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Charlotte Witts Photo FET
Charlotte Witts

New R&D appointment for FET wet spinning team

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has continued the ongoing process of strengthening its Research & Development team. The latest addition is Charlotte Witts, who is currently studying for a degree in Chemistry at Nottingham University and will work at FET for a 12-month period. She will continue her studies in chemistry as distant learning modules whilst also working at FET. FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide.

“I’m really excited to be joining the team at FET and getting stuck in to the role. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so I’m looking forward to learning how FET develops new technologies that support the textile industry in this endeavour. I hope that my previous studies within this area will help to foster new ideas.”

Furthermore, FET has a development policy of bringing young people into the industry and has invested heavily in recent years to this end, helping to address the skills gap in the UK textile industry. The company’s R&D department comprises ten scientists and engineers who work closely with customers on process development and new product trials.

Charlotte Witts will be focusing on the wet spinning process which is fortuitous as FET has just finished commissioning their own in-house low viscosity wet spinning system. Over the coming year she will focus on spinning a number of bio-sourced polymers (e.g. alginate, chitosan, gelatin, recombinant proteins). These materials require a strong scientific understanding of the underlying chemistry to successfully produce a high-quality yarn. Furthermore, FET regularly gets customer requests to conduct trial work on these materials to de-risk the equipment purchase process.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited

FET: New Senior Materials and Process Scientist (c) FET
R&D Manager Dr Jonny Hunter (left) welcomes Dr Kristoffer Kortsen, Senior Materials and Process Scientist

FET: New Senior Materials and Process Scientist

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has appointed Dr Kristoffer Kortsen as Senior Materials and Process Scientist. He will report directly to R&D Manager, Dr Jonny Hunter, who joined FET in early 2023 in a growing Research and Development team.

Kortsen’s main area of work is in Gel Spinning of UHMWPE (Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene). His contribution will help provide gel spinning expertise and equipment in the near future to a range of industries including medical, aerospace, defence aerospace and marine.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has appointed Dr Kristoffer Kortsen as Senior Materials and Process Scientist. He will report directly to R&D Manager, Dr Jonny Hunter, who joined FET in early 2023 in a growing Research and Development team.

Kortsen’s main area of work is in Gel Spinning of UHMWPE (Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene). His contribution will help provide gel spinning expertise and equipment in the near future to a range of industries including medical, aerospace, defence aerospace and marine.

He completed a Master’s in chemistry at KU Leuven, graduating magna cum laude in 2018. For his Master’s placement, he worked on the production of impact modifier additives for PVC at Kaneka Belgium. Continuing a partnership with this international chemical manufacturing company, he joined the Howdle group at the University of Nottingham for a PhD project looking into the industrial potential of scCO2 dispersion polymerisations for additive production. After graduating, he worked in the Shaver group at the University of Manchester, developing a holistic approach to plastics recycling and sustainability across the many stakeholders in the field.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

AMPI illustration AMPI illustration

FET: £50,000 for spinneret research

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) has been awarded £50,000 of grant funding to collaborate with the University of Manchester on complex spin pack and spinneret designs. This funding will provide FET with access to the expertise of four universities and the National Physical Laboratory to develop the next generation of machinery.

The grant is awarded by a consortium led by AMPI (The Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute) and NPL (The National Physical Laboratory). AMPI’s Innovation for Machinery (I4M) programme supports businesses in West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester as part of an overall initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers to meet the challenges of developing new technology and entering emerging markets.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) has been awarded £50,000 of grant funding to collaborate with the University of Manchester on complex spin pack and spinneret designs. This funding will provide FET with access to the expertise of four universities and the National Physical Laboratory to develop the next generation of machinery.

The grant is awarded by a consortium led by AMPI (The Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute) and NPL (The National Physical Laboratory). AMPI’s Innovation for Machinery (I4M) programme supports businesses in West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester as part of an overall initiative to drive innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery manufacturers to meet the challenges of developing new technology and entering emerging markets.

In this project, FET will be working with the University of Manchester to conduct computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies on a number of complex spin pack and spinneret designs. The aim of this work is to identify areas of improvement for FET’s spin packs and spinnerets and to use computer aided designs to develop significantly more efficient versions. The goal is that the research will improve the throughput of FET extrusion systems, thus reducing the amount of polymer lost through inefficient flow paths. This development, in turn, will reduce the environmental impact of synthetic polymer processing.

FET designs, develops, and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Established in 1998, FET’s major strength has always been to collaborate with customers in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. Efficiency and sustainability are key, so enhanced development of spinneret technology will contribute significantly to these objectives.

