Aus der Branche

370 Ergebnisse
(c) Lisa Rato

Messe Frankfurt informierte in New York zu textilen Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Mit ihren Textilveranstaltungen engagiert sich die Messe Frankfurt weltweit für die Sichtbarkeit der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Dabei arbeitet sie zusammen mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen zur ersten Jahrestagung zusammen.

Bereits seit mehr als 15 Jahren macht die Messe Frankfurt auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen unter dem Dach des Texpertise Network auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufmerksam, gibt spezielle Messe-Guides heraus, initiiert Talkrunden, bietet geführte Touren zu Aussteller*innen mit entsprechendem Portfolio, erstellt Materialgallerien mit nachhaltigen Textilinnovationen und veranstaltet eigene Events, wie etwa die Neonyt, ausschließlich zu nachhaltiger Mode. Seit 2019 arbeitet die Messe Frankfurt mit dem Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network und dem UN Office for Partnerships zusammen, um zusätzlich die Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele (SDGs) auf ihren weltweiten Textilveranstaltungen bekannt zu machen und so einen Beitrag zu deren Erreichung in der Mode- und Textilindustrie zu leisten. Am 2. Juni kam das internationale Netzwerk aus Vertreter*innen der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche, Medien, Regierungen und UN-Institutionen zu seiner ersten Jahrestagung am Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York zusammen – mit dabei das Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt.
In Anbetracht der enormen Auswirkungen des Mode- und Lifestyle-Sektors auf Mensch und Umwelt gab das Jahrestreffen des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Network einen Überblick darüber, wie die Plattform ein transparentes, umfassendes und transformatives Engagement globaler Stakeholder fördert, um dringende Maßnahmen für Nachhaltigkeit voranzutreiben. Hauptziel des Netzwerks ist es, vorhandenes Fachwissen, Innovation, Technologie und Ressourcen für eine nachhaltige und ganzheitliche Erholung nach COVID-19 zu mobilisieren, wobei die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung als Leitrahmen dienen.
In einer gemeinsamen Paneldiskussion sprachen Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies bei der Messe Frankfurt, Sara Kozlowski, Vice President Education and Sustainability Initiatives beim Council of Fashion Designers of America, Sergio Fernández de Córdova, Vorsitzender der PVBLIC Foundation und Roberta Marcenaro, CEO der Strategieberatung IMARK und Strategin bei der POLIMODA über die Bedeutung von Partnerschaften und Zusammenarbeit bei der Erreichung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele. Moderiert wurde die Diskussion von Lucie Brigham, Chief of Office des United Nations Office for Partnerships und Mitgründerin des Conscious Fashion and Lifestyle Networks.

„Die Textilindustrie ist eine Branche mit starken Gegensätzen. Man findet hier sowohl traditionelle Handwerkskunst als auch Hightech mit vollständig digitalisierten und automatisierten Fertigungsprozessen. Gleichzeitig sind die Lieferketten so komplex und global vernetzt wie in kaum einer anderen Branche. Nachhaltigkeit kann nur im engen Zusammenspiel der richtigen Partner*innen erreicht werden“, so Olaf Schmidt während der Diskussion. „Als Messeveranstalter machen wir selbst die Textilindustrie zwar nicht unmittelbar nachhaltiger. Unsere zentralen Aufgaben im Texpertise Network der Messe Frankfurt sind jedoch andere: Wir bieten Plattformen zum Netzwerken und bringen auf weltweit rund 60 Textilveranstaltungen die richtigen Partner*innen zusammen. Wir schaffen Sichtbarkeit, indem wir der Branche eine Bühne bieten, um ihr Nachhaltigkeitsengagement ins Blickfeld zu rücken. Wir bieten Bildung und Wissenstransfer auf zahlreichen Konferenz- und Talkformaten rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Und wir gehen mit gutem Beispiel voran. Mit unseren weltweiten Aktionen zu den SDGs haben wir bislang schätzungsweise rund 9.200 Aussteller*innen und 195.500 Besucher*innen erreicht – auch in Zeiten der Pandemie.“

Gemeinsam mit der Messe Frankfurt waren Vertreter*innen der Textil- und Modeunternehmen Hugo Boss, Heiq, Ocean Safe, Lectra, Madewell und des KTC Korea Textile Center vor Ort. Weitere Sprecher*innen auf der Veranstaltung waren zudem Arch and Hook, Catcher in the Style, Calik Denim, DRESSX, Fashion Impact Fund, Fashion Revolution, Jakarta Fashion Week, Lenzing, Lycra, nft now, People Tree, Remake, Saheli Women, Sourcing Journal, The Business of Fashion, Timberland, Tech Crunch, Textile Exchange, Transformers Foundation, The Canvas Global, Vogue, WWD sowie Designer*innen wie Anyango Mpinga, Gabriela Hearst, Patrick McDowell und Shivam Punjya.
Die nächsten Gelegenheiten, sich umfassend zur textilen Wertschöpfungskette einschließlich innovativer textiler Materialien, Herstellungsverfahren sowie Einrichtungs- und Objekttextilien und nachhaltiger Mode zu informieren, bieten die internationalen Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 sowie die erste DtoC-Ausgabe der Neonyt, das Neonyt Lab, vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 in Frankfurt.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


EPTA World Pultrusion Conference 2022 explores composites sustainability

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

Composites based on natural fibres offer a number of benefits, including low density and high specific strength, vibration damping, and heat insulation. The German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing pultrusion processes using bio-based resins and natural fibres. Projects include the BioMat Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart, a lightweight structure which combines ‘bamboo-like’ natural fibre-based pultruded profiles with a tensile membrane.

Applications for recycled carbon fibre (rCF):
The use of rCF in composite components has the potential to reduce their cost and carbon footprint. However, it is currently used to a limited extent since manufacturers are uncertain about the technical performance of available rCF products, how to process them, and the actual benefits achievable. Fraunhofer IGCV is partnering with the Institute for Textile Technology (ITA) in the MAI ÖkoCaP project to investigate the technical, ecological and economic benefits of using rCF in different industrial applications. The results will be made available in a web-based app.

