From the Sector

389 results

NCTO: Industry and Union Coalition releases Statement about PPE

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.

A broad coalition of industry organizations and labor unions, representing a broad spectrum of manufacturers and workers who stepped up to make essential personal protective equipment (PPE) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressing strong support for the inclusion of robust domestic procurement policies for PPE in the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) currently being considered by the Senate.

See the coalition’s full letter here.


NCTO testifies on the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testifies on “COVID-19 Part II: Evaluating the Medical Supply Chain and Pandemic Response Gaps, before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of: the U.S. market prior to the pandemic and the root causes of America’s dependence on offshore sources for medical PPE; the heroic response of the U.S. textile industry; the federal government’s response to the crisis; and a series of policy recommendations to incentivize the establishment of a permanent domestic PPE supply chain.

Glas details key policy recommendations designed to establish a permanent domestic PPE supply chain, including:

  • Create strong domestic procurement rules for federal PPE purchases and other essential products--substantially similar to the Berry Amendment and the Kissell Amendment which require 100% US content from fiber production forward
  • Implement forward-looking policies to shore up the Strategic National Stockpile and issue long-term contracts to incentivize investment in the domestic PPE manufacturing base
  • Create federal incentives for private sector hospitals and large provider networks to purchase domestically-produced PPE
  • Continue to deploy the Defense Production Act to shore up the textile industrial base from raw materials to end products for all essential products

View the full written testimony here.

Digitaler Kick-Off für die Frankfurt Fashion Week – das FFW STUDIO (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Digitaler Kick-Off für die Frankfurt Fashion Week – das FFW STUDIO

Zukunftsrelevant auf allen Kanälen: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 das digitale Portal FFW STUDIO und kooperiert dafür mit namhaften Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien.

Wenn am 5. Juli 2021 die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet, dann heißt es: online gehen. Mit Future Talks, Deep Dives, Brand Experiences, Entertainment und zahlreichen weiteren Elementen wird das FFW STUDIO zur ersten Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das FFW STUDIO ist das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und das Kernelement des digitalen Auftakts im kommenden Juli. Auf einzigartige Weise vereint es die führenden deutschen Modemessen auf einer Plattform und lässt diese mit Live-Konferenzen, Brand Experiences und City Events zu einem ganzheitlichen Ecosystem verschmelzen. Zunächst pandemiebedingt ausschließlich online, zukünftig hybrid.

Zukunftsrelevant auf allen Kanälen: Die Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 das digitale Portal FFW STUDIO und kooperiert dafür mit namhaften Partnerinnen und Partnern aus Mode, Politik, Handel und Medien.

Wenn am 5. Juli 2021 die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet, dann heißt es: online gehen. Mit Future Talks, Deep Dives, Brand Experiences, Entertainment und zahlreichen weiteren Elementen wird das FFW STUDIO zur ersten Anlaufstelle für Design Enthusiast*innen und Vordenker*innen der Mode. Das FFW STUDIO ist das digitale Zentrum der Frankfurt Fashion Week und das Kernelement des digitalen Auftakts im kommenden Juli. Auf einzigartige Weise vereint es die führenden deutschen Modemessen auf einer Plattform und lässt diese mit Live-Konferenzen, Brand Experiences und City Events zu einem ganzheitlichen Ecosystem verschmelzen. Zunächst pandemiebedingt ausschließlich online, zukünftig hybrid.

Auf wird man sich auf der Plattform vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 sein individuelles Programm zusammenstellen können. Zukunftsrelevant – so lautet der die Inhalte vereinende Anspruch. Sämtliche Programmpunkte thematisieren die Leitmotive der Frankfurt Fashion Week: Sustainability und Digitisation. Ob für Modeexpert*innen, Designer*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Journalist*innen oder Endkonsument*innen – das FFW STUDIO bietet Informationen, Orientierung, Inspiration, Unterhaltung und kombiniert dies mit einer ganzheitlichen und zeitgemäßen User Experience.

Starke Partnerschafen für eine professionelle und progressive Kuratierung

Für die professionelle und progressive Kuratierung der FFW STUDIO Inhalte haben die Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week – Messe Frankfurt und Premium Group – CNX, die globale Kreativberatung von Condé Nast, an Bord geholt. Die Frankfurt Fashion Week ist die Plattform für internationale Fashion Player, die die Ästhetik und Werte der Branche neu definiert und dadurch deren kreative Führung beansprucht. Sie verbindet Kultur, Community, Industrie und Handel und schafft Momente der Überraschung. Im Sommer 2021 zunächst durch das zukunftsorientierte Digitalformat FFW STUDIO – für eine nachhaltigere, kreativere, digitalere und wertvollere Fashionbranche. Die Plattform strahlt Präsentationen aus – virtuelle und IRL – Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen und dient als Raum und Ort, an dem sich kreative Köpfe und ökonomische Interessen treffen. Denn nur durch kontinuierlichen Dialog kann sich die Kreativwirtschaft weiterentwickeln. Gemeinsam nähern sie sich den bestimmenden Themen unserer Zeit und der Mode- und Textilbranche im FFW STUDIO – wobei dieses das gesamte Ecosystem der Frankfurt Fashion Week abbilden.

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021 © Shutterstock
UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2021

Virtuelle Verleihung des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises 2021

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.