FET: Benefits of new polymer development (c) FET
FET’s Fibre Development Centre

FET: Benefits of new polymer development

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK is celebrating a year of achievements since its new Fibre Development Centre was first opened. This period has shown a marked acceleration in the number of client technical trials conducted, involving the ever-increasing development of new polymers.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide, offering melt spinning, wet spinning and spunbond/meltblown options. Since its inception in 1997, a major part of FET’s service portfolio has always been to collaborate with industrial and research establishments in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. FET’s previous Process Development Laboratory presided over the development of about 60 new polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK is celebrating a year of achievements since its new Fibre Development Centre was first opened. This period has shown a marked acceleration in the number of client technical trials conducted, involving the ever-increasing development of new polymers.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a range of high value textile material applications worldwide, offering melt spinning, wet spinning and spunbond/meltblown options. Since its inception in 1997, a major part of FET’s service portfolio has always been to collaborate with industrial and research establishments in testing, evaluating and developing high value materials with diverse, functional properties. FET’s previous Process Development Laboratory presided over the development of about 60 new polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

Since the new Fibre Development Centre came on stream, this process has accelerated and the number of new polymers has now increased to over 70, with considerably enhanced facilities more than doubling capacity and increasing efficiency. Clients frequently spend several days on site participating in development trials and technical sales meetings, so the new Centre is designed to make their stay even more efficient and comfortable.

With more new trials booked for the rest of the year and well into 2024, it is expected that many more new polymers will be developed, with sustainable fibres leading the way.

Weitere Informationen:
FET Fibre Extrusion Technology polymers

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

Im Austausch über die PFAS-Problematik und deren Lösungen. © Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Aufbereitungstechnologie für PFAS in kontaminiertem Wasser und Abwasser marktreif

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Aufgrund ihrer besonderen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften – wasser-, fett- und schmutzabweisend sowie chemisch und thermisch stabil – sind Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in vielen zukunftsrelevanten Technologien, aber auch Alltagsprodukten essenziell. Die hohe Stabilität der Verbindungen und ihre allgegenwärtige Verbreitung können auch Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt, insbesondere in wässriger Umgebung und in Böden. PFAS sind teilweise toxisch, z. B. fortpflanzendgefährdend oder krebserregend. Die EU plant ein pauschales Herstellungs- und Einsatzverbot. Im Rahmen eines Informationsaustauschs besuchte NRW-Umweltminister Oliver Krischer die Cornelsen Umwelttechnologie GmbH, um gemeinsam mit Verantwortlichen der IHK, der ZENIT GmbH und der Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH über die künftigen Herausforderungen bei der Beseitigung von PFAS und im Speziellen über die Aufbereitungstechnologie PerfluorAd® zu sprechen. Ebenfalls dabei war das Fraunhofer UMSICHT als (Mit-)Erfinder der Technologie und Forschungspartner von Cornelsen.

Zukunftsrelevante Technologien wie Brennstoffzellen oder Li-Ionen-Batterien, Alltagsprodukte wie Outdoor-Textilien oder Kosmetika, diverse Funktionsbeschichtungen und Feuerlöschmittel enthalten PFAS. Für zahlreiche der genannten Anwendungen gibt es noch keine fluorfreien Alternativen. Der nationale Wasserstoffrat empfiehlt aus diesem Grund eine vertiefende Forschung und Ausnahmeregelungen, bis umweltfreundliche Lösungen verfügbar sind.

Aufbereitungskosten minimieren und Umwelt schonen
Das Fraunhofer UMSICHT und Cornelsen waren mit Beginn ihrer Forschungsaktivitäten zu PFAS im Jahr 2008 die Ersten in Deutschland, die sich mit deren anspruchsvoller Beseitigung aus kontaminiertem Grundwasser, Sickerwasser und Industrieabwasser beschäftigten. Gemeinsam wurde das patentgeschützte PerfluorAd®-Verfahren entwickelt, mit dem sich PFAS effektiv und kostengünstig aus Löschwasser entfernen lassen. Die am Brandort verbleibenden PFAS-haltigen Reste an Schaum bzw. Wasser werden direkt aufgefangen – z. B. in speziellen Löschwasser-Auffangbecken von Industrieanlagen. Die anschließende Aufbereitung und Dekontaminierung kann, je nach Begebenheit, vor Ort oder extern erfolgen.

Mittlerweile hat Cornelsen viele unterschiedliche Wasseraufbereitungsprojekte und Dekontaminierungen von PFAS-belasteten Systemen durchgeführt. Das PerfluorAd®-Verfahren ist auf weitere Anwendungsfälle übertragbar und lässt sich mit verschiedenen PFAS-Aufbereitungstechnologien wie Ionenaustausch, Membranverfahren oder Aktivkohleadsorption kombinieren.

Während Cornelsen die verfahrenstechnische Umsetzung verantwortet, hat das Fraunhofer UMSICHT in den Bereichen Analytik, Chemie und IP zum Gelingen des PerfluorAd®-Verfahrens beigetragen.


CWS legt Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022/2023 vor

Bis 2030 will CWS seinen CO2e-Fußabdruck mindestens um die Hälfte reduzieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat das Unternehmen eine Dekarbonisierungsstrategie mit 19 Initiativen für alle Geschäftsbereiche erarbeitet. Im Vordergrund der Strategie steht die Optimierung der Energienutzung, um unnötige Emissionen zu vermeiden oder auf ein Minimum zu senken. Zusätzlich soll die Energieversorgung auf grüne Energien umgestellt werden, insbesondere durch von CWS selbst produzierten Solarstrom.

