From the Sector

7 results

Rahmenprogramm der Texcare 2024

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit Automatisierung, Energieeinsparung, Kreislaufmodellen und textiler Hygiene stehen große Aufgaben für die Textilpflege-Branche im Fokus der Texcare International 2024 (6. – 9. November). Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern hat die Messe ein Rahmenprogramm konzipiert, das progressive Anstöße für die Zukunft des Sektors bieten will.
Eingeläutet wird das Programm am Mittwoch, den 6.11. um 12.00 Uhr mit einer Messeeröffnung durch die Veranstalter im „Texcare Forum“ (Galleria Ebene 0, A09), zu der Besucher und Aussteller eingeladen sind. Damit beginnt auch das gleichnamige und kostenfreie Fachprogramm der Texcare rund um die Top-Themen Automatisierung, Energie und Ressourcen, Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie textile Hygiene. Es erstreckt sich über die vier Messetage und wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV), dem VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, der Europäischen Forschungsvereinigung Innovative Textilpflege (EFIT), der European Textile Service Association (ETSA) und den Hohenstein Laboratories entwickelt.

Mit dem breiten Thema Automatisierung werden sich VDMA und EFIT in ihren Panels jeweils mit Blick auf die Entwicklungen in Wäschereien und Textilreinigungen befassen. Im Fokus stehen dabei unter anderem die Robotisierung von Wäschereien, digitale Produktpässe, Datensicherheit sowie Automatisierungsansätze für kleinere Unternehmen.
Aktuelle Trends aus dem Bereich der textilen Hygiene in Wäschereien werden von Hohenstein Laboratories thematisiert – darunter die Gegenüberstellung von wiederverwendbaren und Einwegprodukten im Gesundheitswesen, die Unterstützung von Endkunden bei der Textilsortierung sowie Wäschehygiene-Zertifizierungssysteme.
Mit innovativen Lösungen im Dienst der Nachhaltigkeit wird sich das ebenfalls durch den VDMA gehostete Panel „Energie und Ressourcen“ auseinandersetzen. CSR-Reporting, Energiemanagement und CO2-Neutralität stehen hier im Zentrum.   

Im Rahmen des Themenkomplexes „Kreisläufe“ widmet sich die ETSA dem Textilrecycling. Betrachtet werden unter anderem Innovationen im Bereich der Textilsortierung, die Bewältigung logistischer Herausforderungen, die Verwendung recycelter Fasern sowie die Unterstützung durch digitale Plattformen.

Der DTV informiert in seinem Panel über neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Kreislaufwirtschaft, vom Ökodesign über Verleih- und Reparaturservices bis hin zur europäischen Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien.   

Die Aussteller-Vorträge: Produktinnovationen im Fokus
Neben eingeladenen Vorträgen bietet das Texcare Forum in diesem Jahr zudem ein Vortragsformat für Aussteller. Diese präsentieren dem Publikum in 20-minütigen Slots besonders innovative Lösungen oder Produkte aus ihren Portfolios. Zu den teilnehmenden Firmen zählen unter anderem Ecolab, Kannegiesser, Christeyns, Electrolux, Veit und Seitz.
Internationale Markttrends und -entwicklungen
In ihren „International Market Updates“, ebenfalls im Texcare Forum, geben Experten der TRSA (Association for Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Industry, USA), des Sveriges Tvätteriförbund (Schwedischer Wäschereiverband) sowie der Texcare France fundierte Einblicke in die Textilservice-Märkte und Brancheninitiativen der jeweiligen Länder.

Im Vortrag „The new Scandinavian Quality Control model“ (Mittwoch, 6.11., 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr) thematisieren der schwedische und der dänische Wäschereiverband gemeinsam progressive Entwicklungen innerhalb des skandinavischen Marktes und informieren über ihr neues Qualitätskontrolle-Modell.

Unter dem Titel „American Linen, Uniform and Facility Services Market: Advocacy, Performance and Sustainability“ beleuchtet der TRSA-Vortrag (Donnerstag, 7.11., 13.00 – 14.00 Uhr) unter anderem aufkommende Markttrends innerhalb der nahezu 50 Milliarden US-Dollar schweren nordamerikanischen Branche. Auch die sich verändernden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Rahmenbedingungen kommen zur Sprache. Thematisiert werden zudem wiederverwendbare Materialien als verantwortungsvolle Alternative zu Einwegprodukten, textile Dienstleistungen als integraler Bestandteil der Kundennachhaltigkeit, verbesserte Hygiene sowie das umweltfreundliche Ansehen der Branche.  