Circularity and recycling:
The European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA) is drafting a circularity roadmap for the composites industry. It has collaborated with the European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU) on a position paper for the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) which outlines the benefits of co-processing end-of-life composites in cement manufacturing, a recycling solution that is compliant with the EU’s Waste Framework Directive and in commercial operation in Germany. Initial studies have indicated that co-processing with composites has the potential to reduce the global warming impact of cement manufacture by up to 16%. Technologies to allow recovery of fibre and/or resin from composites are in development but a better understanding of the life cycle assessment (LCA) impact of these processes is essential. EuCIA’s ‘circularity waterfall,’ a proposed priority system for composites circularity, highlights the continued need for co-processing.

Sustainability along the value chain:
Sustainability is essential for the long-term viability of businesses. Resin manufacturer AOC’s actions to improve sustainability include programmes to reduce energy, waste and greenhouse gas emissions from operations, the development of ‘greener’ and low VOC emission resins, ensuring compliance with chemicals legislation such as REACH, and involvement in EuCIA’s waste management initiatives. Its sustainable resins portfolio includes styrene-free and low-styrene formulations and products manufactured using bio-based raw materials and recycled PET.


European Pultrusion Technology Association EPTA


B.I.G. is ready for a sustainable future

With an annual report entitled 'Here.We.Go' and a sustainability report 'Shaping sustainable living, together', B.I.G. is also publishing a strong ambition for a sustainable future.

Offering sustainable flooring and material solutions will be the number one priority for the coming years.

The Group's first sustainability report is built around a self-designed sustainability model - "Route 2030" - which is based on achievable commitments, covers the main priorities and reflects B.I.G.'s vision in a sincere way.

Their vision for the B.I.G. change is to actively build a better future by their our carbon footprint to zero and doing business in a transparent, integer way. In this sense, it is the translation of the Group's purpose defined in 2021: shaping sustainable living, together.

With an annual report entitled 'Here.We.Go' and a sustainability report 'Shaping sustainable living, together', B.I.G. is also publishing a strong ambition for a sustainable future.

Offering sustainable flooring and material solutions will be the number one priority for the coming years.

The Group's first sustainability report is built around a self-designed sustainability model - "Route 2030" - which is based on achievable commitments, covers the main priorities and reflects B.I.G.'s vision in a sincere way.

Their vision for the B.I.G. change is to actively build a better future by their our carbon footprint to zero and doing business in a transparent, integer way. In this sense, it is the translation of the Group's purpose defined in 2021: shaping sustainable living, together.

Pol Deturck adds “By 2030, together with a broad group of suppliers, stakeholders and partners, we want to be the leader in sustainable flooring and material solutions. Specifically, our future value proposition is based on products and services that are environmentally & climate friendly, circular and offered by talented, innovative people with an emphasis on integrity and respect for values. This results more in a recurring value proposition for the future.”

Clear growth ambitions
As a 100% family-owned international Group with a clear long-term vision, B.I.G. stayed true to their plans and kept on investing in all areas of their business.
“The ambition for 2021 was to invest over 100 mio euro. But we were held back by external, unforeseen factors: from delays on quotes and execution to the lack of availability and resources due to the pandemic. If all goes as planned, we’ll make up for it in 2022 with an investment budget well over 100 million euro. The main areas of interest will be sustainability, innovation and Industry 4.0.” says Pieter-Jan Sonck, CFO of B.I.G.

Adding to the gradual top-line growth of recent years, the Group can look back on an unprecedented financial boom. The driving forces: favorable market conditions, a revitalized growth strategy and a team of nearly 5.000 first-class employees.

B.I.G. reported a turnover of EUR 2,5 billion, an increase of 45 % compared to 2020. The Group ebitda amounted to EUR 451 million, an increase of 120 % compared to 2020 and a net result of EUR 274 million, a growth of 215% compared to 2020.

Fruitful year for all Business Units
It was a fruitful year for all 3 business units, but the Group's business unit Polymers stood out. Exceptionally strong demand in Europe and North America, combined with raw material shortages and unplanned shutdowns of competitors, pushed prices and margins up to highs. The Polymers facilities ran at full capacity to meet the customers’ needs and hit all-time profit records during several months.

The Group's business unit Flooring Solutions also fared well. Most divisions and regions outperformed amid surging energy prices, disrupted supply chains, cost volatility in transport and raw materials, and other challenges. Their sustained focus on innovation, design and product differentiation led to an improved operating result at the end of 2021.

The achievements by Engineered Solutions echo those of the other two business units, from volume increases to budget increases. B.I.G. took big leaps forward in all its key markets, including the automotive sector, geotextiles and filtration.


Beaulieu International Group / EMG

(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup's sustainable Repetable yarn at Emirates FA Cup final

RadiciGroup's sustainable Repetable yarn took to the field alongside Liverpool and Chelsea during the Emirates FA Cup final, which took place on 14 May at Wembley Stadium.
Over 47,000 plastic bottles were collected from previous events at Wembley stadium and transformed into Repetable, the innovative RadiciGroup yarn made from PET flakes, which was then used to make the red banner 105 meters long and 68 meters wide, unveiled during the opening ceremony of the event and decorated with the logos of the two teams.
Compared to virgin polyester, Repetable® allows lower CO2 emissions (-45%), lower water consumption (-90%) and lower energy consumption (-60%), guaranteeing high performance.

The red banner will be recycled again to make backpacks and sports bibs that the FA will donate to the local community to inspire the eco-players of the future: an initiative in the name of circularity!

RadiciGroup's sustainable Repetable yarn took to the field alongside Liverpool and Chelsea during the Emirates FA Cup final, which took place on 14 May at Wembley Stadium.
Over 47,000 plastic bottles were collected from previous events at Wembley stadium and transformed into Repetable, the innovative RadiciGroup yarn made from PET flakes, which was then used to make the red banner 105 meters long and 68 meters wide, unveiled during the opening ceremony of the event and decorated with the logos of the two teams.
Compared to virgin polyester, Repetable® allows lower CO2 emissions (-45%), lower water consumption (-90%) and lower energy consumption (-60%), guaranteeing high performance.

The red banner will be recycled again to make backpacks and sports bibs that the FA will donate to the local community to inspire the eco-players of the future: an initiative in the name of circularity!

Weitere Informationen:
RadiciGroup yarn Recycling Sustainability


BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll und BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Clara Allonge Fotos: Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Europäische Lieferketten-Richtlinie: BVMed fordert Begrenzung auf direkte Zulieferer

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) spricht sich in seiner Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der EU-Kommission einer Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-Richtlinie „Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive“ (CSDDD) für einen Abgleich mit dem bereits bestehenden nationalen Gesetz und für eine Begrenzung der Regelungen auf die direkten Zulieferer aus.

