Aus der Branche

28 Ergebnisse
FASHIONSUSTAIN: Die Neonyt Konferenz wird noch internationaler (c) Messe Frankfurt

FASHIONSUSTAIN: Die Neonyt Konferenz wird noch internationaler

  • Neonyt: The Global Hub for Fashion, Sustainability and Innovation
  • Berlin, 14. bis 16. Januar 2020

Mit zwei weiteren Spin-offs in Los Angeles und in Shanghai treibt die Messe Frankfurt die Internationalisierung der Fashionsustain, der Konferenz zur Neonyt, weiter voran. Im Juli machte sie bereits in New York City Station. Lenzing mit TENCEL™ unterstützt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz.

Gleich zweimal bringt die Fashionsustain, die Konferenz der Messe Frankfurt rund um nachhaltige Textilinnovationen, im September Vorreiter der Branche außerhalb Deutschlands zusammen. Am 20. September gastiert der Event im Rahmen des LA Fashion Festivals in Los Angeles. Am 26. September bildet die Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics in Shanghai den Rahmen.

  • Neonyt: The Global Hub for Fashion, Sustainability and Innovation
  • Berlin, 14. bis 16. Januar 2020

Mit zwei weiteren Spin-offs in Los Angeles und in Shanghai treibt die Messe Frankfurt die Internationalisierung der Fashionsustain, der Konferenz zur Neonyt, weiter voran. Im Juli machte sie bereits in New York City Station. Lenzing mit TENCEL™ unterstützt die internationalen Bestrebungen der Konferenz.

Gleich zweimal bringt die Fashionsustain, die Konferenz der Messe Frankfurt rund um nachhaltige Textilinnovationen, im September Vorreiter der Branche außerhalb Deutschlands zusammen. Am 20. September gastiert der Event im Rahmen des LA Fashion Festivals in Los Angeles. Am 26. September bildet die Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics in Shanghai den Rahmen.

Beim LA Fashion Festival (LAFF) steht die Fashionsustain unter dem Motto „The change of fashion is now” und findet in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Lenzing statt. So informiert Lenzing vor Ort zusätzlich an einem eigenen Messestand über die Wertschöpfungskette sowie die Nachhaltigkeits- und Funktionsvorteile rund um ihre Faser und Garnmarke TENCEL™. Es sprechen unter anderem Vertreter von Lenzing, Candiani und Global Denim sowie “Denim-Papst” Adriano Goldschmied und Kerry Bannigan von der Conscious Fashion Campaign supported by the UN Office for Partnerships.

Als zentraler Bestandteil der Fashion-Events in Los Angeles verbindet das zweitägige LA Fashion Festival Einflüsse aus Film, Handel, Innovation und Beauty und schafft so immersive kulturelle Erfahrungen. Das LAFF geht aus dem LA Fashion Film Festival hervor und bietet vom 20. bis 21. September unter anderem Filme, Workshops, Masterclasses, Pop-ups und Vorträge rund um das Thema Mode.

Im Rahmen der Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, einer der weltweit größten Fachmessen für Bekleidungsstoffe und Accessoires und organisiert von der Messe Frankfurt, kommt bei der Fashionsustain am 26. September in Shanghai die Keynote von Edwin Keh (Hongkong Research Institute of Textile and Apparel, HKRITA). Anschließend sprechen Andreas Streubig (Director Global Sustainability, Hugo Boss), Jiehui Kia (Principal Sustainability Strategiest, Forum for the Future), Micke Magnusson (Change Agent und Advisor, ReAccess) und Mikkel Hansen (Program and Partnership Lead at Explorium, Fung Group) über die Bedeutung und Herausforderungen mehr Pilotprojekte im Bereich textiler Innovation aufzubauen sowie die Frage wie neue Textilien schneller zur Marktreife befördert werden können.

Es folgen Innovator Pitches der Startups TG3D, Reflaunt und Circular Systems, präsentiert von den Akzeleratoren Fashion for Good, The Mills Fabrica und der H&M Foundation, sowie der Branchengröße HeiQ.

Im anschließenden Panel steht die Bedeutung und Skalierbarkeit innovativer Technologien für die Textilindustrie im Fokus. Es diskutieren Cherry Cheuk Yan Ho (Investment Manager, The Mills Fabrica), Celine Huang (CEO Greater China, HeiQ), Emily Franklin (Innovation Associate, Fashion for Good), Florian Heubrandner (Vice President Global Business Management Textiles, Lenzing) und Jean Hegedus (Marketing Director, Invista Lycra).

