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ECHA: Research needs for regulating hazardous chemicals

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a new report on ‘Key areas of regulatory challenge 2023’ that identifies areas where research is needed to protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals. It also highlights where new methods, that support the shift away from animal testing, are needed.

To further improve chemical safety in the EU, scientific research needs to deliver data that is relevant to regulating chemicals. In order to enhance the regulatory relevance of scientific data, ECHA has identified the following areas as priorities for research:

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a new report on ‘Key areas of regulatory challenge 2023’ that identifies areas where research is needed to protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals. It also highlights where new methods, that support the shift away from animal testing, are needed.

To further improve chemical safety in the EU, scientific research needs to deliver data that is relevant to regulating chemicals. In order to enhance the regulatory relevance of scientific data, ECHA has identified the following areas as priorities for research:

  • Hazard identification for critical biological effects that currently lack specific and sensitive test methods: i.e. developmental and adult neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and endocrine disruption
  • Chemical pollution in the natural environment (bioaccumulation, impact on biodiversity, exposure assessment)
  • Shift away from animal testing (read across under REACH, move away from fish testing, mechanistic support to toxicology studies e.g. carcinogenicity)
  • New information on chemicals (polymers, nanomaterials, analytical methods in support of enforcement)

The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), is a seven-year EU-wide research and innovation programme under Horizon Europe which aims to advance research, share knowledge and improve skills in chemical risk assessment.

ECHA’s role in PARC is to make sure that the funded scientific research addresses current challenges related to chemical risk assessment and adds value to the EU’s regulatory processes.

The key areas of regulatory challenge report can be seen as an evolving research and development agenda aiming to support and inspire the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) and the wider research community. The list of research needs is not exhaustive. The next update to the report is expected in spring 2024.

Weitere Informationen:
ECHA chemicals polymers

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)


ECHA: Toxic chemicals in childcare products

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has found that substances causing cancer, genetic mutations or harming reproduction are present in childcare products, such as car seats, bibs and baby changing mats. Its investigation will help the European Commission to prepare an EU-wide restriction to limit these chemicals, with the aim of safeguarding children.

ECHA’s investigation, drawing on information from 48 different sources, shows that substances which are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) may be present in childcare products (articles). Metals like cobalt and lead, along with phthalates like DEHP, are the most common CMR substances found in childcare products.

CMRs were most often found in items like car seats, bibs, products related to toiletries, and bedding and mattresses. Children may be exposed to these hazardous substances during use, for example through skin or oral contact, and are particularly vulnerable to the harm caused by chemical substances because of their small size, developing physiology and behaviour.

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has found that substances causing cancer, genetic mutations or harming reproduction are present in childcare products, such as car seats, bibs and baby changing mats. Its investigation will help the European Commission to prepare an EU-wide restriction to limit these chemicals, with the aim of safeguarding children.

ECHA’s investigation, drawing on information from 48 different sources, shows that substances which are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR) may be present in childcare products (articles). Metals like cobalt and lead, along with phthalates like DEHP, are the most common CMR substances found in childcare products.

CMRs were most often found in items like car seats, bibs, products related to toiletries, and bedding and mattresses. Children may be exposed to these hazardous substances during use, for example through skin or oral contact, and are particularly vulnerable to the harm caused by chemical substances because of their small size, developing physiology and behaviour.

ECHA’s report provides elements to support the European Commission in the preparation of a potential future restriction. These include information on how childcare articles are defined, what the restriction could cover, potential derogations, recommended concentration limits and timeframes for implementation. The report also includes views from ECHA’s Enforcement Forum on how feasible it would be to enforce such a restriction.

The report will now be sent to the European Commission, who will use it to prepare a draft restriction proposal under REACH Article 68(2). This procedure allows the Commission to prepare a restriction proposal without involvement of ECHA’s scientific committees.

The purpose of ECHA’s investigation is to support the European Commission in preparing a restriction under the REACH Regulation to protect children from exposure to CMR substances in childcare articles. It focused on substances that have a harmonised classification under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation as a CMR in category 1A (known human carcinogen, mutagen or reproductive toxicant) or 1B (presumed human carcinogen, mutagen or reproductive toxicant).

During the investigation, ECHA organised two public calls for evidence and a consultation on the draft report. The Agency contacted 233 different stakeholders to inform about the work and considered their feedback.


European Chemicals Agency


CHT: Von adidas als "TOP PERFORMER" ausgezeichnet

In seiner jüngsten Evaluierung hat adidas eine Rangliste der Zulieferer von chemischen Produkten und Hilfsstoffen erstellt, die bei der Herstellung seiner Produkte verwendet werden. Mit 98 % ZDHC Level 3 Hilfsmitteln und Farbstoffen im Portfolio ist CHT der bevorzugte Lieferant in diesem Ranking. Dies honoriert zum einen die Innovationskraft der unternehmenseigenen Forschung und Entwicklung, zum anderen zeigt es deutlich, dass CHT der bevorzugte Partner für die nachhaltige chemische Behandlung von zertifizierbaren Markenprodukten ist.