„Wir begrüßen eine Stärkung von Menschenrechten weltweit. Der EU-Kommissionsvorschlag ist jedoch aus Sicht des BVMed in seiner momentanen Fassung unzureichend, um rechtssichere und praktikable Regeln für Unternehmen zu schaffen. Es besteht vielmehr die Gefahr, dass der Entwurf die Unternehmen der Branche, die sich im Moment ohnehin schon mit angespannten Lieferketten konfrontiert sehen, überfordern und in der Umsetzung überlasten könnte“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) spricht sich in seiner Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der EU-Kommission einer Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-Richtlinie „Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive“ (CSDDD) für einen Abgleich mit dem bereits bestehenden nationalen Gesetz und für eine Begrenzung der Regelungen auf die direkten Zulieferer aus.

„Wir begrüßen eine Stärkung von Menschenrechten weltweit. Der EU-Kommissionsvorschlag ist jedoch aus Sicht des BVMed in seiner momentanen Fassung unzureichend, um rechtssichere und praktikable Regeln für Unternehmen zu schaffen. Es besteht vielmehr die Gefahr, dass der Entwurf die Unternehmen der Branche, die sich im Moment ohnehin schon mit angespannten Lieferketten konfrontiert sehen, überfordern und in der Umsetzung überlasten könnte“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Deutschland habe mit dem Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-Gesetz (LkSG) bereits eine umfassende nationale gesetzliche Regelung über die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten zur Vermeidung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Lieferkette geschaffen. „Viele Medizintechnik-Unternehmen in Deutschland und andere wirtschaftliche Akteure im Gesundheitswesen wie beispielsweise die Krankenhäuser bereiten sich intensiv auf die Umsetzung des LkSG vor. Eine Abänderung des LkSG als Folge einer stark abweichenden EU-Richtlinie würde erheblichen Mehraufwand und Kosten für die betroffenen Unternehmen in Deutschland bedeuten“, so BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Clara Allonge.

Der BVMed spricht sich daher für eine mit dem deutschen Lieferkettengesetz kompatible und praxistaugliche europäische Regelung aus. Dies sei im aktuellen Vorschlag der EU-Kommission durch die deutliche Erweiterung des Anwendungsbereiches, beispielswiese durch die Einbeziehung von negativen Umweltfolgen, sowie die Einführung einer zivilrechtlichen Haftung nicht gegeben. „Als Lösung könnte hier eine Begrenzung auf die direkten Zulieferer greifen“, heißt es in der BVMed-Stellungnahme.

Der BVMed konzentriert sich in seiner Stellungnahme zum CSDDD auf vier Punkte:

  1. Als Anforderungen an eine praxistaugliche Lieferkettenregulierung müsse der Anwendungsbereich eindeutig auf die direkten Zulieferer begrenzt werden. Während Unternehmen in direkten Geschäftsbeziehungen in der Lage sind, Sorgfaltspflichten effektiv zu adressieren und Verantwortung zu übernehmen, so ist dies in der weiteren und immer komplexer werdenden Lieferkette nicht der Fall.
  2. Es sei nicht sinnvoll, grundlegende Bewertungen über die menschenrechtliche Situation in die Hände einzelner Unternehmen zu legen, während sich der Staat an dieser Stelle aus der Verantwortung zieht. Daher sollten die Mitgliedsstaaten der EU eine Liste von Ländern erstellen, bei denen Unternehmen annehmen können, dass die Zulieferer aus diesen Ländern alle Kriterien erfüllen. Eine solche Safe Harbour-Regelung würde einen klaren und erfüllbaren Rahmen bieten in dem die Unternehmen unter stabilen Bedingungen operieren können. Dies verringerte den Verwaltungsaufwand und die Rechtsrisiken für die Unternehmen erheblich.
  3. Es ergeben sich bei den Umweltfolgen erhebliche Unklarheiten, was die konkrete Auslegung angehe. Einerseits wäre es wünschenswert, wenn die jeweiligen Rechtsnormen des Heimatlandes des Zulieferers für die Bewertung herangezogen würden, andererseits bringe die Bewertung einer Vielzahl von lokalen Umweltgesetzen viele Unternehmen an den Rand der Leistbarkeit. Der Anwendungsbereich des Gesetzes sollte sich auf die Achtung der Menschenrechte konzentrieren. Eine Erweiterung um den Bereich „Umwelt“ würde aufgrund uneinheitlicher Standards zusätzliche Rechtsunsicherheit schaffen. Das gelte auch für das Vorhaben, in dieser Richtlinie Klimaschutzziele festzuschreiben.
  4. Nach Einschätzung des BVMed umfasst der Begriff der „Wertschöpfungskette“, wie im Richtlinienvorschlag angeführt, auch die Kund:innen der Branche (beispielsweise Krankenhäuser). Wenn dem so sei, könnte der Fall eintreten, dass Medizintechnik-Unternehmen einzelne Kunden, falls diese gegen die Kriterien der Richtlinie verstoßen, nicht mehr beliefern dürften und die Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten eventuell nicht sichergestellt werden könne. Dies wäre aus humanitären Gesichtspunkten eine nicht akzeptable Einschränkung der Versorgung und träfe insbesondere Patientinnen und Patienten in Drittländern und Ländern mit bereits heute eingeschränkter Gesundheitsversorgung. Der Verband schlägt daher vor, dass für den sogenannten Downstream-Teil der Wertschöpfungskette eine humanitäre Ausnahme etabliert wird. Dies könne analog zur Regelung bei Sanktionen (beispielweise bei den Russland-Sanktionen) vollzogen werden.

Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel and partners team up to hack carbon reduction challenges

A boundary-pushing approach to hacking carbon reduction challenges has been established by AkzoNobel and partners from across the extended value chain following the company’s first ever global Collaborative Sustainability Challenge.

During 24 hours of intense discussion at the pioneering event a series of high impact exploration teams was set up. Those involved will now continue to work together in a determined effort to collectively accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions in the paints and coatings industry.

The participants – represented by senior and next generation leaders – hacked four key areas: energy transition, process efficiency, solvent emissions and circular solutions. It resulted in 27 partners signing up, including suppliers, customers and end-users, as well as representatives from finance, government, service providers and consultancies.

