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7 Ergebnisse
(c) TMAS

TMAS: Microfactory for filter bags in Sweden

ACG Kinna Automatic and ACG Nyström – members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – have delivered the first microfactory for the production of fully finished filter bags to an international filtration industry customer, in cooperation with JUKI Central Europe.

The microfactory’s configuration is based on two separate interconnecting modules – the Smart Filter Line (SFL) and the Filtermaster 2.0. The SFL handles the fabric feeding from rolls and its folding prior to seam construction, which can either be by automatic sewing, welding or with sewing and taping, depending on specifications. Very rapid changeover of the modular seaming methods can be achieved during product changes. The specific size of the now fully-tubular fabric is then precisely cut to size for each individual unit and further folded ready to be fed into the Filtermaster 2.0. The Filtermaster 2.0 then automatically attaches the reinforcement, bottom and snap rings onto the filter tube with a second Juki sewing head on a robotic arm, to form the fully finished filter bag ready for packaging.

ACG Kinna Automatic and ACG Nyström – members of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association – have delivered the first microfactory for the production of fully finished filter bags to an international filtration industry customer, in cooperation with JUKI Central Europe.

The microfactory’s configuration is based on two separate interconnecting modules – the Smart Filter Line (SFL) and the Filtermaster 2.0. The SFL handles the fabric feeding from rolls and its folding prior to seam construction, which can either be by automatic sewing, welding or with sewing and taping, depending on specifications. Very rapid changeover of the modular seaming methods can be achieved during product changes. The specific size of the now fully-tubular fabric is then precisely cut to size for each individual unit and further folded ready to be fed into the Filtermaster 2.0. The Filtermaster 2.0 then automatically attaches the reinforcement, bottom and snap rings onto the filter tube with a second Juki sewing head on a robotic arm, to form the fully finished filter bag ready for packaging.

Filter bags are employed in a wide range of industrial processes and while they may be largely under the radar as products, they represent a pretty significant percentage of overall technical textiles production.
They are used in foundries, smelters, incinerators, asphalt plants and energy production plants. Other key manufacturing fields – often where dust is generated – include the production of timber, textiles, composites, waste handling and minerals, in addition to chemicals, food production, pharmaceuticals, electronics and agriculture.

As a further example of the scale of the industry and the high volumes of fabrics involved, one supplier has delivered a single order of 30,000 filter bags to be used for flue gas cleaning at a European power plant. The bags can also be anywhere up to twelve metres in length and frequently have to be replaced.


Textile Machinery Association of Sweden


TMAS: Digitised solutions at Techtextil and Texprocess

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Members of TMAS – the Swedish textile machinery association – will display technologies in alignment with the theme of digitalisation at the forthcoming Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 exhibitions, taking place in Frankfurt from April 23-26th.

Automatic handling
The fully automated and digitised handling solutions for finished garments, home textiles and furniture of Eton Systems, for example, will be demonstrated at Texprocess.

Designed to increase value-added time in production by eliminating manual transportation and minimising handling, the individually addressable product carriers are fully managed and controlled by the latest ETONingenious™ software. This web based real-time data collection and information system continuously accumulates, processes and makes all production information instantly available to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.

Bespoke seams
Svegea will demonstrate its EC 300-XS colarette technology, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements.

The EC 300-XS collarette cutter on show in Frankfurt is equipped with the latest E-Drive II system providing the operator with a very user-friendly touchscreen, providing full control of the cutting process. An accompanying FA 350 fully automatic roll slitting machine will also be demonstrated.

Digital finishing
At Techtextil meanwhile, Baldwin Technology Co. will provide full details of how its highly digitised TexCoat G4 non-contact spray technology for textile finishing and remoistening not only reduces water, chemicals and energy consumption, but also provides the flexibility to adapt to customer requirements in terms of single and double-sided finishing applications.

TexCoat G4 can reduce water consumption and chemical usage by as much as 50% compared to traditional padding application processes.

Yarn tension
Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, Eltex will display the latest Eltex EyETM system for the continuous monitoring of yarn tension on warp beams.

The Eltex EyETM eliminates problems when warping, and also in subsequent weaving or tufting processes, monitoring the yarn tension on all positions in real-time and enabling a minimum and maximum allowable tension value it be set. If any yarn’s tension falls outside these values the operator can be warned or the machine stopped.