Das letzte Jahr und insbesondere die mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um die Corona-Pandemie zeigen, wie wichtig eine verständliche und zielgruppenorientierte Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Themen ist und welchen hohen Stellenwert die Wissenschaft einnimmt. Den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu fördern, ist das Ziel des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreises, der 2021 zum zwölften Mal vom UMSICHT-Förderverein verliehen wird. Erfahren Sie im Rahmen der Preisverleihung mehr über die spannenden Beiträge der Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus.

Die diesjährige Bekanntgabe der Preisträger*innen und Preisverleihung findet am Donnerstag, den 24. Juni 2021 aufgrund der aktuellen Situation virtuell statt. Auf der Veranstaltung kann man sich über aktuelle Themen und Trends in der Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation informieren. Nähere Informationen und auch bereits den Link zur Veranstaltung finden sie hier.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT


NCTO: “Make PPE in America Act” passes

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, applauded the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for passing their bipartisan legislation that will strengthen efforts to onshore production of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States by requiring federal agencies to issue long-term contracts for American-made PPE. Reshoring production will ensure American workers, health care professionals, and more have the PPE they need as the economy continues to reopen. Domestic production of PPE supplies also will create American manufacturing jobs and ensure that America is better prepared for the next pandemic.

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI), Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, applauded the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for passing their bipartisan legislation that will strengthen efforts to onshore production of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States by requiring federal agencies to issue long-term contracts for American-made PPE. Reshoring production will ensure American workers, health care professionals, and more have the PPE they need as the economy continues to reopen. Domestic production of PPE supplies also will create American manufacturing jobs and ensure that America is better prepared for the next pandemic.


NCTO / Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee


SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH cancelled – moved to January 2022

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

“The consequences of the ongoing pandemic spread of the coronavirus continue to govern our personal and professional lives. It is with a heavy heart that we must cancel the physical events in July, since these are not allowed to take place given the current legal constraints. Due to the lack of certainty for planning and new monthly evaluation we need to fulfil our obligations as event organiser and avoid unforeseeable risks for partners and clients.” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP

A lack of permissions, adjustments to official measures at short notice, travel restrictions within Europe and overseas, potential quarantine obligations, short-term work in many companies – overall, a volatile situation makes it impossible to press ahead with the necessary planning in a responsible, risk-free way, especially for the exhibitors and partners.

Because of this, the organizers are now forced to cancel SEEK, PREMIUM and FASHIONTECH events in July 2021 and move them to January 2022 instead. Safeguarding the health and safety of exhibitors, guests, partners and employees always takes top priority.

SEEK and PREMIUM are live events and therefore spaces for engaging with others face-to-face. They are a vital meeting point for the whole industry that can only be augmented by our digital offerings. Under the current unpredictable conditions the usual levels of service cannot be guaranteed for clients and visitors.

July will see the start of Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) digital. Frankfurt Fashion Week Studio is the core element of the FFW opening season and encompasses the whole FFW ecosystem – with its key themes of Fashion Business, sustainability and digitisation – in the form of a digital portal.

FFW Studio is a progressively curated and staged platform that brings together all German fashion trade shows, conferences, fashion experiences and events under one roof for the first time. First as a digital venue, then as a hybrid one. For pioneers, brands, experiences, entertainment and networking.

“Over the past year we have felt a great sense of solidarity. The industry has given us enormous encouragement and the assurance that we are not only missed but needed. So we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to get together in a few short months’ time to present concepts and projects, meet up face-to-face, and shape the future together. Now more than ever!” Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP   

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week PREMIUM


(c) WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG

WEITBLICK: Neue digitale Eventreihe

Zahlreiche Messen, Kongresse und Veranstaltungen fallen auch 2021 der Corona-Pandemie zum Opfer und können nicht in der gewohnten Präsenz-Form stattfinden. Um Kunden und Interessenten dennoch den gewohnten Service zu bieten, hat Weitblick eine umfangreiche digitale Eventreihe entwickelt.

Neben zahlreichen kundenspezifischen Produktschulungen, die Weitblick bereits seit geraumer Zeit in digitaler Form durchführt, erweitert das Kleinostheimer Unternehmen das Portfolio, um die komplexe Welt der Workwear für Jedermann zugänglich und verständlich zu machen. Entstanden ist eine ausschließlich virtuelle Webinar-Reihe, die auf den konkreten Bedürfnissen der Weitblick-Kunden basiert.

Der Auftakt der Seminarreihe ist für den 18. Mai 2021 geplant: Kim Döhler aus dem Weitblick Customer-Service referiert hier zum Thema „Adieu, Vortrags-Horror“ und hält zahlreiche Tipps parat, wie die virtuelle Präsentation mit einfachen Handgriffen zum spannenden Hit, statt zum faden Flop wird.

Zahlreiche Messen, Kongresse und Veranstaltungen fallen auch 2021 der Corona-Pandemie zum Opfer und können nicht in der gewohnten Präsenz-Form stattfinden. Um Kunden und Interessenten dennoch den gewohnten Service zu bieten, hat Weitblick eine umfangreiche digitale Eventreihe entwickelt.

Neben zahlreichen kundenspezifischen Produktschulungen, die Weitblick bereits seit geraumer Zeit in digitaler Form durchführt, erweitert das Kleinostheimer Unternehmen das Portfolio, um die komplexe Welt der Workwear für Jedermann zugänglich und verständlich zu machen. Entstanden ist eine ausschließlich virtuelle Webinar-Reihe, die auf den konkreten Bedürfnissen der Weitblick-Kunden basiert.

