From the Sector

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Green fashion community to meet at INNATEX

The 48th INNATEX is opening its doors at the Messecenter Rhein-Main in Hofheim-Wallau from 31 July to 2 August 2021. More than 200 labels are poised to appear at the international trade fair for sustainable textiles. Following a long string of industry gatherings being cancelled due to COVID-19, the summer trade fair is a first opportunity for the sector to get together. All visitors are required to register digitally  in advance of the fair.

The pandemic has presented an opportunity to launch new projects. They include a special zone created in collaboration with GIZ GmbH, the German society for international development, which will shine a light on African designers. 13 labels from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda will present their ideas for sustainable textiles and fashion products.

The starting point for the special area is a virtual trade fair, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. GIZ GmbH has realised the joint project in cooperation with several partners; its physical extension can be visited at INNATEX.

The 48th INNATEX is opening its doors at the Messecenter Rhein-Main in Hofheim-Wallau from 31 July to 2 August 2021. More than 200 labels are poised to appear at the international trade fair for sustainable textiles. Following a long string of industry gatherings being cancelled due to COVID-19, the summer trade fair is a first opportunity for the sector to get together. All visitors are required to register digitally  in advance of the fair.

The pandemic has presented an opportunity to launch new projects. They include a special zone created in collaboration with GIZ GmbH, the German society for international development, which will shine a light on African designers. 13 labels from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda will present their ideas for sustainable textiles and fashion products.

The starting point for the special area is a virtual trade fair, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. GIZ GmbH has realised the joint project in cooperation with several partners; its physical extension can be visited at INNATEX.

Exhibitors include well-known pioneers and young newcomers
The IVN (International Association of Natural Textile Industry), which sponsors INNATEX, is staging its own pop-up showroom. In doing so, the association is creating its own curated space, showcasing the diversity and special features of its members. The future objective is to expand this space with the organiser to create a growing Concept Area that introduces visitors to different ways of presenting green fashion.

Besides the IVN, the Global Organic Textile Standard, the Green Button and Fairtrade are among the other standardisation bodies represented at the fair. In addition, a special exhibition entitled “Fashion in the Hood” (Fashion im Kiez) and delivered by the young interest group “Frankfurt Fashion Movement”, helps visitors join the dots in the fashion industry. Among the labels exhibiting at the fair for the first time are Active Wear by Klitmøller Collective from Denmark, Organic Fashion by Bibico from the UK and Italian sneaker brand ACBC.

More information:



Düsseldorf Fashion Days Festival mit 180 Akteuren

  • Am 24. Juli findet der „Shopping Day“ statt – zahlreiche Händleraktionen und verlängerte Öffnungszeiten machen Einkaufen zum Erlebnis
  • Starke Resonanz: Mit 180 Akteuren aus Einzelhandel, Hotels, Galerien sowie der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft zelebrieren die Düsseldorf Fashion Days den Modestandort
  • Düsseldorf erstrahlt in Violett, Grün und Gelb: Umfassende Werbemaßnahmen schmücken die Stadt – Händler bekennen (DFD-) Farbe

Diverse großformatige Plakate in Violett machen seit dem Wochenende aufmerksam auf ein neues Event: Das Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) Festival. Düsseldorf positioniert sich damit als Standort, der verbindet: Einzelhandel, Kunst- und Kreativszene, Gastronomie, Hotellerie – eingebettet in die Tradition der Düsseldorfer Ordertage.  Angefangen von der fein kuratierten Mode-Boutique, über Galerien, bis hin zu den großen, namenhaften Fashion-Häusern, sind 180 Akteure vertreten. Hotels entwickeln spezielle Konzepte und machen mit Pop-Up-Flächen Raum für Mode und Kunst.

  • Am 24. Juli findet der „Shopping Day“ statt – zahlreiche Händleraktionen und verlängerte Öffnungszeiten machen Einkaufen zum Erlebnis
  • Starke Resonanz: Mit 180 Akteuren aus Einzelhandel, Hotels, Galerien sowie der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft zelebrieren die Düsseldorf Fashion Days den Modestandort
  • Düsseldorf erstrahlt in Violett, Grün und Gelb: Umfassende Werbemaßnahmen schmücken die Stadt – Händler bekennen (DFD-) Farbe

Diverse großformatige Plakate in Violett machen seit dem Wochenende aufmerksam auf ein neues Event: Das Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) Festival. Düsseldorf positioniert sich damit als Standort, der verbindet: Einzelhandel, Kunst- und Kreativszene, Gastronomie, Hotellerie – eingebettet in die Tradition der Düsseldorfer Ordertage.  Angefangen von der fein kuratierten Mode-Boutique, über Galerien, bis hin zu den großen, namenhaften Fashion-Häusern, sind 180 Akteure vertreten. Hotels entwickeln spezielle Konzepte und machen mit Pop-Up-Flächen Raum für Mode und Kunst. Einzelhändler locken mit attraktiven Rabatten und Gewinnspielen; DJ-Sessions und sommerliche Drinks beleben den „Shopping Day“ am Samstag, den 24. Juli bis 22 Uhr.


Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V. / PR + Presseagentur textschwester


Kornit Digital Partners with design platform Canva

Kornit Digital announced a new partnership with online visual communications and design platform Canva.

As part of the partnership, KornitX, an operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, will become one of Canva’s first certified integration partners, empowering Canva to help leading Print Service Providers (PSPs), brands, and organizations easily add the Canva design tool to their e-commerce websites, making it easier to create personalized products from design, to order, to product fulfillment, in minutes. KornitX will also manage and route all orders through Kornit’s extensive global fulfillment network. Canva’s online visual communications platform currently serves more than 55 million private and enterprise users globally.

