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10 Ergebnisse

Inauguration of Spinnova's R&D yarn spinning line at Tearfil

Spinnova’s R&D yarn spinning line has been inaugurated in Tearfil’s mill in Portugal.

Spinnova and Tearfil entered into a yarn development cooperation agreement in June 2023, where the two companies share the capacity of the spinning line. The spinning line machinery was delivered by Rieter, a leading supplier of yarn production systems. The R&D spinning line is used for product development and testing of SPINNOVA® fibre. The aim is to develop the fibre to be used in different applications in commercial-scale yarn production and to streamline development work with industrial partners.

The spinning line is located in Tearfil’s facilities in the textile hub of Guimarães, Portugal, and Tearfil is responsible for operating the line.

Spinnova’s R&D yarn spinning line has been inaugurated in Tearfil’s mill in Portugal.

Spinnova and Tearfil entered into a yarn development cooperation agreement in June 2023, where the two companies share the capacity of the spinning line. The spinning line machinery was delivered by Rieter, a leading supplier of yarn production systems. The R&D spinning line is used for product development and testing of SPINNOVA® fibre. The aim is to develop the fibre to be used in different applications in commercial-scale yarn production and to streamline development work with industrial partners.

The spinning line is located in Tearfil’s facilities in the textile hub of Guimarães, Portugal, and Tearfil is responsible for operating the line.


Spinnova Plc

Foto: Oerlikon

Wachstumsmärkte für nachhaltige Anlagenlösungen für die Chemiefaserindustrie: Indien und Bangladesch

Der Geschäftsbereich Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns präsentiert sich auf der ITME 2022 unter dem Motto "From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens". Die internationale Fachmesse findet im India Exposition Mart Ltd, Noida, in der Nähe von Neu Delhi, Indien, statt. Zwischen dem 8. und 13. Dezember dieses Jahres werden mehr als 1800 Aussteller und über 150.000 Besucher erwartet. Oerlikon wird eine breite Palette von Produkten und Dienstleistungen präsentieren, die sich auf die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Chemiefasern konzentrieren.

Neben verschiedenen neuen Komponentenexponaten aus den Bereichen kontinuierliche Polykondensation einschließlich Zahnraddosierpumpen, Filament- (POY, FDY, IDY, BCF) und Stapelfaserspinnerei, Texturierung sowie Vliesstoffherstellung soll der Dialog nach fast sechs Jahren ohne ITME in Indien wieder im Mittelpunkt des Messegeschehens stehen.

Der Geschäftsbereich Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns präsentiert sich auf der ITME 2022 unter dem Motto "From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens". Die internationale Fachmesse findet im India Exposition Mart Ltd, Noida, in der Nähe von Neu Delhi, Indien, statt. Zwischen dem 8. und 13. Dezember dieses Jahres werden mehr als 1800 Aussteller und über 150.000 Besucher erwartet. Oerlikon wird eine breite Palette von Produkten und Dienstleistungen präsentieren, die sich auf die Herstellung und Verarbeitung von Chemiefasern konzentrieren.

Neben verschiedenen neuen Komponentenexponaten aus den Bereichen kontinuierliche Polykondensation einschließlich Zahnraddosierpumpen, Filament- (POY, FDY, IDY, BCF) und Stapelfaserspinnerei, Texturierung sowie Vliesstoffherstellung soll der Dialog nach fast sechs Jahren ohne ITME in Indien wieder im Mittelpunkt des Messegeschehens stehen.

Für Oerlikon ist dies der dritte Auftritt in der Region im vierten Quartal diesen Jahres, nachdem im November zwei Kundenveranstaltungen in Daman, Indien, und Dhaka, Bangladesch, stattfanden. Indien und Bangladesch zeichnen sich derzeit noch durch ihr Investitionsverhalten aus und bieten gute Chancen für weitere Projekte in der Polymerverarbeitung.

