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3975 Ergebnisse
(c) ChemSec, report Not Quite 100%

ChemSec' Study: Consumer brands demand clarity on recycled plastics

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

A new interview study from NGO ChemSec shows that there is a gap between supply and demand when it comes to recycled materials, causing confusion and bottlenecks. Among other things, suppliers go out of their way using elaborate trade schemes to reach the coveted ”100% recycled” tag, which – it turns out – is not that important to consumer product brands. Far more crucial aspects, according to several major B2C companies, are:

  • Honest communication towards customers
  • Comprehensive information from suppliers
  • Clear standards for recycled material

These are some of the conclusions from NGO ChemSec’s survey and interview study with 26 highly well-known consumer product brands. All brands responded to a survey concerning their current plastic use, as well as their needs, expectations and challenges regarding using more recycled material, to enable the shift to a circular economy for plastics.

Ten of the brands then participated in in-depth interviews on the same topics:, Essity, H&M, IKEA, Inditex , Lego, Mars,  SC Johnson, Tarkett, Unilever and Walgreens Boots Alliance.

Is non-mechanical recycling the answer?
Only about ten percent of all discarded plastics is recycled today, which is of course not nearly enough to achieve a circular plastics economy. Despite ambitions and initiatives to reduce plastics use – replacing the materials with other, more sustainable ones – the “plastic tap” is not expected to be turned off anytime soon. Quite the opposite, which makes raising the recycling rates more important than ever.

Although commercially viable, traditional (mechanical) recycling is afflicted with severe flaws, such as legacy chemicals, quality and functionality issues, as well as the lack of clean and sorted waste streams. The brands cited quality and functionality issues as the main obstacles for using more recycled material in their products.

This opens up for non-mechanical recycling, sometimes referred to as chemical recycling, where the plastic is either dissolved or broken down into smaller building blocks. Harmful additives and other hazardous chemicals can be removed in the process, and a material comparable to virgin plastic can be achieved – at least in theory.

So far, however, non-mechanical recycling technologies are costly, energy-intensive, and often require the addition of a great deal of virgin plastic to work – the very material that needs to be phased out.

The chain of custody models needs to be detangled
Apart from these production issues, there is a wide range of chain of custody models surrounding non-mechanical recycling, including mass balance and book & claim, which enable trade of credits or certificates for recycled material.

This cuts the physical connection between input and output, making it possible for a supplier to sell a material as “100% recycled”, when the actual recycled content could be zero.

This is a major issue for the brands ChemSec has spoken to, who value honest and correct communication towards customers. It turns out, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, that being able to slap a “made from 100% recycled plastic” label on a product is not all that important to brands.

To the brands, a physical connection between input (the discarded plastic waste headed for recycling) and output (the product at least partially made from recycled plastics) is far more important.

A physical connection, along with correct and adequate information from suppliers, as well as clearer standards and guidelines than what is available today, is what brands require to increase the use of recycled material and move us closer to a circular economy for plastics.

Weitere Informationen:
ChemSec plastics Recycling



Lectra published its financial report for Q1 2022

  • Revenues: 122.0 million euros (+83%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 21.6 million euros (+90%)
  • Net income: 9.3 million euros (+55%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 7.1 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2022.
To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the Q1 2021 pro forma figures ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

  • Revenues: 122.0 million euros (+83%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 21.6 million euros (+90%)
  • Net income: 9.3 million euros (+55%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 7.1 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2022.
To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the Q1 2021 pro forma figures ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.



(c) Mario Iser

Mehr Mehrweglösungen für Kunststoffverpackungen

Damit Plastikabfall reduziert wird und eine Kreislaufwirtschaft funktionieren kann, sind Mehrwegsysteme essenziell. Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT und des Fraunhofer IML, die im Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE zusammenarbeiten, haben für die Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg (SIM) drei kunststoffbasierte Mehrwegsysteme mit ihren Einwegalternativen verglichen. Das Ergebnis: Mehrweg ist Einweg in 14 der 17 untersuchten Kategorien überlegen und bietet großes Potenzial zum Gelingen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. Was fehlt, sind klare politische Rahmenbedingungen und die Umsetzung der bestehenden Abfallhierarchie, die Mehrweg eigentlich priorisiert.

Damit Plastikabfall reduziert wird und eine Kreislaufwirtschaft funktionieren kann, sind Mehrwegsysteme essenziell. Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT und des Fraunhofer IML, die im Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Circular Plastics Economy CCPE zusammenarbeiten, haben für die Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg (SIM) drei kunststoffbasierte Mehrwegsysteme mit ihren Einwegalternativen verglichen. Das Ergebnis: Mehrweg ist Einweg in 14 der 17 untersuchten Kategorien überlegen und bietet großes Potenzial zum Gelingen einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. Was fehlt, sind klare politische Rahmenbedingungen und die Umsetzung der bestehenden Abfallhierarchie, die Mehrweg eigentlich priorisiert.

Nur 13 Prozent der in Deutschland produzierten Kunststoffe werden aus Rezyklaten hergestellt, im Verpackungsbereich sind es sogar nur 11 Prozent. Außerdem wird nur ein sehr geringer Teil für den ursprünglichen Zweck wiederverwendet, in der Regel dominieren Kaskadennutzungen (Downcycling). Darüber hinaus ist Deutschland einer der größten Exporteure von Plastikmüll weltweit. EU und Bundesregierung haben auf die Kunststoffproblematik reagiert: Die Produktion einiger Einwegplastikprodukte ist verboten, für PET-Getränkeflaschen wurde eine Rezyklatquote vorgeschrieben, und seit Anfang 2022 ist die Pfandpflicht für Einweggetränkeflaschen auf sämtliche Getränkearten ausgeweitet worden. »Green Deal und Taxonomie-Verordnung der EU geben die richtige Richtung für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaften vor. Aus unserer Sicht gibt es aber folgendes Problem: Die im europäischen Abfallrecht seit Jahrzehnten geregelte Abfallhierarchie definiert eine Rangfolge bei Erzeugung und Umgang mit Kunststoffabfällen. Darin ist das Recycling der Mehrfachnutzung nachgelagert. Die Umsetzung dieser Abfallhierarchie findet bislang aber kaum statt.«, erklärt Jürgen Bertling vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT und Projektleiter der Studie.

