From the Sector

200 results

SANITIZED TecCenter receives IAC certification

  • R&D support for textile odor-management according to international testing standards

To ensure responsible use of biocides and international comparability, test methods and test results for antimicrobial treated products must be transparent, useful and comparable. This is precisely why  SANITIZED AG, the specialist for antimicrobial material protection and hygiene function in textiles and polymers, had its in-house Microbiology Laboratory in the SANITIZED TecCenter certified by IAC, the International Antimicrobial Council. This non-profit, U.S.-based institute aims to increase safety for antimicrobial treated products and for consumers. Textile and polymer product manufacturers value the assistance that the in-house SANITIZED TecCenter provides them with developing and optimizing their products. It supervises technical application aspects, and conducts microbiological tests and analytics—all from a single source. SANITIZED provides specific assistance with the textile manufacturer's R&D work, particularly for the demanding challenge of developing the best possible odor-management for textiles.

  • R&D support for textile odor-management according to international testing standards

To ensure responsible use of biocides and international comparability, test methods and test results for antimicrobial treated products must be transparent, useful and comparable. This is precisely why  SANITIZED AG, the specialist for antimicrobial material protection and hygiene function in textiles and polymers, had its in-house Microbiology Laboratory in the SANITIZED TecCenter certified by IAC, the International Antimicrobial Council. This non-profit, U.S.-based institute aims to increase safety for antimicrobial treated products and for consumers. Textile and polymer product manufacturers value the assistance that the in-house SANITIZED TecCenter provides them with developing and optimizing their products. It supervises technical application aspects, and conducts microbiological tests and analytics—all from a single source. SANITIZED provides specific assistance with the textile manufacturer's R&D work, particularly for the demanding challenge of developing the best possible odor-management for textiles. Now the TecCenter has been certified by the IAC and is a designated “International Antimicrobial Council Certified Laboratory.”

Thanks to the IAC Certification, SANITIZED AG now offers innovation expertise according to international standards that are also recognized and valued in the U.S. and Asia.

“In addition to assistance with product development and product optimization from our TecCenter, SANITIZED customers receive certification of the antimicrobial treatment of their products from an independent organization, the IAC,” explains Erich Rohrbach, Head of Microbiology at SANITIZED AG. “This is an important building block for production chain transparency in the textile industry, which is demanded by a growing number of manufacturers and brands that are driven by end customer requirements,” adds Erich Rohrbach. Many SANITIZED customers particularly value the TecCenter for their development work in odor-management for textiles. SANITIZED offers an innovative product portfolio to meet this demand also including non-biocide additives.


PR-Büro Heinhöfer

Einweg statt mehrweg - von der Coronakrise zur Müllkrise? (c) DTV
Andreas Schumacher, Geschäftsführer des DTV

Einweg statt mehrweg - von der Coronakrise zur Müllkrise?

Es scheint, dass Einweg in Corona-Zeiten eine Renaissance erlebt. Wegwerfen hat Hochkonjunktur. Einwegmasken finden sich inzwischen schon in den Weltmeeren. Viele textile Mehrwegprodukte erfüllen die gleichen Hygieneanforderungen. Der Deutsche Textilreinigungs-Verband e.V. (DTV) weist darauf hin, dass aus falsch verstandenen Hygiene-Anforderungen die Wegwerf-Mentalität wieder in Mode kommen könnte. Mehrwegprodukte – speziell aus wiederverwendbaren Textilien – bieten viele Umweltvorteile gegenüber Wegwerf- beziehungsweise Einwegprodukten und sind dabei mindestens genauso hygienisch, so der DTV.

Egal ob Wegwerf-Umhänge beim Frisör, Einweg-Servietten im Restaurant, Papierhandtücher in Waschräumen oder Einweg-OP-Textilien – die Corona-Krise führt zum Vormarsch längst als umweltfeindlich anerkannter Einwegprodukten. Ein Ergebnis der Corona-Krise sind also wachsende Müllberge und mehr Umweltverschmutzung. Der nachhaltige Umgang mit knappen Ressourcen und die Umsetzung der umweltpolitischen Ziele darf nicht vernachlässigt werden, fordert der Deutsche Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV) in einem Positionspapier.

Es scheint, dass Einweg in Corona-Zeiten eine Renaissance erlebt. Wegwerfen hat Hochkonjunktur. Einwegmasken finden sich inzwischen schon in den Weltmeeren. Viele textile Mehrwegprodukte erfüllen die gleichen Hygieneanforderungen. Der Deutsche Textilreinigungs-Verband e.V. (DTV) weist darauf hin, dass aus falsch verstandenen Hygiene-Anforderungen die Wegwerf-Mentalität wieder in Mode kommen könnte. Mehrwegprodukte – speziell aus wiederverwendbaren Textilien – bieten viele Umweltvorteile gegenüber Wegwerf- beziehungsweise Einwegprodukten und sind dabei mindestens genauso hygienisch, so der DTV.

Egal ob Wegwerf-Umhänge beim Frisör, Einweg-Servietten im Restaurant, Papierhandtücher in Waschräumen oder Einweg-OP-Textilien – die Corona-Krise führt zum Vormarsch längst als umweltfeindlich anerkannter Einwegprodukten. Ein Ergebnis der Corona-Krise sind also wachsende Müllberge und mehr Umweltverschmutzung. Der nachhaltige Umgang mit knappen Ressourcen und die Umsetzung der umweltpolitischen Ziele darf nicht vernachlässigt werden, fordert der Deutsche Textilreinigungs-Verband (DTV) in einem Positionspapier.