Indien verzeichnet aktuell ein überdurchschnittliches Wirtschaftswachstum mit einem Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) von 6,8% für 2022. Experten sprechen von einem "Lichtblick in einer globalen Tristesse": Die indische Textilindustrie ist eine der größten der Welt mit einer großen Rohstoffbasis und einer starken Produktion in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette.

Indien ist weltweit:

  • der zweitgrößte Produzent von MMF-Fasern und der sechstgrößte Exporteur von Textilien und Bekleidung.
  • der zweitgrößte Hersteller von persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA).
  • der sechstgrößte Hersteller von technischen Textilien mit einem globalen Anteil von 6 % (12 % CAGR) und der größte Produzent von Baumwolle und Jute in der Welt.

Die Branche trägt wertmäßig zu 7 % der Industrieproduktion, zu 2 % des indischen BIP und zu 12 % der Exporteinnahmen des Landes bei. Der Anteil von Textilien, Bekleidung und Kunsthandwerk an den indischen Gesamtexporten lag 2021-22 bei 10,62 %. Die Textilindustrie in Indien ist einer der größten Wirtschaftssektoren, der am meisten zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen im Land beiträgt, ihr Anteil macht ca. 10,28 % an der Gesamtbeschäftigung aus. Die inländische Bekleidungs- und Textilindustrie in Indien trägt 2,3 % zum BIP des Landes bei und macht wertmäßig 7 % der Industrieproduktion aus. Die inländische Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie hatte im Jahr 2021 ein Volumen von 152 Mrd. USD.

"Das größte Wachstum der Textilindustrie wird von der Chemiefaserindustrie ausgehen", sagte Shri Piyush Goyal, Unionsminister für Textilien, Verbraucherangelegenheiten, Lebensmittel und öffentliche Verteilung sowie Handel und Industrie, Ende Oktober in Indien. Er schlug vor, dass die Industrie einander verstehen und in Synergie arbeiten sollte, um die Probleme zwischen den Herstellern und Nutzern von Polyester in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette einvernehmlich zu lösen. Die Industrievertreter hoffen, in den nächsten 5 bis 6 Jahren ein Exportvolumen von 100 Milliarden USD zu erreichen.

Bangladesch verfügt über ein riesiges Potenzial, insbesondere für die Chemiefaserindustrie. Im so genannten Downstream (Weben, Stricken, Veredeln etc.) ist das Land bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten, was jedoch fehlt, ist eine eigene Rohstoffproduktion (MEG, PTA) und deren Verarbeitung in einer kontinuierlichen Polykondensationsanlage, wie sie von Oerlikon geliefert wird. Mit Modern Syntex wird derzeit in Chittagong, Bangladesch, unter Oerlikon Leitung die erste "From Melt to Yarn and Fibers"-Anlage gebaut.

Bangladesch ist mit mehr als 164 Millionen Einwohnern das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Welt. Damit ist es eines der am dichtesten besiedelten Länder der Welt. Die Wirtschaft des aufstrebenden Landes wächst rasant weiter, auch während der Covid-19-Pandemie, und die Armutsquote konnte seit 2000 halbiert werden. Bis 2026 wird Bangladesch offiziell den Status eines am wenigsten entwickelten Landes (Least Developed Country, LDC) verlassen haben, und bis 2041 will das Land zu einem Industrieland mit hohem Einkommen (High Income Industrialized Country, HIC) werden.

Bangladeschs wirtschaftlicher Erfolg beruht vor allem auf seiner Textilindustrie, die 10 % des Bruttosozialprodukts und 80 % der Exporterlöse erwirtschaftet. Das Land ist der weltweit zweitgrößte Exporteur von Textilien.



