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21 Ergebnisse
PET Bottles Bales Stock Photo by Indorama Ventures Limited
PET Bottles Bales Stock

Indorama Ventures: $200 million loan to drive sustainability program

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.

Indorama Ventures secured a new 7-year loan totaling $200 million from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help fund the continued growth of the company’s strategic sustainability programs in India, Thailand and Indonesia, and promote a circular economy as the world’s leading PET recycler.

The loan from the IFC, which is a member of the World Bank Group focused on private sector development in emerging markets, provides a long tenor and flexibility to convert into a sustainability-linked facility based on mutually agreed sustainability targets in the future. The funds will be used to finance sustainability initiatives that bolster Indorama Ventures’ leading strategic footprint in PET recycling. These also include enhancing efficiency at the company’s existing recycling facilities at Nakhon Pathom and Rayong in Thailand, launching a state-of-the-art plant in Karawang in Indonesia, and establishing new recycling plants in India. Additionally, the financing will reimburse costs incurred in 2023 and 2024 for sustainability projects.


Indorama Ventures Limited


Carbios: 2023 Half-Year Results

  • Confirmation of industrial and commercial targets with the construction in France of the world's first plant using Carbios' PET biorecycling technology: progress in line with the target of commissioning the unit in 2025
  • Exclusive global partnership with Novozymes, guaranteeing the supply of enzymes on an industrial scale for Carbios' PET biorecycling plant and all future licensed plants
  • Consolidation of the partnership with Indorama Ventures, which plans to raise around €110 million for this first plant
  • 54 million in aid from the French government via France 2030 and the Grand-Est Region to finance construction of the plant and accelerate R&D work
  • Strengthening of the Carbios Group's financial structure: successful capital increase of €141 million with French and international investors
  • Carbios Group cash position of €78 million at 30 June 2023, not including the net proceeds of the €141 million capital increase received in the second half of 2023
  • Confirmation of industrial and commercial targets with the construction in France of the world's first plant using Carbios' PET biorecycling technology: progress in line with the target of commissioning the unit in 2025
  • Exclusive global partnership with Novozymes, guaranteeing the supply of enzymes on an industrial scale for Carbios' PET biorecycling plant and all future licensed plants
  • Consolidation of the partnership with Indorama Ventures, which plans to raise around €110 million for this first plant
  • 54 million in aid from the French government via France 2030 and the Grand-Est Region to finance construction of the plant and accelerate R&D work
  • Strengthening of the Carbios Group's financial structure: successful capital increase of €141 million with French and international investors
  • Carbios Group cash position of €78 million at 30 June 2023, not including the net proceeds of the €141 million capital increase received in the second half of 2023
Weitere Informationen:
Carbios Indorama half-year results



IVC-Vorstand: Stefan Braun folgt auf Klaus Holz

Neuer Vorsitzender der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. ist Stefan Braun, Geschäftsführer der Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH.

Braun, der das Amt zwischen 2014 und 2020 bereits zweimal ausgeübt hatte, wurde im Juni 2023 auf der IVC-Jahresmitgliederversammlung in Lenzing, Österreich, gewählt. Klaus Holz, Geschäftsführer der Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH, stand nach einer Amtszeit als IVC-Vorsitzender und zwei vorangegangenen Amtsperioden als stellvertretender Vorsitzender für eine Wiederwahl nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

Zum Stellvertreter bestimmte die IVC-Mitgliederversammlung Dieter Feldmann, Geschäftsführer der CERDIA Produktions GmbH. Er folgt auf Werner Häller, COO der Monosuisse AG, der für diese Position nicht mehr kandidierte. Der bisherige Schatzmeister der IVC, Dr. Till Boldt, Geschäftsführer der ENKA International Lux SE & Co. KG, wurde in seinem Amt für die fünfte Amtszeit in Folge bestätigt.

Alle Wahlen erfolgten turnusgemäß. Abweichend von der üblichen Mandatierung auf 3 Jahre, ließ sich der Vorstand verkürzt bis zum Juni 2024 wählen.

Neuer Vorsitzender der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. ist Stefan Braun, Geschäftsführer der Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH.

Braun, der das Amt zwischen 2014 und 2020 bereits zweimal ausgeübt hatte, wurde im Juni 2023 auf der IVC-Jahresmitgliederversammlung in Lenzing, Österreich, gewählt. Klaus Holz, Geschäftsführer der Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH, stand nach einer Amtszeit als IVC-Vorsitzender und zwei vorangegangenen Amtsperioden als stellvertretender Vorsitzender für eine Wiederwahl nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

Zum Stellvertreter bestimmte die IVC-Mitgliederversammlung Dieter Feldmann, Geschäftsführer der CERDIA Produktions GmbH. Er folgt auf Werner Häller, COO der Monosuisse AG, der für diese Position nicht mehr kandidierte. Der bisherige Schatzmeister der IVC, Dr. Till Boldt, Geschäftsführer der ENKA International Lux SE & Co. KG, wurde in seinem Amt für die fünfte Amtszeit in Folge bestätigt.

Alle Wahlen erfolgten turnusgemäß. Abweichend von der üblichen Mandatierung auf 3 Jahre, ließ sich der Vorstand verkürzt bis zum Juni 2024 wählen.

Der IVC-Geschäftsführer Dr. Wilhelm Rauch verlässt mit dem Auslaufen seines Vertrages mit dem 31. Januar 2024 nach knapp 22 Jahren die IVC und wird sich neuen Aufgaben stellen. Der promovierte Chemiker und REACH-Experte freut sich darauf, künftig auch branchenübergreifend Unternehmen mit seiner Expertise zur Verfügung zu stehen.


Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC)

Photo Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures almost triples PET recycling capacity in Brazil

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, one of the world’s largest producers of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin, announced the completion of the expansion of its recycling facility in Brazil, supported by a ‘Blue Loan’ from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank.

The recycling facility, located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is increasing its production capacity from 9 thousand tons to 25 thousand tons per year of PET made from post-consumer recycled (PET-PCR) material. The project is part of Indorama Ventures’ Vision 2030 ambition to continue building a sustainable global company, including spending $1.5 billion to increase its recycling capacity to 50 billion PET bottles per year by 2025.

PET is a unique and widely used plastic for water and soda bottles and the most recycled plastic in the world. Indorama Ventures, the world’s largest provider of recycled PET resin used to make beverage bottles, invested US$20 million to optimize its Brazil facility’s processes and acquire new equipment such as washing machines to help remove labels, grind bottles in water and reduce water consumption by 70%.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, one of the world’s largest producers of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin, announced the completion of the expansion of its recycling facility in Brazil, supported by a ‘Blue Loan’ from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank.

The recycling facility, located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, is increasing its production capacity from 9 thousand tons to 25 thousand tons per year of PET made from post-consumer recycled (PET-PCR) material. The project is part of Indorama Ventures’ Vision 2030 ambition to continue building a sustainable global company, including spending $1.5 billion to increase its recycling capacity to 50 billion PET bottles per year by 2025.

PET is a unique and widely used plastic for water and soda bottles and the most recycled plastic in the world. Indorama Ventures, the world’s largest provider of recycled PET resin used to make beverage bottles, invested US$20 million to optimize its Brazil facility’s processes and acquire new equipment such as washing machines to help remove labels, grind bottles in water and reduce water consumption by 70%.

In November 2020, the IFC provided $300 million in Blue Loan funding to Indorama Ventures with the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil—countries which are grappling with mismanaged waste and serious plastic waste in the environment. Blue Loan funds are certified and tracked for projects that support sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health. Indorama Ventures has secured a total US$2.4 billion in long-term sustainable financing from various financial institutions between 2018–2022 to support sustainability projects.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A./ Nabucco 6075 Reale © Foto: Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH / FIDIVI Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A./ Nabucco 6075 Reale

Trevira CS auf der Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Americas

Trevira CS stellt erstmalig auf der CSI Miami (Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Americas) aus. Die Messe bringt am 6. und 7. Juni 2023 im Miami Beach Convention Center die Einkäufer und Lieferanten zusammen, die sich mit der Innenausstattung von Kreuzfahrtschiffen beschäftigen, darunter Innenarchitekten, Architekten, Ausstatter, Werften und Zulieferer. Trevira CS Stoffe kommen als Gardinen, Vorhänge, Dekorations- und Möbelstoffe, im innenliegenden Sonnenschutz sowie als Wandverkleidungen oder Raumteiler zum Einsatz.

Trevira CS stellt erstmalig auf der CSI Miami (Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Americas) aus. Die Messe bringt am 6. und 7. Juni 2023 im Miami Beach Convention Center die Einkäufer und Lieferanten zusammen, die sich mit der Innenausstattung von Kreuzfahrtschiffen beschäftigen, darunter Innenarchitekten, Architekten, Ausstatter, Werften und Zulieferer. Trevira CS Stoffe kommen als Gardinen, Vorhänge, Dekorations- und Möbelstoffe, im innenliegenden Sonnenschutz sowie als Wandverkleidungen oder Raumteiler zum Einsatz.
Auf dem Trevira CS Stand können sich Besucher ein Bild von dem breiten Angebot an schwer entflammbaren Stoffen machen, die für den Einsatz an Bord von Kreuzfahrtschiffen geeignet sind. Gezeigt werden 53 Stoffe von 20 Trevira CS Kunden, die entweder über eine IMO- Zertifizierung verfügen und/oder nach den im Schifffahrtsbereich geforderten Brandschutznormen (FTP Code) getestet sind. Trevira CS Stoffe sind inhärent schwer entflammbar, d. h. ihre flammhemmenden Eigenschaften lassen sich weder auswaschen noch gehen sie durch Alterung oder Gebrauch verloren. Dies ist auf den chemischen Aufbau der Polyesterfaser zurückzuführen: die schwer entflammbaren Eigenschaften sind fest in der Faser verankert und können durch äußere Einflüsse nicht verändert werden. Eine oberflächlich aufgebrachte Flammschutzausrüstung ist daher nicht erforderlich.

Im Schifffahrtsbereich sind die Anforderungen an Textilien nicht nur in puncto Brandschutz hoch, sondern auch, wenn es um Lichtbeständigkeit und Haltbarkeit geht. Dies gilt insbesondere für Textilien, die im Outdoor-Bereich eingesetzt werden. Diese müssen extrem robust sein, da sie Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt sind. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, hat Trevira CS eine Palette von 30 neuen spinngefärbten, UV-stabilen Filamentgarnen herausgebracht.

Spinngefärbte Garne sind nachhaltiger als garngefärbte Produkte, denn die aus ihnen hergestellten Stoffe können umweltschonender hergestellt werden als Textilien, die im Stück gefärbt werden oder aus bunt gefärbten Garnen bestehen. Bei der Stoffherstellung ist das Färben und Veredeln von Stoffen für einen großen Teil des Ressourcenverbrauchs und des Einsatzes von Chemikalien sowie Wasser verantwortlich. Setzt man spinngefärbte Garne ein, spart man sich diese Prozessschritte, denn das Garn kommt bereits in der gewünschten Farbe aus der Spinndüse.

