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14 Ergebnisse
Die Partner bei der Auftaktveranstaltung von BioFibreLoop. Foto: DITF
Die Partner bei der Auftaktveranstaltung von BioFibreLoop.

Forschungsprojekt BioFibreLoop gestartet

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) koordinieren das Forschungsprojekt, das im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramms Horizon Europe der Europäischen Union gefördert wird. Ziel von BioFibreLoop ist es, rezyklierbare Outdoor-, und Arbeitskleidung aus erneuerbaren biobasierten Materialien zu entwickeln. Am 26. und 27. Juni 2024 fand in Denkendorf die Auftaktveranstaltung statt.

Die Textilindustrie steht vor zwei Herausforderungen: zum einen muss die Produktion nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher werden und zum anderen erwarten die Verbraucher von Kleidung immer mehr intelligente Funktionen.

Bei der Herstellung von Funktionstextilien werden zudem häufig Chemikalien verwendet, die die Umwelt und die Gesundheit belasten und das spätere Recycling erschweren.

Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF) koordinieren das Forschungsprojekt, das im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramms Horizon Europe der Europäischen Union gefördert wird. Ziel von BioFibreLoop ist es, rezyklierbare Outdoor-, und Arbeitskleidung aus erneuerbaren biobasierten Materialien zu entwickeln. Am 26. und 27. Juni 2024 fand in Denkendorf die Auftaktveranstaltung statt.

Die Textilindustrie steht vor zwei Herausforderungen: zum einen muss die Produktion nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher werden und zum anderen erwarten die Verbraucher von Kleidung immer mehr intelligente Funktionen.

Bei der Herstellung von Funktionstextilien werden zudem häufig Chemikalien verwendet, die die Umwelt und die Gesundheit belasten und das spätere Recycling erschweren.

Intelligente Innovationen sollen deshalb dafür sorgen, schädliche Chemikalien zu ersetzen, Wasser einzusparen, verstärkt langlebige, recycelbare biobasierte Materialien einzusetzen und so den meist erhebliche CO2-Fußabdruck von textilen Produkten zu reduzieren. Digitalisierte Prozesse sind im Einsatz, um für mehr Effizienz und einen geschlossenen Kreislauf zu sorgen.

Im Projekt BioFibreLoop werden mit Hilfe von Lasertechnologie natürliche Strukturen nachgeahmt, um Kleidungsstücke mit wasser- und ölabweisenden, selbstreinigenden und antibakteriellen Eigenschaften herzustellen. Am Ende der Forschungsarbeit stehen erschwingliche, ressourcen- und umweltfreundliche, aber dennoch leistungsstarke und haltbare Fasern und Textilien aus erneuerbaren Quellen wie Lignin, Zellulose und Polymilchsäure. Alle Prozesse zielen auf eine Kreislaufwirtschaft mit einem umfassenden Recycling und einer nahezu abfallfreien Funktionalisierung nach dem Vorbild der Natur ab. Die Treibhausgasemissionen könnten auf diese Weise bis 2035 um 20 Prozent verringert werden.

Die Technologie für die Funktionalisierung und das Recycling von biobasierten Materialien wird in drei industriellen Demonstrationsprojekten in Österreich, der Tschechischen Republik und Deutschland entwickelt. Am Ende des Projekts steht ein patentiertes zirkuläres, nachhaltiges und zuverlässiges Verfahren für die Herstellung von rezyklierbaren Funktionstextilien.

Das Projekt BioFibreLoop hat eine Laufzeit von 42 Monaten und ein Gesamtbudget von knapp 7 Millionen Euro, 1,5 Millionen gehen an den Koordinator DITF.

Das Konsortium besteht aus 13 Partnern aus neun Ländern, die Kompetenzen und Ressourcen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie mitbringen:

  • Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), Koordinator, Deutschland
  • Next Technology Tecnotessile Società nazionale di ricerca R. L., Italien
  • Centre Technologique ALPhANOV, Frankreich
  • G. Knopf’s Sohn GmbH & Co. KG, Deutschland
  • FreyZein Urban Outdoor GmbH, Österreich
  • BEES - BE Engineers for Society, Italien
  • BAT Graphics Vernitech, Frankreich
  • Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum, Belgien
  • Idener Research & Development Agrupacion de Interes Economico, Spanien
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, Finnland
  • Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø, Dänemark
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Deutschland
  • NIL Textile SRO, Tschechien

Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung

Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish Photo: Archroma

Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Sportswear, fashion and home textiles treated with the PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ durable water repellent qualify for the High IQ® Repel assurance program. The High IQ® program assures consumers that these products deliver performance, protection and comfort and meet strict environmental standards.