(c) Trützschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers GmbH

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers präsentiert OPTIMA-Anlagen für technische Garne

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers stellt „OPTIMA for IDY“ vor und erweitert damit die OPTIMA-Plattform um den Sektor der technischen Garne (IDY) aus. Neben die bisherigen Anlagen zum Spinnen von Teppichgarnen (MO40-C, MO40-E und TO40) treten jetzt Varianten zur Herstellung von (semi-)technischen Multifilamentgarnen.

Seit 2012 entwickelt und baut Trützschler performante Extrusionsanlagen für Teppichgarne (BCF – Bulk Continuous Filament) und technische Garne aus Polyester, Polyamid und Polypropylen. Die Markteinführung des OPTIMA-Maschinenkonzepts für BCF erfolgte 2019 und hat sich seitdem in den Märkten etabliert. OPTIMA ist im Ursprung als modulares Plattformkonzept angelegt und umfasst jetzt auch Lösungen im Bereich IDY (InDustrial Yarn).

Die neuen OPTIMA-Anlagenkonzepte für Technischgarn (TEC-O40 und TEC-O80) überzeugen durch Flexibilität im Bereich Anwendungs- und Endproduktevielfalt. OPTIMA TEC-O40/O80-Systeme bieten vielfältigste Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, sie können passgenau auf Anforderungen an Endprodukt und Durchsatz zugeschnitten werden.

Trützschler Man-Made Fibers stellt „OPTIMA for IDY“ vor und erweitert damit die OPTIMA-Plattform um den Sektor der technischen Garne (IDY) aus. Neben die bisherigen Anlagen zum Spinnen von Teppichgarnen (MO40-C, MO40-E und TO40) treten jetzt Varianten zur Herstellung von (semi-)technischen Multifilamentgarnen.

Seit 2012 entwickelt und baut Trützschler performante Extrusionsanlagen für Teppichgarne (BCF – Bulk Continuous Filament) und technische Garne aus Polyester, Polyamid und Polypropylen. Die Markteinführung des OPTIMA-Maschinenkonzepts für BCF erfolgte 2019 und hat sich seitdem in den Märkten etabliert. OPTIMA ist im Ursprung als modulares Plattformkonzept angelegt und umfasst jetzt auch Lösungen im Bereich IDY (InDustrial Yarn).

Die neuen OPTIMA-Anlagenkonzepte für Technischgarn (TEC-O40 und TEC-O80) überzeugen durch Flexibilität im Bereich Anwendungs- und Endproduktevielfalt. OPTIMA TEC-O40/O80-Systeme bieten vielfältigste Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, sie können passgenau auf Anforderungen an Endprodukt und Durchsatz zugeschnitten werden.

OPTIMA ermöglicht die Produktion hochfester Garne für Schnürsenkel, Seile und Netze sowie schrumpfarmer Qualitäten für Reifencorde, LKW-Planen und Airbags. Da die Anlagen modular aufgebaut sind, können sie schnell an neue Marktentwicklungen und Endprodukte angepasst werden.


Trützschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers GmbH

(c) 2022, SSM

Swiss Textile Machinery members at Techtextil

High-performance yarns now offer almost unlimited possibilities for replacing traditional raw materials in a vast range of technical applications. Often tailor-made, these filament yarns go way beyond the conventional idea of ‘textiles’ – finding new uses in sectors such as automotive, aviation, maritime, medical and construction, among many others.

Technical textiles are everywhere in our daily lives today, even if we may not always realize it. Some are in more obviously textile products, from sewing threads to artificial turf. But then, take cars as an example: modern vehicles are stuffed with parts made from sophisticated yarns. It’s common for producers of automotive parts now to send template material and requirement lists to Swiss Textile Machinery members, trusting their expertise and experience. Members operate development and testing centers with latest machine installations, where their experts devise customized solutions, as well as calling on the pure innovative spirit which is part of their DNA.

High-performance yarns now offer almost unlimited possibilities for replacing traditional raw materials in a vast range of technical applications. Often tailor-made, these filament yarns go way beyond the conventional idea of ‘textiles’ – finding new uses in sectors such as automotive, aviation, maritime, medical and construction, among many others.