„Einwegprodukte sind in Zeiten von Plastikmüllinseln im Meer, Klimakrise und steigendem Ressourcenverbrauch der falsche Ansatz“, sagt Andreas Schumacher, Geschäftsführer des Branchenverbandes. „Mehrweg und Kreislaufprodukte sind auch in Corona-Zeiten das Gebot der Stunde. Professionell gepflegte, hygienisch aufbereitete und wiederverwendbare Textilien belasten die Umwelt weit weniger als Einwegprodukte und erfüllen die gleichen Hygieneanforderungen“.

Mehrweg ist aktiver Umweltschutz

„Ein wichtiger Schlüsselfaktor für den Schutz von Umwelt und Ressourcen ist die Lebens-dauer von Produkten. Wiederverwenden, reparieren, recyceln und wieder zurück in den Kreislauf – das ist das Ziel“, so Schumacher. Wiederverwendbare Textilprodukte können statt nur einmal bis zu 100 mal eingesetzt und aufbereitet werden. „Mehrweglösungen sind zudem nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern stärken auch die regionale Wirtschaft und sichern Arbeitsplätze vor Ort. Anstatt Wegwerf-Produkte aus der Ferne zu importieren, sollten Texti-lien über regionale Dienstleister beschafft und aufbereitet werden“, fordert Schumacher. Weit gereiste und unnötig verpackte Einwegprodukte mit Lieferketten quer durch die ganze Welt sind anfällig für Lieferunterbrechungen in Pandemiesituationen – wie zuletzt die Versorgungsengpässe bei Einweg-Masken und Schutzausrüstungen gezeigt haben. Regional aufgestellte Textildienstleister gewährleisten kurze Transportwege, sorgen für weniger Verpackungsmaterial und sichern die kontinuierliche Versorgung auch im Pandemiefall.

Grüner Neuanfang nach Corona

Aktuell schnüren Regierungen in ganz Europa Hilfspakete für die Unterstützung der Wirtschaft. Zugleich wird darüber diskutiert, wie das geschehen soll. Während der Corona-Pandemie rückt die Klimakrise in den Hintergrund, der geplante "Green Deal" und der Aktions-plan Kreislaufwirtschaft der EU liegen quasi auf Eis. Doch gerade jetzt biete sich die Chance, die Wirtschaft klimafreundlich wiederaufzubauen, so der DTV. Textildienstleister tragen mit wiederverwendbaren und reparierbaren Textilprodukten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Ressourcenschonung und Umweltschutz bei. In einem gemeinsamen Positionspapier mit dem Europäischen Dachverband für Textil-Leasing, der European Textile Services Association (ETSA), fordert der DTV den wirtschaftlichen Neuanfang nach Corona zu nutzen, um das Kreislaufwirtschaftsmodell des Textilservice zu stärken und zum Standard bei der Beschaffung von Textilien zu machen.

Hygienedienstleister für viele Branchen

„Die textilen Dienstleister waren schon vor Corona zuverlässige Experten für Hygiene. Durch die Aufbereitung durch professionelle Textilreiniger ist die Hygiene in gleichem Maße sichergestellt, wie bei Einwegprodukten. Wenn wir also die Wahl haben zwischen hygienischen Kreislaufprodukten und hygienischen Wegwerfprodukten: Wie sollte dann die Wahl ausse-hen?”, so Schumacher.

Professionelle Textildienstleister beliefern täglich Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten Berei-chen – von Krankenhäusern über Pflegeheime bis hin zu Hotellerie, Industrie, Handel, Handwerk und Privatkunden – mit sauberer und hygienisch aufbereiteter Berufskleidung und vie-len anderen Textilen. Millionen von Berufstätigen, Krankenhäusern, Hotels und Pflegeeinrichtungen sind auf die textilen Dienstleister angewiesen. Zu den Produkten gehören Mehrweg-Schutztextilien, wie z.B. OP-Textilien und -Masken oder Schutzausrüstung, Tisch-, Bett- und Frottierwäsche und nicht zuletzt die Stoffhandtuchspender oder auch Mund-Nase-Masken.


Sateri Enters China’s Lyocell Fibre Market

  • New 20,000 ton Lyocell line commences production in Shandong

Sateri has successfully commenced production of Lyocell fibre in Rizhao, Shandong, China. In collaboration with Asia Symbol, China’s leading producer of pulp and packaging board, the newly installed 20,000 ton per annum production line will broaden Sateri’s portfolio of high quality fibre products, and bolster Lyocell supply to the textile and non-woven markets.

Industry associations such as the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) welcome the news. Duan Xiaoping, Deputy President of CNTAC and President of the China Chemical Fibers Association (CCFA), said, “Lyocell is not only a higher value product but also an eco-friendly fibre that is bio-based and minimises chemical use and emissions. Sateri’s investment in Lyocell is very much aligned with the aim for technical and product upgrading for China’s textile industry.”

  • New 20,000 ton Lyocell line commences production in Shandong

Sateri has successfully commenced production of Lyocell fibre in Rizhao, Shandong, China. In collaboration with Asia Symbol, China’s leading producer of pulp and packaging board, the newly installed 20,000 ton per annum production line will broaden Sateri’s portfolio of high quality fibre products, and bolster Lyocell supply to the textile and non-woven markets.

