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© Techtextil, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Strong potential in Buildtech and Mobiltech sectors to be displayed at Cinte Techtextil China

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

This September’s Cinte Techtextil China will once again provide a strong barometer of the state of the global technical textiles industry, and in particular which sectors in Asia as a whole, and China specifically, are performing well. Two of these for certain are Buildtech and Mobiltech, with a number of leading global and Chinese brands exhibiting to eager buyers from these sectors.

Cinte Techtextil China is Asia’s leading biennial fair for the technical textiles and nonwovens sector, and will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions from 4 – 6 September. The fair offers products and technologies for 12 application areas* which cover the entire industry.

Buildtech benefits from Belt & Road and other infrastructure investment

With a huge boom in national and regional infrastructure projects, the market for Buildtech products, especially geotextiles and construction textiles, is rapidly expanding. In particular, the government’s global Belt & Road project, as well as continued investment at home in highways, high-speed rail and more, is fuelling this expansion. According to CNITA, in 2017 China started 35 new railway projects, with additional private capital investment in this sector totalling some USD 53 billion that year. The same investment in highway construction increased 17.7%, while water conservation project investment by private firms reached a new record of USD 105 billion.

With this potential in the Asian market, it’s no surprise a number of new exhibitors will feature in the Buildtech sector at the fair, including FPC Technical Textile from Saudi Arabia, Kobe-cz from the Czech Republic, as well as Lenzing Plastics, while Johns Manville are one of the returning exhibitors this year.

  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia) produce high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics, and will focus on the latter at the fair.
  • Kobe-cz (Czech Republic) will showcase their nonwoven fabrics, mainly from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C.
  • Exhibiting for the first time at the fair with their Plastics division, Lenzing (Austria) will feature their technical laminates for building industries, roofing membranes, vapour barriers, isolation facings and barrier packaging, as well as PROFILEN® PTFE yarns, films and fibres at Cinte Techtextil.
  • Johns Manville’s (US) products on offer include polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwovens, micro glass fibre nonwovens, hybrid nonwovens, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibers.

Mobiltech benefits from huge increases in automobile production in China

With new textile innovations and application possibilities spreading throughout the automobile industry, coupled with the fact China is the world’s largest auto producer, Cinte Techtextil is the place to see the latest products and technologies for this sector this September. Automobile production in China reached 29 million units in 2017, an increase of 3% year-on-year. Staggeringly, new-energy vehicle production grew by 53% last year, while SUVs and commercial vehicles increased 13.81% and 13.95% respectively.

With such strong growth in China, a number of leading international Mobiltech producers, as well as top domestic suppliers, will be at Cinte Techtextil this year, including:

  • Abifor (Switzerland): their focus at the fair is on products designed for automotive, construction and other technical applications, in particular their specialty hot-melt powders. The company has its own production unit in Shanghai, and reports that an increasing number of domestic customers are starting to focus on more sophisticated products.
  • SKS Group (Sweden): will showcase high performance single end yarn for automotive and industrial hoses, and single end cord for automotive and industrial belts.
  • Swisstulle (Switzerland): will have a range of products on offer for automotive, rail and aviation uses, including sunshade materials, nets, tube reinforcements and new possibilities for luggage compartment covers.
  • Windel Textile Far East (Germany): with production undertaken in China, this German firm offers textile greige, half-done and finished materials. They offer nonwoven, knitted and woven fabrics (substrates), and glass fibre solutions. At the fair, they will showcase substrates for adhesive tapes / wire harnessing tapes, and Maliwatt- and coagulated microfibre fleece for covering vehicle interiors.
  • Protechnic (France): they will feature hot melt thermoadhesive nets, webs and films, as well as laminating process in automotive and other industrial applications at Cinte 2018.
  • Kuangda Technology Group (China): having supplied products for global brands such as Volkswagen and Audi, this Chinese supplier will offer automotive interiors, including interior fabrics, seat covers and cushions at the fair.
  • Shanghai Shenda (ShanghaiTex Group) (China): specialising in automotive interior textiles, they manufacture a full range of products including grey car carpet, moulding car carpet, head liners (warp-knitting and nonwoven), seat belt, seat fabrics and more, and have supplied the likes of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and GM.

Cinte Techtextil China is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA). To find out more about the fair, please visit:


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN: Drei Challenges, sechs hoch innovative und nachhaltige Lösungen

Ideenschmiede in einer neuen Dimension – der FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN THINKATHON hat in seiner zweiten Auflage erneut die enormen Potenziale des neuartigen Design-Thinking-Formats bewiesen. HUGO BOSS, KPMG, Microsoft HoloLens sowie die Fachmessen Techtextil und Texprocess haben nun die exklusiven Rechte an der Umsetzung der erdachten Konzepte.

