Aus der Branche

70 Ergebnisse

Indorama Ventures in Obernburg fokussiert sich auf Automobil-Sektor und Spezialitäten

Indorama Ventures am Standort Obernburg wird sich in Zukunft konsequent auf die Kernmärkte Reifen und Automobil-Sicherheit/Airbag sowie Spezialitäten fokussieren und ausgewählte Produkt-Innovationen für die Anwendung in neuen Marktsegmenten vorantreiben. Entsprechend plant das Unternehmen, seine Kapazitäten anzupassen und bis Jahresende etwa 80 der derzeit rund 620 Arbeitsplätze in Produktion und Verwaltung abzubauen.

„Der weltweite Wettbewerbsdruck in der Chemiefaserindustrie hält unverändert an“, sagt Stefan Braun, Geschäftsführer des Unternehmens im Industrie Center Obernburg. „Während unsere Kunden uns als einen ihrer führenden Technologiepartner insbesondere in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Nylon-Garnen schätzen, ist der Kostendruck bei der Herstellung einzelner Polyester-basierter Garne in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich gestiegen. Wir sind deshalb überzeugt, dass wir mit der Fokussierung auf unsere Kernkompetenzen die richtige Entscheidung getroffen haben, um langfristig erfolgreich zu bleiben.“

Indorama Ventures am Standort Obernburg wird sich in Zukunft konsequent auf die Kernmärkte Reifen und Automobil-Sicherheit/Airbag sowie Spezialitäten fokussieren und ausgewählte Produkt-Innovationen für die Anwendung in neuen Marktsegmenten vorantreiben. Entsprechend plant das Unternehmen, seine Kapazitäten anzupassen und bis Jahresende etwa 80 der derzeit rund 620 Arbeitsplätze in Produktion und Verwaltung abzubauen.

„Der weltweite Wettbewerbsdruck in der Chemiefaserindustrie hält unverändert an“, sagt Stefan Braun, Geschäftsführer des Unternehmens im Industrie Center Obernburg. „Während unsere Kunden uns als einen ihrer führenden Technologiepartner insbesondere in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Nylon-Garnen schätzen, ist der Kostendruck bei der Herstellung einzelner Polyester-basierter Garne in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich gestiegen. Wir sind deshalb überzeugt, dass wir mit der Fokussierung auf unsere Kernkompetenzen die richtige Entscheidung getroffen haben, um langfristig erfolgreich zu bleiben.“

Der Stellenabbau betrifft sowohl die Produktion als auch Positionen in der Verwaltung und im Vertrieb. Gemeinsam haben Vertreter des Unternehmens und des Betriebsrats die Mitarbeiter am 04.05.2023 über die aktuelle Lage informiert.

Das Ziel ist es, den Stellenabbau so sozialverträglich wie möglich zu gestalten. „Beschäftigten, die in naher Zukunft das Rentenalter erreichen und das Unternehmen frühzeitig verlassen möchten, stehen wir gesprächsbereit gegenüber“, erklärt Stefan Braun. Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmervertreter verständigen sich in den kommenden Wochen über geeignete Maßnahmen.


Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH

(c) IVL

Indorama Ventures joins “Together for Sustainability” initiative

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has joined “Together for Sustainability” (TfS), a global initiative for sustainable supply chains. Indorama Ventures joins a network of 47 TfS member companies representing the global chemical industry, reinforcing its commitment to driving sustainable solutions in its supply chain management.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has joined “Together for Sustainability” (TfS), a global initiative for sustainable supply chains. Indorama Ventures joins a network of 47 TfS member companies representing the global chemical industry, reinforcing its commitment to driving sustainable solutions in its supply chain management.

By joining TfS, Indorama Ventures is encouraging suppliers to meet high sustainability standards, reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions, and improve overall climate maturity. The collaboration will help foster an expansion of the company’s sustainable supply chain program. The company will contribute to the TfS Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) workstream that developed and finetunes the Guideline for calculating Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) in the chemical industry and beyond and, will develop an IT solution that will enable companies to share PCFs efficiently. This membership allows Indorama Ventures to further align with the UN Global Compact Principles.
Through this initiative, Indorama Ventures will also be partnering with EcoVadis to assess their suppliers to identify risks and opportunities along the value chain, improve sustainability practices, and encourage collaboration among members.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Indorama Ventures and Polymateria sign partnership for biodegradable hygiene products

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) and technology specialist Polymateria Limited have signed an exclusive 10-year partnership to help household brands bring biodegradable nonwoven hygiene products to the market through biotransformation technology.

This collaboration provides a new solution for dealing with essential items like facemasks and wipes once they have been used, ensuring they can return safely to nature without leaving behind any microplastics or toxic residue. It is specifically designed to tackle plastic leaking into the environment as unmanaged waste, meaning it is neither collected for landfill nor recycled. Given that most of the plastic in our oceans originates as unmanaged waste on land, addressing the unmanaged waste challenge is key.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) and technology specialist Polymateria Limited have signed an exclusive 10-year partnership to help household brands bring biodegradable nonwoven hygiene products to the market through biotransformation technology.

