From the Sector

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Photo Autoneum

Autoneum’s Re-Liner nominated as finalist for 2023 PACE Award

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Re-Liner is based on a core of polyolefins recovered from post-consumer bumpers and has a textile top layer made of fibers from recycled materials. “Autoneum has recognized the untapped potential of recovered resin from automotive bumper covers as a resource and is giving this former waste product a second life,” explained Dan Moler. “The core resin of Re-Liner is 100% automotive post-consumer recycled material, not just a filler or additive to a virgin material. Lightweight, durable, and sustainable wheelhouse outer liners based on this technology are expected to reduce waste generated by bumper covers by nearly one million kilograms in 2023.”

For more than a quarter century of a century, the PACE Award has honored innovations driven by automotive suppliers. The award is known in the global automotive industry for identifying and recognizing the latest game-changing innovation: from the plant floor to the product to the showroom. In 2000, Autoneum (then Rieter Automotive) already received a PACE Award for its Ultra-Light technology. In addition, two of the Company’s technologies have also been nominated as finalists in the past: Ultra-Silent in 2010 and Theta-Fiber in 2012.

More information:
Autoneum Re-Liner PACE award


Hochschule Kaiserslautern – Campus Pirmasens: Modelltechnik Foto Hochschule Kaiserslautern – Campus Pirmasens
Hochschule Kaiserslautern – Campus Pirmasens: Modelltechnik

DEICHMANN-Stiftung vergibt Stipendien für "Leder- und Textiltechnik"

Schuheinzelhändler unterstützt Hochschule in der Schuhstadt Pirmasens mit Stipendien: Europas größter Schuheinzelhändler DEICHMANN vergibt zum kommenden Wintersemester zehn Stipendien für den bundesweit einzigartigen Studiengang „Leder- und Textiltechnik“.

In Pirmasens vereinen sich Wissen und fundierten Fachkompetenz rund um das Schuhwerk. Dafür steht neben der Deutschen Schuhfachschule und dem International Shoe Competence Center ISC insbesondere der Campus Pirmasens der Hochschule Kaiserslautern mit seinem Studiengang für Lederverarbeitung und Schuhtechnik.

Die DEICHMANN-Stiftung hat mit der Hochschule Kaiserslautern eine Vereinbarung zur Förderung von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten im Rahmen des Deutschlandstipendiums an ihrem Standort in Pirmasens geschlossen. Das Unternehmen wird zum kommenden Wintersemester zehn Stipendien im Studiengang „Leder- und Textiltechnik“ fördern. Im Zuge dessen erhalten die Studierenden ein Jahr lang eine monatliche Förderung von jeweils insgesamt 300 Euro.

Schuheinzelhändler unterstützt Hochschule in der Schuhstadt Pirmasens mit Stipendien: Europas größter Schuheinzelhändler DEICHMANN vergibt zum kommenden Wintersemester zehn Stipendien für den bundesweit einzigartigen Studiengang „Leder- und Textiltechnik“.

In Pirmasens vereinen sich Wissen und fundierten Fachkompetenz rund um das Schuhwerk. Dafür steht neben der Deutschen Schuhfachschule und dem International Shoe Competence Center ISC insbesondere der Campus Pirmasens der Hochschule Kaiserslautern mit seinem Studiengang für Lederverarbeitung und Schuhtechnik.

Die DEICHMANN-Stiftung hat mit der Hochschule Kaiserslautern eine Vereinbarung zur Förderung von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten im Rahmen des Deutschlandstipendiums an ihrem Standort in Pirmasens geschlossen. Das Unternehmen wird zum kommenden Wintersemester zehn Stipendien im Studiengang „Leder- und Textiltechnik“ fördern. Im Zuge dessen erhalten die Studierenden ein Jahr lang eine monatliche Förderung von jeweils insgesamt 300 Euro.

Ausgezeichnete Berufsaussichten in wachstumsstarken Branchen
Der bundesweit einzigartige Bachelor-Studiengang in Pirmasens vermittelt fundierte Kenntnisse entlang der Wertschöpfungskette der Textil- und Lederindustrie. Er orientiert sich an aktuellen Marktanforderungen und dem vermehrten Einsatz von gewichtsreduzierenden und nachhaltigen Materialen. Zur Vermittlung des dafür nötigen Wissens verknüpft der Studiengang die Grundlagen der Ingenieurswissenschaften, Materialkunde und Polymerchemie mit praxisnahen Bereichen wie Qualitätsmanagement, Materialprüfung, CAD-Design, Prozessdigitalisierung, Schuhfertigung und Nachhaltigkeit in der Textil- und Lederindustrie. Nach dem Abschluss bietet den Absolventen ein Ingenieurtitel ausgezeichnete Berufsaussichten in wachstumsstarken Branchen. Auch das Unternehmen DEICHMANN beschäftigt eine ganze Reihe von Absolventen des Studiengangs, etwa in den Bereichen Qualitätssicherung, Schuhtechnik oder Nachhaltigkeit.

Das vielseitige Studienangebot der Hochschule Kaiserslautern umfasst mehr als 70 Studiengänge - von Virtual Design über Elektrotechnik, Applied Live Sciences, Architektur, Informatik, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaft und Recht bis hin zu Pharmazie und Chemie. Dieses vielfältige Know-how in der Lehre und Forschung kommt der gesamten Hochschule und allen Studienrichtungen zugute.

Informationen zum Stipendium
Informationen zum Stipendium sind erhältlich bei Christian Schwarz (telefonisch unter 0631 3724-7094 und per Mail an oder beim Referat Wirtschaft und Transfer (; Christian Schwarz beantwortet auch Fragen zum Studiengang und Schwerpunkt Lederverarbeitung und Schuhtechnik. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter Eine Anmeldung ist ab sofort bis zur Einschreibung möglich.


ars publicandi für Deichmann

AlphaTauri_AW23_DrivenBy_Group Shot feat ANNE and TESS Foto Laurent Humbert für AlphaTauri

AlphaTauri: Herbst / Winter 2023 Kampagne mit Red Bull Athleten

AlphaTauri, Premium-Fashion Brand von Red Bull, launcht die neue Herbst / Winter 2023 Kampagne mit ausgewählten Red Bull Athleten. „Friends of the Brand“ von AlphaTauri erhalten so erstmalig eine Plattform im direkten Markenumfeld.

In der neuen AW23 Kampagne “Driven by” erzählen F1® Fahrer Yuki Tsunoda der Scuderia AlphaTauri, die Handballspielerin Tess Lieder sowie die Feldhockeyspielerin Anne Veenendaal, was sie antreibt.

Die Kampagne unterstützt die strategische Ausrichtung der Premium Fashion Brand, die globale Awareness der Marke sowie die Positionierung im Premium Lifestyle Bereich zu stärken.