Abgerundet wird die Veranstaltung mit einem Gespräch mit Tony Lowe (East Asia Ambassador, Better Buying) und Max Gilgenmann (Kaleidoscope Berlin) zur Rolle von Einkaufspraktiken in einer sich wandelnden Textil- und Modeindustrie).

CHIC March 2018 closes successfully with rise in attendance (c) JANDALI
German Pavilion

CHIC März 2018: Besucherplus und erfolgreiche Geschäfte

  • CHIC Shanghai, 14.-16. März 2018
  • CHIC März 2018 schließt erfolgreich mit Besucherplus
  • CHIC im neuen Design: Aufbruch in die junge Konsumwelt
  • Erfolgreiche Geschäftstätigkeit in allen Segmenten der Messe
  • Service-Point CHIC als internationale Plattform für den internationalen Modehandel
  • Neuer Termin der CHIC im Herbst: 27.-29. September 2018

Die Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC vom 14. bis 16. März 2018 hat mit einem erneuten Besucherplus erfolgreich abgeschlossen. 1.210 Aussteller aus 21 Ländern und Regionen präsentierten sich auf 117.200 qm auf dem National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai. 112.666 Besucher aus allen Handelskanälen wurden auf der Messe registriert, darunter die führenden Department Stores, Shopping Center, Multibrand Stores, Agenten, Distributoren.

  • CHIC Shanghai, 14.-16. März 2018
  • CHIC März 2018 schließt erfolgreich mit Besucherplus
  • CHIC im neuen Design: Aufbruch in die junge Konsumwelt
  • Erfolgreiche Geschäftstätigkeit in allen Segmenten der Messe
  • Service-Point CHIC als internationale Plattform für den internationalen Modehandel
  • Neuer Termin der CHIC im Herbst: 27.-29. September 2018

Die Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC vom 14. bis 16. März 2018 hat mit einem erneuten Besucherplus erfolgreich abgeschlossen. 1.210 Aussteller aus 21 Ländern und Regionen präsentierten sich auf 117.200 qm auf dem National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai. 112.666 Besucher aus allen Handelskanälen wurden auf der Messe registriert, darunter die führenden Department Stores, Shopping Center, Multibrand Stores, Agenten, Distributoren.

Chen Dapeng, Präsident der CHIC und Executive Vice President der China National Garment Association: „Die Konsumenten in China entwickeln sich rapide, `consumer upgrade´ ist das Stichwort, der chinesische Markt ist konsumentenorientiert, gefragt ist ein individueller junger Stil. Das Angebot muss sich an den Bedarf dieser Zielgruppe anpassen, die Industrie noch innovativer werden und sich auch den technologischen Herausforderungen stellen.“

CHIC Shanghai zeigt, dass der chinesische Markt den aktuellen Trends folgt und spiegelt es mit einem frischen jungen Design in einem visuellen Gesamtkonzept wider, das in Kooperation mit WGSN entwickelt wurde. Angesprochen werden die jungen trendsetzenden Verbraucher, Chinas treibende Kraft für das starke Wachstum im Einzelhandelsumsatz, der 2017 um 10.2% auf rund 5,7 Billionen US$ gestiegen ist. Laut einer BCG-Studie macht diese Zielgruppe 65% am Konsumanstieg in China aus, mit einer prognostizierten jährlichen 11%igen Wachstumsrate bis 2021. Der gesamte inländische Konsum trug zu nahezu 60% zur wirtschaftlichen Expansion des Landes im letzten Jahr bei.

Rege Kontaktanbahnungen und Ordertätigkeiten in allen Bereichen der CHIC

Die Aussteller des Designerbereiches IMPULSES, eines der Kernsegmente der CHIC, das die gesamte Nordhalle belegte, wie Hua Mu Shen, Shan Zi, Mood for Mode zeigten sich sehr zufrieden. Neben zahlreichen konkreten Kooperationsvereinbarungen wurden Order in hohen Summen getätigt. Die internationalen Aussteller im Bereich FASHION JOURNEY kamen aus Brasilien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, China Hongkong, Indien, Italien – mit 40 Ausstellern wieder die größte europäische Beteiligung, Japan, Korea, Peru, Polen, Schweden, Spanien, China Taiwan, UK. Sie äußerten sich sehr positiv über ihre Messeteilnahme und sehen das Potential des chinesischen Marktes. Das Messeziel sind Kontaktanbahnungen, es fanden zahlreiche erfolgversprechende Kooperationsgespräche statt, die es nach der Messe gilt, intensiv nach zu verfolgen. Dennoch wurden auf der Messe auch hier Order geschrieben. Zum ersten Mal dabei war die Polish Investment and Trade Agency im Rahmen ihres nationalen Exportprogramms "go-to-brand". Auch polnische Designerbrands aus dem Schmuck- und Kindermodenbereich nahmen an dem Programm teil und stellten auf der CHIC aus.