A boundary-pushing approach to hacking carbon reduction challenges has been established by AkzoNobel and partners from across the extended value chain following the company’s first ever global Collaborative Sustainability Challenge.

During 24 hours of intense discussion at the pioneering event a series of high impact exploration teams was set up. Those involved will now continue to work together in a determined effort to collectively accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions in the paints and coatings industry.

The participants – represented by senior and next generation leaders – hacked four key areas: energy transition, process efficiency, solvent emissions and circular solutions. It resulted in 27 partners signing up, including suppliers, customers and end-users, as well as representatives from finance, government, service providers and consultancies.

AkzoNobel has set science-based sustainability targets to halve its carbon emissions across the full value chain by 2030. Achieving that ambition will rely heavily on collaborating with partners and challenging each other to find innovative ways to overcome the unprecedented challenges everyone faces.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Sustainability carbon Coatings


Albini joins C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub (c) Albini Group
Off The Grain, one of the latest examples of responsible innovation by ALBINI_next

Albini joins C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub

Albini Group, historic manufacturer of high-end shirting fabrics, meets C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, international platform for the promotion and development of innovative and sustainable textiles. Two groundbreaking companies joining forces in the name of ethical and technological development through the C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub, the section dedicated to fibers, threads, yarns and fabrics that are changing the fashion and textile industry.  The values in which Albini Group believes and the strong sensitivity to environmental issues have led the company to also address the issue of the risk of toxic and harmful chemicals in a systemic way, integrating into the production cycles activities and controls aimed at gradually eliminating their presence, with the clear objective of protecting man and the environment.

Albini Group, historic manufacturer of high-end shirting fabrics, meets C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub, international platform for the promotion and development of innovative and sustainable textiles. Two groundbreaking companies joining forces in the name of ethical and technological development through the C.L.A.S.S. Material Hub, the section dedicated to fibers, threads, yarns and fabrics that are changing the fashion and textile industry.  The values in which Albini Group believes and the strong sensitivity to environmental issues have led the company to also address the issue of the risk of toxic and harmful chemicals in a systemic way, integrating into the production cycles activities and controls aimed at gradually eliminating their presence, with the clear objective of protecting man and the environment.

Three main research areas - innovative fibers and yarns, sustainable dyes and green chemistry - united by the task of transferring cutting-edge technologies through open innovation. Among the new projects presented is "Off the Grain," born from the collaboration with Riso Gallo, a leading rice producer in Italy. It is a new type of dye derived from the processing of a particular variety of black rice: the boiling water of the rice, which can no longer be used for the food industry, is transformed into a natural dye, resulting in significant water savings during the dyeing process.

"Grounded Indigo" is a natural textile dyestuff, born from the search for dyeing practices that are more responsible to people and the environment. For this project, ALBINI_next chose to collaborate with Stony Creek Colors, an American producer of the world's only 100% plant-based indigo that is USDA BioPreferred certified.

The third project, called "HempFeel," is an innovative hemp oil-based finishing, tipically used for cosmetic products. ALBINI_next was the first company to apply it to fabrics of different weights, compositions and structures. HempFeel replaces silicones usually used in finishing, thus reducing the release of microplastics and giving fabrics a soft and durable hand.

"When discussing values related to creativity, next-generation production and commitment to ethics and traceability, Albini is an extremely important point of reference." says Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S. "This is why we are delighted with its inclusion within our Material Hub, alongside its colleagues of the responsible innovation movement. Follow us on this new common path. Next- generation solutions and nice surprises will not be missed."

Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange
Hall View Sustainable Apparel Forum

News from Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF)

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

  • Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized in Dhaka to Accelerate Apparel Sustainability in Post-Covid

Policy makers, industry leaders, brands’ representatives and fashion campaigners from home and abroad gathered in Dhaka yesterday to accelerate momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

More than 50 speakers as well as 20 green growth exhibitors from over 20 countries participated in the 3rd edition of Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) organized by Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) partnering with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA).

Five plenary sessions on ‘Demystifying Climate Action’, ‘Purchasing Practice’, ‘ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) & Green Finance’, ‘Closing the Loop: Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry’, and ‘Due Diligence and Legislation’ held at the SAF along with an opening plenary and a closing plenary.  

(c) Eurotay

Garment manufacturer Eurotay at Denim Première Vision with its future-forward vision

Eurotay showcased at Denim Première Visionits vision and products through the AW 23/24 collection inspired by two themes: Nostalgia and #Still Possible.

Nostalgia stands for heritage and advancement, taking inspiration from classic favorites while enhancing new and existing styles. Setting the tone of the line are vintage-looking washes, echoing the 80s and 90s light acid washes as well as used look with bumped edges or fringed hems. Stretch, comfort stretch with very little elastane and even rigid denim feature in this collection providing catering to any need or preference.

The #Still Possible collection is based on the premise that the textile industry is one of the most polluting ones on the planet, thus it aims to shine a light on how a denim garment can still be made whilst reducing the number of resources employed and by being more conscious about the materials chosen. By using EIM and LCA, garment durability, traceability, recyclability as well as material health are guaranteed, for a collection that looks to a brighter and greener future.

Eurotay showcased at Denim Première Visionits vision and products through the AW 23/24 collection inspired by two themes: Nostalgia and #Still Possible.

Nostalgia stands for heritage and advancement, taking inspiration from classic favorites while enhancing new and existing styles. Setting the tone of the line are vintage-looking washes, echoing the 80s and 90s light acid washes as well as used look with bumped edges or fringed hems. Stretch, comfort stretch with very little elastane and even rigid denim feature in this collection providing catering to any need or preference.

The #Still Possible collection is based on the premise that the textile industry is one of the most polluting ones on the planet, thus it aims to shine a light on how a denim garment can still be made whilst reducing the number of resources employed and by being more conscious about the materials chosen. By using EIM and LCA, garment durability, traceability, recyclability as well as material health are guaranteed, for a collection that looks to a brighter and greener future.

Eurotay has been committed from day one to using less water, less energy, less chemicals to reduce its environmental footprint and its carbon emission and meet the goals of EU Green Deal targets. The company is geared towards building a more and more responsible industry by working hard to reach a set of sustainable goals by 2025. Additionally, the company is working on developing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) measuring the global warming, water consumption, land occupation, eutrophication and abiotic depletion performances.