Der Auftakt der Seminarreihe ist für den 18. Mai 2021 geplant: Kim Döhler aus dem Weitblick Customer-Service referiert hier zum Thema „Adieu, Vortrags-Horror“ und hält zahlreiche Tipps parat, wie die virtuelle Präsentation mit einfachen Handgriffen zum spannenden Hit, statt zum faden Flop wird.

Die Online-Events und Webinare werden jeweils live über ein Zoom-Meeting/ Webinar abgehalten und sind für den Nutzer vollkommen kostenfrei. Anmeldung für Kunden und Interessenten ist in wenigen Schritten über eine separate Landingpage mit Kalender-Funktion möglich, diese ist unter ab sofort erreichbar. Teilnehmer können sich live und aktiv in das Geschehen einbringen: es wird virtuelle Breakouts und auch die Möglichkeit der Talkrunde geben.

More information:
Webinar Workwear Weitblick



PERFORMANCE DAYS Fair with Topic: Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Transformation: Technology first?
The pandemic has forced us into new, primarily digital forms of living and working. Our daily lives are characterised by home offices, home schooling and online meetings. The desire for real, physically perceptible experiences has grown incessantly within the last year. In the same context, people nowadays are strongly driven by technological progress – yet how far can we allow technological change to go and how do we wish to live in the future? Long before the pandemic, the trend towards self-monitoring and control of important bodily functions developed. The sports industry developed tools to measure levels of performance and monitor bodily functions with the goal of enhancing performance. Self-optimisation, body shaping and health promotion have become standard nowadays. Staying healthy and keeping fit are now social imperatives in our performance-oriented society. The pandemic has made us rethink, made us pause – with sustainable function still in focus, yet function needs to be rethought for the future, distancing ourselves from mere performance enhancement, and embracing clothing that facilitates people in feeling good.

Touch & Feel
In a visual, digital world, one sense has been forgotten: the sense of touch. Materials trigger completely different reactions, consciously or unconsciously. Moreover, the surface texture is also decisive in the functionality of a fabric, lending it its unique characteristics. In times of contact restrictions and lockdown, there is a need for a space for emotions, for regeneration and physical wellbeing. This is also reflected in the desire for appropriate apparel that leaves a pleasant sensation on the skin. Lightweight, warm and of a softer nature, plant-based fibers fulfil the desire for comfort and promote wellbeing.

We are physical – we are nature
How will we shape and adapt the post-pandemic textile and apparel industry? The Corona crisis once again reminds us of our existential bond with the natural world. While humanity fights against the spread of a deadly virus with social isolation, one thing is doing well: our planet. It is recovering from all the exhaust gases that are released into the air daily by cars and factories. There is a shift in focus towards taking time out in nature, whether in the form of a morning run, a mountain hike or a yoga session on the grass.

Your success story of 2020
What has touched them? Which experiences have shaped their latest innovations? Does the crisis also present opportunities? The chance for something new, for a rethink, on an even more sustainable, more ecological path? Which highlights, which stories are worth communicating and where did the focus lie in 2020? Various material manufacturers already started to focus on sustainability and the cautious use of resources some time ago. Innovations in the areas of materials and in processing methods are the driving forces of the development towards more sustainability. However, we need to realign all processes and structures in our supply and production chains and adapt them to the needs of a resource-conserving, responsible industry. A pioneering example of such alignment was the decision of PERFORMANCE DAYS to only present sustainable materials at the PERFORMANCE FORUM from the November 2019 trade fair event onwards. Additionally, the setting-up of the new digital sourcing platform “THE LOOP” shows how technology can be implemented aside from material and processing innovations in such a way that our procedures and structures can be adapted to difficult conditions.

Informative & up-to-date: the digital trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2021
As usual, the highlighted fabrics from the Focus Topic “Still Physical”, which the exhibitors have defined as their personal success stories, will be available shortly on the PERFORMANCE DAYS website highlighting all details and facets.


EURATEX comments on revised EU Industry Strategy

  • European Apparel and Textile Confederation EURATEX welcomes revamped EU Industry Strategy, but calls for consistency across EU policies

Europe’s industry is going through turbulent times as a result of the corona-pandemic; turnover in textiles and clothing sector dropped between 10 and 20%. However, even bigger challenges lie ahead: serious disruptions in supply chains, soaring energy prices and protective tendencies are threatening the competitiveness of our industry.

Against that background, the revised EU Industry Strategy – launched on May, 5 - is addressing very relevant issues, and underlines the need to think carefully about Europe’s industrial base. EURATEX welcomes the initiative, including the focus on 14 “eco-systems” and the proposal to develop privileged partnerships with trusted partners.

  • European Apparel and Textile Confederation EURATEX welcomes revamped EU Industry Strategy, but calls for consistency across EU policies

Europe’s industry is going through turbulent times as a result of the corona-pandemic; turnover in textiles and clothing sector dropped between 10 and 20%. However, even bigger challenges lie ahead: serious disruptions in supply chains, soaring energy prices and protective tendencies are threatening the competitiveness of our industry.

Against that background, the revised EU Industry Strategy – launched on May, 5 - is addressing very relevant issues, and underlines the need to think carefully about Europe’s industrial base. EURATEX welcomes the initiative, including the focus on 14 “eco-systems” and the proposal to develop privileged partnerships with trusted partners.

At the same time, EURATEX calls for more consistency by the EU across its different policy areas. Director General Dirk Vantyghem commented: “We welcome the recognition that we need a strong industrial base in Europe, but at the same time are struggling to maintain that base, as our companies face significant challenges related to over-regulation and raising energy and supply costs. It feels like one hand offering you help, while the other hand squeezes you tight”.