Technical textiles are everywhere in our daily lives today, even if we may not always realize it. Some are in more obviously textile products, from sewing threads to artificial turf. But then, take cars as an example: modern vehicles are stuffed with parts made from sophisticated yarns. It’s common for producers of automotive parts now to send template material and requirement lists to Swiss Textile Machinery members, trusting their expertise and experience. Members operate development and testing centers with latest machine installations, where their experts devise customized solutions, as well as calling on the pure innovative spirit which is part of their DNA.

At the extremes
Technology drives applications beyond our current imagining in the case of Heberlein air splicers. Developed for a wide range of uses with high-strength technical fibers, they have no problems splicing aramid fibers up to 16’100 dtex, carbon up to 30’000 dtex, Dyneema up to 5’500 dtex, and glass up to 4’800 tex. Using compressed air, the splicers produce a tear-resistant, homogeneous splice of material without interfering knots.

Retech has the technology to achieve specifications for filament yarns, drawing and stretching fibers to perfection. Top heated godet rolls – many customized – are developed for high-performance fibers. Temperatures up to 400 °C can be achieved. Combining the right settings and wide speed ranges for each specific process results in unique end-products.

Fabric producers of high-end applications must avoid any quality risk. Yarn producers are well aware of this responsibility, so they use precision package winders for technical yarns, developed by Rieter’s subsidiary SSM. Taking yarns from ring twisting bobbins, its specialist finish winders can produce coarse-count technical yarns up to 50’000 dtex, offering a new level of flexibility and winding quality.

Lifestyle essentials
At first glance, motorists might fail to notice many of the technical yarns ‘hidden’ inside their cars. These products have functions such as providing stability with hardly any weight, or absorbing tensile forces at defined elongation. This kind of controlled elongation behaviour, for example, arises from the choice of textile material and the special construction of the yarns used.

Such specifications make twisting and cabling machines essential for the automotive industry. Saurer offers machines for the production of technical yarns made from a variety of feed materials in a very wide yarn count range. They are needed for vehicle products such as tire carcasses, toothed engine belts, seat belts, airbags and lorry tarpaulins.

Technical yarns also play a surprising role in our mobile devices. Tapping, scrolling and swiping are second nature for billions, with our phones and a plethora of other lifestyle essentials. Yet, how many people would know that the touch-sensitivity we take for granted on these screens is largely made possible by twisted glass fibers. Bräcker, part of Rieter’s components business, offers a selection of vertical sinter metal rings and nylon travelers for glass fiber twisting, so that mills can achieve high levels of productivity and quality.

Future unlimited
Automotive and communication technology are already important industries for Swiss Textile Machinery members, along with well-known technical textiles markets in sectors such as medical, transport and construction. Smart-wear is already noted as a field with significant potential. Naturally, members are constantly investigating other possibilities. Swiss textile machinery is already applied in energy (batteries), and plastics.

The Swiss Textile Machinery Pavilion will be at the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, taking place from 21 to 24 June 2022.


Swiss Textile Machinery


SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Pitti Filati with flat knitting machine

SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., Italian subsidiary of leading Japanese computerized knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., will exhibit at the 90th edition of the Pitti Immagine Filati exhibition in Florence, Italy. Products exhibited will include the N.SVR®123SP computerized flat knitting machine as well as APEXFiz™ design software.

SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., Italian subsidiary of leading Japanese computerized knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., will exhibit at the 90th edition of the Pitti Immagine Filati exhibition in Florence, Italy. Products exhibited will include the N.SVR®123SP computerized flat knitting machine as well as APEXFiz™ design software.

The N.SVR®123SP computerized knitting machine features a special loop presser bed, capable of producing hybrid inlay fabrics with both knit and weave characteristics. Demand for such novel fabrics are very high across a wide range of applications, from fashion apparel to sportswear, innerwear, outerwear, uniforms and other functional clothing, as well as home furnishing and technical textiles. Shown in 18G at the SHIMA SEIKI booth, N.SVR®123SP will also feature the special i-Plating option, capable of alternating yarn colors in any pattern, producing jacquard-like designs using plain jersey stitch. Plating can be performed within the same course and for individual needles. In combination with the loop presser and spring-type moveable sinker system even greater diversity in knit design is possible. An SVR®123SP machine in 14G with i-Plating option will also be on display at the booth of yarn spinner IAFIL S.p.A. as well.

APEXFiz™ is subscription-based design software that maintains the proven functions that have made SHIMA SEIKI’s SDS®-ONE APEX series design systems so popular with fashion designers. Installed on personal computers, those strengths are now enhanced with the added versatility to adapt to different work styles and business environments including teleworking and telecommuting. APEXFiz™ software supports the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes, replacing physical sampling and consequently reducing time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste. APEXFiz™ thereby helps to realize sustainability and digitally transform the fashion supply chain.

APEXFiz™ along with SHIMA SEIKI’s yarnbank™ digital yarn web platform are featured at a special section launched at the previous session of Pitti Filati no. 89 called Pitti Studios. Pitti Studios is a content production service that yarn companies exhibiting at Pitti Filati can use for their own promotion. Yarn companies provide a piece of yarn, which is digitized on yarnbank™ and used to simulate photorealistic fabric on APEXFiz™. This is then processed by a creative studio specializing in digital content to provide static and animated 3D virtual representations. The process shows how to use the latest DX tools to provide accurate representation of a finished garment without having to produce any fabric, converting the conventionally wasteful process of sample-making into a sustainable one.

Continuing from past editions of Pitti Filati are knit samples produced in collaboration with Italian designer Vittorio Branchizio.



Trützschler introduces new Comber Machine (c) Trützschler
TCO 21

Trützschler introduces new Comber Machine

Comber machines from Trützschler are already trusted by customers across the textiles industry and around the globe. The TCO 21 is the latest addition to their portfolio and was built to boost productivity,  ensure quality and support increased automation.

High productivity and raw material savings
One of the key benefits of the TCO 21 is its advanced processing speed. This next-generation combing machine is able to produce at a rate of up to 600 nips per minute. the TCO 21 can also be coordinated with Trützschler’s JUMBO CANS (Ø 1.200 mm). They not only reduce yarn defects due to fewer piecings which leads to quality improvements, but also offer a higher efficiency because of their larger dimensions. This, for example, has positive effects on the number of necessary cans and can transports – and results in lower personnel costs.

Comber machines from Trützschler are already trusted by customers across the textiles industry and around the globe. The TCO 21 is the latest addition to their portfolio and was built to boost productivity,  ensure quality and support increased automation.

High productivity and raw material savings
One of the key benefits of the TCO 21 is its advanced processing speed. This next-generation combing machine is able to produce at a rate of up to 600 nips per minute. the TCO 21 can also be coordinated with Trützschler’s JUMBO CANS (Ø 1.200 mm). They not only reduce yarn defects due to fewer piecings which leads to quality improvements, but also offer a higher efficiency because of their larger dimensions. This, for example, has positive effects on the number of necessary cans and can transports – and results in lower personnel costs.

Excellent yarn quality
The TCO 21 comes with COUNT MONITORING as standard. This feature makes it possible for the machine operator to define limits for count variations via an easy-to-use display. Trützschler’s DISC MONITOR system of sensors measures the count continuously, and the machine alerts the operator and switches off if the limit is exceeded. In addition, the COUNT MONITORING function also includes spectrogram analysis.

Customers can further strengthen their focus on quality by choosing to add the COUNT CONTROL function to the TCO 21. It is managed via the same easy-to-use display, and offers automatic sliver count measurement, as well as spectrogram analysis. It also automatically regulates the main draft during production to balance count variations and ensure the desired sliver count. This feature is particularly attractive for customers who manufacture blends of cotton and synthetic, as it can also be used to avoid variations in the overall yarn composition.