Kornit Digital announced a new partnership with online visual communications and design platform Canva.

As part of the partnership, KornitX, an operating system for on-demand sustainable fashion, will become one of Canva’s first certified integration partners, empowering Canva to help leading Print Service Providers (PSPs), brands, and organizations easily add the Canva design tool to their e-commerce websites, making it easier to create personalized products from design, to order, to product fulfillment, in minutes. KornitX will also manage and route all orders through Kornit’s extensive global fulfillment network. Canva’s online visual communications platform currently serves more than 55 million private and enterprise users globally.


Kornit Digital / pr4u


Devan: Supporting elite sport with ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

In Belgium, Devan has been involved in the Gold2Gold project carried out by Sport Vlaanderen. Gold2Gold is a unique collaboration between sports, government and the industry to prepare Belgian athletes to perform better in hot environments during world-level championships. Thermoregulating technology is increasingly becoming a key aspect of endurance performance for elite athletes. At that top level, small differences in body core temperature can make the difference between being on the podium or sometimes not even finishing the race.


Devan Chemicals NV / Marketing Solutions NV


HYGH AG zählt nun offiziell zu den Partnern für Berlin

Das 2018 als Start-Up gegründete Unternehmen HYGH AG wird künftig als offizieller Partner Berlin als Innovationshauptstadt aktiv mitprägen. Das digitale Werbeunternehmen wird sich von nun an mit 230 weiteren Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien, Kultur und Sport für den Wirtschaftsstandort Berlin einsetzen und ihn als attraktiven Ort zum Leben und Arbeiten stärken – ein Paradebeispiel für die gelebte Innovationskultur der Stadt.

Das Berlin-Partner-Netzwerk existiert seit einem Vierteljahrhundert. Mit der HYGH AG liefert ein weiteres Innovationsunternehmen ein eindrucksvolles Beispiel dafür, welche Dynamik in der Berliner Wirtschaft steckt. Das Engagement unterstreicht Berlins Status als führender Start-up-Hotspot in Europa. Der neue Partner für Berlin HYGH AG wird sich nun im Netzwerk mit neuen Konzepten und besonderem Knowhow für ein modernes Image der Hauptstadtmetropole einsetzen und Berlin als Förderstätte innovativer Geschäftsideen – wie der von HYGH selbst – national und international positionieren.

Das 2018 als Start-Up gegründete Unternehmen HYGH AG wird künftig als offizieller Partner Berlin als Innovationshauptstadt aktiv mitprägen. Das digitale Werbeunternehmen wird sich von nun an mit 230 weiteren Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien, Kultur und Sport für den Wirtschaftsstandort Berlin einsetzen und ihn als attraktiven Ort zum Leben und Arbeiten stärken – ein Paradebeispiel für die gelebte Innovationskultur der Stadt.

Das Berlin-Partner-Netzwerk existiert seit einem Vierteljahrhundert. Mit der HYGH AG liefert ein weiteres Innovationsunternehmen ein eindrucksvolles Beispiel dafür, welche Dynamik in der Berliner Wirtschaft steckt. Das Engagement unterstreicht Berlins Status als führender Start-up-Hotspot in Europa. Der neue Partner für Berlin HYGH AG wird sich nun im Netzwerk mit neuen Konzepten und besonderem Knowhow für ein modernes Image der Hauptstadtmetropole einsetzen und Berlin als Förderstätte innovativer Geschäftsideen – wie der von HYGH selbst – national und international positionieren.

Der Mehrwert, den die Digitalisierung für die Berliner Werbewirtschaft bietet, verdichtet sich in dem digitalen Konzept der HYGH AG, wo sich in nur 5 Minuten eine individuelle Werbekampagne freischalten lässt. Mini-Kampagne oder großes Rollout, deutschlandweit oder nur im Bezirk – HYGH AG ist der Partner für digitale Außenkommunikationsmodelle, von denen auch Berlin profitieren will. „Deutschland hat viele Innovationen zu bieten, doch Außenwerbung als ein zentraler Weg zum Kunden, war angesichts meist kleiner Werbebudgets für viele Unternehmen bis zu unserem Start keine Option“, erklärt Fritz Frey, Geschäftsführer und Mitbegründer der HYGH AG.


HYGH AG / Bettertrust GmbH


Hexcel: Speeding up new Product Development Cycles for Rassini

Hexcel, a global leader in advanced composites technologies, confirms that its HexPly® M901 prepreg system has been selected by Rassini, a Mexico-based technology leader in composite vehicle suspension systems, to speed up prototype and new product development cycles, reducing overall time to market with an easy to process material solution that enables effective early-stage design screening and cost-effective production.  

As a specialist in the mass production of composite helper leaf springs for various leading OEMs, Rassini continuously develops innovative new suspension component designs. Due to cost and timing, however, these new products cannot easily be prototyped using conventional high-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM) technology.

Hexcel, a global leader in advanced composites technologies, confirms that its HexPly® M901 prepreg system has been selected by Rassini, a Mexico-based technology leader in composite vehicle suspension systems, to speed up prototype and new product development cycles, reducing overall time to market with an easy to process material solution that enables effective early-stage design screening and cost-effective production.  

As a specialist in the mass production of composite helper leaf springs for various leading OEMs, Rassini continuously develops innovative new suspension component designs. Due to cost and timing, however, these new products cannot easily be prototyped using conventional high-pressure resin transfer molding (HP-RTM) technology.