Industry associations such as the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) welcome the news. Duan Xiaoping, Deputy President of CNTAC and President of the China Chemical Fibers Association (CCFA), said, “Lyocell is not only a higher value product but also an eco-friendly fibre that is bio-based and minimises chemical use and emissions. Sateri’s investment in Lyocell is very much aligned with the aim for technical and product upgrading for China’s textile industry.”

A natural and biodegradable fibre, Sateri’s Lyocell is made from wood pulp sourced from sustainable plantations. It is manufactured using closed-loop technology, requiring minimal chemical input during the production process, and utilising an organic solvent that can be almost fully recovered and recycled. Lyocell is used to produce high quality textiles and personal hygiene materials. Textiles made from Lyocell possess high tenacity and bright lustre, and share similar qualities with textiles made from viscose – soft and silky with good drape, breathability, and absorption.

Sateri is part of the RGE group of companies which has committed to investing USD200 million to advance next-generation textile fibre innovation and technology. In March this year, Sateri achieved a breakthrough in commercial production of viscose using recycled textile waste.

More information:
Sateri lyocell fibers



Hygiene Austria LP GmbH: Production of FFP2 and mouth-nose masks

FFP2 and mouth-nose protective masks for children are also being manufactured in Wiener Neudorf

The company “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, recently founded by Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG, has once again called attention to itself. Following the successful launch of the production of mouth-nose protective masks in Austria, Hygiene Austria commenced manufacturing FFP2 masks and mouth-nose protective masks for children.
For the first time, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz personally took a closer look at production operations within the context of a visit to the facility this Tuesday morning. The Austrian Chancellor visited the  Austrian company Hygiene Austria together with Federal Minister of Labor, Family and Youth Christine Aschbacher.

FFP2 and mouth-nose protective masks for children are also being manufactured in Wiener Neudorf

The company “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, recently founded by Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG, has once again called attention to itself. Following the successful launch of the production of mouth-nose protective masks in Austria, Hygiene Austria commenced manufacturing FFP2 masks and mouth-nose protective masks for children.
For the first time, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz personally took a closer look at production operations within the context of a visit to the facility this Tuesday morning. The Austrian Chancellor visited the  Austrian company Hygiene Austria together with Federal Minister of Labor, Family and Youth Christine Aschbacher.

More information:
Coronavirus face masks FFP-2

Lenzing AG


CHT teams up with HeiQ in fight against COVID-19

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The corona pandemic continues to put a strain on health systems around the globe. Many places lack effective textile protective kit among others for their medical personnel. HeiQ, a Swiss specialty chemicals company, has developed antiviral and antibacterial protective kit that is quickly effective against Coronaviruses (229E), as confirmed in wide-ranging studies. In cooperation with HeiQ, the CHT Group is supplying this technology to the market to help decrease the global shortage in protective wear.

A wide number of studies have proven that viruses and bacteria can remain active on textile surfaces for a longer period. The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, can stay active on a textile for up to two days and therefore be infectious. Shortages in textile protective kit create a high risk for medical personnel who are in contact with COVID-19 patients: often, doctors and nurses cannot change their protective masks and clothing as frequently as would be necessary in order to adhere to hygiene rules and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 that has been developed by HeiQ is a new technology that is also effective against Coronaviruses (229E) thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Comprehensive studies have demonstrated the kit‘s effectiveness. A combination of silver salts with a vesicle technology deactivates bacteria and viruses on textile surfaces within a few minutes and renders the bacteria and viruses harmless. Textiles equipped in this way reduce the rate of infection by 99.99%, which stops the transmission and the spread of bacteria and viruses through textiles.

Viroblock can be used on all types of fibers – not only for protective kit and masks, but also for work clothing, bed linen, towels and home textiles. The kit is wash-resistant and still highly effective after 30 standard wash processes.

More information:
HeiQ CHT Group corona virus

CHT Gruppe


Lenzing’s performance impacted by historically difficult market environment

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure due to COVID-19 crisis
  • Measures to maintain operations and to protect employees, customers and suppliers implemented successfully
  • Hygiene competence center established to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
  • Strategic investment projects in Brazil and Thailand progressing according to plan
  • Management Board proposes not to distribute a dividend for 2019 – AGM rescheduled for June 18, 2020

In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset.

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure due to COVID-19 crisis
  • Measures to maintain operations and to protect employees, customers and suppliers implemented successfully
  • Hygiene competence center established to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
  • Strategic investment projects in Brazil and Thailand progressing according to plan
  • Management Board proposes not to distribute a dividend for 2019 – AGM rescheduled for June 18, 2020

In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset.

