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(c) Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

Marketmedia24: Outdoor-Branche erwartet 2022 ein Umsatzminus von 1,2%

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

2020 und 2021 lief es auch Corona bedingt richtig gut für die Outdoor-Branche. Selbst die Nachfrageberuhigung im laufenden Jahr, die nach aktueller Einschätzung des Forschungsinstituts Marketmedia24 zu einem Minus von 1,2 Prozent führen könnte, stehen nicht für einen Absturz. Denn die Umsätze liegen dann immer noch um 11,4 Prozent über denen des Vor-Corona-Jahres 2019. Nicht allein diese Tatsache lässt aufhorchen: In den ersten zehn Monaten dieses Jahres stieg der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen gegenüber Vorjahr allein auf den Portalen der Platform Group, Wiesbaden, um 24,4 Prozent. Während gleichzeitig die durchschnittlichen Ausgaben für Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhe mit einem Rückgang von 2,1 Prozent in 2022 das sich abschwächende Kaufverhalten spiegeln. Die generelle Kaufzurückhaltung der Deutschen bekommen derzeit alle Outdoor-Händler zu spüren. Selbst der Online-Handel wird das laufende Jahr mit einem leichten Minus bilanzieren, so die aktuelle Vorausschau der Kölner Marktforscher.

Sport unter freiem Himmel wie Trekking, Joggen, Walken und Biken erlebte in den beiden Corona-Jahren 2020 und 2021 großen Zulauf – insbesondere als Freizeit- und Reiseersatz für alles das, was die Pandemie unmöglich machte. Und man deckte sich passend mit Outdoor-Bekleidung, -Schuhen und Ausrüstungen ein und legte dabei immer mehr Wert auf nachhaltige Ware. Ein Trend, der die Industrie zunehmend veranlasst, den Anteil an recycelten Materialien auszubauen.
Carina Dietrich, verantwortlich bei Sympatex für Brand Communication Strategy und Business Development: „Besonders im Textilbereich sehen wir über alle Sportarten ein starkes und immer weiter steigendes Interesse hinsichtlich eines nachhaltigen Konsumverhaltens und das Erreichen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.“
Gleichzeitig sorgen allerdings die unterschiedlichsten Informationen, der Label Dschungel sowie das tatsächlich existierende Greenwashing für Unsicherheit im Markt. Zudem tragen die aktuellen Krisen zur Verunsicherung der Kunden bei. Jürgen Hanke, Vertriebsleiter bei der Platform-Group, prognostiziert, dass sich unter dem Eindruck steigender Energiepreise erst zeigen muss, welchen Wert Kunden und Kundeninnen auf nachhaltige Produkte legen oder ob sie doch wieder mehr preisbewusstere Alternativen kaufen. Zumindest im Oktober 2022 sank der Umsatz mit nachhaltigen Outdoor-Textilien und -Schuhen auf den Portalen der Platform Group um 50 Prozent, während hier Outdoor insgesamt gleichzeitig „nur“ um 27,4 Prozent nachgab. Allerdings weist der Umsatztrend in den Monaten Januar, Juni und September klar daraufhin, dass Nachhaltigkeit ein Nachfragefaktor bleibt.

Auch weil die Preisfrage überholt ist (zumal es jetzt auch immer mehr Secondhand-Angebote im Handel gibt), ist Stefan Brunner, Director Sports beim iscm-institute und Experte im Sport-Team von Marketmedia24, überzeugt. Seiner Meinung nach kann es sich kein Stakeholder der Branche – sei es Industrie oder Handel – erlauben, die Nachhaltigkeit zu ignorieren. Vielmehr ist „die Sportartikelbranche gut beraten, ihre Führungsposition rund um dieses Thema auszubauen und damit auf den Trend nach mehr qualitativem Konsum einzuzahlen.“ Denn Nachhaltigkeit wird zweifelsohne zum neuen Statussymbol als Ausdruck einer Haltung. Schützenhilfe kommt da auch von der Anfang 2022 vorgestellten nachhaltigen Textilstrategie der Europäischen Kommission. Danach wird der Textilsektor die erste Branche sein, die vollständig zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergeht: Bis 2030 sollen Textilprodukte, die in der EU in Verkehr gebracht werden, langlebiger, wiederverwendbarer, reparierbarer, recycelbar und energieeffizienter sein.



Forschungsinstitut Marketmedia24 (Köln)

(c) EFI GmbH

EFI Reggiani with textile printing solutions at India ITME 2022

Textile companies could take full advantage of expanded print opportunities with EFI™ Reggiani textile solutions presented at the 8-13 December India ITME Exhibition in Greater Noida.

The EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver printer was shown at ITME 2022: a solution to enter the industrial printing segment with a short, smart and green process. The EFI Reggiani TERRA Solution eliminates the need for steaming or washing on direct-to-textile applications, using a greener, more efficient polymerisation process that takes place as the printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer. As a result, users can achieve superior printing results while using less time, water, and energy.

The EFI Reggiani exhibit at ITME was also promoting:

Textile companies could take full advantage of expanded print opportunities with EFI™ Reggiani textile solutions presented at the 8-13 December India ITME Exhibition in Greater Noida.

The EFI Reggiani TERRA Silver printer was shown at ITME 2022: a solution to enter the industrial printing segment with a short, smart and green process. The EFI Reggiani TERRA Solution eliminates the need for steaming or washing on direct-to-textile applications, using a greener, more efficient polymerisation process that takes place as the printed textile goes through the printer’s on-board dryer. As a result, users can achieve superior printing results while using less time, water, and energy.

