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Abschlussbericht der World Pultrusion Conference 2024

Vom 29. Februar bis 01. März fand die 17. World-Pultrusion-Conference (WPC) in Hamburg statt. Die Pultrusion, auch Strangziehverfahren genannt, ist ein hocheffizientes Verfahren zur Herstellung von faserverstärkten Kunststoffprofilen für unterschiedliche Anwendungen im Bau-/Infrastruktur- und Transportbereich.

Es konnte eine neue Rekordzahl von fast 150 Teilnehmer:innen aus der ganzen Welt verzeichnet werden. Ein internationales Fachpublikum aus Europa und den USA, bis hin zu China, Indien und Japan war vertreten.

Das Vortragsprogramm mit insgesamt 25 Fachvorträgen war stark durch das Thema Nachhaltigkeit geprägt. Ausgiebig diskutiert wurden auch die Prozessentwicklung der Thermoplast-Pultrusion sowie Anwendungen in der Windenergie, im Bereich Solarpanels, im Brückenbau sowie in der Automobilindustrie. Trotz schwierigem Marktumfeld konnten viele Chancen und Möglichkeiten für die Pultrusions-Industrie vorgestellt werden.

Vom 29. Februar bis 01. März fand die 17. World-Pultrusion-Conference (WPC) in Hamburg statt. Die Pultrusion, auch Strangziehverfahren genannt, ist ein hocheffizientes Verfahren zur Herstellung von faserverstärkten Kunststoffprofilen für unterschiedliche Anwendungen im Bau-/Infrastruktur- und Transportbereich.

Es konnte eine neue Rekordzahl von fast 150 Teilnehmer:innen aus der ganzen Welt verzeichnet werden. Ein internationales Fachpublikum aus Europa und den USA, bis hin zu China, Indien und Japan war vertreten.

Das Vortragsprogramm mit insgesamt 25 Fachvorträgen war stark durch das Thema Nachhaltigkeit geprägt. Ausgiebig diskutiert wurden auch die Prozessentwicklung der Thermoplast-Pultrusion sowie Anwendungen in der Windenergie, im Bereich Solarpanels, im Brückenbau sowie in der Automobilindustrie. Trotz schwierigem Marktumfeld konnten viele Chancen und Möglichkeiten für die Pultrusions-Industrie vorgestellt werden.

Die Konferenz findet alle zwei Jahre in einem europäischen Land mit Bedeutung für die Pultrusions-Industrie statt und wird von der AVK für die European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) organisiert, in Kooperation mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V / The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)

EPTA: Programm der “17th World Pultrusion Conference” (c) EPTA

EPTA: Programm der “17th World Pultrusion Conference”

Die EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in Kooperation mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) lädt ein zur 17th World Pultrusion Conference, die vom 29. Februar – 1. März 2024 in Hamburg, Deutschland stattfindet. Alle zwei Jahre ist diese Konferenz der Treffpunkt der europäischen und weltweiten Pultrusions-Industrie. Über 25 internationale Referenten u. a. aus Finnland, Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Spanien, der Türkei, Großbritannien, USA und Kanada berichten praxisnah über innovative Anwendungen, Technologien und Verfahren. Ebenso stehen aktuelle Markttrends und -entwicklungen im Fokus.

Auch diese World Pultrusion Conference findet wieder unmittelbar vor der JEC World Composites Show (5.-7. März 2024 in Paris) statt.

Das Programm finden Sie hier.

Die EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in Kooperation mit der American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) lädt ein zur 17th World Pultrusion Conference, die vom 29. Februar – 1. März 2024 in Hamburg, Deutschland stattfindet. Alle zwei Jahre ist diese Konferenz der Treffpunkt der europäischen und weltweiten Pultrusions-Industrie. Über 25 internationale Referenten u. a. aus Finnland, Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Spanien, der Türkei, Großbritannien, USA und Kanada berichten praxisnah über innovative Anwendungen, Technologien und Verfahren. Ebenso stehen aktuelle Markttrends und -entwicklungen im Fokus.

Auch diese World Pultrusion Conference findet wieder unmittelbar vor der JEC World Composites Show (5.-7. März 2024 in Paris) statt.

Das Programm finden Sie hier.