Zirkularität, Performance und Nachhaltigkeit
Insbesondere für Kunststoffverpackungen existieren derzeit vorwiegend Einweglösungen. Einige Mehrwegsysteme finden sich im B2B-Bereich z. B. in der Automobilindustrie und beim Obst- und Gemüsetransport. Im B2C-Bereich sind sie eher die Ausnahme wie z. B. die Transportkisten für Lebensmittel vom regionalen Bauern. Ziel der aktuellen Studie des Fraunhofer CCPE im Auftrag der Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg war es daher, kunststoffbasierte Mehrwegverpackungssysteme zu bewerten, sie mit Einwegalternativen zu vergleichen und Empfehlungen für eine Stärkung der Kreislaufwirtschaft abzuleiten. Dazu analysierten die Forschenden die drei Mehrwegsysteme Obst- und Gemüsesteigen (bereits im Handel etabliert), Pflanzentrays (in Vorbereitung für einen großflächigen Einsatz) und Coffee-to-go-Becher (Einführungsphase). Sie wurden mit den jeweils entsprechenden Einweglösungen in den drei Bereichen Zirkularität, Performance und Nachhaltigkeit in insgesamt 17 Unterkategorien verglichen. Das Ergebnis: Mehrweg bietet für alle drei untersuchten Demonstratoren klare Vorteile – von der Materialeffizienz über geringere Kunststoffemissionen bis hin zu einem besseren Produktschutz durch robustere Ausführungen.

Mehrweg bedeutet für Unternehmen zwar zunächst einen höheren Kapitaleinsatz durch den Aufbau von Logistik und Rückfuhrsystemen, Lagerflächen und Reinigungstechnik. Langfristig erweisen sich Mehrwegsysteme jedoch als preiswerter und ressourcenschonender, sie stärken das regionale Wirtschaften und tragen zu einer erhöhten technologischen Souveränität bei. »Entscheidend für die Vorteilhaftigkeit eines Mehrwegsystems sind dabei vor allem die Umlaufzahl und die Distributionsstruktur: Je höher die Umlaufzahl und je niedriger die Transportdistanzen, desto besser schneidet Mehrweg gegenüber Einweg ab. Hier sind also dezentrale Poollösungen elementar«, erläutert Kerstin Dobers vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML, Mitautorin der Studie. Im Vergleich mit anderen Verpackungsmaterialien wie Papier oder Holz weist Kunststoff eine Vielzahl vorteilhafter Eigenschaften auf – leicht, haltbar, chemisch inert – und bleibt damit für zahlreiche Anwendungen, gerade bei Mehrwegsystemen, das Material der Wahl.

Abfallhierarchie konsequent umsetzen und Mehrweg optimieren
Dieser Bericht wendet sich gleichermaßen an Politik, Verbände, Hersteller von Kunststoffverpackungen und Anbieter von Mehrweg-Poollösungen. Das Autorenteam empfiehlt schlussfolgernd zwei zentrale Maßnahmen: Zum einen sollten Wege zur konsequenten Umsetzung der Abfallhierarchie aufgezeigt und gefördert werden. Einwegsysteme sollen erst dann zum Tragen kommen, wenn die Möglichkeiten der Mehrfachnutzung ausgeschöpft sind. »Dieses Ergebnis der Studie steht im Gegensatz zur heutigen Realität am Verpackungsmarkt. Es muss neue politische Rahmenbedingungen geben, die das Umgehen dieser Reihenfolge sanktionieren. Gleichzeitig sollten Anreizsysteme für Unternehmen geschaffen werden, um vermehrt Mehrweglösungen für Kunststoffe zu etablieren«, sagt Jürgen Bertling. Er fordert zudem eine Überprüfung der Abfallhierarchie durch ein Expertengremium und nachfolgend ihre strikte Umsetzung in der Praxis. Sinnvoll sei außerdem, weniger auf die Recyclingquoten zu schauen, sondern anspruchsvolle Rezyklatanteile in der Produktion vorzugeben.

Laut Kerstin Dobers ist die zweite zentrale Maßnahme, die vorhandenen Optimierungspotenziale für Mehrweglösungen auszuschöpfen, damit ihre Vorteile weiter ausgebaut und mögliche Defizite beseitigt werden: »Sicherlich sind auch bei den Mehrweglösungen noch zahlreiche Innovationen möglich, gerade im Online-Handel oder in der Take-away-Branche. Gute Lösungen zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass die Verpackungen modular sind und ihr Volumen reduzierbar ist (nestbar oder klappbar). Hier sind Rahmenbedingungen für nationale und internationale Standardisierungen gefragt, um die ökologischen Potenziale der Mehrwegsysteme auszuschöpfen.« Darüber hinaus müssten Umweltkennzeichen (Label) zur Kennzeichnung von Mehrweg und Einweg eindeutig sein. Hier seien vor allem Verbände gefragt.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT



HighRadius als Leader im Magic Quadrant für integrierte Invoice-to-Cash-Anwendungen

HighRadius wurde im diesjährigen Magic Quadrant vom Marktforschungsunternehmen Gartner im Bereich integrierte Invoice-to-Cash-Anwendungen (I2C) als ‘Leader’ bzw. Marktführer eingestuft. Laut Gartner sind „Leader am besten aufgestellt, das Wachstum und die Richtung des Marktes zu beeinflussen. Sie verfügen über eine marktprägende Vision darüber, wie integrierte I2C-Anwendungen die CFOs dabei unterstützen können, ihre Business-Ziele in Bezug auf Cash-Flow-Optimierung zu erreichen, während sie gleichzeitig Effizienzsteigerungen und präzise Vorhersagen im Debitorenmanagement ermöglichen. Marktführende Unternehmen – wie HighRadius – sind in der Lage, ihre Vision im Rahmen ihrer Produktstrategie umzusetzen, indem sie KI in allen Lösungen ihrer Anwendung nutzen. Sie haben nachweislich Ergebnisse in Form von Umsätzen mit bestehen Kunden und auch neuen Kunden erzielt. Sie verfügen über eine exzellente Kombination aus hoher Reaktionsfähigkeit auf Marktentwicklungen, Innovationen und Produkt-Features.“

