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B.I.G. Yarns: Virgin polyester BCF yarns for automotive carpet (c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns: Virgin polyester BCF yarns for automotive carpet

To expand its support for high-end and luxurious automotive interiors, B.I.G. Yarns has completed its first industrial production runs of virgin polyester BCF yarns for automotive carpet to complement its line of polyamide PA6 superior yarns.

There is a growing market in PET for automotive interior applications, with polyester allowing automotive OEMs and Tier 1 to develop products that, from the outset, consider eco-design by building MONO-polymer carpets and flooring that are 100% recyclable at End of Life (EOL ). These materials are helping to ensure improved and more sustainable EOL recycling of electric vehicles that are driving the future of the car industry.

To expand its support for high-end and luxurious automotive interiors, B.I.G. Yarns has completed its first industrial production runs of virgin polyester BCF yarns for automotive carpet to complement its line of polyamide PA6 superior yarns.

There is a growing market in PET for automotive interior applications, with polyester allowing automotive OEMs and Tier 1 to develop products that, from the outset, consider eco-design by building MONO-polymer carpets and flooring that are 100% recyclable at End of Life (EOL ). These materials are helping to ensure improved and more sustainable EOL recycling of electric vehicles that are driving the future of the car industry.

The new PET BCF Yarns offer high-performance for automotive carpets, including abrasion and stain resistance, and durability, passing all stringent automotive tests including the Taber test for abrasion performance, compressibility and recovery ability test, light fastness in automotive (DIN EN ISO 105-B06) and VOC (fogging) according the VDA 278 test on VOC and FOG emission. The yarns can be color solution dyed, have a dTex between 1300 – 1500, 81 filaments and are ideally for mats with a composition of 400 to 800 gram per m², while the yarns for molded carpets have a dTex of 1200, 144 filaments for 380 gram per m².

With the addition of PET BCF yarns, B.I.G. Yarns is now a one-stop-shop for 3 types of Solution Dyed BCF carpet yarns for the automotive industry: nylon (PA6), polypropylene (PP) and polyester (PET), and the Eqo-range of PA6 yarns – the sustainability focused EqoBalance, EqoCycle and EqoYarn.

The automotive carpet market is expected to grow strongly in the coming decade with the increased demand for vehicle customization and personalization driven by owners looking to upgrade and enhance interiors, including the flooring area.
A growing awareness around car hygiene is also boosting the market as consumers become more conscious of maintaining cleanliness in their vehicles, including the floors. Automotive carpets provide an effective solution by trapping dirt and preventing it from spreading to other areas.


Beaulieu International Group

(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns launches Sustainable Yarns at Clerkenwell Design Week

B.I.G. Yarns unveils its new “SustainableYarns” platform, with Clerkenwell Design Week visitors the first to be invited to get on board and focus on what matters most for the design and manufacture of sustainable soft floorings.

The expert in polyamide (PA) 1 step 3 ply yarns offers a range of options for manufacturers to introduce sustainable yarns into carpet solutions and reach sustainability targets faster and more efficiently.

The Sustainable Yarns range creates opportunities to design with recycled content yarn (EqoCycle), to work with renewable resources (EqoBalance), and, following the launch of new polyamide 6 (PA6) EqoYarn at Clerkenwell Design Week, to also leverage the low-impact value chain.

New addition EqoYarn is a new low-impact PA6 carpet yarn based on the most recent innovations in polymer production, which enable yarn manufacturers to lower their carbon footprint by nearly 50% and give carpet manufacturers more options to reduce their impact.

B.I.G. Yarns unveils its new “SustainableYarns” platform, with Clerkenwell Design Week visitors the first to be invited to get on board and focus on what matters most for the design and manufacture of sustainable soft floorings.

The expert in polyamide (PA) 1 step 3 ply yarns offers a range of options for manufacturers to introduce sustainable yarns into carpet solutions and reach sustainability targets faster and more efficiently.

The Sustainable Yarns range creates opportunities to design with recycled content yarn (EqoCycle), to work with renewable resources (EqoBalance), and, following the launch of new polyamide 6 (PA6) EqoYarn at Clerkenwell Design Week, to also leverage the low-impact value chain.

New addition EqoYarn is a new low-impact PA6 carpet yarn based on the most recent innovations in polymer production, which enable yarn manufacturers to lower their carbon footprint by nearly 50% and give carpet manufacturers more options to reduce their impact.