The EFI Reggiani exhibit at ITME was also promoting:

  •  EFI Reggiani HYPER printer, a scanning printer available in 1.8-metre, 2.4-metre or 3.4-metre widths that prints at up to 20 linear metres per minute peak speed, making it the fastest textile scanning printer on the market;
  • Mezzera Concord, the continuous rope washing line from the specialist in washing solutions that transports fabric by overflow for tensionless running with an independent squeezing mangle for each channel;
  • One of the industry’s broadest line-ups of high-end, superior-quality textile inks, including EFI Reggiani AQUA and EFI Reggiani Diamond reactive, IRIS dye-sublimation, ARIA direct disperse, FUOCO acid, and GEA and TERRA pigment inks; and
  • Inèdit, recently acquired by EFI Reggiani, a developer of raster image processors (RIPs) and related software for digital industrial textile printing with their product portfolio that features proven, highly advanced workflow solutions for textile profiling, calibration, design integration and much more.



Trio of textile fairs rescheduled to end of March

In view of the easing of pandemic restriction policies in China, the Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles have been moved to the new timeslot of 28 – 30 March 2023. This will allow both local and international fairgoers more time to prepare for their participation, with a higher industry turnout now expected at the three fairs. The fairs will still be located at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai where they were originally due to be held from 8 – 10 March.

Discussing the change of dates, Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “After talking to our stakeholders, we believe adjusting the spring show dates to the end of March is the right move. It provides enough time for exhibitors and visitors from local and abroad to plan for the fairs and capitalise on the ample international business opportunities brought by the reopening of China’s border.”

In view of the easing of pandemic restriction policies in China, the Spring Editions of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, Yarn Expo and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles have been moved to the new timeslot of 28 – 30 March 2023. This will allow both local and international fairgoers more time to prepare for their participation, with a higher industry turnout now expected at the three fairs. The fairs will still be located at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai where they were originally due to be held from 8 – 10 March.

Discussing the change of dates, Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained: “After talking to our stakeholders, we believe adjusting the spring show dates to the end of March is the right move. It provides enough time for exhibitors and visitors from local and abroad to plan for the fairs and capitalise on the ample international business opportunities brought by the reopening of China’s border.”

(c) C.L.A.S.S.
The Modern Artisans for 2022

C.L.A.S.S.: YOOX NET-A-PORTER and The Prince’s Foundation programme for students

The second edition of The Modern Artisan initiative has been supported by C.L.A.S.S. with its strategic sourcing, mentoring and presence during the official launch happened at the beginning of November at the Dumfries House, part of The Prince's Foundation. Two days to introduce a capsule that reflects the initiative’s commitment to advance sustainability in luxury fashion, preserve heritage textile skills and creates a new culture where respect, beauty and innovation are blended together. They also demonstrate the shared ambition of YOOX NET-A-PORTER and The Prince’s Foundation to preserve the planet for future generations. The Modern Artisan aims to position artisanship as a viable and attractive career path for upcoming generations, equipping them with the skills to help shape a more circular industry.

The 10-month paid programme supports eight British and Italian graduates through the end-to-end process of designing, handcrafting, and bringing a more sustainable luxury collection to a global market. During the programme, they were given the opportunity to showcase their work to His Majesty, then The Prince of Wales, at Dumfries House.

The second edition of The Modern Artisan initiative has been supported by C.L.A.S.S. with its strategic sourcing, mentoring and presence during the official launch happened at the beginning of November at the Dumfries House, part of The Prince's Foundation. Two days to introduce a capsule that reflects the initiative’s commitment to advance sustainability in luxury fashion, preserve heritage textile skills and creates a new culture where respect, beauty and innovation are blended together. They also demonstrate the shared ambition of YOOX NET-A-PORTER and The Prince’s Foundation to preserve the planet for future generations. The Modern Artisan aims to position artisanship as a viable and attractive career path for upcoming generations, equipping them with the skills to help shape a more circular industry.

The 10-month paid programme supports eight British and Italian graduates through the end-to-end process of designing, handcrafting, and bringing a more sustainable luxury collection to a global market. During the programme, they were given the opportunity to showcase their work to His Majesty, then The Prince of Wales, at Dumfries House.

The 13-piece capsule marks the culmination of the second edition of The Modern Artisan, YOOX NET-A-PORTER’s and The Prince’s Foundation’s pioneering flagship training programme, which commenced in 2019. Building on the success of 2020’s first collection launch, this year’s YOOX NET-A-PORTER for The Prince’s Foundation capsule achieves a number of new milestones in YOOX NET-A-PORTER’s Infinity sustainability journey. It is the first collection to align 100% with the Infinity Product Guide, its sustainability and circularity design guidelines, and its first ever carbon neutral collection.

The design is inspired by Highgrove Gardens, run by The Prince's Foundation and renowned for sustainable and organic approaches to agriculture and horticulture. The Artisans were supported by industry experts from YOOX NET-A-PORTER, The Prince’s Foundation, and several mentoring designer brands, including Gabriela Hearst, Nanushka and Stella Jean among others.

Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

WearRAcon Europe Conference to be held at A+A 2023

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Being able to walk again despite a serious injury, handle heavy parts without outside help or simply do overhead work comfortably and for extended periods of time - the advantages of exoskeletons have already convinced numerous industries. Exoskeletons and wearables are now already being used successfully in industry and commerce, and major machine builders and automakers as well as the medical sector are continuing to experiment with man-machine connections. Currently, the global market volume for exoskeletons is valued by leading analysts at over US$20 billion by 2030.1

The WearRAcon Europe Conference 2023 will provide new insights into the promising world of exoskeleton systems from different perspectives and, in conjunction with the A+A Congress, set future-oriented impulses. Lectures by renowned exoskeleton pioneers combined with testimonials presented by users from a variety of industries and keynotes by experts will round off the programme. And, like at the previous A+A, a Self-Experience Space will again be set up so that the exoskeleton systems of various manufacturers can be tested in realistic work scenarios.

