Aus der Branche

23 Ergebnisse

GOTS releases new rules and tools

  • GOTS Version 7.0 released
  • GOTS certified entities grow by 8% and expand to 89 countries
  • GOTS releases Due Diligence Handbook for certified entities
  • Farm-Gin Registry implemented in India, creating a direct link and better evaluation of incoming data
  • GOTS collaborates with European Space Agency and Marple for AI organic cotton project
  • #Behindtheseams campaign reaches 21 million+ unique individuals

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), managed by non-profit Global Standard, recognises 2023 as a year of significant milestones. From expansion of GOTS-certified facilities to the release of a new standard version, GOTS remained a beacon for businesses navigating changing legislation, social and environmental demands.

Coming out of one of the strongest years for GOTS, 2023 culminated with 25 GOTS-approved certification bodies reporting a noteworthy 14,676 certified facilities (an 8% growth from 2022) in 89 countries.

  • GOTS Version 7.0 released
  • GOTS certified entities grow by 8% and expand to 89 countries
  • GOTS releases Due Diligence Handbook for certified entities
  • Farm-Gin Registry implemented in India, creating a direct link and better evaluation of incoming data
  • GOTS collaborates with European Space Agency and Marple for AI organic cotton project
  • #Behindtheseams campaign reaches 21 million+ unique individuals

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), managed by non-profit Global Standard, recognises 2023 as a year of significant milestones. From expansion of GOTS-certified facilities to the release of a new standard version, GOTS remained a beacon for businesses navigating changing legislation, social and environmental demands.

Coming out of one of the strongest years for GOTS, 2023 culminated with 25 GOTS-approved certification bodies reporting a noteworthy 14,676 certified facilities (an 8% growth from 2022) in 89 countries.

Ushering in GOTS Version 7.0
As of 1 March, facilities that become GOTS-certified will operate under the new GOTS Version 7.0, released in March 2023 with a one-year transition period. GOTS Version 7.0 and its accompanying Implementation Manual provides a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles and be supported to ensure compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire value chain, from field to finished product.

GOTS Version 7.0 also introduced a six-step due diligence process and handbook that equips GOTS-certified operations to proactively identify, assess and mitigate adverse impacts throughout their value chains.

Looking to the future
GOTS initiated in 2023 two major projects in India, the globe’s largest producer of organic cotton. The Farm-Gin Registry was introduced for the 2022-2023 harvest season, which acts as a link between farm and gin and is a tool to strengthen integrity by collecting organic raw seed cotton data producing farm or farm group.

GOTS, the European Space Agency (ESA) and software company Marple launched a new project that aims to show the potential for remote satellite monitoring of organic cotton cultivation systems. The project trained artificial intelligence (AI) to use ESA satellite data to detect cotton fields across India and automatically classify them according to their cultivation standard. By integrating standardised yield metrics, this innovative approach will enable GOTS to generate realistic estimates of organic cotton yields in specific areas. In addition, the project is expected to empower GOTS to recognise cotton fields that have not yet obtained organic certification but possess the potential for a transition to organic cultivation. The first results of the project will be announced in June.

Educating the consumer
GOTS, in its ongoing commitment to stakeholder education, orchestrated in November an immersive 360-degree awareness and educational campaign. Successfully engaging both consumers and industry professionals, the initiative shined a spotlight on GOTS-certified companies and their products, which empowered consumers to make more conscientious choices while shopping. With an impressive turnout of over 250 certified entities, the campaign made a significant global impact, reaching more than 21 million unique individuals worldwide.

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Standard gGmbH


GOTS applauds European Parliament’s vote on Green Claims Directive

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) applauds the European Parliament's vote to ban unverified 'green' product labels by enforcing stricter rules to back green claims and labels. By obligating companies to submit evidence about environmental marketing claims – including advertising and labelling products as ‘biodegradable’, ‘less polluting’, ‘water saving’, or having ‘bio-based content’ – consumers will be able to make better informed decisions about the sustainability of their purchases.

Consumers need protection from greenwashing and false claims about a product’s environmental impact. GOTS provides rules and tools for fostering responsible business practices and to support businesses to comply with domestic and international laws and beyond. The current GOTS Version 7.0 includes rigorous criteria for the protection of human, employment and social rights, as well as the environment and climate. By being certified to GOTS 7.0 and selling GOTS-labelled goods, companies are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and human rights.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) applauds the European Parliament's vote to ban unverified 'green' product labels by enforcing stricter rules to back green claims and labels. By obligating companies to submit evidence about environmental marketing claims – including advertising and labelling products as ‘biodegradable’, ‘less polluting’, ‘water saving’, or having ‘bio-based content’ – consumers will be able to make better informed decisions about the sustainability of their purchases.

Consumers need protection from greenwashing and false claims about a product’s environmental impact. GOTS provides rules and tools for fostering responsible business practices and to support businesses to comply with domestic and international laws and beyond. The current GOTS Version 7.0 includes rigorous criteria for the protection of human, employment and social rights, as well as the environment and climate. By being certified to GOTS 7.0 and selling GOTS-labelled goods, companies are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and human rights.


GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)

Rat für Formgebung: Nachwuchspreis „one&twenty“ für 21 Designtalente (c) Lilian Onstenk
„ButtonUp“ von Lilian Onstenk

Rat für Formgebung: Nachwuchspreis „one&twenty“ für 21 Designtalente

Mit dem internationalen Wettbewerb „one&twenty“ ehrt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung jährlich herausragende Designstudierende und Absolvent*innen aus den Bereichen Produktdesign und Lifestyle. Die 21 Winner-Projekte 2024 demonstrieren eindrucksvoll, wie entschlossen der Nachwuchs nach Lösungen für die drängenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit sucht. Die ausgezeichneten Projekte wurden aus mehr als 800 Einreichungen aus über 50 Ländern ausgewählt.

Die 21 ausgezeichneten Projekte verdeutlichen, dass Nachhaltigkeit kein nebensächlicher Gedanke, sondern ein integraler Bestandteil des Designprozesses ist. Gleich mehrere Winner setzten sich mit dem Problem der wachsenden Wegwerfkultur – in der eine Reparatur defekter Objekte finanziell nicht rentabler ist als ein Neukauf – auseinander. Die Lösung liegt in Ansätzen des Circular Design: Wenn Objekte von vorneherein aus leicht auswechselbaren Komponenten bestehen, ist die Reparatur einfacher und attraktiver als die Entsorgung.

Mit dem internationalen Wettbewerb „one&twenty“ ehrt die Stiftung Rat für Formgebung jährlich herausragende Designstudierende und Absolvent*innen aus den Bereichen Produktdesign und Lifestyle. Die 21 Winner-Projekte 2024 demonstrieren eindrucksvoll, wie entschlossen der Nachwuchs nach Lösungen für die drängenden Herausforderungen unserer Zeit sucht. Die ausgezeichneten Projekte wurden aus mehr als 800 Einreichungen aus über 50 Ländern ausgewählt.