Trevira CS Stoffe sind in recycelten Varianten verfügbar. Sie bestehen aus Faser- und Filamentgarnen, die in unterschiedlichen Recyclingprozessen gewonnen werden. Filamentgarne werden unter Nutzung von recycelten PET-Flaschen hergestellt, sie enthalten einen Anteil von 50 % Post-Consumer Recyclingmaterial. Recycelte Fasern werden unter Nutzung einer Agglomerationsanlage und in weiteren Prozessschritten aus wiederverwertbaren Wertstoffen aus der Produktion gewonnen und bestehen zu 100 % aus Recyclingmaterial (Pre-Consumer-Recycling). Alle flammhemmenden recycelten Trevira® Produkte sind GRS (Global Recycled Standard) zertifiziert.

Stoffe, die aus diesen Garnen hergestellt wurden, sind mit der Marke Trevira CS eco gekennzeichnet. Voraussetzung hierfür ist ein Recyclinganteil von mindestens 50 %. Unter den auf dem Trevira CS Messestand präsentierten Stoffen befinden sich 8 Stoffe der Marke Trevira CS eco.

Das langfristige Ziel bei der Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Trevira CS Produkten ist der Einstieg in eine geschlossene Kreislaufwirtschaft. Hierfür wurden flammhemmende Fasern und Filamentgarne aus chemisch recyceltem Rohstoff hergestellt. Ausgangsmaterial waren hier PET-Flaschen, allerdings können auch andere PET-Wertstoffe wie Verpackungsmaterial oder Textilien verwendet werden. Beim chemischen Recycling kommt es zur Depolymerisation, einer Sequenz von chemischen Reaktionen, bei der die Polymerketten wieder in ihre ursprünglichen Bestandteile, d. h. die Monomere zerlegt werden. In einem weiteren Prozessschritt werden Verunreinigungen entfernt. Bevor der Prozess der Polymerisation eingeleitet wird, wird noch ein geringer Anteil MEG (Monoethylenglycol) zugeführt.

Wie bei der Herstellung des „virgin“ Rohstoffs für Trevira CS wird die flammhemmende Modifikation bei der Polymerisation eingefügt. Auf diese Weise werden die schwer entflammbaren Eigenschaften dauerhaft im Polymer verankert.

Durch die Verwertung von Wertstoffen wie z. B. Verpackungsmaterial werden Abfälle vermieden, indem sie einer Wiederverwertung zugeführt werden. Der Rohstoff ist mit dem Ursprungsmaterial vergleichbar und kann wieder in hochwertigen Produkten zum Einsatz kommen.


Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH


Nach PHP Fibers firmiert auch Trevira GmbH neu

Die Muttergesellschaft Indorama Ventures PCL ändert die Namen ihrer juristischen Einheiten, die noch nicht „Indorama Ventures“ im Namen tragen:
Zum 1. Mai wurde aus der PHP Fibers GmbH bereits die Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH.

Jetzt zieht mit der Trevira GmbH die nächste Tochtergesellschaft nach und firmiert künftig als Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH. Die Trevira® Produktnamen und -logos (Trevira CS etc.) bleiben unverändert.

Die Muttergesellschaft Indorama Ventures PCL ändert die Namen ihrer juristischen Einheiten, die noch nicht „Indorama Ventures“ im Namen tragen:
Zum 1. Mai wurde aus der PHP Fibers GmbH bereits die Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH.

Jetzt zieht mit der Trevira GmbH die nächste Tochtergesellschaft nach und firmiert künftig als Indorama Ventures Fibers Germany GmbH. Die Trevira® Produktnamen und -logos (Trevira CS etc.) bleiben unverändert.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures ranked No. 1 in the world by ChemSec

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

  • Best practices in chemical footprints

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, received top ranking, for the second consecutive year, among the world's 54 largest chemical companies in the ChemScore ranking by ChemSec, for its efforts to reduce its chemical footprint.

IVL is also the only chemical company that uses the Substitute It Now (SIN) List to remove hazardous substances, market safer alternatives, use bio-based and hazard-free recycled feedstocks, and develop low-carbon products. This reinforces IVL’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry together to create a better world’ and underscores the company’s support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Factors that increased IVL’s score include its ambition to use 16% bio-based and 10% recycled raw materials (rPET) as feedstock by 2030, and safer green chemistry substitutions to reduce toxicity from raw materials and production processes. IVL’s Deja™ brand, offering the world's first carbon-neutral PET pellet solution, is a sustainable alternative to reduce environmental impact.

The ChemScore ranking was developed by ChemSec, the non-profit International Chemical Secretariat in Sweden that advocates for safer alternatives to toxic chemicals, provide investors with better information to assess companies with strong chemical management strategies, and increased transparency. The ranking covers hazardous chemical portfolios, the development of safer chemicals and circular products, chemical management and company transparency, and responses to controversies, lawsuits, and regulations.

Weitere Informationen:
ChemSec IVL chemical footprint

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures’ Deja™ brand named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Chemical Week Sustainability Awards recognize the industry's best efforts in addressing financial, operational, and strategic challenges by focusing on ESG and sustainable product development. The awards were assessed by S&P Global, the world's leading credit rating agency, and a panel of experts from various companies across the chemical industry's value chain.


Indorama Ventures: Resilient YTD earnings in 3Q22

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

  • Last twelve months (LTM) Core EBITDA of US$2.5B, an increase of 60% YoY
  • Core EBITDA per ton of US$163 in LTM3Q22 and US$159 in 3Q22
  • Operating cash flow of US$1,952 in LTM3Q22, an increase of 59% YoY
  • 3Q22 Core Net Profit of THB 10.34B and Reported Net Profit of THB 8.14B

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a resilient year-to-date performance and increasing earnings in a challenging macroeconomic environment.

IVL posted Core EBITDA of US$606 million in 3Q22, a 39% increase YoY and a decline of 20% QoQ as the strong tailwinds that drove record earnings into 2022 began to normalize in the third quarter.  

