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15 Ergebnisse

Stahl: 2023 ESG Report

Stahl has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines Stahl's recent progress on its ESG Roadmap to 2030 and the steps the company is taking to live its purpose of Touching lives, for a better world.

Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030 includes interim targets for 2023, making this a year in which Stahl reached several important milestones. For example, the company reduced its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% versus 2022. Furthermore, in 2023 the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated Stahl's scope 1, 2 and 3 targets, making it one of the first coatings companies on the SBTi-approved list.

To reduce its GHG emissions, Stahl is actively increasing its use of clean energy. At the end of 2023, renewable energy generation, such as solar panels, had been installed at four Stahl sites, compared to its target of three.

Stahl has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report outlines Stahl's recent progress on its ESG Roadmap to 2030 and the steps the company is taking to live its purpose of Touching lives, for a better world.

Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030 includes interim targets for 2023, making this a year in which Stahl reached several important milestones. For example, the company reduced its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% versus 2022. Furthermore, in 2023 the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated Stahl's scope 1, 2 and 3 targets, making it one of the first coatings companies on the SBTi-approved list.

To reduce its GHG emissions, Stahl is actively increasing its use of clean energy. At the end of 2023, renewable energy generation, such as solar panels, had been installed at four Stahl sites, compared to its target of three.

Measuring – and reducing – the impact of products is an important step in the company’s scope 3 emissions. As such, 353 Stahl products now have either life cycle assessment (LCA) or product carbon footprint (PCF) data, far exceeding the 2023 target of 50.
New ratings and certifications
In 2023, 2,161 of Stahl's products were certified by Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), in line with ZDHC MRSL V3.1. These products represented 70% of the company’s sales revenue, demonstrating increased demand for coatings with a lower risk to health and the environment.

Stahl was also proud to achieve a Platinum rating from EcoVadis for the second year in a row, which places it in the top 1% of companies evaluated. Stahl also exceeded its 2023 target of an average EcoVadis rating of at least 60/100 for their top ten suppliers, with an average rating of 68/100 reported in December 2023.
Fostering a safe and welcoming work environment

A core pillar of Stahl’s ESG approach is how it supports its employees’ physical and mental well-being. The 2023 ESG Report outlines several examples of this commitment, such as improvement in its key safety KPIs for the third year in a row.

Besides keeping people safe, Stahl continues to make progress in fostering an open and inclusive workplace. For example, in support of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), Stahl appointed its first female leadership team member, trained 98% of its staff in DEI and established DEI committees at all Stahl sites. In addition, to strengthen communication, engagement and collaboration across the workforce, Stahl also established an internal workplace hub, MyStahl.

Weitere Informationen:
Stahl Coatings ESG



AkzoNobel: New manufacturing plant in Pakistan

A new €26 million manufacturing plant with its own forest has been opened by AkzoNobel in Faisalabad – the company’s largest investment in Pakistan to date.

The 25-acre site, which has facilities for making decorative paint, wood finishes, automotive and specialty coatings, coil coatings and protective coatings, will help to meet increasing customer demand across a variety of markets.

Also incorporated into the Faisalabad location is a forest spanning an area of 5,450 square feet. More than 1,400 native trees and shrubs – planted using the Japanese Miyawaki gardening technique – are expected to grow into a flourishing self-sustaining ecosystem over the next two years.

The site, which employs nearly 200 people, has been constructed to comply with the company’s strict environmental standards and includes a series of sustainability features, such as renewable energy generation and energy efficient design.

A new €26 million manufacturing plant with its own forest has been opened by AkzoNobel in Faisalabad – the company’s largest investment in Pakistan to date.

The 25-acre site, which has facilities for making decorative paint, wood finishes, automotive and specialty coatings, coil coatings and protective coatings, will help to meet increasing customer demand across a variety of markets.

Also incorporated into the Faisalabad location is a forest spanning an area of 5,450 square feet. More than 1,400 native trees and shrubs – planted using the Japanese Miyawaki gardening technique – are expected to grow into a flourishing self-sustaining ecosystem over the next two years.