Die 21 ausgezeichneten Projekte verdeutlichen, dass Nachhaltigkeit kein nebensächlicher Gedanke, sondern ein integraler Bestandteil des Designprozesses ist. Gleich mehrere Winner setzten sich mit dem Problem der wachsenden Wegwerfkultur – in der eine Reparatur defekter Objekte finanziell nicht rentabler ist als ein Neukauf – auseinander. Die Lösung liegt in Ansätzen des Circular Design: Wenn Objekte von vorneherein aus leicht auswechselbaren Komponenten bestehen, ist die Reparatur einfacher und attraktiver als die Entsorgung.

Dem Problem der steigenden Kleidungsabfälle stellt sich „ButtonUp“ von Lilian Onstenk entgegen. Die Designerin möchte das Auswechseln von Knöpfen leichter machen, da defekte Verschlüsse ein Hauptgrund für das Wegwerfen von Textilien sind. Der Aluminium-Verschluss ButtonUp wird nicht eingenäht, was die Handhabung für Nutzer*innen vereinfacht, den Austausch ohne Nadel und Faden möglich macht und schlussendlich für ein in Einzelteile getrenntes Recycling sorgt.

Die Winner von one&twenty 2024 sind:

  • Jesse Altmann, Klara Schneider & Valentina Lenk, Morari, Fachhochschule Potsdam, Deutschland
  • Marcus Angerer, Layer, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Eva Benamou & Antonia Gauß, Off the Grid, Bezalel Art and Design Academy, Israel & Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • Esther Betz, Elisa Bessega & Sylvia Chen, Mantis, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Deutschland, Politecnico di Milano, Italien & Pratt Institute, USA
  • Daniela Cimen, RE•IN•WASTE, Hochschule Hof, Deutschland
  • Marcus Götschl, New Gen, Schulen für Holz und Gestaltung Bezirk Oberbayern, Deutschland
  • Gaspard Fleury, Soft Objects, The Swedish School of Textiles, Schweden
  • Sofia Kocher, SATTEL, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Österreich
  • Lirjeta Maxhuni, GyneCare, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Juni Sun Neyenhuys, Designing the Afterlife, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Deutschland
  • Nir Neria, Copine, Bezalel Art and Design Academy, Israel
  • Lilian Onstenk, ButtonUp, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Emilie Palle Holm, [ ORIORI ] :: folding woven textile, The Swedish School of Textiles, Schweden
  • Jan Penka, YSHELF, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Österreich
  • Cornelius Richter, STUHL, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Deutschland
  • Josua Roters, Cable Mania, Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Deutschland
  • Valerio Sampognaro, Radiator Flask, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, Deutschland
  • Lion Sanguinette & Jonathan Stein, Opencyclone, Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Deutschland
  • Manuel Steffan, Running on (h)air, ECAL, Schweiz
  • Moritz Walter, Hotspot, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Deutschland
  • Zixuan Zhou, ANTI throw-away mentality, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Deutschland

Am 15. April werden die Winner an einem neuen Ausstellungsort im Mailänder Viertel Brera geehrt. Neben den Winnern hat die Jury bestehend aus den Designer*innen Hanne Willmann (Studio Hanne Willmann), Eva Marguerre und Marcel Besau (Studio Besau-Marguerre), Philipp Mainzer (E15), Arianna Lelli Mami und Chiara Di Pinto (Studiopepe), Daniera ter Haar und Christoph Brach (Raw Color), Min Chen (Chen Min Office), Yoko Choy (Collective Contemporist, China Editor Wallpaper*), Joa Herrenknecht (Studio Joa Herrenknecht) und Sabine Marcelis (Studio Sabine Marcelis) ein Projekt als „Best of Best“ ausgezeichnet.

Vom 15.–21. April werden alle 21 Projekte in einer öffentlichen Ausstellung während der Milan Design Week in Brera präsentiert.



Rat für Formgebung

(c) lavie, Balsiger Textil AG

lavie: Multifunktionale Oberleintücher und neue Farbtrends

Lavie präsentiert eine Kollektion multifunktionaler Oberleintücher aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle für warme Tage und laue Nächte. Zusätzlich erweitert lavie seine Leinenbettwäsche Linus um die Farben plum und oat. Die Bettwäsche-Linie Louise aus Bio-Baumwolle wird mit der neutralen Farbe taupe ergänzt.

Für die wärmere Jahreszeit lanciert lavie eine multifunktionale, GOTS zertifizierte Oberleintuchkollektion aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle. Ein Oberleintuch allein oder kombiniert mit einem Plaid ersetzt im Sommer das wärmende Duvet. Die Tücher sind ebenso praktische Begleiter an schönen Sommertagen und während lauen Nächten. So können diese auch als Tisch- und Picknickdecke, als Badidecke oder als Zeltplane im Garten und auf der Terrasse eingesetzt werden.

Lavie präsentiert eine Kollektion multifunktionaler Oberleintücher aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle für warme Tage und laue Nächte. Zusätzlich erweitert lavie seine Leinenbettwäsche Linus um die Farben plum und oat. Die Bettwäsche-Linie Louise aus Bio-Baumwolle wird mit der neutralen Farbe taupe ergänzt.

Für die wärmere Jahreszeit lanciert lavie eine multifunktionale, GOTS zertifizierte Oberleintuchkollektion aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle. Ein Oberleintuch allein oder kombiniert mit einem Plaid ersetzt im Sommer das wärmende Duvet. Die Tücher sind ebenso praktische Begleiter an schönen Sommertagen und während lauen Nächten. So können diese auch als Tisch- und Picknickdecke, als Badidecke oder als Zeltplane im Garten und auf der Terrasse eingesetzt werden.

Leinenbettwäsche Linus
Linus, die Bettwäschekollektion aus 100% europäischem Leinen, hat antiallergische Eigenschaften, ist saugfähig, schnell trocknend, reissfest und pflegeleicht. Die temperaturregulierenden Fasern haben im Winter einen wärmenden und im Sommer einen kühlenden Effekt. Die Leinenqualität Linus wird um die Farben plum und oat erweitert, als Oberleintücher sowie als Duvets- und Kissenbezüge.
Die Leinenbettwäsche ist nach Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 zertifiziert.

Louise taupe
Die Bettwäsche Louise in dem Ton taupe passt zu (fast) allen Einrichtungsstilen und verfeinert Crème- und Weisstöne. Neben den gängigen Formaten als Kissen- und Duvetbezüge gibt es die Farbe taupe auch als Fixleintuch Lakan. Die Bettwäsche Louise und die Fixleintücher Lakan sind aus der bewährten Bio-Baumwoll-Qualität.

Weitere Informationen:
lavie Leinen Bio-Baumwolle Bettwäsche

Balsiger Textil AG / Merlo Communications GmbH


GOTS Pilot Project for Small Operators to attain Certification

In an initiative aimed at enhancing accessibility to certification for small operator groups within the organic textile value chain, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is pleased to introduce its ongoing Controlled Supply Chain Scheme Pilot Project. The project, launched in 2022, was strategically developed to overcome the obstacles that often deter small-scale operators from pursuing GOTS certification.

