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1321 Ergebnisse
Foto: Ralph Koch für Mayer & Cie.

Mayer & Cie. auf der ITM

  • Türkischer Rundstrickmarkt bietet Perspektiven in turbulenten Zeiten

Nach mehrjähriger Corona-bedingter Pause kann die türkische Textilmaschinenmesse ITM 2022 vom 14. bis 18. Juni wieder stattfinden. Der deutsche Rundstrickmaschinenhersteller Mayer & Cie. wird gemeinsam mit seiner türkischen Vertretung Mayer Mümessillik (MMÜ) auf der wichtigen Branchenmesse in Istanbul drei Maschinen präsentieren: die Interlock-Maschine D4-2.2 X, die OV 3.2 QCE für Double-Jersey-Strukturen sowie die MV4 3.2 II für Single-Jersey-Gestricke. Im Zentrum des Events steht für das Team von Mayer & Cie. und MMÜ der persönliche Austausch mit Kunden, Lieferanten und Partnern. Die mittelfristigen Aussichten für den türkischen Strickmarkt bewerten Hersteller und Vertretung trotz angespannter Weltlage positiv.

  • Türkischer Rundstrickmarkt bietet Perspektiven in turbulenten Zeiten

Nach mehrjähriger Corona-bedingter Pause kann die türkische Textilmaschinenmesse ITM 2022 vom 14. bis 18. Juni wieder stattfinden. Der deutsche Rundstrickmaschinenhersteller Mayer & Cie. wird gemeinsam mit seiner türkischen Vertretung Mayer Mümessillik (MMÜ) auf der wichtigen Branchenmesse in Istanbul drei Maschinen präsentieren: die Interlock-Maschine D4-2.2 X, die OV 3.2 QCE für Double-Jersey-Strukturen sowie die MV4 3.2 II für Single-Jersey-Gestricke. Im Zentrum des Events steht für das Team von Mayer & Cie. und MMÜ der persönliche Austausch mit Kunden, Lieferanten und Partnern. Die mittelfristigen Aussichten für den türkischen Strickmarkt bewerten Hersteller und Vertretung trotz angespannter Weltlage positiv.

Türkei als Markt mit Perspektiven
„Die Herausforderungen für die Weltwirtschaft sind aktuell natürlich enorm vielfältig“, so Mayer & Cie.-Türkei-Spezialist Stefan Bühler. „Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine, Lieferkettenausfälle, fehlende Rohmaterialien und explodierende Energiepreise, all das schafft Unsicherheit.“ Dazu kommen die galoppierende Inflation in der Türkei und das Wahljahr 2023. Trotz – oder teilweise wegen – dieser Faktenlage bewerten Bühler und Kahrman Güveri, Geschäftsführer der türkischen Vertretung MMÜ, die Marktaussichten für die nächsten Jahre positiv. Es sei zu beobachten, erklärt Kahraman Güveri, dass Großaufträge vor allem für Standardprodukte zunähmen. Das führe zu neuen Investitionen, neuen Unternehmen und einer steigenden Nachfrage nach wiederaufbereiteten Maschinen, die dann an anderer Stelle durch neue ersetzt werden müssen. Außerdem seien aus den früheren Kommissionären nun eigenständige Unternehmen geworden.

„Abgesehen davon profitiert die Türkei von seiner Nähe zu Europa, da ist der Transportweg überschaubar“, sagt Stefan Bühler. „Dieser Standortvorteil zieht Markenhersteller an, die zusammen mit ihren Aufträgen auch neue Ansätze, neue Designs und neue Technologien ins Land bringen.“ Davon wiederum profitiere der ohnehin bereits sehr hoch entwickelte textile Sektor in der Türkei weiter. Deshalb, so Kahraman Güveri, dürfe man zuversichtlich sein, für die nächsten Jahre, zumindest „so lange nichts unvorhergesehenes passiert.“

OV 3.2 QCe für Double Jersey Strukturen
Das Maschinenportfolio, das Mayer & Cie. auf der ITM zeigen wird, ist so bewährt wie populär: Die vor allem im Sportbereich sowie für Freizeit- und Oberbekleidung eingesetzte OV 3.2 QCE ist ein Spezialist für Interlock-Stoffe und Double Jersey Strukturen, die sie sowohl aus Filament- wie Fasergarnen herstellt. Mit einem Umbauset qualifiziert sich die OV 3.2 QCe als Produzent von 8-Schloss-Srukturen, Spacer und feinen Teilungen. Erhältlich ist die Maschine in drei Gestellvarianten, vom Entdoublier- über das Industrie- bis hin zum Gigantgestell. Zu sehen sein wird die OV 3.2 QCe in Istanbul in30 Zoll und mit einer Teilung von E40.

D4-2.2 X für Feinripp und Interlock
Die sich durch Produktivität auszeichnende Double-Jersey-Maschine D4-2.2 X ist eine naheliegende Wahl, wenn es um Feinrippstoffe geht, und zwar in einer Feinheit bis E28. Die Herstellung von Spacer und Interlock gehört ebenfalls zum festen Repertoire der Maschine. Eine Besonderheit bietet sie in Punkto Elastplattierung: Sie kann sowohl im Zylinder- wie im Rippschloss erfolgen.

MV4 3.2 II für Flexibilität im Single-Bereich
Für den Bereich Single Jersey präsentiert das deutsche Traditionsunternehmen die mit einer Feinheit von E38 strickende MV4 3.2 II. Der Maschinentyp kann für Feinheiten von E14 bis hin bis E60 ausgestattet werden und ist flexibel für Piqué, Double-Piqué bis hin zu Einfachfutter und glattem Single Jersey einsetzbar.

Weitere Informationen:
Mayer & Cie ITM Türkei Rundstrickmaschinen

Mayer & Cie.

Foto: Oerlikon Neumag

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions auf der ITM 2022

  • Energieeffiziente Chemiefaseranlagen für den türkischen Markt

Die pandemiebedingt mehrfach verschobene ITM in Istanbul findet vom 14. bis 18. Juni mit rund 1000 internationalen Ausstellern im Tuyap Fair and Congress Center statt.

Im Fokus stehen für die Oerlikon Division Polymer Processing Solutions des Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer Gesamtlösungen von der Schmelze bis zum Garn, zu den Fasern und Vliesstoffen. „Die Türkei ist ein sehr aktiver Markt“, beschreibt Sales Director Oliver Lemke die aktuelle Stimmung im Land. „Großes Interesse zeigen unsere Kunden an Factory Projekten, die von der hauseigenen Polykondensationsanlage bis zum Texturierten Garn, der begleitenden Automatisierung und korrespondierender digitaler Lösungen alles umfassen.“ Die Lieferung sämtlicher Prozessschritte aus einer Hand versprechen eine aufeinander abgestimmte Technologie, um die hohe Qualität des produzierten Garns sicherstellt.

  • Energieeffiziente Chemiefaseranlagen für den türkischen Markt

Die pandemiebedingt mehrfach verschobene ITM in Istanbul findet vom 14. bis 18. Juni mit rund 1000 internationalen Ausstellern im Tuyap Fair and Congress Center statt.