AlphaTauri, Premium-Fashion Brand von Red Bull, launcht die neue Herbst / Winter 2023 Kampagne mit ausgewählten Red Bull Athleten. „Friends of the Brand“ von AlphaTauri erhalten so erstmalig eine Plattform im direkten Markenumfeld.

In der neuen AW23 Kampagne “Driven by” erzählen F1® Fahrer Yuki Tsunoda der Scuderia AlphaTauri, die Handballspielerin Tess Lieder sowie die Feldhockeyspielerin Anne Veenendaal, was sie antreibt.

Die Kampagne unterstützt die strategische Ausrichtung der Premium Fashion Brand, die globale Awareness der Marke sowie die Positionierung im Premium Lifestyle Bereich zu stärken.

Im Zentrum der Kampagne stehen drei Charaktere. Sie geben individuelle Einblicke in das, was sie motiviert, was Mode für sie bedeutet und was es heißt, Teil der AlphaTauri Familie zu sein. Die Protagonisten und deren Persönlichkeiten werden in reduzierter schwarz/weiß-Ästhetik portraitiert. Was die unterschiedlichen Individuen vereint, ist der stetige Anreiz zu bester Performance und Perfektion, sowie die Begeisterung für Innovationen. Die persönliche Einblicke der Talente repräsentieren gleichzeitig den Markenkern von AlphaTauri. Fotografiert wurde die neue Herbst / Winter 2023 Kampagne in London von dem Fotografen Laurent Humbert.

Die Kampagne unterstützt die strategische Ausrichtung der Premium Fashion Brand, die globale Awareness der Marke sowie die Positionierung im Premium Lifestyle Bereich zu stärken.

More information:
AlphaTauri Red Bull Kampagne

OnSpot Media für AlphaTauri


Eröffnung von Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe & Showroom

Am Montag, 18. September 2023 findet von 12 - 16 Uhr die Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms in Köln statt.

Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse hat die Anforderungen an Unternehmen stark verändert. Gerade für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wirft die digitale Transformation viele Fragen auf. Nicht zuletzt die Frage nach neuen Modellen der Arbeit, Technologien und der Kooperation, mit denen die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bewältigt werden können.

Welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten und Mittelständler auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen der Zukunft unterstützen kann, wird anlässlich der offiziellen Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms des Transferpartners DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND – ZGV im FRÜH am Dom in Köln vorgestellt.

Am Montag, 18. September 2023 findet von 12 - 16 Uhr die Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms in Köln statt.

Eine zunehmende Digitalisierung vieler Arbeitsprozesse hat die Anforderungen an Unternehmen stark verändert. Gerade für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen wirft die digitale Transformation viele Fragen auf. Nicht zuletzt die Frage nach neuen Modellen der Arbeit, Technologien und der Kooperation, mit denen die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bewältigt werden können.

Welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten und Mittelständler auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen der Zukunft unterstützen kann, wird anlässlich der offiziellen Eröffnung des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrums Smarte Kreisläufe und des Showrooms des Transferpartners DER MITTELSTANDSVERBUND – ZGV im FRÜH am Dom in Köln vorgestellt.

Keynote-Vortragende ist Andrea Schmitz, die als Managing Partner der Berliner Transformationsberatung St. Oberholz, systemisch ausgebildete Organisations- und Teamentwicklerin, (Agile) Coach und SCRUM-Master eine Expertise für die Themen der ganzheitlichen Transformationsbegleitung und Teamentwicklungen besitzt. In ihrem Vortrag mit dem Titel „Neues Arbeiten für die digitale Welt: Die Bedeutung von New Work im Wandel“ spricht sie über Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, wie mittelständische Unternehmen in Zeiten ständiger Transformation wirksam agieren können. Sie erklärt, welche Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Einstellungen sowohl Führungskräfte als auch Mitarbeitende benötigen, um in der digitalen Ära nachhaltig erfolgreich zu sein und zukunftsfähig zu bleiben.

Eine anschließende Podiumsdiskussion greift das Thema auf und beleuchtet mit Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft diskutieren, vor welchen Herausforderungen Unternehmen aktuell stehen, wie sie sich den neuen Aufgaben stellen und welchen Beitrag das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe leisten kann.


Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie e. V.

Im Austausch über die PFAS-Problematik und deren Lösungen. © Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Aufbereitungstechnologie für PFAS in kontaminiertem Wasser und Abwasser marktreif

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Zukunftsrelevante Technologien wie Brennstoffzellen oder Li-Ionen-Batterien, Alltagsprodukte wie Outdoor-Textilien oder Kosmetika, diverse Funktionsbeschichtungen und Feuerlöschmittel enthalten PFAS. Für zahlreiche der genannten Anwendungen gibt es noch keine fluorfreien Alternativen. Der nationale Wasserstoffrat empfiehlt aus diesem Grund eine vertiefende Forschung und Ausnahmeregelungen, bis umweltfreundliche Lösungen verfügbar sind.

Aufbereitungskosten minimieren und Umwelt schonen
Das Fraunhofer UMSICHT und Cornelsen waren mit Beginn ihrer Forschungsaktivitäten zu PFAS im Jahr 2008 die Ersten in Deutschland, die sich mit deren anspruchsvoller Beseitigung aus kontaminiertem Grundwasser, Sickerwasser und Industrieabwasser beschäftigten. Gemeinsam wurde das patentgeschützte PerfluorAd®-Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem sich PFAS effektiv und kostengünstig aus Löschwasser entfernen lassen. Die am Brandort verbleibenden PFAS-haltigen Reste an Schaum bzw. Wasser werden direkt aufgefangen – z. B. in speziellen Löschwasser-Auffangbecken von Industrieanlagen. Die anschließende Aufbereitung und Dekontaminierung kann, je nach Begebenheit, vor Ort oder extern erfolgen.

Mittlerweile hat Cornelsen viele unterschiedliche Wasseraufbereitungsprojekte und Dekontaminierungen von PFAS-belasteten Systemen durchgeführt. Das PerfluorAd®-Verfahren ist auf weitere Anwendungsfälle übertragbar und lässt sich mit verschiedenen PFAS-Aufbereitungstechnologien wie Ionenaustausch, Membranverfahren oder Aktivkohleadsorption kombinieren.

Während Cornelsen die verfahrenstechnische Umsetzung verantwortet, hat das Fraunhofer UMSICHT in den Bereichen Analytik, Chemie und IP zum Gelingen des PerfluorAd®-Verfahrens beigetragen.


SGS and FibreTrace® develop Fiber Integrity Protocol

SGS and FibreTrace®, a digital and physical traceability provider in traceable fiber technology, have joined forces to develop a new Fiber Integrity Protocol for the textile industry.

The partnership will support brands worldwide to strengthen confidence in product claims made across a range of materials through the integration of traceability technologies, such as FibreTrace® MAPPED and FibreTrace® Verified, with robustly audited pathways.