Der Status Quo sowie aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen innerhalb des auf 3 Milliarden Euro taxierten französischen Marktes stehen im Mittelpunkt des Texcare France-Vortrags (Donnerstag, 7.11., 16.00 – 17.00 Uhr).

Guided Tours: Innovationen entdecken
Erstmals wird es auf der Texcare „Guided Tours“ geben. Auf den von Experten kuratierten und geführten Messerundgängen wird den Teilnehmern eine Auswahl besonders spannender Innovationen vorgestellt. Dabei stehen neben Neuheiten großer Key Player auch fortschrittliche Lösungen kleinerer Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt.   

Die Touren finden an allen vier Messetagen in englischer Sprache statt. Sie sind für Besitzer eines gültigen Texcare-Tickets kostenfrei. Die etwa einstündigen Rundgänge beginnen am 6.11. um 13.00 Uhr, vom 7. bis 9.11. jeweils um 11.00 Uhr. Startpunkt ist am Guided Tours-Stand B 03 in der Galleria Ebene 0. Dort können sich interessierte Besucher direkt vor Ort zur Teilnahme anmelden.
Texcare Happy Hour: Networking in lockerer Atmosphäre
Neben Produktinnovationen und Wissenstransfer steht insbesondere der Austausch innerhalb der Branche im Fokus der Texcare International. Die Veranstalter laden daher täglich (außer am Messe-Samstag) alle Teilnehmer zu einer Happy Hour ein. Diese findet jeweils ab 17.30 Uhr in der Galleria 0, direkt neben Halle 8, statt, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und bestehende zu pflegen.

Photo Pixabay

Euratex, EuroCoton, Edana, CIRFS and ETSA join forces for the European Textile Industry

The associations published a joint European textiles industry statement on the energy package claiming incisive actions with no further delay.
Here is the statement in full:

Last month, when gas wholesale prices reached the record level of 340€/MWh – triggering also sky-high electricity prices – the European textiles industry called on the European Union to adopt a wholesale price cap for gas, the revision of the merit-order principle in the electricity market, support for SMEs and a single European strategy. On 14 September 2022, on the occasion of the State of the Union address by President Von der Leyen, the Commission announced initiatives aimed at tackling the dramatic energy crisis that the Europe is facing.

We, the European associations representing the whole textiles’ ecosystem,  welcome these proposals by the Commission to change the TTF benchmark parameters and decouple the TTF from the electricity market and the revision of the merit-order principle for the electricity market, which is no longer serving the purpose it was designed for.

The associations published a joint European textiles industry statement on the energy package claiming incisive actions with no further delay.
Here is the statement in full:

Last month, when gas wholesale prices reached the record level of 340€/MWh – triggering also sky-high electricity prices – the European textiles industry called on the European Union to adopt a wholesale price cap for gas, the revision of the merit-order principle in the electricity market, support for SMEs and a single European strategy. On 14 September 2022, on the occasion of the State of the Union address by President Von der Leyen, the Commission announced initiatives aimed at tackling the dramatic energy crisis that the Europe is facing.

We, the European associations representing the whole textiles’ ecosystem,  welcome these proposals by the Commission to change the TTF benchmark parameters and decouple the TTF from the electricity market and the revision of the merit-order principle for the electricity market, which is no longer serving the purpose it was designed for.

We also welcome the proposal to amend the state-aid framework that, in our view, should include the textiles finishing, the textiles services and the nonwoven sectors as well as a simplification of the application requirements. Furthermore, we call for a uniform implementation across the EU.

However, we acknowledge that the Commission proposal lacks in ambition and – if confirmed – it will come at the cost of losing European industrial capacity and European jobs. Ultimately, Europe will remain without its integrated textiles ecosystem, as we know it today, and no mean to translate into reality the EU textiles strategy, for more sustainable and circular textiles products.

