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454 Ergebnisse

Lenzing eröffnet Lyocellfaser-Produktionsanlage in Thailand

  • Projekt nach zweieinhalb Jahren Bauzeit trotz der pandemiebedingten Herausforderungen pünktlich und im vorgegebenen Kostenrahmen realisiert
  • Neue, hochmoderne Lyocellanlage mit einer Kapazität von 100.000 Tonnen hilft dabei, die steigende Nachfrage nach nachhaltig erzeugten Fasern besser zu bedienen
  • Wichtiger Meilenstein auf dem Weg in eine CO2-freie Zukunft

Die Lenzing Gruppe gab den Abschluss des wichtigen Lyocell-Ausbauprojektes in Thailand bekannt. Die neue Produktionsanlage, die mit einer Nennkapazität von 100.000 Tonnen pro Jahr einer der weltweit größten ihrer Art ist, hat die Produktion planmäßig aufgenommen und trägt dazu bei, die wachsende Nachfrage der Kunden nach Lyocellfasern der Marke TENCEL™ noch besser zu bedienen. Für Lenzing ist das Projekt zudem ein wichtiger Schritt zur Stärkung ihrer führenden Position auf dem Spezialfasermarkt und auf dem Weg in eine CO2-freie Zukunft.

  • Projekt nach zweieinhalb Jahren Bauzeit trotz der pandemiebedingten Herausforderungen pünktlich und im vorgegebenen Kostenrahmen realisiert
  • Neue, hochmoderne Lyocellanlage mit einer Kapazität von 100.000 Tonnen hilft dabei, die steigende Nachfrage nach nachhaltig erzeugten Fasern besser zu bedienen
  • Wichtiger Meilenstein auf dem Weg in eine CO2-freie Zukunft

Die Lenzing Gruppe gab den Abschluss des wichtigen Lyocell-Ausbauprojektes in Thailand bekannt. Die neue Produktionsanlage, die mit einer Nennkapazität von 100.000 Tonnen pro Jahr einer der weltweit größten ihrer Art ist, hat die Produktion planmäßig aufgenommen und trägt dazu bei, die wachsende Nachfrage der Kunden nach Lyocellfasern der Marke TENCEL™ noch besser zu bedienen. Für Lenzing ist das Projekt zudem ein wichtiger Schritt zur Stärkung ihrer führenden Position auf dem Spezialfasermarkt und auf dem Weg in eine CO2-freie Zukunft.

Der Bau der Anlage im Industrial Park 304 in Prachinburi – ca. 150 Kilometer nordöstlich von Bangkok gelegen – begann im zweiten Halbjahr 2019 und verlief trotz der Herausforderungen durch die COVID-19-Pandemie weitestgehend nach Plan. Das Recruiting und Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter:innen war ebenfalls erfolgreich. Die Investitionen (CAPEX) beliefen sich auf rund EUR 400 Mio.

„Die Nachfrage nach unseren holzbasierten, biologisch abbaubaren Spezialfasern der Marken TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ und VEOCEL™ nimmt kontinuierlich zu. Vor allem in Asien sehen wir ein enormes Wachstumspotenzial für unsere Marken, die auf nachhaltiger Innovation beruhen. Mit dem Produktionsstart der Lyocellanlage in Thailand hat Lenzing einen wichtigen Meilenstein in puncto Wachstum erreicht und unterstützt damit unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, die Textil- und Vliesstoffindustrie nachhaltiger zu gestalten“, so Robert van de Kerkhof, Mitglied des Vorstandes.

Die Lenzing Gruppe legte sich 2019 strategisch fest, ihre Treibhausgasemissionen pro Tonne Produkt bis 2030 um 50 Prozent zu reduzieren. Das Ziel für 2050: Klimaneutralität. Aufgrund der vorhandenen Infrastruktur kann der Standort in Thailand mit nachhaltiger biogener Energie versorgt werden und so einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten.

Zusammen mit dem wichtigen Projekt in Brasilien und den erheblichen Investitionen an den bestehenden Standorten in Asien setzt Lenzing derzeit (mit über ca. EUR 1,5 Mrd.) das größte Investitionsprogramm der Unternehmensgeschichte um. Lenzing wird die Umsetzung der strategischen Projekte, die ab 2022 einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu den Einnahmen leisten, weiter vorantreiben.

Weitere Informationen:
Lenzing Nachhaltigkeit Fasern lyocell fibers

Lenzing AG


Indorama Ventures reports record FY2021 performance as the global recovery drove volumes

  • IVL commits to being an industry leader in sustainability under ‘Vision 2030’

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, today reported a record FY2021 performance as the economic recovery drove demand across the company’s global footprint. 

Mr Aloke Lohia, Indorama Ventures Group CEO, said: “In 2021 we proved the resilience of our global footprint and our integrated portfolio across the polyester value chain. The past two years were an unprecedented period of disruption in which our business model’s robustness and our teams’ agility were tested. Having reset our business plan for the ‘new normal’ era, I have never been more confident in our model, our strategy, and our teams."

2021 Summary

In 2021, IVL delivered Core EBITDA of US$1,743 million (up 55% YoY) on production volumes of 14.72 MMT (up 7% YoY). Consolidated Revenue increased 38% YoY to US$14,629 million as consumer confidence rebounded and the company’s resilient model benefited from rising inflation, energy price hikes and supply chain shocks.

  • IVL commits to being an industry leader in sustainability under ‘Vision 2030’

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, today reported a record FY2021 performance as the economic recovery drove demand across the company’s global footprint. 

Mr Aloke Lohia, Indorama Ventures Group CEO, said: “In 2021 we proved the resilience of our global footprint and our integrated portfolio across the polyester value chain. The past two years were an unprecedented period of disruption in which our business model’s robustness and our teams’ agility were tested. Having reset our business plan for the ‘new normal’ era, I have never been more confident in our model, our strategy, and our teams."

2021 Summary

In 2021, IVL delivered Core EBITDA of US$1,743 million (up 55% YoY) on production volumes of 14.72 MMT (up 7% YoY). Consolidated Revenue increased 38% YoY to US$14,629 million as consumer confidence rebounded and the company’s resilient model benefited from rising inflation, energy price hikes and supply chain shocks.

Macroeconomic tailwinds supported IVL’s performance, including government stimulus packages. In premium western markets, higher freight rates improved the company’s local import parity pricing advantage. In the fourth quarter, the introduction of China’s dual control policy widened polyester margins. 

IVL’s largest Combined PET segment posted a 39% increase in Core EBITDA to US$1,103 million in the context of strong demand and low inventories. The resetting of PET contracts in 2022 is expected to capture higher freight rates and the consequent beneficial impact on import parity. The segment is expected to enjoy improved margins in 2022.