The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)


17th World Pultrusion Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association organizes in cooperation with the ACMA – American Composites Manufacturers Association - the 17th World Pultrusion Conference on 29th February – 1st March 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. The conference is one of the leading pultrusion events in the world. The event takes place just before the JEC World 2024 in Paris (5th – 7th March 2024).

The presentations are to document innovations in the following subject areas of
pultruded reinforced plastics:

  • Market development in Europe, USA, Asia
  • Innovative applications
  • New Markets: Ideas for potential new applications with pultruded shapes or
  • systems
  • Sustainability: Technical possibilities, recycling, etc.
  • Raw materials
    ○ Development of fibres
    ○ Development of resins
  • Construction / Testing / Calculation
  • Processes

The presentation language will be English. Deadline for paper submission (title, short abstract, speaker name and address) until 15th September 2023 to

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association organizes in cooperation with the ACMA – American Composites Manufacturers Association - the 17th World Pultrusion Conference on 29th February – 1st March 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. The conference is one of the leading pultrusion events in the world. The event takes place just before the JEC World 2024 in Paris (5th – 7th March 2024).

The presentations are to document innovations in the following subject areas of
pultruded reinforced plastics:

  • Market development in Europe, USA, Asia
  • Innovative applications
  • New Markets: Ideas for potential new applications with pultruded shapes or
  • systems
  • Sustainability: Technical possibilities, recycling, etc.
  • Raw materials
    ○ Development of fibres
    ○ Development of resins
  • Construction / Testing / Calculation
  • Processes

The presentation language will be English. Deadline for paper submission (title, short abstract, speaker name and address) until 15th September 2023 to


The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)


EPTA highlights contribution of pultruded composites to sustainable construction

Increasing energy and resource efficiency in the construction sector will be key to the EU’s ambition of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. By enabling the manufacture of strong, durable and lightweight products, composite materials can help the construction sector improve its environmental sustainability, as well as reduce total lifecycle costs. The latest EPTA industry briefing, Pultruded composites contribute to a more sustainable future for construction, discusses how pultruded composites answer the need for materials offering high performance, faster installation, corrosion resistance and low maintenance.

The report is available to download from the EPTA website.

Increasing energy and resource efficiency in the construction sector will be key to the EU’s ambition of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. By enabling the manufacture of strong, durable and lightweight products, composite materials can help the construction sector improve its environmental sustainability, as well as reduce total lifecycle costs. The latest EPTA industry briefing, Pultruded composites contribute to a more sustainable future for construction, discusses how pultruded composites answer the need for materials offering high performance, faster installation, corrosion resistance and low maintenance.

The report is available to download from the EPTA website.

The future of construction
As one of the largest global users of energy and raw materials, the construction industry is under immense pressure to improve its sustainability. At the same time, it must respond to demands for improved performance and reduced total cost of ownership. New materials will be needed to minimise the use of natural resources, enable a reduction of carbon footprint and facilitate circular economy practices. Choosing the optimum materials required for durability throughout the lifecycle will be increasingly important. A shift to off-site production is also forecast, where factory-controlled environments and automated processes can improve quality control, lower waste, and reduce work on site.

Lightweight pultruded parts can be pre-assembled into modules or complete structures in the factory for faster installation on site. Lightweight profiles lower energy use during transportation and installation, and a longer service life combined with minimal maintenance can deliver a reduced through-life carbon footprint. Pultruded parts such as profiles, gratings, beams, tubes and planks are increasingly found in a range of building, construction and infrastructure applications. Examples include bridge decks, fencing, stairs and handrails, train platforms, cladding, utility poles, modular building concepts, and window frames.

One application offering large growth potential for composites is bridges. Composite bridges are being designed to provide a service life of 100 years and unlike steel bridges do not require regular repainting to protect them from corrosion. Over recent years, pultruded glass fibre composite has become a highly popular choice for pedestrian and cycle bridges. Pre-fabricated ‘easy fit’ bridge decking planks, pre-assembled bridge modules and complete bridge ‘kits’ are now available. Corrosion-resistant composite bridges are ideal for use near water or on the coast, and in remote locations where regular maintenance operations would be difficult. A composite bridge can deliver the same performance as a steel structure with a weight saving of up to 50% or more. This enables more streamlined bridge designs which require less substantial supporting structures and foundations, greatly reducing consumption of materials and energy. Lightweight also results in easier logistics and simplified installation. Pultruded are more easily transported to the construction site, with lower fuel consumption, and easier to move on site, often reducing labour requirements and the capacity of lifting equipment.