For its EqoYarn Bulk Continuous Filament (BCF) production process, B.I.G. Yarns has selected the few best-in-class partners that have made major steps forward in terms of sustainability, and reduced their greenhouse gas emissions thanks to continuous investments in process efficiency, green energy, heat optimization and waste reduction. The result is EqoYarn with a carbon footprint of 4 kg CO2 eq/kg yarns, which is a CO2 reduction of up to 50% compared to conventional PA yarns.

EqoBalance PA6 yarns enable customers to reach an even higher CO2 reduction of up to 75%. Manufactured with polymers made from renewable resources such as organic waste from cooking oil instead of virgin or fossil feedstock, these yarns have a carbon footprint of 1.98 kg CO2 eq./ kg yarns. They help carpet manufacturers to create products with an extremely low carbon footprint.

EqoCycle PA6 yarns are fully recyclable and incorporate 75% recycled content originating from recycled and regenerated PA6 granules. With a carbon footprint of 4.64 kg CO2 eq./ kg yarns, they deliver the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn with the benefit of 37% CO2 reduction. EqoCycle yarns offer carpet manufacturers a sustainable alternative to help reduce the ecological footprint of their products and move towards a circular economy without jeopardizing the end-product quality.

In addition to the different CO2-reducing options, B.I.G. Yarns’ customers can access an unlimited colour range to elevate their designs. Its BCF technology for polyamide yarns, twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex, along with its colour studio, are available to support their creation of customised collections.


Beaulieu International Group

(c) Beaulieu International Group

Das France Relance-Programm stärkt die Stabilität von B.I.G. Yarns Comines

Am 13. Juli empfing B.I.G. Yarns Comines (FR) eine Delegation von institutionellen Vertretern im Rahmen des France Relance-Programms.

Ende 2021 wurde B.I.G. Yarns Comines als einer der Preisträger für das Programm der französischen Regierung ausgewählt, das sich stark auf die Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums konzentriert.

Das zu diesem Zweck geschaffene France Relance-Programm zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen nach der Covid-Krise finanziell zu unterstützen und die Erholung der Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Es gibt Unternehmen, die sich für zusätzliche Beschäftigung, die Stärkung von Kompetenzen (Beschäftigung, Ausbildung), Innovation, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und natürlich Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen, Sauerstoff.

Am 13. Juli empfing B.I.G. Yarns Comines (FR) eine Delegation von institutionellen Vertretern im Rahmen des France Relance-Programms.

Ende 2021 wurde B.I.G. Yarns Comines als einer der Preisträger für das Programm der französischen Regierung ausgewählt, das sich stark auf die Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums konzentriert.

Das zu diesem Zweck geschaffene France Relance-Programm zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen nach der Covid-Krise finanziell zu unterstützen und die Erholung der Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten. Es gibt Unternehmen, die sich für zusätzliche Beschäftigung, die Stärkung von Kompetenzen (Beschäftigung, Ausbildung), Innovation, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und natürlich Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen, Sauerstoff.

Die finanzielle Unterstützung ermöglichte es B.I.G. Yarns, die Produktionskapazität seiner erstklassigen 1-Schritt-3-Schicht-PA-Garntechnologie durch die Installation neuer, hochmoderner Produktionslinien am Standort Comines um 20% zu erhöhen. Die neuen Anlagen nutzen die hochmoderne PA-Garntechnologie von B.I.G. Yarns, die den Herstellern von Teppichfliesen mehr Freiheit in Bezug auf Design, Kontrast und Farbe, aber auch eine gesteigerte Flexibilität bietet. Dadurch können die Kunden schneller auf neue Entwicklungen auf dem Vertragsmarkt reagieren.

Auch den Mitarbeitern und der Umwelt kommt diese technologische Neuentwicklung zugute. Der spezifische Energieverbrauch wird ebenfalls optimiert und trägt so zur Energieeinsparung am Standort bei.

Neben der Stärkung und Erneuerung der Produktionsinfrastruktur und -technologie konzentrierte sich B.I.G. Yarns auch auf die Entwicklung neuer innovativer Produkte, die zu den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen seiner Kunden beitragen.

So wird B.I.G. Yarns zum ersten Mal PET-Garne produzieren und seinen Kunden in der Automobilindustrie ein völlig neues Portfolio an PET-Garnen anbieten können.