Active Apparel Group: Partnership with textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies (c) Active Apparel Group

Active Apparel Group: Partnership with textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies

Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, announces the seventh anniversary of their partnership with the sustainable textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies.

AAG is the first apparel manufacturer to adopt FUZE’s permanent, chemical-free textile finish, and the only company in China able to apply FUZE in a closed-loop system. AAG leverages the platform to provide a range of performance characteristics to customers, including odor control, UV protection, moisture management, and cooling.

The FUZE finish utilizes gold and silver particles permanently bonded to a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials to achieve a range of performance characteristics. AAG customers employing the FUZE finish create apparel for the yoga, active lifestyle, workout, golf, and swimwear markets. 

Active Apparel Group (AAG), manufacturer of performance apparel for the leisure/lifestyle and active market, announces the seventh anniversary of their partnership with the sustainable textile finishing brand FUZE Technologies.

AAG is the first apparel manufacturer to adopt FUZE’s permanent, chemical-free textile finish, and the only company in China able to apply FUZE in a closed-loop system. AAG leverages the platform to provide a range of performance characteristics to customers, including odor control, UV protection, moisture management, and cooling.

The FUZE finish utilizes gold and silver particles permanently bonded to a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials to achieve a range of performance characteristics. AAG customers employing the FUZE finish create apparel for the yoga, active lifestyle, workout, golf, and swimwear markets. 


Active Apparel Group

HeiQ Skin Care Photo HeiQ

HeiQ launches a probiotics infused textile technology

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

HeiQ introduces a 100% biobased and long-lasting cosmetic finishing technology for textiles to the market. The newest addition to the HeiQ portfolio harnesses the power of active probiotics and selected prebiotics to enhance the skin microbiome, turning the human’s largest organ into the best-looking one.

HeiQ Skin Care is a synbiotic textile finish aimed at providing a balanced microbiome for glowing skin, even after repeated use and washing of textiles. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes slow-release prebiotics and probiotics seamlessly integrated into a biobased textile matrix, enriching the skin's microbiome diversity, and offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits.

The synergistic combination of prebiotics and probiotics, known as synbiotics, delivers a soothing cosmetic skin treatment while relaxing, working, or sleeping. Probiotics not only restore and improve the skin's natural balance but also enhance its self-repair capabilities. Synbiotics promote skin renewal, rebalancing, and improved appearance, reducing the signs of aging and establishing a favorable environment for the skin's natural repair mechanisms.

A second skin that takes care of the first
The skin, the largest organ in human body, is home to a diverse community of microorganisms called the skin microbiome. It plays a crucial role in maintaining good skin condition, acting as a protective barrier against harmful agents. However, various factors, such as hormones, diet, smoking, environmental exposures, and excessive UV radiation, can disrupt its balance, leading to skin conditions like rashes, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, skin irritation, redness, eczema, and odor. Maintaining a balanced skin microbiome is essential for preserving skin integrity.

HeiQ Skin Care is suitable for all textile fibers, both natural and synthetic, and can be applied to all textile items that come in direct contact with the skin. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for daily use- at work, during sports, leisure activities, or as bedding items like bed sheets and pillows.

Intensive wear trials conducted during the development stage have proven the consistent release of synbiotics (prebiotics and probiotics) onto the skin, creating conditions to foster a well-balanced microbiome.