Strategic acquisitions, including Oxiteno, are bolstering IVL’s increasingly diverse geographic footprint and product portfolio, supporting earnings through volatile economic conditions. Revenue declined 10% QoQ in 3Q and grew 27% YoY as Combined PET, the largest business segment, saw steady volumes through the year, and new portfolio additions performed strongly, such as surfactants in the Integrated Oxides and Derivatives segment. With more than 70% of IVL’s platform catering to consumer daily necessities, demand remains stable.

Fibers segment posted YTD Core EBITDA of $189 million, a rise of 2% YoY. 3Q Core EBITDA increased 2% YoY, and decreased of 11% QoQ, to US$49 million. The Lifestyle fibers business continues to be impacted by the lockdown in China, while management in the Hygiene and Mobility verticals in Europe are effectively managing high energy costs.

Combined PET (CPET) segment achieved YTD Core EBITDA of US$1,192 million, an increase of 42% YoY. Core EBITDA in 3Q22 rose 27% YoY to US$327 million, and declined 24% QoQ, as business remained steady across operations apart from in Europe where peak energy prices continue to put pressure on demand and margins.

D K Agarwal, CEO of Indorama Ventures, said, “We are pleased with our performance across the business cycle. Our management is working hard to extract the advantages that we enjoy in terms of geographic leadership, product diversity, and an unmatched customer base of global household brands. Together with our habitual lens on cost management, these actions will help us to weather the economic challenges and continue to focus on our long-term potential.”


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 

Photo: Indorama Ventures Limited

Indorama Ventures: New plant for nylon yarn

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

  • Collaboration between Indorama Ventures and Toyobo to meet growing global demand for airbags
  • Newly completed plant in Thailand will supply high-performance nylon yarn to customers in the automotive safety sector

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) celebrated the completion of a plant to manufacture high-performance nylon yarn for automobile airbags. The new plant in Rayong, Thailand, was constructed by Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Co., Ltd. (TIAF), a joint venture that Indorama Ventures established with Toyobo Co., Ltd in November 2020.

The plant, which has been built on the site of Indorama Polyester Industries PCL (IPI) in Rayong Province, will deliver 11,000 tons of high-performance yarn per year to meet global demand for airbags that is expected to grow by 3 percent to 4 percent annually as automakers equip vehicles with more airbags and emerging economies require cars to adopt more safety features. Test production is scheduled to start in October 2022 with the goal of starting commercial production in the middle of 2023.

In 2014, Indorama Ventures and Toyobo jointly acquired Germany’s PHP Fibers GmbH, a leading airbag yarn maker. Since then, both companies have strengthened their relationship with a focus to expand in the automotive safety sector. Mr Christopher Kenneally, based in Bangkok, leads IVL’s Fibers segment, which produces fibers and yarns across its Hygiene, Mobility and Lifestyle verticals. Mr Ashok Arora, with over 30 years of experience in fibers and polymer operations, will helm TIAF as CEO while maintaining his role as CTO with IVL Fibers.


Indorama Ventures Limited


Indorama Ventures' Results for 2Q22: Fibers segment -35% QoQ

  • Record Revenue of US$5,451M, an increase of 23% QoQ and 53% YoY
  • Record Reported EBITDA of US$1,010M, up 29% QoQ and 83% YoY
  • Reported Net Profit of THB 20.3B, an increase of 44% QoQ and 143% YoY.
  • Reported EPS of THB 3.58 (LTM2Q22: 8.11) and Core EPS of THB 2.32 (LTM2Q22:6.16)

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported record 2Q22 earnings as the company’s global integrated model continues to benefit from strong consumer trends and management responded effectively to market disruptions.

IVL posted a record Core EBITDA of US$758 million in the second quarter, up 17% QoQ and 59% YoY. Sales revenue rose by about 11% QoQ on a same-store basis, supporting a Core EBITDA margin of 14%. The combination of strong sales and improved margins helped offset higher energy costs in the U.S. and Europe, while management leveraged the company’s leading position in local and regional markets to ensure uninterrupted customer service levels as higher crude oil prices impacted raw materials costs.

  • Record Revenue of US$5,451M, an increase of 23% QoQ and 53% YoY
  • Record Reported EBITDA of US$1,010M, up 29% QoQ and 83% YoY
  • Reported Net Profit of THB 20.3B, an increase of 44% QoQ and 143% YoY.
  • Reported EPS of THB 3.58 (LTM2Q22: 8.11) and Core EPS of THB 2.32 (LTM2Q22:6.16)

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, reported record 2Q22 earnings as the company’s global integrated model continues to benefit from strong consumer trends and management responded effectively to market disruptions.

IVL posted a record Core EBITDA of US$758 million in the second quarter, up 17% QoQ and 59% YoY. Sales revenue rose by about 11% QoQ on a same-store basis, supporting a Core EBITDA margin of 14%. The combination of strong sales and improved margins helped offset higher energy costs in the U.S. and Europe, while management leveraged the company’s leading position in local and regional markets to ensure uninterrupted customer service levels as higher crude oil prices impacted raw materials costs.

Fibers segment posted Core EBITDA of US$55 million, a decrease of 35% QoQ and 15% YoY, as sales declined 11% QoQ. The segment was impacted by lower demand in the Lifestyle vertical amid the China lockdown while higher freight rates restricted exports. The Hygiene vertical was impacted by volumes at Avgol’s Russia site along with increased polypropylene prices, while strength in the replacement tires market partially offset the ongoing semiconductor shortage, resulting in a stable performance for Mobility.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Photo via Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures acquires Tollegno 1900’s Wool assets in Italy and Poland

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of the wool spinning businesses in Italy and Poland of Tollegno 1900 S.p.A. (Tollegno 1900), a leading Italian manufacturer of fabrics and yarns.