Dieses strategische Verstärkungsprojekt wird sicherstellen, dass sich B.I.G. Yarns Comines in einem sehr anspruchsvollen und sich schnell verändernden Markt, der von hohen Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen, starkem Wettbewerb und einer schwankenden Nachfrage, die den gesamten Sektor betrifft, geprägt ist, nachhaltig behaupten kann. Außerdem tragen alle Umsetzungen dazu bei, die CO2-Bilanz zu reduzieren, was sicherstellt, dass B.I.G. Yarns weiterhin eine nachhaltige Zukunft für seine Kunden, seine Mitarbeiter und die Gemeinschaft aufbauen kann.


Beaulieu International Group / EMG

(c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns at Clerkenwell Design Week with carpet tile collections

B.I.G. Yarns has secured its debut spot at the return of Clerkenwell Design Week (24-26 May 2022) and will showcase its sustainable contract flooring to carpet makers, architects and designers.

B.I.G. Yarns’ polyamide-based collections are high-performing with a strong emphasis on elevating design through remarkable colour contrasts and patterns: from bulk continuous filament (BCF) to twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex.

Designers can tap into the Class 33 resilience and various comfort levels of its one-step 3Ply Resilya, Softitude, and new two-step ColorMind solutions to meet application requirements, as well as access monthly inspiration care of #CatchtheColor. ColorMind offers yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. The ColorMind colour bank features predefined colours, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom.

B.I.G. Yarns has secured its debut spot at the return of Clerkenwell Design Week (24-26 May 2022) and will showcase its sustainable contract flooring to carpet makers, architects and designers.

B.I.G. Yarns’ polyamide-based collections are high-performing with a strong emphasis on elevating design through remarkable colour contrasts and patterns: from bulk continuous filament (BCF) to twisted and heat-set yarns, one-colour to multi-colour, between 650 and 15000 dTex.

Designers can tap into the Class 33 resilience and various comfort levels of its one-step 3Ply Resilya, Softitude, and new two-step ColorMind solutions to meet application requirements, as well as access monthly inspiration care of #CatchtheColor. ColorMind offers yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. The ColorMind colour bank features predefined colours, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom.

B.I.G. Yarns continues to extend its ranges to reduce fossil-carbon in the industry and encourage greater product circularity. Its EqoCycle PA6 yarns incorporate recycled content originating from recycled and regenerated PA6 and are fully recyclable, improving resource efficiency and other environmental benefits throughout the value chain. Carpet tufters can also contribute to a sustainable future through less use of fossil resources and reduced greenhouse gas emissions with EqoBalance yarns. Both ranges offer the same high-quality performance as virgin-based yarns.


Beaulieu International Group / EMG

© Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns: Major investments in new yarn technology

Building a strong future. B.I.G. Yarns reveals significant investment in its next-generation Polyamide (PA) technology to help global carpet tile manufacturers meet the demands of the contract market. In addition to this key investment, the company also announces its decision to become a new producer of polyester (PET) yarns for the automotive industry.

The two announcements reinforce the business’ leadership in yarn innovation and commitment to being at the forefront of supporting changing end-market needs.

B.I.G Yarns is stepping up its focus on developing and producing one-step 3Ply PA yarns using next-generation technology to answer needs for flexibility and broader design options in the carpet tile segment. Total production capacity for one-step 3Ply yarns will increase by > 20% through new lines installed at the plant in France, creating higher output and greater supply security by serving customers from all three of its global plants.

Building a strong future. B.I.G. Yarns reveals significant investment in its next-generation Polyamide (PA) technology to help global carpet tile manufacturers meet the demands of the contract market. In addition to this key investment, the company also announces its decision to become a new producer of polyester (PET) yarns for the automotive industry.

The two announcements reinforce the business’ leadership in yarn innovation and commitment to being at the forefront of supporting changing end-market needs.

B.I.G Yarns is stepping up its focus on developing and producing one-step 3Ply PA yarns using next-generation technology to answer needs for flexibility and broader design options in the carpet tile segment. Total production capacity for one-step 3Ply yarns will increase by > 20% through new lines installed at the plant in France, creating higher output and greater supply security by serving customers from all three of its global plants.

The new lines use B.I.G. Yarns’ cutting-edge PA yarn technology which expands design, contrast and colour freedoms for carpet tile manufacturers, and increases flexibility in lot sizes. These advances enable customers to respond quickly to developments in the contract market. In addition, the new technology features a higher level of automation which improves ergonomics for B.I.G. Yarns’ employees. Importantly, it also optimizes energy use which contributes in energy savings at the French site specifically. The new production lines will be deployed from mid-2022.

