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370 Ergebnisse
130 Million Liters of Water Saved in One Year (c) Huntsman Corporation
ERIOPON® E3-SAVE saves time, water, energy and cost

130 Million Liters of Water Saved in One Year

Singapore – As global interest in sustainable textile production continues to soar, mills that have adopted Huntsman Textile Effects’ all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary for polyester processing, which launched one year ago, have collectively saved more than 130 million liters of water.

Demand for polyester fabric is being driven by seemingly insatiable consumer appetite for sportswear and athleisure clothing. Sales in the sector have been on an upward trend for several years and are even proving resilient amid Covid-19 market disruption. However, dyeing of polyester and its blends has traditionally been resource intensive, time consuming and costly.

Huntsman Textile Effects’ next-generation ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary was engineered to address these challenges. It eliminates the need for separate pre-scouring, allowing pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing to be combined in a single bath. Mills that use ERIOPON® E3-SAVE can thus dramatically shorten the polyester dyeing process and save water, energy and cost.

Singapore – As global interest in sustainable textile production continues to soar, mills that have adopted Huntsman Textile Effects’ all-in-one ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary for polyester processing, which launched one year ago, have collectively saved more than 130 million liters of water.

Demand for polyester fabric is being driven by seemingly insatiable consumer appetite for sportswear and athleisure clothing. Sales in the sector have been on an upward trend for several years and are even proving resilient amid Covid-19 market disruption. However, dyeing of polyester and its blends has traditionally been resource intensive, time consuming and costly.

Huntsman Textile Effects’ next-generation ERIOPON® E3-SAVE textile auxiliary was engineered to address these challenges. It eliminates the need for separate pre-scouring, allowing pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing to be combined in a single bath. Mills that use ERIOPON® E3-SAVE can thus dramatically shorten the polyester dyeing process and save water, energy and cost.

“Our innovations aim to help mills improve their productivity and competitiveness while also contributing to the textile industry’s shift to more sustainable practices and a reduced environmental footprint,” said Kerim Oner, Global Marketing Manager, Huntsman Textile Effects. “With ERIOPON® E3-SAVE, we have harnessed the unparalleled technical expertise and application know-how of our research and field teams to develop a product that is proven to reduce costs for mills and that meets current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.”

Dae Young Textile Vietnam Co., Ltd, a forerunner in sustainable textile production in Asia, was an early adopter of the ERIOPON® technology. Results from bulk production show that ERIOPON® E3-SAVE has reduced process time by over 20 percent and water consumption by over 50 percent, delivering annual cost savings of up to 30 percent.

“ERIOPON® E3-SAVE delivers a combination of best-in-class performance and value. It allows us to have the shortest possible processing cycle, which is key for us to deal with increasing industry pressure for faster turnarounds,” Jeong Won Oh, General Manager, Dae Young Textile Vietnam, said. “Alongside dramatic time savings, we are also saving water, energy and ultimately cost. Huntsman’s best-in-class products and high level of technical support help keep businesses like us productive.”

This unique polymer technology of ERIOPON® E3-SAVE promotes controlled exhaustion to ensure right-first-time level dyeing. It extracts oil and oil-based impurities from the fiber during processing and displays a high affinity to disperse dyes, enabling the rapid removal of unfixed surface dyes from the fiber during reduction clearing. The technology also enhances reproducibility and improves wet- and rub-fastness.

ERIOPON® E3-SAVE saves time, water, energy and cost in polyester dyeing by combining pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single bath. An advanced multi-action dyeing auxiliary in the dyEvolutionTM range, it delivers environmental and economic sustainability.


Huntsman Corporation

Kelheim (c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres für den Sustainability Heroes Award nominiert

Kelheim Fibres ist unter den Finalisten für den Sustainability Heroes Award in der Kategorie Nachhaltige Innovation. Der Preis wird von der DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit) und der DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) an Vorreiter im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit vergeben und soll aktives Engagement weiter anspornen.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller bewirbt sich um den Award mit ihren innovativen Fasern auf Pflanzenbasis, die einen erheblichen Beitrag für eine plastikfreie Zukunft im Bereich der absorbierenden Hygieneprodukte (z.B. Menstruations- oder Inkontinenzprodukte) leisten können.

Durch den Produktionsprozess können Viskosefasern – im Gegensatz zu anderen pflanzenbasierten Fasern – gezielt modifiziert und funktionalisiert werden. So können sie exakt auf das Anforderungsprofil der einzelnen Bestandteile des Hygieneproduktes abgestimmt werden (von besonders saugfähig bis wasserabweisend) und reichen damit an die Leistungswerte von synthetischen Fasern heran, die heute noch mehrheitlich in diesen Produkten für den Einmalgebrauch zu finden sind.

Kelheim Fibres ist unter den Finalisten für den Sustainability Heroes Award in der Kategorie Nachhaltige Innovation. Der Preis wird von der DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit) und der DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) an Vorreiter im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit vergeben und soll aktives Engagement weiter anspornen.

Der Viskosespezialfaserhersteller bewirbt sich um den Award mit ihren innovativen Fasern auf Pflanzenbasis, die einen erheblichen Beitrag für eine plastikfreie Zukunft im Bereich der absorbierenden Hygieneprodukte (z.B. Menstruations- oder Inkontinenzprodukte) leisten können.

Durch den Produktionsprozess können Viskosefasern – im Gegensatz zu anderen pflanzenbasierten Fasern – gezielt modifiziert und funktionalisiert werden. So können sie exakt auf das Anforderungsprofil der einzelnen Bestandteile des Hygieneproduktes abgestimmt werden (von besonders saugfähig bis wasserabweisend) und reichen damit an die Leistungswerte von synthetischen Fasern heran, die heute noch mehrheitlich in diesen Produkten für den Einmalgebrauch zu finden sind.

Während sich umweltbewusste Anwender(innen) heute oft zwischen einem sicheren Gefühl und einem guten Gewissen entscheiden müssen, tragen die Bayerischen Faserexperten perspektivisch dazu bei, dass immer mehr Produkte beidem gerecht werden: Kelheim Fibres verbindet nachhaltig gefertigte und vollständig biologisch abbaubare Fasern mit der technischen Performance von synthetischen Fasern. Ziel ist es, den Einsatz von rohölbasiertem Plastik in Wegwerfprodukten und seinen negativen Einfluss auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Kelheim Fibres nominated for the Sustainbability Heroes Award

Kelheim Fibres has been selected as a finalist for the Sustainability Heroes Award in the category “Sustainable Innovation”. The award is presented by DQS (German Association for Sustainability) and DGQ (German Association for Quality) to pioneers in sustainability and aims to further encourage active involvement in this field.
The viscose speciality fibres manufacturer has secured the selection with its innovative plant-based fibres that can substantially contribute to a plastic-free future in absorbent hygiene products such as femcare or incontinence products.

In contrast to other plant-based fibres, viscose fibres can be precisely modified and functionalised during the production process. They can be adapted to meet the exact requirements of the single components of a hygiene product in terms of their liquid management properties (from water repellent to highly absorbent) and so match the performance of synthetic fibres that are still used in the majority of these single-use products.

Kelheim Fibres has been selected as a finalist for the Sustainability Heroes Award in the category “Sustainable Innovation”. The award is presented by DQS (German Association for Sustainability) and DGQ (German Association for Quality) to pioneers in sustainability and aims to further encourage active involvement in this field.
The viscose speciality fibres manufacturer has secured the selection with its innovative plant-based fibres that can substantially contribute to a plastic-free future in absorbent hygiene products such as femcare or incontinence products.