In parallel with the Self-Experience Space, the large live study Exoworkathlon will also take place again. Trainees from various mechatronic training courses have to complete a concourse and perform holding, lifting and assembling tasks, which have been specially developed with the industry. Data is prospectively collected with different measuring sensors to measure the effects of exoskeletons. In the Exoworkathlon, the IPA focuses especially on prevention for young employees in order to raise awareness of the issue and counteract ailments at an early stage.

1 (Interview Trans.INFO mit Armin G. Schmidt, CEO von German Bionic (01/2021).


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


TEXAID introduces recycled tote bag with a digital product passport

With the aim of increasing the use of post-consumer fibers in textiles, TEXAID launches a white tote bag. The fabric is a mixture of 50% used textile waste collected by TEXAID in Switzerland and Germany. At TEXAID's largest sorting facility in Apolda, Germany, white cotton textiles that can no longer be worn were sorted out and later spun, woven, and manufactured in Italy. Plastic waste makes up the other 50%. Unifi rescued this ocean-bound plastic waste and recycled it into fiber.

The cotton material was transformed into a fiber by Marchi & Fildi in Biella, IT, which was then spun into a yarn using recycled cotton and recycled polyester fibers. This yarn was woven into textile by Tessitura Casoni.T.F.C.. The care label and flag label were produced by the German company Bornemann-Etiketten GmbH, and an NFC chip from was also integrated into the product. All components were then assembled into this bag in Tuscany by benefit company Alisea Srl Società Benefit with their partner Paimex SRL and also screen printed with our design on it.

With the aim of increasing the use of post-consumer fibers in textiles, TEXAID launches a white tote bag. The fabric is a mixture of 50% used textile waste collected by TEXAID in Switzerland and Germany. At TEXAID's largest sorting facility in Apolda, Germany, white cotton textiles that can no longer be worn were sorted out and later spun, woven, and manufactured in Italy. Plastic waste makes up the other 50%. Unifi rescued this ocean-bound plastic waste and recycled it into fiber.

The cotton material was transformed into a fiber by Marchi & Fildi in Biella, IT, which was then spun into a yarn using recycled cotton and recycled polyester fibers. This yarn was woven into textile by Tessitura Casoni.T.F.C.. The care label and flag label were produced by the German company Bornemann-Etiketten GmbH, and an NFC chip from was also integrated into the product. All components were then assembled into this bag in Tuscany by benefit company Alisea Srl Società Benefit with their partner Paimex SRL and also screen printed with our design on it.

This NFC chip is a circularity.IDⓇ digital product passport, developed by the Berlin-based company, By scanning the NFC chip on the bag with a cell phone, customers are redirected to the circularity.IDⓇ product platform. On this platform, they can find further information on the supply chain as well as instructions on how to refurbish or return the bag for proper recycling. Through this digital product passport, a total transparency over the entire bag production is enabled and for customers it is an easy and quick way to get the information they need.

The chip also allows the manual sorters to getthe product information much faster to make a better sorting decision, e.g. the fiber composition. For this purpose,'s intelligent sorting stations are used to scan the chip. Several of these stations have been installed at TEXAID's sorting facility in Apolda, Germany, to facilitate optimized reuse and recycling decisions and ensure another life for the product or fiber.




ANDRITZ: Customer day for hygiene products value chain

ANDRITZ has organized a customer day fully dedicated to the absorbent hygiene products value chain on November 09, 2022. This event took place at the ANDRITZ Diatec premises in Pescara, Italy, with a variety of key players from the nonwovens industry coming from all over Europe and beyond.

At this event, attendees benefited from live demonstrations of converting lines, market and nonwoven production insights, a panel discussion on sustainability, and networking opportunities, including:

  • Recent market situation, trends, and some food for thoughts
  • Technology insights for nonwoven roll-good production: Spunjet Soft, Air-Through Bonding, and Spunlace
  • Company tour with live demonstration of converting lines
  • Panel discussion on sustainability accompanied by important industry players around the value chain

ANDRITZ has organized a customer day fully dedicated to the absorbent hygiene products value chain on November 09, 2022. This event took place at the ANDRITZ Diatec premises in Pescara, Italy, with a variety of key players from the nonwovens industry coming from all over Europe and beyond.

At this event, attendees benefited from live demonstrations of converting lines, market and nonwoven production insights, a panel discussion on sustainability, and networking opportunities, including:

  • Recent market situation, trends, and some food for thoughts
  • Technology insights for nonwoven roll-good production: Spunjet Soft, Air-Through Bonding, and Spunlace
  • Company tour with live demonstration of converting lines
  • Panel discussion on sustainability accompanied by important industry players around the value chain

ANDRITZ Küsters GmbH


Mey and Hologenix® launch first menswear collection with Celliant® Viscose

Mey GmbH & Co. KG, a global manufacturer of underwear, nightwear and lingerie based in Germany, is launching the world’s first men’s nightwear with CELLIANT® Viscose, which converts body heat into infrared energy.

Called mey Zzzleepwear - THE NEW SLEEP-LIFE BALANCE, the collection follows the successful debut of the similarly named women’s collection in 2021. It consists of four designs in Indigo available in T-shirts, short pants, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. CELLIANT works by recycling the heat emitted by the body into full-spectrum infrared energy and then returns it to the body. As a result, it increases the supply of oxygen to the cells and promotes a restful sleep.

Mey GmbH & Co. KG, a global manufacturer of underwear, nightwear and lingerie based in Germany, is launching the world’s first men’s nightwear with CELLIANT® Viscose, which converts body heat into infrared energy.