To enhance support for a future of more sustainable automotive interiors, B.I.G. Yarns will enter into PET yarn production for the first time and offer a portfolio of PET yarns by the third quarter of 2022. These will be available for automotive applications alongside its EqoCycle® recycled-based PA6 yarns.


Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant © Beaulieu International Group
B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant.

B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant

  • FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award for Komen site, Belgium
  • Completes HPR Award status for B.I.G. YARNS’ European production facilities
  • Fifth plant in Beaulieu International Group to attain HPR Award

B.I.G. YARNS is proud to announce the attainment of a FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award (HPR Award) for its yarn production facility in Komen, Belgium.

The HPR Award is assigned by insurer FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s insurance partner of the past five years in its on-going dedication to property loss prevention. A worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of B.I.G.’s assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection. The FM Global assessment considers implementation of measures to protect against fire, natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks. The local team worked diligently over the last five years to implement all the FM Global recommendations.

  • FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award for Komen site, Belgium
  • Completes HPR Award status for B.I.G. YARNS’ European production facilities
  • Fifth plant in Beaulieu International Group to attain HPR Award

B.I.G. YARNS is proud to announce the attainment of a FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award (HPR Award) for its yarn production facility in Komen, Belgium.

The HPR Award is assigned by insurer FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s insurance partner of the past five years in its on-going dedication to property loss prevention. A worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of B.I.G.’s assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection. The FM Global assessment considers implementation of measures to protect against fire, natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks. The local team worked diligently over the last five years to implement all the FM Global recommendations.

Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager B.I.G. YARNS, comments: “Achieving the prestigious HPR Award recognizes the commitment of the teams at B.I.G. YARNS and the wider Beaulieu International Group to proactive risk management and contingency planning to ensure the safety and protection of our workplaces. Safeguarding property is a key element in enabling us to provide business continuity for our customers in demanding sectors like automotive, commercial contract and residential flooring.”

B.I.G. YARNS’ Komen production facility is the fifth plant at B.I.G. to receive HPR status - the highest level a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection.

The Yarns division of Beaulieu International Group achieved HPR status for its other European site in Comines, France, in 2017.

B.I.G. Yarns unveils ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets (c) B.I.G. Yarns
ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets

B.I.G. Yarns unveils ColorMind for ultimate design freedom for contract carpets

  • Create truly unique yarn designs: with up to 6 colors from a large predefined color range and infinite combinations of twisting & air entanglement
  • Endlessly recyclable yarn solution - available in both standard PA6 and 75% recycled content EqoCycle PA6 yarn
  • Efficient and flexible - all colors in stock to shorten lead-time; customized lot sizes

B.I.G. Yarns brings inspirational design freedom to high-end loop-pile contract and automotive carpets with the unveiling of ColorMind. The innovative yarn technology is B.I.G. Yarns’ first venture into a two steps yarn collection, offering a unique solution for creating multi-color PA6 yarns for any carpet design.

Available from mid-June 2021 in both standard and EqoCycle 75% recycled content yarn, designers are invited to work closely with B.I.G. Yarns experts to realize the designs they have always wanted. Combinations of variable levels of twisting and air entanglement, using up to 6 colors at once, elevate design possibilities beyond current limitations.

  • Create truly unique yarn designs: with up to 6 colors from a large predefined color range and infinite combinations of twisting & air entanglement
  • Endlessly recyclable yarn solution - available in both standard PA6 and 75% recycled content EqoCycle PA6 yarn
  • Efficient and flexible - all colors in stock to shorten lead-time; customized lot sizes

B.I.G. Yarns brings inspirational design freedom to high-end loop-pile contract and automotive carpets with the unveiling of ColorMind. The innovative yarn technology is B.I.G. Yarns’ first venture into a two steps yarn collection, offering a unique solution for creating multi-color PA6 yarns for any carpet design.

Available from mid-June 2021 in both standard and EqoCycle 75% recycled content yarn, designers are invited to work closely with B.I.G. Yarns experts to realize the designs they have always wanted. Combinations of variable levels of twisting and air entanglement, using up to 6 colors at once, elevate design possibilities beyond current limitations.