Eurotay / Menabò Group srl


Hexcel at JEC World 2022

  • Hexcel Composite Innovations for Aerospace Applications on Display at JEC World 2022: Hall 5, Stand J41

In late 2021, Hexcel announced an agreement with Fairmat, a deep technology startup, to build the capability to recycle carbon fiber prepreg from Hexcel European operations for reuse in composite panels sold into commercial markets, giving a second life to recovered carbon fiber. To do so, Fairmat has developed a virtuous recycling process, and a sample of its newly recycled material will be available to view at JEC World 2022. Hexcel will present an array of product innovations for aerospace and urban air mobility customer applications during JEC World 2022 in Paris on May3-5. These latest innovations demonstrate the company’s leadership in developing advanced composites technology for the aerospace market.

  • Hexcel Composite Innovations for Aerospace Applications on Display at JEC World 2022: Hall 5, Stand J41

In late 2021, Hexcel announced an agreement with Fairmat, a deep technology startup, to build the capability to recycle carbon fiber prepreg from Hexcel European operations for reuse in composite panels sold into commercial markets, giving a second life to recovered carbon fiber. To do so, Fairmat has developed a virtuous recycling process, and a sample of its newly recycled material will be available to view at JEC World 2022. Hexcel will present an array of product innovations for aerospace and urban air mobility customer applications during JEC World 2022 in Paris on May3-5. These latest innovations demonstrate the company’s leadership in developing advanced composites technology for the aerospace market.

  • Sustainability Focus on Recycling and Reuse
  • HiTape® and HiMax® Reinforcements for OoA Processing
  • Innovative HiFlow™ Resins for Continuous and Shorter Cycle Injection Processes
  • HexPly® Prepregs for Primary Structure and Engine Applications
  • HexTow® High Modulus Fibers HM63 and HM54
  • Thermoplastics and Processing Innovations for Primary and Secondary Structures
  • Lightweight PrimeTex® Reinforcements Solutions for Urban Air Mobility (UAM)



ISKO opens product development centre based in UK – Creative Room London

The opening of this facility marks the expansion of ISKO’s Creative Room Services (CRS) division and its dedication to the continuation of responsible production.

ISKO has opened its first product development centre, based in London. Creative Room London is a unique and innovative space and the first of its kind in the UK. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers at Creative Room London will be able to work in parallel with experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact.

The opening of this facility marks the expansion of ISKO’s Creative Room Services (CRS) division and its dedication to the continuation of responsible production.

ISKO has opened its first product development centre, based in London. Creative Room London is a unique and innovative space and the first of its kind in the UK. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers at Creative Room London will be able to work in parallel with experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact.

The Creative Room London will also be the central point for their customer’s full product development, ensuring the whole process is agile and more efficient. As well as a hub for its customers, Creative Room London will also act as a platform of education and support for the wider denim community, working with local talent and universities to share knowledge and to bring ideas and concepts to life.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub launches sustainable Training

C.L.A.S.S. has taken another strategic step with Training, an educational offer made of three moments aimed at sharing valuable and practical information concerning three main areas of sustainable development. Training will be adding value to the Smart Academy offer by C.L.A.S.S., a program of events and conferences, lectures or customized training services, united by an important goal: to educate, raise awareness and inspire professionals, students and even consumers with an eye to the values of responsibility.

There are three trainings offered:

C.L.A.S.S. has taken another strategic step with Training, an educational offer made of three moments aimed at sharing valuable and practical information concerning three main areas of sustainable development. Training will be adding value to the Smart Academy offer by C.L.A.S.S., a program of events and conferences, lectures or customized training services, united by an important goal: to educate, raise awareness and inspire professionals, students and even consumers with an eye to the values of responsibility.

There are three trainings offered:

  1. Introduction to a new generation of fashion
    C.L.A.S.S. team will introduce and explain the new generation of value-driven fashion where the fusion of design, innovation, communication and responsibility shapes an informed and competitive business, able to play both at an economic and social level. Since 2007, at the base of our philosophy is a formula: Virtuous Fashion, the one with the capital F, is the product of an integration of design (D), innovation (I), sustainability (S) and communication (C). In brief: F = D x I x S x C.
  2. Introduction to Smart Ingredients
    What is a responsible material? How to source responsibly? Which are the latest smart ingredients that can enrich with new generation fashion collections?
    During the session participant will be guided through materials available in the market, and will have the chance to have an “informed background“ of each one of the materials' journey. Conscious Choices can be made ONLY IF we have all the true full information in our hands. This training informd participant to make the best informed choice for their objectives. A simple but facts driven introduction to the key available innovative and sustainable materials: naturals, transformed and innovative where traceability, transparency, innovation, performance, responsible measurements are leading both the storymaking and the storytelling of each one of them.
  3. Introduction to Sustainability Report
    The preparation of the company's sustainability report is a fundamental moment to define objectives, identify improvement actions, and measure its environmental and social impact. It is a job that involves the entire company team, which can transform the report into an opportunity for growth.
    The package offered by C.L.A.S.S., in collaboration with Silvia Gambi, sustainable fashion journalist and podcaster of Solo Moda Sostenibile, combines training with personalized consulting with a coaching action to guide the company team in the preparation of its sustainability report, offering the necessary support to create a document that tells about the company, its values, its commitment and also its objectives.
Weitere Informationen:
C.L.A.S.S. Sustainability Training


Freudenberg Experts meet Sustainability (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials
Nachhaltige Polsterlage für Bezüge von Autositzen und Sitzmöbeln von Filc.

Freudenberg Experts meet Sustainability

Freudenberg Performance Materials, Low & Bonar, Mehler Texnologies® und Filc präsentieren ihre Lösungen nach ihrem Zusammenschluss nun erstmals gemeinsam auf der techtextil in Frankfurt. Nachhaltigkeit steht dabei im Mittelpunkt. Zu den Highlights gehören das Mikrofilament-Textil Evolon® RE für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen und Märkte, das Polstermaterial für Sitzbezüge in Autos, FILFLEX, und die LKW-Plane POLYMAR® 8556 ECO CF. Kunden finden den weltweit führenden Hersteller technische Textilien in Halle 12.1 auf Stand C51.