This collaboration provides a new solution for dealing with essential items like facemasks and wipes once they have been used, ensuring they can return safely to nature without leaving behind any microplastics or toxic residue. It is specifically designed to tackle plastic leaking into the environment as unmanaged waste, meaning it is neither collected for landfill nor recycled. Given that most of the plastic in our oceans originates as unmanaged waste on land, addressing the unmanaged waste challenge is key.

IVL’s right to use Polymateria’s unique biotransformation technology for nonwovens supports application in non-virgin resin recycling while providing a solution for ‘fugitive’ used articles, especially those items that end up in the natural environment. This biotransformation process involves the plastic transforming into a bioavailable wax in the open terrestrial environment, whereupon the wax is fully consumed by bacteria, microbes and fungi, leaving just carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The pulp component is inherently biodegradable under similar conditions.

Nonwovens made by IVL using Polymateria’s technology have been independently tested against, and meet the criteria in, the BSI PAS 9017 standard for the biodegradation of polyolefins in an open-air terrestrial environment published by the British Standards Institution in October 2020. This standard and/or its criteria – the first in the world to ensure plastic can biotransform in the open terrestrial environment without creating any microplastics – is being adopted around the world including in India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Hungary.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Indorama Ventures: FY22 financial performance

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a record FY22 financial performance from the company’s global manufacturing footprint serving end-consumers’ resilient need for daily necessities. The unusually high level of customer destocking that weighed on the fourth quarter result is expected to have leveled out and business should return to normal operating conditions, with China’s reopening to further spur demand.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a record FY22 financial performance from the company’s global manufacturing footprint serving end-consumers’ resilient need for daily necessities. The unusually high level of customer destocking that weighed on the fourth quarter result is expected to have leveled out and business should return to normal operating conditions, with China’s reopening to further spur demand.

Full-year Core EBITDA climbed 31% YoY to $2.3 billion as revenue rose 28% to a record $18.8 billion. The company recorded strong cash flows of $2.2 billion, up 111% YoY. Indorama Ventures’ geographically diversified, integrated platform, backed by management’s agility, withstood unprecedented global events to generate earnings through the business cycle. During the year, the company continued to focus on its growth plan, successfully integrating its strategic surfactants business in Latin America and Vietnamese packaging acquisition. A dedicated senior team is working tirelessly and is committed to the company’s ‘Vision 2030’ sustainability goals including recycling technologies and introducing biomass feedstock to the company’s product portfolio. The ongoing ‘Project Olympus’ cost transformation program delivered an annual run rate of $449 million in efficiencies.

The annual result was impacted by an unusually challenging final quarter as fears of a recession and reduced transit times led to widespread destocking by customers. 4Q22 Core EBITDA declined 43% YoY to $264 million on a 1% drop in revenue to $3.9 billion. The pandemic lockdown in China also continued into the final quarter, reducing factory demand across Indorama Ventures’ portfolio and resulting in narrower margins from lower prices and higher costs. Higher energy and utility costs impacted European operations as the war in Ukraine continued into the winter.

To improve competitiveness and build resilience, Indorama Ventures rationalized underperforming assets in the Fibers business in Europe and a PTA site in Asia, resulting in a $7 million cash impairment in 4Q22 and a $253 million non-cash impact. As a result, the company looks forward to a $38 million uplift in EBITDA in 2023, reaching up to $65 million by 2025.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Projekt "Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock"

Textilabfälle sind in Europa ein Problem. Von den 7-7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilien, die jedes Jahr entsorgt werden, werden 30-35 % getrennt gesammelt und davon 15-20 % von mittleren und größeren Sortieranlagen in der EU sortiert.

In der Sortierung werden rund 60 % der Textilien als noch tragbar klassifiziert und über Second-Hand-Märkte dem Endverbraucher verfügbar gemacht. Früher oder später ist jedoch jedes Kleidungsstück abgetragen und nicht mehr in der originären Form im Kreislauf zu halten. Um die wertvollen Ressourcen zu erhalten, die aufgewendet wurden, um die Fasern zu gewinnen, wird das Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling immer wichtiger.

Das hochwertige Textilrecycling steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen, es gibt jedoch viele erfolgsversprechende Projekte, die darauf hoffen lassen, dass die verschiedenen Faser-Recycling-Technologien zukünftig in großem Ausmaß eingesetzt werden können. Wenn dies gelingt, könnte die Textilrecyclingindustrie im Jahr 2030 eine Recyclingquote von 18 bis 26 % des gesammelten Textilabfalls erreichen. Dies könnte bis 2030 einen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Wert von 3,5 bis 4,5 Milliarden Euro schaffen.

Textilabfälle sind in Europa ein Problem. Von den 7-7,5 Millionen Tonnen Textilien, die jedes Jahr entsorgt werden, werden 30-35 % getrennt gesammelt und davon 15-20 % von mittleren und größeren Sortieranlagen in der EU sortiert.

In der Sortierung werden rund 60 % der Textilien als noch tragbar klassifiziert und über Second-Hand-Märkte dem Endverbraucher verfügbar gemacht. Früher oder später ist jedoch jedes Kleidungsstück abgetragen und nicht mehr in der originären Form im Kreislauf zu halten. Um die wertvollen Ressourcen zu erhalten, die aufgewendet wurden, um die Fasern zu gewinnen, wird das Faser-zu-Faser-Recycling immer wichtiger.