Um Emissionen zu verringern, ist die Lieferkette von entscheidender Bedeutung. 74% der Treibhausgase entstehen jenseits der eigenen Standorte, insbesondere in der vorgelagerten Wertschöpfung, beim Einkauf von Materialien und Dienstleistungen.

Um herauszufinden, wo die Emissionsschwerpunkte in der Lieferkette und damit das größte Potenzial für Reduzierungsmaßnahmen liegt, arbeitete CWS mit dem Softwareunternehmen für Carbon Accounting Normative zusammen. Der Ansatz ermöglicht es, Hotspots für Emissionen in den Lieferketten zu identifizieren und gemeinsam mit den Zulieferern anzugehen.

Bis 2030 will CWS seinen CO2e-Fußabdruck mindestens um die Hälfte reduzieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat das Unternehmen eine Dekarbonisierungsstrategie mit 19 Initiativen für alle Geschäftsbereiche erarbeitet. Im Vordergrund der Strategie steht die Optimierung der Energienutzung, um unnötige Emissionen zu vermeiden oder auf ein Minimum zu senken. Zusätzlich soll die Energieversorgung auf grüne Energien umgestellt werden, insbesondere durch von CWS selbst produzierten Solarstrom.

Um Emissionen zu verringern, ist die Lieferkette von entscheidender Bedeutung. 74% der Treibhausgase entstehen jenseits der eigenen Standorte, insbesondere in der vorgelagerten Wertschöpfung, beim Einkauf von Materialien und Dienstleistungen.

Um herauszufinden, wo die Emissionsschwerpunkte in der Lieferkette und damit das größte Potenzial für Reduzierungsmaßnahmen liegt, arbeitete CWS mit dem Softwareunternehmen für Carbon Accounting Normative zusammen. Der Ansatz ermöglicht es, Hotspots für Emissionen in den Lieferketten zu identifizieren und gemeinsam mit den Zulieferern anzugehen.

Dies ist Teil der übergreifenden Initiative Enkelfähig der Haniel Gruppe, zu der CWS gehört. Die Unternehmensgruppe ist überzeugt, dass Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur eine Aufgabe unter vielen, sondern eng mit wirtschaftlichem Erfolg und unternehmerischer Verantwortung verknüpft ist. Bei CWS bedeutet das neben der Dekarbonisierung des Unternehmens, alle Materialien und Produkte entlang ihres Lebenszyklus nachhaltig und umweltschonend anzubieten. Bis 2025 will CWS mehr als 90% ihres Neugeschäfts ausschließlich mit nachhaltigen Produkten generieren.

Die vier CWS Geschäftsbereiche Hygiene, Workwear, Cleanrooms und Fire Safety arbeiten zu diesem Zweck eigenständig an Konzepten und Maßnahmen. Alle Produkte werden so lange wie möglich im Sinne des eigenen Leitsatzes Think Circular im Servicekreislauf gehalten. Die Produkte sind aus besonders langlebigen und möglichst recycelten Materialien hergestellt. Beschädigte Produkte werden im Servicemodell professionell repariert, bevor sie ausgetauscht werden. Im Anschluss wird zahlreichen Produkten durch innovative Upcycling-Projekte ein zweites Leben geschenkt – beispielsweise als modische Kleidung des Upcycling-Designers Daniel Kroh oder als Material für die Designkonzepte der Initiative Accelerating Circularity, die die Textilindustrie mit Hilfe von zirkulären Modellen transformieren will.  

CWS Hygiene legt einen großen Fokus auf die Modernisierung der Serviceflotte mit Elektrofahrzeugen und optimiert die Routen, um die Fahrtzeiten kurz zu halten. Mit der Stoffhandtuchrolle setzt CWS Hygiene schon seit vielen Jahren auf ein besonders nachhaltiges Hygieneprodukt. Außerdem wird in den Wäschereien sukzessive auf recycelte Seifenflaschen umgestellt und Wasser energiesparend aufbereitet.

Die Modernisierung des Fuhrparks und der Einsatz von Recyclingmaterialien spielen auch bei CWS Workwear eine entscheidende Rolle. In der Produktion der Arbeitskleidung kommt neben umweltfreundlicher Viskose recyceltes Polyester zum Einsatz. Bei der Rohstoff-Beschaffung wird auf fair gehandelte Waren geachtet, zu diesem Zweck besteht eine Kooperation mit dem gemeinnützigen Verein Fairtrade Deutschland. Mit dem PROcircular hat CWS Workwear außerdem ein komplett recyceltes T-Shirt entwickelt.

