at the showroom.

Bemberg™ opens its new Lining Showroom in New York in the heart of the Garment District. This is the first showroom totally dedicated to unique, high quality Bemberg lining fabrics. The initial focus will be on a homeland supply of Japanese-made lining manufacturers, introducing them to the market in a new and dynamic way.

The showroom hosted by CHH America, whose remit will be to communicate the advantage and values in choosing Bemberg™ for the best linings option, and how its unique, responsible profile can add quality and brand value appeal to tailoring based apparel brands, designers and upcoming fashion students. The unique offer from this showroom is a dedicated new stock service, managed by CHH, where they will deliver even small meterage on demand.

In addition to this service, Bemberg™ is pleased to present a full range of new fabric innovations at Premiere Vision New York. These include manufacturers from around the world including SMI, Sidonios, Ekoten, Ipeker and Silver from the US, as well as the luxury linings already installed at the showroom.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) IRO AB

IRO AB: Zero twist for composite fabrics guaranteed

IRO AB, a member of the Vandewiele group, reports strong interest in its ZTF Zero Twist Feeder introduced at the recent ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, particularly from companies involved in the growing market of textile reinforcements for composites.

In the weaving of fibres such as carbon, glass and aramids, as well as thermoplastic tapes for highly-engineered composite fabrics, it is essential that there is no twist in the feed, which this new machine absolutely guarantees.

“The ZTF Zero Twist Feeder keeps the tape yarns or fibre tows constantly stretched to avoid the risks of any snarls or twisting,” explains Sales and Marketing Manager Pär Hedman. “During ITMA 2019 I spoke to many companies interested in this new machine, which will be supplied in bespoke versions specific to the individual needs of each customer and the intended end-use.”

IRO AB, a member of the Vandewiele group, reports strong interest in its ZTF Zero Twist Feeder introduced at the recent ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, particularly from companies involved in the growing market of textile reinforcements for composites.

In the weaving of fibres such as carbon, glass and aramids, as well as thermoplastic tapes for highly-engineered composite fabrics, it is essential that there is no twist in the feed, which this new machine absolutely guarantees.

“The ZTF Zero Twist Feeder keeps the tape yarns or fibre tows constantly stretched to avoid the risks of any snarls or twisting,” explains Sales and Marketing Manager Pär Hedman. “During ITMA 2019 I spoke to many companies interested in this new machine, which will be supplied in bespoke versions specific to the individual needs of each customer and the intended end-use.”

More information:
IRO AB Vandewiele ITMA 2019

TMAS by AWOL Media.

(c) Lectra

Lectra: Engagement für die Designer von morgen

Lectra unterstützt European Fashion Award FASH 2019

Lectra, der Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, ist offizieller Partner des European Fashion Award FASH 2019. Im Rahmen des Awards veranstaltete Lectra den Workshop „Pattern Creation – Digital is now“ für die Finalisten. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich bereits seit vielen Jahren mit einem umfangreichen Education Programm für junge Designer und Studierende.

Vier junge Modedesigner erhielten am 1. Juli 2019 vor mehr als 200 Gästen im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, in Berlin den FASH Award. Am Vormittag vor der Preisverleihung fanden verschiedene Workshops von der Schnittentwicklung bis hin zur Modefotografie statt. Lectra zeigte den 23 Finalisten, wie die digitale Schnittkonstruktion und die Erstellung von 3D Prototypen mit CAD-Software Zeit spart sowie die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit steigert. Mit Industrie 4.0-Lösungen von Lectra, wie auch der neuesten Innovation Fashion on Demand, wird Mode nachhaltig entwickelt egal ob große Stückzahlen, individualisierte Mode oder Kleinserien.

Lectra unterstützt European Fashion Award FASH 2019

Lectra, der Technologie-Partner für Textil und Leder verarbeitende Unternehmen, ist offizieller Partner des European Fashion Award FASH 2019. Im Rahmen des Awards veranstaltete Lectra den Workshop „Pattern Creation – Digital is now“ für die Finalisten. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich bereits seit vielen Jahren mit einem umfangreichen Education Programm für junge Designer und Studierende.

Vier junge Modedesigner erhielten am 1. Juli 2019 vor mehr als 200 Gästen im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, in Berlin den FASH Award. Am Vormittag vor der Preisverleihung fanden verschiedene Workshops von der Schnittentwicklung bis hin zur Modefotografie statt. Lectra zeigte den 23 Finalisten, wie die digitale Schnittkonstruktion und die Erstellung von 3D Prototypen mit CAD-Software Zeit spart sowie die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit steigert. Mit Industrie 4.0-Lösungen von Lectra, wie auch der neuesten Innovation Fashion on Demand, wird Mode nachhaltig entwickelt egal ob große Stückzahlen, individualisierte Mode oder Kleinserien.