Das hochwertige Textilrecycling steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen, es gibt jedoch viele erfolgsversprechende Projekte, die darauf hoffen lassen, dass die verschiedenen Faser-Recycling-Technologien zukünftig in großem Ausmaß eingesetzt werden können. Wenn dies gelingt, könnte die Textilrecyclingindustrie im Jahr 2030 eine Recyclingquote von 18 bis 26 % des gesammelten Textilabfalls erreichen. Dies könnte bis 2030 einen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Wert von 3,5 bis 4,5 Milliarden Euro schaffen.

Um eine echte Kreislaufwirtschaft für Textilien in Europa zu ermöglichen, muss massiv in Sortier- und Recyclinganlagen investiert werden. Nur durch die Ausweitung um 150 bis 250 neue und ortsnahe Sortier- und Recyclinganlagen wird es möglich sein, ausreichend Ausgangsmaterial für das Recycling zu generieren, wie in der McKinsey-Studie "Turning waste into value" festgestellt wurde.

Auch bei der Sortierung für Second-Hand-Textilien und Textilien für das Recycling gibt es eine Technologie- und Kapazitätslücke. Um diese zu schließen und um sicherzustellen, dass künftig hochwertige Rohstoffe aus nicht tragbaren Textilabfällen in großem Umfang verfügbar gemacht werden können, wurde das Projekt "Transform Textile Waste into Feedstock" gestartet. Geleitet wird das im Rahmen der ReHubs-Initiative aufgesetzte Projekt von TEXAID, gemeinsam mit namhaften Stakeholdern der textilen Wertschöpfungskette.

Ziel des Projekts ist die Planung einer Sortieranlage, die die Anforderungen an den künftigen Bedarf des Faser-zu-Faser-Recyclings erfüllt und zukünftig nachhaltigere Textilien durch die Verwendung recycelter Fasern ermöglicht. Um ein hochwertiges Textilrecycling zu ermöglichen, hat sich TEXAID bereit erklärt, weitere Sortieranlagen in Europa zu errichten und zu betreiben, die erste mit einer Kapazität von bis zu 50.000 Tonnen bis Ende 2024.

Unternehmen wie Concordia, CuRe Technology, Decathlon, Inditex, Indorama Ventures, L'Atelier des Matières, Lenzing, Marchi & Fildi, PurFi, Södra, Worn Again und andere nehmen an dem Projekt teil, um gemeinsam Technologien und die Wirtschaftlichkeit für die skalierte Sortierung für Wiederverwendung und Recycling zu bewerten. Die ITA Academy GmbH (in Zusammenarbeit mit der RWTH Aachen) wurde zusammen mit CETIA mit der Bewertung der Technologien beauftragt. Das Ergebnis wird ein innovatives Sortiersystem 4.0 sein, das auf funktionsübergreifenden Technologien aufbaut, in deren Mittelpunkt Digitalisierung und Automatisierung stehen.




Gold Medal by EcoVadis for Indorama Ventures

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been awarded the ‘Gold Medal’ by EcoVadis, recognising Indorama Ventures’ commitment to sustainability in supply chain management.

Indorama Ventures participates in the annual EcoVadis assessment to evaluate the company’s sustainable practices and ensure it can meet key customers’ requirements across the different business segments and operations. In 2023, the company achieved the Gold Medal with a score of 77; higher than 2022’s score of 75. Indorama Ventures ranked in the 99th percentile in basic chemical, fertilizers, and nitrogen compound plastics and synthetic rubbers in primary industries of all assessed companies worldwide, with above industry-average performances in all four assessment areas, including environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

EcoVadis is a provider of business sustainability ratings. The assessment indices include more than 200 purchasing categories and 175 countries around the world.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Avgol® announces new line investment at US facility

Avgol® has announced a significant investment in a new high-speed, high-capacity flexible multiple beam production line at its facility in Mocksville, USA.

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, is a leader in the hygiene market with a comprehensive range of ultra-lightweight spun-melt nonwoven fabrics. This new, sixth line at the company’s facility in Mocksville will see Avgol investing in new Reicofil 5 (RF5) technology and underlines the company’s commitment to the region as a domestic supplier. The investment will deliver biocomponent and corresponding high-loft capabilities, with the line producing materials for applications that meet the needs of upper tier products for Hygiene customers.

As part of the investment, Avgol is also introducing extra capacity for meltblown production, ensuring a continuous supply of this critical material for both the region and customers worldwide.

Another aspect of the investment includes the addition of cutting-edge lamination capabilities, which enables Avgol to offer enhanced performance products into the existing markets the company serves, as well as to explore new opportunities in other markets.

Avgol® has announced a significant investment in a new high-speed, high-capacity flexible multiple beam production line at its facility in Mocksville, USA.

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, is a leader in the hygiene market with a comprehensive range of ultra-lightweight spun-melt nonwoven fabrics. This new, sixth line at the company’s facility in Mocksville will see Avgol investing in new Reicofil 5 (RF5) technology and underlines the company’s commitment to the region as a domestic supplier. The investment will deliver biocomponent and corresponding high-loft capabilities, with the line producing materials for applications that meet the needs of upper tier products for Hygiene customers.