Im Leder- und Pelzbereich HERITAGE präsentierte sich zum ersten Mal die International Fur Federation (IFF) mit internationalen Herstellern darunter die Auktionshäuser NAFA und SAGA. Die Türkei präsentierte sich erneut unter dem Schirm vom IDMIB / ITKIB mit zehn Firmen auf der CHIC. Für die nationalen Teilnehmer gruppiert in den Pavillons der jeweiligen chinesischen Provinzen ist die CHIC eine unerlässliche Business-Plattform, hier treffen sie regelmäßig ihre Einkäufer und haben auch dieses Mal wieder Order in hohen Summen verzeichnet.

Junge Marken wie Monkey King (nach dem Affenkönig aus dem klassischen chinesischen Roman Die Reise nach dem Westen), mit Shirts designt im Manga-Stil oder JPE, eine trendige Streetstyle-Marke, mit einem traditionellen chinesischen Drachen als Firmenmaskottchen, im Bereich CHIC YOUNG BLOOD haben mehr als 300 Kontakte mit konkreten Kooperationsabsichten auf der CHIC knüpfen können.

Firmen im Bereich URBAN VIEW, die Menswear-Sektion, u.a. die RUYI Gruppe mit über 30 internationalen Modebrands darunter Aquascutum oder Sandro; GSON, eine MenswearLinie der SEMIR Gruppe oder ManCode, ein Neuaussteller auf der CHIC, berichteten von hunderten Kooperationsanfragen und direkten Geschäfts-abschlüssen auf der Messe.

Im Accessoires-Bereich SECRET STARS sorgte u.a. die deutsche Marke LEONARDO für Furore. Trauben von Besuchern bildeten sich aus Interesse an der Schmuckkollektion auf dem Stand. Die Messeteilnahme hat die Erwartung der Firma weit übertroffen. Die junge Generation ist der Motor für den Modekonsum in China, so sehen es auch die Verantwortlichen der SEMIR-Gruppe und präsentieren mit ihrer Kidswear-Marke BALABALA auf der CHIC im KID'S PARADISE ihre Produktneuheiten und ihr Service-Angebot für die Kunden.Neue Technologien zeigte auf über 500 qm die HODO-Gruppe mit "unbemannten" Shops, "smart fitting rooms", "magic dressing mirrors". Weitere Innovationen waren "cloud shelves" oder "big screen data".

Service-Plattform CHIC

Das intensiv erweiterte Besuchermanagement, online wie offline, war ein zentraler Aspekt der Messe. Online über We Chat und die offizielle CHIC APP wurden mehr als 200.000 Besucheranfragen nach bestimmten Produktgruppen gepostet, von Ausstellerseite über 700.000 Produktinformationen hochgeladen. Reger Austausch bot der Buyer's Talk am zweiten Messetag zur Entwicklung des Einkaufssystems von Department Stores und Shopping Centern, Trendinformationen wurden im CHIC Buyers' Theme Salon ebenfalls am zweiten Messetag gegeben. Das VIP Buyers' Meeting hat internationale Marken mit interessierten Agenten und Distributoren zusammen gebracht. Ein Angebot, das von den Veranstaltern zukünftig ausgeweitet wird. „Wir besuchen die CHIC Shanghai jedes Mal, es ist eine sehr wichtige Plattform zur Trendinformation für uns und um europäische Brands zu finden, die wir in den chinesischen Markt bringen können“, so Wen Liu, CEO, Jesery aus Wuhan, Vertreter des kanadischen Designerbrands JAC. Das Management von Mallstyle Investment (Shanghai), u.a. mit italienischen Luxusmarken im Portfolio, nahm im Anschluss an das Meeting direkt Kontakt mit deutschen und italienischen Marken auf der CHIC auf.

Das Event Programm der CHIC bietet mit CHIC TALK ein umfangreiches Seminar- und Workshop-Angebot, von Trendinformationen über Retail-Solutions bis zu Buyermeetings; das Showprogramm CHIC SHOWS bietet die Bühne für Modepräsentationen, besonders die IMPULSES und OVERSEAS' JOINT FASHION SHOWS haben die Aufmerksamkeit der Besucher auf sich gezogen. CHIC Shanghai ist als globale Plattform für die Modeindustrie und den Modehandel entworfen und integriert alle relevanten Ressourcen für eine erfolgreiche Weiterentwicklung des Fashion Business in China.

