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Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert in Mahlos Richtautomatik

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 zählt zu den bedeutenden italienischen Unternehmen im Bereich der Textilveredelung. Gegründet 1973 in Masserano im Textilviertel von Biella, bietet das Unternehmen die komplette Palette von Färben aller Arten von Fasern, Veredelung, Digitaldruck, Laminierung und Membranauskleidung. Diese Prozesse dienen dazu, den Stoffen bestimmte Eigenschaften zu verleihen, wie z.B. Farbe, Muster, Weichheit, Glanz oder Wasserdichte.

Kunden profitieren bei Tintoria Finissaggio davon, dass alle Prozesse unter einem Dach abgewickelt werden, von der Unterstützung beim Design bis zur Veredelung von Stoffen, wobei jahrzehntelange Erfahrung mit den neuen Möglichkeiten der Laminierung und des Digitaldrucks kombiniert wird. Die Färberei in Masserano ist eine hochmoderne Anlage, die die strengsten Umweltschutznormen erfüllt. Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert kontinuierlich in modernste Technologien und Produktionsanlagen, um hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen und nachhaltige Produktionsverfahren zu gewährleisten.

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 zählt zu den bedeutenden italienischen Unternehmen im Bereich der Textilveredelung. Gegründet 1973 in Masserano im Textilviertel von Biella, bietet das Unternehmen die komplette Palette von Färben aller Arten von Fasern, Veredelung, Digitaldruck, Laminierung und Membranauskleidung. Diese Prozesse dienen dazu, den Stoffen bestimmte Eigenschaften zu verleihen, wie z.B. Farbe, Muster, Weichheit, Glanz oder Wasserdichte.

Kunden profitieren bei Tintoria Finissaggio davon, dass alle Prozesse unter einem Dach abgewickelt werden, von der Unterstützung beim Design bis zur Veredelung von Stoffen, wobei jahrzehntelange Erfahrung mit den neuen Möglichkeiten der Laminierung und des Digitaldrucks kombiniert wird. Die Färberei in Masserano ist eine hochmoderne Anlage, die die strengsten Umweltschutznormen erfüllt. Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 investiert kontinuierlich in modernste Technologien und Produktionsanlagen, um hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen und nachhaltige Produktionsverfahren zu gewährleisten.

Auf Innovation setzte Tintoria Finissagio 2000 auch bei der Ausrüstung eines neuen Spannrahmens. Hier entschied man sich für die aktuelle Entwicklung des deutschen Maschinenbauers Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG: die Richtautomatik Orthopac RXVMC-20. Das neue Richtkonzept ist speziell für die Verarbeitung von Textilien mit hoher Verzugsdynamik, d.h. Textilien mit stark veränderlichen Verzügen, ausgelegt. Zwei einzeln gesteuerte und angetriebene Richtmodule mit insgesamt drei Bogen- und vier Schrägwalzen sorgen dafür, dass die Korrektur von Bogen- und Schrägverzügen in kleinen Schritten erfolgt. Neu ist auch das Ansteuerungskonzept. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Einlauf der Richtmaschine erkennt Verzüge, noch bevor sie die Korrekturwalzen erreichen. So werden die Walzen direkt in Position gebracht und die Ware bereits ab dem ersten Zentimeter korrigiert. Eine Tastkopfgruppe am Auslauf erkennt zusätzlich möglichen Restverzug, der den am zweiten Richtmodul korrigiert wird.

Photo: CHT

BEZAKTIV ONE: New Reactive dyes range by CHT

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

BEZAKTIV ONE dyes can be dyed, rinsed and soaped between 40 and 60 °C. Therefore, the BEZAKTIV ONE exhaust dyeing process is significantly shorter compared to conventional reactive dyeing processes, where temperatures between 60 and 98 °C are required. This advantage means savings in process time and higher productivity for the textile dyer.

The advantages become particularly clear when dyeing medium to dark shades with the BEZAKTIV ONE process. Due to the high fixation level in combination with good color build-up dark shades can be matched with lower dye concentrations of BEZAKTIV ONE than with conventional bifunctional reactive dyes. The addition of the auxiliary COTOBLANC SEL in the second soap bath has an additional positive effect, so that a washing process with low water and energy consumption generates excellent wet fastness properties on the textile.


Alchemie Technology asks fashion industry to reduce emissions

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Alchemie Technology, an innovator of low energy, waterless, textile dyeing and finishing technology, is calling on COP26 leaders to support the global fashion industry in the adoption of new manufacturing technology, which will dramatically reduce carbon emissions and fashion’s impact on climate change.

While the fashion industry is one of the most polluting on the planet, second only to oil and gas, and greenhouse gas emissions from textile dyeing at around 3% of global emissions outweigh that of all international flights and maritime shipping combined, it is an industry that can also reduce CO2 emissions the fastest, just by changing the way it dyes fabrics.  

