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178 Ergebnisse

Green Product Award und Green Concept Award 2023

Ein Jahrzehnt Nachhaltigkeitsförderung: Der Green Product Award und der Green Concept Award feiern 2023 zehnjähriges Jubiläum und sind bis zum 7. November 2022 offen für Bewerbungen

Bereits zum zehnten Mal lobt der Green Future Club zwei Nachhaltigkeitspreise aus: den Green Concept Award sowie den Green Product Award. Die 2013 ins Leben gerufenen Auszeichnungen prämieren Produkte, Konzepte und Dienstleistungen, die in den Disziplinen Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Design überzeugen. Der Green Product Award richtet sich an Start-ups und etablierte Unternehmen. Mit dem Green Concept Award werden Studenten und Absolventen für visionäre Konzepte ausgezeichnet, die noch nicht auf dem Markt sind.

Beide Preise werden in vierzehn Kategorien vergeben: Architektur & Tiny Houses, Arbeitswelt, Beauty & Personal Care, Fashion, Freestyle, Gebäudekomponenten, Interior & Lifestyle, Kinder, Konsumgüter, Küche, Mobilität, Neue Materialien, Sport und Verpackung.

Über die Jahre konnte der Green Future Club zahlreiche zukunftsträchtige Produkte und Konzepte der Öffentlichkeit vorstellen und zum Erfolg verhelfen, darunter:

Ein Jahrzehnt Nachhaltigkeitsförderung: Der Green Product Award und der Green Concept Award feiern 2023 zehnjähriges Jubiläum und sind bis zum 7. November 2022 offen für Bewerbungen

Bereits zum zehnten Mal lobt der Green Future Club zwei Nachhaltigkeitspreise aus: den Green Concept Award sowie den Green Product Award. Die 2013 ins Leben gerufenen Auszeichnungen prämieren Produkte, Konzepte und Dienstleistungen, die in den Disziplinen Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Design überzeugen. Der Green Product Award richtet sich an Start-ups und etablierte Unternehmen. Mit dem Green Concept Award werden Studenten und Absolventen für visionäre Konzepte ausgezeichnet, die noch nicht auf dem Markt sind.

Beide Preise werden in vierzehn Kategorien vergeben: Architektur & Tiny Houses, Arbeitswelt, Beauty & Personal Care, Fashion, Freestyle, Gebäudekomponenten, Interior & Lifestyle, Kinder, Konsumgüter, Küche, Mobilität, Neue Materialien, Sport und Verpackung.

Über die Jahre konnte der Green Future Club zahlreiche zukunftsträchtige Produkte und Konzepte der Öffentlichkeit vorstellen und zum Erfolg verhelfen, darunter:

DESSERTO, der Gewinner der Kategorie „Neue Materialien“ des Green Product Award 2020 wurde durch den Preis erstmalig in Deutschland vorgestellt und hat sich in der Folge erfolgreich in der Modebranche etabliert. Nur ein Jahr später wurde das vegane Material aus Kaktusfasern von Amber Valetta für Karl Lagerfeld in Szene gesetzt; seither folgten Givency, Everlane und viele andere Brands als Partner.

Auch Vank Panele setzen auf kreislauffähige Naturfasern – in diesem Falle Hanf und Flachs, die sich Dank ihrer Leichtigkeit und Fähigkeit, Schall zu absorbieren, hervorragend als Materialien für Akustikplatten eigenen. 2022 hat der Hersteller Vank den Green Product Award in der Kategorie “Interior & Lifestyle” gewonnen. Mit der Vielfalt der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten erfolgte der Markteintritt zwölf Monate später – aktiv begleitet vom Green Future Club.

Die Awards 2023
Bis zum 7. November 2022 können sich Start-Ups, Unternehmen, Studenten und Absolventen für den Green Product Award bzw. den Green Concept Award bewerben. Am 7. Dezember werden die Nominierten bekanntgegeben. Danach erfolgt eine vierwöchige öffentliche Publikumswahl, während die Expertenjury die Gewinner und die "Best of"-Projekte in jeder Kategorie bewertet. Die Ergebnisse werden bei der Preisverleihung im März in Deutschland bekannt gegeben. Im Jubiläumsjahr erhalten Mitglieder des Green Future Club 50 % Rabatt auf Award-Einreichungen, Einladungen zu Club Events, die Vorstellung neuer Tools, Matchmaking Events, uvm.

Die internationale Jury des Green Product Award 2023 und des Green Concept Award 2023 besteht aus:

  • Prof. Martin Charter
    Centre of Sustainable Design,
  • Prof. Claus-Christian Eckhardt
    Lund University,
  • Karsten Bleymehl
    The Circular Materials GmbH,
  • Gabriele Cavallaro
    Isola Design Awards,
  • Prof. Tina Kammer
  • Andrea Herold
  • Leonne Cuppen
    Yksi Expo Foundation,
  • Prof. Xin Liu
    Tsinghua University,
  • Kiersten Muenchinger
    University of Oregon,
  • Katharina Feuer
  • Dr. Robert Pludra
    Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw,
  • Katja Reich
    DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift,
  • Mimi Sewalski,
  • Anna Theil
    Studio Für Morgen,
  • Sebastian Thies
    nat-2 / thies 1856®,
  • Katarzyna Dulko-Gaszyna
    Head of Sustainability IKEA Deutschland
  • Hon. Prof. Meike Weber
    Architektin und Kulturmanagerin,
  • Julius Wiedemann
  • Melodie Abdollahi
    Haus von Eden,
  • Katja Keienberg
  • Petra Schmatz
    green Lifestyle,
  • Raz Godelink
    Parsons School of Design,
  • Katrin de Louw
  • Sven Fischer
    LUWE GmbH,
  • Peter Michel Heilmann