CHT: Vom Kunststoffabfall zum Textilveredelungsprodukt ARRISTAN rAIR

  • aus recycelten PET-Flakes hergestellt und erneut recycelbar
  • geeignet auch für die Ausrüstung von recycelten Garnen und Geweben
  • Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung

Zur nachhaltigen Nutzung der Ressourcen hat die CHT Gruppe, nach dem Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft, das Produkt ARRISTAN rAIR entwickelt. Hierbei werden Kunststoffabfälle in ein wertvolles Textilveredelungsprodukt umgewandelt, um damit beispielsweise ein optimales Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung zu erzielen. Weitere Anwendungsfelder sind Socken und Strumpfhosen im Bekleidungsbereich, Filtrationsmedien und Vliesstoffe im Bereich der technischen Textilen sowie Kissen und Vorhänge bei den Heimtextilien.

ARRISTAN rAIR wird aus recycelten PET-Flakes hergestellt und eignet sich für die Ausrüstung von recycelten Garnen und Geweben, die im Anschluss wieder recyclingfähig sind.

  • aus recycelten PET-Flakes hergestellt und erneut recycelbar
  • geeignet auch für die Ausrüstung von recycelten Garnen und Geweben
  • Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung

Zur nachhaltigen Nutzung der Ressourcen hat die CHT Gruppe, nach dem Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft, das Produkt ARRISTAN rAIR entwickelt. Hierbei werden Kunststoffabfälle in ein wertvolles Textilveredelungsprodukt umgewandelt, um damit beispielsweise ein optimales Feuchtigkeitsmanagement bei Sport- und Aktivbekleidung zu erzielen. Weitere Anwendungsfelder sind Socken und Strumpfhosen im Bekleidungsbereich, Filtrationsmedien und Vliesstoffe im Bereich der technischen Textilen sowie Kissen und Vorhänge bei den Heimtextilien.

ARRISTAN rAIR wird aus recycelten PET-Flakes hergestellt und eignet sich für die Ausrüstung von recycelten Garnen und Geweben, die im Anschluss wieder recyclingfähig sind.

Zusätzlich zeichnet sich das Hydrophilierungsmittel ARRISTAN rAIR durch seine schnell trocknenden Eigenschaften in Verbindung mit einer hervorragenden Schmutzablösung und Thermoregulierung aus. Es bietet daher, vor allem im Bereich der funktionalen Textilien, optimale Funktionalitäten für hochwertige und langlebige Sportbekleidung.


CHT Germany GmbH

Photo: LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ
LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology powered by HeiQ

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company: Added-value technology for cotton knitwear

  • LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology offers durable comfort stretch and fit for 100% cotton knitwear.

HeiQ and The LYCRA Company created a new and durable solution for 100% cotton fabric, adding stretch and recovery properties while keeping it fully recyclable.

HeiQ, a leader in performance finish technologies, and The LYCRA Company, a leader in developing innovative and sustainable fiber and technology solutions for the apparel and personal care industries, announced the launch of LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, a proprietary textile finishing process for 100% cotton knit garments designed for mass market applications.

LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology, powered by HeiQ, enhances cotton knitwear, addressing critical consumer pain points, and improving the consumer’s overall wearing experience. This technology provides durable comfort stretch, fit, and soft hand-feel to 100% cotton knitwear compared to conventional finishes. Even after repeated washing and wearing, LYCRA® naturalFX™ technology helps knitwear retain its shape, which helps extend the garment’s lifespan and potentially reduce its environmental impact.




Dow: Advanced silicone ink for printing especially on highly elastic garments

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

Designed for an increased matte effect and improved hand feel, the patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M offers excellent wash durability, high elongation, very soft low tack touch and avoids the “orange peel effect” on cotton substrates. Additionally, SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M enables safer textile development with its ability to be formulated without the use of PVC, phthalates, solvents, organotins and formaldehyde.

Foto: Pincroft

Pincroft: Neuer Tarnstoff für niederländische Soldaten

Der neue Stoff und das Tarnmuster wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem niederländischen Verteidigungsministerium und dessen Defensie Materieel Organisatie entwickelt. Es weist das neue niederländische Fraktalmuster auf und wird von mindestens 480.000 Soldaten weltweit verwendet werden.

Pincroft, größter Textilfärber, -drucker und -veredler im Vereinigten Königreich, hat für das niederländische Verteidigungsministerium ein neues Tarnmuster entwickelt, das Teil des “STRONG”-Programms der Defensie Materieel Organisatie (DMO) ist, und alle Militärangehörigen der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee mit Kampfkleidung und Ausrüstung versorgen soll.