Im Fokus stehen für die Oerlikon Division Polymer Processing Solutions des Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer Gesamtlösungen von der Schmelze bis zum Garn, zu den Fasern und Vliesstoffen. „Die Türkei ist ein sehr aktiver Markt“, beschreibt Sales Director Oliver Lemke die aktuelle Stimmung im Land. „Großes Interesse zeigen unsere Kunden an Factory Projekten, die von der hauseigenen Polykondensationsanlage bis zum Texturierten Garn, der begleitenden Automatisierung und korrespondierender digitaler Lösungen alles umfassen.“ Die Lieferung sämtlicher Prozessschritte aus einer Hand versprechen eine aufeinander abgestimmte Technologie, um die hohe Qualität des produzierten Garns sicherstellt.

Weiterer Informationsschwerpunkt ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. In der Chemiefasergarnherstellung hat sich einiges getan: mechanische wie chemische Technologien zum Recycling von Flaschen, aber auch von Textilien, Biopolymere, Circular Economy. Mit Partnern und Tochtergesellschaften wie Oerlikon Barmag Huitong Engineering (OBHE) und Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE) legt Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions entsprechende Konzepte vor.

BCF Technologie: 6800 dtex mit RoTac³ tangeln
Hochflorige Teppiche oder Teppiche für den Outdoorbereich liegen aktuell im Trend, die Nachfrage nach diesen margenstarken Garnen steigt signifikant. Die hierfür benötigten dicken BCF Garne aus PP, PET oder PA6 lassen sich ab sofort mit der RoTac³ tangeln. Beim sogenannten Fachen werden alle drei Fäden gemeinsam durch eine Tangelöffnung in der RoTac³ geführt und miteinander vertangelt. So lassen sich Tangelknoten deutlich gleichmäßiger setzen als mit anderen marktüblichen Tangeleinheiten, auch bei hohen Produktionsgeschwindigkeiten. Häufige Tangelaussetzer werden vermieden. Das sorgt für eine bessere Garnqualität und wirkt sich positiv auf den Weiterverarbeitungsprozess aus. Das Ergebnis ist ein sichtbar ebenmäßigeres Erscheinungsbild des Teppichs. Zusätzlich wird der Druckluftverbrauch je nach Garntyp um bis zu 50% reduziert.

Das 3-in-1 plying Paket ist optional für die BCF Anlagen S+ und BCF S8 mit RoTac³ erhältlich und kann auch auf Wunsch nachgerüstet werden.



(c) INDA

World of Wipes® International Conference 2022 addresses changing role of wipes

With the wipes sector adapting to demands for products that protect consumers from COVID-related risks, industry experts will present the latest insights for moving forward post-pandemic at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference.   

The shift from “clean” to “safe” in the world of wipes will be among the key topics thought-leading speakers will address at the in-person event, June 27-30, at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago.

The information-packed program will tackle timely topics to support decision making on the following key themes: Circular and Sustainable Wipes, Supply Chain Challenges in Wipes, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Market and Among Consumers, Disinfection Concerns and New Technologies, Sustainable Wipe Packaging Trends and Developments in Flushability Issues.

World of Wipes Session Highlights

With the wipes sector adapting to demands for products that protect consumers from COVID-related risks, industry experts will present the latest insights for moving forward post-pandemic at the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference.   

The shift from “clean” to “safe” in the world of wipes will be among the key topics thought-leading speakers will address at the in-person event, June 27-30, at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago.

The information-packed program will tackle timely topics to support decision making on the following key themes: Circular and Sustainable Wipes, Supply Chain Challenges in Wipes, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Market and Among Consumers, Disinfection Concerns and New Technologies, Sustainable Wipe Packaging Trends and Developments in Flushability Issues.

World of Wipes Session Highlights

  • Lifestyle Shifts and the World of Wipes: Meeting the Changing Consumer Demand to Secure Growth – Liying Quian, Research Analyst, Euromonitor International will explore personal and beauty care trends based on consumer surveys that could shape wipes’ long-term performance
  • The Supply Chain – Import Pressures Versus Domestic Manufacturing – Jacob Smith, Director, Supply Chain and Customer Care, Health, Hygiene, and Specialties Division, North America, Berry Global will share his expertise and experience on how COVID-19 has impacted domestic production and international sourcing of wipes
  • Packaging Sustainability:  A Global Perspective – David Clark, Vice President of Sustainability, Amcor will look at how consumer brands, retailers and others are responding to consumer demand for more sustainable packaging and discuss progress and risks in the U.S. and other countries
  • How Sustainable are You Willing to Be? New Technology to Support Use of Recycled Fiber Sources – Richard Knowlson, Principal, RPK Consulting will tackle the question of how new manufacturing technology can help produce more sustainable nonwoven substrates in today’s price-sensitive environment
  • Dead Turtle Logos – What We Know So Far in the EU – Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, Crown Abbey, LLC will share the latest learnings on the European Union’s Single Use Plastic Directive and the impact of the plastic-free packaging logos on consumer attitudes
  • Challenges and Pitfalls of Scaling Up a Waste Cleaning Wipes Collection and Recycle System – Sergio Barbarino, Research Fellow, Fabric and Home Care Open Innovation, Procter & Gamble Distribution Company Europe will look at cleaning wipes’ potential to be recycled and become a convenient pioneering experimental platform
  • Case Study: Surface Disinfection Incompatibility with Medical Devices Creates Potential Patient Risks – Caroline Etland, Ph.D., RN. CNS, ACHPN, Associate Professor, Hahn School of Nursing, BINR, University of San Diego will share real examples of the issues healthcare facilities face with surface disinfection incompatibility that make cleaning and disinfection a major challenge

In addition to the conference program, WOW 2022 also features two nights of tabletop displays and receptions; the presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® and the INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award; and 11 hours of face-to-face engagement during a welcome reception, first-time attendee mentorship program, and breakfast connections. The event kicks off with the WIPES Academy, a 1.5-day value-added training opportunity on June 27-28.



Photo: JEC Group

The Winners of the 2022 JEC Composites Innovation Awards

Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

The ceremony took place on April 26th in Paris. Highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

The enthusiasm for the Innovation Awards, exactly 7 days prior to JEC World, is a good sign of the industry’s eagerness to get back together and ensure the future of composites innovation.

Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composites industry. The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

The ceremony took place on April 26th in Paris. Highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

The enthusiasm for the Innovation Awards, exactly 7 days prior to JEC World, is a good sign of the industry’s eagerness to get back together and ensure the future of composites innovation.