HighRadius wurde im diesjährigen Magic Quadrant vom Marktforschungsunternehmen Gartner im Bereich integrierte Invoice-to-Cash-Anwendungen (I2C) als ‘Leader’ bzw. Marktführer eingestuft. Laut Gartner sind „Leader am besten aufgestellt, das Wachstum und die Richtung des Marktes zu beeinflussen. Sie verfügen über eine marktprägende Vision darüber, wie integrierte I2C-Anwendungen die CFOs dabei unterstützen können, ihre Business-Ziele in Bezug auf Cash-Flow-Optimierung zu erreichen, während sie gleichzeitig Effizienzsteigerungen und präzise Vorhersagen im Debitorenmanagement ermöglichen. Marktführende Unternehmen – wie HighRadius – sind in der Lage, ihre Vision im Rahmen ihrer Produktstrategie umzusetzen, indem sie KI in allen Lösungen ihrer Anwendung nutzen. Sie haben nachweislich Ergebnisse in Form von Umsätzen mit bestehen Kunden und auch neuen Kunden erzielt. Sie verfügen über eine exzellente Kombination aus hoher Reaktionsfähigkeit auf Marktentwicklungen, Innovationen und Produkt-Features.“

Gartner verweist zudem darauf, dass für die meisten Finanzorganisationen der Einsatz integrierter I2C-Lösungen zu einer Grundanforderung geworden ist. Das Marktforschungsunternehmen prognostiziert ein Marktvolumen für integrierte I2C-Lösungen bis 2024 von 3 Milliarden US-Dollar.

Das Bestreben der CFOs, die Unzulänglichkeiten traditioneller ERP-Systemen zu beseitigen und ihren Cashflow zu optimieren sowie die Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhöhen, dürfte dieses Wachstum ebenso stärken wie die Notwendigkeit, den Finanzteams erforderlichen Tools an die Hand zu geben, um die ständig steigende Arbeitsbelastung zu bewältigen und die stressbedingte Fluktuation zu reduzieren.




Calzedonia chooses Green Label smart nets by Iluna Group

CALZEDONIA chooses products belonging to the GREEN LABEL line by ILUNA GROUP for its new Eco Collection of tights. They are GRS (Global Recycled Standard) and OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified and made with recycled yarns.

The ingredients used in the collection are:

CALZEDONIA chooses products belonging to the GREEN LABEL line by ILUNA GROUP for its new Eco Collection of tights. They are GRS (Global Recycled Standard) and OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified and made with recycled yarns.

The ingredients used in the collection are:

  • Q-NOVA® by Fulgar, an eco-sustainable nylon 6.6 fiber obtained from regenerated raw materials through a mechanical process that does not involve the use of chemical materials. It has been certified with the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) and for some time now has been part of the HIGG INDEX, the index developed by SAC (Sustainable Apparel Coalition) evaluating the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of a garment;
  • ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei, one of the first recycled stretch yarns certified with Global Recycled Standard (GRS).

This collaboration confirms Iluna's commitment to creating products with a environmental responsibility thanks to a technological and corporate system that covers the entire perimeter of production, from materials to processing, dyeing and finishing. An industrial reality that increasingly integrates the value of responsibility, as demonstrated by the fact that the percentage of sustainable production has risen from 3% in 2018 to 52% in 2021.


Iluna Group / C.L.A.S.S.

Photo: JEC Group

The Winners of the 2022 JEC Composites Innovation Awards

Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

The ceremony took place on April 26th in Paris. Highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

The enthusiasm for the Innovation Awards, exactly 7 days prior to JEC World, is a good sign of the industry’s eagerness to get back together and ensure the future of composites innovation.

Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

The ceremony took place on April 26th in Paris. Highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

The enthusiasm for the Innovation Awards, exactly 7 days prior to JEC World, is a good sign of the industry’s eagerness to get back together and ensure the future of composites innovation.

  • Aerospace Application
    Diab (Sweden): 100% thermoplastic panel for cabin interiors
  • Aerospace – Process
    MTorres Disenos Industriales S.A.U. (Spain): Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System
  • Automotive & road transportation – Structural
    Jaguar Land Rover Limited (UK): TUCANA
  • Automotive & road transportation – Surfaces
    AUDI AG (Germany): Seamless Integration of Flexible Solar Film in FRP
  • Building & Civil Engineering
    Windesheim (Netherlands): Structural Re-Use of Thermoset Composites
  • Design, Furniture and Home
    Kairos (France): Kairlin®, a new recyclable & compostable material
  • Equipment and Machinery
    Fibraworks GmbH (Germany): Winding the future – fibraforce technology
  • Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding
    Voith Composites SE & Co. KG (Germany): Marine Rotor Blades made of Voith ‘Carbon4Stack’
  • Renewable Energy
    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (Denmark): RecyclableBlade
  • Sports, Leisure & Recreation
    Bcomp Ltd. (Switzerland): Eco-joint from thermoset race and thermoplast road
Weitere Informationen:
JEC JEC Group JEC Innovation Awards

JEC Group

(c) ISKO

ISKO talks about responsible and sustainable manufacturing at Drapers event

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

The company’s technology R-TWO™50+ played a great role in showing how the innovative soul of the company matches its sustainable one. R-TWO™50+ is the driving force behind ISKO’s efforts to reduce the industry’s impact on the planet. The fabrics are made with a minimum of 50% pre- and post-consumer recycled blend that is entirely Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. This results in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively.
Held at main Stage, the panel was a chance to delve into the great strides that the industry has taken to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint through ground-breaking technology, with the speakers stating that “sustainability strategies are essential for the health not only of the planet but also of the industry itself.”


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


Lenzing Hauptversammlung stimmt allen Tagesordnungspunkten zu

  • Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 4,35 je Aktie beschlossen
  • Lenzing Aufsichtsrat von zehn auf neun gewählte Mitglieder reduziert
  • Dipl.-Bw. Peter Edelmann auf eigenen Wunsch aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausgeschieden
  • Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, zum Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrates gewählt

Die 78. ordentliche Hauptversammlung der Lenzing AG hat am 26. April 2022, entsprechend dem Gewinnverteilungsvorschlag des Vorstands, der vom Aufsichtsrat gebilligt wurde, die Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 4,35 je Aktie beschlossen. Der Gesamtbetrag der Dividende beträgt daher EUR 115.492.500. Die Auszahlung erfolgt am 03. Mai 2022.

  • Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 4,35 je Aktie beschlossen
  • Lenzing Aufsichtsrat von zehn auf neun gewählte Mitglieder reduziert
  • Dipl.-Bw. Peter Edelmann auf eigenen Wunsch aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausgeschieden
  • Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, zum Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrates gewählt

Die 78. ordentliche Hauptversammlung der Lenzing AG hat am 26. April 2022, entsprechend dem Gewinnverteilungsvorschlag des Vorstands, der vom Aufsichtsrat gebilligt wurde, die Zahlung einer Dividende von EUR 4,35 je Aktie beschlossen. Der Gesamtbetrag der Dividende beträgt daher EUR 115.492.500. Die Auszahlung erfolgt am 03. Mai 2022.

Die Hauptversammlung erteilte den Mitgliedern des Vorstandes und des Aufsichtsrates die Entlastung für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 und setzte die Vergütung an die Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 im Voraus fest. Zudem wurde über die Grundsätze für die Vergütung der Mitglieder des Vorstands und des Aufsichtsrats (Vergütungspolitik) abgestimmt. Die Vergütungspolitik der Lenzing AG für die erfolgsabhängige Vergütung des Vorstandes ist neben finanziellen Leistungskriterien auch an nicht-finanzielle Nachhaltigkeitskriterien (ESG) gekoppelt, welche die nachhaltige Geschäftsstrategie weiter fördern.

Wahlen in den Aufsichtsrat
Mit Beendigung der Hauptversammlung schied Dipl.-Bw. Peter Edelmann auf eigenen Wunsch aus dem Aufsichtsrat aus. Edelmann war seit 2018 als Mitglied und seit 2019 als Vorsitzender im Aufsichtsrat sowie in allen Ausschvüssen der Lenzing AG tätig.

Die Hauptversammlung beschloss eine Verlängerung der Aufsichtsratsmandate von Mag. Patrick Prügger (bis zur ordentlichen Hauptversammlung, die über das Geschäftsjahr 2022 beschließt) und Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann (bis zur ordentlichen Hauptversammlung, die über das Geschäftsjahr 2025 beschließt).

Der Aufsichtsrat der Lenzing AG setzt sich nunmehr aus neun von der Hauptversammlung gewählten Mitgliedern zusammen: Mag. Helmut Bernkopf, Dr. Christian Bruch, Dr. Stefan Fida, Dr. Markus Fürst, Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, Melody Harris-Jensbach, Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, Mag. Patrick Prügger und Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann. Herbert Brauneis, Ing. Daniela Födinger, Helmut Kirchmair, Georg Liftinger und Johann Schernberger wurden vom Betriebsrat in den Aufsichtsrat delegiert.

In der an die Hauptversammlung anschließenden konstituierenden Aufsichtsratssitzung wurde Cord Prinzhorn, MBA, der nach seiner interimistischen Tätigkeit als CEO wieder in den Aufsichtsrat zurückgekehrt war, zum Vorsitzenden, und Dr. Stefan Fida zum Stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrates gewählt.


Lenzing AG

(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi's Blue Couch Series: „Packvertising" als effektive Marketingstrategie

Eine Verpackung schützt nicht nur das Produkt, sondern ist auch ein starker Marketing- und Werbehebel, der die Kaufentscheidung der Kunden beeinflusst. In der neuen Folge der Blue-Couch-Series von Sappi erfahren die Zuschauer, was man unter „Packvertising" versteht und wie Markenhersteller ihr Produkt bestmöglich am Point of Sale präsentieren können.

  • „Packvertising und die Macht der Marke am Point of Sale"
  • Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions bei Sappi, und Olaf Hartmann, Geschäftsführer des Instituts für sensorisches Marketing „Multisense"
  • Dienstag, 26. April um 10:00 (MEZ)

Die Art und Weise, wie Menschen angesichts der überwältigenden Auswahlmöglichkeiten Kaufentscheidungen treffen, ist sehr komplex. Unterbewusst arbeitet das Gehirn ständig und fällt Urteile über sensorische Signale wie den Tastsinn, den Geruchssinn und den Klang. Um die Aufmerksamkeit von Kunden zu erregen, sollten Hersteller deshalb bei der Auswahl des Verpackungsmaterials nicht nur auf die Funktionalität achten, sondern auch die Haptik nicht aus dem Blick verlieren.

Eine Verpackung schützt nicht nur das Produkt, sondern ist auch ein starker Marketing- und Werbehebel, der die Kaufentscheidung der Kunden beeinflusst. In der neuen Folge der Blue-Couch-Series von Sappi erfahren die Zuschauer, was man unter „Packvertising" versteht und wie Markenhersteller ihr Produkt bestmöglich am Point of Sale präsentieren können.

  • „Packvertising und die Macht der Marke am Point of Sale"
  • Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions bei Sappi, und Olaf Hartmann, Geschäftsführer des Instituts für sensorisches Marketing „Multisense"
  • Dienstag, 26. April um 10:00 (MEZ)

Die Art und Weise, wie Menschen angesichts der überwältigenden Auswahlmöglichkeiten Kaufentscheidungen treffen, ist sehr komplex. Unterbewusst arbeitet das Gehirn ständig und fällt Urteile über sensorische Signale wie den Tastsinn, den Geruchssinn und den Klang. Um die Aufmerksamkeit von Kunden zu erregen, sollten Hersteller deshalb bei der Auswahl des Verpackungsmaterials nicht nur auf die Funktionalität achten, sondern auch die Haptik nicht aus dem Blick verlieren.