CHT investiert in nachhaltige textile Wertschöpfungsketten
Im Jahr 2022 erwirtschaftete die CHT Gruppe 77 % ihres Gesamtumsatzes mit nachhaltig klassifizierten Produkten. Die unternehmenseigene Forschung und Entwicklung arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette nachhaltiger zu gestalten.
Kunden aus der produzierenden Textilindustrie profitieren vom Know-how der CHT und technischer Kompetenz in der maschinellen Anwendung.

In seiner jüngsten Evaluierung hat adidas eine Rangliste der Zulieferer von chemischen Produkten und Hilfsstoffen erstellt, die bei der Herstellung seiner Produkte verwendet werden. Mit 98 % ZDHC Level 3 Hilfsmitteln und Farbstoffen im Portfolio ist CHT der bevorzugte Lieferant in diesem Ranking. Dies honoriert zum einen die Innovationskraft der unternehmenseigenen Forschung und Entwicklung, zum anderen zeigt es deutlich, dass CHT der bevorzugte Partner für die nachhaltige chemische Behandlung von zertifizierbaren Markenprodukten ist.

CHT investiert in nachhaltige textile Wertschöpfungsketten
Im Jahr 2022 erwirtschaftete die CHT Gruppe 77 % ihres Gesamtumsatzes mit nachhaltig klassifizierten Produkten. Die unternehmenseigene Forschung und Entwicklung arbeitet unermüdlich daran, die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette nachhaltiger zu gestalten.
Kunden aus der produzierenden Textilindustrie profitieren vom Know-how der CHT und technischer Kompetenz in der maschinellen Anwendung.

CHT und Textilstandards
In diesem Zusammenhang ist CHT bereits seit 2019 als ZDHC Contributor mit einem umfassenden Sortiment von mehr als 2200 zertifizierten Produkten aktiv. Davon sind 70 % Textilhilfsmittel und 30 % Farbstoffe im Portfolio, die nach Level 3 ZDHC, bluesign® oder C2C-Standards zertifiziert sind.
CHT unterstützt seine Kunden und Geschäftspartner umfassend und investiert intensiv in Compliance- und Regulierungsmaßnahmen. Insbesondere im Textilbereich arbeitet die Unternehmensgruppe mit renommierten Standards und Labels zusammen. Unter anderem bluesign®, C2C oder GOTS. Insbesondere im Rahmen des ZDHC-Programms ist CHT weltweit ein der führenden Unternehmen. Mehr als 2200 von CHT zertifizierte Produkte erreichen derzeit LEVEL 3, die höchstmögliche Stufe für sichere Textilchemie. Besonders erwähnenswert ist, dass dies sowohl Textilhilfsmittel (70 %) als auch Farbstoffe und Pigmente (30 %) umfasst.

Die CHT Gruppe ist an mehreren ZDHC-Arbeitsgruppen beteiligt und ist auch Mitglied der ZDHC-internen Beratungsgruppe der chemischen Industrie (CIAG).


CHT Germany GmbH


OETI Indien: ZDHC-Schulungen für nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement

OETI, ein Mitglied der TESTEX-Gruppe, ist offiziell-zugelassener ZDHC-Lösungsanbieter im Rahmen des ZDHC-Programms „Roadmap to Zero“. Nachdem OETI bereits als weltweit zugelassene ZDHC MRSL-Zertifizierungsstelle für OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT tätig ist, bietet es darüber hinaus nun in Indien auch umfassende ZDHC-Schulungsdienste an.

Das ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programm treibt nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten für Textilien, Leder, Bekleidung und Schuhe voran. Die Expert*innen von OETI schulen Markenunternehmen, Hersteller*innen und andere ZDHC-Stakeholder in nachhaltigem Chemikalienmanagement, das sich an den ZDHC-Richtlinien, Plattformen und Lösungen orientiert.

OETI, ein Mitglied der TESTEX-Gruppe, ist offiziell-zugelassener ZDHC-Lösungsanbieter im Rahmen des ZDHC-Programms „Roadmap to Zero“. Nachdem OETI bereits als weltweit zugelassene ZDHC MRSL-Zertifizierungsstelle für OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT tätig ist, bietet es darüber hinaus nun in Indien auch umfassende ZDHC-Schulungsdienste an.

Das ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programm treibt nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten für Textilien, Leder, Bekleidung und Schuhe voran. Die Expert*innen von OETI schulen Markenunternehmen, Hersteller*innen und andere ZDHC-Stakeholder in nachhaltigem Chemikalienmanagement, das sich an den ZDHC-Richtlinien, Plattformen und Lösungen orientiert.

Das Schulungs-Programm “ZDHC CMS Framework Training für Lieferanten“ vermittelt ein umfassendes Verständnis von Chemikalienmanagement-Systemen, dem sogenannten Chemical Management System (CMS) und deren praktischer Umsetzung in der Textil- und Lederindustrie. Das Training zielt auf verschiedene Abteilungen in einem Unternehmen ab, einschließlich Management, Chemieteam, Beschaffung, Compliance und Nachhaltigkeit. Dadurch soll die Zusammenarbeit dieser Abteilungen in Bezug auf ein nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement gefördert und noch besser verankert werden.

OETI Indien veranstaltet in den kommenden Monaten Schulungen in Tirupur, Delhi, Bangalore und Ahmedabad, auch maßgeschneiderte Schulungen für spezifische Anlagen oder Cluster können angeboten werden.

Weitere Informationen:
ZDHC Chemikalienmanagement OETI Seminar



EcoVadis Gold Rating für DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

Weitere Informationen:
DOMO Chemicals EcoVadis

DOMO Chemicals

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

  • Aloe vera: Known for its skin-smoothing and softening properties.
  • Avocado seed oil: Known for its skin-moisturizing capabilities.
  • CBD: Known for its relaxation properties.
  • Multivitamin: A blend of provitamin D, vitamins C and E, and ginger.
  • Vitamin E: Known to offer protection against free radicals and premature aging

Devan Chemicals NV

Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der HSNR auf ITMA in Mailand (c) Hochschule Niederrhein
Die digitale Ankleidekabine des Forschungsprojektes 5GARderobe

Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der HSNR auf ITMA in Mailand

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein präsentierte sich im Juni auf der größten internationalen Fachmesse für Textilmaschinen ITMA in Mailand. Knapp 40 Mitarbeitende und Professorinnen und Professoren des Fachbereichs waren als Ansprechpartner für die Industrie vor Ort. Sie präsentierten sich mit Fokus auf nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen und als Netzwerk für zukünftige Fachkräfte.

Darüber hinaus bekamen 100 Studierende die Gelegenheit nach Mailand zu fahren. Unterstützt wurde die Exkursion vom Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA). Auf der Messe konnten die Studierenden in kürzester Zeit einen sehr guten Gesamteindruck der vielfältigen textilen Produktionskette gewinnen und branchenführende Unternehmen kennenlernen.

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein präsentierte sich im Juni auf der größten internationalen Fachmesse für Textilmaschinen ITMA in Mailand. Knapp 40 Mitarbeitende und Professorinnen und Professoren des Fachbereichs waren als Ansprechpartner für die Industrie vor Ort. Sie präsentierten sich mit Fokus auf nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen und als Netzwerk für zukünftige Fachkräfte.

Darüber hinaus bekamen 100 Studierende die Gelegenheit nach Mailand zu fahren. Unterstützt wurde die Exkursion vom Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA). Auf der Messe konnten die Studierenden in kürzester Zeit einen sehr guten Gesamteindruck der vielfältigen textilen Produktionskette gewinnen und branchenführende Unternehmen kennenlernen.

Der Messestand erzielte mit täglich wechselnden Exponaten - vielfach Abschlussprojekte der Studierenden des Fachbereichs sowie Prototypen aus Forschungsprojekten - und einer digitalen Ankleidekabine des Forschungsprojektes 5GARderobe positive Resonanz und hohe Besucherzahlen. Mit eigens an der Hochschule hergestellten Produkten zeigte der Messestand einen Einblick in die vorhandenen Möglichkeiten des Fachbereichs und stellte dabei innovative Lösungs- und Forschungsansätze für die Industrie vor.

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen manaomea gestaltete die Hochschule ein kreatives Give-Away in Form eines Kugelschreibers aus Textilabfällen und -resten des Fachbereichs, welche den nachhaltigen Ansatz der Hochschule unterstreichen.

Der Fachbereich präsentierte sich neben dem Messestand mit Fachvorträgen als kompetenter Ansprechpartner in der Forschung und Entwicklung. Das Team um Professorin Dr. Monika Eigenstetter war mit einem Vortrag beim ITMA Textile Colourants and Chemicals Forum vertreten. Evelyn Lempa und Aslihan Memisoglu gaben mit Ihrem Vortrag ‚Innovative Finishing Processes and an Effective Chemicals Management for a Safe and Sustainable Textile Industry‘ Einblicke in ein Deutsch-Indonesische Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt. Alexandra Glogowsky präsentierte mit ‚Use of 3D printing technology for the production of thin layers. Digital coating of textiles.’ aktuelle Forschungsentwicklungen im Bereich 3D-Druck auf Textil im ITMA Innovator Xchange Forum.

In einer Pressekonferenz präsentierten Professorin Dr. Maike Rabe (Forschungsinstitut für Textil- und Bekleidung der Hochschule Niederrhein, FTB) und Sina Borczyk (Wirtschaftsförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH) die geplante Textilfabrik 7.0. T7 ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des FTB, des Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen, des Verbandes der Nordwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sowie des Verbandes der Rheinischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, mit der Textilakademie NRW sowie der WFMG für die Stadt Mönchengladbach. Während der Messe wurde die Hochschule Niederrhein in der Generalversammlung der AUTEX (Association of Universities for Textiles) als ordentliches Mitglied begrüßt.

Industriebrache Pixabay; Tama66

IVC und ZVI positionieren sich klar gegen Pauschalverbot von PFAS

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

Die EU lasse dabei die Folgen auf Schlüsseltechnologien wie beispielsweise die grüne Energiewende komplett außer Acht. Lithiumbatterien, Windräder, Brennstoffzellen, Computerchips - für PFAS existierten aktuell zumindest in Hightech-Anwendungen keine Alternativen. Bis auf wenige längere Ausnahmeregelungen seien aktuell 18 Monate als Übergangsfristen vorgesehen. Das sei ein ausreichendes Zeitfenster, um die Produktion in Europa abzuwickeln und nach neuen Standorten zu suchen, beispielsweise in den USA. Dort werde die Fluorchemie als Schlüsseltechnologie massiv aufgebaut und als kostbares Gut mit Exportverboten belegt.