  • Aerospace Application
    Diab (Sweden): 100% thermoplastic panel for cabin interiors
  • Aerospace – Process
    MTorres Disenos Industriales S.A.U. (Spain): Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System
  • Automotive & road transportation – Structural
    Jaguar Land Rover Limited (UK): TUCANA
  • Automotive & road transportation – Surfaces
    AUDI AG (Germany): Seamless Integration of Flexible Solar Film in FRP
  • Building & Civil Engineering
    Windesheim (Netherlands): Structural Re-Use of Thermoset Composites
  • Design, Furniture and Home
    Kairos (France): Kairlin®, a new recyclable & compostable material
  • Equipment and Machinery
    Fibraworks GmbH (Germany): Winding the future – fibraforce technology
  • Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding
    Voith Composites SE & Co. KG (Germany): Marine Rotor Blades made of Voith ‘Carbon4Stack’
  • Renewable Energy
    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (Denmark): RecyclableBlade
  • Sports, Leisure & Recreation
    Bcomp Ltd. (Switzerland): Eco-joint from thermoset race and thermoplast road
Weitere Informationen:
JEC JEC Group JEC Innovation Awards

JEC Group

(c) ISKO

ISKO talks about responsible and sustainable manufacturing at Drapers event

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

The company’s technology R-TWO™50+ played a great role in showing how the innovative soul of the company matches its sustainable one. R-TWO™50+ is the driving force behind ISKO’s efforts to reduce the industry’s impact on the planet. The fabrics are made with a minimum of 50% pre- and post-consumer recycled blend that is entirely Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. This results in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively.
Held at main Stage, the panel was a chance to delve into the great strides that the industry has taken to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint through ground-breaking technology, with the speakers stating that “sustainability strategies are essential for the health not only of the planet but also of the industry itself.”


ISKO / Menabò Group srl

(c) AUMA

Aktion der Messewirtschaft: MesseMonatMai

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

  • 150 der kommenden 250 Messen finden zwischen Mai und September statt
  • Verbands-Chef Harting: Wir erwarten Konzepte der Politik fürs Winterhalbjahr

Die deutsche Messewirtschaft macht den Mai zum Messemonat, um auf die angespannte Lage der Branche durch die Corona-Pandemie hinzuweisen. 31 Aktionstage sollen auf den beginnenden heißen Messesommer aufmerksam machen, den es so noch nicht gegeben hat. Erstmalig findet mehr als die Hälfte der noch gut 250 Messen 2022 im Sommer statt. Grund dafür ist der Nachholbedarf nach Verboten, Absagen und Verschiebungen von Messen in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Üblicherweise findet der Großteil der Messen im Winterhalbjahr statt. Allein der Mai wird nun mit rund 50 Messen ein sehr starker Monat werden. Mehr als die Hälfte sind international geprägt, etliche davon Leitmessen der Weltwirtschaft – typisch für das Messeland Deutschland.

Von gut 150 geplanten Messen konnten im ersten Quartal 2022 nur knapp 20 durchgeführt werden - dies fast ausschließlich im März. Im April finden immer noch nur die Hälfte der rund 50 geplanten Messen statt.

Im MesseMonatMai sind deutschlandweit Aktionen an den Messeplätzen geplant, die über den Standort und die eigene Veranstaltung hinausreichen. Damit soll gezeigt werden, welch weitreichende Bedeutung die deutsche Messewirtschaft für die gesamte Volkswirtschaft hat. Während der kommenden 31 Tage wird ein Staffelstab von Messeakteuren an Messeakteure weitergereicht, um die Branche in ihrer Vielfalt sichtbar zu machen. Am Ende des Messemonats Mai steht der weltweite Messetag Global Exhibition Day am 1. Juni. Während an den meisten Messeplätzen der Welt der Betrieb schon länger laufen kann, wird die deutsche Messewirtschaft sich dann erst kraftvoll zurückmelden können.

Weitere Informationen:
messewirtschaft AUMA


(c) Cobra International

COBRA International: Highlights Diversification into New Market Sectors at JEC World 2022

Cobra International, a leading manufacturer of advanced composite products for the watersports, automotive, marine, and industrial sectors, will highlight recent diversification into new composite markets at JEC World 2022, with exhibits ranging from VTOL drones to carbon fibre prosthetics.  Cobra will also demonstrate how it is working alongside automotive and water sports customers to further enhance the sustainability of products in these sectors.

High Volume Production Capacity for the UAV sector
Cobra will display a wing from the Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for survey, monitoring and search and rescue operations. Cobra manufactured the 32kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.  

Cobra International, a leading manufacturer of advanced composite products for the watersports, automotive, marine, and industrial sectors, will highlight recent diversification into new composite markets at JEC World 2022, with exhibits ranging from VTOL drones to carbon fibre prosthetics.  Cobra will also demonstrate how it is working alongside automotive and water sports customers to further enhance the sustainability of products in these sectors.

High Volume Production Capacity for the UAV sector
Cobra will display a wing from the Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for survey, monitoring and search and rescue operations. Cobra manufactured the 32kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.  

Sustainability Options for Automotive and Watersports
Sustainability has a been a key focus for the Cobra Waterports division and CAC, the Cobra automotive business unit. At JEC World 2022, Cobra will showcase the increasing material and process options it has developed with both bio-resin and natural fibre reinforcements variants presented alongside more traditional carbon fibre parts.

Visitors will be able to get up close to a new Bio SUP Wingfoil board featuring a basalt, flax, bamboo and GreenPoxy bio-epoxy construction created for partners NSP, as well as state-of-the-art compression moulded prepreg foils. Cobra’s first fully recyclable surfboard incorporating the Recyclamine® resin technology that Cobra was recognised for in the 2020 JEC Innovation Awards will also be on display alongside a new Audi e-tron foil by Aerofoils – the world’s safest electric hydrofoil board.

The CAC team (Automotive Business Unit of Cobra) will present a set of OEM mirror cap parts that showcase a range of carbon SMC, woven visual carbon, pure woven visual flax, hybrid flax-carbon and painted flax construction options for the same component.  Clear carbon aesthetic and structural parts including CAC made M-carbon components for the BMW S 1000 RR Motorcycle will furthermore underline the high quality and eye-for-detail for which CAC is renowned.

Carbon Prosthetics
An entirely new composite application for the company, Cobra will also show two composite prosthetic devices at JEC which were productionised by the in-house design and development team. Working alongside a leading Thai university and a medical device OEM, Cobra created a rapid and cost effective series production process for a lightweight carbon fibre prosthetic foot. In another example of lightweight composites creating major quality of life improvements, Cobra has also designed and manufactured a carbon and glass fibre prepreg foot support for Elysium Industries.

Weitere Informationen:
COBRA Composites UAV

Cobra International


Sitip at Performance Days

  • Focus on the embossing technique applied to the recycled fabrics collection of the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line

Performance Days, the leading trade fair on the latest trends in the development of fabrics for the functional textile industry, has as main focus the PERFORMANCE FORUM, where the most recent innovations and developments are presented with a prize awarded to the winner of the category chosen for the current year, which for 2022 will be “The Journey to Carbon Neutrality - CO2 Reducing Technologies and Measuring Tools”.

Protagonists are therefore all those materials that contain carbon in reduced form and the strategies/technologies that companies implement to ensure the reduction of CO2 emissions during production and how these reductions are actually measured (through energy saving, careful use of resources, use of more sustainable materials, local production and other technological and production measures).

  • Focus on the embossing technique applied to the recycled fabrics collection of the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line

Performance Days, the leading trade fair on the latest trends in the development of fabrics for the functional textile industry, has as main focus the PERFORMANCE FORUM, where the most recent innovations and developments are presented with a prize awarded to the winner of the category chosen for the current year, which for 2022 will be “The Journey to Carbon Neutrality - CO2 Reducing Technologies and Measuring Tools”.

