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19 Ergebnisse

Drupa: touchpoint textile zeigt Textildrucklösungen

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Digital Textile Micro Factory: On-Demand und virtuelle Produkte – auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion
Gemeinsam mit 12 Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung zeigt das DITF live auf der drupa eine Digital Textile Micro Factory und damit eine voll vernetzte integrierte Prozesskette vom Design bis zum fertigen Produkt. Diese präsentiert neue Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und direkten Kundeneinbindung, etwa in Form von 3D-Bekleidungssimulationen mit Vernetzung zu Design-Netzwerken für den kreativen Input. Digitale Workflows und virtuelle Produkte werden direkt in den Produktionsprozess integriert. Die Technologiepartner zeigen in der Microfactory eine automatisierte on-demand Fertigung, Textildruck, Zuschnitt und Absortieren – ohne manuelle Interaktion. Solche verteilten und digital vernetzten Design- und Produktionsketten werden es der Textilindustrie ermöglichen, in Zukunft gezielter auf Kundenwünsche und Trends zu reagieren: eine Zukunft ohne Ladenhüter. Für den gesamten Prozess von der virtuellen Entwicklung bis zum fertigen Produkt wird zudem der Carbon Footprint erstellt und auf der Messe dargestellt.

Erstmals wird 2024 der Design-Wettbewerb "drupa - textile design talents" stattfinden. Dieser wurde vom DITF konzipiert und durch den Partner Mitwill umgesetzt. Angehenden Textildesignern und Newcomern bietet sich dadurch die Chance, Ideen und Visionen einem professionellen Publikum zu präsentieren.

Unterstützung aus der Branche
Partner der Microfactory sind die Firmen Assyst/Deutschland (3-D Simulation digitaler Zwilling Bekleidung), Mitwill Textiles Europe/Frankreich (Kreatives Design-Netzwerk), D.G.I. Digital Graphics Incorporation/Südkorea, Multi-Plot Europe/Deutschland (großformatiger Textildruck), LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung/Deutschland, Zünd/Schweiz (digitaler Zuschnitt)/, robotfactory/Dänemark, Asco/Niederlande (mit einer innovativen Pufferlösung als Verbindung zwischen Digitaldruck und Zuschnitt, automatisiertes Absortieren der Zuschnittteile vom Cutter durch robotfactory) sowie Brother/Japan (für kleinformatigen Textildruck und Klebetechnologie). Als Sponsoren unterstützen Vaude und berger textiles den touchpoint. Weiterer wichtiger Partner ist die Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, die das Projekt konzeptionell unterstützt und sich den klaren Auftrag gegeben hat, diese neuen Themen in den Lehrplan zu integrieren. So werden die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen von morgen auf die neuen Herausforderungen vorbereitet.

Als weiterer Partner des touchpoint textile ist die European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA) für das Vortragsprogramm verantwortlich. ESMA vertritt den industriellen, funktionellen und Spezialdruck und organisiert Bildungsveranstaltungen im Bereich Textildruck. Auf der drupa behandeln Referentinnen und Referenten aus Forschung, Entwicklung und Industrie unter anderem Fragen zu Druck- und Veredelungstechnologien, Workflows, Marktentwicklungen oder Nachhaltigkeit. Im Fokus stehen auch Trends und Anwendungen, die durch das Zusammenspiel von Digitaldruck und textilen Bedruckstoffen immer neue Potenziale erschließen. Die Vorträge gliedern sich in die Themenbereiche Research, Finishing, Print Systems & Hardware, Substrates, Inks & Chemistry und Software & Electronics. So hält zum Beispiel Assyst Vorträge über virtuelle Entwicklung von Bekleidung sowie das Forschungsprojekt ECOShoring, das durch die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU gefördert wird, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf On Demand und individualisierte und nachhaltige Fertigung. Adobe, Balta Group, Barbieri Electronic, Brother, Centexbel, CST, DITF, Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems, HS Albsig, Kornit Digital, Meteor Inkjet, Mimaki, Mitwill, Multiplot, Print-Rite, RWTH Aachen, Seiko Instruments, Tiger Coatings, Xaar und Zünd stellen ebenfalls hochkarätige Speaker für das Konferenzprogramm. Die Liste wird fortlaufend ergänzt.

Die drupa findet vom 28. Mai bis 7. Juni 2024 auf dem Düsseldorfer Messegelände statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

Hologenix: CELLIANT® as a printed coating (c) Hologenix

Hologenix: CELLIANT® as a printed coating

Hologenix has announced that its flagship product CELLIANT® infrared (IR) technology, a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, is now more widely available from the company as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology and increasing the number of prospective partners. The innovation has already been named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulations Category of the ISPO Textrends Awards just last month.

Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers and yarns. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be easily added directly onto the surface of all different fabric types. The company is particularly energized about how this expands the array of sustainable offerings that CELLIANT can be incorporated into, and is looking forward to partnering with brands to print CELLIANT on their ecofriendly fabrics. CELLIANT Print may be a cost-effective alternative to in-yarn solutions and allows for a more efficient supply chain.

Hologenix has announced that its flagship product CELLIANT® infrared (IR) technology, a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, is now more widely available from the company as a printed coating, expanding the uses of the technology and increasing the number of prospective partners. The innovation has already been named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulations Category of the ISPO Textrends Awards just last month.