In the first quarter of 2020, revenue declined by 16.7 percent in comparison with the prior-year quarter and amounted to EUR 466.3 mn. The main reason was the development of prices for standard viscose (due to significant overcapacity in the market) and other standard fibers. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis further increased pressure on prices and volumes. The prices for standard viscose dropped to a new all-time low of 9,150 RMB/ton by March 31 – up to 33 percent lower than in the prior-year quarter. The comparatively positive development of the specialty fiber business and slightly higher demand for fibers in the medical and hygiene segments partially offset the decline in revenue. The share of specialty fibers increased from 47.3 percent in the first quarter of the previous year to 60.9 percent. The earnings development reflects the decline in revenue: EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) decreased by 24.3 percent to EUR 69.6 mn. The EBITDA margin declined from 16.4 percent to 14.9 percent. Net profit for the period was down 58.6 percent to EUR 17.7 mn. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.84 compared with EUR 1.65 in the first quarter of the previous year.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG


SANITIZED AG announces new partnership with Consolidated Pathways Inc. Midland

  • Expanding global textile and polymer business

SANITIZED AG announces that it has entered into an agreement with Consolidated Pathways Inc. Midland, Michigan USA to globally promote the Sanitized® odor-management, hygiene function and material protection technologies to brands and retailers. Consolidated Pathways will also support the advancement of the trusted Sanitized® Quality Seal and related branding concepts. The longtime co-operation between SANITIZED AG and ARCHROMA remains unchanged and is supported by the activities of Consolidated Pathways.

Consolidated Pathways acts as global brand and technical representative for the Sanitized® line of antimicrobial products. Consolidated Pathways will be focusing on commercializing Sanitized® products in textiles and will use its broad experience in polymer-based antimicrobials to extend the reach of the unique technologies that SANITIZED AG offers.

Consolidated Pathways, Inc is based in Midland, Michigan USA. The Principals of Consolidated Pathways have over two decades of experience with commercializing polymer-based antimicrobials and sustainable surface modification technologies.

  • Expanding global textile and polymer business

SANITIZED AG announces that it has entered into an agreement with Consolidated Pathways Inc. Midland, Michigan USA to globally promote the Sanitized® odor-management, hygiene function and material protection technologies to brands and retailers. Consolidated Pathways will also support the advancement of the trusted Sanitized® Quality Seal and related branding concepts. The longtime co-operation between SANITIZED AG and ARCHROMA remains unchanged and is supported by the activities of Consolidated Pathways.

Consolidated Pathways acts as global brand and technical representative for the Sanitized® line of antimicrobial products. Consolidated Pathways will be focusing on commercializing Sanitized® products in textiles and will use its broad experience in polymer-based antimicrobials to extend the reach of the unique technologies that SANITIZED AG offers.

Consolidated Pathways, Inc is based in Midland, Michigan USA. The Principals of Consolidated Pathways have over two decades of experience with commercializing polymer-based antimicrobials and sustainable surface modification technologies.



Sanitized AG


Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found Hygiene Austria LP GmbH

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

The demand for high-quality MNS and respiratory masks for medical personnel is increasing rapidly, and there is real competition on the international market for these products. In order to sustainably secure domestic supply now and in the future and to strengthen the business location, the two companies Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have now set a milestone with their own competence center for hygiene based in Austria.

Hygiene Austria LP GmbH thus makes a significant contribution to combating the Covid-19 pandemic and ensures the long-term supply of these critical goods in Austria in high quality.


Lenzing AG


SANITIZED AG aids measures to promote hygiene management during the coronavirus pandemic

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

  • Antiviral properties of Sanitized® products on synthetics validated

Tests conducted by independent laboratories have now confirmed that a treatment with Sanitized® T 99-19 and Sanitized® T 11-15 reduces the viral load on PES textiles by
up to 99 %.

Swiss company SANITIZED AG announces the validation from impartial labs that Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 are also effective against viruses (in accordance with ISO 18184:2019). Tests were performed using a feline coronavirus with structures and mechanisms reminiscent of SARS-Cov2. Patented technology featuring an ammonium silicate compound  is employed in Sanitized®T 99-19 and Sanitized®T 11-15 utilizes tried and tested silver technology.

These additives are the perfect tool for an antiviral and antibacterial treatment of face masks, protective professional medical clothing, bed linens, or mattresses. The formulation of both products remains completely untouched, thus ensuring that it will continue to offer outstanding protection against bacteria.

Before a final product’s antiviral properties can be publicly promoted, viral tests must be performed in specialized laboratories. Compliance with local legal regulations is essential here. SANITIZED AG explicitly points out that this is standard procedure and has composed a preliminary Guide for Treating PPE (personal protective equipment) with biocide products.

Guide Link:

More information:

PR-Büro Heinhöfer

(c) Vileda

Vileda-Umfrage: Hygiene für 50 % der Deutschen auch zuhause wichtiger

Häufiges Händewaschen, Abstand halten und in die Armbeuge niesen – Achtsames Verhalten in der Öffentlichkeit ist wichtiger denn je. Auch zuhause ist das Hygienebewusstsein gestiegen. Eine repräsentative Studie der Freudenberg-Marke Vileda in Deutschland und Italien zeigt, dass angesichts der aktuellen Situation Hygiene nicht nur in der Öffentlichkeit, sondern auch beim Haushaltsputz in diesem Jahr besonders wichtig ist. Toilette, Bad und Küchenoberflächen werden laut der Vileda-Umfrage besonders gründlich geputzt. Das gestiegene Hygienebedürfnis spiegelt sich auch im Kaufverhalten wider.  

In Deutschland sind knapp über 60 Prozent der Auffassung, dass es beim Putzen vor Allem auf hygienische Sauberkeit ankommt. Etwa die Hälfte findet, dass Hygiene beim Hausputz angesichts der aktuellen Situation im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren wichtiger geworden ist. Noch deutlicher ist der Befund in Italien: Fast 80 Prozent meinen, dass es beim Putzen vor allem auf hygienische Sauberkeit ankommt. Sogar fast drei Viertel meinen, dass Hygiene wichtiger geworden ist.