Recognising that administrative complexities and financial burdens can impede these operators, the controlled supply chain scheme (CSCS) system was developed to mitigate these challenges. The supply chain requires an internal control and audit system, and small-scale operations benefit from a streamlined ‘group’ certification process, which reduces costs and eases administrative barriers.

In an initiative aimed at enhancing accessibility to certification for small operator groups within the organic textile value chain, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is pleased to introduce its ongoing Controlled Supply Chain Scheme Pilot Project. The project, launched in 2022, was strategically developed to overcome the obstacles that often deter small-scale operators from pursuing GOTS certification.

Recognising that administrative complexities and financial burdens can impede these operators, the controlled supply chain scheme (CSCS) system was developed to mitigate these challenges. The supply chain requires an internal control and audit system, and small-scale operations benefit from a streamlined ‘group’ certification process, which reduces costs and eases administrative barriers.

Under the CSCS framework, a supply chain comprised of a minimum of eight and a maximum of thirty small-scale facilities, each with twenty or fewer workers, could be considered a single Certified Entity after a comprehensive risk assessment by their Certification Body (CB). SANKEI MERIYASU, a Japanese textile manufacturer, recently received GOTS certification through this project. SANKEI MERIYASU's success showcases the tangible impact of the CSCS system in empowering small-scale operators.

With the pilot due to be reviewed and evaluated next year, GOTS Managing Director Rahul Bhajekar is optimistic about the future of CSCS systems within GOTS. "The controlled supply chain scheme has the potential for substantial impact, empowering small operators in the organic textile supply chain and revolutionising GOTS certification. Our pilot project is proving that the scheme works as intended, overcoming barriers and expanding opportunities. We look forward to refining and validating the CSCS requirements, in hopes of implementing it fully for all markets in the future.”

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS certification

GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard


Release of GOTS Due Diligence Handbook

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation, launches the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities. This landmark publication is a crucial step forward in the promotion of sustainability, human rights and ethical business conduct in the textile sector.

Clear Guidance for GOTS Certified Entities Based on Recognised International Standards
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is based on the recognised international frameworks, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (2018) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Handbook offers GOTS Certified Entities clear guidance on integrating due diligence processes into their operations, thereby helping them to comply with domestic due diligence laws such as the German Supply Chain Law, French Vigilance Law, and upcoming EU legislation.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation, launches the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities. This landmark publication is a crucial step forward in the promotion of sustainability, human rights and ethical business conduct in the textile sector.

Clear Guidance for GOTS Certified Entities Based on Recognised International Standards
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is based on the recognised international frameworks, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (2018) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Handbook offers GOTS Certified Entities clear guidance on integrating due diligence processes into their operations, thereby helping them to comply with domestic due diligence laws such as the German Supply Chain Law, French Vigilance Law, and upcoming EU legislation.

A Comprehensive Blueprint
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities was developed as a structured roadmap, leading Certified Entities through the process of establishing and refining their management systems. The emphasis of the Handbook is on a holistic due diligence approach, ensuring that GOTS-certified companies not only identify but also proactively prevent and effectively mitigate potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment. The Handbook ensures that GOTS Certified Entities are equipped with the knowledge and tools to respond to potential challenges, transforming them into leaders in responsible business conduct within the textile sector. The GOTS 7.0 criteria, bolstered by this Handbook, paves the way for a more sustainable and socially conscious business approach in the textile sector.

OECD Standards Assessment
GOTS is currently undergoing the OECD Alignment Assessment, a three-stage process that will result in a reputable, independent evaluation of the GOTS Criteria's alignment with the OECD's due diligence guidance documents. The process includes a Standards Assessment, an Implementation Assessment and a Credibility Assessment. As GOTS enters the Standard Assessment phase, it effectively showcases its dedication to sustainable practices, in line with the comprehensive international framework for responsible garment and footwear supply chain laid out in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This process, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, began in July 2023 and is expected to be completed in January 2024.


GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard


GOTS enters OECD Alignment Assessment Process

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) officially started the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Alignment Assessment process for GOTS' version 7.0. This involvement illustrates GOTS' ongoing efforts to align with the international framework for responsible garment and footwear supply chain due diligence.

An Assessment for Greater Impact
The OECD Alignment Assessment is a three-stage process that includes a Standards Assessment, an Implementation Assessment as well as a Credibility Assessment. As GOTS enters the Standard Assessment phase, it effectively showcases its dedication to sustainable practices, in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This process, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, began in July 2023 and is expected to complete in January 2024.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) officially started the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Alignment Assessment process for GOTS' version 7.0. This involvement illustrates GOTS' ongoing efforts to align with the international framework for responsible garment and footwear supply chain due diligence.

An Assessment for Greater Impact
The OECD Alignment Assessment is a three-stage process that includes a Standards Assessment, an Implementation Assessment as well as a Credibility Assessment. As GOTS enters the Standard Assessment phase, it effectively showcases its dedication to sustainable practices, in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This process, supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, began in July 2023 and is expected to complete in January 2024.

The Role of the Due Diligence Criteria
The GOTS Due Diligence Criteria provide a framework for companies to proactively address potential or existing risks to human rights and the environment. This initiative lies at the core of GOTS' role as a trendsetter, paving the way for responsible business practices that will shape the future. Ruslan Alyamkin, Responsible for Standard Development and Implementation (Social Responsibility) at GOTS, emphasised the transformative power of these criteria: "The Due Diligence Criteria are not just guidelines, they are a powerful tool for real change. They empower companies to make informed and ethical decisions, helping to shape a textile industry that respects human rights and cares for our planet".

Emerging Regulatory Requirements: Navigating Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Obligations
As global legislation increasingly emphasises respect for human rights in business operations, GOTS remains a support tool for companies navigating this evolving landscape. Legislation such as Germany's Supply Chain Act (LkSG), France's Vigilance Act, Norway's Transparency Act, the Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Act, and the UK Modern Slavery Act underscores the crucial need for rigorous due diligence in assessing business impacts on human rights and the environment. Moreover, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDDD), which signals the imminent consideration of mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence.

With the recent version of GOTS Version 7.0, textile companies gain access to a six-step due diligence process, enabling them to identify, assess, and mitigate adverse impacts throughout their supply chains. This positions GOTS as a tool in showcasing compliance with due diligence obligations outlined in the draft EU CSDDD as well as in national laws.


Global Organic Textile Standard


GOTS Version 7.0 released

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

GOTS Version 7.0 provides a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles ensuring compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire supply chain, from field to finished product. With full traceability from origin to destination, GOTS certification provides an efficient means of verifying genuine sustainability efforts. GOTS 7.0 introduces new requirements to conduct risk-based due diligence of Certified Entities’ own operations and their supply chains based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines. The Social Criteria section was substantially revised to include a broader human rights-focused approach. GOTS 7.0 now allows recycled organic fibres as additional materials. Key requirements, such as certified organic fibre content, a general ban on toxic and harmful chemicals such as PFAS, conventional cotton and virgin polyester restrictions, and social compliance management, are maintained in GOTS Version 7.0.

