From the Sector

6036 results
Girbau: Appointment of new President (c) Girbau

Girbau: Appointment of new President

Girbau, a company in total textile care solutions, has appointed Diego Hervás as its new President. Hervás takes on this role with the aim of supporting Girbau's planned growth, contributing his strategic vision and results-oriented approach, in line with the company's values and legacy.

Mercè Girbau, Chair and CEO, and Pere Girbau, CEO, the third generation of this family firm, will continue to perform their functions and work on long-term strategy, innovation, sustainability and corporate culture. Both highlighted Hervás' career in both multinationals and family firms, emphasizing "his ability to fit into Girbau's strategic plan and vision".

Diego Hervás' career includes over 20 years experience in executive positions in multinationals like Xerox and major family businesses like Comexi. In these projects he has proven his capacity for leadership, innovation and team management. Hervás studied Telecommunications Engineering and has complemented his training with a range of courses and master's degrees in management at prestige institutions including IESE and INSEAD.

Girbau, a company in total textile care solutions, has appointed Diego Hervás as its new President. Hervás takes on this role with the aim of supporting Girbau's planned growth, contributing his strategic vision and results-oriented approach, in line with the company's values and legacy.

Mercè Girbau, Chair and CEO, and Pere Girbau, CEO, the third generation of this family firm, will continue to perform their functions and work on long-term strategy, innovation, sustainability and corporate culture. Both highlighted Hervás' career in both multinationals and family firms, emphasizing "his ability to fit into Girbau's strategic plan and vision".

Diego Hervás' career includes over 20 years experience in executive positions in multinationals like Xerox and major family businesses like Comexi. In these projects he has proven his capacity for leadership, innovation and team management. Hervás studied Telecommunications Engineering and has complemented his training with a range of courses and master's degrees in management at prestige institutions including IESE and INSEAD.

More information:
Girbau Textile Care President


Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland (c) Unisport

Unisport eröffnet erstes Geschäft in Deutschland

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport, ein Fachhändler für Fußballausrüstung, eröffnet seinen ersten physischen Store in Deutschland. Das neue Geschäft befindet sich im Münchner Stadtzentrum und öffnete seine Türen kurz vor der mit Spannung erwarteten Fußball-Europameisterschaft am 14. Juni. Die Eröffnung dieses Flagship-Stores markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Unisport, das seit 2016 eine erfolgreiche E-Commerce-Plattform in Deutschland betreibt.

Das Münchner Geschäft ist strategisch günstig in der Innenstadt zwischen Stachus und Marienplatz gelegen. Mit dem Fokus auf ein immersives Fußballerlebnis bietet der neue Flagship-Store:

  • Ein breites Sortiment an Fußballtrikots, einschließlich das der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (DFB) und weiterer, bei der EM teilnehmender Nationen (Italien, Frankreich, Spanien, England usw.).
  • Den offiziellen EM 2024 Fußball von adidas
  • Die neuesten Fußballschuhe.
  • Personalisierte Bedruckung von Trikots mit eigenem Namen und Nummer oder dem des Lieblingsspielers.
  • Das Spiel “Subsoccer”.

Unisport / crystal communications GmbH

EURATEX elects new President (c) EURATEX
From the left: Ismail Kolunsag, Barbara Cimmino, Mario Jorge Machado and Grégory Marchant.

EURATEX elects new President

Portuguese textile entrepreneur, Mario Jorge Machado, has been elected President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 14 June. The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President.

Mario Jorge Machado has an extensive career in textiles. Mario is currently a shareholder and director of "Adalberto Textile Solutions, S.A.", where he applies advanced management practices to boost competitiveness and innovation. He has been president of the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP) since 2019, and he stands out for his strategic leadership in the textile and clothing sector, promoting innovation and sustainability. He represents ATP on the Board of CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal and chairs CIP's strategic council for the environment and sustainability.

With a degree in Production Polymer Engineering from the University of Minho, his expertise ranges from continuous process improvement to the development of B2B commercial teams and B2C business models. His vision encompasses operational excellence and the implementation of sustainable practices, contributing to the evolution of the textile industry.

Portuguese textile entrepreneur, Mario Jorge Machado, has been elected President of EURATEX during its General Assembly on 14 June. The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President.

Mario Jorge Machado has an extensive career in textiles. Mario is currently a shareholder and director of "Adalberto Textile Solutions, S.A.", where he applies advanced management practices to boost competitiveness and innovation. He has been president of the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP) since 2019, and he stands out for his strategic leadership in the textile and clothing sector, promoting innovation and sustainability. He represents ATP on the Board of CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal and chairs CIP's strategic council for the environment and sustainability.

With a degree in Production Polymer Engineering from the University of Minho, his expertise ranges from continuous process improvement to the development of B2B commercial teams and B2C business models. His vision encompasses operational excellence and the implementation of sustainable practices, contributing to the evolution of the textile industry.

The Assembly also nominated Alberto Paccanelli as Honorary President, recognising over a decade of commitment to EURATEX and the European textile industry.

EURATEX General Assembly also elected 4 other members of the Presidency Team: Michael Kamm (ZWILLING Gruppe, Germany), Barbara Cimmino (Yamamay, Italy), Grégory Marchant (UTT, France) and Ismail Kolunsag (Cross Tekstil, Turkey). During the Assembly, EURATEX also welcomed new memberships from CEMATEX and Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V., and a partnership with Reju. (France).

More information:
Euratex President general assembly



Technikum Laubholz, TEXOVERSUM und Neo.Fashion kooperieren

Im Zuge der steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in der Textilbranche kündigt das Technikum Laubholz eine Partnerschaft mit TEXOVERSUM und Neo.Fashion. an. Das Technikum Laubholz bringt die Textilfaser WDBSD TX® ein, die aus regionalem Buchenzellstoff hergestellt wird und eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Textilfasern bietet. Die Zusammenarbeit mit TEXOVERSUM, der Plattform für textile Ausbildung und Innovation, sowie Neo.Fashion., einer Bühne für aufstrebende Designer*innen, verspricht wegweisende Entwicklungen für eine nachhaltige Modeproduktion.

Im Zuge der steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in der Textilbranche kündigt das Technikum Laubholz eine Partnerschaft mit TEXOVERSUM und Neo.Fashion. an. Das Technikum Laubholz bringt die Textilfaser WDBSD TX® ein, die aus regionalem Buchenzellstoff hergestellt wird und eine umweltfreundliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Textilfasern bietet. Die Zusammenarbeit mit TEXOVERSUM, der Plattform für textile Ausbildung und Innovation, sowie Neo.Fashion., einer Bühne für aufstrebende Designer*innen, verspricht wegweisende Entwicklungen für eine nachhaltige Modeproduktion.