Looking at the global perspective, EURATEX is not calling to close the European borders; our industrial model relies on accessing global markets. But clearly, there is a need to establish global rules to ensure fair competition, and make sure these rules are properly implemented and controlled. Also today’s proposal to address distortions caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market, should be welcomed in this context.

Dirk Vantyghem concluded: “European textiles and clothing industry went through turbulent times. Today, as part of this new EU Industry Strategy, we have an opportunity to build a new business model, based on innovation, quality, sustainability and fairness. We look forward to develop that new EU Textile strategy with all stakeholders involved.”


More information:


Neonyt Sommer 2021 / Frankfurt Fashion Week on-Demand (c) Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Neonyt Sommer 2021 / Frankfurt Fashion Week on-Demand

  • Digitale Sommersaison: Neonyt sorgt für Nachhaltigkeit im Streamingprogramm des Frankfurt Fashion Week Studios

Messen, Events und Runways stehen auf hold, digitale Formate halten uns weiter up-to-date – die anhaltend schwierige gesundheitliche Lage sowie die aktuellen Beschlüsse seitens der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich Covid-19 machen den physischen Kick-Off der Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 unmöglich. Damit ist auch klar: Es wird diesen Sommer kein Face-to-face für die Neonyt-Community geben. Das neue FFW Studio wird derweil zum digitalen Meeting-Point für alle Fashion-Professionals.

Eine weitere Saison ohne persönliche Begegnungen, Handshake-Deals und ausgelassene Stimmung nach einem erfolgreichen Messetag: Die Sustainable Fashion-Szene muss auch im Sommer 2021 auf eine physische Neonyt verzichten. Aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation und der bundeseinheitlichen Corona-Notbremse findet die neue Frankfurt Fashion Week ausschließlich digital statt – dafür lancieren die Initiatoren, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW Studio.

  • Digitale Sommersaison: Neonyt sorgt für Nachhaltigkeit im Streamingprogramm des Frankfurt Fashion Week Studios

Messen, Events und Runways stehen auf hold, digitale Formate halten uns weiter up-to-date – die anhaltend schwierige gesundheitliche Lage sowie die aktuellen Beschlüsse seitens der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich Covid-19 machen den physischen Kick-Off der Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 unmöglich. Damit ist auch klar: Es wird diesen Sommer kein Face-to-face für die Neonyt-Community geben. Das neue FFW Studio wird derweil zum digitalen Meeting-Point für alle Fashion-Professionals.

Eine weitere Saison ohne persönliche Begegnungen, Handshake-Deals und ausgelassene Stimmung nach einem erfolgreichen Messetag: Die Sustainable Fashion-Szene muss auch im Sommer 2021 auf eine physische Neonyt verzichten. Aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation und der bundeseinheitlichen Corona-Notbremse findet die neue Frankfurt Fashion Week ausschließlich digital statt – dafür lancieren die Initiatoren, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW Studio.

 „Ein spektakuläres Mega-Event, wie die Frankfurt Fashion Week eines ist, verdient einen ebenso spektakulären Kick-Off“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt. „Dieser ist uns für Sommer 2021 leider noch nicht vergönnt – davon lässt sich das Team hinter der Frankfurt Fashion Week jedoch nicht unterkriegen. Mit Hochdruck wird an digitalen Komponenten gearbeitet, die das Fashion Week-Feeling überall dorthin bringen, wo sich die Community zu dem Zeitpunkt gerade befindet. Live und on-Demand: Das neue FFW Studio bietet die Möglichkeit, die internationale Fashion-Szene trotz Kontaktbeschränkungen an einem Ort zusammenzubringen und die Textilexpertise unserer Community in die ganze Welt zu streamen.“

 „Stell dir vor, es ist Fashion Week und keiner geht hin – diese Worte habe ich Ende 2020 gehört, als wir bereits zum zweiten Mal eine physische Neonyt absagen mussten“, sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director Neonyt. „Damals waren sie wohl eher zur Aufmunterung über die erneute Absage gedacht, heute messe ich ihnen wesentlich mehr Gewicht bei. Nach gut eineinhalb Jahren Veranstaltungsstopp und Zwangspause waren wir alle – das Team und vor allem unsere Cross Sector-Community – mehr als bereit für den großen Auftakt in Frankfurt am Main. Das hat nicht zuletzt der sehr gute Anmeldestand unserer Brands für Sommer 2021 gezeigt. Letztlich geht jedoch die Gesundheit aller vor und daher freuen wir uns auf die digitale Ausgabe der Frankfurt Fashion Week, das FFW Studio, und darauf, den Sustainability-Content und die Expertise unserer Brands und Speaker*innen im Programm zu platzieren.“

Das FFW Studio geht im Juli auf der Frankfurt Fashion Week-Website live und wird der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für alle Textil- und Modeprofis, Kreativen, Labels und Fashion Week-Neulinge. Per Livestream wird das internationale Publikum vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 über verschiedene Channels das Neueste aus der Fashion-Welt erfahren. Für professionell kuratierten Input und Business-Insights aus der Textil- und Modebranche ist gesorgt. Ganz oben auf der Agenda: die Leitmotive der Frankfurt Fashion Week, Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung. Im Anschluss an den fünftägigen Livestream werden alle Talks, Master Classes, Keynotes und Präsentationen on-Demand zur Verfügung stehen.