Award-Zeitplan 2022/23

22-30.10. Dutch Design Week Ausstellung
07.11. Einreichungsfrist für den Green Product & Concept Award
9-10.11. Design meets Industry: The Greener Manufacturing Show
7.12. Bekanntgabe der Nominierten
7.12.-01.22 Bewertung der Jury und öffentliche Publikumswahl
März 2023 Preisverleihung

Weitere Informationen:
Green Product Award:
Green Concept Award:
Green Future Club:

Weitere Informationen:
Green Product Award Green Concept Award

Green Future Club gUG

(c) adidas AG

adidas introduces FW22 Made with Nature Capsule Collection

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

Christopher Wheat, Global Category Director Running Footwear said: “At adidas, we understand that change is not only possible, it’s an urgent necessity. With Made with Nature, we are on a journey to a world beyond plastic. We’re calling time on conventional materials and methods of make. Once depleted, there’s no coming back for fossil resources. But when we design in synergy with natural processes, when we make with nature, we can use materials that regrow or regenerate – and change the way products are made."


adidas AG


Neonyt ab 2023 Lizenzveranstaltung der Igedo Company

  • B2B-Format der Neonyt findet ab Januar 2023 2x jährlich in Düsseldorf parallel zu den Fashn Rooms statt
  • Messe Frankfurt plant internationalen Roll-out der Veranstaltung

Ab Januar 2023 wird die Neonyt als B2B-Event in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Weitere Satelliten im internationalen Kontext sind geplant. Den ersten Schritt macht die Messe Frankfurt in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Igedo Company, die ab sofort die volle operative Planung und Umsetzung der Neonyt für den Standort Düsseldorf übernimmt.

Die Neonyt wird künftig als Lizenzveranstaltung parallel zu den FASHN ROOMS in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Das streng nachhaltige Sortiment der Neonyt findet neben den Fashn Rooms-Segmenten Agencies & Premium Brands (Showroom Concept), Avantgarde, Design & Contemporary sowie Accessoires und Shoes eine neue Heimat.

  • B2B-Format der Neonyt findet ab Januar 2023 2x jährlich in Düsseldorf parallel zu den Fashn Rooms statt
  • Messe Frankfurt plant internationalen Roll-out der Veranstaltung

Ab Januar 2023 wird die Neonyt als B2B-Event in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Weitere Satelliten im internationalen Kontext sind geplant. Den ersten Schritt macht die Messe Frankfurt in Deutschland gemeinsam mit der Igedo Company, die ab sofort die volle operative Planung und Umsetzung der Neonyt für den Standort Düsseldorf übernimmt.

Die Neonyt wird künftig als Lizenzveranstaltung parallel zu den FASHN ROOMS in Düsseldorf stattfinden. Das streng nachhaltige Sortiment der Neonyt findet neben den Fashn Rooms-Segmenten Agencies & Premium Brands (Showroom Concept), Avantgarde, Design & Contemporary sowie Accessoires und Shoes eine neue Heimat.

„Wir freuen uns sehr, die Igedo Company für eine Zusammenarbeit gewonnen zu haben“, sagt Olaf Schmidt. „Die Neonyt und ihre Cross Sector-Community sind in Düsseldorf in bester Gesellschaft und die Messelandschaft sowie die nachhaltige Textil- und Modeszene werden davon profitieren – hier treffen Know-how und Professionalität auf Innovationsgeist und Beständigkeit.“

„Natürlich sind auch wir hoch erfreut, dass wir den nächsten Entwicklungsschritt der Neonyt intensiv begleiten und unterstützen dürfen. Dies bedeutet gleichzeitig auch eine zusätzliche Stärkung des Modestandortes Düsseldorf und zeigt zudem auf, welche Wertschätzung die Igedo Company auch in ihrem 73-jährigen Bestehungsjahr in der Branche unbestritten genießt. Nun heißt es Ärmel hochkrempeln und mit aller Kraft gemeinsam die nächsten Ziele der Neonyt hier in Düsseldorf erreichen“, so Ulrike Kähler (Managing Director) und Philipp Kronen (Managing Partner) von der Igedo Company in ihrem gemeinsamen Statement zu dieser spannenden Entwicklung in der Modemessenlandschaft.

Frankfurt offen für weiteres D2C-Format „Neonyt Lab“
Der Erfolg, den Besucher*innen aus 22 Ländern, dem ersten Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Event „Neonyt Lab“ im Juni 2022 bescheinigten, stimmt die Messe Frankfurt positiv für weitere solcher Veranstaltungen an ihrem Heimatstandort. Die Internationalisierung der Marke und die künftige B2B-Präsenz der Neonyt in Düsseldorf hätten keinesfalls ein ausbleibendes Engagement in Frankfurt zur Folge: Die Millionenmetropole am Main mit ihrer lokalen Mode- und Designwirtschaft und zahlreichen Kreativzentren und Sustainability-Movements eigne sich hervorragend, um dem Metathema Nachhaltigkeit einen kollektiven Schub zu verleihen und Endkonsument*innen direkt in den Fashion-Diskurs einzubinden, so die Messegesellschaft.

Das Konferenzformat Fashionsustain soll konzeptionell weiterentwickelt und internationalisiert werden. Nächster Termin für die Fashionsustain ist parallel zu den Fashn Rooms in Düsseldorf im Januar 2023. Die Messe Frankfurt plant weitere internationale Spin-offs der Konferenz. Die Fashionsustain fand in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrmals erfolgreich im Ausland statt: 2018 auf der Texworld Paris und im darauffolgenden Jahr eröffneten die Spin-offs der Konferenz in New York zur Texworld USA & Apparel Sourcing USA, in Los Angeles, parallel zum LA Fashion Festival, und in Shanghai, während der Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics die Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion. Aktivitäten, die aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie ausgesetzt werden musste. Nun nimmt die Messe Frankfurt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz erneut auf.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Foto: CWS

Mode aus recycelter Arbeitskleidung

Auch Arbeitskleidung verursacht Textilabfälle. Viele Gewerke haben einen hohen Verschleiß und benötigen jedes Jahr pro Mitarbeiter:in eine Vielzahl an Neuteilen. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren erhält der Berliner Designer Daniel Kroh von CWS Workwear jährlich 2,5 Tonnen ausrangierte Arbeitskleidung, um daraus seine Mode zu kreieren.