Called mey Zzzleepwear - THE NEW SLEEP-LIFE BALANCE, the collection follows the successful debut of the similarly named women’s collection in 2021. It consists of four designs in Indigo available in T-shirts, short pants, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. CELLIANT works by recycling the heat emitted by the body into full-spectrum infrared energy and then returns it to the body. As a result, it increases the supply of oxygen to the cells and promotes a restful sleep.

CELLIANT Viscose was developed by Hologenix®, creators of CELLIANT, a textile-based infrared ingredient brand, and Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose specialty fibers. CELLIANT Viscose features natural minerals embedded into plant-based fibers and is biodegradable. It provides all the benefits of being a viscose fiber — lightweight, soft, highly breathable, excellent moisture management — as well as the fiber enhancements from CELLIANT infrared technology. In addition, CELLIANT is durable and will not wash out.


Hologenix, LLC,

Photo: AkzoNobel
Ben Noteboom

Ben Noteboom to be nominated as AkzoNobel Supervisory Board member

AkzoNobel has announced that Ben Noteboom will be nominated as a member of the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting being held in April 2023. The Supervisory Board intends to subsequently elect him as Chair, succeeding Nils Andersen, who will retire as Chair and member of the Supervisory Board at the same time.

Noteboom is Chairman of Vopak’s Supervisory Board and a member of the Supervisory Board of Aegon. He also chairs the Board of Trustees of the Cancer Center Amsterdam. His former roles include CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management at Randstad, while he held different management positions at Dow Chemicals for nearly nine years.

Commenting on the announcement, Byron Grote, says: “The Supervisory Board is very pleased to announce the nomination of Ben Noteboom. His strong track record in executive and non-executive roles, and his broad experience in different industries – including the chemical industry – will be valuable additions to AkzoNobel.”

AkzoNobel has announced that Ben Noteboom will be nominated as a member of the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting being held in April 2023. The Supervisory Board intends to subsequently elect him as Chair, succeeding Nils Andersen, who will retire as Chair and member of the Supervisory Board at the same time.

Noteboom is Chairman of Vopak’s Supervisory Board and a member of the Supervisory Board of Aegon. He also chairs the Board of Trustees of the Cancer Center Amsterdam. His former roles include CEO and Chairman of the Board of Management at Randstad, while he held different management positions at Dow Chemicals for nearly nine years.

Commenting on the announcement, Byron Grote, says: “The Supervisory Board is very pleased to announce the nomination of Ben Noteboom. His strong track record in executive and non-executive roles, and his broad experience in different industries – including the chemical industry – will be valuable additions to AkzoNobel.”

Adds Ben Noteboom: “I’m excited about the opportunity to join AkzoNobel’s Supervisory Board and look forward to contributing to the next phase of the company’s transformation as it makes further progress to becoming a frontrunner in the industry.”




Carbios publishes first Sustainability Report

Carbios published its first Sustainability Report using 2021 as the baseline year. The report outlines Carbios’ commitment to developing environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives that go beyond the industrial development of its innovative plastics biorecycling technologies. Although not subject to the regulatory requirement of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), Carbios has nonetheless structured its report in accordance with the requirements of the European directive on Extra-Financial Performance Statements.

Carbios’ sustainability strategy is based on three pillars (governance and ethics, the environment, social and societal issues) divided into 22 priority material challenges. Carbios’ Sustainability Report reflects the company’s dedication to transparency in action and highlights its efforts in areas such as environmental sustainability; employee relations, diversity and inclusion; and corporate governance.

Within its 2021 Sustainability Report, Carbios has formalized several targets including:


Carbios published its first Sustainability Report using 2021 as the baseline year. The report outlines Carbios’ commitment to developing environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives that go beyond the industrial development of its innovative plastics biorecycling technologies. Although not subject to the regulatory requirement of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), Carbios has nonetheless structured its report in accordance with the requirements of the European directive on Extra-Financial Performance Statements.

Carbios’ sustainability strategy is based on three pillars (governance and ethics, the environment, social and societal issues) divided into 22 priority material challenges. Carbios’ Sustainability Report reflects the company’s dedication to transparency in action and highlights its efforts in areas such as environmental sustainability; employee relations, diversity and inclusion; and corporate governance.

Within its 2021 Sustainability Report, Carbios has formalized several targets including:


  • Use the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method to maximize circularity and aim for the lowest carbon impact
  • Commit to depolymerizing 60 tons of PET in 2023 at the Demonstration Plant in Clermont-Ferrand: the equivalent of about 3.2 million plastic bottles or 4 million food trays


  • Contribute to local economic development in France: the world’s first industrial-scale enzymatic PET recycling plant in Longlaville will create 150 direct and indirect jobs
  • In a context of strong growth, promote employee well-being and safety by developing training, and ensuring the management and prevention of psycho-social risks
  • Strengthen commitment to supporting international research through academic partnerships and scientific publications


  • Achieve 40% female members of the Board of Directors by end 2023, and 40% on Executive Committee by end 2024
  • Achieve 60% independent members of the Board of Directors by end 2024
  • Structure CSR governance with the creation of a CSR committee and integrate sustainability objectives into Executive’s compensation starting fiscal year 2023



JIAM 2022 OSAKA concludes successfully

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Japan International Apparel Machinery & Textile Industry Trade Show (JIAM) has wrapped up four successful days of business at INTEX OSAKA. From 30 November – 3 December 2022, a total of 10,452 visitors found their way to the fairground. 150 exhibitors from 11 different countries and regions welcomed visitors with an extensive and diverse selection of products. Buyers from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, and Pakistan constituted the top five visiting countries (excluding Japan), compensating for a drop in visitors from China this year due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Under the theme of "It all connects at JIAM – the forefront of technology and master craftsmanship", the 2022 edition showcased apparel manufacturing solutions catered to each and every need, combining skillsets and knowledge with modern technology. At the opening ceremony, Mr Shinsuke Uchinashi, Chairman of the Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA), commented, "In the new normal, there is growing demand for new technological advancements, productivity improvements, and greater quality control. In addition to solving these pain points, this edition’s exhibitors are also showcasing various innovations in response to automation, IoT, and networking."

A wide variety of special seminars held in Hall 4 were well received. Highlights included a skills training seminar hosted by an emeritus professor and panel discussions by leading companies in the manufacturing industry. SDGs, examples of IoT in industrial sewing machines, and upcycling initiatives were also on the agenda, with visitors gathered around the presented items taking notes.
The Home Sewing Zone led by three machine manufactures and JASMA held daily workshops where visitors could learn about upcycling using scraps, and take a break at the café with "cup sleeves" of their own making. Ms Kazuko Mizuochi of JASMA said, "We had a great attendance from the very first day. We were able to familiarize participants with sewing machines and also promote upcycling activities."

The next edition will take place from 27 – 30 November 2024 at INTEX OSAKA.


Messe Frankfurt Japan Ltd

Graphic Euratex

European textiles industry extremely concerned about the fast loss of competitiveness

  • Potential loss of competitiveness, caused by the EU’s inaction of the energy crisis, and Chinese and US subsidies to domestic industry

Following yesterday’s European Council summit and its conclusions on the measures to tackle the energy crisis, the European textiles industry is extremely concerned about the fast loss of competitiveness of Europe and demands urgent action to save the industry.

The chain of factors determining this sharp decline in competitiveness is twofold. First, the energy cost in Europe is more than 6 times higher than in the US, China, and neighbouring countries. This factor alone has almost erased the business case for producing in the EU. At present, many textiles and clothing companies are producing at net loss or have shut down production. The industrial conditions have worsened in such a way that there is no business case to invest in Europe or buy products produced or processed in the EU. It is only the sense of responsibility of the entrepreneurs towards the European society that is keeping the plants and production running.

  • Potential loss of competitiveness, caused by the EU’s inaction of the energy crisis, and Chinese and US subsidies to domestic industry

Following yesterday’s European Council summit and its conclusions on the measures to tackle the energy crisis, the European textiles industry is extremely concerned about the fast loss of competitiveness of Europe and demands urgent action to save the industry.

The chain of factors determining this sharp decline in competitiveness is twofold. First, the energy cost in Europe is more than 6 times higher than in the US, China, and neighbouring countries. This factor alone has almost erased the business case for producing in the EU. At present, many textiles and clothing companies are producing at net loss or have shut down production. The industrial conditions have worsened in such a way that there is no business case to invest in Europe or buy products produced or processed in the EU. It is only the sense of responsibility of the entrepreneurs towards the European society that is keeping the plants and production running.

Secondly, while the EU is passive and extremely slow in articulating a credible and effective response to the energy crisis, the main international competitors and trade partners (China, India and the US respectively) have developed comprehensive state-aid frameworks for their domestic industry despite not being affected by this crisis at all. The latest example is the 369-billion-dollar scheme of the Inflation Reduction Act rolled out by the Biden administration.

Recent trade data  already indicate a loss of global competitiveness: imports to the EU have grown tremendously in 2022 (+35% year-to-date). It is also evident that the surge in imports goes in parallel with the surge of natural gas price. It is expected that energy prices will remain high and volatile, opening the door for imports to gain substantial market shares in the EU.

The chart indicates the development of the Title Transfer Facility (TTF) until September 2022 since Eurostat data for Q4 2022 has not been published yet. Euratex is aware that the market situation has eased somewhat since in the past months, but the crisis remains because gas prices are still extremely high in comparison to last year. This suggests that the current loss of competitiveness of the EU manufacturing will not be recovered even with lower energy prices, unless measures are taken to correct the unlevel playing field on which the EU industry has to operate in the international markets. Only with an ambitious and comprehensive relaunch plan at EU level, Europe will be able to restore its credibility as a global manufacturing powerhouse and investments.

If the status quo is maintained, not only the EU will not be able to recover its competitive position on the global business stage, but it will also fail its plans to reach zero-net emissions and achieve circularity. It is evident that these ambitions - that the industry is passionately supporting - need massive capital investments. However, in the current scenario an investments diversion can only be expected to markets where governments are actively supporting those investments and energy costs are much lower – regardless of their fossil- or non-fossil origin.

The European textiles industry – the whole value chain, from fibres, nonwoven, to fabrics, clothing manufacturers - are facing unprecedented pressure deriving from the current geopolitical situation, the new macroeconomic conditions and unfair competition from third states. The situation is going to worsen if no emergency action is taken, especially because a recession is expected in the coming months.

The main structural component of the EU manufacturing are SMEs: these are economic actors that are particularly exposed to the current crisis as they do not have the financial leverage to absorb the impact of energy prices for much longer. Urgent EU action is needed to ensure their survival.

EURATEX calls on the EU political leaders in the Commission, in the European Council and in the national capitals to:

  1. Raise the ambition and adopt a comprehensive approach at EU level: energy, state-aid and trade policy must be brought together in a single strategy with concrete emergency solutions and with a clear SME dimension;
  2. Let all hesitations aside and adopt a meaningful price cap on natural gas wholesales, that should be ideally no higher than 80 euro/MWh. In parallel, it should also be ensured that electricity prices are brought to a sustainable price level;
  3. Change the European posture on state-aid, even temporarily. An ambitious plan of investments and state-aid in green technologies to support the industrial transition should be rolled out.

Such a plan, however, should not be conceived as a retaliation against our most necessary and like-minded trade partners. Access to finance and markets must be safeguarded for all those actors who are capable and willing to invest in Europe, on the basis of reciprocity. In   these challenging times for geopolitical stability, ensuring strong trade ties with our traditional allies and partners is of utmost importance. The roll-out of an investment and state aid plan should not interfere, but rather support, the dialogue with the US (and other partners) and the deepening of our trade and investment partnership. Such a dialogue should be accelerated in the context of the TTC as well as at WTO level.