IVC und ZVO monierten, dass das Innovationsvermögen der europäischen Industrie hergeschenkt werde und man anderen Ländern den Markt mit allen preislichen und wettbewerblichen Konsequenzen überlasse. Als besonders betroffene Branchen führten die Verbände die Medizintechnik, Schutzausrüstung, Flugzeugbau und Automobilelektronik, den Textilmaschinenbau und Industrietextilien an. Abluftfilter mit PTFE-Membranen oder aus PTFE-Fasern stellten in der Müllverbrennung und in Zementwerken den Umweltschutz sicher, so dass keine Schadstoffe in die Atmosphäre gelangten. Membranen für Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen, Wasserstoffelektrolyseure, Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Karbonfaservliesen und der fluorchemischen Protonenaustauscher Nafion-Membran würden in Zukunft verboten und damit die die Pläne für eine Wasserstoffenergiewende dauerhaft nicht umsetzbar.


Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., Zentralverband Oberflächentechnik e.V.


26th IFATCC Congress 2023 in Augsburg

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Der VDTF e.V. organisiert den diesjährigen Kongress des internationalen Dachverbandes IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists), welcher am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 in Augsburg stattfindet.

Das Leitthema des Kongresses lautet: „A paradigm shift in the global textile industry: Economy meets Ecology”. Es wird mit 30 Präsentationen aus 11 verschiedenen Nationen ein umfassendes Vortragsprogramm aus Industrie, Hochschulen und Forschung geben, welchem nicht nur vor Ort im Augsburger ‚Kongress am Park‘ beigewohnt werden kann, sondern auch per Online-Stream.

Zu den vortragenden Organisationen gehören Alchemie Technology, Archroma Textile Effects, Brückner, Budapest Metropolitan University, CHT Germany, DTNW, Hochschule Niederrhein, Hohenstein Laboratories, Imogo, InoTex, Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalunya, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textiles, Lefatex Chemie, Lenzing, P.A.C., Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf, Sandler, Society of the Polish Chemists, Tanatex Chemicals, Thoray Industries, TITV, Tomcsanyi, Universität Insbruck, University of Bergamo, University of Fukui, Weber Ultrasonics, WEKO.

Neben der Weiterbildung durch aktuelle Themen ist das Networking ein wichtiger Bestandteil bei Veranstaltungen des VDTF e.V und des IFATCC. Hierzu gibt es ausreichend Gelegenheit bei einem ansprechenden Rahmenprogramm mit Get-Together, Stadtführungen durch Augsburg, Museumsbesuch und Festabend im Augsburger Textilmuseum TIM.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung, das komplette Programm und Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie auf der Homepage des VDTF unter der Rubrik „IFATCC CONFERENCE 2023“.


Verband Deutscher Textilfachleute VDTF e.V.


DOMO Chemicals veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von technischen Materiallösungen und Dienstleistungen auf Polyamidbasis, hat seinen neuesten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht veröffentlicht, in dem er seine Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich einer bemerkenswerten Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, detailliert darlegt. DOMO hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Polyamid-Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zu einer besseren, nachhaltigeren Welt beitragen. Mit der Veröffentlichung seines zweiten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts tritt DOMO in eine neue Phase seines Strebens nach Dekarbonisierung ein. Das Unternehmen ist zuversichtlich, dass es bis 2030 den Standard für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche setzen wird.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht beschreibt detailliert, was DOMO im Jahr 2022 auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2030 erreicht hat. In Bezug auf die Dekarbonisierung und umfassendere ökologische Errungenschaften hat das Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Ausgangsjahr 2019 folgende Fortschritte bewirkt:

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von technischen Materiallösungen und Dienstleistungen auf Polyamidbasis, hat seinen neuesten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht veröffentlicht, in dem er seine Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich einer bemerkenswerten Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, detailliert darlegt. DOMO hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Polyamid-Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zu einer besseren, nachhaltigeren Welt beitragen. Mit der Veröffentlichung seines zweiten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts tritt DOMO in eine neue Phase seines Strebens nach Dekarbonisierung ein. Das Unternehmen ist zuversichtlich, dass es bis 2030 den Standard für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche setzen wird.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht beschreibt detailliert, was DOMO im Jahr 2022 auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2030 erreicht hat. In Bezug auf die Dekarbonisierung und umfassendere ökologische Errungenschaften hat das Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Ausgangsjahr 2019 folgende Fortschritte bewirkt:

  • Reduktion der Scope-1- und Scope-2-Treibhausgasemissionen um 27% – ein bedeutender Fortschritt auf dem Weg zum Ziel einer 40-prozentigen Reduktion bis 2030 und Klimaneutralität bis 2050
  • Erhöhung des Anteils an Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien im gesamten Unternehmen auf 12%
  • Verringerung der Abfallmenge um 24%
  • Reduzierung des Wasserverbrauchs um 4,5%

Zudem hat DOMO als Anbieter von nachhaltigen und kreislauforientierten Lösungen auf Polyamidbasis Folgendes erreicht:

  • 11,3% des Umsatzes wurden mit technischen Materialien erzielt, die auf nachhaltigen Rohstoffen basieren, was einen großen Fortschritt auf dem Weg zu seinem Ziel von 20% im Jahr 2030 darstellt
  • 25% der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsressourcen werden zur Verbesserung des Recyclings eingesetzt

Darüber hinaus ist für DOMO als verantwortungsvollem Arbeitgeber die Förderung von Talenten und die Sicherstellung des Wohlergehens der Belegschaft für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum von entscheidender Bedeutung. Zu den wichtigsten Fortschritten des Jahres 2022 zählen:

  • Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Führungspositionen von 22% im Jahr 2021 auf 30% im Jahr 2022
  • Förderung eines sicheren und integrativen Arbeitsumfelds, das die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung sowie eine globale Sicherheitskultur fördert

DOMO Chemicals


New EU chemicals enforcement project to focus on products sold online

ECHA’s Enforcement Forum agreed to launch an EU-wide project to check that products sold online comply with REACH restrictions and the requirements of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation. Its subgroup on Biocidal Products Regulation, BPRS, agreed to launch a project on labelling of biocidal products.

The Enforcement Forum including its BPR subgroup (BPRS) is a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of the REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and the Biocidal Product Regulations with the aim of protecting our health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies across the EU market.

ECHA’s Enforcement Forum agreed to launch an EU-wide project to check that products sold online comply with REACH restrictions and the requirements of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation. Its subgroup on Biocidal Products Regulation, BPRS, agreed to launch a project on labelling of biocidal products.

The Enforcement Forum including its BPR subgroup (BPRS) is a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of the REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and the Biocidal Product Regulations with the aim of protecting our health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies across the EU market.

Inspections in this REACH-EN-FORCE (REF)-13 project will take place in 2025. The objective is to check that products, such as toys, common household goods or chemicals, sold online comply with REACH restrictions. Inspectors will also check that mixtures are classified, labelled and packaged in line with CLP and that online offers include the required information about the hazards of the mixture. Inspectors may also check compliance with restrictions under the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive.

The online sale of chemicals is an area of high non-compliance. In a previous Forum project (REF-8), inspectors often found that mixtures and articles sold online contained restricted hazardous substances, including those causing cancer. The project found that 78 % of controlled mixtures or articles did not fulfil the conditions of REACH restrictions.

In the upcoming project, inspectors can rely on stricter rules governing online sales, such as the Digital Services Act and General Product Safety Regulation. These new laws are expected to make enforcement stronger.

The Forum’s subgroup on Biocidal Products Regulation (BPRS), agreed that the next major enforcement project on biocides (BEF-3) will focus on controlling the correctness of product labels for biocidal products. Inspectors will check that the information on the labelling of biocides corresponds to that what has been authorised and included in the Summary of Product Characteristics. Inspectors may also check the presence and quality of information in the Safety Data Sheets, where it is required for biocidal products.

Both REF-13 and BEF-3 projects will be prepared in 2024, inspections are planned for 2025 and reports are expected to be published in 2026.

During the meeting, the Forum members elected a new chair and vice chair. Henrik Hedlund (SE) will start as the Forum chair and Katja vom Hofe (DE) and Maria Orphanou (CY) will be the vice chairs as of 21 June 2023. Its biocides subgroup elected Helmut de Vos (BE) as chair and Jenny Karlsson (SE) and Eugen Anwander (AT) as vice chairs.

Weitere Informationen:
European Chemicals Agency chemicals

European Chemicals Agency

Photo: Pulcra Chemicals

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Dyeing Process

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Sustineri Coloring, a combined pretreatment and dyeing process for cotton and polyester/cotton resulting in water, time and energy savings. This process is the result of a joint research between Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex with the goal to mitigate the impact of standard dyeing processes and to reduce the use of natural resources.

Sustineri Coloring is based on newly engineered process chemicals which allow a one bath pretreatment and dyeing process for dark, medium and light shades of cotton and polyester/cotton fabrics by exhaust method. This results in shorter processing time and less use of water and energy.

The process is already used by selected mills and it showed that Sustineri Coloring is reducing in pretreatment and dyeing the processing time by up to 60 % and the water and energy consumption by up to 80 and 60% respectively. The state-of-the-art products allow a one bath treatment which is the key in saving resources.

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Sustineri Coloring, a combined pretreatment and dyeing process for cotton and polyester/cotton resulting in water, time and energy savings. This process is the result of a joint research between Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex with the goal to mitigate the impact of standard dyeing processes and to reduce the use of natural resources.

Sustineri Coloring is based on newly engineered process chemicals which allow a one bath pretreatment and dyeing process for dark, medium and light shades of cotton and polyester/cotton fabrics by exhaust method. This results in shorter processing time and less use of water and energy.

The process is already used by selected mills and it showed that Sustineri Coloring is reducing in pretreatment and dyeing the processing time by up to 60 % and the water and energy consumption by up to 80 and 60% respectively. The state-of-the-art products allow a one bath treatment which is the key in saving resources.


