From the Sector

366 results
Neonyt und hessnatur
Neonyt und hessnatur

Neonyt und hessnatur treiben Wandel in der Modeindustrie voran

hessnatur ist exklusiver Partner der kommenden Neonyt und präsentiert sich umfangreich am ehemaligen Flughafen Tempelhof und auf der Neonyt Fashion Show im Rahmen der MBFW.

Zur A/W-Ausgabe 2020/21 arbeitet die Neonyt eng mit hessnatur, Europas führendem Anbieter für nachhaltige Textilien, als exklusivem Partner zusammen.

„Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit hessnatur einen der Vorreiter für nachhaltige Mode als exklusiven Partner an Bord haben. hessnatur verbindet jahrzehntelange Expertise im Bereich Sustainable Fashion mit modischem Anspruch und Innovationskraft und passt damit perfekt zum Konzept der Neonyt“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt.

hessnatur ist exklusiver Partner der kommenden Neonyt und präsentiert sich umfangreich am ehemaligen Flughafen Tempelhof und auf der Neonyt Fashion Show im Rahmen der MBFW.

Zur A/W-Ausgabe 2020/21 arbeitet die Neonyt eng mit hessnatur, Europas führendem Anbieter für nachhaltige Textilien, als exklusivem Partner zusammen.

„Wir freuen uns, dass wir mit hessnatur einen der Vorreiter für nachhaltige Mode als exklusiven Partner an Bord haben. hessnatur verbindet jahrzehntelange Expertise im Bereich Sustainable Fashion mit modischem Anspruch und Innovationskraft und passt damit perfekt zum Konzept der Neonyt“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt.

„In der Neonyt sehen wir eine starke Plattform, unsere Überzeugung auszudrücken. Im Mittelpunkt steht in dieser Saison neben Einblicken in unsere neue Markenkampagne vor allem unser Anspruch als Unternehmen, den Wandel in der Modeindustrie aktiv voranzutreiben. Auf der Neonyt finden wir eine Community, die genau diesen Anspruch vertritt und gemeinsam mit uns Neues möglich macht. Das schätzen wir sehr“, so Andrea Sibylle Ebinger, Geschäftsführerin hessnatur.

Auf der Neonyt setzt sich hessnatur unter anderem mit einer Videoaktion für die Kampagne #fairbylaw und die Einführung eines Lieferkettengesetzes ein. In einem Video-Booth im Forum haben Besucher, Aussteller und Partner der Neonyt die Möglichkeit, Statements abzugeben und eine Petition zur Verabschiedung eines Lieferkettengesetzes zu unterzeichnen. Influencer können im Prepeek-Areal Kollektionsteile von hessnatur anprobieren und stylen. Zudem ist hessnatur einer der Partner der Neonyt Fashion Show im Rahmen der MBFW am 14. Januar ab 18 Uhr im Kraftwerk Berlin.

More information:
Neonyt hessnatur

Messe Frankfurt

Das Programm der Neonyt
Das Programm der Neonyt

Das Programm der Neonyt

Vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 zeigt die Neonyt während der Berlin Fashion Week, was im kommenden Jahr die Branche bewegen wird. Mit fast 200 ausstellenden Fair-Fashion-Labels, mehr als 50 Talks, Panels und Gesprächen auf zwei Bühnen sowie weiteren Eventformaten beweist der Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation einmal mehr seine globale Ausnahmestellung. Mit dabei: ein Querschnitt der konsequent nach vorne blickenden Fashionplayer – von Armedangels und H&M über ISKO und die Katag AG bis hin zu Mey, Nudie Jeans und den United Nations sowie Partner wie Hessnatur, republica und Textile Exchange.

Das vollständige Programm finden Sie unter

Vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 zeigt die Neonyt während der Berlin Fashion Week, was im kommenden Jahr die Branche bewegen wird. Mit fast 200 ausstellenden Fair-Fashion-Labels, mehr als 50 Talks, Panels und Gesprächen auf zwei Bühnen sowie weiteren Eventformaten beweist der Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation einmal mehr seine globale Ausnahmestellung. Mit dabei: ein Querschnitt der konsequent nach vorne blickenden Fashionplayer – von Armedangels und H&M über ISKO und die Katag AG bis hin zu Mey, Nudie Jeans und den United Nations sowie Partner wie Hessnatur, republica und Textile Exchange.

Das vollständige Programm finden Sie unter


Mesee Frankfurt

Gemeinsam für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie Foto: Rich Dodge
Gemeinsam für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie

Texpertise: Gemeinsam für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilindustrie

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz im Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York gaben gestern das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt, die UN Conscious Fashion Campaign sowie das United Nations Office for Partnerships Einblick in ihre zukünftige Zusammenarbeit.

Rund 100 Gäste aus Presse, Wirtschaft, Politik und Verbänden kamen gestern an den Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen, um sich darüber zu informieren wie das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt, die UN Conscious Fashion Campaign sowie das United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) zukünftig gemeinsam die Umsetzung der Sustainable Development Goals in der Textilbranche weiter vorantreiben wollen.

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz im Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York gaben gestern das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt, die UN Conscious Fashion Campaign sowie das United Nations Office for Partnerships Einblick in ihre zukünftige Zusammenarbeit.

Rund 100 Gäste aus Presse, Wirtschaft, Politik und Verbänden kamen gestern an den Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen, um sich darüber zu informieren wie das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt, die UN Conscious Fashion Campaign sowie das United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) zukünftig gemeinsam die Umsetzung der Sustainable Development Goals in der Textilbranche weiter vorantreiben wollen.