An ambitious and meaningful European price cap on the wholesale price of natural gas is absolutely necessary. Europe is running out of time to save its own industry. It is now time to act swiftly, decisively in unity and solidarity at European level. We understand a very high price cap has been so far discussed among Ministries and that is not reassuring for companies across Europe: if any cap is, as expected, above 100/MWh, these businesses will collapse.

Already in March 2022, with EU gas wholesale prices at 200€/MWh, the business case for keeping textiles production was no longer there. To date, natural gas wholesale prices have reached the level of 340€/MWh, more than 15 times higher compared to 2021! Currently, many businesses have suspended their production processes to avoid the loss of tens of thousands of euros every day. We hope this will not become the new normal and – to reduce the likelihood of such a scenario – we call on the Commission, the EU Council and the Parliament to swiftly adopt decisive, impactful and concrete actions to tackle the energy crisis and ensure the survival of the European industry.

Given the dire international competition in which the EU textiles industry operates, it is not possible to just pass on the increased costs to consumers. Yet, with these sky-high prices, our companies cannot afford to absorb those costs. The EU textiles companies are mainly SMEs that do not have the financial structure to absorb such a shock.  In contrast with such reality in Europe, the wholesale price of gas in the US and China is 10€/MWh, whereas in Turkey the price is 25€/MWh. If the EU does not act, our international competitors will easily replace us in the market, resulting in the de-industrialisation of Europe and a worsened reliance on foreign imports of essential products.

Specific segments of the textile industry are particularly vulnerable:

  • The man-made fibres (MMF) industry for instance is an energy intensive sector and a major consumer of natural gas and electricity in the manufacturing of its fibres. Not only is it being affected by higher energy process, it is also experiencing shortages and sharply rising costs of its raw materials.
  • For the nonwovens segment, production processes – which use both fibres and filaments extruded in situ – are also highly dependent on gas and electricity. Polymers melting and extrusion, fibres carding, web-forming, web-bonding and drying are energy-intensive techniques. Nonwoven materials can be found in many applications crucial to citizens like in healthcare (face masks) or automotive (batteries).
  • It also is to be noted that for some segments the use of gas has no technological substitute: for example, the dyeing and finishing production units make very intense use of gas. These production units are mainly composed by boilers and driers, which only work on gas and there is no alternative technology.
  • The textile services sector is also struggling: with the critical nature of the service they provide, they require a considerable amount of energy to keep services, particularly hospitals and care homes stocked with lifesaving material as well as clothing and bed linens for the patients themselves. Losing these businesses would cause a lack of clothing for healthcare professionals, including protective sanitary gowns for surgeons, nurses and doctors, uniforms including other forms of personal protective equipment.


(c) ITA

International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society Award for Professor Thomas Gries

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

On 27 November 2021, the Scientific Award for International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Society (SARES Award) was awarded to Professor Dr Thomas Gries from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University. The award ceremony took place during the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (ISSA) in a hybrid format online and simultaneously at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
With the award, the committee recognised the ongoing contribution of Pro-fessor Gries and the Institut für Textiltechnik to the digitisation and bio-transformation of the textile sector, as well as the Institute as a place of innovation for sustainable aviation.

Examples of this include the development of 3D braided ceramic matrix composite components for aircraft engines, which were researched together with partners in a Horizon 2020 project (EU project AllOxITD). The ongoing Chrysomallos research project as another example, funded under the national aeronautics research programme in Germany, aims to develop a completely new and sustainable high-performance insulator for aircraft cabins based on aerogels. These have a significantly lower weight than the glass fibre mats used up to now, while providing the same insulation performance, and solve the problem of the previously high manufacturing costs of aerogels. The aim of the project is to develop an insulation material with reduced density (reduction of more than 20 percent). To this end, a new type of insulation material based on aerogel is to be developed. The basis is an aerogel fleece (0.06 W/mK at 28 kg/m³), which has already been developed as part of a dissertation at the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (Mroszczok, J.: 2019).