Bei CWS Workwear liegt die Wiederverwertungsquote aktuell bei 55 Prozent, mit steigender Tendenz. Ein Projekt, das dazu beiträgt, ist die Kooperation mit dem Berliner Modemacher Daniel Kroh, der sich nach einem Praktikum bei CWS 2004 als Designer für Mode aus abgelegter Arbeitskleidung selbstständig machte.

Auch Arbeitskleidung verursacht Textilabfälle. Viele Gewerke haben einen hohen Verschleiß und benötigen jedes Jahr pro Mitarbeiter:in eine Vielzahl an Neuteilen. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren erhält der Berliner Designer Daniel Kroh von CWS Workwear jährlich 2,5 Tonnen ausrangierte Arbeitskleidung, um daraus seine Mode zu kreieren.

Bei CWS Workwear liegt die Wiederverwertungsquote aktuell bei 55 Prozent, mit steigender Tendenz. Ein Projekt, das dazu beiträgt, ist die Kooperation mit dem Berliner Modemacher Daniel Kroh, der sich nach einem Praktikum bei CWS 2004 als Designer für Mode aus abgelegter Arbeitskleidung selbstständig machte.

Ausrangierte Latzhosen für den Straßenbau, für Maler, Garten- und Landschaftsbauer, aber auch Schutzkleidung gehören zu den Ausgangsmaterialien, die der Designer weiterverarbeitet. „Zunächst trenne ich die Kleidung auf, dann wird der Stoff mit Schnittmustern zugeschnitten. Dabei werden teilweise Beschädigungen repariert und dann einzelne Teile als Patchwork zusammengesetzt und genäht“, erklärt Kroh den Prozess. Der Designer benötigt fünf Arbeitshosen, um daraus eine Jacke zu schneidern. Den Charme der Kleidung macht aus, dass sie gleichzeitig elegant ist, aber an manchen Stellen einen „Used-Look“ aufweist, wie zum Beispiel bei einem Maler-Blazer mit interessanten Farbcollagen.

Ein positiver Nebeneffekt ist, dass Mode aus Schutzkleidung besonders sicher sein kann, wie das Beispiel eines Kroh-Kunden zeigt, der auf einer Messe einen Ofen vorstellte, als eine Stichflamme austrat. „Er trug eine Jacke aus einer Schweißerschutzkleidung von CWS. Daher verbrannte er sich zwar an den Händen und am Kopf, aber der Körper blieb unversehrt“, schildert Kroh den Zwischenfall.

Die Arbeitskleidung wiederzuverwerten, machen das Geschäftsmodell „Service für Arbeitskleidung“ und die Kreislaufwirtschaft von CWS möglich. Neue Kleidung wird Unternehmen in einwandfreiem Zustand zur Verfügung gestellt, gewaschen, gepflegt und dauerhaft instandgehalten. Nach Vertragsbeendigung geht sie wieder an CWS Workwear zurück. Im Gegensatz zu linearen Geschäftsmodellen, bei denen Kleidung dann vom Endverbraucher bzw. Nutzer entsorgt werden muss.

Pro Jahr repariert der Anbieter etwa 5 Millionen Kleidungsstücke, die so weiterhin als Arbeitskleidung einsetzbar sind. Die Bekleidung wird bei Eingang in den CWS-Wäschereien auf Fehler oder Beschädigungen geprüft und bei Bedarf mit Original-Materialien repariert. Aktuell gehen bei CWS jährlich 800 Tonnen an alter Workwear nicht zurück in den textilen Kreislauf. Diese Bekleidung hat den längst-möglichen Arbeitseinsatz hinter sich und wird im Idealfall weiterverwertet.

„Der Großteil der CO2-Emissionen im Lebenszyklus eines Kleidungsstücks entsteht bei der Produktion. Daher lohnt es sich, in hochwertige Arbeitskleidung und Materialien zu investieren, diese professionell zu pflegen und instand zu halten, um auf Langlebigkeit statt häufige Neuanschaffungen zu setzen. Genau hier setzt unser Service für Arbeitskleidung an. Ein langes Leben für Kleidung und danach im Idealfall ein neues“, erklärt Leonie Biesen, Sustainability Manager bei CWS.




INNATEX: Countdown für 50. internationale Messe für nachhaltige Textilien

Die 50. INNATEX öffnet vom 29. bis 31. Juli 2022 ihre Tore in Hofheim-Wallau bei Frankfurt für das Fachpublikum der Green Fashion. Auf der Jubiläumsmesse stellen über 200 Labels aus und eine Bandbreite an Expert:innen und Initiativen versammeln sich im Messecenter Rhein-Main.

Ein Highlight ist laut INNATEX-Projektleiter Alexander Hitzel die Community Area, die eine Reihe von Expertinnen und Experten versammelt. In kurzen Lounge-Talks liefern sie Einblicke in ihre aktuelle Arbeit, und ein Dialogformat lädt zum persönlichen Austausch ein. Mirjam Smend, bekannt von der Greenstyle Munich, vertritt ihr kürzlich gelaunchtes Nachhaltigkeits-Magazin Pureviu und moderiert die Talks am Vormittag.