Robert Skinner, Direktor des UNOP, eröffnete die Veranstaltung und betonte, wie wichtig es sei, dass sich Wirtschaft und weitere Stakeholder weltweit dafür einsetzen, die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele umzusetzen. Skinner sagt, dass die internationale Mode- und Textilindustrie das Potenzial hat, die Agenda 2030 für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Das UNOP begrüße die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit der Messe Frankfurt und der Conscious Fashion Campaign ein breites professionelles Publikum zu erreichen, das Bewusstsein für die Ziele zu stärken und weitere Unterstützung zu gewinnen.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Kiian Digital
Kiian Digital

JK Group with Kiian Digital at Heimtextil

  • Kiian Digital will present the latest update of “Bellagio” reactive inks
  • The series promises unexpected performance and efficiency

JK Group will attend Heimtextil (7 – 10 January 2020 Frankfurt am Main) – the global event for interior textiles trends – through Kiian Digital brand, revealing the last update of Digistar Bellagio reactive ink series alongside the complete product portfolio designed for Textile Printing.

Bellagio series will benefit from a custom-made waveform for MS's printing machines. “Our R&D Teams have done a long fine-tuning on the formula, working side by side with MS Team to setup a bespoke waveform, reaching top printing performance” explains Marco Girola, JK & MS Marketing and Communication Manager “this is the outcome of the synergic job among the teams, making the difference” ends Girola.

The custom-made waveform is a keynote of Bellagio series which offers an unmatched result in terms of reliability, lower wear of printheads and quality of prints outcome.  At the booth visitors will attend live-demos of Bellagio printing by a MS JP4 EVO 3200 printing machine.

  • Kiian Digital will present the latest update of “Bellagio” reactive inks
  • The series promises unexpected performance and efficiency

JK Group will attend Heimtextil (7 – 10 January 2020 Frankfurt am Main) – the global event for interior textiles trends – through Kiian Digital brand, revealing the last update of Digistar Bellagio reactive ink series alongside the complete product portfolio designed for Textile Printing.

Bellagio series will benefit from a custom-made waveform for MS's printing machines. “Our R&D Teams have done a long fine-tuning on the formula, working side by side with MS Team to setup a bespoke waveform, reaching top printing performance” explains Marco Girola, JK & MS Marketing and Communication Manager “this is the outcome of the synergic job among the teams, making the difference” ends Girola.

The custom-made waveform is a keynote of Bellagio series which offers an unmatched result in terms of reliability, lower wear of printheads and quality of prints outcome.  At the booth visitors will attend live-demos of Bellagio printing by a MS JP4 EVO 3200 printing machine.

Next to Digistar Bellagio series there will be Digistar Bravo.

Disperse ink for polyester direct printing which has recorded great success since its debut. Even Bravo series shows a customized waveform developed for MS's printing machines. Bravo is Kiian Digital’s flagship for printing home textile fabrics thanks to the absolute level of its general fastness: washing, light and rubbing; as well as the wide color range. JK Group’s experts will explain to visitors the uniqueness and benefits of the customized waveform on quality and production efficiency. Lastly, a space dedicated to Digistar K-Choice, textile direct pigment series, cannot miss.

For the Textile Industry, making every production’s step more sustainable has become a must and it has always been a priority commitment for JK Group. Our experts will not fail to deepen topics about textile standards and compliance with the worldwide most restrictive regulations, helping to make the choice of a textile sustainable production chain concrete and aware.

More information:
JK Group Kiian Digital

Image & Communication JK Group S.p.A.



Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network together with Conscious Fashion Campaign and United Nations Office for Partnerships announce global collaboration

Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network announces commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals in global collaboration with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the United Nations Office for Partnerships to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into over 50 leading international textile trade fairs attracting more than 22,000 companies and over half a million trade visitors annually.

In January 2019 the Sustainable Development Goals were introduced to a Messe Frankfurt event for the first time during the world's leading platform for sustainable fashion, Neonyt, in Berlin as part of Berlin Fashion Week, where the Conscious Fashion Campaign was presented.

The initiative, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, engages global industry events to commit to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and champions fashion as an influential sector to address the world’s most pressing issues. The campaign is dedicated to driving change through advocacy, education and engagement


Messe Frankfurt Texpertise Network announces commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals in global collaboration with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and the United Nations Office for Partnerships to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into over 50 leading international textile trade fairs attracting more than 22,000 companies and over half a million trade visitors annually.

In January 2019 the Sustainable Development Goals were introduced to a Messe Frankfurt event for the first time during the world's leading platform for sustainable fashion, Neonyt, in Berlin as part of Berlin Fashion Week, where the Conscious Fashion Campaign was presented.

The initiative, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, engages global industry events to commit to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and champions fashion as an influential sector to address the world’s most pressing issues. The campaign is dedicated to driving change through advocacy, education and engagement



Neonyt: Messe ist ausgebucht - mögliche Zusatzfläche am Flughafen Tempelhof

Die Neonyt (14. bis 16. Januar 2020) ist bei Ausstellern so gefragt, dass die Organisatoren derzeit Zusatzflächen am Flughafen Tempelhof prüfen. Viele Aussteller sind zum ersten Mal auf der Neonyt dabei, darunter Branchengrößen wie Armedangels, Blutsgeschwister, KnowledgeCotton Apparel, Kuyichi, Melvin & Hamilton oder Wolfskin Tech Lab.

Auf der kommenden Neonyt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 im Hangar 4 des ehemaligen Flughafens Tempelhof wird der Platz bereits knapp. Der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation zur Berlin Fashion Week ist mit der Neonyt Trade Show flächenmäßig ausgebucht und führt eine Warteliste mit nationalen und internationalen Labels. Um zusätzlichen Brands die Teilnahme an der kommenden Ausgabe zu ermöglichen, prüft die Messe Frankfurt als Veranstalter derzeit Möglichkeiten, die Fläche temporär zu erweitern. Anmeldungen für Aussteller sind weiterhin möglich.

Die Neonyt (14. bis 16. Januar 2020) ist bei Ausstellern so gefragt, dass die Organisatoren derzeit Zusatzflächen am Flughafen Tempelhof prüfen. Viele Aussteller sind zum ersten Mal auf der Neonyt dabei, darunter Branchengrößen wie Armedangels, Blutsgeschwister, KnowledgeCotton Apparel, Kuyichi, Melvin & Hamilton oder Wolfskin Tech Lab.