Wie gehen Markenhersteller bei der Auswahl des richtigen Verpackungsmaterials also vor? Wie können Verpackungen Emotionen beim Verbraucher auslösen? Und welche Rolle spielt das Thema Umweltbewusstsein dabei? Darüber sprechen Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions bei Sappi, und Olaf Hartmann, Geschäftsführer des Instituts für sensorisches Marketing „Multisense" in der neusten Folge der Blue-Couch-Series. Hartmann berichtet unter anderem von einem interessanten Experiment, das zeigt, welchen Einfluss verschiedene Oberflächenstrukturen auf das Verhalten von Menschen haben.
Die Episode „Packvertising and the Power of Brand at the Point of Sale" wird am 26. April ausgestrahlt.


Sappi Europe / Ruess Group

(c) AUMA

Aktion der Messewirtschaft: MesseMonatMai

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

Im MesseMonatMai sind deutschlandweit Aktionen an den Messeplätzen geplant, die über den Standort und die eigene Veranstaltung hinausreichen. Damit soll gezeigt werden, welch weitreichende Bedeutung die deutsche Messewirtschaft für die gesamte Volkswirtschaft hat. Während der kommenden 31 Tage wird ein Staffelstab von Messeakteuren an Messeakteure weitergereicht, um die Branche in ihrer Vielfalt sichtbar zu machen. Am Ende des Messemonats Mai steht der weltweite Messetag Global Exhibition Day am 1. Juni. Während an den meisten Messeplätzen der Welt der Betrieb schon länger laufen kann, wird die deutsche Messewirtschaft sich dann erst kraftvoll zurückmelden können.

Weitere Informationen:
messewirtschaft AUMA


(c) Cobra International

COBRA International: Highlights Diversification into New Market Sectors at JEC World 2022

Cobra International, a leading manufacturer of advanced composite products for the watersports, automotive, marine, and industrial sectors, will highlight recent diversification into new composite markets at JEC World 2022, with exhibits ranging from VTOL drones to carbon fibre prosthetics.  Cobra will also demonstrate how it is working alongside automotive and water sports customers to further enhance the sustainability of products in these sectors.

High Volume Production Capacity for the UAV sector
Cobra will display a wing from the Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for survey, monitoring and search and rescue operations. Cobra manufactured the 32kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.  

Cobra International, a leading manufacturer of advanced composite products for the watersports, automotive, marine, and industrial sectors, will highlight recent diversification into new composite markets at JEC World 2022, with exhibits ranging from VTOL drones to carbon fibre prosthetics.  Cobra will also demonstrate how it is working alongside automotive and water sports customers to further enhance the sustainability of products in these sectors.

High Volume Production Capacity for the UAV sector
Cobra will display a wing from the Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for survey, monitoring and search and rescue operations. Cobra manufactured the 32kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.  

Sustainability Options for Automotive and Watersports
Sustainability has a been a key focus for the Cobra Waterports division and CAC, the Cobra automotive business unit. At JEC World 2022, Cobra will showcase the increasing material and process options it has developed with both bio-resin and natural fibre reinforcements variants presented alongside more traditional carbon fibre parts.

Visitors will be able to get up close to a new Bio SUP Wingfoil board featuring a basalt, flax, bamboo and GreenPoxy bio-epoxy construction created for partners NSP, as well as state-of-the-art compression moulded prepreg foils. Cobra’s first fully recyclable surfboard incorporating the Recyclamine® resin technology that Cobra was recognised for in the 2020 JEC Innovation Awards will also be on display alongside a new Audi e-tron foil by Aerofoils – the world’s safest electric hydrofoil board.

The CAC team (Automotive Business Unit of Cobra) will present a set of OEM mirror cap parts that showcase a range of carbon SMC, woven visual carbon, pure woven visual flax, hybrid flax-carbon and painted flax construction options for the same component.  Clear carbon aesthetic and structural parts including CAC made M-carbon components for the BMW S 1000 RR Motorcycle will furthermore underline the high quality and eye-for-detail for which CAC is renowned.

Carbon Prosthetics
An entirely new composite application for the company, Cobra will also show two composite prosthetic devices at JEC which were productionised by the in-house design and development team. Working alongside a leading Thai university and a medical device OEM, Cobra created a rapid and cost effective series production process for a lightweight carbon fibre prosthetic foot. In another example of lightweight composites creating major quality of life improvements, Cobra has also designed and manufactured a carbon and glass fibre prepreg foot support for Elysium Industries.

Weitere Informationen:
COBRA Composites UAV

Cobra International


Sitip at Performance Days

  • Focus on the embossing technique applied to the recycled fabrics collection of the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line

Performance Days, the leading trade fair on the latest trends in the development of fabrics for the functional textile industry, has as main focus the PERFORMANCE FORUM, where the most recent innovations and developments are presented with a prize awarded to the winner of the category chosen for the current year, which for 2022 will be “The Journey to Carbon Neutrality - CO2 Reducing Technologies and Measuring Tools”.

Protagonists are therefore all those materials that contain carbon in reduced form and the strategies/technologies that companies implement to ensure the reduction of CO2 emissions during production and how these reductions are actually measured (through energy saving, careful use of resources, use of more sustainable materials, local production and other technological and production measures).

  • Focus on the embossing technique applied to the recycled fabrics collection of the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line

Performance Days, the leading trade fair on the latest trends in the development of fabrics for the functional textile industry, has as main focus the PERFORMANCE FORUM, where the most recent innovations and developments are presented with a prize awarded to the winner of the category chosen for the current year, which for 2022 will be “The Journey to Carbon Neutrality - CO2 Reducing Technologies and Measuring Tools”.

Protagonists are therefore all those materials that contain carbon in reduced form and the strategies/technologies that companies implement to ensure the reduction of CO2 emissions during production and how these reductions are actually measured (through energy saving, careful use of resources, use of more sustainable materials, local production and other technological and production measures).

In this sense, Sitip’s strategy for reducing CO2 emissions and maximizing the use of resources is based on consolidating and optimizing the layout and logistics of the production plants, installing a cogeneration plant and a new generation smoke smoke abatement system and the transition to an energy-saving lighting system.

Regarding products, at Performance Days Sitip brings its latest innovations with an absolute focus on the embossing technique, a particular system of mechanical processes that can also be used on the recycled items from the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line, a technology that is applied to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS standard (Global Recycle Standard), result of the journey towards sustainability implemented by the company.

