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Infinited Fiber Company completes development financing round

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

Infinited Fiber Company has successfully completed a two-part development financing round totaling 40 million euros, with significant investments from new investors Inditex, TTY Management, Youngone and Goldwin, in addition to existing ones.

The new investors are Inditex Group, the parent company of Zara and other brands, and TTY Management B.V., an asset management company privately owned by Tadashi Yanai, Chairman, President and CEO of Fast Retailing. Outdoor clothing manufacturer Youngone (YOH CVC Fund 1 Limited Partnership) and Japanese sportswear manufacturer Goldwin (GOLDWIN Play Earth Fund Investment Limited Partnership) are also among the new investors who joined in the recent second closing of EUR 27 million.

The first part of the development financing round, closed in summer 2023, included investments from existing investors. Apparel companies H&M Group, adidas, BESTSELLER, and Zalando further reinforced their long-term commitment to Infinited Fiber. Also investment company VTT Ventures participated in the first closing, and investment companies Security Trading and Nidoco AB in both closings of the round.

After the development financing round, Inditex, TTY Management and H&M Group are the largest shareholders of Infinited Fiber Company.


Infinited Fiber Company


Accelerating Circularity launches Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling (ACTR) with key members

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

  • offer solutions for diverting textile waste to landfill
  • enable textile to textile recycling versus incineration/landfill
  • provide sustainably sourced/circular materials
  • support brand/retailers/producers in achieving their CO2 reduction targets
  • provide long term price stability and consistent supply of raw materials versus virgin

Members of the Alliance include founding members Eastman, Lenzing, and The LYCRA Company, as well as key innovators Circ®, Sappi, Renewcell, Infinited fiber, Worn Again Technologies, Gr3n, CuRe Technology, and OnceMore® from Sodra.

As a first step, the ACTR (Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling) is introducing a dictionary of common terms developed to educate the industry on the chemical recycling of textiles.


MUNICH FABRIC START gibt Programm bekannt

Die Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH gibt das Programm für die bevorstehenden Ausgaben der MUNICH FABRIC START (24. bis 26. Januar 2023), BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE (24. und 25. Januar 2023) bekannt.
Vom 24. bis 26. Januar 2023 erwartet die Besucher:innen ein Programm mit den neuesten Trends, den Fabric-, Accessoires- und Denim-Highlights von rund 900 internationalen Aussteller:innen, einem Rahmenprogramm mit Experten:innen-Panels, Keynotes und Trend Lectures sowie zahlreichen Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken.

Wirtschaftliches Umfeld
Konflikte, Inflation, Rezession, Energiekrise, massive Ungleichheit, Klimawandel – wie sich Unternehmen in einem volatilen Marktumfeld sicher aufstellen können – das entschlüsseln Trendanalyst David Shah in seiner Keynote „Self-Empowerment“ sowie zahlreiche Branchenexpert:innen, Zukunftsforscher:innen und führende Moderedakteur:innen in der Vortragsserie „The Status Quo of Fashion“ von den Strategie- und Kommunikationsberater:innen Alex Vogt und Jana Kern.

Die Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH gibt das Programm für die bevorstehenden Ausgaben der MUNICH FABRIC START (24. bis 26. Januar 2023), BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE (24. und 25. Januar 2023) bekannt.
Vom 24. bis 26. Januar 2023 erwartet die Besucher:innen ein Programm mit den neuesten Trends, den Fabric-, Accessoires- und Denim-Highlights von rund 900 internationalen Aussteller:innen, einem Rahmenprogramm mit Experten:innen-Panels, Keynotes und Trend Lectures sowie zahlreichen Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken.

Wirtschaftliches Umfeld
Konflikte, Inflation, Rezession, Energiekrise, massive Ungleichheit, Klimawandel – wie sich Unternehmen in einem volatilen Marktumfeld sicher aufstellen können – das entschlüsseln Trendanalyst David Shah in seiner Keynote „Self-Empowerment“ sowie zahlreiche Branchenexpert:innen, Zukunftsforscher:innen und führende Moderedakteur:innen in der Vortragsserie „The Status Quo of Fashion“ von den Strategie- und Kommunikationsberater:innen Alex Vogt und Jana Kern.

Auf dem Podium sitzen unter anderem David Shah (View-Publications), Siems Luckwaldt (CAPITAL und BUSINESS PUNK, RTL Deutschland), Shamin Vogel (WeAr Global Magazine), Ben Hanson (The Interline), Maria Cristina Pavarini (The SPIN OFF) und Carl Tillessen (DMI).

