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Ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche spürt Auswirkungen internationaler Handelskonflikte Foto: W. Schmidt
Ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche spürt Auswirkungen internationaler Handelskonflikte

Ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche spürt Auswirkungen internationaler Handelskonflikte

Die stark exportorientierte ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche rechnet für 2019 erstmals seit vielen Jahren mit einem Rückgang beim Gesamtumsatz. „Unsere flexibel agierenden Firmen verfügen über ein hohes Innovationspotenzial. Mit einem Exportanteil von durchschnittlich 45 Prozent sind sie den gegenwärtig negativen Entwicklungen in der globalen Wirtschaft extrem ausgesetzt. Hinzu kommt der sich im Inland vollziehende Strukturwandel in der Automobilindustrie und deren Zulieferbranchen, der bei einigen Herstellern von Technischen Textilien zumindest vorübergehend mit erheblichen Umsatzeinbußen einhergeht“, berichtete Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. bei einem Medientermin in der Ontex Hygieneartikel Deutschland GmbH. „Erfreulich ist, dass unsere Bekleidungssparte in den ersten drei Quartalen dieses Jahres ein Umsatzplus von rund fünf Prozent verzeichnet. Allerdings macht sie nur zirka zehn Prozent der Gesamtkapazitäten unserer Branche aus. Die Textilsparte hingegen liegt nach unseren vorläufigen Schätzungen um reichlich fünf Prozent unter dem Ergebnis im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres.

Die stark exportorientierte ostdeutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche rechnet für 2019 erstmals seit vielen Jahren mit einem Rückgang beim Gesamtumsatz. „Unsere flexibel agierenden Firmen verfügen über ein hohes Innovationspotenzial. Mit einem Exportanteil von durchschnittlich 45 Prozent sind sie den gegenwärtig negativen Entwicklungen in der globalen Wirtschaft extrem ausgesetzt. Hinzu kommt der sich im Inland vollziehende Strukturwandel in der Automobilindustrie und deren Zulieferbranchen, der bei einigen Herstellern von Technischen Textilien zumindest vorübergehend mit erheblichen Umsatzeinbußen einhergeht“, berichtete Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbandes der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. bei einem Medientermin in der Ontex Hygieneartikel Deutschland GmbH. „Erfreulich ist, dass unsere Bekleidungssparte in den ersten drei Quartalen dieses Jahres ein Umsatzplus von rund fünf Prozent verzeichnet. Allerdings macht sie nur zirka zehn Prozent der Gesamtkapazitäten unserer Branche aus. Die Textilsparte hingegen liegt nach unseren vorläufigen Schätzungen um reichlich fünf Prozent unter dem Ergebnis im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres. Aller Voraussicht nach werden wir im laufenden Jahr den 2018 erwirtschafteten Gesamtumsatz von 1,87 Mrd. Euro nicht erreichen können.“

Angesichts dieser Entwicklungen bekräftigte vti-Vorstandsvorsitzender Thomas Lindner seine wiederholt geäußerte Kritik am Russland-Embargo der EU. „Derartige Maßnahmen schaden der heimischen Wirtschaft und taugen nicht dazu, politische Probleme zu lösen“, erklärte der Inhaber der Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, und Vizepräsident des Gesamtverbandes textil+mode e. V. (t+m), Berlin. Er bezeichnete die mit den Embargomaßnahmen einhergegangene Schwächung des Rubels und das geschwundene Vertrauen auf Seiten der angestammten Partner im Osten als Hauptursachen für die dramatischen Einbrüche der deutschen Textilexporte in die Russische Föderation: „Vor dem Embargo – also bis ins Jahr 2013 – hat die deutsche Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie jährlich Waren im Wert von nahezu 1 Milliarde Euro nach Russland verkauft. 2018 beliefen sich die Russland-Exporte der deutschen Textilindustrie auf rund 684 Millionen Euro, damit liegen wir um rund ein Drittel unter dem Ausgangswert.“

Ein anderes Beispiel für die verhängnisvolle politische Einflussnahme auf die Wirtschaft seien die im Zuge der deutschen Energiewende entstandenen exorbitant hohen Energiekosten: „Die für 2020 angekündigte EEG-Umlage bringt uns Textilproduzenten erneut zusätzliche Belastungen und schwächt unsere internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Mit einem Zuschuss aus dem Bundeshaushalt zu den Netzentgelten und einer grundlegenden Reform der EEG-Umlage könnte die Bundesregierung in der Tat – und nicht nur mit Worten - beweisen, dass ihr am heimischen Mittelstand gelegen ist. Hinzu kommen perspektivisch weitere erhebliche Kosten für die Finanzierung des Klimapaketes der Bundesregierung.“


EuroShop 2020: Unique Power Package for Retail

EuroShop, the World’s no.1 Retail Trade Fair, is a must-see fixture for the retail world. From 16 to 20 February it will bring together to the tune of 2,300 exhibitors from over 60 countries with 114,000 trade visitors expected from throughout the world in Düsseldorf. And it is not only an indispensable information platform, trend hotspot and network for retail professionals but it also intensely impacts many other areas and sectors, delivers innovative blue-prints and addresses urgent themes of relevance to the future such as digitalisation, robotics, sustainability or climate neutrality.

The Side Events at EuroShop 2020:
The USPs of EuroShop include not only the extensive ranges of its exhibitors from throughout the world but also the quality and cross-section of its unrivalled line-up of side events.

EuroShop, the World’s no.1 Retail Trade Fair, is a must-see fixture for the retail world. From 16 to 20 February it will bring together to the tune of 2,300 exhibitors from over 60 countries with 114,000 trade visitors expected from throughout the world in Düsseldorf. And it is not only an indispensable information platform, trend hotspot and network for retail professionals but it also intensely impacts many other areas and sectors, delivers innovative blue-prints and addresses urgent themes of relevance to the future such as digitalisation, robotics, sustainability or climate neutrality.