Some of the changes in Version 7.0 include:

  • GOTS and the Manual for the Implementation of GOTS were restructured, and sections were grouped to reflect the standard’s scope.
  • New due diligence criteria ensures that Certified Entities address their actual and potential negative impacts on human rights and the environment.
  • GOTS Environmental Criteria, Product Stewardship, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) requirements will also apply to the subcontractors of chemical formulators.
  • Criteria for the incoming organic material have been made stricter.
  • Quinoline is included among the prohibited substances and some existing restrictions have been made tighter such as of “aniline, free”, residue limit is decreased to 20 mg/kg from 100 mk/kg.
  • GOTS 7.0 reduces the permissible quantity of recycled synthetic (polymer) fibres in its certified products, taking into account the disadvantages associated with recycled synthetics, such as microplastics and poor quality.
  • In the pursuit of circularity, GOTS will allow use of recycled GOTS Goods waste as an additional fibre in its certified products.
  • GOTS Human Rights and Social Criteria will now require Certified Entities to respect internationally recognised human rights protocols, including the International Bill of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties.
  • Criteria concerning Discrimination, Violence and Harassment were revised to make them more comprehensive and include the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention (C190).
  • Certified Entities are now required to develop a plan to cover the living wage gap.
  • GOTS Occupational Health and Safety criteria were revised to consider best international practices and recommendations from the ILO.

For more information, see the following documents:

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard


(c) PETA Deutschland e.V.

PETA verleiht Vegan Fashion Award 2022

Mit dem Vegan Fashion Award zeichnet die Tierrechtsorganisation PETA Deutschland bereits zum neunten Mal Modeunternehmen sowie Designerinnen und Designer aus, die sich bewusst dafür entscheiden, tierfreundliche Bekleidung, Schuhe, Accessoires und Taschen herzustellen. Die 15 Gewinnerprodukte kommen aus den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien – von rein pflanzlichen Sneakern über wetterfeste Outdoorbekleidung bis hin zum besten veganen Fashion-Onlineshop. Für ihre Herstellung wurden keine Tierqualprodukte wie Leder, Wolle, Daunen, Pelz oder Seide verwendet, sondern innovative Materialien wie Mirum, recyceltes Plastik oder Apfelleder. Ein Highlight in diesem Jahr ist die Unterstützung von Influencerin, Autorin und Model Marie von den Benken. Für die Kategorie „Marie von den Benkens favorite brand“ konnte sie sich ihre absolute Lieblingsmarke aussuchen. Neben bereits etablierten Größen wie Ragwear oder Tamaris sind unter den Gewinnerprodukten auch in diesem Jahr viele neue Unternehmen vertreten.

Mit dem Vegan Fashion Award zeichnet die Tierrechtsorganisation PETA Deutschland bereits zum neunten Mal Modeunternehmen sowie Designerinnen und Designer aus, die sich bewusst dafür entscheiden, tierfreundliche Bekleidung, Schuhe, Accessoires und Taschen herzustellen. Die 15 Gewinnerprodukte kommen aus den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien – von rein pflanzlichen Sneakern über wetterfeste Outdoorbekleidung bis hin zum besten veganen Fashion-Onlineshop. Für ihre Herstellung wurden keine Tierqualprodukte wie Leder, Wolle, Daunen, Pelz oder Seide verwendet, sondern innovative Materialien wie Mirum, recyceltes Plastik oder Apfelleder. Ein Highlight in diesem Jahr ist die Unterstützung von Influencerin, Autorin und Model Marie von den Benken. Für die Kategorie „Marie von den Benkens favorite brand“ konnte sie sich ihre absolute Lieblingsmarke aussuchen. Neben bereits etablierten Größen wie Ragwear oder Tamaris sind unter den Gewinnerprodukten auch in diesem Jahr viele neue Unternehmen vertreten.

„Mit dem Vegan Fashion Award kürt PETA die aktuell einzigartigsten, innovativsten und tierfreundlichsten Produkte für den veganen Kleiderschrank“, so Jobst Eggert, Teamleitung der Networking Relations bei PETA. „Wir freuen uns insbesondere, dass in diesem Jahr erstmals auch internationale Marken teilgenommen haben. Neben deutschen Unternehmen sind auch Hersteller:innen aus Italien, Frankreich, Belgien, Tschechien und der Schweiz unter den Gewinnerprodukten vertreten. Damit bietet der Vegan Fashion Award Verbraucher:innen eine immer flächendeckendere Orientierung und Gewissheit bei ihrer Kaufentscheidung. PETA gratuliert allen Gewinner:innen und dankt ihnen für ihr veganes Engagement.“

Die Gewinnerprodukte des Vegan Fashion Award 2022:

  • Best vegan sneaker for women: Komrads OCNS von Komrads
  • Best vegan sneaker for men: URCA C.W.L WHITE BRITTANY von VEJA
  • Best vegan boots: LACE-UP 1-1-25215-29-752 von Tamaris
  • Best underwear for women: Statement Panty von Moya Kala
  • Most innovative piece: BAILEY bag von Melina Bucher
  • Best vegan outdoor piece for women: Wintermantel: RELOVED REMAKE von Ragwear
  • Best vegan outdoor piece for men: Plant-Based Super Active Sweater von bleed clothing
  • Best vegan bag: CROSSBODY BAG NOMAD AUS APPLESKIN von Rive Claire
  • Best fashion piece: Kostüm: INTO THE FOREST von TIZIANO GUARDINI
  • Best business piece: Wanda trench coat von Elementy
  • Best streetwear look: Kleid: RUPIE ORGANIC GOTS von Ragwear
  • Best vegan item for kids: Jungen-Sweatshirt mit Rundhals von Sanetta
  • Best vegan Online Shop: LOVECO Online-Shop von Loveco GmbH
  • Community Award: ANTI EAT MEAT CLUB
  • Marie von den Benkens favorite brand: THE MOIRè
Weitere Informationen:
PETA Vegan Fashion Award Nachhaltigkeit

PETA Deutschland e.V.


GOTS raises requirements for certified gins

To further advance the system, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is significantly raising the requirements for GOTS-certified gins, to ensure transparent and traceable processing for organic textiles from field to finished product:

To further advance the system, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is significantly raising the requirements for GOTS-certified gins, to ensure transparent and traceable processing for organic textiles from field to finished product:

  1. GOTS is introducing a compulsory farm-gin registry for all farms and farm groups whose certified raw material enters the GOTS system, including information on farm yields. The registry will be implemented progressively, starting in India.
  2. Raw cotton is not allowed to travel more than 500 km from the farm to the certified gin. The shorter trade chain protects vulnerable points and optimises the process for buyers.  
  3. Increase of unannounced audits of gins where there is a high perception of risk.

These new requirements are added to the numerous checks and balances which are already performed throughout every processing stage. Seed cotton entering the GOTS supply chain is tested for the presence of genetically modified organisms according to the applicable ISO protocol. GOTS-approved Certification Bodies (CBs) include further testing (such as pesticide residue) and are fully authorised to reject material that does not meet GOTS requirements. Additionally, before certification bodies issue a Transaction Certificate (TC), GOTS requires that a thorough assessment takes place, including a plausibility check in the form of volume reconciliation.