The Eltex ACT and ACT-R units meanwhile go beyond yarn tension monitoring to actually control yarn tension. This extends the application range greatly. The plug and play system automatically compensates for any differences in yarn tension that arise, for example from irregularities in yarn packages.

Accumulated know-how
Vandewiele Sweden AB benefits from all of the synergies and accumulated know-how of Vandewiele Group, supplying weft yarn feeding and tension control units for weaving looms to the majority of weaving machine manufacturers. It also retrofits its latest technologies to working mills to enable instant benefits in terms of productivity and control.

The company will present its latest X4 yarn feeders with integrated accessory displays (TED) as a new standard, as well as launching its own e-commerce platform –

The TED function enables weft tension settings to be transferred from one machine to another, enabling a fast start-up the next time the same article is woven. The position of the S-Flex Tensioner is constantly monitored by an internal sensor – even if adjustment is made during power off.

X4 feeders are also available with integrated active tension control (ATC-W) as an option. With the ATC-W active tension control, the required tension is easily set and monitored on the integrated display. Once set, the system constantly regulates itself, ensuring consistent yarn tension during the weaving process which is constantly and accurately measured by the ATC sensor unit, sending a signal to the ATC operator unit resulting in consistently stable yarn tension at the required level.


TMAS - Swedish textile machinery association

Sicherheitsgurt Foto Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions auf der Techtextil India 2023

Auf der Techtextil India 2023 informiert die Division Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns über neue Anwendungen, spezielle Prozesse und nachhaltige Lösungen rund um die Produktion von technischen Textilien. Vom 12. bis 14. September 2023 stehen auf dem Jio World Convention Centre (JWCC) in Mumbai Airbags, Sicherheitsgurte und Reifencord, aber auch Geotextilien und Filtervliesstoffe und ihre vielfältigen Anwendungen im Fokus der Gespräche.

Auf der Techtextil India 2023 informiert die Division Polymer Processing Solutions des Schweizer Oerlikon Konzerns über neue Anwendungen, spezielle Prozesse und nachhaltige Lösungen rund um die Produktion von technischen Textilien. Vom 12. bis 14. September 2023 stehen auf dem Jio World Convention Centre (JWCC) in Mumbai Airbags, Sicherheitsgurte und Reifencord, aber auch Geotextilien und Filtervliesstoffe und ihre vielfältigen Anwendungen im Fokus der Gespräche.

Mehr Polyester für Airbags
Hauptsächlich bestehen die für Airbags verwendeten Garne aus Polyamid. Durch die immer vielfältiger werdenden Airbag-Anwendungen und auch die immer größer werdenden Systeme wird heute je nach Einsatzanforderungen und Kosten/Nutzen-Abwägung oft auch Polyester eingesetzt. Neben hoher Produktivität und geringem Energieverbrauch überzeugen die Technologien von Oerlikon Barmag besonders durch stabile Produktionsprozesse. Sie erfüllen alle hohen Qualitätsstandards für Airbags, die - wie fast alle anderen textilen Produkte im Fahrzeugbau - ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für die Insassen gewährleisten müssen - ohne Funktionsverlust klimaunabhängig für die gesamte Lebensdauer des Fahrzeugs.

Bitte anschnallen!
Sicherheitsgurte müssen Zugkräfte von mehr als drei Tonnen aushalten und sich gleichzeitig im Notfall kontrolliert dehnen, um die Belastung bei einem Aufprall zu verringern. Ein Sicherheitsgurt besteht aus etwa 300 Filamentgarnen, deren einzelne hochfeste Garnfäden aus rund 100 Einzelfilamenten gesponnen sind. „Für die Herstellung dieses Lebensretters und anderer Anwendungen aus Technisch Garn bieten wir mit unserer einzigartigen patentierten Single Filament Layer Technologie einen ebenso ausgeklügelten wie schonenden High Tenacity (HT)-Garn Prozess,“ erklärt André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing.