Pincroft folgte den Richtlinien des neuen niederländischen Fraktalmusters (NFP), um ein achtfarbiges Tarnmuster zu entwerfen, das einen hohen Störungsgrad bietet, damit die Soldaten im Bedarfsfall besser getarnt sind. Das neue NFP-Tarnmuster wird in grüner oder waldfarbener Ausführung für Heer, Luftwaffe, Marechaussee und Marineinfanterie hergestellt, während die Marine eine blaue oder marinefarbene Ausführung erhält.

Der neue Stoff und das Tarnmuster wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem niederländischen Verteidigungsministerium und dessen Defensie Materieel Organisatie entwickelt. Es weist das neue niederländische Fraktalmuster auf und wird von mindestens 480.000 Soldaten weltweit verwendet werden.

Pincroft, größter Textilfärber, -drucker und -veredler im Vereinigten Königreich, hat für das niederländische Verteidigungsministerium ein neues Tarnmuster entwickelt, das Teil des “STRONG”-Programms der Defensie Materieel Organisatie (DMO) ist, und alle Militärangehörigen der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee mit Kampfkleidung und Ausrüstung versorgen soll.

Pincroft folgte den Richtlinien des neuen niederländischen Fraktalmusters (NFP), um ein achtfarbiges Tarnmuster zu entwerfen, das einen hohen Störungsgrad bietet, damit die Soldaten im Bedarfsfall besser getarnt sind. Das neue NFP-Tarnmuster wird in grüner oder waldfarbener Ausführung für Heer, Luftwaffe, Marechaussee und Marineinfanterie hergestellt, während die Marine eine blaue oder marinefarbene Ausführung erhält.

Das Gewebe wurde von Carrington Textiles, Hersteller von Berufsbekleidung, speziell nach den Anforderungen des niederländischen Verteidigungsministeriums an Komfort und Schutz entwickelt. Das Ergebnis ist ein leichtes, aber dennoch strapazierfähiges Gewebe mit einer Grammatur von 210 g und einer Zusammensetzung aus 50 % Baumwolle, 50 % hochfestem Nylon und Ripstop für zusätzliche Festigkeit.

Der hohe Baumwollanteil des Gewebes sorgt für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl, da es sich weich anfühlt, atmungsaktiv ist und feuchtigkeitsableitende Eigenschaften aufweist – Schlüsselelemente für die harten Einsatzbedingungen der Soldaten. Die Beimischung von hochfestem Nylon sorgt für zusätzliche Festigkeit und Strapazierfähigkeit, wobei die Ripstop-Eigenschaften des Gewebes für Reißfestigkeit sorgen.

Rund 480.000 Hosen und Jacken werden an Offiziere der Königlichen Niederländischen Marine, des Heeres, der Luftwaffe und der Marechaussee im Rahmen des Uniformierungsprogramms “STRONG” des niederländischen Verteidigungsministeriums geliefert, mit dem die Streitkräfte in den nächsten 18 Monaten mit vielseitigen Uniformen und Ausrüstungen ausgestattet werden sollen, die je nach Einsatz angepasst werden können. Das Paket umfasst auch einen Regenmantel, ein Kampfhemd und eine Baseballkappe.



Photo: AWOL

Halley Stevensons: Unique waxed cotton finishing with new Monforts line

Monforts has installed and commissioned a new Montex finishing range at the Baltic Works of Halley Stevensons in Dundee, Scotland, to further boost the weatherproofing specialist’s highly flexible operations.

The range, with a working width of two metres, was built at the Montex assembly plant in Austria and consists of a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution for paste and foam coating and a Montex 8500 6F stenter.

Founded in 1864, Halley Stevensons has amassed unique technical know-how and manufacturing experience in the art of waxed cotton for weatherproofed fabrics and is able to provide international orders in custom colours and finishes to very low minimum quantities where required. The company exports worldwide and its premium brand customers include Belstaff, Barbours, Filson and J.Crew.

The range has replaced one of the company’s older stenter/coating lines and has already enabled Halley Stevensons to recreate various products with lower coating applications at higher speeds than was previously possible.

Monforts has installed and commissioned a new Montex finishing range at the Baltic Works of Halley Stevensons in Dundee, Scotland, to further boost the weatherproofing specialist’s highly flexible operations.

The range, with a working width of two metres, was built at the Montex assembly plant in Austria and consists of a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution for paste and foam coating and a Montex 8500 6F stenter.

Founded in 1864, Halley Stevensons has amassed unique technical know-how and manufacturing experience in the art of waxed cotton for weatherproofed fabrics and is able to provide international orders in custom colours and finishes to very low minimum quantities where required. The company exports worldwide and its premium brand customers include Belstaff, Barbours, Filson and J.Crew.

The range has replaced one of the company’s older stenter/coating lines and has already enabled Halley Stevensons to recreate various products with lower coating applications at higher speeds than was previously possible.

Waxed cotton was originally developed by sailors in the early 15th century when Scottish North Sea herring fleets began treating flax sailcloth with fish oils and grease in an attempt to waterproof their sails. Remnants of these sails were used by the sailors as capes to withstand the high winds and sea spray.

By the mid 1850s, sailcloth was being treated with linseed oil, but while initially highly effective, it would yellow and stiffen through weathering over time and eventually lose its waterproofing qualities.

In the years that followed, various treatments were applied to cottons in an attempt to find the most effective weatherproofing solution, and the combination of densely-woven cotton impregnated with a paraffin waxed coating proved most successful. For over 150 years, Halley Stevensons created many different variations of both woven constructions and finishing treatments and now supplies thousands of metres of waxed cotton every year, with each roll produced to custom specifications.

“The beauty of waxed cotton is its durability and longevity,” says Managing Director James Campbell. “The fabrics are breathable, with the wax adjusting to ambient temperatures to be softer and more breathable in warm weather and stiffer and more wind proof in cold conditions.”
While traditional waxes are petroleum or paraffin based, Halley Stevensons has always been comfortable about using a waste product from industry and reusing it to make products that last a lifetime.  

“We are always exploring different finishing techniques and one of our most popular finishes is our hybrid aero – an emulsified blend of waxes,” Campbell says. “This fabric is water repellent but has little wax in the mixture so the handle is much drier to touch than the traditional wet waxes.”

The company has also recently launched a new 100% plant-based wax – Ever Wax Olive – consisting of a blend of olive oil, rape seed and castor bean with comparable water repellence to petroleum and a far better rating than other natural waxes which have come before it.

“The high tradition of skills and fabric innovation imposed by our original guildsmen is still our benchmark standard of honest workmanship today,” Managing Director James Campbell concludes “We use responsibly sourced cotton fabrics and processes that are gentle to the product and low impact to the environment. Our dyeing methods use very low levels of water and our waxes are simply heated up for application and cooled down to store when not in use, meaning no waste discharges. Now, with this new Monforts line, we are also achieving running speeds two-to-three times faster than with the older stenter, combined with less gas usage. It’s proved a great partnership.”


Alchemie Technology asks fashion industry to reduce emissions

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Fabric dyeing is the most polluting part of fashion and activewear manufacturing, involving industrial scale dye baths and huge amounts of dye chemicals, steam, electrical power, and consequent high CO2 emissions.  Repeated washing of the dyed fabric, required to remove dye residue, is responsible for 20% of the world’s wastewater pollution and excess dye is discharged into waterways, affecting the health of some of the world’s poorest communities. In more regulated areas, water pollution is reduced through reliance on energy intensive water treatment plants.

However, an environmental step change can be achieved by adopting new digital technology that can dye fabrics with an 85% reduction in energy consumption and a dramatic 95% reduction of the 1.3 trillion litres of water currently used by the industry each year.

For example, dyeing one polyester shirt using current methods generates 4.5 litres of wastewater and produces 0.17 Kg of CO2, compared to low energy digital technology, which uses less than 0.2 litres of water and reduces carbon emissions to 0.03 Kg.  Multiply these numbers by the billions of garments dyed each year and the scale of the environmental problem, if nothing changes, is clear to see. Equally, the amount by which the textile industry can improve its carbon footprint is dramatic and can be done quickly if action is taken now.