The Side Events at EuroShop 2020:
The USPs of EuroShop include not only the extensive ranges of its exhibitors from throughout the world but also the quality and cross-section of its unrivalled line-up of side events.

8 Stages – 600 Speakers – 500 Lectures
The centrepiece of EuroShop are a total of eight Stages. They are lecture and discussion forums with high-calibre speakers addressing the latest developments, innovative trends and best practices amidst the hustle and bustle of the trade fair and accessible for EuroShop visitors free of charge and without prior registration (simultaneously interpreted in German-English or in English only). Boasting a total of 600 speakers and well over 500 expert talks delivered over five trade fair days this accompanying programme offers each trade fair visitor invaluable and right-on-target value added. All Stages at a glance: Retail Technology Stage, Omnichannel Stage, Start-up Stage, Store Design Stage, Retail Designers Stage, Energy Management Stage, Retail Marketing Stage and Expo + Event Stage.


More information:
EuroShop 2020

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

SGL Carbon und Solvay schließen Kooperation zur Entwicklung von im hohen Maße konkurrenzfähigen und fortschrittlichen Carbonfaser-Verbundwerkstoffen für Primärstrukturen in der Luftfahrt (c) SGL CARBON SE
SGL Carbon Large-Tow-IM-Carbonfaser Produktion am US-Standort Moses Lake

Collaboration between SGL Carbon and Solvay

SGL Carbon and Solvay collaborate to develop highly-competitive advanced carbon fiber composites for aerospace primary structures

SGL Carbon and Solvay have entered into a joint development agreement (JDA) to bring to market the first composite materials based on large-tow intermediate modulus (IM) carbon fiber. These materials, which address the need to reduce costs and CO2 emissions, and improve the production process and fuel efficiency of next-generation commercial aircraft, will be based on SGL Carbon’s large-tow IM carbon fiber and Solvay’s primary structure resin systems.

The agreement encompasses both thermoset and thermoplastic composite technologies. It builds on Solvay’s leadership in supplying advanced materials to the aerospace industry and SGL Carbon’s expertise in high-volume carbon fiber manufacturing.

SGL Carbon and Solvay collaborate to develop highly-competitive advanced carbon fiber composites for aerospace primary structures

SGL Carbon and Solvay have entered into a joint development agreement (JDA) to bring to market the first composite materials based on large-tow intermediate modulus (IM) carbon fiber. These materials, which address the need to reduce costs and CO2 emissions, and improve the production process and fuel efficiency of next-generation commercial aircraft, will be based on SGL Carbon’s large-tow IM carbon fiber and Solvay’s primary structure resin systems.

The agreement encompasses both thermoset and thermoplastic composite technologies. It builds on Solvay’s leadership in supplying advanced materials to the aerospace industry and SGL Carbon’s expertise in high-volume carbon fiber manufacturing.

“For Solvay, this is an opportunity to lead the aerospace adoption of a composite material based on 50K IM carbon fiber. This is a highly competitive value proposition that brings more affordable high-performance solutions to our customers. We see this as the first step in a long-term partnership,” said Augusto Di Donfrancesco, member of Solvay’s executive committee.

“By combining SGL’s carbon fiber expertise in our newly developed, unique 50K IM fiber with Solvay’s resin formulation and aerospace market expertise, both partners are aiming to develop an advanced aerospace material system. This alliance supports our strategic direction and accelerates our growth in the attractive aerospace market,” said Dr. Michael Majerus, spokesman of the management board of SGL Carbon.

Composite materials for aerospace applications represent a multi-billion-dollar market that is expected to grow strongly in the coming decade. Solvay and SGL Carbon are uniquely positioned to develop solutions to address the needs of this market.

More information:
Solvay SGL Carbon Carbonfaser


M.O.D.E. x Denim PV: an exclusive exhibition to explore the history of denim (c) ELLETI GROUP
RE-trace workshop featuring MODE garments

M.O.D.E. x Denim PV: an exclusive exhibition to explore the history of denim

  • Elleti Group takes center stage at Denim PV to present a special project realized in partnership with MYR, and to share a selection of iconic garments belonging to M.O.D.E, the company’s Museum of Denim.
  • Collaboration will be the main theme of the two-day event, involving not only the leading company’s expertise in garment-making but also its tradition, starring M.O.D.E in its firstever collaboration with a trade show and in Alessio Berto’s  RE-TRACE workshops series.

London – When it comes to long-established traditions in the denim industry, Elleti Group stands out as one of the main key players: strong in the business since the 80’s, the company is highlyspecialized in laundry and garment-making services while covering the entire denim production cycle in its eleven production hub.

  • Elleti Group takes center stage at Denim PV to present a special project realized in partnership with MYR, and to share a selection of iconic garments belonging to M.O.D.E, the company’s Museum of Denim.
  • Collaboration will be the main theme of the two-day event, involving not only the leading company’s expertise in garment-making but also its tradition, starring M.O.D.E in its firstever collaboration with a trade show and in Alessio Berto’s  RE-TRACE workshops series.

London – When it comes to long-established traditions in the denim industry, Elleti Group stands out as one of the main key players: strong in the business since the 80’s, the company is highlyspecialized in laundry and garment-making services while covering the entire denim production cycle in its eleven production hub.

Its heritage and approach define a valuable and renowned legacy that is now taking stage at Denim PV on December 3rd and 4th. For the occasion, Elleti Group joined forces and knowledge with MYR, start-up program conceived to digitalize the creative process and connect users, suppliers and final consumers through a digital platform. Both companies will be in the Garments and Finishings area - booth C3,  howcasing an exclusive project to highlight their creativity and competences.