Tollegno 1900 has a family-based heritage with more than 120 years of experience and is one of the leading European textile groups with a total spinning capacity of around 3,500 tons of yarn per year with a specific focus on flat knitting and hand knitting yarns. With this acquisition, IVL secured two assets, including a spinning and top-dyeing operation in Poland and a yarn dyeing operation in Italy.

The acquisition is a strategic fit for IVL’s integrated business platform and will make a significant contribution to the sustainable growth of its Wool business, which is part of the company’s Fibers segment. It will also strengthen IVL’s footprint for worsted yarns in Europe and help extend IVL’s wool products globally with trading subsidiaries in America and Asia.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) completed the acquisition of the wool spinning businesses in Italy and Poland of Tollegno 1900 S.p.A. (Tollegno 1900), a leading Italian manufacturer of fabrics and yarns.

Tollegno 1900 has a family-based heritage with more than 120 years of experience and is one of the leading European textile groups with a total spinning capacity of around 3,500 tons of yarn per year with a specific focus on flat knitting and hand knitting yarns. With this acquisition, IVL secured two assets, including a spinning and top-dyeing operation in Poland and a yarn dyeing operation in Italy.

The acquisition is a strategic fit for IVL’s integrated business platform and will make a significant contribution to the sustainable growth of its Wool business, which is part of the company’s Fibers segment. It will also strengthen IVL’s footprint for worsted yarns in Europe and help extend IVL’s wool products globally with trading subsidiaries in America and Asia.

The operations, which will be renamed Filatura Tollegno 1900, will add more sustainable products to IVL’s portfolio, including a full traceability project of the fibers used for yarns and fabrics, as well as provide synergies with existing assets.

Giovanni Germanetti, the CEO of Tollegno, will continue in the same role with Filatura Tollegno 1900, facilitating continuity and exploring new growth as part of IVL. Lincoln Germanetti, the President and co-CEO of Tollegno, will remain with Filatura Tollegno 1900 as COO.

Weitere Informationen:
IVL wool Fibers yarn

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Trevira GmbH & Trevira CS: Business 2021 und Outlook 2022

  • Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL wird zügig umgesetzt

Trevira blickt auf ein herausforderndes, aber durchaus erfolgreiches 2021 zurück. Mit einem Gesamtumsatz von ca. 232 Mio. Euro übertraf das Ergebnis die Erwartungen.

Angespornt durch den Start des Impfprogramms mit der daraus resultierenden Hoffnung, dass die Pandemie zeitnah überwunden sein würde, konnten bereits im ersten Quartal 2021 in allen Bereichen deutlich höhere Ergebnisse erzielt werden.

  • Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL wird zügig umgesetzt

Trevira blickt auf ein herausforderndes, aber durchaus erfolgreiches 2021 zurück. Mit einem Gesamtumsatz von ca. 232 Mio. Euro übertraf das Ergebnis die Erwartungen.

Angespornt durch den Start des Impfprogramms mit der daraus resultierenden Hoffnung, dass die Pandemie zeitnah überwunden sein würde, konnten bereits im ersten Quartal 2021 in allen Bereichen deutlich höhere Ergebnisse erzielt werden.

Insbesondere im Bereich Heimtextilien setzten sich die positiven Signale im Markt weiter fort. Nach einem für das Trevira CS ®-Geschäft herausfordernden Jahr 2020, in dem vor allem der Hotel- und Veranstaltungsbereich durch die Lockdown-Maßnahmen unter Druck geriet, belebte sich der Markt im Jahr 2021. Gute Verbesserungen konnten in wichtigen Ländern wie Italien, Deutschland und Skandinavien erzielt werden. Die massiv steigenden Kosten (insbesondere Energie, aber auch Rohstoffe, Chemikalien, Verpackung) bedeuten jedoch auch große Herausforderungen.
Auch die ersten fünf Monate im Jahr 2022 seien gut verlaufen. Das Unternehmen sieht große Entwicklungsaktivitäten auf der Kundenseite rund um die neuen Trevira CS Marken. Der Trend zur Nachhaltigkeit hält weiter an, was sich in der Nachfrage nach Trevira CS eco widerspiegelt.

Auch die UV-stabilen, spinngefärbten Filamentgarne, die speziell für den Outdoor-Bereich entwickelt wurden und neben der Schwerentflammbarkeit auch eine hohe Performance in puncto Lichtbeständigkeit und Reißfestigkeit aufweisen, werden stark nachgefragt, da nun auch der Kreuzfahrtschiffbereich nach zwei Covid-Jahren langsam wieder anläuft.

Derzeit geht Trevira für die Entwicklung des Trevira CS Geschäftes im laufenden Jahr weiterhin davon aus, dass die positiven Signale durch die Nachholeffekte aus der Zeit des Corona-Lockdowns von größerer Bedeutung sind als mögliche Downsides, die durch steigende Energie- und Materialkosten und die daraus resultierende inflationäre Entwicklung verursacht werden.
Die Integration der Trevira GmbH in den Mutterkonzern Indorama Ventures PCL ist zügig vorangeschritten. Die in Bobingen ansässige Business Unit Fasern wurde dem sogenannten „Vertical Hygiene“ und die Business Unit Filamente in Guben dem „Vertical LifeStyle“ zugeordnet. Zielsetzung ist die Nutzung von Synergieeffekte, die durch die enge Zusammenarbeit im Verbund mit den jeweiligen Schwesterfirmen entstehen. Zusammen mit dem dritten Vertical „Mobility“ waren „Hygiene“ und LifeStyle“ mit einem Indorama Gemeinschaftsstand auf der Techtextil in Halle 9.1, Stand D05 vertreten.