To strengthen integrity and traceability, GOTS also stipulates that the Farm TC number appears on the first GOTS TC at the ginning plant, which is the first step for cotton in the GOTS supply chain. The TC must state the origin for raw material, including region, state, and province. This effectively traces material back to the field and adds another layer of accountability to GOTS-certified fibre. It also supports all buyers in their purchasing decisions.

GOTS is not only improving its own system but also coordinating efforts with other key players to support the integrity of organic textiles. As GOTS provides certification of first processing stages to Textile Exchange's Organic Content Standard (OCS), GOTS and TE discussed new requirements for OCS while they were being developed. GOTS supports these requirements as they provide a dual protection shield for materials entering the GOTS or OCS supply chains, at the same time maintaining necessary data privacy. The new requirements will help increase traceability and transparency throughout the organic textile sector which are among the main objectives of GOTS. There are no changes necessary to the requirements of GOTS regarding any of the new OCS rules.


The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)


Iluna Group at Première Vision AW 23

Iluna Group is exhibiting at the upcoming Première Vision, from July 5-7, with the aim of promoting a new fashion that combines aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.
The key word of this new collection is “experimentation”: the search for new solutions that can offer consumers style, sustainability and well-being translates into innovative blends, natural dyes and smart prints.

This season, the Iluna team is introducing for the first time GOTS-certified organic cotton inside its gallons and allovers, to add a natural touch to its Green Label line. Among the smart ingredients chosen by Iluna Group are Renycle® and Q-Nova, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns, in addition to premium recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei. The result is a comfortable and ultralight product that remains true to a high value of creativity and responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, explorations continue with a yarn blend of FSC-certified viscose and polyamide, resulting in striking new Textronic designs. The 3D effect embossed designs create a cloud effect that, combined with Lurex, shows unexpected glows.

Iluna Group is exhibiting at the upcoming Première Vision, from July 5-7, with the aim of promoting a new fashion that combines aesthetic research and environmental responsibility.
The key word of this new collection is “experimentation”: the search for new solutions that can offer consumers style, sustainability and well-being translates into innovative blends, natural dyes and smart prints.

This season, the Iluna team is introducing for the first time GOTS-certified organic cotton inside its gallons and allovers, to add a natural touch to its Green Label line. Among the smart ingredients chosen by Iluna Group are Renycle® and Q-Nova, both GRS-certified pre-consumer recycled polyamide yarns, in addition to premium recycled stretch ROICA™ EF by Asahi Kasei. The result is a comfortable and ultralight product that remains true to a high value of creativity and responsibility.

In terms of aesthetic innovation, explorations continue with a yarn blend of FSC-certified viscose and polyamide, resulting in striking new Textronic designs. The 3D effect embossed designs create a cloud effect that, combined with Lurex, shows unexpected glows.

Moreover, the continuous path through the new dimension of responsibility continues in several directions: developments in GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns aimed at unprecedented effects in both look, performance and hands; experiments with 16 different natural dyestuffs; and continued investment in technologies that can ensure significant savings in water and energy consumption, including GREENDROP, the new GOTS-certified digital pigment printing system.

Weitere Informationen:
ILUNA Group Première Vision GOTS

Iluna Group / C.L.A.S.S.


GOTS Standard revision process enters next phase

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

The ongoing revision process to the GOTS Standard document and supporting Manual for Implementation garnered a robust response during its first public comment period, which ended on June 13 and elicited over 300 inputs. Of that, about 60 percent of comments were related to technical criteria such as ecology, chemical inputs, and material quality; and around 30 percent concerned GOTS social criteria. The Standard sets forth the requirements for organic textiles throughout the entire processing chain. GOTS’s commitment to making every version stronger ensures that the Standard continues to be a dynamic and evolving document and remain at the forefront as the most recognized and respected global standard for textiles.

The first draft of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0, was made available for an initial 60-day comment period. Stakeholders, associations, organisations, companies and individuals were encouraged to contribute to the revision of the Standard during this timeframe. The Standard is updated every three years, ensuring that GOTS keeps up with advances in the industry and developments in the science and technology of textile processing.

Beginning in 2022, the GOTS revision process is following a newly developed and more inclusive Standard Setting Procedure, which includes oversight of the process by a Standard Revision Committee (SRC). The SRC consists of experts from different stakeholder groups, including scientists, textile industry professionals, sustainability, sourcing and human rights specialists and others. Members work together throughout the entire revision process to establish terms of reference and make decisions on any changes.

The comments received are being compiled and will be available for viewing on the GOTS website shortly. For the next stage of the revision process, the SRC will deliberate all comments, and a second draft of the revision will be released for a second and final 30-day period of public input in September 2022, which will be announced on the GOTS website and social media. The final version of the revised standard, GOTS version 7.0 will be released in March 2023, and will come into effect one year later.

Weitere Informationen:
GOTS revision



U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol von Siegelklarheit anerkannt

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol ist von Siegelklarheit, einer Initiative der deutschen Bundesregierung, als Standard für nachhaltige Baumwolle anerkannt worden. Siegelklarheit hilft den Verbrauchern, Umwelt- und Sozialsiegel besser zu verstehen und möchte zu nachhaltigeren Kaufentscheidungen beitragen. Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol hat den Prüfprozess von Siegelklarheit erfolgreich durchlaufen. Damit können die Mitglieder des Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien das Trust Protocol als weiteren Standard nutzen, um ihren Anteil an nachhaltiger Baumwolle zu berechnen.

Das Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien wurde im Oktober 2014 mit dem Ziel gegründet, die sozialen und ökologischen Standards in den globalen Textil-Lieferketten zu verbessern. Das Textilbündnis orientiert sich bei seiner Arbeit an den OECD-Leitlinien zur Sorgfaltspflicht sowie an internationalen Abkommen und Richtlinien, die die Grundsätze der sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit sowie den Rahmen für CSR Aktivitäten definieren.

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol ist von Siegelklarheit, einer Initiative der deutschen Bundesregierung, als Standard für nachhaltige Baumwolle anerkannt worden. Siegelklarheit hilft den Verbrauchern, Umwelt- und Sozialsiegel besser zu verstehen und möchte zu nachhaltigeren Kaufentscheidungen beitragen. Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol hat den Prüfprozess von Siegelklarheit erfolgreich durchlaufen. Damit können die Mitglieder des Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien das Trust Protocol als weiteren Standard nutzen, um ihren Anteil an nachhaltiger Baumwolle zu berechnen.

Das Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien wurde im Oktober 2014 mit dem Ziel gegründet, die sozialen und ökologischen Standards in den globalen Textil-Lieferketten zu verbessern. Das Textilbündnis orientiert sich bei seiner Arbeit an den OECD-Leitlinien zur Sorgfaltspflicht sowie an internationalen Abkommen und Richtlinien, die die Grundsätze der sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit sowie den Rahmen für CSR Aktivitäten definieren.

