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53 Ergebnisse
(c) Abu Dhabi Government Media Office

Partnerschaft zwischen ADNOC und Borealis AG zur Erweiterung von Borouge

  • ADNOC und Borealis bestätigen endgültige Investitionsvereinbarung für Borouge 4 in Ruwais, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (VAE) mit jährlicher Polyethylen-Produktion von 1,4 Millionen Tonnen
  • Das Erweiterungsprojekt umfasst die Errichtung eines 1,5 Millionen-Tonnen-Ethancrackers, zweier hochmoderner Borstar®-Polyethylenanlagen sowie einer Produktionsanlage für vernetztes Polyethylen
  • Borouge 4 wird die wachsende Kundennachfrage im Nahen Osten, Afrika und Asien mit differenzierten Polyolefinlösungen für die Bereiche Energie, Infrastruktur und Fortschrittliche Verpackungen bedienen
  • Die neue Anlage profitiert von branchenführenden Technologien, welche die Energieeffizienz maßgeblich verbessern und die Emissionen senken, wofür auch eine Studie zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung durchgeführt wird
  • Mit dieser Erweiterung wird Borouge zum größten Single-Site-Polyolefinkomplex ausgebaut und die gesamte TA'ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone mit Rohstoffen versorge

ADNOC und Borealis AG unterzeichneten die endgültige Investitionsvereinbarung für die vierte Borou

  • ADNOC und Borealis bestätigen endgültige Investitionsvereinbarung für Borouge 4 in Ruwais, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (VAE) mit jährlicher Polyethylen-Produktion von 1,4 Millionen Tonnen
  • Das Erweiterungsprojekt umfasst die Errichtung eines 1,5 Millionen-Tonnen-Ethancrackers, zweier hochmoderner Borstar®-Polyethylenanlagen sowie einer Produktionsanlage für vernetztes Polyethylen
  • Borouge 4 wird die wachsende Kundennachfrage im Nahen Osten, Afrika und Asien mit differenzierten Polyolefinlösungen für die Bereiche Energie, Infrastruktur und Fortschrittliche Verpackungen bedienen
  • Die neue Anlage profitiert von branchenführenden Technologien, welche die Energieeffizienz maßgeblich verbessern und die Emissionen senken, wofür auch eine Studie zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung durchgeführt wird
  • Mit dieser Erweiterung wird Borouge zum größten Single-Site-Polyolefinkomplex ausgebaut und die gesamte TA'ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone mit Rohstoffen versorge

ADNOC und Borealis AG unterzeichneten die endgültige Investitionsvereinbarung für die vierte Borouge-Anlage („Borouge 4“) im Polyolefin-Produktionskomplex in Ruwais, VAE in Höhe von USD 6,2 Milliarden.

Die Expansion im Weltmaßstab unterstreicht das Engagement beider Partner für das weitere Wachstum von Borouge sowie für eine fortschrittliche Chemikalienproduktion in Ruwais, die eine wesentliche Säule der Technologie-, Innovations- und Industrieentwicklungsstrategie von Abu Dhabi und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate darstellt. Borouge produziert essentielle industrielle Rohstoffe, die einerseits an globale Kunden geliefert und andererseits auch von regionalen Unternehmen genutzt werden, was die lokalen Versorgungsketten sowie die Wertschöpfung im Land stärkt.

Borouge 4 wird vom erwarteten Anstieg der Kundennachfrage nach Polyolefinen profitieren, die durch die zunehmende Nutzung in Industrieprodukten im Nahen Osten, Afrika und Asien angetrieben wird. Darüber hinaus wird die Anlage den nächsten Wachstumsschritt des Industriekomplexes Ruwais einläuten, indem sie die TA'ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone mit Rohstoffen versorgt.

Borouge 4 wird einen für die Branche Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit legen und dabei von den jeweiligen Kompetenzen seiner beiden Eigentümer profitieren. Die Anlage wird Borealis‘ unternehmenseigene Borstar-Technologie nutzen, um ein Produktportfolio zu entwickeln, das sich auf langlebige Anwendungen für die Bereiche Energie, Infrastruktur, fortschrittliche Verpackungen sowie Landwirtschaft konzentriert. In Verbindung mit dem Hexen-Co-Monomer wird Borealis‘ einzigartige Technologie die Produktion fortschrittlicher Verpackungsmaterialien ermöglichen, die einen Polyethylen-Recyclinganteil von bis zu 50 % aufweisen.