The site, which employs nearly 200 people, has been constructed to comply with the company’s strict environmental standards and includes a series of sustainability features, such as renewable energy generation and energy efficient design.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Pakistan Coatings Automotive


AkzoNobel participates in research program with SusInkCoat project (c) The Dutch Research Council (NWO)

AkzoNobel participates in research program with SusInkCoat project

More than 82 companies, businesses and social organizations – including AkzoNobel – are involved in a major Dutch research program focused on developing new technologies that will help solve some of today’s societal challenges.
Seven broad consortia have been established as part of the government-funded “Perspectief” program, with AkzoNobel set to play a leading role in the SusInkCoat project, which will explore how to make inks and coatings more sustainable.

The company will work together with private partners and other societal stakeholders to develop new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. The program, which will run for the next five years, is backed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

More than 82 companies, businesses and social organizations – including AkzoNobel – are involved in a major Dutch research program focused on developing new technologies that will help solve some of today’s societal challenges.
Seven broad consortia have been established as part of the government-funded “Perspectief” program, with AkzoNobel set to play a leading role in the SusInkCoat project, which will explore how to make inks and coatings more sustainable.

The company will work together with private partners and other societal stakeholders to develop new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. The program, which will run for the next five years, is backed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

“Our discussions about collaborating with our SusInkCoat partners have been very positive,” says AkzoNobel’s R&D Director of Scientific Academic Programs, André van Linden, who is also the co-lead of SusInkCoat. “We’re all facing the same societal challenges – how to become more circular – and we’re looking for the same solutions in different application areas. But we’ve never done that together for this specific research topic, so we need an ecosystem to help us solve these challenges.
Van Linden adds that the program – one of many R&D projects the company is involved with – will also support AkzoNobel’s ambition to achieve 50% less carbon emissions in its own operations – and across the value chain – by 2030.
 “We want to make the recyclability of materials - such as furniture, building materials and steel constructions - easier by introducing functionalities like self-healing, higher durability and triggered release,” he continues. “The more you can leave the materials in their original state, the more sustainably you can operate.”

AkzoNobel will be collaborating with Canon, Evonik, GFB, PTG and RUG Ventures, who together possess extensive knowledge of market demands, supply chains and production processes. All the SusInkCoat partners will also work with academic researchers at several Dutch universities in an effort to identify promising developments that can be commercialized, used for education purposes or for outreach to the public.

Research being conducted by the other six consortia includes investigating methods to make tastier plant-based food; flat optics for more sustainable hi-tech equipment; and cheaper and more accessible medical imaging technology.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Coatings Sustainability



Stahl expands ZDHC level 3-certified portfolio

Stahl has achieved Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) MRSL 3.1 Gateway certification for 2,151 products in its portfolio. This achievement underlines Stahl’s ongoing commitment to the ZDHC mission of achieving high standards for sustainable chemical management.

ZDHC certification enables companies working in the footwear, apparel and accessories value chains to demonstrate their commitment to responsible chemical management, with the ultimate goal being zero discharge of hazardous chemicals. Level 3 certification represents the highest level of conformity with the ZDHC certification programme. To achieve this, Stahl’s formulated chemical products and raw materials were verified and tested against ZDHC’s latest Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL 3.1) by Eurofins | Chem-MAP®. The Chem-MAP® programme was also used to audit the chemical management and stewardship processes at three of Stahl’s manufacturing sites.


Stahl has achieved Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) MRSL 3.1 Gateway certification for 2,151 products in its portfolio. This achievement underlines Stahl’s ongoing commitment to the ZDHC mission of achieving high standards for sustainable chemical management.

ZDHC certification enables companies working in the footwear, apparel and accessories value chains to demonstrate their commitment to responsible chemical management, with the ultimate goal being zero discharge of hazardous chemicals. Level 3 certification represents the highest level of conformity with the ZDHC certification programme. To achieve this, Stahl’s formulated chemical products and raw materials were verified and tested against ZDHC’s latest Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL 3.1) by Eurofins | Chem-MAP®. The Chem-MAP® programme was also used to audit the chemical management and stewardship processes at three of Stahl’s manufacturing sites.