Das Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien hat einen Implementierungsrahmen und ein Reporting-Format für unternehmerische Sorgfaltspflicht entwickelt. Im Rahmen dieses Formats geben die Mitgliedsunternehmen auch an, wie viel Baumwolle sie beziehen und wie viel davon nachhaltige oder biologische Baumwolle ist, die nach anerkannten Standards zertifiziert ist. Dazu gehören neben dem U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol der Better Cotton Standard, der australische myBMP-Standard, Cotton made in Africa, Fairtrade Cotton und CottonConnect. Für den Einkauf von Bio-Baumwolle gelten folgende Standards: der Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), der Standard des Internationalen Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft (NATURTEXTIL IVN), der Organic Content Standard (OCS) von Textile Exchange, der bioRe Social & Environmental Standard sowie alle Bio-Standards der IFOAM Family of Standards.

Das Trust Protocol ist die einzige Initiative, die quantifizierbare und überprüfbare Ziele und Messungen bietet und eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung in sechs wichtigen Nachhaltigkeitsmetriken vorantreibt: Landnutzung, Bodenkohlenstoff, Wasserverbrauch, Bodenerosion, Treibhausgasemissionen und Energieeffizienz. Es ist auch die erste nachhaltige Baumwollfaser der Welt, die ihren Mitgliedern mit der Protocol Consumption Management Solution Transparenz in der Lieferkette auf Artikelebene bietet.


INNATEX feiert 25-jähriges Jubiläum

Vom 29. bis 31. Juli 2022 feiert die internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien bei Frankfurt ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen.

Zu den Projekten für die fünfzigste Edition der Orderplattform im Messecenter Rhein-Main gehören eine Community Area mit kurzen Talks, für die sich aktuell bereits die Initiativen GOTS, Fairtrade, IVN und Femnet angemeldet haben, sowie das Comeback der Design Discoveries. Auch eine Neuinterpretation der Modenschau und eine aufwendige Gestaltung im Outdoor-Bereich mit Festival-Charakter seien geplant.

„Auf der INNATEX liegt bis heute der Fokus auf dem Orderbusiness, aber dieses Jahr wollen wir auch endlich mal wieder feiern und eine gute Zeit haben“, so Projektleiter Alexander Hitzel. “Dass die Messe seit 25 Jahren besteht, zeugt nicht nur von ihrer Wirtschaftlichkeit und Seriosität, sondern auch von der Kreativität und der Standhaftigkeit der Community. Wir wollen uns bei allen Beteiligten bedanken, denn sie haben zu dem Erfolg von Green Fashion beigetragen.“

Vom 29. bis 31. Juli 2022 feiert die internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien bei Frankfurt ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen.

Zu den Projekten für die fünfzigste Edition der Orderplattform im Messecenter Rhein-Main gehören eine Community Area mit kurzen Talks, für die sich aktuell bereits die Initiativen GOTS, Fairtrade, IVN und Femnet angemeldet haben, sowie das Comeback der Design Discoveries. Auch eine Neuinterpretation der Modenschau und eine aufwendige Gestaltung im Outdoor-Bereich mit Festival-Charakter seien geplant.

„Auf der INNATEX liegt bis heute der Fokus auf dem Orderbusiness, aber dieses Jahr wollen wir auch endlich mal wieder feiern und eine gute Zeit haben“, so Projektleiter Alexander Hitzel. “Dass die Messe seit 25 Jahren besteht, zeugt nicht nur von ihrer Wirtschaftlichkeit und Seriosität, sondern auch von der Kreativität und der Standhaftigkeit der Community. Wir wollen uns bei allen Beteiligten bedanken, denn sie haben zu dem Erfolg von Green Fashion beigetragen.“

Seit den Anfangsjahren der INNATEX ist der Internationale Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft (IVN) eine tragende Kraft und bis heute Schirmherr. Hitzel erzählt: “Vor 25 Jahren, als die Messe erstmals stattfand, wurde nachhaltige Mode noch etwas belächelt. Das Angebot war sehr eingeschränkt und konzentrierte sich auf klassische Kollektionen aus Naturtextilien.”

Heute zeichne sich die Branche durch eine Vielfalt aus, in der sowohl die Pioniere, als auch Newcomer ihren Platz haben. Dieselbe Vielfalt wird die INNATEX, die sich als unabhängige, inklusive und solidarische Plattform versteht, auch in diesem Sommer repräsentieren. Über 200 Aussteller haben sich laut Hitzel in kürzester Zeit bereits angekündigt, zu denen neben Labels für DOB und HAKA auch Schuhe, Unterwäsche, Taschen und Accessoires zählen.

Weitere Informationen:
INNATEX Nachhaltigkeit IVN GOTS Femnet Fairtrade



GOTS releases 2021 annual report detailing record growth and increased interest

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

The 31-page report details the record growth experienced in 2021, which included an increase of 19 percent in GOTS certified facilities around the world, with Certification Bodies (CBs) reporting 12.338 facilities in 79 countries (+11 percent). Three new GOTS-approved Certification Bodies brought the total to 18, nine of which have chemical input approval in their scopes. The additional CBs are helping meet an ever-increasing demand for certification. The rise in certifications also allowed GOTS to expand internally, adding Representatives as well as colleagues with expertise in Standard Development and Implementation, Quality Assurance, Communication, and IT. GOTS representatives worldwide offered training and education to thousands of participants, including businesses, governmental representatives, certification bodies, and other stakeholders. Visits to the GOTS website jumped 43 percent from 2020 and GOTS’s following on social media expanded significantly, gaining 57 percent across platforms.

“Despite ongoing difficulties and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, decision-makers continue to pursue their sustainability goals and value GOTS as a tool to accomplish them. We will continue to strive toward our vision of a future in which organic textiles are a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people’s lives and the environment,” says GOTS Managing Director Claudia Kersten.

Additional highlights covered in the report include chronicling the implementation of the most recent update to the standard document, GOTS version 6.0, and the release of ‘Conditions for the Use of GOTS Signs (CUGS)’, which outlines the rules for using the GOTS logo and labeling and updates to GOTS Scope and Transaction Certification policies which are a crucial part of the certification process.


Global Organic Textile Standard


Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) seeks public input for standard revision

The worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), seeks public input as it begins the revision process for GOTS standard version 7.0.

As a solution for sustainability-related challenges in textile processing, GOTS sets strict and binding requirements regarding ecological and social parameters. These are updated every three years in an open and transparent revision process which fosters constant progress towards the development of better textile processing methods. In this process of continuous improvement, GOTS collaborates with all relevant international stakeholders, including the textile and apparel industry, chemical suppliers, organic farming and environmental organisations, workers' rights groups and labour unions, to ensure ongoing relevance and account for changes in the industry.

The initial period of public input runs from 14 April through 12 June. During this phase, all interested parties, including industry representatives, NGO’s and consumers, are encouraged to participate by submitting comments, feedback, and ideas through GOTS’s online portal.

The worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), seeks public input as it begins the revision process for GOTS standard version 7.0.