Integrated Oxides & Derivatives (IOD) recorded a Core EBITDA of US$377 million, up 228% from a year earlier. With higher oil prices expected to continue into 2022, the segment will continue to benefit from shale gas economics, improving MEG spreads, and upside from Lake Charles (IVOL) ethylene cracker, which resumed operations in late 2021. The Oxiteno acquisition, expected to close in H1 2022, will bring complementary products, green energy innovation, and geographical diversification to the IOD segment.

Fibers segment delivered a 37% increase in Core EBITDA of US$268 million as volumes rose 11%. Margins widened due to tighter markets and a favorable product mix, with setbacks coming from energy and commodity price increases, while the ongoing semiconductor shortage impacted the Mobility vertical.

Mr D K Agarwal, CEO and CFO at Indorama Ventures, said: “The performance was a result of a number of important macroeconomic factors, such as heightened crude oil prices, supply disruptions, and resurgent consumer confidence as vaccinations were rolled out in the pandemic’s second full year. These factors led to improved margins and benefited us as a preferred regional supplier that can react quickly to fulfill our customer needs. Our transformation programs that we started three years ago are also delivering efficiency gains faster than planned. As the world emerges from the pandemic, our increased confidence in IVL’s resilient model sets a strong foundation for further growth through 2024.”


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) Manufy

Sustainable fashion platform Manufy reaches first 1000 production requests

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

Manufy, a marketplace for sustainable fashion production has reached its thousandth production request. The platform connects conscious brands with sustainable manufacturers in hopes to create a cleaner future for the clothing industry.

The right conditions
The start-up, which launched in december of 2020, has seen a sharp increase in production requests the last couple of months. With trade shows being cancelled due to covid, lots of manufacturers and brands are looking for new ways to do business. Going digital was one of the logical steps. “We’ve seen many users that were used to more traditional ways of working join Manufy,” says co-founder Michiel Dicker. “Some of them didn’t have a website, so our platform helps them become visible online.”

An increase was also noticed on the brand side of Manufy. With most new brands being digital natives that have a strong focus on sustainability, the platform helps them to get started.

The production requests being placed on the platform cover a wide range of garments. Hoodies and t-shirts are popular, but the Manufy team also sees lots of shoes, caps, bags, dresses, swimwear and lingerie requests coming in. “This sometimes leads us to having to find manufacturers specifically for the job, but it helps us to create a better user experience!” explains Dicker.

Manufy uses feedback from its users to keep improving the platform. Aside from finding new manufacturers to fill production requests the team has been working on a lot of new functionalities based on input from users. A new version of the platform will be released very soon. “With Manufy 2.0 it will become easier to organise your projects, place re-orders and have all your production details in one place. Manufy will be your one-stop-shop for all your sourcing needs!” says Dicker.

Weitere Informationen:
Manufy Sustainability digital


(c) adidas

adidas unveils its first product with Spinnova

  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is the first product created in partnership with textile material company, Spinnova
  • Part of the hoodie’s fabric is made from wood-based fibres
  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is a step on adidas’ journey to create nine out of 10 articles with a more sustainable technology, materials, design or manufacturing method by 2025

Eight months after adidas announced its partnership with Finnish textile material company Spinnova, the brand has unveiled its first product made in part with Spinnova fibres.

Composed of a minimum of 25% wood-based fibres and 75% organic cotton, the adidas TERREX HS1 is a mid-layer for hikers that sees adidas exploring a more sustainable textile solution.

  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is the first product created in partnership with textile material company, Spinnova
  • Part of the hoodie’s fabric is made from wood-based fibres
  • The adidas TERREX HS1 is a step on adidas’ journey to create nine out of 10 articles with a more sustainable technology, materials, design or manufacturing method by 2025

Eight months after adidas announced its partnership with Finnish textile material company Spinnova, the brand has unveiled its first product made in part with Spinnova fibres.

Composed of a minimum of 25% wood-based fibres and 75% organic cotton, the adidas TERREX HS1 is a mid-layer for hikers that sees adidas exploring a more sustainable textile solution.

adidas is committed to helping end plastic waste via a three-loop strategy that consists of using recycled materials, materials that can be remade into entirely new products, and, in the case of Made with Nature, products created in part with natural ingredients, such as the adidas TERREX HS1. Its outdoor brand, adidas TERREX , is leading the innovation of technical materials with the aim of helping drive better product solutions for adventurers in nature while ensuring there is no compromise on style or performance .

By 2025, nine out of 10 adidas articles will carry a more sustainable technology, material, design, or method of manufacturing and adidas’ partnership with Spinnova is a major part of this journey.


adidas AG

(c) nova-Institut GmbH

Gewinner der Cellulosefaser-Innovationen des Jahres

Jährlicher Höhepunkt der Branche ist die International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Köln, auf der die neuesten Entwicklungen vorgestellt wurden: neue Cellulosefasertechnologien für verschiedene Rohstoffe und eine breite Palette von Hygiene- und Textilprodukten sowie Alternativen zu Kunststoffen und Kohlefasern für Leichtbaukonstruktionen.

In diesem Jahr nahmen zum ersten Mal 230 Teilnehmer aus 27 Ländern teil. Etwa 60 konnten unter strikten Corona-Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vor Ort dabei sein, die anderen nahmen online teil und konnten sich an Fragen und Diskussionen beteiligen.

Die Konferenz gab tiefe Einblicke in die vielversprechende Zukunft von Cellulosefasern, die perfekt zu den aktuellen Trends der Kreislaufwirtschaft, des Recyclings und der nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffkreisläufe passen.

Jährlicher Höhepunkt der Branche ist die International Conference on Cellulose Fibres in Köln, auf der die neuesten Entwicklungen vorgestellt wurden: neue Cellulosefasertechnologien für verschiedene Rohstoffe und eine breite Palette von Hygiene- und Textilprodukten sowie Alternativen zu Kunststoffen und Kohlefasern für Leichtbaukonstruktionen.

In diesem Jahr nahmen zum ersten Mal 230 Teilnehmer aus 27 Ländern teil. Etwa 60 konnten unter strikten Corona-Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vor Ort dabei sein, die anderen nahmen online teil und konnten sich an Fragen und Diskussionen beteiligen.

Die Konferenz gab tiefe Einblicke in die vielversprechende Zukunft von Cellulosefasern, die perfekt zu den aktuellen Trends der Kreislaufwirtschaft, des Recyclings und der nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffkreisläufe passen.

Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt der Konferenz waren alternative Quellen für Cellulose, denn der steigende Bedarf an Cellulosefasern kann auf Dauer nicht allein mit Holz und Alttextilien gedeckt werden. Auf der Konferenz wurde in Vorträgen und Podiumsdiskussionen eine Vielzahl von landwirtschaftlichen Nebenprodukten und biogenen Abfällen vorgestellt, wie z. B. Orangen- und Bananenschalen, Getreide und Hanfstroh. Vieles davon ist großvolumig und wurde bisher nicht wertschöpfend verwertet. Spannende Möglichkeiten für die Cellulosefaserindustrie der Zukunft.

Live auf der Konferenz verliehen Gastgeber nova-Institut und Preissponsor GIG Karasek GmbH die Auszeichnung „Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year“ an eines von sechs interessanten Produkten.

  • Erster Platz: Kohlenstofffasern aus Holz – Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Deutschland)
  • Zweiter Platz: Fibers365, Wirklich kohlenstoffnegative Frischfasern aus Stroh – Fibers365 (Deutschland)
  • Dritter Platz: Nachhaltige Menstruationsunterwäsche: Anwendungsorientierte Funktionalisierung von Fasern – Kelheim Fibres (Deutschland)
(c) Flocus ™

Flocus ™ kapok nonwovens and fabrics for the leather goods and footwear

Flocus ™, the trademark for kapok fibers, offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens. The company presents the most performing and zero carbon footprint solutions based on Flocus™ kapok available for the leather goods industry, a sector that is making an important transition to sustainability in terms of processing and raw materials.

As for nonwoven, some of their most used products in the world of leatherware are:

Flocus ™, the trademark for kapok fibers, offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles and nonwovens. The company presents the most performing and zero carbon footprint solutions based on Flocus™ kapok available for the leather goods industry, a sector that is making an important transition to sustainability in terms of processing and raw materials.

As for nonwoven, some of their most used products in the world of leatherware are:

  • Maliwatt - 50% Kapok, 50% PLA (based on corn), a 100% biodegradable non-woven which can be used in the shoe sole. Maliwatt can be thermopressed/heat press and turned into a paper/cardboard type and lightweight structure. It is the perfect material for sneakers, casual and active shoes thanks to its quick dry, antibacterial, hydrophobic, hypoallergenic, Insulation properties. Other frequent applications are in the field of automotive, construction and car panels, sound absorption and acoustics panels and geo textiles.
  • HDE /Hydroentanglement - 50% Kapok, 50% Organic cotton. It is a 100% natural and biodegradable material that can be used in the shoe production as a sole, intersole or as a padding for shoes and bags. Thanks to its termoregulating, lightweight, hypoallergenic, thermoconductivity, insulation, soft touch, hydrophobic, anti-moth anti mite properties, it is used for a large range of applications. It is popular in the apparel world as a cruelty free filling for winter jackets, replacing duck down, and in the home industry ad a stuffing for mattresses, duvets, furniture, sleeping bags.

The offer for the leather goods industry includes also Flocus™ kapok-based fabrics in different blends and weights: linings, coatings, fabric inserts, accessories, components rich in performance and style. For example, kapok and organic cotton with GOTS certification, kapok with Tencel and recycled polyester (Repreve), kapok with linen, organic cotton and a small percentage of Spandex.

These materials were presented at the September 2021 edition of Lineapelle in the exhibition "A New point of materials", dedicated to eco-responsible innovations in terms of technologies, applications, materials and machines.

Weitere Informationen:
flocus™ Flocus Kapok nonwovens Sustainability


(c) DUARTE / C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S.: DUARTE returns to Milan Fashion Week with its “Eco-Street Dance” collection

The 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub during Milan Fashion Week. With the support of WHITE, Duarte’s creations will be featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

For its second collection Duarte still counts on C.L.A.S.S. support in sourcing materials and communication activities as part of the Icon Award yearly program. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte, with the help of the Milanese hub, is back with a renewed collection that counts 40 pieces continuing the concept and the story behind the previous World Keeper: the irresistible superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog – fighting against the environmental issues created by mankind and personified as Smog Man (air pollution), Fire Man (climate change), Deforestation Man (forests destruction) and Wave Man (water overconsumption).

The 2021 C.L.A.S.S. Icon Award Portuguese brand Duarte is ready to presents its Fall/Winter 2022/23 collection developed in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub during Milan Fashion Week. With the support of WHITE, Duarte’s creations will be featured as a special project at WSM (WHITE Sustainable Milano) platform space inside “Unveiling the fashion Backstage”, a docu-event focusing on an immersive journey into the amazing world of premium and smart supply chains that make innovative and responsible fashion wardrobes a reality.

For its second collection Duarte still counts on C.L.A.S.S. support in sourcing materials and communication activities as part of the Icon Award yearly program. The streetwear designer Ana Duarte, with the help of the Milanese hub, is back with a renewed collection that counts 40 pieces continuing the concept and the story behind the previous World Keeper: the irresistible superhero Tadao - Ana Duarte’s dog – fighting against the environmental issues created by mankind and personified as Smog Man (air pollution), Fire Man (climate change), Deforestation Man (forests destruction) and Wave Man (water overconsumption).

This time the inspiration is also Street Dance drawn directly from the city streets, with majorly unisex pieces (apart from some small specific details linked to sizes or ergonomics) and materials that both respect the planet and keep you warm. The prints drawn from ripped posters giving birth to a sort of new style named “Eco-Street Dance”.

The collection presents a selection of urban pieces for everyday superheroes, fighting against environmental issues - with a holistic approach to sustainability values thanks to the synergy with C.L.A.S.S. and its Back in the Loop area: a section dedicated to alternative and sustainable sourcing against the massive amount of materials and textiles produced that are not used and discarded by the fashion system. This is mostly powered by MAEBA International - and its ReLiveTex® fabrics - leader in selecting and repurposing premium Italian fabrics with exceptional 60 years of expertise in collecting high-quality materials from leading brands and textile manufacturers, and one of the first companies at an international level to be accredited for the UNI EN ISO 14021 certification which grants the traceability of the collected materials.

The linings complete the full sustainable picture, thanks to Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei fabrics by Gianni Crespi Foderami. Bemberg™ is a new generation material made from the smart-tech transformation of cotton linter pre-consumer material, converted through a traceable and transparent closed loop process.




ROICA™ welcomes 2022 with a brand new wardrobe

ROICA™ main objective is to focus on and respond to new generation values in fashion. Values that are key for contemporary consumers, who are the ones leading the change throughout all the supply value chain, and have received even more attention since the beginning of the pandemic. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the basic foundation of contemporary business. Its teams are ready to go to the next level, answering to the market demand for innovation while sharing its responsibility efforts towards the new generation of consumer.

ROICA™ main objective is to focus on and respond to new generation values in fashion. Values that are key for contemporary consumers, who are the ones leading the change throughout all the supply value chain, and have received even more attention since the beginning of the pandemic. ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei team knows that value creation is the basic foundation of contemporary business. Its teams are ready to go to the next level, answering to the market demand for innovation while sharing its responsibility efforts towards the new generation of consumer.

