From the Sector

2833 results
Neue Effizienz in der Heißgasfiltration. Trimetric Filtermedien: Top in Temperaturbeständigkeit, Rückhalterate und Robustheit © GKD
Die aus der sehr guten Regenerierbarkeit der Trimetric Filterkerzen resultierenden langen Standzeiten im laufenden Betrieb sind die Basis für lange Standzeiten.

GKD: Neue Effizienz in der Heißgasfiltration

  • Trimetric Filtermedien: Top in Temperaturbeständigkeit, Rückhalterate und Robustheit

Das innovative, hochporöse Filtermedium aus Sinterwerkstoffen, Trimetric, verbindet in einem Medium alles, was effiziente Heißgasfiltration erfordert: Hohe Rückhalteraten, thermische Beständigkeit bis 600 °C, mechanische Robustheit gegen Schwingungen sowie Regenerierbarkeit im laufenden Betrieb. Mit dieser neuen Produktfamilie macht die international führende technische Weberei GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) jetzt erstmals die in der IMVT-Studie nachgewiesene Effizienz von Kombinationen aus Optimierten Tressen und Metallfaservlies in der Praxis verfügbar. Anwendungsspezifisch auslegbar, können die eigenstabilen Filterelemente in allen kostengünstigen Bauformen von Standard-Staubfiltern eingesetzt werden – mit geringen Anpassungen bei der Fixierung auch in Schlauchfilteranlagen.

  • Trimetric Filtermedien: Top in Temperaturbeständigkeit, Rückhalterate und Robustheit

Das innovative, hochporöse Filtermedium aus Sinterwerkstoffen, Trimetric, verbindet in einem Medium alles, was effiziente Heißgasfiltration erfordert: Hohe Rückhalteraten, thermische Beständigkeit bis 600 °C, mechanische Robustheit gegen Schwingungen sowie Regenerierbarkeit im laufenden Betrieb. Mit dieser neuen Produktfamilie macht die international führende technische Weberei GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) jetzt erstmals die in der IMVT-Studie nachgewiesene Effizienz von Kombinationen aus Optimierten Tressen und Metallfaservlies in der Praxis verfügbar. Anwendungsspezifisch auslegbar, können die eigenstabilen Filterelemente in allen kostengünstigen Bauformen von Standard-Staubfiltern eingesetzt werden – mit geringen Anpassungen bei der Fixierung auch in Schlauchfilteranlagen.

Ob zur Herstellung von Farbpigmenten und Katalysatoren, zur Rückgewinnung von Wertstoffen oder bei der Verbrennung von Holzschnitzeln, industriellen und kommunalen Abfällen: Die Filtration und Aufbereitung heißer Gasströme hat eine Schlüsselfunktion, um steigenden Anforderungen an Umweltschutz und Wirtschaftlichkeit gerecht zu werden. Von entscheidender Bedeutung für CO2-Footprint und Gesamtwirkungsgrad der Anlagen ist die Rückgewinnung der thermischen Energie nach dem Filtrationsprozess. Betriebstemperaturen über 260 °C vermeiden nicht nur ein energieintensives Wiederaufheizen des Abgases, sondern tragen auch zum Schutz nachgelagerter Aggregate wie Wärmetauscher, Katalysatoren oder Gaswäscher bei. Dort kann bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen die Ablagerung von Teer einen nur schwer zu entfernenden Belag verursachen, der zeit- und kostenaufwendige Reinigungsarbeiten erfordert. Höhere Betriebstemperaturen stellen jedoch entsprechend hohe Anforderungen an die eingesetzten Filtermedien, um sehr gute Rückhalteraten auch von Feinstpartikeln unter 0,1 μm Größe aus dem Gasstrom zu gewährleisten. Das derzeit am häufigsten eingesetzte Temperaturspektrum zur Partikelabscheidung aus heißen Gasströmen liegt im Bereich von 300 bis 500 °C. Mit zunehmender Temperatur steigt bei dieser kuchenbildenden Staubfiltration jedoch auch der Druckverlust. Eine regelmäßige Abreinigung der Filtermedien durch Druckimpulse ist deshalb für den Leistungserhalt des Filters unverzichtbar.

Der Einsatz von Filtermedien aus PTFE oder anderen synthetischen Fasern ist auf Temperaturen von maximal 260 °C begrenzt. Zudem können sie durch glimmende Partikel beschädigt werden oder sogar in Brand geraten und damit die Sicherheit der gesamten Anlage gefährden. Bei höheren Temperaturen sind deshalb Keramikfilter Stand der Technik. Sie sind jedoch in ihrer Länge begrenzt, da sie durch den zur Regenerierung eingesetzten Druckpuls ins Schwingen geraten – mit daraus resultierender Bruchgefahr. Filtermedien aus metallischen Werkstoffen sind bis 600 °C temperaturbeständig, nicht brennbar und widerstehen auftretenden Schwingungen mit mechanischer Robustheit. Bisher erreichten sie jedoch nicht den Rückhaltegrad von PTFE-Medien.