Aufgrund der fortgeschrittenen Integration der Trevira GmbH in die Indorama Ventures PCL wird auch die Marke Trevira CS zukünftig als Marke des Mutterkonzerns kommuniziert werden. Diese Kommunikation wurde auch auf dem Trevira CS Messestand auf der Heimtextil Summer Edition aufgegriffen.


Trevira GmbH


Indorama Venures: Faserinnovationen auf der Techtextil

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), einer der weltweit führenden Petrochemieproduzenten mit globaler Präsenz in Europa, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, wird auf der Techtextil die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen seiner drei Faser-Sparten MOBILITY, HYGIENE und LIFESTYLE vorstellen. Diese drei Geschäftsbereiche vereinen Schlüsselkompetenzen in den Bereichen Fasern, Vliesstoffe und Gewebe für die Märkte Automobil, Hygiene, Funktionsmaterialien und Verbundwerkstoffe.

Unter dem Motto "Reimaging Chemistry together for a better World" wird ein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Produkten, fortschrittlichen Technologien und verbraucherorientierten Lösungen vorgestellt.

Ein Schwerpunkt wird die Marke Deja® sein — die Plattform für nachhaltige Produkte von Indorama Ventures. Sie umfasst u.a. Materialien wie Fasern aus recyceltem PET (rPET). Ziel ist es, Produkte im Umlauf zu halten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren.  Außerdem werden Materialien mit einem neutralen Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck, darunter Breathair® und bio-basierte Produkte, präsentiert.

Auch andere neue Technologien werden vor Ort zu sehen sein. Um die Verschmutzung der Umwelt durch Kunststoffe zu verringern, führt Indorama Ventures Polyolefinfasern und Vliesstoffe ein, die durch die kürzlich eingeführte Biotransformationstechnologie biologisch abbaubar sind. Biotransformation ist ein Prozess, bei dem sich der physikalische Zustand einer Faser von einem kristallinen Feststoff in ein bioverfügbares Wachs ändert.


New french recycling technology to recycle 50 million PET food trays per year

Indorama Ventures, VALORPLAST, Klöckner Pentaplast (kp) and CITEO collaboration delivers a commercial recycling solution for monolayer PET trays

Thai-based Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) with its facility Wellman France Recycling in Verdun, has been working on the PET trays recycling for 6 years and through an ongoing project with VALORPLAST and supported by CITEO.

The project has the objective to develop and validate recycling for monolayer and multilayer PET trays. VALORPLAST has collected significant quantities of post-consumer PET trays and several industrial runs have been conducted by Wellman. The produced flakes are being tested by several actors to develop high quality applications. Those tests have led by IVL to develop a commercially feasible recycling solution for monolayer PET trays with the collaboration of Klöckner Pentaplast.
The new technology is processing monolayer PET trays used for food packaging (meat, produce and cheese) into a high-quality product, suitable for new tray production.

This new recycling innovation will see over 50 million post-consumer PET trays diverted away from landfill or incineration.

Indorama Ventures, VALORPLAST, Klöckner Pentaplast (kp) and CITEO collaboration delivers a commercial recycling solution for monolayer PET trays

Thai-based Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) with its facility Wellman France Recycling in Verdun, has been working on the PET trays recycling for 6 years and through an ongoing project with VALORPLAST and supported by CITEO.

The project has the objective to develop and validate recycling for monolayer and multilayer PET trays. VALORPLAST has collected significant quantities of post-consumer PET trays and several industrial runs have been conducted by Wellman. The produced flakes are being tested by several actors to develop high quality applications. Those tests have led by IVL to develop a commercially feasible recycling solution for monolayer PET trays with the collaboration of Klöckner Pentaplast.
The new technology is processing monolayer PET trays used for food packaging (meat, produce and cheese) into a high-quality product, suitable for new tray production.

This new recycling innovation will see over 50 million post-consumer PET trays diverted away from landfill or incineration.

Testing has now moved into commercial production. 500 tonnes of PET trays are now being processed monthly and transformed into a high-quality tray flake, which can be used to produce new trays. The purity of the flakes is comparable with high-quality bottle flake. A further scale up is foreseen, and the company plans to process 10KT of tray flake in 2022.

Weitere Informationen:
PET recycling fibers

 Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 


Indorama Ventures acquires 85% equity stake in UCY Polymers CZ s.r.o. (UCY)

  • New partnership will recycle over 1.6 billion PET beverage bottles in the Czech Republic by 2025

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), the world’s largest producer of recycled PET for beverage bottles, completed a deal for an 85% equity stake in Czech Republic-based PET plastic recycler, UCY Polymers CZ s.r.o. (UCY), boosting the country and Europe’s plastic collection and recycling ambitions.

As a result of the investment, IVL will recycle about 1.12 billion additional post-consumer PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles in the Czech Republic every year by 2025, increasing the total bottles recycled by UCY across the Czech Republic, Germany and Central Europe to 1.6 billion bottles per year. IVL, a global sustainable chemicals company, is investing USD1.5 billion globally to expand recycling facilities and sustainable production, including boosting its recycling capacity to 750,000 tons per year by 2025.

  • New partnership will recycle over 1.6 billion PET beverage bottles in the Czech Republic by 2025

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), the world’s largest producer of recycled PET for beverage bottles, completed a deal for an 85% equity stake in Czech Republic-based PET plastic recycler, UCY Polymers CZ s.r.o. (UCY), boosting the country and Europe’s plastic collection and recycling ambitions.

As a result of the investment, IVL will recycle about 1.12 billion additional post-consumer PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles in the Czech Republic every year by 2025, increasing the total bottles recycled by UCY across the Czech Republic, Germany and Central Europe to 1.6 billion bottles per year. IVL, a global sustainable chemicals company, is investing USD1.5 billion globally to expand recycling facilities and sustainable production, including boosting its recycling capacity to 750,000 tons per year by 2025.