Vorbehaltlich einer umfassenden Studie könnte eine Kohlenstoffabscheidungsanlage, die die CO2-Emissionen um 80 % reduzieren würde, ebenfalls rechtzeitig bis zur Inbetriebnahme des Borouge-4-Komplexes einsatzfähig sein. Die Anlage ist außerdem so konzipiert, dass sie die jüngsten Initiativen von ADNOC für saubere Energie nutzt und die Kohlenstoffabhängigkeit seiner Stromversorgung durch den Zugang zu den sauberen Energiequellen von Abu Dhabi verringert. Diese Initiativen stehen im Einklang mit der strategischen „Netto-Null bis 2050“- Initiative der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

Die erste Borouge-Anlage, die 450.000 Tonnen Polyethylen pro Jahr herstellt, wurde im Jahr 2001 in Betrieb genommen. Mit „Borouge 2 und Borouge 3 wurde die jährliche Produktionskapazität in den Jahren 2010 bzw. 2014 auf 2 bzw. 4,5 Millionen Tonnen Polyethylen und Polypropylen ausgebaut. Borouge 4 wird eine jährliche Polyolefinproduktion von 6,4 Millionen Tonnen ermöglichen, wodurch Borouge zur weltweit größten Single-Site-Polyolefinanlage wird.

Umfang von Borouge 4:

  • ein Ethancracker mit einem jährlichen Output von 1,5 Millionen Ethylen, welcher der vierte Cracker in Borouges integriertem Petrochemie-Komplex in Ruwais sein wird;
  • zwei zusätzliche Borstar®-Polyethylen- (PE) Anlagen, beide mit einer Jahreskapazität von jeweils 700.000 Tonnen, welche Borealis‘ hochmoderne Borstar-Technologie der dritten Generation (3G) nutzen;
  • eine Produktionsanlage für vernetztes PE (XLPE) mit einer Jahreskapazität von 100.000 Tonnen;
  • eine Hexen-1-Anlage, die Co-Monomere für bestimmte Polyethylen-Materialien produzieren wird.


Indorama Ventures strengthens its management council with new role rotations (c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures strengthens its management council with new role rotations

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited announced it has strengthened its Indorama Management Council (IMC) – the company’s highest operational management committee – by rotating experienced executives and adding the COOs of the Fibers and Integrated Oxides & Derivatives (IOD) segments.

The elevation of Mr Christopher Kenneally, COO of Fibers, and Mr Alastair Port, COO of IOD, to the IMC – will enable more agile decision making as they build their high-growth segments into self-sustaining organizations that maximize value for IVL stakeholders. The appointments are effective immediately.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited announced it has strengthened its Indorama Management Council (IMC) – the company’s highest operational management committee – by rotating experienced executives and adding the COOs of the Fibers and Integrated Oxides & Derivatives (IOD) segments.

The elevation of Mr Christopher Kenneally, COO of Fibers, and Mr Alastair Port, COO of IOD, to the IMC – will enable more agile decision making as they build their high-growth segments into self-sustaining organizations that maximize value for IVL stakeholders. The appointments are effective immediately.

In a rotation of roles, Mr Sanjay Ahuja, the current CFO of IVL, will switch to Interim COO of Combined PET (CPET) for a period of 2 years, effective January 2022, as part of a rotation of senior expertise across the IMC. He will report to Mr D K Agarwal as CEO, who will take on additional broader responsibilities as CFO. The CPET role rotation will enable new dynamism in this largest segment of IVL and establish a self-sustaining organization for the permanent successor that IMC selects over this period. Mr Agarwal will be supported by Mr Ashok Jain in an enhanced role as Controller, covering Banking & Finance, Global Consolidation, Taxation and M&A.

Further, Mr Klaus Holz will join the IMC as Chief Human Resources Officer, effective 1 January 2022. He replaces Mr Roberto Bettini who will retire at the end of 2021.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


Archroma celebrates 8 Years of creating positive impact

Archroma celebrates 8 years of leading the way to a sustainable world, with innovations and solutions aimed at creating added value sustainable for its partners, consumers and the planet.