Traditionally, CELLIANT has been embedded directly into fibers and yarns. However, for its print applications, CELLIANT fine mineral powder can be easily added directly onto the surface of all different fabric types. The company is particularly energized about how this expands the array of sustainable offerings that CELLIANT can be incorporated into, and is looking forward to partnering with brands to print CELLIANT on their ecofriendly fabrics. CELLIANT Print may be a cost-effective alternative to in-yarn solutions and allows for a more efficient supply chain.

fabrics or to a new fabric to create a variety of different product applications. For brands who are seeking a smaller pattern roller for apparel, orthopedic products or other close-to-skin projects, CELLIANT Print can accommodate this. There is also a larger pattern roller for bedding and larger-scale applications. As long as the print covers 80% of the fabric’s surface, the design possibilities for the print itself are virtually endless. CELLIANT Print has undergone mechanical testing for wash tests and can be confirmed to last the useful life of the product, for 50+ washes.

By applying CELLIANT Print directly onto the fabric, brand partners are able to use CELLIANT with a higher loading of bioceramic minerals than what would otherwise be possible with an in-yarn solution. This makes it ideal for recovery and performance purposes. In fact, an example of a CELLIANT Print application on kinesiology tape, KT Tape® PRO Oxygen™ was launched in April to great success.


Hologenix, LLC


Dow: Advanced silicone ink for printing especially on highly elastic garments

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

Designed for an increased matte effect and improved hand feel, the patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M offers excellent wash durability, high elongation, very soft low tack touch and avoids the “orange peel effect” on cotton substrates. Additionally, SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M enables safer textile development with its ability to be formulated without the use of PVC, phthalates, solvents, organotins and formaldehyde.

Neue EFI Fiery Platform für Produktionsdruck (c) EFI

Neue EFI Fiery Platform für Produktionsdruck

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. kündigte den neuesten und zukunftsweisendsten Schritt für die Serverlösung mit digitalem Front-End (DFE) für den Digitaldruck an – die neue EFI™ Fiery® FS500 Pro Plattform. Der Fiery FS500 Pro hilft Druckdienstleistern, die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich durch kleinere Auflagen, kürzere Bearbeitungszeiten, weniger erfahrene Mitarbeiter, höhere Sicherheitsstandards und die Notwendigkeit von Kosteneinsparungen stellen müssen, zu meistern. Die neue Fiery Plattform für das digitale Front-End bringt Innovationen in zahlreiche neue, hochmoderne Digitaldrucker für den Bürobedarfs-, Akzidenz-, Betriebs-, Verpackungs- und Textildruck.  

Die Fiery FS500 Pro Plattform zeichnet sich durch fünf Innovationen aus:

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. kündigte den neuesten und zukunftsweisendsten Schritt für die Serverlösung mit digitalem Front-End (DFE) für den Digitaldruck an – die neue EFI™ Fiery® FS500 Pro Plattform. Der Fiery FS500 Pro hilft Druckdienstleistern, die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich durch kleinere Auflagen, kürzere Bearbeitungszeiten, weniger erfahrene Mitarbeiter, höhere Sicherheitsstandards und die Notwendigkeit von Kosteneinsparungen stellen müssen, zu meistern. Die neue Fiery Plattform für das digitale Front-End bringt Innovationen in zahlreiche neue, hochmoderne Digitaldrucker für den Bürobedarfs-, Akzidenz-, Betriebs-, Verpackungs- und Textildruck.  

Die Fiery FS500 Pro Plattform zeichnet sich durch fünf Innovationen aus:

  • Schnellere Verarbeitung von Druckaufträgen. Druckdienstleister profitieren von einer schnelleren Auftragsverarbeitung und einer bis zu 40 % schnelleren Anwendungsstartzeit und können so mehr Aufträge pro Schicht produzieren.
  • Kürzere Bearbeitungszeit bei Kleinauflagen. In Druckereien mit hohem Durchsatz beschleunigen die erweiterten Funktionen von Fiery die Verwaltung und Produktion von Druckaufträgen.
  • Mehr verkaufsfähige Drucke, weniger Ausschuss. Der Fiery FS500 Pro verfügt über mehr Tools zur Erkennung potenzieller Fehler in Dateien, was sowohl die Produktionszeit als auch den Ausschuss reduziert.
  • Präzisere Markenfarben. Eine neue Lösung mit Fiery TrueBrand für Anwender in Unternehmen erleichtert den präzisen Druck von Markenfarben aus Microsoft Word oder PowerPoint.
  • Verbesserte Sicherheit. Fiery FS500 Pro bietet neue Funktionen für Hochsicherheitsumgebungen, die die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsanforderungen der Kunden und von Branchenstandards gewährleisten.



Baldwin brings new connected technology to FEFCO Technical Seminar

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its new portfolio of optimized LED-UV curing, IRdrying and automated cleaning solutions—all specifically designed for corrugated high-graphics printers—at the European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO) Technical Seminar, held October 20 to 22 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Baldwin’s FlexoCleanerBrush™ removes hickeys in four seconds and can clean plates within three to four minutes, increasing print quality and providing a cleaner, safer work environment. This automated cleaner removes fibers, debris and fine lines from printing plates at the beginning, during or at the end of a job, allowing printers to achieve optimal quality with minimal downtime—Baldwin has a proven track record of enabling significant productivity improvements for its long list of customers. Designed to replace all manual activities, this cleaning system eliminates skin contact with wash agents, increasing workers’ safety.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its new portfolio of optimized LED-UV curing, IRdrying and automated cleaning solutions—all specifically designed for corrugated high-graphics printers—at the European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO) Technical Seminar, held October 20 to 22 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Baldwin’s FlexoCleanerBrush™ removes hickeys in four seconds and can clean plates within three to four minutes, increasing print quality and providing a cleaner, safer work environment. This automated cleaner removes fibers, debris and fine lines from printing plates at the beginning, during or at the end of a job, allowing printers to achieve optimal quality with minimal downtime—Baldwin has a proven track record of enabling significant productivity improvements for its long list of customers. Designed to replace all manual activities, this cleaning system eliminates skin contact with wash agents, increasing workers’ safety.

For wide-format flexo corrugated box printing, Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV has engineered CorruCure™, a new generation of LEDUV technology that offers more than a 60% reduction in power consumption in an ultra-compact UV lamp head. This revolutionary solid-state curing system, designed specifically for corrugated LED printing, emits almost no heat or ozone, and accommodates width-switching. It also enables the curing of high-value decorative solutions, such as full-gloss, spot and matte coating effects on a variety of corrugated substrates, making it the ideal addition for product enhancement.

Lastly, Baldwin’s FlexoDry2™ infrared dryer, developed for corrugated flexo printing presses, utilizes patented Diamond IR lamps capable of reducing energy consumption by up to 30%, when compared to traditional IR dryers with aluminum or gold reflectors. Dramatically improved drying enhances color definition, and reduces or eliminates marking, while allowing full-speed printing. The system offers an optional integrated hot-air knife with temperature control to provide better surface drying. Taking safety into consideration, the FlexoDry2 comes with an integrated safety light curtain as standard and an optional camera vision system.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Iluna Group brings to Milano Unica a new generation of responsible quality (c) ILUNA Group

Iluna Group brings to Milano Unica a new generation of responsible quality

Iluna Group comes back to Milano Unica with a great and important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability by going beyond the ingredient.

Iluna’s new path, which was born in a moment when the market seems to speak about “fragility”, begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly ever higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. Including cord yarn, shiny threads and an expansion of the range of GRS yarns, previously available only opaque. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

Iluna Group comes back to Milano Unica with a great and important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability by going beyond the ingredient.

Iluna’s new path, which was born in a moment when the market seems to speak about “fragility”, begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly ever higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. Including cord yarn, shiny threads and an expansion of the range of GRS yarns, previously available only opaque. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

The printing processes are also born from this constant search for innovation towards new materials and new techniques, becoming more and more sustainable: Global Recycle Standard (GRS)-certified sublimation printing and register printing carrying Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification. This one overlap exactly on the design and color the details, reaching where the dye cannot reach.

Diversification has become essential in today’s competitive market and the fragility of the moments experienced in 2020 was the stimulus to return to being here again, to return to action. Flexibility is the watchword today, along with research. And Iluna has managed to go further: starting from the ingredients at the base of the materials, last year launched a collection with natural dyes made with GOTS certified plant-based dyes, up to proposing magnificent prints with extraordinary effects for this edition of the Milanese fair.

The three dimensions of sustainability, design and innovation are thus finally linked thanks to valuable partnerships with expert and excellent reference companies that have allowed these new developments and these unique results thanks to advanced technologies designed specifically for Iluna, which is today the only company to offer ingredients, natural colors and prints, all three strictly certified.


ILUNA Group / GB Network


The EFI Reggiani BOLT delivers higher Image Quality

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. has enhanced its fastest digital textile printer, the EFI™ Reggiani BOLT. The upgrade is a combination of hardware and software enhancements that will minimise artefacts, compensating for missing nozzles that may occur over time and enhancing uniformity to deliver smoother solid colours. The upgrade also delivers improved quality and smoother gradients, plus it enables faster printhead replacement and drastically increases file processing speed by up to 200% for large, complex files.

Now available globally, the EFI Reggiani BOLT upgrade features hardware and software enhancements for improved overall performance, printing quality, uniformity, and increased user friendliness including:

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. has enhanced its fastest digital textile printer, the EFI™ Reggiani BOLT. The upgrade is a combination of hardware and software enhancements that will minimise artefacts, compensating for missing nozzles that may occur over time and enhancing uniformity to deliver smoother solid colours. The upgrade also delivers improved quality and smoother gradients, plus it enables faster printhead replacement and drastically increases file processing speed by up to 200% for large, complex files.

Now available globally, the EFI Reggiani BOLT upgrade features hardware and software enhancements for improved overall performance, printing quality, uniformity, and increased user friendliness including:

  • Nozzle out and uniformity compensation features that improve solid colour appearance and enhance overall printing quality
  • Increased performance and improved processing speed for large, complex files
  • Integration of a new digital camera that both provides for precise and consistent print results and shortens the time for print head replacement and alignment
  • An enhanced user interface – based on EFI Fiery Command WorkStation® 6.0 – that is easier to use
  • Fiery Smart Ink Estimator, a key tool to help determine job profitability based on accurate calculation of ink costs prior to printing.

EFI Reggiani feiert 75 Jahre in der Welt der Textilien

Dieses Jahr feiert EFI™ Reggiani 75 Jahre Erfahrung, Innovation und Glamour in der Welt der Textilien. Im Zuge der Feierlichkeiten zum Jubiläum gibt der Pionier im Bereich der Textiltechnologie die baldige Markteinführung drei neuer, hochmoderner Textil-Digitaldrucker bekannt.

Das Unternehmen wurde von Reggiani Tessile – einem der größten Textilhersteller Italiens – gegründet, um die eigenen Bedürfnisse im Bereich der Maschinenentwicklung zu decken. Das damals noch als Reggiani Macchine bekannte Unternehmen konnte dank fortwährender Produktinnovation und engen Kundenbeziehungen über fünf Jahrzehnte hinweg ein enormes Wachstum verzeichnen.

