Aus der Branche

3 Ergebnisse
Die RÖKONA Textilwerk GmbH & Co. KG aus Tübingen wurde zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstandes“ 2021 nominiert. (c) OPS
RÖKONA zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstandes“ nominiert

RÖKONA zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstandes“ nominiert

  • Die RÖKONA Textilwerk GmbH & Co. KG aus Tübingen wurde zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstandes“ 2021 nominiert.

Der Wettbewerb, zu dem man sich nicht selbst bewerben kann, betrachtet als einziger Wirtschaftspreis Deutschlands nicht allein Zahlen, Innovationen oder Arbeitsplätze, sondern das Unternehmen als Ganzes und in seiner komplexen Rolle in der Gesellschaft.

Die Nominierung zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstands“, der unter dem Jahresmotto „Jetzt erst recht“ läuft, gilt als Eintrittskarte in das „Netzwerk der Besten“. Nur jedes tausendste Unternehmen Deutschlands erreicht die Nominierungsliste dieser begehrten Wirtschaftsauszeichnung der Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung, die bereits zwei Mal mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz geehrt und mit dem Company Change Award ausgezeichnet wurde.

  • Die RÖKONA Textilwerk GmbH & Co. KG aus Tübingen wurde zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstandes“ 2021 nominiert.

Der Wettbewerb, zu dem man sich nicht selbst bewerben kann, betrachtet als einziger Wirtschaftspreis Deutschlands nicht allein Zahlen, Innovationen oder Arbeitsplätze, sondern das Unternehmen als Ganzes und in seiner komplexen Rolle in der Gesellschaft.

Die Nominierung zum „Großen Preis des Mittelstands“, der unter dem Jahresmotto „Jetzt erst recht“ läuft, gilt als Eintrittskarte in das „Netzwerk der Besten“. Nur jedes tausendste Unternehmen Deutschlands erreicht die Nominierungsliste dieser begehrten Wirtschaftsauszeichnung der Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung, die bereits zwei Mal mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz geehrt und mit dem Company Change Award ausgezeichnet wurde.

„Wir sind natürlich sehr stolz auf die Nominierung und das Vertrauen, das uns hiermit entgegen gebracht wird“, so Arnd-Gerrit Rösch, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der RÖKONA Textilwerk GmbH & Co. KG.“Es freut uns sehr, dass die Bedeutung unseres mittelständischen Familienbetriebes für die Gesellschaft gesehen und durch die Nominierung honoriert wird. Das motiviert natürlich sehr.“

Im nächsten Schritt wird RÖKONA aussagefähige Unterlagen zusammenstellen und bis 15.April einreichen. Eine unabhängige Jury wird daraufhin die Auswahl der Preisträger und Finalisten vornehmen. Die Preisverleihungen finden im September statt, gefolgt von der Bundesgala im Oktober.

Die RÖKONA Textilwerk GmbH & Co. KG entwickelt, produziert und konfektioniert innovative technische Textilien in den Bereichen Mobility und Industry. Der vertikal aufgestellte Produktionsbetrieb mit Headquarter in Tübingen/ Deutschland bietet neben der Materialentwicklung, Produktion und Ausrüstung auch die Konfektion bis hin zum fertigen Produkt an- alles aus einer Hand.

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution (c) Lectra

World's largest automotive interiors supplier adopts Lectra’s agile high-volume fabric-cutting solution

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

  • China-based Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors improves cutting precision with Lectra’s Vector® iX6

Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the world’s largest supplier of vehicle interior components, has adopted the Vector iX6® advanced fabric-cutting solution to stay apace of evolving production needs.

YFAI supplies a broad range of products spanning instrument panels, cockpit systems, door panels, floor consoles and overhead consoles—the majority of which incorporate vinyl and laminated woven fabric pieces.

Growing consumer demand for personalization and customization is contributing to an overall increase in soft trim content in vehicle interior components. The Vector iX6 provided by Lectra is intended to help YFAI increase the capacity and fabric-cutting efficiency of its new vehicle program in Anting.

In the manufacturing of vehicle interiors, cutting level precision is of the utmost importance because pieces must fit into door panel designs with a high degree of accuracy. Equipped with a special cutting blade, Vector iX6’s ultra-precise cutting improves material utilization by minimizing buffer between parts. The solution’s superior cutting control software and high-frequency vibration cutting also enable a considerable improvement in productivity.

“As vehicle interior designs become increasingly complex, process requirements change accordingly,” remarks Guan Qinghua, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, YFAI. “The ability to achieve greater productivity and precision for the smaller fabric and vinyl pieces becomes particularly critical. Lectra’s Vector iX6 satisfies this need while also improving fabric utilization and cutting efficiency.”

“Understanding evolving market trends lies at the heart of what we do,” states Javier Garcia, Senior Vice-President, Automotive Sales, Lectra. “Since its launch, Vector iX6 has been quickly adopted by interior component suppliers like YFAI. VectorAuto iX6 contributes to a drastic reduction in the manufacturing cost per set, especially for small parts produced using vinyl and other materials complex to cut.


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement ©lectra
Faurecia Cadillac

Lectra and Faurecia renew their partnership agreement

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

  • Lectra contributes to Faurecia Seating Business Group Industry 4.0 readiness and “digital enterprise” transformation initiative

Paris, September 26, 2017 – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with Faurecia through the signing of a global agreement for its Seating Business Group.

The cutting process for the production of seat covers, headrests and interiors is an increasingly strategic part of Faurecia’s Seating activity. Faurecia Seating supplies vehicle complete seats, frames, mechanisms and trim covers to major carmakers worldwide, whose manufacturing processes are gradually evolving toward Industry 4.0.

Faurecia Seating aims to double the production of its existing manufacturing facilities by reinforcing operations with advanced manufacturing technologies. The company’s extended partnership with Lectra entails focusing on operational excellence initiatives across its automotive seating division.

Standardization of the Vector® fabric-cutting solution—endowed with preventive and predictive maintenance capabilities and the highest-performance cutting system available on the market to date—will be instrumental to the implementation of these initiatives throughout the division’s fabric cutting facilities. Faurecia currently has more than 60 Vector fabric cutting solutions in production worldwide.

“More than ever, we face major challenges in terms of flexibility, agility and productivity—producing more while reducing costs,” observes Hagen Wiesner, Executive Vice President, Faurecia Seating. “Our cutting processes have become strategic in reaching these goals. Faurecia’s ‘digital enterprise’ project aims to achieve operational excellence in virtually every aspect of our organization. Together with Lectra, we will make this a reality in the cutting room, with smart automation and predictive maintenance”.

“Given the profound transformations gripping manufacturing, helping our customers ready their operations for the Fourth Industrial Revolution has become without question our core mission,” remarks Daniel Harari, Lectra Chairman and CEO. “Faurecia is among the automotive suppliers at the forefront of this movement. Digital technologies and industry expertise are the business enablers that will allow manufacturers to connect inside and outside the value chain in the near future.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department