Ein zentraler Aspekt dieser Kooperation ist die gemeinsame Realisierung einer besonderen Kollektion – WDBSD TX® Endless Fiber. Infinite Possibilities. – im Rahmen der Semesterarbeit der Designstudierenden der Hochschule Reutlingen. Die Kollektion dient als Inspirationsquelle für die nächste Generation von Designer*innen und ist gleichzeitig ein Beispiel für die innovative Kraft regionaler Ressourcen und akademischer Expertise. Für die Studierenden stellt dieses Projekt eine Gelegenheit dar, als die weltweit ersten Designer*innen mit diesem innovativen Material arbeiten zu können. Durch ihre Beteiligung erhalten sie Einblicke in nachhaltige Produktionsprozesse und vor allem die Gelegenheit, an der Entwicklung umweltbewusster Mode mitzuwirken.

Die Präsentation dieser Kollektion bei der Berlin Fashion Week am 3. Juli, im Rampenlicht der Neo.Fashion. Show, ist die Weltpremiere. Noch vor der großen Enthüllung auf der Berlin Fashion Week gibt es eine exklusive Preview dieser Kollektion an den Laubholztagen 2024 – einer Konferenz, die vom Technikum Laubholz veranstaltet wird.


Technikum Laubholz GmbH

Wüste, Marokko Tatiana Zanon,

Erstes Texcare Forum in Afrika

Rund 120 Teilnehmer aus der Wäscherei- und Reinigungsbranche kamen am 04. Juni in Casablanca, Marokko, zum ersten Texcare Forum auf afrikanischem Boden zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt des Austauschs zwischen lokalen Fachbetrieben, internationalen Experten und Herstellern standen die Themen Automatisierung, digitale Technologien, Produktion, Logistik und Umweltschutz im Bereich textiler Dienstleistungen. Die Konferenz zeigte die Besonderheiten der Märkte Nordafrikas auf und bot einen Vorgeschmack auf die globale Leitmesse der Textilpflegebranche, die Texcare International, im November 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Die Entscheidung für Casablanca als Veranstaltungsort des Texcare Forums lag in seiner Bedeutung als wirtschaftliches Zentrum der gesamten Maghreb-Region begründet. Mit über 100 Millionen Einwohnern, einer starken Tourismuswirtschaft und einer bedeutenden Textilindustrie ist diese ein zukunftsträchtiger Standort für die Textilpflege-Branche. Gerade Marokko erwartet als Co-Gastgeber der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2030 neue ökonomische Impulse.  

Rund 120 Teilnehmer aus der Wäscherei- und Reinigungsbranche kamen am 04. Juni in Casablanca, Marokko, zum ersten Texcare Forum auf afrikanischem Boden zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt des Austauschs zwischen lokalen Fachbetrieben, internationalen Experten und Herstellern standen die Themen Automatisierung, digitale Technologien, Produktion, Logistik und Umweltschutz im Bereich textiler Dienstleistungen. Die Konferenz zeigte die Besonderheiten der Märkte Nordafrikas auf und bot einen Vorgeschmack auf die globale Leitmesse der Textilpflegebranche, die Texcare International, im November 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

Die Entscheidung für Casablanca als Veranstaltungsort des Texcare Forums lag in seiner Bedeutung als wirtschaftliches Zentrum der gesamten Maghreb-Region begründet. Mit über 100 Millionen Einwohnern, einer starken Tourismuswirtschaft und einer bedeutenden Textilindustrie ist diese ein zukunftsträchtiger Standort für die Textilpflege-Branche. Gerade Marokko erwartet als Co-Gastgeber der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2030 neue ökonomische Impulse.  

Im Hotel Hyatt Regency wurde den Teilnehmern neben einem spannenden Vortragsprogramm umfassend Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken geboten. Am zweiten Veranstaltungstag konnten Interessierte sich zudem auf eine Exkursion zu führenden Wäschereien der Region begeben.

Organisatoren und Partner des Forums waren neben der Messe Frankfurt der VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies sowie die französische Handelskammer in Marokko (CFCIM). Als Hauptsponsor fungierte die Firma Christeyns, zu den weiteren Sponsoren zählten Kannegiesser, Tolon, Jensen, Imesa, ABS Laundry und CM2W.

Im Zentrum des Texcare Forum Casablanca stand ein umfassendes Konferenzprogramm In jeweils einstündigen Panels teilten Expert*innen ihr Wissen, beantworteten Fragen und standen anschließend für Fachgespräche zur Verfügung.

Gehalten wurden die Vorträge in französischer Sprache mit einer simultanen Übersetzung ins Englische. Die Moderation übernahm die Branchenexpertin Sandra Minette von der Texcare France.  

Das Programm war gegliedert in vier Themenblöcke:

  • Unternehmensstrategie: Neue Digitalisierungs- und Automatisierungstechnologien
    Auf dem Texcare Forum Casablanca teilten die Branchenexperten Rémi Uriet (ABS LBS), Badre Bouitane (Blanchisserie Ecoblanc) und Andrea Garoia (Jensen) ihr Fachwissen zu Themen wie Arbeitserleichterung, Digitalisierung von Prozessen und vernetzten Unternehmenslösungen.
  • Energie und Wasser
    Miloud Bouzziri (Christeyns Maroc), Aziz Lamrani (Blanchisserie AB Maroc) sowie Audrey und Arnaud Bretéché (Cabinet Bretagne Environnement) gaben anhand von Untersuchungen und praktischen Fallstudien Anregungen zur Verringerung der Umweltauswirkungen im Wäschereiprozess.
  • Produktion und Logistik
    Hélène Ducarre (Optim Expertise), Patrik André (Maison de Blanc) und Badre Bouitane (Blanchisserie Ecoblanc) vermittelten neue Herangehensweisen zu Themen wie Wäsche-Nachverfolgung, Liefermanagement, der passenden Wahl von Materialien und Equipment sowie dem richtigen Umgang mit Saisonalität
  • Interne Wäschepflege vs. Outsourcing
    Spannende Einblicke zur Optimierung des Wäschemanagements in einem Hotel, zur Mitarbeiterschulung und zur ewigen Frage: „Selbst machen oder auslagern?“ gaben Pascale Allaert (Meilleure Ouvrière de France), Jérôme Guéné (Laundry & Cleaning Consulting) und Lydie Barrand (Generalgouvernante des Hotels Royal Mansour Casablanca).