Protagonists are therefore all those materials that contain carbon in reduced form and the strategies/technologies that companies implement to ensure the reduction of CO2 emissions during production and how these reductions are actually measured (through energy saving, careful use of resources, use of more sustainable materials, local production and other technological and production measures).

In this sense, Sitip’s strategy for reducing CO2 emissions and maximizing the use of resources is based on consolidating and optimizing the layout and logistics of the production plants, installing a cogeneration plant and a new generation smoke smoke abatement system and the transition to an energy-saving lighting system.

Regarding products, at Performance Days Sitip brings its latest innovations with an absolute focus on the embossing technique, a particular system of mechanical processes that can also be used on the recycled items from the NATIVE Sustainable Textiles line, a technology that is applied to fabrics produced with recycled yarns and chemicals with low environmental impact, implementing the GRS standard (Global Recycle Standard), result of the journey towards sustainability implemented by the company.

The collection of embossed designs combines performance, style and sustainability: thanks to special mechanical processes that combine heat and pressure, the fabric is embossed with geometric and design motifs for a more structured and palpable texture.

Weitere Informationen:
Performance Days SITIP carbon neutrality



SHIMA SEIKI to Exhibit at JEC World 2022

Leading Japanese textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will exhibit at the upcoming JEC World 2022 exposition to be held in Paris, France next month.

On display will be the P-CAM®131 multi-ply computerized cutting machine (NC cutting machine). SHIMA SEIKI's fast, efficient and reliable P-CAM® series computerized cutting machines are known for their innovative functions and Made-in-Japan quality, and boast the largest market share in Japan. At JEC World P-CAM®131 is shown in its most compact form, featuring a cutting area of 1,300 mm x 1,700 mm, with option for expansion. Its multi-ply cutting capability allows up to 1 inch (33mm) of fabric or material to be cut. A knife sharpening system produces a sharp, strong blade every time. Strong, robust components permit quicker response times for knife movement and more accurate cutting composites and other industrial materials. The P-CAM® lineup is ideally suited to global production in a wide range of industrial applications in addition to apparel and textiles.

Leading Japanese textile solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan will exhibit at the upcoming JEC World 2022 exposition to be held in Paris, France next month.

On display will be the P-CAM®131 multi-ply computerized cutting machine (NC cutting machine). SHIMA SEIKI's fast, efficient and reliable P-CAM® series computerized cutting machines are known for their innovative functions and Made-in-Japan quality, and boast the largest market share in Japan. At JEC World P-CAM®131 is shown in its most compact form, featuring a cutting area of 1,300 mm x 1,700 mm, with option for expansion. Its multi-ply cutting capability allows up to 1 inch (33mm) of fabric or material to be cut. A knife sharpening system produces a sharp, strong blade every time. Strong, robust components permit quicker response times for knife movement and more accurate cutting composites and other industrial materials. The P-CAM® lineup is ideally suited to global production in a wide range of industrial applications in addition to apparel and textiles.

Also available for video display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible because flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-toform and with added thickness. Therefore, savings in post-processing time, cost, material and labor as compared to current methods of preform production are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.



(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

The Sustainable Apparel Forum brings together government representatives and industry leaders

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

Speakers of the SAF include Dr Tawfiq-e-elahi Chowdhury, Bir Bikrom, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on power, energy and mineral resources; Salman F Rahman, MP, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on private industry & investment; Tipu Munshi, MP, commerce minister of Bangladesh; Begum Monnujan Sufian, MP, state minister for labor and employment of Bangladesh; Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP, chairman of parliamentary standing committee on ministry of environment, forest and climate change of Bangladesh;  Anna Athanasopoulou, head of unit for social economy & creative industries European Commission;  Barbara Bijelic, financial sector and regulatory engagement lead centre for responsible business conduct, OECD;  Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu, sectors engagement lead, UNFCCC; Gagan Bansal, global material innovation & strategy manager, H&M; Javier Santonja Olcina,  regional head, Bangladesh & Pakistan, Inditex; Faruque Hassan, president, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA); Dr Mark Anner, founding director, Center for Global Workers’ Rights and also professor, Penn State University, USA; Ayesha Barenblat, founder and CEO, Remake;  Najet Draper, vice president research, Better Buying; and  Tuomo Poutiainen,  country director, Bangladesh, ILO.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

(c) Officina39

Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab present “Circular Explorations: Recipe for Change”

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

This collaborative and educational project showcases the use of waste as a resource and prolonging the life of the garment through color. It came to life thanks to key brands who donated items that were then transformed by Officina39’s Recycrom™ applications into a renewed head-to-toe look that was then displayed as an art installation.

What’s the Recipe for change? For Officina39 and Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab, this question gives shape to the collaborative and educational project Circular Explorations, specially presented at Amsterdam Denim Days Festival on April 22-23.

Sharing ground values and a common view on the fashion of tomorrow, Officina39, Italian based Chemistry plus Creativity company for the textile sector, joined hands with Adriana Galijasevic’s Cocircular Lab and influential brands to celebrate the importance of an ongoing commitment towards circularity.

Several donated items – overstock, second-grade production or damaged, unsold pieces – were updated with newly developed applications made with Officina39’s Recycrom™, the one-of-a-kind, patented dyestuffs range made from textile waste. This Circular Explorations capsule is displayed at Denim Days Festival as an art installation, not only to dress people but also to get them acquainted with circularity because they are an important player in closing the loop.

The Recipe for change that emerges from this color research is based on important values and keywords:

  • Consciousness – awareness of oneself and one's surroundings
  • Courage – the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
  • Creativity – the power to imagine and produce new possibilities.
  • Connection – a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else, the act or state of connecting.
  • Collaboration – the act of working together for a common goal.

Combined together, they produce CHANGE, which is a driving force for a better tomorrow.

This collaborative and innovative project that addresses circularity is also in direct support of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular number 12-Responsible Consumption and Production, number 9-Industry innovation & Infrastructure and number 17-Partnership for the Goals.


Officina39 / Menabò

(c) Eton

More localised and automated textile manufacturing with TMAS technologies

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

At the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24 – members of the Swedish Textile Machinery Association TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing.

Digitalisation and the push for more sustainable, shorter and less expensive supply chains are currently making manufacturing in high-cost countries within Europe more attractive and there have been many other contributing factors to this over the past two years.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of many countries to shortages of essential items like PPE while at the same time making the full exploitation of new digital options essential during national lock-downs and long periods of restricted travel. The escalating cost of global transportation, as well as the growth of online retailing and the associated benefits of on-demand digital manufacturing, are further reinforcing the many benefits of short-run and near-shore new operations.

Secure supply
At Texprocess, for example, Eton Systems will be unveiling its latest Ingenious software solution which further enhances the company’s Opta Unit Production System (UPS) introduced in 2021.

“Our automated technology has already had a great impact on the productivity of thousands of garment production lines,” says Eton’s Managing Director Jerker Krabbe. “Our systems help producers across the world to reduce repetitive manual tasks and increase efficiency, which evens out some of the differences between production in high and low-cost countries, making reshoring a feasible option. Creating a diversified production portfolio with a mix of production facilities, some closer to home, makes for a more secure product supply.”

Imogo meanwhile recently installed the first industrial scale dyeing system in Sweden for many years. The Dye-Max spray dyeing line has the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. It is capable of carrying out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing users with unbeatable flexibility in production.