Das gilt ebenfalls für die Reinraumkleidung von CWS Cleanrooms, die 60- bis 80-mal gewaschen werden kann, bevor sie entsorgt werden muss. Zunehmend stellt der Geschäftsbereich die Produktpalette auf umwelt- und ressourcenschonende Produkte um, wie den MicroSicuro CR/A-R, einen Mehrweg-Moppbezug aus 76 % recycelten Polyesterfasern. Die Reinraumwäschereien von CWS Cleanrooms entsprechen neuesten Energie- und Wärmestandards, zukünftig soll die erste vollständig klimaneutrale Wäscherei entstehen.

Bei CWS Fire Safety stehen neben dem Wasserverbrauch vor allem die Schaumlöschmittel im Fokus der Anstrengungen: Löschmittel sind zu 90 % fluorfrei, was die Umweltbelastung durch schwer abbaubare PFAS-Chemikalien verhindert. Damit hat CWS Fire Safety PFAS bereits vor einer gesetzlichen Regelung nahezu vollständig aus seinen Löschmitteln verbannt. Außerdem sollen in Kooperation mit dem dänischen Unternehmen VID immer häufiger moderne Wassernebellöschanlagen eingesetzt werden, die 60 bis 80 % weniger Wasser verbrauchen als herkömmliche Sprinkleranlagen.


CWS International GmbH

(c) FET
FET’s Director of Technology, Mark Smith and new R&D Manager, Dr Jonny Hunter

FET strengthens its technical team

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has strengthened its technical team with the appointment of Dr Jonny Hunter as Research & Development Manager. Hunter brings a wealth of academic credentials to the department, including a Master’s in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry and a PhD in Sustainable Chemistry. This academic background is complemented by over 10 years’ R&D experience in industry, including FMCG and, in particular, medical devices, which encompasses wound care, the medical device manufacturing process and regulatory environment.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK has strengthened its technical team with the appointment of Dr Jonny Hunter as Research & Development Manager. Hunter brings a wealth of academic credentials to the department, including a Master’s in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry and a PhD in Sustainable Chemistry. This academic background is complemented by over 10 years’ R&D experience in industry, including FMCG and, in particular, medical devices, which encompasses wound care, the medical device manufacturing process and regulatory environment.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications, so the above research and industrial sectors have great relevance to the company’s focus on the international stage. A significant market for FET’s meltspinning equipment is medical devices, so in-house expertise in this area is a vital commodity. FET is also at the forefront of innovation to promote and develop sustainable fibres, so technical knowhow in sustainability is also essential. In this, Jonny Hunter has considerable experience and has in the past lead a number of innovation projects in sustainable chemistry and management.

This fresh input of knowledge and experience will benefit FET’s customers in their own drive for sustainable innovation in fibre technology. Mark Smith, the previous R&D Manager, is taking a short sabbatical and will be returning in a more strategic role as FET’s Director of Technology, so his continued presence will further contribute to FET’s breadth of technical expertise.

FET has also expanded in a number of other departments to reflect the rapid growth in sales over recent years. Mike Urey is the new Sales Engineer, bringing a wide industrial experience and strengthening all aspects of business development. Three new mechanical and electronic engineers and a new appointment in the design department all combine to take the company forward and sustain growth.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

(c) FET
FET Melt Spinning system

FET exhibits at ITMA 2023

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will be exhibiting at ITMA 2023, taking place between 8-14 June Milan, Italy. FET has commissioned its biggest ever stand to reflect the company’s commitment to this event and the textile industry.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Central to FET’s success has always been its ability to provide customers with advanced facilities and equipment, together with unrivalled knowledge and expertise in research and production techniques.

The new FET Fibre Development Centre will further improve this service, allowing clients to trial their own products in an ideal environment. Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients worldwide and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will be exhibiting at ITMA 2023, taking place between 8-14 June Milan, Italy. FET has commissioned its biggest ever stand to reflect the company’s commitment to this event and the textile industry.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Central to FET’s success has always been its ability to provide customers with advanced facilities and equipment, together with unrivalled knowledge and expertise in research and production techniques.

The new FET Fibre Development Centre will further improve this service, allowing clients to trial their own products in an ideal environment. Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients worldwide and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

For the first time at ITMA, the new FET Spunbond range will feature. This system provides opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents. Recent customers to benefit from FET spunbond systems include the University of Leeds and an integrated metlblown / spunbond system at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

FET’s established expertise remains in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. FET has successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and non-woven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

A major theme at ITMA will again be sustainability. The FET range of laboratory and pilot extrusion lines is ideally suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials. “This year we are celebrating FET’s 25th anniversary” says FET Managing Director Richard Slack “and we look forward to meeting customers at ITMA, where we can discuss their fibre technology needs.”


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd

(c) FET
FET’s show booth at the Hong Kong exhibition

FET supports Green Textile Exhibition in Hong Kong

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK participated in the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax. This was the first in a series of international exhibitions that FET will be attending in 2023.