Starting from a selection of bold designs, entirely envisioned and developed with MYR software, Elleti Group worked to recreate their look and fit on six garments, manufacturing each piece according to its signature innovative and responsible approach. Featuring forefront machinery and cutting-edge processing solutions, this relies on a continuous research effort focused on granting high-quality products while increasingly reducing their knock-on effect on both workers and the environment.

The result turned out to be very impactful and inspiring, with denim solutions which proved the mastery of the leading Italian company in the art of washing, cutting and stitching the iconic blue fabric, as well as the great support that MYR software provided in the development of the collections.

M.O.D.E. x Denim PV: an exclusive exhibition to explore the history of denim

Opened on June 19th, M.O.D.E. – Museum of Denim Elleti Group – is a precious resource located within the company’s Headquarters in San Bonifacio (Italy). Here are 106 pieces dating between the second half of the XIX century and the 70s, resulting in an invaluable testimony of how denim evolved through the centuries. For the first-ever collaboration of the Museum with a trade show, a selection of 20 historical garments is exploring three research areas. These are meant to focus on:

  • The brand identity of jeans through the main evolutions at Lee;
  • The influence of WWII on the design, the creation and the wearing of clothing;
  • The history of overall.

Gesamtmasche e. V.: Partnerschaft mit Afrika

  • Deutsche Maschenindustrie kooperiert mit äthiopischer Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche

Der Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie – Gesamtmasche e. V. und der äthiopische Textil- und Bekleidungsverband ETGAMA arbeiten künftig eng zusammen. Das Projekt ist Teil der Afrika-Initiative des Bundes.

Ziel der Kooperation ist die Förderung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Textilunternehmen in Deutschland und Äthiopien und die Stärkung von ETGAMA als Branchenvertretung. PartnerAfrica Ethiopia wird vom Bundesministerium für Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit gefördert.

  • Deutsche Maschenindustrie kooperiert mit äthiopischer Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche

Der Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie – Gesamtmasche e. V. und der äthiopische Textil- und Bekleidungsverband ETGAMA arbeiten künftig eng zusammen. Das Projekt ist Teil der Afrika-Initiative des Bundes.

Ziel der Kooperation ist die Förderung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Textilunternehmen in Deutschland und Äthiopien und die Stärkung von ETGAMA als Branchenvertretung. PartnerAfrica Ethiopia wird vom Bundesministerium für Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit gefördert.

“Für das Projekt sprechen gleich mehrere gute Gründe”, sagt Martina Bandte, Präsidentin von Gesamtmasche. “Afrika südlich der Sahara ist für die meisten in der Branche noch ein weißer Fleck auf der textilen Landkarte. Dabei gibt es dort viel Potenzial für die Zusammenarbeit, auch wenn die Bedingungen nicht einfach sind. Kurzfristig geht es vor allem um Beschaffung von Garn und Lohnkonfektion. Langfristig müssen wir die Exportmöglichkeiten im Auge haben. Einige größere Volkswirtschaften Afrikas wachsen in schnellem Tempo und verfügen bereits über eine ansehnliche Mittelschicht.” Für das Afrika-Engagement gibt es noch eine weitere Motivation: “Im Rahmen eines Pilot-Projektes wollen wir Lieferketten transparent machen und der interessierten Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Gleichzeitig wollen wir aufzeigen, wo dabei die Schwierigkeiten liegen.”

Der Textilsektor in Äthiopien ist vollstufig aufgestellt. Durch den eigenen Baumwollanbau dominiert vor Ort die baumwollverarbeitende Industrie von der Spinnerei bis zur Konfektion. Wichtige Produktbereiche sind Trikotagen und Haustextilien. Entsprechend gehört auch die Etablierung eines Qualitätsstandards für Baumwolle zur deutsch-äthiopischen Zusammenarbeit. “Die Verbandskooperation mit Äthiopien ist für uns ein erster, wichtiger Schritt hin zu einer breiteren Afrika-Strategie. Hier ist China uns bereits weit voraus“, gibt die Gesamtmasche-Präsidentin zu bedenken. Die Volksrepublik lege bei Infrastrukturinvestitionen in Afrika ein hohes Tempo vor und sichere sich mit Exklusivverträgen den Markteintritt und den Zugang zu Ressourcen. „Wir müssen dringend Gas geben, wenn wir den Anschluss nicht verpassen und nachhaltige Geschäftsbeziehungen mit Afrika aufbauen wollen.“


Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie - Gesamtmasche e. V.

  100% NATURE” collection by CALIDA ‘stretches’towards a sustainable future with ROICA ™ (c) ROICA™
100% NATURE by Calida round neck t-shirt & boxer shorts with ROICA™ V550

100% NATURE” collection by CALIDA ‘stretches’towards a sustainable future with ROICA ™

“100 % NATURE” collection by Calida reflects a shared vision for sustainable fashion. A mission and a strong commitment combining comfort with technology, style and a responsible attitude.

Manufactured in a closed, particularly energy-efficient cycle and sourced from sustainably managed forests, the man/woman underwear and loungewear collection by leading fashion brand Calida reaches the 100% of sustainability thanks to the premium stretch fiber  ROICA™ delivers ultimate hyper-performance in both stretch and sustainability.

Cellulose-based premium materials are blended with ROICA™ V550; the non-toxic-release* innovation in sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity , quality , comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

ROICA™ V550 is part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, the latest and cutting edge range of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading innovator Asahi Kasei.

“100 % NATURE” collection by Calida reflects a shared vision for sustainable fashion. A mission and a strong commitment combining comfort with technology, style and a responsible attitude.

Manufactured in a closed, particularly energy-efficient cycle and sourced from sustainably managed forests, the man/woman underwear and loungewear collection by leading fashion brand Calida reaches the 100% of sustainability thanks to the premium stretch fiber  ROICA™ delivers ultimate hyper-performance in both stretch and sustainability.