The collection of embossed designs combines performance, style and sustainability: thanks to special mechanical processes that combine heat and pressure, the fabric is embossed with geometric and design motifs for a more structured and palpable texture.

Weitere Informationen:
Performance Days SITIP carbon neutrality



SHIMA SEIKI to Exhibit at JEC World 2022

Leading Japanese textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will exhibit at the upcoming JEC World 2022 exposition to be held in Paris, France next month.

On display will be the P-CAM®131 multi-ply computerized cutting machine (NC cutting machine). SHIMA SEIKI's fast, efficient and reliable P-CAM® series computerized cutting machines are known for their innovative functions and Made-in-Japan quality, and boast the largest market share in Japan. At JEC World P-CAM®131 is shown in its most compact form, featuring a cutting area of 1,300 mm x 1,700 mm, with option for expansion. Its multi-ply cutting capability allows up to 1 inch (33mm) of fabric or material to be cut. A knife sharpening system produces a sharp, strong blade every time. Strong, robust components permit quicker response times for knife movement and more accurate cutting composites and other industrial materials. The P-CAM® lineup is ideally suited to global production in a wide range of industrial applications in addition to apparel and textiles.

Leading Japanese textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will exhibit at the upcoming JEC World 2022 exposition to be held in Paris, France next month.

On display will be the P-CAM®131 multi-ply computerized cutting machine (NC cutting machine). SHIMA SEIKI's fast, efficient and reliable P-CAM® series computerized cutting machines are known for their innovative functions and Made-in-Japan quality, and boast the largest market share in Japan. At JEC World P-CAM®131 is shown in its most compact form, featuring a cutting area of 1,300 mm x 1,700 mm, with option for expansion. Its multi-ply cutting capability allows up to 1 inch (33mm) of fabric or material to be cut. A knife sharpening system produces a sharp, strong blade every time. Strong, robust components permit quicker response times for knife movement and more accurate cutting composites and other industrial materials. The P-CAM® lineup is ideally suited to global production in a wide range of industrial applications in addition to apparel and textiles.

Also available for video display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible because flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-toform and with added thickness. Therefore, savings in post-processing time, cost, material and labor as compared to current methods of preform production are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.




Cone Denim launches U.S. Grown Hemp denim collection with BastCore

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone’s U.S. Hemp Collection includes a range of fabrics featuring classic 3×1 and comfort stretch to modern workwear constructions. The collection further expands upon Cone’s sustainability and traceability practices, driving the future of the industry. The proximity of the hemp, indigo, and cotton crops in the U.S. to the company’s mills in Mexico is also key in creating the smallest environmental impact and footprint possible.

Hemp offers many key benefits in creating the next level of sustainable denim:

  • More than 50% water savings occur, compared to cotton
  • No chemicals, wet processing, pesticides, or herbicides are used
  • Hemp grows in a variety of soils with excellent biodegradability, is antimicrobial, has high tensile strength, moisture regain content, and tenacity
  • Hemp and natural indigo crops have high rates of carbon sequestration, which ultimately benefits the environment and improves the soil’s health for other crops (climate positive)
Weitere Informationen:
Cone Denim LLC Denim hemp Sustainability

Cone Denim

(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures completes acquisition of packaging company in Vietnam

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company (NN), one of Vietnam’s leading PET packaging companies. The acquisition will boost IVL's market position as it continues to expand its integrated offering of PET products to major multinational customers throughout the region.

Ngoc Nghia is a trusted market leader in PET, preforms and closures, with long-term partnerships with major global and Vietnamese brands in the beverage and non-beverage industries. It has four manufacturing facilities in Vietnam's north and south with a total production capacity of 5.5 billion units of PET preforms, bottles, and closures, totaling 76,000 tons of PET conversion each year.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company (NN), one of Vietnam’s leading PET packaging companies. The acquisition will boost IVL's market position as it continues to expand its integrated offering of PET products to major multinational customers throughout the region.

Ngoc Nghia is a trusted market leader in PET, preforms and closures, with long-term partnerships with major global and Vietnamese brands in the beverage and non-beverage industries. It has four manufacturing facilities in Vietnam's north and south with a total production capacity of 5.5 billion units of PET preforms, bottles, and closures, totaling 76,000 tons of PET conversion each year.

IVL plans to sustainably grow the business to better serve customers in Vietnam, a high-growth new market, as well as IVL’s major PET packaging customers across the region including global household beverage brands. Ngoc Nghia’s family business roots, led by its founder for over 30 years, was integral to IVL’s decision to invest in the company as a strategic match. The existing team’s extensive local market knowledge will be further augmented by leadership from IVL’s PET packaging business unit, bringing a powerful combination of local, regional and global expertise to the market.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) Officina39

Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab present “Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change”

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

Several donated items – overstock, second-grade production or damaged, unsold pieces – were updated with newly developed applications made with Officina39’s Recycrom™, the one-of-a-kind, patented dyestuffs range made from textile waste. This Circular Explorations capsule is displayed at Denim Days Festival as an art installation, not only to dress people but also to get them acquainted with circularity because they are an important player in closing the loop.

The Recipe for change that emerges from this color research is based on important values and keywords:

  • Consciousness – awareness of oneself and one's surroundings
  • Courage – the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
  • Creativity – the power to imagine and produce new possibilities.
  • Connection – a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else, the act or state of connecting.
  • Collaboration – the act of working together for a common goal.

Combined together, they produce CHANGE, which is a driving force for a better tomorrow.

This collaborative and innovative project that addresses circularity is also in direct support of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production, number 9-Industry innovation & Infrastructure and number 17-Partnership for the Goals.


Officina39 / Menabò

(c) Sicomin

Sicomin: Upcycled Carbon Fibre from Airbus with GreenPoxy to create Surfboards

Sicomin has confirmed that eco-surfboard specialist NOTOX will use GreenPoxy 56 in its latest line of R-CARBON boards. The new NOTOX R-CARBON boards are the first to use 100% upcycled carbon fibre fabrics recovered from a production waste stream at Airbus.