Verstärkung von Straßen mit Geotextilien
Niedrige Dehnung, ultrahohe Festigkeit, hohe Steifigkeit - technische Garne bieten hervorragende Eigenschaften für die anspruchsvollen Aufgaben der Geotextilien, z.B. als Geogitter im Tragschichtsystem unter dem Asphalt. Geotextilien haben üblicherweise extrem hohe Garntiter von bis zu 24.000 Denier. Anlagenkonzepte von Oerlikon Barmag stellen gleichzeitig drei Filamentgarne mit je 6.000 Denier her. Durch den hohen Spinntiter können weniger Garne kosten- und energieeffizienter auf den benötigten Geo-Garntiter zusammengefacht werden.

hycuTEC – Quantensprung bei Filtermedien
Mit der Hydrocharging Lösung hycuTEC bietet Oerlikon Neumag eine neue Technologie zur Aufladung von Vliesstoffen für eine Steigerung der Filtereffizienz auf über 99,99%. Für den Meltblownproduzenten bedeutet das eine 30%ige Materialeinsparung bei signifikant gesteigerter Filtrationsleistung. Beim Endverbraucher macht sich dies in einem Komfortgewinn durch den deutlich reduzierten Atemwider-stand bemerkbar. Mit einem bedeutend geringeren Wasser- und Energieverbrauch empfiehlt sich die Neuentwicklung darüber hinaus als zukunftsfähige, nachhaltige Technologie.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

TMAS member imogo develops new sustainable spray application technologies (c) TMAS
The roundtable discussion, Sustainable Finishing Methods in Textile Finishing, during ITA 2020.

TMAS member imogo develops new sustainable spray application technologies

In a roundtable discussion during the recent Innovate Textiles & Apparel (ITA) textile machinery exhibition, imogo Founding Partner Per Stenflo and representatives from a number of like-minded European companies discussed the opportunities for new spray application technologies for the dyeing and finishing sector.

These technologies can achieve tremendous savings for manufacturers compared to traditional water-intensive processes it was explained at the event, held online from October 15-30th.

imogo – one of the latest companies to join TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – is one of the key pioneers in this area with its Dye-Max system. Dye-Max spray dyeing technology can slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. This is due to the extremely low liquor ratio of 0.3-0.8 litres per kilo of fabric and at the same time, considerably fewer auxiliary chemicals are required to start with.

In a roundtable discussion during the recent Innovate Textiles & Apparel (ITA) textile machinery exhibition, imogo Founding Partner Per Stenflo and representatives from a number of like-minded European companies discussed the opportunities for new spray application technologies for the dyeing and finishing sector.

These technologies can achieve tremendous savings for manufacturers compared to traditional water-intensive processes it was explained at the event, held online from October 15-30th.

imogo – one of the latest companies to join TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – is one of the key pioneers in this area with its Dye-Max system. Dye-Max spray dyeing technology can slash the use of fresh water, wastewater, energy and chemicals by as much as 90% compared to conventional jet dyeing systems. This is due to the extremely low liquor ratio of 0.3-0.8 litres per kilo of fabric and at the same time, considerably fewer auxiliary chemicals are required to start with.

Such technologies, however, face a number of obstacles to adoption and during the ITA discussion it was agreed that 2020 has not provided the ideal climate for adventurous investors. “The textile industry is quite conservative and is definitely in survival mode at the moment and it is not the time to be a visionary,” said Stenflo. “Day to day business is about staying alive – that’s the reality for many of our customers.” Nevertheless, all of the panellists agreed that sustainable production will remain top of the agenda for the textile industry in the longer term and spray technologies for dyeing and finishing processes will be a part of it.

“Any investment in something new is a risk of course, and we have to be able to explain and convince manufacturers that there’s a good return on investment, not only in respect of sustainability, but in terms of making good business sense,” said Stenflo. “Here we could use the help of the brands of course, in putting pressure on their suppliers to be more sustainable. Governments also have a role to play, in providing incentives for producers to move in the sustainable direction. Sustainability alone will never cut it, there has to be a business case, or it won’t happen.”

The marketing of sustainable new fibers is comparatively easy for the brands compared to explaining the difficult textile processes and the chemistries involved in fabric and garment production, he added.