Johannes Schmid-Wiedersheim, Director Brand Management Textile Care, resümiert: „Mit dem Texcare Forum Casablanca wollten wir der boomenden Tourismusindustrie der Region sowie dem Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor ein Forum zum Thema professionelle Wäschepflege anbieten und den Austausch mit Beratern und Lieferanten herstellen. Ich glaube, das ist sehr gut gelungen! Die Besucher konnten sich in kurzer Zeit auf den neuesten Stand der Verfahren zur Sicherung der Qualität, Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Textilien bringen. Für die internationalen Teilnehmer bot sich die Gelegenheit, den marokkanischen Markt mit seinen ganz spezifischen Chancen und Herausforderungen besser kennenzulernen. Schon beim Netzwerken vor Ort haben sich daraus sehr spannende Gespräche und vielleicht zukünftige Projekte entwickelt.“

Veronika März vom VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies konstatiert: „Das Texcare Forum in Casablanca bot eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, einen Einblick in den aufstrebenden Markt Marokkos für Textilpflege zu erhalten. Das abwechslungsreiche und hervorragend besetze Konferenzprogramm gab interessante Einblicke zu wichtigen Branchenthemen wie der Digitalisierung von Prozessen, der Verringerung von Umweltbelastungen und vielem mehr. Zudem boten sich ausgezeichnete Gelegenheiten zum Networking und um neue Kontakte innerhalb der marokkanischen Textil(pflege)industrie zu knüpfen.“


More information:
texcare Afrika Textilpflege

Messe Frankfurt

Innovation Lab Eröffnung Foto CWS Workwear International GmbH
v.l.n.r.: Hartmut Engler (CEO CWS Workwear), Melanie Deppe (Head of Product Quality CWS Workwear), Oliver Quilling (Landrat), Stefanie Leibold (Leiterin Innovation Lab CWS Workwear)

CWS Workwear eröffnet Innovation Lab für nachhaltige Textilien

Das CWS Workwear Innovation Lab, gelegen in der Max-Planck-Straße 10 in Dreieich, verbindet ein innovatives Konzept aus Labor und Showroom im Industrial Style. Das Lab ist speziell darauf ausgelegt, Produkte und Materialien zu testen, die neu eingeführt werden, soll aber zugleich auch als Schulungsort dienen.

„Im Innovation Lab führen wir Analysen durch zur Verlängerung der Lebensdauer unserer Textilien“, erklärt Stefanie Leibold, Dipl.-Ingenieurin der Waschmitteltechnologie und Leiterin des CWS Workwear Innovation Labs. „Ein Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der textilen Forensik, auf Qualitäts- und Nachhaltigkeitsstandards sowie auf einer individuellen und professionellen Fehleranalyse.“ Das gilt nicht nur für neue Produktentwicklungen, sondern auch für Arbeitskleidung, die bereits im Einsatz ist. CWS Workwear bietet Arbeitskleidung mit Rundum-Service vom Waschen bis hin zum Recycling an und setzt auf ein zirkuläres Geschäftsmodell.

Das CWS Workwear Innovation Lab, gelegen in der Max-Planck-Straße 10 in Dreieich, verbindet ein innovatives Konzept aus Labor und Showroom im Industrial Style. Das Lab ist speziell darauf ausgelegt, Produkte und Materialien zu testen, die neu eingeführt werden, soll aber zugleich auch als Schulungsort dienen.

„Im Innovation Lab führen wir Analysen durch zur Verlängerung der Lebensdauer unserer Textilien“, erklärt Stefanie Leibold, Dipl.-Ingenieurin der Waschmitteltechnologie und Leiterin des CWS Workwear Innovation Labs. „Ein Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der textilen Forensik, auf Qualitäts- und Nachhaltigkeitsstandards sowie auf einer individuellen und professionellen Fehleranalyse.“ Das gilt nicht nur für neue Produktentwicklungen, sondern auch für Arbeitskleidung, die bereits im Einsatz ist. CWS Workwear bietet Arbeitskleidung mit Rundum-Service vom Waschen bis hin zum Recycling an und setzt auf ein zirkuläres Geschäftsmodell.

Neben der Forschung dient das Innovation Lab künftig auch als Schulungsgebäude. Mit kundenorientierten Workshops zu verschiedenen Themen bietet CWS Workwear die Möglichkeit, einen Einblick in die Welt nachhaltiger Textilien zu erhalten. Dabei können Teilnehmende hinter die Kulissen eines Prüflabors blicken und sich selbst von den Qualitätsstandards überzeugen.

Fast alle CWS Workwear Kollektionen wurden aus umweltfreundlichen Materialien entwickelt und produziert. Damit verfolgt das Unternehmen sein Ziel, bis 2030 die Produktlebensdauer zu verdoppeln sowie Qualitätsmängel zu minimieren, um den Wäscheinvest drastisch zu senken und das Abfallaufkommen deutlich zu verringern.

„Die Eröffnung unseres Innovation Labs ist ein bedeutendes Kapitel in der Geschichte von CWS Workwear, die 1899 in Hamburg begann“, sagt Hartmut Engler, CEO von CWS Workwear. „Hier in unserem neuen Innovation Lab in Dreieich schaffen wir die Voraussetzungen für die nächste Generation nachhaltiger Textilien. Durch innovative Forschung und praxisnahe Tests stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Produkte nicht nur den höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen, sondern auch einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz leisten.“


CWS Workwear International GmbH

DECATHLON: Entwicklung einer Neopren-Alternative (c) DECATHLON

DECATHLON: Entwicklung einer Neopren-Alternative

  • Decathlon und das amerikanische Unternehmen Yulex entwickeln gemeinsam Yulex100, eine Alternative zu Polychloropren (“Neopren”).
  • Yulex100 besteht zu 100 % aus FSC®- und PEFC®-zertifiziertem Naturkautschuk.
  • Die Neopren-Alternative wird zunächst für Surfanzüge und Schwimmtops im Decathlon Sortiment eingesetzt.

Polychloropren, besser bekannt als Neopren, ist ein Synthesekautschuk, der aus Erdöl oder Kalkstein gewonnen wird. Er ist zwar dehnbar und hält warm, aber die Herstellung ist energie- und CO2-intensiv. Darüber hinaus ist er nicht recycelbar. Auch alternative Produkte auf dem Markt bestehen zu einem gewissen Anteil immer aus synthetischem Kautschuk.