The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Due to this fact and its importance for society and the global economy, it needs to make special efforts towards sustainability. The ISSA, an international multi-disciplinary symposium, aims to address current issues in aviation such as improving aircraft fuel efficiency, promoting the use of biofuels, minimising environmental impact, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing engine and aircraft noise. ^

Through the award, SARES honours scientists and researchers whose work on sustainable aviation issues has made an important contribution at the international level. The selection is based on the scientific publications of the applicant or nominee, the h-index, i.e. the key figure for the worldwide perception of a scientist in professional circles, the project topics and the project results.


Innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022”

  • International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2-3 February in Cologne, Germany and online
  • Call for Innovations
  • Six nominees will get the chance to present their unique products

The footsteps are big: in 2021, Stora Enso from Sweden won the innovation award, granted on the first day of the “International Conference on Cellulose Fibres”. Their new cellulose foam for packaging fully convinced the audience. Second place was taken by Kelheim Fibres (Germany) with their high-quality hygiene products made of cellulose ahead of third place occupant Metsä Spring from Finland that presented a new cellulose fibre production process.

  • International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2-3 February in Cologne, Germany and online
  • Call for Innovations
  • Six nominees will get the chance to present their unique products

The footsteps are big: in 2021, Stora Enso from Sweden won the innovation award, granted on the first day of the “International Conference on Cellulose Fibres”. Their new cellulose foam for packaging fully convinced the audience. Second place was taken by Kelheim Fibres (Germany) with their high-quality hygiene products made of cellulose ahead of third place occupant Metsä Spring from Finland that presented a new cellulose fibre production process.

nova-Institute has opened the Call for Innovations for the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022” award until 15 November 2021. All producers, inventors and pioneers along the entire value chain from feedstock to final product are invited to enter the competition. Developments of new technologies and applications are welcome. An independent expert jury will select a total of six new materials and products from all entries for the award. The innovators get a free 2-day ticket for the conference and the unique opportunity to present and market their product or technology to a huge professional audience. After short presentations of the six candidates at the conference, the three winners will be elected by the participants of the conference and honored with the innovation award at a festive gala dinner.

Following the conference, nova-Institute issues an international press release to announce the winners.

Call for Innovations
More information about the innovation award and the application can be found at
Deadline for submission: 15 November 2021


nova-Institut GmbH

(c) Autefa

Swiss Textile Machinery: Top Technology for Nonwovens

Originally conceived as a low-cost, high-volume alternative to knitting and weaving, nonwovens was already expanding its market boundaries by the 1970s with new applications in ‘disposables’ such as diapers, hygiene and teabags.

In the past five decades, the nonwovens business has exploded in all directions, reaching a global market worth USD 40.5 billion in 2020, projected to grow to USD 53.5 billion by 2025. This annual growth rate of 5.7% (MarketsandMarkets, Nonwoven Fabric Market Report) is based on countless new applications and expansion into durable, as well as additional disposable, products.

Major growth drivers include the hygiene sector, and filtration media for power plants and air conditioning systems. Especially during the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021, demand in the hygiene sector multiplied. Worldwide capacities for both meltblown and spunlace production rocketed compared to a normal business year. Swiss Autefa Solutions, for example, significantly benefited from this trend, notably with the launch of a fully-automatic machine for producing face masks.

Originally conceived as a low-cost, high-volume alternative to knitting and weaving, nonwovens was already expanding its market boundaries by the 1970s with new applications in ‘disposables’ such as diapers, hygiene and teabags.

In the past five decades, the nonwovens business has exploded in all directions, reaching a global market worth USD 40.5 billion in 2020, projected to grow to USD 53.5 billion by 2025. This annual growth rate of 5.7% (MarketsandMarkets, Nonwoven Fabric Market Report) is based on countless new applications and expansion into durable, as well as additional disposable, products.

Major growth drivers include the hygiene sector, and filtration media for power plants and air conditioning systems. Especially during the peak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 and 2021, demand in the hygiene sector multiplied. Worldwide capacities for both meltblown and spunlace production rocketed compared to a normal business year. Swiss Autefa Solutions, for example, significantly benefited from this trend, notably with the launch of a fully-automatic machine for producing face masks.

The automotive industry is the second big growth area, with many new applications being pioneered. The trend to electric and hybrid vehicles has helped this, as nonwovens reinforced with carbon fibres are widely used as battery housings.