Fabric dyeing is the most polluting part of fashion and activewear manufacturing, involving industrial scale dye baths and huge amounts of dye chemicals, steam, electrical power, and consequent high CO2 emissions.  Repeated washing of the dyed fabric, required to remove dye residue, is responsible for 20% of the world’s wastewater pollution and excess dye is discharged into waterways, affecting the health of some of the world’s poorest communities. In more regulated areas, water pollution is reduced through reliance on energy intensive water treatment plants.

However, an environmental step change can be achieved by adopting new digital technology that can dye fabrics with an 85% reduction in energy consumption and a dramatic 95% reduction of the 1.3 trillion litres of water currently used by the industry each year.

For example, dyeing one polyester shirt using current methods generates 4.5 litres of wastewater and produces 0.17 Kg of CO2, compared to low energy digital technology, which uses less than 0.2 litres of water and reduces carbon emissions to 0.03 Kg.  Multiply these numbers by the billions of garments dyed each year and the scale of the environmental problem, if nothing changes, is clear to see. Equally, the amount by which the textile industry can improve its carbon footprint is dramatic and can be done quickly if action is taken now.


Alchemie Technology Ltd

Dyeing industry first for 7H with imogo (c) Imogo
The imogo team (left to right): Per Stenflo, textile process specialist Ellinor Niit and CEO Joacim Wellander.

Dyeing industry first for 7H with imogo

Swedish commission dyeing company 7H Färgeri is looking to propel itself to the forefront of sustainable fabric production with the installation of the first industrial scale imogo Dye-Max spray dyeing line.
Currently under construction, the line will be delivered in the first week of March to the 7H plant close to the Swedish city of Borås. It will have a full working width of 1.8 metres with an operating speed of up to 50 metres for the reactive dyeing of cellulosic fibre-based fabrics. In addition, it will be capable of carrying out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing the company with unbeatable flexibility in production.

A proven Mini-Max laboratory unit for pre-determining application volumes and colour matching will also be delivered as part of the contract.

With the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems, the DyeMax has gained considerable attention since the concept was outlined and a prototype machine constructed in 2019.

Swedish commission dyeing company 7H Färgeri is looking to propel itself to the forefront of sustainable fabric production with the installation of the first industrial scale imogo Dye-Max spray dyeing line.
Currently under construction, the line will be delivered in the first week of March to the 7H plant close to the Swedish city of Borås. It will have a full working width of 1.8 metres with an operating speed of up to 50 metres for the reactive dyeing of cellulosic fibre-based fabrics. In addition, it will be capable of carrying out the application of a wide range of fabric pre-treatments and finishing processes, providing the company with unbeatable flexibility in production.

A proven Mini-Max laboratory unit for pre-determining application volumes and colour matching will also be delivered as part of the contract.

With the potential to slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems, the DyeMax has gained considerable attention since the concept was outlined and a prototype machine constructed in 2019.

Pilot scale trials have subsequently been carried out with many well-known international textile companies and their brand partners.
The application unit of the Dye-Max consists of a closed chamber containing a series of spray cassettes with precision nozzles for accurate and consistent coverage, in combination with the patented imogo Pro Speed valve that controls the volume to be applied.

Control and precision
“We are achieving an extremely low liquor ratio of around 0.5-1 litres per kilo of fabric and we fully control the pickup, applying precisely what is required to the specific fabric,” says imogo founding partner Per Stenflo. “Compared to traditional padders there is no contamination of the dyebath or dilution of the dye liquor to worry about.
Fast changeovers with virtually no waste together with a high production speed enable a high productivity and unmatched production flexibility. The system is also equipped with an exhaust system and droplet separator to ensure that the environment around the unit is safe and free from particles.

The imogo Mini-Max meanwhile frees up valuable production time by avoiding wasteful pre-runs. The user simply sets the recipe with the Mini-Max and transfers the parameters to the Dye-Max recipe database for the system to be fully production ready.

7H Färgeri was founded in 1935 and has established itself as the Nordic region’s most complete dyeing and processing plant, specialising in technical and functional textiles for the automotive and soft furnishings sectors, as well as functional and protective clothing.

The family-owned business is now run by brothers Johan and Peter Engelmann.
“We are pleased to be pioneering a sustainable first for the dyeing industry,” said Johan Engelmann. “Our goal is to offer the market products and services with the highest quality in the most climate-smart and sustainable way, and imogo’s spray technology will give us the opportunity to offer innovative new services and products to both existing and new customers. It will be a very exciting journey.”

World Congress on Textile Coating
On February 12th Per Stenflo will make a presentation entitled ‘Transforming Textile Dyeing’ during the online World Congress on Textile Coating which is held over four days, between February 11th and 19th.