With more than 15 years of experience in delivering glass fiber prepregs for the serial production of composite leaf springs, Hexcel developed its high-performance HexPly M901 prepreg system specifically for this type of application. HexPly M901 combines the right level of structural performance required with simple processing, providing Rassini with a reliable material solution optimized for rapid development and fine-tuning iterations.

HexPly M901 is a high Tg epoxy resin prepreg system specifically developed for structural components that will be exposed to harsh thermal and environmental conditions.  With short cure cycles of 10 minutes and below producing excellent green, or handling, strength of the composite part for demolding and unidirectional glass fiber aerial weights up to 1,600gsm, HexPly M901 delivers a powerful combination of benefits for suspension component applications.

More information:
Hexcel’s HexPly® Hexcel

Hexcel Corporation

Photo: Avery Dennison, PR455

Avery Dennison + Shenzhou International Holdings Ltd.: ADX Lab Ningbo for the apparel industry

Avery Dennison, a global leader in innovation, materials science, branding and manufacturing, and Shenzhou International Holdings Ltd., one of the world’s largest vertically-integrated knitwear manufacturers, hosted a grand opening event for the launch of ADX Lab Ningbo, an experience hub co-created by the two innovators, located in Ningbo, China.

Themed “Newness is the Name of Your Game,” the opening event brought together leading global apparel and footwear brands. Offering a bespoke lab experience, an insightful seminar, and a plant tour, Avery Dennison shared the cutting-edge fashion trends for seasons ahead and launched new design concepts and solutions. Industry stakeholders saw how ADX Lab Ningbo empowers global apparel and footwear brands with Avery Dennison’s end-to-end solutions, bringing their innovative ideas to life, telling their brands’ story, and helping them create cutting-edge, diverse products.

Avery Dennison, a global leader in innovation, materials science, branding and manufacturing, and Shenzhou International Holdings Ltd., one of the world’s largest vertically-integrated knitwear manufacturers, hosted a grand opening event for the launch of ADX Lab Ningbo, an experience hub co-created by the two innovators, located in Ningbo, China.

Themed “Newness is the Name of Your Game,” the opening event brought together leading global apparel and footwear brands. Offering a bespoke lab experience, an insightful seminar, and a plant tour, Avery Dennison shared the cutting-edge fashion trends for seasons ahead and launched new design concepts and solutions. Industry stakeholders saw how ADX Lab Ningbo empowers global apparel and footwear brands with Avery Dennison’s end-to-end solutions, bringing their innovative ideas to life, telling their brands’ story, and helping them create cutting-edge, diverse products.

ADX, which stands for “Avery Dennison Experience,” offers a future-focused platform for apparel industry stakeholders to see innovative technology, materials and solutions, and explore how these breakthrough technologies can be put into development. At ADX Labs, Avery Dennison engages apparel and footwear brands around the globe, co-creating the next breakthrough solutions. ADX Labs will launch new collections and solutions biannually across digital production techniques, external embellishments, packaging, automation and more. The newly-launched ADX Lab Ningbo is Avery Dennison’s fourth ADX Lab across the globe, joining the innovation and experience hubs in Norway, Italy, and Panyu, China. Avery Dennison will expand its hub in the USA in January next year.

During the ADX Lab Ningbo launch event, Avery Dennison’s revealed its newest portfolio for external embellishments. The collection was inspired by seasonal trends and featured sustainable production techniques, materials and designs. From larger graphics to small details, different materials and technology were juxtaposed and brought to life in novel ways. The results are over 90 bespoke graphic technique combinations – covering heat transfer labels, woven, embroideries and more, spanning performance, lifestyle and team sports.

“Avery Dennison joined forces with Shenzhou International to introduce a broader vision for innovation to our global customers to help apparel and footwear brands stay ahead of industry trends and, ultimately, achieve their business goals,” said Michael Barton, vice president and general manager, global commercial, apparel solutions, Avery Dennison. “We believe that inspiration and innovation should never be limited by geographic location. Therefore, virtual experiences will be available at the ADX Lab Ningbo starting July 30. Our customers can be inspired by this immersive experience from the comfort of their own homes.”

“The partnership between Avery Dennison and Shenzhou International can be traced back to 2005. Over the past 16 years, the innovation driven by this important partnership has allowed both corporations to expand the scope of services in our businesses. By incorporating innovation throughout the process to product offerings, our customers are empowered to scale their businesses in more creative, diverse and personalized ways,” said Ally Feng, vice president and general manager, Greater China, Avery Dennison RBIS. “The launch of the ADX Lab Ningbo is another momentous step forward in our joint pursuit to drive innovation for the industry. Moving forward, we will continue to work together closely to serve the needs of apparel and footwear brands around the world, accelerating innovation and shaping the future of the industry at large.”


EMG for Avery Dennison


DyStar’s Commitment to the Protection of its Global Intellectual Property Portfolio

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Baldwin to unveil FlexoCleanerBrush™ at SuperCorrExpo

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase a new generation of innovative technologies for optimized corrugated high-graphics package printing at SuperCorrExpo, taking place in Orlando, Florida, from Aug. 8 to 12.

The FlexoCleanerBrush™ enhances the print quality and improves worker safety in corrugated printing. The system automatically removes dust and contamination from the plate in seconds during production, without stopping the press. It also performs full end-of-job plate cleaning and drying in fewer than four minutes, enabling increased uptime and sustainability. A carbon fiber core keeps even the ultra-wide FlexoCleanerBrush to a minimal weight, and ensures cleaning is stable, uniform and consistent throughout the plate’s width. Because the system is fully automatic and spans the entire width of the plate cylinder, the FlexoCleanerBrush improves safety by eliminating routine operator contact with the machine, while also reducing the risk of cylinder nip injuries and contact with wash agents.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase a new generation of innovative technologies for optimized corrugated high-graphics package printing at SuperCorrExpo, taking place in Orlando, Florida, from Aug. 8 to 12.