As a solution for sustainability-related challenges in textile processing, GOTS sets strict and binding requirements regarding ecological and social parameters. These are updated every three years in an open and transparent revision process which fosters constant progress towards the development of better textile processing methods. In this process of continuous improvement, GOTS collaborates with all relevant international stakeholders, including the textile and apparel industry, chemical suppliers, organic farming and environmental organisations, workers' rights groups and labour unions, to ensure ongoing relevance and account for changes in the industry.

The initial period of public input runs from 14 April through 12 June. During this phase, all interested parties, including industry representatives, NGO’s and consumers, are encouraged to participate by submitting comments, feedback, and ideas through GOTS’s online portal.

“We are looking forward to receiving input from stakeholders around the world for GOTS version 7.0. This open call for feedback is part of what keeps our certification requirements up-to-date with the most cutting-edge developments in the industry,” says GOTS Managing Director Rahul Bhajekar.

Beginning in 2022, the revision process will follow the newly developed Standard Setting Procedure, which provides for the constitution of a Standard Revision Committee (SRC) for each revision. This group will serve as the pivotal force behind decisions about the revisions. The SRC consists of experts from different stakeholder groups, including associations, organisations, companies and individuals. All input received by June 12 will be carefully considered by the SRC as well as compiled and made public for an additional 30-day consultation period later this year. All drafts of the standard will also be made public. GOTS standard version 7.0 will be finalised in early 2023, and will be available on the GOTS website.

The timeline for the revision to GOTS version 7.0 is as follows:

  1. Constitution of GOTS SRC- April 2022
  2. Release of first revision draft for public consultation - 14 April 2022
  3. First public consultation period - 60 days (April 14 to June 12)
  4. Deliberations by the SRC on input received - May to August 2022
  5. Release of second revision draft for public consultation - September 2022
  6. Second public consultation period - 30 days from release
  7. Deliberations by the SRC on input received - October to November 2022
  8. Finalisation of GOTS version 7.0 - February 2023
  9. Release of GOTS version 7.0 - March 2023
Weitere Informationen:
GOTS revision stakeholder



C.L.A.S.S. welcomes Circular Systems into its Material Hub

After the C.L.A.S.S. recent evolution of its communication tools, they are really pleased to introduce Circular Systems as new C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub partner.

Circular Systems is a California based materials science company, focused on creating a net positive impact on environment, society and economy through innovation. Its circular plus regenerative technologies provide systemic solutions for transforming waste into valuable fibre, yarns, and fabrics for the fashion industry.

Textile waste and agriculture residues are a huge problem, often burned, left to rot in the fields, or sent to landfills creating massive amounts of CO2. Circular Systems is looking at these waste streams as valuable resources, turning problem into a solution by converting them into high value materials for the fashion industry. The “Lightest Touch™“ philosophy, defines their mission to retain maximum amount of embedded energy in waste inputs while creating the “highest-value outputs” with the lowest impacts. Integration of these technologies into global supply chains is key without compromising quality, thus extending the life cycle of these materials.

After the C.L.A.S.S. recent evolution of its communication tools, they are really pleased to introduce Circular Systems as new C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub partner.

Circular Systems is a California based materials science company, focused on creating a net positive impact on environment, society and economy through innovation. Its circular plus regenerative technologies provide systemic solutions for transforming waste into valuable fibre, yarns, and fabrics for the fashion industry.

Textile waste and agriculture residues are a huge problem, often burned, left to rot in the fields, or sent to landfills creating massive amounts of CO2. Circular Systems is looking at these waste streams as valuable resources, turning problem into a solution by converting them into high value materials for the fashion industry. The “Lightest Touch™“ philosophy, defines their mission to retain maximum amount of embedded energy in waste inputs while creating the “highest-value outputs” with the lowest impacts. Integration of these technologies into global supply chains is key without compromising quality, thus extending the life cycle of these materials.

Circular Systems has three waste-to-fibre platforms that offer an efficient management of textile and agricultural waste:

  • The Agraloop™ refines natural fibers derived from agricultural crops into textile-grade fiber called Agraloop™ BioFibre™.  A NEW Natural Fiber mindfully sourced for circularity. With our specialized processing technique, cellulose fiber from stems and leaves are purified into soft fiber bundles ready to spin into yarns. The Agraloop™ processes leftovers from various food and medicine crops including, oilseed hemp/flax, CBD hemp, banana, and pineapple.
  • Texloop™ Recycling produces high-quality GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled cotton fibre called RCOT™. Texloop™ preserves fiber quality for the next generation of recycled materials and blends with GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified organic cotton and Canopy approved man-made cellulosics to create near virgin quality yarns for knitting and weaving.
  • Orbital™ hybrid yarns create high-quality materials with high-performance, using organic and recycled fiber inputs. Orbital's patent-pending technology produces inherent wicking and fast dry performance materials, even with 50%-70% natural fiber composition, eliminating the need for chemical finishes to create high-performance fabrics.

All Circular Systems yarns are GRS, OCS and/or GOTS certified and are in the process of developing  their own Crop Residue Standard with Textile Exchange that would relate to the Agraloop™ platform technology.




OCA, GOTS and Textile Exchange expand GM Cotton Testing Lab Initiative

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) and Textile Exchange are delighted to announce the renewal of the global ISO IWA 32:2019 proficiency test for a second year in a row, under technical support from Wageningen Food Safety Research.

The initiative aims to provide the sector with an up-to-date overview of global laboratories that can currently conduct GMO testing as per the ISO IWA 32:2019 protocol – a common language among laboratories worldwide to screen for the potential presence of genetically modified (GM) cotton along the organic cotton value chain.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) and Textile Exchange are delighted to announce the renewal of the global ISO IWA 32:2019 proficiency test for a second year in a row, under technical support from Wageningen Food Safety Research.

The initiative aims to provide the sector with an up-to-date overview of global laboratories that can currently conduct GMO testing as per the ISO IWA 32:2019 protocol – a common language among laboratories worldwide to screen for the potential presence of genetically modified (GM) cotton along the organic cotton value chain.

The joint project involving three global NGOs in the textile sector, announces that it has reached a new milestone with an expanded list of twenty-one laboratories from Europe, Asia and North America who have successfully passed a new round of the proficiency test in 2021.

As qualitative GM cotton screening using the ISO IWA 32:2019 protocol is mandatory within the GOTS and OCS (Organic Content Standard) supply chain and OCA’s Farm programme, the expanded list will provide many stakeholders in Organic Cotton with the clarity they need for taking all reasonable precautions to prevent GM cotton in their organic cotton produce while supporting the rapid sector growth seen globally.

The updated overview of the laboratories that successfully passed the proficiency test in 2021 has now been jointly published by GOTS, OCA and Textile Exchange.

The initiative now in its second year, will drive greater transparency along the organic cotton supply chain in a move that the partners hope will become a fixed bi-annual initiative stemming from the positive feedback from the initial launch in 2020.


Neonyt approved: Mode – auf ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit geprüft

Wiedersehen für die Fair Fashion-Community: Vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 kommt die Branche endlich wieder physisch auf der Neonyt zusammen, erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Mit Neonyt approved, dem eigenen Neonyt-spezifischen Icon, das den erfolgreichen Sustainability-Check von Brands signalisiert, ist auf den ersten Blick sichtbar, dass die ausstellenden Brands der Neonyt den sozialen und ökologischen Anforderungen in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit gerecht werden.