NOTOX, founded in 2006 and based in Basque, France, has partnered with Sicomin to use GreenPoxy bio-resins in several earlier flax, cork, and bamboo reinforced boards. In a quest to now produce the most sustainable carbon fibre reinforced boards possible, NOTOX has signed a formal agreement with Airbus Nantes to purchase defective carbon fabrics that were destined for landfill.

Sicomin has confirmed that eco-surfboard specialist NOTOX will use GreenPoxy 56 in its latest line of R-CARBON boards. The new NOTOX R-CARBON boards are the first to use 100% upcycled carbon fibre fabrics recovered from a production waste stream at Airbus.

NOTOX, founded in 2006 and based in Basque, France, has partnered with Sicomin to use GreenPoxy bio-resins in several earlier flax, cork, and bamboo reinforced boards. In a quest to now produce the most sustainable carbon fibre reinforced boards possible, NOTOX has signed a formal agreement with Airbus Nantes to purchase defective carbon fabrics that were destined for landfill.

The new NOTOX technology gives a second life to Airbus carbon fabrics that are declared unusable for aerospace applications due to short roll lengths, an inability to be pre-formed, or other defects. The upcycled materials are combined with Sicomin GreenPoxy 56 and Surf Clear hardener, producing an extremely clear, high gloss laminate with high mechanical properties. NOTOX use a precisely controlled wet lamination process with vacuum bag consolidation to wet out the upcycled woven carbon fabrics and minimise resin consumption in the manufacturing process.

In addition to selecting a high bio-content resin – GreenPoxy 56 derives 56% of its carbon content from plant sources – NOTOX has also sourced the most sustainable carbon fibre fabrics. Full life cycle analysis by NOTOX has shown that using waste carbon fabrics from Airbus is significantly more energy efficient than using other recycled short fibre carbon, confirming the importance of upcycling this key raw material.

Weitere Informationen:
Sicomin carbon fibers Upcycling NOTOX

Sicomin / 100% Marketing

(c) Hologenix

DFND introduces Sleepwear powered by CELLIANT®

DFND, a compression and apparel brand designed for the military, firefighters, first responders and pro athletes, now available to athletes everywhere, has partnered with Hologenix®, creators of CELLIANT® to introduce a line of unisex sleepwear: DFND REST. Designed for the “warrior athlete,” the sleepwear is powered by DFND X CELLIANT®, the trailblazer in bio-responsive infrared textiles.
Both DFND and Hologenix are focused on increasing recovery and enhancing performance for the human body, so the partnership couldn’t be more ideal. CELLIANT’s science-backed infrared (IR) technology is a natural blend of bioceramics that allows textiles to capture and convert body heat into infrared energy. DFND REST powered by CELLIANT notes that it is “clinically proven to enhance tissue oxygen levels to help your body be at its best.”

DFND REST powered by CELLIANT includes three unisex designs in two colors each, Tan and Heather Grey: IR Short Sleeve V-Neck Shirt; IR Long Sleeve V-Neck Shirt and IR Sleepwear Long John; and two designs in Black: IR Recover RX Hood; IR Recover RX Jogger.

DFND, a compression and apparel brand designed for the military, firefighters, first responders and pro athletes, now available to athletes everywhere, has partnered with Hologenix®, creators of CELLIANT® to introduce a line of unisex sleepwear: DFND REST. Designed for the “warrior athlete,” the sleepwear is powered by DFND X CELLIANT®, the trailblazer in bio-responsive infrared textiles.
Both DFND and Hologenix are focused on increasing recovery and enhancing performance for the human body, so the partnership couldn’t be more ideal. CELLIANT’s science-backed infrared (IR) technology is a natural blend of bioceramics that allows textiles to capture and convert body heat into infrared energy. DFND REST powered by CELLIANT notes that it is “clinically proven to enhance tissue oxygen levels to help your body be at its best.”

DFND REST powered by CELLIANT includes three unisex designs in two colors each, Tan and Heather Grey: IR Short Sleeve V-Neck Shirt; IR Long Sleeve V-Neck Shirt and IR Sleepwear Long John; and two designs in Black: IR Recover RX Hood; IR Recover RX Jogger.

DFND REST, like all DFND products, is designed, tested and made in the USA. CELLIANT’s proprietary mineral formula is processed and manufactured in the USA.

DFND REST will be featured at the following upcoming shows: the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Exposition and Industry Day, April 26 to 27 at Fort Eustis; Warrior West, April 27 to 28 at the San Diego Convention Center; Modern Day Marine, May 10 to 12, Washington, D.C.; The Human Performance & Biosystems Summit, June 29 to 30 at National Harbor, Maryland; National Guard Conference & Exhibition, August 26 to 29, Columbus, Ohio; and AUSA, October 10 to 12, Washington, D.C.

Weitere Informationen:
Celliant DFND sleepwear

Hologenix / Sarah P. Fletcher Communications 

(c) Eton

More localised and automated textile manufacturing with TMAS technologies

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

Secure supply
At Texprocess, for example, Eton Systems will be unveiling its latest Ingenious software solution which further enhances the company’s Opta Unit Production System (UPS) introduced in 2021.

“Our automated technology has already had a great impact on the productivity of thousands of garment production lines,” says Eton’s Managing Director Jerker Krabbe. “Our systems help producers across the world to reduce repetitive manual tasks and increase efficiency, which evens out some of the differences between production in high and low-cost countries, making reshoring a feasible option. Creating a diversified production portfolio with a mix of production facilities, some closer to home, makes for a more secure product supply.”

Imogo meanwhile recently installed the first industrial scale dyeing system in Sweden for many years. The Dye-Max spray dyeing line has the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. It is capable of carrying out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing users with unbeatable flexibility in production.

“Here in Scandinavia, we are currently seeing an explosion of companies developing sustainable new cellulosic fibres – many from waste clothing – but a problem is that all of the environmental benefits they deliver can potentially be lost in the further processing, and especially in conventional dyeing,” observes the company’s Founding Partner Per Stenflo. “The Dye-Max system positively addresses this, but interest in it has not just been confined to Europe. We are currently seeing a lot of activity in Turkey – largely as a near-shore partner to European brands – but also in Bangladesh.”

Robotics at Heimtextil
ACG Kinna Automatic specialises in automation solutions for filled products such as quilts, pillows and mattresses and its live demonstrations of robotics in action have proved a magnet for visitors to Heimtextil. This year’s show will be no exception.