Work has begun on the development of the protocol which will combine testing, verification, chain of custody checking and product markers. To further enhance the robust implementation of verification and compliance across the full value chain, SGS is also supporting FibreTrace® to:

SGS and FibreTrace®, a digital and physical traceability provider in traceable fiber technology, have joined forces to develop a new Fiber Integrity Protocol for the textile industry.

The partnership will support brands worldwide to strengthen confidence in product claims made across a range of materials through the integration of traceability technologies, such as FibreTrace® MAPPED and FibreTrace® Verified, with robustly audited pathways.

Work has begun on the development of the protocol which will combine testing, verification, chain of custody checking and product markers. To further enhance the robust implementation of verification and compliance across the full value chain, SGS is also supporting FibreTrace® to:

  • Support suppliers to demonstrate compliance and accurate reporting within the FibreTrace® digital platform
  • Review the compliance and traceability of fibers and materials prior to the application of FibreTrace® physical technology (for example at recycled polyester collection points)
  • Help brands and retailers to carry out on-site scanning and to verify fibers with the use of FibreTrace® physical and digital technology
More information:
SGS FibreTrace® fibres


Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

  • Aloe vera: Known for its skin-smoothing and softening properties.
  • Avocado seed oil: Known for its skin-moisturizing capabilities.
  • CBD: Known for its relaxation properties.
  • Multivitamin: A blend of provitamin D, vitamins C and E, and ginger.
  • Vitamin E: Known to offer protection against free radicals and premature aging

Devan Chemicals NV


Kornit Digital: Release of Third-Annual Impact Report

Kornit Digital LTD. issued its Impact Report for 2022, highlighting the Company’s progress against its long-term goals related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and workplace diversity. This third-annual report reinforces Kornit’s commitment to an Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) strategy that aims to transform the fashion and textile industry into one that is significantly more sustainable and ethical.

“As a change-maker and leader in fashion and textiles, we take our responsibility seriously to foster an industry that is cleaner and safer, as well as one that is more responsible and diverse,” said Ronen Samuel, Chief Executive Officer at Kornit Digital. “We consider ourselves an agent of long- term industry-wide change by enabling our customers to be more sustainable, while also minimizing the social and environmental impact of our operations. The Kornit 2022 Impact Report reflects this commitment to transforming the industry and creating a brighter future for the planet and the people who inhabit it.”

Kornit Digital LTD. issued its Impact Report for 2022, highlighting the Company’s progress against its long-term goals related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and workplace diversity. This third-annual report reinforces Kornit’s commitment to an Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) strategy that aims to transform the fashion and textile industry into one that is significantly more sustainable and ethical.

“As a change-maker and leader in fashion and textiles, we take our responsibility seriously to foster an industry that is cleaner and safer, as well as one that is more responsible and diverse,” said Ronen Samuel, Chief Executive Officer at Kornit Digital. “We consider ourselves an agent of long- term industry-wide change by enabling our customers to be more sustainable, while also minimizing the social and environmental impact of our operations. The Kornit 2022 Impact Report reflects this commitment to transforming the industry and creating a brighter future for the planet and the people who inhabit it.”

Download the 2022 Impact Report here.

More information:
Kornit Digital impact report ESG

Kornit Digital

Photo: Optima 3D

Optima 3D delivers weaving technology to ASCC

UK’s Optima 3D is delivering its weaving technology to the USA, for installation at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).

The 3D weaving system consists of an Optima 3D Series 600 shuttle weaving machine with an integrated 2,688-hook Stäubli SX jacquard and harness. It is also complemented by Optima’s compact warp delivery creel and an associated pirn winder for shuttle bobbins and a spool winder for creel spools.

Optima’s looms offer many advanced features over conventional weaving machines, particularly in terms of versatility, as a result of the comprehensive use of digital control systems allowing rapid parameter and sequence changes, coupled with an innovative shuttle system.

UK’s Optima 3D is delivering its weaving technology to the USA, for installation at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC).

The 3D weaving system consists of an Optima 3D Series 600 shuttle weaving machine with an integrated 2,688-hook Stäubli SX jacquard and harness. It is also complemented by Optima’s compact warp delivery creel and an associated pirn winder for shuttle bobbins and a spool winder for creel spools.

Optima’s looms offer many advanced features over conventional weaving machines, particularly in terms of versatility, as a result of the comprehensive use of digital control systems allowing rapid parameter and sequence changes, coupled with an innovative shuttle system.

The ASCC is certainly no stranger to advanced technology, or indeed ambitious composite projects – in 2019 it received no less than three Guinness World Records, for the world’s largest prototype polymer 3D printer, the largest solid 3D-printed object, and the largest 3D-printed boat. In its latest project it has further introduced BioHome3D – the first 3D-printed house made entirely with bio-based materials developed in a partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The 182-square-metre prototype features 3D-printed floors, walls and roof which are fully recyclable and highly insulated with 100% wood insulation and customisable R-values. Construction waste was nearly eliminated due to the precision of the printing process.


British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA)

(c) adidas AG

adidas and Manchester United continue Partnership

adidas and Manchester United Football Club announce the extension of their partnership. Manchester United commenced a historic agreement with adidas at the start of the 2015/16 season, reuniting after 23 years.

The new deal increases the focus on the Manchester United women’s team since their reintroduction in 2018 – continuing Manchester United and adidas’ commitment to drive the women’s game forward.

Manchester United Chief Executive Officer, Richard Arnold said:  
“The relationship between Manchester United and adidas is one of the most iconic in world sport , forged through a shared commitment to style, flair and, most importantly, high performance.

“With its roots in the 1980s, our partnership has been reinvented over the past decade with some of the most innovative designs and technology in sportswear. We are now looking forward to refreshing this powerful partnership again through the remainder of this decade and into the 2030s.”  

adidas and Manchester United Football Club announce the extension of their partnership. Manchester United commenced a historic agreement with adidas at the start of the 2015/16 season, reuniting after 23 years.

The new deal increases the focus on the Manchester United women’s team since their reintroduction in 2018 – continuing Manchester United and adidas’ commitment to drive the women’s game forward.

Manchester United Chief Executive Officer, Richard Arnold said:  
“The relationship between Manchester United and adidas is one of the most iconic in world sport , forged through a shared commitment to style, flair and, most importantly, high performance.

“With its roots in the 1980s, our partnership has been reinvented over the past decade with some of the most innovative designs and technology in sportswear. We are now looking forward to refreshing this powerful partnership again through the remainder of this decade and into the 2030s.”  

Chief Executive Officer at adidas, Bjørn Gulden, said:  
“We are extremely proud to announce the extension of the contract with Manchester United. adidas and Manchester United are two of the most important brands in International Football and it is very natural for us to continue our cooperation. We will combine tradition and innovation to please both the players and the fans. 