(c) FET
Business Secretary Grant Shapps discusses FET’s wet spinning system with Mark Smith, FET R&D Manager

FET extrusion system features in UK Business Secretary’s visit

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

“R&D investment is a critical way to turbocharge Britain’s growth. Growing an economy fit for the future means harnessing the full potential of advanced materials, making science fiction a reality by supporting projects from regenerative medicine to robots developing new recycling capabilities, right across the country. Today’s £95 million investment will do just that, bringing together the brightest minds across our businesses and institutions to help future-proof sectors from healthcare to nuclear energy.”

The Henry Royce Institute was established in 2015 with an initial £235 million government investment through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the latest £95 million sum represents the second phase of the investment.

Opportunities being investigated by Royce include lightweight materials and structures, biomaterials and materials designed for reuse, recycling and remanufacture. Advanced materials are critical to the UK future in various industries, such as health, transport, energy, electronics and utilities.


IndustriAll Europe and Euratex: Joint SSDC Textiles & Clothing Statement

The European textiles and clothing sector is set for a major transformation which will affect both industry and workers. The EU’s strategy for sustainable and circular textiles aims to ensure that by 2030, textile products placed on the EU market are long-lived and recyclable with the industry moving from a linear to a circular business model. This strategy is accompanied with the EU’s transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable, and digital textiles ecosystem linking the green transition with the digital transition while stressing the need for the sector to remain competitive.

IndustriAll European Trade Union (industriAll Europe) and Euratex, representing the workers and employers in the textiles and clothing sectors respectfully, jointly highlight both the challenges and opportunities of the giant forthcoming transformation of the sector and call for action to ensure that European industrial policy is fit for purpose and enables the sector to transform without negatively impacting workers or European industry.

Specifically, the European social partners jointly call for:

The European textiles and clothing sector is set for a major transformation which will affect both industry and workers. The EU’s strategy for sustainable and circular textiles aims to ensure that by 2030, textile products placed on the EU market are long-lived and recyclable with the industry moving from a linear to a circular business model. This strategy is accompanied with the EU’s transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable, and digital textiles ecosystem linking the green transition with the digital transition while stressing the need for the sector to remain competitive.

IndustriAll European Trade Union (industriAll Europe) and Euratex, representing the workers and employers in the textiles and clothing sectors respectfully, jointly highlight both the challenges and opportunities of the giant forthcoming transformation of the sector and call for action to ensure that European industrial policy is fit for purpose and enables the sector to transform without negatively impacting workers or European industry.

Specifically, the European social partners jointly call for:

  1. EU action to guarantee that the European textiles ecosystem remains competitive, including ensuring a level global playing field.
  2. Measures to increase the demand of sustainable products including awareness raising campaigns, incentives such as lower VAT rates, and sustainability criteria in public procurement.
  3. Measures to ensure access to green and affordable energy.
  4. Policy gaps to be addressed, such as promoting a harmonised Extended Producer Responsibility approach across the EU and ensuring that SMEs can use Product Environmental Footprints.
  5. Action to ensure that the Sustainable Products Regulation and the forthcoming Digital Product Passport will offer a transparent, predictable and SME-friendly framework.
  6. Investment in attracting, training and reskilling workers including via concrete support for the EU Pact for Skills.
  7. Appropriate funding, sound metrics and legal incentives at regional, national, and European level to support the green and digital transitions of the textile and clothing sectors.
  8. Regional and national authorities to coordinate with sectoral social partners to ensure that the green and digital transitions are fair and just and do not leave the industry, regions or workers behind.



Third edition of Istanbul Fashion Connection in 2023

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

The declared goal of the organizers is to offer a "one-stop shopping solution" with IFCO that shows the creativity of the Turkish fashion scene, enables access to new sales markets and at the same time establishes the connection to potential production partners for supply chain optimization. The competitive advantages of production in Türkiye are evident:
short delivery times, high production quality, young and well-trained employees, the possibility of small minimum order quantities, a vertical textile and clothing industry that allows "one-stop shopping".

The manufacturing sector is an important sector for the industry, with over 80% of companies in Türkiye engaged in this sector. Türkiye has the fastest economic growth among the G20 after Saudi Arabia at 7.6% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2022, according to the Turkish Statistics Authority. Export is one of the most important pillars of growth.

The trade fair concept is being supported by the government with several programs. These include the cooperation with IMA, Istanbul ModaAkademisi, which regularly produces design talents becoming an integral part of the international fashion scene. IMA was founded in 2007 by ITKIB / IHKIB with the help of the IPA I program ((IPA: Instrument for Pre Accession Funds, provided by the EU for the EU candidate countries). Young design talents are brought to the stage at IFCO in cooperation with the ‘’Koza Young Fashion Designers Contest’’.



(c) HeiQ

HeiQ introduces new technologies to promote better sleep quality

HeiQ will present a host of innovative technologies to battle those enemies of sleep represented by heat, odor, and inanimate allergens, thereby addressing one of the most underrated elements that hinder a healthy life: a good night’s sleep.

HeiQ has developed technologies that promote better sleep quality for all:

HeiQ will present a host of innovative technologies to battle those enemies of sleep represented by heat, odor, and inanimate allergens, thereby addressing one of the most underrated elements that hinder a healthy life: a good night’s sleep.