Automatic optimization
The TCO 21 joins the TCO 12 from Trützschler as an combing machine that offers automatic PIECING OPTIMIZER technology, and that finds the right piecing setting without a single laboratory test, because of two functions: First by adjusting the piecing time in the combing cycle (timing function). Whereas the resetting of the detaching point (piecing time) is usually a very time-consuming task, it now takes only a few minutes and is performed automatically at a push on a button. Second the customer is helped to select specific detaching curve types (curve function) for their unique requirements.

Easy operation
The TCO 21 is simple to operate and maintain. The SMART TOUCH display is fast and intuitive, and a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) sensor quickly identifies each user and adapts the information on the display to their individual needs. The multi-colored T-LED display provides visual indications of the machine’s status or quality parameters over large distances which enables the operator recognizing them at a glance in the entire spinning mill. The TCO 21 is built with original Trützschler electronics that ensure high performance and durability: Their intelligent cooling system, that has already proven itself in the draw frame TD 10, contributes to a longer service life by reducing the operating temperature of electronic power components. Even if components have to be replaced at some point, the customer can keep their spare parts inventory small, because they can switch also electronics spare parts flexibly between different machine types, e.g. cards and draw frames. The option to add an automatic greasing function completes the easy operation of the TCO 21.





NCTO: US Vice President announces new Investments in Northern Central America

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced significant multimillion-dollar investments by Parkdale Mills and six other companies today, as part of the Administration’s Call to Action to the private sector to promote economic opportunity in the region, as her office works to address the root causes of migration.

Vice President Harris, who is overseeing diplomatic efforts with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, announced several private sector commitments to strengthen economic opportunities in the Northern Triangle and made remarks at a White House roundtable, which included Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. The textile and apparel co-production chain is one of the most essential supply chains for employment and economic development in both the United States and the Northern Triangle region, currently supporting over 1 million jobs in the United States and the Central American region. The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and its strong rules of origin are the primary reasons this co-production chain exists, which is seeing significant growth this year.

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced significant multimillion-dollar investments by Parkdale Mills and six other companies today, as part of the Administration’s Call to Action to the private sector to promote economic opportunity in the region, as her office works to address the root causes of migration.

Vice President Harris, who is overseeing diplomatic efforts with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, announced several private sector commitments to strengthen economic opportunities in the Northern Triangle and made remarks at a White House roundtable, which included Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. The textile and apparel co-production chain is one of the most essential supply chains for employment and economic development in both the United States and the Northern Triangle region, currently supporting over 1 million jobs in the United States and the Central American region. The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and its strong rules of origin are the primary reasons this co-production chain exists, which is seeing significant growth this year.

North Carolina-headquartered Parkdale Mills, one of the largest manufacturers of spun yarn and cotton consumer products in the world, will make a multimillion-dollar investment in a new yarn spinning facility in Honduras and make an additional substantial investment to support existing operations in Hillsville, Virginia. This investment will help customers shift 1 million pounds of yarn per week away from supply chains in Asia and China and enhance U.S. and CAFTA-DR co-production resilience and increase regional product offerings. Parkdale’s announced investment will create hundreds of jobs in Honduras and further support hundreds of employees in Parkdale’s Hillsville operations.  

Recently, administration officials from the U.S. Trade Representative’s office and the Vice President’s office met with the U.S. textile industry to reaffirm the importance of rules of origin in nearshoring production chains, helping address labor and environmental challenges and mitigating supply chain risk.

“I would like to sincerely thank Vice President Harris for making this announcement and leading the effort with private industry to create more economic opportunities in northern Central America and the United States,” said Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. “Parkdale’s investments will support good paying jobs in the United States and in the Central American region and significantly increase our extensive product offering and capacity, including the production of sustainable specialty yarns.