In contrast to other plant-based fibres, viscose fibres can be precisely modified and functionalised during the production process. They can be adapted to meet the exact requirements of the single components of a hygiene product in terms of their liquid management properties (from water repellent to highly absorbent) and so match the performance of synthetic fibres that are still used in the majority of these single-use products.

Whereas today, environmentally conscious consumers must often decide between feeling safe and a clear conscience, the Bavarian fibre experts are actively developing more and more products that do justice to both: Kelheim combines sustainably manufactured and completely biodegradable fibres with the technical performance of synthetic fibres. The aim is to help to reduce the use of crude-oil-based plastics in single-use products and their negative impact on the environment.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Sappi 1 (c) Sappi Europe

Platin für die Nachhaltigkeit

Sappi Europe wurde im jüngsten EcoVadis-Rating mit Platin ausgezeichnet. Einer der weltweit führende Anbietern von nachhaltigen Holzfaserprodukten und -lösungen konnte seine Spitzenposition aus dem Vorjahr unter den führenden ein Prozent aller beurteilten Unternehmen beibehalten, die im Hinblick auf Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) überdurchschnittlich aktiv und verantwortungsbewusst agieren.

Sappi Europe wurde im jüngsten EcoVadis-Rating mit Platin ausgezeichnet. Einer der weltweit führende Anbietern von nachhaltigen Holzfaserprodukten und -lösungen konnte seine Spitzenposition aus dem Vorjahr unter den führenden ein Prozent aller beurteilten Unternehmen beibehalten, die im Hinblick auf Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) überdurchschnittlich aktiv und verantwortungsbewusst agieren.

  • Sappi Europe erhält Spitzenbewertung für Nachhaltigkeit
  • Zum Wohle der Menschen, Gemeinschaften und des Planeten setzt Sappi Europe auf die Kraft erneuerbarer Ressourcen

Im Zuge der klaren strategischen Ausrichtung hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz, hat Sappi einen neuen Meilenstein erreicht: Einer der Marktführer im Bereich ökologischer Verpackungspapiere und grafische Papiere erhielt Platin beim diesjährigen Nachhaltigkeitsrating von EcoVadis und konnte sich mit einer weit über dem Gesamtdurchschnitt liegenden Punktzahl als einer der Top-Performer etablieren. Das Rating durch EcoVadis umfasst insgesamt 21 Kriterien, die wiederum in vier übergreifende Themenbereiche unterteilt sind: Umwelt, Arbeits- und Menschenrechte, Ethik sowie Nachhaltige Beschaffung.

Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg ist seit vielen Jahren ein fester Bestandteil der Sappi-Unternehmensstrategie: Die gesamte Geschäftstätigkeit sowie die Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung basieren auf erneuerbaren Materialien. Demzufolge umfasst das Umweltmanagement des weltweit tätigen Unternehmens eine Vielzahl von Strategien, die den ökologischen Fußabdruck verbessern sollen. Für 2025 hat Sappi seine Nachhaltigkeitsziele mit den Zielen der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG) verknüpft. Sappi vertritt seit Langem die Prinzipien, die sich um die Themen Menschen, Planet und Wohlstand drehen. Mit einem verstärkten Fokus auf sieben der SDGs ist sich Sappi sicher, dass eine durchschlagende Wirkung erzielt werden und das Unternehmen wesentlich zur globalen Agenda für nachhaltige Entwicklung beitragen kann.

Die Platin-Auszeichnung von EcoVadis zeigt, dass bei Sappi nicht nur über Nachhaltigkeit gesprochen, sondern aktiv daran gearbeitet wird, um die praktische Umsetzung zu gewährleisten. Die ganze Welt spricht über nachhaltige Lösungen und sucht nach Alternativen für fossilbasierte Rohstoffe. Sappi konzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung von Produktlösungen auf dem Markt. Erst vor wenigen Wochen hat der Marktführer im Bereich Functional Paper Packaging mit der Kampagne „Pro Planet Paper Packaging – welcome to the new pack-age“ zahlreiche Lösungen vorgestellt, um Food- oder Non-Food-Produkte in nachhaltiges und hochwertiges Papier zu verpacken.

Sappi Europe ist sehr stolz darauf, die EcoVadis Platinum-Bewertung erhalten zu haben. „Auch wenn diese Auszeichnung unsere Arbeit in hohem Maße anerkennt und unterstützt, sind wir uns bei Sappi Europe darüber bewusst, dass wir nur Teil einer globalen Gemeinschaft sind. Wir müssen in all unseren Geschäftsbereichen weiterhin danach streben, notwendige Veränderungen voranzutreiben, um uns und unseren Kunden dabei zu helfen, nachhaltiger zu werden“, erklärt Sarah Price, Sustainability Manager bei Sappi Europe. „Die Recyclingfähigkeit der aus Holzfasern gewonnenen Produkte ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für den Übergang zu einer stärker kreislauforientierten Wirtschaft, in der die Ressourcen der Welt länger und kreativer genutzt werden. Durch die verantwortungsbewusste Beschaffung von Materialien, die Reduzierung von Abfällen und Emissionen, die sorgfältige Berücksichtigung der Produktlebensdauer und dem Ziel, das volle Potenzial von Holz zu nutzen, setzen wir uns bei Sappi aktiv für nachhaltige Lösungen ein.“

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Sappi Europe Nachhaltigkeit

Sappi Europe

Sappi 1 (c) Sappi Europe

Sappi - Platinum for sustainability

Sappi Europe received a platinum score in the latest EcoVadis rating. On of the leading global providers of sustainable woodfibre products and solutions retained its top position from the previous year among the leading one per cent of all companies assessed which exhibit high activity and responsibility with regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

  • Sappi Europe receives top rating for sustainability
  • Unlocking the power of renewable resources to benefit people, communities and the planet

As part of its clear strategic goals in relation to sustainability and environmental protection, Sappi reached a new milestone. A market leader in environmentally friendly packaging and graphic papers received a platinum score in this year’s sustainability rating from EcoVadis, establishing itself as one of the top performers, with a score well above the overall average. The EcoVadis rating covers a total of 21 criteria, which in turn are divided into four general areas: environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Sappi Europe received a platinum score in the latest EcoVadis rating. On of the leading global providers of sustainable woodfibre products and solutions retained its top position from the previous year among the leading one per cent of all companies assessed which exhibit high activity and responsibility with regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

  • Sappi Europe receives top rating for sustainability
  • Unlocking the power of renewable resources to benefit people, communities and the planet

As part of its clear strategic goals in relation to sustainability and environmental protection, Sappi reached a new milestone. A market leader in environmentally friendly packaging and graphic papers received a platinum score in this year’s sustainability rating from EcoVadis, establishing itself as one of the top performers, with a score well above the overall average. The EcoVadis rating covers a total of 21 criteria, which in turn are divided into four general areas: environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Encouraging sustainable operations across the entire value chain have been a key part of Sappi’s corporate strategy for many years. Sappi’s entire business model and investments in research and development are based on the use of renewable materials. The environment management approach of the global company includes a variety of strategies designed to improve its ecological footprint. For 2025, Sappi has linked its sustainability targets to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Sappi has long held principles based around People, Planet and Prosperity and with  a heightened focus on seven of the SDG’s they believe they can deliver  real impact and contribute to the global sustainable development agenda.

The platinum rating from EcoVadis demonstrates that Sappi not only talks about sustainability, but actively works towards ensuring it in a very practical way. The whole world is talking about sustainable solutions and looking for alternatives to fossil fuels. Sappi is focused on providing product solutions to the market. A few weeks ago, the market leader presented a number of solutions relating to functional paper packaging as part of its ‘Pro Planet Paper Packaging’ campaign to enable sustainable, high-quality packaging for food and non-food products.