Digitale Era
Von digitalen Farb-Apps, digitalen Zwillingen und virtuellen Models bis hin zu 3D Simulation und virtuellen Dressingrooms – die Welt der digitalen Mode wird in München nicht nur in zahlreichen Vorträgen diskutiert, sondern in der neuen Assyst Experience erlebbar gemacht. Ob Carola Syebold, Head of Global Key Accounts von Pantone, Jan Hilger von Roland Berger, Arndt Johannes von Verce, Dr. Stefan Hauswiesner, CEO von Reactive Reality oder die Expert:innen des Panels "Textilfabrik X.0 – New Marketing Buzz Words or One Step Ahead", jeder beleuchtet Virtual Fashion aus einem anderen Blickwinkel und gibt Einblicke in den neuesten Stand der Technik. In ihrer Trend Presentation “The weird & wonderful world of fashion cores” beleuchtet Angela Velasquez (Rivet) auf der BLUEZONE, wie virale TikTok-Trends das Merchandising von Denim neu gestalten.

Nachhaltige Zukunft
Dabei könnten Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit – der dritte große Themenkomplex des Rahmenprogramms – nicht enger verzahnt sein. Lisa Lang, Director of Policy & EU Affairs Orchestrator von EIT Climate KIC im Interview mit Muchaneta ten Napel (Shape Innovate) macht den Auftakt über die Bedeutung einer Grünen Transformation für die Branche. Weitere Themen im Fokus: Liv Simpliciano von Fashion Revolution gibt einen Überblick, wo die weltweit größten Fashion Brands und Retailer in Sachen Transparenz stehen. Ob die Kreislaufwirtschaft wirklich die Lösung für alles oder nur ein Placebo ist – damit setzen sich Tricia Carey von Renewcell, David Shah (View-Publications), Lien van der Schueren und Guy Buyle (CISUTAC & HEREWEAR), Mateusz Wielopolski (Circulix) und Mario Malzacher (Circular.Fashion) kritisch auseinander. Zirkuläre Ecosysteme sind auch das Thema von Franziska von Becker von Hachmeister & Partner.

Das Rennen der neuen nachhaltigen Materialien der Zukunft eröffnen Kirsi Terho von Infinited Fiber, Kuben Edwards von Onezero8, Marianne Uddman von Trustrace und Simon Angel, Sustainable Innovations Curator der MUNICH FABRIC START in einer Panel Diskussion mit Muchaneta ten Napel (Shape Innovate). Neue Produkte für eine nachhaltige Zukunft in der Denim-Industrie werden auf der BLUEZONE diskutiert.
Ein weiteres Highlight: In Kooperation mit der Transformers Foundation wird auf der BLUEZONE an beiden Messetagen außerdem ein Expert:innen-Panel veranstaltet.

Trends Spring.Summer 2024
Diese aktuellen Entwicklungen und globalen Strömungen nehmen Einfluss auf die Trends für Spring.Summer 2024. Gerd Müller-Thomkins, Carl Tillessen und Niels Holger Wien vom Deutschen Mode Institut (DMI) sehen einen „Vibe Shift“ – einen Wendepunkt. Was das für die Mode bedeutet analysieren sie in ihrer Präsentation am Mittwoch. Die Women’s Fashion Trends SS 24 mit den Must Haves der Saison analysiert Karin Schmitz vom Trend Forecast Institut Peclers Paris – vom glamourösen Auftritt im Alltag, über das Spiel mit Geschlechter-Identität bis hin zu Schlichtheit, die sich mit Funktionalität und Mobilität verbindet.

Weitere Informationen:
munich fabric start BLUEZONE KEYHOUSE



Infinited Fiber Company raises EUR 30 million from new Investors

Circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company has secured investments totaling 30 million euros in its latest financing round completed on June 30. The round also brought Infinited Fiber Company new investors, including sportswear company adidas, Invest FWD A/S, which is BESTSELLER’s investment arm for sustainable fashion, and investment company Security Trading Oy. Among the existing investors contributing to this round of financing were fashion retailer H&M Group, who was the lead investor, investment company Nidoco AB, and Sateri, the world’s largest viscose producer and a member of the RGE group of companies.

Circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company has secured investments totaling 30 million euros in its latest financing round completed on June 30. The round also brought Infinited Fiber Company new investors, including sportswear company adidas, Invest FWD A/S, which is BESTSELLER’s investment arm for sustainable fashion, and investment company Security Trading Oy. Among the existing investors contributing to this round of financing were fashion retailer H&M Group, who was the lead investor, investment company Nidoco AB, and Sateri, the world’s largest viscose producer and a member of the RGE group of companies.