Wiedersehen für die Fair Fashion-Community: Vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 kommt die Branche endlich wieder physisch auf der Neonyt zusammen, erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Mit Neonyt approved, dem eigenen Neonyt-spezifischen Icon, das den erfolgreichen Sustainability-Check von Brands signalisiert, ist auf den ersten Blick sichtbar, dass die ausstellenden Brands der Neonyt den sozialen und ökologischen Anforderungen in Punkto Nachhaltigkeit gerecht werden.

Nachhaltig durch und durch – eine Regel, die für auf der Neonyt ausstellende Labels seit jeher gilt. Um das sicherzustellen, durchlaufen alle Brands schon immer einen umfassenden Sustainability-Check und werden modisch kuratiert, bevor ihre Teilnahme bestätigt wird – sie sind somit Neonyt approved. Besucher*innen der Neonyt können sich sicher sein, dass sie authentische Kollektionen und modische Nachhaltigkeit vorfinden. Konkret bedeutet das: Vor der Zulassung füllen alle interessierten Labels und Brands einen mehrseitigen Fragebogen aus, in dem spezifische Angaben zu ihrem ökologischen und sozialen Engagement abgefragt werden. Diese können sie durch Zertifikate wie Bluesign, GOTS, Fair Trade oder Oeko-Tex, die Beteiligung an Multi-Stakeholder*innen-Programmen, ihren Code-of-Conducts, Angaben zu dem CO2- und Waterfootprint, Informationen zur Liefer- und Wertschöpfungskette und Auskunft zu Ressourceneffizienz oder innovativen Produktionszyklen nachweisen. Nachhaltigkeit garantiert: Nur Labels, die mindestens 70 Prozent der Anforderungen erfüllen, sind Neonyt approved und dürfen auf der Tradeshow ausstellen. So wird glaubwürdiger und echter Wandel der Branche transparent gezeigt und für alle Messebesucher*innen – Agenturen, Einkäufer*innen, Händler*innen, Marketing- und CSR-Verantwortliche, Wirtschaftsjournalist*innen und Moderedakteur*innen – erlebbar gemacht.


Neonyt / KERN


INNATEX mit neuer Tagfolge, Sonderveranstaltung und Comeback der DESIGN DISCOVERIES

  • 49. internationale Fachmesse für Green Fashion findet im Januar 2022 statt

Die Winterausgabe der INNATEX ist zurück: Vom 21. bis 23. Januar 2022 findet die 49. internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien im Messecenter Rhein-Main in Hofheim-Wallau bei Frankfurt statt. Diesmal öffnet die Order-Plattform die Türen erstmals schon am Freitag. Über 200 Labels, sowie relevante Initiativen und Standardgeber haben sich bislang zur Teilnahme angemeldet.

„Die neue Tagfolge haben wir in enger Rücksprache mit den Aussteller:innen beschlossen“, so Alexander Hitzel, Projektleiter der veranstaltenden MUVEO GmbH. „Wir knüpfen damit direkt an die Frankfurter Fashion Week an, die zuvor in derselben Woche im benachbarten Frankfurt stattfindet. Mit einer Preview-Night am Donnerstagabend wollen wir die Branche abholen und den Übergang zur Ordermesse INNATEX einläuten. Der Netzwerkgedanke schwingt mit.“

  • 49. internationale Fachmesse für Green Fashion findet im Januar 2022 statt

Die Winterausgabe der INNATEX ist zurück: Vom 21. bis 23. Januar 2022 findet die 49. internationale Fachmesse für nachhaltige Textilien im Messecenter Rhein-Main in Hofheim-Wallau bei Frankfurt statt. Diesmal öffnet die Order-Plattform die Türen erstmals schon am Freitag. Über 200 Labels, sowie relevante Initiativen und Standardgeber haben sich bislang zur Teilnahme angemeldet.

„Die neue Tagfolge haben wir in enger Rücksprache mit den Aussteller:innen beschlossen“, so Alexander Hitzel, Projektleiter der veranstaltenden MUVEO GmbH. „Wir knüpfen damit direkt an die Frankfurter Fashion Week an, die zuvor in derselben Woche im benachbarten Frankfurt stattfindet. Mit einer Preview-Night am Donnerstagabend wollen wir die Branche abholen und den Übergang zur Ordermesse INNATEX einläuten. Der Netzwerkgedanke schwingt mit.“

Neben der Preview-Night präsentiert die INNATEX weitere neue Konzepte, darunter die Community Area und eine neue Kooperation mit der Agentur Fairmodels. In der Community Area werden Initiativen aus dem Green-Fashion-Kontext sich Fragen des Publikums stellen. Für die Aktion „Ask me anything“ können Interessierte vorab online einen zehnminütigen Slot buchen.

„Fortschritt entsteht durch Diskurs“, sagt Hitzel. „Wir verstehen die INNATEX als familiäre Community, die bewusst nur auf nachhaltige Aspekte hin kuratiert und sonst auf keinen Fall diskriminiert. Unterschiedlichste Geschmäcker, Perspektiven, Generationen, Nationalitäten kommen unter dem Dach des Messecenters zusammen. Das betrifft nicht nur die sehr unterschiedlichen Labels untereinander. Initiativen sowie Standardgeber vertreten noch mal eine weitere Seite des Spektrums und bringen viel Wissen mit.“

Zu den Expert:innen in der Community Area gehören: der Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Fairtrade Deutschland, der Verein Femnet mit einer großen Kampagne, das Start-Up Circular Flow und der Schirmherr der INNATEX, der Internationale Verband für Naturtextilen (IVN).

Auch Neuaussteller:innen haben sich viele angemeldet, darunter das Label Rifò aus Italien, das sich dem Prinzip von Circular Fashion verschreibt. Grenz/gang aus dem Allgäu verwendet Materialien wie Loden und Merinowolle und setzt unter anderem auf die Werte bio, lokal und fair. Die italienische Marke Native Shoes nutzt Algen als Rohstoff und will bis 2023 rein zirkulär funktionieren.

„Um das Angebotsspektrum weiter auszubauen, sucht die INNATEX immer wieder nach neuen Brands mit innovativen Ideen. Wir verstehen uns aber nicht als reine Innovationsmesse“, erläutert Hitzel. „Klassische Naturtextilien und deren über Jahre ausgefeilten Produktionsmethoden haben absolut ihre Berechtigung und bereichern das Angebot der INNATEX seit ihrer Gründung. Bei uns kann man voneinander lernen, sich inspirieren und neue Impulse zulassen.“

Auch deswegen, so Hitzel, freue man sich auf das Comeback der DESIGN DISCOVERIES, die in der Pandemie-Phase bisher aussetzen mussten. Hinter dem Projekt steckt die Motivation, junge Labels zu unterstützen und ihnen beim Einstieg in den Markt zu helfen. Wer sich bewerben will, kann eine Mail an schicken und erhält den Link zum Bewerbungsformular. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 17. Dezember 2021.