Neben Standardgebern wie dem IVN und dem GOTS, die die INNATEX seit vielen Jahren begleiten, sind auch jüngere Projekte wie die digitale Plattform Retraced und Fairmodel Teil der Sonderfläche. Auch Fairtrade Deutschland, Femnet und den VDMD kann man dort antreffen. Fast alle machen beim Dialogformat „Ask Me Anything“ mit. Interessierte können vorab bis zu zehnminütige Slots für ein persönliches Gespräch mit den Expert:innen ihrer Wahl buchen.

Die 50. INNATEX öffnet vom 29. bis 31. Juli 2022 ihre Tore in Hofheim-Wallau bei Frankfurt für das Fachpublikum der Green Fashion. Auf der Jubiläumsmesse stellen über 200 Labels aus und eine Bandbreite an Expert:innen und Initiativen versammeln sich im Messecenter Rhein-Main.

Ein Highlight ist laut INNATEX-Projektleiter Alexander Hitzel die Community Area, die eine Reihe von Expertinnen und Experten versammelt. In kurzen Lounge-Talks liefern sie Einblicke in ihre aktuelle Arbeit, und ein Dialogformat lädt zum persönlichen Austausch ein. Mirjam Smend, bekannt von der Greenstyle Munich, vertritt ihr kürzlich gelaunchtes Nachhaltigkeits-Magazin Pureviu und moderiert die Talks am Vormittag.

Neben Standardgebern wie dem IVN und dem GOTS, die die INNATEX seit vielen Jahren begleiten, sind auch jüngere Projekte wie die digitale Plattform Retraced und Fairmodel Teil der Sonderfläche. Auch Fairtrade Deutschland, Femnet und den VDMD kann man dort antreffen. Fast alle machen beim Dialogformat „Ask Me Anything“ mit. Interessierte können vorab bis zu zehnminütige Slots für ein persönliches Gespräch mit den Expert:innen ihrer Wahl buchen.

Das Förderkonzept, das während der Pandemie aussetzen musste, feiert bei der diesjährigen Sommermesse sein Comeback: Fünf INNATEX-Neulinge präsentieren ihre Projekte als DesignDiscoveries auf einer zweiten Sonderfläche. Vegtus aus Barcelona produziert unter anderem Sneakers aus Kaktusleder. Naturtextilien wie Biobaumwolle verwendet das Label für Yogamode Lounge Cherie.

Passendes für Kinder bis Senioren, Klassisches und Streetwear, Schuhe und Accessoires
Auch Nordlicht setzt für seine Oberbekleidung, Taschen und Accessoires auf recycelbare, nachwachsende Naturfasern. Das Thema Circular Fashion bedienen die beiden weiteren Design Discoveries. Sowohl Nature is Future mit handgefertigten Sneakers, als auch Freibeutler mit funktionalen Rucksäcken verwerten zum großen Teil recycelte Materialien, achten aber auch auf weitere Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit.

Zu den regulären INNATEX Ausstellern gehören Lana, Chapati und Didymos, die übrigens allesamt ebenfalls Jubiläum feiern. Zum ersten Mal stellen unter anderem die Labels Anokho mit farbenfrohen Accessoires aus Jacquardstoffen und Angel Circle aus Dänemark mit Plus-Size-Mode aus.




ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance SS 2023

The Japanese textile manufacturer ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

Furthermore, all of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable materials which are certified by internatinal certification such as GRS, RCS or self-certification by each yarn supplier, through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.
100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials.

The Japanese textile manufacturer ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

Furthermore, all of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable materials which are certified by internatinal certification such as GRS, RCS or self-certification by each yarn supplier, through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.
100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials.

The main fibers are GRS certified recycled polyester and recycled polyamide, but the collection also features some blends, such as in Bemberg™, the high-tech yarn born from the transformation of cotton linters through a circular, transparent and traceable process with a precious hand, optimal moisture management characteristics,  whose end of life guarantees its biodegradability.
Even the dyeing and finishing phases have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.

(c) Billi London

Billi London: Accelerated degradation in Landfill

Billi London is shaping the future of fashion with eco legwear. Founded by Sophie Billi-Hardwick and Marie Bouhier in November 2020, the pair’s goal was to create durable and comfortable hosiery that was no longer seen as disposable or for single-use.
Each piece is made with innovative enhanced degradable yarns Amni Soul Eco® nylon and ROICA ™ V550 elastane. Amni Soul Eco® is degrading in a time of 5 years*, 20x faster than the normal 40–100-year timeframe. The materials break down into biomass and biogas, create renewable energy and do not leave behind microplastics in landfill. The soft yet chic fabrics have revolutionised the legwear industry as well as pioneering a change across the fashion sector which rarely goes beyond just using recyclable materials.

This year, Billi London was selected as one of only five brands to present as an Organic Exhibitor at the Salon International de la Lingerie (SIL) from 18-20 June at Porte de Versailles in Paris.

*In landfill conditions. Reference system: ASTM D5511 - Std test 

Billi London is shaping the future of fashion with eco legwear. Founded by Sophie Billi-Hardwick and Marie Bouhier in November 2020, the pair’s goal was to create durable and comfortable hosiery that was no longer seen as disposable or for single-use.
Each piece is made with innovative enhanced degradable yarns Amni Soul Eco® nylon and ROICA ™ V550 elastane. Amni Soul Eco® is degrading in a time of 5 years*, 20x faster than the normal 40–100-year timeframe. The materials break down into biomass and biogas, create renewable energy and do not leave behind microplastics in landfill. The soft yet chic fabrics have revolutionised the legwear industry as well as pioneering a change across the fashion sector which rarely goes beyond just using recyclable materials.

This year, Billi London was selected as one of only five brands to present as an Organic Exhibitor at the Salon International de la Lingerie (SIL) from 18-20 June at Porte de Versailles in Paris.