Swiss nonwovens competence
Innovative applications across all sectors have driven the rapid evolution of sophisticated nonwovens machinery. Today’s trends demand higher productivity, sustainability and Industry 4.0 compatibility – demonstrated by the full equipment portfolio of Swiss Textile Machinery member Autefa Solutions. With V-Jet Futura, the company recently sealed the link in its product range between web forming and drying technology. This latest Hydroentanglement Machine, together with the SQ-V Square Drum Dryer, embodies advanced technology combined with significant reductions in energy consumption compared to other process solutions.

A vital contribution to nonwovens production is offered by Rieter subsidiary Graf, a leading supplier of clothing and combs for carding and combing processes in spinning and nonwovens. Graf's Hipro card clothings – suitable for any man-made fibres in the nonwovens sector – are focussing on higher productivity. Their superior performance delivers up to 10% higher throughput and greater carding efficiency compared to conventional clothings. These reliable card clothing elements also ensure a consistently reproducible high web quality, as well as 20% fewer failures in the web, thanks to the precise fibre transfer to and from the cylinder.

Another constant trend in nonwovens today is the drive for better quality. Manufacturers want to take charge of contamination levels in their processes, as well as eradicating defects which may arise during production. Uster Technologies, a leading provider of quality management solutions from fibre to fabric, offers a combined solution to achieve both these required quality standards. At the fibre preparation stage, Uster Jossi Vision Shield N ensures the best possible initial inspection and removal of contamination. Then, at the end of the production sequence, Uster EVS Fabriq Vision N handles automated detection and marking of all the main defects caused during production. This combined solution avoids material waste and takes full advantage of the potential for process optimization.


Swiss Textile Machinery Association

Bio Composites Procedure (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

Starting market and technology study on the Potential for bio-based composite materials

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Dr. Michael Emonts, Managing Partner of AZL: "Together with our partner companies we want to identify hidden business potential for composites with bio-based materials. To do so, we will reapply our established approach for market and technology studies: Based on a detailed market analysis, we will dive deep into the technological evaluation of technologies, applications and business cases.”

Based on a detailed market segmentation, AZL's technology experts analyze the various market segments in terms of their size, growth potential, relevant players and existing and future applications. For the identified applications, the participants in the study will receive detailed insight into the respective technical and legal requirements as well as an overview of value chains, processes and materials. In the following, the strengths and challenges of bio-composites compared to conventional materials are elaborated. The consortium will select the components with the highest potential, for which suitable production scenarios will be developed and analyzed in terms of costs in a business case analysis.

"We are participating in the AZL study to identify and evaluate new product areas with bio-materials. The technological analyses of the AZL studies have already helped us in the past to initiate new developments," says Dr. Steven Schmidt, Director Technology Platforms Materials at REHAU, explaining the motivation for working with the AZL and the industry consortium. "As one of the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders, we at REHAU are incorporating environmentally friendly materials into more and more products. Wherever the company is active - from the furniture and construction industries to the automotive industry - REHAU is already developing and manufacturing high-quality products from recycled raw materials. By 2025, REHAU plans to increase its recycling rate across the Group to significantly more than 15 percent and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30 percent," adds Dr. Steven Schmidt.

Bio-composites will also be the topic of the upcoming Lightweight TechTalk by AZL on September 29, 2020. Experts from industry and academia will give technology and market insights on sustainability and recycling of composites in 6 presentations. Registration is free of charge at:

The kick-off of the project will take place on October 22nd, 2020 in the form of a video conference. Further background information on the project can be found under the following link:

Bio Composites Procedure (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

Startende Markt- und Technologiestudie zum Potential für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien

Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Entwicklungen für die derzeitige Gestaltung von Produktionen und Produkten. Um eine umfassende Einschätzung des Potentials von bio-basierten Composites zu erhalten, untersucht das AZL zusammen mit einem Industriekonsortium das Marktpotential, zukünftige Anwendungen und relevante Technologien für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien. Die 5-monatige Markt- und Technologiestudie startet am 22. Oktober 2020 und ist offen für interessierte Firmen. Firmen wie REHAU, ein Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems sowie mehrere Materialhersteller beteiligen sich an der Studie.

