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3 Ergebnisse
Takao Terashima Foto Mimaki Europe
Takao Terashima

Mimaki Europe: Neuer Managing Director

Mimaki Europe, Hersteller von Tintenstrahldruckern und Schneidetechnologien, hat die Ernennung von Takao Terashima zum neuen Managing Director bekanntgegeben.

Terashima begann seine Laufbahn bei Mimaki 1997 in der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung des Unternehmens. In den vergangenen 26 Jahren entwickelte er umfangreiche Fachkenntnisse in Bezug auf das Technologieportfolio von Mimaki und den zugehörigen Markt.

Mimaki Europe, Hersteller von Tintenstrahldruckern und Schneidetechnologien, hat die Ernennung von Takao Terashima zum neuen Managing Director bekanntgegeben.

Terashima begann seine Laufbahn bei Mimaki 1997 in der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung des Unternehmens. In den vergangenen 26 Jahren entwickelte er umfangreiche Fachkenntnisse in Bezug auf das Technologieportfolio von Mimaki und den zugehörigen Markt.

Während seiner Zeit bei Mimaki hatte er mehrere leitende Positionen im Unternehmen inne. Bevor er seine neue Rolle übernahm, war er Senior General Manager der Asia Oceania Business Unit, eine Position, die er 2017 antrat. Davor war er von April bis Oktober 2017 sechs Monate lang Senior Deputy General Manager of Quality Management.
Terashimas beruflicher Werdegang bei Mimaki führte ihn über den japanischen Hauptsitz hinaus in mehrere Niederlassungen des Unternehmens, wo er unterschiedliche Zuständigkeiten hatte. Zwischen 2013 und 2017 war er vier Jahre lang Managing Director von Mimaki Singapur. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere arbeitete er auch bei Mimaki USA im technischen Support.
Terashima, der Takahiro Hiraki als Managing Director von Mimaki Europe ablöst, wird umfangreiche Branchenkenntnisse, analytisches Denken, geschäftliche und teambildende Fähigkeiten sowie ein umfassendes Wissen über das Unternehmen in die neue Rolle einbringen.


Mimaki Europe

Arjen Evertse (c) Mimaki. Arjen Evertse.

Mimaki: Arjen Evertse Promoted to General Manager Sales, EMEA

Mimaki, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced that Arjen Evertse has been appointed as General Manager Sales, EMEA, effective 1st September 2021. After founding a business to support the adoption of Mimaki technology in Eurasia, this increased responsibility and exciting new challenge is the latest step forward in Evertse’s successful 12-year long Mimaki career.

Evertse has held a variety of roles at Mimaki, including technical operator and senior management, but most recently, he has overseen Mimaki Eurasia, a Mimaki subsidiary. He will succeed Ronald van den Broek, who has accepted a partner position at valued Mimaki customer and 3D print specialist, Marketiger.

Mimaki, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has announced that Arjen Evertse has been appointed as General Manager Sales, EMEA, effective 1st September 2021. After founding a business to support the adoption of Mimaki technology in Eurasia, this increased responsibility and exciting new challenge is the latest step forward in Evertse’s successful 12-year long Mimaki career.

Evertse has held a variety of roles at Mimaki, including technical operator and senior management, but most recently, he has overseen Mimaki Eurasia, a Mimaki subsidiary. He will succeed Ronald van den Broek, who has accepted a partner position at valued Mimaki customer and 3D print specialist, Marketiger.

Weitere Informationen:
Mimaki Mimaki Europe Arjen Evertse


Mimaki appoints Mark Sollman as Product Manager EMEA (c) Mimaki Europe BV
Mark Sollman, Product Manager EMEA

Mimaki appoints Mark Sollman as Product Manager EMEA

Mimaki, a manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has today announced that long-standing employee, Mark Sollman, will be appointed to the role of Product Manager, EMEA on the 1st July 2021. Sollman has been with Mimaki for over 15 years and as such, his extensive knowledge of the business and its diverse product portfolio makes him the clear choice for this esteemed management position.

Sollman will be succeeding Bert Benckhuysen. After four years with Mimaki, Benckhuysen has decided to take on a new challenge as Business Development Director at Colourama. A valued Mimaki customer, Colourama is a company Benckhuysen knows well, having also previously been employed as Production Manager at this thriving Polish textile printer.

Mimaki, a manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, has today announced that long-standing employee, Mark Sollman, will be appointed to the role of Product Manager, EMEA on the 1st July 2021. Sollman has been with Mimaki for over 15 years and as such, his extensive knowledge of the business and its diverse product portfolio makes him the clear choice for this esteemed management position.

Sollman will be succeeding Bert Benckhuysen. After four years with Mimaki, Benckhuysen has decided to take on a new challenge as Business Development Director at Colourama. A valued Mimaki customer, Colourama is a company Benckhuysen knows well, having also previously been employed as Production Manager at this thriving Polish textile printer.


Mimaki Europe B.V / Bespoke