Auf der kommenden Neonyt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 im Hangar 4 des ehemaligen Flughafens Tempelhof wird der Platz bereits knapp. Der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation zur Berlin Fashion Week ist mit der Neonyt Trade Show flächenmäßig ausgebucht und führt eine Warteliste mit nationalen und internationalen Labels. Um zusätzlichen Brands die Teilnahme an der kommenden Ausgabe zu ermöglichen, prüft die Messe Frankfurt als Veranstalter derzeit Möglichkeiten, die Fläche temporär zu erweitern. Anmeldungen für Aussteller sind weiterhin möglich.

„Der Tempelhof ist eine großartige Location, das war uns von Anfang an klar. Und ganz offensichtlich sind auch die Brands von der neuen Location und dem Konzept der Neonyt begeistert. Das freut uns sehr. Dass der Platz gerade knapp wird, liegt auch daran, dass einige unserer langjährigen Aussteller ihre Fläche deutlich vergrößert haben. Zum anderen möchten sich zahlreiche neue Brands auf der Neonyt präsentieren und auch das Interesse aus dem Ausland wächst weiter“, so Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director der Neonyt bei der Messe Frankfurt.

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition returns in March 2020

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Centre in Shanghai from 11 – 13 March 2020. Demonstrating consistent growth in recent years, the fair is a preeminent annual destination for the best of finished home textile products. The fair gathers leading high-quality suppliers from China, as well as from overseas, featuring a wide range of home textile collections.

Despite ongoing trade disputes and global economic uncertainty, data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China’s home textile industry maintained steady growth in the first eight months of 2019. The domestic sales of home textile products amounted to USD 13.4 billion in the period from January to August 2019, with a year-on-year growth rate of 4.81%.

The Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will return to the National Exhibition and Convention Centre in Shanghai from 11 – 13 March 2020. Demonstrating consistent growth in recent years, the fair is a preeminent annual destination for the best of finished home textile products. The fair gathers leading high-quality suppliers from China, as well as from overseas, featuring a wide range of home textile collections.

Despite ongoing trade disputes and global economic uncertainty, data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China’s home textile industry maintained steady growth in the first eight months of 2019. The domestic sales of home textile products amounted to USD 13.4 billion in the period from January to August 2019, with a year-on-year growth rate of 4.81%.

“In China, the overall economic slowdown, and of course, the trade conflict with the United States is creating uncertainty,” explained Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “However, thanks to the population size and purchasing power of the Chinese market, even a slower growth rate can equate to good business potential. The Chinese home textile industry is continuing to perform well against all odds. This steady growth injects confidence to the market.”



Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) CHT-Gruppe

BeSoEFFECTIVE communication concept of the CHT Group is honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019

Since 2018 the CHT Group has broken new ground in communication with BeSoEFFECTIVE. Complex chemical interrelations are translated into simple and hardly technical words in combination with stylistically clear pictures.

The Best Solutions ”BeSo“ were specifically tailored to the communication with the target group of textile brands and retailers and do therefore not only appeal classic B2B clients but are also visible and comprehensible for end consumers of textile goods. The agency RTS Rieger Team from Leinfelden-Echterdingen that had already supported the new brand identity of the CHT Group in 2017 assisted CHT again in developing and creating the BeSoEFFECTIVE concept. One year after its publication, the communication concept has now achieved great success. BeSoEffective was honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019 in bronze in Frankfurt am Main on 14th November.

Since 2018 the CHT Group has broken new ground in communication with BeSoEFFECTIVE. Complex chemical interrelations are translated into simple and hardly technical words in combination with stylistically clear pictures.

The Best Solutions ”BeSo“ were specifically tailored to the communication with the target group of textile brands and retailers and do therefore not only appeal classic B2B clients but are also visible and comprehensible for end consumers of textile goods. The agency RTS Rieger Team from Leinfelden-Echterdingen that had already supported the new brand identity of the CHT Group in 2017 assisted CHT again in developing and creating the BeSoEFFECTIVE concept. One year after its publication, the communication concept has now achieved great success. BeSoEffective was honoured with the GWA Effie Award 2019 in bronze in Frankfurt am Main on 14th November.

Since 1981 the Effie has been awarded for efficiency in marketing communication by the Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen GWA (general association of communication agencies). It’s not exclusively the convincing look or content of campaigns that is honoured by the jury of experts with the GWA Effie Award but it’s rather the proven success and efficiency of such ideas and campaigns. By using the BeSoEFFECTIVE communication the CHT Group has so far increased the brands’ & retailers’ demand for innovative effects by about 30 %.

with CHT products are put in a nutshell by BeSoEFFECTIVE. The brand promise BeSo (”Best Solution“) is supplemented by an effect name deriving from the corresponding functionality – BeSoCOOL, BeSoFRESH or BeSoSMOOTH. Thus, each effect of the portfolio is given a uniform yet individual branding and a clear structure. The functionality of each effect is supplemented by pronounced and symbolic pictures which visually stress the benefits.

Eric Knehr, Head of Brand & Retail Service of the CHT Group states: “To us its of utmost importance to speak our target group’s language. Therefore, our BeSoEFFECTIVE campaign focuses on a clear communication with unique pictures and a uniform effect branding. Our customers’ positive reactions and this award prove, that our strong concept optimally supports our daily work as well as market and customer demands. However, it also puts the excellent performance of our innovative and sustainable effects into the right light."

More information:
CHT Gruppe Effi

CHT Germany GmbH


BASF 3D Printing Solutions Exhibits Industrial Additive Manufacturing Solutions at Formnext 2019

  • Forward AM is the company’s new brand name
  • Innovative portfolio and services for all AM technologies
  • Outstanding scalable applications and industry partnerships
  • Presentation of 3D printed footwear

BASF 3D Printing Solutions (B3DPS) will be exhibiting at Formnext 2019, the leading sector show for additive-based manufacturing, with an expanded product range and a new brand presence. Sector specialists are warmly invited to meet B3DPS specialists in person from November 19 through 22 at Booth D21, Hall 12.1 at the Frankfurt Trade Fair. With the introduction of its new Forward AM corporate brand, B3DPS continues to pursue its goal of driving industrial scalability as the next phase of additive-based manufacturing. “Forward” stands for future-oriented, leading-edge materials and technology, while “AM” stands for “additive manufacturing”. The new arrow-symbol brand logo and “Innovating Additive Manufacturing” baseline emphasize the company’s dynamic approach to this exciting industrial manufacturing sector.