  • Decathlon und das amerikanische Unternehmen Yulex entwickeln gemeinsam Yulex100, eine Alternative zu Polychloropren (“Neopren”).
  • Yulex100 besteht zu 100 % aus FSC®- und PEFC®-zertifiziertem Naturkautschuk.
  • Die Neopren-Alternative wird zunächst für Surfanzüge und Schwimmtops im Decathlon Sortiment eingesetzt.

Polychloropren, besser bekannt als Neopren, ist ein Synthesekautschuk, der aus Erdöl oder Kalkstein gewonnen wird. Er ist zwar dehnbar und hält warm, aber die Herstellung ist energie- und CO2-intensiv. Darüber hinaus ist er nicht recycelbar. Auch alternative Produkte auf dem Markt bestehen zu einem gewissen Anteil immer aus synthetischem Kautschuk.
Gemeinsam mit dem amerikanischen Unternehmen Yulex, das an der Erforschung und Herstellung von natürlichen Latex- und Kautschukalternativen arbeitet, ist Decathlon nun ein Durchbruch für die Entwicklung eines Schaumstoffs gelungen, der kein synthetischen Kautschuk mehr enthält. Die größte Herausforderung bestand darin, einen Ersatz für das Polymer zu finden, das die Hauptkomponente im Schaumstoff ist, ohne den Produktionsprozess, die Produktleistung oder den Preis zu verändern.  Nach zwei Jahren intensiver Forschung mit über 50 Labortests und 50 verschiedenen Rezepturen ist es gelungen, die erste Neopren-Alternative herzustellen, die frei von synthetischem Kautschuk ist und deren Rohstoff Kautschuk ausschließlich aus PEFC®- oder FSC®-zertifizierten Wäldern bezogen wird.
Yulex100 ist damit die erste und derzeit einzige Alternative zu Neopren, die zu 100 % aus zertifiziertem Naturkautschuk besteht. Das Material reduziert die CO2-Äquivalent-Emissionen im Vergleich zu Neoprenschaum um 80 %, bleibt dabei genauso leicht, wärmedämmenden sowie dehnbar und erfüllt alle technischen Anforderungen der Nutzer:innen. Durch den Einsatz von zusätzlich benötigten Materialien, u.a. Reißverschlüsse, Beschichtung, Garne, verändert sich die prozentuale Reduzierung von CO2-Äquivalent-Emissionen entsprechend des Modells. Für den Kinder-Shorty beträgt sie beispielsweise 43 %.
Die Neuentwicklung soll sukzessive das gesamte Neopren-Sortiment bei Decathlon ersetzen. Des Weiteren erforschen die Teams aktiv technische Lösungen für andere Wassersportarten wie Tauchen und Freiwasserschwimmen.
Decathlons Netto-Null-Emissionsziel

In Übereinstimmung mit dem SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard verpflichtet sich Decathlon, bis 2050 Treibhausemissionen der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette zu reduzieren und auszugleichen. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt will Decathlon die absoluten CO2-Äquivalent-Emissionen um 90 % gegenüber dem Basisjahr 2021 reduzieren. Dabei spielt der Kreislaufgedanke bei der Erreichung seiner Klimaziele und der Verringerung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks eine zentrale Rolle. Das Unternehmen intensiviert daher seine Bemühungen unter anderem um die Skalierung von zirkulären Geschäftsmodellen durch Second-Hand-Angebote, Rückkauf, Vermietung und Abonnements sowie Reparaturen und Ersatzteile. In dem Bewusstsein, dass diese Ziele nicht allein erreicht werden können, kooperiert die Sportartikelmarke mit engagierten und innovativen Partnern.


More information:
Decathlon Sportbekleidung Kautschuk

DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG


Lenzing welcomes new shareholder Suzano S/A

The Lenzing Group learned that Lenzing's main shareholder B&C Group and the Brazilian pulp producer Suzano S/A have signed a long-term partnership in connection with the majority stake in Lenzing. As part of this agreement, Suzano S/A will take over a 15 percent stake in Lenzing AG from B&C Group. Suzano is the world's largest pulp producer based in Sao Paolo and recently achieved annual sales of more than EUR 7 billion.

Lenzing's management welcomes the proposed transaction and looks forward working with another core shareholder.

The Lenzing Group learned that Lenzing's main shareholder B&C Group and the Brazilian pulp producer Suzano S/A have signed a long-term partnership in connection with the majority stake in Lenzing. As part of this agreement, Suzano S/A will take over a 15 percent stake in Lenzing AG from B&C Group. Suzano is the world's largest pulp producer based in Sao Paolo and recently achieved annual sales of more than EUR 7 billion.

Lenzing's management welcomes the proposed transaction and looks forward working with another core shareholder.


Lenzing AG


B.I.G.powers Cushion Vinyl production plant with green energy

Beaulieu International Group is investing €5 million to transition the fossil based energy supply of its Cushion Vinyl production plant in Wielsbeke, Belgium, to bio mass generated steam supply. A transition to renewable energy. To this end, B.I.G. is collaborating with A&U Energie, a company that converts non-recyclable wood waste into green energy and heat. This strategic move aligns with B.I.G.'s commitment to reach ‘net zero’ for their operations by 2030.

The transition from fossil energy to green steam and the switch to waste gas treatment without direct fossil energy brings significant benefits. First, the switch in technology will lead to 88% reduction in their Belgian Cushion Vinyl carbon footprint related to heat supply and waste gas treatment, compared to the current emissions. Second, the use of steam heating and electric energy provides improved energy efficiency. In addition, the use of steam systems is known for its safety and reliability, providing a safer and more stable heating solution for the Belgian Cushion Vinyl facility. Moreover, the switch to steam and electric energy allows for the use of green electricity in the future, if available.

Beaulieu International Group is investing €5 million to transition the fossil based energy supply of its Cushion Vinyl production plant in Wielsbeke, Belgium, to bio mass generated steam supply. A transition to renewable energy. To this end, B.I.G. is collaborating with A&U Energie, a company that converts non-recyclable wood waste into green energy and heat. This strategic move aligns with B.I.G.'s commitment to reach ‘net zero’ for their operations by 2030.

The transition from fossil energy to green steam and the switch to waste gas treatment without direct fossil energy brings significant benefits. First, the switch in technology will lead to 88% reduction in their Belgian Cushion Vinyl carbon footprint related to heat supply and waste gas treatment, compared to the current emissions. Second, the use of steam heating and electric energy provides improved energy efficiency. In addition, the use of steam systems is known for its safety and reliability, providing a safer and more stable heating solution for the Belgian Cushion Vinyl facility. Moreover, the switch to steam and electric energy allows for the use of green electricity in the future, if available.