CHIC Shanghai wechselt im Herbst in den September

CHIC Shanghai wechselt zusammen mit der Intertextile Shanghai, PH Value und Yarn Expo von Oktober als Messemonat für die Herbstveranstaltung in den September. Die nächste Veranstaltung wird vom 27. bis 29.09.2018 im National Exhibition & Convention Center Shanghai stattfinden.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2018 (c) 'Messe Frankfurt / Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles'

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2018

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles embraces the revitalised home textile market in China
As China’s economy is getting back on track with the GDP growth rate standing at 6.9% in 2017, the home textile market is also showing strong signs of recovery before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns this August.

With 23 years’ history, the show is well regarded as the most influential home textile trade fair in Asia. Over 1,000 suppliers from around 30 countries and regions will showcase a wide variety of home textile products ranging from bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery and textile designs & technology to editors, whole home, sun protection, wallcoverings and carpets & rugs. In turn, over 38,000 trade buyers are expected to source at the fair.

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles embraces the revitalised home textile market in China
As China’s economy is getting back on track with the GDP growth rate standing at 6.9% in 2017, the home textile market is also showing strong signs of recovery before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles returns this August.

With 23 years’ history, the show is well regarded as the most influential home textile trade fair in Asia. Over 1,000 suppliers from around 30 countries and regions will showcase a wide variety of home textile products ranging from bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery and textile designs & technology to editors, whole home, sun protection, wallcoverings and carpets & rugs. In turn, over 38,000 trade buyers are expected to source at the fair.

According to Askci Consulting, one of the leading Chinese industry research institutions, China’s home textile market has been growing steadily with an average rate of around 10% between 2010 and 2015. The overall size has increased from USD 18.4 billion in 2010 to USD 29.5 billion in 2015, and is expected to reach USD 38.3 billion in 2020. What’s more, the consumption of home textiles only accounts for about 29% of the total textile consumption of the country. Given the fact that the relevant ratio in developed countries such as the US and Japan is between 33 to 38%, there still lies huge room for the Chinese market to expand. Foreign analysts share this optimism, with Euromonitor expecting an annual increase of 5.3% and 5.9% for China’s entire home textile and bedding product markets respectively.

Thanks to the improving quality and competitive price, there is also growing demand for China’s home textile products from buyers around the world. Customs statistics show that the export value for home textile products increased 2.25% to USD 39.5 billion in 2017. Among all China’s export countries and regions, the US has the largest share, followed by the EU, ASEAN and Japan.
With all these favourable conditions in place, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, to be held from 27 – 30 August, serves as an ideal platform for industry players to capture these business opportunities. “The rapid urbanisation and the consumption upgrade is unleashing unprecedented purchasing power in China. Participants can expect to benefit from this huge potential at our show,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd added.

Contract business sees big potential in Chinese market
The constant growth of Chinese consumers’ disposable income not only results in increased spending on home textile products, but also stimulates the development of tourism. A report from the General Office of the State Council of China stated that the annual number of domestic trips has nearly doubled, from 2.1 billion in 2010 to 4.4 billion in 2016. It is expected that domestic travel-related consumption will reach USD 869 billion in 2020 and contribute to over 5% of GDP.

The hotel industry in particular has benefited from this development, with the number of limited service hotels increasing 30% in the past seven years. This also implies remarkable opportunities for the home textile industry players doing contract business since quality products including furnishing fabrics, bedding & towelling and more will be sought after by the hotels.
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Change of date for Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition 2018

The 2018 Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics will take place earlier this year, with the industry’s leading trade fair running from 27 – 29 September instead of its usual October timing. It will be held again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), its home since 2015. The 2017 fair played host to 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions, and 77,883 trade buyers from 102 countries and regions.

“After extensive consultation with all stakeholders over the past year, we have come to the decision to bring forward the Autumn Edition to September,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of fair co-organiser Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained. “The autumn / winter sourcing season has steadily moved earlier in the year, and this change in timing is necessary to ensure Intertextile Shanghai remains the leading business platform for both suppliers and buyers in the global apparel fabrics and accessories industry.”

The 2018 Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics will take place earlier this year, with the industry’s leading trade fair running from 27 – 29 September instead of its usual October timing. It will be held again at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), its home since 2015. The 2017 fair played host to 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions, and 77,883 trade buyers from 102 countries and regions.

“After extensive consultation with all stakeholders over the past year, we have come to the decision to bring forward the Autumn Edition to September,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of fair co-organiser Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained. “The autumn / winter sourcing season has steadily moved earlier in the year, and this change in timing is necessary to ensure Intertextile Shanghai remains the leading business platform for both suppliers and buyers in the global apparel fabrics and accessories industry.”