“Here in Scandinavia, we are currently seeing an explosion of companies developing sustainable new cellulosic fibres – many from waste clothing – but a problem is that all of the environmental benefits they deliver can potentially be lost in the further processing, and especially in conventional dyeing,” observes the company’s Founding Partner Per Stenflo. “The Dye-Max system positively addresses this, but interest in it has not just been confined to Europe. We are currently seeing a lot of activity in Turkey – largely as a near-shore partner to European brands – but also in Bangladesh.”

Robotics at Heimtextil
ACG Kinna Automatic specialises in automation solutions for filled products such as quilts, pillows and mattresses and its live demonstrations of robotics in action have proved a magnet for visitors to Heimtextil. This year’s show will be no exception.

“The use of robotics is now standard across many industries dealing in solid goods, but the handling of soft materials such as textiles is a little more complex,” says Managing Director Christian Moore. “Nevertheless, it’s something we have successfully mastered, and our robotic systems are proving highly beneficial to their users. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution when it comes to automation and our approach is always to carefully examine where it will make the difference in each bespoke system. A focus is on identifying and eliminating bottlenecks which will increase product flows.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, ACG Kinna drew on all of its automation know-how and extensive network of contacts to build a new nonwovens fabric converting and single-use garment making-up plant in a matter of weeks, in order to supply the Swedish authorities with urgently-needed medical gowns.

Instant colour
Localised textile production is also booming in the USA, where Coloreel has recently secured multiple orders for its instant thread colouration technology via its US partner Hirsch.

“Coloreel technology enables the high-quality and instant colouring of a textile thread while it is actually being used in production and can be paired with any existing embroidery machine without modification, while also making it possible to produce gradients in an embroidery for the first time,” explains VP of Sales Sven Öquist.

“Advanced rapid colour formulation software and high-speed drive technology allow a single needle to carry out what it previously required many multiples of them to do – and with much more consistent stitch quality. By instantly colouring a recycled white base thread during production, our system enables complete freedom to create unique embroideries without any limitations. Colour changes along the thread can either be made rapidly from one solid colour to another, or gradually, to make smooth transitions or any colouring effect desired. This provides big benefits when it comes to sustainability and design creativity.”

Svegea will be promoting its latest EC 300 collarette cutting machine at Texprocess 2022. This machine is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as waistbands, cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. With its E-Drive 2 system and fully automatic FA500 roll slitter, the EC 300 has an output of around 20,000 metres per hour.

“Advances in automation are only making the specialised, bespoke machines we engineer even more efficient and we are expecting a very busy year,” says Managing Director Håkan Steene. “The garment components our collarette cutters produce make it logical for them to be integrated into the operations of making-up operations, wherever they are.”

The advanced yarn tension monitoring technologies of Eltex of Sweden meanwhile play an essential role in rectifying defects in  weaving, tufting and composite reinforcement operations.

“A correct tension of the warp and weft threads ensures proper machine operation,” explains Eltex Global Marketing and Sales Manager Anoop K. Sharma “The constant tension monitoring and automatic control of the tension of the thread help to overcome unnecessary problems.

“We continue to make advances in both the hardware and software of our tension monitoring systems, such as the EyE™ for the warping process. With the EyE™, the yarn tension values from all yarns are continuously updated and displayed on screen. In addition, tension values outside the warning level are indicated both on the sensor’s LEDs and on the screen for complete quality control. No fabric can be woven without the appropriate and correct tension.”

Weitere Informationen:
TMAS Texprocess Techtextil Heimtextil

AWOL Media


CHIC Spring 2022 erneut verschoben

  • Herbstausgabe vom 29.-31. August 2022 in Shanghai

Die im Mai in Nanjing vorgesehene Ausgabe der CHIC Spring erfordert eine erneute Verschiebung aufgrund der pandemischen Entwicklung von Covid 19 in China. Die Veranstalter konzentrieren sich auf die Herbstausgabe der CHIC in Shanghai. Vom 29.-31. August werden die neuesten Trends auf dem chinesischen Konsumentenmarkt im National Exhibition and Convention Center gezeigt.

Das Messekonzept wird für die Herbstausgabe überarbeitet, zu der ca. 900 Austeller erwartet werden. Bereits im Vorfeld informiert das Format CHIC LIVESTREAMING bei Talks mit Branchenexperten auf Social Media über relevante Themen. Ebenfalls gelauncht wird der Messebereich CHIC LIST OF THE BEST. Basierend auf industrieinternen Recherchen werden hier Best Practice Beispiele und besonders erfolgreiche Brands in den Bereichen Research and Design, Cultural Values, Technical Innovation, Best selling, etc. gezeigt.

  • Herbstausgabe vom 29.-31. August 2022 in Shanghai

Die im Mai in Nanjing vorgesehene Ausgabe der CHIC Spring erfordert eine erneute Verschiebung aufgrund der pandemischen Entwicklung von Covid 19 in China. Die Veranstalter konzentrieren sich auf die Herbstausgabe der CHIC in Shanghai. Vom 29.-31. August werden die neuesten Trends auf dem chinesischen Konsumentenmarkt im National Exhibition and Convention Center gezeigt.

Das Messekonzept wird für die Herbstausgabe überarbeitet, zu der ca. 900 Austeller erwartet werden. Bereits im Vorfeld informiert das Format CHIC LIVESTREAMING bei Talks mit Branchenexperten auf Social Media über relevante Themen. Ebenfalls gelauncht wird der Messebereich CHIC LIST OF THE BEST. Basierend auf industrieinternen Recherchen werden hier Best Practice Beispiele und besonders erfolgreiche Brands in den Bereichen Research and Design, Cultural Values, Technical Innovation, Best selling, etc. gezeigt.

Die CHIC wird von Beijing Fashion Expo Co. Ltd. und China World Exhibitions organisiert, gesponsert von der China National Garment Association, dem China World Trade Center und dem SubCouncil of Textil Industry (CCPIT).

Weitere Informationen:
CHIC, Messe, Asien CHIC Shanghai


(c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd@Texprocess 2022 – #LetsTalkWorkflow

Zünd präsentiert auf der Texprocess in Frankfurt Softwaretools für jeden Teilprozess des Textilzuschnitts im Zusammenspiel mit leistungsstarken, auf Effizienz ausgerichteten digitalen Schneidsystemen.

Ein digitalisierter und automatisierter Produktionsworkflow ist entscheidend für die wirtschaftliche und standardisierte Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Dies unterstützt Zünd durch vielseitige Automatisierungslösungen, die der Schweizer Gesamtlösungsanbieter für den Textilzuschnitt auf seinem Messestand in Frankfurt vorstellen wird. Sie helfen, die Aufbereitung von Druck- und Schneiddaten zu automatisieren und zu standardisieren, unterstützen bei der Produktionsüberwachung und -analyse, steuern den Zuschnitt und vereinfachen die Entnahme von Schnittteilen und die Logistik.

Zünd präsentiert auf der Texprocess in Frankfurt Softwaretools für jeden Teilprozess des Textilzuschnitts im Zusammenspiel mit leistungsstarken, auf Effizienz ausgerichteten digitalen Schneidsystemen.