Sappi Europe is extremely proud to have obtained the EcoVadis Platinum rating and while certification and recognition go a long way to helping our work we also acknowledge at Sappi Europe that we are part of a global community that need to continue to strive in all our business areas to create the change needed to help our customers become truly sustainable. The recyclable nature of products derived from woodfibre are essential to creating a more circular economy, where the world’s resources are kept in use longer and more creatively. By responsibly sourcing materials, reducing material waste and emissions , carefully considering product end-of-life, and aiming to use the full potential of trees, we actively promote more sustainable systems explains Sarah Price, Sappi Europe’s Sustainability Manager


Weitere Informationen:
Sappi Europe Sustainability

Sappi Europe

Devan lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan lauded by Frost & Sullivan

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals was lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry, known under its trade name as BI-OME®.

RONSE, BELGIUM – The non-leaching attributes of the technology coupled with its ability to reduce microbial mutation make it a potential candidate for textiles where durability and safe human contact are highly valued.

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals was lauded by Frost & Sullivan for its antimicrobial technology with proven quaternized silane chemistry, known under its trade name as BI-OME®.

RONSE, BELGIUM – The non-leaching attributes of the technology coupled with its ability to reduce microbial mutation make it a potential candidate for textiles where durability and safe human contact are highly valued.

Based on its recent analysis of the European antimicrobial technology for the textile market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes the Belgium-headquartered Devan Chemicals NV (Devan) with the 2020 European Technology Innovation Leadership Award. Devan’s highly relevant antimicrobial technology addresses issues concerning the contamination of PPE and textiles, including the spread of drug-resistant bacteria, viral transmissions, and hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Its quat-silane technology, due to its non-migrating behaviour, physically punctures the microorganism cell to destroy it without interfering with cell DNA. Notably, it eliminates the adverse effects of leaching antimicrobials while providing high efficiency in the range of 99.9 percent to 99.99 percent, even after multiple washes.

"By providing non-migrating antimicrobial technology for the textile industry, Devan plugs the safety and performance gaps inherent in current inorganic and organic antimicrobial agents. Its antimicrobial technology, unlike silver- or triclosan-based technology, comprises non-migrating monomers and prepolymers such as organo-functional silane," said Monami Dey, Industry Manager, Frost & Sullivan. "The organo-silane polymers are covalently bonded and polymerized to the textile surface as a coating via padding, exhaust, and spraying techniques. The coating forms a non-leaching reactive surface and destroys the microbes on contact, without releasing harmful components into the environment."

Devan CEO Sven Ghyselinck is very happy with the award: “The best practice award is a nice recognition of the hard work we did in the last 6 months to evaluate the performance against viral activity. It’s great to see our efforts didn’t go unnoticed.”

Earlier this month Devan published new test results confirming the high performance virus-reducing capabilities of its BI-OME fabric coating technology on both unwashed and intensely washed fabrics. The Belgian company has worked closely with a series of international third party laboratories to test different fabric substrates against a wide range of enveloped viruses. Before washing, samples treated with Devan BI-OME score very good to excellent (99% and higher according to ISO 18184) results on virus reduction. Different substrates, like polyester, cotton and polycottons, were exposed to enveloped viruses like SARS-COV-2 (known to cause COVID-19), Feline Corona, Vaccinia (the EU standard for enveloped viruses) and Porcine Respiratory viruses. After 30minutes, BI-OME already reduced 99.96% of the activity of SARS-COV-2.

After washing, a decrease in virus reduction performance of coating technologies is normal and expected. However, BI-OME is confirmed to deliver only a minimal reduction, retaining up to 98.5% virus reduction even when the fabric is washed 25 times.

"Devan is working towards sustainability and green chemistry. For instance, its technology does not contain any harmful solvents such as formaldehyde or polychlorinated phenols and fulfills the regulatory obligations of the EU BPR," noted Dey. "Its commitment to promoting sustainability in textile finishes with a strong focus on GMO-free, kosher, as well as halal certifications, and recyclability has given the company an edge in launching new products at an accelerated pace to match customers’ most pressing concerns and demands."

One of those innovations is BI-OME NTL (natural), a natural, bio-based antimicrobial solution that guarantees an optimal freshness and hygiene for textiles. The active ingredient is the well-known Linseed oil, obtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant. The active ingredients in BI-OME NTL are GMO free, Halal, Kosher and recyclable.

Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® Results in Innovative Fabrics for Fashion and Athleisure (c) Sateri

Innovative Fabrics for Fashion and Athleisure

  • Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy®

DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® have together developed a new fabric called StretchCosy™. The fabric uses a blend of Sorona®, a partially plant-based fibre, and Sateri’s ultra-comfortable and near weightless EcoCosy® fibres to achieve a soft material that is highly stretchable, shape-retaining and, most importantly, sustainably sourced.

StretchCosy™ combines the mechanical stretch of Sorona® stretch fibres, which gives it excellent stretch and long-lasting, consistent recovery, with the soft, cotton-like breathability and smooth silk-like texture of EcoCosy® for an unparalleled fabric that is high-performing and well-suited for fashion and sportswear.

  • Collaboration Between DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy®

DuPont™ Sorona® and Sateri’s EcoCosy® have together developed a new fabric called StretchCosy™. The fabric uses a blend of Sorona®, a partially plant-based fibre, and Sateri’s ultra-comfortable and near weightless EcoCosy® fibres to achieve a soft material that is highly stretchable, shape-retaining and, most importantly, sustainably sourced.

StretchCosy™ combines the mechanical stretch of Sorona® stretch fibres, which gives it excellent stretch and long-lasting, consistent recovery, with the soft, cotton-like breathability and smooth silk-like texture of EcoCosy® for an unparalleled fabric that is high-performing and well-suited for fashion and sportswear.

Created in 2019, StretchCosy™ is a fabric breakthrough that made it possible for natural plant-based fibres to be more extensively used in various applications, e.g. t-shirts, shirting, bottoms, jackets, dresses, hoodies and underwear. Previously, cellulosic fibres were rarely found in sportswear, due to concerns such as pilling. The combination of Sorona® and EcoCosy® in StretchCosy™ has eliminated this concern, hinting at the future of activewear where performance combined with sustainability will be the norm.


Omnicom Public Relations Group

Milano Unica: Iluna Group presents the FW 21-22 collection (c) Iluna Group
Green Label and BIOLINE laces

Milano Unica: Iluna Group presents the FW 21-22 collection

  • Trust the vibes, energy doesn’t lie!

Advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality, made of “ethical” laces and tights of very high quality standards and a careful look at fashion. Iluna Group, strengthened by this heritage, with a smart approach, carefully selected materials, know-how on processes and particular attention to the ecosystem, is a leader in its sector

With the FW 21-22 collection, Iluna Group focuses on design excellence aimed at perfection driven by this particular historical moment, in which preferring quality over quantity has become necessary: offering ever higher standards of quality is combined with the choice of reducing minimum waste in a way of working that becomes more thoughtful, studied, focused and less hectic.

  • Trust the vibes, energy doesn’t lie!

Advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality, made of “ethical” laces and tights of very high quality standards and a careful look at fashion. Iluna Group, strengthened by this heritage, with a smart approach, carefully selected materials, know-how on processes and particular attention to the ecosystem, is a leader in its sector

With the FW 21-22 collection, Iluna Group focuses on design excellence aimed at perfection driven by this particular historical moment, in which preferring quality over quantity has become necessary: offering ever higher standards of quality is combined with the choice of reducing minimum waste in a way of working that becomes more thoughtful, studied, focused and less hectic.