Cellulose-based premium materials are blended with ROICA™ V550; the non-toxic-release* innovation in sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity , quality , comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

ROICA™ V550 is part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, the latest and cutting edge range of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading innovator Asahi Kasei.

“100% NATURE” is certified CRADLE TO CRADLE™, which means that raw materials can be used time and again in an ongoing biological cycle. CALIDA is also the first clothing brand worldwide to be awarded the ‘MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®’ label, which is based on compliance with strict social responsibility and ecological criteria and certifies that the textiles carrying the label have been tested for harmful substances.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Kiian Digital
Kiian Digital

JK Group with Kiian Digital at Heimtextil

  • Kiian Digital will present the latest update of “Bellagio” reactive inks
  • The series promises unexpected performance and efficiency

JK Group will attend Heimtextil (7 – 10 January 2020 Frankfurt am Main) – the global event for interior textiles trends – through Kiian Digital brand, revealing the last update of Digistar Bellagio reactive ink series alongside the complete product portfolio designed for Textile Printing.

Bellagio series will benefit from a custom-made waveform for MS's printing machines. “Our R&D Teams have done a long fine-tuning on the formula, working side by side with MS Team to setup a bespoke waveform, reaching top printing performance” explains Marco Girola, JK & MS Marketing and Communication Manager “this is the outcome of the synergic job among the teams, making the difference” ends Girola.

The custom-made waveform is a keynote of Bellagio series which offers an unmatched result in terms of reliability, lower wear of printheads and quality of prints outcome.  At the booth visitors will attend live-demos of Bellagio printing by a MS JP4 EVO 3200 printing machine.

  • Kiian Digital will present the latest update of “Bellagio” reactive inks
  • The series promises unexpected performance and efficiency

JK Group will attend Heimtextil (7 – 10 January 2020 Frankfurt am Main) – the global event for interior textiles trends – through Kiian Digital brand, revealing the last update of Digistar Bellagio reactive ink series alongside the complete product portfolio designed for Textile Printing.

Bellagio series will benefit from a custom-made waveform for MS's printing machines. “Our R&D Teams have done a long fine-tuning on the formula, working side by side with MS Team to setup a bespoke waveform, reaching top printing performance” explains Marco Girola, JK & MS Marketing and Communication Manager “this is the outcome of the synergic job among the teams, making the difference” ends Girola.

The custom-made waveform is a keynote of Bellagio series which offers an unmatched result in terms of reliability, lower wear of printheads and quality of prints outcome.  At the booth visitors will attend live-demos of Bellagio printing by a MS JP4 EVO 3200 printing machine.

Next to Digistar Bellagio series there will be Digistar Bravo.

Disperse ink for polyester direct printing which has recorded great success since its debut. Even Bravo series shows a customized waveform developed for MS's printing machines. Bravo is Kiian Digital’s flagship for printing home textile fabrics thanks to the absolute level of its general fastness: washing, light and rubbing; as well as the wide color range. JK Group’s experts will explain to visitors the uniqueness and benefits of the customized waveform on quality and production efficiency. Lastly, a space dedicated to Digistar K-Choice, textile direct pigment series, cannot miss.

For the Textile Industry, making every production’s step more sustainable has become a must and it has always been a priority commitment for JK Group. Our experts will not fail to deepen topics about textile standards and compliance with the worldwide most restrictive regulations, helping to make the choice of a textile sustainable production chain concrete and aware.

More information:
JK Group Kiian Digital

Image & Communication JK Group S.p.A.




  • Focus on Productivity and Efficiency

MS Printing Solutions at the next Heimtextil will focus on presenting textile printing solutions to boost cost-effective and high-quality productions, answering to Industry leaders in home and contract textile who need: productivity, quality and beneficial production process.

Attendees will see a JP4 EVO 3200 printer at work, with Bellagio reactive ink made by JK Group. This is one of MS' solutions which streamlines printing processes, reduces production times and maintenance costs, improving efficiency by:

  • Focus on Productivity and Efficiency

MS Printing Solutions at the next Heimtextil will focus on presenting textile printing solutions to boost cost-effective and high-quality productions, answering to Industry leaders in home and contract textile who need: productivity, quality and beneficial production process.

Attendees will see a JP4 EVO 3200 printer at work, with Bellagio reactive ink made by JK Group. This is one of MS' solutions which streamlines printing processes, reduces production times and maintenance costs, improving efficiency by:

  • making the best use of production buildings, minimizing the space occupied by printers: JP4 EVO is compact and functional.
  • taking full advantage of manufacturing-process, reducing downtime therefore improving productivity-performances: JP4 EVO can be fed by external roll unwinder ensuring timing optimization.
  • using inks with a custom-made waveform, lowering the most common defects due to the interaction between ink and printheads, improving your productivity and competitiveness

The show will be the occasion for the Technical and Sales Teams to illustrate all details which characterize Minilario.  The printing machine, launched at the last ITMA, is the ideal choice for those searching for: flexibility, quality, speed, energy efficiency and sustainability, all in one.

The 64 print heads installed on the innovative printing carriage allow Minilario to reach the shocking but real printing speed of 18m/min, fitting the Home and contract textile demand of productivity and quality, applying a cost-effective production process.

The show will offer the opportunity to remark MS's sustainability commitment, started with #transparentaswater project based on the 100/90/10 paradigm aimed to engage the whole Textile Printing Industry in a big change. The commitment continued with MS’s adhesion to the “Sustainable Technologies” project launched by ACIMIT which selects textile machinery and systems manufacturers whose production specifications ensure a low environmental impact, combining sustainability and innovation. MS' printing machines may boast “Green Label” as “Suppliers of Sustainable Technologies” (come and visit us to go deeply inside our sustainability commitment).