  • Forward AM is the company’s new brand name
  • Innovative portfolio and services for all AM technologies
  • Outstanding scalable applications and industry partnerships
  • Presentation of 3D printed footwear

BASF 3D Printing Solutions (B3DPS) will be exhibiting at Formnext 2019, the leading sector show for additive-based manufacturing, with an expanded product range and a new brand presence. Sector specialists are warmly invited to meet B3DPS specialists in person from November 19 through 22 at Booth D21, Hall 12.1 at the Frankfurt Trade Fair. With the introduction of its new Forward AM corporate brand, B3DPS continues to pursue its goal of driving industrial scalability as the next phase of additive-based manufacturing. “Forward” stands for future-oriented, leading-edge materials and technology, while “AM” stands for “additive manufacturing”. The new arrow-symbol brand logo and “Innovating Additive Manufacturing” baseline emphasize the company’s dynamic approach to this exciting industrial manufacturing sector.

Extensive product portfolio with expanded service offer
Under the Forward AM brand the company offers end-to-end materials and service solutions along the entire value chain – from an initial product idea right through to its serial manufacture. Forward AM has the most extensive materials portfolio in the industrial 3D printing market today, encompassing powder bed fusion, advanced plastic and metal filaments, and the latest photopolymers.


BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH

Special exhibition “Textile Future by Trevira CS” presented by studio aisslinger (c) studio aisslinger

Trevira at Heimtextil 2020

Special features: over 30 top clients at a joint stand and a special exhibition highlighting trendsetting textile concepts for the contract market

Trevira, which manufactures high-quality, flame retardant polyester fibres, will be repeating its successful joint booth concept at the upcoming Heimtextil fair, due to take place from 7-10 January 2020 in Frankfurt. Together with 32 of its major customers, Trevira will be located on a stand of over 2000 msq in Hall 4.2.

The participants of the Trevira CS joint stand will cover the entire textile value chain: from the fibre production and yarn manufacture, to the colouring, weaving and warp and weft knitting stages, to the textile editor. Trevira’s customers will present their latest Trevira CS products for home and contract textiles at individual stands, demonstrating their contribution to the value chain. This year, Trevira welcomes a new partner to its Heimtextil stand, design and engineering specialist ima-tuve.

Special features: over 30 top clients at a joint stand and a special exhibition highlighting trendsetting textile concepts for the contract market

Trevira, which manufactures high-quality, flame retardant polyester fibres, will be repeating its successful joint booth concept at the upcoming Heimtextil fair, due to take place from 7-10 January 2020 in Frankfurt. Together with 32 of its major customers, Trevira will be located on a stand of over 2000 msq in Hall 4.2.

The participants of the Trevira CS joint stand will cover the entire textile value chain: from the fibre production and yarn manufacture, to the colouring, weaving and warp and weft knitting stages, to the textile editor. Trevira’s customers will present their latest Trevira CS products for home and contract textiles at individual stands, demonstrating their contribution to the value chain. This year, Trevira welcomes a new partner to its Heimtextil stand, design and engineering specialist ima-tuve.

“We’re excited that our joint fair booth has proved to be so popular and that we are increasing the number of Trevira CS customers joining us for Heimtextil year on year. This means that we can once again look forward to displaying the extensive range of possibilities and applications available in Trevira CS,” said Trevira CEO Klaus Holz.

Trevira’s joint booth, which will be situated in Hall 4.2, immediately next to the Messe Frankfurt exhibition “Interior. Architecture. Hospitality”, will also feature a special showcase, “Textile Future by Trevira CS” especially for the contract market. To curate this special display, Trevira is proud to have secured a collaborative partnership with renowned Berlin design company studio aisslinger. The studio is known for its outstanding work in experimental and product design, innovative materials and architectural concepts.  As a designer, studio founder Werner Aisslinger is particularly interested in how the newest technologies and unusual materials can be integrated into product design. Besides a focus on furniture, his most recent projects include interior design concepts for hotels and workspaces.

More information:
heimtextil 2020 Trevira GmbH

Trevira GmbH

Photo: TMAS

Swedish machinery companies see major opportunities at Heimtextil 2020

The decision by Messe Frankfurt, the organiser of the annual Heimtextil exhibition for home textiles, to significantly expand its focus on textile technologies in 2020, has received an extremely enthusiastic response from members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery manufacturers association.

“Heimtextil is already a huge show, having attracted well over three thousand visitors to Frankfurt in January this year, filling all twelve halls of the Messe Frankfurt fair grounds,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “The expansion of textile technologies at next January’s Heimtextil can only help further boost this international community of manufacturers and suppliers for the home textiles market at all levels, and naturally we want to be a part of it.”

The decision by Messe Frankfurt, the organiser of the annual Heimtextil exhibition for home textiles, to significantly expand its focus on textile technologies in 2020, has received an extremely enthusiastic response from members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery manufacturers association.

“Heimtextil is already a huge show, having attracted well over three thousand visitors to Frankfurt in January this year, filling all twelve halls of the Messe Frankfurt fair grounds,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “The expansion of textile technologies at next January’s Heimtextil can only help further boost this international community of manufacturers and suppliers for the home textiles market at all levels, and naturally we want to be a part of it.”