For this reason, the ROICA™ strategy is based on two key elements. On the one side, a strong focus on responsible innovation, able to respond to new fashion needs and desires while not harming the environment nor the society at large. On the other hand, a consolidation of partnerships along the whole supply chain through conversations and collaborations with companies sharing the ROICA™ values, in order to deliver creativity, solutions and design to all contemporary consumers. For example, in terms of fabric producers ROICA™ has been working alongside industry leaders such as Brugnoli, Candiani Denim, CIFRA, Dresdner Spitzen, Eusebio, Iluna Group, Innova Fabrics, Inter Jersey Milano, Lauma Fabrics, L/E Textile, Maglificio Ripa, M.I.T.I., Penn Italia - Penn Textile Solutions GmbH, Piave Maitex, Sitip S.p.A., Sofileta, Taubert Textil, Tessitura Colombo, TINTEX Textiles, TVB Textil-Vertrieb-Beratungs.

See attached document to read more about the current wardrobe stories.

Weitere Informationen:
ROICA™ Asahi Kasei Sustainability Covid-19

ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei / GB Network


C.L.A.S.S. will be at Filo to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation

The international eco-hub will be at Filo (23-24 February) with key partners such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Ghezzi, Circular Systems™ and SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation.

C.L.A.S.S. is ready for yet another moment dedicated to share and amplify its message of responsible innovation together with its key partners. The international eco-hub has been invited to attend the Filo fair with its own space in order to spread the word on the utmost importance of injecting innovation, sustainability and change starting from the very beginning of the supply chain.

“We are extremely pleased to be here at Filo, the fair for the very first and fundamental ingredient of fashion” Says Giusy Bettoni, Founder and CEO C.L.A.S.S. “We believe this is a valuable opportunity to  share possibilities and chances to start a conscious and yet innovative fashion product by learning about the latest developments in smart yarns”.

The international eco-hub will be at Filo (23-24 February) with key partners such as Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Ghezzi, Circular Systems™ and SUPREME GREEN COTTON® by Varvaressos to highlight the role of yarns in responsible innovation.

C.L.A.S.S. is ready for yet another moment dedicated to share and amplify its message of responsible innovation together with its key partners. The international eco-hub has been invited to attend the Filo fair with its own space in order to spread the word on the utmost importance of injecting innovation, sustainability and change starting from the very beginning of the supply chain.

“We are extremely pleased to be here at Filo, the fair for the very first and fundamental ingredient of fashion” Says Giusy Bettoni, Founder and CEO C.L.A.S.S. “We believe this is a valuable opportunity to  share possibilities and chances to start a conscious and yet innovative fashion product by learning about the latest developments in smart yarns”.

(c) Global Fashion Summit, presented by Global Fashion Agenda

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2022 will return on 7-8 June

Global Fashion Summit, an international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across fashion, parallel industries, investment, policy and NGOs to forge alliances for a new era. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda, the non-profit organisation that fosters industry collaboration in fashion to drive impact, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2022, will return in physical form on 7-8 June in the Royal Opera House, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Global Fashion Summit, an international forum for sustainability in fashion, will convene core stakeholders across fashion, parallel industries, investment, policy and NGOs to forge alliances for a new era. The Summit is presented by Global Fashion Agenda, the non-profit organisation that fosters industry collaboration in fashion to drive impact, under the patronage of HRH The Crown Princess of Denmark. Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2022, will return in physical form on 7-8 June in the Royal Opera House, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Formerly known as Copenhagen Fashion Summit, the forum has been renamed to manifest the organisation’s global outlook and reach. Global Fashion Summit will build on the 13-year history of the renowned Copenhagen Fashion Summit by strengthening its representation and connections with diverse perspectives from across the world. Therefore, the Summit will be hosted in various key cities in the future, in addition to its flagship edition in Copenhagen.
Under the theme ‘Alliances for a New Era’, Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2022 will endeavour to form previously inconceivable alliances within the fashion industry and examine atypical cross-industry alliances, in a bid to accelerate the transition to a net positive reality.
The theme will underly all elements of the Summit. It will be represented on the Summit main stage during plenary sessions consisting of high-level keynote speeches and panels. These will bring together speakers that are often perceived as direct competitors to have transparent conversations about their mutual challenges and collaborate to discuss the actions needed to tackle the urgent issues. The programme will also include industries such as transportation, food and energy, to consider the challenges that are similarly experienced in other sectors and learn from successful solutions that are being demonstrated outside of fashion.
Going beyond the stage content, the Summit will apply the theme in practical terms by mobilising leaders to implement immediate actions through newly formed partnerships with solution providers and other industry players, setting long-term industry commitments, hosting leadership roundtables and creating binding industry agreements that will provoke progress based on its sustainability performance level.
The Innovation Forum will present a curated exhibition of sustainable solutions. Participating brands will be able to connect with exhibitors covering the entire value chain – from innovative materials to on-demand manufacturing. The forum’s Matchmaking service will offer small and large fashion businesses the opportunity to advance their sustainability journey by being matched directly with relevant solution providers.
There will be an in-depth assessment of the impact that the Summit and its resulting alliances have on the industry. This will be published in the aftermath of the event, examining the concrete outcomes from the Summit and providing a baseline for future forums.


Global Fashion Agenda

(c) Sappi Europe
Marianna Evenstein (Moderation), Gustavo Duarte (sappi), Kerstin Dietze (sappi) und Julian Thielen (Interseroh Plus)

The Blue Couch Series von Sappi: Umstieg auf nachhaltiges Verpackungsmaterial

Die Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen steigt immer weiter. Diese Entwicklung stellt Markenhersteller vor Herausforderungen. Wie gelingt ihnen der Umstieg auf flexible Verpackungen, die recyclefähig sind? Was gilt es dabei zu beachten? Wie kann das Thema Recycling vorangebracht werden? Und warum gibt es bei den Themen „Definition der Recyclingfähigkeit“ und „Testmethoden“ in Europa noch Aufholbedarf? Die Antworten darauf gibt es in einer neuen Folge der The Blue Couch Series von Sappi.

  • "Functional Paper Packaging – Der Weg zu mehr Recyclingfähigkeit"
  • Julian Thielen, Leiter des "Made for Recycling"-Service bei Interseroh Plus, Kerstin Dietze, Key Account Manager Paper & Packaging Solutions bei Sappi, und Gustavo Duarte, Manager Competence Center Packaging Solutions bei Sappi

Die Ausstrahlung der Episode „Functional Paper Packaging – Der Weg zu mehr Recyclingfähigkeit" beginnt am 22. Februar 2022 hier.