As part of the investment, Avgol is also introducing extra capacity for meltblown production, ensuring a continuous supply of this critical material for both the region and customers worldwide.

Another aspect of the investment includes the addition of cutting-edge lamination capabilities, which enables Avgol to offer enhanced performance products into the existing markets the company serves, as well as to explore new opportunities in other markets.



Avgol by Indorama Ventures Limited / PHD Marketing Ltd

(c) Avgol by Indorama Ventures Limited

Avgol® wins Procter & Gamble Supplier Excellence Award

Avgol®, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, has been honoured with the Supplier Excellence Award by leading global brand Procter & Gamble.

The award was in recognition of Avgol, a leader in the manufacture of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, ‘being a notable and valuable supplier over the last fiscal year’ to the P&G Baby Care Business Unit.

Avgol CEO Tommi Bjornman said receiving the honour from P&G for the first time is a source of great pride for the company. “The assessment process for the award focuses on us as the supplier showing outstanding contributions across a range of key categories,” he said. “I am delighted and proud that the Avgol team was unanimously identified as being strongest in terms of our collaboration with the customer, as well as in our continuous improvement efforts across all regions of P&G’s global Baby Care program.

“It was heartening that, in making the award, P&G further noted that Avgol’s efforts have significantly assisted in their own commercial growth during a challenging period for the Hygiene market,” he said.

Avgol®, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, has been honoured with the Supplier Excellence Award by leading global brand Procter & Gamble.

The award was in recognition of Avgol, a leader in the manufacture of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, ‘being a notable and valuable supplier over the last fiscal year’ to the P&G Baby Care Business Unit.

Avgol CEO Tommi Bjornman said receiving the honour from P&G for the first time is a source of great pride for the company. “The assessment process for the award focuses on us as the supplier showing outstanding contributions across a range of key categories,” he said. “I am delighted and proud that the Avgol team was unanimously identified as being strongest in terms of our collaboration with the customer, as well as in our continuous improvement efforts across all regions of P&G’s global Baby Care program.

“It was heartening that, in making the award, P&G further noted that Avgol’s efforts have significantly assisted in their own commercial growth during a challenging period for the Hygiene market,” he said.

In 2018, Indorama Ventures Limited (IVL), a leading petrochemicals producer and global integrated leader in PET and fibres, acquired majority ownership of Avgol, resulting in a focused and faster growth of Avgol Nonwovens.

“With the combined financial, technical, commercial strength and expertise of Avgol and IVL, Avgol has been working hard to develop innovative products, putting sustainability front and centre in our plans for the future and ensuring we deliver the very best product and service to our customers around the world,” said Tommi Bjornman.



Avgol by Indorama Ventures Limited / PHD Marketing Ltd

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures ranked No. 1 in the world by ChemSec

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

The ChemScore ranking was developed by ChemSec, the non-profit International Chemical Secretariat in Sweden that advocates for safer alternatives to toxic chemicals, provide investors with better information to assess companies with strong chemical management strategies, and increased transparency. The ranking covers hazardous chemical portfolios, the development of safer chemicals and circular products, chemical management and company transparency, and responses to controversies, lawsuits, and regulations.

Weitere Informationen:
ChemSec IVL chemical footprint

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures and Faurecia: New range of cushioning solutions for automotives

  • Auraloop is a brand-new range of cushioning solutions made from an innovative structure of Polyester-based fibers, 100% recyclable, aimed at the mobility markets
  • One of the objectives of Auraloop is a twofold reduction in the carbon footprint of car seat pads, currently made from polyurethane foam
  • Auraloop offers an increased level of performance in terms of thermal comfort and durability

R&D teams within the Faurecia seating activity have recently penned an exclusive development agreement with Indorama Ventures. This partnership between Indorama Ventures and Faurecia, a company of FORVIA Group which is one of the largest automotive industry suppliers, has the aim of developing Auraloop, a new range of cushioning solutions for the mobility markets and intended to replace polyurethane foam currently used in car seats.

  • Auraloop is a brand-new range of cushioning solutions made from an innovative structure of Polyester-based fibers, 100% recyclable, aimed at the mobility markets
  • One of the objectives of Auraloop is a twofold reduction in the carbon footprint of car seat pads, currently made from polyurethane foam
  • Auraloop offers an increased level of performance in terms of thermal comfort and durability

R&D teams within the Faurecia seating activity have recently penned an exclusive development agreement with Indorama Ventures. This partnership between Indorama Ventures and Faurecia, a company of FORVIA Group which is one of the largest automotive industry suppliers, has the aim of developing Auraloop, a new range of cushioning solutions for the mobility markets and intended to replace polyurethane foam currently used in car seats.

“By setting out these initial milestones in our close-knit collaboration with Faurecia, this partnership is an integral part of Indorama Ventures’ commitment to expand its existing Polyester (PET)-based portfolio and related activities into wider areas. By bringing together two leading players in the automotive industry, we aim to open up further growth opportunities for both partners”, stated Arnaud Closson, Chief Executive Officer at Indorama Ventures’ Mobility Group / Fibers Segment.