Technische Textilien und Textilien für den Möbelbau benötigen besonderen Schutz durch funktionelle Beschichtungen. In diesem Bereich einen funktionellen Ersatz für PFAS zu schaffen ist Ziel des Projekts ZeroF. © K. Dobberke, Fraunhofer ISC

EU-Projekt ZeroF: Ersatz für PFAS in Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.
Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen – kurz PFAS – sind Universaltalente in der Chemie: verhältnismäßig günstig herzustellen und überall da einsetzbar, wo es um besonders widerstandsfähige, glatte, öl- und wasserabweisende Oberflächen und Vollmaterialien geht. Sie sind temperatur- und chemikalienbeständig, werden als Hilfsmittel in der Produktion eingesetzt und sind selbst Bestandteil vieler Produkte – z. B. in Lebensmittelverpackungen, Kosmetika, Arzneimitteln, Pflanzenschutzmitteln, Textilien, Imprägnierungsmitteln und Löschschäumen. In die Umwelt gelangen sie durch Abwässer, als Abrieb oder Aerosol, sowie über die Ackerböden ins Grundwasser und in die Nahrungskette. Dort bleiben sie bestehen – als „Ewigkeits-Chemikalien“ können sie nicht auf natürlichem Wege abgebaut werden. In der EU ließen sich PFAS in mehr als 70 % der Grundwasser-Messtellen nachweisen. Der „Nordische Ministerrat“, ein Zusammenschluss v. a. skandinavischer Länder, hat 2019 eine Studie zu den sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen von PFAS vorgestellt. Die Studie schätzt die Gesundheitskosten durch PFAS-bedingte Erkrankungen auf mindestens 50 Milliarden Euro in der EU und bringt rund 12 000 Todesfälle in den direkten Zusammenhang mit PFAS.
Das Verbot von besonders kritischen Vertretern aus der PFAS-Familie, das für 2023 von der EU-Kommission geplant ist, kommt nicht unerwartet, doch es stellt die Industrie auch vor erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. So einfach lassen sich PFAS aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaftsprofile und deren Bandbreite nicht ersetzen. Für besonders relevante Bereiche (Arzneimittel, Pflanzenschutz) sind Ausnahmeregelungen vorgesehen, außerdem gelten die üblichen Übergangsfristen. Doch die Umstellung auf eine PFAS-freie Produkte ist für die Industrie nicht zuletzt deshalb notwendig, weil PFAS-Produzenten signalisieren, sich in naher Zukunft komplett vom europäischen Markt zurückziehen zu wollen. Um den umweltfreundlichen Ersatz von PFAS voranzubringen, fördert die EU derzeit in vier großen Verbundforschungsprojekten die Entwicklung von unschädlichen Alternativen in ihren jeweiligen Hauptanwendungsfeldern.
ZeroF – umweltfreundliche Beschichtungen für die Verpackungs- und Textilindustrie
Eines dieser Schlüsselprojekte ist das Projekt ZeroF, das sich mit PFAS-Alternativen für Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien beschäftigt. Das Fraunhofer ISC ist in ZeroF maßgeblich an der Entwicklung von omniphoben (öl- und wasserabweisenden) und abriebbeständigen Beschichtungen für Textilien beteiligt. Mit der Stoffklasse der ORMOCER®-Lacke stellt das Fraunhofer ISC ein vielseitiges Basismaterial zur Verfügung, das mit den vom Projektpartner VTT hergestellten cellulosebasierten Materialien kombiniert werden soll. „Die Herausforderung für uns besteht vor allem darin eine wasserabweisende Beschichtung für Textilien herzustellen, die gleichzeitig als wasserbasierte Lösung appliziert werden kann, da dies eine Vorgabe der Textilindustrie ist,“ so Dr. Claudia Stauch, Projektleiterin am Fraunhofer ISC. „Das ORMOCER® als hybrides Material erlaubt es uns, anorganische und organische Materialeigenschaften zu kombinieren und so unendlich viele Stellschrauben für diese komplexe Fragestellung zu generieren.
Der Einsatz der neu entwickelten ZeroF Materialien hängt auch von der Akzeptanz in der Industrie ab. Um wirtschaftlichen Schaden abzuwenden, dürfen die Unternehmen, die jetzt PFAS einsetzen, nicht mit dem Verbot und seinen Folgen allein gelassen werden. „Nicht immer wird der volle Funktionsumfang von PFAS auch wirklich benötigt. Für manche der jetzigen Anwendungsfelder, in denen es nur um ein oder zwei Schlüsseleigenschaften aus dem ganzen PFAS-Spektrum geht, gibt es bereits jetzt gute und kurzfristig einsetzbare Lösungen,“ erklärt die Wissenschaftlerin.