Ein digitalisierter und automatisierter Produktionsworkflow ist entscheidend für die wirtschaftliche und standardisierte Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Dies unterstützt Zünd durch vielseitige Automatisierungslösungen, die der Schweizer Gesamtlösungsanbieter für den Textilzuschnitt auf seinem Messestand in Frankfurt vorstellen wird. Sie helfen, die Aufbereitung von Druck- und Schneiddaten zu automatisieren und zu standardisieren, unterstützen bei der Produktionsüberwachung und -analyse, steuern den Zuschnitt und vereinfachen die Entnahme von Schnittteilen und die Logistik.

Die modular aufgebaute Software MindCut Studio enthält alle essenziellen Funktionen für jede Prozessphase der Textil- und Bekleidungsfertigung. Die Software erkennt zuverlässig die Stoffmusterung und Materialverzug, kompensiert diesen und verschachtelt die Schnittteile platz- und materialsparend auf dem Textil. Angesichts steigender Materialkosten ist die maximale Materialausnutzung von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Software bietet flexibel die passsende Variante für den Musterabgleich, unabhängig davon, ob das Textil gestreift, kariert oder digital bedruckt ist.

Für eine effiziente Teileentnahme müssen fertig geschnittene Teile schnell und eindeutig identifizierbar sein. Projizierte Farbcodes und Teileinformationen unterstützen den Bediener beim Absortieren. Und schliesslich wird auch die Teileentnahme mittels Projektion und Monitoranzeige visuell unterstützt.  

Zünd Cutter sind fixer Bestandteil in integrierten Produktionsprozessen. Damit können Bekleidungs- und Möbelhersteller Prozesse automatisieren und gleichzeitig den Datenfluss optimieren. Das Resultat sind deutlich höhere Durchsätze, niedrigere Fehlerquoten und Arbeitskosten, was zu einer deutlich gesteigerten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit beiträgt. Dem Messepublikum stellt Zünd seinen D3 Cutter mit zwei Produktionsbalken vor. Die Balken können jeweils mit bis zu drei verschiedenen Modulen ausgerüstet werden, wodurch sich der Materialdurchsatz massiv erhöht. Die intelligente Cutter-Steuerung verteilt die Aufträge optimal und sorgt so für maximale Produktivität.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG

(c) Huntsman Textile Effects

Huntsman Textile Effects at Performance Days 2022

Huntsman Textile Effects, a global leader in innovative solutions and environmentally sustainable products, is featuring high-performance end-to-end systems for protection effects and sustainable solutions for any wear at Performance Days on April 27-28, 2022, in Munich, Germany.

With more consumers seeking comfort and protection when buying sportwear, they expect their sports apparel to dry quickly, resist stains and odors, and offer breathability. Achieving these functionalities with on-trend aesthetics whilst realizing sustainability, are possible.

Huntsman Textile Effects, a global leader in innovative solutions and environmentally sustainable products, is featuring high-performance end-to-end systems for protection effects and sustainable solutions for any wear at Performance Days on April 27-28, 2022, in Munich, Germany.

With more consumers seeking comfort and protection when buying sportwear, they expect their sports apparel to dry quickly, resist stains and odors, and offer breathability. Achieving these functionalities with on-trend aesthetics whilst realizing sustainability, are possible.

Resource saving solutions
Huntsman will introduce the AVITERA® SE Fast process at Performance Days. The revolutionary technology delivers the lowest environmental impact for dyeing polyester-cellulosic (PES-CO) blends. It combines alkali-clearable TERASIL® W/WW disperse dyes and AVITERA® SE reactive dyes to cut processing time from around nine hours to just six, helps mills reduce the water and energy required for production by up to 50% and increases output by up to 25% or more while delivering outstanding wet-fastness to ensure that sportswear will not bleed or stain during home laundering, or while in storage or transit.

EROPON® E3-SAVE is another next-generation water saving innovation. An all-in-one textile auxiliary for PES processing, it allows pre-souring, dyeing and reduction clearing to be combined in a single bath and eliminates the need for anti-foaming products, which shortens processing time and saves water and energy.

Eco-friendly stain and rain resistance
In partnership with Chemours, Huntsman will present the new eco-friendly finishes that repel water and stains, and help garments looking new for longer. Teflon™ EcoElite with Zelan™ R3 technology contains 63% plant-based materials and is the industry’s first renewably sourced water-repellent finish. It exceeds performance levels possible with traditional fluorinated technologies, with excellent water repellency and durability while reserving breathability.

Innovative odor control solutions
Huntsman will also showcase revolutionary antimicrobial and odor-control solutions as part of their partnership with Sciessent. Sciessent’s latest anti-odor technology – NOBO™ specifically developed to reduce odors in natural and synthetic fabrics. It can be incorporated into virtually any fabric – from base layer and activewear tops to socks and underwear to jeans and chinos. It offers a cost-effective way to upgrade everyday garments.

In addition, the partners will also present Sciessent’s Agion Active X2®, a next-generation odor-control solution that combines advanced antimicrobial and odor-absorbing technologies to both capture and fight odor-causing bacteria, and Lava X2®, a standalone odor adsorption product and key component of Agion Active X2® that attracts, absorbs and degrades odors for long-lasing odor protection.



Huntsman Textile Effects

(c) Officina+39

Officina39 presents Trustainable™ collection FW 23 at Kingpins

Chemistry plus creativity” is Officina39’s new tagline expressing the most important values at the core of the company’s approach, founded on a deep understanding of sustainability. Embracing the “plus” that used to feature as part of the Officina39 logo, it now takes the shape of a true formula of innovation that echoes throughout the renovated brand look that the company is introducing for the first time at Kingpins.

The latest addition to the Trustainable™ collection is Aqualess Fade, a technology that recreates the bleaching effect of chlorine on fabrics, a waterless special compound for the discoloration of denim on indigo/black garments which is reducing resource consumption and environmental impact. This innovation completes and integrates Aqualess Mission, a combination of technologies that allows garment laundry processes to reduce 75% of the water use.

Chemistry plus creativity” is Officina39’s new tagline expressing the most important values at the core of the company’s approach, founded on a deep understanding of sustainability. Embracing the “plus” that used to feature as part of the Officina39 logo, it now takes the shape of a true formula of innovation that echoes throughout the renovated brand look that the company is introducing for the first time at Kingpins.

The latest addition to the Trustainable™ collection is Aqualess Fade, a technology that recreates the bleaching effect of chlorine on fabrics, a waterless special compound for the discoloration of denim on indigo/black garments which is reducing resource consumption and environmental impact. This innovation completes and integrates Aqualess Mission, a combination of technologies that allows garment laundry processes to reduce 75% of the water use.

Traditional systems usually use about 52 liters of water for a pair of jeans, while Officina39’s cutting-edge technology employs only 12.5 liters without affecting the quality of the final product. Until now, the process included three eco-friendly technologies: Novascraper Indigo, a laser finishing technique that adds a natural, vintage look to denim garments; OZ-ONE Powder, an advanced product to give garments a bleached yet eco-friendly treatment, for a worn and distressed look; and Aqualess Aged, a waterless compound to give denim abrasion effects.