Häufiges Händewaschen, Abstand halten und in die Armbeuge niesen – Achtsames Verhalten in der Öffentlichkeit ist wichtiger denn je. Auch zuhause ist das Hygienebewusstsein gestiegen. Eine repräsentative Studie der Freudenberg-Marke Vileda in Deutschland und Italien zeigt, dass angesichts der aktuellen Situation Hygiene nicht nur in der Öffentlichkeit, sondern auch beim Haushaltsputz in diesem Jahr besonders wichtig ist. Toilette, Bad und Küchenoberflächen werden laut der Vileda-Umfrage besonders gründlich geputzt. Das gestiegene Hygienebedürfnis spiegelt sich auch im Kaufverhalten wider.  

In Deutschland sind knapp über 60 Prozent der Auffassung, dass es beim Putzen vor Allem auf hygienische Sauberkeit ankommt. Etwa die Hälfte findet, dass Hygiene beim Hausputz angesichts der aktuellen Situation im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren wichtiger geworden ist. Noch deutlicher ist der Befund in Italien: Fast 80 Prozent meinen, dass es beim Putzen vor allem auf hygienische Sauberkeit ankommt. Sogar fast drei Viertel meinen, dass Hygiene wichtiger geworden ist.

Besonders Tücher und Handschuhe gefragt
Das gestiegene Hygienebedürfnis macht sich auch bei Vileda bemerkbar. Mikrofasertücher und Handschuhe sind aktuell Verkaufsschlager. Besonders Einmalhandschuhe, die nach kurzer Verwendung wieder entsorgt werden, bleiben nicht lange im Regal. Unter den elektronischen Produkten ist die Nachfrage nach STEAM Dampfreinigern stark gestiegen. Das Produkt verspricht hygienische Sauberkeit dank seines heißen Wasserdampfes. „Wir erwarten bei diesen Produkten auch in nächster Zeit einen hohen Abverkauf“, sagt Jörg Ehlen, Geschäftsführer bei der deutschen Vertriebsgesellschaft Vileda GmbH. „Die Liefersituation ist derzeit eine ständige Herausforderung. Angesichts dieser außergewöhnlichen Situation stehen wir mit unseren Kunden besonders eng im Austausch und setzen alles daran, um die Versorgung so normal wie möglich zu gestalten. Wir sehen aber, dass es derzeit temporär zu Engpässen bei Einmalhandschuhen kommt.“

More information:
Vileda Hygiene

Publik. Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH [GPRA]

(c) Waschbär GmbH

Hygienische Wäsche für Krankenhäuser

DTV: "Für die Politik nicht systemrelevant"

Die COVID-19-Pandemie rückt die Versorgung von Krankenhäusern, Senioren- und Pflegeheimen mit einwandfrei sauberer und hygienischer Wäsche in den Fokus. In Deutschland werden rund 95 % der Krankenhäuser von textilen Dienstleistern und Wäschereien versorgt. Für diese wird zunehmend schwierig, ausreichend Infektionsschutz-Ausrüstungen zu bekommen.

Die Politik reagiere schleppend und sehe diese Versorgung nicht als system-relevant an, moniert DTV-Geschäftsführer Andreas Schumacher: „Private Wäschereien und textile Dienstleistungsunternehmen versorgen täglich 500.000 Krankenhausbetten, 1,3 Millionen Pflegende und 1 Millionen Alten- und Pflegeheimbewohner in Deutschland mit sauberer Wäsche und Bekleidung. Und das soll während einer Pandemie nicht systemrelevant sein? Eine solche Einschätzung der Bundesregierung ist mir unbegreiflich und gefährdet die Arbeit von Ärzten, Pflegern und vielen anderen wichtigen Berufsgruppen.“

DTV: "Für die Politik nicht systemrelevant"

Die COVID-19-Pandemie rückt die Versorgung von Krankenhäusern, Senioren- und Pflegeheimen mit einwandfrei sauberer und hygienischer Wäsche in den Fokus. In Deutschland werden rund 95 % der Krankenhäuser von textilen Dienstleistern und Wäschereien versorgt. Für diese wird zunehmend schwierig, ausreichend Infektionsschutz-Ausrüstungen zu bekommen.

Die Politik reagiere schleppend und sehe diese Versorgung nicht als system-relevant an, moniert DTV-Geschäftsführer Andreas Schumacher: „Private Wäschereien und textile Dienstleistungsunternehmen versorgen täglich 500.000 Krankenhausbetten, 1,3 Millionen Pflegende und 1 Millionen Alten- und Pflegeheimbewohner in Deutschland mit sauberer Wäsche und Bekleidung. Und das soll während einer Pandemie nicht systemrelevant sein? Eine solche Einschätzung der Bundesregierung ist mir unbegreiflich und gefährdet die Arbeit von Ärzten, Pflegern und vielen anderen wichtigen Berufsgruppen.“

Desinfektionsmittel, Atemschutzmasken und Schutzbekleidung sind aktuell überall knapp. Momentan sind Wäschereien aber nicht als systemrelevante Einrichtungen und somit nicht als Bedarfsstellen definiert. Somit könne es schon in den nächsten Tagen passieren, dass Wäscherei-Mitarbeiter möglichen Ansteckungen schutzlos ausgeliefert sind. Für diejenigen, die mit potenziell kontaminierten Textilien – etwa aus Krankenhäusern – umgehen müssen, fordert der Branchenverband DTV einen schnellen Zugriff auf angemessene Schutzausrüstung.