Von einer Circular Wardrobe und einer Sustainability Match Making App über Konzepte für die Customer Experience und den interaktiven Retail bis hin zu Mixed Reality Prototyping und Sustainability Speed Dating – das sind die Ergebnisse des FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN THINKATHON, der am 2. und 3. Juli 2018 zum zweiten Mal parallel zur Konferenz FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN stattgefunden hat. Damit hat das neuartige Design-Thinking-Format erneut gezeigt, wie multidisziplinäre Teams in kürzester Zeit hoch innovative und branchenrelevante Lösungen entwickelt können. Challenge-Geber waren dieses Mal HUGO BOSS, KPMG, Microsoft HoloLens sowie die Fachmessen Techtextil und Texprocess.

Ideenschmiede in einer neuen Dimension – der FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN THINKATHON hat in seiner zweiten Auflage erneut die enormen Potenziale des neuartigen Design-Thinking-Formats bewiesen. HUGO BOSS, KPMG, Microsoft HoloLens sowie die Fachmessen Techtextil und Texprocess haben nun die exklusiven Rechte an der Umsetzung der erdachten Konzepte.

Von einer Circular Wardrobe und einer Sustainability Match Making App über Konzepte für die Customer Experience und den interaktiven Retail bis hin zu Mixed Reality Prototyping und Sustainability Speed Dating – das sind die Ergebnisse des FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN THINKATHON, der am 2. und 3. Juli 2018 zum zweiten Mal parallel zur Konferenz FASHIONSUSTAINBERLIN stattgefunden hat. Damit hat das neuartige Design-Thinking-Format erneut gezeigt, wie multidisziplinäre Teams in kürzester Zeit hoch innovative und branchenrelevante Lösungen entwickelt können. Challenge-Geber waren dieses Mal HUGO BOSS, KPMG, Microsoft HoloLens sowie die Fachmessen Techtextil und Texprocess.

„Inspiration und Interdisziplinarität“, hält Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies die Stärken des THINKATHON fest. „Die Teams des THINKATHON zeichnen sich durch ihre heterogene Zusammensetzung aus Innovatoren und Vorausdenkern aus. Die Höchstleistungen, die die Teilnehmer hier im High-Speed-Verfahren erzielen, sind beeindruckend – für uns als Messe Frankfurt ist der THINKATHON ein progressives Erfolgsformat, das bereits in seiner zweiten Auflage zu einem festen Bestandteil unserer Berlin Fashion Week- Plattform im Kraftwerk geworden ist“, so Schmidt weiter.

Im Anschluss an die zweitägige Konklave, zu der sich die THINKATHON-Teilnehmer gemeinsam mit ihren Mentoren sowie Vertretern der Challenge-Geber zurückgezogen haben, präsentierten sie ihre innovativen Resultate und Lösungsvorschläge. HUGO BOSS, KPMG, Microsoft HoloLens und Techtextil/Texprocess besitzen nun die exklusiven Rechte, um die vorgestellten Konzepte Realität werden zu lassen.

„Nachhaltigkeit ist für HUGO BOSS integraler Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie“, sagt Andreas Streubig, Director Global Sustainability der HUGO BOSS AG. In der Design-for-Tomorrow-Challenge  stellte das Metzinger Modeunternehmen die THINKATHON-Teilnehmer vor die Aufgabe, wie ein marktführendes Kreislauf-Service-Modell für eine Premium Fashion Brand aussehen könnte. Team Blue schlug ein „Upgrade der Customer Experience“ vor – diese sollte in eine nachhaltige und zirkuläre Erfahrung transformiert werden und um innovative Features wie eine C2C-Wiederverkaufsplattform und einen kombinierten Online- und Offline-Concept-Store angereichert werden.

Dieser Idee stellte Team Purple seine „Circular Wardrope App“ entgegen: Eine App, die Kunden auf ihre Garderobe aufmerksam machen soll – auf die Recyclingfähigkeit, den finanziellen Wert und die Umweltauswirkungen ihrer Garderobe aufmerksam machen soll. Mit Hilfe einer umweltorientierten Logistikkette sowie durch Veranstaltungen und Interaktionstools würden Kunden so auf unterhaltsame und einfache Weise in das Konzept der Kreislaufwirtschaft eingebunden.

„Mit unserem Bekenntnis zum Circular Fashion System Commitment der Global Fashion Agenda akzeptieren wir die Verantwortung mit Blick auf die knapper werdenden globalen Ressourcen und stellen die Weichen für eine kooperative Lösungssuche im Textilsektor“, ergänzt Streubig und weiter: „Der FASHIONSUSTAIN THINKATHON passt ideal zu den vor uns liegenden Herausforderungen: Er ist international und bringt die weltweit besten Köpfe zusammen. Er ist kollaborativ, weil über allem Wettbewerb das gemeinsame Ziel steht. Vor allem aber gibt er der jungen Generation die Möglichkeit, aktiv an der Gestaltung der Zukunft mitzuarbeiten.“