The ColorMind color bank features predefined colors, always in stock, meaning short lead times. Manufacturers can also benefit from customized lot sizes and bobbin length, creating even more flexibility and design freedom. To preview a taster of the potential directions opened up for loop-pile carpets, B.I.G. Yarns has used the technology to achieve its own “Optica” dot effect and “Illusion” wave effect as inspiration for customers’ design explorations.

“ColorMind offers never-seen yarn diversity to support a new level of design sophistication in high-end carpet segments. We’re very proud and excited to enter into two steps yarns with a solution offering something truly special, the result of intensive dedication from our design and development teams,” comments Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager, B.I.G. Yarns. “ColorMind combines our strengths in delivering high-performance, more sustainable yarns to fit the evolving demands of these segments, underpinned by our expertise in color sequencing and color mixing. We’re looking forward to exciting collaborations and innovative, eye-catching designs for future loop-pile carpets.”

ColorMind PA6 yarns are based on a unique Solution Dyed Nylon yarn and are suitable for Class 33 certification (heavy commercial use). The EqoCycle yarn version is mainly based on post-industrial waste and supports contract and automotive carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end carpets.

B.I.G. Yarns launches EqoCycle Yarns designed for the carpet industry (c) Beaulieu International Group

B.I.G. Yarns launches EqoCycle Yarns designed for the carpet industry

  • 75% recycled content yarn with no performance compromise
  • A circular, endlessly recyclable solution for contract, automotive and residential carpets
  • Significant resource efficiency in EqoCycle production compared to virgin-based PA6 yarn: 58% reduction in fossil fuel use; 27% less energy consumption; 37% CO₂ emission reduction

B.I.G. Yarns announces its latest development, EqoCycle, a fully recyclable PA6 yarn with 75% recycled content, offering the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn. The new recycled yarn mainly based on post-industrial waste supports contract, automotive and residential carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end products.

  • 75% recycled content yarn with no performance compromise
  • A circular, endlessly recyclable solution for contract, automotive and residential carpets
  • Significant resource efficiency in EqoCycle production compared to virgin-based PA6 yarn: 58% reduction in fossil fuel use; 27% less energy consumption; 37% CO₂ emission reduction

B.I.G. Yarns announces its latest development, EqoCycle, a fully recyclable PA6 yarn with 75% recycled content, offering the same high-quality performance of virgin PA6 yarn. The new recycled yarn mainly based on post-industrial waste supports contract, automotive and residential carpet manufacturers with a drop-in circular solution to reduce the ecological footprint of their end products.

EqoCycle is made with recycled granulates derived from pre-consumer recycled and regenerated PA6, certified by Control Union for Global Recycled Standard (GRS) Certification. The use of less virgin materials implicates a decrease of fossil fuels by 58% and a 27% decrease in energy consumption. On top, EqoCycle yarns allow a reduction of 37% of CO₂ eq./kg compared to the fossil based yarns. The environmental impacts of EqoCycle with 75% recycled content were calculated through an LCA analysis, verified according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A1 and published in an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD registration number S-P-02415).

Customers have the assurance that for every 1.000 tons of EqoCycle yarn, 13,562 barrels of oil are saved and 2.700 tons of CO₂ emission are reduced, compared to PA6 traditionally made from virgin materials.

Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager Yarns Division, comments: “EqoCycle is a perfect example of how higher resource efficiency in our industry can promote greater circularity in our customers’ industries. Minimizing waste, re-using materials, and saving energy and carbon emissions in production, it provides our customers and carpet brands with a new sustainable alternative that won’t compromise their end-product performance but will support their increasing focus on CO₂ reduction and global warming potential. All part of our wider commitment to encourage decoupling from the need for only virgin feedstocks and moving towards a circular economy for yarns and soft flooring industries.”

EqoCycle is the latest circular solution in B.I.G. Yarns’ PA6 portfolio, joining EqoBalance PA6, based on biomass balance renewable resources, which offers up to 75% CO₂ reduction. Both exemplify the company’s on-going investment in developing new products that better serve customers’ needs in a sustainable way. B.I.G. Yarns fully pursues opportunities to support and solve the global environmental challenges through innovation, investment and collaboration, as part of its sincere belief in, and broader commitment to, Social Responsibility.

The innovation of EqoCycle and EqoBalance PA6 aligns with the company’s active integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its business activities, creating value for customers and engaging employees and value chain partners.