*In landfill conditions. Reference system: ASTM D5511 - Std test 


Billi London / C.L.A.S.S.

Albini joins C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub (c) Albini Group
Off The Grain, one of the latest examples of responsible innovation by ALBINI_next

Albini joins C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub

Albini Group, historic manufacturer of high-end shirting fabrics, meets C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, international platform for the promotion and development of innovative and sustainable textiles. Two groundbreaking companies joining forces in the name of ethical and technological development through the C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub, the section dedicated to fibers, threads, yarns and fabrics that are changing the fashion and textile industry.  The values in which Albini Group believes and the strong sensitivity to environmental issues have led the company to also address the issue of the risk of toxic and harmful chemicals in a systemic way, integrating into the production cycles activities and controls aimed at gradually eliminating their presence, with the clear objective of protecting man and the environment.

Albini Group, historic manufacturer of high-end shirting fabrics, meets C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, international platform for the promotion and development of innovative and sustainable textiles. Two groundbreaking companies joining forces in the name of ethical and technological development through the C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub, the section dedicated to fibers, threads, yarns and fabrics that are changing the fashion and textile industry.  The values in which Albini Group believes and the strong sensitivity to environmental issues have led the company to also address the issue of the risk of toxic and harmful chemicals in a systemic way, integrating into the production cycles activities and controls aimed at gradually eliminating their presence, with the clear objective of protecting man and the environment.

Three main research areas - innovative fibers and yarns, sustainable dyes and green chemistry - united by the task of transferring cutting-edge technologies through open innovation. Among the new projects presented is "Off the Grain," born from the collaboration with Riso Gallo, a leading rice producer in Italy. It is a new type of dye derived from the processing of a particular variety of black rice: the boiling water of the rice, which can no longer be used for the food industry, is transformed into a natural dye, resulting in significant water savings during the dyeing process.

"Grounded Indigo" is a natural textile dyestuff, born from the search for dyeing practices that are more responsible to people and the environment. For this project, ALBINI_next chose to collaborate with Stony Creek Colors, an American producer of the world's only 100% plant-based indigo that is USDA BioPreferred certified.

The third project, called "HempFeel," is an innovative hemp oil-based finishing, tipically used for cosmetic products. ALBINI_next was the first company to apply it to fabrics of different weights, compositions and structures. HempFeel replaces silicones usually used in finishing, thus reducing the release of microplastics and giving fabrics a soft and durable hand.

"When discussing values related to creativity, next-generation production and commitment to ethics and traceability, Albini is an extremely important point of reference." says Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S. "This is why we are delighted with its inclusion within our Material Hub, alongside its colleagues of the responsible innovation movement. Follow us on this new common path. Next- generation solutions and nice surprises will not be missed."

(c) Eurotay

Garment manufacturer Eurotay at Denim Première Vision with its future-forward vision

Eurotay showcased at Denim Première Visionits vision and products through the AW 23/24 collection inspired by two themes: Nostalgia and #Still Possible.

Nostalgia stands for heritage and advancement, taking inspiration from classic favorites while enhancing new and existing styles. Setting the tone of the line are vintage-looking washes, echoing the 80s and 90s light acid washes as well as used look with bumped edges or fringed hems. Stretch, comfort stretch with very little elastane and even rigid denim feature in this collection providing catering to any need or preference.

The #Still Possible collection is based on the premise that the textile industry is one of the most polluting ones on the planet, thus it aims to shine a light on how a denim garment can still be made whilst reducing the number of resources employed and by being more conscious about the materials chosen. By using EIM and LCA, garment durability, traceability, recyclability as well as material health are guaranteed, for a collection that looks to a brighter and greener future.

Eurotay showcased at Denim Première Visionits vision and products through the AW 23/24 collection inspired by two themes: Nostalgia and #Still Possible.

Nostalgia stands for heritage and advancement, taking inspiration from classic favorites while enhancing new and existing styles. Setting the tone of the line are vintage-looking washes, echoing the 80s and 90s light acid washes as well as used look with bumped edges or fringed hems. Stretch, comfort stretch with very little elastane and even rigid denim feature in this collection providing catering to any need or preference.

The #Still Possible collection is based on the premise that the textile industry is one of the most polluting ones on the planet, thus it aims to shine a light on how a denim garment can still be made whilst reducing the number of resources employed and by being more conscious about the materials chosen. By using EIM and LCA, garment durability, traceability, recyclability as well as material health are guaranteed, for a collection that looks to a brighter and greener future.

Eurotay has been committed from day one to using less water, less energy, less chemicals to reduce its environmental footprint and its carbon emission and meet the goals of EU Green Deal targets. The company is geared towards building a more and more responsible industry by working hard to reach a set of sustainable goals by 2025. Additionally, the company is working on developing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) measuring the global warming, water consumption, land occupation, eutrophication and abiotic depletion performances.


Eurotay / Menabò Group srl

(c) Officina39

Officina39 with Trustainable™ collection FW 23 at Denim Première Vision

The Italian company presented its newest innovations and synergies, among the introduction of SMART O3, a new Ozone Booster improving the bleaching on indigo, and the educational experience Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change, in collaboration with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab at Denim Première Vision.

The Trustainable™ collection FW 23 presents the SMART 03
For Officina39, “Trustainable” is a term that expresses the company’s approach based on honesty, transparency and social responsibility: this attitude once again characterizes the technologies that have given shape to the Trustainable™ collection FW 23.

The latest technological addition to the line is represented by the new Ozone Booster SMART 03,
which assures more final bluish indigo shades, activating the reaction of Ozone on indigo without any strong oxidizing agent. Better results, less aggressive bleaching.