As in previous editions, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics will be held concurrently with Yarn Expo Autumn, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value, making this the most comprehensive sourcing platform in the global industry.

More details of the Autumn Edition will be announced after the conclusion of next month’s Spring Edition, which will take place from 14 – 16 March, where some 3,300 exhibitors and around 70,000 trade buyers are expected to converge.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics The Premium Wool Zone is the fair’s epicentre of high-end wool fabrics

Intertextile Shanghai’s Premium Wool Zone with innovations and new-season styles

Buyers looking for premium wool fabrics will be spoilt for choice at next month’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. The epicentre for those with this product on their sourcing checklist is the Premium Wool Zone, with mills from the UK, Italy, France, Peru and elsewhere located here, while the Italy Pavilion also includes a number of quality wool suppliers. Rounding out the sourcing options, and adding further quality and price variety, are the 180-plus domestic wool suppliers in hall 6.1.

Some of the notable overseas brands participating this edition include Abraham Moon & Sons, Aris Industrial, Dechamps, Dormeuil, Dugdale Bros & Co, Ferla, Fratelli Piacenza, Holland & Sherry, Huddersfield Fine Worsteds, Lanificio F.lli Cerruti DAL 1881 and Scabal. The Spring Edition of the industry’s most comprehensive sourcing platform for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, will feature some 3,300 exhibitors from around 20 countries covering all apparel fabrics and accessories product groups.

Growing affluence in China drives demand for premium wool fabrics

Buyers looking for premium wool fabrics will be spoilt for choice at next month’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. The epicentre for those with this product on their sourcing checklist is the Premium Wool Zone, with mills from the UK, Italy, France, Peru and elsewhere located here, while the Italy Pavilion also includes a number of quality wool suppliers. Rounding out the sourcing options, and adding further quality and price variety, are the 180-plus domestic wool suppliers in hall 6.1.

Some of the notable overseas brands participating this edition include Abraham Moon & Sons, Aris Industrial, Dechamps, Dormeuil, Dugdale Bros & Co, Ferla, Fratelli Piacenza, Holland & Sherry, Huddersfield Fine Worsteds, Lanificio F.lli Cerruti DAL 1881 and Scabal. The Spring Edition of the industry’s most comprehensive sourcing platform for the spring / summer season, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, will feature some 3,300 exhibitors from around 20 countries covering all apparel fabrics and accessories product groups.

Growing affluence in China drives demand for premium wool fabrics

While a true global marketplace for the industry’s order writers with buyers from around 100 countries expected at Intertextile Shanghai next month, much of the demand for high-end wool at the fair comes from Chinese buyers thanks to growing affluence in the country. This is evidenced by the fact that Australian wool prices are at record highs this season, with China accounting for over 70% of Australian wool exports[1]. What’s more, whereas 15 to 20 years ago most wool imported by China was re-exported, nowadays around 60% is used to produce garments for the domestic market.

Intertextile’s number one position in China ensures that high-end domestic buyers are in abundance. “The buyer professionalism here is surprisingly high,” Mr Bob McAuley, Huddersfield Fine Worsteds’ President, explained last October. “We’re looking specifically for tailors and menswear specialty stores, and these type of buyers are definitely present.” Speaking about domestic market trends, he continued: “Retailers are not able to put all fashion in stores, so the made-tomeasure market is growing, especially in China. I’m surprised each edition how many new high-end Chinese brands we meet at this fair. There’s more menswear specialty stores opening here, whereas in the US, for example, the move is more towards going direct-to-consumer and online.”

Innovation and new-season styles added to heritage brands’ collections  

Precious metals such as gold and silver are known to have been worked into garments as long as 3,000 years ago, when they were hammered into extremely thin sheets then cut into ribbons. Modern technology has made this process much more straightforward, as well as opening up new opportunities. One of these is combining wool and silver, which Holland & Sherry will exhibit at Intertextile Shanghai. Their Argento collection of Super 200's wool fabrics applies a state of the art silver ion technology finish to superfine 13.5µ merino wool. This combination provides effective antibacterial protection, counteracting bacterial odour formation and keeping the fabrics hygienic and fresh. And because the conductive properties of silver prevent the build-up of static charge, the fabrics also benefit from anti-static properties.

While most collections in the Premium Wool Zone emphasise the brands’ heritage and tradition, like Holland & Sherry, some will be introducing new or updated collections. Dugdale Bros & Co refreshed its Royal Classic superfine Australian merino wool collection last year for the first time since 1987, adding around 30 patterns drawn directly from its original archive. Abraham Moon & Sons will showcase new fabrics at the fair for spring / summer ‘19 designed by Creative Director Martin Aveyard, which take in categories of classic, casual and contemporary, with a unique use of worsted, linen and cashmere combinations.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.

Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics’ Spring / Summer 2019 trends

The need for real dialogue becomes ever more crucial
Amid reconstruction, the world is facing severe realities. In the midst of political disorder, environmental problems, and social scandals, how do we seek the light within the darkness of chaos? As societies become inundated with global waves of conflicting news, the need for real dialogue becomes ever more crucial. Personal interaction is irreplaceable – communicating with nature, reading the signs, and sensing the wind. Creating emotional connections with others and opening the mind to rationality. Now is the time to solidify core values with responsibility and identify key essences of life.

The need for real dialogue becomes ever more crucial
Amid reconstruction, the world is facing severe realities. In the midst of political disorder, environmental problems, and social scandals, how do we seek the light within the darkness of chaos? As societies become inundated with global waves of conflicting news, the need for real dialogue becomes ever more crucial. Personal interaction is irreplaceable – communicating with nature, reading the signs, and sensing the wind. Creating emotional connections with others and opening the mind to rationality. Now is the time to solidify core values with responsibility and identify key essences of life.

The view from a fashion perspective: toughness and resilience
How will fashion respond to these ever-changing turbulent times? Will fashion allow other elements to penetrate our lives whilst innumerable other issues make their presence felt? Fashion is meant to console, to provide a retreat during unpredictable times. At its core, fashion represents unhindered confidence and allows us to freely express ourselves. Let us address how to best confront negative forces through fashion and mindful resilience.

Intertextile Directions Spring / Summer 2019 Trend Forum
Developed by renowned trend experts from Tokyo, New York, Milan and Paris, the Intertextile Directions Trend Forum will present three trends for Spring / Summer 2019 under the overall theme ‘Dialogue’: @ sense, # couture and e. native. Exhibitors’ fabrics will illustrate the colour, fabric and print styles of each trend.

Overall colour trends
This season witnesses an enriched palette, encapsulating a refined and premium feel. Refreshing and vivid colours introduce a sense of vitality and elicit creativity.

As well as the international trends for Spring / Summer 2019, three Fabrics China Trend Forums will illustrate the domestic trends for ladieswear and menswear, as well as a ‘Fashion Focus’ area. A number of seminars will also be held to give more insight into the S/S 19 trends.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.

Weitere Informationen:
Intertextile Shanghai

Messe Frankfurt

Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Intertextile Shanghai Autumn 2017 - Final Report

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Intertextile Shanghai concluded its 2017 Autumn Edition on 13 October as the strong business results and praise from the worldwide participants once again affirmed its reputation as the world’s most effective apparel fabrics and accessories trade event in terms of boosting sales and product sourcing. Knowing the fair covered an all-encompassing range of products that cater to all sourcing needs, 77,883 buyers travelled from 102 countries and regions (2016: 73,927, 90 countries and regions) to Shanghai to source. This year, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the UK and the US were the top 10 visitor countries and regions after Mainland China.

Meanwhile, a total of 4,538 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions (2016: 4,553, 29 countries and regions) also enjoyed the surge of business potential brought by this large number of high-quality trade buyers. The strong line-up of exhibitors, including 10 country and region pavilions – France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Milano Unica (Italy), Pakistan, Taiwan and Thailand – as well as 10 Group Pavilions organised by foremost industry leaders like DuPont, Hyosung, INVISTA and Lenzing, presented a full-spectrum of innovative and fashion offerings in 11 halls across 276,000 sqm (gross) exhibition area, an increase of nearly 6% compared to 2016.

While the nature of textile trade fairs has evolved over recent years, exhibitors’ successful results at this year’s Intertextile Shanghai shows that it is still the industry’s most effective order-writing and business development trade show because it remains the event where the global industry gathers to make purchasing decisions. As a result, many exhibitors see the fair as their business growth engine, and reported positive outlooks for sales after the fair.


Exhibitor opinions
 Ms Erika Jimenez, Development and Purchasing Department, Luca Cuccolini, Spain (SalonEurope)
“A few years ago we decided to explore the Chinese market. Knowing that Intertextile Shanghai is the most comprehensive fair of its kind in Asia, there was no doubt that this would be the fair to expose our brand. Throughout the years we have been satisfied with the visitor flow and business opportunities, especially this year. There has been a good flow of a diverse range of buyers visiting our booth, and we’ve already met with abundant potential buyers on the first day. Our objective is still to get our brand known to local buyers, and by looking at the progress in the first two days, we are even expecting to get orders later on.”