Alchemie Technology Ltd


Devan: Supporting elite sport with ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

In Belgium, Devan has been involved in the Gold2Gold project carried out by Sport Vlaanderen. Gold2Gold is a unique collaboration between sports, government and the industry to prepare Belgian athletes to perform better in hot environments during world-level championships. Thermoregulating technology is increasingly becoming a key aspect of endurance performance for elite athletes. At that top level, small differences in body core temperature can make the difference between being on the podium or sometimes not even finishing the race.


Devan Chemicals NV / Marketing Solutions NV

Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future. (c) Riri

Riri: Post-pandemic emotions

  • Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future.
  • Bright colors, vintage themes as well as timeless designs and attention to detail, combined with concepts that highlight history and processes.

Riri Group’s gaze looks to the future once more, offering a line of accessories where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. This is the scenario spawning the new SS 2022 collection; a range of innovative proposals each representing a different emotional response to the pandemic, an attempt to interpret the emotions, needs and desires of consumers in the coming years.

The Italian-Swiss group, that for almost a century has committed to creating zips and buttons for the world’s most important fashion brands, doubles down on its forward-looking vision. The result is SS 2022 collection, featuring three different aspirational paths to read into the emerging feelings of the “new normal” that is our time and that may characterize the near future.

  • Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future.
  • Bright colors, vintage themes as well as timeless designs and attention to detail, combined with concepts that highlight history and processes.

Riri Group’s gaze looks to the future once more, offering a line of accessories where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. This is the scenario spawning the new SS 2022 collection; a range of innovative proposals each representing a different emotional response to the pandemic, an attempt to interpret the emotions, needs and desires of consumers in the coming years.

The Italian-Swiss group, that for almost a century has committed to creating zips and buttons for the world’s most important fashion brands, doubles down on its forward-looking vision. The result is SS 2022 collection, featuring three different aspirational paths to read into the emerging feelings of the “new normal” that is our time and that may characterize the near future.

Inspired by sensations of euphoria and breaking free from melancholy through evasion and exuberance, Rejoice is the line that sees in positivity and joy of re-living the answer to the months of pandemic and negativity. The optimism that is to come takes the form of a creative and extrovert style, even when it comes to accessories. The inspiration, a triumph of bright colors and timeless styles, comes straight from the streets of Boca, one of Buenos Aires’ most popular neighborhoods thanks to its combination of colors and creative scene. Thus, the Eloxal rio zip is presented once again: with its aluminum chain and colored teeth, matched with a multi-color effect puller. In the range, we can also find the Nylon zip, featuring changing colors matched with buttons that echo their color variations, or the Filmetal 14 zip, big and with eye-catching writings, embossed on the tape.

Going back to the future, in a more respectful and responsible way, through a rebirth that comes to be thanks to a closer relationship with nature. In this line history and processes through which the product is made are pivotal to tell a new way to approach the world. The range comprises zips and buttons developed with natural material and processed manually. A return to the basics as well as the constant research to reduce resources use respecting the planet are foundation of this line. Part of the Rebirth line are the copper jeans buttons, with a special water-based paint finishing, transparent and protective, or the hemp-derived bio-plastic eyelets, as well as the galalite buttons, a particular bio-degradable plastic, derived from processed milk proteins. A major innovation are our tapes entirely made of recycled polyester, evidence of the commitment by Riri Group to reuse resources.

Timeless elegance, essential luxury mixed with the highest quality standards for top-of-therange products. Design, materials and colors featuring in this line break away from seasonal trends to become timeless must-haves, essential yet elegant. Every piece is cared for in every detail, created specifically to leave a lasting mark. Buttons, chains and pullers are either made of gold and silver, or they feature the clean and elegant tone of stainless steel. Among the zips, stand out Metal and Simmetrical with luxury finishings, whilst tapes are made with refined materials, such as leather and satin. Essential yet researched, this range comes with square and oval cuts, with geometry being functional and complementary to a timeless elegance.