“Auraloop will replace those materials currently used in car seating with innovative and sustainable materials, based on polyester fibers that offer a total recyclability of 100%. This new material will allow for a twofold reduction in the carbon footprint of car seat pad solutions compared to current materials”, explains Nicolas Michot, Director of Technology at Faurecia Seating. Development of this product, which paves the way towards wider commercial release in two or three years, falls within the FORVIA Group strategy of going carbon neutral by 2045. For this, the group is seeking to root its commercial offer fully in the circular economy, with the development and production of sustainable cutting-edge materials under the banner of MATERI’ACT.

Auraloop offers a range of new perspectives in terms of seating comfort thanks to a more open fiber structure and permeability for air than current seating pad solutions, the breathability of seating is improved, enabling a better passive thermal regulation of occupants. The durability of seating is also increased by limited subsidence of the seat over its lifetime. The market for comfort aboard vehicles is constantly growing. The development of Auraloop falls within this dynamic, with a product offering significantly improved performances in terms of static, dynamic and welcoming comfort.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) IVL

Indorama Ventures listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been included as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fourth consecutive year, with a 96 percentile, and the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index (DJSI Emerging Markets) for the sixth successive year, with a 99 percentile. The achievement aligns with IVL's purpose of “reimagining chemistry together to create a better world.”

In 2022, S&P Global invited over 11,000 companies to participate in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Companies with outstanding results were then considered eligible for any DJSI. This year, there were 86 chemical companies that led the field in terms of sustainability and were eligible for the DJSI World, which tracks the performance of the top 10% of the 2,500 largest companies, and 34 chemical companies eligible for the DJSI Emerging Markets, which tracks the performance of the top 10% of the 800 largest Emerging Markets companies. Out of which, IVL is among only 10 chemical companies in the DJSI World and only 3 chemical companies in the DJSI Emerging Markets.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been included as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fourth consecutive year, with a 96 percentile, and the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index (DJSI Emerging Markets) for the sixth successive year, with a 99 percentile. The achievement aligns with IVL's purpose of “reimagining chemistry together to create a better world.”

In 2022, S&P Global invited over 11,000 companies to participate in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Companies with outstanding results were then considered eligible for any DJSI. This year, there were 86 chemical companies that led the field in terms of sustainability and were eligible for the DJSI World, which tracks the performance of the top 10% of the 2,500 largest companies, and 34 chemical companies eligible for the DJSI Emerging Markets, which tracks the performance of the top 10% of the 800 largest Emerging Markets companies. Out of which, IVL is among only 10 chemical companies in the DJSI World and only 3 chemical companies in the DJSI Emerging Markets.

IVL's consistently high ranking in DJSI is driven by the company's ambition to build its industry leadership in sustainability. Under Vision 2030, IVL is committed to reducing GHG intensity by 30% and increasing renewable electricity consumption to 25%. This year, IVL also committed to setting science-based targets through the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The company also participates in the SBTi Expert Advisory Group for the chemicals industry and provides funding for developing chemical sector decarbonization solutions.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Indorama Ventures signs ESG-Linked Revolving Credit Facility

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has signed an ESG-Linked Revolving Credit Facility of €275 million with six syndicate banks, a further boost to the company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability-led corporate financing.

Tied to IVL’s ESG risk rating, the revolving credit facility’s pricing mechanism results in margin adjustments related to management score improvements across the Material ESG Issues as defined by independent sustainability and corporate governance research firms. The facility is available to IVL subsidiaries in Europe for two-years with the option to extend for one more year.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has signed an ESG-Linked Revolving Credit Facility of €275 million with six syndicate banks, a further boost to the company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability-led corporate financing.

Tied to IVL’s ESG risk rating, the revolving credit facility’s pricing mechanism results in margin adjustments related to management score improvements across the Material ESG Issues as defined by independent sustainability and corporate governance research firms. The facility is available to IVL subsidiaries in Europe for two-years with the option to extend for one more year.

The facility is part of IVL’s corporate financing strategy across a range of instruments linked to the company’s ESG and sustainability commitments. In November 2021, the company issued a THB 10 billion triple-tranche Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB), the largest SLB issued in Thailand. IVL is on track to achieve its 2025 ESG goals. More ambitious 2030 targets include a 30% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 combined greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity, 15% reduction in energy intensity, 25% use of renewable electricity, 20% reduction in water intensity, 90% diversion of waste from landfill, recycle 1.5 million tons in PET bale input annually.




Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures’ Deja™ brand named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Chemical Week Sustainability Awards recognize the industry's best efforts in addressing financial, operational, and strategic challenges by focusing on ESG and sustainable product development. The awards were assessed by S&P Global, the world's leading credit rating agency, and a panel of experts from various companies across the chemical industry's value chain.


Indorama Ventures: Resilient YTD earnings in 3Q22

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

Strategic acquisitions, including Oxiteno, are bolstering IVL’s increasingly diverse geographic footprint and product portfolio, supporting earnings through volatile economic conditions. Revenue declined 10% QoQ in 3Q and grew 27% YoY as Combined PET, the largest business segment, saw steady volumes through the year, and new portfolio additions performed strongly, such as surfactants in the Integrated Oxides and Derivatives segment. With more than 70% of IVL’s platform catering to consumer daily necessities, demand remains stable.