More information:
adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG


Carrington Textiles and Pincroft Debut at DALO Industry Days

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) Industry Days event is scheduled to take place from 23rd to 24th August in Denmark. Carrington Textiles and their main manufacturing facility in the UK, Pincroft, will showcase their latest innovations in military textiles.

Carrington Textiles - after recently announcing the launch of the new stretch military ripstop fabric, Spartan HT Flex Lite, and strategically appointing the new Head of Defence and Security Fabrics -  at the event represents the commercial focus on building on an over 90 years of heritage of manufacturing military fabrics.

Likewise, Pincroft’s latest technology in non-skin contact vector protection for defence textiles and the recent involvement in printing the new Dutch Ministry of Defence’s camouflage pattern as part of their army’s uniform programme, are just a few of the textile services that will be presented at the event.

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) Industry Days event is scheduled to take place from 23rd to 24th August in Denmark. Carrington Textiles and their main manufacturing facility in the UK, Pincroft, will showcase their latest innovations in military textiles.

Carrington Textiles - after recently announcing the launch of the new stretch military ripstop fabric, Spartan HT Flex Lite, and strategically appointing the new Head of Defence and Security Fabrics -  at the event represents the commercial focus on building on an over 90 years of heritage of manufacturing military fabrics.

Likewise, Pincroft’s latest technology in non-skin contact vector protection for defence textiles and the recent involvement in printing the new Dutch Ministry of Defence’s camouflage pattern as part of their army’s uniform programme, are just a few of the textile services that will be presented at the event.


Carrington Textiles

(c) Datamars

Datamars: Neue Webplattform zur RFID-Fernverwaltung

Viele Unternehmen nutzen bereits RFID-Technologie, um Textilien automatisch zu verfolgen und zu kontrollieren und so Verbesserungen im Hinblick auf Effizienz, Textilverluste, Kosten und Rentabilität zu erzielen. Sind viele RFID-Geräte an mehreren Standorten installiert, kann deren effektive Verwaltung jedoch herausfordernd sein, und es sind Situationen möglich, die zu einer Verschwendung von Zeit und Ressourcen führen und die Vorteile schmälern können.

Datamars hat vor diesem Hintergrund mit "STORM" eine Webplattform zur zentralen Verwaltung dezentral installierter RFID-Geräte entwickelt. Funktionen wie Geräteüberwachung, Konfigurationsmanagement, vorbeugende Wartung und Fernsupport machen die RFID-Nutzung effizienter und tragen dazu bei, Vor-Ort-Termine und umfangreiche Ausfallzeiten oder Datenverluste zu vermeiden.

Viele Unternehmen nutzen bereits RFID-Technologie, um Textilien automatisch zu verfolgen und zu kontrollieren und so Verbesserungen im Hinblick auf Effizienz, Textilverluste, Kosten und Rentabilität zu erzielen. Sind viele RFID-Geräte an mehreren Standorten installiert, kann deren effektive Verwaltung jedoch herausfordernd sein, und es sind Situationen möglich, die zu einer Verschwendung von Zeit und Ressourcen führen und die Vorteile schmälern können.

Datamars hat vor diesem Hintergrund mit "STORM" eine Webplattform zur zentralen Verwaltung dezentral installierter RFID-Geräte entwickelt. Funktionen wie Geräteüberwachung, Konfigurationsmanagement, vorbeugende Wartung und Fernsupport machen die RFID-Nutzung effizienter und tragen dazu bei, Vor-Ort-Termine und umfangreiche Ausfallzeiten oder Datenverluste zu vermeiden.

Die neue Plattform bietet ein vollständig anpassbares Dashboard, mit dem sich der Status aller RFID-Lesegeräte und ihrer Aktivitäten anhand von Metriken überwachen lässt. Werden im Rahmen der Rund-um-die-Uhr-Überwachung konfigurierte Schwellenwerte überschritten, löst das System einen Alarm aus, der sofort auf der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche (WEB-UI) erscheint und zu einer Nachricht an die konfigurierten Empfänger führtꓸ

Einfache Konfiguration, Gerätesuche und Aktualisierung
Durch ein einfaches Verfahren zur Gerätebereitstellung lassen sich RFID-Geräte sicher zum Kundenkonto hinzufügen und einem Standort zuweisen. Die Standorte werden ebenfalls über die Benutzeroberfläche verwaltet. Anhand von Namen, Standort oder anderen Eigenschaften können die Geräte leicht gefiltert und ausgewählt werden. Die Suchen lassen sich als Benutzerfavoriten speichern, um Gruppen zu erstellen, jederzeit abrufbar sind. Beim Abruf werden Alarme und Verbindungsstatus angezeigt, um sofort RFID-Lesegeräte zu erkennen, die Aufmerksamkeit erfordern.

Alle Parameter der RFID-Lesegeräte lassen sich über die Webplattform fernkonfigurieren, Einstellungen auf mehreren RFID-Lesegeräten gleichzeitig anwenden. Die Einstellungen mehrerer RFID-Lesegeräte sind leicht zu vergleichen. Weiterhin lässt sich die Parameteransicht anpassen und als Favorit speichern. Auch können Konfigurationsvoreinstellungen für die schnelle Einrichtung mehrerer RFID-Lesegeräte erstellt werden.

Firmware und Software der RFID-Geräte sind über STORM zentral aktualisierbar. Dadurch entfallen entsprechende Vor-Ort-Termine, und die Aktualisierungen können zu einem günstigen Zeitpunkt stattfinden. Auch Fehler lassen sich ferngesteuert beheben, eine direkte Verbindung mit einem RFID-Lesegerät und damit Vor-Ort-Besuche oder Remote-Desktop-Sitzungen sind nicht nötig. Wenn ein Kunde zusätzliche Hilfe benötigt, kann er über die Plattform eine Anfrage an das Service- und Supportteam von Datamars senden und ihm vorübergehend Zugriff auf die entsprechenden RFID-Lesegeräte geben. Ist das Problem behoben, wird die Anfrage geschlossen und des Zugriffsrecht wieder entzogen.


Datamars / Industrie-Contact AG

Foreign Minister of Switzerland H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis felicitating Mr. Mujtaba Rahim at the inauguration of "Archroma Wall of Pride". Photo: Archroma
Foreign Minister of Switzerland H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis felicitating Mr. Mujtaba Rahim at the inauguration of "Archroma Wall of Pride".

Foreign minister of Switzerland visits Archroma in Pakistan

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, was highlighted for its advanced sustainable practices and innovation in Pakistan by the Swiss Embassy. Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Mr. Ignazio Cassis who was on an official state visit to Pakistan visited Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi on 9 July 2023 along with high-level officials and three Members of Swiss Parliament.

Mr. Ignazio Cassis was greeted by Archroma employees at the Archroma Center of Excellence. He inaugurated the company’s "Wall of Pride", an impressive collection of recognitions, accolades and honors earned by Archroma in Pakistan since the company’s inception in October 2013.