Image & Communication JK Group S.p.A.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence (c) DOMOTEXasia
Domotex Asia Chinafloor

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

At the same time the market share is increasing by more than 30% annually. It is expected that by 2025, the market size of solid wood for ground heating systems will reach RMB 10 billion (approx. 1.4 billion USD). The international and local market leaders, such as Junckers, Foglie d’Oro, Edelholz, IBF, Teclic, Nature, Fudeli, Bloor, Jinyi, Licher, Nuogao and Moganshan have already confirmed their participation at the show. Also in this hall we see the latest developments in the market in the dedicated InnovAction campaign.

The resilient flooring section will be spread out to 69,500 sqm gross, featuring Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring. Among the resilient halls, there will be an “Inspiration Hall”, housing InnovAction campaign and design forum, where famous interior designers will educate the audience on using resilient flooring in interior. The InnovAction will be upgraded by showcasing the new products within matching interior spaces. This new way of presenting the InnovAction products is ideal for both manufacturers to share the ideas and for visitors to keep up to date with the market trends.

Carpet section will promote carpet as a driving force for interior design, with a dedicated hall being the epicenter of home and design carpets and the host hall for the Luxury Brands Carpet Show – a showcase of the most sought-after international high-end carpet design brands. After the successful first edition in 2019, Chinese Original Carpet Design Show comes back to promote the works of young Chinese carpet designers. Country pavilions from Germany, Belgium, Iran and Turkey will also showcase their products among the carpet halls. Traditionally DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR has been focused on B2B, however due to the market changes, the end users are more and more welcome to the show. In order to give the oriental carpets and rugs the spotlight and follow the trends, Indian and Afghanistan pavilions will be creating a new area - “Treasure of Orient”.

In 2020, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR will cover more than 185,000 sqm of gross space, taking up 16 halls at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. Five of the exhibition halls will be dedicated to carpets and rugs, four to wood, bamboo and other hard floors, 2 to FLOORTECH asia and 5 halls to resilient floor coverings. In 2019, the show gathered 1,579 exhibitors from 36 countries and attracted 66,875 trade visitors, of which 15,092 international, coming from 107 nations.

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S. ecohub promotes, educates and shares sustainable culture at Denim Première Vision

Platform C.L.A.S.S. - the acronym for Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy –returns to Denim Première Vision with a triple mission: to educate, share sustainable innovation and promote the state of the smart of the textile and fashion business.

“In London, we will bring forward its vision and strategy with a set of initiatives, talks and projects” Explains Giusy Bettoni, CEO and founder of C.LA.S.S. As sustainability consultant for Première Vision, Bettoni will curate a programme of #SmartTalks with some of the most influential players in the industry.

C.LA.S.S. will bring its Smart Materials Bank, an open and inspirational resource and educative tool for designers, students and brands which features some of the most innovative materials on the market. On show at booth (B14) also some of C.LA.S.S. most innovative partners.

Platform C.L.A.S.S. - the acronym for Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy –returns to Denim Première Vision with a triple mission: to educate, share sustainable innovation and promote the state of the smart of the textile and fashion business.

“In London, we will bring forward its vision and strategy with a set of initiatives, talks and projects” Explains Giusy Bettoni, CEO and founder of C.LA.S.S. As sustainability consultant for Première Vision, Bettoni will curate a programme of #SmartTalks with some of the most influential players in the industry.

C.LA.S.S. will bring its Smart Materials Bank, an open and inspirational resource and educative tool for designers, students and brands which features some of the most innovative materials on the market. On show at booth (B14) also some of C.LA.S.S. most innovative partners.


GB Network

(c) Sappi Europe SA

Sappi: Real solutions instead of empty words

A successful autumn season for Sappi at a collection of trade fairs, with exceptional interest shown in innovative packaging papers

Sappi Europe has presented its solutions for sustainable, future-oriented packaging at three trade fairs in the past few weeks. The globally operating paper specialist’s extensive product range has been serving as a benchmark in the industry for years and now includes the functional barrier papers from the Sappi Guard family, the sealable packaging paper Sappi Seal and the folding boxboard Atelier. The showcasing of innovations in sustainable packaging papers will continue at interpack in Düsseldorf in May 2020.

“Environmentally friendly packaging” was the first leading theme of FachPack, which, according to Messe Nürnberg, really had its finger on the pulse. This theme also was given top priority by visitors that were attracted to the Sappi stand, by its wide range of innovative and sustainable application solutions.

A successful autumn season for Sappi at a collection of trade fairs, with exceptional interest shown in innovative packaging papers

Sappi Europe has presented its solutions for sustainable, future-oriented packaging at three trade fairs in the past few weeks. The globally operating paper specialist’s extensive product range has been serving as a benchmark in the industry for years and now includes the functional barrier papers from the Sappi Guard family, the sealable packaging paper Sappi Seal and the folding boxboard Atelier. The showcasing of innovations in sustainable packaging papers will continue at interpack in Düsseldorf in May 2020.

“Environmentally friendly packaging” was the first leading theme of FachPack, which, according to Messe Nürnberg, really had its finger on the pulse. This theme also was given top priority by visitors that were attracted to the Sappi stand, by its wide range of innovative and sustainable application solutions.