Bio-Kunststoffe sind in der Industrie, vor allem in Verpackungsanwendungen etabliert. Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Biopolymere von 10,5 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2020 auf 27,9 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2025 wachsen wird. Gleichzeitig sind bio-basierte Rohmaterialien, wie Naturfasern, kosteneffektiv auf dem Markt erhältlich. Auch Composites mit Holz- oder Naturfaseranteilen werden zunehmend in Produkten eingesetzt.

Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Entwicklungen für die derzeitige Gestaltung von Produktionen und Produkten. Um eine umfassende Einschätzung des Potentials von bio-basierten Composites zu erhalten, untersucht das AZL zusammen mit einem Industriekonsortium das Marktpotential, zukünftige Anwendungen und relevante Technologien für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien. Die 5-monatige Markt- und Technologiestudie startet am 22. Oktober 2020 und ist offen für interessierte Firmen. Firmen wie REHAU, ein Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems sowie mehrere Materialhersteller beteiligen sich an der Studie.

Bio-Kunststoffe sind in der Industrie, vor allem in Verpackungsanwendungen etabliert. Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Biopolymere von 10,5 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2020 auf 27,9 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2025 wachsen wird. Gleichzeitig sind bio-basierte Rohmaterialien, wie Naturfasern, kosteneffektiv auf dem Markt erhältlich. Auch Composites mit Holz- oder Naturfaseranteilen werden zunehmend in Produkten eingesetzt.

Dr. Michael Emonts, Geschäftsführer des AZL: „Zusammen mit unseren Partnerfirmen wollen wir bisher noch unerkanntes Geschäftspotential für Composites mit aus bio-basierten Materialien identifizieren. Dazu wenden wir unseren etablierten Ansatz für Markt-/Technologiestudien an und tauchen ausgehend von einer detaillierten Marktanalyse tief in die technologische Bewertung von Technologien, Anwendungen und Business Cases.“

Ausgehend von einer detaillierten Marktsegmentierung, analysieren die Technologieexperten des AZL die verschiedenen Marktsegmente hinsichtlich ihrer Größe, ihres Wachstumspotentials, relevanter Akteure und existierender und zukünftiger Anwendungen. Die Teilnehmer der Studie erhalten für die identifizierten Anwendungen detaillierte Einsicht in die jeweiligen technischen und gesetzlichen Anforderungen sowie einen Überblick über Wertschöpfungsketten, Prozesse und Materialien. Im Folgenden werden die Stärken und Herausforderungen von Bio-Composites gegenüber konventionellen Materialien erarbeitet. Das Konsortium wählt die Komponenten mit dem höchsten Potential aus, für die geeignete Produktionsszenarien erarbeitet und im Rahmen einer Business-Case-Analyse hinsichtlich ihrer Kosten analysiert werden.

„Wir sind bei der AZL-Studie dabei, um dadurch neue Produktbereiche mit Bio-Materialien zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Die technologischen Analysen der AZL-Studien haben uns bereits in der Vergangenheit geholfen, Neuentwicklungen anzustoßen,“ erklärt Dr. Steven Schmidt, Director Technology Platforms Materials bei REHAU die Motivation mit dem AZL und dem Industriekonsortium zusammen zu arbeiten. „Als einer der 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders bringen wir bei REHAU umweltfreundliche Materialien in immer mehr Produkte. Überall, wo das Unternehmen tätig ist – von der Möbel-, über die Bau- bis hin zur Automobilindustrie – entwickelt und produziert REHAU bereits heute qualitativ hochwertige Produkte aus Recycling-Rohstoffen. Bis 2025 plant REHAU, seine Recyclingquote gruppenweit auf deutlich mehr als 15 Prozent zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig den CO2-Ausstoß um mindestens 30 Prozent zu reduzieren,“ ergänzt Dr. Steven Schmidt.

Bio-Composites werden auch Thema im anstehenden Lightweight TechTalk by AZL am 29. September 2020 sein. Experten aus Industrie und Academia werden in 6 Vorträgen Technologie- und Markteinblicke geben zu Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling von Composites. Die Anmeldung ist kostenfrei möglich unter:

Das Kick-Off des Projekts findet am 22. Oktober 2020 im Rahmen einer Video-Konferenz statt.

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zum Projekt finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

More information:
AZL Composites Studie

AZL Aachen GmbH