The range of sustainable products expands by adding to the GRS certified Green Label, the BIOLINE, made with raw materials such as the precious ROICA™ V550 premium stretch fiber which belongs to ROICA Eco-Smart ™ family produced by Asahi Kasei able to combine elasticity and comfort and other benefits in terms of circular economy related to the health of materials, as demonstrated by the Gold Level Material Health Certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute, and by the world's first biodegradable polyamide 6.6 yarn AMNI SOUL ECO®, fibers that degrade completely in the environment under anaerobic conditions.

The exceptional natural dyes proposed are made with vegetable dyes extracted from various plants, with a color chart that now has 14 shades, all with solidity within the OEKO TEX® Standard 100 and all GOTS certified. No chemical product is used for the dyes, including the softening finish, for which an equally natural product is used.

All the products of the Iluna Group collections can be made in a recycled or organic variant.

Iluna Group participates to Milano Unica and digitally at all sector fairs, a new way of communicating that together with the use of social media - accompanied by the launch last year of the official website and e-commerce with all the collections and the site dedicated to the sale of the exclusive Iluna masks - it can be transformed from a necessity to a great resource and an opportunity to enhance a 360° sustainable attitude. Iluna, even before the pandemic, has always considered the sustainable aspect a priority in its work and now, in the light of this new landscape, the many years of experience gained benefits the company by pushing it to place itself more and more as a precursor of sustainable innovation.

The constant commitment to responsible solutions makes Iluna Group the only lace manufacturer to use - since 2017 - transformed stretch in the entire range of its elastic laces. Iluna Group excellence is based 100% on responsible innovation, guaranteed by the most important certifications. The creation of smart lace, strictly Made in Italy, is also Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. Today Iluna is a reference point for international markets and boasts products with OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certification.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Sappi und Rovema besiegeln Partnerschaft mit erfolgreichem Kooperationsprojekt (c) Sappi Europe

Sappi und Rovema besiegeln Partnerschaft mit erfolgreichem Kooperationsprojekt

  • Gemeinsame Sache für mehr Nachhaltigkeit: Barriere-Verpackungspapier- trifft Maschinenhersteller

Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfungsketten und ressourcenschonender Verpackungsprozesse treibt die Verpackungsindustrie um. Im Zuge dessen haben sich der Maschinenhersteller Rovema und der Spezialpapierhersteller Sappi, zwei international anerkannte Vorreiter zum Thema „Sustainability“ in einer strategischen Partnerschaft zusammengefunden. Ihre bisherige gemeinsame Entwicklungsleistung krönen beide Unternehmen jetzt mit dem ersten erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekt für einen namhaften Hersteller von Cerealien, der seine vollautomatische Produktion auf papierbasierte, siegelfähige Barriere-Standbeutel umgestellt hat.

  • Gemeinsame Sache für mehr Nachhaltigkeit: Barriere-Verpackungspapier- trifft Maschinenhersteller

Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfungsketten und ressourcenschonender Verpackungsprozesse treibt die Verpackungsindustrie um. Im Zuge dessen haben sich der Maschinenhersteller Rovema und der Spezialpapierhersteller Sappi, zwei international anerkannte Vorreiter zum Thema „Sustainability“ in einer strategischen Partnerschaft zusammengefunden. Ihre bisherige gemeinsame Entwicklungsleistung krönen beide Unternehmen jetzt mit dem ersten erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekt für einen namhaften Hersteller von Cerealien, der seine vollautomatische Produktion auf papierbasierte, siegelfähige Barriere-Standbeutel umgestellt hat.

  •     Papierbasierte Barriere-Verpackungslösungen
  •     Hohe Präzision im Zusammenspiel von Material und Maschine
  •     Leistungsverlust bei Materialumstellung minimiert

Sappi ist führender Anbieter von nachhaltigen Holzfaserprodukten und -lösungen. Besonders mit seinem Wissen im Bereich Verpackungs- und Spezialpapiere mit integrierten Barriereeigenschaften und Siegelfähigkeit rückte Sappi in den Fokus von Rovema. Der Verpackungsmaschinenhersteller aus Fernwald, Deutschland, bestrebt – wie Sappi auch – im Rahmen des fest verankerten Leitbildes die stetige Weiterentwicklung als „Sustainable Company“. Neben dem Ansatz, die bestehende Maschinentechnologie, beispielsweise die Lebensdauer von Verschleißteilen und die Kreislaufwirtschaft insgesamt zu optimieren, liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk von Rovema auf der Möglichkeit zur Umstellung der Verpackungsmaterialien: Reduzierung von Kunststofffolien, hin zu mehr papierbasierten Lösungen und recyclingfähigen Materialien aus Kunststoff.

Sappi überzeugte durch die hervorragende Qualität seiner Produkte, der Beratung, dem Portfolio sowie den ausgezeichneten Eigenschaften seiner Barriere-Papiere. Seit 2018 arbeiten die beiden Unternehmen als Kooperationspartner zusammen und entwickeln gemeinsam integrierte Verpackungslösungen als Gesamtpaket für Kunden, die sich nachhaltig und damit zukunftsfähig im Markt positionieren möchten.

 Papierbasierte Packstoffe im Verpackungsprozess

„Es gibt nur wenige Papierhersteller, die entscheidende Eigenschaften wie Barrierefunktionen und Siegelfähigkeit so gekonnt miteinander verknüpfen können“, erzählt Peter Lökös, Vice President Sales der Rovema GmbH, über die Anbahnung der Kooperation mit Sappi. „Uns war von Anfang an klar, dass wir in der Entwicklung unserer Kundenprojekte in direkter Kooperation mit Sappi maximal profitieren können. Das große Know-how des Spezialpapierexperten hat uns dann auch entscheidend vorangebracht.“ Denn anders als beispielsweise Standbodenbeutel und Flachbeutel aus Verbundstoffen, müssen die nachhaltigeren, papierbasierten Alternativen wesentlich behutsamer im Produktionsprozess behandelt werden. So toleriert Papier in einem automatisierten Verpackungsprozess nur wenig Zugübertragung und kann leichter reißen. Auch beim Befüllen muss in der Regel viel stärker auf die Durchstoßfestigkeit des verwendeten Papiers geachtet werden.

René Köhler, Head of New Business Development Packaging Solutions, Division Innovation & Sustainability bei Sappi, weiß, wie wichtig eine genaue Bedarfsabfrage und -analyse für die Auswahl der geeigneten Papierqualitäten ist: „Es muss kein Hochbarrierepapier wie das Sappi Guard OHG eingesetzt werden, sofern auch eine abgestufte Variante wie das Sappi Guard Nature MS optimalen Schutz und Funktion abbilden kann. Um im Ergebnis Champions League Niveau zu erreichen, ist jedes Detailwissen zu den Produktanforderungen einerseits sowie zu den spezifischen Eigenschaften der unterschiedlichen Papiere andererseits von großer Bedeutung für die letztendliche Wahl des Packstoffes.“

Präzision der Performance macht den Unterschied

Für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz von umweltschonenden Verpackungsmaterialien ist des Weiteren eine hohe Präzision im Gesamtbewegungsablauf der Maschinenanlage gefragt – ein Alleinstellungs-merkmal von Rovema. Der Maschinenhersteller setzt im Vergleich zum Wettbewerb auf eine komplett servomotorisch gesteuerte Förder- und Siegeltechnologie. Zusätzlich werden sämtliche Schritte vom Formen bis zum Verschließen der Beutel bis ins kleinste Detail perfekt synchronisiert, um die Belastung auf den Packstoff zu minimieren.


Bild 1: Peter Lökös, Vice President Sales, Rovema GmbH.

Bild 2: René Köhler, Head of New Business Development Packaging Solutions, Division Innovation & Sustainability bei Sappi.