Echter Alleskönner

Mit dem hochporösen Trimetric Filtermedium bietet GKD jetzt ein Filtermedium, das alle positiven Eigenschaften bisher bewährter Filtertypen in einem Medium vereint. Das vierlagige, eigenstabile Produkt kombiniert drei verschiedene Filtermedien – darunter Metallvlies – zu hochleistungsfähigen Filtern für die Heißgasfiltration. Als gesintertes Filtermedienlaminat basiert Trimetric auf den bei GKD langjährig bewährten Prozessen zur Herstellung des Gewebelaminats Gekuplate und den Ergebnissen der IMVT-Studie. Sie wies nach, dass die Kombination aus Metallfaservlies auf der Abström- und Optimierter Tresse auf der Anströmseite in Abreinigung und Filtrationseffizienz unübertroffen ist. Die hohe Schmutzaufnahmekapazität dieser Kombination gewährleistet einen langsamen Druckverlustanstieg bei hohem Abscheidegrad. Temperaturbeständig bis 600 °C ist das Laminat aus Edelstahl-Medien auch dort einsetzbar, wo polymere Filtermedien nicht mehr funktionieren. Der Werkstoff gewährleistet gute Schweißbarkeit und somit auch die notwendige Abdichtung zwischen Roh- und Reingasseite.

Dank seiner Stützstrukturen benötigt das selbsttragende Filterelement keinen Stützkorb. Zur Abreinigung wird der Filterkuchen durch lokale Differenzdruckumkehr von dem starren Filtermedium abgelöst. Die aus der sehr guten Regenerierbarkeit der Trimetric Filterkerzen resultierenden langen Standzeiten sind die Basis für einen ebenso dauerhaften wie zuverlässigen Betrieb. Anders als Keramikkerzen erlauben Filterkerzen aus Trimetric zudem die Reinigung außerhalb des Filtergehäuses per Hochdruckreiniger und somit eine mehrfache Wiederverwendung. Diese mechanische Stabilität macht sie Keramikkerzen generell deutlich überlegen: Auch schwingender Belastung durch impulsartigen Druckanstieg bei der Abreinigung oder zu fest angezogener Schraubverbindungen halten Trimetric-Kerzen ohne Bruchgefahr stand.

Universell einsetzbar

Die Kerzenlänge ist mit diesem neuen Filtermedium grundsätzlich nicht limitiert: Aus bis zu 900 Millimetern langen Segmenten werden die benötigten Formate anwendungsspezifisch ohne Werkzeuge oder kostspielige Formen montiert. Dadurch sind auch Reparatur oder Austausch defekter Einzelsegmente jederzeit möglich. Mit individuell wählbaren Außendurchmessern von 60 bis 600 Millimetern haben Trimetric-Filtermedien standardmäßig einen zylindrischen Zuschnitt. Grundsätzlich ist jedoch auch ein quadratischer Zuschnitt oder jede andere Geometrie denkbar. Diese Modularität ermöglicht den Einsatz von Trimetric Filtermedien in allen kostengünstigen Bauformen der Standard-Staubfilter. Dort gewährleistet sie eine optimale Schmutzaufnahme bei den üblichen Anströmgeschwindigkeiten von 0,7 bis 1 Meter pro Minute. Ohne Umbau können die innovativen Trimetric-Filtermedien von GKD in vorhandene Kerzenfilteranlagen eingesetzt werden. Auch existierende Schlauchfilteranlagen oder Anlagen auf Basis von Filterplatten lassen sich mit nur leichter Modifikation der Befestigungselemente im Filtergehäuse umrüsten.

Anhand von Serienaufbauten auf VDI-Prüfständen wurden die Abreinigungseigenschaften und Filtrationseffizienz von Trimetric Filtermedien getestet: Verglichen mit reinen Metallfaservlies- oder Pulverkerzen sehr gute Regenerierbarkeit, zudem bruchresistent und im Rückhaltegrad gleichwertig zu PTFE-Medien – jedoch für Temperaturen bis 600 °C – tragen Trimetric Filtermedien signifikant zur Steigerung der Prozesseffizienz, Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen und Wirtschaftlichkeit bei.



tintex (c) Tintex Textiles

TINTEX: Leading through innovation, and more, with a new season of Naturally Advanced fabric collections

At Munich Fabric Start, TINTEX introduces a new holistic approach to creating textiles that is built on the company’s DNA since 1998 for market leading, natural based, smart and responsible innovation

TINTEX is a unique fabric expert in materials and processes, and is introducing new levels of service to the market. First with the new Colorau® Natural Dye commercial innovation, and secondly with the TINTEX E-Commerce service that connects creativity with easy, direct-to-designer product sourcing.