Fibers segment posted YTD Core EBITDA of $189 million, a rise of 2% YoY. 3Q Core EBITDA increased 2% YoY, and decreased of 11% QoQ, to US$49 million. The Lifestyle fibers business continues to be impacted by the lockdown in China, while management in the Hygiene and Mobility verticals in Europe are effectively managing high energy costs.

Combined PET (CPET) segment achieved YTD Core EBITDA of US$1,192 million, an increase of 42% YoY. Core EBITDA in 3Q22 rose 27% YoY to US$327 million, and declined 24% QoQ, as business remained steady across operations apart from in Europe where peak energy prices continue to put pressure on demand and margins.

D K Agarwal, CEO of Indorama Ventures, said, “We are pleased with our performance across the business cycle. Our management is working hard to extract the advantages that we enjoy in terms of geographic leadership, product diversity, and an unmatched customer base of global household brands. Together with our habitual lens on cost management, these actions will help us to weather the economic challenges and continue to focus on our long-term potential.”


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

Photo: Indorama Ventures Limited

Indorama Ventures: New plant for nylon yarn

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

In 2014, Indorama Ventures and Toyobo jointly acquired Germany’s PHP Fibers GmbH, a leading airbag yarn maker. Since then, both companies have strengthened their relationship with a focus to expand in the automotive safety sector. Mr Christopher Kenneally, based in Bangkok, leads IVL’s Fibers segment, which produces fibers and yarns across its Hygiene, Mobility and Lifestyle verticals. Mr Ashok Arora, with over 30 years of experience in fibers and polymer operations, will helm TIAF as CEO while maintaining his role as CTO with IVL Fibers.


Indorama Ventures Limited


Indorama Ventures' Results for 2Q22: Fibers segment -35% QoQ

  • Record Revenue of US$5,451M, an increase of 23% QoQ and 53% YoY
  • Record Reported EBITDA of US$1,010M, up 29% QoQ and 83% YoY
  • Reported Net Profit of THB 20.3B, an increase of 44% QoQ and 143% YoY.
  • Reported EPS of THB 3.58 (LTM2Q22: 8.11) and Core EPS of THB 2.32 (LTM2Q22:6.16)

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported record 2Q22 earnings as the company’s global integrated model continues to benefit from strong consumer trends and management responded effectively to market disruptions.

IVL posted a record Core EBITDA of US$758 million in the second quarter, up 17% QoQ and 59% YoY. Sales revenue rose by about 11% QoQ on a same-store basis, supporting a Core EBITDA margin of 14%. The combination of strong sales and improved margins helped offset higher energy costs in the U.S. and Europe, while management leveraged the company’s leading position in local and regional markets to ensure uninterrupted customer service levels as higher crude oil prices impacted raw materials costs.

  • Record Revenue of US$5,451M, an increase of 23% QoQ and 53% YoY
  • Record Reported EBITDA of US$1,010M, up 29% QoQ and 83% YoY
  • Reported Net Profit of THB 20.3B, an increase of 44% QoQ and 143% YoY.
  • Reported EPS of THB 3.58 (LTM2Q22: 8.11) and Core EPS of THB 2.32 (LTM2Q22:6.16)

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported record 2Q22 earnings as the company’s global integrated model continues to benefit from strong consumer trends and management responded effectively to market disruptions.

IVL posted a record Core EBITDA of US$758 million in the second quarter, up 17% QoQ and 59% YoY. Sales revenue rose by about 11% QoQ on a same-store basis, supporting a Core EBITDA margin of 14%. The combination of strong sales and improved margins helped offset higher energy costs in the U.S. and Europe, while management leveraged the company’s leading position in local and regional markets to ensure uninterrupted customer service levels as higher crude oil prices impacted raw materials costs.

Fibers segment posted Core EBITDA of US$55 million, a decrease of 35% QoQ and 15% YoY, as sales declined 11% QoQ. The segment was impacted by lower demand in the Lifestyle vertical amid the China lockdown while higher freight rates restricted exports. The Hygiene vertical was impacted by volumes at Avgol’s Russia site along with increased polypropylene prices, while strength in the replacement tires market partially offset the ongoing semiconductor shortage, resulting in a stable performance for Mobility.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


IVL: Corpus Christi Polymers plant in Texas resumes construction

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) announced that construction of an integrated PTA-PET plant in Corpus Christi, Texas, will resume in August this year. Corpus Christi Polymers LLC (CCP), a partnership between three companies, is expected to begin production in 2025 and ensure continued cost-competitive production to support the growth of IVL’s global PET operations into the next decade.

CCP was formed in 2018 as a joint venture between Indorama Ventures Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures; DAK Americas LLC, a subsidiary of Alpek S.A.B. de C.V.; and APG Polytech USA Holdings, Inc, a subsidiary of Far Eastern New Century, following the purchase of a partially constructed facility of M&G Resins in Corpus Christi. Each partner will procure its own raw materials and receive one third of the PTA and PET produced at the facility to sell and distribute independently.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) announced that construction of an integrated PTA-PET plant in Corpus Christi, Texas, will resume in August this year. Corpus Christi Polymers LLC (CCP), a partnership between three companies, is expected to begin production in 2025 and ensure continued cost-competitive production to support the growth of IVL’s global PET operations into the next decade.