KPMG und Microsoft HoloLense haben den THINKATHON Teilnehmern in einer gemeinsamen Challenge eine Aufgabe zum Thema „Mixed Reality“ gestellt. Mixed Reality sind Systeme, die die natürliche und künstliche Wahrnehmung eines Nutzers vermischen, so etwa durch die intelligente Verknüpfung von E-Commerce und die Schaffung von Einkaufserlebnissen. KMPG und Microsoft HoloLense wollten von den THINKATHON-Teilnehmern in diesem Zusammenhang wissen, wie diese Technologien eingesetzt werden können, um die Modeindustrie nachhaltiger zu machen. Team Yellow hat dazu ein „interaktives Retail Konzept“ erdacht. Ein Kollektiv regionaler Marken und Designer soll Mixed-Reality-Applikationen nutzen; die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Geschäftsmodelle und die Sichtbarkeit ihrer Produkte würde verbessert, indem die Unternehmen Feedback von Kunden erhalten, die ihre Produkte durch die HoloLens erlebt haben.

Team Green schlägt vor, Mixed Reality zu nutzen, um die Produktion transparenter, effizienter und visueller zu machen. Die Microsoft HoloLens könnte beim Prototyping sowohl für Produktionsunternehmen als auch für deren Geschäftspartner eine neue Qualität in Sachen Kollaboration schaffen und damit einen Mehrwert generieren – „Mixed Reality Prototyping“ nennen sie ihren Ansatz. „Der Thinkathon hat den Raum für interdisziplinäre, kreative Teams geschaffen, innovative

Ansätze für den Einsatz von Augmented Reality in der Modeindustrie zu erarbeiten. Diese Konzepte haben das Potenzial, die Nachhaltigkeit in dieser Branche voranzutreiben“, so Jenny Kirsch, Consultant von KPMG.

In einer dritten Challenge, der „Techtextil’s Circular Change Challenge“, setzten die Fachmessen Techtextil und Texprocess bei der textilen Wertschöpfungskette an. Sie stellten die Frage, wie alle Beteiligten entlang der textilen Wertschöpfungskette bei der Umstellung der Industrie hin zu Nachhaltigkeit, Wiederverwendbarkeit und Kreislauffähigkeit mit einbezogen werden können. „Es war großartig zu sehen, wie intensiv die beiden Teams unsere Herausforderung diskutiert und bearbeitet haben. Die Ansätze und Ergebnisse sind wirklich interessant und werden definitiv Teil unserer weiteren Diskussionen sein,“ sagt Michael Jänecke, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles, Techtextil.

Team Red konzipierte eine „Sustainability Matchmaking App“, die Besucherbedürfnisse mit nachhaltigen Innovationen von Techtextil- und Texprocess-Ausstellern verknüpft. Die Wissensaustausch- und Networking-Plattform macht Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen und -fortschritte sichtbar und bindet gleichzeitig Kunden und Aussteller ein, um Kooperationen und Innovationen für Nachhaltigkeit in Gang zu bringen. „Sustainable Speed Dating“ nannte Team Orange seine Idee – das Ziel: Techtextil- und Texprocess-Aussteller mit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit zusammenzubringen. Gelingen soll dies über verschiedene Plattformen wie Satelliten-Events während Messen, laufende Support- und Mentoring-Programme sowie ein moderiertes Speed-Dating.

Der THINKATHON ist ein einzigartiges Design-Thinking-Format, das im Auftrag der Messe Frankfurt von organisiert wird. Der nächste THINKATON wird während der Berlin Fashion Week im Januar 2019 im Rahmen der Messe- und Konferenzplattform NEONYT stattfinden und bildet damit einen integralen Bestandteil dieses neuen Hubs für die Zukunft der Mode.

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Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Industry-leading brands confirmed for September’s Cinte Techtextil China

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

As the countdown to the 2018 edition of Cinte Techtextil China enters its last two months, the final exhibitor line-up is starting to take shape. A number of leading international and Chinese brands across the fair’s 12 product application areas will feature at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 4 – 6 September, with an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions set to feature.

Nonwovens exhibitor highlights

As the fair’s largest product category, buyers have a wide range of domestic and overseas brands to source from, including:

  • Johns Manville (US): who will showcase their polyester spunbond, PP & PBT meltblown, glass fibre nonwoven, micro glass fibre nonwoven, hybrid nonwoven, glass fibre needle mat and glass microfibre product lines among others at the fair.
  •  J.H. Ziegler (Germany): with over 150 years’ expertise and their own production plant in China, they offer products for acoustic absorption in automotive interiors and exteriors, nonwoven foam composites for leather lamination, needle-punched nonwovens, foam nonwoven composites, laminated nonwovens and natural-fibre nonwovens.
  • KOBE-cz (Czech Republic): a new exhibitor to the fair, their nonwoven fabrics, mainly made from glass fibre with temperature resistance up to 800°C, are used for high-temperature isolation in the automotive, marine, energy and building industries. They also have isolation materials made from natural fibres including hemp, wool, cotton and flax.
  • TDF Nonwovens (China): one of the leading domestic brands, their specialties are polyester spunbond geotextiles, polyester filament roofing carriers, filter nonwovens, high-strength coarse denier polypropylene spunbond geotextiles and medical & health nonwovens.
  • Kingsafe (China): they specialise in the production of fusible interlining and nonwoven fabrics for high-end garments.