The third innovation expands the company vision and influence into garment production with the SMART WARDROBE CO.LAB, a new supply chain cooperation working with three leading Portuguese makers.

But first you come and enjoy the unique touch and feel of the latest TINTEX Naturally Advanced fabrics with on-trend innovations enhanced by the new non-salt Colorau® Natural Dye process. This award-winning coloration technology fuses science, and creative innovation as a responsible evolution of better products that can now supply batches over 20kg.

At Munich Fabric Start, TINTEX introduces a new holistic approach to creating textiles that is built on the company’s DNA since 1998 for market leading, natural based, smart and responsible innovation

TINTEX is a unique fabric expert in materials and processes, and is introducing new levels of service to the market. First with the new Colorau® Natural Dye commercial innovation, and secondly with the TINTEX E-Commerce service that connects creativity with easy, direct-to-designer product sourcing.

The third innovation expands the company vision and influence into garment production with the SMART WARDROBE CO.LAB, a new supply chain cooperation working with three leading Portuguese makers.

But first you come and enjoy the unique touch and feel of the latest TINTEX Naturally Advanced fabrics with on-trend innovations enhanced by the new non-salt Colorau® Natural Dye process. This award-winning coloration technology fuses science, and creative innovation as a responsible evolution of better products that can now supply batches over 20kg.

The new A/W 20/21 collection starts from the concept of “WEME”: a Naturally Advanced offer that represents a multifaceted world. WE and ME refers to more than just the individual, but also about community and a collective spirit that seeks to grow the intellectual and spiritual individual needs in a responsive and collective way. It is a nuanced platform to discover a range of unique developments that embody the TINTEX identity through responsible innovation and creativity. Smart ingredients and processes drive innovation enhanced by the TINTEX unique dyeing and finishing expertise.

More information:

GB Network


Autoneum: Revenue growth in a strongly declining market

In a strongly declining market, Autoneum increased revenue in local currencies by 1.9% in the first six months of 2019 thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the previous year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). All four Business Groups outperformed the market. The turnaround program in North America is showing progress, but the persisting operational inefficiencies at two US plants continue to impact the profitability of the entire Group, as already communicated. Accordingly, EBIT fell to CHF 16.4 million in the first semester, while the anticipated negative net result totaled CHF –6.0 million.

In a strongly declining market, Autoneum increased revenue in local currencies by 1.9% in the first six months of 2019 thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the previous year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). All four Business Groups outperformed the market. The turnaround program in North America is showing progress, but the persisting operational inefficiencies at two US plants continue to impact the profitability of the entire Group, as already communicated. Accordingly, EBIT fell to CHF 16.4 million in the first semester, while the anticipated negative net result totaled CHF –6.0 million.

The weak global macroeconomic environment, ongoing trade disputes and the resulting uncertainty among car manufacturers and consumers led to a further sharp decline in global light vehicle production in the first half of 2019. In this difficult market environment, Autoneum was able to increase its revenue by 1.9% in local currencies in the first six months compared to the prior-year period, particularly thanks to numerous model ramp-ups. At CHF 1 156.1 million, revenue in Swiss francs reached the prior-year’s level (CHF 1 159.4 million). While the number of vehicles produced in all regions declined, Business Groups (BG) North America, Asia and SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) grew and outperformed the respective market developments, two of them significantly. Only at Business Group Europe did the sharp drop in production volumes among vehicle manufacturers result in fewer call-offs and lower year-on-year revenue.

More information:



BASF Ultrafuse 316L – Metal filament for industrial 3D printing

  • Simple and cost-effective printing of stainless steel metal parts
  • Reduces dramatically the potential hazard of handling fine metallic powders when compared to SLM or Binder Jetting
  • Specially designed for open FFF 3D printers
  • BASF begins the commercialization of Ultrafuse 316L with iGo3D, Ultimaker, and MatterHackers

With Ultrafuse 316L, BASF 3D Printing Solutions launches an innovative metal- polymer composite for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) into the market. It enables the safe, simple, and cost-efficient production of fully metal parts for prototypes, metal tooling, and functional metal parts in the simplest 3D printing process. After the subsequent industry-standard debinding and sintering, the final 3D printed part is 316L stainless steel.

  • Simple and cost-effective printing of stainless steel metal parts
  • Reduces dramatically the potential hazard of handling fine metallic powders when compared to SLM or Binder Jetting
  • Specially designed for open FFF 3D printers
  • BASF begins the commercialization of Ultrafuse 316L with iGo3D, Ultimaker, and MatterHackers

With Ultrafuse 316L, BASF 3D Printing Solutions launches an innovative metal- polymer composite for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) into the market. It enables the safe, simple, and cost-efficient production of fully metal parts for prototypes, metal tooling, and functional metal parts in the simplest 3D printing process. After the subsequent industry-standard debinding and sintering, the final 3D printed part is 316L stainless steel.