“In our field, the word “less” is to be found pretty much everywhere you look: less water, less energy, less impact and the list goes on. So I asked myself if we could work on implementing the word “plus” in this collection.” stated Stefano Parrotta, Officina39 Technical Manager. “And the answer, of course, was yes: we thought of all the ways in which the idea of more (plus) best represents what we do – more passion, more creativity, more collaboration, more inspiration, more Officina39. I think it is important to look for what the industry needs more of and the word “plus” perfectly embodies that!”



Sappi auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2022 in Berlin (c) Sappi Europa
Sappi auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2022

Sappi auf der FESPA Global Print Expo 2022 in Berlin

  • Dye Sublimation Papers, die Farbe zum Leben erwecken

Auf der kommenden FESPA Global Print Expo 2022 (31. Mai bis 3. Juni) in Berlin wird der Spezialpapierhersteller Sappi sein umfangreiches Portfolio an gestrichenen und ungestrichenen Sublimationspapieren, Papieren für Wellpappanwendungen und Silikonbasispapieren vorstellen. Auf Europas bedeutendster Fachmesse für Sieb- und Digitaldruck, Großformatdruck und Textildruck können sich die Besucher am Stand 4.2-D20 von den vielfältigen Qualitäten und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Sappi-Papiere überzeugen:

  • Dye Sublimation Papers, die Farbe zum Leben erwecken

Auf der kommenden FESPA Global Print Expo 2022 (31. Mai bis 3. Juni) in Berlin wird der Spezialpapierhersteller Sappi sein umfangreiches Portfolio an gestrichenen und ungestrichenen Sublimationspapieren, Papieren für Wellpappanwendungen und Silikonbasispapieren vorstellen. Auf Europas bedeutendster Fachmesse für Sieb- und Digitaldruck, Großformatdruck und Textildruck können sich die Besucher am Stand 4.2-D20 von den vielfältigen Qualitäten und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Sappi-Papiere überzeugen:

•    das umfassende Portfolio an Sublimationspapieren erleben
•    über die Pläne von Sappi zur Unterstützung des weiteren Marktwachstums erfahren
•    Referenzprodukte für die Wellpappenherstellung sehen
•    gesamte Palette der Silikonbasispapiere entdecken
Investition in den Ausbau der Produktionskapazitäten für Sublimationspapiere
Sappis Thema für die diesjährige FESPA Global Print Expo lautet "Säen. Gedeihen. Ernten." Sappi, einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Spezialpapieren, hat die schnell wachsende Bedeutung von Sublimationspapieren für den digitalen Transferdruck erkannt und damit ein Zeichen gesetzt. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich angekündigt, dass es in den nächsten zwei Jahren einen niedrigen zweistelligen Millioneneurobetrag in den Ausbau seines "Centre of Excellence" für Spezialpapiere am Standort Carmignano in Norditalien investieren wird. Die Investition zielt darauf ab, die Produktionskapazität zu erhöhen, um das Wachstum des Geschäfts mit Sublimationspapieren zu unterstützen. Außerdem werden der erstklassige Service des Unternehmens weiter verbessert und die Lieferzeiten verkürzt.

Umfassendes Produktportfolio an Sublimationspapieren für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen
Dank früherer Investitionen ist Sappi ideal aufgestellt, um ein umfangreiches Portfolio an Sublimationspapieren für den digitalen Transferdruck anzubieten. Diese werden ständig verbessert und an die neuesten Marktanforderungen und Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit angepasst. Sublimationspapiere werden in der Mode-, Heimtextil-, Sportbekleidungs- und Sportausrüstungsbranche sowie in der Soft- Signage- und Hartsubstratindustrie eingesetzt.

In diesem Jahr werden alle Papiere mit neuen Designs und Materialien ausgestellt, um den Besuchern einen bestmöglichen Überblick und Einblick in die zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu geben, die an eine Vielzahl von Maschinentypen und -geschwindigkeiten angepasst sind. Neben Sappi Basejet, einem ungestrichenen Sublimationspapier, wird auch die komplette Produktfamilie der Marke Transjet vorgestellt.

Hochwertige Papiere für Wellpappenanwendungen
Für Anwendungen wie Werbedisplays, hochwertige Verpackungen oder E-Commerce-Kartons bietet Sappi ein Portfolio an gestrichenen und ungestrichenen Liner-Qualitäten. Diese garantieren eine brillante Farbwiedergabe sowie einen hervorragenden Kontrast und eine verbesserte Lesbarkeit. Die zu 100 Prozent aus Frischfasern hergestellten Liner der Fusion-Serie sind die heutigen Premium-Lösungen für Displays, Verbraucherverpackungen, regalfertige Verpackungen und Schalen. Mit ihrer homogenen Oberfläche und ihrem hohen Weißgrad erfüllen die Frischfaser-Liner alle Voraussetzungen für eine starke Markenwirkung am POS.

Ein komplettes Spektrum an Silikonbasispapieren
Silikonbasispapiere ergänzen das Portfolio von Sappi auf der diesjährigen FESPA. Sie wurden als Trägerpapier für selbstklebende Anwendungen wie Automobilfolien, Außenwerbung und Büromaterialien entwickelt und bieten außergewöhnliche Silikonisierungseigenschaften sowie eine einfache und effiziente Verarbeitung.

Weitere Informationen:
Sappi Europe Fespa Global Expo

Sappi Europe

Hypetex at JEC World 2022 (c) Hypetex
Hypetex® to Showcase Coloured Carbon and Flax Fibre Solutions

Hypetex at JEC World 2022

  • Hypetex® to Showcase Coloured Carbon and Flax Fibre Solutions
  • Hypetex, London, April 20 2022, Booth R52, Hall 6

Hypetex, the market leaders in colouring carbon and natural fibre materials, will demonstrate both the processing and sustainability benefits of its patented colourisation technology when it exhibits for the first time at JEC World 2022.

  • Hypetex® to Showcase Coloured Carbon and Flax Fibre Solutions
  • Hypetex, London, April 20 2022, Booth R52, Hall 6

Hypetex, the market leaders in colouring carbon and natural fibre materials, will demonstrate both the processing and sustainability benefits of its patented colourisation technology when it exhibits for the first time at JEC World 2022.

Exhibiting as part of the Composites UK stand (Booth R52), Hypetex will display its portfolio of uniquely coloured carbon fibre materials including 3K woven styles, ultra-lightweight spread tow fabrics, UD, and 3D materials. Hypetex will also present details of its latest eco-friendly coloured flax materials  which combine sustainably grown natural flax with sustainable colouring technologies. Hypetex patented colouring technology, available in an extensive palette of standard and bespoke colours and shades, can be applied to traditional woven fabric constructions, non-woven UDs, spread tow and bespoke fabric designs. The technology replaces a traditional coloured painted finish, providing an exceptional depth of colour to any composite part, improving thermal conductivity and reducing heat absorption ,whilst reducing the overall weight and processing time with no compromise to the mechanical performance of the composite structure.