“These fibers, however, currently go through all the same dirty processes that we need to get away from, so it must happen,” he said. “In developing our technologies, it has been important for us to avoid disrupting existing supply chains, stick with using off-the-shelf chemistries and dyes, and involve the dye manufacturers who are an essential part in how operations are driven today. “In fact, collaboration across the entire textile supply chain – from the brands right back to the new technology developers – is essential in moving the sustainability agenda forward.

Business models
“We are also looking into new business models in terms of how to reduce or lower the thresholds for investment and minimise the risk for the manufacturers who are looking to be the innovators,” he concluded. Also taking part in the ITA roundtable discussion were Simon Kew (Alchemie Technology, UK), Christian Schumacher (StepChange Innovations, Germany) Tobias Schurr (Weko, Germany), Rainer Tüxen (RotaSpray, Germany) and Felmke Zijilstra (DyeCoo, Netherlands).

European innovations
“It’s fantastic that all of this innovation is taking place in Europe based on established know-how and forward thinking,” said TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson.

“Spray application technologies are a perfect illustration of how new digital technologies can lead to more sustainable production, in this case by replacing water-intensive processes with the highly precise and controlled application of dyes and chemistries as vapour.
“There was a major project by the Swedish research organisation Mistra Future Fashion recently, involving many brand and academic institute partners. The project’s Fiber Bible 1 and 2 reports conclude that it’s very difficult to make assumptions that one fiber is better than another, because it’s so much about how fabrics and garments are being produced from them. The study also found that 55% of the chemicals used in a garment comes from the dyeing. This is where a number of TMAS companies can make a difference.
“An organic or recycled cotton t-shirt is not automatically more sustainable than a conventional cotton t-shirt, or even one made from synthetics – the alternative fibers are a good start but you have to consider the entire life cycle of a garment, and that includes the smart technologies in textiles production.
“TMAS members – backed by Swedish brands and advanced research institutes – are playing an active part in pushing forward new concepts that will work, and I have no doubt that digitalisation now goes hand in hand with sustainability for the textile industry’s future.”          

The SFL-2000 is the result of a four-year development project (c) AWOL

ACG Kinna and ACG Nyström teamed up with Juki Corporation

In the latest technology innovation from members of TMAS (the Swedish textile machinery association), ACG Kinna and ACG Nyström have teamed up with Juki Corporation – the world’s leading sewing machine manufacturer – in the development of a new automated line concept that can considerably speed up the production of finished filter bags.

Woven or nonwoven filter bags employed in a wide range of industrial processes may be under the radar as products, but they represent a pretty significant percentage of technical textiles production.

According to a recent report from BCC research, a leading US analyst covering this sector, industrial filtration represented a $555 million market in 2019 and some of the key areas where such filter bags are employed include:

In the latest technology innovation from members of TMAS (the Swedish textile machinery association), ACG Kinna and ACG Nyström have teamed up with Juki Corporation – the world’s leading sewing machine manufacturer – in the development of a new automated line concept that can considerably speed up the production of finished filter bags.

Woven or nonwoven filter bags employed in a wide range of industrial processes may be under the radar as products, but they represent a pretty significant percentage of technical textiles production.

According to a recent report from BCC research, a leading US analyst covering this sector, industrial filtration represented a $555 million market in 2019 and some of the key areas where such filter bags are employed include:

  • Metal fabrication, with effective filtration required for manual and automated welding, thermal cutting, blasting and machining, especially for coolant filtration.
  • The process and energy industries, including foundries, smelters, incinerators, asphalt works and energy production plants.
  • Other key manufacturing fields – often where dust is generated – including the production of timber, textiles, composites, waste handling and minerals, in addition to chemicals, food production, pharmaceuticals, electronics and agriculture.

Line integration
The new SFL-2000 line is the result of a four-year development project between Juki Central Europe, headquartered in Poland, and the two ACG companies.

It is capable of handling a wide range of different filter media, and as an all-in-one solution, can produce high quality and accurate seams to pre-defined parameters, with optional modules allowing for customised constructions.


Weitere Informationen:
ACG Kinna ACG Nyström TMAS


(c) Covestro

Covestros INSQIN® hilft der Autoindustrie, für die Passagiere von morgen zu planen

Die Automobilindustrie setzt auf Innovationen als Treiber für zukünftiges Wachstum. Die INSQIN® Technologie von Covestro trägt dazu bei, Qualität, Design und Funktionalität der Fahrzeuginnenausstattung zu steigern, um sicherzustellen, dass Kunden und OEM-Partner zukunftssichere Technologielösungen anbieten können, die ein Höchstmaß an Stil und Komfort gewährleisten.

