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Frankfurt Fashion Week Showcases finden statt

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week Tradeshow - Premieren vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 in Frankfurt werden verschoben, Showcases und City-Events finden statt
  • Aufgrund der weltweit wieder zunehmend angespannten Covid-19-Situation und im Lichte der gestrigen Beschlüsse von Bund & Ländern wird die Frankfurt Fashion Week (17. bis 21. Januar 2022) nur in Teilen physisch stattfinden können. Showcases, Vernissagen, Installationen und Ausstellungen können nach aktuellem Stand auf der Basis passgenauer 2G und 2G+ Konzepte weiterhin durchgeführt werden.
  • Konferenzen, Talks und Panels werden teilweise in reduzierter, hybrider Form realisiert. Die Fachbesucher*innenevents – Neonyt, Premium, Seek, The Ground und Val:ue – verschieben die physische Frankfurt-Premiere ihrer Veranstaltungen jedoch in den Juli 2022.
  • Frankfurt Fashion Week Tradeshow - Premieren vom 18. bis 20. Januar 2022 in Frankfurt werden verschoben, Showcases und City-Events finden statt
  • Aufgrund der weltweit wieder zunehmend angespannten Covid-19-Situation und im Lichte der gestrigen Beschlüsse von Bund & Ländern wird die Frankfurt Fashion Week (17. bis 21. Januar 2022) nur in Teilen physisch stattfinden können. Showcases, Vernissagen, Installationen und Ausstellungen können nach aktuellem Stand auf der Basis passgenauer 2G und 2G+ Konzepte weiterhin durchgeführt werden.
  • Konferenzen, Talks und Panels werden teilweise in reduzierter, hybrider Form realisiert. Die Fachbesucher*innenevents – Neonyt, Premium, Seek, The Ground und Val:ue – verschieben die physische Frankfurt-Premiere ihrer Veranstaltungen jedoch in den Juli 2022.

In Anbetracht der durch den Expertenrat der Bundesregierung prognostizierten Zuspitzung der Pandemielage, die die Omikron-Variante für Deutschland mit sich bringen könnte, ist es für die Messe Frankfurt als Veranstalterin der Messeformate Neonyt und Val:ue sowie für die Premium Group als Veranstalterin der Messen Premium und Seek, des Fashion-Festivals The Ground sowie der Fashiontech-Konferenz aktuell nicht möglich, die Planungen zur erstmaligen Durchführung der großen Mode-Fachbesucher*innenmessen in Frankfurt weiter voranzutreiben. Auf die Entwicklungen des aktuellen Pandemiegeschehens reagierte ein Großteil der auf den Messen ausstellenden und besuchenden Unternehmen bereits jetzt mit Reise- und Messebesuchsverboten aus Gründen der Fürsorgepflicht gegenüber ihren Mitarbeitenden sowie zum Schutz vor gesundheitlichen Risiken.

Trotzdem arbeiten die Organisator*innen der Frankfurt Fashion Week daran, ein ausgewähltes Programm mit persönlichen Begegnungsformaten im coronakonformen Rahmen vor Ort in Frankfurt zu ermöglichen, um der Branche die Gelegenheit zum Austausch wertvoller Impulse zu geben. „Wir spüren das ausgeprägte Bedürfnis der Branche nach persönlichen Begegnungen. Wir sind daher davon überzeugt, dass wir mit den Showcases, Events und Konferenzen, die wir im Januar anlässlich der Frankfurt Fashion Week in dem Umfang realisieren, wie er dann coronakonform möglich sein wird, ein positives Signal des Aufbruchs aus Frankfurt senden werden“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles und Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.

Weitere Informationen zum detaillierten Programm der Showcases, Events und Konferenzen finden Sie bereits auf und werden sukzessive bekanntgegeben.

Während der ersten physischen Frankfurt Fashion Week im Januar 2022 zeigt die PREMIUM GROUP so viele Neuheiten wie nie. (c) PREMIUM GROUP

SAVE THE DATE: Frankfurt, Januar 2022

  • HÖHER, SCHNELLER, WEITER! Während der ersten physischen Frankfurt Fashion Week im Januar 2022 zeigt die PREMIUM GROUP so viele Neuheiten wie nie.

Die Vorfreude steigt! Mit dem tatsächlichen Umzug nach Frankfurt im Januar 2022 präsentieren Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz und das PREMIUM GROUP- Team nicht nur weiterentwickelte Versionen der Modemessen PREMIUM und SEEK, sondern feiern mit THE GROUND erstmals auch ein großes B2CFestival.

Im Mittelpunkt aller Events steht bei den Berlinern mehr denn je die Leidenschaft für Menschen und Mode, aber eben auch für Business und Trading. Und wo könnte man das alles besser vereinen als in der Power-Metropole Frankfurt am Main.

  • HÖHER, SCHNELLER, WEITER! Während der ersten physischen Frankfurt Fashion Week im Januar 2022 zeigt die PREMIUM GROUP so viele Neuheiten wie nie.

Die Vorfreude steigt! Mit dem tatsächlichen Umzug nach Frankfurt im Januar 2022 präsentieren Anita Tillmann, Jörg Arntz und das PREMIUM GROUP- Team nicht nur weiterentwickelte Versionen der Modemessen PREMIUM und SEEK, sondern feiern mit THE GROUND erstmals auch ein großes B2CFestival.

Im Mittelpunkt aller Events steht bei den Berlinern mehr denn je die Leidenschaft für Menschen und Mode, aber eben auch für Business und Trading. Und wo könnte man das alles besser vereinen als in der Power-Metropole Frankfurt am Main.

„Keine Stadt in Deutschland – keine Stadt in Europa – steht so sehr für Business-Relevanz und Trading- Power wie Frankfurt am Main“, erklärt Tillmann. „Wir haben jetzt die einmalige Chance, die Zukunft gemeinsam aktiv zu gestalten. Die PREMIUM GROUP liefert der Branche die Plattform, die Brands den kreativen Content. Außerdem tun wir das, was wir am besten können, die richtigen Player einnander vorzustellen und sie zu connecten. Wir bringen die Macher zusammen, die den gleichen Elan haben wie wir. Mit dieser neuen Mischung aus Standort, Entertainment, Kreativbranche und Tradingfokus schaffen wir nach der Pandemie ein einmaliges Momentum – im Januar werden die großen Geschäfte gemacht und Weichen für die Zukunft gestellt. “

Für dieses Ziel haben die Teams der PREMIUM GROUP auch den bewährten Erfolgsformaten PREMIUM und SEEK einen neuen Anstrich verpasst. Mehr Raum, neue Flächen und kürzere Wege bescheren den Besuchern ein völlig neues Messererlebnis. Trends, Brands und Events können gemeinsam mit neuen und bekannten PartnerInnen entdeckt werden – erstmals alles an einem Ort!

Und auch die PREMIUM, die im Januar bereits in ihr 19. Jahr geht, zeigt sich in Frankfurt von einer neuen Seite. Statt wie in der Station-Berlin verteilt, zeigen in Frankfurt alle Brands ihre Kollektionen in einer einzigen großen Halle. „Wir freuen uns so sehr darauf, endlich alle Aussteller in einer Halle zu vereinen. Damit schaffen wir ein Universum mit vielen unterschiedliche Welten – bunt und aufregend“, so Wiebus. „Wir stehen das ganze Jahr über in engem Austausch mit allen Protagonisten und entwickeln die Konzepte gemeinsam weiter. Die gesamte Branche ist dem Zusammenkommen in Frankfurt gegenüber positiv gestimmt. Alle haben Lust darauf, etwas ganz Neues zu erleben und zu schaffen! Dafür bieten wir den Rahmen – das ist unsere Stärke.“

Und noch eine weitere Überraschung halten die Berliner für das Frankfurt-Debüt bereit: Mit THE GROUND veranstalten sie erstmals ein großes Fashion-Festival für junge EndverbraucherInnen. Verantwortlich für das Eventkonzept ist, neben Tillmann und Arntz und dem PREMIUM GROUP- Team, B2C-Experte Kai Zollhöfer, der schon die Bread & Butter by Zalando zum Publikumsmagneten machte. THE GROUND ist ein B2C-Festival, das sich an eine junge, purpose-driven Generation richtet. Diese neue Generation hat eine starke Haltung zu aktuellen sozialen und ökologischen Herausforderungen und erwartet, dass diese von Brands reflektiert wird. Die übergeordneten Themen bei THE GROUND sind daher Nachhaltigkeit, Diversity und Gleichberechtigung“, so Zollhöfer.

Die 3-tägige Veranstaltung bietet Brands die Möglichkeit, purpose-driven Stories und Produkte, interaktiv auszustellen. Neben dem thematischen Fokus auf Fashion, werden zusätzlich Brands aus den Bereichen Wellbeing, Beauty, Mobilität und Technologie innovative Produkte und Lösungen präsentieren.

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events (c) Premium Group
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP: Statement about January 2021 Events

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

  • Anita Tillmann, managing partner, about Premium Group´s January 2021 Events

“These are challenging times – for all of us. On one hand, because we can't meet up in the same carefree way as usual. And, on the other hand, because decisions have to be made based on factors that are out of everyone’s control. Alongside all this, it’s essential that we look to the future with positivity, that we use the time effectively and continue to advance in the face of adversity. This not only affects the trade show and event organisers, but the whole industry.

We have carried out market research and surveyed exhibitors, partners and buyers on the current circumstances. The objective was to obtain a data-based assessment of the current economic situation, a summary of the success of the exclusively digital events, and insights into the requirements of our network with regard to the physical trade shows. Following analysis of the data gathered we have established that there is a personal wish for an event to happen – inclusive of the appropriate hygiene measures – however, this is unfortunately not currently possible from a professional perspective. As long as there are delays to production and constantly changing travel and contact restrictions in place, we cannot put on any trade shows, conferences or events that would meet our demands or the demands of our exhibitors.

We have therefore decided not to hold PREMIUM, SEEK or FASHIONTECH next January. This was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Especially because we didn't want to say goodbye to Berlin without a fitting farewell.

Now, though, it’s about looking forward and concentrating on what is certain: Frankfurt Fashion Week, which we will be staging in July 2021 together with Messe Frankfurt, the City of Frankfurt and the region of Hessen. We have big plans and are working on a new, fresh start – not only for us, but also for all stakeholders in the fashion industry, nationally and internationally.

Another press conference is planned for the end of November, when we shall be introducing new concepts, partners and event formats. Preparations are already in full swing: we are having numerous discussions, sitting in workshops, activating partners, designers, publishers, politics and society so as to get a unique, fully formed event successfully up and running. Expectations are huge – and we intend to satisfy them. We are putting all our energy into this future-focussed project.

With the aim of being able to share our enthusiasm, we are planning a FFW Preview to present the new locations in Frankfurt am Main and the concepts to journalists, brands and retailers at the beginning of next year.

Until then, all we can say is this: stay curious. Stay optimistic. Because even though there won't be any events this coming January, the show does go on. True to form, that means there will be more business opportunities than ever before, along with innovative formats, events and conferences and a fully formed city concept that has never been imagined before.”


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

(c) SEEK

SEEK and One Warm Winter initiate a second donation campaign for the homeless

In January, the SEEK-team called on its exhibitors to donate pieces from their previous seasons’ collections and, together with One Warm Winter, used these donations to make up the first Goodie Bags for the homeless. For the summer Fashion Week it’s now all about trainers and the GIVE BAG initiative.

To help the campaign circulate in even bigger circles, the charity crew has been expanded to include four sneaker stores located across Germany. Hand on sneaker-loving heart: how many pairs does almost every sneaker fan have that could be put to better use on the streets rather than sitting gathering dust in a wardrobe? Acribik in Cologne, Allike in Hamburg, Overkill in Berlin and TINT in Munich: from 26 June to 16 July all these four stores are offering sneaker wearers the chance to give this or that pair of trainers their freedom, and therefore ensure that they will be worn by someone who really needs them.

In January, the SEEK-team called on its exhibitors to donate pieces from their previous seasons’ collections and, together with One Warm Winter, used these donations to make up the first Goodie Bags for the homeless. For the summer Fashion Week it’s now all about trainers and the GIVE BAG initiative.

To help the campaign circulate in even bigger circles, the charity crew has been expanded to include four sneaker stores located across Germany. Hand on sneaker-loving heart: how many pairs does almost every sneaker fan have that could be put to better use on the streets rather than sitting gathering dust in a wardrobe? Acribik in Cologne, Allike in Hamburg, Overkill in Berlin and TINT in Munich: from 26 June to 16 July all these four stores are offering sneaker wearers the chance to give this or that pair of trainers their freedom, and therefore ensure that they will be worn by someone who really needs them.



Felix Engelmann (Haptiques) & Andreas Murkudis (c) Premium Group

SEEK: building on the TRADE UNION concept for July

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

It has always been integral to SEEK’s DNA to continually work with partners and friends to develop new concepts that are perfectly suited to the demands of the market. The carefully curated setting of TRADE UNION, featuring brands such as Eat Dust, Porter-Yoshida & Co and Knickerbocker, is especially popular with the top buyers.
Felix Engelmann has supported the concept right from the off through his marketing agency Haptiques, and is full of passion and on board again with the concept this season.
“The TRADE UNION concept really came off for us in January. We worked well with our partners; the vibe was positive and nicely relaxed. I’m expecting the atmosphere in the summer to be just as fantastic and I’m sure it’ll be a good occasion with friends, partners and employees.”
In July, buyers can look forward to an expanded portfolio including Red Wing Shoes, a brand from Minnesota. European Marketing Manager Rik van Dijk comments:
“We can't wait to attend the inspiring setting, because our buyers really feel at home there. We need a location where you can take a step back, find a quiet place to sit and talk to everyone. The extra space at the TRADE UNION guarantees this. We’ve only heard good things from friendly brands and we’re really looking forward to the trade show.”

Weitere Informationen:
SEEK, Fashion Week SEEK

Premium Group


SEEK unites to trade with love.

A constantly evolving market and new global challenges ask for exciting concepts that unite the most forward-thinking players of the industry. For the show in January 2019, SEEK enters the next level with its TRADE UNION concept.
“At SEEK, we always look for new strategies to meet the demands of our valued buyers and brands”, explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Within that community spirit, TRADE UNION was created to enhance business opportunities for both sides. Moving away from a classic competitive model, SEEK’s TRADE UNION is about defining goals collaboratively – and achieving them together.”
SEEK’s 10th Anniversary marks an important moment not just for the event itself, but also for the TRADE UNION movement: with further development and relocation into the foyer of Arena Berlin, which highlights and strengthens this cooperative approach. Relevant buyers will be provided with special services and be able to reach an even more targeted brand audience what makes all parties benefit from this individual concept.

A constantly evolving market and new global challenges ask for exciting concepts that unite the most forward-thinking players of the industry. For the show in January 2019, SEEK enters the next level with its TRADE UNION concept.
“At SEEK, we always look for new strategies to meet the demands of our valued buyers and brands”, explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Within that community spirit, TRADE UNION was created to enhance business opportunities for both sides. Moving away from a classic competitive model, SEEK’s TRADE UNION is about defining goals collaboratively – and achieving them together.”
SEEK’s 10th Anniversary marks an important moment not just for the event itself, but also for the TRADE UNION movement: with further development and relocation into the foyer of Arena Berlin, which highlights and strengthens this cooperative approach. Relevant buyers will be provided with special services and be able to reach an even more targeted brand audience what makes all parties benefit from this individual concept.
With his distribution agency Haptiques Felix Engelmann supports the TRADE UNION idea from the beginning and emphasizes the time saving aspect: “The few days in Berlin are always very important for my company so that I aim to max the business days as much as possible. The SEEK team is very empathic about the market needs and already started talking about the new concept inside of SEEK several seasons ago. We are looking forward to work with our partners and colleagues in an extra space where we are able to value the time and make the life of buyers, press and brands easier.”

And Engelmann is not the only fan of this concept that Wiebus and team developed together with their long-term partners.
''The TRADE UNION is a fantastic concept aimed at giving brands with a true heritage an opportunity to sit together in one personal space. We feel that this will give our brands an opportunity to be shown in the best light possible, within a relaxed environment,” explains Joe Sharpe, Sales Director at Options. “We’re excited to be a part of the Trade Union and looking forward to seeing existing and potential clients in January.