Huge demand for specific projects
Almost fifty per cent more branded goods manufacturers, converters, established customers and interested parties visited the FachPack stand in Nuremberg compared to the previous year – with specific projects in mind. For those planning to replace composite packaging with a paper-based solution with integrated functionality, Sappi presented its Sappi Guard barrierpapers and highlighted some related best practice references. This included the packaging solution for a new nut-fruit bar, recently introduced to the market, from a well-known brand manufacturer. The Sappi Guard range includes Sappi Guard M and Sappi Guard MS with a mineral oil barrier (MOB) and a grease barrier of Kit 11 or Kit 7. All Guard papers guarantee very high product safety and can be completely recycled. The integrated heat sealability was the focus of the development of Sappi Seal. René Köhler, Head of Business Development Packaging and Speciality Papers at Sappi, says: “Reducing the consumption of fossil resources in packaging is a major concern for Sappi. On this account, we developed Sappi Seal, a functional paper with integrated heat sealing functionality which is integrated in the form of a dispersion coating on the reverse side of the paper and can replace papers with a PE coating.” Sappi presented a wide range of successfully completed projects in order to demonstrate the specific application of this paper to the trade fair visitors.

More information:
Sappi Verpackung

Sappi Europe SA


Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network together with Conscious Fashion Campaign and United Nations Office for Partnerships announce global collaboration

Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network announces commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals in global collaboration with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the United Nations Office for Partnerships to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into over 50 leading international textile trade fairs attracting more than 22,000 companies and over half a million trade visitors annually.

In January 2019 the Sustainable Development Goals were introduced to a Messe Frankfurt event for the first time during the world's leading platform for sustainable fashion, Neonyt, in Berlin as part of Berlin Fashion Week, where the Conscious Fashion Campaign was presented.

The initiative, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, engages global industry events to commit to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and champions fashion as an influential sector to address the world’s most pressing issues. The campaign is dedicated to driving change through advocacy, education and engagement


Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network announces commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals in global collaboration with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the United Nations Office for Partnerships to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into over 50 leading international textile trade fairs attracting more than 22,000 companies and over half a million trade visitors annually.

In January 2019 the Sustainable Development Goals were introduced to a Messe Frankfurt event for the first time during the world's leading platform for sustainable fashion, Neonyt, in Berlin as part of Berlin Fashion Week, where the Conscious Fashion Campaign was presented.

The initiative, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, engages global industry events to commit to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and champions fashion as an influential sector to address the world’s most pressing issues. The campaign is dedicated to driving change through advocacy, education and engagement


(c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon zeigte Weltpremieren in China

Oerlikon showed world premieres in China

Oerlikon has invited all visitors to this year's Shanghaitex in China on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 25 to 28 November 2019, the world market leader showed all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production at its 100 m² stand in Hall E1, D20: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." was the motto of the future. And this was only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon was presenting the four ITMA Barcelona world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

Oerlikon has invited all visitors to this year's Shanghaitex in China on a journey into the future of manmade fiber production. From 25 to 28 November 2019, the world market leader showed all its guests its vision of a sustainable and automated manmade fiber production at its 100 m² stand in Hall E1, D20: "Clean Technology. Smart Factory." was the motto of the future. And this was only a stone's throw away from reality at the stand. Because today Oerlikon was presenting the four ITMA Barcelona world premieres for efficient machine and plant concepts in a new, innovative industrial design. Together with numerous other innovations, all this forms the new DNA of the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment.

Launched to create new standards in texturing: the eAFK Evo generation of machines promises superior speeds, greater productivity and consistently high product quality, along with lower energy consumption and simpler operation vis-à-vis comparable market solutions. Oerlikon Barmag showed these wideranging capabilities at the trade fair with a high-end design from the new system platform. In particular, the numerous value-added features include two that are excelling with cool technology: the optimized EvoHeater and the EvoCooler, a completely newly-developed active cooling unit.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

(c) Infinited Fiber Company

Maisie Williams dresses up with Infinited Fiber

Global fashion brand Weekday decided to show initiative in circular fashion on White Monday and is now the world’s first global fashion brand who has published a garment from IFC fabric.

Weekday wanted to raise awareness of IFC by contacting Maisie Williams who’s known to speak about causes she cares about. Maisie co-designed a two-piece outfit which is made entirely from IFC fabric.

IFC’s technology enables the millions of kilos of textile waste that is currently burned or landfilled, to be turned into a cost efficient, high quality cotton-like fiber.

”Infinited Fiber Company has a really interesting new recycling technique that has potential to help Weekday in our goal towards 100% recycled or sustainably sourced materials. For us, this material is extra interesting because of its cotton-like appearance and durability,” says Ulrika Jakobsson, Sustainability and Material Responsible at Weekday.

IFC provided Weekday with a few meters of newly processed denim fiber to test and they are now the first in the world to use this fabric.

Global fashion brand Weekday decided to show initiative in circular fashion on White Monday and is now the world’s first global fashion brand who has published a garment from IFC fabric.

Weekday wanted to raise awareness of IFC by contacting Maisie Williams who’s known to speak about causes she cares about. Maisie co-designed a two-piece outfit which is made entirely from IFC fabric.

IFC’s technology enables the millions of kilos of textile waste that is currently burned or landfilled, to be turned into a cost efficient, high quality cotton-like fiber.

”Infinited Fiber Company has a really interesting new recycling technique that has potential to help Weekday in our goal towards 100% recycled or sustainably sourced materials. For us, this material is extra interesting because of its cotton-like appearance and durability,” says Ulrika Jakobsson, Sustainability and Material Responsible at Weekday.

IFC provided Weekday with a few meters of newly processed denim fiber to test and they are now the first in the world to use this fabric.

At the moment this garment is not a collection that can be purchased. Weekday is testing the material and they are hoping to create a full collection soon.
IFC‘s technology is operating in Finland and is patented, proven and ready for global up-scaling and licensing. Its investors include global fashion corporation H&M Group and Singapore based global biomaterials company RGE Pte Ltd.

More information:
Weekday Infinited Fiber Co.