  • ACG Kinna Automatic
    At Heimtextil 2019, TMAS member ACG Kinna Automatic generated a significant buzz with live demonstrations of its new robotic pillow filling system and will provide details of how it has been further developed over 2019, with several commercial systems now in place.
  • Automatex
    Meanwhile, in the first quarter of 2020, Automatex ES, the specialist in automated cutting, sewing and folding equipment, is planning to launch another innovation in advanced manufacturing for the bedding industry.
  • IRO AB
    IRO AB has consistently introduced new milestones in the field of yarn feeding technology for weaving machines and at Heimtextil 2020 will be providing information on new introductions to its product range.
  • Eltex
    Eltex is achieving considerable success with its yarn fault detection and tension monitoring systems across a range of sectors, including the tufting of carpets and the creeling of woven materials, but at Heimtextil 2020 the focus will be on its advanced systems for the sewn products sector, including the UPG-Stitch thread break sensor, which is based on the piezoelectric principle and is suitable for all types of yarns while being insensitive to dust, dirt and humidity variations.
  • Svegea of Sweden
    Svegea of Sweden now has over 60 years of experience in exclusively designing, manufacturing and installing bespoke bias cutting, roll slitting and rewinding and inspection machines.
    The company’s complete Bias System includes a tube sewing unit a bias cutter/winder for opening up previously-formed tube material – spirally on a bias – and strip cutter.

Frischer Wind in Berlin: Neonyt macht „Luft“ zum Leitthema

Luft ist, wenn auch unsichtbar, unser omnipräsentes Lebenselixier. Neonyt, der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, wählt für das Jahr 2020 ein hochaktuelles Leitthema, das für die Modebranche, aber auch für Politik und Gesellschaft, unausweichlich ist.

Treibhausgase und globale Erwärmung, Luftmassen aber auch Datenmengen – das Thema Luft ist so vielschichtig wie unsere Atmosphäre. Die kommende Ausgabe der Neonyt nimmt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 den Carbon Footprint der Modeindustrie unter die Lupe, präsentiert Best Practice Labels und schafft einen Rahmen für branchenrelevante Diskussionen zur zunehmend digitalisierten Zukunft – immer mit dem analytischen Blick inspirierender Pioniere und pragmatischer Profis der Nachhaltigkeit. Mit Blick auf das frühere Rollfeld des stillgelegten Flufhafens Tempelhof Berlin über dem sich der weite Himmel Berlins aufspannt, wird das übergeordnete Thema des globalen Hubs für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation greifbar.

Luft ist, wenn auch unsichtbar, unser omnipräsentes Lebenselixier. Neonyt, der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, wählt für das Jahr 2020 ein hochaktuelles Leitthema, das für die Modebranche, aber auch für Politik und Gesellschaft, unausweichlich ist.

Treibhausgase und globale Erwärmung, Luftmassen aber auch Datenmengen – das Thema Luft ist so vielschichtig wie unsere Atmosphäre. Die kommende Ausgabe der Neonyt nimmt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 den Carbon Footprint der Modeindustrie unter die Lupe, präsentiert Best Practice Labels und schafft einen Rahmen für branchenrelevante Diskussionen zur zunehmend digitalisierten Zukunft – immer mit dem analytischen Blick inspirierender Pioniere und pragmatischer Profis der Nachhaltigkeit. Mit Blick auf das frühere Rollfeld des stillgelegten Flufhafens Tempelhof Berlin über dem sich der weite Himmel Berlins aufspannt, wird das übergeordnete Thema des globalen Hubs für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation greifbar.

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

 50. Ausgabe: Heimtextil feiert ein halbes Jahrhundert Weltleitmesse (c) Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

50th edition: Heimtextil celebrates half a century as a leading trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

Messe Frankfurt will be inviting exhibitors and visitors to the highlight of the celebrations, the big Heimtextil @ Night party in hall 11.1 on Wednesday, 8 January 2020. Heimtextil exhibitors from the very beginning will be warmly welcomed and paid special attention. As part of the celebrations, Messe Frankfurt will present an anniversary film with a look back at earlier Heimtextil editions as well as music acts from the last five decades.

In hall 9.0, Heimtextil will present design classics from the past 50 years in a special showcase area. Here, the trade fair will invite people to take a journey through time and a tour of discovery through five  decades of Heimtextil history. The presentation is based on editorials from interior magazines. Four rooms incorporate colours, shapes, furniture and design objects from past decades. The showcase is complemented by a café that will be realised in cooperation with Schöner Wohnen, Europe's largest living magazine.

Exclusive offer: anniversary scarf in the Heimtextil look

To mark the anniversary, Heimtextil will launch a textile accessory of its  own creation: a scarf in the look of the current trade fair campaign. The scarf in the unisex colour combination of petrol, turquoise and lilac will be available for exhibitors and visitors to buy during the trade fair.



Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 25th anniversary with increase in exhibitors

Celebrating 25 years as Asia’s leading trade fair for the interior textiles industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles opened its doors from 28 – 31 August. Covering seven halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, around 1,150 exhibitors from 27 countries and regions displayed their latest products and technologies for the home and contract textiles sectors (2018: 1,091).

Exhibitor highlights from 2019

Celebrating 25 years as Asia’s leading trade fair for the interior textiles industry, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles opened its doors from 28 – 31 August. Covering seven halls at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, around 1,150 exhibitors from 27 countries and regions displayed their latest products and technologies for the home and contract textiles sectors (2018: 1,091).

Exhibitor highlights from 2019

•    Country and region pavilions from Belgium, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey
•    Expanded finished products zone: more sourcing options were available in hall 8.1 this year for finished products and a range of home décor items.
•    Finished curtain zone located in the North Hall
•    Bed, bath, kitchen and table: suppliers from China were joined by exhibitors from Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Japan and elsewhere in these product categories.
•    Whole-home and editor zones: buyers could source the latest luxury branded products and gain decoration concept inspiration in these high-end zones.
•    Textile design zone: 20 design studios from 12 countries including China, Finland, France, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK showcased their avant-garde collections.


Foto: Tempelhof Projekt GmbH

Neonyt zieht in den Flughafen Tempelhof

Mit der Herbst-/Winterausgabe 2020 zieht die Neonyt in den Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin. Mit dabei ist eine der spannendsten Label-Neugründungen der letzten Jahre: True Standard.