A lifecycle approach
As the construction industry looks to the future, the environmental and economic benefits of composite materials linked to easier logistics and installation, durability and low maintenance are becoming increasingly valued. More projects are demonstrating the benefits of composite materials and standards covering the design, fabrication and installation of pultruded profiles are making it easier for the construction industry to use them. With ongoing development and collaboration, pultrusion has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable future for construction and many other industries. EPTA will continue to promote the advancement of pultrusion technology and its applications and foster sustainable practices within the industry.


The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA)


EPTA World Pultrusion Conference 2022 explores composites sustainability

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

The European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) has published a report from its latest conference, which focuses on advances in sustainability and recycling.

More than 130 professionals from the global pultrusion community gathered at the 16th World Pultrusion Conference in Paris on 5-6 May 2022. Organised by EPTA in collaboration with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), the event featured 25 international speakers sharing insight on market trends, developments in materials, processing and simulation technologies, and innovative pultruded applications in key markets such as building and infrastructure, transportation and wind energy.

Composites based on natural fibres offer a number of benefits, including low density and high specific strength, vibration damping, and heat insulation. The German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing pultrusion processes using bio-based resins and natural fibres. Projects include the BioMat Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart, a lightweight structure which combines ‘bamboo-like’ natural fibre-based pultruded profiles with a tensile membrane.

Applications for recycled carbon fibre (rCF):
The use of rCF in composite components has the potential to reduce their cost and carbon footprint. However, it is currently used to a limited extent since manufacturers are uncertain about the technical performance of available rCF products, how to process them, and the actual benefits achievable. Fraunhofer IGCV is partnering with the Institute for Textile Technology (ITA) in the MAI ÖkoCaP project to investigate the technical, ecological and economic benefits of using rCF in different industrial applications. The results will be made available in a web-based app.

Circularity and recycling:
The European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA) is drafting a circularity roadmap for the composites industry. It has collaborated with the European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU) on a position paper for the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) which outlines the benefits of co-processing end-of-life composites in cement manufacturing, a recycling solution that is compliant with the EU’s Waste Framework Directive and in commercial operation in Germany. Initial studies have indicated that co-processing with composites has the potential to reduce the global warming impact of cement manufacture by up to 16%. Technologies to allow recovery of fibre and/or resin from composites are in development but a better understanding of the life cycle assessment (LCA) impact of these processes is essential. EuCIA’s ‘circularity waterfall,’ a proposed priority system for composites circularity, highlights the continued need for co-processing.

Sustainability along the value chain:
Sustainability is essential for the long-term viability of businesses. Resin manufacturer AOC’s actions to improve sustainability include programmes to reduce energy, waste and greenhouse gas emissions from operations, the development of ‘greener’ and low VOC emission resins, ensuring compliance with chemicals legislation such as REACH, and involvement in EuCIA’s waste management initiatives. Its sustainable resins portfolio includes styrene-free and low-styrene formulations and products manufactured using bio-based raw materials and recycled PET.


European Pultrusion Technology Association EPTA


Election of a new EPTA Board

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.

During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. All EPTA board members who stood for re-election have been confirmed again. Dr. Elmar Witten, Secretary of the EPTA, is happy about the continuity in the line-up of the EPTA board. "We will continue the current marketing activities to promote the pultrusion process," said Witten.

Thus, the board members for the next 4 years are:
Dr. Luigi Giamundo, ATP srl., Italy (Chairman)
Alfonso Branca, TOP GLASS, Italy
Dietmar Kühne, Ernst Kühne Kunststoffwerk, Germany
Sebastian Mehrtens, Fibrolux, Germany
Eric Moussiaux, Exel Composites, Belgium
Martin Zelinka, Owens Corning, France

Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement such as glass fibers. Automated Pultrusion Production Technology facilitates today's High Quality and Low-Cost demands by the market.