This securement of new funding follows Infinited Fiber Company’s April announcement of plans to build a flagship factory in Finland in response to the strong growth in demand from global fashion and textile brands for its regenerated textile fiber Infinna™. The factory, which will use household textile waste as raw material, is expected to be operational in 2024 and to have an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons. The new funding enables Infinited Fiber Company to carry out the work needed to prepare for the flagship factory investment and to increase production at its pilot facilities in the years leading to 2024.

“We are really happy to welcome our new investors and grateful for the continued support from our older investors,” said Infinited Fiber Company co-founder and CEO Petri Alava. “These new investments enable us to proceed at full speed with the pre-engineering, environmental permits, and the recruitment of the skilled professionals needed to take our flagship project forward. We can now also boost production at our pilot facilities so that we can better serve our existing customers and grow our customer-base in preparation for both our flagship factory and for the future licensees of our technology.”

H&M Group is one of Infinited Fiber Company’s earliest investors. They first invested in Infinited Fiber Company in 2019.

H&M Group has also signed a multiyear sales deal with Infinited Fiber Company to secure its access to agreed amounts of Infinna from the planned flagship factory.

New investor BESTSELLER has struck a similar sales deal with Infinited Fiber Company.

In addition to strong interest by global fashion leaders, the technology has significant promise for major textile fiber producers. Allen Zhang, President of Sateri, said: “Sateri is excited to continue to invest in and collaborate with Infinited Fiber Company as part of our long-term commitment towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibers. This financing round marks a major milestone for our collaboration in scaling up next-generation fiber solutions.”

Infinited Fiber Company’s flagship plant preparations are also proceeding on other fronts. Several Nordic and international investment banks have given Infinited Fiber Company proposals on the financing options for the investment.

Infinited Fiber Company’s technology turns cellulose-based raw materials, like cotton-rich textile waste, into Infinna, a unique, premium-quality regenerated textile fiber with the natural, soft look and feel of cotton. Infinna is biodegradable and contains no microplastics, and at the end of their life, garments made with it can be recycled in the same process together with other textile waste.


Infinited Fiber Company

Infinited Fiber and Patagonia seal Multiyear Sales Deal (c) Infinited Fiber Company

Infinited Fiber Company and Patagonia seal Multiyear Sales Deal

Outdoor apparel company Patagonia and circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company have signed a multiyear sales agreement for Infinited Fiber Company’s unique, premium-quality regenerated textile fiber Infinna™, which is created out of textile waste. The move marks a major milestone for both companies towards making textile circularity an everyday reality: The deal guarantees Patagonia access to the limited-supply fiber over the coming years and secures future sales income for Infinited Fiber Company as it ramps up production.

Infinna is a unique, virgin-quality regenerated textile fiber with the soft and natural look and feel of cotton. It is created from cotton-rich textile waste that is broken down at the molecular level and reborn as new fibers. Because it’s made of cellulose – a building block of all plants – Infinna is biodegradable and contains no microplastics to clog our seas. Clothes made with it can be recycled again in the same process together with other textile waste.

Outdoor apparel company Patagonia and circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company have signed a multiyear sales agreement for Infinited Fiber Company’s unique, premium-quality regenerated textile fiber Infinna™, which is created out of textile waste. The move marks a major milestone for both companies towards making textile circularity an everyday reality: The deal guarantees Patagonia access to the limited-supply fiber over the coming years and secures future sales income for Infinited Fiber Company as it ramps up production.

Infinna is a unique, virgin-quality regenerated textile fiber with the soft and natural look and feel of cotton. It is created from cotton-rich textile waste that is broken down at the molecular level and reborn as new fibers. Because it’s made of cellulose – a building block of all plants – Infinna is biodegradable and contains no microplastics to clog our seas. Clothes made with it can be recycled again in the same process together with other textile waste.

In April, Infinited Fiber Company announced plans to build a flagship factory in Finland to meet the growing demand for Infinna from global fashion brands. It is currently supplying customers from its R&D and pilot facilities in Espoo and Valkeakoski, Finland. The planned flagship factory will have an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons, which is enough fiber for roughly 100 million T-shirts made with 100% Infinna. Infinited Fiber Company expects to have sold the new factory’s entire output for several years during 2021.

More than 92 million metric tons of textile waste is produced globally every year and most of this ends up in landfills or incinerators. At the same time, textile fiber demand is increasing, with Textile Exchange estimating the global textile fiber market to grow 30% to 146 million metric tons by 2030 from 111 million metric tons in 2019. Infinited Fiber Company’s fiber regeneration technology, which uses cellulose-rich waste streams as its raw material, offers a solution both to stop waste from being wasted and to reduce the burden of the textile industry on the planet’s limited natural resources.


Infinited Fiber Company