Yarn & fibre exhibitor highlights

  • Perlon (Germany): has developed a PET based monofilament, HighGrip, which guarantees long-lasting efficiency of conveyor belts, and is available in various types with different tribological characteristics, which they will feature at the fair.
  • Sateri (China): is a global leader in viscose rayon made from 100% dissolving wood pulp, and the largest maker of viscose fibre in China. Their natural and high-quality fibre, made from trees grown on renewable plantations, can be found in textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products.
  • Cordenka (Germany): producers of industrial rayon, their product range covers rayon tire cord, yarn, single-end dipped cord, short-cut fibre and more.
  • EMS-Griltech (Switzerland): will showcase a range of technical fibres & yarns and thermoplastic adhesives at the fair.
  • Barnet (Germany): several finished products (nonwovens, spun yarns and fabrics) made with their specialty fibre will be on display at the fair, including OPAN, para-aramid and carbon filament fibres. The application of their specialty fibre in flame retardant and anti-cut gloves and felts will be shown at their booth for the first time.

Coated textiles & solutions exhibitor highlights

  • Stahl (the Netherlands): the Dutch company will present new products from their water repellent and flame retardant ranges at this year’s fair. According to the company, as the Chinese government continues its efforts to clean up the environment, eco-friendly chemicals remain in strong demand in the country.
  • Sioen (Belgium): will showcase sign materials, truck tarpaulins, tents, membrane fabrics, apparel products, chemicals and specialty products such as inflatable boat fabrics, pool liners and more at Cinte 2018.
  • ROWA Lack (Germany): a new exhibitor at this year’s fair, they will present their special lacquer systems and top coatings.
  • Trelleborg (Sweden): also a new exhibitor, they will display engineered textiles, especially in the fields of outdoor, medical, protective and automotive.
  • FPC Technical Textile (Saudi Arabia): another first-time participant at the fair, they will showcase a range of high-end specialty fabrics including PVC coated fabrics and fibre glass PTFE fabrics.
  • Zhejiang Jinda New Materials (China): this supplier is known for its coated textiles for industrial, transportation and building uses, as well as warp knitted geo-synthetic materials and printable coated materials for advertisements.

Lenzing to showcase its new VEOCEL nonwovens specialty brand at the fair

First announced in June this year, and featuring at Cinte Techtextil, Lenzing’s new VEOCEL brand is billed as a premium range of nonwovens fibres for daily care, which “provides the nonwovens industry with fibres that are certified clean and safe, biodegradable, from botanic origin and produced in an environmentally responsible production process.” Products in this range can be applied to a multitude of uses including baby care, beauty and body care, intimate care and surface cleaning, under the VEOCEL Beauty, VEOCEL Body, VEOCEL Intimate and VEOCEL Surface brands.


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Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Demand for European technical textiles attracts leading companies to Cinte Techtextil China

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

Exhibitors from eight countries have already confirmed to participate in the fair’s European Zone. They join an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around the world. The 2018 edition of this biennial fair takes place from 4 – 6 September in halls N1 – N3 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

While China retains its edge in terms of technical textiles and nonwovens production capabilities, in the eyes of Chinese buyers, European suppliers are still the leaders when it comes to technology and innovation. This was widely reported by European exhibitors at the previous edition in 2016 of Asia’s leading biennial trade event for the industry: Cinte Techtextil China.

“In the Chinese market, buyers want good quality products, so overseas companies, and products with recognised quality certifications, have a lot of potential,” Ms Ping Chen, General Manager of IBENA Shanghai Technical Textiles commented. “As a leading German company in the industry, our products are welcomed by many buyers at this fair. It is also important to be in the German Pavilion as this signals to buyers that we have quality products, and it attracts more attention.” Swiss firm Sanitized AG had the same experience. “As a Swiss company in the European Zone I believe it’s an advantage, as some local buyers have more confidence towards imported products,” Mr Steven Liu, Sales Manager said.

Other exhibitors commented on the long-term trends in the Chinese market. “There’s a definite shift to more high-quality machinery in China that isn’t affected by what’s happening in the overall economy. Moreover, there are opportunities for overseas suppliers as there is still a gap between us and what Chinese companies produce,” Dr Joachim Binnig, Vice President, Head of Development & Technology, Autefa Solutions Germany GmbH explained.

Mr Roger Zhang, Sales Manager for German firm J.H. Ziegler Nonwovens and New Materials commented: “Our products are mainly for high-end Chinese customers, such as BMW and Audi. The Chinese market has gradually matured, but the production capability for high-performance products which are energy efficient and eco-friendly is still developing, so there is a lot of space for overseas brands to develop here.”