 Die digitale Interimssaison lässt die Vision der neuen interdisziplinären Frankfurt Fashion Week Realität werden und verspricht allen Stakeholder*innen Einblicke in zukunftsrelevante Themenbereiche der internationalen Textil- und Modebranche. Das Programm wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt – Future Talks und Deep Dives in die Fashion-Welt werden ergänzt durch die beiden Leit-Konferenzen, der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit sowie die EU New Bauhaus Konferenz, die beide erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgerichtet werden. Über drei volle Tage hinweg, vom 6. bis 8. Juli, liefert zudem die internationale Neonyt-Konferenz Fashionsustain Impulse und Know-How aus der nachhaltigen Modeszene.

Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit bahnbrechender Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt (c) HeiQ
HeiQ MetalliQ-Operationsmaske vom Typ IIR mit einer antiviralen kupferbeschichteten Oberfläche, die 97,79 % der SARS-CoV-2-Viren innerhalb von 5 Minuten inaktiviert

High-tech-Maske mit Kupferbeschichtung von HeiQ

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

Die Maske mit patentiertem Design enthält eine ultradünne reine Kupferbeschichtung, die über ein High-tech-Dampfabscheidungsverfahren namens HeiQ MetalliX aufgebracht wird. Dabei wird eine winzige Menge Kupfer in Dampf umgewandelt, sodass es gleichmäßig abgegeben werden kann und jede Faser einschließt. HeiQ MetalliX ist eine zum Patent angemeldete Technologie, die von HeiQs Innovationspartner, dem australischen Technologieunternehmen Xefco, entwickelt wurde. Studien des Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australien (Doherty Institute) haben ergeben, dass mit der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie behandelte Gewebe das ansteckende SARS-CoV-2-Virus (das Virus, das COVID-19 verursacht) in weniger als 5 Minuten in deutlichem Umfang inaktivieren konnten.

Das Testprotokoll simulierte die reale Wechselwirkung von Aerosoltröpfchen, die Textilprodukte wie Gesichtsmasken kontaminieren. Jede Probe wurde einer hohen Belastung an SARS-CoV-2 ausgesetzt, gefolgt von 5, 15 und 30 Minuten Inkubation bei Raumtemperatur. Dann wurde die Menge der verbleibenden ansteckenden SARS-CoV-2-Viren gemessen. Die mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelten Gewebeproben zeigten eine Reduktion des Virus von über 97,79 % nach fünf Minuten, 99,95 % nach 15 Minuten und über 99,99 % nach 30 Minuten, bezogen auf die Inokulum-Kontrolle.

Kupfer ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Element, das in der Erdkruste, im Boden,  Ozeanen, Seen und Flüssen zu finden ist. Es ist auch ein Spurenelement, das natürlich in allen Menschen, Pflanzen und Tieren vorkommt. Die antiviralen, antibakteriellen und antimykotischen Eigenschaften von Kupfer sind seit Jahrhunderten bekannt und in vielen Laborstudien nachgewiesen worden. Mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelte Materialien setzen Kupferionen frei, die Viren und Bakterien inaktivieren. Die so behandelten Materialien konnten in Tests zudem 100 % von Staphylococcus aureus und Klebsiella pneumoniae abtöten und 99,95 % des H1N1-Virus und 99,9 % des humanen Coronavirus 229E inaktivieren.

HeiQ MetalliQ wird in der EU bei HeiQ Medica (Spanien) hergestellt, wo HeiQ auch Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit für Medizinprodukte betreibt. Für die Entwicklung der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie hat Xefco als Mitglied des erstklassigen ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres eng mit dem langjährigen Forschungspartner Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) an der Deakin University zusammengearbeitet.



HeiQ Materials AG


Lenzing Group with an excellent start into 2021

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft


2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium free of charge for all attendees

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

The conference program for Monday, 10th May:
The programme will begin with exciting presentations on glass chemistry and fibres. A talk by Dr Anne Berthereau (Owens Corning Composites) on the race for always higher modulus glass fibres will be followed by a talk from Dr Hong Li (Nippon Electric Glass) on the potential of new high-strength and high-modulus glass fibres.
After two further presentations on high modulus and bioactive glass fibres from Muawia Dafir and Julia Eichhorn (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), we will learn about furnace efficiency as well as process monitoring and digitalisation in glass fibre production from René Meulemann (CelSian), Hans Gedon (Gedonsoft) and Julius Golovatchev (Incotelogy) respectively.
A presentation by Felix Quintero Martínez (Universidade de Vigo) will explore a novel method to produce ultra-flexible glass nanofibers.
The afternoon will continue with two presentations by Dr Christina Scheffler (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)) and Professor James Thomason (University of Strathclyde) in the field of glass fibre sizings and fibre-matrix interfaces. Finally, a closing presentation by Steve Bassetti (Michelman) will conclude the first day of the Symposium.

The entire conference programme is available on the website
To register for the Symposium, use the following link:


NCTO: Kim Glas testifies on Supply Chain Resiliency

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying on “Supply Chain Resiliency and the Role of Small Manufacturers” before the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.
In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of the incredible resiliency of the U.S. textile industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the ensuing economic crisis, existing options available to small manufacturers to access capital, and policy recommendations to strengthen the entire industry domestic supply chain.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying on “Supply Chain Resiliency and the Role of Small Manufacturers” before the Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access.
In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas provides an overview of the incredible resiliency of the U.S. textile industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of the ensuing economic crisis, existing options available to small manufacturers to access capital, and policy recommendations to strengthen the entire industry domestic supply chain.