Bild 3: Erster gemeinsamer Kooperationserfolg: Rovema und Sappi entwickeln für einen namhaften Hersteller von Cerealien eine vollautomatische Produktionslinie mit einem papierbasierten, siegelfähigen Barriere-Standbeutel.

Bild 4: Durch hohe Präzision und perfekte Synchronisation des Gesamtbewegungsablauf der Maschinenanlage wurde die üblichen Leistungsverluste von 30 Prozent und mehr bei der Umstellung auf papierbasiertes Verpackungsmaterial im Pilotprojekt auf nur 10 bis 15 Prozent reduziert.

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making © GB Network
ECOSENSOR™ 100% recycled polyamide fabrics

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei launches its new fabric collection imbued with the brand’s sustainable story-making

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

  • ECOSENSOR™’s new references combine high-performance and innovation to empower people with the possibility to live life naturally both for mind and body.
  • The new range is woven from certified ingredients, a completely traceable production process and highly certified suppliers               

"A New Eco high-tech force of Nature", a bold claim, a daring attitude and true facts. ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei has concentrated all its key values into a Nature-driven and high-tech fabric collection that respects the environment and human being.

Sustainability, active climate control, exquisite touch and extreme performance co-habit the textiles: the collection is made of wovens and knits where the main technology is represented by GRS - Global Recycle Standard certified polyamide and polyesters, sometime combined with ROICA™ recycled stretch yarns and dyed and finished with Oekotex Standard 100 certified processes and/or by BlueSign® partners’ companies.

But there is much more than it meets the eye.

Behind the new collection is a great story of sustainability.

"Our international team strives to innovate with a human-based approach to research and develop solutions that meet high-performance standards as well as the transparency and traceability of both the ingredients and the supply chain", says Mr. Hashimoto, Senior Managing Director of Asahi Kasei Advance, the global materials innovator and manufacturer.

Indeed, the company has set the high bar all its suppliers and partners must match. Such criteria include: thoroughly transparency and traceability of both materials and production, corporate responsibility at all levels and a strategic commitment granted by influential certifications such as GRS - Global Recycle Standard for recycled ingredients and processes, as well as Bluesign® and OekoTex Standard 100 certifications, which focus on environmentally-friendly impact of the dyeing and finishing processes.

The human, environmentally-friendly and cutting-edge imprint of ECOSENSOR™ ultimate collection reflects a vision for a more responsible way of fabric manufacturing.

A new force of nature, because story telling truly must match the story making.

HANRO chooses Iluna lace containing the sustainable premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei for its Zula lingerie set (c) HANRO
Zula lingerie set

HANRO: this Spring/Summer we go hot but sustainable!

HANRO chooses Iluna lace containing the sustainable premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei for its Zula lingerie set

HANRO, the Swiss brand that produces high quality daywear, nightwear and loungewear for both men and women and world’s leading premium brand in its segment, chooses Iluna Group for its advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality made of “ethical” laces and an attentive look at fashion.

Iluna uses responsible premium ingredients such as GRS certified Q-NOVA®, more than half of which are made from pre-consumer waste and GRS certified ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn produced by more than 58% from transformed pre-consumer content. The yarn belongs to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family produced by Asahi Kasei and it’s the world’s first responsibly made premium fiber range, which includes smart ROICA™ yarns and their exceptional certifications.

HANRO chooses Iluna lace containing the sustainable premium stretch fiber ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei for its Zula lingerie set

HANRO, the Swiss brand that produces high quality daywear, nightwear and loungewear for both men and women and world’s leading premium brand in its segment, chooses Iluna Group for its advanced design and sustainability, innovation, aesthetics and quality made of “ethical” laces and an attentive look at fashion.

Iluna uses responsible premium ingredients such as GRS certified Q-NOVA®, more than half of which are made from pre-consumer waste and GRS certified ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn produced by more than 58% from transformed pre-consumer content. The yarn belongs to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family produced by Asahi Kasei and it’s the world’s first responsibly made premium fiber range, which includes smart ROICA™ yarns and their exceptional certifications.

Seductive and luxurious lingerie defines the SS 20 Zula collection in which we find Iluna lace. This lingerie set is smooth and soft satin viscose made, with an elegant Jacquardtronic lace detail along the cup, straps and band of the bra. It is paired to the matching briefs in the collection with generous elegant Jacquardtronic lace on the front and the backside. The particular lace used is a delicate and modern reinterpretation of the Duchesse lace, a particular type of Brussels lace from the mid-19th century. The set is available in light viola, purple night and marzipan range of colours.


GB Network


ISKO partners with Bluesign

  • ISKO and Bluesign announce their partnership for the creation of a cleaner, safer, and transparent world of denim. ISKO just released its landmark
  • Sustainability Report, setting the target of achieving bluesign® APPROVED accreditation by the end of 2020.

Denim is a timeless staple in wardrobes around the world. ISKO, the leading denim ingredient brand, and Bluesign, the architects of a sustainable and responsible textile supply chain, are joining forces in a partnership. Alliances like this are the source of effective improvements.

ISKO has a long-standing commitment to ensure the integrity of its ingredients and the traceability of the fibers and materials used in its denim apparel. By releasing the Sustainability Report, ISKO again demonstrates its commitment to creating and designing denim apparel that has a positive connection with the planet. In this report, a primary target of ISKO is to achieve bluesign® APPROVED accreditation for its denim textiles, attaining the strictest industry standard for consumers and environment alike.

  • ISKO and Bluesign announce their partnership for the creation of a cleaner, safer, and transparent world of denim. ISKO just released its landmark
  • Sustainability Report, setting the target of achieving bluesign® APPROVED accreditation by the end of 2020.

Denim is a timeless staple in wardrobes around the world. ISKO, the leading denim ingredient brand, and Bluesign, the architects of a sustainable and responsible textile supply chain, are joining forces in a partnership. Alliances like this are the source of effective improvements.

ISKO has a long-standing commitment to ensure the integrity of its ingredients and the traceability of the fibers and materials used in its denim apparel. By releasing the Sustainability Report, ISKO again demonstrates its commitment to creating and designing denim apparel that has a positive connection with the planet. In this report, a primary target of ISKO is to achieve bluesign® APPROVED accreditation for its denim textiles, attaining the strictest industry standard for consumers and environment alike.

With the goal of completing this process by the end of 2020, the company has already performed bluesign® COMPANY ASSESSMENT at an above-average level. This shows how ISKO anticipates changes rather than simply reacting to legal or stakeholder requirements, pursuing an approach that has a huge potential and includes several actions for further improvements. Through this partnership, ISKO and Bluesign continue the movement of the textile and fashion industry into a future that pays more attention to people and the environment, because only when both are considered can the industry truly make a positive long-lasting impact.

“ISKO, as the soul of jeans, has a vision for denim that is creative in design and innovative in the use of technologies. These distinct qualities in combination with a determined commitment to a sustainable supply chain makes ISKO a true leader in the textile industry. We look forward to the next impactful steps we will take together.” Jill Dumain, CEO, bluesign technologies. “As the leader of this industry, we feel it is our responsibility to be and act as a force for good. We have always prioritized transparency and accountability, highly valuing every improvement that can be achieved by sharing values and goals through partnerships. This one makes us particularly proud, as it raises the bar of our efforts and challenges us to maintain our improvement efforts.” Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, Senior Sustainability & CSR Executive.

Weitere Informationen:
Isko Sustainability bluesign Denim

«Autoneum Pure.»: neues Nachhaltigkeitslabel für Produkte

Technologien mit einer ausgezeichneten Umweltbilanz während des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus – dafür steht «Autoneum Pure.». Komponenten, die höchste Ansprüche an Nachhaltigkeit und  Umweltfreundlichkeit erfüllen, sind künftig unter diesem Label auf einen Blick zu erkennen. Dazu zählt auch die Innovation «Mono-Liner» für Radhausverkleidungen.

