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DOMO Chemicals (c) DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich technischer Kunststoffe und nachhaltiger Lösungen, ist stolz auf seine bedeutenden Nachhaltigkeitserfolge im Jahr 2023, die im heute veröffentlichten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht detailliert beschrieben werden.

DOMO Chemicals erreichte 2023 die ISCC+-Zertifizierung (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification PLUS) für drei Produktionsstandorte und mehr als 300 Produkte aus PA6 und technischen Kunststoffen. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, den Kunden ein breiteres Spektrum an kreislauforientierten und biobasierten Lösungen anzubieten und damit sein Engagement für kundenorientierte Innovationen zu unterstreichen. Die Auszeichnung mit der EcoVadis Goldmedaille bestätigt das Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit.

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich technischer Kunststoffe und nachhaltiger Lösungen, ist stolz auf seine bedeutenden Nachhaltigkeitserfolge im Jahr 2023, die im heute veröffentlichten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht detailliert beschrieben werden.

DOMO Chemicals erreichte 2023 die ISCC+-Zertifizierung (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification PLUS) für drei Produktionsstandorte und mehr als 300 Produkte aus PA6 und technischen Kunststoffen. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, den Kunden ein breiteres Spektrum an kreislauforientierten und biobasierten Lösungen anzubieten und damit sein Engagement für kundenorientierte Innovationen zu unterstreichen. Die Auszeichnung mit der EcoVadis Goldmedaille bestätigt das Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit MARTOR, OMV und der Mitsubishi Chemical Group hat den effektiven Einsatz von recycelten und biobasierten Materialien ermöglicht. Diese Allianzen tragen entscheidend dazu bei, dass DOMO sein Ziel erreichen kann, bis 2030 etwa 20% seines Volumens an technischen Kunststoffen aus recycelten und biobasierten Materialien zu verkaufen. Im Jahr 2023 lag dieser Anteil bereits bei 13%.

Die Anstrengungen zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) haben zu bedeutenden Ergebnissen geführt: Das Unternehmen konnte seine Scope-1- und Scope-2-THG-Emissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 um 29% reduzieren und ist damit auf einem guten Weg, sein Ziel für 2030 - eine Reduzierung um 40% - zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen die Nutzung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 50 Prozent gesteigert und erreichte 2023 einen Anteil von 18 Prozent an seinen weltweiten Aktivitäten.


DOMO Chemicals


EEA/ECHA: Europe-wide assessment of chemical pollution

The transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas, while in others, it is just beginning. This is the finding of a first, joint Europe-wide assessment of the drivers and impact of chemical pollution by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The benchmarking found that more work is still needed to reduce the impact of harmful substances on human health and the environment.

The number of industrial chemicals scrutinised under the EU’s chemicals legislation to determine their safety has increased substantially. Authorities now have much better knowledge about the hazardous properties of chemicals that are used across the EU, resulting in many actions to minimise and control the risks of several groups of substances.

The transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas, while in others, it is just beginning. This is the finding of a first, joint Europe-wide assessment of the drivers and impact of chemical pollution by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The benchmarking found that more work is still needed to reduce the impact of harmful substances on human health and the environment.

The number of industrial chemicals scrutinised under the EU’s chemicals legislation to determine their safety has increased substantially. Authorities now have much better knowledge about the hazardous properties of chemicals that are used across the EU, resulting in many actions to minimise and control the risks of several groups of substances.

According to the joint EEA-ECHA synthesis report on the EU indicator framework for chemicals, the overall use of the most harmful chemicals (in particular those that are carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic) is still growing but more slowly than the overall chemicals market growth. Pressure is increasing to avoid the use of so-called substances of concern and to implement the principles of the safe and sustainable by design framework.

There is a need to more effectively ensure that consumer products do not contain the most harmful substances, for example chemicals that are endocrine disrupting, that negatively affect the hormone system, or substances that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, which present a risk for years to come even after their use has ceased.

More data and information are needed to better understand human and environmental exposure to those most harmful chemicals and their impacts. Still, the indicators show clearly that the shift to safe and sustainable chemicals must continue and should even be accelerated.

The report is based on a set of 25 key indicators, which monitor the drivers and impacts of chemical pollution in Europe.

Key findings

  • Transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas while in others it is just getting started.
  • Action by authorities and industry has supported minimising and controlling the risks from several groups of hazardous chemicals. Efforts are ongoing to increase knowledge on chemical hazards and support risk management action where needed.
  • Available data suggest that there is little evidence of progress towards eliminating substances of concern from waste and secondary materials. This is a barrier to the transition towards a more circular economy.
  • Emissions of certain chemicals to water and air have fallen following specific EU regulations (e.g., on industrial emissions) and international actions, but further measures are needed to reach concentration levels that are not harmful for human health and the environment.
  • Emissions from industry still lead to major costs in terms of damages to human and ecosystem health.
  • Human biomonitoring offers the opportunity to understand human exposure to chemicals from multiple sources and thus health risks associated with chemical pollution. As such, biomonitoring forms a key tool to measure the effectiveness of chemicals legislation in protecting human health and the environment.

European Chemicals Agency

Freudenberg: Standort Sant’Omero implementiert ZDHC (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Standort Sant’Omero implementiert ZDHC

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) erreicht einen weiteren Meilenstein in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit: Das neue Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center im italienischen Sant’Omero hat kürzlich das 4sustainability® Chemical Management Protocol (4s CHEM) erfolgreich durchlaufen und das Advanced Level erreicht. Das Protokoll zielt darauf ab, schädliche und gefährliche Chemikalien und damit verbundene Risiken im gesamten Produktionsprozess zu vermeiden.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) erreicht einen weiteren Meilenstein in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit: Das neue Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center im italienischen Sant’Omero hat kürzlich das 4sustainability® Chemical Management Protocol (4s CHEM) erfolgreich durchlaufen und das Advanced Level erreicht. Das Protokoll zielt darauf ab, schädliche und gefährliche Chemikalien und damit verbundene Risiken im gesamten Produktionsprozess zu vermeiden.

Kompetenzzentrum für Einlagestoffe
Freudenberg hat sein Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero im Mai 2023 eröffnet. Der italienische Standort ist ein innovatives Kompetenzzentrum, das Bekleidungseinlagen aus Vliesstoffen, Geweben und Gewirken für die Apparel-Kunden in Europa beschichtet und veredelt.
Nun hat Freudenberg den nächsten logischen Schritt gemacht: Das Apparel Competence Center hat im Rahmen eines umfassenden Audits ZDHC-Richtlinien in seinen Produktionsprozess implementiert. Dafür hat Freudenberg das Beratungsunternehmen Process Factory hinzugezogen, das auf Nachhaltigkeitsthemen spezialisiert ist. Mit der Unterstützung dieser Experten hat der Freudenberg Standort in Sant’Omero das Advanced Level des 4sustainability® Chemical Management Protocol (4s CHEM), in Übereinstimmung mit dem ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programm, erreicht.
Die Überprüfung der Implementierung erfolgt jährlich auf Basis dieses Protokolls und bietet Unternehmen der Modeindustrie ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit. Denn sie gewährleistet eine strukturierte, vollständig nachvollziehbare Vorgehensweise, regelmäßiges Monitoring und kontinuierliche Kontrollen der Produktionsprozesse bei Freudenberg.

Mit dem nachweislichen Verzicht auf umweltschädigende Chemikalien und Substanzen unterstreicht das Apparel Competence Center, dass Verantwortung für Mensch und Umwelt bei Freudenberg höchste Priorität hat.
Die Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Foundation und deren weltweit anerkanntes Programm Roadmap to Zero zielen darauf ab, die Freisetzung gefährlicher Chemikalien in der Lieferkette der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie zu eliminieren. Grundlage hierfür ist die ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL).
Mit der Anwendung des 4s CHEM Protocol sendet der Produktionsstandort in Sant’Omero ein klares Signal an die Modeindustrie, dass Freudenberg-Produkte nicht nur die höchsten Qualitätsstandards erfüllen, sondern auch umweltfreundlich und sicher sind.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH


Solvay reduces transportation carbon footprint

Solvay is partnering with transportation providers KIITOSIMEON and ADAMS LOGISTICS to reduce the carbon footprint of its facility in Voikkaa, Finland. Known for its hydrogen peroxide technology, the site has a yearly capacity of 85 kilotons, making it the largest hydrogen peroxide unit in the country and one of the largest in Europe. However, the transportation of its products results in more than 850 tons of CO2 emissions annually, attributed to the several thousands deliveries conducted each year.

While the Voikkaa site has been operating on 100% wind-generated electricity since 2023, the journey towards decarbonization takes another step forward as it transitions transportation fuel from diesel to biofuel in the first quarter of 2024. This shift will result in a significant annual reduction of over 700 tons of CO2 emissions, representing more than 8O% reduction in the site's transportation carbon footprint.

Solvay is partnering with transportation providers KIITOSIMEON and ADAMS LOGISTICS to reduce the carbon footprint of its facility in Voikkaa, Finland. Known for its hydrogen peroxide technology, the site has a yearly capacity of 85 kilotons, making it the largest hydrogen peroxide unit in the country and one of the largest in Europe. However, the transportation of its products results in more than 850 tons of CO2 emissions annually, attributed to the several thousands deliveries conducted each year.

While the Voikkaa site has been operating on 100% wind-generated electricity since 2023, the journey towards decarbonization takes another step forward as it transitions transportation fuel from diesel to biofuel in the first quarter of 2024. This shift will result in a significant annual reduction of over 700 tons of CO2 emissions, representing more than 8O% reduction in the site's transportation carbon footprint.

As part of its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050, Solvay has outlined a sustainability roadmap with around 40 energy transition projects. These projects focus on eliminating coal usage, emphasizing renewable energy sources, prioritizing energy efficiency, and driving process innovation. Solvay has further committed to reduce its emissions* along the value chain by 20% by 2030.

*scope 3 emissions, focus 5 categories, 2021 baseline



Devan high cooling Photo: Devan Chemicals

Devan Chemicals presents latest sustainable textile finishes at Heimtextil 2024

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

Devan will showcase the newest additions to their R-Vital NTL Range and Thermic High Cooling technology.

R-Vital® NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost their textiles with a range of active, natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body and mind. Elements such as Chamomile oil and Arnica Montana are absorbed by the skin and have relaxing, moisturizing or hydrating effects. The biobased content of the R-Vital well-being technology is +97%, readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

R-Vital® NTL Regenight™: Devan and Lucas Meyer Cosmetics join forces to launch a ground-breaking technology, R-Vital NTL Regenight™, a technology which improves sleep quality and also improves nighttime skin recovery. Using an upcycled oil soluble fraction obtained from Australian Tea tree oil distillation process, Regenight™ acts through both inhalation to improve nighttime rest and through topical action to provide skin recovery.

Tested in real-life context using proven biometric technology, the dual action provided individually by Regenight™ proposes a breakthrough approach to reduce the impact of poor-quality sleep on the skin.

R-Vital® NTL Chamomile oil: Chamomile oil is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. Additionally, this oil is believed to have antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Furthermore, chamomile oil is renowned for its calming effects and potential to reduce stress and anxiety, helping improve sleep quality.

R-Vital® NTL Warming: Engineered to deliver a gentle warmth, the R-Vital NTL Warming technology ensures a cozy and comfortable sleeping experience. This blend is a solution that infuses a sense of warmth, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

R-Vital NTL Arnica Montana: Harnessing the natural benefits of Arnica Montana, this ingredient, is celebrated for its potent healing and recovering properties.

At Heimtextil Devan will also present a new high cooling technology that provides an optimal and refreshing sleeping climate, ensuring a cool and restful night's sleep. Thermic High Cooling is based on reactive microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs). The smart heat exchange mechanism keeps the body within its comfort zone. This makes the body suffer less from night sweats, and results in a longer, healthier and more comfortable sleep with fewer awakenings. This new formulation with high cooling level and high solid content, presents around 30% more cooling than standard PCM formulations. One padding allows to achieve high cooling level (no need to run multiple applications). A Bio-based version is also available - Thermic® Bio, where the PCMs are derived from sustainable, natural sources.


Devan Chemicals

AZL Aachen GmbH: Kick-Off-Meeting zum Projekt "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter" (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL Aachen GmbH: Kick-Off-Meeting zum Projekt "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter"

Das Kick-Off-Meeting zum Projekt "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter", das kürzlich bei der AZL Aachen GmbH stattfand, war eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung, die mehr als 37 Top-Experten auf dem Gebiet der Verbundtechnologien zusammenbrachte. Mit diesem Treffen wurde ein solides Fundament für das Joint Partner Projekt gelegt, das derzeit ein Konsortium von 20 Unternehmen aus der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Verbundwerkstoff-Druckbehälter umfasst: Ascend Performance Materials, Cevotec GmbH, Chongqing Polycomp International Corp. (CPIC), Conbility GmbH, Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH, F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG, floteks plastik sanayi ticaret a.s., Formosa Plastics Corporation, Heraeus Noblelight GmbH, Huntsman Advanced Materials, Kaneka Belgium NV, Laserline GmbH, Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH, Plastic Omnium, Rassini Europe GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Swancor Holding Co. Ltd, TECNALIA, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Tünkers do Brasil Ltda.

Das Kick-Off-Meeting zum Projekt "Trends und Designfaktoren für Wasserstoffdruckbehälter", das kürzlich bei der AZL Aachen GmbH stattfand, war eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung, die mehr als 37 Top-Experten auf dem Gebiet der Verbundtechnologien zusammenbrachte. Mit diesem Treffen wurde ein solides Fundament für das Joint Partner Projekt gelegt, das derzeit ein Konsortium von 20 Unternehmen aus der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Verbundwerkstoff-Druckbehälter umfasst: Ascend Performance Materials, Cevotec GmbH, Chongqing Polycomp International Corp. (CPIC), Conbility GmbH, Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH, F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG, floteks plastik sanayi ticaret a.s., Formosa Plastics Corporation, Heraeus Noblelight GmbH, Huntsman Advanced Materials, Kaneka Belgium NV, Laserline GmbH, Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH, Plastic Omnium, Rassini Europe GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Swancor Holding Co. Ltd, TECNALIA, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Tünkers do Brasil Ltda.

Das Projekt folgt dem bewährten AZL-Ansatz eines Joint Partner Projekts, das darauf abzielt, Technologie- und Markteinblicke sowie Benchmarking verschiedener Material- und Produktionskonzepte zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Experten entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu vernetzen.

Das Kick-Off-Meeting diente nicht nur als Plattform, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und sich über die Expertise und Interessen der Konsortiumsmitglieder im Bereich Wasserstoffdruckbehälter zu informieren, sondern legte auch den Grundstein für die Ausrichtung der kommenden anspruchsvollen Projektphasen. Als Grundlage für die interaktive Diskussionsrunde erläuterte das AZL den Hintergrund, die Motivation und den detaillierten Arbeitsplan. Im Mittelpunkt des Dialogs standen die Hauptziele, die größten Herausforderungen, der Beitrag zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Prioritäten, mit denen die Erwartungen der Projektpartner am besten erfüllt werden können.

Die Diskussionen betrafen regulatorische Fragen, die sich wandelnde Wertschöpfungskette sowie die Versorgung mit und die Eigenschaften von Schlüsselmaterialien wie Kohlenstoff- und Glasfasern und Harzen. Das Konsortium definierte Untersuchungen zu verschiedenen Fertigungstechnologien, um deren Ausgereiftheit und potenziellen Nutzen zu bewerten. Konstruktionsauslegungen, einschließlich Liner, Boss-Design und Wickelmuster, werden unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Auswirkungen auf die mobile und stationäre Lagerung eingehend geprüft. Die Gruppe interessiert sich ebenfalls für kosteneffiziente Prüfmethoden und Zertifizierungsverfahren sowie für die Aussichten auf ein Recycling zu Endlosfasern und die Verwendung nachhaltiger Materialien. Es wurde um Einblicke in die künftige Nachfrage nach Wasserstofftanks, in die Bedürfnisse und Strategien der OEMs und in technologische Entwicklungen zur Herstellung wirtschaftlicherer Tanks gebeten.

Die Sitzung unterstrich die Bedeutung von CAE-Entwürfen für Fasermuster, die Eignung von Software und den anwendungsabhängigen Einsatz von duroplastischen und thermoplastischen Entwürfen.

Das erste Report Meeting wird auch den Rahmen für die nächste Projektphase abstecken, in der das AZL Ingenieurteam Referenzdesigns erarbeitet. Diese Designs werden eine Reihe von Druckbehälterkonfigurationen mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien und Produktionskonzepten abdecken. Ziel ist es, Modelle zu entwickeln, die nicht nur die aktuellen technologischen Möglichkeiten widerspiegeln, sondern auch tiefe Einblicke in die Kostenanalyse verschiedener Produktionstechnologien, deren CO2-Fußabdruck, Recyclingaspekte und Skalierbarkeit bieten.

Das AZL Projekt ist weiterhin offen für zusätzliche Teilnehmer. Unternehmen, die an einer Teilnahme an dieser zukunftsorientierten Initiative interessiert sind, sind eingeladen, sich mit Philipp Fröhlig in Verbindung zu setzen.


One in three checked biocidal products found to be non-compliant

EU-wide enforcement project found about 60 active substances in biocidal products that are not allowed on the EU, EEA and Swiss markets. One in three of the checked products did not comply with at least one of the checked legal requirements.
Helsinki, 21 November 2023 – The national enforcement authorities in 29 countries checked over 3 500 biocidal products. Overall, 37 % of the checked biocides were non-compliant with at least one of the checked legal requirements.
18 % of checked products were non-compliant with fundamental requirements that affect their safe use. Most of them either lacked a product authorisation or included non-allowed active substances. Most biocides with such major non-compliance were disinfectants, insecticides, and repellents/attractants. Inspectors found about 60 active substances that are not allowed in these products. All products that lacked authorisation or contained non-allowed active substances were withdrawn from the market. In some cases, criminal complaints or fines were issued.

EU-wide enforcement project found about 60 active substances in biocidal products that are not allowed on the EU, EEA and Swiss markets. One in three of the checked products did not comply with at least one of the checked legal requirements.
Helsinki, 21 November 2023 – The national enforcement authorities in 29 countries checked over 3 500 biocidal products. Overall, 37 % of the checked biocides were non-compliant with at least one of the checked legal requirements.
18 % of checked products were non-compliant with fundamental requirements that affect their safe use. Most of them either lacked a product authorisation or included non-allowed active substances. Most biocides with such major non-compliance were disinfectants, insecticides, and repellents/attractants. Inspectors found about 60 active substances that are not allowed in these products. All products that lacked authorisation or contained non-allowed active substances were withdrawn from the market. In some cases, criminal complaints or fines were issued.

The remaining 19 % non-compliant products were found to have minor deficiencies that did not affect safe use such as missing contact information of the supplier. In these cases the national enforcement authorities gave advice or administrative orders.

Much non-compliance was found in disinfectants sold to consumers. 265 disinfectants out of nearly 1 900 that were checked (14 %) were found to be non-compliant. This included serious compliance deficiencies such as lacking authorisation or incorrect labelling that usually led to the withdrawal of the disinfectants from the market.
The inspectors focused on disinfectants because new manufacturers entered the market with biocidal products at the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of those disinfectants were not fully compliant with the EU’s Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and the related national transitional requirements for biocides.

Weitere Informationen:
ECHA biocid

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)


OETI Indien: ZDHC-Schulungen für nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement

OETI, ein Mitglied der TESTEX-Gruppe, ist offiziell-zugelassener ZDHC-Lösungsanbieter im Rahmen des ZDHC-Programms „Roadmap to Zero“. Nachdem OETI bereits als weltweit zugelassene ZDHC MRSL-Zertifizierungsstelle für OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT tätig ist, bietet es darüber hinaus nun in Indien auch umfassende ZDHC-Schulungsdienste an.

Das ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programm treibt nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten für Textilien, Leder, Bekleidung und Schuhe voran. Die Expert*innen von OETI schulen Markenunternehmen, Hersteller*innen und andere ZDHC-Stakeholder in nachhaltigem Chemikalienmanagement, das sich an den ZDHC-Richtlinien, Plattformen und Lösungen orientiert.

OETI, ein Mitglied der TESTEX-Gruppe, ist offiziell-zugelassener ZDHC-Lösungsanbieter im Rahmen des ZDHC-Programms „Roadmap to Zero“. Nachdem OETI bereits als weltweit zugelassene ZDHC MRSL-Zertifizierungsstelle für OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT tätig ist, bietet es darüber hinaus nun in Indien auch umfassende ZDHC-Schulungsdienste an.

Das ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programm treibt nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten für Textilien, Leder, Bekleidung und Schuhe voran. Die Expert*innen von OETI schulen Markenunternehmen, Hersteller*innen und andere ZDHC-Stakeholder in nachhaltigem Chemikalienmanagement, das sich an den ZDHC-Richtlinien, Plattformen und Lösungen orientiert.

Das Schulungs-Programm “ZDHC CMS Framework Training für Lieferanten“ vermittelt ein umfassendes Verständnis von Chemikalienmanagement-Systemen, dem sogenannten Chemical Management System (CMS) und deren praktischer Umsetzung in der Textil- und Lederindustrie. Das Training zielt auf verschiedene Abteilungen in einem Unternehmen ab, einschließlich Management, Chemieteam, Beschaffung, Compliance und Nachhaltigkeit. Dadurch soll die Zusammenarbeit dieser Abteilungen in Bezug auf ein nachhaltiges Chemikalienmanagement gefördert und noch besser verankert werden.

OETI Indien veranstaltet in den kommenden Monaten Schulungen in Tirupur, Delhi, Bangalore und Ahmedabad, auch maßgeschneiderte Schulungen für spezifische Anlagen oder Cluster können angeboten werden.

Weitere Informationen:
ZDHC Chemikalienmanagement OETI Seminar



EcoVadis Gold Rating für DOMO Chemicals

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

DOMO Chemicals, ein führender Hersteller technischer Materialien, bestätigt sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Erhalt des EcoVadis Gold Ratings. Verbessert um 13 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gehört DOMO zu den besten 5% aller von EcoVadis bewerteten Unternehmen. EcoVadis ist eine führende Plattform für die Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen.

Yves Bonte, CEO von DOMO Chemicals: " Innerhalb eines Jahres ist es uns gelungen, von den Top 25% in die Top 5% aufzusteigen, was DOMO zu einem der besten Unternehmen der Branche macht. Dies zeigt unser Engagement für unser ehrgeiziges Ziel, bis 2030 der Maßstab für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche zu werden."

Weitere Informationen:
DOMO Chemicals EcoVadis

DOMO Chemicals


DOMO Chemicals veröffentlicht Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von technischen Materiallösungen und Dienstleistungen auf Polyamidbasis, hat seinen neuesten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht veröffentlicht, in dem er seine Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich einer bemerkenswerten Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, detailliert darlegt. DOMO hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Polyamid-Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zu einer besseren, nachhaltigeren Welt beitragen. Mit der Veröffentlichung seines zweiten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts tritt DOMO in eine neue Phase seines Strebens nach Dekarbonisierung ein. Das Unternehmen ist zuversichtlich, dass es bis 2030 den Standard für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche setzen wird.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht beschreibt detailliert, was DOMO im Jahr 2022 auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2030 erreicht hat. In Bezug auf die Dekarbonisierung und umfassendere ökologische Errungenschaften hat das Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Ausgangsjahr 2019 folgende Fortschritte bewirkt:

DOMO Chemicals, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von technischen Materiallösungen und Dienstleistungen auf Polyamidbasis, hat seinen neuesten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht veröffentlicht, in dem er seine Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich einer bemerkenswerten Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, detailliert darlegt. DOMO hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Polyamid-Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zu einer besseren, nachhaltigeren Welt beitragen. Mit der Veröffentlichung seines zweiten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts tritt DOMO in eine neue Phase seines Strebens nach Dekarbonisierung ein. Das Unternehmen ist zuversichtlich, dass es bis 2030 den Standard für Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche setzen wird.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht beschreibt detailliert, was DOMO im Jahr 2022 auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung seiner Nachhaltigkeitsziele für 2030 erreicht hat. In Bezug auf die Dekarbonisierung und umfassendere ökologische Errungenschaften hat das Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Ausgangsjahr 2019 folgende Fortschritte bewirkt:

  • Reduktion der Scope-1- und Scope-2-Treibhausgasemissionen um 27% – ein bedeutender Fortschritt auf dem Weg zum Ziel einer 40-prozentigen Reduktion bis 2030 und Klimaneutralität bis 2050
  • Erhöhung des Anteils an Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien im gesamten Unternehmen auf 12%
  • Verringerung der Abfallmenge um 24%
  • Reduzierung des Wasserverbrauchs um 4,5%

Zudem hat DOMO als Anbieter von nachhaltigen und kreislauforientierten Lösungen auf Polyamidbasis Folgendes erreicht:

  • 11,3% des Umsatzes wurden mit technischen Materialien erzielt, die auf nachhaltigen Rohstoffen basieren, was einen großen Fortschritt auf dem Weg zu seinem Ziel von 20% im Jahr 2030 darstellt
  • 25% der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsressourcen werden zur Verbesserung des Recyclings eingesetzt

Darüber hinaus ist für DOMO als verantwortungsvollem Arbeitgeber die Förderung von Talenten und die Sicherstellung des Wohlergehens der Belegschaft für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum von entscheidender Bedeutung. Zu den wichtigsten Fortschritten des Jahres 2022 zählen:

  • Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Führungspositionen von 22% im Jahr 2021 auf 30% im Jahr 2022
  • Förderung eines sicheren und integrativen Arbeitsumfelds, das die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung sowie eine globale Sicherheitskultur fördert

DOMO Chemicals

Photo: Pulcra Chemicals

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Dyeing Process

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Sustineri Coloring, a combined pretreatment and dyeing process for cotton and polyester/cotton resulting in water, time and energy savings. This process is the result of a joint research between Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex with the goal to mitigate the impact of standard dyeing processes and to reduce the use of natural resources.

Sustineri Coloring is based on newly engineered process chemicals which allow a one bath pretreatment and dyeing process for dark, medium and light shades of cotton and polyester/cotton fabrics by exhaust method. This results in shorter processing time and less use of water and energy.

The process is already used by selected mills and it showed that Sustineri Coloring is reducing in pretreatment and dyeing the processing time by up to 60 % and the water and energy consumption by up to 80 and 60% respectively. The state-of-the-art products allow a one bath treatment which is the key in saving resources.

Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex develop Sustineri Coloring, a combined pretreatment and dyeing process for cotton and polyester/cotton resulting in water, time and energy savings. This process is the result of a joint research between Pulcra Chemicals and Inditex with the goal to mitigate the impact of standard dyeing processes and to reduce the use of natural resources.

Sustineri Coloring is based on newly engineered process chemicals which allow a one bath pretreatment and dyeing process for dark, medium and light shades of cotton and polyester/cotton fabrics by exhaust method. This results in shorter processing time and less use of water and energy.

The process is already used by selected mills and it showed that Sustineri Coloring is reducing in pretreatment and dyeing the processing time by up to 60 % and the water and energy consumption by up to 80 and 60% respectively. The state-of-the-art products allow a one bath treatment which is the key in saving resources.


Pulcra Chemicals

(c) wet-green GmbH

wet-green GmbH earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

wet-green GmbH announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for wet-green® OBE 1 tanning agent for Olivenleder®.

wet-green® OBE 1 is made of 100% biobased raw materials coming from by-products of olive growing, covered by a global patent. wet-green® OBE 1 is applied as a pre-tanning agent and replaces standard tanning technologies e.g. Chromium, Glutaraldehyde, Zeolites etc., is non-corrosive, metal-free, free of synthetic reactive tanning chemicals, formaldehyde-free, glutaraldehyde-free, bisphenol-free, syntan free, viscous, pumpable and pleasant smelling. wet-green® OBE 1 is the next generation vegetable tanning agent suitable for a wide range of leather articles and applied since many years in areas e.g. automotive, upholstery, garments, shoes and accessories.

The wet-green® tanning agent for Olivenleder® can now display a USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content. Third-party verification for a product's biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred® Program, which strives to increase the development, purchase, and use of biobased

wet-green GmbH announced today that it has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label for wet-green® OBE 1 tanning agent for Olivenleder®.

wet-green® OBE 1 is made of 100% biobased raw materials coming from by-products of olive growing, covered by a global patent. wet-green® OBE 1 is applied as a pre-tanning agent and replaces standard tanning technologies e.g. Chromium, Glutaraldehyde, Zeolites etc., is non-corrosive, metal-free, free of synthetic reactive tanning chemicals, formaldehyde-free, glutaraldehyde-free, bisphenol-free, syntan free, viscous, pumpable and pleasant smelling. wet-green® OBE 1 is the next generation vegetable tanning agent suitable for a wide range of leather articles and applied since many years in areas e.g. automotive, upholstery, garments, shoes and accessories.

The wet-green® tanning agent for Olivenleder® can now display a USDA label that highlights its percentage of biobased content. Third-party verification for a product's biobased content is administered through the USDA BioPreferred® Program, which strives to increase the development, purchase, and use of biobased

Biobased products help address climate change by offering renewable alternatives to petroleum-based products; sequester carbon dioxide, lowering the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere that contribute to climate change; create and expand markets; are generally safer for people and the environment than their petroleum-based counterparts; and represent incredible technological advances and innovations.

Weitere Informationen:
wet-green GmbH Leather chemicals

wet-green GmbH


ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

ERCA, Patagonia® and YKK announce the implementation of ERCA’s REVECOL®, a sustainable, innovative chemical agent, in YKK’s dyeing processes at their Vietnam production sites transforms common waste material, such as exhausted vegetable cooking oil, into an upcycled, certified high performance, safe textile chemical. ERCA has invested in circular practices to take waste material and use them as feedstocks to create new responsible chemical products.

Always searching for new sustainable innovations, REVECOL® caught the attention of Patagonia®. Driven by the goal to utilize non-extractive chemistry in their supply chain wherever possible, the brand teamed up with ERCA and trim supplier YKK to deploy REVECOL®.

REVECOL® LV-TS has a carbon footprint that is 72% lower* than the more conventional chemical auxiliaries produced by ERCA. Today ERCA produces a wide range of high-performance chemical auxiliaries made from used vegetable oil that are ZDHC, bluesign® approved and GRS certified.

ERCA is one of the first companies to have GRS certified chemical products, opening the door to circular chemical auxiliaries.

As part of their Sustainability Vision 2050, YKK is constantly working to deploy more sustainable chemical processes in their production. The ability to replace a commonly used dye chemical with a lower impact version was a no-brainer for YKK’s Vietnam management. REVECOL® is not only more sustainable, it is also more efficient, reducing the use of the dyeing auxiliary by 20% to 30%, thus  helping to lower YKK’s overall chemical usage.

* bluesign® Product Carbon Footprint Report



(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures upgraded MSCI ESG Ratings

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical producer, was upgraded to "A" from "BBB" in MSCI’s ESG rating, reaffirming the company’s effective management of sustainability related risks and opportunities.

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), an independent provider of research-based indices and analytics, ranked Indorama Ventures among the top 14% of 65 companies worldwide in the commodity chemicals industry. The rating has placed it in the top quartile for opportunities in clean tech, water stress, corporate governance, and corporate behavior.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical producer, was upgraded to "A" from "BBB" in MSCI’s ESG rating, reaffirming the company’s effective management of sustainability related risks and opportunities.

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), an independent provider of research-based indices and analytics, ranked Indorama Ventures among the top 14% of 65 companies worldwide in the commodity chemicals industry. The rating has placed it in the top quartile for opportunities in clean tech, water stress, corporate governance, and corporate behavior.

Indorama Ventures is committed to reducing water intensity by 10% by 2025 and 20% by 2030. It developed a Water Risk Assessment Report on its contributions to achieving sustainable management of water targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). For improved corporate governance, the company provides whistleblowers with protection from retaliation, and has policies on business ethics and anti-corruption. Relating to opportunities in clean tech, Indorama Ventures’ is investing in recycling technology and biomass feedstock under its Vision 2030, and is also investing in operational efficiencies, carbon capture technology, renewable energy, and phasing out coal to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions.

MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s resilience to long-term ESG risks. Companies are scored on an industry-relative AAA-CCC scale across the most relevant key issues based on a company’s business model. Investors, including pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, and asset managers, commonly consider the ratings to assess financial risks in the investment process.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


ChemSec’s PFAs Movement: Brands want the EU to ban PFAS chemicals

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

108 companies dedicated to phasing out PFAS chemicals from products and processes have joined the PFAS Movement, an advocacy campaign initiated by environmental NGO ChemSec that calls for comprehensive regulation of PFAS in the EU. The members comprise many well-known brands, such as Inditex, Urbanears and the Cookware Company, representing various industries— fashion, home goods, food, and personal care. The members are worth more than €130 billion in total revenue.

“A European ban on PFAS chemicals will have huge repercussions for all manufacturing industries and require much work for companies in the global supply chain. However, some parts of the industry oppose this ban, claiming that the change is too big to be justified. That’s why the support for a ban from such influential consumer brands as those in the PFAS Movement is so important. It’s a strong sign that businesses want to eliminate PFAS chemicals in products and processes”, says Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.

A Hollywood Helping Hand
ChemSec’s PFAS Movement is not only supported by the brands but also by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo who became a PFAS activist after his involvement in the film Dark Waters. The film depicts the real-life events following the massive uncovering of PFAS contamination in the USA. As a result, several PFAS producers in the USA are now involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

The health and environmental threats of PFAS, along with all the lawsuits, have also created attention among another influential group: institutional investors. Last year, 47 institutional investors with US$8 trillion in assets sent a letter to 54 chemical companies named by ChemSec, calling for them to halt the production of persistent “forever chemicals”.

The EU ban on PFAS
The proposed EU ban on PFAS is extensive and the first of its kind worldwide. The idea was initially initiated by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway, who have spent almost three years mapping the implications of a ban on PFAS chemicals in a dossier that expands over nearly 2000 pages. The proposal shows, among other things, that the emissions of PFAS were 75 000 tonnes in 2020. If this continues, the emissions are expected to sit at 4.4 million tonnes in 30 years. The emissions originate from the production and use of the many products that contain PFAS; furniture, cosmetics, electronics and many more.

Weitere Informationen:
ChemSec PFAS chemicals


(c) Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

Indorama Ventures’ Deja™ brand named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been named winner of the Best Sustainable Product Award at the Chemical Week Sustainability Awards 2022. The award was for IVL’s DejaTM Carbon Neutral pellets, a carbon-neutral virgin polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins, helping to reduce environmental impact.

The Deja™ brand covers carbon neutral virgin and recycled PET resins and a range of recycled PET (rPET) products, including flakes, resins, fibers, and yarns. It provides IVL’s global customers with a range of high-performance applications, including packaging, lifestyle, automotive, apparel, and medical equipment. The solutions help environmentally conscious companies meet their sustainability goals.

IVL has set ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets, which shall be met through its six-pronged decarbonization strategy, including energy transition, improving operational efficiency, circular feedstock, and future technologies. The company also has a goal to recycle 100 billion PET bottles annually by 2030.

Chemical Week Sustainability Awards recognize the industry's best efforts in addressing financial, operational, and strategic challenges by focusing on ESG and sustainable product development. The awards were assessed by S&P Global, the world's leading credit rating agency, and a panel of experts from various companies across the chemical industry's value chain.


Umwelt-NGO Canopy zeichnet Kelheim Fibres erneut aus

Im diesjährigen von der Umwelt-NGO Canopy veröffentlichten "Hot Button Report" hat Kelheim Fibres mit einem dunkelgrün/grünen Hemd erneut einen Spitzenplatz erreicht und konnte sich in der Gesamtwertung um weitere 1,5 Punkte gegenüber dem Vorjahr verbessern.

Der Hot Button Report bestätigt damit Bedeutung des Viskosespezialfaserherstellers beim Erhalt alter und gefährdeter Wälder. Kelheim Fibres hat den Anteil an FSC®-zertifiziertem Zellstoff in seiner Produktion erneut erhöht und in einem Audit bestätigt, dass seine Lieferkette ein geringes Risiko für die Rohstoffbeschaffung aus alten und gefährdeten Wäldern aufweist.

Das Unternehmen erreichte Höchstpunkte in den Bereichen Chemikalienmanagement und Transparenz. Als Mitglied der Non-Profit-Organisation ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) unterstützt Kelheim Fibres das Ziel, Schadstoffe vollständig aus der textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu eliminieren.

Im diesjährigen von der Umwelt-NGO Canopy veröffentlichten "Hot Button Report" hat Kelheim Fibres mit einem dunkelgrün/grünen Hemd erneut einen Spitzenplatz erreicht und konnte sich in der Gesamtwertung um weitere 1,5 Punkte gegenüber dem Vorjahr verbessern.

Der Hot Button Report bestätigt damit Bedeutung des Viskosespezialfaserherstellers beim Erhalt alter und gefährdeter Wälder. Kelheim Fibres hat den Anteil an FSC®-zertifiziertem Zellstoff in seiner Produktion erneut erhöht und in einem Audit bestätigt, dass seine Lieferkette ein geringes Risiko für die Rohstoffbeschaffung aus alten und gefährdeten Wäldern aufweist.

Das Unternehmen erreichte Höchstpunkte in den Bereichen Chemikalienmanagement und Transparenz. Als Mitglied der Non-Profit-Organisation ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) unterstützt Kelheim Fibres das Ziel, Schadstoffe vollständig aus der textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu eliminieren.

Weitere Informationen:
Canopy Kelheim Fibres Hot Button Ranking

Kelheim Fibres GmbH


Next EU-wide REACH enforcement project to focus on imported products

The Enforcement Forum of ECHA agreed that the next REACH enforcement project will investigate how companies fulfil the registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. The project will be done in 2023-2025 and will require close cooperation between REACH enforcement and national customs authorities in the Member States.
In its November meeting, the Enforcement Forum, responsible for harmonising the enforcement of EU chemicals legislation, agreed to focus its next project on the control of imports of substances, mixtures and articles.

This subject was triggered by high levels of non-compliance in imported goods detected in previous Forum projects, including a recent pilot project. The pilot found that 23 % of inspected products were non-compliant with requirements set by EU law and further controls are necessary.

The Enforcement Forum of ECHA agreed that the next REACH enforcement project will investigate how companies fulfil the registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. The project will be done in 2023-2025 and will require close cooperation between REACH enforcement and national customs authorities in the Member States.
In its November meeting, the Enforcement Forum, responsible for harmonising the enforcement of EU chemicals legislation, agreed to focus its next project on the control of imports of substances, mixtures and articles.

This subject was triggered by high levels of non-compliance in imported goods detected in previous Forum projects, including a recent pilot project. The pilot found that 23 % of inspected products were non-compliant with requirements set by EU law and further controls are necessary.

Control of imports at the point of entry is the most effective means of checking that non-compliant substances, mixtures and articles do not enter the European market. The project will also work on further developing and strengthening existing cooperation between REACH inspectors and customs. By strengthening the control of imports, the project will also contribute to the goals of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

The Forum also agreed to publish its future advice on enforceability of new restriction proposals under REACH.

Opportunities for expanding the future role of the Forum, strengthening the control of imports and other areas were on the agenda in an open session where 41 representatives from stakeholder organisations and four candidate countries joined. Among other topics, the open session also addressed the enforceability of REACH restrictions, for example, in textiles or on the use of lead gunshot in wetlands as well as analytical methods relevant for the control of REACH duties.

The Forum’s Biocidal Products Regulation Subgroup (BPRS) re-elected Helmut de Vos (BE) for a second term as a Vice-Chair.

Weitere Informationen:

European Chemicals Agency


Bluesign defines “sustainable attributes” for approved chemicals

By defining “sustainable attributes” for bluesign® APPROVED chemicals registered in the bluesign® FINDER, Bluesign is furthering its ability to provide more sustainable solutions by providing specified search functions to help chemical suppliers and the textile industry make better informed decisions. The bluesign® FINDER is a web-based, advanced search engine for manufacturers. It contains a positive list of preferred chemical products. Today more than 20,000 bluesign® APPROVED chemical products are registered in the bluesign® FINDER.

Bluesign® APPROVED chemical products meet the stringent bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment. That means that the approved chemicals are produced following occupational health and safety (OH&S) practices with less environmental impact and excellent Product Stewardship following the principles of Input Stream Management and sustainable chemistry.

By defining “sustainable attributes” for bluesign® APPROVED chemicals registered in the bluesign® FINDER, Bluesign is furthering its ability to provide more sustainable solutions by providing specified search functions to help chemical suppliers and the textile industry make better informed decisions. The bluesign® FINDER is a web-based, advanced search engine for manufacturers. It contains a positive list of preferred chemical products. Today more than 20,000 bluesign® APPROVED chemical products are registered in the bluesign® FINDER.

Bluesign® APPROVED chemical products meet the stringent bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment. That means that the approved chemicals are produced following occupational health and safety (OH&S) practices with less environmental impact and excellent Product Stewardship following the principles of Input Stream Management and sustainable chemistry.

In addition to the existing functions within the bluesign® FINDER, bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNER chemical suppliers can claim selected sustainability attributes for their bluesign® APPROVED chemical products that will be displayed within the bluesign® FINDER. Sustainability claims will be verified by Bluesign during on-site assessments and through chemical assessments. Requirements and data provisions will be laid out in the criteria: bluesign® CRITERIA for chemical assessment ANNEX: Sustainability attributes for bluesign® APPROVED chemical products.

The bluesign® FINDER will be amended with search functions starting this year with the below first priority attributes:

  1. Renewable feedstock (biomass* or bio-based)
    The sustainability attribute ‘Renewable feedstock (biomass or bio-based)’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% biomass content by weight in the form of biomass-derived carbon.
  2. Sustainably sourced renewable feedstock (biomass* or bio-based)
    The sustainability attribute ‘sustainably sourced renewable feedstock (biomass or bio-based)’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% biomass content by weight in the form of biomass-derived carbon. The biomass content shall originate from land that is certified sustainable.
  3. Recycled content
    The sustainability attribute ‘Recycled content’ is intended for use with any chemical product that contains at least 20% recycled content by weight. For the calculation of the recycled content only the dry content of the chemical product shall be regarded, excluding water.
Weitere Informationen:
bluesign chemicals Sustainability



Stahl: Reduction of Scope 3 upstream emissions by at least 25%

Stahl, a proponent of responsible chemistry, is submitting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target that is aligned with the most recent guidance provided by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The new target marks a key milestone on the company’s journey toward carbon neutrality.

Stahl’s SBTi submission includes a specific commitment regarding the company’s Scope 3 upstream emissions, which Stahl aims to reduce by at least 25% over the next 10 years, compared with the base year (2021). This reduction would primarily be achieved by Stahl replacing its fossil-based raw materials with lower-carbon alternatives. The target is a major step towards the objective of limiting global warming temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050, as agreed at the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.
Stahl’s extended commitment builds on the company’s existing targets to reduce its emission for Scopes 1 and 2, which were set shortly after the Paris Agreement in 2015. Stahl has since reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by more than 30%, thanks to operational efficiency gains and by decarbonizing its energy supply.

Stahl, a proponent of responsible chemistry, is submitting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target that is aligned with the most recent guidance provided by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The new target marks a key milestone on the company’s journey toward carbon neutrality.

Stahl’s SBTi submission includes a specific commitment regarding the company’s Scope 3 upstream emissions, which Stahl aims to reduce by at least 25% over the next 10 years, compared with the base year (2021). This reduction would primarily be achieved by Stahl replacing its fossil-based raw materials with lower-carbon alternatives. The target is a major step towards the objective of limiting global warming temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050, as agreed at the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.
Stahl’s extended commitment builds on the company’s existing targets to reduce its emission for Scopes 1 and 2, which were set shortly after the Paris Agreement in 2015. Stahl has since reduced its Scope 1 and 2 (direct) GHG emissions by more than 30%, thanks to operational efficiency gains and by decarbonizing its energy supply.

Scope 3 GHG emissions cover all the additional indirect emissions that can occur in the value chain, including those associated with purchased raw materials, packaging, business travel, and transportation. Stahl’s Scope 3 emissions currently represent over 90% of its carbon footprint.


Stahl Holdings B.V.