Pulcra Chemicals

(c) wet-green GmbH

wet-green GmbH earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

wet-green GmbH announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for wet-green® OBE 1 tanning agent for Olivenleder®.

wet-green® OBE 1 is made of 100% biobased raw materials coming from by-products of olive growing, covered by a global patent. wet-green® OBE 1 is applied as a pre-tanning agent and replaces standard tanning technologies e.g. Chromium, Glutaraldehyde, Zeolites etc., is non-corrosive, metal-free, free of synthetic reactive tanning chemicals, formaldehyde-free, glutaraldehyde-free, bisphenol-free, syntan free, viscous, pumpable and pleasant smelling. wet-green® OBE 1 is the next generation vegetable tanning agent suitable for a wide range of leather articles and applied since many years in areas e.g. automotive, upholstery, garments, shoes and accessories.

The wet-green® tanning agent for Olivenleder® can now display a USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content. Third-party verification for a product's biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred® Program, which strives to increase the development, purchase, and use of biobased

wet-green GmbH announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for wet-green® OBE 1 tanning agent for Olivenleder®.

wet-green® OBE 1 is made of 100% biobased raw materials coming from by-products of olive growing, covered by a global patent. wet-green® OBE 1 is applied as a pre-tanning agent and replaces standard tanning technologies e.g. Chromium, Glutaraldehyde, Zeolites etc., is non-corrosive, metal-free, free of synthetic reactive tanning chemicals, formaldehyde-free, glutaraldehyde-free, bisphenol-free, syntan free, viscous, pumpable and pleasant smelling. wet-green® OBE 1 is the next generation vegetable tanning agent suitable for a wide range of leather articles and applied since many years in areas e.g. automotive, upholstery, garments, shoes and accessories.

The wet-green® tanning agent for Olivenleder® can now display a USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content. Third-party verification for a product's biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred® Program, which strives to increase the development, purchase, and use of biobased

Biobased products help address climate change by offering renewable alternatives to petroleum-based products; sequester carbon dioxide, lowering the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere that contribute to climate change; create and expand markets; are generally safer for people and the environment than their petroleum-based counterparts; and represent incredible technological advances and innovations.

Weitere Informationen:
wet-green GmbH Leather chemicals

wet-green GmbH


ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

As part of their Sustainability Vision 2050, YKK is constantly working to deploy more sustainable chemical processes in their production. The ability to replace a commonly used dye chemical with a lower impact version was a no-brainer for YKK’s Vietnam management. REVECOL® is not only more sustainable, it is also more efficient, reducing the use of the dyeing auxiliary by 20% to 30%, thus  helping to lower YKK’s overall chemical usage.

* bluesign® Product Carbon Footprint Report



(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures upgraded MSCI ESG Ratings

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical producer, was upgraded to "A" from "BBB" in MSCI’s ESG rating, reaffirming the company’s effective management of sustainability related risks and opportunities.

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), an independent provider of research-based indices and analytics, ranked Indorama Ventures among the top 14% of 65 companies worldwide in the commodity chemicals industry. The rating has placed it in the top quartile for opportunities in clean tech, water stress, corporate governance, and corporate behavior.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical producer, was upgraded to "A" from "BBB" in MSCI’s ESG rating, reaffirming the company’s effective management of sustainability related risks and opportunities.

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), an independent provider of research-based indices and analytics, ranked Indorama Ventures among the top 14% of 65 companies worldwide in the commodity chemicals industry. The rating has placed it in the top quartile for opportunities in clean tech, water stress, corporate governance, and corporate behavior.

Indorama Ventures is committed to reducing water intensity by 10% by 2025 and 20% by 2030. It developed a Water Risk Assessment Report on its contributions to achieving sustainable management of water targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). For improved corporate governance, the company provides whistleblowers with protection from retaliation, and has policies on business ethics and anti-corruption. Relating to opportunities in clean tech, Indorama Ventures’ is investing in recycling technology and biomass feedstock under its Vision 2030, and is also investing in operational efficiencies, carbon capture technology, renewable energy, and phasing out coal to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions.

MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s resilience to long-term ESG risks. Companies are scored on an industry-relative AAA-CCC scale across the most relevant key issues based on a company’s business model. Investors, including pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, and asset managers, commonly consider the ratings to assess financial risks in the investment process.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Indorama Ventures reports improved quarterly earnings

  • 1Q23 Performance Summary
  • Revenue of US$4B, an increase of 3% QoQ and a decline of 9% YoY
  • Reported EBITDA of US$301M, an increase of 269% QoQ and decrease of 62% YOY
  • Operating cash flows of US$201M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.00x
  • Reported EPS of THB 0.14

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported improved quarterly earnings as headwinds continue to ease from the previous quarter’s peaks, although still below normalized levels. The company continues to focus on enhancing its global competitiveness as the full benefit of China’s reopening spurs volumes through the year, and as volatile energy costs and the destocking trend by customers begin to normalize.

  • 1Q23 Performance Summary
  • Revenue of US$4B, an increase of 3% QoQ and a decline of 9% YoY
  • Reported EBITDA of US$301M, an increase of 269% QoQ and decrease of 62% YOY
  • Operating cash flows of US$201M
  • Net Operating Debt to Equity of 1.00x
  • Reported EPS of THB 0.14

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported improved quarterly earnings as headwinds continue to ease from the previous quarter’s peaks, although still below normalized levels. The company continues to focus on enhancing its global competitiveness as the full benefit of China’s reopening spurs volumes through the year, and as volatile energy costs and the destocking trend by customers begin to normalize.