Der Hangar 4 des stillgelegten Berliner Flughafens Tempelhof wird die neue Location der kommenden Ausgabe der Neonyt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020. Damit zieht der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation in eines der spektakulärsten und historisch bedeutendsten Bauwerke und Europas größtes zusammenhängendes Baudenkmal. Als Aussteller ist erstmals das neu gegründete Label True Standard dabei.

Mit der Herbst-/Winterausgabe 2020 zieht die Neonyt in den Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin. Mit dabei ist eine der spannendsten Label-Neugründungen der letzten Jahre: True Standard.

Der Hangar 4 des stillgelegten Berliner Flughafens Tempelhof wird die neue Location der kommenden Ausgabe der Neonyt vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020. Damit zieht der globale Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation in eines der spektakulärsten und historisch bedeutendsten Bauwerke und Europas größtes zusammenhängendes Baudenkmal. Als Aussteller ist erstmals das neu gegründete Label True Standard dabei.

„Mit dem Flughafen Tempelhof beziehen wir eine der bekanntesten Locations der Stadt. Das großzügige Gelände und der Hangar 4 des Tempelhof geben uns eine Vielzahl neuer Möglichkeiten, die Neonyt konsequent weiterzuentwickeln und weiter zu wachsen. So vereinen wir beispielsweise erstmals alle Aussteller der Neonyt auf einer Ebene und schaffen damit eine neue Perspektive auf das Zusammenspiel von Kollektionen, Herstellungstechnologien und den Insights aus unseren Formaten wie der Fashionsustain oder Prepeek“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt.

More information:

Frankfurt Messe GmbH

WHERE I BELONG: Heimtextil stellt die Designtrends für 20/21 vor (c) Bart Hess for Heimtextil
Trendbuch Cover - Bart Hess for Heimtextil

WHERE I BELONG: Heimtextil presents the design trends for 2020/2021

Heimtextil will launch the new 2020/2021 trend season with the general theme “WHERE I BELONG”. For the official Heimtextil Trend Preview, Stijlinstituut Amsterdam director Anne Marie Commandeur  introduced the new design themes. The presentation in the run-up to Heimtextil (7-10 January 2020) took place at the Textile Museum’s Textile Lab in Tilburg, the Netherlands on 11 September 2019 and was streamed worldwide.

This season, Stijlinstituut Amsterdam is responsible for the Trend Book content and Trend Space implementation at the upcoming international trade fair for home and contract textiles. Alongside Stijlinstituut Amsterdam, London-based studio FranklinTill and Danish agency SPOTT trends & business contributed to the 20/21 global forecast for perspective-related interior design. Together with the Heimtextil management team, these Trend Council participants gave insights into future styles during a workshop.

Heimtextil will launch the new 2020/2021 trend season with the general theme “WHERE I BELONG”. For the official Heimtextil Trend Preview, Stijlinstituut Amsterdam director Anne Marie Commandeur  introduced the new design themes. The presentation in the run-up to Heimtextil (7-10 January 2020) took place at the Textile Museum’s Textile Lab in Tilburg, the Netherlands on 11 September 2019 and was streamed worldwide.

This season, Stijlinstituut Amsterdam is responsible for the Trend Book content and Trend Space implementation at the upcoming international trade fair for home and contract textiles. Alongside Stijlinstituut Amsterdam, London-based studio FranklinTill and Danish agency SPOTT trends & business contributed to the 20/21 global forecast for perspective-related interior design. Together with the Heimtextil management team, these Trend Council participants gave insights into future styles during a workshop.

At the annual international Trend Council workshop, identity was an ever-present topic: part of a broader discussion on gender and cultural diversity, on tolerance and curiosity. Today, the self-identification process seems more complex than ever. Identities are now formed through experiences that take place simultaneously, on different levels. Locally, nationally, globally, both online and offline. Identity therefore can consist of many different layers. In fact, individuals can all have multilayered identities.

Heimtextil Trends 20/21 Overview:


Pleasure seekers revel in layering theatrical influences and glamorous showtime aesthetics, forging a fantastic marriage between the crafted and digitally rendered. Textiles show a ‘more is more’ attitude through a mash-up of glam, gradients and spectrums, fake fur, pile and fringe, jacquard weaves and fantastic prints. The flashy, kitsch colour range becomes brutally glam thanks to electric sheen, synthetic shimmer, digital glitch and artful blur. A riot of clashes and rebellion.


Idealists seek perfection and purity, restoring equilibrium by connecting with the uber-natural. They embrace technology for good while shifting between realism and mysticism in pursuit of a personal haven. To address a renewed bond with nature, organic matter, raw materials and pure textiles are selected which show nature’s traces, organic structures and irregularities. Shades are created from the earth and cultured by man. An elemental and pure range reflects the source of their existence.


Urban dwellers confront the challenges of the fast paced, shape-shifting, man-made environment by searching for utilitarian, adaptable solutions. They value tech performance while making smart use of  available and renewable resources. Functionality is prioritised, while looking cool and working well remains key. Interior/sportswear hybrid textiles show smooth surfaces and a fun mash-up of graphic textures. The palette shows uniform blue, asphalt grey and caterpillar yellow.


Preservers of historic legacies treasure sensuousness alongside the uncanny, enlightenment together with darkness, for a whole new immersive experience. This new narrative translates to a love for luxury and splendour, decoration and embellishment. Finding beauty in history and nature through ornamental patterning and alluring surface enhancement. Reflecting on ancient history results in a palette featuring enigmatic blood red, sapphire and a lustrous mother-of-pearl.


Hyper-locals go global, celebrating inclusivity over appropriation, honouring traditional craftsmanship and adjusting the world’s gaze to embrace exchange, creative integrity and diverse identities. Indigenous style meets global influences. This is a celebration of crafted and decorative pattern, from tribal and folkloric to geometric and abstract. Textile colours become part of a wider cultural narrative, linked to local community, cultural heritage and private identity.