In addition to transitioning to 100% green energy, Beaulieu International Group is also dedicated to advancing the circular economy. These efforts encompass various initiatives, including increasing the use of recycled and reused materials. For example, 50% of B.I.G.'s PVC floor coverings are already fully recyclable. Additionally, they are actively working to reduce the environmental impact of their solutions by 42% at the end of their life cycle, striving to minimize product emissions to nearly zero, and eliminating pollutants. Recently at the Belgian Flanders Flooring Days, Beauflor launched its Twilight collection, a cushion vinyl floor created with PVC from 100% bio and circular sources resulting in a 40% reduced CO₂ footprint compared to their conventional heterogeneous CV flooring for residential applications

Furthermore, their cushion vinyl brand Beauflor launched the ReLive concept, a specialized program designed for a circular future, ensuring the collection, sorting, and recycling of PVC flooring cutting waste. Currently, this program focuses on post-installation waste and is exclusively available in France, with the goal of expanding its reach to other EU countries.

Through the establishment of strategic partnerships dedicated to finding innovative ways to repurpose waste materials previously slated for incineration, B.I.G. underscores its commitment to sustainable solutions and collaboration with like-minded organizations. 75% of B.I.G.'s post-industrial waste is now being successfully recycled.


Beaulieu International Group

Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (c) Dibella b.v.

Dibella at Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

After a debut in 2023, Dibella exhibited again this year at the Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo America (CSI Americas) in Miami, a leading trade fair for cruise interiors.

Under the motto “You create the stories for amazing dreams - We provide the restful sleep”, Dibella presented its latest developments in textile flat linen at the Convention Center in Miami/USA from 6 to 7 June 2024: bed linen and terry products that not only offer maximum comfort and durability but are also perfectly tailored to the special requirements of the maritime environment.

"The trade fair in Miami was a great success for us. In particular, our newly developed JAVA hand and shower towels and our VIRGINIA bed linen, both with regenerated cellulose fibers Lyocell, were very well received due to their special soft feel. We have had many rewarding discussions with existing customers and new prospects and are very much looking forward to working with them in the future,” says Marvin Groß-Hardt, Export Sales at Dibella.

CSI Americas, which has doubled in size since its inception in 2019, had more than 250 exhibitors this year. The show showcases brands in cruise design, attracting representatives from the industry's largest design firms and cruise lines each year.


Dibella b.v.


Lectra: TextileGenesis joins forces with Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC®)

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

The Lectra Group company announced a new collaboration between TextileGenesis, the textile traceability platform and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). It will enable the implementation, via the TextileGenesis platform, of new solutions to ensure the traceability of cellulose fibers from responsibly managed forests.

In fashion, many textiles such as viscose, lyocell and modal use man-made cellulose fibers. These fibers are themselves made from wood pulp, the production of which can contribute to deforestation.

Founded in 1994, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international NGO whose mission is to promote responsible forest management worldwide. In particular, the organization offers certification for products and raw materials which have been obtained from wood grown in responsibly managed forests, and comes from supply chains where social rights of workers, communities and indigenous peoples have been safeguarded.

Amit Gautam, founder and CEO of TextileGenesis, explains: "We've already been working with Man Made Cellulosic Fiber Producers for several years to facilitate, thanks to our blockchain-inspired technology, the traceability of fibers manufactured by the most virtuous producers, and we've integrated their analysis criteria into our platform. By also becoming an FSC® partner today, we're taking things a step further. This new collaboration will support companies in the traceability of FSC certified fibers and support the administration and data management of FSC Chain of Custody certification. All players in the value chain will benefit from increased transparency and much more reliable upstream data. Fashion brands will be able to demonstrate much more easily that their garments use textiles made from responsibly sourced man-made cellulose fibers."

Fabian Farkas, FSC International Chief Commercial Director, adds: “We are seeing a rapid increase in interest in FSC certification from the textile industry, marking a very positive trend. Through this collaboration with TextileGenesis, we aim to simplify the administrative part of FSC certification for companies within the textile supply chain by automating many required data processes. Our goal is to empower brands to identify opportunities for seamless progress in meeting their FSC procurement policies.”

Following the signature in October 2023 of a memorandum of understanding with the International Cotton Association (ICA) and the launch last January of two consortiums with footwear and leather players, and more recently the announcement of its partnership with the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF), the initiator of The Good Cashmere Standard® (GCS), TextileGenesis confirms, with this new collaboration with the FSC®, its central place in the ecosystem of players mobilizing for more sustainable and responsible fashion.


Cascale to host Manufacturer Forum in Shanghai

Cascale (formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition) will host Manufacturer Forum: Shanghai on June 28, part of an annual series of events designed to amplify the voices of manufacturers around the globe. Featuring targeted programming designed to address local challenges faced by manufacturers, the event will highlight solutions provided by Cascale’s Higg Index suite of tools and growing list of impact initiatives. The event takes place at the Shanghai New International Expo Center in collaboration with ISPO Shanghai, the multi-segment summer trade show.

Following successful runs in Bangalore, Dhaka, and Shenzhen, Manufacturer Forum: Shanghai will further facilitate pre-competitive collaboration in order to share best practices and collectively address critical challenges. Keynote speakers include Colin Browne, the organization’s newly-appointed CEO, and Scott Raskin, CEO of Worldly, Cascale’s technology partner and event sponsor.

Cascale (formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition) will host Manufacturer Forum: Shanghai on June 28, part of an annual series of events designed to amplify the voices of manufacturers around the globe. Featuring targeted programming designed to address local challenges faced by manufacturers, the event will highlight solutions provided by Cascale’s Higg Index suite of tools and growing list of impact initiatives. The event takes place at the Shanghai New International Expo Center in collaboration with ISPO Shanghai, the multi-segment summer trade show.

Following successful runs in Bangalore, Dhaka, and Shenzhen, Manufacturer Forum: Shanghai will further facilitate pre-competitive collaboration in order to share best practices and collectively address critical challenges. Keynote speakers include Colin Browne, the organization’s newly-appointed CEO, and Scott Raskin, CEO of Worldly, Cascale’s technology partner and event sponsor.

Reflecting “Catalyst for Change,” the current theme of Cascale’s Manufacturer Forum series, the Shanghai event reinforces the organization’s commitment to support an open exchange between manufacturers and better understand their needs and ongoing challenges to jointly develop solutions.