Sanitized® T 99-19: 99,84 % Schutz gegen SARS-CoV-2 auf Textilien

Der antimikrobielle Schutz von Sanitized® T 99-19 gegen das SARS-CoV-2 Virus wurde durch unabhängige Labore in Frankreich bestätigt (Basis ISO 18184:2019).

Seit vielen Jahren sind Textil- und Kunststoffprodukte mit antimikrobieller Sanitized® Ausrüstung in hygienesensiblen Bereichen im Einsatz. Für Textilien ist Sanitized® T99-19 eine patentierte Technologie, die auf einer Silan-Ammoniumverbindung basiert.

Seine Hygienefunktion wird bei Arbeits- und Schutzbekleidung von Pflegepersonal, Bettwäsche oder Matratzen in Hotels, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Krankenhäusern eingesetzt. Polyesterware für diese Einsatzbereiche kann nun nicht nur antimikrobiell, sondern auch zuverlässig gegen SARS-CoV-2 geschützt werden. Die antivirale Wirksamkeit (99,84 %) des Produktes Sanitized® T99-19 wurde offiziell durch Untersuchungen externer Labore bestätigt.

Der antimikrobielle Schutz von Sanitized® T 99-19 gegen das SARS-CoV-2 Virus wurde durch unabhängige Labore in Frankreich bestätigt (Basis ISO 18184:2019).

Seit vielen Jahren sind Textil- und Kunststoffprodukte mit antimikrobieller Sanitized® Ausrüstung in hygienesensiblen Bereichen im Einsatz. Für Textilien ist Sanitized® T99-19 eine patentierte Technologie, die auf einer Silan-Ammoniumverbindung basiert.

Seine Hygienefunktion wird bei Arbeits- und Schutzbekleidung von Pflegepersonal, Bettwäsche oder Matratzen in Hotels, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Krankenhäusern eingesetzt. Polyesterware für diese Einsatzbereiche kann nun nicht nur antimikrobiell, sondern auch zuverlässig gegen SARS-CoV-2 geschützt werden. Die antivirale Wirksamkeit (99,84 %) des Produktes Sanitized® T99-19 wurde offiziell durch Untersuchungen externer Labore bestätigt.

Auch Tests an Endprodukten, die Textilhersteller ergänzend durchgeführt haben, belegen die Wirksamkeit von Sanitized® T99-19 gegen SARS-CoV-2. Lizenzpartner loben diesen vertrauensbildenden Nutzen auf den Endprodukten aus. SANITIZED Lizenzpartner erhalten hierfür konkrete Unterstützung in Punkto Marketing und bezüglich rechtlicher Aspekte (health claims).

Rechtliche Fallen bei Auslobung von antiviraler Schutzwirkung
SANITIZED hat speziell für Produkte, die gegen COVID-19 schützen, einen Claim-Guide erarbeitet:




Tonello/RUDOLF HUB1922: Collaboration with new laser effects

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Tonello and RUDOLF HUB1922 join forces and unveil laser effects. The results: A much simplified, flexible and efficient process - based on latest technological advancements and highly conscious chemistry - that is finally able to replace questionable practices such as potassium permanganate spray.

THE Laser, the absolute Laser
The range that is the new benchmark for the entire sector. New software and a totally reinvented process that return higher precision, speed, flexibility and repeatability. Four models for a specific crafting and avant-garde functions like 360° marking technology, BOP for automatic drawing positioning and the new software CREA make THE Laser suitable and unique for advanced applications.

Laser Smoother (RUCO-SPECIAL LSM)
All-in-one formulation - very easy to pre-apply to garments before laser burning - that translates into a very natural image that is similar to what is created by hand. RUCO SPECIAL LSM amplifies the laser action, completely removes the grey/brow patina produced by the burning of cotton and last but not least, creates a micro-unevenness that simulates manual scraping and celebrates the fabric construction.

The combination of THE Laser and RUCO-SPECIAL LSM (ideally applied through CORE system) is a process that nothing adds to the usual way of working. It is a radical paradigm shift that takes the product directly to a dimension of real, highly sustainable craftsmanship:

  • Remarkable enhancement of the fabric’s characteristics;
  • Overall effect much more natural and similar to manual scraping;
  • A better and more efficient way of working.