“The use of robotics is now standard across many industries dealing in solid goods, but the handling of soft materials such as textiles is a little more complex,” says Managing Director Christian Moore. “Nevertheless, it’s something we have successfully mastered, and our robotic systems are proving highly beneficial to their users. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to automation and our approach is always to carefully examine where it will make the difference in each bespoke system. A focus is on identifying and eliminating bottlenecks which will increase product flows.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ACG Kinna drew on all of its automation know-how and extensive network of contacts to build a new nonwovens fabric converting and single-use garment making-up plant in a matter of weeks, in order to supply the Swedish authorities with urgently-needed medical gowns.

Instant colour
Localised textile production is also booming in the USA, where Coloreel has recently secured multiple orders for its instant thread colouration technology via its US partner Hirsch.

“Coloreel technology enables the high-quality and instant colouring of a textile thread while it is actually being used in production and can be paired with any existing embroidery machine without modification, while also making it possible to produce gradients in an embroidery for the first time,” explains VP of Sales Sven Öquist.

“Advanced rapid colour formulation software and high-speed drive technology allow a single needle to carry out what it previously required many multiples of them to do – and with much more consistent stitch quality. By instantly colouring a recycled white base thread during production, our system enables complete freedom to create unique embroideries without any limitations. Colour changes along the thread can either be made rapidly from one solid colour to another, or gradually, to make smooth transitions or any colouring effect desired. This provides big benefits when it comes to sustainability and design creativity.”

Svegea will be promoting its latest EC 300 collarette cutting machine at Texprocess 2022. This machine is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as waistbands, cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. With its E-Drive 2 system and fully automatic FA500 roll slitter, the EC 300 has an output of around 20,000 metres per hour.

“Advances in automation are only making the specialised, bespoke machines we engineer even more efficient and we are expecting a very busy year,” says Managing Director Håkan Steene. “The garment components our collarette cutters produce make it logical for them to be integrated into the operations of making-up operations, wherever they are.”

The advanced yarn tension monitoring technologies of Eltex of Sweden meanwhile play an essential role in rectifying defects in  weaving, tufting and composite reinforcement operations.

“A correct tension of the warp and weft threads ensures proper machine operation,” explains Eltex Global Marketing and Sales Manager Anoop K. Sharma “The constant tension monitoring and automatic control of the tension of the thread help to overcome unnecessary problems.

“We continue to make advances in both the hardware and software of our tension monitoring systems, such as the EyE™ for the warping process. With the EyE™, the yarn tension values from all yarns are continuously updated and displayed on screen. In addition, tension values outside the warning level are indicated both on the sensor’s LEDs and on the screen for complete quality control. No fabric can be woven without the appropriate and correct tension.”

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(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd@Texprocess 2022 – #LetsTalkWorkflow

Zünd präsentiert auf der Texprocess in Frankfurt Softwaretools für jeden Teilprozess des Textilzuschnitts im Zusammenspiel mit leistungsstarken, auf Effizienz ausgerichteten digitalen Schneidsystemen.

Ein digitalisierter und automatisierter Produktionsworkflow ist entscheidend für die wirtschaftliche und standardisierte Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Dies unterstützt Zünd durch vielseitige Automatisierungslösungen, die der Schweizer Gesamtlösungsanbieter für den Textilzuschnitt auf seinem Messestand in Frankfurt vorstellen wird. Sie helfen, die Aufbereitung von Druck- und Schneiddaten zu automatisieren und zu standardisieren, unterstützen bei der Produktionsüberwachung und -analyse, steuern den Zuschnitt und vereinfachen die Entnahme von Schnittteilen und die Logistik.

Zünd präsentiert auf der Texprocess in Frankfurt Softwaretools für jeden Teilprozess des Textilzuschnitts im Zusammenspiel mit leistungsstarken, auf Effizienz ausgerichteten digitalen Schneidsystemen.

Ein digitalisierter und automatisierter Produktionsworkflow ist entscheidend für die wirtschaftliche und standardisierte Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Dies unterstützt Zünd durch vielseitige Automatisierungslösungen, die der Schweizer Gesamtlösungsanbieter für den Textilzuschnitt auf seinem Messestand in Frankfurt vorstellen wird. Sie helfen, die Aufbereitung von Druck- und Schneiddaten zu automatisieren und zu standardisieren, unterstützen bei der Produktionsüberwachung und -analyse, steuern den Zuschnitt und vereinfachen die Entnahme von Schnittteilen und die Logistik.

Die modular aufgebaute Software MindCut Studio enthält alle essenziellen Funktionen für jede Prozessphase der Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Die Software erkennt zuverlässig die Stoffmusterung und Materialverzug, kompensiert diesen und verschachtelt die Schnittteile platz- und materialsparend auf dem Textil. Angesichts steigender Materialkosten ist die maximale Materialausnutzung von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Software bietet flexibel die passsende Variante für den Musterabgleich, unabhängig davon, ob das Textil gestreift, kariert oder digital bedruckt ist.

Für eine effiziente Teileentnahme müssen fertig geschnittene Teile schnell und eindeutig identifizierbar sein. Projizierte Farbcodes und Teileinformationen unterstützen den Bediener beim Absortieren. Und schliesslich wird auch die Teileentnahme mittels Projektion und Monitoranzeige visuell unterstützt.  

Zünd Cutter sind fixer Bestandteil in integrierten Produktionsprozessen. Damit können Bekleidungs- und Möbelhersteller Prozesse automatisieren und gleichzeitig den Datenfluss optimieren. Das Resultat sind deutlich höhere Durchsätze, niedrigere Fehlerquoten und Arbeitskosten, was zu einer deutlich gesteigerten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit beiträgt. Dem Messepublikum stellt Zünd seinen D3 Cutter mit zwei Produktionsbalken vor. Die Balken können jeweils mit bis zu drei verschiedenen Modulen ausgerüstet werden, wodurch sich der Materialdurchsatz massiv erhöht. Die intelligente Cutter-Steuerung verteilt die Aufträge optimal und sorgt so für maximale Produktivität.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG