EURATEX - The European Apparel and Textile Organisation
24, Rue Montoyer; Bte. 10
B - 1000 Brussels
Telefon: +32 (0) 2 / 285 48 80
Fax: +32 (0) 2 / 230 60 54
Land: Belgien
With an apparent consumption of 366,3 Billion Euro, the EU 25 is the largest world market for textile and clothing products. The European industry is the world's leading exporter of textiles and the third for clothing. Its annual turnover is 227 Billion Euro and its 186.533 companies employ over 2,7 million persons.
EURATEX's main objective is to promote the interests of its members while taking into account the European Union's institutional framework and its international obligations.
EURATEX's organisation, located in Brussels, is staffed to address the above objective to provide a number of associated services and to supply its members with the information and data necessary for them to further their industry’s aims at national level and branch level.
EURATEX acts on behalf of the European textile and clothing industry with European institutions on matters of common interest, relating to decisions or legislation affecting the industry. The subjects concern principally commercial and industrial policies, research and innovation, environmental and social issues
EURATEX's actions are also aimed at facilitating the reintegration process laid down in the GATT 1994 Agreement on Textile and Clothing and furthering the international competitiveness of the industry.
EURATEX coordinates the strategies elaborated by its members and devices European initiatives, which support the industry's performance
EURATEX promotes the image of an innovative, environmentally responsible and dynamic industry at the service of its customers and confident in its ability to strengthen its position on world markets.