CCP was formed in 2018 as a joint venture between Indorama Ventures Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of Indorama Ventures; DAK Americas LLC, a subsidiary of Alpek S.A.B. de C.V.; and APG Polytech USA Holdings, Inc, a subsidiary of Far Eastern New Century, following the purchase of a partially constructed facility of M&G Resins in Corpus Christi. Each partner will procure its own raw materials and receive one third of the PTA and PET produced at the facility to sell and distribute independently.

Construction of the plant is resuming following a period of pandemic-related disruptions. Through the pandemic, the partners firmly resolved to continue planning amid continued robust demand for PET packaging and the need for shorter supply chains. As the impact of the pandemic eased in 2022, the management team was strengthened in preparation for the resumption in activities.

CCP is expected to be the largest vertically integrated PTA-PET production plant in the Americas, and IVL’s biggest greenfields project in the U.S. since the development of the AlphaPet production facility at Decatur, Alabama in 2009. The new Texas facility is a significant addition to IVL’s leading global footprint, and will expand its coverage to customers across the U.S. The plant’s vertical integration optimizes PTA-PET production and, together with the availability of raw materials Paraxylene and Mono Ethylene Glycol in the U.S., ensures long-term competitive-cost supply for IVL’s locally integrated polyester value chain.

The facility will have nominal annual capacities of 1.1 million metric tons of PET and 1.3 million metric tons of PTA, shared between the partners. It will employ three state-of-the-art technologies: PTA: IntegRex®, PET melt: Invista, and PET solid state: Easy Up (HCIRR – Horizontal Continuous slightly Inclined Rotary Reactor).

CCP is adding to its leadership team to prepare for the new growth opportunities. Mr Russell Wilson will leave his role with IVL as Head of Manufacturing Americas, Combined PET, to take up a new role as Chief Executive Officer of CCP from 18 July. He brings 30 years of Aromatics and PET leadership experience including prior roles with Amoco and BP before joining IVL. Mr Todd Hogue, IVL’s Global Head of EH&S, replaces Mr Wilson as IVL’s representative on CCP’s Board. Mr Michael Day joined CCP as Project Director in June and brings 34 years of construction leadership experience including senior roles with Bilfinger, KBR, and CB&I.  Mr Jeff Shea will assume the role of Chief Operating Officer on 18 July.  Mr Shea has been in the PET industry for the last 22 years and has managed PET sites for the last 17. 


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Photo via Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures acquires Tollegno 1900’s Wool assets in Italy and Poland

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of the wool spinning businesses in Italy and Poland of Tollegno 1900 S.p.A. (Tollegno 1900), a leading Italian manufacturer of fabrics and yarns.

Tollegno 1900 has a family-based heritage with more than 120 years of experience and is one of the leading European textile groups with a total spinning capacity of around 3,500 tons of yarn per year with a specific focus on flat knitting and hand knitting yarns. With this acquisition, IVL secured two assets, including a spinning and top-dyeing operation in Poland and a yarn dyeing operation in Italy.

The acquisition is a strategic fit for IVL’s integrated business platform and will make a significant contribution to the sustainable growth of its Wool business, which is part of the company’s Fibers segment. It will also strengthen IVL’s footprint for worsted yarns in Europe and help extend IVL’s wool products globally with trading subsidiaries in America and Asia.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of the wool spinning businesses in Italy and Poland of Tollegno 1900 S.p.A. (Tollegno 1900), a leading Italian manufacturer of fabrics and yarns.

Tollegno 1900 has a family-based heritage with more than 120 years of experience and is one of the leading European textile groups with a total spinning capacity of around 3,500 tons of yarn per year with a specific focus on flat knitting and hand knitting yarns. With this acquisition, IVL secured two assets, including a spinning and top-dyeing operation in Poland and a yarn dyeing operation in Italy.

The acquisition is a strategic fit for IVL’s integrated business platform and will make a significant contribution to the sustainable growth of its Wool business, which is part of the company’s Fibers segment. It will also strengthen IVL’s footprint for worsted yarns in Europe and help extend IVL’s wool products globally with trading subsidiaries in America and Asia.

The operations, which will be renamed Filatura Tollegno 1900, will add more sustainable products to IVL’s portfolio, including a full traceability project of the fibers used for yarns and fabrics, as well as provide synergies with existing assets.

Giovanni Germanetti, the CEO of Tollegno, will continue in the same role with Filatura Tollegno 1900, facilitating continuity and exploring new growth as part of IVL. Lincoln Germanetti, the President and co-CEO of Tollegno, will remain with Filatura Tollegno 1900 as COO.

Weitere Informationen:
IVL wool Fibers yarn

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Indorama Ventures enters world-first China license agreement

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, has signed a license agreement with Shandong Binhua New Material Co., Ltd. (Binhua), a subsidiary of Befar Group, a leading petroleum and chemical enterprise in China, to build, own and operate a propylene oxide (PO), t-Butanol (TBA) and t-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) co-production unit.