Indorama Ventures achieved Reported EBITDA of $301 million in 1Q23, an increase of 269% QoQ and a decline of 62% YoY. Sales volumes dropped 8% YoY amid the heavy destocking trend that is impacting the chemical industry globally, although volumes rose 5% QoQ as the pace of destocking begins to slow from the peak in 4Q22. With China reopening from pandemic lockdowns and economic activity increasing, there has been marginal improvement in benchmark spreads, albeit below historical levels. In Europe, the warmer-than-expected winter contributed to lower energy prices and alleviated the cost pressures faced last year.

The Group reported an overall decline in Q1 earnings on a year-on-year basis as continued destocking by customers kept sales volumes below consumer consumption levels. CPET posted Reported EBITDA of $142 million, a 74% decrease YoY as sales volumes dropped 9%. Fibers segment achieved Reported EBITDA of $32 million, a decrease of 69% YoY as all three verticals reported declining sales. Integrated Oxides and Derivatives (IOD) segment posted a 4.4% growth in YoY Reported EBITDA to $128 million as volumes rose 4.4% YoY.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


ChemSec’s PFAs Movement: Brands want the EU to ban PFAS chemicals

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

108 companies dedicated to phasing out PFAS chemicals from products and processes have joined the PFAS Movement, an advocacy campaign initiated by environmental NGO ChemSec that calls for comprehensive regulation of PFAS in the EU. The members comprise many well-known brands, such as Inditex, Urbanears and the Cookware Company, representing various industries— fashion, home goods, food, and personal care. The members are worth more than €130 billion in total revenue.

“A European ban on PFAS chemicals will have huge repercussions for all manufacturing industries and require much work for companies in the global supply chain. However, some parts of the industry oppose this ban, claiming that the change is too big to be justified. That’s why the support for a ban from such influential consumer brands as those in the PFAS Movement is so important. It’s a strong sign that businesses want to eliminate PFAS chemicals in products and processes”, says Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.

A Hollywood Helping Hand
ChemSec’s PFAS Movement is not only supported by the brands but also by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo who became a PFAS activist after his involvement in the film Dark Waters. The film depicts the real-life events following the massive uncovering of PFAS contamination in the USA. As a result, several PFAS producers in the USA are now involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

The health and environmental threats of PFAS, along with all the lawsuits, have also created attention among another influential group: institutional investors. Last year, 47 institutional investors with US$8 trillion in assets sent a letter to 54 chemical companies named by ChemSec, calling for them to halt the production of persistent “forever chemicals”.

The EU ban on PFAS
The proposed EU ban on PFAS is extensive and the first of its kind worldwide. The idea was initially initiated by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway, who have spent almost three years mapping the implications of a ban on PFAS chemicals in a dossier that expands over nearly 2000 pages. The proposal shows, among other things, that the emissions of PFAS were 75 000 tonnes in 2020. If this continues, the emissions are expected to sit at 4.4 million tonnes in 30 years. The emissions originate from the production and use of the many products that contain PFAS; furniture, cosmetics, electronics and many more.

Weitere Informationen:
ChemSec PFAS chemicals



ERCA's new business unit: ERCA TCS (Textile Chemical Solutions)

January 2024 marks the official birth of ERCA TCS (Textile Chemical Solutions), a business unit of ERCA S.p.A. with a focus on the textile market. Founded in the 1960s, ERCA S.p.A. is an Italian company, present with six plants in three macro-regions: Europe, Latin America and Asia. The ERCA group produces specialty and auxiliary chemicals with a responsible innovation approach and its production covers several markets: textiles, cosmetics, polyurethanes, concrete.

Why a business unit that caters solely to the textile industry? The decision to give birth to ERCA TCS comes from the desire to be a unique and innovative reference point for ERCA's customers, with products and
services designed specifically for the needs of today's textile industry, grappling with the challenges and
opportunities of sustainability and responsible production.

January 2024 marks the official birth of ERCA TCS (Textile Chemical Solutions), a business unit of ERCA S.p.A. with a focus on the textile market. Founded in the 1960s, ERCA S.p.A. is an Italian company, present with six plants in three macro-regions: Europe, Latin America and Asia. The ERCA group produces specialty and auxiliary chemicals with a responsible innovation approach and its production covers several markets: textiles, cosmetics, polyurethanes, concrete.

Why a business unit that caters solely to the textile industry? The decision to give birth to ERCA TCS comes from the desire to be a unique and innovative reference point for ERCA's customers, with products and
services designed specifically for the needs of today's textile industry, grappling with the challenges and
opportunities of sustainability and responsible production.

ERCA TCS bases its activities on the principles of "Green Chemistry" with the aim of offering the textile industry chemical solutions that make the concepts of safety, performance and circularity a reality. The chemical auxiliaries of ERCA TCS are the result of a vision that incorporates responsible innovation, continuous research, and a desire to offer to the market effective yet ethically, environmentally, and economically sustainable solutions.

The green, high tech and circular commitment of ERCA TCS is demonstrated by a product and brand range that is totally based on the circular economy, which started from a problem - the disposal of used vegetable oil - and turned it into a resource, into a raw material for the production of chemical auxiliaries for the textile industry: REVECOL®, the circular range of high-performance, made-in-Italy, GRS-certified chemical auxiliaries. The REVECOL® range can be used on any type of fiber, recycled or not.