European Zone highlights
This year’s European Zone will feature around 30 exhibitors from eight countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, while further exhibitors can be found in national pavilions from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. Some of the exhibitor highlights in the European Zone include:

  • Arkema (France): with brands including PMMA Altuglas, Rilsan, Pebax, Kynar PVDF and Bostik, they will present polymer resin for fibres and yarns, which apply to a wide range of applications, at the fair.
  • Dakota Coating (Belgium): specialists in thermoplastic and thermosetting adhesives, their polymer products, based on polyethylene, polyolefin or mixtures, ethylene vinyl acetates, co-polyamides, polyurethanes and co-polyesters, are suitable for automotive, building, heat transfer and sound insulation uses.
  • Lenzing Plastics (Austria): a new exhibitor at the fair, they are a leading manufacturer of polyolefin and fluoropolymer products, such as Thermoplast and PTFE products. One of their core competencies lies in the monoaxial stretching of films and filaments, and they offer special solutions in the fields of construction & insulation, medicine & hygiene, packaging and cables, as well as automotive and technical textiles. They will highlight their PROFILEN® PTFE product at the fair, and with its extreme durability and very smooth surface, it is highly valued in many niche applications in the technical and medical sectors.
  • Protechnic (France): leading manufacturers of hot-melt adhesives and plastic printed films, they will showcase hot melt thermo-adhesive nets, webs and films at the fair.
  • Trelleborg Coated Systems (Italy): another new exhibitor this edition, they produce high-performance, engineered coated fabrics. They offer a wide variety of substrates – from Kevlar® to silk – with a choice of weaving methods.
(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK)

European suppliers at Intertextile Shanghai the go-to option for Chinese buyers seeking quality and style

  • New collaboration of sustainable viscose suppliers formed in China

Digital Printing Zone debuts at Spring Edition
Despite the economic ups and downs in China over the last few years, demand for premium European textiles remains high.
Whether it be premium wool for the flourishing suiting market, ladieswear fabrics, lace & embroidery for high-end domestic brands each with hundreds of stores across the country, innovative yarns & fabrics for the booming sports and activewear sectors, or original pattern designs for the thousands of new online fashion brands, European suppliers remain the go-to option for Chinese buyers looking for quality and style.

  • New collaboration of sustainable viscose suppliers formed in China

Digital Printing Zone debuts at Spring Edition
Despite the economic ups and downs in China over the last few years, demand for premium European textiles remains high.
Whether it be premium wool for the flourishing suiting market, ladieswear fabrics, lace & embroidery for high-end domestic brands each with hundreds of stores across the country, innovative yarns & fabrics for the booming sports and activewear sectors, or original pattern designs for the thousands of new online fashion brands, European suppliers remain the go-to option for Chinese buyers looking for quality and style.

As one of the undisputed leaders in the European textile scene, Italy is always a good bellwether of the trends between Europe and China. After a less than stellar 2016, Italy’s fabric exports to the Mainland China and Hong Kong markets grew by 12.4% in the first 10 months of 2017[1]. The expected demand for European brands at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics will be most evident in the SalonEurope zone, which features exhibitors from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK, as well as country pavilions & zones from France, Germany, Italy and Turkey.

There is also continuing demand for overseas expertise when it comes to more technical areas such as sustainability and digital printing, solutions to which can be found in the fair’s All About Sustainability area and Digital Printing Zone.

SalonEurope showcases the continent’s full textile expertise
The best of the best from Europe will be on display in this edition’s SalonEurope, with a range of products across the whole textile spectrum on offer. Some of the highlights this edition include:

  • Alumo (Switzerland): celebrating its 100-year anniversary this July, Alumo has undertaken a complete refresh of their brand, highlighting the character of their mill in Appenzell, Switzerland that has deep roots in the local textile industry. This edition, they will showcase a renewed collection of luxury shirting fabrics with intricate designs and added functions such as natural stretch and wrinkle-free, and a newly enlarged, never-out-of-stock ‘Sartorial’ collection.
  • Hatfil Tekstil Isletmeleri (Turkey): a Turkish-Italian joint venture, they offer a huge range of yarns including eco-friendly options such as organic, BCI and fair trade yarns, as well as cotton, Tencel, Amicor, bamboo, cashmere, modal and other varieties.
  • Hohenstein Textile Testing (Germany): offering testing services, OEKO-TEX® services and certifications, the Hohenstein Quality Label and more.
  • Ricamificio Paolo Italy SpA (Italy): an embroidery manufacturer, they have developed a new technique using very thin embroideries to produce a lace-like effect, which can also be customised to the customer’s requirements in no more than four weeks. They have also produced a quilt-like fabric suitable for spring / summer garments which is made from materials such as silk organdie, cotton yarn or lurex to produce a shiny effect.
  • Teseo Tessitura Serica Di Olmeda SpA (Italy): for their summer 2019 collection, Teseo is inspired by the natural elements with increased attention to sustainability with GOTS-certified bio silk and eco-friendly yarns. New articles are lighter and enriched with yarn-dyes, include jacquard stripes and checks, gauze and devoré bands to add transparency, and more.