The FlexoCleanerBrush™ enhances the print quality and improves worker safety in corrugated printing. The system automatically removes dust and contamination from the plate in seconds during production, without stopping the press. It also performs full end-of-job plate cleaning and drying in fewer than four minutes, enabling increased uptime and sustainability. A carbon fiber core keeps even the ultra-wide FlexoCleanerBrush to a minimal weight, and ensures cleaning is stable, uniform and consistent throughout the plate’s width. Because the system is fully automatic and spans the entire width of the plate cylinder, the FlexoCleanerBrush improves safety by eliminating routine operator contact with the machine, while also reducing the risk of cylinder nip injuries and contact with wash agents.

Also on view in Baldwin’s SuperCorrExpo booth, the FlexoDry™ is a fully integrated IR drying system, specifically developed for corrugated flexo printing presses. It reduces energy consumption by up to 30 percent over standard IR dryers through patented Diamond IR™ lamps. The system delivers improved drying results because of a unique optical design that produces higher intensity for enhanced color definition, and reduces or eliminates marking altogether, allowing for high-speed and full-confidence printing.

Additionally, Baldwin will showcase LED-UV technology, designed by its AMS Spectral UV division for wide-format flexo corrugated box printing.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

(c) Deutsche Lichtmiete. Alexander Hahn, CEO & Gründer Deutsche Lichtmiete AG und Steffen Salinger, Geschäftsführer Artemide Deutschland (v. l. n. r.).

Deutsche Lichtmiete kooperiert mit Artemide

  • Premiummarke aus Italien jetzt auch mit Light as a Service Mietkonzept

Zwei Spezialisten für individuelle LED-Lichtlösungen bündeln ihre Aktivitäten in einer strategischen Partnerschaft. Die Deutsche Lichtmiete ist mit ihrem Mietkonzept und Produktportfolio Marktführer für Light as a Service (LaaS) in Europa. Der italienische Leuchtenhersteller Artemide ist als Hersteller für Designleuchten und Innovationsführer in der Lichttechnologie weltweit etabliert. Über die Kooperation nutzen beide Unternehmen ihre Branchenkompetenz und kombinieren ihre sich ergänzenden Geschäftsmodelle. Die Premiummarke Artemide und die Deutsche Lichtmiete stehen für Innovationskraft, Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität und Erfolg im Bereich Licht. Durch die neue Vereinbarung profitieren Kunden auf beiden Seiten von dem Produkt- und Serviceportfolio.

  • Premiummarke aus Italien jetzt auch mit Light as a Service Mietkonzept

Zwei Spezialisten für individuelle LED-Lichtlösungen bündeln ihre Aktivitäten in einer strategischen Partnerschaft. Die Deutsche Lichtmiete ist mit ihrem Mietkonzept und Produktportfolio Marktführer für Light as a Service (LaaS) in Europa. Der italienische Leuchtenhersteller Artemide ist als Hersteller für Designleuchten und Innovationsführer in der Lichttechnologie weltweit etabliert. Über die Kooperation nutzen beide Unternehmen ihre Branchenkompetenz und kombinieren ihre sich ergänzenden Geschäftsmodelle. Die Premiummarke Artemide und die Deutsche Lichtmiete stehen für Innovationskraft, Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität und Erfolg im Bereich Licht. Durch die neue Vereinbarung profitieren Kunden auf beiden Seiten von dem Produkt- und Serviceportfolio.
Seit über 80 Jahren entwickelt der italienische Leuchtenhersteller Lichtlösungen, die traditionelles Handwerk, klare Formen, funktionale Technik und ansprechende Optik verbinden. Mit der preisgekrönten Schreibtischleuchte Tolomeo von Michele De Lucchi, der mit Issey Myiake entworfenen und prämierten Kollektion IN-EI oder den speziell für das Luxushotel Westin in der Elbphilharmonie Hamburg gefertigten Leuchten in Wellenform haben die Lichtspezialisten von Artemide Maßstäbe gesetzt. „Mit Artemide gewinnen wir einen Spezialisten für individuelle Sonderlösungen und Maßanfertigung, der unser eigenes Portfolio optimal ergänzt und uns neue Absatzwege und Zielgruppen eröffnet“, erklärt Alexander Hahn, Gründer und CEO der Deutsche Lichtmiete AG.
Die Deutsche Lichtmiete Light as a Service Komplettlösung bietet Industrie, Gewerbe, Gesundheits- und Kultureinrichtungen und der öffentlichen Hand eine Beleuchtungsmodernisierung mit LED-Technik. Steffen Salinger, Geschäftsführer Artemide Deutschland, erläutert: „Wir können mit unseren Lichtsystemen sämtliche Bereiche eines Projekts beleuchten und Räumen ein unverwechselbares Ambiente verleihen. Als ausgewählter Partner der Deutschen Lichtmiete sind unsere Lichttechnologien jetzt auch mit Light as a Service möglich.“

More information:
Deutsche Lichtmiete Artemide

HARTZKOM für Deutsche Lichtmiete


Unterschiedliche Schlussverkaufs-Praktiken im Handel

Üblicherweise geht der Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel Ende Juli in die finale Reduzierungsphase. Den Höhepunkt markiert dann der inoffizielle Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf, der in der Regel am letzten Juli-Montag startet. „Corona hat diese Praxis jedoch zum dritten Mal in Folge massiv gestört“, berichtet BTE-Sprecher Axel Augustin.
Grundsätzlich hat die gesamte Modebranche massiv unter der Pandemie gelitten, die Folgen sind jedoch je nach Standort und Unternehmensgröße zum Teil sehr unterschiedlich. Nach Erkenntnissen von BTE und BDSE besonders hart getroffen hat es die großen Unternehmen in den Toplagen der Großstädte. Fehlende Touristen und Messegäste sowie Millionen Arbeitnehmer im Homeoffice haben die Kundenfrequenzen und damit die Umsätze dort extrem einbrechen lassen. „Zudem gab es für die Großbetriebe deutlich weniger staatliche Hilfen“, weiß Augustin.