ERCA S.p.A. / classecohub


New online tool maps PFAS hotspots in businesses ahead of EU ban

The EU's plans to ban PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals will have an immense impact on companies globally. Perhaps even more than expected, as many manufacturers are unaware that they may have PFAS chemicals in their product line. A new online tool, launched today by NGO ChemSec, will help to solve this problem.

Just a couple of weeks after the big PFAS restriction proposal in the EU was published, ChemSec launches the PFAS Guide, which helps companies investigate the use of persistent chemicals within their businesses. The main feature of the PFAS Guide is the searchable database uncovering different PFAS uses and functions. The online tool also provides guidance on different aspects of the phase-out process from regulation and investigation all the way to testing and supply chain communication.

The EU's plans to ban PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals will have an immense impact on companies globally. Perhaps even more than expected, as many manufacturers are unaware that they may have PFAS chemicals in their product line. A new online tool, launched today by NGO ChemSec, will help to solve this problem.

Just a couple of weeks after the big PFAS restriction proposal in the EU was published, ChemSec launches the PFAS Guide, which helps companies investigate the use of persistent chemicals within their businesses. The main feature of the PFAS Guide is the searchable database uncovering different PFAS uses and functions. The online tool also provides guidance on different aspects of the phase-out process from regulation and investigation all the way to testing and supply chain communication.

“We’ve been working to support companies in chemical substitution for a long time, and the last few years we’ve gathered a group of companies working specifically on the PFAS issue. The discussions with them made it clear to us that a main challenge is understanding if and where in your business you may have PFAS”, says Dr. Anna Lennquist, Project Leader for the PFAS Guide.

PFAS are a source of growing concern
It has been estimated that 95 percent of all manufactured goods rely on some form of industrial chemical process. A large share of the chemicals used in these processes have been linked to adverse impacts on human health and the environment. PFAS are a clear example of this problem. PFAS have been manufactured and used in products such as make-up, non-stick pans, water- and greaseproof textiles, food-packaging materials, and firefighting foam since the 1950s and are still used in a wide variety of products around the world today.

But they are also substances of growing concern due to their problematic properties. Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of several thousand man-made chemicals that accumulate in the environment and cause health impacts for generations. They are, for example, linked to cancer, lung disease, diabetes, reproductive abnormalities and learning difficulties. Since PFAS do not degrade, these “forever chemicals” are now so widespread that is safe to say that every single human being on the planet have detectable levels of these toxic chemicals in their blood.

A couple of weeks ago, a big proposal to restrict PFAS in the EU was published. The five EU Member States behind the proposal submitted a broad restriction proposal that clearly shows the need for the industry to put all resources into phasing out all PFAS substances.

Weitere Informationen:
PFAS ChemSec chemicals



ECHA publishes PFAS restriction proposal

The details of the proposed restriction of around 10 000 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are now available on ECHA’s website. ECHA’s scientific committees will now start evaluating the proposal in terms of the risks to people and the environment, and the impacts on society.

The proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people.

All PFASs in the scope of the proposal are very persistent in the environment. If their releases are not minimised, people, plants and animals will be increasingly exposed, and without a restriction, such levels will be reached that have negative effects on people’s health and the environment. The authorities estimate that around 4.4 million tonnes of PFASs would end up in the environment over the next 30 years unless action is taken.

The details of the proposed restriction of around 10 000 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are now available on ECHA’s website. ECHA’s scientific committees will now start evaluating the proposal in terms of the risks to people and the environment, and the impacts on society.

The proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people.

All PFASs in the scope of the proposal are very persistent in the environment. If their releases are not minimised, people, plants and animals will be increasingly exposed, and without a restriction, such levels will be reached that have negative effects on people’s health and the environment. The authorities estimate that around 4.4 million tonnes of PFASs would end up in the environment over the next 30 years unless action is taken.

Peter van der Zandt, ECHA’s Director for Risk Assessment said: “This landmark proposal by the five authorities supports the ambitions of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy and the Zero Pollution action plan. Now, our scientific committees will start their evaluation and opinion forming. While the evaluation of such a broad proposal with thousands of substances, and many uses, will be challenging, we are ready.”

Next steps
ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will check that the proposal meets the legal requirements of REACH in their meetings in March 2023. If it does, the committees will begin their scientific evaluation of the proposal. A six-month consultation is planned to start on 22 March 2023.

RAC will form an opinion on whether the proposed restriction is appropriate in reducing the risks to people’s health and the environment, while SEAC’s opinion will be on the socio-economic impacts, i.e. benefits and costs to society, associated with the proposal. Both committees form their opinions based on the information in the restriction proposal and the comments received during consultations. The committees also consider advice from the Enforcement Forum on the enforceability of the proposed restriction. Once the opinions are adopted, they will be sent to the European Commission who, together with the EU Member States, will then decide on the potential restriction.

An online information session will be organised on 5 April 2023 to explain the restriction process and to help those interested in participating in the consultation.

Weitere Informationen:
ECHA PFAS polyfluoroalkyl

European Chemicals Agency