Mr. Cassis visited the Research & Technology (R&T), Application, Analytical Laboratories & Training Academy spread on three floors at the Archroma Center of Excellence and saw the developmental work in progress. He was shown printing of multi-colored fabrics along with research based developmental analysis in the laboratories.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, was highlighted for its advanced sustainable practices and innovation in Pakistan by the Swiss Embassy. Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Mr. Ignazio Cassis who was on an official state visit to Pakistan visited Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi on 9 July 2023 along with high-level officials and three Members of Swiss Parliament.

Mr. Ignazio Cassis was greeted by Archroma employees at the Archroma Center of Excellence. He inaugurated the company’s "Wall of Pride", an impressive collection of recognitions, accolades and honors earned by Archroma in Pakistan since the company’s inception in October 2013.

Mr. Cassis visited the Research & Technology (R&T), Application, Analytical Laboratories & Training Academy spread on three floors at the Archroma Center of Excellence and saw the developmental work in progress. He was shown printing of multi-colored fabrics along with research based developmental analysis in the laboratories.

The globally acclaimed ‘Zero Liquid Discharge Sustainable Effluent Treatment Plant’ and the aniline-free* indigo produced at Jamshoro were the two of the main highlights showcased as best-in-class sustainable practices in the industry. Presentations and discussions were held on continued enhancement of these landmarks with the local industry.

More information:
Pakistan Archroma


Graphik CHT

CHT Group publishes Sustainability Report 2022

The Sustainability Report 2022, which is now digitally available summarizes key ecological, economic, and social developments.
The report shows that the CHT Group has defined and anchored sustainability as an integral part of its corporate strategy.

  • The group of companies is pursuing the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045
  • At the end of 2021, the CHT Group subscribed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5 °C target
  • 77 % of sales were achieved with sustainably classified products

The issue of sustainability has been anchored in the DNA of the internationally active foundation-owned group of companies for 70 years. No less an aspiration is derived from this than to support all customers with the most innovative, most sustainable products and solutions and thus to become the leading supplier of sustainable chemical products and solutions in all target markets.

The Sustainability Report 2022, which is now digitally available summarizes key ecological, economic, and social developments.
The report shows that the CHT Group has defined and anchored sustainability as an integral part of its corporate strategy.

  • The group of companies is pursuing the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045
  • At the end of 2021, the CHT Group subscribed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and committed to the 1.5 °C target
  • 77 % of sales were achieved with sustainably classified products

The issue of sustainability has been anchored in the DNA of the internationally active foundation-owned group of companies for 70 years. No less an aspiration is derived from this than to support all customers with the most innovative, most sustainable products and solutions and thus to become the leading supplier of sustainable chemical products and solutions in all target markets.

"Climate neutrality" and comprehensive social responsibility  
In the implementation of the sustainability strategy of the CHT Group, the field of action "climate neutrality" takes a central role. The CHT Group has set itself the goal of being climate neutral both in its own production and in the supply chain from the year 2045. The path to climate neutrality by 2045 is illustrated in the report as part of the strategic goal.

In addition to climate protection, social responsibility is also a top priority for the CHT Group. The continuous improvement of health protection and occupational safety is a top priority for the company.

From CHT's point of view, qualified and committed employees make a significant contribution to the company's future success. For this reason, the CHT Group promotes the professional and personal development of its workforce to a high degree and invests in future-oriented and targeted training and further education of its workforce.

For the CHT Group, the respect for human rights is an indispensable pillar of the corporate culture and an essential part of the group-wide Code of Conduct. In 2022, the Human Rights Compliance Policy Statement was developed, and compliance processes and measures were put in place to prevent any violations and identify and mitigate human rights related risks.


More information:
CHT Group Sustainability Report

CHT Gruppe

FET’s stand at ITMA 2023, Milan Photo Fibre Extrusion Technology
FET’s stand at ITMA 2023, Milan

FET completes sequence of exhibitions for 2023

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has completed an international series of exhibitions, culminating in a very successful ITMA 2023, the world’s largest international textile and garment technology exhibition, which took place in Milan, Italy in June.

 “This was a very hectic period for FET, organising participation in three exhibitions in Europe and Asia over a period of less than four months” commented FET’s Managing Director Richard Slack. “However, this provides a great opportunity for smaller specialist companies like FET to raise our profile on the international stage, showing what we can offer, alongside major corporations. Being able to meet so many customers face-to-face, post pandemic also indicates a welcome return to normal business relationships.”

Prior to this was INDEX 23 in April, the world’s leading nonwovens exhibition in Geneva. The exhibition season began earlier in the year with the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has completed an international series of exhibitions, culminating in a very successful ITMA 2023, the world’s largest international textile and garment technology exhibition, which took place in Milan, Italy in June.

 “This was a very hectic period for FET, organising participation in three exhibitions in Europe and Asia over a period of less than four months” commented FET’s Managing Director Richard Slack. “However, this provides a great opportunity for smaller specialist companies like FET to raise our profile on the international stage, showing what we can offer, alongside major corporations. Being able to meet so many customers face-to-face, post pandemic also indicates a welcome return to normal business relationships.”

Prior to this was INDEX 23 in April, the world’s leading nonwovens exhibition in Geneva. The exhibition season began earlier in the year with the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide and the variety of these three exhibitions illustrates FET’s scope in the industry.

More information:
Fibre Extrusion Technology

Fibre Extrusion Technology

Photo Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures almost triples PET recycling capacity in Brazil

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, one of the world’s largest producers of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin, announced the completion of the expansion of its recycling facility in Brazil, supported by a ‘Blue Loan’ from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank.

The recycling facility, located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is increasing its production capacity from 9 thousand tons to 25 thousand tons per year of PET made from post-consumer recycled (PET-PCR) material. The project is part of Indorama Ventures’ Vision 2030 ambition to continue building a sustainable global company, including spending $1.5 billion to increase its recycling capacity to 50 billion PET bottles per year by 2025.

PET is a unique and widely used plastic for water and soda bottles and the most recycled plastic in the world. Indorama Ventures, the world’s largest provider of recycled PET resin used to make beverage bottles, invested US$20 million to optimize its Brazil facility’s processes and acquire new equipment such as washing machines to help remove labels, grind bottles in water and reduce water consumption by 70%.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, one of the world’s largest producers of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin, announced the completion of the expansion of its recycling facility in Brazil, supported by a ‘Blue Loan’ from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank.

The recycling facility, located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is increasing its production capacity from 9 thousand tons to 25 thousand tons per year of PET made from post-consumer recycled (PET-PCR) material. The project is part of Indorama Ventures’ Vision 2030 ambition to continue building a sustainable global company, including spending $1.5 billion to increase its recycling capacity to 50 billion PET bottles per year by 2025.