Dieses Jahr feiert EFI™ Reggiani 75 Jahre Erfahrung, Innovation und Glamour in der Welt der Textilien. Im Zuge der Feierlichkeiten zum Jubiläum gibt der Pionier im Bereich der Textiltechnologie die baldige Markteinführung drei neuer, hochmoderner Textil-Digitaldrucker bekannt.

Das Unternehmen wurde von Reggiani Tessile – einem der größten Textilhersteller Italiens – gegründet, um die eigenen Bedürfnisse im Bereich der Maschinenentwicklung zu decken. Das damals noch als Reggiani Macchine bekannte Unternehmen konnte dank fortwährender Produktinnovation und engen Kundenbeziehungen über fünf Jahrzehnte hinweg ein enormes Wachstum verzeichnen.

Von der Herstellung seines ersten konventionellen Druckers bis hin zu den jüngsten technologischen Innovationen hat EFI Reggiani mit seiner Tradition und seiner Hingabe für die eigenen Produkte zur globalen Transformation des Textilmarkts beigetragen. Die Lösungen von EFI Reggiani werden in allen großen Textilherstellungszentren auf der ganzen Welt für qualitativ hochwertige Arbeitsabläufe mit hoher Produktivität eingesetzt. Neue Innovationen von EFI Reggiani tragen auch dazu bei, die industrielle Textilherstellung breiter zu streuen und lokaler zu gestalten, um diese in neuen geografischen Märkten näher zum Endkunden zu verlagern.

Im wachsenden industriellen Einstiegssegment des Marktes stärkt EFI Reggiani sein Multi-Pass-Angebot durch die Einführung von zwei neuen Druckern mit Scanner, mit denen seine Kunden näher am Endkunden produzieren können. Mit den beiden Druckern mit Scanfunktion, die EFI Reggiani 2021 auf den Markt bringt, werden neue Kunden ihre ersten Schritte in der Welt des industriellen Textil-Digitaldrucks unternehmen können.

Weitere Informationen:
EFI Reggiani EFI Textildrucker Digitaldruck


Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Todd Zimmerman Joins EFI as VP and GM for Display Graphics  (c) EFI
Todd Zimmermann, Vice President and General Manager for Display Graphics

Todd Zimmerman Joins EFI as VP and GM for Display Graphics

Todd Zimmerman, a long-time graphic arts executive with a strong track record of growing advanced technology initiatives in print, has joined Electronics For Imaging, Inc. as its new vice president and general manager, Display Graphics.

He comes to EFI™ from Fujifilm® USA, where he spent a decade and a half in a variety of executive roles, most recently as division president and corporate VP of Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems. Prior to joining Fujifilm, Zimmerman worked in sales with Kodak Polychrome Graphics.

Zimmerman assumes his new role at a time when many EFI customers are growing their businesses to meet recovery-fuelled, post-pandemic business needs, especially in key application areas, such as point-of-purchase graphics, tradeshow and event signage, and environmental graphics and décor. As print businesses regain their momentum, Zimmerman will lead EFI’s largest inkjet business segment, a Display Graphics business that is among the world’s largest developers of superwide-format UV LED and dye-sublimation inkjet printers and inks.


Todd Zimmerman, a long-time graphic arts executive with a strong track record of growing advanced technology initiatives in print, has joined Electronics For Imaging, Inc. as its new vice president and general manager, Display Graphics.

He comes to EFI™ from Fujifilm® USA, where he spent a decade and a half in a variety of executive roles, most recently as division president and corporate VP of Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems. Prior to joining Fujifilm, Zimmerman worked in sales with Kodak Polychrome Graphics.

Zimmerman assumes his new role at a time when many EFI customers are growing their businesses to meet recovery-fuelled, post-pandemic business needs, especially in key application areas, such as point-of-purchase graphics, tradeshow and event signage, and environmental graphics and décor. As print businesses regain their momentum, Zimmerman will lead EFI’s largest inkjet business segment, a Display Graphics business that is among the world’s largest developers of superwide-format UV LED and dye-sublimation inkjet printers and inks.




Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Introducing Kornit Atlas MAX and ActiveLoad Automation
Kornit also debuted the ActiveLoad Automation technology, a new robotic system to significantly ease the burden of manual and labor-intensive media handling in the textile decoration industry. This increases total output per shift while ensuring minimal downtime and exceptional reliability. The new patent pending ActiveLoad Automation technology ensures continuous production and consistency, while decreasing human error and fatigue, regardless of employee experience and training, for ultimate results and best operational efficiency.

The first product with MAX technology is now commercially available in the Kornit Atlas MAX, a carbon-neutral, industrial-scale DTG production system, providing unsurpassed retail quality, exceptional color-matching capabilities, and a wide, vivid color gamut, with exceptional durability. The Atlas MAX is delivered with the new XDi technology built in, for 3D printing capabilities.


Brodelec uses Direct-To-Fabric Printing with Kornit Digital Printing Technology

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

He continues: "The Kornit Presto S has allowed us to bring our latest project to life: the creation of a website entirely dedicated to ordering custom masks. Thanks to an online editor and our 200 models, our customers can order their masks in quantities ranging from 1 to several thousand pieces if necessary. As the Kornit Presto is free of certain technical and chemical constraints and has adapted perfectly to Brodelec's workflow system; we are currently printing more than 10,000 masks per week and can respond to requests within extremely short deadlines while guaranteeing quality and sharpness of detail. The masks meet the recommendations of the AFNOR and are designed with a fabric that filters out particles in the air by over 90%! Therefore, the designed and printed fabric masks are designated as category 1 and meet the UNS1 standards. They are distributed after testing for 60 washes."

Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends (c) Baldwin

Baldwin’s podcast explores printing and industrial process automation trends

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has launched Unlocking Potential, a new podcast series that covers the latest trends, innovations and technologies in key industries—from packaging and converting, to security printing, textile production, film extrusion and more.

The first episode debuted February 1, and it shares the history and evolution of Baldwin, which recently marked 100 years of innovation. Episode 2 features a conversation with Baldwin experts about security printing advancements.

“We are excited to introduce this opportunity to share ideas, insights and educational content with customers, partners and associates around the world,” said Baldwin’s Chief Marketing and IoT Officer Steve Metcalf, who joined Chief Commercial Officer and longtime Baldwin team member Peter Hultberg on the inaugural episode. “In a time when traditional trade shows and conferences are being reimagined, podcasting provides a familiar platform for us to be conversational again.”

Future episodes will delve into the latest in curing technology for specialized manufacturing applications, the transformation of cleaning processes and consumables for printing, and other topics, as markets and industries continue to evolve.



(c) Kornit Digital

Creazioni Digitali Implements Kornit Presto S

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

“We believe eco-friendly, pigment-based printing offers a wealth of possibilities for high fashion, and selected the Kornit Presto S based on its ability to deliver brilliant, high-quality imagery using the broadest color gamut, without need for pre- and post-treatments,” says Roberto Lucini, Owner and CEO of Creazioni Digitali. “We intend to grow our business as brands see what this technology can do, with the old calculations of quality versus responsible production practices giving way to a new landscape in which you can truly have both. This installation is one of more to come.”

Rafa's Textiles Grows On-Demand Production Business with Kornit Digital (c) Kornit Digital

Rafa's Textiles Grows On-Demand Production Business with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digitala announced Valencia, Spain-based Rafa’s Textiles has acquired a third Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for single-step, on-demand direct-to-garment (DTG) digital production, spurred by business growth resulting from increased e-commerce engagement in the past year.

Rafa’s Textiles personalizes t-shirts and all kinds of clothing with screen printing, direct (digital) printing, silkscreen transfer, sublimation, and embroidery, serving European-based B2B clients who sell via web stores, both integrated with Amazon and independently. There are no colour limitations, and handfeel and durability are retail-quality. On a typical day, they will handle 200-300 print-on-demand orders, though those numbers spike with key holidays; this past Christmas, for example, saw a peak of 1,300 orders in a single day. Regardless of volume, with digital production capabilities in house, these orders are printed individually within 24 hours and shipped directly to all customers.

Kornit Digitala announced Valencia, Spain-based Rafa’s Textiles has acquired a third Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for single-step, on-demand direct-to-garment (DTG) digital production, spurred by business growth resulting from increased e-commerce engagement in the past year.

Rafa’s Textiles personalizes t-shirts and all kinds of clothing with screen printing, direct (digital) printing, silkscreen transfer, sublimation, and embroidery, serving European-based B2B clients who sell via web stores, both integrated with Amazon and independently. There are no colour limitations, and handfeel and durability are retail-quality. On a typical day, they will handle 200-300 print-on-demand orders, though those numbers spike with key holidays; this past Christmas, for example, saw a peak of 1,300 orders in a single day. Regardless of volume, with digital production capabilities in house, these orders are printed individually within 24 hours and shipped directly to all customers.

For Rafa’s Textiles, implementing Kornit’s digital production technology was simply the best means to meeting the challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities of the e-commerce age. Sergio attributes his business’s success despite recent market disruptions to their focus on e-commerce, which aligns with buyers’ increased preference for web-based purchasing.


EFI Reggiani: Neue Perspektiven für den russischen Textilmarkt

Gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Nissa Distribution™ hat EFI™ Reggiani in Russland drei neue Verkaufsverträge für die Lieferung und Installation von industriellen Lösungen für den industriellen Textildirekt- und Sublimationsdruck abgeschlossen. Durch diese Verkäufe werden drei führende russische Textilfabrikanten, D-TEX Digital Textile Printing, MIRtex und Sima-Land, über die produktiven und nachhaltigen digitalen Lösungen von EFI Reggiani verfügen.

EFI Reggiani ist seit langem in Russland präsent und beliefert wichtige Kunden mit Digitaldruckern mit wasserbasierten Tinten, analogen Druckern sowie Vor- und Nachbehandlungsgeräten. EFI Reggiani hat seine Präsenz mit Nissa Distribution, einem wertvollen lokalen Partner, weiter ausgebaut.

Größere Nachhaltigkeit und höhere Produktivität für den russischen Markt
EFI Reggiani entwickelt, fertigt, verkauft, installiert und wartet weltweit fortschrittliche Lösungen für industrielle Textilmaschinen und arbeitet dabei eng mit Partnern wie Nissa zusammen.

Gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Nissa Distribution™ hat EFI™ Reggiani in Russland drei neue Verkaufsverträge für die Lieferung und Installation von industriellen Lösungen für den industriellen Textildirekt- und Sublimationsdruck abgeschlossen. Durch diese Verkäufe werden drei führende russische Textilfabrikanten, D-TEX Digital Textile Printing, MIRtex und Sima-Land, über die produktiven und nachhaltigen digitalen Lösungen von EFI Reggiani verfügen.

EFI Reggiani ist seit langem in Russland präsent und beliefert wichtige Kunden mit Digitaldruckern mit wasserbasierten Tinten, analogen Druckern sowie Vor- und Nachbehandlungsgeräten. EFI Reggiani hat seine Präsenz mit Nissa Distribution, einem wertvollen lokalen Partner, weiter ausgebaut.

Größere Nachhaltigkeit und höhere Produktivität für den russischen Markt
EFI Reggiani entwickelt, fertigt, verkauft, installiert und wartet weltweit fortschrittliche Lösungen für industrielle Textilmaschinen und arbeitet dabei eng mit Partnern wie Nissa zusammen.

Seit 2018 sind Nissa Distribution und deren Tochtergesellschaft Nissa Stensart™ Vertriebshändler von EFI Reggiani Produkten in Russland. Das Produktportfolio von Stensart umfasst die größte Bandbreite an Geräten für die Vorbereitung, den Druck und die Veredelung von Textilien und erfüllt die anspruchsvollen Anforderungen für eine erfolgreiche Produktion in den verschiedenen Textilmarktsegmenten.

Die jüngsten Ergebnisse der Zusammenarbeit von EFI Reggiani, Nissa Distribution und Nissa Stensart sind der Abschluss von drei Verträgen für die digitalen Textildrucker EFI Reggiani POWER und EFI Reggiani NEXT.
Neue POWER Installationen
Die ersten EFI Reggiani Digitaldrucker POWER 180 und POWER 240 in Russland wurden kürzlich an D-TEXDigital Textile Printing in Stupino in der Oblast Moskau und an MIRtex in Furnmanov, Russland, verkauft. Die Unternehmen, die Produkte aus Naturfasern und Strickwaren bedrucken und herstellen, gehören zu den größten umfassenden Textilherstellern, die Russland und die Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) beliefern.

Die EFI Reggiani POWER 180 und POWER 240 sind industrielle Digitaldruckmaschinen für den Direktdruck auf Stoff, Maschenware und Textilien mit einer Breite von 1,8 Metern bzw. 2,4 Metern.

NEXT: die digitale Innovation von Sima-Land
Der erste EFI Reggiani NEXT 340 Drucker Russlands wird bei einem der größten Textilgroßhändler des Landes, Sima-Land, installiert. Das in Jekaterinburg ansässige Unternehmen bietet über eine Million verschiedene Produkte an, darunter Deko-Textilien für Heim und Büro sowie Herren-, Damen- und Kinderbekleidung.

Beim EFI Reggiani NEXT 340 handelt es sich um eine 3,4 Meter breite, bandlose, industrielle Digitaldruckmaschine für den Direkt- und Sublimationsdruck.

Monforts (c) Monforts

İlay puts a premium on energy with new Monforts installation

The company, founded in 1993, has established a reputation for leadership in new printing techniques and technologies with customers across Europe, as well as with many of the leading Turkish brands.

On its mission to achieving continuous progress in error-free and resource-efficient manufacturing, İlay has just taken delivery of a new Monforts Montex stenter range, with a working width of two metres and eight TwinAir chambers.

“This installation provides us with much improved control options for all process parameters and compared to the old stenter it is replacing, we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” Mr Savaş says.

Achieving energy savings on Montex stenters has been a key focus for Monforts designers and engineers in Germany for many years.

The company, founded in 1993, has established a reputation for leadership in new printing techniques and technologies with customers across Europe, as well as with many of the leading Turkish brands.

On its mission to achieving continuous progress in error-free and resource-efficient manufacturing, İlay has just taken delivery of a new Monforts Montex stenter range, with a working width of two metres and eight TwinAir chambers.

“This installation provides us with much improved control options for all process parameters and compared to the old stenter it is replacing, we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” Mr Savaş says.

Achieving energy savings on Montex stenters has been a key focus for Monforts designers and engineers in Germany for many years.

With the TwinAir heating chamber system within a Montex stenter, top and bottom airflows can be regulated completely independently of each other, ensuring heat is only applied when and where it is required. The Optiscan balancing system ensures continuous automatic evaluation of the distance between the nozzles and the fabric for highly economical and contact-free drying.

The resulting constant evaporation rate within the stenter ensures optimum energy utilisation. In addition, TwinAir chambers feature special panelling for low heat radiation, careful sealing of all connecting positions and chamber access points, and air locks at both the entry and the exit.

“Monforts stenters set the benchmark in terms of energy efficiency and help conserve resources,” says Ahmet Kılıç, founder of Neotek, the representative for Monforts in Turkey. “Automatically setting the initial moisture content requirement for a specific process before drying to a minimum value helps reduce heat evaporation and consequently, energy consumption. The hermetic sealing of the stenter frame further prevents the loss of heated air as well as the ingress of excessive cold air – which has to be heated back up if it is not kept out in the first place.”

The new Montex line was completed at İlay Textile in August 2020, with no problems during either installation or commissioning.



AWOL Media

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger (c) Mimaki
The Tiger-1800B MkII, Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. Moves to Digital Production with Mimaki Tiger

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

  •   Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII Printers for Faster, High-Quality Textile Printing

Amsterdam - Mimaki Europe, a leading manufacturer of inkjet printers and cutting systems, announces today that Pakistani textile company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., is leveraging multiple Mimaki Tiger industrial textile printing units to take its business to the next level. As a result of on the outstanding performance and process optimisation delivered by the Mimaki digital printing equipment, the company has been able to adapt to changes in the textile industry and is now projected to reinforce its market position and expand its capabilities in high-quality textile production.