The interactive exhibition was organised by the Hong Kong General Chambers of Textiles, with over 20 industrial experts and 300 guests in discussion forums and meetings. The major themes explored were sustainable solutions, new technologies and future trends in green textiles. The region is committed to improved sustainability in textiles, with China in particular setting ambitious targets for high performance fibre self-sufficiency, developments in biodegradable material and increased production capacity in recycled fibre.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK participated in the “Green Textile and Innovation Technology Forum and Exhibition” in Hong Kong, taking a small booth to support the event and FET’s official agent in the region, Chemtax. This was the first in a series of international exhibitions that FET will be attending in 2023.

The interactive exhibition was organised by the Hong Kong General Chambers of Textiles, with over 20 industrial experts and 300 guests in discussion forums and meetings. The major themes explored were sustainable solutions, new technologies and future trends in green textiles. The region is committed to improved sustainability in textiles, with China in particular setting ambitious targets for high performance fibre self-sufficiency, developments in biodegradable material and increased production capacity in recycled fibre.

This fits perfectly with FET’s ethos, having long been a leading exponent of sustainability in fibre technology. The FET range of laboratory and pilot Melt Spinning extrusion lines is suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials, enabling customers to undertake process development in-house. All FET systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

Photo Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

FET prepares for INDEX 23 Exhibition in Geneva

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will shortly be exhibiting at INDEX 23, the leading nonwovens exhibition in Geneva, 18-21 April.

As well as featuring its latest meltblown and spunbond technology, FET will focus on its new Fibre Development Centre. Construction and fit-out of this new purpose-built building is now fully operational. This modern two-storey development provides state-of-the-art facilities, including enhanced laboratory for client testing and product development.

Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients across the globe and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

Complementing FET’s highly successful meltblown technology, the more recent spunbond range provides unprecedented opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will shortly be exhibiting at INDEX 23, the leading nonwovens exhibition in Geneva, 18-21 April.

As well as featuring its latest meltblown and spunbond technology, FET will focus on its new Fibre Development Centre. Construction and fit-out of this new purpose-built building is now fully operational. This modern two-storey development provides state-of-the-art facilities, including enhanced laboratory for client testing and product development.

Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients across the globe and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

Complementing FET’s highly successful meltblown technology, the more recent spunbond range provides unprecedented opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents.


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET)

(c) FET Ltd

FET looks forward following sucessful year

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England, a supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, is celebrating a record breaking year of sales and product innovation. “Sales revenue for 2022 has easily beaten our previous high” said FET Managing Director, Richard Slack “and the research projects we have collaborated in have become increasingly challenging in terms of technical specification.”

Prestigious new projects during 2022 included a multifilament melt spinning line for Senbis Polymer Innovations, Netherlands enabling the development of textile fibres from recycled polymers or biopolymers; a FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester which will play a major part in advanced materials research in collaboration with the renowned Henry Royce Institute; and a FET-103 Monofilament line for RHEON LABS of London to help develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. The latter two of these examples were aided by significant UK grants to develop advanced materials.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England, a supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, is celebrating a record breaking year of sales and product innovation. “Sales revenue for 2022 has easily beaten our previous high” said FET Managing Director, Richard Slack “and the research projects we have collaborated in have become increasingly challenging in terms of technical specification.”

Prestigious new projects during 2022 included a multifilament melt spinning line for Senbis Polymer Innovations, Netherlands enabling the development of textile fibres from recycled polymers or biopolymers; a FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester which will play a major part in advanced materials research in collaboration with the renowned Henry Royce Institute; and a FET-103 Monofilament line for RHEON LABS of London to help develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. The latter two of these examples were aided by significant UK grants to develop advanced materials.

FET is now looking forward to 2023 with a record order book. The company’s newly opened Fibre Development Centre features over £1.5 million investment in customer laboratory systems that will further enable fibre trials and product R&D. Three new polymer types were developed with clients in 2022 and several more are lined up in 2023, which is expected to bring the total of different polymer types to more than 40 in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

FET will be exhibiting at two major exhibitions in 2023; INDEX 23, a leading Nonwovens show at Geneva in April; and ITMA, Milan, an international textile and garment technology exhibition in June.

Weitere Informationen:
FET meltspinning spinning machinery polymers



AWK eröffnet neues Workwear-Kompetenzzentrum

AWK, ein Spezialist für Berufsbekleidung, Sicherheitsschuhe und PSA Arbeitsschutz in der Region Stuttgart, eröffnet mit der WORLD OF WORK in Fellbach einen der größten Workwear-Stores Europas. Die neue Erlebniswelt für Gewerbe und Privatkunden bietet auf 2.000 qm ein innovatives, branchenübergreifendes Produkt- und Serviceangebot, ergänzt um zahlreiche Kooperationsleistungen. Dazu zählen u.a. eine Betriebsärztepraxis von „Ärzte am Werk“, ein Standort von Holzwarth Orthopädietechnik bis hin zu einem Schulungszentrum zur Gabelstapler- und Hubarbeitsbühnen-Bedienung.