PET is a unique and widely used plastic for water and soda bottles and the most recycled plastic in the world. Indorama Ventures, the world’s largest provider of recycled PET resin used to make beverage bottles, invested US$20 million to optimize its Brazil facility’s processes and acquire new equipment such as washing machines to help remove labels, grind bottles in water and reduce water consumption by 70%.

In November 2020, the IFC provided $300 million in Blue Loan funding to Indorama Ventures with the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil—countries which are grappling with mismanaged waste and serious plastic waste in the environment. Blue Loan funds are certified and tracked for projects that support sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health. Indorama Ventures has secured a total US$2.4 billion in long-term sustainable financing from various financial institutions between 2018–2022 to support sustainability projects.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Epson auf der Labelexpo Europe 2023

Epson zeigt auf der Labelexpo 2023 (11.9.–14.9.2023, Brüssel Expo) erstmals öffentlich auf einer Messe in Europa das Upgrade seiner bestehenden SurePress 4000 Serie, die industrielle Etikettendruckmaschine SurePress L-4733AW. Ebenfalls ist auf dem Stand die SurePress L-6534VW zu sehen, eine Druckmaschine, die mit einem CMYK-Tintensatz plus weißer Tinte sowie mit entweder einer orangefarbenen Tinte oder einem Inline-Lack erhältlich ist. Auf dem Stand werden ebenfalls neue cloudfähige ColorWorks Etikettendrucker für den Einsatz in On-demand-Druckaufgaben zu sehen sein.

Epson zeigt auf der Labelexpo 2023 (11.9.–14.9.2023, Brüssel Expo) erstmals öffentlich auf einer Messe in Europa das Upgrade seiner bestehenden SurePress 4000 Serie, die industrielle Etikettendruckmaschine SurePress L-4733AW. Ebenfalls ist auf dem Stand die SurePress L-6534VW zu sehen, eine Druckmaschine, die mit einem CMYK-Tintensatz plus weißer Tinte sowie mit entweder einer orangefarbenen Tinte oder einem Inline-Lack erhältlich ist. Auf dem Stand werden ebenfalls neue cloudfähige ColorWorks Etikettendrucker für den Einsatz in On-demand-Druckaufgaben zu sehen sein.

Neue Epson SurePress L-4733AW
Die SurePress L-4733AW basiert auf der Technologie ihrer branchenführenden Vorgänger der SurePress L-4000 Serie und ist somit wie diese auf eine gute Druckqualität, hohe Zuverlässigkeit sowie nochmals verbesserte Druckgeschwindigkeit ausgelegt. Dank ihres verbesserten AQ4-Tintensets mit den Farben CMYK, Grün, Orange und Weiß deckt sie einen größeren Farbraum ab und erlaubt eine noch präzisere Farbreproduktion auf einer Vielzahl von Druckmedien. Darüber hinaus bietet sie vereinfachte, automatische Wartungsfunktionen, die die Betriebszeit bei minimalen Benutzereingriffen maximiert. Die L-4733AW ermöglicht so effiziente, zuverlässige Workflows mit kürzeren Durchlaufzeiten.

Die SurePress L-6534VW wird auf dem Epson Stand der Labelexpo 2023 in Kombination mit einem All-in-one-Etikettenfinisher GM DC330 Mini der dänischen Firma Grafisk Maskinfabrik A/S gezeigt. Die SurePress ermöglicht eine Druckgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 50 Metern pro Minute und bietet eine hohe Produktivität auch für große Auflagen. Dank der Möglichkeit, eine Inline-Veredelung zu implementieren, stellt die Anlage eine vollständige, qualitativ hochwertige End-to-End-Lösung dar, die die Produktionszeiten auch umfangreicher Auflagen spürbar reduziert.

Epson ColorWorks Drucker und Epson Loftware Partnerschaft
Auf der Labelexpo 2023 werden infolge einer Partnerschaft zwischen Epson und der Loftware GmbH erstmals neue cloudfähige Epson ColorWorks Etikettendrucker vorgestellt. Loftware ist ein Anbieter cloudbasierter Etikettier- und Artwork-Management-Lösungen für Unternehmen. Hochentwickelte Clouddienste ermöglichen von praktisch überall aus Zugriff auf die Geräte. Damit erfüllen die ColorWorks die steigende Nachfrage nach produktiven Etikettendrucklösungen verschiedener Branchen wie Chemie, Pharma, Elektronik, Automobil, Luftfahrt und Einzelhandel.

Epson wird auf seinem Stand außerdem eine automatisierte Etikettierungsanwendung präsentieren, bestehend aus zwei ColorWorks Druckern, Visionsystem und einem Epson Roboter. Es handelt sich um eine konkrete Anwendung aus der Medizinbranche, die eine individuelle Etikettierung von Medikamentenbehältern unterschiedlicher Größe erfordert. Durch den mit dem Roboter automatisierten Prozess entfällt die Notwendigkeit einer bei Präparaten dieser Art üblichen manuellen Hantierung und damit auch eine Fehlerquelle.

Zu den weiteren Highlights des Standes gehört der Prototyp eines Epson RFID-Druckers, der als erster seiner Art auf Abruf farbige RFID-Etiketten produziert. Farbetiketten haben im Vergleich zu Schwarzweiß-Etiketten den Vorteil, dass wichtige Informationen deutlich aufmerksamkeitsstärker hervorgehoben werden können, so beispielsweise für die schnelle, sichere Unterscheidung unterschiedlicher Produkte.

Produktinformationen zur SurePress L-4733A/AW
Die SurePress L-4733A/AW ist ein Upgrade der 4000er-Serie, die im Markt für ihre Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit bekannt ist. Sie verwendet eine wasserbasierte Tinte, sodass diese Geräte sowohl auf Papier als auch auf Folien drucken können.

Bei der SurePress L-4733A/AW kommt ein weiterentwickeltes AQ-Tintenset zum Einsatz, das die Druckmedien besser mit Tinte benetzt. So erreicht sie eine nochmals gesteigerte Bildqualität und auch Farbstabilität, sodass Druckdienstleister auf einer größeren Vielfalt von Medien produktiver sind.

Der CMYKOG-Tintensatz deckt einen großen Farbraum ab und bietet eine hohe Genauigkeit bei der Reproduktion von Farben und Sättigung. Die weiße Tinte vergrößert die Flexibilität hinsichtlich der Auswahl von Druckmedien. Neue automatische Wartungsfunktionen reduzieren die Ausfallzeiten und erhöhen die Produktivität und die Zuverlässigkeit der Epson SurePress weiter.

(c) Willy BOGNER GmbH

BOGNER Fall/Winter 2023 Collection

Inspired by an elegant alpine express that carries its passengers through vibrant cities and breathtaking mountain landscapes, BOGNER presents its Fall/Winter 2023 collection, where modern, technical materials meet elegant, iconic silhouettes for a winter season full of activity, luxury and positivity.

