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ARMEDANGELS: Kollektion mit 1. FC Köln (c) ARMEDANGELS
Lukas Podolski in ARMEDANGELS x 1.FC Köln Capsule Collection

ARMEDANGELS: Kollektion mit 1. FC Köln

Das Kölner Modelabel ARMEDANGELS und der 1. FC Köln verkünden ihre erste Kollaboration in Form einer Capsule Collection und zeigen damit ihre gemeinsame Liebe für die Stadt Köln. Das Ergebnis ist eine Design-Partnerschaft, welche die Mode- und Sportwelt auf unerwartete Weise vereint: inspiriert von den lebendigen Vereinsfarben und geprägt durch die innovative Nachhaltigkeit von ARMEDANGELS.

Die limitierte Kollektion der beiden Brands wird präsentiert von bekannten Kölner Persönlichkeiten: Fußball-Legende Lukas Podolski, Wettkampfkletterin Hannah Meul, die Stylistin und Kreativdirektorin Fatma Saltwater sowie den Profi-Fußballer*innen Laura Vogt, Timo Hübers und Luca Waldschmidt haben sich hinter dieser Kampagne zusammengetan.

Die Zusammenarbeit hat das Ziel, gemeinsam zu bewegen und Menschen zu begeistern. Sie zeigt die Verbundenheit zur Heimatstadt sowie einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft. Die blokecore Styles sind nach den ARMEDANGELS Standards produziert und inspiriert von Styles aus dem Vereinsarchiv des 1. FC Köln.

Das Kölner Modelabel ARMEDANGELS und der 1. FC Köln verkünden ihre erste Kollaboration in Form einer Capsule Collection und zeigen damit ihre gemeinsame Liebe für die Stadt Köln. Das Ergebnis ist eine Design-Partnerschaft, welche die Mode- und Sportwelt auf unerwartete Weise vereint: inspiriert von den lebendigen Vereinsfarben und geprägt durch die innovative Nachhaltigkeit von ARMEDANGELS.

Die limitierte Kollektion der beiden Brands wird präsentiert von bekannten Kölner Persönlichkeiten: Fußball-Legende Lukas Podolski, Wettkampfkletterin Hannah Meul, die Stylistin und Kreativdirektorin Fatma Saltwater sowie den Profi-Fußballer*innen Laura Vogt, Timo Hübers und Luca Waldschmidt haben sich hinter dieser Kampagne zusammengetan.

Die Zusammenarbeit hat das Ziel, gemeinsam zu bewegen und Menschen zu begeistern. Sie zeigt die Verbundenheit zur Heimatstadt sowie einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft. Die blokecore Styles sind nach den ARMEDANGELS Standards produziert und inspiriert von Styles aus dem Vereinsarchiv des 1. FC Köln.

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Schlussbericht MUNICH FABRIC START S/S 2025: Mit vorsichtigem Optimismus in die Zukunft

Nach drei erfolgreichen Messetagen ist am 25. Januar die internationale Fabric Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START für die Saison Spring.Summer 2025 zu Ende gegangen. Die Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE und der Innovationshub KEYHOUSE schlossen bereits am Mittwochabend ihre Pforten. Das Resümee des Treffens der europäischen Fashionbranche: Wir erleben eine Rückbesinnung auf unsere Wurzeln, um so dem wachsenden Bedürfnis nach Orientierung Rechnung zu tragen – ergänzt um eine Vielfalt spannender nachhaltiger und AI-gestützter Lösungen, die der Branche den Weg in die Zukunft ebnen können.

Unter dem Motto „CLARITY“ konnten Designer, Buyers, Product Manager und Entscheider:innen die Neuheiten und Services von rund 1.000 Anbietern aus aller Welt, verteilt auf die acht Areas ADDITIONALS, FABRICS, ReSOURCE, BLUEZONE, DESIGN STUDIOS, KEYHOUSE, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS sowie THE SOURCE für die neue Saison sichten.

Nach drei erfolgreichen Messetagen ist am 25. Januar die internationale Fabric Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START für die Saison Spring.Summer 2025 zu Ende gegangen. Die Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE und der Innovationshub KEYHOUSE schlossen bereits am Mittwochabend ihre Pforten. Das Resümee des Treffens der europäischen Fashionbranche: Wir erleben eine Rückbesinnung auf unsere Wurzeln, um so dem wachsenden Bedürfnis nach Orientierung Rechnung zu tragen – ergänzt um eine Vielfalt spannender nachhaltiger und AI-gestützter Lösungen, die der Branche den Weg in die Zukunft ebnen können.

Unter dem Motto „CLARITY“ konnten Designer, Buyers, Product Manager und Entscheider:innen die Neuheiten und Services von rund 1.000 Anbietern aus aller Welt, verteilt auf die acht Areas ADDITIONALS, FABRICS, ReSOURCE, BLUEZONE, DESIGN STUDIOS, KEYHOUSE, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS sowie THE SOURCE für die neue Saison sichten.

Mit Blick auf Trends für Spring.Summer 2025 zeigten sich verschiedene Entwicklungen: Einerseits eine klare Rückbesinnung auf Altbewährtes, bei dem handwerkliches Geschick und klare Formen im Vordergrund stehen. Durchbrochen wird die Nostalgie stellenweise durch ergänzende Statement-Pieces aus dem Athleisure- oder, im Bereich der Damenmode, Lingerie-Bereich. Denim ist in der kommenden Saison allgegenwärtig – nicht zuletzt, da es sich dabei um das wohl demokratischste Fabric handelt, das in jegliche Güte- und Preisklassen übersetzt werden kann. Im Bereich der Damenmode wird es neue Interpretationen des Herrenhemds zu sehen geben, das in seinen klassisch maskulinen Formen dekonstruiert wird. Der Fokus richtet sich auf natürliche Materialien wie Leinen und Hanf. Nicht zuletzt im Bereich einer neuen casual Work Wear, hier vor allem in Kombination mit warmen Neutraltönen und gebrochenen Facetten von Weiß. Pastells werden weiterhin allgegenwärtig bleiben – allerdings in neuen Nuancen und ausbalanciert durch eine erdige Farbpalette.

Das Vortragsprogramm stand diesmal vor allem im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit – ob natürliche innovative Fasern und ihr disruptives Potential für eine nachhaltigere Fashionbranche, Recycling-Thematiken und damit verbundene EU-Regulatorik, die die Branche herausfordern werden, sowie hilfreiche Anleitungen dazu, wie sich die verschiedenen Akteure schon heute darauf vorbereiten können. Plattformen wie das KEYHOUSE leisten dazu einen zentralen Beitrag und schlagen die Brücke zwischen jungen, kreativen Denker:innen, der Forschung und Akteuren der Branche.