Parkdale sees an enormous opportunity for brands and retailers to re-shore and nearshore production supply chains and double the size of U.S.-CAFTA-DR trade, because of the rules of origin in our trade agreement and a shift in sourcing by brands and retailers mitigating their supply chain sourcing risks.  We are excited about what this opportunity means for jobs in the U.S. and the region for this critical production chain and couldn’t be more thrilled to be part of this effort.  We look forward to working with the Vice President and her team on strengthening the textile and apparel production chains in the U.S. and region.”

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas, said, “This is an exciting and important announcement by Parkdale and Vice President Harris. Our industry has invested billions of dollars in the U.S. and in the region as a result of the investment-based rules of origin in the CAFTA-DR agreement, which ensures the job benefits of the agreement are reserved for the parties to the agreement.  Additional substantial announcements on further investment in textile and apparel production are expected soon.

As brands and retailers are seeking more environmentally sustainable, vertically integrated, transparent, and quick turnaround supply chains, our collective industries stand ready to work with companies that are seeking to mitigate sourcing strategies as Asian supply chains have faced enormous production constraints.  Further verticalization in the industry, like Parkdale’s announcement today, allows broader product diversification and grows jobs across the textile and apparel production chain.

We are thrilled with today’s announcement because it is a win-win for American and Central American workers and our environment and a huge opportunity to further recalibrate supply chains out of China and Asia. This valuable co-production chain between the U.S. and the CAFTA-DR region accounts for $12 billion in two-way trade and billions of dollars of investment. Significant growth is occurring in our sector and is expected to continue as supply chains continue to recalibrate.  We are delighted about this today’s announcement and appreciate the Administration’s strong support.”




Rieter Investor Update 2021

  • Bestellungseingang von 698.6 Mio. CHF im dritten Quartal 2021
  • Bestellungseingang von 1 673.9 Mio. CHF nach neun Monaten
  • Übernahme der drei Geschäfte von Saurer im Plan
  • Kreditlinien frühzeitig erneuert
  • Ausblick 2021

Die positive Marktdynamik, über die Rieter bereits mehrfach berichtet hat, hat sich im dritten Quartal des laufenden Jahres weiter fortgesetzt. Rieter verzeichnete im dritten Quartal 2021 einen Bestellungseingang von 698.6 Mio. CHF (2020: 174.4 CHF Mio.).

Der Bestellungseingang von 1 673.9 Mio. CHF nach neun Monaten entspricht einer Steigerung von 294% gegenüber der Vorjahresperiode (2020: 425.1 Mio. CHF).

  • Bestellungseingang von 698.6 Mio. CHF im dritten Quartal 2021
  • Bestellungseingang von 1 673.9 Mio. CHF nach neun Monaten
  • Übernahme der drei Geschäfte von Saurer im Plan
  • Kreditlinien frühzeitig erneuert
  • Ausblick 2021

Die positive Marktdynamik, über die Rieter bereits mehrfach berichtet hat, hat sich im dritten Quartal des laufenden Jahres weiter fortgesetzt. Rieter verzeichnete im dritten Quartal 2021 einen Bestellungseingang von 698.6 Mio. CHF (2020: 174.4 CHF Mio.).

Der Bestellungseingang von 1 673.9 Mio. CHF nach neun Monaten entspricht einer Steigerung von 294% gegenüber der Vorjahresperiode (2020: 425.1 Mio. CHF).

Die Marktentwicklung ist global breit abgestützt und beruht auf einem Nachholeffekt aus den Jahren 2019 und 2020 in Kombination mit einer regionalen Verschiebung der Nachfrage. Einen wesentlichen Grund für die regionale Verschiebung der Nachfrage sieht Rieter in der Kostenentwicklung in China. Diese führt zu verstärkten Investitionen ausserhalb des chinesischen Marktes. Die Bestellungen kamen vor allem aus der Türkei, Lateinamerika, Indien, Pakistan und China. Insgesamt profitiert Rieter vom innovativen Produktportfolio und der globalen Aufstellung des Unternehmens.