The Italian company presented its newest innovations and synergies, among the introduction of SMART O3, a new Ozone Booster improving the bleaching on indigo, and the educational experience Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change, in collaboration with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab at Denim Première Vision.

The Trustainable™ collection FW 23 presents the SMART 03
For Officina39, “Trustainable” is a term that expresses the company’s approach based on honesty, transparency and social responsibility: this attitude once again characterizes the technologies that have given shape to the Trustainable™ collection FW 23.

The latest technological addition to the line is represented by the new Ozone Booster SMART 03,
which assures more final bluish indigo shades, activating the reaction of Ozone on indigo without any strong oxidizing agent. Better results, less aggressive bleaching.

Less water, plus sustainability, empowered result
The new collection also marks the debut of Aqualess Fade, a technology that recreates the bleaching effect of chlorine on fabrics, a waterless special compound for the discoloration of denim on indigo/black garments which reduces resource consumption and environmental impact. This newest innovation completes and integrates Aqualess Mission, a combination of technologies that allows garment laundry processes to reduce 75% of the water use.

Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic join forces
Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change is the collaborative and educational project developed by Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, showcasing the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. Several brands (C.P. Company, Tommy for Life/PVH Corp., Organic Basics, Asics, Lenzing and Camo) donated overstock garments as well as second-grade production or damaged, unsold pieces to be updated with newly developed applications made with Officina39’s Recycrom™, patented dyestuffs range made from textile waste.


Officina39 / Menabò Group srl

(c) ISKO

ISKO™ Luxury by PAOLO GNUTTI at Denim Première Vision

ISKO’s partnership with PAOLO GNUTTI, featuring exclusive creations for the luxury segment, landed at Denim Première Vision in Berlin. Merging sustainable and innovative fashion with new premium aesthetics.

The collection, launched for the first time at Denim Première Vision, embodies ISKO’s most revolutionary technological innovations combined with the long-standing expertise of Paolo Gnutti, who explored aesthetics highly profiled to the unique needs of the luxury segment through 7 main moods:

ISKO’s partnership with PAOLO GNUTTI, featuring exclusive creations for the luxury segment, landed at Denim Première Vision in Berlin. Merging sustainable and innovative fashion with new premium aesthetics.

The collection, launched for the first time at Denim Première Vision, embodies ISKO’s most revolutionary technological innovations combined with the long-standing expertise of Paolo Gnutti, who explored aesthetics highly profiled to the unique needs of the luxury segment through 7 main moods:

  1. Denim addicted, celebrating total denim looks, offering classic silhouettes mixed up with revised volumes and details;
  2. Y2k, bringing back the 2000s typical style featuring exposed skin, low waist pants, micro tops, mini skirts, shrunken garments, butterfly decorations and embellishments;
  3. Fanaticism, featuring bright, bold colors, intricate prints and logos combined with details that meet ample volume styles;
  4. Bounder glam, all about glammed up leather effects inspired by bikers' unapologetic style and applied to oversize fits, cutouts and lace-ups styles;
  5. Moto’roll, where the iconic 60s and 70s biker style is back with a modern twist and a vast range of treatments and fabrics, offering men and women true crowd-pleasers;
  6. Gingham mania, an in-depth exploration of the gingham trend which finds expression through various dimensions and techniques that cater to any silhouette;
  7. Rugged re-made, which celebrates workwear and historical garments creating a style that combines history with technologies, solutions and treatments to recreate that vintage look dear to the heart of lovers of denim heritage.

ISKO / Menabò Group srl

(c) ISKO

ISKO returned to Denim Première Vision showcasing its 2023 Collection Vol.2.

Denim Première Vision marks the denim ingredient brand’s return to the tradeshow scene. Under the spotlight is “Iconic by nature”, ISKO’s show concept illustrates the company’s journey of evolution led by its signature Responsible Innovation™ approach. On this occasion, ISKO launches its 2023 Collection Vol.2 with new technologies, finishes and colors, and expressing the company’s passion for a cleaner and safer planet, laying the new foundations of ISKO’s sustainable fashion revolution.

The entire 2023 Collection Vol.2 contains recycled materials, and the majority consists of R-TWO™50+ fabrics made with a minimum of 50% recycled fibers, entirely GRS certified, resulting in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively. An important and responsible development of this collection is that it features denim containing recycled and/or regenerated fibers, through unique fiber technology significantly saving on resources and energy while allowing for controlled traceability along the supply chain.

Denim Première Vision marks the denim ingredient brand’s return to the tradeshow scene. Under the spotlight is “Iconic by nature”, ISKO’s show concept illustrates the company’s journey of evolution led by its signature Responsible Innovation™ approach. On this occasion, ISKO launches its 2023 Collection Vol.2 with new technologies, finishes and colors, and expressing the company’s passion for a cleaner and safer planet, laying the new foundations of ISKO’s sustainable fashion revolution.

The entire 2023 Collection Vol.2 contains recycled materials, and the majority consists of R-TWO™50+ fabrics made with a minimum of 50% recycled fibers, entirely GRS certified, resulting in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively. An important and responsible development of this collection is that it features denim containing recycled and/or regenerated fibers, through unique fiber technology significantly saving on resources and energy while allowing for controlled traceability along the supply chain.

The new collection features comfortable ISKO Reform™ Xp 100, allowing for a flattering fit and enhanced shape retention; ISKO Reform™ Hp, characterized by incredible holding power, granting a more streamlined and slimmer appearance; ISKO Blue Skin™, a stretch technology that works 4-ways to respond to the body’s movement like a second skin; ISKO Pop™, a patented concept that starts from the yarn, developed to give a touch of glamour with a soft cotton hand feel. Colors are key in the new collection too, with an important aspect regarding the use of mineral colors, natural dyestuffs.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


ISKO opens product development centre based in UK – Creative Room London

The opening of this facility marks the expansion of ISKO’s Creative Room Services (CRS) division and its dedication to the continuation of responsible production.