ZeroF – Development of verified safe and sustainable PFAS-free coatings for food packaging and upholstery textile applications
Grant agreement ID: 101092164

Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Deutschland
E.CIMA SA, Spanien
IDEAconsult, Bulgarien
KEMIRA OYJ, Finnland
TEMAS Solutions, Schweiz
Università di Bologna, Italien
Yangi, Schweden


Fraunhofer ISC


AkzoNobel launches online energy savings calculator for powder coatings

An openly accessible online energy savings calculator for all users of powder coatings has been launched by AkzoNobel.

All powder coatings customers can instantly calculate the energy and carbon reduction they could achieve with the company’s Interpon products and related services.

It's the latest example of how the company is continuing to work towards its ambition of reducing carbon emissions across the full value chain by 50% by 2030. “Sustainability is critical for all of us and helping customers to reduce energy is one of the many ways we can work with – and for – them in order to meet our shared ambitions,” says Jeff Jirak, Director of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business.

An openly accessible online energy savings calculator for all users of powder coatings has been launched by AkzoNobel.

All powder coatings customers can instantly calculate the energy and carbon reduction they could achieve with the company’s Interpon products and related services.

It's the latest example of how the company is continuing to work towards its ambition of reducing carbon emissions across the full value chain by 50% by 2030. “Sustainability is critical for all of us and helping customers to reduce energy is one of the many ways we can work with – and for – them in order to meet our shared ambitions,” says Jeff Jirak, Director of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business.

To make using the tool as easy as possible, the calculator – currently only available in Europe – is supported by a detailed guide, which helps customers better understand how even making small changes in the powder coating process can have a big impact in terms of becoming more energy efficient. These include checking for leakages in compressed air systems, improving insulation and ensuring all process equipment is regularly serviced and maintained. Customers also receive expert support from Interpon’s technical service team.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel energy consumption Coatings



Stahl's emissions reduction targets approved by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Maarten Heijbroek, CEO of Stahl: “The validation of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reduction targets by the SBTi is an important milestone on our ESG journey as we strive to limit our contribution to global warming, in line with the Paris Agreement. Our targets are ambitious, and rightly so. Realizing our goal to help create a more responsible coatings value chain starts with being accountable for our own environmental impact, and taking concrete steps to reduce our emissions wherever possible.”

A clear strategy to reduce GHG emissions
Stahl’s approach to realizing its near-term emissions reduction targets is outlined in the company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Roadmap to 2030. This strategy defines the specific metrics against which progress on the company’s ESG commitments will be measured.

Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction targets, as submitted to the SBTi, cover emissions from all manufacturing sites where Stahl products are produced, as well as the company’s largest non-manufacturing locations. Stahl aims to lower these emissions by reducing its overall energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy at its sites. To achieve this, the company plans to increase its self-generated electricity capacity (using solar power, for example) and continue investing in more energy-efficient equipment.

Stahl plans to reduce its Scope 3 upstream emissions primarily by replacing fossil-based raw materials in its products with renewable alternatives, such as bio-based and recycled-based feedstocks. In addition, the company plans to introduce more low-impact raw materials into its product design.

* The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.


Stahl Holdings B.V.

(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel using 100% renewable electricity in North America

All of AkzoNobel’s locations in North America are now operating on 100% renewable electricity – helping to drive the company’s ambition of reducing carbon emissions across the full value chain by 50% by 2030 (baseline 2018).

The milestone – reached at the beginning of the year – is the latest in AkzoNobel’s ongoing efforts to transition to 100% renewable electricity at all its sites globally, with Europe having achieved the landmark at the start of 2022.  