AWK, ein Spezialist für Berufsbekleidung, Sicherheitsschuhe und PSA Arbeitsschutz in der Region Stuttgart, eröffnet mit der WORLD OF WORK in Fellbach einen der größten Workwear-Stores Europas. Die neue Erlebniswelt für Gewerbe und Privatkunden bietet auf 2.000 qm ein innovatives, branchenübergreifendes Produkt- und Serviceangebot, ergänzt um zahlreiche Kooperationsleistungen. Dazu zählen u.a. eine Betriebsärztepraxis von „Ärzte am Werk“, ein Standort von Holzwarth Orthopädietechnik bis hin zu einem Schulungszentrum zur Gabelstapler- und Hubarbeitsbühnen-Bedienung.

Die AWK WORLD OF WORK ist das neue Kompetenzzentrum für Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeitende aus Handwerk, Industrie, Bau, Dienstleistung und Verwaltung bis hin zu Medizin- und Pflegeberufen. Ebenso können Privatkunden in der WORLD OF WORK Outdoor-, Sport- und Fashion- Produkte einkaufen. Zum umfangreichen Sortiment der W.O.W. gehören neben innovativer Berufskleidung, Sicherheitsschuhen, Sneakern und PSA SAFETY Produkten ebenfalls ein breites Angebot an Fashion-Artikeln – von T-Shirts, Poloshirts, Hoodys bis hin zu Hemden sowie Outdoor-Kleidung wie unter anderem Softshell-Jacken, Fleece-Westen und wasserdichten Gore-Tex Jacken.

Darüber hinaus bietet die WORLD OF WORK detaillierte Einblicke in die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten der Textilveredelung an: Dazu zählt eine Schaustickerei in Form einer „gläsernen“ Produktion, bei der Interessierte den Fachkräften bei der Textilveredelung zusehen können. Zur kulinarischen Stärkung von Kunden, Partnern sowie Schulungsteilnehmern wurde eine Filiale von PITS Burger integriert.


AWK GmbH & Co. KG

(c) FET
Business Secretary Grant Shapps discusses FET’s wet spinning system with Mark Smith, FET R&D Manager

FET extrusion system features in UK Business Secretary’s visit

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

The UK’s new Business Secretary, Grant Shapps has visited the Henry Royce Institute’ hub in Manchester to seal the second phase of R&D investment in the institute of £95 million. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England had previously installed its FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester site and this proved to be a focus for the Business Secretary’s interest, as he discussed the project with FET’s Research and Development Manager, Mark Smith.

This wet spinning technology enables fibres to be derived from sustainable wood pulp to produce high quality apparel and trials are now underway to perfect this process. FET is a world leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems, having successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.

During his visit, Shapps spoke of the investment programme as a means of reinforcing the UK’s standing as a leader in advanced materials research, development and innovation.

“R&D investment is a critical way to turbocharge Britain’s growth. Growing an economy fit for the future means harnessing the full potential of advanced materials, making science fiction a reality by supporting projects from regenerative medicine to robots developing new recycling capabilities, right across the country. Today’s £95 million investment will do just that, bringing together the brightest minds across our businesses and institutions to help future-proof sectors from healthcare to nuclear energy.”

The Henry Royce Institute was established in 2015 with an initial £235 million government investment through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the latest £95 million sum represents the second phase of the investment.

Opportunities being investigated by Royce include lightweight materials and structures, biomaterials and materials designed for reuse, recycling and remanufacture. Advanced materials are critical to the UK future in various industries, such as health, transport, energy, electronics and utilities.


FET Ltd.

FET-200LAB wet spinning system Photo: Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET)

FET wet spinning system selected for major fibre research programme

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England has installed a FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester which will play a major part in advanced materials research to support sustainable growth and development.

This research programme will be conducted by The Henry Royce Institute, which operates as a hub model at The University of Manchester with spokes at other leading research universities in the UK.

The Henry Royce Institute identifies challenges and stimulates innovation in advanced UK materials research, delivering positive economic and societal impact. In particular, this materials research initiative is focused on supporting and promoting all forms of sustainable growth and development.
These challenges range from biomedical devices through to plastics sustainability and energy-efficient devices; hence supporting key national targets such as the UK’s zero-carbon 2050 target.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England has installed a FET-200LAB wet spinning system at the University of Manchester which will play a major part in advanced materials research to support sustainable growth and development.

This research programme will be conducted by The Henry Royce Institute, which operates as a hub model at The University of Manchester with spokes at other leading research universities in the UK.

The Henry Royce Institute identifies challenges and stimulates innovation in advanced UK materials research, delivering positive economic and societal impact. In particular, this materials research initiative is focused on supporting and promoting all forms of sustainable growth and development.
These challenges range from biomedical devices through to plastics sustainability and energy-efficient devices; hence supporting key national targets such as the UK’s zero-carbon 2050 target.

FET-200 Series wet spinning systems complement FET’s renowned range of melt spinning equipment. The FET-200LAB is a laboratory scale system, which is especially suitable for the early stages of formulation and process development. It is used for processing new functional textile materials in a variety of solvent and polymer combinations.