By removing the need for painting, and the associated preparation steps, Hypetex technology provides manufacturers with a repeatable straight out of the mould coloured finish, that is not only easy to integrate into all composite processes, but also takes additional materials, consumables, and process time out of the component cost. As part of its continued commitment to leading the drive for more sustainable composite solutions, and its focus on improvements based on the ESG framework. Hypetex will also display its new range of coloured flax fibre textiles. The advanced colouring technology used protects the natural flax fibres throughout the high temperature processes required for composite production, avoiding burning or any discolouration issues common to natural fibres. In addition, Hypetex colouring solution is an ecofriendly sustainable alternative to traditional dyeing processes which are a significant cause of global water pollution.

The Hypetex team will be on hand throughout the show to provide additional details on Hypetex materials and their integration into the manufacturing process. Visitors to the Hypetex stand will be able see Hypetex carbon and flax products in raw fabric, and how its unique colour palette translates into the most distinctive finished moulded components. Hypetex partners SHD Composites, Textreme, Sigmatex and Angeloni will also have materials and components on display at JEC World 2022, including sporting equipment such as racquets, sticks, and skateboards, which highlight the massive range of processing options and potential applications for this novel technology. One such application, the adidas Kromaskin field hockey stick, with a unique Hypetex coloured Textreme spread tow carbon finish, will also be part of the JEC Innovation Planets feature.


100% Marketing

(c) STFI / Dirk Hanus

STFI zeigt nachhaltige Leichtbauneuheiten zur JEC

Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) stehen im Jahr 2022 aktuelle Entwicklungen, die sich dem Recycling und der Nachhaltigkeit von Leichtbauwerkstoffen widmen. Der Einsatz von rezyklierten Hochleistungsfasern wird an diversen Anwendungsbeispielen aus den Bereichen Sport und Freizeit sowie Mobilität erlebbar gemacht. Beispielsweise werden die Ergebnisse des zum 30.03.2022 beendeten IGF-Vorhabens „VliesSMC“ präsentiert. Gemeinsam mit dem Forschungspartner Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, wurde im Rahmen des Projektes der Einsatz von rezyklierten Carbonfasern in der SMC-Prozesskette detailliert untersucht. Hierzu wurden zunächst Vliesstoffe entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, die rezyklierten Carbonfasern der SMC-Anlage zuzuführen. Die hergestellten SMC-Halbzeuge konnten anschließend sowohl im Form- als auch Fließpressverfahren verarbeitet werden. Der Benchmark mit konventionellen SMC-Produkten zeigte, dass bei niedrigerem Faservolumengehalt vergleichbare Kennwerte erzielt werden konnten.

Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) stehen im Jahr 2022 aktuelle Entwicklungen, die sich dem Recycling und der Nachhaltigkeit von Leichtbauwerkstoffen widmen. Der Einsatz von rezyklierten Hochleistungsfasern wird an diversen Anwendungsbeispielen aus den Bereichen Sport und Freizeit sowie Mobilität erlebbar gemacht. Beispielsweise werden die Ergebnisse des zum 30.03.2022 beendeten IGF-Vorhabens „VliesSMC“ präsentiert. Gemeinsam mit dem Forschungspartner Fraunhofer ICT, Pfinztal, wurde im Rahmen des Projektes der Einsatz von rezyklierten Carbonfasern in der SMC-Prozesskette detailliert untersucht. Hierzu wurden zunächst Vliesstoffe entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, die rezyklierten Carbonfasern der SMC-Anlage zuzuführen. Die hergestellten SMC-Halbzeuge konnten anschließend sowohl im Form- als auch Fließpressverfahren verarbeitet werden. Der Benchmark mit konventionellen SMC-Produkten zeigte, dass bei niedrigerem Faservolumengehalt vergleichbare Kennwerte erzielt werden konnten.

Zukunftsweisende Materialien bieten zudem die Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Kombination mit biobasierten Harzsystemen. Das Projekt Gro-Coce verfolgte das Ziel, durch die Verbindung nachhaltiger Bauprodukte und -weisen ein innovatives Deckensystem zu entwickeln, welches auf Grundlage der Holz-Beton-Verbundbauweise (HBV-Bauweise) als ökonomische und ökologisch vorteilhafte Alternative zu den momentan vorherrschenden, energie- und ressourcenintensiven Deckenkonstruktionen aus Stahlbeton funktioniert. Das Deckensystem besteht aus Holzstegen, deren Zugzone durch hochleistungsfähige hanffaserbasierte Armierungstextilien verstärkt wird. Dadurch gelingt eine deutliche Reduktion des notwendigen Holzquerschnittes und eine anforderungsgerechtere sowie verantwortungsvollere Nutzung des Querschnitts für alle üblichen Spannweiten des Hoch- und Geschossbaus. Ziel war die Verwirklichung hoher mechanischer Kennwerte der Fasern, bei gleichzeitig geringer Streuung der Materialeigenschaften, um ein im Vergleich zu industriell gefertigten Fasern konkurrenzfähiges und nachhaltiges Produkt aufbieten zu können.

Zudem stellt das STFI neueste Möglichkeiten zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung von Organoblechen vor. Unter Einsatz einer Intervallheißpresse wurden in den letzten Jahren Organobleche auf Basis unterschiedlichster Verstärkungsstrukturen in Kombination mit thermoplastischen Matrixsystemen entwickelt. Die Palette reicht dabei vom industrieüblichen PP und PA bis hin zu hochtemperaturbeständigen Polymeren wie PPS oder PEI.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

(c) COBRA International

COBRA International showcases its portfolio for vehicle systems at AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2022

Cobra International will showcase its portfolio of design and manufacturing solutions for the unmanned vehicle systems sector when the company exhibits alongside long-term partner HiveGround at the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2022 conference.

Taking centre stage on the Cobra stand will be a fully assembled Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for a broad range of survey, monitoring and search and rescue (SAR) operations. Cobra manufactured the 30kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.

Visitors to the Cobra stand will also see the VETAL, a twin rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone with a composite airframe manufactured by Cobra for HiveGround, the Thailand based developer of UAV surveying and robotics systems.

Cobra International will showcase its portfolio of design and manufacturing solutions for the unmanned vehicle systems sector when the company exhibits alongside long-term partner HiveGround at the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2022 conference.

Taking centre stage on the Cobra stand will be a fully assembled Swiftlet UAV. This compact tactical fixed wing UAV platform has a 5.5m wingspan and was developed by the Royal Thai Air Force and National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) for a broad range of survey, monitoring and search and rescue (SAR) operations. Cobra manufactured the 30kg Swiftlet composite airframe using a combination of CNC cut carbon sandwich internal structure and PVC foam sandwich skins using both high grade glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforcements.

Visitors to the Cobra stand will also see the VETAL, a twin rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone with a composite airframe manufactured by Cobra for HiveGround, the Thailand based developer of UAV surveying and robotics systems.

At AUVSI XPONENTIAL, Cobra will also illustrate how the company leverages innovation and expertise developed in its water sports and automotive business to enhance its product offering to the UAV sector. Products on display include a Fliteboard electric foiling surfboard, pre-preg hydrofoil parts, lightweight medical prosthetics, flax and forged carbon parts, as well as a full set of visual carbon and painted automotive trims, each demonstrating the company’s high volume production capacity for ultra-light carbon composite structures.

The show will take place from the 25 to 28 April at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.


COBRA International / 100% Marketing