New collaboration of sustainable viscose suppliers formed in China
While the textile industry in China still has a long way to go in terms of sustainability, genuine progress is being made at both a government and company level. January of this year saw the implementation of a new environment protection tax, with companies charged for noise, air & water pollution and generating solid waste[2]. Replacing a pollutant discharge fee that had been in place for 40 years, the new tax is set by local governments – with some of the regions suffering from worse pollution setting higher rates – and also incentivises companies with lower emissions.

In another encouraging move, 10 leading global viscose producers in China have come together to form the Collaboration for Sustainable Development of Viscose (CV) to promote the sustainable sourcing and responsible production of viscose. These 10 producers collectively account for over 50% of the world’s viscose staple fibre production, and have partnered with two trade associations to adopt a sustainability roadmap for the viscose industry. Built around credible international sustainability standards and programmes, the CV Roadmap aims to provide guidance to viscose producers on sustainable sourcing and production practices.

The CV collaboration will make its debut appearance in the fair’s All About Sustainability zone, where visitors can learn more about this initiative, as well as sustainable developments in the Chinese textile industry. Apart from an educational programme and garment display area, the zone will also feature a number of exhibitors other than CV.

Digital Printing Zone debuts at Spring Edition
While digital printing is rapidly gaining traction in the global textile industry, this is especially so in China due to its potential to reduce pollution during the production process. Amongst the exhibitors looking to take advantage of this in the fair’s new Digital Printing Zone is MS Italy, a market leader in the design, development and distribution of innovative digital ink-jet printing systems and associated consumables, which serves the high-end, roll-to-roll textile printing and specialty material markets. Also exhibiting is DIGITEX which will introduce the latest digital- and inkjet-printed natural and manmade fabrics.

Apart from digital printing exhibitors, a day-long forum will inform fairgoers on the exciting possibilities of digital printing. Held on day 2 of the fair, the Fast Fashion and Digital Printing Application Forum features sessions on fast fashion technology & trends and digital printing applications. These are followed by a series of discussions on topics such as flexible supply chains, business opportunities created by digital printing and IP protection. The forum also includes a presentation on the findings of a six-month study conducted by Fashion Print, a Chinese publication, for which they visited hundreds of textile companies, printing and dyeing enterprises, as well as their suppliers to produce a research paper on the digital textile printing market and technology.

In addition to Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, four other textile fairs also take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center: Yarn Expo Spring, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition, fashion garment fair CHIC and knitting fair PH Value.

  • Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2018 is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Textile Information Centre. For more details on this fair, please visit: To find out more about all Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:




Liam Rodden, Messe Frankfurt (HK)

Cinte Techtextil (c) Messe Frankfurt / Cinte Techtextil China edition

New date for Cinte Techtextil China 2018 as exhibitor registration opens

Exhibitor registration is open for Cinte Techtextil China, which will take place with an earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year. Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector, the fair is held in a region that not only continues to grow strongly but is expected to do so for the foreseeable future, not least due to major government initiatives in China that are injecting billions of dollars of investment into the industry.

Exhibitor registration is open for Cinte Techtextil China, which will take place with an earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year. Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector, the fair is held in a region that not only continues to grow strongly but is expected to do so for the foreseeable future, not least due to major government initiatives in China that are injecting billions of dollars of investment into the industry.

“It is due to the increasing opportunities in the Asian market that we are expecting more European exhibitors to feature at Cinte Techtextil China this year,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd outlined. “As the fair attracts a diverse range of trade buyers, including from 12 different application areas such as Buildtech, Clothtech, Geotech, Medtech, Mobiltech and Protech, it is a unique opportunity within Asia for suppliers to meet with the entire industry and maximise the potential of their products across various end-uses and sectors.” While many new European companies are expected this year, some of the returning big brands already confirmed include Trützschler, Dilo and Barnet from Germany, Andritz from France, Stahl from the Netherlands, Itema from Italy and Picanol from Belgium.

Chinese and Asian technical textiles and nonwovens markets continue their upward trajectory
When it comes to technical textiles and nonwovens, the Asian region, and China in particular, is displaying impressive growth, which will remain the case in the coming years.

China overall

  •  The total output of technical textiles and nonwoven products is estimated to reach over 22 million tons in 2020, accounting for 30% of global production, and double that of 2013.
  •  In 2016, China’s technical textile exports were worth USD 23.61 billion. Nine major products surpassed USD 1.5 billion worth of exports each: medical & hygiene textiles, coated textiles, nonwovens, canvas & tarp textiles, ropes, synthetic leather substrates and package textiles.
  • Growth will be seen especially in the following sectors in the coming five years               

                  Filtration & separation textiles
                  Medical & hygiene textiles
                  Geotechnical textil
                  Structural reinforcement textiles
                  Transportation textiles
                  Protective textiles


  • China accounted for 10.5% of global nonwovens imports in 2015.
  • China alone will account for around 57% of the Asian consumption of nonwovens from 2016 to 2020.
  • According to the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA), the following nonwoven sectors will experience the highest growth in this period:

                 Environmental protection
                 Medical, healthcare and elderly care
                 Emergency services and public security
                 New-energy automotive
                ‘Belt and Road’ supporting industries

Man-made fibres

  • China currently accounts for 65% of world market share of man-made fibres, with demand in the wider Asian region expected to remain strong in coming years thanks to growing populations and rising living standards in China and emerging Asian countries.
  • The driving force is not only clothing, but also new applications such as the filtration, construction, protection and transportation industries.
Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn ©Messe Frankfurt
Logo Yarn Expo

Green products to be centre stage at October’s Yarn Expo Autumn

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

  • Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products
  • Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

Green products continue to be sought after more and more by consumers nowadays, and textiles are no exception. In order to promote sustainable development throughout the industry, a number of yarn and fibre manufacturers have endeavoured to introduce green products into the early stages of textile production, and Yarn Expo, as the leading yarn and fibre business platform in Asia, serves as an ideal stage for these suppliers to gain exposure to buyers looking for such products.

Debut BCI Pavilion joined by Sateri and Birla Planet Pavilions to showcase eco-friendly products

Amongst a record number of exhibitors at this October’s Yarn Expo Autumn, the debut BCI Pavilion as well as the Sateri Pavilion and Birla Planet Pavilion that include eco-friendly products are certainly amongst the highlights this year. Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a global organisation with more than 1,000 members including spinners, weavers and garment manufacturers throughout the entire cotton sector. It aims to promote sustainable cotton production, benefiting workers, customers and the environment as a whole. They will form the BCI Pavilion in Yarn Expo for the first time, with five spinners showcasing their cotton yarn manufactured with eco-friendly cotton.

Sateri is a well-known brand in China which specialises in viscose rayon. This natural and high-quality fibre is made from trees grown on renewable plantations. They are the largest producer of viscose fibre in China with three mills and an annual capacity of 550,000 tons, and also have Oeko-Tex certification. This October, nine other domestic exhibitors will form the Sateri Pavilion to demonstrate their comfortable textiles and skin-friendly hygiene products made from viscose fibre.

With over 50 years of experience in manufacturing cellulosic fibres, Birla Group strives to provide greener, purer and safer products to its customers. The Group has operated in China for three years now, and values Yarn Expo’s effectiveness in helping them to promote their brand and attract a wide range of buyers. “We managed to get connected with a number of downstream buyers at the fair. We have introduced our company and products to them that there is great chance for future cooperation.” said Mr Peter Dong, Senior Manager of Aditya Birla Group.   Coming back this year, the Birla Planet Pavilion will feature three of their highlighted fibres – Birla Viscose, Birla Modal and Birla Spunshades at the fair.

Six special display zones cater to latest industry trends

The textile industry in China is undergoing a structural change with keen competition, so domestic suppliers have to develop innovative and quality products to satisfy the ever-changing markets. To match the specific needs of various buyers, Yarn Expo has established six distinct display zones gathering the leading domestic companies, namely Colourful Chemical Zone, Natural Cotton Yarn Zone, Fancy Yarn Zone, Quality Wool Zone, Green Linen Zone and e-Commerce Zone.

Not only are a number of chemical fibre products with innovative, eco-friendly and health & comfort properties on offer from exhibitors, but visitors can also gain insights into product trends in these areas from the 2017/18 China Fibre Trend Area and Innovative Textile Material Forum, both of which feature in the Colourful Chemical Zone. The Natural Cotton Yarn Zone is another highlight of the three-day show, where exhibitors will showcase their natural cotton yarn and a range of functional products. Around 50 suppliers will also showcase their latest collections in the expanded Fancy Yarn Zone.
In response to the strong demand for fibre and yarn products in China and the Asian region, the coming autumn edition of Yarn Expo will double its exhibition space, and will accommodate around 500 global yarn suppliers from 13 countries and regions. Together with Yarn Expo Autumn 2017, three other textile trade fairs are held concurrently from 11 – 13 October in the same venue: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, PH Value and the China International Fashion Fair (CHIC).

Yarn Expo Autumn is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; The Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; China Cotton Textile Association; China Wool Textile Association; China Chemical Fiber Association; China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association; and China Textile Information Centre.

RWTH Aachen Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University
RWTH Aachen

Erneut VDMA-Auszeichnungen für Absolventen des ITA der RWTH Aachen University

Karsten Neuwerk und Lukas Völkel vom Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen University wurden während der Techtextil 2017 für ihre herausragenden studentischen Abschlussarbeiten prämiert. Die Kreativpreise erhielten die beiden Absolventen für die Entwicklung lichtleitender Fasern auf Basis nachwachsender Polymerwerkstoffe (Karsten Neuwerk) und die Entwicklung textiler Ladungsspeichersysteme durch graphenmodifizierte Polyamid-Fasern (Lukas Völkel). Die Preise sind mit einem einjährigen Förderstipendium über 250 Euro pro Monat dotiert. Peter D. Dornier, der Stiftungspräsident der Walter-Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer und Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung der Lindauer DORNIER, überreichte die Auszeichnungen auf dem Stand des VDMA anlässlich der Messe Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main.