In particular, the FET-200LAB will be utilised in trials for a family of fibres made from wood pulp, a sustainable resource rather than the usual fossil fuels. Bio-based polymers are produced from biomass feedstocks such as cellulose and are commonly used in the manufacture of high end apparel. The key to cellulose and other materials like lyocell and viscose is that they can be recycled, treated and fed back into the wet spinning system for repeat manufacture.

Established in 1998, FET is a leading supplier of laboratory and pilot melt spinning systems with installations in over 35 countries and has now successfully processed more than 35 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats.



Photo: FET
FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning system

RHEON LABS: Fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

For close-fitting activewear and sports bras, the ability to actively control muscle mass or soft tissue movement during exercise will be a game-changing advancement. It will allow brands to engineer garments that relax during everyday use but actively stiffen during exercise for improved support and performance.
The Innovate UK grant was awarded under the category of Hyper-Viscoelastic Fibre Extrusion for Textile Manufacture. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) enabled the customer trials at its bespoke Fibre Development Centre in Leeds, England using its in-house FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning facilities, in harness with RHEON and FET technical operatives. The next phase will be to upscale the trials of preferred materials on RHEON’s own new FET-103 meltspinning line, with FET’s continued support and expertise on hand.
Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics could be as radical a change in the market as the initial introduction of stretch fibre with the launch of Lycra™. The textiles would have a multitude of beneficial properties and would provide significantly less compression in the garment than conventional materials, substantially improving user comfort, support and performance.



(c) WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG

Weitblick: Arbeitsschuhe neu im Sortiment für Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich

Ergänzend zu den Workwear-Linien für den Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich hat Weitblick künftig auch moderne und hochqualitative Arbeitsschuhe des Herstellers Shoes For Crews im Portfolio. Dieser steht seit 1984 als Produzent für rutschhemmendes, robustes und gleichzeitig stilvolles Schuhwerk für verschiedenste Arbeitsbereiche und teilt dieselben Ansprüche wie der Workwear und Corporate Fashion Anbieter in Kleinostheim: Halt, Komfort und hochwertige Verarbeitung, „Safety – Fashion – Comfort“.

Weitblick startet zunächst mit einem ausgewählten Sortiment an Schuhen – abgestimmt auf die Gastrowear-Linien: von Clogs bis hin zu Schuhen mit Zehenkappen, um besondere Sicherheitsbedürfnisse abzudecken. Die Schuhe verfügen über eine Schutzmembran als Spritzwasserschutz und sind dank Schaumverbundstoff besonders leicht. Mit einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Produktion und steigende Recyclinganteile hat Shoes For Crews ein umfassendes Nachhaltigkeitskonzept für Arbeits- und Sicherheitsschuhe entwickelt. Mehrere Modelle sind vegan gefertigt.

Ergänzend zu den Workwear-Linien für den Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich hat Weitblick künftig auch moderne und hochqualitative Arbeitsschuhe des Herstellers Shoes For Crews im Portfolio. Dieser steht seit 1984 als Produzent für rutschhemmendes, robustes und gleichzeitig stilvolles Schuhwerk für verschiedenste Arbeitsbereiche und teilt dieselben Ansprüche wie der Workwear und Corporate Fashion Anbieter in Kleinostheim: Halt, Komfort und hochwertige Verarbeitung, „Safety – Fashion – Comfort“.

Weitblick startet zunächst mit einem ausgewählten Sortiment an Schuhen – abgestimmt auf die Gastrowear-Linien: von Clogs bis hin zu Schuhen mit Zehenkappen, um besondere Sicherheitsbedürfnisse abzudecken. Die Schuhe verfügen über eine Schutzmembran als Spritzwasserschutz und sind dank Schaumverbundstoff besonders leicht. Mit einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Produktion und steigende Recyclinganteile hat Shoes For Crews ein umfassendes Nachhaltigkeitskonzept für Arbeits- und Sicherheitsschuhe entwickelt. Mehrere Modelle sind vegan gefertigt.



Photo: FET

FET at Techtextil 2022: Principle theme was Sustainability

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

The company’s principle theme at Techtextil was Sustainability, since FET extrusion systems are ideally suited for both process and end-product development of sustainable materials. These systems are designed to be material efficient, can be bespoke designed and offer both flexibility and a high level of processing capability. They are supplied as self-contained units for ease of installation in a laboratory or small scale process evaluation environment.

FET’s enhanced Fibre Development Centre enables clients to develop and trial their own sustainable fibres and FET has now successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and nonwoven formats

The innovative stand at Techtextil was specifically designed to highlight FET’s total commitment to all aspects of sustainability. It utilised as many sustainable components as possible and met with much comment and approval from visitors.

Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) of Leeds, England enjoyed another successful Techtextil in Frankfurt, with high quality enquiries from technical companies and organisations worldwide, but in particular from customers based in Europe.