Die Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen steigt immer weiter. Diese Entwicklung stellt Markenhersteller vor Herausforderungen. Wie gelingt ihnen der Umstieg auf flexible Verpackungen, die recyclefähig sind? Was gilt es dabei zu beachten? Wie kann das Thema Recycling vorangebracht werden? Und warum gibt es bei den Themen „Definition der Recyclingfähigkeit“ und „Testmethoden“ in Europa noch Aufholbedarf? Die Antworten darauf gibt es in einer neuen Folge der The Blue Couch Series von Sappi.

  • "Functional Paper Packaging – Der Weg zu mehr Recyclingfähigkeit"
  • Julian Thielen, Leiter des "Made for Recycling"-Service bei Interseroh Plus, Kerstin Dietze, Key Account Manager Paper & Packaging Solutions bei Sappi, und Gustavo Duarte, Manager Competence Center Packaging Solutions bei Sappi

Die Ausstrahlung der Episode „Functional Paper Packaging – Der Weg zu mehr Recyclingfähigkeit" beginnt am 22. Februar 2022 hier.


Sappi Europe


EURATEX: High energy costs undermine crucial transformation of the textile and clothing industry

The current energy crisis is impacting on the competitiveness of the European textile and clothing industry. Because there are limited alternatives to the use of gas in different parts of the production process, production costs increase sharply. EURATEX asks the European Commission and Member States to urgently support the industry to avoid company closures. At the same time, we need a long term vision to move towards climate neutrality, while keeping the T&C industry internationally competitive.

EURATEX presented ten key requirements to Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, to develop such a vision:

The current energy crisis is impacting on the competitiveness of the European textile and clothing industry. Because there are limited alternatives to the use of gas in different parts of the production process, production costs increase sharply. EURATEX asks the European Commission and Member States to urgently support the industry to avoid company closures. At the same time, we need a long term vision to move towards climate neutrality, while keeping the T&C industry internationally competitive.

EURATEX presented ten key requirements to Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, to develop such a vision:

  1. The apparel and textile industry needs a safe supply with sufficient green energy (electricity and gas) at internationally competitive prices.
  2. The transformation of industry requires access to very significant amounts of renewable energy at competitive costs. Additional investments in infrastructure will also be needed to guarantee access to new renewable energy supplies.
  3. Until a global (or at least G 20 level) carbon price or other means for a global level playing field in climate protection are implemented, competitive prices for green energy must be granted at European or national levels (e.g. CCfDs, reduction on levies, targeted subsidies).
  4. As the European textile and clothing sector faces global competition mainly form countries/regions with less stringent climate ambitions, it is of utmost importance that the European textile and clothing companies are prevented form direct and indirect carbon leakage.
  5. EU-policy should support solutions, e.g. through targeted subsidies (for hydrogen, energy grids, R&D, technology roadmap studies etc.).
  6. A dedicated approach for SMEs might be appropriate as SMEs do not have the skills/know-how to further improve their energy efficiency and/or becoming carbon neutral.
  7. CAPEX and OPEX support will be necessary for breakthrough technologies, like hydrogen.
  8. The Fit-for-55-Package must support the European Textile and Clothing industry in decarbonization and carbon neutrality. The EU must therefore advocate a global level playing field more than before. The primary goal must be to establish an internationally uniform, binding CO2 pricing, preferably in the form of a standard at G-7 / G-20 level.
  9. EU-policy must not hinder solutions, e.g. we need reasonable state aid rules (compensating the gap between national energy or climate levies and a globally competitive energy price should not be seen as a subsidy).
  10. The European Textile and Clothing industry has made use of economically viable potentials to continuously improve energy efficiency over many years and decades. The obligation to implement further measures must be taken considering investment cycles that are in line with practice. Attention must be paid to the proportionality of costs without weakening the competitive position in the EU internal market or with competitors outside the EU.

Please see the attached position paper for more information.




Blue of a kind and Officina+39 introduce their sustainable collaboration

Two Italian companies committed to the transition to an ecological industry and presented the results of their collaboration at the Blue of a Kind shop in Milan. A union of intent that has led to a partnership initially born remotely, in the middle of the difficulties of recent years, finally set off through the live painting performance by Erik Varusio. The artist from Vicenza, well-known in the world of fashion and illustration, has customized a selection of Blue of a kind’s t-shirts using the sustainable Officina+39's Recycrom™ dyestuff.

Revolution of existing
Blue of a kind is meant to be not just a fashion company, rather a community built around an idea: to combine uncompromised style, contemporary fit and products with a valuable heritage, and a sustainable production process. The products are made exclusively from vintage products handcrafted with the use of scrap fabrics and surplus, thanks to a network of suppliers all over Europe, which makes it possible to find the best vintage garments and stock, ultimately becoming the raw material to lead a luxury revolution, chic yet sustainable.

Two Italian companies committed to the transition to an ecological industry and presented the results of their collaboration at the Blue of a Kind shop in Milan. A union of intent that has led to a partnership initially born remotely, in the middle of the difficulties of recent years, finally set off through the live painting performance by Erik Varusio. The artist from Vicenza, well-known in the world of fashion and illustration, has customized a selection of Blue of a kind’s t-shirts using the sustainable Officina+39's Recycrom™ dyestuff.

Revolution of existing
Blue of a kind is meant to be not just a fashion company, rather a community built around an idea: to combine uncompromised style, contemporary fit and products with a valuable heritage, and a sustainable production process. The products are made exclusively from vintage products handcrafted with the use of scrap fabrics and surplus, thanks to a network of suppliers all over Europe, which makes it possible to find the best vintage garments and stock, ultimately becoming the raw material to lead a luxury revolution, chic yet sustainable.

Fashion and sustainable chemicals
The mission of Blue of a kind perfectly matches with the technologies of Officina+39, a Biella-based company for which the word “waste” becomes synonymous with opportunity, a source for creating something new, encouraging circularity and reducing environmental impact. From this vision comes to be Recycrom™, a revolutionary and sustainable dyestuffs range, patented, which employs recycled used clothing, fibrous material, and textile scraps: its full range of pigment powders is obtained through a cutting-edge upcycling process that involves textile fibers from used clothing and manufacturing waste for dyeing and printing on cotton, wool, nylon or any cellulosic and natural fiber or blend.

Shared goals
Both companies firmly believe that the present and future of the fashion industry lies in circularity and upcycling without compromise. The sector has been hit hard in recent years by the pandemic and the difficulty in finding raw materials, but opportunities have been generated to think about new partnerships and initiatives, to focus on available resources and real needs, and to invest in sustainable technologies for change.
Being part of this change is the goal shared by Blue of a kind and Officina+39, starting with concrete contributions and more transparent, sustainable, durable and quality products.