UCY is a strategic fit for IVL as a backward integration into the company’s expanding recycled PET (rPET) footprint in Europe and across the world to secure feedstock for rPET products. UCY can produce 40,000 tonnes of recycled PET flake per year. IVL will develop UCY to serve the increasing demand for recycled PET in Europe.

UCY will work with IVL’s existing PET flake production facilities in the region. These provide the washed and shredded post-consumer bottles as PET flake feedstock to produce recycled PET resin that is suitable for food contact use. PET is fully recyclable and the most collected and recycled plastic packaging in Europe.


Indorama Ventures in the in the Global Children's Rights and Business 2021 benchmark

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, has been recognized as an “Achiever” in the Global Children's Rights and Business 2021 benchmark by the Global Child Forum. The company has been ranked 7th out of 28 global chemical companies and is the only Southeast Asia-based company included in the Basic Materials category this year.

This recognition demonstrates IVL's commitment to supporting children's rights and child-friendly business practices in the workplace, marketplace, and community and environment by adopting Children's Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) of UNICEF. The company has a wide range of initiatives that ensure children’s rights, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and decent work and economic growth.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical company, has been recognized as an “Achiever” in the Global Children's Rights and Business 2021 benchmark by the Global Child Forum. The company has been ranked 7th out of 28 global chemical companies and is the only Southeast Asia-based company included in the Basic Materials category this year.

This recognition demonstrates IVL's commitment to supporting children's rights and child-friendly business practices in the workplace, marketplace, and community and environment by adopting Children's Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) of UNICEF. The company has a wide range of initiatives that ensure children’s rights, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and decent work and economic growth.

Chief among IVL’s contributions to children’s rights is the Recycling Education program for the younger generation. The program aims at creating awareness and providing knowledge about recycling and waste separation, in which everyone can take part. By supporting youth as a priority, the program aims to educate future business and community leaders how to lead their organizations, communities, and other consumers in doing the right thing to protect our environment. During the past few years, the program has educated almost 50,000 people of which are students from more than 100 schools. Initiated in Thailand, IVL is now expanding the Recycling Education where it operates globally.

The State of Children's Rights and Business 2021 benchmark report is produced by the Global Child Forum, a leading children’s rights organization, and the Boston Consulting Group by surveying 832 large global companies in nine industries and assessing 27 standardized metrics from its Code of Conduct. This report focuses on the rights of children along with sustainability supervision based on publicly available information.

Weitere Informationen:
Indorama IVL SDG Global Child Forum

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) Trevira GmbH

Indorama at Index 2021 with Sustainability Portfolio

The Hygiene Fibers Group of Indorama Ventures (IVL) came together at the Index Show to present an all-inclusive range of recycled and biodegradable solutions for Hygiene Fiber and Nonwoven applications.

The combination of polymers, technologies, processes and global reach supported by the Hygiene Fibers Group – one of three business segments that make up Indorama Ventures – positions it within the Hygiene industry to meet increasingly challenging market demand for innovative sustainable solutions within the hygiene sector. Across the six brands and companies that make up Hygiene Fibers Group – Auriga, Avgol, FiberVisions, Indorama Asia, Trevira and Wellman International – sustainability and supporting customers to achieve circular objectives is integral to all efforts and fundamental to the ethos of the Hygiene business segment.

The Hygiene Fibers Group of Indorama Ventures (IVL) came together at the Index Show to present an all-inclusive range of recycled and biodegradable solutions for Hygiene Fiber and Nonwoven applications.

The combination of polymers, technologies, processes and global reach supported by the Hygiene Fibers Group – one of three business segments that make up Indorama Ventures – positions it within the Hygiene industry to meet increasingly challenging market demand for innovative sustainable solutions within the hygiene sector. Across the six brands and companies that make up Hygiene Fibers Group – Auriga, Avgol, FiberVisions, Indorama Asia, Trevira and Wellman International – sustainability and supporting customers to achieve circular objectives is integral to all efforts and fundamental to the ethos of the Hygiene business segment.

At the Index Show, the Hygiene Fibers Group launched CiCLO®, a textile technology which allows polyester and other synthetic materials to biodegrade like natural materials do in wastewater treatment plant sludge, sea water and landfill conditions, reducing synthetic microfiber pollution generated during washing, and minimizing plastic accumulation in landfills caused by discarded textiles.

In line with the company’s commitment to support customers with high performance products, while also reducing the impact on the environment, several of the  Hygiene Fibers brands, including Wellman International, Trevira GMBH and Auriga, have been working closely over the last 12 months with the IAM team and the CiCLO® technology. Developments have focused on PET and rPET staple fiber and filament sustainable solutions for applications where recycling is particularly challenging, such as Hygiene, Home Textiles and Automotive applications.

Strengthening the profile of biodegradable offerings within the Hygiene Fibers Group’s sustainability portfolio, Trevira introduced a new range of bicomponent fibres based on PLA and PBS (polybutylene succinate) at the Index show. Both biopolymers offer an exceptional technological opportunity in terms of environmental care and sustainability, while delivering optimum performance. Equally to PLA, PBS is recyclable and up to 100% biodegradable under industrial conditions.

Efforts towards supporting customers to achieve circular objectives are a priority within the Hygiene Fibers Group. This is reflected in the recycled fibers expertise deployed across the segment. Four Hygiene Fibers Group brands, IVL Asia, Auriga, Trevira and Wellman International offer an extensive range of 100% recycled, accredited PET fibers, across a multitude of fiber and nonwovens applications.