Mobilitätstrends wie Elektroautos und Carsharing sowie die Verschärfung von Vorschriften zu VOC-Emissionen und Nachhaltigkeit definieren die Rolle und Funktion von Fahrzeuginnenräumen neu. Mit INSQIN® können jetzt eine Vielzahl von beschichteten Textilien und neuen Materialien verwendet werden, um ein stilvolles Fahrerlebnis zu schaffen. Die wasserbasierte Polyurethan-Technologie ermöglicht flexible, anpassungsfähige und haltbare Beschichtungen mit einem erstklassigen Erscheinungsbild. Diese einzigartigen Produktmerkmale unterstützen die Leistung auch in den dünnsten Schichten.


Die Automobilindustrie setzt auf Innovationen als Treiber für zukünftiges Wachstum. Die INSQIN® Technologie von Covestro trägt dazu bei, Qualität, Design und Funktionalität der Fahrzeuginnenausstattung zu steigern, um sicherzustellen, dass Kunden und OEM-Partner zukunftssichere Technologielösungen anbieten können, die ein Höchstmaß an Stil und Komfort gewährleisten.

Mobilitätstrends wie Elektroautos und Carsharing sowie die Verschärfung von Vorschriften zu VOC-Emissionen und Nachhaltigkeit definieren die Rolle und Funktion von Fahrzeuginnenräumen neu. Mit INSQIN® können jetzt eine Vielzahl von beschichteten Textilien und neuen Materialien verwendet werden, um ein stilvolles Fahrerlebnis zu schaffen. Die wasserbasierte Polyurethan-Technologie ermöglicht flexible, anpassungsfähige und haltbare Beschichtungen mit einem erstklassigen Erscheinungsbild. Diese einzigartigen Produktmerkmale unterstützen die Leistung auch in den dünnsten Schichten.


Weitere Informationen:


(c) TMAS by AWOL Media

Baldwin Technology to launch the TexCoat G4 at ITMA 2019

Revolutionizing textile finishing by enhancing sustainability and total process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc., a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, is pleased to announce the launch of the TexCoat G4 at the ITMA trade show in Barcelona from June 20-26, 2019. The TexCoat G4 is the next generation of the company’s revolutionary non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing.

The system enables a continuously high quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and drastically reduced water and energy consumption. TexCoat G4 will be demonstrated by Baldwin in Hall H2, stand A204.

“We are immensely proud to launch the TexCoat G4 at ITMA 2019,” said Eric Norling, Vice President Precision Application Segment, Baldwin Technology. “This is an opportunity to experience an innovation that drastically improves both the process and product quality, while saving time, valuable resources and contributing to a sustainable future.”

Revolutionizing textile finishing by enhancing sustainability and total process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc., a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, is pleased to announce the launch of the TexCoat G4 at the ITMA trade show in Barcelona from June 20-26, 2019. The TexCoat G4 is the next generation of the company’s revolutionary non-contact precision application system for fabric finishing.

The system enables a continuously high quality and productive textile finishing process with zero chemistry waste and drastically reduced water and energy consumption. TexCoat G4 will be demonstrated by Baldwin in Hall H2, stand A204.

“We are immensely proud to launch the TexCoat G4 at ITMA 2019,” said Eric Norling, Vice President Precision Application Segment, Baldwin Technology. “This is an opportunity to experience an innovation that drastically improves both the process and product quality, while saving time, valuable resources and contributing to a sustainable future.”

The non-contact spray technology brings numerous advantages compared to conventional methods of applying finishing chemistry. The chemistry is uniformly distributed across the textile surface and is applied only where it is required – on one or both sides of the fabric. This is highly beneficial e.g. when applying water repellants on laminated fabrics, as it eliminates the problem of chemistry affecting the quality of the adhesion layer. Furthermore, the non-contact technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes, allowing full control of maintaining consistent chemistry coverage rates. Additionally, with no bath contamination during the finishing process, there is zero downtime during colour or fabric changeovers.



AWOL Media