Mr Jean Denerolle, General Manager, Dormeuil, France (Premium Wool Zone)
“There has been lots of visitors coming to our booth on the first two days. Joining Intertextile Shanghai is an effective ways for us to develop the Chinese market. We are happy that the organiser referred a VIP buyer to us. Overall, we succeeded in receiving orders and promoting our brands, so I am pleased with the result this year.”
Mr Max Deery, Global Director, Print Stories Ltd, (for Amanda Kelly Ltd), UK (Verve for Design)
“We are satisfied with the results this year. The Verve for Design zone is well organised, and it’s a busier year compared to last. After day one, we’ve already found more than 10 potential buyers, both old and new customers. We’ve participated in other fairs in Europe as well, and I would say Intertextile Shanghai is in line with these shows, and busier than we expected.”

Mr Luca Maderna, New Age srl, Italy (Verve for Design)
“It’s our 10th year exhibiting in Intertextile. Given the large scale, we can always find new contacts here, and it’s also a great opportunity for us to present our new collection to our regular customers.”
Mr Ederhard Ganns, Managing Director, Union Knopf (HK) Ltd, Germany
“Our target clients are mainly brand owners and resellers. I have successfully met with them and have some promising contacts. We have also developed some new connections with both domestic and overseas customers. Intertextile Shanghai is no doubt the world’s number one show.”

Ms Kang Nan Hee, Assistant Manager, R&D Textile Co Ltd, Korea (Korea Pavilion)
“This is our 10th year at Intertextile Shanghai. Every year, we participate in both the spring and autumn fairs and they have never let us down. Not only can we meet numerous new buyers in each edition, we can also keep pace with the ever-changing market trends in the fabric industry. Besides that, in terms of visitor flow, this fair has always been the strongest. Take this year’s fair as an example. In our estimation, we have already received enquiries from almost 300 buyers and agents on the first two days, which has exceeded our expectations. Therefore, we are expecting some 400 orders in total by end of the fair.”

Mr Taku Ito, Manager, Sojitz Vancet (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, Japan (Japan Pavilion)
“We exhibit at this show to find new customers and sales channels in China. We’ve been joining the show for a while now, and we continued this edition as we can always meet new customers – I mean, really ‘new’. This year, there were about 400 companies that visited our booth. It’s also interesting that we are getting more online apparel shops visiting us lately.”

Ms Susan Hon, B2B Marketing Communication Director, North Asia, INVISTA Co Ltd, Hong Kong (Functional Lab & Group Pavilion organiser)
“With the help of Intertextile Shanghai – the most well-known platform in the industry – we can promote our newly launched products more efficiently and enhance the influence of our brand. Our booths were packed with visitors over the three days, with many of them high-quality buyers. Intertextile has always been one of the most important trade fairs for us because of its strength in attracting a wide range of buyers, including an unrivalled number of market-leading brands that no other fairs can offer.”

Mr Martin Yang, Marketing Manager, Nilit Nylon Technologies (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Israel (Functional Lab)
“Our management is satisfied with the results as this is where we can boost our business and sales. On the first day, we’ve already met with nearly 20 potential buyers that are very likely to develop into new orders after the fair. The most attractive trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its ability in gathering large numbers of trade buyers. More importantly, the majority of them are quality buyers who aren’t only our target customers but also keen to place orders. This fair is seen by the industry as the major platform to source as it includes more industry leading suppliers, raw material providers, fabric mills and garment manufacturers compared to other similar fairs, and this is why we are here.”

Mr Syed Kamran Shah, Marketing Manager, Soorty Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan (Beyond Denim)
“Our objectives are to establish connections with Chinese brands and manufacturers, as well as to learn buyers’ expectations in this market. We are happy with the visitor numbers, and Intertextile Shanghai is where buyers really come to make purchasing decisions. Buyers came to talk to us and run tests on our fabrics afterwards, and usually within 2-3 months’ time, we will receive orders. We also like the idea of the Beyond Denim hall as it ensures the effectiveness of gathering and getting in touch with our target buyers.”

Mr Štěpán Kučera, Managing Director, Preciosa Components, China (Accessories Vision)
“This has been Preciosa’s third consecutive appearance at the autumn edition of Intertextile Shanghai, where we continue to see an increase in attendance by our target customers, namely high-end fashion brands from both the Chinese and international markets. Among the 200-plus buyers we met on the first two days of the fair were domestic fashion brands, sourcing managers of overseas brands, garment producers, as well as OEMs & ODMs, and we are more than satisfied with the results. Compared to similar fairs in which we have participated, Intertextile has a stronger focus on sourcing and manufacturing. International brands tend to send their sourcing teams, while local manufacturers and vendors also source here.”