The development and evolution of sustainable technologies is central to activity across IVL’s Hygiene Fibers Group, with particular focus on sustainable polyolefin solutions. FiberVisions and ES-FIBERVISIONS, leading Polyolefin mono and bico fiber brands and sister company Avgol, have partnered with UK-based Polymateria to commercially harness the innovative ‘biotransformation’ technology pioneered by Polymateria. The patented technology alters the properties of polyolefins to make them biodegradable in a natural process.  Other polyolefin sustainable innovations within the Hygiene Fibers Group were featured at Index include biosurfactant and biocolourant developments being undertaken by the Avgol team with FiberVisons progressing sustainable design solutions, including lightweight, high performance, reduced carbon solutions.


Trevira GmbH, Indorama Ventures


Indorama Mobility Group: Allgemeine Preiserhöhung zum 1. Oktober 2021

Die Indorama Mobility Group, ein Hersteller von Industriefasern, Seilen und Geweben, sieht sich seit Jahresbeginn – wie andere Unternehmen - mit erheblichen Preissteigerungen konfrontiert. Die Weltwirtschaft erholt sich 2021 allmählich von den Auswirkungen der COVID19-Pandemie, hat aber immer noch unter sehr volatilen Marktbedingungen zu kämpfen: Der globale Frachtverkehr ist nach wie vor unzuverlässig und teuer, die Kosten für Energie und globale Rohstoffe steigen, und der zunehmende Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltverträglichkeit treibt die Kosten für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften in den meisten Teilen der Welt in die Höhe.

Im Einzelnen bedeutet das:

Die Indorama Mobility Group, ein Hersteller von Industriefasern, Seilen und Geweben, sieht sich seit Jahresbeginn – wie andere Unternehmen - mit erheblichen Preissteigerungen konfrontiert. Die Weltwirtschaft erholt sich 2021 allmählich von den Auswirkungen der COVID19-Pandemie, hat aber immer noch unter sehr volatilen Marktbedingungen zu kämpfen: Der globale Frachtverkehr ist nach wie vor unzuverlässig und teuer, die Kosten für Energie und globale Rohstoffe steigen, und der zunehmende Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltverträglichkeit treibt die Kosten für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften in den meisten Teilen der Welt in die Höhe.

Im Einzelnen bedeutet das:

  • Energieversorgung: Der Gaspreis hat sich in Europa in den letzten Monaten verdreifacht (von 15 EUR/MWh im 4. Quartal 2020 auf 45 EUR/MWh in jüngster Zeit), während er in den USA um 50% gestiegen ist
  • CO2-Emissionen und Compliance Kosten: Die Preise für CO2-Zertifikate haben sich in Europa fast verdoppelt und nähern sich 60 EUR/Tonne gegenüber 30 EUR/Tonne Ende letzten Jahres, während die Vorschriften den Bedarf an CO2-Kompensation weiter erhöhen.
  • Chemikalien und Zusatzstoffe (Spinfinish, Dipping-, Beschichtungs- und Laminierungschemikalien): Die Kosten sind um 5% gestiegen.
  • Verpackung: Die Preise für Standardverpackungsmaterialien sind um mehr als 30% gestiegen.
  • Logistik: Trotz unseres lokalen Produktionsstandorts, der nicht vollständig von globalen Frachtproblemen betroffen ist, steigen die regionalen Logistikkosten um bis zu 20% (Straßentransport)

Trotz ständiger Bemühungen um eine Optimierung der Kostenstruktur durch umfassende Initiativen zur Verbesserung der Betriebsabläufe hätten die Kostensteigerungen nun ein Niveau erreicht, so die Gruppe, das nicht mehr ausgeglichen werden könne und an den Markt weiterzugeben sei. Dies sei ein notwendiger Schritt, um weiterhin qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen des breiten Produktportfolio anbieten zu können.


Weitere Informationen:
Indorama Mobility Group

Indorama Mobility Group


Indorama Ventures: Record Core EBITDA in second quarter

  • Forecasts continued growth as global markets recover from pandemic

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global chemical producer, announced its second quarter 2021 financial results, reporting a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million as major economies recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and drove demand for products across IVL’s businesses. IVL is forecasting similar strong growth in the second half of 2021 and in 2022 as global vaccination programs spur positive sentiment.

2Q2021 Performance Summary:

  • Forecasts continued growth as global markets recover from pandemic

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global chemical producer, announced its second quarter 2021 financial results, reporting a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million as major economies recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and drove demand for products across IVL’s businesses. IVL is forecasting similar strong growth in the second half of 2021 and in 2022 as global vaccination programs spur positive sentiment.

2Q2021 Performance Summary:

  • Consolidated Revenue of US $3,559M, an increase of 10% QoQ and up 52% YoY
  • EBITDA of US$ 552M and Core EBITDA of US$ 477M
  • Net profit of THB 8,340M, a growth of 39% QoQ, and compared to THB 154M a year earlier
  • Core ROCE of 12.9%, up 443 basis points (bps)  QoQ and up 715 bps YoY
  • Project Olympus, the company’s cost saving and business transformation project, yielded US$ 116M in efficiency gains in 1H21, on track to our 2021 target of US$ 287M
  • Acquisition of CarbonLite’s recycled PET asset in USA, making IVL the largest global producer of rPET resin

IVL delivered standout results in 2Q21 and a record Core EBITDA of US$477 million, bolstered by their global franchise, scale and leadership across three business segments. The record quarterly results include solid performance across regions. Americas and EMEA yielded a record, performing 59% higher Core EBITDA in 1H21 as compared to 1H20, while Asia grew by 15%.

The remainder of 2021 is expected to parallel the first half on the back of continued strong demand in IVL's products from opening of travel with widespread vaccination and immunity.

Weitere Informationen:
Indorama Indorama Polyester Industries

Indorama Ventures