Archroma came to life on 1st October 2013 from textile, paper and emulsions businesses acquired from Clariant by SK Capital Partners.
Building on decades of commitment to developing safer eco-friendlier chemistry, Archroma has become in the past 8 years a prominent name for more sustainable colors and performance, collaborating with leading brands such as Primark, G-Star, Patagonia, Esprit and more.

Archroma has introduced innovations, such as the EarthColors® made from non-edible plant waste from the food and herbal industry, Denisol® Pure, an indigo for aniline-free* denim, aniline being a category 2 carcinogen substance, and Smartrepel®, a PFC-free* water repellent solution. The company is also about to launch a new plant-based softener.

Archroma celebrates 8 years of leading the way to a sustainable world, with innovations and solutions aimed at creating added value sustainable for its partners, consumers and the planet.

Archroma came to life on 1st October 2013 from textile, paper and emulsions businesses acquired from Clariant by SK Capital Partners.
Building on decades of commitment to developing safer eco-friendlier chemistry, Archroma has become in the past 8 years a prominent name for more sustainable colors and performance, collaborating with leading brands such as Primark, G-Star, Patagonia, Esprit and more.

Archroma has introduced innovations, such as the EarthColors® made from non-edible plant waste from the food and herbal industry, Denisol® Pure, an indigo for aniline-free* denim, aniline being a category 2 carcinogen substance, and Smartrepel®, a PFC-free* water repellent solution. The company is also about to launch a new plant-based softener.

The company started to develop holistic solutions designed to bring innovation and performance, whilst reducing the impacts on water, energy and other natural resources. The savings generated by these 70+ system solutions are demonstrated by Archroma's proprietary ONE WAY Impact Calculator, a tool launched in 2012 and continuously upgraded to simulate and optimize the footprint of application processes.

Archroma also recently launched CASUAL X SMART, a sulfur dyeing system for trendy wash-down effects to make clothes that look smart at home and at work. The colors won't fade in the washing cycle, and the application process allows resource savings of up to 33% water, 21% energy and 35% chemical usage compared to a benchmark reactive & pigment garment dyeing.

With ONE WAY, a brand can calculate how much impact their current production and the Archroma Way collection will have on water, energy, chemical, raw material or CO2 footprint.


Archroma / EMG

Das nova-Institut und YNCORIS stellen Innovationspreis 2022: "Beste CO2-Nutzung" vor (c) nova-Institut GmbH

Das nova-Institut und YNCORIS stellen Innovationspreis 2022: "Beste CO2-Nutzung" vor

Das nova-Institut und YNCORIS freuen sich gemeinsam mit CO2 Value Europe auf Bewerbungen für den Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2022“, der im Rahmen der etablierten „Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals“ vom 23. bis 24. März 2022 in Köln verliehen wird.

Mit dem Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2022“ bietet das nova-Institut gemeinsam mit YNCORIS und CO2 Value Europe allen Pionieren im CCU-Bereich die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihre Carbon Capture-oder Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X)-Technologie, ihren CO2-basierten Treibstoff oder ihre Chemikalie auf einer der führenden Konferenzen zum Thema CO2 als Rohstoff zu präsentieren und zu vermarkten. Die einzige Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an dem Wettbewerb ist, dass das Produkt bereits auf dem Markt ist oder in naher Zukunft auf den Markt kommen wird.

Das nova-Institut und YNCORIS freuen sich gemeinsam mit CO2 Value Europe auf Bewerbungen für den Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2022“, der im Rahmen der etablierten „Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals“ vom 23. bis 24. März 2022 in Köln verliehen wird.

Mit dem Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2022“ bietet das nova-Institut gemeinsam mit YNCORIS und CO2 Value Europe allen Pionieren im CCU-Bereich die einmalige Gelegenheit, ihre Carbon Capture-oder Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X)-Technologie, ihren CO2-basierten Treibstoff oder ihre Chemikalie auf einer der führenden Konferenzen zum Thema CO2 als Rohstoff zu präsentieren und zu vermarkten. Die einzige Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an dem Wettbewerb ist, dass das Produkt bereits auf dem Markt ist oder in naher Zukunft auf den Markt kommen wird.


50 companies have joined ChemSec’s PFAS Movement

More and more brands are actively speaking up against the use of PFAS chemicals in products and supply chains. ChemSec’s corporate initiative the PFAS Movement was started in 2020, with the aim of creating a network of companies that would like to see PFAS chemicals regulated more efficiently. As of September 2021, 50 companies have joined the movement.

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a chemical family consisting of almost 5,000 industrially produced chemicals. In manufacturing, PFAS are favored for their durability and well-functioning properties. They provide features such as non-stick, water repellency and anti-grease to many types of everyday products, including cosmetics, food packaging, frying pans and clothes, just to name a few.

Lately, more and more reports have been suggesting that PFAS are a serious problem. Human epidemiological studies have found associations between PFAS exposure and a number of health disorders.

More and more brands are actively speaking up against the use of PFAS chemicals in products and supply chains. ChemSec’s corporate initiative the PFAS Movement was started in 2020, with the aim of creating a network of companies that would like to see PFAS chemicals regulated more efficiently. As of September 2021, 50 companies have joined the movement.

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a chemical family consisting of almost 5,000 industrially produced chemicals. In manufacturing, PFAS are favored for their durability and well-functioning properties. They provide features such as non-stick, water repellency and anti-grease to many types of everyday products, including cosmetics, food packaging, frying pans and clothes, just to name a few.

Lately, more and more reports have been suggesting that PFAS are a serious problem. Human epidemiological studies have found associations between PFAS exposure and a number of health disorders.

One of the biggest challenges connected to PFAS is that, with very few exceptions, they are perfectly legal to use. This means that the brands and retailers who want to stop them from being used as ingredients in their products have very limited ways of communicating this in the global supply chain. As long as there is not a restriction in place, suppliers will continue to use these very effective chemicals in manufacturing. That’s why companies act together with a unified voice, like in the case of ChemSec’s PFAS Movement.



Officina+39 becomes a BLUESIGN partner (c) Officina+39

Officina+39 becomes a BLUESIGN partner

Officina+39, an Italian company specialized in research and chemical application in the textile and fashion sector, has joined the BLUESIGN's network of chemical excellences.

This landmark confirms a longstanding pledge to minimize environmental impacts by envisioning and developing forefront solutions and technologies that reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals, while increasing waste recycling and water conservation. Together with the high-profile players involved who share BLUESIGN’s purposes, the company will work to ensure a responsible use of resources and to guarantee the highest possible degree of consumer protection.

Eager to constantly grow and improve, Officina+39 has recently extended its commitment to innovation to its own Headquarters too, by moving to a brand new facility in Biella (Italy).

Officina+39, an Italian company specialized in research and chemical application in the textile and fashion sector, has joined the BLUESIGN's network of chemical excellences.

This landmark confirms a longstanding pledge to minimize environmental impacts by envisioning and developing forefront solutions and technologies that reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals, while increasing waste recycling and water conservation. Together with the high-profile players involved who share BLUESIGN’s purposes, the company will work to ensure a responsible use of resources and to guarantee the highest possible degree of consumer protection.

Eager to constantly grow and improve, Officina+39 has recently extended its commitment to innovation to its own Headquarters too, by moving to a brand new facility in Biella (Italy).


Officina+39 / Menabò Group srl


Devan: Supporting elite sport with ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

Devan Chemicals has been supporting high performance sport in the UK and Belgium with its ‘cool comfort technology’ Moov&Cool.

Worldwide, hot temperatures are a new reality that brings extra challenges for athletes. Thermoregulation technology is becoming more and more important in order for athletes to perform at their best on the pinnacle of sports.

Working alongside the English Institute for Sport (EIS) and Sally Cowan Ltd, the technology is being applied to garments with the aim of improving the thermal comfort of elite athletes.

Moov&Cool consists of a multi-functional polymer technology that proposes to absorb heat during performance and improve the moisture management properties of the fabric. The treatment has been designed to simultaneously react to sweat build up and heat emission.

In Belgium, Devan has been involved in the Gold2Gold project carried out by Sport Vlaanderen. Gold2Gold is a unique collaboration between sports, government and the industry to prepare Belgian athletes to perform better in hot environments during world-level championships. Thermoregulating technology is increasingly becoming a key aspect of endurance performance for elite athletes. At that top level, small differences in body core temperature can make the difference between being on the podium or sometimes not even finishing the race.


Devan Chemicals NV / Marketing Solutions NV


DyStar’s Commitment to the Protection of its Global Intellectual Property Portfolio

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, is pleased to announce their continued commitment to the protection of their global intellectual property portfolio.

As an innovative global chemical organisation, DyStar’s intellectual property portfolio is an important part of their DNA. To date, their innovation encompasses more than 1,000 patents, trademarks and patent applications worldwide.

Eric Hopmann, Chief Executive Officer of DyStar Group explains: “As DyStar continues to focus on managing challenges of the rapid global business recovery and exploring exciting growth opportunities across the emerging markets, our team needs to stay vigilant and vigorously protect our global intellectual property portfolio. This has again been demonstrated in a recent incident, where DyStar had to charge three former employees who had neglected to protect DyStar’s intellectual property, and were also under suspicion of having shared DyStar’s proprietary information with the competition.”


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd


ECHA: Candidate List updated with eight hazardous chemicals

Some of the newly added substances are used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber and textiles. Others are used as solvents, flame retardants or to manufacture plastics products. Most have been added to the Candidate List because they are hazardous to human health as they are toxic for reproduction, carcinogenic, respiratory sensitisers or endocrine disruptors.

Companies must follow their legal obligations and ensure the safe use of these chemicals. They also have to notify ECHA under the Waste Framework Directive if their products contain substances of very high concern. This notification is submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database and the information will later be published on the Agency’s website.

Some of the newly added substances are used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber and textiles. Others are used as solvents, flame retardants or to manufacture plastics products. Most have been added to the Candidate List because they are hazardous to human health as they are toxic for reproduction, carcinogenic, respiratory sensitisers or endocrine disruptors.

Companies must follow their legal obligations and ensure the safe use of these chemicals. They also have to notify ECHA under the Waste Framework Directive if their products contain substances of very high concern. This notification is submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database and the information will later be published on the Agency’s website.

The Candidate List includes substances of very high concern that may have serious effects on our health or the environment. These substances may be placed on the Authorisation List in the future, which means that companies would need to apply for permission to continue using them. The Candidate List has now 219 entries – some of these cover groups of chemicals so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher.
Under the REACH Regulation, companies may have legal obligations when their substance is included – either on its own, in mixtures or in articles – in the Candidate List. Any supplier of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % weight by weight has to give sufficient information to their customers and consumers to allow safe use.
Importers and producers of articles containing a Candidate List substance have six months from the date of its inclusion in the list (8 July 2021) to notify ECHA. Suppliers of substances on the Candidate List (supplied either on their own or in mixtures) have to provide their customers with a safety data sheet.
As of 5 January 2021, suppliers of articles on the EU market containing Candidate List substances in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight must notify these articles to ECHA’s SCIP database. This duty comes from the Waste Framework Directive.
More information on these obligations and related tools are available here.


European Chemicals Agency


Pulcra Chemicals achieves first Acquisition with Devan

Pulcra Chemicals, with headquarters in Geretsried (Germany) has announced its first acquisition in its history by acquiring fellow-industry player Devan.

Devan, with origins since 1977 and Belgian headquarters, is since 2013 owned by Pentahold (a Belgian private equity fund). Devan is known from its antimicrobial range BI-OME, its large sustainable track record with a.o. probiotics solutions, a wide range of recently introduced bio-based textile finishes and a long standing in Thermoregulation and Flame Retardants. Devan has offices in the UK, Portugal, the US and a team in Shanghai.

The acquisition price will not be disclosed.

Pulcra Chemicals, with headquarters in Geretsried (Germany) has announced its first acquisition in its history by acquiring fellow-industry player Devan.

Devan, with origins since 1977 and Belgian headquarters, is since 2013 owned by Pentahold (a Belgian private equity fund). Devan is known from its antimicrobial range BI-OME, its large sustainable track record with a.o. probiotics solutions, a wide range of recently introduced bio-based textile finishes and a long standing in Thermoregulation and Flame Retardants. Devan has offices in the UK, Portugal, the US and a team in Shanghai.

The acquisition price will not be disclosed.


Pulcra Chemicals

Archroma partners with Datacolor for Color Atlas Library (c) Archroma
The Archroma ‘Color Atlas’ library system will be available for color searching within ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ color quality control application.

Archroma partners with Datacolor for Color Atlas Library

Archroma announced that the soon-to-be 5’760 color references of its Color Atlas library are made available within its ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform, an easy-to-use color quality control application for industries where color accuracy is a critical component of overall product quality.

Datacolor® provides color management solutions that empower customers to make objective, cost-effective and smart color decisions, in applications such as textile & apparel, paint & coatings, plastics, photography, design and many others. The perfect integration of its instruments and software help formulate, measure, control and communicate color, and its state-of-the-art algorithms reproduce color on materials and displays.

The Color Atlas was launched in 2016 to provide fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration that can be implemented in production with just a few clicks.

Archroma announced that the soon-to-be 5’760 color references of its Color Atlas library are made available within its ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform, an easy-to-use color quality control application for industries where color accuracy is a critical component of overall product quality.

Datacolor® provides color management solutions that empower customers to make objective, cost-effective and smart color decisions, in applications such as textile & apparel, paint & coatings, plastics, photography, design and many others. The perfect integration of its instruments and software help formulate, measure, control and communicate color, and its state-of-the-art algorithms reproduce color on materials and displays.

The Color Atlas was launched in 2016 to provide fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration that can be implemented in production with just a few clicks.

Today, the Color Atlas contains 4’320 colors applicable on cotton poplin, almost the double compared to similar tools available to textile and fashion specialists. Technical support is available to designer, manufacturers, as well as brands and retailers, through Archroma’s global offices - for every single color from its selection to its implementation in production. Engineered color standards empowered by NFC technology are also available for all colors and reproducible in production.
Archroma also just launched a similar tool with 1,440 colors on polyester. Both libraries will be available in the ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform for color searching.

Each color from the Color Atlas by Archroma® is available for purchase from Archroma as an ‘Engineered Color Standard’, precise digital data and access to global dyeing technical support.

With that, the brands, designers and mills using the ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform will have at their disposal the ability to search the 5’760 colors of the Color Atlas by Archroma®, to quickly find colors for their seasonal color palettes.

Borealis: Neuartige Recyclinglösungen mit Renasci N.V. (c) Renasci

Borealis: Neuartige Recyclinglösungen mit Renasci N.V.

  • Mit dem Erwerb einer 10%-Minderheitsbeteiligung intensiviert Borealis seine Partnerschaft mit Renasci N.V., einem Anbieter innovativer Recyclinglösungen mit Sitz in Belgien und Erfinder des Smart Chain Processing (SCP) - Konzepts
  • Der Kauf der Anteile unterstützt Borealis’ integrierten Ansatz der ökoeffizienten Realisierung einer echten Kunststoff-Kreislaufwirtschaft im Einklang mit seinem kreislauforientierten Kaskadenmodell
  • EverMinds™ in Aktion: eine richtungsweisende Kooperation, die den Umstieg auf eine Kunststoff-Kreislaufwirtschaft beschleunigen wird

Borealis gibt den Beginn einer interdisziplinären Partnerschaft mit Renasci N.V., einem Anbieter innovativer Recyclinglösungen und Erfinder des neuartigen Smart Chain Processing (SCP) - Konzepts, bekannt. Diese Kooperation wird Borealis maßgeblich bei der Vermarktung seiner kreislauforientierten Basischemikalien und Polyolefine helfen und sein Ziel unterstützen, bis zum Jahr 2025 an die 350 Kilotonnen an recycelten Polyolefinen in Umlauf zu bringen.

  • Mit dem Erwerb einer 10%-Minderheitsbeteiligung intensiviert Borealis seine Partnerschaft mit Renasci N.V., einem Anbieter innovativer Recyclinglösungen mit Sitz in Belgien und Erfinder des Smart Chain Processing (SCP) - Konzepts
  • Der Kauf der Anteile unterstützt Borealis’ integrierten Ansatz der ökoeffizienten Realisierung einer echten Kunststoff-Kreislaufwirtschaft im Einklang mit seinem kreislauforientierten Kaskadenmodell
  • EverMinds™ in Aktion: eine richtungsweisende Kooperation, die den Umstieg auf eine Kunststoff-Kreislaufwirtschaft beschleunigen wird

Borealis gibt den Beginn einer interdisziplinären Partnerschaft mit Renasci N.V., einem Anbieter innovativer Recyclinglösungen und Erfinder des neuartigen Smart Chain Processing (SCP) - Konzepts, bekannt. Diese Kooperation wird Borealis maßgeblich bei der Vermarktung seiner kreislauforientierten Basischemikalien und Polyolefine helfen und sein Ziel unterstützen, bis zum Jahr 2025 an die 350 Kilotonnen an recycelten Polyolefinen in Umlauf zu bringen.

SCP-Konzept ohne Abfall
Das von Renasci entwickelte SCP-Konzept ist eine proprietäre Methode zur Maximierung der Materialrückgewinnung, um null Abfälle zu generieren. Das Konzept ist insofern einzigartig, als es die Verwertung mehrerer Abfallströme mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher Recyclingtechnologien ermöglicht – und das alles unter einem Dach. In der neu errichteten Renasci-SCP-Anlage in Oostende, Belgien, werden gemischte Abfälle – Kunststoffe, Metalle und Biomasse – automatisch identifiziert und mehrfach sortiert.

Nach der Trennung werden Kunststoffabfälle zuerst mechanisch recycelt, bevor sämtliche verbliebenen Materialien in einem zweiten Schritt chemisch zu Kreislaufpyrolyseöl und leichteren Produktfraktionen recycelt werden, die als Brennstoff für das Verfahren dienen.

Andere Arten von sortiertem Abfall wie Metalle oder organische Abfälle werden mit anderen Technologien weiterverarbeitet. Am Ende bleiben nur 5 % des ursprünglichen Abfalls übrig – und selbst diese Reststoffe werden nicht deponiert, sondern als Füllstoff für Baumaterialien verwendet. Durch diese äußerst effiziente Art der Verarbeitung wird der gesamte CO2-Fußabdruck dieser Abfallströme stark reduziert – ein weiterer Vorteil des kreislauforientierten SCP-Konzepts.

Das Kaskadenmodell – Borealis’ integrierter kreislauforientierter Ansatz
Borealis’ kreislauforientiertes Kaskadenmodell steht im Mittelpunkt des Bestrebens, eine echte Kreislaufwirtschaft zu realisieren. Indem sorgfältig ausgewählte, komplementäre Technologien kaskadierend kombiniert werden, wird der Kreislauf dabei zur Gänze geschlossen. Borealis will damit die Lebensspanne von Kunststoffprodukten auf möglichst nachhaltige Weise vervielfachen. Dies beginnt bei der Optimierung des Produktdesigns, um zuerst die Ökoeffizienz, dann die Wiederverwendbarkeit und schließlich die Rezyklierbarkeit zu maximieren. Sobald ein Produkt das Ende seiner Lebensdauer erreicht hat, müssen wir den Kunststoffkreislauf schließen: zunächst mit mechanischem Recycling, um Produkte mit dem höchstmöglichen Wert, der höchstmöglichen Qualität und dem geringsten Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck herzustellen; dann mit chemischem Recycling, als Ergänzung zum mechanischen Recycling, um Restströme weiter aufzuwerten, die sonst verbrannt oder im schlimmsten Fall auf Deponien endgelagert werden würden. Die aus dem mechanischen und chemischen Recycling gewonnenen aufgewerteten Rohstoffe werden in der Folge durch Borealis‘ Borcycle™-Recyclingtechnologie weiterverarbeitet. Diese Technologie, die sich aus Borcycle M für mechanisches Recycling und Borcycle C für chemisches Recycling zusammensetzt, liefert qualitativ hochwertige Materiallösungen für komplexe Einsatzbereiche, wie beispielsweise Lebensmittelverpackungen oder Healthcare-Anwendungen.

Das SCP-Konzept steht im Einklang mit Borealis‘ Ziel, den Abfallkreislauf von Kunststoffen basierend auf seinem kreislauforientierten Kaskadenmodell zu schließen.




Archroma releases 2020 sustainability report

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

Weitere Informationen:
Archroma chemicals