More information:
Lectra, PLM

Fashion & Apparel Marketing Manager CEER



As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.   
ROICA™ takes this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.
For Interfilière 2019, ROICA™ tells the story of its five unique yarn families brought to life through a precious partnership system and exploring three key themes: heritage, innovation and lifestyle.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.   
ROICA™ takes this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.
For Interfilière 2019, ROICA™ tells the story of its five unique yarn families brought to life through a precious partnership system and exploring three key themes: heritage, innovation and lifestyle.

More information:

GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Porcher Industries

Thermoplastic Insoles and Highly Durable Tent Fabric launched by Porcher Sport

Porcher Sport, the Sports and Leisure Division of Porcher Industries has unveiled new innovations for the outdoor equipment and apparel sectors at Outdoor by ISPO 2019 in Munich this week.

Innovations range as wide as new thermoplastic insoles for customised footwear to a new highly durable tent fabric.

Highly durable tent fabric weighing only 41gsm
Porcher Sport plans to disrupt the backpacking tent market with its newly developed 20 denier tent fabric, weighing only 41 gsm. This fabric is slightly lighter, but significantly stronger and more durable than existing high-quality materials on the market. Through continuous R&D, Porcher Sport has improved the performance of its tent fabric by increasing the tear strength. The ripstop material is coated on both sides with two layers of silicone creating a reinforced, waterproof fabric that is lightweight, tear-resistant and highly durable. As a result, Porcher Sport guarantees customers will be able to enjoy their tent for a minimum of 10 years. The novel tent fabric will be available in 2020.

Porcher Sport, the Sports and Leisure Division of Porcher Industries has unveiled new innovations for the outdoor equipment and apparel sectors at Outdoor by ISPO 2019 in Munich this week.

Innovations range as wide as new thermoplastic insoles for customised footwear to a new highly durable tent fabric.

Highly durable tent fabric weighing only 41gsm
Porcher Sport plans to disrupt the backpacking tent market with its newly developed 20 denier tent fabric, weighing only 41 gsm. This fabric is slightly lighter, but significantly stronger and more durable than existing high-quality materials on the market. Through continuous R&D, Porcher Sport has improved the performance of its tent fabric by increasing the tear strength. The ripstop material is coated on both sides with two layers of silicone creating a reinforced, waterproof fabric that is lightweight, tear-resistant and highly durable. As a result, Porcher Sport guarantees customers will be able to enjoy their tent for a minimum of 10 years. The novel tent fabric will be available in 2020.

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With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping (c) Lectra
Lectra Modaris V8R2

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

New advances have made it possible to reduce the number of physical prototypes by up to 50%. Modaris V8R2 improves the quality of the solution’s 3D simulations and expands its library with new assets (fabrics, 3D top-stitching effects, realistic scenes, lighting studios, Pantone® and Natural Color System®©,…). The solution is now compatible with Vizoo, a high-quality scanner that brings forth a heightened realism to the appearance of fabric swatches, and with other 3D solutions such as Maya, 3DS Max, Iray to make the digital renderings of the prototypes more true-to-life and accurate.

One of the innovative developments of Modaris V8R2 is a special dart feature to help patternmakers add dimension to their garments with ease. Thanks to this new feature, modifying a dart requires half the usual time, resulting in a 50-90% increase in overall patternmaking speed.

Another highlight of this solution, and important nod to the globalized workforce of the fashion industry, is its ability to manage different units of measurement. With Modaris V8R2, Lectra has made it possible for patternmakers and external suppliers the guarantee of size compliance, regardless of the measurement systems used in the countries where production occurs.

Modaris V8R2 is already gaining traction among its pilot customers. Italian womenswear company GGZ was the first to endorse Modaris V8R2. “GGZ is a fast-fashion company and time and quality are of the essence for us. Modaris’s new dart feature helps us save up to 50% of pattern modification time. Additionally, 3D prototyping helps us ensure that pattern volumes and proportions correspond to our designers’ expectations early on, dramatically reducing our lead times,” attests Majla Gottardo, Patternmaker, GGZ.

“We are entering the information age, and we are catering to patternmakers who are dealing with consumers with different tastes, of all body shapes and sizes. Our patternmakers have hundreds of collections to deliver and no time to spare for errors. What we are aiming to do is making their everyday work environment easier for them, by providing the tools to streamline the development process and reduce the number of reworks to achieve the right fit the first-time,” states Céline Choussy, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra. “All this is possible with Modaris V8R2.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department


PIAVE MAITEX presents “Again” line

Recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, PIAVE MAITEX brings on the successful path of responsible innovation and present, at Interfilière Paris, a unique line under the name of “AGAIN”.

PIAVE MAITEX, since the very beginning in 1908 up to the challenge of modern-day innovation, combined the tradition in the field of elastic fabrics which today represents the heritage ofthe italiantextile culture to innovation.

Recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, PIAVE MAITEX brings on the successful path of responsible innovation and present, at Interfilière Paris, a unique line under the name of “AGAIN”.