More information:
BASF 3D Printing Solutions

BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH

Archroma: New Formaldehyde-Free* Low Temperature Curing Binder © Archroma
Screen capture of Archroma’s video on Archroma's Cool Print system based on the new Helizarin® LTC New, a formaldehyde-free* low temperature curing liquid binder for pigment printing on all kinds of fibers.

Archroma: New Formaldehyde-Free* Low Temperature Curing Binder

  • For Soft Vibrant And Durable Pigment Prints

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Helizarin® LTC New liq, a formaldehyde-free* low temperature curing binder for pigment printing on all kinds of fibers.

Prints are increasingly popular in apparel and interior textiles, as they allow us to express ourselves through vibrant colors and patterns. Consumers are especially drawn to the soft touch of an elegantly printed fabric.

Creating soft and vibrant prints can however be challenging for textile manufacturers: Pigment printing is usually applied to the fabric with a binder that often contains formaldehyde, needs a high temperature for curing, and can make the fabric harsh to the touch.

That is why Archroma developed its new Helizarin® LTC New to allow textile manufacturers to address these challenges.

  • For Soft Vibrant And Durable Pigment Prints

Reinach, Switzerland - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, has recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Helizarin® LTC New liq, a formaldehyde-free* low temperature curing binder for pigment printing on all kinds of fibers.

Prints are increasingly popular in apparel and interior textiles, as they allow us to express ourselves through vibrant colors and patterns. Consumers are especially drawn to the soft touch of an elegantly printed fabric.

Creating soft and vibrant prints can however be challenging for textile manufacturers: Pigment printing is usually applied to the fabric with a binder that often contains formaldehyde, needs a high temperature for curing, and can make the fabric harsh to the touch.

That is why Archroma developed its new Helizarin® LTC New to allow textile manufacturers to address these challenges.

The innovation was developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

Helizarin® LTC New is a binder designed for low temperature curing or no curing. This allows to reduce the fixation temperature and time compared to conventional pigment printing processes. In addition, manufacturers will not experience the change of shades that sometimes occur with high temperature processes.

When using Helizarin® LTC New, textile manufacturers can therefore improve the productivity of their printing process and reduce their energy consumption.

Helizarin® LTC New is also a welcome solution for textile manufacturers who do not have curing equipment, since it offers similar to better fastness than commodity binders that have been treated through a full process, and excellent fastness on synthetic fibers such as polyester and polyamide.

When it comes to the final result on the fabric, Helizarin® LTC New allows the creation of soft and durable prints for premium quality articles.

The new product will be the core of Archroma's Cool Print, a complete formaldehyde-free* system that keeps printed textiles soft and durable, and the planet cooler.

The system, which combines Helizarin® LTC New with Luprintol® softening and fixing auxiliaries and Printofix® pigment preparations, allows manufacturers to realize potential savings of up to 30% in processing time, 45% in energy consumption and 44% CO2 emissions – compared to benchmark pigment printing.

Helizarin® LTC New, as well as the Cool Print system, is formaldehyde free* and registered under REACH. It can be used in line with the ZDHC & bluesign® requirements, is compliant with the Oeko-Tex Std 100 Class 1 standard for baby wear, and with the MRSL of the most major brands.

“Helizarin® LTC New was developed by Archroma’s R&D team together with experts at our Global Competence Center for Printing, based in Barcelona, Spain”, says Joaquin Femat, Head of Business Development for Printing, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, at Archroma. “As The Archroma Way is based on Safe, Efficient and Enhanced as its three pillars, we designed an innovation that offers our customers a balanced combination of resource optimization, safe handling, and controlled effluent. Because it’s our nature!”

More information:
Archroma Helizarin Farben


Sappi (c) Sappi

Sappi: Innovation meets sustainability

Sappi to present its innovative papers and packaging solutions at FachPack 2019

Environmentally friendly packaging is a hot topic worldwide. Sappi has been a pioneer in the field of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for years. The company will present its latest innovations at Stand 9-260 at FachPack in Nuremberg. Alongside barrier papers, these include the heat-sealable Sappi Seal paper. This is notable for being completely recyclable and can replace existing PE-coated packaging. The recently launched Atelier paperboard will be another focus of the trade fair presentation. This offers brilliant colour reproduction and a silky touch and feel.

Sappi to present its innovative papers and packaging solutions at FachPack 2019

Environmentally friendly packaging is a hot topic worldwide. Sappi has been a pioneer in the field of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for years. The company will present its latest innovations at Stand 9-260 at FachPack in Nuremberg. Alongside barrier papers, these include the heat-sealable Sappi Seal paper. This is notable for being completely recyclable and can replace existing PE-coated packaging. The recently launched Atelier paperboard will be another focus of the trade fair presentation. This offers brilliant colour reproduction and a silky touch and feel.