Um dies zu gewährleiten, bemüht sich der DTV seit Wochen um eine Einstufung als „system-relevant“ und eine Aufnahme in die Liste der kritischen Infrastrukturen (KRITIS). Dies würde einen erleichterten Zugang zu Desinfektionsmitteln und Atemschutzmasken gewährleisten. Und nur so können Wäscherei-Mitarbeiter ihre Kinder in der Notfallbetreuung unterbringen. Schon jetzt fällt in den Betrieben durch Kita- und Schulschließungen das Personal (Frauenquote in den Betrieben bei 2/3) massiv aus.

Seit rund drei Wochen liege der Bundesregierung ein Positionspapier des Verbandes vor. Doch das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit nimmt Wäschereien und textilen Dienstleister nicht in die Liste auf, sondern verweist auf die Länder- bzw. kommunale Ebene.

Der DTV und seine Betriebe versuchen, gemeinsam mit Krankenhäusern, Pflegeheimen, Rettungsdiensten, Feuerwehren und anderen, den kommunalen Verwaltungen die Systemrelevanz der Branche nahe zu bringen. Derzeit sei die Handhabung in den verschiedenen Ländern und Kommunen vollkommen unterschiedlich.

„Jede Wäscherei muss vor Ort um die Systemrelevanz betteln. Ob die Versorgung in den nächsten Wochen damit gewährleistet wird, hängt nun stark von den einzelnen Entscheidungsträgern in den Kommunen ab“, so Schumacher.
„Das macht die Sache weder einfacher noch schneller“, so Schumacher. Der DTV kann nicht nachvollziehen, dass eine schnelle Reaktion selbst in der Krise nicht möglich ist. Die Wäschereibetriebe, die mit Hochdruck die Versorgung der Krankenhäuser und Pflegeheime sicherstellen, würden im Stich gelassen. Und das obwohl die Einrichtungen schon innerhalb weniger Tage ohne Bekleidung und Wäsche dastehen könnten.

More information:
Wäscherei Hygiene

DTV Deutscher Textilreinigungsverband


Perlon® production is still running at all sites

Perlon®, A Serafin Group company is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of COVID-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity to fulfill all our customer orders. In particular, in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

Perlon®, A Serafin Group company is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of COVID-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity to fulfill all our customer orders. In particular, in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

In the current situation, the company is doing everything it can to fulfill its’ responsibility as an employer and also as a business partner. Therefore all hygiene measures at all our sites have been significantly increased so that our employees are protected as well as possible. There is hand sanitizer in every department and all of our production lines are disinfected several times a day. It has been explained to employees, what they should do in the current climate in order to minimize risk. Where possible employees are able to work from home. Perlon® has approximately 650 employees in Germany, over 80 in the USA and more than 100 in China.

High demand for monofilament for the paper industry.

The paper industry is currently experiencing a rise in demand worldwide – and Perlon® is also benefitting from this, as customers need even more high-quality monofilament and twisted yarns for the tensioning of paper machines. For the paper machine clothing field, Perlon® produced filaments are used to manufacture press fabric, which can be used either as a conveyor belt or for moisture removal on a paper production line. Due to the high mechanical strain through the presses, polyamide monofilaments or twisted yarns are therefore almost always used. Paper industry customers have increased their production recently. Whether it’s boxes to cope with the increased demand for online deliveries or paper for hygiene purposes (which everybody can identify with), there is an increased demand worldwide. The dental, hygiene and food preparation fields are also experiencing increased demand. To this end, Perlon® offers filaments for the manufacture of toothbrushes and high-quality cleaning system brushes.

More information:
Perlon Coronavirus


Logo Perlon-Group
Perlon can continue with its production

Perlon® production is still running at all sites in Germany, the USA and China

Perlon®, a Serafin Group company, is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of Covid-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity. In particular in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

Perlon®, a Serafin Group company, is continuing to produce its’ quality filaments at all five sites for its’ customers in the current challenging climate. Production in China has been operating again as normal since the beginning of March after having to be temporarily halted due to the spreading of Covid-19. Production is now back up to 100%.

Production in Germany at our sites in Munderkingen (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Bobingen (Bavaria) and Wald-Michelbach (Hesse) as well as in the USA is continuing to run without any constraints. Therefore all sites are working to full capacity. In particular in the paper machine clothing area is showing an increase in sales which offsets a reduced demand in other areas such as automotive.

To manage the current situation responsibly, all hygiene measures at all our sites have been significantly increased so that the employees are protected as well as possible. There is hand sanitizer in every department and all of our production lines are disinfected several times a day. It has been explained to employees, what they should do in the current climate in order to minimise risk. Where possible employees are able to work from home. Perlon® has approximately 650 employees in Germany, over 80 in the USA and more than 100 in China.

