Identification standards old - new


Identification standards old - new

Kennzeichnungsregeln alt - neu Füllgutkennzeichnung DIN EN 12934 RAL-Bezeichnungen

Which are the most important differences between the old RAL 092 A2-regulations, that are not in force any more, and the new standard DIN EN 12934?

The most important and the most obvious difference is related to the information on the filling’s massshares of down and feathers which are specified in per cent. The percentage of down plays an important role in this: the higher the down content, the higher the filling power and the thermal retention of the product with – at the same time – a lower weight.
The down and feather shares are not indicated anymore by a narrative text, at least not without the obligatory composition labelling expressed in percentages.
The most important and the most obvious difference is related to the information on the filling’s massshares of down and feathers which are specified in per cent. The percentage of down plays an important role in this: the higher the down content, the higher the filling power and the thermal retention of the product with – at the same time – a lower weight.
The down and feather shares are not indicated anymore by a narrative text, at least not without the obligatory composition labelling expressed in percentages. Instead, the filling’s content will be displayed in the form of percentages of weight.
Thus, the half-down according to the old German RAL will now be marked as 85 % feathers, 15 % down.
Three-quarter down will be labelled 70 % feathers, 30 % down.
What else is new: the term “new class I“ replaces the term “feathers which have not previously been used“ (in Germany the term “original” had been used so far) and the fillings have been grouped in different classes.
Kennzeichnungsregeln alt - neu RAL-Bezeichnungen

Why do we need a new standard? Why do you always have to change everything?

There were essentially three good reasons for the formulation of a new standard:
  • The differing labelling systems in Europe
  • The advent of the Single European Market
  • The potential for misconceptions resulting from the old RAL regulations
There were essentially three good reasons for the formulation of a new standard:
  • The differing labelling systems in Europe
  • The advent of the Single European Market
  • The potential for misconceptions resulting from the old RAL regulations

The differing labelling systems in Europe
The RAL regulations were fiercely criticized for the terms concerning the composition labelling they contained, as these terms again and again led to misunderstandings. Germany’s European neighbour countries gradually dispensed with the RAL 092 A2 and developed their own labelling systems. They often included the consumer organisations and representatives of trade in the process.
Thus, in Europe evolved differing regulations for the labelling of down and feathers which were used as filling materials. Their multitude made it difficult to compare the European products with each other and was therefore not consumer-friendly.
The confusing co-existence of the different labelling systems in Europe was finally laid to rest by the European standard EN 12934.
The potential misconceptions resulting form the old RAL regulations
The correct and understandable declaration of the materials contained in a filling is so important, because the down content of i.e. a duvet is one of the fundamental criteria for judging the product. In this case applies the formula: the higher the down content, the lower the filling weight and the higher its thermal insulation. If the down content is high, the duvet is usually of higher quality and more expensive than a duvet with a lower down content.
In this field consumers depend to a particularly high degree on coherent labelling.
The regulations concerning quality and labelling contained in the RAL 092 A2 version from 1932 have repeatedly undergone small amendments. The RAL definitions are based on the assumption that sales people present the different blends of down and feathers in showcases on site. In that situation it was easy to explain to every single customer the different notions, such as i.e. half-down, which did not contain 50 per cent down and 50 per cent feathers. Only then, the pillows and/or duvets were filled with the blend of down and feathers that the customer had chosen.
Until the beginning of the 1950s around 90 per cent of the down- and feather-filled bedding articles were sold by those specialty stores, where the tickings were filled according to the customers’ wishes. Since that time, their percentage has been in constant decline. Nowadays it is assessed to amount to about 25 per cent (according to estimates by the VDFI e. V., the German Down and Feather Association from 2005). Furthermore, even the specialized dealers do more and more without the on-site filling of bedding articles and rely increasingly upon finished products.
In the present situation, however, where the finished bedding articles are being sold and where there is no possibility for the customers to take a look at the different blends of feathers, the regulations of the old RAL 092 A2 proved to be unclear and confusing. Customers expected half-down to contain a proportion of weight of 50 per cent down and 50 per cent feathers, whereas the half-down filling was actually made of 15 per cent down and 85 per cent feathers, instead. Similarly, only very few consumers would associate the German term “original” with not previously used, new feathers.
The structure of the RAL was too unilaterally based on the obsolete assumption that the fillings were presented in open showcases. The current situation is, however, different and the structure of the RAL regulations made their adjustment to the needs of this changed situation impossible.

The differing labelling systems within Europe and the lack of comprehensibility of the old RAL concepts were the main reasons why a completely new labelling standard had to be formulated. The common efforts of the European countries resulted in the creation of the standard EN 12934.

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