More information:
Sappi FachPack



Rieter: First Half of 2019 Characterized by Low Demand in the New Machinery Business

  • Order intake in the first• Order intake in the first half of 2019 amounted to CHF 378.3 million, 26% below the previous year period
  • At CHF 416.1 million, sales were 19% down on the previous year period
  • EBIT of CHF -1.2 million and net profit of CHF -3.8 million
  • Implementation of cost-cutting measures proceeding according to plan
  • Innovations successfully launched at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona
  • Major order from Egypt signed – worth around CHF 180 million
  • Completion of real estate sale in Ingolstadt (Germany) expected in the third quarter 2019
  • Outlook unchanged compared to spring 2019

In the first half of 2019, Rieter posted an order intake of CHF 378.3 million (first half year 2018: CHF 511.8 million). This represents a decline of around 26% compared to the previous year period. As already reported, the main reason was low demand in the new machinery business (Business Group Machines & Systems: -34%). Rieter understands that market share remained unchanged at the previous year’s level of around 30%.

  • Order intake in the first• Order intake in the first half of 2019 amounted to CHF 378.3 million, 26% below the previous year period
  • At CHF 416.1 million, sales were 19% down on the previous year period
  • EBIT of CHF -1.2 million and net profit of CHF -3.8 million
  • Implementation of cost-cutting measures proceeding according to plan
  • Innovations successfully launched at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona
  • Major order from Egypt signed – worth around CHF 180 million
  • Completion of real estate sale in Ingolstadt (Germany) expected in the third quarter 2019
  • Outlook unchanged compared to spring 2019

In the first half of 2019, Rieter posted an order intake of CHF 378.3 million (first half year 2018: CHF 511.8 million). This represents a decline of around 26% compared to the previous year period. As already reported, the main reason was low demand in the new machinery business (Business Group Machines & Systems: -34%). Rieter understands that market share remained unchanged at the previous year’s level of around 30%. Order backlog as at June 30, 2019 was CHF 295 million (December 31, 2018: CHF 325 million).

More information:
Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Management AG

HeiQ Photo: Shutterstock

HeiQ: PFC-free DWR with dry cleaning durability

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ launches new fluorocarbon-free (PFC-free) products in their HeiQ Eco Dry product family for a full range of durable water repellence (DWR) technologies, for outdoor apparel to footwear and fashion. The newly introduced products are durable to dry cleaning.

Consumers of water repellent jackets, pants and footwear think it is important that products are made of environmentally-friendly materials and are PFC-free1. HeiQ Eco Dry is a family of innovative, eco-friendly and PFC-free water repellent textile technologies that provide protection against water and water-based stains. As of August 2018, HeiQ Eco Dry has a brand awareness of 8% in the US among water repellent gear consumers1. By adding new products to the range, HeiQ now has a broad range of DWR solutions for outdoor apparel, footwear and fashion markets.

Swiss textile innovator HeiQ launches new fluorocarbon-free (PFC-free) products in their HeiQ Eco Dry product family for a full range of durable water repellence (DWR) technologies, for outdoor apparel to footwear and fashion. The newly introduced products are durable to dry cleaning.

Consumers of water repellent jackets, pants and footwear think it is important that products are made of environmentally-friendly materials and are PFC-free1. HeiQ Eco Dry is a family of innovative, eco-friendly and PFC-free water repellent textile technologies that provide protection against water and water-based stains. As of August 2018, HeiQ Eco Dry has a brand awareness of 8% in the US among water repellent gear consumers1. By adding new products to the range, HeiQ now has a broad range of DWR solutions for outdoor apparel, footwear and fashion markets.

More information:


 A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH (c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

CYD is a big hit with ‘Denim Triangle’ visitors at ITMA 2019

The new Monforts yarn dyeing technology is being made commercially available at exactly the right time for fabric differentiation and cost efficiencies, if the initial market reaction at ITMA 2019 is anything to go by.

The new Monforts yarn dyeing technology is being made commercially available at exactly the right time for fabric differentiation and cost efficiencies, if the initial market reaction at ITMA 2019 is anything to go by.


Lectra announces the acquisition of Retviews

Lectra announces the signing of an agreement with the shareholders of the Belgium company Retviews to acquire 100% of capital and voting rights.

Founded in 2017, Retviews has developed an innovative technological offer that enables fashion brands to analyze real-time market data, in order to increase their sales and margins. Today, more than 30 brands use Retviews in France and Belgium.

Lectra announces the signing of an agreement with the shareholders of the Belgium company Retviews to acquire 100% of capital and voting rights.