Infinited Fiber Company

(c) PCMC

PCMC: New design enhances safety and reduces changeover time on PCMC’s Omnia embosser-laminator

Improved pivot arm is available as an aftermarket modification
Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced that the redesigned pivot arm on the Omnia embosser-laminator significantly decreases changeover time and reduces the risks inherent to overhead roll removal. The new design will be standard on all Omnias sold, effective immediately. This pivot arm also is available as an aftermarket modification for existing machines in the field.

Because the shape of the pivot arm has changed, operators can move the lower rubber embossing roll out on rails to an assembly extraction position, from which the embossing roll can be lifted vertically during removal, without the need for rigging and slinging. This improved design reduces the risk of injury or damage during roll removal, and also decreases the amount of time required during a changeover.

Improved pivot arm is available as an aftermarket modification
Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced that the redesigned pivot arm on the Omnia embosser-laminator significantly decreases changeover time and reduces the risks inherent to overhead roll removal. The new design will be standard on all Omnias sold, effective immediately. This pivot arm also is available as an aftermarket modification for existing machines in the field.

Because the shape of the pivot arm has changed, operators can move the lower rubber embossing roll out on rails to an assembly extraction position, from which the embossing roll can be lifted vertically during removal, without the need for rigging and slinging. This improved design reduces the risk of injury or damage during roll removal, and also decreases the amount of time required during a changeover.

“It will save hours in the roll-change process,” said Jason Hilsberg, PCMC Tissue Sales Director. “PCMC is always working to improve the capabilities and features of our machines for our customers, and more specifically, to enhance the experience of the operators. The decreased changeover time this new design offers will bring about a more efficient process to keep tissue operations running quickly and smoothly. It’s a win for our customers, and ultimately, their customers.”



(c) Eric RAZ, Airbus Helicopters

SGL Carbon serially delivers composite materials for rotor blades to Airbus Helicopters

  • Glass fiber textiles for helicopter type H145
  • First ever material supply for primary structural components in the aerospace segment

Since August of this year, SGL Carbon delivers two special glass fiber textiles, so-called non-crimped fabrics, for the new version of helicopter model H145 from Airbus Helicopters. These materials are used in the new, especially efficient five-blade rotor. Developed in close collaboration with Airbus Helicopters, the material has been qualified for the application for the next years to come.  

Thanks to their unidirectional fiber orientation, the fabrics are extremely resistant, providing optimal support for the new geometry of the especially long H145 rotor blades. The fabrics are manufactured at the SGL Carbon site in Willich near Düsseldorf in a multi-stage process and delivered to Airbus Helicopters in Paris.  

  • Glass fiber textiles for helicopter type H145
  • First ever material supply for primary structural components in the aerospace segment

Since August of this year, SGL Carbon delivers two special glass fiber textiles, so-called non-crimped fabrics, for the new version of helicopter model H145 from Airbus Helicopters. These materials are used in the new, especially efficient five-blade rotor. Developed in close collaboration with Airbus Helicopters, the material has been qualified for the application for the next years to come.  

Thanks to their unidirectional fiber orientation, the fabrics are extremely resistant, providing optimal support for the new geometry of the especially long H145 rotor blades. The fabrics are manufactured at the SGL Carbon site in Willich near Düsseldorf in a multi-stage process and delivered to Airbus Helicopters in Paris.  

“The order emphasizes our growing presence in the aerospace business. With the fabrics for Airbus Helicopters, we have realized, qualified, and started serial production for a material concept for primary structural components for the first time,” underscores Dr. Andreas Erber, Head of the Aerospace segment in the business unit Composites – Fibers & Materials at SGL Carbon.

The current deliveries are part of a framework contract with Airbus Helicopters, intended to gradually intensify collaboration. Besides the current development of materials for helicopter components, Airbus Helicopters and SGL Carbon have worked together in the area of component material processing for Airbus group aircraft doors for years. In addition, Airbus and SGL Carbon are jointly involved in various associations and research projects in the area of components, such as Carbon Composites e.V.


More information:
SGL Carbon



The Premium Group sets the dates for next summer

PREMIUM and SEEK, Europe’s most powerful fashion trade shows for contemporary fashion, plus the FASHIONTECH Berlin and FASHIONTECH Studio innovation events, will be held from Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2 July 2020. 

The summer editions will take place at the familiar event locations: STATION Berlin (PREMIUM) and ARENA Berlin (SEEK). As per in January, FASHIONTECH’s popular live talks, panel discussions and masterclasses will be held in close proximity to the trade shows so that visitors can access them without having to travel far. 

PREMIUM and SEEK, Europe’s most powerful fashion trade shows for contemporary fashion, plus the FASHIONTECH Berlin and FASHIONTECH Studio innovation events, will be held from Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2 July 2020. 

The summer editions will take place at the familiar event locations: STATION Berlin (PREMIUM) and ARENA Berlin (SEEK). As per in January, FASHIONTECH’s popular live talks, panel discussions and masterclasses will be held in close proximity to the trade shows so that visitors can access them without having to travel far. 


Premium Exhibitions GmbH

 TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH
Alina Hahn, Marie Sandmann, Maren Wiebus, Damien Winpenny, Marie-Luise Patzelt

TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Together with creative agencies Karl Anders and Haebmau, the SEEK team has been working for weeks on the brand’s new branding. The result: a visual concept with a strong message.

“The handshake is the right imagery and commitment to our stance and that of the SEEK community.”

“SEEK stands for strength and business just as much as for communality and good vibes! ‘Get Along’ articulates a feeling of agreement, of moving forward and getting to grips with things. We all want to shape a positive future for our industry – as partners and by joining forces.”, explains Fashion Director Maren Wiebus.

CREATIVE CONNECTION: Karl Anders and Haebmau
The Hamburg-based agency Karl Anders, which was established by Claudia Fischer-Appelt and Lars Kreyenhagen, was commissioned to come up with the creative concept and design language for the logo and campaign.