Ms Shanshan Lu, Client Manger, Beijing Ecocert Certification Centre Co Ltd, China (All About Sustainability)
“As Intertextile Shanghai is the largest fair of its kind, we can always find our target customers here which are manufacturers from the Greater China area and the Asia Pacific region. The All About Sustainability zone has enhanced the exhibiting effectiveness as it creates a strong theme that attracts the right visitors to our booth. I think the visitor flow is stronger than last year. On day 1 alone, we received enquiries from over 10 potential customers which included old and new accounts. Moreover, by sharing our certifications in the seminar, our brand got further promoted in the fair. All in all, we are very pleased with this year’s outcome and very likely will return again next year.”
Worldwide buyers impressed with the unparalleled range of sourcing options on offer
While the exhibitors highly valued the fair’s ability in attracting quality, genuine buyers from around the world, these buyers were pleased to find all categories of apparel fabrics and accessories products from the entire industry under one roof.


Buyer opinions
Mr Johnny Lau, Head of Material Management, Quiksilver Asia Sourcing Ltd, Hong Kong
“The strongest trait of Intertextile Shanghai is its scale and aptitude in gathering the entire industry in one place. I believe no matter which sector of the industry or market you belong to – suiting, casual wear or ladieswear; high-end or fast fashion – you are ensured to find the right suppliers here. The fair houses a full-spectrum of suppliers which ease the sourcing process for purchasing departments like us. To maintain brand competitiveness, it is getting more important for us nowadays to know about suppliers and manufacturers from around the world, so we were also impressed with the fair’s internationalism and had unexpected returns from this trip.”

Mr Luis Alfonso Yepes Londono, Manager, Yetex SAS, Columbia
“Among all trade shows, Intertextile Shanghai is the most influential one for my business, even compared to the European shows. Not only can I find local suppliers, but the fair literally puts brands from around the globe under one roof. This morning I discussed with three local companies that match my interest. Their fabrics were of good quality and competitive pricing, so I will soon make a decision and place orders.”

Ms Zhou Jie, General Manager, Shenzhen New Look Fashion Co Ltd, China
“Intertextile Shanghai is a comprehensive trade fair, and what’s unique about this fair is its unparalleled ability in gathering both domestic and premium international apparel fabrics and accessories suppliers. Therefore, the sourcing options in this fair cater to all market demands. I can say Intertextile is a fair that all fashion brands can’t miss as one can definitely find all kids of materials here. We sent over 10 colleagues from the sourcing and design departments to this year’s fair and sourced around 80% of the fabrics we need for the next season’s collection from about eight exhibitors.”


The next Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is the Spring Edition, held from 14 – 16 March 2018.
Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. For more details on this fair, please visit: To find out more about all Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:


Intertextile Shanghai Messe Frankfurt/ Press Department
Intertextile Shanghai

Final Trade Report: 2017 shows much promise following an energised Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

Any uncertainty about the state of the global apparel fabrics and accessories industry in the coming year was widely dispelled at last month’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, with many exhibitors reporting strong increases in the number of contacts and enquiries they received compared to last year. While the visitor number was up slightly on last year – 71,450 from 103 countries and regions attended (2016: 71,163 from 100 countries and regions) – what was clearly evident in the feedback from exhibitors was that the quality of buyers sourcing at the fair continues to increase. Many exhibitors also commented that they received a healthy spread of buyers to their booths, both from China as well as from key markets in Asia and Europe, and that a satisfying proportion of these buyers were new potential customers.

Any uncertainty about the state of the global apparel fabrics and accessories industry in the coming year was widely dispelled at last month’s Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, with many exhibitors reporting strong increases in the number of contacts and enquiries they received compared to last year. While the visitor number was up slightly on last year – 71,450 from 103 countries and regions attended (2016: 71,163 from 100 countries and regions) – what was clearly evident in the feedback from exhibitors was that the quality of buyers sourcing at the fair continues to increase. Many exhibitors also commented that they received a healthy spread of buyers to their booths, both from China as well as from key markets in Asia and Europe, and that a satisfying proportion of these buyers were new potential customers.

Reflecting the fact that Intertextile Shanghai’s reputation as the industry’s leading event to conduct business each March & October has been steadily increasing over recent years, the exhibitor number grew by 5.9% this edition to 3,341 from 26 countries and regions (2016: 3,155 from 27 countries and regions). New exhibitor countries included Denmark, Malaysia and Poland. The top 10 visitor countries and regions, excluding Mainland China, were Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, the US, Taiwan, India, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia and the UK.            


Messe Frankfurt/ Press Department