Officina+39 / Menabò Group

(c) Presize

Hohenstein und Presize kooperieren für mehr Nachhaltigkeit beim Online-Shopping

Gemeinsam bieten Passformspezialist Hohenstein und Digitalpionier Presize einen Rundum-Service an, der von der Größentabellenerstellung bis zur digitalen Skalierung für automatisierte Größenempfehlung im Online-Geschäft reicht. Die Kombination von klassischen Größentabellen, verlässlicher Passform und digitaler Körpermessung mit dem Smartphone senkt unter anderem Online-Retouren-Quoten, verbessert die Nachhaltigkeit und stärkt die Kundenbindung.

Gemeinsam bieten Passformspezialist Hohenstein und Digitalpionier Presize einen Rundum-Service an, der von der Größentabellenerstellung bis zur digitalen Skalierung für automatisierte Größenempfehlung im Online-Geschäft reicht. Die Kombination von klassischen Größentabellen, verlässlicher Passform und digitaler Körpermessung mit dem Smartphone senkt unter anderem Online-Retouren-Quoten, verbessert die Nachhaltigkeit und stärkt die Kundenbindung.

Je besser Größe, Passform und Zielgruppe definiert sind, desto genauer funktioniert die automatisierte Größenempfehlung. „Wir unterstützen Brands dabei, Größenkonformität und Passformharmonie über alle Artikel, Kollektionen und Lieferanten zu schaffen“, erklärt Simone Morlock, Head of Digital Fitting Lab bei Hohenstein. Ergänzt wird diese Beratung durch digitale Vermessung und die Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz. „Eine kurze Abfrage von Alter, Körpergröße und Gewicht plus optionale Videovermessung helfen dabei, die passende Größe basierend auf den individuellen Körpermaßen des Nutzers zu finden. Unser lernender Algorithmus verbessert die Größenberatung anschließend mit jeder Bestellung und jeder Retoure“, erläutert Co-Founder und CEO Leon Szeli von Presize.

Im kostenlosen Webinar „Hohenstein meets Prezize -Wie Größengrundlagen und eine verlässliche Passform die digitale Körpermessung via Smartphone noch effektiver machen und eCommerce-Retouren reduziert werden können“ am 16. März 2022 bieten die beiden Unternehmen gemeinsam die Möglichkeit, tiefer in das Thema einzusteigen.*
Auch am Thementag “Die Zukunft ist 3D”, der am 11. Mai 2022 von Hohenstein veranstaltet wird, wird Presize mit einem Vortrag zu Gast sein.

*Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.



(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures’ Group CEO recognized among Top 40 Power Players

The Group CEO of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been ranked 12th in the Top 40 Power Players 2022 list announced by the leading chemical market information provider, Independent Commodity Intelligence Services (ICIS). The ranking consists of global CEOs and senior executives who are making the greatest positive impact on their companies and the chemical industry.

This recognition recognises Aloke Lohia’s distinction in leading IVL towards a more sustainable  and purposeful future. He is spearheading IVL’s efforts to meet its sustainability objectives, including strengthening its circular economy and PET recycling initiatives. The company pledged $1.5 billion in investments to meet green targets, including a commitment to increase its global PET recycling capacity to 750,000 tons per year by 2025.

The Group CEO of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been ranked 12th in the Top 40 Power Players 2022 list announced by the leading chemical market information provider, Independent Commodity Intelligence Services (ICIS). The ranking consists of global CEOs and senior executives who are making the greatest positive impact on their companies and the chemical industry.

This recognition recognises Aloke Lohia’s distinction in leading IVL towards a more sustainable  and purposeful future. He is spearheading IVL’s efforts to meet its sustainability objectives, including strengthening its circular economy and PET recycling initiatives. The company pledged $1.5 billion in investments to meet green targets, including a commitment to increase its global PET recycling capacity to 750,000 tons per year by 2025.

In 2021, IVL announced it is building a facility in Karawang, Indonesia, to recycle almost 2 billion plastic bottles a year in support of the government’s plan to reduce ocean debris. The company also completed a new PNDA unit in Decatur, Alabama, USA, making it the world’s largest producer. IVL also agreed to acquire Brazil-based Oxiteno, a leading integrated surfactant producer.

The Top 40 Power Players list ranks leaders who demonstrate excellence and vision in the areas of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), innovation, M&A/portfolio management, projects, and profitability/shareholder value. The ICIS also revealed that ESG and sustainability have increasingly played more vital roles in this year’s ranking as they are clearly key components for future growth.

Danzig am Platz Frankfurt | Neonyt Installation (c) Mario Stumpf/Sascha Priesters
Puffer jacket by Timberland, bomber jacket; pants by People Berlin, top by Fade Out Label, bag by AA Gold, glasses by Mykita, rings by Mies Nobis and shoes by Embassy of Bricks and Logs as well as a vest by Embassy of Bricks and Logs

Premiere am Main: voller Erfolg für die Neonyt Installation

Auf ihrer Fashion Installation brachte die Neonyt am Dienstagabend, den 18. Januar 2022, die Modebranche erstmalig während der Frankfurt Fashion Week in der Mainmetropole zusammen. Die Gäste wurden Teil einer exklusiven Präsentation sorgfältig kuratierter Multi-Brand-Looks – immer unter dem Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Auf ihrer Fashion Installation brachte die Neonyt am Dienstagabend, den 18. Januar 2022, die Modebranche erstmalig während der Frankfurt Fashion Week in der Mainmetropole zusammen. Die Gäste wurden Teil einer exklusiven Präsentation sorgfältig kuratierter Multi-Brand-Looks – immer unter dem Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit.

Ein gelungener Auftakt: Am Dienstag, den 18.01.2022, feierte die Neonyt, Community-Plattform für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, um 17:30 Uhr ihr Debüt in der neuen Homebase Frankfurt am Main nach zwei Jahren coronabedingter Pause. Im Zuge der Frankfurt Fashion Week (FFW) wurde das Atelier Lihotzky im Danzig am Platz im Frankfurter Ostend zur Bühne. Supported wurde das Event von der Naturkosmetik-Brand Dr. Hauschka. Rhein-Main Lokalkolorit: Fashion People und Nachhaltigkeitsprofis, Brancheninsider*innen sowie Stakeholder*innen aus Politik und Medien kamen unter den aktuell geltenden Corona-Regeln zusammen, um sich von den neusten Trends in Sachen nachhaltiger Mode inspirieren zu lassen und sich endlich wieder persönlich zu begegnen, auszutauschen und miteinander zu connecten. Independent- und Newcomer-Label trafen auf etablierte Marken und Designer*innen-Pieces, die an dreizehn Models in stylisch kuratierten Multi-Brand-Looks künstlerisch in Szene gesetzt wurden.