“With the new look we are entering a new era for SEEK as a brand. Lots of brands have chosen a design using Helvetica in recent years,” says Claudia Fischer-Appelt, Creative Director at Karl Anders. “We are now signalling a clear shift in another direction. Confident, bold and independent. With the logo we are inviting the viewer to play with the linear layout in their head; we are breaking viewing habits, making a statement and revving things up a gear. SEEK, there it is.”
The artwork is the result of a process of in-depth debate with the SEEK brand that took place over several weeks both within the team and also with the support of lifestyle agency Haebmau. Workshops, research and analyses ultimately led to a new, strong brand identity. SEEK is focussed on both established and new players and stands for the WE.

“I have known SEEK since it was in its infancy, so to me it was always like a little brother of the large, successful PREMIUM. Quirky and different, always interesting but somehow not quite so imposing,” says Markus Bublitz, Executive Creative Director at Haebmau. “SEEK today is more grown-up, confident and sharper. Thanks to its position in the market, which it has conquered over the years, it no longer needs to please everyone but can afford to be controversial. This can offer space for new, creative ideas.”

SEEK is edgy, clean-cut and unpolished.

We are all about statement design, new classics, denim and sportswear. SEEK is the trade show event for the fashion community. SEEK knows who calls the shots; it boosts sales and is the place for the next generation of decision-makers to get together. Unlike all the others, SEEK is unconventional and the antidote to boring.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH

(c) CHT-Gruppe

BeSoEFFECTIVE communication concept of the CHT Group is honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019

Since 2018 the CHT Group has broken new ground in communication with BeSoEFFECTIVE. Complex chemical interrelations are translated into simple and hardly technical words in combination with stylistically clear pictures.

The Best Solutions ”BeSo“ were specifically tailored to the communication with the target group of textile brands and retailers and do therefore not only appeal classic B2B clients but are also visible and comprehensible for end consumers of textile goods. The agency RTS Rieger Team from Leinfelden-Echterdingen that had already supported the new brand identity of the CHT Group in 2017 assisted CHT again in developing and creating the BeSoEFFECTIVE concept. One year after its publication, the communication concept has now achieved great success. BeSoEffective was honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019 in bronze in Frankfurt am Main on 14th November.

Since 2018 the CHT Group has broken new ground in communication with BeSoEFFECTIVE. Complex chemical interrelations are translated into simple and hardly technical words in combination with stylistically clear pictures.

The Best Solutions ”BeSo“ were specifically tailored to the communication with the target group of textile brands and retailers and do therefore not only appeal classic B2B clients but are also visible and comprehensible for end consumers of textile goods. The agency RTS Rieger Team from Leinfelden-Echterdingen that had already supported the new brand identity of the CHT Group in 2017 assisted CHT again in developing and creating the BeSoEFFECTIVE concept. One year after its publication, the communication concept has now achieved great success. BeSoEffective was honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019 in bronze in Frankfurt am Main on 14th November.

Since 1981 the Effie has been awarded for efficiency in marketing communication by the Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen GWA (general association of communication agencies). It’s not exclusively the convincing look or content of campaigns that is honoured by the jury of experts with the GWA Effie Award but it’s rather the proven success and efficiency of such ideas and campaigns. By using the BeSoEFFECTIVE communication the CHT Group has so far increased the brands’ & retailers’ demand for innovative effects by about 30 %.

with CHT products are put in a nutshell by BeSoEFFECTIVE. The brand promise BeSo (”Best Solution“) is supplemented by an effect name deriving from the corresponding functionality – BeSoCOOL, BeSoFRESH or BeSoSMOOTH. Thus, each effect of the portfolio is given a uniform yet individual branding and a clear structure. The functionality of each effect is supplemented by pronounced and symbolic pictures which visually stress the benefits.

Eric Knehr, Head of Brand & Retail Service of the CHT Group states: “To us its of utmost importance to speak our target group’s language. Therefore, our BeSoEFFECTIVE campaign focuses on a clear communication with unique pictures and a uniform effect branding. Our customers’ positive reactions and this award prove, that our strong concept optimally supports our daily work as well as market and customer demands. However, it also puts the excellent performance of our innovative and sustainable effects into the right light."

More information:
CHT Gruppe Effi

CHT Germany GmbH

(c) JEC Group

JEC Asia has closed its doors



  • 6,600+ professional visits
  • 200+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions and composite tours
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 550 business meetings
  • 40+ innovative parts in the Planet
  • 10 Innovation awards
  • 3 startups rewarded

After three days of demonstrating the bright future ahead of composites, JEC Asia 2019 welcomed more than 200 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations to more than 6,600 attendees from 49 countries in Seoul. From global brands to visionary startups, these companies set the composite world abuzz with the promise of innovation, knowledge, and networking.

Once again, JEC Asia gathered a significant number of academic researchers and institutions, industrials in a spirit of innovation, to prove that the sector is rapidly growing. But this year, the Korean composites Golden Triangle has shown even more dynamism and a very strong ambition to become a leading country in composites.



  • 6,600+ professional visits
  • 200+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions and composite tours
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 550 business meetings
  • 40+ innovative parts in the Planet
  • 10 Innovation awards
  • 3 startups rewarded

After three days of demonstrating the bright future ahead of composites, JEC Asia 2019 welcomed more than 200 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations to more than 6,600 attendees from 49 countries in Seoul. From global brands to visionary startups, these companies set the composite world abuzz with the promise of innovation, knowledge, and networking.

Once again, JEC Asia gathered a significant number of academic researchers and institutions, industrials in a spirit of innovation, to prove that the sector is rapidly growing. But this year, the Korean composites Golden Triangle has shown even more dynamism and a very strong ambition to become a leading country in composites.

More information:
JEC 2019 JEC Group

JEC Group