HeiQ has developed technologies that promote better sleep quality for all:

  • HeiQ Cool - one of the first textile technologies to deliver both instant contact cooling and continuous evaporative cooling for optimal well-being during sleep.
  • HeiQ Mint - a plant-based deodorizer that controls odor development on textiles, providing fabrics with a long-lasting odor control capability that keeps textiles smelling fresh for longer.
  • HeiQ Allergen* Tech - a 100% biobased, proprietary technology that reduces exposure to allergens such as house dust mite matter, and pet allergens with the help of active probiotics. The technology is tested and certified by an accredited lab, BMA Labor in Bochum, Germany, and has been granted the Allergy UK Seal of Approval by The British Allergy Foundation.

These effective ingredients are already being applied to final products by HeiQ’s partners. Among them are Trendsetter/John Lewis pillows, duvets, and mattress protectors (with HeiQ Cool & HeiQ Allergen Tech), Trident Jiva Hypoallergenic bed linen (with HeiQ Allergen Tech), Belfama shower towels (with HeiQ Mint), and Lameirinho bed linen/bed sheets (with HeiQ Allergen Tech).

The above mentioned and HeiQ will showcase their new products at Heimtextil 2023 in Frankfurt, Germany, 10- 13 January 2023.


HeiQ Materials AG

© PantherMedia / Gorodenkoff (bearbeitet)

Online-Sammlung: Handlungsempfehlungen zur Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Produkte

Wie ressourceneffizient neue Produkte in ihrem gesamten Lebensweg sind, wird schon in der Planung und Entwicklung des Produktes festgelegt. In dieser Phase unterstützt das VDI ZRE kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit einer Sammlung von Handlungsempfehlungen und Methoden.

Abhängig von den eigenen produktbezogenen Rahmenbedingungen erhalten Unternehmen Empfehlungen für die Produktgestaltung. Die Online-Sammlung der Handlungsempfehlungen berücksichtigt dabei den Einsatz von Ressourcen in allen Lebensphasen eines Produktes.

Das Online-Tool Handlungsempfehlungen kann eingesetzt werden, wenn Produkte mit Blick auf die Ressourceneffizienz verbessert oder neu entwickelt werden. Entsprechend der Auswahl eigener Rahmenbedingungen werden den Nutzenden verschiedene Handlungsempfehlungen vorgeschlagen. Berücksichtigt werden Fragestellungen zu Produkttyp, Lebenswegphasen, Schadstoffen, Versorgungskritikalität sowieS Rezyklat- und Werkstoffeinsatz.

Wie ressourceneffizient neue Produkte in ihrem gesamten Lebensweg sind, wird schon in der Planung und Entwicklung des Produktes festgelegt. In dieser Phase unterstützt das VDI ZRE kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit einer Sammlung von Handlungsempfehlungen und Methoden.

Abhängig von den eigenen produktbezogenen Rahmenbedingungen erhalten Unternehmen Empfehlungen für die Produktgestaltung. Die Online-Sammlung der Handlungsempfehlungen berücksichtigt dabei den Einsatz von Ressourcen in allen Lebensphasen eines Produktes.

Das Online-Tool Handlungsempfehlungen kann eingesetzt werden, wenn Produkte mit Blick auf die Ressourceneffizienz verbessert oder neu entwickelt werden. Entsprechend der Auswahl eigener Rahmenbedingungen werden den Nutzenden verschiedene Handlungsempfehlungen vorgeschlagen. Berücksichtigt werden Fragestellungen zu Produkttyp, Lebenswegphasen, Schadstoffen, Versorgungskritikalität sowieS Rezyklat- und Werkstoffeinsatz.

Den Empfehlungen sind Ressourceneffizienz-Strategien und Ökodesign-Prinzipien zugeordnet. Außerdem zeigen zu jeder Handlungsempfehlung Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie die Ansätze bereits erfolgreich umgesetzt wurden. Darüber hinaus werden passende Analyse- und Entwicklungsmethoden aufgeführt. Für einige Methoden steht ein Template zur Verfügung. Dieses lässt sich mit eigenen Parametern füllen und als Arbeitsgrundlage nutzen.

Das Set der Handlungsempfehlungen ist Teil des Baukastens „Design für Ressourceneffizienz“ des VDI ZRE. Der Baukasten wird, zusammen mit weiteren Arbeitsmitteln, in den kommenden Monaten veröffentlicht. Das vom Bundesumweltministerium beauftragte Tool wird in regelmäßigen Abständen aktualisiert und erweitert. Die Handlungsempfehlungen sind online abrufbar.

Photo: Montex

Monforts: 40 years of advanced manufacturing in Austria

Montex Maschinenfabrik – the key site for the manufacturing of Monforts finishing machines in Austria – has celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2022.

Located in St. Stefan, in the centre of Austria’s Lavant Valley in Carinthia, the advanced manufacturing hub was founded by Monforts in 1982.

“From the outset, we have specialised in all aspects of machine production, including high-precision sheet metal working, laser cutting and welding, and the pre-assembly of machines and components, , along with a well-organised quality management and spare parts service,” says Montex plant manager Gert Hanzl.

“We work very closely with the Monforts research and development team in Mönchengladbach, Germany, to take the latest new ideas through testing and prototyping, in readiness for future series production,” Hanzl says. “We are fully exploiting the many new possibilities in the continuous development of design and manufacturing methods. The respective electrical switch cabinets for the machines are delivered just-in-time from Monforts in Germany according to our production schedules.”

Montex Maschinenfabrik – the key site for the manufacturing of Monforts finishing machines in Austria – has celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2022.

Located in St. Stefan, in the centre of Austria’s Lavant Valley in Carinthia, the advanced manufacturing hub was founded by Monforts in 1982.

“From the outset, we have specialised in all aspects of machine production, including high-precision sheet metal working, laser cutting and welding, and the pre-assembly of machines and components, , along with a well-organised quality management and spare parts service,” says Montex plant manager Gert Hanzl.