„Endlich wieder zusammenkommen, endlich wieder Sustainable Fashion live und in Farbe erleben – darauf haben wir lange gewartet. Und was soll ich sagen, unsere Erwartungen wurden übertroffen: die erste Neonyt Installation war ein voller Erfolg. Von den teilnehmenden Brands, über das künstlerische Konzept, das Publikum und unsere Location – es hat einfach alles gestimmt. Vor allem freue ich mich, dass wir der Branche nach einer langen Pause wieder einen Treffpunkt zum inspirieren und connecten bieten konnten, wenn auch in einem kleineren Rahmen“, sagt Bettina Bär, Show Director Neonyt. „Nach diesem Auftakt in unserem neuen Zuhause Frankfurt bin ich mir sicher: Das war ein guter Anfang. Im Sommer werden wir mit der Neonyt endlich in vollem Umfang ein wichtiges Zeichen für die Transformation der internationalen Modeindustrie aus unserer Heimatstadt senden – ich kann es kaum erwarten.“

Immer im Blick der Installation: die Fokusthemen Air, Water, Circularity und Social. Schon in den vergangenen Saisons haben Water & Air eine zentrale Bedeutung für die Neonyt gehabt. Darüber hinaus wurde Circularity als eines der Zukunftsthemen der Branche ausgewählt und mit Social ein besonderer Fokus auf die Menschen gelegt, die in den Wertschöpfungsketten arbeiten. Mehr als nur Fashion: Die Inhalte der Fashion Präsentation sind über die visuelle Komponente hinausgegangen, so wurde die künstlerische Inszenierung von Audio- und Soundaufnahmen zu Fakten und Fragen rund um Sustainable Fashion untermalt und mit großformatigen Hintergründen gestützt.

Archroma and Jeanologia Launch Eco-conscious Denim Cleaning (c) Archroma
Archroma and Jeanologia launch an eco-advanced alternative to the denim cleaning process, one of the most water intensive and pollutant processes of denim fabric finishing.

Archroma and Jeanologia Launch Eco-conscious Denim Cleaning

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Jeanologia, a world leader in sustainable and efficient technology development, joined forces to launch an eco-advanced alternative to the denim fabric washing process, including in some cases the mercerization, one of the most water-intensive and pollutant processes of denim fabric finishing.

It all starts with the spinning step where the cotton is turned into yarn. The second step is a pretreatment that will prepare the yarn for the dyeing step. The dyed yarn then goes through the sizing process, which is a treatment preparing it for weaving. At this stage, we have obtained a denim fabric that will go through a few more steps. First, the fabric may undergo a washing treatment or, in some cases, mercerizing treatment which consists of treating it with caustic soda in order to obtain a more lustrous, flat and less reddish blue and black denim.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, and Jeanologia, a world leader in sustainable and efficient technology development, joined forces to launch an eco-advanced alternative to the denim fabric washing process, including in some cases the mercerization, one of the most water-intensive and pollutant processes of denim fabric finishing.

It all starts with the spinning step where the cotton is turned into yarn. The second step is a pretreatment that will prepare the yarn for the dyeing step. The dyed yarn then goes through the sizing process, which is a treatment preparing it for weaving. At this stage, we have obtained a denim fabric that will go through a few more steps. First, the fabric may undergo a washing treatment or, in some cases, mercerizing treatment which consists of treating it with caustic soda in order to obtain a more lustrous, flat and less reddish blue and black denim.

In both traditional ways to clean the fabric, washing or mercerizing, multiple highly water intensive washings are required in order to restore optimal fabric pH and remove unfixed dyestuff and any undesired deposits or impurities from the fabric. One of such impurities released in the washing process is aniline, a substance that is classified as a category 2 carcinogen and considered toxic to aquatic life.

That is why Archroma and Jeanologia decided to team up and develop an alternative to the traditional fabric cleaning process and its subsequent water-intensive and water-polluting washings.

  • The breakthrough alternative to the fabric cleaning concept presented by Jeanologia and Archroma combines the use of the aniline-free* PURE INDIGO ICON dyeing system of Archroma, and the water-free** and chemical-free “G2 Dynamic“ finishing technology of Jeanologia.
  • The Archroma/Jeanologia solution allows to create aniline-free* denim, and improve the final aspect of the fabric through a fully chemical-free and almost water-free** cleaning alternative treatment.
  • The Archroma/Jeanologia solution can also be used with additional Archroma coloration systems such as INDIGO REFLECTION or PURE UNDERTONES.

Umberto Devita, Business Development Manager at Archroma’s Competence Center for Denim & Casual Wear, who was the project leader for this new development, comments: “At Archroma, we strive to develop solutions in line with our principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. It was therefore very inspiring to work with a partner who shares the same values of developing efficient new processes to bring all know-how to our customers to maximize value – for denim that looks as good as the good it creates.”

For Jean-Pierre Inchauspe, Business Director of G2 Dynamic at Jeanologia, “this association is another step to change traditional, more polluting and water consuming processes in the textile industry for new ones using technology, improving, and boosting subsequent production stages up to the finishing of the garment, making them more efficient and allowing companies to be more competitive, increase productivity and offer a product that is completely sustainable with high quality.”



(c) nova-Institut GmbH

International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022 presents final program

The final program will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

You can expect to see the “Top 6” candidates of the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022” in Cologne. For the second time, the innovation award will be granted to the innovative cellulose fibre industry for developing new technologies and applications. All producers and inventors along the entire value chain from feedstock to the final product are invited to join the competition. The Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022 Award will be voted for by conference delegates as well as online participants on the afternoon of 2 February.

The final program will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

You can expect to see the “Top 6” candidates of the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022” in Cologne. For the second time, the innovation award will be granted to the innovative cellulose fibre industry for developing new technologies and applications. All producers and inventors along the entire value chain from feedstock to the final product are invited to join the competition. The Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022 Award will be voted for by conference delegates as well as online participants on the afternoon of 2 February.

The internationality of this Cellulose Fibres gathering is reflected in its colourful line-up of international speakers. 42 speakers from 12 countries will demonstrate the differences in regional development paths and their transferability to other areas.

You can view the final program here.


nova-Institut GmbH


Indorama Ventures’ Hygiene Division achieves ISCC Plus Certification

The Hygiene Division of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) is pleased to announce that two of its manufacturing sites have achieved International Sustainability Carbon Certification Plus Certification.

FiberVisions’ Varde site in Denmark, a polypropylene fiber producer, and Avgol’s Uzlovaya site in Russia, a spunlaid nonwovens producer, satisfied audits related to traceability and the reasonable use of biomaterials.

Shachar Rachim, CEO, IVL Hygiene Division, part of IVL’s Fibers business segment, said: “This accreditation underscores our commitment to support our customers to achieve their carbon dioxide reduction targets through using carbon neutral fibers. The certification is assurance that our nonwoven fabrics and fibers meet all the ISCC’s demanding standards for recycled-renewable materials. Our certified facilities can trace the product’s composition through the supply chain, without needing to requalify the materials.”

The Hygiene Division of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) is pleased to announce that two of its manufacturing sites have achieved International Sustainability Carbon Certification Plus Certification.

FiberVisions’ Varde site in Denmark, a polypropylene fiber producer, and Avgol’s Uzlovaya site in Russia, a spunlaid nonwovens producer, satisfied audits related to traceability and the reasonable use of biomaterials.

Shachar Rachim, CEO, IVL Hygiene Division, part of IVL’s Fibers business segment, said: “This accreditation underscores our commitment to support our customers to achieve their carbon dioxide reduction targets through using carbon neutral fibers. The certification is assurance that our nonwoven fabrics and fibers meet all the ISCC’s demanding standards for recycled-renewable materials. Our certified facilities can trace the product’s composition through the supply chain, without needing to requalify the materials.”

IVL expects that the ISCC Plus certification of these two sites will be followed by similar certifications at other manufacturing plants. A broad portfolio of technologies is being developed to address how component materials interact with the environment to improve recyclability, reduce raw material consumption, and minimize the impact of fugitive wastes.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Frankfurt Fashion Week eröffnet: Zahlreiche Events in der City

„Jetzt ist Frankfurt wieder die Modehauptstadt Deutschlands“, freut sich Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann. „Denn die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet heute mit einer fünftägigen Event-Reihe. Fashion-Shows, Diskussionsforen und Ausstellungen – Branchenführer*innen, Modeschöpfer*innen und Fashioninteressierte kommen bis einschließlich Freitag bei zahlreichen Events in der City zusammen, um sich auszutauschen, zu netzwerken und Zukunftsvisionen zu teilen.“

Erstmals physische Events und Live-Streaming
Das Programm der FFW wird im coronakonformen und limiterten Umfang in der Stadt sowie online ausgetragen. Zu den Programm-Highlights zählt die Neonyt Installation im Danzig am Platz, die am Dienstag ab 17.30 Uhr kuratierte Looks nachhaltiger Brands zeigt und live im FFW Studio übertragen wird. Geladene Gäste erleben Einblicke in die neuen Kollektionen und tauschen sich zum Thema Fair Fashion aus. Key Topics der Installation: Circularity, Social, Water und Air.

„Jetzt ist Frankfurt wieder die Modehauptstadt Deutschlands“, freut sich Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann. „Denn die Frankfurt Fashion Week startet heute mit einer fünftägigen Event-Reihe. Fashion-Shows, Diskussionsforen und Ausstellungen – Branchenführer*innen, Modeschöpfer*innen und Fashioninteressierte kommen bis einschließlich Freitag bei zahlreichen Events in der City zusammen, um sich auszutauschen, zu netzwerken und Zukunftsvisionen zu teilen.“

Erstmals physische Events und Live-Streaming
Das Programm der FFW wird im coronakonformen und limiterten Umfang in der Stadt sowie online ausgetragen. Zu den Programm-Highlights zählt die Neonyt Installation im Danzig am Platz, die am Dienstag ab 17.30 Uhr kuratierte Looks nachhaltiger Brands zeigt und live im FFW Studio übertragen wird. Geladene Gäste erleben Einblicke in die neuen Kollektionen und tauschen sich zum Thema Fair Fashion aus. Key Topics der Installation: Circularity, Social, Water und Air.

Direkt danach geht es im Programm mit der Frankfurt Stage Fashion Show weiter – einer kollektiven Fashion Show von Susumu Ai und anderen Mitglieder*innen des Fashion Councils Germany. Die Show wird ebenfalls live im FFW Studio übertragen. Am Dienstag präsentiert zudem die TextilWirtschaft, die führende Fachzeitschrift für Textilien und Mode, ihre TW Trend-Info Womens- & Menswear und zeigt damit die Neuheiten zur kommenden Saison auf – ebenfalls live im FFW Studio. Am Mittwoch diskutieren hochkarätige Gäste auf der Fashionsustain Frankfurt City Edition, einem Ableger des internationalen Neonyt Konferenzformats. Die Fashionsustain ist im Danzig am Platz zu Gast und wird live im FFW Studio übertragen. Von 11 bis 14 Uhr werden Themen wie Textilsiegel, Recycling, Nachhaltigkeitswissen für den Handel, Belebung von Innenstädten sowie die Kluft zwischen Wunsch nach Nachhaltigkeit und tatsächlichem Konsumverhalten (Attitude-Behaviour-Gap) beleuchtet.

Digitale Impulse
On-demand, zentral, zeitgemäß: Auch in der Wintersaison wartet die Frankfurt Fashion Week wieder mit einem digitalen Space für alle Modeenthusiast*innen auf – dem FFW Studio. Das Programm wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus der Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt und richtet sich mit exklusiven Inhalten zu den Leitmotiven Sustainability und Digitisation an alle, die gemeinsam an der Transformation der Branche mitwirken wollen. Unter anderem mit dabei sind Republiqe, die Pioniere im Bereich der Digital Fashion, das Digital Fashion Design-Studio 3mbassy aus Köln, Verstiare Collective, der Online Secondhandshop für Luxusmode, Nachwuchsdesigner wie Alisa Menkhaus und ihre Brand Susumu Ai und fair Fashion Brands wie Broken Planet Market aus Großbritannien.

Zahlreiche Official Side Events in der City
Weitere Höhepunkte der FFW im Januar: die Events in der City, organisiert von Frankfurter Kreativen und Modeschaffenden. Die ganze Woche über – und noch darüber hinaus – werden Veranstaltungen zu den Themen Fashion, Arts and Culture organisiert. Im Rahmen der AAAREA Eventreihe gibt es Fotoausstellungen in der gesamten Stadt – von Nachwuchsfotograf*innen ebenso wie von Starfotografen wie dem Frankfurter Helmut Fricke. Im Polestar-Space präsentiert Christine Fehrenbach nachhaltige Modelabels aus Hessen und organisiert Talks und Diskussionsrunden.

Außerdem finden offizielle Side Events in ganz Frankfurt statt. Darunter: Runwayshows und Paneltalks im Sofitel Frankfurt Opera, organisiert von der Frankfurt Fashion Lounge, Nachhaltigkeits-Ausstellungen in Bockenheimer Stores, Fashion Talk des lokalen Designers Samuel Gärtner und Podiumsdiskussionen mit Handel und Industrie im Haus am Dom.


Messe Frankfurt GmbH