PIAVE MAITEX, since the very beginning in 1908 up to the challenge of modern-day innovation, combined the tradition in the field of elastic fabrics which today represents the heritage ofthe italiantextile culture to innovation.

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GB Network Marketing & Communication

HeiQ Eco Dry footwear hangtag (c) HeiQ

HeiQ: Eco Dry for Footwear

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ launches a new fluorine-free product in their HeiQ Eco Dry product family for a full range of durable water repellence technologies, from apparel to footwear options. As one of the pioneers in this field, HeiQ is the go-to solution provider for many apparel brands that seek fluorine-free sustainable water repellent solutions. Used by over 50 brands worldwide today, HeiQ Eco Dry is a family of innovative, eco-friendly and PFC-free water repellent textile technologies.

After adding HeiQ DuPont™ ECO-LED to the range last year, recently HeiQ has further developed another technology targeting footwear materials. This new solution, HeiQ Eco Dry FW, is Oeko-Tex® conform and bluesign® pending, enables very high hydrophobic properties, and is suitable for wool, polyamide and their blends. It does not compromise on breathability and is fluorine-free. For leather on footwear, HeiQ DuPont™ ECO-LED is recommended. With HeiQ Eco Dry, brands protect their products in a sustainable manner.

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ launches a new fluorine-free product in their HeiQ Eco Dry product family for a full range of durable water repellence technologies, from apparel to footwear options. As one of the pioneers in this field, HeiQ is the go-to solution provider for many apparel brands that seek fluorine-free sustainable water repellent solutions. Used by over 50 brands worldwide today, HeiQ Eco Dry is a family of innovative, eco-friendly and PFC-free water repellent textile technologies.

After adding HeiQ DuPont™ ECO-LED to the range last year, recently HeiQ has further developed another technology targeting footwear materials. This new solution, HeiQ Eco Dry FW, is Oeko-Tex® conform and bluesign® pending, enables very high hydrophobic properties, and is suitable for wool, polyamide and their blends. It does not compromise on breathability and is fluorine-free. For leather on footwear, HeiQ DuPont™ ECO-LED is recommended. With HeiQ Eco Dry, brands protect their products in a sustainable manner.

“Summer just started. And in many countries it also means the start of rainy season!”, says Hoi Kwan Lam, Chief Marketing Officer at HeiQ. “We work with over 150 brands all over the world on a daily basis and what we see is the unstoppable growth in their craving for innovative, sustainable and effective solutions.” continues Lam. “Our ecological solutions allow brands to send a positive message and maintain a sustainable image. Today, 58% of consumers that are willing to pay more make their purchase decisions based on a brand’s environmental commitment*. We are happy for such a trend and it also means business opportunities for all”.

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TINTEX Textiles announced its acceptance as a participant of the United Nations Global Compact initiative - a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices. A real demonstration of the “Naturally Advanced” ongoing commitment to responsible business action. Expertly controlled processing, and advanced dyeing and finishing solutions drive material innovation to create responsible supply chains to transform fashion systems.
“Being part of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT means to publically commit with all the principles that are the basis of our business” – [ Ana Silva Tavares Head of Sustainability ]


TINTEX Textiles announced its acceptance as a participant of the United Nations Global Compact initiative - a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices. A real demonstration of the “Naturally Advanced” ongoing commitment to responsible business action. Expertly controlled processing, and advanced dyeing and finishing solutions drive material innovation to create responsible supply chains to transform fashion systems.
“Being part of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT means to publically commit with all the principles that are the basis of our business” – [ Ana Silva Tavares Head of Sustainability ]


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GB Network Marketing & Communication

Felix Engelmann (Haptiques) & Andreas Murkudis (c) Premium Group

SEEK: building on the TRADE UNION concept for July

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

It has always been integral to SEEK’s DNA to continually work with partners and friends to develop new concepts that are perfectly suited to the demands of the market. The carefully curated setting of TRADE UNION, featuring brands such as Eat Dust, Porter-Yoshida & Co and Knickerbocker, is especially popular with the top buyers.
Felix Engelmann has supported the concept right from the off through his marketing agency Haptiques, and is full of passion and on board again with the concept this season.
“The TRADE UNION concept really came off for us in January. We worked well with our partners; the vibe was positive and nicely relaxed. I’m expecting the atmosphere in the summer to be just as fantastic and I’m sure it’ll be a good occasion with friends, partners and employees.”
In July, buyers can look forward to an expanded portfolio including Red Wing Shoes, a brand from Minnesota. European Marketing Manager Rik van Dijk comments:
“We can't wait to attend the inspiring setting, because our buyers really feel at home there. We need a location where you can take a step back, find a quiet place to sit and talk to everyone. The extra space at the TRADE UNION guarantees this. We’ve only heard good things from friendly brands and we’re really looking forward to the trade show.”

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week SEEK

Premium Group