“We work very closely with the Monforts research and development team in Mönchengladbach, Germany, to take the latest new ideas through testing and prototyping, in readiness for future series production,” Hanzl says. “We are fully exploiting the many new possibilities in the continuous development of design and manufacturing methods. The respective electrical switch cabinets for the machines are delivered just-in-time from Monforts in Germany according to our production schedules.”

While there is standardisation in series-produced Monforts machines, Montex is also increasingly called upon to construct bespoke machines with unique designs, according to the special needs of customers in technical textile or special textiles, he adds.

The core Monforts machine range, including the industry standard Montex stenters, along with relaxation dryers, Thermex dyeing ranges, Monfortex compressive shrinking ranges and Montex®Coat coating units is built at the Austrian site.


AWOL Media for Montex

Photo: Alexander Donka

Lenzing and Renewcell sign large-scale supply agreement

The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of sustainably produced specialty fibers, and Renewcell, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling pioneer, have signed a multi-year supply agreement to accelerate the transition of the textile industry from a linear to a circular business model. The agreement contains the sale of 80,000 to 100,000 tonnes of Renewcell’s 100 per cent recycled textile Circulose® dissolving pulp to Lenzing over a five-year period, for use in the production of cellulosic fibers for fashion and other textile applications.

“The textile industry must change. By signing the agreement with Swedish textile-to-textile recycling company Renewcell, Lenzing is able to further integrate recycling and accelerate the transition of the textile industry from linear to circular. As champions of sustainability, we know that moving towards a circular economy is vital to address the enormous textile waste challenges of the industry”, says Christian Skilich, Chief Pulp Officer of the Lenzing Group.

The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of sustainably produced specialty fibers, and Renewcell, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling pioneer, have signed a multi-year supply agreement to accelerate the transition of the textile industry from a linear to a circular business model. The agreement contains the sale of 80,000 to 100,000 tonnes of Renewcell’s 100 per cent recycled textile Circulose® dissolving pulp to Lenzing over a five-year period, for use in the production of cellulosic fibers for fashion and other textile applications.

“The textile industry must change. By signing the agreement with Swedish textile-to-textile recycling company Renewcell, Lenzing is able to further integrate recycling and accelerate the transition of the textile industry from linear to circular. As champions of sustainability, we know that moving towards a circular economy is vital to address the enormous textile waste challenges of the industry”, says Christian Skilich, Chief Pulp Officer of the Lenzing Group.

“Lenzing is a major player in our industry, with an inspiring track record of path-breaking technical excellence and sustainability leadership. Our new partnership fits perfectly into Renewcell’s strategy to accelerate the scale-up of circular materials by collaborating with fashion’s most important players. We are more than pleased to join forces with Lenzing with the shared goal of making fashion circular.” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, in a comment on the agreement.

Canopy, a not-for-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting forests, species, and climate, welcomes the agreement between Lenzing and Renewcell.
“Accelerating the transition to low-impact, circular production is the challenge of the decade for the fashion industry. That is why this partnership between Renewcell and Lenzing is so refreshing – it will bring low-carbon Next Gen solutions to market at scale,” exclaimed Nicole Rycroft, Executive Director of Canopy. “With the climate and biodiversity clocks ticking, the race to circularity is one we need all companies to win.”
It is an essential part of Lenzing’s corporate strategy and ambitious sustainability targets to become a true champion of circularity and to offer TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded specialty textile fibers with up to 50 percent post-consumer recycled content on a commercial scale by 2025. To reach this goal Lenzing partners with recycling pioneers like Renewcell.
Circulose® originates 100 per cent from textile waste, like old jeans and production scraps, and turns into dissolving pulp. It transforms textile waste and production scrap into new high-quality textile products.


Lenzing AG / Renewxell

Grafik BVMed

Bevölkerungsumfrage: Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln Masken nach jedem Gebrauch

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

In Teilen des öffentlichen Raumes gilt weiterhin die Pflicht zum Tragen einer medizinischen bzw. einer FFP2-Maske. Nach der BVMed-Umfrage sind die häufigsten Wechselgründe: Wenn die Maske verschmutzt ist (50,8 Prozent), kaputt gegangen ist (41,3 Prozent), schlecht riecht bzw. unhygienisch ist (37,0 Prozent) oder wenn die Maske durchfeuchtet ist (35,6 Prozent).

Unterschieden werden OP-Masken bzw. medizinische Masken (Mund-Nasen-Schutz) und Atemschutzmasken.

  • OP-Masken dienen vor allem dem Schutz der Umgebung vor Keimen, die Träger:innen beispielsweise durch Atmen oder Niesen verteilen könnte.
  • Atemschutzmasken hingegen dienen dem Schutz der Träger:innen vor Viren. Bei den Atemschutzmasken gibt es wiederum verschiedene Gruppen. Zum Schutz vor Viren und Mikroorganismen sind grundsätzlich Masken mit einem Partikelfilter geeignet. Dazu zählen unter anderem sogenannte Partikelfiltrierende Halbmasken, besser bekannt als FFP-Masken.

Genutzt werden von den Menschen aktuell vor allem FFP2-Masken. Sie sind nur dann wirksam, wenn sie korrekt angelegt werden.

  • Vor dem Aufsetzen der Maske sollten die Hände gründlich mit Wasser und Seife oder einem geeigneten Desinfektionsmittel gereinigt werden.
  • Die Maske muss gemäß der ihr beiliegenden Anleitung aufgesetzt werden. Sie muss Mund und Nase vollständig abdecken.
  • Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass keine Lücken zwischen Gesicht und Maske vorhanden sind.
  • FFP2-Masken sollten grundsätzlich nicht mehrfach verwendet werden, da es sich i.d.R. um Einmalprodukte handelt.
More information:
BVMed FFP-2 Masken Einwegmasken

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.