Over 200 attendees are expected to attend the event, which brings together manufacturers with business leaders and critical stakeholders. Programming will cover a wide range of topics, including what manufacturers need to know about global policy, how strategic partnerships can drive industry change, the evolution of Higg FEM and verification processes, and the latest on decarbonization impacts. To aid goal and target-setting, there will also be dedicated training on setting Science-Based Targets for decarbonization, as part of an evolving and interactive program.



THREAD project: Addressing Textile Waste in the NPA Region (c) WDC

THREAD project: Addressing Textile Waste in the NPA Region

The Western Development Commission (WDC) announces the successful funding of the THREAD project. Supported by the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, THREADs (Textile and Habiliment Reuse for the Environment and NPA Area Development) is set to launch a transformative three-year initiative starting in September 2024, focusing on innovative textile waste management.

THREADs aims to significantly reduce textile waste in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. With a total budget of €1.5 million, the project will implement a range of innovative approaches across the textile lifecycle—from design to disposal. This initiative includes trialling smart waste collection methods, enhancing circular practices, and integrating social inclusion initiatives in circularity efforts. Additionally, the project will explore new business models to support sustainable practices.

The Western Development Commission (WDC) announces the successful funding of the THREAD project. Supported by the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, THREADs (Textile and Habiliment Reuse for the Environment and NPA Area Development) is set to launch a transformative three-year initiative starting in September 2024, focusing on innovative textile waste management.

THREADs aims to significantly reduce textile waste in the Northern Periphery and Arctic region. With a total budget of €1.5 million, the project will implement a range of innovative approaches across the textile lifecycle—from design to disposal. This initiative includes trialling smart waste collection methods, enhancing circular practices, and integrating social inclusion initiatives in circularity efforts. Additionally, the project will explore new business models to support sustainable practices.

The project unites a diverse group of partners from across Europe, reflecting a collaborative effort to tackle an urgent environmental issue. The lead partner, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences from Finland, is joined by other key stakeholders including the Municipality of Kittilä, Kiertokaari Ltd, Remiks Husholdning AS from Norway, Technological University of the Shannon – Forge Design Factory from Ireland, University of Boras and Lulea Miljoresurs AB from Sweden, and the Icelandic Textile Center.

The funding announcement marks a crucial step towards implementing effective solutions that address both the environmental impact of textile waste and the challenges posed by fast fashion in sparsely populated areas. By focusing on sustainability and efficient resource use, THREADs is poised to create meaningful change in the way textile management is approached in the NPA region.


Chargeurs PCC acquires strategic business units of Cilander

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies has signed a binding agreement to acquire two strategic business units of the Swiss company Cilander, much renowned worldwide for its expertise in the supply of high-end textile fabrics and finishing services for complex textiles used in a wide range of applications.

The project includes the acquisition of the historic factory of the company, Geissbühler, located in Lützelflüh. The factory is a cornerstone of its finishing activities for high-tech textile solutions to address demanding markets such as the military, interior design, sports, and mobility. The site is the legacy of an industrial history that began in 1677, almost 350 years ago. With its Planofil® brand, Cilander markets high-performance textile fabrics for outdoor use, particularly in the nautical world. Cilander also offers a range of finishing options and can tailor-make products to customer specifications.

Under the agreement, CFT PCC also plans to acquire the shirt fabrics business, which mainly comprises the ALUMO brand, founded by Karl Albrecht, joined by Robert Morgen in 1941. For over a century, ALUMO has been at the forefront of offering fabrics made from the finest, highest-quality cotton for men's shirts. The company is the preferred supplier of tailors and specialized luxury brands worldwide, relying on its E-commerce platform.

In addition, Cilander's fabrics business includes the Eugster & Huber brand, aimed at women's fashion brands. The portfolio also comprises Brennet, known for its high-quality fabrics with a contemporary touch, and Swiss Ghutra, a brand specializing in high-end fabrics and headpieces for a clientele in the Middle East.

When completed, this acquisition will strengthen the development capabilities of Chargeurs PCC Fashion Technologies, a leader in interlinings for the garment industry. Thanks to Cilander’s high-tech products and solutions, the business line will open doors to new, particularly demanding niche markets, notably the military market and reinforce its market share in the apparel segment, especially shirt-making.

Successful closing of drupa 2024 (c) Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Successful closing of drupa 2024

drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf drew to a successful close on 7 June after eleven days. 1,643 exhibitors from 52 nations presented a showcase of innovations in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls and thrilled the trade visitors with performances. The international share of the visitors was 80%, with attendees coming from 174 countries. After Europe, Asia was the most strongly represented region with 22%, followed by America with 12%.  Asia as well as Latin America and the MENA region are markets with great growth potential, which was reflected in the significant increase in exhibitors' presence and order books.

Exhibitors praised the high level of decision-making competence of visitors. They, in turn, gave top marks to the range of products and services on offer in the 18 exhibition halls. Around 96% of all visitors confirmed that they had fully achieved the objectives associated with their visit. At over 50%, most of them came from the printing industry, followed by the packaging industry, whose share has increased significantly and which was the focus of many exhibitors as a growth driver. In total, 170,000 trade visitors attended drupa 2024.

drupa 2024 in Düsseldorf drew to a successful close on 7 June after eleven days. 1,643 exhibitors from 52 nations presented a showcase of innovations in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls and thrilled the trade visitors with performances. The international share of the visitors was 80%, with attendees coming from 174 countries. After Europe, Asia was the most strongly represented region with 22%, followed by America with 12%.  Asia as well as Latin America and the MENA region are markets with great growth potential, which was reflected in the significant increase in exhibitors' presence and order books.

Exhibitors praised the high level of decision-making competence of visitors. They, in turn, gave top marks to the range of products and services on offer in the 18 exhibition halls. Around 96% of all visitors confirmed that they had fully achieved the objectives associated with their visit. At over 50%, most of them came from the printing industry, followed by the packaging industry, whose share has increased significantly and which was the focus of many exhibitors as a growth driver. In total, 170,000 trade visitors attended drupa 2024.

Automation took centre stage at this year’s drupa, with a strong focus on AI and smart workflows, including software solutions. It became clear that digital and analogue technologies ideally complement and benefit from each other. Traditional industry leaders presented a wide range of digital solutions, while digital pioneers integrated conventional components into their offerings. Robotics played an important role in the exhibition halls and illustrated the path towards the smart factory.