The transition to 100% renewable electricity in North America includes manufacturing sites, offices, warehouses and research and development facilities. However, the company is looking much further than its own operations.
Examples of how AkzoNobel is moving to 100% renewable electricity globally include:

All of AkzoNobel’s locations in North America are now operating on 100% renewable electricity – helping to drive the company’s ambition of reducing carbon emissions across the full value chain by 50% by 2030 (baseline 2018).

The milestone – reached at the beginning of the year – is the latest in AkzoNobel’s ongoing efforts to transition to 100% renewable electricity at all its sites globally, with Europe having achieved the landmark at the start of 2022.  

The transition to 100% renewable electricity in North America includes manufacturing sites, offices, warehouses and research and development facilities. However, the company is looking much further than its own operations.
Examples of how AkzoNobel is moving to 100% renewable electricity globally include:

  • Self-generated renewable electricity – by installing solar panels at many of their locations and continue to make steady progress
  • Sourcing renewable electricity – the electricity generated by their solar panels covers only part of their total electricity consumption needs. For the remainder, they'll continue to purchase renewable electricity with certificates of origin.


(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel launches tool to drive bodyshop sustainability

Bodyshops can now take advantage of the vehicle refinish industry’s first repair calculator to measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions, which has been developed by AkzoNobel.

Designed to help customers improve their carbon footprint when using the company’s premium refinish products, the CO2eRepairCalculator* is part of a new initiative which aims to encourage bodyshops to become more sustainable.

The tool is the latest digital innovation from AkzoNobel focused on making a long-lasting difference to customers. It identifies the carbon levels associated with the painting and drying process – including the energy consumed – and is linked directly to the vehicle refinishing products being used. It also provides data relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), therefore helping customers to understand where improvements can be made.

When using the tool, the emissions and energy consumed are calculated based on a controlled two-panel repair in a spray booth to Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards. The results are presented in an online dashboard, which allows local energy prices to be factored in.

Bodyshops can now take advantage of the vehicle refinish industry’s first repair calculator to measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions, which has been developed by AkzoNobel.

Designed to help customers improve their carbon footprint when using the company’s premium refinish products, the CO2eRepairCalculator* is part of a new initiative which aims to encourage bodyshops to become more sustainable.

The tool is the latest digital innovation from AkzoNobel focused on making a long-lasting difference to customers. It identifies the carbon levels associated with the painting and drying process – including the energy consumed – and is linked directly to the vehicle refinishing products being used. It also provides data relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), therefore helping customers to understand where improvements can be made.

When using the tool, the emissions and energy consumed are calculated based on a controlled two-panel repair in a spray booth to Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards. The results are presented in an online dashboard, which allows local energy prices to be factored in.

The launch means it will now be easier for bodyshops to take positive action in an effort to meet their sustainability and carbon reduction targets. This is becoming increasingly important, as insurance companies are putting greater pressure on preferred bodyshop partners to cut their emissions in line with supply chain ambitions that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The CO2eRepairCalculator is currently being introduced in the UK market to Sikkens customers (with Lesonal to follow shortly). It will be rolled out across markets in Europe during the next few months.

*CO2e stands for carbon dioxide and equivalent gases. The tool measures carbon dioxide (CO2) and equivalent gases such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which all fall under the term greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Coatings Automotive


(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 finishing system minimizes chemical and water waste

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced the installation of its TexCoat G4 finishing system at Graniteville Specialty Fabrics, a recognized leader in the production of specialty coatings and coated fabrics. With Baldwin’s cost-efficient and highly sustainable spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.

Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets, and others. The company excels in developing and sourcing custom coatings, and creating specialized technical solutions to meet specific, and often unique, end-user requirements. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 is part of a major facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. has announced the installation of its TexCoat G4 finishing system at Graniteville Specialty Fabrics, a recognized leader in the production of specialty coatings and coated fabrics. With Baldwin’s cost-efficient and highly sustainable spray finishing technology, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics has been able to increase production efficiency, and minimize chemical and water waste.

Based in Graniteville, South Carolina, Graniteville Specialty Fabrics produces coatings and coated fabrics that are resistant to water, fire, UV and weather for the military, marine and tent markets, and others. The company excels in developing and sourcing custom coatings, and creating specialized technical solutions to meet specific, and often unique, end-user requirements. The installation of Baldwin’s TexCoat G4 is part of a major facility upgrade to maximize production efficiency and capacity in the durable water-repellent finishing and coating line to meet growing customer demand for advanced engineered products.