Üblicherweise geht der Textil-, Schuh- und Lederwarenhandel Ende Juli in die finale Reduzierungsphase. Den Höhepunkt markiert dann der inoffizielle Sommer-Schluss-Verkauf, der in der Regel am letzten Juli-Montag startet. „Corona hat diese Praxis jedoch zum dritten Mal in Folge massiv gestört“, berichtet BTE-Sprecher Axel Augustin.
Grundsätzlich hat die gesamte Modebranche massiv unter der Pandemie gelitten, die Folgen sind jedoch je nach Standort und Unternehmensgröße zum Teil sehr unterschiedlich. Nach Erkenntnissen von BTE und BDSE besonders hart getroffen hat es die großen Unternehmen in den Toplagen der Großstädte. Fehlende Touristen und Messegäste sowie Millionen Arbeitnehmer im Homeoffice haben die Kundenfrequenzen und damit die Umsätze dort extrem einbrechen lassen. „Zudem gab es für die Großbetriebe deutlich weniger staatliche Hilfen“, weiß Augustin.
Die Lagerbestände in diesen Unternehmen dürften daher nach Einschätzung von BTE und BDSE besonders hoch sein. So werben manche Großunternehmen bereits seit einiger Zeit mit Rabatten bis zu 50 Prozent und mehr – stationär und online. Andere, darunter viele kleine und mittlere Mode- und Schuhgeschäfte, versuchen dagegen, sich aktuell mit größeren Sale-Aktionen noch zurückzuhalten. „Die Unternehmen stecken in dem Dilemma, dass einerseits die Läger aktuell noch (zu) voll sind, man sich andererseits nach drei katastrophalen Saisons in Folge hohe Preisreduzierungen aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen aber kaum leisten kann“, analysiert Augustin.
Als Folge rechnen BTE und BDSE per Ende Juli mit differenzierten Sale-Strategien im Mode- und Schuhhandel. Weil im Frühjahr die meisten Geschäfte nicht oder nur kurz geöffnet waren, dürfte die Auswahl an reduzierter Frühjahrsmode, wie Jacken oder leichte Pullover, besonders groß sein. „Da der letzte Winter-Schluss-Verkauf aufgrund des Lockdowns weitgehend ausfiel, kann man sich wohl vereinzelt auch auf Schnäppchen aus dem letzten Herbst/Winter freuen“, prognostiziert Augustin.

More information:
Schlussverkauf, Sale


(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Change in leadership at Schoeller Textil AG: Kath succeeds Winkelbeiner

Schoeller Textil AG, the Swiss textile and technology company, announces a shift in leadership as Joachim Kath takes over as CEO. Following a 10-year career at the global textile solutions brand, CEO Siegfried Winkelbeiner is moving into his retirement later this month. Joachim Kath, who comes from the chemical industry, has been working closely with Winkelbeiner as COO at Schoeller for the past year and a half.

Schoeller Textil AG, the Swiss textile and technology company, announces a shift in leadership as Joachim Kath takes over as CEO. Following a 10-year career at the global textile solutions brand, CEO Siegfried Winkelbeiner is moving into his retirement later this month. Joachim Kath, who comes from the chemical industry, has been working closely with Winkelbeiner as COO at Schoeller for the past year and a half.

The transition comes after long-term planning. Since February 2020, and in close partnership with Siegfried Winkelbeiner, Joachim Kath (on the left) has been preparing as Schoeller COO to take over its management. Joachim Kath originally comes from Flensburg (DE) and, following his studies of Chemical Engineering in Karlsruhe, shaped his professional career in the chemical industry with Ciba (-Geigy) / BASF in Basel (CH). His career over 30 years has incorporated engineering, production and marketing & sales in diverse management functions – in a wide range of business segments for various industries and areas of application around the globe. Joachim Kath spent 12 years of his career dedicated to textile finishing, with a period of intensive travel in Asia and a 3-year stay in the USA.

Asked how he sees himself, Joachim Kath said: “The common thread running through all my assignments and business activities is process orientation, interest in new paths, and an instinct for what is feasible – with the goal of achieving customer benefits and satisfaction. Kath aims to ensure that Schoeller can continue to face the challenges of changing market requirements with outstanding and exceptional products, while evolving and innovating to stay ahead of consumer needs for the future. High performance capability, sustainable product development, premium quality, reliability, productivity, and keeping the customer as the central focus of all activities continue as essential keys to Schoeller’s continued business success.


Schoeller Textil AG

INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person (c) INDA

INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

Highlights included the announcement of Kimberly-Clark Scott® 24-Hour Sanitizing Wipes as the winner of this year’s World of Wipes Innovation Award®. The annual award recognizes the product that most expands the use of nonwovens and demonstrates creativity, novelty, uniqueness, and technical sophistication within the entire nonwovens wipes value chain.

Other highlights included the presentation of the 2021 INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award to John Poccia. The annual award is nominated by INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and presented to an individual whose technical achievements over a long-standing career have significantly contributed to the technical advancement, success, and growth of the nonwovens industry.