Freudenberg Performance Materials, Low & Bonar, Mehler Texnologies® und Filc präsentieren ihre Lösungen nach ihrem Zusammenschluss nun erstmals gemeinsam auf der techtextil in Frankfurt. Nachhaltigkeit steht dabei im Mittelpunkt. Zu den Highlights gehören das Mikrofilament-Textil Evolon® RE für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen und Märkte, das Polstermaterial für Sitzbezüge in Autos, FILFLEX, und die LKW-Plane POLYMAR® 8556 ECO CF. Kunden finden den weltweit führenden Hersteller technische Textilien in Halle 12.1 auf Stand C51.

Evolon®-Textilien aus recyceltem PET
Mit Evolon® RE präsentiert Freudenberg Performance Materials eine noch nachhaltigere Variante seiner hochleistungsfähigen Mikrofilament-Textilen. Evolon® RE enthält durchschnittlich 70 Prozent recyceltes Polyester, das das Unternehmen selbst aus gebrauchten PET-Flaschen gewinnt. Evolon® RE-Produkte sind für verschiedene Anwendungen verfügbar, z.B. für technische Verpackungen mit Gewichten von 80g/m2 bis 300 g/m2. Für High-Tech-Reinigungstücher ist jetzt das leichtgewichtige Evolon® RE ab 30 g/m² erhältlich. Es erfüllt die Anforderungen an nachhaltigere Lösungen von Reinigungsspezialisten. Evolon® RE bietet die gleich hohe und konstante Qualität wie alle anderen Evolon®-Textilien.

LKW-Planen aus recycelten Rohstoffen von Mehler Texnologies®
Sowohl der Schutz des Transportgutes als auch Werbung für das Unternehmen stellen hohe Anforderungen an Lkw-Planen. Planenmaterial von Mehler Texnologies® zählt zu den Spitzenprodukten in diesem Segment. Das Unternehmen ist zudem Vorreiter bei der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und präsentiert POLYMAR® 8556 ECO CF. Das Material erhält seine Einzigartigkeit durch einen Anteil von 25 Prozent recycelter Rohstoffe in der Beschichtungsmasse. Zusätzlich ist das Material mit 100 Prozent R-PES-Garnen hergestellt. Dazu werden in einem aufwändigen Separierungs- und Filterungsprozess die Eingangsmaterialien aufbereitet.

Nachhaltiges Polstermaterial für Bezüge von Autositzen und Sitzmöbeln von Filc
FILFLEX ist eine weiche und flexible Polsterlage aus Vliesstoffen für Bezüge von Autositzen und Sitzmöbeln. Sie verhindert Faltenbildung auf Lederbezügen und verbessert die Dimensionsstabilität der Bezüge.  Der nachhaltige Vorteil: FILFLEX lässt sich einfach recyceln, da es aus 100 Prozent PET besteht. Kunden ermöglicht FILFLEX zudem eine einfachere Verarbeitung während des Nähens der Bezüge und des Beziehens der Sitze. Endverbraucher profitieren von einem hohen Sitzkomfort.

Archroma bridges the gap between art and science (c) Archroma
The new Archroma DEEP DIVE 2.0 swatch book.

Archroma bridges the gap between art and science

  • with a ready-to-use swatch book dedicated to its DEEP DIVE sustainable dyeing system for dark, popular color basics

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, launches its first ever ready-to-use swatch book, dedicated to creating sustainable black and dark color basics for faster time to market, to support its popular DEEP DIVE 2.0 system.

In 2018, Archroma launched its system solutions, a holistic approach aimed at addressing the growing expectations of the public in terms of keeping consumers, and the environment, safe.
Under the umbrella of "The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it's our nature", the Archroma systems are designed to create innovation and performance, whilst reducing the impacts on water, energy and other natural resources. The savings generated by these 70+ system solutions are demonstrated by Archroma's proprietary ONE WAY Impact Calculator, a ground-breaking tool launched in 2012 and continuously upgraded to simulate and optimize the footprint of textile application processes.

  • with a ready-to-use swatch book dedicated to its DEEP DIVE sustainable dyeing system for dark, popular color basics

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, launches its first ever ready-to-use swatch book, dedicated to creating sustainable black and dark color basics for faster time to market, to support its popular DEEP DIVE 2.0 system.

In 2018, Archroma launched its system solutions, a holistic approach aimed at addressing the growing expectations of the public in terms of keeping consumers, and the environment, safe.
Under the umbrella of "The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it's our nature", the Archroma systems are designed to create innovation and performance, whilst reducing the impacts on water, energy and other natural resources. The savings generated by these 70+ system solutions are demonstrated by Archroma's proprietary ONE WAY Impact Calculator, a ground-breaking tool launched in 2012 and continuously upgraded to simulate and optimize the footprint of textile application processes.

One of these systems, DEEP DIVE 2.0, has attracted a lot of interest not just from textile manufacturers but also from major brands and retailers worldwide. This popular system combines Drimaren® Ultimate HD, high-performance reactive dyes, with Blue Magic, an all-in-one pretreatment, Optifix® RUB New liq and Siligen® SIH-S New liq, a finishing treatment improved rub fastness and elegant hand feel, and an effective hydrolyzed dye remover, Cyclanon® XC-W New liq. The result is a shorter dyeing process combining right-first-time productivity, an improved fabric quality for longer lasting end-articles, as well as dramatically reduced water and energy utilization for brands committed to drive more sustainable production. Savings can reach up to 31% water and 34% energy.

The system is ideally suited for medium and dark cottons that have high performing fastness to light, multiple home laundering, saliva – in other words: apparel used for fashion, sports and baby’s wear.
At the same time, interested manufacturers and brands were facing the constant challenge of the fashion industry: time to market.

Often design is separated from execution in the factory and as such often designers initially select color that cannot be met in reality on different fibers or production routes in terms of color flare, metamerism, brightness, depth and now sustainable metrics – leading to lengthy delays and compromises in function, performance and/or color.
Archroma decided to create a dedicated tool aimed at addressing these issues. The company developed a new, unique book with color swatches made with the system that is ready to implement immediately into production thanks to engineered color standards and specifications.