High demand for monofilament for the paper industry
The paper industry is currently experiencing a rise in demand worldwide – and Perlon® is also benefitting from this, as customers need even more high quality monofilament and twisted yarns for the tensioning of paper machines. For the paper machine clothing field, Perlon® produced filaments are used to manufacture press fabric, which can be used either as a conveyor belt or for moisture removal on a paper production line. Due to the high mechanical strain through the presses, polyamide monofilaments or twisted yarns are therefore almost always used. Paper industry customers have increased their production recently. Whether it’s boxes to cope with the increased demand for online deliveries or paper for hygiene purposes (which everybody can identify with), there is an increased demand worldwide. The dental, hygiene and food preparation fields are also experiencing increased demand. To this end, Perlon® offers filaments for the manufacture of toothbrushes and high quality cleaning system brushes.

More information:
corona virus Perlon filament


Logo oerlikon neumag
Oerlikon Neumag presents new thrust pad contacting device

New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Less wear and superior fiber quality
Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.
Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them durable.

Less wear and superior fiber quality
Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.
Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them durable.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag

Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper (c) Oerlikon
New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Oerlikon: New thrust pad contacting device for the Baltic crimper

Less wear and superior fiber quality

Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.

Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

Less wear and superior fiber quality

Technological changes to Oerlikon Neumag’s Baltic crimper thrust pad contacting device have resulted in considerably reduced friction in the crimper rolls and hence less wear and fewer metal particles contaminating the crimped staple fibers.

Thrust pads close the gap between the crimper rolls on either side. Normally, these thrust pads are continually pressed – under high pressure – against the sides of the crimper rolls. Wear and metal debris on the thrust pads is the result of this constant contact. The metal debris can contaminate the fibers, something that is particularly undesirable in hygiene applications.

New thrust pad contacting device for reduced metal debris and greater durability
With the new system, the thrust pads are pressed against the rolls with less pressure and then fixed into place. This prevents fibers from being caught and the frictional force between the pressure disk thrust pad and the crimper roll is minimized. Pilot applications have demonstrated that metal debris from the pressure disks thrust pads is dramatically reduced, making them between three and seven times more durable.

More information:


Devan (c) Devan

Devan offers antiviral solutions for textiles' professional workers

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Over the past few weeks, Devan has received a lot of questions regarding an antiviral solution for textiles against Sars-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “Not a big surprise since we put BI-OME AV forward 3 years ago. Testing has been done in cooperation with Institut Pasteur de Lille”, says Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck. Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types, etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families, BI-OME AV showed strong to excellent activity in wet state.

In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers, … A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odor build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

Devan has solutions which withstand washing while keeping its performance. BI-OME as a liquid product is EU BPR, Turkish BPR and US EPA registered. Depending on the rash region, commercialising treated articles be subject to additional local registration procedures.

More information:
Devan Coronavirus



DEVAN: Antiviral solutions for textiles

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families BI-OME AV showed strong activity in wet state.
In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers.

A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odour build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

Textile innovator and specialty chemical producer Devan answers questions regarding anti-viral textile finish solutions following the growing spread of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Devan studied enveloped viruses (e.g. H1N1, Corona-types etc.) as well as naked viruses (e.g. Rotavirus). For both virus families BI-OME AV showed strong activity in wet state.
In the first instance, the company wants to focus on professionals who need to stay working such as policemen, logistics workers, shop employees, day-care workers.

A common complication of respiratory viral disease can be a secondary bacterial infection. Professionals could be helped with either an anti-bacterial on their facemask to reduce the chance for these secondary bacterial infections, for better hygiene and less odour build-up. On workwear, a combination of a virus spread reducing and antibacterial solution could help as these garments are typically used during long hours, are non-disposable and most likely will be washed at home.

More information:
Devan face masks antiviral

Marketing Solutions NV

 New pilot line prioritizing collaborative product development (c) Beaulieu International Group
New pilot line prioritizing collaborative product development

Beaulieu Fibres International at INDEX™20

Beaulieu Fibres International prioritizes collaborative product development & sustainable long-term partnerships

  • Up & running: pilot line & new fibre line in Italy, BICO capacity for industrial fibres in Belgium
  • Introducing new Meraspring for soft cushioned hygiene nonwovens
  • Extended fibre range for filtration applications
  • Stand 1340, INDEX™20, 31st March – 3rd April, Palexpo, Geneva

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin and BICO fibre supplier, will announce at INDEX™20 completion of its pilot line in Terni, Italy, the start-up of the state-of-the-art multifunctional production line in Terni, and the new BICO line in Belgium. The company invites the Nonwoven sectors to join efforts in accelerating the development of innovative and sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing global market (Stand 1340).

Beaulieu Fibres International prioritizes collaborative product development & sustainable long-term partnerships

  • Up & running: pilot line & new fibre line in Italy, BICO capacity for industrial fibres in Belgium
  • Introducing new Meraspring for soft cushioned hygiene nonwovens
  • Extended fibre range for filtration applications
  • Stand 1340, INDEX™20, 31st March – 3rd April, Palexpo, Geneva

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin and BICO fibre supplier, will announce at INDEX™20 completion of its pilot line in Terni, Italy, the start-up of the state-of-the-art multifunctional production line in Terni, and the new BICO line in Belgium. The company invites the Nonwoven sectors to join efforts in accelerating the development of innovative and sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing global market (Stand 1340).