Other presentation highlights included:

  • Recent Developments Under the EU Green Deal and Plastics Strategy – Pandemic Update – Gyongyi David, Attorney at Law, V V G B Advocaten-Avocats, Director- EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  • FDA & EPA Framework of Regulations: Dry Wipes Claims – Tony Herber, Principal Regulatory Consultant/Assistant Federal Team Manager, Scientific & Regulatory Consultants, Inc. (SRC. Inc.)
  • Consumer Wipes Usage During Covid-19 and Future Use – Chris Dresselhuys, Business Director-North American Retail Wipes, Rockline Industries
  • Sustainable Solutions for Wipes – Vishal Bansai, Vice President, Innovation, and Silke Brand-Kirsch, VP, Marketing and Business Development, Glatfelter Gernsbach GmbH
  • Sustainability Impacts Across the Value Chain of Wipes Packaging – Vicky Chang, Marketing Manager, Consumer & Industrial Products, Amcor Flexibles
  • Unveiling Wet Wipes Preservation: New Findings on Microbial Risks and Preservative Solution – Paul Salama, Ph.D., CTO& Head of Innovation, Sharon Laboratories

ISKO to work with the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl

Bulletproof, designer: Lia Fattal, photo: Omri Rosengart

Design Museum Holon’s Largest Fashion Exhibition to Date: “The Ball”

Exploring the relationship between fashion, dreams and escapism
Curated by Ya'ara Keydar
July 13th, 2021 – December 11th, 2021

The Design Museum Holon unveils its newest and most ambitious fashion exhibition “The Ball” spanning the entire museum. Taking an innovative approach from Design Museum Holon’s previous fashion exhibitions, “The Ball” is a multi-sensory theatrical experience that combines fashion, sound, music, scenery, and lighting to showcase how dresses from the past resonate in today’s eveningwear design. The exhibition offers a dreamy experience full of fantasy, forging connections between the history of balls, Western fashion, and the current creations of Israel’s leading designers.

“The Ball” looks at past and present-day fashion, exploring the complexities woven into the longing for opulence and escapism. Throughout history, while balls were often reserved for the elite, fairytales provided a gateway into a world of imagination, overcoming social divides and barriers. Through a creative dialogue between the fantastic and the real, the exhibition invites visitors to explore the role of fashion and escapism in everyday life.

Exploring the relationship between fashion, dreams and escapism
Curated by Ya'ara Keydar
July 13th, 2021 – December 11th, 2021

The Design Museum Holon unveils its newest and most ambitious fashion exhibition “The Ball” spanning the entire museum. Taking an innovative approach from Design Museum Holon’s previous fashion exhibitions, “The Ball” is a multi-sensory theatrical experience that combines fashion, sound, music, scenery, and lighting to showcase how dresses from the past resonate in today’s eveningwear design. The exhibition offers a dreamy experience full of fantasy, forging connections between the history of balls, Western fashion, and the current creations of Israel’s leading designers.

“The Ball” looks at past and present-day fashion, exploring the complexities woven into the longing for opulence and escapism. Throughout history, while balls were often reserved for the elite, fairytales provided a gateway into a world of imagination, overcoming social divides and barriers. Through a creative dialogue between the fantastic and the real, the exhibition invites visitors to explore the role of fashion and escapism in everyday life.

The exhibition displays approximately 120 ball gowns representing both historical and contemporary designs, which feature luxurious materials alongside surprisingly recognizable ones. In addition to the gowns, the exhibition showcases approximately 50 accessories created especially for the exhibition by Israel’s leading designers, including a display of glass Cinderella slippers printed in 3D, and a collection of hats inspired by desserts.

Participating designers:
Shadi Abed, Chen Adar, Shlomi Anteby, Rivi Avivi, Shahar Avnet, Idit Barak, Victor Vivi Bellaish, Berta, BOOBA MACHO by Karin Vasiluk, Hila Cohen, Luci David, Tatiana Davidov (Studio Tiamanta), Gadi Elimelech, Lia Fattal, Aviram Fima, Aharon Genish, Nimrod Gilo, Lee Grebenau, Brurya, Haritan, Nofar Hatuka, Lihi Hod, Iota Studio, Adi Karni, Ohad Krief, Galia Lahav, Ronen Levin, Rotem Levitan - Retema, Noam Levy, Alon Livne, Shady Francis Majlaton, Chana Marelus, Tal Medina, Moni Mednik, Yaron Minkowsky, Evyatar Myor, Maya Naé, Eliran Nargassi, Nataf Hirshberg and Yanky Golian, Dylan Parienty, Yaniv Persy, Ruth Philosoph, Assaf Reeb, , Katya Romantsov, Eden Saadon, Alon Shabo, Shai Shalom, Orwa Shareef, Sharon Tal, Maskit ,Rotem Shaul, Gal Shenfeld, Nadir Shoshany, Liora Taragan, Ariel Toledano, Michal Yersanesh Mangisto, Maor Zabar, Mira Zwillinger Studio

Visit DMH

More information:
Design Design Museum Holon


Dibella's initiative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (c) Heppner

Dibella's initiative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

Dibella's long-standing forwarding partner Hamacher was taken over by the sustainably committed logistics specialist Heppner at the end of 2018. The new constellation takes Dibella another step further in terms of climate-neutral transport: the logistics company, which originates from France, focuses on the environmentally friendly transport of goods and is investing heavily in a carbon dioxide-neutral vehicle fleet.

