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3 Ergebnisse
Photo: Stora Enso

Infinited Fiber Company: Commercial-scale factory to produce regenerated textile fiber

  • Finnish fashion and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company plans to build its first commercial-scale Infinna™ fiber factory at Stora Enso’s Veitsiluoto industrial site in the city of Kemi in Finland’s northernmost region of Lapland. Infinited Fiber Company plans to convert a building currently housing a discontinued paper production line.
  • The size of Infinited Fiber Company’s planned investment is around EUR 400 million.
  • The planned factory is expected to create around 270 jobs at the Veitsiluoto industrial site.
  • The factory is expected to operate at full capacity in 2025.

Fashion and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company plans to build a commercial-scale factory to produce regenerated textile fiber for the world’s leading apparel companies at the site of renewable materials company Stora Enso’s closed Veitsiluoto paper mill in Kemi, a Finnish city on the northern shore of the Baltic Sea. The size of the investment is estimated at EUR 400 million, and it is expected to create around 270 jobs in the area.

  • Finnish fashion and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company plans to build its first commercial-scale Infinna™ fiber factory at Stora Enso’s Veitsiluoto industrial site in the city of Kemi in Finland’s northernmost region of Lapland. Infinited Fiber Company plans to convert a building currently housing a discontinued paper production line.
  • The size of Infinited Fiber Company’s planned investment is around EUR 400 million.
  • The planned factory is expected to create around 270 jobs at the Veitsiluoto industrial site.
  • The factory is expected to operate at full capacity in 2025.

Fashion and textile technology company Infinited Fiber Company plans to build a commercial-scale factory to produce regenerated textile fiber for the world’s leading apparel companies at the site of renewable materials company Stora Enso’s closed Veitsiluoto paper mill in Kemi, a Finnish city on the northern shore of the Baltic Sea. The size of the investment is estimated at EUR 400 million, and it is expected to create around 270 jobs in the area. The annual fiber production capacity of the planned factory is expected to be 30,000 metric tons, which is equivalent to the fiber needed for about 100 million T-shirts.  

Infinited Fiber Company’s technology enables cotton-rich textile waste to be transformed into a versatile, high-quality regenerated textile fiber called Infinna™, which looks and feels like cotton. Major international fashion and apparel companies – including Zara’s parent company Inditex, PVH Europe, which is known for the Tommy Hilfiger brand, Patagonia, PANGAIA, H&M Group and BESTSELLER – have already committed to Infinna™ purchases through multi-year agreements as they look for materials that enable the industry to shift towards circularity. Infinited Fiber Company expects to export most of the output of its planned factory. This makes Kemi an ideal location as the city’s port serves as an efficient link to the rest of the world.

Infinited Fiber Company will convert a building housing a discontinued paper production line into an Infinna™ fiber factory. Both the factory engineering and project implementation as well as the related financing negotiations were commenced at the beginning of the year and are progressing well. Infinited Fiber Company has also agreed on the provision of energy and water related services with utility infrastructure company Nevel.

Once up and running, the factory is expected to provide direct employment for around 220 people, and for a further 50 through on-site support functions such as services, maintenance, and logistics. The additional indirect employment impact is estimated to be around 800 jobs. The construction and installation phase is expected to create jobs equaling around 120 person-years. The factory is anticipated to operate at full capacity in 2025.


Infinited Fiber Company

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics (c) nova-Institut
Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE)

New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

  • Second Session of the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cellulose fibers are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibers through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibers and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens, packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The second session of the conference: "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics", will focus on questions such as: "What is the impact of the ban on plastics on single-use products?" and "What are the latest regulatory issues and policy opportunities for cellulose fibres?".  This section presents new opportunities for replacing fossil-based insulating materials with cellulose-based technologies that can be used for a variety of applications, from aerospace to mobility, as well as in construction. For the program just click here.

Speakers of the Session "New Opportunities for Cellulose Fibres in Replacing Plastics":

  • Nicolas Hark - nova-Institut (DE): Opportunities in Policy for Cellulose Fibres
  • Paula Martirez - Stora Enso (SE): Last years Winner Papira® – an Eco-revolution in Foam Packaging
  • Stefanie Schlager - Lenzing (AT): LENZING™ Fibres for Sustainable Single use Products
  • Sascha Schriever - Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University (DE): Cellulose Aerogel Non-wovens – Sustainable Insulators of Tomorrow

Innovationspreis "Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022"

  • International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2. - 3. Februar in Köln, Deutschland und online
  • Call for Innovations
  • Sechs Nominierte erhalten die Chance, ihre innovativen Produkte zu präsentieren

Die Fußstapfen sind groß: 2021 gewann Stora Enso aus Schweden den Innovationspreis, der am ersten Tag der "International Conference on Cellulose Fibres" verliehen wurde. Ihr neuer Zelluloseschaum für Verpackungen hat das Publikum voll überzeugt. Den zweiten Platz belegte Kelheim Fibres (Deutschland) mit ihren hochwertigen Hygieneprodukten aus Zellulose vor dem Drittplatzierten Metsä Spring aus Finnland, der ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von Zellulosefasern vorstellte.

  • International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2. - 3. Februar in Köln, Deutschland und online
  • Call for Innovations
  • Sechs Nominierte erhalten die Chance, ihre innovativen Produkte zu präsentieren

Die Fußstapfen sind groß: 2021 gewann Stora Enso aus Schweden den Innovationspreis, der am ersten Tag der "International Conference on Cellulose Fibres" verliehen wurde. Ihr neuer Zelluloseschaum für Verpackungen hat das Publikum voll überzeugt. Den zweiten Platz belegte Kelheim Fibres (Deutschland) mit ihren hochwertigen Hygieneprodukten aus Zellulose vor dem Drittplatzierten Metsä Spring aus Finnland, der ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von Zellulosefasern vorstellte.

Das nova-Institut hat die Bewerbungsphase für den Preis "Cellulose Fibre Innovation oft the Year 2022" bis zum 15. November 2021 eröffnet. Alle Produzenten, Erfinder und Pioniere entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette vom Rohstoff bis zum Endprodukt sind eingeladen, sich an dem Wettbewerb zu beteiligen. Entwicklungen neuer Technologien oder Anwendungen sind willkommen. Eine unabhängige Expertenjury wird aus allen Einsendungen insgesamt sechs neue Materialien und Produkte für den Preis nominieren. Die Innovatoren erhalten ein kostenloses 2-Tages-Ticket für die Konferenz und die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihr Produkt oder ihre Technologie vor einem großen Fachpublikum vorzustellen. Nach kurzen Präsentationen der sechs Kandidaten auf der Konferenz werden die drei Gewinner von den Konferenzteilnehmern gewählt und bei einem festlichen Gala-Dinner mit dem Innovationspreis geehrt.

Im Anschluss an die Konferenz gibt das nova-Institut eine internationale Pressemitteilung heraus, um die Gewinner bekannt zu geben.

Call for Innovations
Alle Informationen rund um den Innovationspreis und die Bewerbung sind zu finden auf
Einreichungsschluss: 15. November 2021


nova-Institut GmbH