BOGNER interprets the winter look with tailored pieces for sporty as well as relaxed activities for the journey to the mountain, on the mountain and after the mountain with light, natural fabrics like flannel, cashmere and various luxurious yarns like lambswool and jacquard knits.

Overall the BOGNER Fall/Winter 2023 collection offers a wide range of elegant and active styles - for sporty skiing and relaxed après ski adventures.

Inspired by an elegant alpine express that carries its passengers through vibrant cities and breathtaking mountain landscapes, BOGNER presents its Fall/Winter 2023 collection, where modern, technical materials meet elegant, iconic silhouettes for a winter season full of activity, luxury and positivity.

BOGNER interprets the winter look with tailored pieces for sporty as well as relaxed activities for the journey to the mountain, on the mountain and after the mountain with light, natural fabrics like flannel, cashmere and various luxurious yarns like lambswool and jacquard knits.

Overall the BOGNER Fall/Winter 2023 collection offers a wide range of elegant and active styles - for sporty skiing and relaxed après ski adventures.




SGL Carbon: Confirmation of the full-year guidance for 2023

  • Sales up 1.9% year-on-year to €560.5 million with stable adjusted EBITDA of €88.0 million
  • Strong business performance of the Graphite Solutions, Process Technology and Composite Solutions businesses
  • Sales and earnings decline at Carbon Fibers due to weakness of wind market
  • Impairment at Carbon Fibers of €44.7 million

Despite the increasingly difficult economic environment, SGL Carbon was able to increase sales in H1 2023 from €549.8 million in the previous year to €560.5 million. Adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) remained almost unchanged at €88.0 million (H1 2022: €87.9 million). The expected good business performance of the Graphite Solutions business unit and the better-than-expected sales and earnings development of Process Technology and Composite Solutions compensated the drop in demand in Carbon Fibers.

  • Sales up 1.9% year-on-year to €560.5 million with stable adjusted EBITDA of €88.0 million
  • Strong business performance of the Graphite Solutions, Process Technology and Composite Solutions businesses
  • Sales and earnings decline at Carbon Fibers due to weakness of wind market
  • Impairment at Carbon Fibers of €44.7 million

Despite the increasingly difficult economic environment, SGL Carbon was able to increase sales in H1 2023 from €549.8 million in the previous year to €560.5 million. Adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) remained almost unchanged at €88.0 million (H1 2022: €87.9 million). The expected good business performance of the Graphite Solutions business unit and the better-than-expected sales and earnings development of Process Technology and Composite Solutions compensated the drop in demand in Carbon Fibers.

In particular, the Graphite Solutions (GS) business unit contributed to the stable development of the Company with a 15.3% increase in sales to €280.6 million (H1 2022: €243.4 million) and a 20.6% improvement in adjusted EBITDA to €65.1 million (H1 2022: €54.0 million). GS benefited especially from the high demand of the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor and LED market segment now accounts for around 45% of GS revenue (H1 2022: around 35%).

With a 30.9% increase in sales to €64.4 million (H1 2022: €49.2 million) and a significant rise in adjusted EBITDA from €4.1 million to €11.9 million, the business performance of Process Technology (PT) was significantly above the original planning. Composite Solutions (CS) also reported a higher-than-forecast sales increase of 14.4% to €79.6 million in H1 2023 (H1 2022: €69.6 million) and an improvement in adjusted EBITDA of 26.8% to €12.3 million (H1 2022: €9.7 million). By contrast, the business performance of the Carbon Fibers (CF) unit was not in line with expectations, with a 28.9% decline in sales to €125.1 million (H1 2022: €176.0 million) and a 78.4% drop in earnings to €6.1 million (H1 2022: €28.2 million).

An important market segment for the Carbon Fibers business unit is the wind industry. Demand for carbon fibers for the wind industry has declined sharply since the beginning of the year. According to current estimates, the expected recovery in demand in H2 2023 will not materialize. SGL Carbon expects customer demand from the wind industry to pick up in 2024.

As already announced in the ad hoc release of July 24, 2023, an impairment loss of €44.7 million was recognized on the assets of Carbon Fibers as of June 30, 2023.

Results situation
SGL Carbon's adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) remained almost stable in a half-year comparison at €88.0 million (H1 2022: €87.9 million). Due to the lack of demand from wind industry, CF's production capacity utilization decreased and idle capacity costs weighed on adjusted EBITDA. By contrast, higher margins from product mix and volume effects in the other three business units had a positive impact on adjusted EBITDA.

Non-recurring items and one-off effects not included in adjusted EBITDA totaled minus €46.9 million in the first half of 2023, of which €44.7 million resulted from an impairment loss in the CF business unit.

In addition to the above-mentioned effects and nearly unchanged depreciation and amortization of €29.1 million (H1 2022: €28.9 million), the decline in EBIT resulted in particular from the impairment loss already described (€44.7 million). After €69.6 million in H1 2022, EBIT amounted to €12.0 million in the reporting period.

Taking into account the slightly improved financial result of minus €15.8 million (H1 2022: minus €16.6 million), consolidated net income for the first six months of the current financial year amounted to minus €10.0 million, compared to €48.8 million in the first half of the previous year.

Net financial debt and equity
To complete its refinancing, SGL Carbon issued convertible bonds with a volume of €118.7 million in June 2023 and drew an existing term loan facility of €75 million in July 2023, which was used together with cash of the Company on July 28, 2023 to repay the corporate bond (outstanding as of June 30, 2023: €237.4 million). Accordingly, cash and cash equivalents increased to €310.5 million as of June 30, 2023 (€227.3 million as of December 31, 2022) and financial debt temporarily increased to €480.4 million (€398.1 million as of December 31, 2022). Net financial debt remained nearly unchanged at €169.9 million as of June 30, 2023 (Dec. 31, 2022: € 170.8 million).

Despite the impairment loss of €44.7 million in Carbon Fibers, shareholders' equity amounted to €565.2 million as of June 30, 2023, only slightly lower than at the end of 2022 (Dec. 31, 2022: €569.3 million). This corresponds to an equity ratio of 36.1% (Dec. 31, 2022: 38.5%).




adidas: reports 2nd Q revenues flat versus the prior year

  • Currency-neutral revenues flat versus the prior-year level
  • Top-line development reflects improved sell-out trends and conservative sell-in strategy
  • Gross margin up 0.6pp to 50.9%; strong improvement compared to Q1 reflecting better sell-through and less discounting
  • Operating profit of € 176 million includes extraordinary expenses of around € 160 million related to one-off costs, donations and accruals for future donations
  • Inventory position improves substantially versus Q1 level to € 5.5 billion; now up only 1% year-over-year

In the second quarter of 2023, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior-year level. The top-line development continued to be impacted by the company’s conservative sell-in approach in order to reduce high inventory levels, particularly in North America and Greater China. At the same time, adidas second quarter revenues benefited from the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory. The initial product drop in June generated revenues of around € 400 million in Q2, which is largely in line with the Yeezy sales generated in the prior year’s quarter.