ISKO has opened its first product development centre, based in London. Creative Room London is a unique and innovative space and the first of its kind in the UK. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers at Creative Room London will be able to work in parallel with experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact.

The opening of this facility marks the expansion of ISKO’s Creative Room Services (CRS) division and its dedication to the continuation of responsible production.

ISKO has opened its first product development centre, based in London. Creative Room London is a unique and innovative space and the first of its kind in the UK. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers at Creative Room London will be able to work in parallel with experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact.

The Creative Room London will also be the central point for their customer’s full product development, ensuring the whole process is agile and more efficient. As well as a hub for its customers, Creative Room London will also act as a platform of education and support for the wider denim community, working with local talent and universities to share knowledge and to bring ideas and concepts to life.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance at Performance Days

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony at Performance Days.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei Advance presents its SS 2023 collection, made of high-tech fabrics implementing new-generation values, with the aim of keeping nature, body and mind in harmony at Performance Days.

ECOSENSOR™ presents 40 new references that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer, such as durability, wellbeing and performance. Being capable of combining active climate control, exquisite touch, lightness and comfort with sustainable values, ECOSENSOR™ stands out as a unique eco-high-tech performance proposition in its market. The collection covers the different market applications with 7 items for INNERWEAR, 2 for OUTERWEAR, 17 for SPORT KNIT and 14 for SPORT WOVEN.

All of ECOSENSOR™ fabrics are made with sustainable materials which are certified by internatinal certification such as GRS, RCS or self-certification by each yarn supplier, through a traceable and transparent production process and supply chain.
100% of the stretch articles (representing 35% of the collection) are made with ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, the recycled stretch yarn made from pre-consumer materials.
The main fibers are GRS certified recycled polyester and recycled polyamide, but the collection also features some blends, such as in Bemberg™, the high-tech yarn born from the transformation of cotton linters through a circular, transparent and traceable process with a precious hand, optimal moisture management characteristics,  whose end of life guarantees its biodegradability.
Even the dyeing and finishing phases - key moments for performancewear - have been certified by international labels such as bluesign® or OEKO-TEX® Standard 100.


Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.

(c) ISKO

ISKO talks about responsible and sustainable manufacturing at Drapers event

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

The company’s technology R-TWO™50+ played a great role in showing how the innovative soul of the company matches its sustainable one. R-TWO™50+ is the driving force behind ISKO’s efforts to reduce the industry’s impact on the planet. The fabrics are made with a minimum of 50% pre- and post-consumer recycled blend that is entirely Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. This results in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively.
Held at main Stage, the panel was a chance to delve into the great strides that the industry has taken to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint through ground-breaking technology, with the speakers stating that “sustainability strategies are essential for the health not only of the planet but also of the industry itself.”


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


Cone Denim launches U.S. Grown Hemp denim collection with BastCore

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone’s U.S. Hemp Collection includes a range of fabrics featuring classic 3×1 and comfort stretch to modern workwear constructions. The collection further expands upon Cone’s sustainability and traceability practices, driving the future of the industry. The proximity of the hemp, indigo, and cotton crops in the U.S. to the company’s mills in Mexico is also key in creating the smallest environmental impact and footprint possible.

Hemp offers many key benefits in creating the next level of sustainable denim:

  • More than 50% water savings occur, compared to cotton
  • No chemicals, wet processing, pesticides, or herbicides are used
  • Hemp grows in a variety of soils with excellent biodegradability, is antimicrobial, has high tensile strength, moisture regain content, and tenacity
  • Hemp and natural indigo crops have high rates of carbon sequestration, which ultimately benefits the environment and improves the soil’s health for other crops (climate positive)
Weitere Informationen:
Cone Denim LLC Denim hemp Sustainability

Cone Denim

(c) Officina39

Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab present “Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change”

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

Several donated items – overstock, second-grade production or damaged, unsold pieces – were updated with newly developed applications made with Officina39’s Recycrom™, the one-of-a-kind, patented dyestuffs range made from textile waste. This Circular Explorations capsule is displayed at Denim Days Festival as an art installation, not only to dress people but also to get them acquainted with circularity because they are an important player in closing the loop.

The Recipe for change that emerges from this color research is based on important values and keywords:

  • Consciousness – awareness of oneself and one's surroundings
  • Courage – the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
  • Creativity – the power to imagine and produce new possibilities.
  • Connection – a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else, the act or state of connecting.
  • Collaboration – the act of working together for a common goal.

Combined together, they produce CHANGE, which is a driving force for a better tomorrow.

This collaborative and innovative project that addresses circularity is also in direct support of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production, number 9-Industry innovation & Infrastructure and number 17-Partnership for the Goals.


Officina39 / Menabò


Sustainable fashion platform Manufy: Upgraded version with more functionalities

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production, has launched a new version of their platform. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry. Now decked out with many more functionalities, Manufy aims to facilitate sustainable business between both parties from start to finish.  

Over the course of the last year the Manufy team has been busy gathering feedback from its growing user base. The platform started out as a place where manufacturers and brands from Europe could connect and chat with each other, but the team found out both parties wanted more. “We constantly reached out to our users to listen to their needs. We’ve compiled all those ideas and implemented them in version two!” says Michiel Dicker, co-founder of Manufy.

Not only a full visual transformation, but many functionalities were added: “Users can now easily start a sampling process, organise projects from start to finish and get sustainability insights” Dicker says. “Manufy is becoming your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!”

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production, has launched a new version of their platform. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry. Now decked out with many more functionalities, Manufy aims to facilitate sustainable business between both parties from start to finish.  