Die BLUEZONE hat am 23. und 24. Januar die Zenith Area einmal mehr in einen Denim-Hot-Spot verwandelt. Die Blue-Blooded-Community traf sich hier, um die Zukunft der Denimbranche auszuloten. Ein zentrales Thema bleibt die Transformation der Denimindustrie hin zu noch mehr Nachhaltigkeit: Cradle-2-Cradle-Konzepte, innovative Recyclingverfahren und ressourcenschonende Wasch-, Färbe- und Finishingtechnologien waren vielfach das inhaltliche Zentrum der Kollektionspräsentationen, von Stand- und Gangdiskussionen sowie den Trendvorträgen. So wurde der inzwischen von 53 marktführenden Denimunternehmen unterzeichnete Denim Deal auf der BLUEZONE Stage initial in Deutschland vorgestellt. Er verfolgt das Ziel, den Einsatz von Recyclingmaterialien in neuen Textilprodukten verbindlich zu machen. Die Hall of Fame machte das Leitmotiv der BLUEZONE „Signature“ dadurch erlebbar, dass sie live Personal-Pieces von Szeneikonen wie Jason Denham, Adriana Galijasevic, Adriano Goldschmied oder Renzo Rosso zeigte und deren jeweilige Geschichte erzählte. Persönliche Begegnung und Austausch waren auch das Motto der MUNICH FABRIC NIGHT, auf der am Abend des ersten Messetags alle MUNICH FABRIC START Aussteller:innen und Besucher:innen den Dancefloor im Dampfdom der Motorworld zum Kochen brachten.

Während der drei Messetage kamen 11.700 Besucher:innen in das Münchner MOC sowie die Zenith Area. Viele wichtige Brands, wie adidas, Akris, Alberto, Alpha Tauri, Anna van Toor, Armed Angels, Baldessarini, Bestseller, Betty Barclay, BMW, Bogner, Brax, C&A, Carhartt, Closed, Comma, Condé Nast, Digel, Diesel, Drykorn, Escada, Eterna, Ganni, Hessnatur, Holy Fashion Group, HSE, Hugo Boss, Inditex, Joop, Katag, Lagerfeld, Lanius, Lodenfrey, Mac, Maloja, Marc Cain, Marc O’Polo, März, Mey, More&More, Mustang, MyTheresa, Oui, Remei, Riani, Roxy, s.Oliver, Schumacher, Seidensticker, Sportalm, Talbot Runhof, Tchibo, Tom Tailor, Tory Burch, Windsor und Wolford waren vor Ort. Die Besucher:innen kamen aus 58 Ländern, neben Deutschland überwiegend aus dem osteuropäischen Raum, Italien, Skandinavien, UK, den Benelux-Staaten, aber auch aus Südamerika, den USA und den UAE, Saudi Arabien und Ozeanien. Abgerundet durch ein umfassendes Begleitprogramm mit prominenten und internationalen Speaker:innen aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der Branche und zahlreichen Möglichkeiten zum Netzwerken überzeugte die MUNICH FABRIC START auch diese Saison mit ihrem ganzheitlichen Konzept.

Bereits in wenigen Monaten steht mit der VIEW Premium Selection am 18. und 19. Juni in der Motorworld der nächste zentrale Termin für die europäische Fashionbranche an – dann zum Auftakt für die Saison Autumn.Winter 25. Der Junitermin bietet einen ersten inspirierenden Überblick über kommende Trends und Neuerungen in den Bereichen Fabrics, Denim & Sportswear, Additionals und Design Studios für die kommende Saison, und damit bereits vor dem bedeutenden September-Termin, als essenziellem Zeitpunkt für schnelles Ordern, Innovationen und Entwicklungen der Modeindustrie.


Weitere Informationen:
munich fabric start BLUEZONE KEYHOUSE


Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative (c) Celanese Corporation

Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

NEOLAST™ fibers will be produced using recyclable elastoester polymers. As end users transition to a more circular economy, Celanese and Under Armour are exploring the potential of the fibers to improve the compatibility of stretch fabrics with future recycling systems and infrastructure.

In addition to the sustainability benefits, the new NEOLAST™ fibers deliver increased production precision, allowing spinners to dial power-stretch levels up or down and engineer fibers to meet a broader array of fabric specifications.


Celanese Corporation

adidas unveils Tennis Collection with AIRCHILL Technology (c) adidas AG

adidas unveils Tennis Collection with AIRCHILL Technology

adidas unveils its SS24 Melbourne collection to mark the start of the 2024 Grand Slam season. AIRCHILL technology – a first for adidas in tennis – works in tandem with HEAT.RDY material technology to support players performing in the heat of the moment.

AIRCHILL material technology supports cooling through thermally zoned, raised pattern motifs and mesh layers. The lightness of AIRCHILL helps skin breathe – deliberately placed in high sweat and evaporation zones – under the armpits, chest and back. The raised patterns and open mesh fabrics are designed to optimize airflow during high-intensity workouts and matches.

The 26-piece range for men and women also boasts a tranquil color palette and pattern scheme, specially crafted to help evoke a sense of calm. The spectrum of greens – including the key colorway ‘Green Spark’, inspired by the natural phenomena of bioluminescence – were carefully chosen for their soft, glowing shades, meanwhile prints adorning the fabric emulate recurring fractal shapes in nature.

The apparel collection is made from 100% recycled materials and comes in sizes XS-2XL for men and 2XS-2XL for women.

adidas unveils its SS24 Melbourne collection to mark the start of the 2024 Grand Slam season. AIRCHILL technology – a first for adidas in tennis – works in tandem with HEAT.RDY material technology to support players performing in the heat of the moment.

AIRCHILL material technology supports cooling through thermally zoned, raised pattern motifs and mesh layers. The lightness of AIRCHILL helps skin breathe – deliberately placed in high sweat and evaporation zones – under the armpits, chest and back. The raised patterns and open mesh fabrics are designed to optimize airflow during high-intensity workouts and matches.

The 26-piece range for men and women also boasts a tranquil color palette and pattern scheme, specially crafted to help evoke a sense of calm. The spectrum of greens – including the key colorway ‘Green Spark’, inspired by the natural phenomena of bioluminescence – were carefully chosen for their soft, glowing shades, meanwhile prints adorning the fabric emulate recurring fractal shapes in nature.

The apparel collection is made from 100% recycled materials and comes in sizes XS-2XL for men and 2XS-2XL for women.

The collection will be worn by athletes including Caroline Wozniacki, Elina Svitolina, Xinyu Wang, Dana Mathewson, Jessica Pegula, Karolína Muchová, Maria Sakkari, Stefanos Tsitsipas, Felix Auger Aliassime, Jason Wu and Martin de la Puente.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG


RadiciGroup: Bibs made from recyclable materials for UCI Cycling World Championships

On the occasion of the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships, the Union Cycliste Internationale chose Santini to make the bibs from recyclable materials. The UCI's partner brought together a pool of companies, all in the Bergamo area (Italy): RadiciGroup, Sitip, EFI Reggiani and Acerbis.

In 2022, the Union Cycliste Internationale released the UCI Climate Action Charter, which lays out an action plan to advance the environmental sustainability of the sport with a specific principle to reduce waste and accelerate the transition to a circular economy. This year, the UCI Cycling World Championships, which will be held from 3 to 13 August, are bringing together most of the cycling disciplines in a single location: Glasgow and across Scotland.

On the occasion of the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships, the Union Cycliste Internationale chose Santini to make the bibs from recyclable materials. The UCI's partner brought together a pool of companies, all in the Bergamo area (Italy): RadiciGroup, Sitip, EFI Reggiani and Acerbis.

In 2022, the Union Cycliste Internationale released the UCI Climate Action Charter, which lays out an action plan to advance the environmental sustainability of the sport with a specific principle to reduce waste and accelerate the transition to a circular economy. This year, the UCI Cycling World Championships, which will be held from 3 to 13 August, are bringing together most of the cycling disciplines in a single location: Glasgow and across Scotland.

To mark the occasion, the UCI turned to its Official Partner, Santini, to make the bibs that the staff (judges, volunteers, commissaires etc.) and accredited photographers wear throughout the event. The bibs are "eco-designed", which means they are specifically created to have a second life after use. Once the event is over, the bibs could be collected and sent to RadiciGroup and transformed into new material, to be then processed by Acerbis to create X-Elite handguards for mountain bikes. This project is a concrete example of the circular economy at work, allowing 100% of the materials used to be recovered.

To optimise the production cycle of the bibs for the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships, the products must be eco-friendly from the very first phase. The fabrics were therefore made from Italian nylon yarn produced by RadiciGroup. The choice of nylon – an infinitely recyclable thermoplastic material – is intertwined with UCI's sustainability goals for "limited-use" garments: RadiciGroup was able to channel its know-how and expertise in the field of chemistry to create "circular" bibs, working alongside the other partners. As the innovative yarn selected by RadiciGroup allows for easy and high-quality printing, the fabric is also customisable. The yarn is then provided to Sitip to create the "ARAS NG" warp-knitted fabric (95 g/100 m2): a recyclable single-fibre material made from 100% polyamide. The resulting fabric is the first nylon of its kind, designed to meet the transfer printing needs of the third project partner, EFI Reggiani, as well as the recyclability standards requested by RadiciGroup. The choice of fabric was born from extensive applied research, in which EFI Reggiani tested a wide range of fabrics to find the best colour results and the best resistance to rubbing and perspiration, which is vital for the bibs' intended use. In addition to using the new GOTS-certified EFI Reggiani IRIS Plus water-based inks, EFI Reggiani opted for a printing solution on transfer paper that does not consume water and requires a minimal amount of energy per square metre. Finally, the white fabric from Sitip and the transfer paper printed by EFI Reggiani arrived at Santini, who were responsible for transferring all the graphics for the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships bibs from the paper onto the fabric. Santini also took care to assemble the garments using only thread and components made from nylon or chemically similar materials, allowing the bibs to enter the recycling process at the end of their lives without any further processing.                   



TEXAID x PUMA partnership for Swiss RE:FIBRE take back program Photo: TEXAID / Puma

TEXAID x PUMA partnership for Swiss RE:FIBRE take back program

As a leading company in the collecting, sorting, reselling, and recycling of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID has enabled the recycling of post-consumer textile waste into new textiles and clothing. Working together with brands and retailers, TEXAID and their partners are continuing to take action to shift from a linear to a circular system.

Today’s linear system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability. To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA

As a leading company in the collecting, sorting, reselling, and recycling of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID has enabled the recycling of post-consumer textile waste into new textiles and clothing. Working together with brands and retailers, TEXAID and their partners are continuing to take action to shift from a linear to a circular system.

Today’s linear system of «take – make – waste» needs to change. New textiles are produced used and discarded instead of putting them to a second use. The production of new textiles requires natural resources that are limited, and the current system has a significant negative impact on our planet. The transition to a circular system, where garments are kept in use for longer, is an opportunity to harness untapped potential around customer loyalty, economic growth, and ecological sustainability. To move away from the linear system and enable products to be made out of post-consumer textile waste, TEXAID continues to expand its offering for in-store collection programs throughout Europe and the USA

Aligned with the launch of the PUMA Switzerland 23/24 Women’s World Cup home jersey, PUMA and TEXAID have partnered for the Swiss division of their RE:FIBRE Program. PUMA is working to have a more sustainable, long-term solution for recycling polyester jerseys. To achieve this goal, they have developed their RE:FIBRE Program, which transforms textile waste, along with other used materials, into new textiles.

To enable this textile to textile program in Switzerland, specific feedstocks are requires, which is TEXAID’s role as the operator of the collection and sorting. Newly launched in the PUMA Zurich location at Jelmoli, customers can bring garments of all brands and deposit them in-store. TEXAID collects and sorts all deposited items, sending eligible polyester garments into the PUMA RE:FIBRE program, to be recycled into new garments. All other garments are channeled by TEXAID to their next life cycle.


TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) launch fibre made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles (c) ADVANSA

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) launch fibre made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) join forces to launch REMOTION®, a premium fibre for sports and activewear, made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles with full end-to-end traceability from Prevented Ocean Plastic™. REMOTION® offers a solution for textiles that merges ocean protection with built-in biodegradability. The fibres break-down in marine environments to prevent microplastic pollution of the oceans, a problem which can be the consequence of fibre-shedding from apparel laundry waste-water.

Remotion® offers a solution with various sustainable features such as biodegradability and recyclability, with customized performance features such as anti-bacterial properties and moisture management built-in to the fibre. Moreover, the fibre is also offered in customer curated colours that guarantee very good colour fastness. Thus, this “all-in-one” fibre contributes to a sustainable and healthy environment with savings in water, energy, chemicals, and CO2. The fibre is available in a range of filament and staple options with two variants: REMOTION® Blue made from ocean-bound plastic bottles, REMOTION® Green made from domestic recycled plastic bottles.

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers (APF) join forces to launch REMOTION®, a premium fibre for sports and activewear, made from recycled ocean-bound plastic bottles with full end-to-end traceability from Prevented Ocean Plastic™. REMOTION® offers a solution for textiles that merges ocean protection with built-in biodegradability. The fibres break-down in marine environments to prevent microplastic pollution of the oceans, a problem which can be the consequence of fibre-shedding from apparel laundry waste-water.

Remotion® offers a solution with various sustainable features such as biodegradability and recyclability, with customized performance features such as anti-bacterial properties and moisture management built-in to the fibre. Moreover, the fibre is also offered in customer curated colours that guarantee very good colour fastness. Thus, this “all-in-one” fibre contributes to a sustainable and healthy environment with savings in water, energy, chemicals, and CO2. The fibre is available in a range of filament and staple options with two variants: REMOTION® Blue made from ocean-bound plastic bottles, REMOTION® Green made from domestic recycled plastic bottles.

REMOTION® Blue is a specially engineered polyester fibre made from ocean-bound plastic as a premium raw material with a social aspect. ADVANSA and APF are cooperating with Prevented Ocean Plastic™, a global recycling initiative that helps tens of thousands of people around the world to clean their coastlines, prevent ocean plastic pollution and earn additional income. Discarded plastic bottles are picked up by plastic collectors from coastal areas at risk of ocean plastic pollution and are taken to collection centres. The plastic bottles are then sorted out, cleaned and processed into raw material flakes which are used as a premium ingredient for REMOTION® Blue range of products.

ADVANSA and Asia Pacific Fibers are launching REMOTION® at the Performance Days in Munich from 3-5 October 2023.



(c) adidas AG

Over one million people came together to adidas’ Move For The Planet

Over 1.2 million people came together to Move For The Planet, a new global initiative by adidas that harnessed the collective activity of sporting communities across the world.

Over 173 million active minutes were tracked overall across countries in the adidas Running app with adidas pledging to donate €1 to Common Goal for every 10 minutes of activity logged across 34 sports between June 1-12 – up to €1.5m.

The contributions will support projects around the globe that educate and engage communities through sport. One such organisation selected by adidas and Common Goal is the ISF Cambodia (ISF), a charity with 16 years of experience using education and sport to change lives.

The specific project will enable the installation of solar panels to light their football fields – creating safer spaces for girls and the wider community to practice in whilst at the same time, using renewable energy.

Over 1.2 million people came together to Move For The Planet, a new global initiative by adidas that harnessed the collective activity of sporting communities across the world.

Over 173 million active minutes were tracked overall across countries in the adidas Running app with adidas pledging to donate €1 to Common Goal for every 10 minutes of activity logged across 34 sports between June 1-12 – up to €1.5m.

The contributions will support projects around the globe that educate and engage communities through sport. One such organisation selected by adidas and Common Goal is the ISF Cambodia (ISF), a charity with 16 years of experience using education and sport to change lives.

The specific project will enable the installation of solar panels to light their football fields – creating safer spaces for girls and the wider community to practice in whilst at the same time, using renewable energy.

In addition to the solar panels, together with Football for Future and Common Goal, adidas is facilitating education on environmental sustainability through sport for ISF with a focus on helping the organization to raise awareness of environmental action in the community.

This will complement ISF workshops on environmental protection, the use of single use-plastic and waste management processes, enabling the children and young adults involved to be positive role models for their community.

Move For The Planet is part of adidas’ wider sustainability initiatives as the company continues its mission to make what’s best for the athlete. Earlier this year, adidas announced that it is ahead of schedule in its journey to replace virgin polyester with recycled polyester in its products wherever possible by the end of 2024. In 2022, 96% of all the polyester adidas used was recycled.


adidas AG

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: „Material-Health“-Zertifikat in Gold für comfortemp® Produktserie

Die Thermo-Isolierungen der Produktserie comfortemp® soft HO 80x von Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) haben den Goldstatus nach dem „Cradle to Cradle Certified®-Zertifizierungsstandard 3.1. in der Kategorie Materialgesundheit erhalten.

Die weichen Thermo-Isolierungen der HO 80x soft Serie (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) bestehen aus einer Polyamid 6 Wattierung und sind im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft mehrfach recyclebar. Sie zeichnen sich zudem durch einen hohen Tragekomfort aus und eignen sich für nachhaltige Anwendungen im Bereich Luxury, Sportswear und Outdoor. Dank ihrer Konstruktion als Meterware verklumpt die Wattierung nicht und widersteht auch mehreren Waschgängen bei 40°.

Die Thermo-Isolierungen der Produktserie comfortemp® soft HO 80x von Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) haben den Goldstatus nach dem „Cradle to Cradle Certified®-Zertifizierungsstandard 3.1. in der Kategorie Materialgesundheit erhalten.

Die weichen Thermo-Isolierungen der HO 80x soft Serie (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) bestehen aus einer Polyamid 6 Wattierung und sind im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft mehrfach recyclebar. Sie zeichnen sich zudem durch einen hohen Tragekomfort aus und eignen sich für nachhaltige Anwendungen im Bereich Luxury, Sportswear und Outdoor. Dank ihrer Konstruktion als Meterware verklumpt die Wattierung nicht und widersteht auch mehreren Waschgängen bei 40°.

Zertifizierungen durch das Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute finden auf Basis der Identifizierung von Gefahrenstoffen in den Produkten und Abläufen statt. Zudem erfolgt eine Einschätzung der Auswirkungen der chemischen Stoffe auf die drei Produktlebenszyklusphasen Endfertigung, Gebrauch und Nutzungsende. Freudenberg wird seine Produkte weiter optimieren, um die Sicherheit und Qualität der Materialien für den zukünftigen Gebrauch und die Kreislauffähigkeit zu gewährleisten.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) adidas AG

adidas: 96% of all Polyester used in Products is Recycled Polyester

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

Sport is about meeting challenges head-on and finding ways to overcome those – material innovation is no different. For the team at adidas, the road to 96% has been long and full of challenges. The confirmation of its polyester commitment in 2017 was a crucial step in helping to initiate a transformation across adidas and its entire supply chain. This transformation has been made possible through creating technical solutions and imagining new possibilities that previously didn’t exist.

To accompany the announcement, adidas has created a short film about its new ‘PB’, featuring star athlete Jazmin Sawyers. The film highlights the sports brand’s pride in making progress, and its determination to push further.

As the brand looks ahead to 2024 and beyond, it will continue to expand its focus beyond recycled polyester. It will be doing this through three main areas of focus: changing materials by testing and scaling new raw materials, rethinking entire processes to design products that have a circular end-of-life solution, and reducing its carbon footprint.

[1] adidas Footprint Analytics team
[2] Textile Exchange Preferred Fiber & Materials Market Report, October 2021,


adidas AG

Photo HeiQ

HeiQ Mint: No more smelly socks or shirts

HeiQ takes advantage of its presence at ISPO Munich 2022, 28th-30th of November, to launch HeiQ Mint, the new proprietary odor control technology. It is plant-based and designed to make textiles smell fresh even if we use them repeatedly, avoiding the need for frequent washes, thus enabling to save water and energy.

HeiQ Fresh MNT-01, under the HeiQ Mint product family, jointly developed with Patagonia, addresses body odors on textiles and regenerates at every wash, with superior efficiency and durability that meets most end-use performance requirements, while keeping all the fabric properties such as breathability, hand feel, or wicking. This textile technology is OEKO-TEX® suited, bluesign approved, and ZDHC compliant, with a USDA bio-preferred certification in progress.

HeiQ takes advantage of its presence at ISPO Munich 2022, 28th-30th of November, to launch HeiQ Mint, the new proprietary odor control technology. It is plant-based and designed to make textiles smell fresh even if we use them repeatedly, avoiding the need for frequent washes, thus enabling to save water and energy.

HeiQ Fresh MNT-01, under the HeiQ Mint product family, jointly developed with Patagonia, addresses body odors on textiles and regenerates at every wash, with superior efficiency and durability that meets most end-use performance requirements, while keeping all the fabric properties such as breathability, hand feel, or wicking. This textile technology is OEKO-TEX® suited, bluesign approved, and ZDHC compliant, with a USDA bio-preferred certification in progress.

The product development tests were highly demanding, with HeiQ Mint standing out in comparison to the other two tested solutions. According to Laura Hoch, Patagonia’s Materials Innovation Engineer, “out of all the anti-odor technologies we tested, HeiQ Mint provided the highest odor control performance, with the added benefit of being plant-based. This innovation enables Patagonia to deliver our customers high-performing products made with the best available chemistry.”

Another advantage of HeiQ Mint is the ability to be applied and marketed worldwide, without the need for biocidal declaration on product labels, since it is based on a blend of essential mint oils and naturally derived deodorizing ingredients. HeiQ Mint is just Fresh by Nature.

It is ideal for next-to-skin products like sports apparel, underwear, linings, casual and business wear but also home textiles such as bed linen, pillow fabrics, or mattress textiles, both on cellulosic and synthetic fibers.

Weitere Informationen:
HeiQ Mint odor control Sportswear


(c) adidas AG

adidas introduces FW22 Made with Nature Capsule Collection

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

adidas has unveiled the latest in its Made with Nature Capsule Collection with a new Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature and Made with Nature apparel joining the range as the brand continues its mission to call time on conventional materials and design out finite resources.

Designed in balance with the planet, the women’s Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature takes the forward-thinking elements of the Ultraboost 22 and amplifies them with natural materials. The shoe is made in part with natural materials – 40% of the knitted upper is made with lyocell, a material created with cellulosic fibers made from sustainably grown wood.

Launching alongside the Ultraboost 22 Made with Nature is a new Made with Nature apparel range, including a performance running wear look for men and women. The apparel range is made with at least 50% organic cotton.

Christopher Wheat, Global Category Director Running Footwear said: “At adidas, we understand that change is not only possible, it’s an urgent necessity. With Made with Nature, we are on a journey to a world beyond plastic. We’re calling time on conventional materials and methods of make. Once depleted, there’s no coming back for fossil resources. But when we design in synergy with natural processes, when we make with nature, we can use materials that regrow or regenerate – and change the way products are made."


adidas AG


Neonyt Fashion Show mit dem Thema "Biosphere-Technosphere" als multimediale Show

Am 23. Juni wurde das Atelier Lihotzky im Frankfurter Ostend Schauplatz einer Symbiose von Natur und Technik. Die Neonyt Fashion Show thematisierte mit „Biosphere-Technosphere“ das Zusammenspiel von Mensch und Umwelt; die Elemente Wasser, Luft und Erde im Clash mit unserer industrialisierten, digitalisierten Welt. In 31 Multibrand-Looks und einem multimedialen Runway zeigten rund 50 Brands die Zukunft der (nachhaltigen) Mode.

Der Fokus der Neonyt Fashion Show lag auf der Verbindung von Natur und ihren Elementen Wasser, Luft und Erde mit allem, was Menschen erschaffen – von Infrastruktur über Architektur, der industriellen Landwirtschaft und der digitalen Welt. Die Kombination dieser scheinbar kontroversen Themen spannte den Bogen zu unserem gegenwärtigen Erdzeitalter, dem Anthropozän, in dem der Mensch zu einem der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren auf die biologischen, geologischen und atmosphärischen Vorgänge auf der Erde geworden ist.

Am 23. Juni wurde das Atelier Lihotzky im Frankfurter Ostend Schauplatz einer Symbiose von Natur und Technik. Die Neonyt Fashion Show thematisierte mit „Biosphere-Technosphere“ das Zusammenspiel von Mensch und Umwelt; die Elemente Wasser, Luft und Erde im Clash mit unserer industrialisierten, digitalisierten Welt. In 31 Multibrand-Looks und einem multimedialen Runway zeigten rund 50 Brands die Zukunft der (nachhaltigen) Mode.

Der Fokus der Neonyt Fashion Show lag auf der Verbindung von Natur und ihren Elementen Wasser, Luft und Erde mit allem, was Menschen erschaffen – von Infrastruktur über Architektur, der industriellen Landwirtschaft und der digitalen Welt. Die Kombination dieser scheinbar kontroversen Themen spannte den Bogen zu unserem gegenwärtigen Erdzeitalter, dem Anthropozän, in dem der Mensch zu einem der wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren auf die biologischen, geologischen und atmosphärischen Vorgänge auf der Erde geworden ist.

Neue Dimensionen und regenerative Systeme
Die Biosphäre wurde vor allem durch die Silhouetten und Strukturen in den Looks repräsentiert, wie auch durch die organischen und regenerativen Materialien, aus denen ein Großteil der Kollektionsteile gefertigt wurde. So werden auf der Neonyt Fashion Show biologisch angebaute oder nachhaltigere regenerative Materialien zugelassen, die dazu beitragen, wertvolle Ressourcen wie sauberes Wasser, Energie und Land zu schützen und damit zu einem gesunden Ökosystem beitragen.

Die Technosphäre, zu der qua Definition auch die Menschen gehören, wurde in der Inszenierung über die Verschmelzung von der digitalen Welt mit der realen Welt über große LED Screens dargestellt, auf denen digitaler Content sowie Close-ups und Überblendungen der gezeigten Looks zu sehen waren. In den Kollektionen manifestiert sich die Technosphäre in den Themen Recycling bzw. recycelte Chemiefasern, sauberer Chemikalieneinsatz oder im technischen Kreislauf des Cradle2Cradle-Konzepts. Visuell stellte sich die Technosphäre in glänzenden und reflektierenden Oberflächen dar sowie in Sportswear- und Outdoor Styles.

Insgesamt zeigten ca. 50 Brands in 31 Looks eine Bandbreite von etablierten Marken und upcoming Avantgarde Brands: Ai Komoto, Akjumii, Andy Wolf, Anna Auras, Antje Pugnat, Arys, Ayede, Catalouge of Disguise by Tanja Bombach, Céline Breton, Chika Takahashi, Clean Waves, Damur, Ecoalf, Fade Out Label, Falke, Florentina Leitner, Good Guys Don’t Wear Leather, Hell Hell Studio, KC Dubbick, Lanius, Laura Gerte, Maison Baum, Maximilian Mogg, MCM x Selassie, Muntinøus by Pino Pipoli, Myfassbender, Nat-2, Neubau, Nightboutique, PB 0110, Plas Collective, Pool Berlin, Provincia Studio, Save the Duck x Edward Crutchley, Souvenir Official x Ajobyajo, Spaccio Maglieria, Spatz Hutdesign, Timberland, Tiziano Guardini, Tizz & Tonic, Trakatan, Tribal Hotel, Trippen, Tuuli-Tytti Koivula, Uncommon Matters, Virginia Evangelista, Virón, Vitelli, Vladimir Karaleev und Wunderwerk.

Zum Publikum zählten Personen aus Wirtschaft und Politik sowie Industrie-Insider*innen aus der Mode- und Nachhaltigkeitsbranche. Einkäufer*innen, Designer*innen, Künstler*innen waren gleichermaßen anwesend wie (inter-)nationale Fachpresse, Tageszeitungen, Modezeitschriften, Content Creator*innen, TV und Hörfunk. Auch waren Aktivist*innen von Fashion Revolution und Vertreter*innen des Fashion Impact Fund vor Ort.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) adidas AG
Felix Auger-Aliassime

adidas commitment to end plastic waste with SS22 Tennis Collection

adidas launches its SS22 Tennis Collection, a high-performance tennis apparel line featuring graphics inspired by Paris’ botanical gardens and green spaces, garments in the collection were made either in part with Parley Ocean Plastic or in part with recycled content.

Launching ahead of the most prominent clay court tournament of the summer, the SS22 Tennis Collection is being premiered on court by adidas next-gen athletes, Elena Rybakina and Felix Auger-Aliassime, alongside Maria Sakkari, Dominic Thiem and Stefanos Tsitsipas who all share a passion for championing sustainability and working together towards a better future for our planet.

From Insight to Action
The SS22 Tennis Collection is another step adidas is taking on its journey to help end plastic waste, and its athletes are sharing this commitment. For adidas athletes, what they wear on the court is not only performance attire but an expression of their personal style and beliefs.

adidas launches its SS22 Tennis Collection, a high-performance tennis apparel line featuring graphics inspired by Paris’ botanical gardens and green spaces, garments in the collection were made either in part with Parley Ocean Plastic or in part with recycled content.

Launching ahead of the most prominent clay court tournament of the summer, the SS22 Tennis Collection is being premiered on court by adidas next-gen athletes, Elena Rybakina and Felix Auger-Aliassime, alongside Maria Sakkari, Dominic Thiem and Stefanos Tsitsipas who all share a passion for championing sustainability and working together towards a better future for our planet.

From Insight to Action
The SS22 Tennis Collection is another step adidas is taking on its journey to help end plastic waste, and its athletes are sharing this commitment. For adidas athletes, what they wear on the court is not only performance attire but an expression of their personal style and beliefs.

Felix Auger-Aliassime, elite tennis player, commented: "I'm part of a generation of players who care about having an impact on and off the court. When I think about the future, it's not just about my future as a tennis player, but also about the future of the planet. . That's why I wear the new adidas SS22 collection made in part with Parley Ocean Plastic or in part with recycled materials – to send a message that we can all do our part by helping to end plastic waste.“

Fashion-foward Performance
The SS22 Tennis Collection is designed to be bold yet fully functional on court. Each garment features HEAT.RDY technology which is designed to keep players feeling cool, dry and confident as they take on their next challenge.

The Collection features two dresses, tank tops, long sleeve tees and a match skirt for female players. For male players, the collection consists of two tees, a sleeveless tee, a polo tee, a TECHFIT long sleeve top and two different types of shorts.

It is available in a number of different bold graphic prints, all inspired by the Serres d'Auteuil botanical garden. The prominent colors of the collection are black and white.


adidas AG

(c) adidas AG

adidas and Juventus collaborate with Brazilian street artist for a more inclusive world

adidas and Juventus reveal the club’s 4th kit, designed in collaboration with Brazilian street artist, Eduardo Kobra. Together, the partners look to extend the borders of the sport and build connections with the realm of art to celebrate a more diverse and inclusive world.

Kobra, born and raised in São Paulo, is famed for his photorealistic street art murals which often challenge deep cultural and societal issues, and inspire and provoke thought with messages hidden within the art.

Kobra’s artistic expression and the values of Juventus draw many parallels, from being born in the streets to working as a platform for socialization that brings people together – both contributing to society, culture, and the new generations.

With adidas’s focus on creativity, telling real stories about real people, and the belief that sport has the power to change lives, the collaboration carries a powerful and unified message that helps bring to life the most authentic side of football.

adidas and Juventus reveal the club’s 4th kit, designed in collaboration with Brazilian street artist, Eduardo Kobra. Together, the partners look to extend the borders of the sport and build connections with the realm of art to celebrate a more diverse and inclusive world.

Kobra, born and raised in São Paulo, is famed for his photorealistic street art murals which often challenge deep cultural and societal issues, and inspire and provoke thought with messages hidden within the art.

Kobra’s artistic expression and the values of Juventus draw many parallels, from being born in the streets to working as a platform for socialization that brings people together – both contributing to society, culture, and the new generations.

With adidas’s focus on creativity, telling real stories about real people, and the belief that sport has the power to change lives, the collaboration carries a powerful and unified message that helps bring to life the most authentic side of football.

The jersey design is instantly recognisable as one of Kobra’s own, featuring his signature geometric style with the use of bright colours and bold lines, allowing the club’s diverse fanbase to express itself in a different way. The adidas and Juventus logos are embroidered into the fabric with the jersey finished by Kobra’s distinct signature as a back neck sign off.

“What we express and the way we do it speaks about who we are. We cannot be our best version if we don’t embrace diversity. Our differences are what makes us unique, which is why adidas and Juventus have been such perfect partners to work with on this special project. I hope it resonates with people as much as I enjoyed creating the artwork for it,” said Eduardo Kobra.

The new jersey is made with recycled materials, putting sustainability at the heart of the garment. It features the latest in adidas’ temperature regulation technology, AEROREADY – FEEL READY.

Weitere Informationen:
adidas Sportswear Recycling

adidas AG

Cifra selects ROICA™ for a new generation of sportswear in the name of wellness and sustainability © ROICA™
Sportswear top by Cifra containing ROICA™

ROICA™ : new generation of sportswear

  • Cifra selects ROICA™ for a new generation of sportswear in the name of wellness and sustainability
  • Performance Days, Hall C1 – stand N08

Cifra, a leading Italian company in Warp Knit Seamless, has chosen ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, an international reference for premium and smart stretch, for a new generation of clothing dedicated to wellbeing, travelwear and athleisure, made with Cifra exclusive and patented technology in the name of uniqueness and sustainability.

Innovative garments for men and women that combine fashion and function, guaranteeing optimal comfort at any time of the day. Base layers, tops, leggings, jumpsuits made with natural yarns, or recycled pre and post-consumer yarns in combination with ROICA™ EF, the first recycled stretch yarn certified Global Recycled Standard (GRS) able to complete proposals that offer design, performance and responsibility.

  • Cifra selects ROICA™ for a new generation of sportswear in the name of wellness and sustainability
  • Performance Days, Hall C1 – stand N08

Cifra, a leading Italian company in Warp Knit Seamless, has chosen ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, an international reference for premium and smart stretch, for a new generation of clothing dedicated to wellbeing, travelwear and athleisure, made with Cifra exclusive and patented technology in the name of uniqueness and sustainability.

Innovative garments for men and women that combine fashion and function, guaranteeing optimal comfort at any time of the day. Base layers, tops, leggings, jumpsuits made with natural yarns, or recycled pre and post-consumer yarns in combination with ROICA™ EF, the first recycled stretch yarn certified Global Recycled Standard (GRS) able to complete proposals that offer design, performance and responsibility.

The design of the garments, created in Cifra's design office, combines a perfect shape with body mapping technology that creates dedicated ventilation zones for a feeling of comfort and freshness as well as an innovative aesthetic impact.

And when it comes to comfort, ROICA™ activates a new generation conversation linked to the demands of the contemporary consumer looking for well-being in line with the concepts of safety and healthiness emerging in all aspects of daily life. In fact, ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei is the secret stretch ingredient of the modern wardrobe, able to "activate" garments by giving comfort, beauty, quality together with responsible and certified values.

All of this translates into the synergy of development with Cifra. The products, the materials that compose them, along with the way of production and who produces them, transparency and traceability are all aspects that become an integral part of the common proposal that Cifra and ROICA™ are able to offer by joining forces.

"We firmly believe in the new generation of companies oriented towards the creation and supply of valuable products, fully respecting people and the environment, while meeting the performance required by contemporary lifestyles," says Shinichiro Haga, Senior Executive Manager of the ROICA™ Division.

(c) Archroma

Archroma launches a new vegan textile softener

Archroma announced the launch of EARTH SOFT, a new softening system for textile and fashion applications, based on Archroma's latest innovation, a vegan silicone softener, Siligen® EH1, with 35% plant-based active content.

Siligen® EH1 is the latest addition in the plant-based innovations developed by Archroma in recent years, such as EarthColors® dyes and Appretan® NTR binders, as alternatives offered to manufacturers and brands looking to reduce the use of fossil fuel based ingredients without compromising performance.

The range has been developed in line with the principles of “The Archroma Way to a sustainable world: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. More than 35% of the Siligen® EH1 softener's active content is based on plant-based, renewable raw materials. In addition, the product features ultralow cyclic siloxanes (D4, D5, D6) which are classified by the European Chemicals Agency as “Substances of Very High Concern” due to their very persistent and bioaccumulative properties.

Archroma announced the launch of EARTH SOFT, a new softening system for textile and fashion applications, based on Archroma's latest innovation, a vegan silicone softener, Siligen® EH1, with 35% plant-based active content.

Siligen® EH1 is the latest addition in the plant-based innovations developed by Archroma in recent years, such as EarthColors® dyes and Appretan® NTR binders, as alternatives offered to manufacturers and brands looking to reduce the use of fossil fuel based ingredients without compromising performance.

The range has been developed in line with the principles of “The Archroma Way to a sustainable world: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. More than 35% of the Siligen® EH1 softener's active content is based on plant-based, renewable raw materials. In addition, the product features ultralow cyclic siloxanes (D4, D5, D6) which are classified by the European Chemicals Agency as “Substances of Very High Concern” due to their very persistent and bioaccumulative properties.

Siligen® EH1 is ideally suited for shirts, underwear, sportswear, towels, bed sheets, etc. as it provides an excellent wearing comfort by supporting a good moisture transportation and delivering a smooth and soft touch.

The new softener, and the EARTH SOFT system which also includes a Hydroperm® wicking agent to boost hydrophilic properties on synthetic and blended fibers, can be applied on all natural and synthetic textile fibers.

Siligen® EH1 is suitable for both woven and knitted articles. It can be applied by padding process, as well as by exhaust process as it shows a very good shear stability and a low foaming profile. It can be used on white articles and those treated with optical brighteners, as it doesn’t cause thermomigration nor phenolic yellowing.

Paul Cowell, Head of Competence Centers for Brand & Performance Textile Specialties at Archroma, comments: “The new EARTH SOFT system based on Siligen® EH1 softener adds to our growing portfolio of innovations based on natural and renewable plant-based resources. This new breakthrough innovation by Archroma helps us and our partners in the textile and fashion industry to minimize our dependence on petroleum fossil fuel products.”



Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce Partnership (c) Iluna Group / Maglificio Ripa

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce Partnership

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce a strategic collaboration, each maintaining its own identity and independence, based on the complementarity of the proposal and the convergence of intentions for a new and more functional way of partnership.

Iluna Group, a leader in the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey, both established in common sectors - from underwear to beachwear and sportswear - formally launched this collaboration during the MarediModa show in Cannes with a joint double stand where visitors could discover the latest collections of the two companies and also imagine new designs and solutions for sustainable fashion.

Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa announce a strategic collaboration, each maintaining its own identity and independence, based on the complementarity of the proposal and the convergence of intentions for a new and more functional way of partnership.

Iluna Group, a leader in the production of smart lace, and Maglificio Ripa, internationally recognized for the production of premium and responsible jersey, both established in common sectors - from underwear to beachwear and sportswear - formally launched this collaboration during the MarediModa show in Cannes with a joint double stand where visitors could discover the latest collections of the two companies and also imagine new designs and solutions for sustainable fashion.

"We are living in a moment of strong change, from the wave of sustainability that is finally sweeping the fashion world to new market scenarios. And we are convinced that collaboration is the key to face these new challenges. In Maglificio Ripa we saw a complementary and unique partner with whom we can reach partners, customers and suppliers in a more complete way." comments Furio Annovazzi, CEO of Iluna Group. "Ours is not a union between companies but a new model of partnership, a sort of strategic symbiosis aimed at developing together new paths that can lead the both of us both to growth. Our collections, presented in the same context, can nurture the creativity of customers at a time when the stylistic contaminations are increasingly pronounced," adds Luca Bianco, CEO of Maglificio Ripa.
Furthermore, Iluna Group and Maglificio Ripa jointly created their new campaign with a photo shoot and video clip as well as jointly developed a trend scenario that allowed both companies to better embrace the evolving market by sharing information, perspectives and ideas.


GB Network

 Radici: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit auf der Piste (c) RadiciGroup
Die RadiciGroup und DKB präsentieren den ersten „zirkulären“ Skianzug

Radici: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit auf der Piste

  • Die RadiciGroup und DKB präsentieren den ersten „zirkulären“ Skianzug
  • Der Anzug besteht aus recycelten und recyclingfähigen Garnen und erfordert keinerlei Abstriche bei Stil, Design und Gebrauchseigenschaften.
  • Athleten des Sci Club RadiciGroup sind die ersten Botschafter für dieses nachhaltige Projekt.

Der erste komplett nachhaltige Skianzug, mit starkem Fokus auf Stil und Design und vollständig neu konzipiert, ist jetzt Realität. Hinter der Entwicklung dieses hochinnovativen Kleidungsstücks stehen zwei herausragende Unternehmen aus dem Raum Bergamo: Die RadiciGroup, ein weltweit führender Hersteller von chemischen Zwischenprodukten, Polyamiden, hochleistungsfähigen Kunststoffcompounds und fortschrittlichen Textillösungen, sowie die auf funktionale Sportbekleidung spezialisierte DKB.

  • Die RadiciGroup und DKB präsentieren den ersten „zirkulären“ Skianzug
  • Der Anzug besteht aus recycelten und recyclingfähigen Garnen und erfordert keinerlei Abstriche bei Stil, Design und Gebrauchseigenschaften.
  • Athleten des Sci Club RadiciGroup sind die ersten Botschafter für dieses nachhaltige Projekt.

Der erste komplett nachhaltige Skianzug, mit starkem Fokus auf Stil und Design und vollständig neu konzipiert, ist jetzt Realität. Hinter der Entwicklung dieses hochinnovativen Kleidungsstücks stehen zwei herausragende Unternehmen aus dem Raum Bergamo: Die RadiciGroup, ein weltweit führender Hersteller von chemischen Zwischenprodukten, Polyamiden, hochleistungsfähigen Kunststoffcompounds und fortschrittlichen Textillösungen, sowie die auf funktionale Sportbekleidung spezialisierte DKB.

Besonderes Merkmal dieser Kombination aus Jacke und Hose ist das aus RENCYCLE gefertigte Gewebe, einem von der RadiciGroup produzierten Garn, das auf mechanisch recyceltem Polyamid basiert und eine signifikante Senkung des Energieverbrauchs, der CO2-Emissionen und des Wasserverbrauchs ermöglicht. Die Wattierung und zahlreiche andere Elemente des Anzugs, darunter Reißverschlüsse, Klettverschlüsse, Knöpfe und Nahtmaterialien, bestehen ebenfalls aus Polyamid.

Dies ist das Ergebnis der intensiven Zusammenarbeit zwischen der RadiciGroup und DKB bei der Forschung und Entwicklung chemisch ähnlicher Materialien, die sich für solche spezifischen Anwendungen eignen, die besondere technische Eigenschaften erfordern. Dass der Anzug quasi aus einem einzigen Material besteht vereinfacht das Recycling am Ende der Gebrauchsdauer signifikant. Daraus lassen sich neue Polymermaterialien gewinnen, die z. B. zur Herstellung von Komponenten für Skischuhe und -bindungen oder in der Automobil-, Möbel- oder anderen Industrien zum Einsatz kommen können, in denen Hochleistungspolyamide gefragt sind. Der von der RadiciGroup realisierte Anzug ist ein vollständig auf Ökodesign und Kreislaufwirtschaft ausgerichtetes Projekt, deren Prinzipien auf die Welt der Mode und Kleidung übertragen wurden und sich auf der Innenseite der Jacke durch den Claim „Una sostenibilità all’altezza delle nostre montagne“ (Nachhaltigkeit in unseren Bergen) widerspiegeln.

Dazu Angelo Radici, Präsident der RadiciGroup: „Auf dieses Ergebnis bin ich besonders stolz, denn es vereint meine persönlichen und beruflichen Interessen. Ich war schon immer gerne in den Bergen und beim Skilaufen, und gemeinsam mit meinen Mitarbeitern arbeite ich jeden Tag daran, innovative Lösungen zu finden, die zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit unserer Branche beitragen. Dieser Skianzug ist ein anschauliches Beispiel dafür, dass die Welt der Textilien und Bekleidung nachhaltig sein kann, ohne auf Komfort, Design, Ästhetik oder Funktionseigenschaften zu verzichten. Ich werde nicht müde zu betonen, dass die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren der Lieferkette von grundlegender Bedeutung für das Ökodesign und die Schaffung von Produkten ist, die die Recycelbarkeit am Ende ihrer Gebrauchsdauer berücksichtigen, um Werkstoffe möglicherweise unendlich lange einsetzen zu können. Wir, die vorgelagerten Hersteller, nutzen gerne unser Know-how in der Werkstoffchemie und unsere Erfahrung im Recycling, um gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern nachhaltige und tragfähige Lösungen in den verschiedenen Branchen, in denen wir tätig sind, zu entwickeln.“



(c) Huntsman Corporation

Huntsman presents High-Performance Solutions and Protection Effects at Performance Days

Huntsman Textile Effects is bringing its complete end-to-end suite of high-performance solutions for sports apparel to Performance Days Digital Fair from December 1 to 2, 2021 virtually.

Driven by growing consumer interest in active and healthy lifestyles, coupled with the growing number of national sports participation programs that promote healthy living, the global sportwear market shows no signs of slowing. Brands that aim to satisfy this high-growth market need to be able to produce performance apparel that not only delivers sought-after functional capabilities and desirable aesthetics, but also comes with low environmental impact.

Huntsman will introduce the latest addition to the third generation of its revolutionary AVITERA® SE polyreactive dye range at Performance Days. AVITERA® ROSE SE delivers bluish-red shades while reducing the water and energy required for production by up to 50% and increasing mill output by up to 25% or more. It also significantly outperforms available dyeing technologies for cellulosic fibers and blends in terms of value, reducing recipe costs, minimizing processing costs and eliminating reprocessing.

Huntsman Textile Effects is bringing its complete end-to-end suite of high-performance solutions for sports apparel to Performance Days Digital Fair from December 1 to 2, 2021 virtually.

Driven by growing consumer interest in active and healthy lifestyles, coupled with the growing number of national sports participation programs that promote healthy living, the global sportwear market shows no signs of slowing. Brands that aim to satisfy this high-growth market need to be able to produce performance apparel that not only delivers sought-after functional capabilities and desirable aesthetics, but also comes with low environmental impact.

Huntsman will introduce the latest addition to the third generation of its revolutionary AVITERA® SE polyreactive dye range at Performance Days. AVITERA® ROSE SE delivers bluish-red shades while reducing the water and energy required for production by up to 50% and increasing mill output by up to 25% or more. It also significantly outperforms available dyeing technologies for cellulosic fibers and blends in terms of value, reducing recipe costs, minimizing processing costs and eliminating reprocessing.

Also in the spotlight are eco-friendly solutions for the challenges of achieving full whites and consistent shades on recycled polyester (rPET) with right-first-time quality. Huntsman’s rPET processing solutions include pre-treatment chemicals, fluorescent whitening agents, state-of-the-art washfast dyes, and finishing solutions for high-performance protection and comfort.

In partnership with Sciessent, Huntsman is also bringing revolutionary antimicrobial and odor-control solutions to Performance Days. These include Sciessent’s Agion Active® X2, a next-generation odor-control solution that combines advanced technologies to both capture and fight odor-causing bacteria for garments that smell fresh for longer and need less frequent washing. The partners are also previewing a new solution: Sciessent’s NOBO™, a cost-effective odor adsorber that provides odor control on virtually any fabric.

Other featured innovations include Teflon Eco Dry with Zelan™ R2 Plus technology. A breakthrough in sustainable water repellency, it contains 30% renewably sourced plant-based raw materials and meets or exceeds performance levels possible with traditional fluorinated technologies. Another exciting Huntsman solution is the new PHOBOL® Extender UXN – a product that optimizes water-repellent finishes for long-lasting fabric protection. It is free from butanone oxime, which has recently been re-classified in Europe and restricted above certain limits in products by bluesign®.


Huntsman Corporation