Karsten Neuwerk und Lukas Völkel vom Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) der RWTH Aachen University wurden während der Techtextil 2017 für ihre herausragenden studentischen Abschlussarbeiten prämiert. Die Kreativpreise erhielten die beiden Absolventen für die Entwicklung lichtleitender Fasern auf Basis nachwachsender Polymerwerkstoffe (Karsten Neuwerk) und die Entwicklung textiler Ladungsspeichersysteme durch graphenmodifizierte Polyamid-Fasern (Lukas Völkel). Die Preise sind mit einem einjährigen Förderstipendium über 250 Euro pro Monat dotiert. Peter D. Dornier, der Stiftungspräsident der Walter-Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer und Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung der Lindauer DORNIER, überreichte die Auszeichnungen auf dem Stand des VDMA anlässlich der Messe Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main.

Polymer-lichtleitende Fasern - eine echte Alternative
Doktorand Pavan Kumar Manvi betreut Karsten Neuwerk am ITA und erläutert: „Polymer-lichtleitende Fasern sind eine echte Alternative zu Glasfasern, weil sie ein geringes Gewicht haben und sehr flexibel sind. Dazu sind sie kostengünstig herzustellen und einfach und nahezu universell einsetzbar bei kurzen Lichtleitungsstrecken. Wir konnten erstmalig elastische Polymer-lichtleitende Fasern aus Kohlendioxid-basiertem Polymer entwickeln und eröffnen damit vielseitige neue Anwendungsfelder, die bisher mit den weit weniger elastischen Glasfasern nicht gefüllt werden konnten. Die neuen Anwendungsfelder liegen z. B. in der Automobilindustrie, beispielsweise in der Umrandung des Armaturenbretts oder anderen wesentlichen Teilen innerhalb des Autos mit Polymer-lichtleitenden Fasern. So kann man wichtige Bereiche im Auto aus Sicherheitsaspekten hervorheben und stilistisch neue Gestaltungselemente schaffen. Sollektoren, die Tageslicht in Räume ohne Fenster transportieren, sind ein weiteres Anwendungsbeispiel. Da die Polymer-lichtleitenden Fasern elastisch sind, ist es möglich, alle Arten von Räumen mit Tageslicht auszustatten. Eine weitere Anwendung der Polymer-lichtleitenden Fasern findet sich bei leuchtenden Textilien, z. B. für spezielle Effekte bei festlicher Kleidung. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil ist, dass wir zur Verbesserung der Umweltbilanz beitragen, weil bei der Polymer-Herstellung das Treibhausgas Kohlendioxid chemisch in das Polymer eingebaut und somit verbraucht wird.“

Weitere Informationen:
RWTH Aachen, ITA, Textiltechnik

 Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Techtextil 2017 Referat Hochschulkommunikation Hochschule Niederrhein
Techtextil 2017

Hochschule Niederrhein mit Stand, Stoffen und Studierenden auf der Techtextil

Die Hochschule Niederrhein präsentiert ab heute ihre breitgefächerte textile Kompetenz auf der Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt, der Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe. Auf einem eigenen Stand präsentieren Prof. Dr. Eberhard Janssen und Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein den Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung und die Öffentliche Prüfstelle.

Die Hochschule Niederrhein präsentiert ab heute ihre breitgefächerte textile Kompetenz auf der Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt, der Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe. Auf einem eigenen Stand präsentieren Prof. Dr. Eberhard Janssen und Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein den Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, das Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung und die Öffentliche Prüfstelle.

Von heute, 9. Mai, bis Freitag, 12. Mai, zeigt die Hochschule an ihrem Stand (Halle 3.1 Stand A39) neue Entwicklungen wie Durchstichsensoren, leuchtende Fassaden, 3D-Simulation oder Kernmantelverbundwerkstoffe. Daneben geht es auch um allgemeine Informationen zu den Studiengängen am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Den 60 Quadratmeter großen Stand teilt sich die Hochschule Niederrhein mit dem Mönchengladbacher Unternehmen Textechno und dem österreichischen Unternehmen Lenzing Instruments, beides Hersteller von Mess- und Prüfgeräten für Fasern.
Außerdem ist Prof. Dr. Michael Ernst mit dem Virtual Lab des Fachbereichs in Halle 4 mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten und zeigt die nächste Generation der Produktentwicklung, die zunehmend digital geprägt ist. Die Bereiche Avatargestaltung mittels Body-Scanning-Technologien, Erfassung von Materialparametern für die Simulation, virtuelles Prototyping und die Implementierung der Technologien in einen industriellen Produktentwicklungsprozess stehen hierbei im Fokus und werden mit neuesten 2D und 3D CAD-Technologien umgesetzt.


Referat Hochschulkommunikation Hochschule Niederrhein