Featuring the world’s only MTBE ‘single-step’ reaction technology, IVL’s proprietary innovation, the project is part of the ‘C3 and C4’ comprehensive utilization project in Shandong, China. It is one of the largest in the province, covering an area of over one million square meters.

Under the contract, IVL will provide a design package, technology, operational know-how and training to enable the construction and operation of a PO co-production with MTBE and TBA units for Binhua. The plant is part of a larger complex comprising propane dehydrogenation to propylene, butane isomerization, synthetic ammonia, and other installations.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, has signed a license agreement with Shandong Binhua New Material Co., Ltd. (Binhua), a subsidiary of Befar Group, a leading petroleum and chemical enterprise in China, to build, own and operate a propylene oxide (PO), t-Butanol (TBA) and t-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) co-production unit.

Featuring the world’s only MTBE ‘single-step’ reaction technology, IVL’s proprietary innovation, the project is part of the ‘C3 and C4’ comprehensive utilization project in Shandong, China. It is one of the largest in the province, covering an area of over one million square meters.

Under the contract, IVL will provide a design package, technology, operational know-how and training to enable the construction and operation of a PO co-production with MTBE and TBA units for Binhua. The plant is part of a larger complex comprising propane dehydrogenation to propylene, butane isomerization, synthetic ammonia, and other installations.

Weitere Informationen:

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Trevira GmbH & Trevira CS: Business 2021 und Outlook 2022

  • Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL wird zügig umgesetzt

Trevira blickt auf ein herausforderndes, aber durchaus erfolgreiches 2021 zurück. Mit einem Gesamtumsatz von ca. 232 Mio. Euro übertraf das Ergebnis die Erwartungen.

Angespornt durch den Start des Impfprogramms mit der daraus resultierenden Hoffnung, dass die Pandemie zeitnah überwunden sein würde, konnten bereits im ersten Quartal 2021 in allen Bereichen deutlich höhere Ergebnisse erzielt werden.

  • Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL wird zügig umgesetzt

Trevira blickt auf ein herausforderndes, aber durchaus erfolgreiches 2021 zurück. Mit einem Gesamtumsatz von ca. 232 Mio. Euro übertraf das Ergebnis die Erwartungen.

Angespornt durch den Start des Impfprogramms mit der daraus resultierenden Hoffnung, dass die Pandemie zeitnah überwunden sein würde, konnten bereits im ersten Quartal 2021 in allen Bereichen deutlich höhere Ergebnisse erzielt werden.

Insbesondere im Bereich Heimtextilien setzten sich die positiven Signale im Markt weiter fort. Nach einem für das Trevira CS ®-Geschäft herausfordernden Jahr 2020, in dem vor allem der Hotel- und Veranstaltungsbereich durch die Lockdown-Maßnahmen unter Druck geriet, belebte sich der Markt im Jahr 2021. Gute Verbesserungen konnten in wichtigen Ländern wie Italien, Deutschland und Skandinavien erzielt werden. Die massiv steigenden Kosten (insbesondere Energie, aber auch Rohstoffe, Chemikalien, Verpackung) bedeuten jedoch auch große Herausforderungen.
Auch die ersten fünf Monate im Jahr 2022 seien gut verlaufen. Das Unternehmen sieht große Entwicklungsaktivitäten auf der Kundenseite rund um die neuen Trevira CS Marken. Der Trend zur Nachhaltigkeit hält weiter an, was sich in der Nachfrage nach Trevira CS eco widerspiegelt.

Auch die UV-stabilen, spinngefärbten Filamentgarne, die speziell für den Outdoor-Bereich entwickelt wurden und neben der Schwerentflammbarkeit auch eine hohe Performance in puncto Lichtbeständigkeit und Reißfestigkeit aufweisen, werden stark nachgefragt, da nun auch der Kreuzfahrtschiffbereich nach zwei Covid-Jahren langsam wieder anläuft.

Derzeit geht Trevira für die Entwicklung des Trevira CS Geschäftes im laufenden Jahr weiterhin davon aus, dass die positiven Signale durch die Nachholeffekte aus der Zeit des Corona-Lockdowns von größerer Bedeutung sind als mögliche Downsides, die durch steigende Energie- und Materialkosten und die daraus resultierende inflationäre Entwicklung verursacht werden.
Die Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL ist zügig vorangeschritten. Die in Bobingen ansässige Business Unit Fasern wurde dem sogenannten „Vertical Hygiene“ und die Business Unit Filamente in Guben dem „Vertical LifeStyle“ zugeordnet. Zielsetzung ist die Nutzung von Synergieeffekte, die durch die enge Zusammenarbeit im Verbund mit den jeweiligen Schwesterfirmen entstehen. Zusammen mit dem dritten Vertical „Mobility“ waren „Hygiene“ und LifeStyle“ mit einem Indorama Gemeinschaftsstand auf der Techtextil in Halle 9.1, Stand D05 vertreten.

Aufgrund der fortgeschrittenen Integration der Trevira GmbH in die Indorama Ventures PCL wird auch die Marke Trevira CS zukünftig als Marke des Mutterkonzerns kommuniziert werden. Diese Kommunikation wurde auch auf dem Trevira CS Messestand auf der Heimtextil Summer Edition aufgegriffen.


Trevira GmbH