Dibella's long-standing forwarding partner Hamacher was taken over by the sustainably committed logistics specialist Heppner at the end of 2018. The new constellation takes Dibella another step further in terms of climate-neutral transport: the logistics company, which originates from France, focuses on the environmentally friendly transport of goods and is investing heavily in a carbon dioxide-neutral vehicle fleet.

"With our first sustainability report, we introduced the monitoring of our carbon dioxide emissions. It turned out that the transport of our textiles produces the most climate gases. We have therefore consistently switched to sea freight and almost without exception do not ship goods by air. However, we still see a need for optimisation from the port of Rotterdam to the customer or to our warehouse. After the takeover of our long-standing forwarding partner Hamacher by the logistics specialist Heppner, there is now a breath of fresh air in our climate-friendly delivery initiative. The company is committed to environmentally friendly transports and a low-emission vehicle fleet. Together we now want to look for solutions to make the "last miles" of our deliveries climate gas neutral," says Ralf Hellmann, Managing Director of Dibella.

Departure into a clean future
Spedition Heppner, with its origins in Alsace, is a family-owned company with worldwide operations and 3,320 employees handling more than 72 million freight items annually. More than a decade ago, the logistics specialist began recording the carbon dioxide emissions released by its fleet of vehicles and steadily reducing them by switching to environmentally friendly energy sources. With a mix of gas, bio-fuel and electric drive, the discharge of greenhouse gases caused by the company's trucks is to be reduced by twenty percent by the year 2025. By 2050, the entire fleet should be diesel-free. To achieve a carbon dioxide-neutral footprint, Heppner is also testing hybrid forms of transport (rail, inland waterways, truck) as well as alternative delivery options (cargo bike).


Dibella GmbH


Eruslu Nonwovens Group: Entering Biodegradable Nonwoven Market with Truetzschler Nonwovens’ Machinery

Truetzschler Nonwovens will deliver equipment to enlarge an existing spunlacing line - put into operation in 2015 at the Turkish Eruslu Nonwovens Group - into a flexible, state-of-the-art production line for various light to heavy weight sustainable nonwovens.

Last year Eruslu decided to broaden its portfolio in the wipes segment by adding biodegradable products from renewable resources. The group took full advantage of the 2015 small capacity line and went for:

  • a second NCR random and a NCA airlay card
  • fiber preparation and card feeding equipment for the two new cards
  • more hydraulic power to reliably and efficiently hydroentangle multi-layer webs
  • an extension to the dryer for increased evaporation capacity

After starting up in the second half of 2022, Eruslu will be operating an ultra-modern, highly flexible NCR-NCA-NCR spunlace line, the first of its kind in Turkey. The line is tailor-made to process virgin cotton fibers, comber noils and short fibers at high speeds. End products are top-quality, lightweight natural wipes or heavy-weight, three-layer nonwovens for cosmetic pads.

Truetzschler Nonwovens will deliver equipment to enlarge an existing spunlacing line - put into operation in 2015 at the Turkish Eruslu Nonwovens Group - into a flexible, state-of-the-art production line for various light to heavy weight sustainable nonwovens.

Last year Eruslu decided to broaden its portfolio in the wipes segment by adding biodegradable products from renewable resources. The group took full advantage of the 2015 small capacity line and went for:

  • a second NCR random and a NCA airlay card
  • fiber preparation and card feeding equipment for the two new cards
  • more hydraulic power to reliably and efficiently hydroentangle multi-layer webs
  • an extension to the dryer for increased evaporation capacity

After starting up in the second half of 2022, Eruslu will be operating an ultra-modern, highly flexible NCR-NCA-NCR spunlace line, the first of its kind in Turkey. The line is tailor-made to process virgin cotton fibers, comber noils and short fibers at high speeds. End products are top-quality, lightweight natural wipes or heavy-weight, three-layer nonwovens for cosmetic pads.


Trützschler Nonwovens & Man Made Fibers GmbH

BitBurst für Marketmedia24

„Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2021“ erschienen

Für den „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2021“ wurden im Zeitraum März bis Mai 2021 insgesamt 3.473 Personen ab 18 Jahren rund um das Thema Fensterausstattung befragt. Die Antworten geben nicht nur Einblicke in das länderspezifische Kaufverhalten, sondern auch in die Motive und Pläne der nach Geschlechtern, Alters- und Einkommensklassen, Haushaltsgrößen und Wohnsituation spezifizierten Zielgruppen.

Deutsche, Österreicher, Schweizer, Engländer, Italiener und Franzosen haben vieles gemeinsam. So ist die Lust auf Neues für alle einer der wichtigsten Anschaffungsgründe für neue Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutzprodukte. Das ergab eine repräsentative internationale Verbraucherbefragung, die Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit dem Technologieunternehmen BitBurst GmbH, Monheim am Rhein, durchgeführt hat.

Für den „Branchen-REPORT Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutz 2021“ wurden im Zeitraum März bis Mai 2021 insgesamt 3.473 Personen ab 18 Jahren rund um das Thema Fensterausstattung befragt. Die Antworten geben nicht nur Einblicke in das länderspezifische Kaufverhalten, sondern auch in die Motive und Pläne der nach Geschlechtern, Alters- und Einkommensklassen, Haushaltsgrößen und Wohnsituation spezifizierten Zielgruppen.

Deutsche, Österreicher, Schweizer, Engländer, Italiener und Franzosen haben vieles gemeinsam. So ist die Lust auf Neues für alle einer der wichtigsten Anschaffungsgründe für neue Gardinen, Sicht- und Sonnenschutzprodukte. Das ergab eine repräsentative internationale Verbraucherbefragung, die Marketmedia24, Köln, in Kooperation mit dem Technologieunternehmen BitBurst GmbH, Monheim am Rhein, durchgeführt hat.

Dabei kristallisieren sich für die Branche noch im laufenden Jahr gute Umsatzchancen heraus. Das zeigen die Zukunftsszenarien von Marketmedia24. Anhand wissenschaftlicher Methoden werden dabei drei fundierte Modelle bis zum Jahr 2028 für Gardinen sowie innenliegenden Sicht- und Sonnenschutz aufgezeigt. Danach winkt der deutschen Branche beispielsweise im Best-Case-Szenario („Cocooningszenario“) bis 2028 ein Anstieg um 29 Prozent auf 4,3 Milliarden Euro. Ein Wachstum, an dem jedoch nicht alle Warengruppen beteiligt sein werden.



(c) Heiq. Julien Born - CEO The LYCRA Company und Carlo Centonze - Co-founder and CEO of HeiQ Group.

Gemeinsam neue Lösungen für die Bekleidungsindustrie: HeiQ und The LYCRA Company kooperieren

  • Synergien für Stretch, Thermoregulation, Frische und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Markenbekanntheit beim Verbraucher erhöhen
  • Markteinführung auf der Intertextile in Shanghai

HeiQ und The LYCRA Company haben eine umfassende Zusammenarbeit über mehrere Technologie- und Markenplattformen hinweg vereinbart. Aufbauend auf Sondierungsgesprächen, die Anfang 2019 begannen, gaben HeiQ und die The LYCRA Company bekannt, ihre gemeinsamen Philosophien und Stärken in der Textilwissenschaft, in sozialen Netzwerken und im globalen Marketing zu nutzen, um mit ihren Innovationsplattformen einen breiten Markt zu adressieren. Die Unternehmen planen Innovationen für Verbrauchermarken in den Marktsegmenten Stretch, Thermoregulation, Frische und Nachhaltigkeit.

  • Synergien für Stretch, Thermoregulation, Frische und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Markenbekanntheit beim Verbraucher erhöhen
  • Markteinführung auf der Intertextile in Shanghai

HeiQ und The LYCRA Company haben eine umfassende Zusammenarbeit über mehrere Technologie- und Markenplattformen hinweg vereinbart. Aufbauend auf Sondierungsgesprächen, die Anfang 2019 begannen, gaben HeiQ und die The LYCRA Company bekannt, ihre gemeinsamen Philosophien und Stärken in der Textilwissenschaft, in sozialen Netzwerken und im globalen Marketing zu nutzen, um mit ihren Innovationsplattformen einen breiten Markt zu adressieren. Die Unternehmen planen Innovationen für Verbrauchermarken in den Marktsegmenten Stretch, Thermoregulation, Frische und Nachhaltigkeit.

Die erste Innovationsplattform kommt noch in diesem Sommer auf den Markt. Sie soll den Verbrauchern eine neue Dimension von Vertrauen und Komfort bieten, indem HeiQ Frische- und antivirale Vorteile mit der Qualität und den Vorzügen von Stretch-Stoffen verbindet, die nach dem neuen Markenstandard der LYCRA® freshFX® Technologie zertifiziert sind. Die Vorbereitungen für diese Innovation laufen derzeit mit einem anfänglichen Fokus auf lokale Wertschöpfungsketten in China für den chinesischen Verbraucher. Die Markteinführung ist für die Intertextile-Messe in Shanghai Ende August vorgesehen. Der Fokus dieser Kooperationen wird darauf liegen, relevante Verbraucherbedürfnisse nach Qualität, Langlebigkeit und nachhaltiger Kleidung zu erfüllen. Stoffmuster und Prototypen werden im Spätsommer für die kommerzielle Order zur Verfügung stehen.

„Unser Ziel bei HeiQ ist es, Marken und Produzenten in der Textilindustrie in die Lage zu versetzen, mehr Komfort, Performance und Nachhaltigkeit in Textilprodukte zu bringen und gleichzeitig die Markenbekanntheit bei den Verbrauchern zu erhöhen, die am meisten von diesen Innovationen profitieren werden", sagt Carlo Centonze, Mitbegründer und CEO der HeiQ Gruppe.

„Die Kollaboration basiert auf einem starken Fundament gemeinsamer Werte und Philosophien, die unsere beiden Unternehmen teilen", so Julien Born, CEO The LYCRA Company. „Wir freuen uns darauf, die natürlichen Synergien zwischen uns zu nutzen und gemeinsam neue Lösungen für die Bekleidungsindustrie zu finden."


HeiQ Materials AG


FIMAST 2021 to be held from 19th to 22nd October 2021

FIMAST 2021, Italian Exhibition Group’s much-awaited B2B trade show event dedicated to the entire hosiery industry, scheduled to take place, with physical attendance, at the Brixia Forum in Brescia from 19th to 22nd October 2021.  
FIMAST is “setting off” on a new development route for the trade show which will focus on responsible and sustainable innovation along the supply chain it represents. The first steps in this direction include activating a top-level partnership with the ecohub C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) and constant dialogue with the sector’s global players.

For the full programme of initiatives:

FIMAST 2021, Italian Exhibition Group’s much-awaited B2B trade show event dedicated to the entire hosiery industry, scheduled to take place, with physical attendance, at the Brixia Forum in Brescia from 19th to 22nd October 2021.  
FIMAST is “setting off” on a new development route for the trade show which will focus on responsible and sustainable innovation along the supply chain it represents. The first steps in this direction include activating a top-level partnership with the ecohub C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) and constant dialogue with the sector’s global players.

For the full programme of initiatives:


C.L.A.S.S. / GB Network Marketing & Communication Srl