(c) Borealis

Borealis-Strategie 2030: Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

  • Strategie und Unternehmenszweck bestätigen die Vision der Borealis Gruppe als ein Unternehmen für fortschrittliche und nachhaltige Lösungen in den Bereichen Chemicals & Materials
  • Nachhaltigkeit im Zentrum all der Aktivitäten – damit unterstützt das Unternehmen die Ambition der OMV Gruppe, bis 2050 ein klimaneutrales Unternehmen zu werden
  • Starkes Fundament unterstützt laufende geographische Expansion mit starkem Fokus auf den Nahen & Mittleren Osten, Asien und Nordamerika

Borealis gibt die Einführung der Borealis Strategie 2030 bekannt, in deren Mittelpunkt die Nachhaltigkeit steht. Diese strategische Weiterentwicklung baut auf einem starken Fundament, beruhend auf Borealis‘ Engagement für Sicherheit (safety first), Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, Innovation und Technologie sowie Leistungen im gesamten Unternehmen. Dieses Fundament liefert auch die Grundlage für Borealis‘ kontinuierliche geographische Expansion und die laufende Transformation hin zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft.

  • Strategie und Unternehmenszweck bestätigen die Vision der Borealis Gruppe als ein Unternehmen für fortschrittliche und nachhaltige Lösungen in den Bereichen Chemicals & Materials
  • Nachhaltigkeit im Zentrum all der Aktivitäten – damit unterstützt das Unternehmen die Ambition der OMV Gruppe, bis 2050 ein klimaneutrales Unternehmen zu werden
  • Starkes Fundament unterstützt laufende geographische Expansion mit starkem Fokus auf den Nahen & Mittleren Osten, Asien und Nordamerika

Borealis gibt die Einführung der Borealis Strategie 2030 bekannt, in deren Mittelpunkt die Nachhaltigkeit steht. Diese strategische Weiterentwicklung baut auf einem starken Fundament, beruhend auf Borealis‘ Engagement für Sicherheit (safety first), Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, Innovation und Technologie sowie Leistungen im gesamten Unternehmen. Dieses Fundament liefert auch die Grundlage für Borealis‘ kontinuierliche geographische Expansion und die laufende Transformation hin zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft. Die aktualisierte Strategie formuliert neue Nachhaltigkeitsziele im Hinblick auf die Treibhausgasemissionen, den Energieverbrauch und Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Der Borealis-Strategie 2030 liegt zudem ein weiter entwickelter Unternehmenszweck („Purpose“) zugrunde: „Essentielle Ressourcen für ein nachhaltiges Leben neu erfinden.“ – Eine Einstellung, die fest in der gesamten OMV Gruppe verankert ist.*

* Mehr Informationen finden Sie im Anhang.


Borealis / ikp

Lars Henning Foto: LFDY
Lars Henning

Lars Henning neuer Head of Logistic bei Live Fast Die Young Clothing GmbH

Zu seinen künftigen Aufgaben zählen unter anderem Personalmanagement und -führung, die Weiterentwicklung der internen und externen Mitarbeiter:innen, die kontinuierliche Strukturierung und Verbesserung der Logistikprozesse sowie den Ausbau des Lagers.

Zu seinen künftigen Aufgaben zählen unter anderem Personalmanagement und -führung, die Weiterentwicklung der internen und externen Mitarbeiter:innen, die kontinuierliche Strukturierung und Verbesserung der Logistikprozesse sowie den Ausbau des Lagers.

Nachdem Lars Henning 2005 seinen beruflichen Weg bei einer Essener Kurierfirma begann, führte es ihn 2009 nach Norddeutschland, wo er die Lagerleitung eines Handels für ökologische Baustoffe übernahm. Zwei Jahre später ging es nach Süddeutschland, um dort den internationalen Handel einer der führenden Hersteller und Anbieter von pflanzlichen Ölen und Fetten für die Kosmetik-, Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie zu leiten. Nicht nur der Standort, sondern auch eine neue Herausforderung, verschlugen den gebürtigen Krefelder wieder zurück nach Nordrhein-Westfalen. In Niederkrüchten am Niederrhein hat er maßgeblich an dem Aufbau der Firma „OPW-Ingredients“ mitgewirkt. Das Unternehmen, das sich auf Plant Based Produkte spezialisiert hat, wuchs schnell. Henning übernahm erst die Logistikleitung, später die Betriebsleitung. Zwei weitere Karrierestationen folgten, in denen er als Leiter für Lager und Logistik sowie als Leiter der Werkslogistik seine Expertise ausbauen konnte.

Zu Mitte April dieses Jahres wechselt der 41-Jährige zu LFDY.

Weitere Informationen:
LFDY Streetwear Lars Henning

PR Agentur textschwester

(c) FET
FET-100 Series Melt Spinning System

FET gearing up for Techtextil 2022

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

A major theme to be highlighted on the FET stand is Sustainability. The FET range of laboratory and pilot extrusion lines is ideally suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials.

FET has successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and non-woven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes.

Weitere Informationen:
Fibre Extrusion Technology Techtextil