Founded in 2017, Retviews has developed an innovative technological offer that enables fashion brands to analyze real-time market data, in order to increase their sales and margins. Today, more than 30 brands use Retviews in France and Belgium.



archroma Photo: Archroma

Archroma to introduce new water-based ultra-low VOC Coating Technology

Archroma has launched at the recent ITMA exhibition its new Lurapret® N5396 & N5392 liq, a water-based ultra-low VOC polyurethane (PU) polymer coating technology.

The innovation was developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

Coatings are used in the textile industry to achieve features such as waterproofness, flexibility, durability and UV resistance. With the growing demand for safer and more ecological products, water-based PU coatings are progressively prevailing as the preferred coating technology.

Archroma has launched at the recent ITMA exhibition its new Lurapret® N5396 & N5392 liq, a water-based ultra-low VOC polyurethane (PU) polymer coating technology.

The innovation was developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

Coatings are used in the textile industry to achieve features such as waterproofness, flexibility, durability and UV resistance. With the growing demand for safer and more ecological products, water-based PU coatings are progressively prevailing as the preferred coating technology.

More information:
Archroma ITMA 2019


ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


LENZING™ fibers help to improve the quality of life for butterfly children

  • Undergarments, pajamas and bed linens tested for months
  • Moisture management of fibers reduce sweating and hence itching
  • Soft and smooth fibers lead to fewer skin injuries

The Lenzing Group has been providing both financial support and textiles made of its fibers to DEBRA Austria, the patient organization for “butterfly children”. The TENCEL™ branded lyocell and modal fibers which are being used are particularly soft and smooth and therefore very skin-friendly. In turn, they help to improve the quality of life for the “butterfly children”.

  • Undergarments, pajamas and bed linens tested for months
  • Moisture management of fibers reduce sweating and hence itching
  • Soft and smooth fibers lead to fewer skin injuries

The Lenzing Group has been providing both financial support and textiles made of its fibers to DEBRA Austria, the patient organization for “butterfly children”. The TENCEL™ branded lyocell and modal fibers which are being used are particularly soft and smooth and therefore very skin-friendly. In turn, they help to improve the quality of life for the “butterfly children”.

In recent months, several patients with the skin disorder Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) have tested leggings, undergarments, pajamas, leggings, quilts and bed linens made of TENCEL™ fibers and have found them to be comfortable and skin-friendly. The skin of EB patients is fragile like the wings of a butterfly. For this reason, coarse fibers, scratching seams, buttons, zippers and fibers which hardly or do not at all absorb sweat frequently lead to additional blisters and sores and increased itching. In contrast, TENCEL™ fibers feature particularly good moisture management and thus support the nature temperature-regulating properties of the body.


More information:
Lenzing Gruppe Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG

(c) Mayer & Cie.

Mayer & Cie. presents most productive mattress machine in the market

At this year’s ITMA Mayer & Cie. presented its new OVJA 2.4 EM mattress machine. Fully electronic, it produces up to 30 kilograms of fabric per hour, which demonstrably makes it the most productive  machine of its kind in the world. It also scores points for ease of use and the variety of patterns it can produce. The highly productive mattress machine was a perfect match for this year’s Mayer & Cie. ITMA focus on sport. To be at the top in the long term you need to strike a balance between peaks of physical performance and phases of regenerative recovery.

At this year’s ITMA Mayer & Cie. presented its new OVJA 2.4 EM mattress machine. Fully electronic, it produces up to 30 kilograms of fabric per hour, which demonstrably makes it the most productive  machine of its kind in the world. It also scores points for ease of use and the variety of patterns it can produce. The highly productive mattress machine was a perfect match for this year’s Mayer & Cie. ITMA focus on sport. To be at the top in the long term you need to strike a balance between peaks of physical performance and phases of regenerative recovery.

More information:
Mayer & Cie

Bitzer Communications & PR


(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Further benefits and savings with the new Monforts MonforClean

A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG presented an energy-optimised new version of its industry-leading Montex stenter for the first time at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona from June 20-26th.

With the introduction of the new MonforClean exhaust air treatment system and other unique process innovations, Monforts has been able to further reduce the energy consumption of Montex stenters by a further 13%.

Exhaust air treatment on stenter frames has posed particular challenges over the years, since the air can contain significant amounts of oil, fibre and even wax particles that may see emissions limits being reached in the processing of certain fabrics, depending on the legal specifications.

In addressing this issue, Monforts is now incorporating the MonforClean module into the stenter frame, so there is no additional space requirement. At the same time, the costs for laborious secondary installations and the piping of the exhaust air treatment components, as well as supporting structures are eliminated due to the machine configuration.

A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG presented an energy-optimised new version of its industry-leading Montex stenter for the first time at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona from June 20-26th.

With the introduction of the new MonforClean exhaust air treatment system and other unique process innovations, Monforts has been able to further reduce the energy consumption of Montex stenters by a further 13%.