  • Currency-neutral revenues flat versus the prior-year level
  • Top-line development reflects improved sell-out trends and conservative sell-in strategy
  • Gross margin up 0.6pp to 50.9%; strong improvement compared to Q1 reflecting better sell-through and less discounting
  • Operating profit of € 176 million includes extraordinary expenses of around € 160 million related to one-off costs, donations and accruals for future donations
  • Inventory position improves substantially versus Q1 level to € 5.5 billion; now up only 1% year-over-year

In the second quarter of 2023, currency-neutral revenues were flat versus the prior-year level. The top-line development continued to be impacted by the company’s conservative sell-in approach in order to reduce high inventory levels, particularly in North America and Greater China. At the same time, adidas second quarter revenues benefited from the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory. The initial product drop in June generated revenues of around € 400 million in Q2, which is largely in line with the Yeezy sales generated in the prior year’s quarter.

Footwear revenues grew 1% during the quarter, reflecting strong growth in football, basketball, tennis and US sports. Apparel sales declined 3% in the second quarter. As the apparel market continues to be particularly overstocked, the company continued its conservative sell-in strategy to improve sell-through and margins in the medium term. Accessories grew 8% during the quarter driven by growth in football.  

Lifestyle revenues were down during the quarter despite extraordinary demand for the company’s Samba, Gazelle and Campus franchises. While adidas slowly started to scale its offering for these product families during the second quarter, the total volume still only represents a small portion of the company’s overall business. Sales in the adidas Performance categories continued to show positive momentum. This reflects strong demand for new product introductions such as the latest iterations of its Predator, X and Copa football boots, as well as jerseys for both the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 and the company’s unique portfolio of football teams ahead of the start of the European club season. In addition, the Adizero product family in running continued to gain a lot of attention around marathon races across the world, translating into higher demand. At the same time, the brand’s Barricade tennis franchise grew strongly, leveraging the excitement around major tournaments.

In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 5% to € 5.343 billion in the second quarter (2022: € 5.596 billion).

Stronger sell-out trends and conservative sell-in
As a result of the company’s initiatives to reduce high inventory levels, currency-neutral sales in wholesale declined 10% despite double-digit growth in Greater China and Latin America. At the same time, direct-to-consumer (DTC) revenues grew 16% versus the prior year. This development was driven by strong growth in both the company’s e-commerce business (+14%) as well as own retail stores (+19%), reflecting continued strong sell-out trends across most regions. The outperformance of the company’s DTC channel versus the wholesale business was also related to the first sale of the Yeezy inventory, which was done exclusively through adidas’ own e-commerce channel.

Double-digit growth in Greater China and Latin America
Currency-neutral sales in North America declined 16% during the quarter. The region is particularly affected by elevated inventory levels in the market and – in response to this – the company’s significantly reduced sell-in. Revenues in Greater China grew 16% in Q2, reflecting double-digit sell-out growth in both wholesale and own retail. Sales in EMEA were down slightly (-1%) despite double-digit DTC growth. While the company’s initiatives to reduce inventory levels and discounting weighed on the overall top-line development in the region, adidas recorded significantly improving full-price trends during the quarter. Revenues in Asia-Pacific increased 7% during the quarter, driven by strong double-digit growth in DTC. Latin America continued to increase at a double-digit rate (+30%), reflecting strong growth in both wholesale and DTC.

Gross margin improves to 50.9%
The company’s second quarter gross margin increased 0.6 percentage points to 50.9% (2022: 50.3%). This improvement was mainly driven by price increases the company has implemented as well as by an improved channel mix. At the same time, higher supply chain costs and unfavorable currency movements continued to strongly weigh on the gross margin development. While still adversely impacting the company’s gross margin in the quarter, discounting levels significantly improved compared to the first quarter of the year.  

Operating profit of € 176 million, resulting in an operating margin of 3.3%
Other operating expenses were up 3% to € 2.582 billion (2022: € 2.501 billion). As a percentage of sales, other operating expenses increased 3.6 percentage points to 48.3% (2022: 44.7%). Marketing and point-of-sale expenses decreased 7% to € 617 million (2022: € 663 million). As a percentage of sales, marketing and point-of-sale expenses slightly decreased by 0.3 percentage points to 11.5% (2022: 11.8%). Operating overhead expenses were up 7% to € 1.965 billion (2022: € 1.838 billion), reflecting higher logistics expenses. In addition, the company recorded one-off costs of around € 50 million related to the strategic review the company is currently conducting as well as donations and accruals for further donations in an amount of around € 110 million. As a percentage of sales, operating overhead expenses increased 3.9 percentage points to 36.8% (2022: 32.8%). The company’s operating profit amounted to € 176 million (2022: € 392 million) in the quarter. This amount includes the extraordinary expenses of in total around € 160 million reflecting the one-off costs related to the strategic review as well as the donations and accruals for further donations. The sale of the Yeezy product positively impacted adidas’ operating profit by an incremental amount of around € 150 million in Q2. The operating margin reached 3.3% in the quarter (2022: 7.0%).

Net income from continuing operations of € 96 million
After taxes, the company’s net income from continuing operations amounted to € 96 million (2022: € 360 million), while basic EPS from continuing operations decreased to € 0.48 (2022: € 1.88).


adidas expects revenues to decline at a mid-single-digit rate
On July 24, adidas had adjusted its full year financial guidance to reflect the positive impact of the first sale of some of its Yeezy inventory and a slightly better-than-expected development of the adidas business in the first half of the year. At the same time, macroeconomic challenges and geopolitical tensions persist. Elevated recession risks in North America and Europe as well as uncertainty around the recovery in Greater China continue to exist. In addition, the company’s revenue development will continue to be impacted by the initiatives to significantly reduce high inventory levels. As a result, adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a mid-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a high-single-digit rate).

Underlying operating profit anticipated to be around the break-even level
The company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is still anticipated to be around the break-even level. Including the positive impact from the first Yeezy drop of around € 150 million, the potential write-off of the remaining Yeezy inventory of now € 400 million (previously: € 500 million) and one-off costs related to the strategic review of up to € 200 million (unchanged), the company now expects to report an operating loss of € 450 million in 2023 (previously: loss of € 700 million).

On August 2, the company launched a second drop of Yeezy inventory. Throughout the month of August, adidas is making a range of existing products available through both its own e-commerce channel as well as the digital platforms of selected wholesale partners. If successful, this second drop would further improve the company’s results. However, as the results of this drop are yet unknown, it is not accounted for in the company’s current top- and bottom-line outlook for 2023.

More information:
adidas business report