“One silver lining associated with the immense challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis is that it afforded the domestic textile industry an opportunity to demonstrate its enormous resiliency, flexibility, and overall value to the U.S. economy,” Glas says in the testimony. “Despite the fact that there was virtually no [full] U.S. production of textile-based PPE prior to the pandemic, the heroic actions of domestic textile manufacturers resulted in the ability to supply homegrown PPE at the height of the greatest healthcare emergency our country has faced in the past 100 years.”

“As we exit the current crisis, rational federal policies are once again needed to ensure a stable overall environment where small businesses can compete and thrive, and targeted initiatives are required to ensure that domestic supply chains for critical materials, such as PPE, exist in the United States,” Glas notes.

Glas details five key policy recommendations supported by 20 trade associations and labor groups, representing the entire domestic supply chain aimed at strengthening the integrated U.S. textile sector:

  • Strengthen Buy American procurement rules
  • Provide funding assistance for companies to reconstitute domestic supply chains important to U.S. national and healthcare security
  • Key contracting reforms
  • Streamline the SBA loan application process
  • Provide additional funding for workforce training

Please view the full written testimony by NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas here.

OMPG vereinfacht Prüfungen auf antivirale Wirksamkeit (c) OMPG
Plaquetitertest des Bakteriophagen phi6

OMPG vereinfacht Prüfungen auf antivirale Wirksamkeit

  • Mehr denn je steht die antibakterielle und antivirale Ausrüstung von Textilien und Kunststoffen im Fokus von Forschung und Entwicklung. Wie gut die Materialien wirken, musste bisher durch aufwändige Testmethoden mit der Anzucht spezieller Viren ermittelt werden. Kommen stattdessen Bakteriophagen zum Einsatz, ergibt sich eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung bei vergleichbaren Ergebnissen.

Für die Prüfung antiviraler Materialien existieren internationale Standards, darunter die ISO 18184 (Bestimmung der antiviralen Aktivität von Textilerzeugnissen) und die ISO 21702 (Messung der antiviralen Aktivität an Kunststoffen und anderen nicht-porösen Oberflächen). Beide Normen legen als Testorganismen das Influenza-A-Virus (Grippevirus) und das Feline Calicivirus (FCV, Katzenschnupfen) zu Grunde.

  • Mehr denn je steht die antibakterielle und antivirale Ausrüstung von Textilien und Kunststoffen im Fokus von Forschung und Entwicklung. Wie gut die Materialien wirken, musste bisher durch aufwändige Testmethoden mit der Anzucht spezieller Viren ermittelt werden. Kommen stattdessen Bakteriophagen zum Einsatz, ergibt sich eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung bei vergleichbaren Ergebnissen.

Für die Prüfung antiviraler Materialien existieren internationale Standards, darunter die ISO 18184 (Bestimmung der antiviralen Aktivität von Textilerzeugnissen) und die ISO 21702 (Messung der antiviralen Aktivität an Kunststoffen und anderen nicht-porösen Oberflächen). Beide Normen legen als Testorganismen das Influenza-A-Virus (Grippevirus) und das Feline Calicivirus (FCV, Katzenschnupfen) zu Grunde.

„Da Anzucht und Kultivierung von Viren, im Speziellen von humanpathogenen Viren, in Zellkulturen relativ aufwändig sind, hat die OMPG die Prüfungen auf antivirale Wirksamkeit durch die Verwendung von Bakteriophagen deutlich vereinfacht“, sagt Dr. Thomas Dauben, Laborleiter Biologie. „Bakteriophagen infizieren spezifisch Bakterien und sind daher nicht nur einfacher und schneller zu kultivieren als die normgeforderten Viren, sondern stellen zudem auch kein Gesundheitsrisiko für den Menschen dar.“

Der von der OMPG verwendete Bakteriophagen phi6 gehört zur Gattung der Cystoviren und damit zur einzigen Bakteriophagen-Familie mit einer vollständigen Virushülle. Aufgrund dieser morphologischen Eigenschaft verfügt der Bakteriophage auch über einen Vermehrungszyklus, der mit jenem von anderen behüllten humanpathogenen Viren, wie Influenza A oder SARS-CoV-2, vergleichbar ist. „Aus diesem Grund eignet er sich hervorragend als Surrogatvirus – also als vergleichbarer Alternativvirus – für derartige humanpathogene Viren“, so Dr. Dauben. Folglich können mit der von der OMPG modifizierten Prüfmethode nun die antiviralen Prüfungen von Textilien und Kunststoffen einfacher und effizienter durchgeführt werden.

Die Weiterentwicklung von Prüfmethoden durch die OMPG läuft auch mit der Materialforschung am Thüringischen Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung (TITK) Hand in Hand. Dort ist die antimikrobielle Ausrüstung von Kunststoffen seit langem ein wichtiger Arbeitsgegenstand. Sowohl eigens entwickelte antibakterielle Silber- und Zink-basierte Additive als auch antivirale Beschichtungen wurden bereits im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten untersucht.

Hintergrund: Ablauf einer Prüfung auf antibakterielle und antivirale Wirksamkeit

Die Prüfverfahren sind an die jeweiligen antibakteriellen Prüfnormen für Textilien (DIN EN ISO 20743) und Kunststoffe (ISO 22196) angelehnt: Hierbei werden jeweils zwei Bakterienarten, ein gram-positives und ein gram-negatives Bakterium, für die Testung verwendet. Diese werden in einer definierten Zellzahl auf die Proben aufgebracht und nach einer Kontaktzeit von 24 Stunden wieder abgelöst. Anschließend wird die Lebendzellzahl im Vergleich zu einem Kontrollmaterial bestimmt. Die Keimzahlreduktion entspricht der antibakteriellen Wirksamkeit. Für diese Prüfungen ist die OMPG bereits von der Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) und der Zentralstelle der Länder für Gesundheitsschutz bei Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten (ZLG) akkreditiert.