This new tool offers a path to bridge the gap between “art and science” by providing at inspiration phase fully executable deep colors for cotton with controlled color metamerism and at the same time demonstrate water, energy and chemical savings, enhanced color fastness using safe chemistry for the end consumer. As a wardrobe staple, medium to dark shades are very popular with consumers. As a result, most brands and retailers often have and sell up to 60% of medium to dark shades in their seasonal palettes. It’s also the dark shades that use the most water and energy in production, so prioritizing these colors would have the largest ecological positive impact. The 48 colors swatched in the DEEP DIVE 2.0 book have been selected based on market popularity to allow brands and manufacturers to match that very stable market demand. Customers may use these colors as presented, or as inspiration whereby Archroma can create and match new custom colors using the DEEP DIVE 2.0 system.

Christophe Maestripieri, Global Head of the Archroma Brand Studio, the company’s department dedicated to support brands’ projects and innovations, explains: “We wanted to make sure our partners have all the tools they need to convert to more sustainable colors. We had the ideal dyeing system to do that, DEEP DIVE 2.0, with its high performance and reduced impacts on resources. Now, with the new DEEP DIVE 2.0 swatch book, we also offer to brands and manufacturers a way to select sustainable color options that meet the market demand for high quality medium to dark shades which can be implemented into production right away.”

Weitere Informationen:
Archroma solution dyeing Sustainability


(c) Officina39

Officina39 returns to Bangladesh Denim Expo with latest sustainable developments

Officina39 will attend the Bangladesh Denim Expo in Dhaka on 10-11 May, a new edition after a two-year break, characterized by a focus on sustainability and the central theme "Beyond Business".

Officina39 has been committed for years to the reconversion of the sector’s technologies to an environmental point of view: this attitude is expressed in its latest Trustainable™ collection FW 23, based on the approach of honesty, transparency and social responsibility that drives the company. Officina39 will present Aqualess Fade, a technology just recently presented at Kingpins that recreates the bleaching effect of chlorine on fabrics, a waterless special compound for the discoloration of denim on indigo/black garments which is reducing resource consumption and environmental impact.

Officina39 will attend the Bangladesh Denim Expo in Dhaka on 10-11 May, a new edition after a two-year break, characterized by a focus on sustainability and the central theme "Beyond Business".

Officina39 has been committed for years to the reconversion of the sector’s technologies to an environmental point of view: this attitude is expressed in its latest Trustainable™ collection FW 23, based on the approach of honesty, transparency and social responsibility that drives the company. Officina39 will present Aqualess Fade, a technology just recently presented at Kingpins that recreates the bleaching effect of chlorine on fabrics, a waterless special compound for the discoloration of denim on indigo/black garments which is reducing resource consumption and environmental impact.

Aqualess Fade completes and integrates Aqualess Mission, a combination of technologies that allows garment laundry processes to reduce 75% of the water use. Until now, the process included three eco-friendly technologies: Novascraper Indigo, a laser finishing technique that adds a natural, vintage look to denim garments; OZ-ONE Powder, an advanced product to give garments a bleached yet eco-friendly treatment, for a worn and distressed look; and Aqualess Aged, a waterless compound to give denim abrasion effects. Specifically, this last revolutionizing product has recently marked an important achievement which adds to the company’s sustainable credentials: Officina39 received, for its Aqualess Aged, the DeniSafe® certification of enzyme product(s) by Novozymes for safe production and safe use through dry application.

Bangladesh Denim Expo is also ideal for presenting the results of The Circle Book 2, the second chapter of a collective project gathering ten high-profile players of the textile supply chain. Officina39’s Recycrom™ technology and the expertise of Meidea, Lenzing, Tejidos Rojo, Calik Denim, Ribbontex, Spring85, Dr. Bock Industries, Crafil and RGT have merged together on the development of CULTURE.IN, a circular capsule collection transparently made from recycled and degradable materials: a practical demonstration of how the fashion industry can improve considering social and environmental impacts and goals.


Officina39 / Menabò Group srl

(c) adidas AG

adidas and Parley’s initiative "Run for the Oceans" returns for its fifth year

  • adidas x Parley’s global impact initiative, Run for the Oceans, returns for its fifth year, uniting sporting communities across the planet
  • More activities than ever will be eligible for Run for the Oceans, with the introduction of tennis, wheelchair movement, football and more
  • People across the world can take part by signing-up to the challenge from today and logging activity between May 23 – June 8

As we approach World Oceans Day on June 8, adidas and its longstanding partner Parley for the Oceans are once again encouraging the global sporting community to turn activity into action and Run for the Oceans in 2022.

  • adidas x Parley’s global impact initiative, Run for the Oceans, returns for its fifth year, uniting sporting communities across the planet
  • More activities than ever will be eligible for Run for the Oceans, with the introduction of tennis, wheelchair movement, football and more
  • People across the world can take part by signing-up to the challenge from today and logging activity between May 23 – June 8

As we approach World Oceans Day on June 8, adidas and its longstanding partner Parley for the Oceans are once again encouraging the global sporting community to turn activity into action and Run for the Oceans in 2022.

For the first time, new activities have been introduced to the challenge, making this the most inclusive Run for the Oceans yet. People from all parts of the global sporting community are invited to hit the streets, the tennis court and the football field, and unite to help protect the oceans from plastic waste. For every 10 minutes of running from select activities, such as running, tennis or football*, recorded by participants via the adidas Runtastic app, Joyrun, Codoon, Yeudongquan or Strava, Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of one plastic bottle from beaches, remote islands, and coastlines before it reaches the ocean (up to a maximum of 250,000kg).

Launching between May 23 – June 8, the event returns for its fifth year, with the ambition of mobilising a generation to help end plastic waste. Research shows that the world is at a tipping point, with it predicted that oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

Since the beginning of the partnership in 2015, adidas has made more than 50 million pairs of shoes with Parley Ocean Plastic and close to 18 million pairs in 2021 alone - this includes plastic waste intercepted from beaches and coastal communities, preventing it from polluting the oceans.

For 2022, adidas x Parley have announced the launch of Adizero X Parley and Ultraboost 22 X Parley . With a carbon footprint of just 3.5kg per pair, the Adizero X Parley is the first time adidas and Parley have combined to launch a lower footprint concept, a milestone for the partnership delivered through innovation and with no compromise on shoe performance.  

From raw material interception, processing, packaging, all the way to the end of product life, adidas calculate and communicate its carbon footprint, conforming to an internationally recognized standard: ISO 14067. The footprint results made available provide full transparency on the complete lifecycle of the product.


adidas AG


GOTS releases 2021 annual report detailing record growth and increased interest

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) announces the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Even with the continued constraints of COVID-19, 2021 was a year of significant developments for GOTS. An increased interest in sustainability in the textile industry led to greater awareness of GOTS certification from businesses as well as consumers.

The 31-page report details the record growth experienced in 2021, which included an increase of 19 percent in GOTS certified facilities around the world, with Certification Bodies (CBs) reporting 12.338 facilities in 79 countries (+11 percent). Three new GOTS-approved Certification Bodies brought the total to 18, nine of which have chemical input approval in their scopes. The additional CBs are helping meet an ever-increasing demand for certification. The rise in certifications also allowed GOTS to expand internally, adding Representatives as well as colleagues with expertise in Standard Development and Implementation, Quality Assurance, Communication, and IT. GOTS representatives worldwide offered training and education to thousands of participants, including businesses, governmental representatives, certification bodies, and other stakeholders. Visits to the GOTS website jumped 43 percent from 2020 and GOTS’s following on social media expanded significantly, gaining 57 percent across platforms.

“Despite ongoing difficulties and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, decision-makers continue to pursue their sustainability goals and value GOTS as a tool to accomplish them. We will continue to strive toward our vision of a future in which organic textiles are a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people’s lives and the environment,” says GOTS Managing Director Claudia Kersten.

Additional highlights covered in the report include chronicling the implementation of the most recent update to the standard document, GOTS version 6.0, and the release of ‘Conditions for the Use of GOTS Signs (CUGS)’, which outlines the rules for using the GOTS logo and labeling and updates to GOTS Scope and Transaction Certification policies which are a crucial part of the certification process.


Global Organic Textile Standard

(c) ISKO

ISKO talks about responsible and sustainable manufacturing at Drapers event

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

ISKO did not miss the opportunity to be a driver for change as the community of fashion leaders gathered at the event “Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2022” on April 21st, in London. Specifically, ISKO’s presence at the event took place through a stand dedicated to the company’s commitment to the development of new processes for better industry practices, and through the participation of ISKO’s head of sustainability, Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, in the panel “Leading the way: exploring denim’s approach to responsible and sustainable manufacturing”.

The company’s technology R-TWO™50+ played a great role in showing how the innovative soul of the company matches its sustainable one. R-TWO™50+ is the driving force behind ISKO’s efforts to reduce the industry’s impact on the planet. The fabrics are made with a minimum of 50% pre- and post-consumer recycled blend that is entirely Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified. This results in less use of natural resources and a reduced carbon and water footprint of up to 45% and 65% respectively.
Held at main Stage, the panel was a chance to delve into the great strides that the industry has taken to dramatically reduce its carbon footprint through ground-breaking technology, with the speakers stating that “sustainability strategies are essential for the health not only of the planet but also of the industry itself.”


ISKO / Menabò Group srl

(c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

The Sustainable Apparel Forum brings together government representatives and industry leaders

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

The Sustainable Apparel Forum takes place on 10 May 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, bringing together government ministers and advisors, the European Union, UN bodies, brands, global fashion campaigners, brands, manufacturers and industry leaders.

This year’s SAF, the third such event, aims to establish Bangladesh as one of the world’s most responsible apparel sourcing destinations. That’s why senior government representatives will be speaking and in attendance, listening to the needs of industry and what needs to be done to take Bangladesh garment production to the next level.

Senior representatives from globally renowned recycling and renewable energy companies will also be in attendance as well as exhibit their sustainability and green technologies, products and solutions under the same roof.

The SAF will showcase opportunities for much-needed green financing in the industry.
Issues under the spotlight will include climate action, environmental social & governance (ESG) and green finance, purchasing practices, circular economy, and regulatory reforms.

Speakers of the SAF include Dr Tawfiq-e-elahi Chowdhury, Bir Bikrom, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on power, energy and mineral resources; Salman F Rahman, MP, adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on private industry & investment; Tipu Munshi, MP, commerce minister of Bangladesh; Begum Monnujan Sufian, MP, state minister for labor and employment of Bangladesh; Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP, chairman of parliamentary standing committee on ministry of environment, forest and climate change of Bangladesh;  Anna Athanasopoulou, head of unit for social economy & creative industries European Commission;  Barbara Bijelic, financial sector and regulatory engagement lead centre for responsible business conduct, OECD;  Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu, sectors engagement lead, UNFCCC; Gagan Bansal, global material innovation & strategy manager, H&M; Javier Santonja Olcina,  regional head, Bangladesh & Pakistan, Inditex; Faruque Hassan, president, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA); Dr Mark Anner, founding director, Center for Global Workers’ Rights and also professor, Penn State University, USA; Ayesha Barenblat, founder and CEO, Remake;  Najet Draper, vice president research, Better Buying; and  Tuomo Poutiainen,  country director, Bangladesh, ILO.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)


Cone Denim launches U.S. Grown Hemp denim collection with BastCore

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone Denim®, a leader in denim authenticity and sustainable innovation, launches a new U.S. grown hemp denim collection in collaboration with expert hemp processing innovator, BastCore. Cone is excited to expand its sustainable denim offerings and increase its support of the American agriculture industry, featuring denim made with Alabama hemp and U.S. cotton and dyed with natural indigo grown in Tennessee.

Cone Denim is honored to partner with BastCore, a team that aligns with Cone’s values and its commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability, and traceability. The pioneers at BastCore have created patent-pending technology and a proprietary process that produces clean, mechanically processed, OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified and USDA bio-preferred hemp fiber out of its operation in Montgomery, Alabama.

Cone’s U.S. Hemp Collection includes a range of fabrics featuring classic 3×1 and comfort stretch to modern workwear constructions. The collection further expands upon Cone’s sustainability and traceability practices, driving the future of the industry. The proximity of the hemp, indigo, and cotton crops in the U.S. to the company’s mills in Mexico is also key in creating the smallest environmental impact and footprint possible.

Hemp offers many key benefits in creating the next level of sustainable denim:

  • More than 50% water savings occur, compared to cotton
  • No chemicals, wet processing, pesticides, or herbicides are used
  • Hemp grows in a variety of soils with excellent biodegradability, is antimicrobial, has high tensile strength, moisture regain content, and tenacity
  • Hemp and natural indigo crops have high rates of carbon sequestration, which ultimately benefits the environment and improves the soil’s health for other crops (climate positive)
Weitere Informationen:
Cone Denim LLC Denim hemp Sustainability

Cone Denim