Als Innovationsführer im Akustik- und Wärmemanagement investiert Autoneum kontinuierlich in die Entwicklung und Produktion ressourcenschonender Komponenten, die das Auto leichter und so klimafreundlicher machen. Angesichts des steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstseins und einem entsprechend höheren Informationsbedarf zu umweltverträglichen Fahrzeugkomponenten, hat das Unternehmen neu Autoneum Pure lanciert. Das Label kennzeichnet besonders nachhaltige Technologien, womit Autoneum Autoherstellern die Produktwahl bei zukünftigen Modellen erleichtert.

Technologien mit einer ausgezeichneten Umweltbilanz während des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus – dafür steht «Autoneum Pure.». Komponenten, die höchste Ansprüche an Nachhaltigkeit und  Umweltfreundlichkeit erfüllen, sind künftig unter diesem Label auf einen Blick zu erkennen. Dazu zählt auch die Innovation «Mono-Liner» für Radhausverkleidungen.

Als Innovationsführer im Akustik- und Wärmemanagement investiert Autoneum kontinuierlich in die Entwicklung und Produktion ressourcenschonender Komponenten, die das Auto leichter und so klimafreundlicher machen. Angesichts des steigenden Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstseins und einem entsprechend höheren Informationsbedarf zu umweltverträglichen Fahrzeugkomponenten, hat das Unternehmen neu Autoneum Pure lanciert. Das Label kennzeichnet besonders nachhaltige Technologien, womit Autoneum Autoherstellern die Produktwahl bei zukünftigen Modellen erleichtert.

Autoneum Pure liegt ein umfassender Kriterienkatalog zugrunde, anhand dessen die Nachhaltigkeitsperformance eines Produkts in allen vier Phasen seines Lebenszyklus bewertet wird: Materialbeschaffung, Produktion, Nutzung und Entsorgung. So qualifizieren sich beispielsweise Komponenten mit einem hohen Anteil an rezyklierbaren Materialien oder solche, die eine deutliche Gewichtseinsparung gegenüber vergleichbaren Standardkomponenten erreichen, für das Label «Autoneum Pure.». Bereits heute bietet Autoneum verschiedene multifunktionale Technologien an, welche die hohen Vorgaben für Autoneum Pure-Produkte erfüllen: Ultra-Silent für Unterbodenoder Batterieunterschilder, Di-Light für Teppichsysteme, Prime-Light und IFP-R2 für Stirnwandund Bodenisolationen sowie die im Herbst 2019 lancierte Technologie Hybrid-Acoustics PET für Elektromotorkapselungen und Motoranbauteile.

Mit Mono-Liner zählt auch die neueste Innovation für Radhausverkleidungen zum Autoneum Pure- Portfolio. Unter anderem überzeugen die Mono-Liner-basierten Komponenten durch ihre Leichtbauweise, womit sie zu einem geringeren Fahrzeuggewicht und entsprechend weniger Treibstoffverbrauch und Emissionen beitragen. Die ausgezeichnete Umweltbilanz beruht zudem auf ihrer besonders ressourcenschonenden Fertigung: Produktionsausschüsse der grösstenteils aus rezykliertem PET bestehenden Komponenten können zu Pellets verarbeitet und in Form von Fasern vollständig in den Herstellungsprozess rückgeführt werden. Ein SUV sowie ein Crossover-Modell eines US-amerikanischen Fahrzeugherstellers profitieren heute schon von Mono-Liner-Radhausverkleidungen.

Anahid Rickmann, Head Corporate Communications & Responsibility, erklärt: «Mit Autoneum Pure haben wir als erster Automobilzulieferer ein Nachhaltigkeitslabel im Bereich Akustik- und Wärmemanagement etabliert. Autoneum Pure ist Teil der Advance Sustainability-Strategie 2025 des Unternehmens und setzt Branchenstandards in der Produktkommunikation.»


Autoneum Holding AG

Logo Bio2X
Fortums project Bio2X

Atte Virtanen appointed Head of Business Development at Fortum Bio2X

Mr Atte Virtanen has been appointed Head of Business Development at the Fortum Bio2X bioeconomy programme as of 1 May 2020. Atte will play a key role in establishing Bio2X partnerships, helping partners to advance more sustainable businesses, as well as developing industrial biorefinery operations together with the programme team.

Before joining Fortum, Atte was working 10 years in the Netherlands for Trespa International B.V and in Italy for Arpa Industriale S.p.A. In both companies, he was leading R&D activities in the areas of cellulose materials and thermosetting resins. In addition, Atte gained experience from production environment during his time at Stora Enso’s Kotka mills, where he worked several years both in paper production and in a paper impregnating plant.

Over the years, Fortum Bio2X has built a team with a focus on research and development, including piloting different production technologies. The programme is now moving on to the next phase by developing competencies in operations and maintenance. As part of this phase, Atte will help to shift the attention to commercializing the biomass fractions.

Mr Atte Virtanen has been appointed Head of Business Development at the Fortum Bio2X bioeconomy programme as of 1 May 2020. Atte will play a key role in establishing Bio2X partnerships, helping partners to advance more sustainable businesses, as well as developing industrial biorefinery operations together with the programme team.

Before joining Fortum, Atte was working 10 years in the Netherlands for Trespa International B.V and in Italy for Arpa Industriale S.p.A. In both companies, he was leading R&D activities in the areas of cellulose materials and thermosetting resins. In addition, Atte gained experience from production environment during his time at Stora Enso’s Kotka mills, where he worked several years both in paper production and in a paper impregnating plant.

Over the years, Fortum Bio2X has built a team with a focus on research and development, including piloting different production technologies. The programme is now moving on to the next phase by developing competencies in operations and maintenance. As part of this phase, Atte will help to shift the attention to commercializing the biomass fractions.

The Bio2X programme is part of Fortum’s strategy to build options for significant new businesses that improve resource efficiency and provide smart solutions. It aims to be the straw refiner with superior material efficiency and a leading supplier of responsible textile fibres. Bio2X focuses on an efficient use of the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin fractions in order to replace fossil or otherwise detrimental raw materials in numerous end-use applications.

Weitere Informationen:
Fortum Sustainability

Fortum Cooperations

Primary Vittorio Segramora of San Gerardo Hospital with a nurse wearing one of the 1,800 donated gowns (c) GB Network
Primary Vittorio Segramora of San Gerardo Hospital with a nurse wearing one of the 1,800 donated gowns

Call to action of the fashion world

  • Diana, Giusy, Simona and Marina. The call to action of the fashion world was born from four women engaged in the field of sustainability. On the occasion of Fashion Revolution Week, we tell you their story and the results achieved

A task force of Italian textile companies active in our area supported the first call to action launched at the fashion world by four women who have always been involved in the field of sustainability. The appeal launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S.

  • Diana, Giusy, Simona and Marina. The call to action of the fashion world was born from four women engaged in the field of sustainability. On the occasion of Fashion Revolution Week, we tell you their story and the results achieved

A task force of Italian textile companies active in our area supported the first call to action launched at the fashion world by four women who have always been involved in the field of sustainability. The appeal launched on March 19th by the green journalist Diana de Marsanich, Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy)the eco multi-platform hub specialized in integrating a new generation of eco values into fashion, products and companies, Simona Roveda, Editorial Director and Director of Institutional Communication of LifeGate and Marina Spadafora, Italian Country Coordinator of Fashion Revolution and currently collaborating with Luxury Fashion Brands to implement responsible strategies in their companies have luaunched a call-to-action project which has brought together textile companies to manufacture PPE garments for the medical staff working in San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, near Milan.