Analog hierzu werden antivirale Prüfungen durchgeführt: Eine vorgegebene Anzahl an Viren wird auf die Proben aufgetragen und nach zwei Stunden (Textilien) bzw. 24 Stunden (Kunststoffe) wieder abgelöst. Die Anzahl der Viren wird dann mittels eines Plaquetitertests bestimmt, indem die Viren in einer dekadischen Verdünnungsreihe auf einen Zellrasen aufgebracht und die entstehenden zellfreien Zonen, sogenannte „Plaques“, gezählt werden. Daraus kann der Virustiter auf den Proben berechnet und im Vergleich zu einem nicht antiviral-ausgerüsteten Kontrollmaterial die Virusreduktion ermittelt werden. Diese Reduktion entspricht der antiviralen Wirksamkeit.

More information:
OMPG Plaquetitertest



Sanitized® T 99-19: 99.84 % protection against SARS CoV-2 on textiles

The antimicrobial protection of Sanitized® T 99-19 against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been confirmed by independent labs in France (basis: ISO 18184:2019).

Textile and polymer products with Sanitized® antimicrobial treatment have been used in hygiene-sensitive areas for many years. For textiles, Sanitized® T 99-19 is a patented technology based on a silane-ammonia compound, a globally proven product. Its hygiene function is used in workwear and protective clothing for nursing staff, bed linen or mattresses in hotels, nursing care facilities and hospitals. Polyester goods for precisely these areas of application can now not only be antimicrobial, but also reliably protective against SARS CoV-2.

The antiviral efficacy (99.84 %) of the Sanitized® T 99-19 product has been officially confirmed by tests conducted by external labs.

The antimicrobial protection of Sanitized® T 99-19 against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been confirmed by independent labs in France (basis: ISO 18184:2019).

Textile and polymer products with Sanitized® antimicrobial treatment have been used in hygiene-sensitive areas for many years. For textiles, Sanitized® T 99-19 is a patented technology based on a silane-ammonia compound, a globally proven product. Its hygiene function is used in workwear and protective clothing for nursing staff, bed linen or mattresses in hotels, nursing care facilities and hospitals. Polyester goods for precisely these areas of application can now not only be antimicrobial, but also reliably protective against SARS CoV-2.

The antiviral efficacy (99.84 %) of the Sanitized® T 99-19 product has been officially confirmed by tests conducted by external labs.

Tests on end products, which were additionally carried out by textile manufacturers, also prove the effectiveness of Sanitized® T 99-19 against SARS CoV-2. License partners praise this confidence-building benefit of the end products. SANITIZED license partners receive concrete support in terms of marketing and legal aspects (health claims).

Avoid legal pitfalls when claiming antiviral protection
Advice and support for customers in achieving optimal hygiene protection for their products are an integral part of SANITIZED services. A claim guide has therefore been developed especially for products that protect against COVID-19.



AFFIX Labs/Franz Kiel GmbH: Anti-microbial coating for transportation industry (c) AFFIX Labs

AFFIX Labs/Franz Kiel GmbH: Anti-microbial coating for transportation industry

AFFIX Labs’ durable semi-permanent surface coating Si-Quat, that is proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including SARS-COV-2, will be helping to make public transport safer as people around the world begin getting back onto buses and trains.

Si-Quat helps to prevent cross contamination with a durable layer of polymerized active ingredient that binds to walls, handles, furniture, and other key touch points, staying in place for up to 12 months and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria that come into contact with the treated surface. The coating has been tested and certified to be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and has passed the rigorous EN45545-2 HL3 flammability norm for trains and REG118.3 for busses.

Kiel has been manufacturing seating for public transport globally for more than 75 years and will be offering Si-Quat to clients as a new solution to protect travellers on their transport networks. With Si-Quat already registered on several continents a quick roll out is truly achievable.

AFFIX Labs’ durable semi-permanent surface coating Si-Quat, that is proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including SARS-COV-2, will be helping to make public transport safer as people around the world begin getting back onto buses and trains.

Si-Quat helps to prevent cross contamination with a durable layer of polymerized active ingredient that binds to walls, handles, furniture, and other key touch points, staying in place for up to 12 months and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria that come into contact with the treated surface. The coating has been tested and certified to be effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and has passed the rigorous EN45545-2 HL3 flammability norm for trains and REG118.3 for busses.

Kiel has been manufacturing seating for public transport globally for more than 75 years and will be offering Si-Quat to clients as a new solution to protect travellers on their transport networks. With Si-Quat already registered on several continents a quick roll out is truly achievable.




Lenzing: Outlook for current financial year raised

The Lenzing Group got off to a better-than-expected start to the financial year 2021, with preliminary EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) rising by 36.8 percent year-on-year to EUR 94.5 mn in the first quarter of 2021.

Despite the continuing high degree of volatility in the textile sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Managing Board of the Lenzing Group raises its guidance for the 2021 financial year: The Lenzing Group expects the operating result to be at least at the level of the pre-crisis year 2019.

The results of the Lenzing Group for the 1st quarter of the current financial year will be published on Wednesday, May 05, 2021.