Der Geschäftsbereich Machines & Systems erreichte in den ersten neun Monaten 2021 einen Bestellungseingang von insgesamt 1 281.6 Mio. CHF (+447%).*

Der Geschäftsbereich Components verzeichnete in den ersten neun Monaten 2021 einen Zuwachs von 95% auf 227.0 Mio. CHF und der Geschäftsbereich After Sales verbuchte mit 165.3 Mio.*

Übernahme der drei Geschäfte von Saurer im Plan
Die Übernahme der drei Geschäfte von Saurer, die Rieter am 16. August 2021 kommuniziert hat, verläuft planmässig. Der Bestellungseingang dieser Geschäfte ist im vorliegenden Trading Update nicht berücksichtigt.

Kreditlinien frühzeitig erneuert
Der Rieter-Konzern hat die bestehenden kommittierten Kreditlinien frühzeitig erneuert (Laufzeit fünf Jahre, über insgesamt 250 Mio. CHF).

Ausblick 2021*
Die ersten neun Monate des Jahres 2021 waren geprägt von einer schnellen Markterholung in Kombination mit einer regionalen Verschiebung der Nachfrage. Für die kommenden Monate erwartet Rieter eine schrittweise Normalisierung der Nachfrage nach neuen Anlagen.

Für das Gesamtjahr 2021 rechnet Rieter mit einem Umsatz von rund 900 Mio. CHF.

*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.

Weitere Informationen:
Rieter Spinnerei Fasern Garne

Rieter Management AG

Iluna Group with sustainable Collection at Interfilière Paris (c) Iluna Group

Iluna Group with sustainable Collection at Interfilière Paris

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish. Iluna Group comes back to Interfilière Paris with an important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability.

Iluna’s new path begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish. Iluna Group comes back to Interfilière Paris with an important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability.

Iluna’s new path begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

The printing processes are also born from this constant search for innovation towards new materials and new techniques, becoming more and more sustainable: Global Recycle Standard (GRS)-certified sublimation printing and register printing carrying Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification.


Iluna Group / GB Network

Oerlikon Webinar mit dem Fokus auf Dienstleistungen (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon Webinar mit Fokus auf Dienstleistungen

In der für September geplanten Webinar Reihe der Business Unit Manmade Fibers Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns liegt der Fokus auf Dienstleistungen rund um Chemiefaseranlagen.

Kurzer Überblick:

  • Wie Keramik im Fadenlauf Ihre Garnqualität verbessert am 1. September
  • myOerlikon – Maßgeschneiderte digitale Services sorgen für allumfassenden Überblick am 13. September
  • Immer an Ihrer Seite  – mit Oerlikon Remote Services am 22. September
  • Sicher ist sicher – Maximieren Sie die Produktivität und minimieren Sie Ausfallzeiten durch regelmäßige Maschinen Check-ups am 29. September

Für mehr Informationen über das Webinar und weiteren Terminen klicken Sie bitte hier.

In der für September geplanten Webinar Reihe der Business Unit Manmade Fibers Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns liegt der Fokus auf Dienstleistungen rund um Chemiefaseranlagen.

Kurzer Überblick:

  • Wie Keramik im Fadenlauf Ihre Garnqualität verbessert am 1. September
  • myOerlikon – Maßgeschneiderte digitale Services sorgen für allumfassenden Überblick am 13. September
  • Immer an Ihrer Seite  – mit Oerlikon Remote Services am 22. September
  • Sicher ist sicher – Maximieren Sie die Produktivität und minimieren Sie Ausfallzeiten durch regelmäßige Maschinen Check-ups am 29. September

Für mehr Informationen über das Webinar und weiteren Terminen klicken Sie bitte hier.