Exhaust air treatment on stenter frames has posed particular challenges over the years, since the air can contain significant amounts of oil, fibre and even wax particles that may see emissions limits being reached in the processing of certain fabrics, depending on the legal specifications.

In addressing this issue, Monforts is now incorporating the MonforClean module into the stenter frame, so there is no additional space requirement. At the same time, the costs for laborious secondary installations and the piping of the exhaust air treatment components, as well as supporting structures are eliminated due to the machine configuration.

(c) Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: Introduction of CYD multi-colour yarn dyeing system at ITMA 2019

A revolutionary new system for yarn dyeing based on the proven Econtrol® dyeing system for fabrics will be introduced by A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, from June 20-26.

This latest CYD denim processing technology integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparatory processes – spinning, direct beaming, warping and assembly beaming, followed by sizing and dyeing – in order to increase quality, flexibility, economic viability and productivity.

“Denim finishing is a field in which Monforts has an undisputed lead and we have been working closely with our many partners in the key denim manufacturing countries of China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Mexico and Brazil to develop new advanced solutions,” says Monforts Head of Denim Hans Gerhard Wroblowski. “The CYD system has been developed in response to a very strong market demand.”

A revolutionary new system for yarn dyeing based on the proven Econtrol® dyeing system for fabrics will be introduced by A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, from June 20-26.

This latest CYD denim processing technology integrates new functions and processes into the weaving preparatory processes – spinning, direct beaming, warping and assembly beaming, followed by sizing and dyeing – in order to increase quality, flexibility, economic viability and productivity.

“Denim finishing is a field in which Monforts has an undisputed lead and we have been working closely with our many partners in the key denim manufacturing countries of China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Mexico and Brazil to develop new advanced solutions,” says Monforts Head of Denim Hans Gerhard Wroblowski. “The CYD system has been developed in response to a very strong market demand.”


PIAVE MAITEX presents smart performance with “AGAIN” line

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

More information:

GB Network marketing communication


New Consortium HAICoPAS targets innovative solutions for carbon thermoplastic composite structures

Hexcel, Arkema and their partners are pleased to announce that their joint collaborative project “HAICoPAS” has received approval from Bpifrance and the support (grant of 6 million euros) of France’s Investissements d’Avenir program.

HAICoPAS project is a collaborative project with a total amount of 13.5 million euros lead by Hexcel and Arkema and their industrial partners (Ingecal, Coriolis Composites, Pinette Emidecau Industries (PEI) et l'Institut de Soudure), and academia lead by CNRS (PIMM (CNRS - Arts et Métiers ParisTech - le Cnam), LTEN (CNRS - Université de Nantes). This project follows last year’s announcement of the strategic partnership between Hexcel and Arkema to develop high performance PEKK/carbon fiber UD tapes targeting composite parts for primary aerospace structures.

Hexcel, Arkema and their partners are pleased to announce that their joint collaborative project “HAICoPAS” has received approval from Bpifrance and the support (grant of 6 million euros) of France’s Investissements d’Avenir program.

HAICoPAS project is a collaborative project with a total amount of 13.5 million euros lead by Hexcel and Arkema and their industrial partners (Ingecal, Coriolis Composites, Pinette Emidecau Industries (PEI) et l'Institut de Soudure), and academia lead by CNRS (PIMM (CNRS - Arts et Métiers ParisTech - le Cnam), LTEN (CNRS - Université de Nantes). This project follows last year’s announcement of the strategic partnership between Hexcel and Arkema to develop high performance PEKK/carbon fiber UD tapes targeting composite parts for primary aerospace structures.



Screen capture of Archroma’s video on Archroma's Fast Sport based on Foron® SP-WF, a range of high wet-fast disperse dyes for sportswear and active wear applications. © Archroma

ARCHROMA: New Range for High Wet-Fast Color in Sportswear

Reinach, Switzerland  - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Foron® SP-WF, a range of high wet-fast disperse dyes for sportswear and active wear applications.

The Foron® SP-WF dyes are especially suited for the coloration of polyester fibers and microfibers, and polyester/elastane blends, in exhaustion application.
The Foron® SP-WF dyes were developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

Reinach, Switzerland  - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Foron® SP-WF, a range of high wet-fast disperse dyes for sportswear and active wear applications.

The Foron® SP-WF dyes are especially suited for the coloration of polyester fibers and microfibers, and polyester/elastane blends, in exhaustion application.
The Foron® SP-WF dyes were developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

The new product is at the core of Archroma's Fast Sport, a coloration system for polyester knitted sportswear, providing the best fastness in the shortest possible time with a reduced environmental footprint.
The Foron® SP-WF range which includes primary and ternary color grades has been developed to fulfil the high color wet fastness and performance requirements of sportswear manufacturers and brands.
Moreover, the core ternary color grades enable deep shades at lower dyeing temperatures on sensitive polyester/elastane fabrics without causing excessive fiber damage, saving energy resources and meeting the high fastness demand of leading brand companies.