The Lenzing Group got off to a better-than-expected start to the financial year 2021, with preliminary EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) rising by 36.8 percent year-on-year to EUR 94.5 mn in the first quarter of 2021.

Despite the continuing high degree of volatility in the textile sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Managing Board of the Lenzing Group raises its guidance for the 2021 financial year: The Lenzing Group expects the operating result to be at least at the level of the pre-crisis year 2019.

The results of the Lenzing Group for the 1st quarter of the current financial year will be published on Wednesday, May 05, 2021.

More information:
Lenzing AG Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

Bunzl Distribution brings American antiviral technology to Mexico retailers

Bunzl Distribution brings American antiviral technology to Mexico retailers

US-made Acteev Protect™ masks have embedded zinc ion technology which deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria

Bunzl Distribution, a leading supplier of packaging, disposable supplies, and cleaning and safety products, has signed on as the distributor in Mexico for Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the United States by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. A global distributor, Bunzl provides supplies to supermarkets, food processing plants, retailers and convenience stores in Mexico.

Bunzl will distribute the Acteev Protect Nonwoven Mask, a reusable general purpose mask that features powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. Acteev technology embeds active zinc ions in a polymer matrix which destroys microbes, deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria and fungi.

US-made Acteev Protect™ masks have embedded zinc ion technology which deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria

Bunzl Distribution, a leading supplier of packaging, disposable supplies, and cleaning and safety products, has signed on as the distributor in Mexico for Acteev Protect™ masks, made in the United States by polyamide manufacturer Ascend Performance Materials. A global distributor, Bunzl provides supplies to supermarkets, food processing plants, retailers and convenience stores in Mexico.

Bunzl will distribute the Acteev Protect Nonwoven Mask, a reusable general purpose mask that features powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. Acteev technology embeds active zinc ions in a polymer matrix which destroys microbes, deactivates many viruses and eliminates bacteria and fungi.

Recent testing on Acteev fabric completed at the University of Cambridge has demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, with greater than 99.9% efficacy. Ascend has submitted several masks designs to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims regarding the technology’s antiviral properties in the United States.

Carlos Green, Director General of Bunzl de México, says the company is pleased to bring products featuring better safety and protection to the Mexico market. “Our customers are more focused than ever before on doing business safely, and Acteev masks offer an added level of protection in the workplace,” he said. “We’re excited to offer our customers this premium product that provides some of the best protection available.”

In addition to antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial protection, the washable, reusable masks are lightweight, breathable and odor-fighting, making them comfortable to wear during a long shift at work or for outdoor workout. “Workers in industrial settings, such as chemical and food processing plants, and convenience stores and other retail outlets deserve the right protection as they keep society and the economy moving in Mexico,” said Juan Toro, Ascend’s principal business development leader for Acteev in the Americas.

“We are proud to partner with Bunzl to help deliver a reusable mask that provides both antiviral properties as well as an opportunity reduce the number of masks consumed, saving the companies money.”
Acteev Protect shows promise for use beyond masks, according to Ascend. The technology was originally developed for workout wear, and now the company is working textile applications ranging from gloves to scrubs to high-end athleisure.

AMAC kooperiert mit ITA (Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen und deren ITA GmbH) für die weitere Geschäftsentwicklung im Bereich Composites  © AMAC
fltr: Markus Beckmann, Prof. Thomas Gries, Dr. Michael Effing, Dr. Christoph Greb

AMAC cooperates with ITA

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

AMAC cooperates with ITA (Institute for Textile Technology of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH) for the business development in composites 

As of April 19th, 2021, AMAC is pleased to announce its cooperation with the Institute for Textile Technology, ITA, of RWTH Aachen University and their ITA GmbH. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen and develop their business activities in composites.

ITA, as one of the largest institutes on the campus of the excellence University RWTH Aachen, Germany, develops complete solutions from the manufacturing of the fiber itself over the processing of textile intermediates with thermoplastic and thermoset resins, textile-based part manufacturing, capabilities such as braiding, pultrusion and in-situ impregnation of textile preforms. Top 3 focused industries are transportation and particularly the e-mobility sector, building and construction as well as the wind energy sector. Additionally, ITA GmbH is the partner of the industry in R&D, focusing on 8 business segments, providing technology and knowledge transfer, as well as offering comprehensive solutions along the entire textile value chain.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Director of ITA, explains the background of the strategic cooperation with focus on composites: „Our long-term experience and unmatched know-how with all aspects of continuous fibers, non-wovens and web-based reinforcements allows us to deliver to the composite manufacturers a complete technology and service offer around the development of technical textiles, from the development of glass and carbon fibers to the textile-based processing of composite parts. In all process steps of our research and developments, we focus on sustainable and recyclable solutions, an efficient cost-performance ratio, the possible use of bio-based materials and the reduction of the CO2 footprint. We are glad to cooperate with Dr. Michael Effing and AMAC in order to benefit from his door-opening network in the composites industry. “

Dr. Michael Effing, Managing Director of AMAC GmbH: „I am very happy to support the ITA to generate innovation thanks to further industrial networking and pre-competitive joint projects. ITA is indeed a one-stop source for composite solutions from the fiber to the cost-efficient manufacturing of final parts. In the context of the Covid-19 impact to the entire industry, it makes sense to bundle forces. Furthermore, ITA, with its long tradition and satisfied customers offers further valuable networking opportunities to the composites industry as well as access to relevant complementary fiber-based excellence and 250 different technologies in their machine-park with an outstanding infrastructure in Aachen.”