The companies that answered the call-to-action are: Filo d’Oro, Mantero, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy) e Zerobarracento, Iluna Group, Lg Electronics, Jimmy Lion, Personal Genomics, Isamar Holyday Village, Marcolin Eyewear, Maglificio Ripa.

During the last weeks the 4 women collected about 1,800 non-drip cotton and non-woven TNT gowns for sanitary use, about 400 protective masks for multipurpose washable, bacteriostatic, breathable and water-repellent prevention, 1,000 washable cotton surgical caps, 150 complete protective googles eye masks, two microwave ovens for hospital departments to offer support to medical and healthcare personnel by helping them in the few breaks during the grueling shifts of this period, a supply of samples of cotton socks, 300 cotton masks + polyester outer layer, water-repellent and antibacterial, and free weekly stays made available to doctors, nurses, civil protection personnel and families with related children involved in the Covid-19 pandemic.


GB Network Marketing Communications Srl


Beaulieu International Group and Greencare (c) Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu International Group and Greencare

Tessutica produces furniture upholstery from recycled marine waste

Beaulieu International Group (B.I.G.)’s Tessutica business is proud to announce a new product line in upholstery. Greencare fabrics are created from pellets that come from marine plastic waste. The fabrics themselves can then be 100% recycled into pellets again.

The new Greencare collection is made with 100% recycled and recyclable upholstery fabrics and is certified with the the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) label. The company used recycled yarns from regular post-consumer PET bottles from the oceans, landfills and upcycled cotton from garments.
For this, Tessutica partnered with the Seaqual project, which brings plastic waste back into the manufacturing chain. Through the recycling process there is no usage of new petroleum which decresases the CO₂  emissions significantly compared to the use of virgin polyester.

With growing demands for sustainability within the business world as well as from end-consumers, Tessutica felt it was the right choice to offer a product line that comes with a full guarantee of environmental consciousness.


Beaulieu International Group (B.I.G.)’s Tessutica business is proud to announce a new product line in upholstery. Greencare fabrics are created from pellets that come from marine plastic waste. The fabrics themselves can then be 100% recycled into pellets again.

The new Greencare collection is made with 100% recycled and recyclable upholstery fabrics and is certified with the the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) label. The company used recycled yarns from regular post-consumer PET bottles from the oceans, landfills and upcycled cotton from garments.
For this, Tessutica partnered with the Seaqual project, which brings plastic waste back into the manufacturing chain. Through the recycling process there is no usage of new petroleum which decresases the CO₂  emissions significantly compared to the use of virgin polyester.

With growing demands for sustainability within the business world as well as from end-consumers, Tessutica felt it was the right choice to offer a product line that comes with a full guarantee of environmental consciousness.




Logo Varvaressos
Varvaressos presents SUPREME GREEN COTTON

Varvaressos presents SUPREME GREEN COTTON®

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®: the water-saving, GMO-free and 100% traceable material

A satellite-powered drip irrigation system, made in Europe and a set of influential eco-certifications that grant 100% traceable products and attest corporate responsibility. These are the innovations behind the  collection by Varvaressos S.A. European Spinning Mills.

Water usage is one of the pressing issues in cotton production. Varvaressos uses Israeli technologies and expertise in water management and has customized a sustainable technology that allows reducing water consumption up to 40%. Thanks to the advanced drip irrigation system, plants are watered and fed without wasting water. Another critical issue of cotton production is GMO. All the farmers and producers are carefully selected to guarantee the highest GMO-free quality as well as the most sustainable standards in line with EU strict regulations.

SUPREME GREEN COTTON®: the water-saving, GMO-free and 100% traceable material

A satellite-powered drip irrigation system, made in Europe and a set of influential eco-certifications that grant 100% traceable products and attest corporate responsibility. These are the innovations behind the  collection by Varvaressos S.A. European Spinning Mills.

Water usage is one of the pressing issues in cotton production. Varvaressos uses Israeli technologies and expertise in water management and has customized a sustainable technology that allows reducing water consumption up to 40%. Thanks to the advanced drip irrigation system, plants are watered and fed without wasting water. Another critical issue of cotton production is GMO. All the farmers and producers are carefully selected to guarantee the highest GMO-free quality as well as the most sustainable standards in line with EU strict regulations.

Varvaressos has taken care of its territory, meeting the economic needs and increasing the productivity of local farmers and business. Indeed, the whole supply chain is located within 200 km by the company. To prove that, the company allows the customers to trace the production phases through a QR-Code

The company introduces the first textile developments that use SGC created by European leading companies. Both woven and knit proposals mainly 100% SUPREME GREEN COTTON® highlighting at best the versatility of the fiber.

The collection’s  is guaranteed by certifications such as the MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® which attests the transparency and traceability. The company has also obtained the STeP by OEKO-TEX® - Sustainable Textile Production - certification for environmentally friendly and socially responsible production facilities along the textile chain, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


Weitere Informationen:
Varvaressos Sustainability cotton OEKO TEX

GB Network Marketing & Communication

ISKO logo
ISKOs shared its R-TWO Platform

ISKO shared R-TWO™ at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

Sharing knowledge, collaborating for change.
As evidence of its Responsible Innovation™ approach, ISKO presented the R-TWO™ program, its latest
responsible achievement. Stemming from the mill’s holistic vision, R-TWO™ represents a great example of how reducing, reusing, and recycling strategies can be implemented in a textile business to improve its  environmental performance.
The R-TWO™ reduces the amount of raw material sourced by using a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester – both certified –, improving sourcing efficiency throughout the entire field-to-fabric production.
Reused cotton is certified with the Content Claim Standard – or CCS – from the Textile Exchange. As for recycled polyester, it can be either Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) or Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified, depending on the content percentages. Together with this cutting-edge and fully responsible program, ISKO also uses automated laser
technology developed in partnership with Jeanologia.

“How technology can help make the fashion industry more sustainable”:
On March 11th, ISKO hosted a discussion about ways, to make the fashion industry more responsible
The panel was moderated by David Shah, consultant on design and marketing development, Publisher and CEO at Metropolitan Publishing BV and Associate Professor at ARTez (Arnhem, the Netherlands) and Associate Professor at Renmin University, (Beijing, China). The talk involved Keith O’Brien, ISKO Marketing & Business Development Manager, Victoria Soto, Jeanologia Custom Technology Consultant and Filippo Ricci, Fashion Open Studio Program & Partnership Manager.



Menabò Group, Global Press and PR Support


Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen 2020: Keynotes

Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Klimawandel

Passion for Cotton: Die 35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen im historischen Rathaus der Hansestadt startet am 25. März. Doch bevor in den einzelnen Sessions fachspezifische Fragen in Detailtiefe erörtert werden, lenken die prägnanten wie inspirierenden Keynotes führender Wirtschaftsexperten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zum Auftakt der Tagung den Blick auf die aktuellen Trends und Herausforderungen der Brache und die sich  daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für die Weltwirtschaft.

Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit

„Klimawandel – ein Sturm im Wasserglas?“, fragt Kai Hughes, Geschäftsführender Direktor des International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in seinem Vortrag provokant. Ziel seiner Präsentation ist es, die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels für die Landwirtschaft und die Baumwollproduktion im Besonderen herauszuarbeiten. Darauf aufbauend sollen konkrete  Handlungsansätze und Lösungen innerhalb der Baumwoll-Community diskutiert werden.

Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Klimawandel

Passion for Cotton: Die 35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen im historischen Rathaus der Hansestadt startet am 25. März. Doch bevor in den einzelnen Sessions fachspezifische Fragen in Detailtiefe erörtert werden, lenken die prägnanten wie inspirierenden Keynotes führender Wirtschaftsexperten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zum Auftakt der Tagung den Blick auf die aktuellen Trends und Herausforderungen der Brache und die sich  daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für die Weltwirtschaft.

Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit

„Klimawandel – ein Sturm im Wasserglas?“, fragt Kai Hughes, Geschäftsführender Direktor des International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington D.C., USA, in seinem Vortrag provokant. Ziel seiner Präsentation ist es, die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels für die Landwirtschaft und die Baumwollproduktion im Besonderen herauszuarbeiten. Darauf aufbauend sollen konkrete  Handlungsansätze und Lösungen innerhalb der Baumwoll-Community diskutiert werden.

Mit seinem Vortrag „Das Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm von HUGO BOSS… und was unser Kunde damit zu tun hat“ rollt Andreas Streubig, Direktor Global Sustainability Hugo Boss AG, Metzingen, Deutschland, die textile Wertschöpfungskette, mit der Konsumentenebene beginnend, von einer anderen Seite auf. Als Vertreter einer  Premiummarke für Damen- und Herrenbekleidung geht Streubig auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit als strategisches Element der Unternehmensstrategie ein und informiert darüber, wie Elemente der Strategie bei Hugo Boss konkrete Umsetzung finden.

Die sich verändernde Rolle der Banken in der Finanzierung des Baumwollmarktes beleuchtet Rüdiger Senft, Leiter des Nachhaltigkeitsbereichs bei der Commerzbank, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland. Neben einer allgemeinen Einführung zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Bankenregulierung geht Senft in seiner Präsentation auf die Finanzierung des Baumwollhandels unter sozialen und ökologischen Gesichtspunkten ein.

Moderiert wird die Eröffnungssession am 25. März von Bill Ballenden, als Gründer und Inhaber von Dragontree, Swindon, UK, einer Online-Auktionsplattform für den Baumwollhandel. Als ehemaliger Baumwollmanager für Louis Dreyfus in Europa und Asien verfügt Bill Ballenden über langjährige Erfahrung in der Branche.

Querschnittsthemen: Digitalisierung, Gender,  Wertschöpfungsketten

Die anschließende Session im Tagungsprogramm mit der Headline "A Wider View" ist aktuell prägenden Trends und wichtigen Querschnittsthemen der Branche gewidmet. Dies geht über klassische Baumwollthemen deutlich hinaus.

Um die Rolle der Baumwolle in einer zunehmend digital gesteuerten Lieferkette geht es in einem Vortrag von Mark Messura, Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain Marketing für Cotton Incorporated, Cary, NC, USA. Wesentliche Stichworte sind hier schnellere Lieferzeiten, vertikale Integration, Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit.

Der Vortrag von Roger Gilmartin, Geschäftsführer von Tri-Blend Consulting, Charlotte, USA, „Das Geheimrezept für zum richtige Zeitpunkt gelieferte, kostenoptimierte und hochwertige Baumwollkleidung“, verspricht spannende und aufklärende Einsichten. Das Unternehmen führt Studien zur Performance unterschiedlicher Baumwollvarietäten während des gesamten Verarbeitungsprozesses bis zum fertigen Garn durch und bewertet diese nach wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten.

Amy Jackson, Better Cotton Initiative, London, UK, stellt die „Women in Cotton“ Initiative der ICA Liverpool vor. Die Initiative möchte durch das Engagement sowie den Einfluss von Frauen in der Baumwollindustrie zu vergrößern und ihnen z. B. durch den Aufbau von Netzwerken im Austausch eine stärkere Stimme zu verleihen.

Einen Einblick in die aktuelle Entwicklung der Wertschöpfungskette von Baumwolle, Textilien und Bekleidung in Afrika gibt Navdeep Singh Sodhi, International Strategic Management Consultant der Gherzi Textile Organisation, Schweiz, in seinem Vortrag. Afrika wird mit Blick auf die kommenden Jahrzehnte, auch in Anbetracht des Bevölkerungswachstums, ein hohes Potential beim Aufbau von Wirtschaftsstrukturen zur Verbesserung von Einkommen und Wohlstand zugesprochen.

Thomas Schneider, Professor an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin und tätig im Fachbereich Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, Textile Werkstoffe, Werkstoffprüfung ist Moderator der Session. Als Koryphäe auf seinem Gebiet bringt Thomas Schneider mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der wissenschaftlichen wie anwendungsorientierten Forschung im Textil- und Faserbereich mit, unter anderem im Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

 TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH
Alina Hahn, Marie Sandmann, Maren Wiebus, Damien Winpenny, Marie-Luise Patzelt

TOPIC OF THE SEASON: Responsible Future

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Sustainability is part of SEEK’s internal make-up and has always been part of the team and community experience. Over 80 sustainable brands make up the brand portfolio, including players like Veja, Dedicated and Kings of Indigo. Experts will be sharing their experiences on this market-defining topic as well, with a host of live podcasts, talks and panel discussions, and will be shaping SEEK’s programme of content.
BIG PLAYER: the new SEEK Culture

SEEK is Europe’s most successful trade show for pop, street and sneaker culture. This is where the key players meet, where the looks of tomorrow are showcased, modelled and retold, where classics are celebrated, authenticity rules the roost and where icons take their positions alongside shooting stars. SEEK is essential participation for anyone looking to curate a modern, youthful and relevant range.

The shift from a niche event to a large trade show is now complete with a new logo and campaign design. SEEK has emerged from its transformation to reveal that its content and visual look are as relevant as ever!  

Together with creative agencies Karl Anders and Haebmau, the SEEK team has been working for weeks on the brand’s new branding. The result: a visual concept with a strong message.

“The handshake is the right imagery and commitment to our stance and that of the SEEK community.”

“SEEK stands for strength and business just as much as for communality and good vibes! ‘Get Along’ articulates a feeling of agreement, of moving forward and getting to grips with things. We all want to shape a positive future for our industry – as partners and by joining forces.”, explains Fashion Director Maren Wiebus.

CREATIVE CONNECTION: Karl Anders and Haebmau
The Hamburg-based agency Karl Anders, which was established by Claudia Fischer-Appelt and Lars Kreyenhagen, was commissioned to come up with the creative concept and design language for the logo and campaign.

“With the new look we are entering a new era for SEEK as a brand. Lots of brands have chosen a design using Helvetica in recent years,” says Claudia Fischer-Appelt, Creative Director at Karl Anders. “We are now signalling a clear shift in another direction. Confident, bold and independent. With the logo we are inviting the viewer to play with the linear layout in their head; we are breaking viewing habits, making a statement and revving things up a gear. SEEK, there it is.”
The artwork is the result of a process of in-depth debate with the SEEK brand that took place over several weeks both within the team and also with the support of lifestyle agency Haebmau. Workshops, research and analyses ultimately led to a new, strong brand identity. SEEK is focussed on both established and new players and stands for the WE.

“I have known SEEK since it was in its infancy, so to me it was always like a little brother of the large, successful PREMIUM. Quirky and different, always interesting but somehow not quite so imposing,” says Markus Bublitz, Executive Creative Director at Haebmau. “SEEK today is more grown-up, confident and sharper. Thanks to its position in the market, which it has conquered over the years, it no longer needs to please everyone but can afford to be controversial. This can offer space for new, creative ideas.”

SEEK is edgy, clean-cut and unpolished.

We are all about statement design, new classics, denim and sportswear. SEEK is the trade show event for the fashion community. SEEK knows who calls the shots; it boosts sales and is the place for the next generation of decision-makers to get together. Unlike all the others, SEEK is unconventional and the antidote to boring.


Premium Exhibitions GmbH