Transformation and growth
drupa made it clear that the industry has great potential for the future, even against the backdrop of many challenges, and that the prospects are promising. In the last financial year, the global printing industry achieved a turnover of around EUR 840 billion (source: Smithers) and continues to develop at varying pace worldwide.
Many new strategic alliances concluded at the trade fair reflected the opportunities that are only possible in such a concentrated form at drupa.

Sustainable technologies
Technology is the key to achieving sustainability goals - exhibitors at drupa illustrated this with numerous practice-orientated developments and concrete solutions. Top priority is given to resource efficiency and the path to a functioning circular economy. In addition, Touchpoint Sustainability from the VDMA, the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, showcased current state of the art innovations, presented best-practice use cases and gave a far-reaching outlook into the future of a sustainable printing industry.

Knowledge transfer
The supporting programme with its five special forums drupa cube, drupa next age (dna) and the Touchpoints Packaging, Textile and Sustainability was well received. In times of constant change and the resulting new business models, they ensured an intensive transfer of knowledge and provided important guidance. Guided tours on various key topics rounded off the trade fair experience.

The next drupa will be held in 2028.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Alpaka Store Deutschland: Spendenaktion für Hochwasseropfer

Die Hochwasser in Süddeutschland haben massive Schäden hinterlassen und zahlreiche Familien in Not gebracht. Alpaka Store Deutschland, ein Anbieter für Alpaka Bettwaren und nachhaltige Alpaka Mode, hat eine Spendenaktion ins Leben gerufen, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. 25% der bis zum 09. Juni getätigten Einkäufe werden an Hilfsorganisationen und betroffene Gemeinden gespendet.

„Unsere Herzen sind bei den Betroffenen dieser Katastrophe. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass die Spenden genau dort ankommen, wo sie am dringendsten benötigt werden“, erklärt Thomas Oberhofer, Geschäftsführer von Alpaka Store Deutschland.

Alpaka Store Deutschland steht für Nachhaltigkeit und soziales Engagement und hat bereits in der Vergangenheit erfolgreiche Spendenaktionen durchgeführt und Menschen in Not geholfen.

Die Hochwasser in Süddeutschland haben massive Schäden hinterlassen und zahlreiche Familien in Not gebracht. Alpaka Store Deutschland, ein Anbieter für Alpaka Bettwaren und nachhaltige Alpaka Mode, hat eine Spendenaktion ins Leben gerufen, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. 25% der bis zum 09. Juni getätigten Einkäufe werden an Hilfsorganisationen und betroffene Gemeinden gespendet.

„Unsere Herzen sind bei den Betroffenen dieser Katastrophe. Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass die Spenden genau dort ankommen, wo sie am dringendsten benötigt werden“, erklärt Thomas Oberhofer, Geschäftsführer von Alpaka Store Deutschland.

Alpaka Store Deutschland steht für Nachhaltigkeit und soziales Engagement und hat bereits in der Vergangenheit erfolgreiche Spendenaktionen durchgeführt und Menschen in Not geholfen.

More information:
Alpaka Store Deutschland Spenden

Alpaka Store Deutschland UG

Synthetic leather made from recyclable and bio-based PBS Photo: DITF

Synthetic leather made from recyclable and bio-based PBS

A new type of pure synthetic leather meets the requirements of the European Ecodesign Regulation. Made from a bio-based plastic, it is biodegradable and meets the requirements for a closed recycling process.

A new type of pure synthetic leather meets the requirements of the European Ecodesign Regulation. Made from a bio-based plastic, it is biodegradable and meets the requirements for a closed recycling process.

Many synthetic leathers consist of a textile substrate to which a polymer layer is applied. The polymer layer usually consists of an adhesive layer and a top layer, which is usually embossed. The textile backing and the top coat are usually completely different materials. Woven, knitted, or nonwoven fabrics made of PET, PET/cotton, or polyamide are often used as textile substrates. PVC and various polyurethanes are commonly used for coatings. The use of these established composite materials does not meet today's sustainability criteria. Recycling them by type is very costly or even impossible. They are not biodegradable. The search for alternative materials for the production of artificial leather is therefore urgent. In 2022, the EU adopted the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) ("Green Deal"). It includes an eco-design regulation that considers a product's life cycle in the conservation of resources. For textile and product design, this means incorporating closing the loop or end-of-life into product development.

In an AiF project carried out in close cooperation between the DITF and the Freiberg Institute gGmbH (FILK), it has now been possible to develop a synthetic leather in which both the fiber material and the coating polymer are identical. The varietal purity is a prerequisite for an industrial recycling concept.

The aliphatic polyester polybutylene succinate (PBS) was recommended as the base material because of its properties. PBS can be produced from biogenic sources and is now available on the market in several grades and in large quantities. Its biodegradability has been demonstrated in tests. The material can be processed thermoplastically. This applies to both the fiber material and the coating. Subsequent product recycling is facilitated by the thermoplastic properties.

In order to realize a successful primary spinning process and to obtain PBS filaments with good textile mechanical properties, process adjustments had to be made in the cooling shaft at the DITF. In the end, it was possible to spin POY yarns at relatively high speeds of up to 3,000 m/min, which had a tenacity of just under 30 cN/tex when stretched. The yarns could be easily processed into pure PBS fabrics. These in turn were used at FILK as a textile base substrate for the subsequent extrusion coating, where PBS was also used as a thermoplastic.

With optimized production steps, PBS composite materials with the typical structure of artificial leather could be produced. Purity and biodegradability fulfill the requirements for a closed recycling process.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)


Tarifgespräche für Textilregion Nord-Ost abgeschlossen

In der dritten Tarifrunde einigten sich die Tarifpartner nach ca. 15-stündigen Verhandlungen auf einen zukunftsfähigen Abschluss. Vorangegangen waren mehrere Warnstreiks.

In einer wirtschaftlich sehr schwierigen Ausgangslage der Textilindustrie wurde ein Gesamtpaket geschnürt, mit welchem man an die äußerste finanzielle Schmerzgrenze der Unternehmen gegangen ist. Weitere Warnstreiks hätten jedoch weit höheren wirtschaftlichen Schaden verursacht.

Kernelemente des Abschlusses sind bei einer Laufzeit von 22 Monaten deutliche Einkommenssteigerungen von insgesamt 10,0 Prozent, zusätzlich steuerfreie Inflationsausgleichszahlungen von 1.250 Euro in drei Tranchen, eine stufenweise Anhebung der Jahressonderzahlung bis zum Jahr 2029 sowie eine Fortsetzung der Altersteilzeit mit flexibleren Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Weiterhin wird auch die Auszubildendenvergütung überproportional gesteigert und die Auszubildenden erhalten eine steuerfreie Inflationsausgleichszahlung von 625 Euro in drei Tranchen.