You can find more Information here

 World Car Awards 2020: Mehrheit aller nominierten Modelle fährt mit Autoneum (c) Autoneum Management AG

World Car Awards 2020: Majority of eligible models features Autoneum components

With the announcement of the eligible vehicle models, the World Car Awards 2020 kickedoff today at the IAA Motor Show in Frankfurt, Germany. This year again, the majority of contenders is equipped with lightweight components for acoustic and thermal management from Autoneum. The world’s leading automobile industry awards will be presented at the New York Motor Show in the spring of 2020.

With the announcement of the eligible vehicle models, the World Car Awards 2020 kickedoff today at the IAA Motor Show in Frankfurt, Germany. This year again, the majority of contenders is equipped with lightweight components for acoustic and thermal management from Autoneum. The world’s leading automobile industry awards will be presented at the New York Motor Show in the spring of 2020.

A total of 46 new vehicle models have passed the initial screening and are now contenders for trophies in the categories “World Car of the Year”, “World Luxury Car”, “World Performance Car”, “World Urban Car” and “World Car Design of the Year”, including five new fully-electric models alone. Whether it’s a lightweight underbody, a noise-absorbing carpet system or a heat-reducing engine encapsulation – most of the eligible vehicles benefit from Autoneum’s innovation leadership in thermal and acoustic management. Autoneum’s expertise extends to new forms of mobility such as electric vehicles: Also thanks to numerous Autoneum components, Jaguar’s fully-electric SUV “I-PACE” impressed the jurors for the World Car Awards 2019, which was the first model ever to be named “World Car of the Year”, “World Car Design of the Year” and “World Green Car” at the same time.

On the occasion of today’s eligibility announcement, Autoneum CEO Martin Hirzel said: “Once again, the contenders are testimony to our innovation leadership. The World Car Awards also confirm our forward-looking approach: Nominated e-models feature Autoneum components as well. Welcoming our industry’s transformation early on, we today supply environmentally sustainable, lightweight components for most electric models available worldwide.”

Gerry Malloy, President of the World Car Awards Association, added: “As a market leader, Autoneum is the ideal partner for us. Our shared commitment to innovation was a decisive factor in forming a partnership back in 2014. Nowadays, this is a crucial aspect for manufacturers and suppliers who wish to remain successful in times of industrial and technological change.”

The World Car Awards, which have been presented annually since 2004, are the world’s leading nd most widely recognized automotive industry awards. A jury comprising of more than 80 international automotive journalists selects winners in five categories. The winners of the 2020 World Car Awards will be announced in April next year at the New York Motor Show.

FASHIONSUSTAIN: Die Neonyt Konferenz wird noch internationaler (c) Messe Frankfurt

FASHIONSUSTAIN: Die Neonyt Konferenz wird noch internationaler

  • Neonyt: The Global Hub for Fashion, Sustainability and Innovation
  • Berlin, 14. bis 16. Januar 2020

Mit zwei weiteren Spin-offs in Los Angeles und in Shanghai treibt die Messe Frankfurt die Internationalisierung der Fashionsustain, der Konferenz zur Neonyt, weiter voran. Im Juli machte sie bereits in New York City Station. Lenzing mit TENCEL™ unterstützt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz.

Gleich zweimal bringt die Fashionsustain, die Konferenz der Messe Frankfurt rund um nachhaltige Textilinnovationen, im September Vorreiter der Branche außerhalb Deutschlands zusammen. Am 20. September gastiert der Event im Rahmen des LA Fashion Festivals in Los Angeles. Am 26. September bildet die Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics in Shanghai den Rahmen.

  • Neonyt: The Global Hub for Fashion, Sustainability and Innovation
  • Berlin, 14. bis 16. Januar 2020

Mit zwei weiteren Spin-offs in Los Angeles und in Shanghai treibt die Messe Frankfurt die Internationalisierung der Fashionsustain, der Konferenz zur Neonyt, weiter voran. Im Juli machte sie bereits in New York City Station. Lenzing mit TENCEL™ unterstützt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz.

Gleich zweimal bringt die Fashionsustain, die Konferenz der Messe Frankfurt rund um nachhaltige Textilinnovationen, im September Vorreiter der Branche außerhalb Deutschlands zusammen. Am 20. September gastiert der Event im Rahmen des LA Fashion Festivals in Los Angeles. Am 26. September bildet die Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics in Shanghai den Rahmen.

Beim LA Fashion Festival (LAFF) steht die Fashionsustain unter dem Motto „The change of fashion is now” und findet in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Lenzing statt. So informiert Lenzing vor Ort zusätzlich an einem eigenen Messestand über die Wertschöpfungskette sowie die Nachhaltigkeits- und Funktionsvorteile rund um ihre Faser und Garnmarke TENCEL™. Es sprechen unter anderem Vertreter von Lenzing, Candiani und Global Denim sowie “Denim-Papst” Adriano Goldschmied und Kerry Bannigan von der Conscious Fashion Campaign supported by the UN Office for Partnerships.

Als zentraler Bestandteil der Fashion-Events in Los Angeles verbindet das zweitägige LA Fashion Festival Einflüsse aus Film, Handel, Innovation und Beauty und schafft so immersive kulturelle Erfahrungen. Das LAFF geht aus dem LA Fashion Film Festival hervor und bietet vom 20. bis 21. September unter anderem Filme, Workshops, Masterclasses, Pop-ups und Vorträge rund um das Thema Mode.

Im Rahmen der Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, einer der weltweit größten Fachmessen für Bekleidungsstoffe und Accessoires und organisiert von der Messe Frankfurt, kommt bei der Fashionsustain am 26. September in Shanghai die Keynote von Edwin Keh (Hongkong Research Institute of Textile and Apparel, HKRITA). Anschließend sprechen Andreas Streubig (Director Global Sustainability, Hugo Boss), Jiehui Kia (Principal Sustainability Strategiest, Forum for the Future), Micke Magnusson (Change Agent und Advisor, ReAccess) und Mikkel Hansen (Program and Partnership Lead at Explorium, Fung Group) über die Bedeutung und Herausforderungen mehr Pilotprojekte im Bereich textiler Innovation aufzubauen sowie die Frage wie neue Textilien schneller zur Marktreife befördert werden können.