Over the course of the last year the Manufy team has been busy gathering feedback from its growing user base. The platform started out as a place where manufacturers and brands from Europe could connect and chat with each other, but the team found out both parties wanted more. “We constantly reached out to our users to listen to their needs. We’ve compiled all those ideas and implemented them in version two!” says Michiel Dicker, co-founder of Manufy.

Not only a full visual transformation, but many functionalities were added: “Users can now easily start a sampling process, organise projects from start to finish and get sustainability insights” Dicker says. “Manufy is becoming your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!”

The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in user activity over the last year. With trade shows being canceled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands were looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps.

The production requests being placed on the platform cover a wide range of garments. Hoodies and t-shirts are popular, but the Manufy team also sees lots of shoes, caps, bags, dresses, swimwear and lingerie requests coming in.

Another notable trend in the industry is the ever growing demand for sustainable clothing production. With reports on climate change coming out and more and more consumers asking for sustainable alternatives, brands are making an effort to source their products more responsibly. The fashion industry, being the second largest polluting industry, needs a sort of paradigm shift. “We should focus more on making lower quantity, higher quality products. Making it on demand would be best” says Dicker.

Weitere Informationen:
Manufy Sustainability


(c) Denim Expert Ltd

Bangladesh Denim Expo re-opens its doors with theme “Beyond Business”

  • Renowned global denim event goes live again after two years
  • Bangladesh Denim Expo brings together the global denim supply chain
  • The show has a sustainability focus, and a central theme of ‘Beyond Business’
  • Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter to the EU and the third largest to the United States

After a two-year break, Bangladesh Denim Expo will once again open its doors in the international Convention City, Bashundhara (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 10th & 11th 2022. The event is now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, and its live return is a huge boost to the global denim manufacturing sector.

“Beyond Business” is the theme of the 12th edition of the show. Bangladesh Denim Expo addresses the new opportunities for successful & sustainable business, in a world that now demands that industry leaders to go “Beyond Business.”

79 Exhibitors are set to attend the event, consisting of both local and international participants.

  • Renowned global denim event goes live again after two years
  • Bangladesh Denim Expo brings together the global denim supply chain
  • The show has a sustainability focus, and a central theme of ‘Beyond Business’
  • Bangladesh is the 2nd largest denim exporter to the EU and the third largest to the United States

After a two-year break, Bangladesh Denim Expo will once again open its doors in the international Convention City, Bashundhara (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 10th & 11th 2022. The event is now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, and its live return is a huge boost to the global denim manufacturing sector.

“Beyond Business” is the theme of the 12th edition of the show. Bangladesh Denim Expo addresses the new opportunities for successful & sustainable business, in a world that now demands that industry leaders to go “Beyond Business.”

79 Exhibitors are set to attend the event, consisting of both local and international participants.

In this edition exhibitors will display fabrics, garments, threads, machinery, finishing equipment and accessories, positioning the show as a true representation of Bangladesh’s denim industry - the second largest denim exporter to the EU and third largest to the United States.

Through a series of product displays, seminar sessions & panel discussions, the Expo will encourage robust debate and interaction among exhibitors and visitors.

8 seminar sessions conducted by exhibitors at the two days event, and two panel discussions, reflecting the overriding sustainability theme of this edition of the Expo.

Industry experts will gather to discuss how the denim industry can improve, not only from a business perspective, but also considering social and environmental impacts and goals.


Denim Expert Ltd

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

Bemberg™ x Payal Pratap collaboration with colourful prints at FDCI X Lakmé Fashion Week

Through the collaboration Payal Pratap and Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei show a new way of making fashion, based on merging craft & tech, cutting-edge materials and deeply rooted optimism in troubled times.

With a strong focus on prints, the designer, Payal Pratap, has worked on hand-painted artworks which have then been digitized. The designs capture detailed elements and a three-dimensional depth and texture from the age-old crafts of Batik, plus powerful imagery and minute detailing from the ancient craft of Chintz printing. Batik was named after the Javanese words “Amba” which means to write and “Titik”, which translates to a dot or a point, while Chintz comes from the Hindi word “Cheent”, meaning spotted or speckled.  Both these techniques and crafts have been used in a contemporary context while creating the art works.

Through the collaboration Payal Pratap and Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei show a new way of making fashion, based on merging craft & tech, cutting-edge materials and deeply rooted optimism in troubled times.

With a strong focus on prints, the designer, Payal Pratap, has worked on hand-painted artworks which have then been digitized. The designs capture detailed elements and a three-dimensional depth and texture from the age-old crafts of Batik, plus powerful imagery and minute detailing from the ancient craft of Chintz printing. Batik was named after the Javanese words “Amba” which means to write and “Titik”, which translates to a dot or a point, while Chintz comes from the Hindi word “Cheent”, meaning spotted or speckled.  Both these techniques and crafts have been used in a contemporary context while creating the art works.

The prints encompass flora and fauna, bringing nature from the outside to the inside through the use of extensive flower, leaf, tree, vine and bird motifs, as an ode to sustainability. Placement prints have been engineered to make tailored jackets and structured pieces. A timeless collection comprising experimental pieces that blend the far east with India. A collection signaling holiday with a burst of colour. Bemberg™ in various avatars ranging from satins, muslins, mulmul, and silk blends have been used to create a collection with fluid drapes as well as structure.

The fabric takes printing and colour beautifully and has a slight sheen and glazed feel which resonates with chintz. The colour palette ranges from indigos, browns, rust, to burgundy brick and gold. Furthermore, Bemberg™ is an inherently sustainable ingredient, since it is made with cotton linters, pre-consumer materials derived from the cotton oil industry, and converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process. Coming from nature and going back towards nature, the Bemberg™ fiber is also biodegradable and compostable.


Asahi Kasei / C.L.A.S.S.