In der dritten Tarifrunde einigten sich die Tarifpartner nach ca. 15-stündigen Verhandlungen auf einen zukunftsfähigen Abschluss. Vorangegangen waren mehrere Warnstreiks.

In einer wirtschaftlich sehr schwierigen Ausgangslage der Textilindustrie wurde ein Gesamtpaket geschnürt, mit welchem man an die äußerste finanzielle Schmerzgrenze der Unternehmen gegangen ist. Weitere Warnstreiks hätten jedoch weit höheren wirtschaftlichen Schaden verursacht.

Kernelemente des Abschlusses sind bei einer Laufzeit von 22 Monaten deutliche Einkommenssteigerungen von insgesamt 10,0 Prozent, zusätzlich steuerfreie Inflationsausgleichszahlungen von 1.250 Euro in drei Tranchen, eine stufenweise Anhebung der Jahressonderzahlung bis zum Jahr 2029 sowie eine Fortsetzung der Altersteilzeit mit flexibleren Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Weiterhin wird auch die Auszubildendenvergütung überproportional gesteigert und die Auszubildenden erhalten eine steuerfreie Inflationsausgleichszahlung von 625 Euro in drei Tranchen.


Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V.


Collaboration between Napapijri and Good Earth Cotton

Lifestyle brand Napapijri has released a range of sustainable summer essentials for men, women and kids, using Good Earth Cotton®.

The partnership between Napapijri and Good Earth Cotton® highlights the brand’s aim to source 100% of its materials from regenerative, responsibly sourced, renewable or recycled sources by 2030. The range includes premium knitwear including T-shirts, polos and more.

Good Earth Cotton is a production system verified as having a positive Net Zero position. The Australian-grown program focuses on regenerative farming that improves soil health, enhances biodiversity and sequesters carbon ensuring that it not only has a neutral impact on the environment but net positive one.

Lifestyle brand Napapijri has released a range of sustainable summer essentials for men, women and kids, using Good Earth Cotton®.

The partnership between Napapijri and Good Earth Cotton® highlights the brand’s aim to source 100% of its materials from regenerative, responsibly sourced, renewable or recycled sources by 2030. The range includes premium knitwear including T-shirts, polos and more.

Good Earth Cotton is a production system verified as having a positive Net Zero position. The Australian-grown program focuses on regenerative farming that improves soil health, enhances biodiversity and sequesters carbon ensuring that it not only has a neutral impact on the environment but net positive one.

One of the most innovative aspects of Good Earth Cotton® is the use of FibreTrace® technology, a real time verification for fibre integrity. Unlike other traceability technologies, FibreTrace® embeds luminescent pigments into the raw cotton, creating a unique signature to verify the fibre and track across the global supply chain. Luminescent pigments are pigments that create physical traceability locked to a scanning device. FibreTrace® also validates the data of the raw cotton fibre and sustainability improvements through the supply chain.

Each product in Napapijri’s Good Earth Cotton® range comes with a QR code on the label which can be scanned to display the products supply chain journey from fibre to store.


FibreTrace / Good Earth Cotton


Stratasys: Expanded Materials and Technology Updates

Stratasys Ltd. is announcing updates to several Industrial and Healthcare Business Unit products and Stratasys Direct. These include a new open platform for the F900™ 3D printer, more on-demand 3D printing capabilities and a new high-performance material for its Fused Deposition Modeling line.

OpenAM comes to the F900
Stratasys OpenAM™ is a software application that enables the user to modify machine controls to achieve results beyond standard print settings. Already available for the Fortus 450®mc printer, Stratasys is now making its OpenAM software available for the F900 printer. This will allow for expanded functionality and capabilities and will unlock new materials for F900 users.

Stratasys Ltd. is announcing updates to several Industrial and Healthcare Business Unit products and Stratasys Direct. These include a new open platform for the F900™ 3D printer, more on-demand 3D printing capabilities and a new high-performance material for its Fused Deposition Modeling line.

OpenAM comes to the F900
Stratasys OpenAM™ is a software application that enables the user to modify machine controls to achieve results beyond standard print settings. Already available for the Fortus 450®mc printer, Stratasys is now making its OpenAM software available for the F900 printer. This will allow for expanded functionality and capabilities and will unlock new materials for F900 users.

New VICTREX AM 200 material for FDM
A new material offering that opens the application potential for demanding industries like aerospace and medical, where material properties are critical components of a 3D-printed solutions. This new high-performance, high-strength, validated material, VICTREX AM™ 200, will be available for the Fortus 450mc and the F900. VICTREX AM 200 is a PEEK-based polymer that is temperature, corrosion, and chemical resistant, with excellent mechanical properties which can be utilized with soluble and breakaway support material.

Carbon Fiber Visual Print Option for the F-Series
Carbon Fiber Visual Print Option is a new 5-slice (0.005”) layer height across the F-123 Series™ line of printers that is coming later this month for FDM®ABS-CF10. It produces a smoother surface finish, to provide the perfect finish when a part’s visual appearance is important to the application. It is built for applications that demand the durability of a carbon-filled polymer, but also requires a visually appealing result without additional post-processing.

F770 adds New Colors
The F770® printer can now print in multiple colors, in addition to its original single ivory color. Six new ASA colors, including red, white, light gray, black, blue, and yellow, will allow for more application versatility with FDM® ASA and ABS-M30 tried-and-true engineering plastics. The new colors enable printing without painting or other post-production marking, allowing parts to be available much faster, increasing productivity.

Somos NeXt Validated for SLA
Somos® NeXt™ is now a validated material for Stratasys NEO® stereolithography 3D printers. Somos NeXt is a resin with superior strength and can be used in automotive and consumer products, along with other applications, including prototyping, to produce durable, accurate and detailed parts.

New GrabCAD Software Print Integration Enhances On-Demand 3D Printing Capabilities
Stratasys has introduced Parts on Demand by GrabCAD, a new integration that synchronizes the company's software platform with Stratasys Direct. This addition allows GrabCAD Print™ customers to access Stratasys Direct’s fleet of 3D printers, allowing for larger and more intricate designs, a selection of more than 50 engineered materials, and the assurance of stringent quality inspections.


Stratasys Ltd.