Es folgen Innovator Pitches der Startups TG3D, Reflaunt und Circular Systems, präsentiert von den Akzeleratoren Fashion for Good, The Mills Fabrica und der H&M Foundation, sowie der Branchengröße HeiQ.

Im anschließenden Panel steht die Bedeutung und Skalierbarkeit innovativer Technologien für die Textilindustrie im Fokus. Es diskutieren Cherry Cheuk Yan Ho (Investment Manager, The Mills Fabrica), Celine Huang (CEO Greater China, HeiQ), Emily Franklin (Innovation Associate, Fashion for Good), Florian Heubrandner (Vice President Global Business Management Textiles, Lenzing) und Jean Hegedus (Marketing Director, Invista Lycra).

Abgerundet wird die Veranstaltung mit einem Gespräch mit Tony Lowe (East Asia Ambassador, Better Buying) und Max Gilgenmann (Kaleidoscope Berlin) zur Rolle von Einkaufspraktiken in einer sich wandelnden Textil- und Modeindustrie).

(c) Devan Chemicals NV


With the recent launch of Acabada ProActiveWear, the first CBD-infused textiles are officially hitting the market. The fabric treatment behind the CBD-infused textiles was developed by Devan Chemicals, a Belgian company specialized in functional finishes for the worldwide textile markets.

Devan launched its CBD (Cannabidiol) fabric treatment at Heimtextil 2019 in Frankfurt as part of their R-Vital® range of microencapsulated active ingredients. The range contains active substances like Aloe Vera, Q10, Vitamin E, … with CBD being its latest addition. Now, only 8 months later, the first CBD-infused products are hitting the market.

With the recent launch of Acabada ProActiveWear, the first CBD-infused textiles are officially hitting the market. The fabric treatment behind the CBD-infused textiles was developed by Devan Chemicals, a Belgian company specialized in functional finishes for the worldwide textile markets.

Devan launched its CBD (Cannabidiol) fabric treatment at Heimtextil 2019 in Frankfurt as part of their R-Vital® range of microencapsulated active ingredients. The range contains active substances like Aloe Vera, Q10, Vitamin E, … with CBD being its latest addition. Now, only 8 months later, the first CBD-infused products are hitting the market.

High-quality organic CBD
Born in 2019, Acabada ProActiveWear is the world's first and only CBD-infused activewear brand, committed to creating innovative, luxury apparel for the proactive woman. Conceptualized in New York and produced in Portugal, Acabada infuses luxury fabric with the highest quality organic CBD, to ensure that women will look, feel and perform at their best. Thanks to the close and intense cooperation between Acabada, Devan and the Portuguese production partner, goods were in store in less than five months starting from initial contact.

With over 30 years in the apparel industry, Acabada CEO and Co-Founder Seth Baum recognized the positive effects of CBD on pain and inflammation and the fact that top athletes embrace the active ingredient as a part of their training and recovery ritual. Baum assembled a team of experienced fashion designers, including Co-Founder and CCO Katrina Petrillo, and together they created a high fashion yet innovative product that is primed to disrupt the market. "While typical CBD products such as tinctures and edibles are growing exponentially in popularity, we began to envision a product that addressed health and wellness through a different lens. By physically infusing CBD into our garments, our product live at the intersection of fashion, fitness, and wellness," says Baum. With Acabada ProActiveWear, recovery starts from the moment you get dressed by helping to fight soreness and promote healing before the first squat, lunge or crunch.

Each garment from Acabada ProActiveWear contains up to 25 grams of zero-THC, lab-certified, 99.9% pure CBD, which will allow the benefits to last through 40 high-intensity wear and wash cycles. As customers approach 40 wears and washes, they can choose to sustainably recycle their CBD-infused garments through Acabada's upcycling program, where the recycled, synthetic fabrics will be repurposed where needed as commercial materials.

More information:
Devan Chemicals NV

Marketing Solutions NV

(c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Neonyt: Handel, Industrie und Politik forcieren den Wandel

Es war das Thema der Berlin Fashion Week: Nachhaltigkeit. Auf der Neonyt, dem globalen Hub für Fashion, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, trieben Vertreter aus Handel, Industrie und Politik den Wandel in der Mode weiter voran. Vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2019 unterstrich die Neonyt im Kraftwerk Berlin mit 170 ausstellenden Labels aus 20 Ländern ihren Status als weltweit bedeutendster Hotspot für progressive, nachhaltige Mode und technologische Innovationen.

„Zehn Jahre nach Gründung des Neonyt-Vorgängerformats Greenshowroom steht die Branche vor dem Durchbruch und der Wandel wird greifbar. Über die Jahre haben wir Sustainable Fashion in Berlin salonfähig gemacht und mit der Neonyt zu einem Thema geformt, das die Berlin Fashion Week weltweit als Vorreiterplattform in puncto Nachhaltigkeit glänzen lässt“, sagte Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.

Es war das Thema der Berlin Fashion Week: Nachhaltigkeit. Auf der Neonyt, dem globalen Hub für Fashion, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, trieben Vertreter aus Handel, Industrie und Politik den Wandel in der Mode weiter voran. Vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2019 unterstrich die Neonyt im Kraftwerk Berlin mit 170 ausstellenden Labels aus 20 Ländern ihren Status als weltweit bedeutendster Hotspot für progressive, nachhaltige Mode und technologische Innovationen.

„Zehn Jahre nach Gründung des Neonyt-Vorgängerformats Greenshowroom steht die Branche vor dem Durchbruch und der Wandel wird greifbar. Über die Jahre haben wir Sustainable Fashion in Berlin salonfähig gemacht und mit der Neonyt zu einem Thema geformt, das die Berlin Fashion Week weltweit als Vorreiterplattform in puncto Nachhaltigkeit glänzen lässt“, sagte Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.