When using Foron® SP-WF dyes as part of the Fast Sport system, manufacturers can in many cases have the potential to significantly reduce their consumption of time, energy, chemical, and water, as well as their CO2 emissions.

“We see a growing demand for apparel in the sportswear and active wear segment, reinforced with the now installed athleisure trend,” says Mark Dohmen, Head of Archroma’s Competence Center Automotive and Synthetic Dyes. “Consumers want deep color that stays put on the fiber and brands are defining their requirements accordingly. With our Foron® SP-WF, we can offer to manufacturers of sportswear textiles a solution that combines high levels of wet fastness with high productivity and low resource consumption. Because it’s our nature!”

More information:
Archroma Sportswear Fibers



Asia-Pacific composites community to meet at JEC Asia and eMove360° Asia

JEC Asia is the major, most insightful composites event in Asia-Pacific for products, solutions, net-working, and advanced industry thinking - 3 full days of Business, Innovation & Knowledge


  • 7,000+ professional visits
  • 245+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 450+ business meetings
  • Startup Booster competition
  • Innovation awards and planet
  • In parallel to eMove360° Asia

Paris - For its 12th edition and third time in Seoul, JEC Asia 2019 will gather companies from the entire composites value chain in Asia Pacific to present their latest capabilities and innovations to the composites community and the strategic end-user’s market including: Mobility, Aeronautics, Building & Construction. This year more than 245 exhibiting companies are expected with thousands of professionals from 49
countries to network, exchange ideas, explore new opportunities and strengthen their business partnerships.

JEC Asia is the major, most insightful composites event in Asia-Pacific for products, solutions, net-working, and advanced industry thinking - 3 full days of Business, Innovation & Knowledge


  • 7,000+ professional visits
  • 245+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 450+ business meetings
  • Startup Booster competition
  • Innovation awards and planet
  • In parallel to eMove360° Asia

Paris - For its 12th edition and third time in Seoul, JEC Asia 2019 will gather companies from the entire composites value chain in Asia Pacific to present their latest capabilities and innovations to the composites community and the strategic end-user’s market including: Mobility, Aeronautics, Building & Construction. This year more than 245 exhibiting companies are expected with thousands of professionals from 49
countries to network, exchange ideas, explore new opportunities and strengthen their business partnerships.

Addressing the impact of composites in Mobility 4.0

During the press conference held in Seoul on July 9th to introduce JEC Asia 2019 and eMove Asia 360° main features, a roundtable gathering speakers, experts and academics from prestigious Korean research centers specialized in carbon and composites — along with Hyundai Motor and KCTech composites experts, eMove360°’s CEO & Publisher and Korean Electric Vehicle Association representatives — exchanged their views on the impact of composites in today's and tomorrow's mobility in the world with a focus on the Korean market. Discussions centered around the challenges raised by Mobility 4.0 (electric connected and autonomous vehicles) and how composites can offer highly adapted solutions for the new challenges faced by this sector, particularly in the context of the rising electrification of vehicles.

Hence, the 2019 edition of JEC Asia will welcome for the first time the eMove360° ASIA exhibition and conferences focusing on Trends in electric & autonomous mobility, Battery & Powertrain and Charging & Energy.

Celebrating Innovation and Knowledge

JEC Asia 2019 will also host the 2nd leg of the JEC Startup Booster competition, the leading startup competition in the world of composites will enable companies to find and assess innovations with a potential impact on their respective industry. The 10 finalists selected in the region by a prestigious jury, will pitch their project to win a chance to showcase their work at JEC World 2020 in Paris. The JEC Innovation Awards is a long-established and worldwide program with 3 simple goals: identify, promote and reward the most innovative composite solutions in the world. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Program has involved 1,800 companies worldwide; 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations. The award ceremony will take place on the second day of JEC Asia, on November 14th, 2019.

JEC Asia 2019 will also feature a fulfilling conference program with experts from the industry giving their insights on the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

JEC Asia 2019 conferences main themes will focus on:

• International Carbon Festival Conference organized with our partner, KCTech.
• Automotive composite golden triangle: low CAPEX, low cost but high volume
• Automotive hybrid solutions: take the best of each material
• Aeronautics: faster processes and new materials
• Business opportunities (Raw materials, Process, Application, Countries, Region)
Finally, JEC Asia offers the opportunity to visit Composites sites. This year professionals will live a full experience of South Korea composites Industry visiting: Hanyang University, Kookmin University with Hankuk Carbon, Win & Win Co or Korean Carbon with KCTech in Jeonju.

See you @JEC Asia 2019 and eMove360° Asia, November 13 to 15,  Seoul Coex Convention and Exhibition Center