New products are also on their way to show. For nonwoven converters serving the hygiene segment, Beaulieu Fibres International will unveil Meraspring to the European market at INDEX™20. The BICO-fibres are made with polyethylene (PE) in the sheath and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the core, and are the latest addition to the hygiene portfolio.


EMG for Beaulieu International Group

Oerlikon Nonwoven at the INDEX in Geneva (c) Oerlikon
Oerlikon Nonwoven at the INDEX in Geneva

Oerlikon Nonwoven at the INDEX in Geneva

For the sixth time now, Oerlikon Nonwoven will be showcasing market- and customer-oriented solutions for hygiene, medical, filtration and other technical applications at the globally-leading nonwovens trade fair INDEX in Geneva, Switzerland. Between March 31 and April 3, 2020, visitors to the trade fair can convince themselves of the Neumünsterbased systems constructor’s extensive product and process know-how.

Comprehensive spunbond portfolio – always the right solution
Oerlikon Nonwoven meanwhile has a very broad range of spunbond technology products and services. The process for manufacturing geotextiles from polyester or polypropylene has been optimized; it is characterized by high production capacities and yields, with simultaneously low energy consumption for producing benchmark nonwoven products.

For the sixth time now, Oerlikon Nonwoven will be showcasing market- and customer-oriented solutions for hygiene, medical, filtration and other technical applications at the globally-leading nonwovens trade fair INDEX in Geneva, Switzerland. Between March 31 and April 3, 2020, visitors to the trade fair can convince themselves of the Neumünsterbased systems constructor’s extensive product and process know-how.

Comprehensive spunbond portfolio – always the right solution
Oerlikon Nonwoven meanwhile has a very broad range of spunbond technology products and services. The process for manufacturing geotextiles from polyester or polypropylene has been optimized; it is characterized by high production capacities and yields, with simultaneously low energy consumption for producing benchmark nonwoven products.

For the manufacture of hygiene nonwovens, Oerlikon Nonwoven offers its new QSR (Quality Sized Right) systems. Here, the benefits of the Chinese machine construction partner’s nonwoven formation are integrated into the complete solution. The advantage for nonwovens producers: highly competitive solutions at attractive prices with comparably low investment.

Cost-efficiently manufacturing meltblown nonwovens
New, unique and highly sophisticated filter media can be easily and efficiently manufactured thanks to Oerlikon Nonwoven’s optimized meltblown technology. Whether as a stand-alone system with one or several positions, as ‘plug & produce’ installations for already existing systems or in conjunction with other technologies: the Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown process already enables the cost-efficient manufacture of meltblown nonwovens with the quality requirements of tomorrow. Ever more producers are choosing the meanwhile extensively tried-and-tested and consistently further-developed Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown solutions.

Airlaid technology for the nonwovens of tomorrow
Pulp or cellulose fibers as raw material for manufacturing nonwovens are currently virtually unrivaled with regards to sustainability and environmental compatibility. The Oerlikon Nonwoven airlaid process is the ideal solution for processing this raw material into high-end products for a wide range of applications. Today, there is huge demand for manufacturing solutions for high-quality, lightweight airlaid nonwovens with economically attractive production speeds and system throughputs. In this area, the patented Oerlikon Nonwoven formation process – which also permits the homogeneous mixing of the most diverse raw materials, while simultaneously guaranteeing superb evenness and homogeneous fiber laying – is setting standards even for nonwovens with low running meter weights. And the benefits of this technology are also increasingly gaining significance in sustainable recycling applications.

P&G patented PHANTOM technology from Teknoweb Materials
Also being showcased at the trade fair stand is the P&G patented PHANTOM technology from Teknoweb Materials, Oerlikon Nonwoven’s strategic partner for hygiene products and wipes. The PHANTOM technology is released to Teknoweb Materials by P&G in worldwide exclusive license. The PHANTOM technology is the superior dry laid alternative technology for manufacturing wet wipes from pulp and polymer fibers, for example. Compared to conventional, known processes, this technology offers superior performances with cost advantage in much more eco-friendly products. Dispensing with hydroentanglement renders subsequent drying of the material redundant. Targeted process management allows the optimal setting of the relevant product parameters such as softness, tenacity, dirt absorption and liquid absorption.

More information:


Kelheim Fibres stops travels to and from China
Kelheim Fibres stops travels to and from China

Kelheim Fibres stops travels to and from China

Because of the unpredictable risks arising from the Corona virus, the viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has decided to stop all business trips to and from China for the time being.

“We recognise our responsibility towards our customers and our employees. Their health and safety come first”, explains Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

Among other things, Kelheim Fibres manufactures hygiene fibres that are used, for example, in tampons and other personal care products. These highly sensitive products have been also taken into account in making this decision.

The Bavarians operate their own representative office in Shanghai and are supplier for many Chinese companies.

“We wish China and its population that the measures taken will lead to a rapid containment of the virus”, adds Matthew North.

Because of the unpredictable risks arising from the Corona virus, the viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has decided to stop all business trips to and from China for the time being.

“We recognise our responsibility towards our customers and our employees. Their health and safety come first”, explains Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

Among other things, Kelheim Fibres manufactures hygiene fibres that are used, for example, in tampons and other personal care products. These highly sensitive products have been also taken into account in making this decision.

The Bavarians operate their own representative office in Shanghai and are supplier for many Chinese companies.

“We wish China and its population that the measures taken will lead to a rapid containment of the virus”, adds Matthew North.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres