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, as well as minimal water and energy consumption. This system utilizes non-contact precision-spray technology, ensuring precise finishing coverage with the exact amount of chemistry for reaching the optimal performance of the fabric. Changeovers (pad bath emptying, cleaning and refilling) are significantly reduced, resulting in substantial chemical conservation and increased productivity.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc. / Barry-Wehmiller

(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel and partners team up to hack carbon reduction challenges

A boundary-pushing approach to hacking carbon reduction challenges has been established by AkzoNobel and partners from across the extended value chain following the company’s first ever global Collaborative Sustainability Challenge.

During 24 hours of intense discussion at the pioneering event a series of high impact exploration teams was set up. Those involved will now continue to work together in a determined effort to collectively accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions in the paints and coatings industry.

The participants – represented by senior and next generation leaders – hacked four key areas: energy transition, process efficiency, solvent emissions and circular solutions. It resulted in 27 partners signing up, including suppliers, customers and end-users, as well as representatives from finance, government, service providers and consultancies.

A boundary-pushing approach to hacking carbon reduction challenges has been established by AkzoNobel and partners from across the extended value chain following the company’s first ever global Collaborative Sustainability Challenge.

During 24 hours of intense discussion at the pioneering event a series of high impact exploration teams was set up. Those involved will now continue to work together in a determined effort to collectively accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions in the paints and coatings industry.

The participants – represented by senior and next generation leaders – hacked four key areas: energy transition, process efficiency, solvent emissions and circular solutions. It resulted in 27 partners signing up, including suppliers, customers and end-users, as well as representatives from finance, government, service providers and consultancies.

AkzoNobel has set science-based sustainability targets to halve its carbon emissions across the full value chain by 2030. Achieving that ambition will rely heavily on collaborating with partners and challenging each other to find innovative ways to overcome the unprecedented challenges everyone faces.

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Sustainability carbon Coatings


AkzoNobel launches 24-hour challenge to unite partners and tackle climate change (c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel launches 24-hour challenge to unite partners and tackle climate change

A initiative designed to collectively accelerate carbon reduction in the paints and coatings industry has been launched by AkzoNobel.

The company has invited partners from across the value chain to take part in its Collaborative Sustainability Challenge – a new Paint the Future initiative which aims to develop a shared approach to tackling climate change.

Due to be staged in May, the 24-hour event will involve senior executives and next generation leaders from a select group of partners – including suppliers and customers – who will engage in open discussions in a non-confidential environment.

During the event, participants will deep-dive into the following areas:

A initiative designed to collectively accelerate carbon reduction in the paints and coatings industry has been launched by AkzoNobel.

The company has invited partners from across the value chain to take part in its Collaborative Sustainability Challenge – a new Paint the Future initiative which aims to develop a shared approach to tackling climate change.

Due to be staged in May, the 24-hour event will involve senior executives and next generation leaders from a select group of partners – including suppliers and customers – who will engage in open discussions in a non-confidential environment.

During the event, participants will deep-dive into the following areas:

  • Energy transition – Inspire partners towards decarbonizing processes and transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • Process efficiency – Increase the efficiency of material use and reduce the energy required for applying and curing paints and coatings
  • Solvent emissions – Reduce the number of solvents emitted throughout our entire value chain
  • Circular solutions – Increase the use of circular solutions in paints and coatings, both upstream and downstream

The forthcoming Collaborative Sustainability Challenge will build on the success of Paint the Future, which has already established a collaborative innovation ecosystem with startups, suppliers, academia and customers.

AkzoNobel’s Collaborative Sustainability Challenge is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between May 17 and 18, 2022.



Three Startups receive the Paint the Future award from AkzoNobel (c) AkzoNobel

Three Startups receive the Paint the Future award from AkzoNobel

The three winners of the Paint the Future global startup challenge are all set to accelerate their innovative solutions for the paints and coatings industry. Following an intense three-day bootcamp, these startups were selected by an international jury to continue working with AkzoNobel on sustainable business opportunities.
These are the three winners of the Paint the Future global startup challenge:

  • SolCold (Israel) - Sustainable self-cooling coating based on anti-Stokes
  • Aerones (Latvia) - Robotics for wind turbine maintenance
  • SprayVision (Czech Republic) - Data-driven approach to optimal spray application of paint

“Through Paint the Future, we’re bringing innovation and sustainability together as a key driver of our business,” says Thierry Vanlancker, AkzoNobel CEO. “In our ecosystem, we collaborate with startups, suppliers, customers and academia around exciting solutions that will ensure a more sustainable future.”

The three winners of the Paint the Future global startup challenge are all set to accelerate their innovative solutions for the paints and coatings industry. Following an intense three-day bootcamp, these startups were selected by an international jury to continue working with AkzoNobel on sustainable business opportunities.
These are the three winners of the Paint the Future global startup challenge:

  • SolCold (Israel) - Sustainable self-cooling coating based on anti-Stokes
  • Aerones (Latvia) - Robotics for wind turbine maintenance
  • SprayVision (Czech Republic) - Data-driven approach to optimal spray application of paint

“Through Paint the Future, we’re bringing innovation and sustainability together as a key driver of our business,” says Thierry Vanlancker, AkzoNobel CEO. “In our ecosystem, we collaborate with startups, suppliers, customers and academia around exciting solutions that will ensure a more sustainable future.”

Paint the Future startup challenges are designed to connect startups with industry knowledge and expertise to help accelerate their solutions in the paints and coatings industry. This Paint the Future global startup challenge launched May 18, 2021, attracting 245 submissions from 62 countries. Ten finalists were invited to Amsterdam to participate in the bootcamp program.
This is AkzoNobel’s second global startup challenge, following its industry-first predecessor in 2019. Regional startup challenges have since been held in Brazil (2020), China (2021), and most recently in India (2022).

Weitere Informationen:
AkzoNobel Sustainability Coatings


Marabu to be climate neutral from July 2021 (c) Marabu GmbH & Co. KG

Marabu to be climate neutral from July 2021

Marabu is one of the first ink manufacturers to achieve climate neutrality. All Marabu Business Units will, where possible, make a specific contribution to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with PROJECT GREEN and therefore participate in the Green Deal.

Marabu is one of the first ink manufacturers to achieve climate neutrality. All Marabu Business Units will, where possible, make a specific contribution to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with PROJECT GREEN and therefore participate in the Green Deal.

"We are safeguarding the future of the next generations and are proud that we have managed to be a climate neutral company from July 2021 with the Tamm and Bietigheim sites. All our products, whether printing inks or creative colours, are climate neutral, too," explains York Boeder, CEO Executive Committee. "Our so-called PROJECT GREEN combines all measures that are taking us on our journey to climate neutrality. Climate protection is a particular concern for us, to which we have made a binding commitment within the scope of an extensive sustainability strategy. In accordance with our Marabu Green Deal, we avoid and reduce emissions wherever possible, e. g. by using green electricity, energy-saving schemes, mobility concepts or environmentally friendly materials. We offset all unavoidable CO2 emissions by supporting internationally certified climate protection projects. We are continually implementing measures to improve our carbon footprint and update them annually to make their success measurable. We have therefore set ourselves the active goal of reducing our CO2 emissions by another 25 % by 2030."

For decades, Marabu has invested in the research and development of safe production processes, environmentally friendly products, and clean technologies with the aim of preserving the natural environment. Marabu has worked with Climate Partner to analyse all the CO2 emissions from the sites in Tamm and Bietigheim and determine its carbon footprint. Including all product-related factors such as raw materials and logistics, Marabu currently generates approx. 18,500 tons of unavoidable CO2 emissions. This value is the positive result of a number of climate-friendly measures pursued by Marabu, such as the early switch to green electricity in 2007.

Marabu's main activities to avoid and reduce CO2 emissions:

  • Energy - Switching to green electricity from hydropower
  • Mobility - Migration of the company's vehicles to electric and hybrid cars as well as in e-charging stations
  • Production - Use of renewable energies and resource-efficient production processes
  • Raw materials - Replacing critical substances with environmentally friendly alternatives for new and existing products
  • Transporting - Climate-neutral freight carriers and lower-emission transport methods like shipping or road transport replace air freight wherever possible
  • Product technology - Modern, low-emission products

Marabu GmbH & Co. KG


Covestro: Wässrige bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtung

Um die Nachhaltigkeit einer Textilbeschichtung zu beurteilen, muss der komplette Produktzyklus betrachtet werden: Herkunft der Rohstoffe, Produktion und Anwendung. Genauso wichtig ist jedoch zu berücksichtigen, was nach dem Gebrauchsende passiert. Hier ist es ein großer Vorteil, wenn Substanzen am Ende des Produktlebenszyklus durch Mikroorganismen biologisch abgebaut werden können. Covestro bietet mit Impranil® DLN-SD eine wässrige Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion an, aus der sich bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtungen (1) herstellen lassen.

„Rohstoffe von Covestro ermöglichen bioabbaubare Beschichtungen, aber auch Verbundwerkstofflösungen“, sagt Dr. Torsten Pohl, globaler Leiter Textilbeschichtung bei Covestro. „Damit leisten sie einen Beitrag zu einer modernen Kreislaufwirtschaft.“ Wie Tests zeigen, wird unter den speziellen Bedingungen des OECD-Standards 301 mehr als die Hälfte der PU-Dispersion innerhalb von 28 Tagen abgebaut. Damit ist die Abbaurate deutlich größer als die von Polyacrylaten und anderen Filmbildnern. Covestro stellt die Testergebnisse auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März in Nürnberg vor.

Um die Nachhaltigkeit einer Textilbeschichtung zu beurteilen, muss der komplette Produktzyklus betrachtet werden: Herkunft der Rohstoffe, Produktion und Anwendung. Genauso wichtig ist jedoch zu berücksichtigen, was nach dem Gebrauchsende passiert. Hier ist es ein großer Vorteil, wenn Substanzen am Ende des Produktlebenszyklus durch Mikroorganismen biologisch abgebaut werden können. Covestro bietet mit Impranil® DLN-SD eine wässrige Polyurethan (PU)-Dispersion an, aus der sich bioabbaubare Textilbeschichtungen (1) herstellen lassen.

„Rohstoffe von Covestro ermöglichen bioabbaubare Beschichtungen, aber auch Verbundwerkstofflösungen“, sagt Dr. Torsten Pohl, globaler Leiter Textilbeschichtung bei Covestro. „Damit leisten sie einen Beitrag zu einer modernen Kreislaufwirtschaft.“ Wie Tests zeigen, wird unter den speziellen Bedingungen des OECD-Standards 301 mehr als die Hälfte der PU-Dispersion innerhalb von 28 Tagen abgebaut. Damit ist die Abbaurate deutlich größer als die von Polyacrylaten und anderen Filmbildnern. Covestro stellt die Testergebnisse auf der European Coatings Show 2019 vom 19. bis 21. März in Nürnberg vor.

Textilbeschichtungen, die auf Impranil® DLN-SD beruhen, fühlen sich angenehm weich und trocken an; darüber hinaus sind sie abrieb- und waschbeständig und sehr flexibel. Die Dispersion ist ferner ein guter Filmbildner und zeigt eine gute Kompatibilität mit Nitrilkautschuk (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, NBR). Sie ist deshalb auch in anderen Produktanwendungen einsetzbar, zum Beispiel in Latexhandschuhen und Verpackungen.

Da es sich bei Impranil® DLN-SD um eine aliphatische PU-Dispersion handelt, lassen sich mit ihr sehr lichtbeständige Beschichtungen formulieren. Die Dispersion kann im Haftstrich, im Zwischenstrich und im Deckstrich eingesetzt werden. Biologisch abbaubare Beschichtungen auf Basis von Impranil® DLN-SD kommen dem Trend nach umweltverträglichen und über den ganzen Zyklus nachhaltigen Produkten entgegen.

(1) Nach ersten internen Tests an reinen Polymerfilmen ohne Zusatz von Additiven, Vernetzern und Pigmenten.

Weitere Informationen:
Covestro Beschichtung

Covestro AG