Headquartered in Faisalabad, Punjab province – the second largest textile hub in Pakistan –, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. mainly serves the high fashion industry and uses its cutting-edge technology to print about 100,000 metres daily. Faced with recent challenges in the global textile market, management at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. embarked on innovating the company’s business model, shifting from conventional to digital printing. In doing so, the company invested in Mimaki’s advanced industrial textile technology and installed three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII units. “We were – and still are – experiencing a massive transformation in the printing segment, with brands demanding high quality products delivered within short deadlines. This change in our customers’ requirements urged us to move to digital printing,” says Muhammad Asif, CEO at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. “Our choice has already proved sound as our brand-new Tiger-1800B MkII printing systems have enabled us to cope with the high standards of the fashion industry in terms of both quality and delivery times. In addition, we have been able to gradually enhance our production processes in a cost-effective way.”

The Tiger-1800B MkII is Mimaki’s flagship industrial volume textile printer, available either in dye sublimation configuration for transfer printing or with reactive ink for direct-to-textile printing. Of the three Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII solutions operating at Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd., two are equipped with reactive inks, enabling the company to directly print onto natural fibres such as cotton and linen, as well as onto manufactured cellulose fibres, including rayon and nylon. The third Mimaki Tiger-1800B MkII features sublimation inks serves the ever-growing printed polyester market, allowing the company to strategically diversify its product portfolio.

“There are several features of the Tiger-1800B MkII that benefit our production and our business at large. The MAPS (Mimaki Advanced Pass System), just to name one, prevents banding and colour-shifting to deliver a higher standard of quality, while the NRS (Nozzle Recovery System) provides uninterrupted production, minimising downtime and ensuring superior results. The sticky belt system together with the large-size ink tanks (with a capacity of 10kg) and the high-performance software RIP TxLink3 are some of the other features that make these printers efficient, user-friendly and reliable,” says Asif.

Asif concludes, “Looking at the future, our aim is to set up a print department featuring only Mimaki’s technologies. We are already considering the next steps to make this possible, knowing that we can count on the support of Signtrade, Mimaki’s dealer in the region and our trustworthy partner.”

Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was founded in 1992 by Muhammad Asif’s father Haji Muhammad Yousaf and his partner Haji Rasheed Ahmad. Established as a dyeing company, Moti Fabrics (Pvt) Ltd. was able to gradually diversify the business over the years to become an advanced textile printing specialist. Today, the company is an established provider to the high fashion industry in Pakistan and on an international level.

“The story of Moti Fabrics is incredibly inspiring. Belonging to a region with such rooted textile printing heritage, the company has been able to embrace a new, challenging business model in order to stay at pace with the changing demand from the textile industry and has succeeded,” comments Ronald van den Broek, General Sales Manager at Mimaki Europe. “Customers like Moti Fabrics make us proud as they demonstrate how our advanced Mimaki Tiger industrial textile series can be the enabling technology for those textile companies planning the shift from conventional to digital printing.”


EMEA, Mimaki Europe B.V

Digitak services always in fashion with Mimaki sublimation and direct printing (c) Mimaki
Filippo Taccani, founder and owner at Digitak, in the company’s production department, surrounded by an arsenal of Mimaki’s printing solutions.

Digitak services always in fashion with Mimaki sublimation and direct printing

  • Specialised in dye-sublimation printing, the Italian company has conquered the heights of the high fashion sector with its top-quality printed fabrics.
  • With its recent investment in a direct-to-fabric printing line, Digitak is preparing to expand its range of printed products, focusing on fabric differentiation.

Dye sublimation printing of high fashion designs is the beating heart of Digitak, an Italian company specialised in digital textile printing. Operating in the textile district of Lombardy, Italy, the company has established itself among the main suppliers in the world of high fashion and sportswear in just under 15 years.

  • Specialised in dye-sublimation printing, the Italian company has conquered the heights of the high fashion sector with its top-quality printed fabrics.
  • With its recent investment in a direct-to-fabric printing line, Digitak is preparing to expand its range of printed products, focusing on fabric differentiation.

Dye sublimation printing of high fashion designs is the beating heart of Digitak, an Italian company specialised in digital textile printing. Operating in the textile district of Lombardy, Italy, the company has established itself among the main suppliers in the world of high fashion and sportswear in just under 15 years.

Making production versatility one of the cornerstones of its philosophy, Digitak has continued to invest in technology, as well as research and development its product portfolio. This forward-thinking approach has enabled the company to guarantee innovative, personalised products with meticulous attention to detail, with the highest – almost obsessive – standards of quality and maximum design flexibility. Over the years, the extensive experience gained by the company’s management in the field of sublimation with traditional and digital techniques, combined with their investment decisions have allowed Digitak to enhance its production performance, gradually implementing higher quality standards and differentiating itself from the competition in the complex and competitive sector of high fashion. An important feat, which has not, however, dampened its enthusiasm and willingness to continue growing and exceeding its goals. The company’s latest investment in a direct-to-fabric digital printing line with pigment ink propels the company into a new and promising production dimension.

Sublimation printing specialists

Since Digitak’s establishment, Filippo Taccani, the founder and current owner of the company, had set himself a clear and ambitious objective: “I wanted to take up the challenge of operating digitally - printing fabrics using this innovative technology to create products on a par with those  I had achieved with traditional sublimation textile printing methods during my previous work experience.”

The purchase of a Mimaki JV4 plotter, one of the first to be installed in Italy, marked the beginning of Digitak’s adventure. “To start the business, I needed a printing system that could operate with dispersed inks to print on polyester and I found the JV4 to be the best option,” explains Taccani. “It was an excellent decision, because I used these plotters to build the company and its success.”

The first Mimaki plotter was in fact followed by a second and a third. When it bought the fifth, the company moved to an industrial unit in Tradate (Varese) – Digitak’s current site – which now houses around fifteen Mimaki JV33 plotters, in addition to three Mimaki TS500-1800 wide-format sublimation printers, and a Mimaki TS300P-1800 high-speed sublimation printer. This Mimaki powered production facility – which is one of the company’s core strengths – was recently expanded with the addition of a Mimaki TX300P-1800B belt-type hybrid printing system, together with a Mimaki TR300-1850C textile coater and a Mimaki Tiger-1800.

“Naturally, over the years, we have also tested printing systems from other suppliers, but we have always returned to Mimaki. With high fashion as our key market, we need to guarantee our customers the highest levels of quality and, to date, we have never found solutions that beat the quality of this Japanese brand’s technology.”

According to Taccani, the difference lies in the “calligraphy” of Mimaki’s machines, that is the line of the ink on the fabric: “Unlike its competitors, Mimaki has focused on the ‘waveforms’, i.e. the electronics associated with the print heads. This attention paid to the way the ink jet is managed from the print head has allowed Mimaki to achieve unparalleled levels of accuracy, an aspect that has given my company a clear competitive edge.”

Moreover, at Digitak, quality comes before quantity: “We prefer to dedicate an extra day to production to guarantee the customer a final product that fully meets requirements and expectations. Mimaki’s technology not only suits this business model bult on top quality, but it crucially enables it.”

Operational and creative flexibility

Digitak currently prints around 2,000 linear metres of fabric per day. Its portfolio ranges from clothing and scarves, to beach and swimwear, with related personalised accessories, to sportswear, with technical properties such as breathability, comfort, resistance to external agents. The company have even added customised outdoor furniture to their offering of diverse and creative products.
The company’s machines operate continuously, 24/7. During the day, the machines are mainly used to develop and produce samples and colour proofs, while the actual production is carried out at night. “Thanks to our technology, we have developed an extraordinary operational flexibility. The fact that we have so many plotters allows us to work on multiple designs at the same time and to launch projects that are also very different from one another,” explains Taccani. “There are also some other crucial factors that have contributed, and continue to contribute, to increasing our production efficiency. The reliability of Mimaki’s solutions and the remote monitoring option offered is key. Once the standard start-up monitoring has been carried out and the machines are found to be printing correctly, we can let them work overnight without an operator. This is a great benefit for people who, like us, manage such a large and diverse fleet of machines.”

Digitak takes the same approach to customer service. Faced with an increasingly demanding market in terms of creativity, precision and completeness of service, the company wants to guarantee flexibility and customisation. “We decided to set up a department dedicated to the pre-press stage, in charge of preparing and checking the files supplied by customers. Seldom do our teams not need to do some editing of the files supplied, even if it’s only to make small changes that are essential for the print document to be as suitable as possible and to achieve the best final result.”

Technologies of the future

With a view to further enhancing production and customer service, Taccani has chosen to take on a new challenge, switching things up with some of the most recent investments.

While maintaining the focus on dye sublimation printing, Taccani has focused on technological diversification by installing a direct-to-fabric digital printing line. This consists of a Mimaki TX300P-1800B printing system with pigment inks and a TR300-1850C coater from Mimaki’s TR series. “The market continues to evolve and now requires even more flexibility regarding both processes and the fabrics supplied. This means that great opportunities exist for a print shop capable of simultaneously producing the same design – with minimal colour adjustment – on different fabrics, guaranteeing similar and accurate results. And this is precisely the path we are taking,” says Taccani. “Why have we opted for Mimaki again? Well, I had an opportunity to try out their new pigment inks and I immediately realised that they are a generation ahead of the other pigments available on the market. The cyan is very clean, the black is deep and there is a very interesting fullness of colour, suitable not only for furnishings, but also for other applications in the clothing sector.”

With its pigment inks, the new direct-to-fabric printing line allows Digitak to explore other related market segments. Thanks to the innovative automatic belt system, the TX300P-1800B guarantees good productivity and high-quality results. A standard of quality that is also boosted by the TR300-1850C fabric pre-treatment system: “This coater is essential for ensuring the best possible preparation of fabrics for printing. In fact, we are able to treat fabrics to make them suitable for the type of print they are intended for, sanitise them for specific applications and, in some cases, even dye them, with excellent quality.”

According to Taccani, another beneficial factor of direct-to-fabric pigment printing technology is the eco-sustainability of the process and its lower environmental impact. “We are proud to be able to offer our customers excellent printing results using little water and printing in ‘green mode’, with both the technologies we have available. I consider them winning technologies for the future, as both dye sublimation printing and direct-to-fabric printing with pigment inks use little water while mainly requiring the use of energy. Therefore, if you use renewable energy, then you’re done.”

Digitak’s other trump card is the Tiger-1800 installed in 2019. With this industrial printing system, the company aims to increase production volumes while maintaining its high-quality standards and further optimising costs. “We are excited to have these promising technologies available to us in-house. We are currently experimenting with these solutions, testing new opportunities and evaluating which paths to take to stay ahead of the game,” concludes Taccani.



Mimaki Europe B.V.