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Drupa: touchpoint textile zeigt Textildrucklösungen

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Mit dem touchpoint textile hat die drupa ein Sonderforum geschaffen, das sich mit zukunftsweisenden Anwendungen im digitalen Textildruck beschäftigt. Highlight ist die Digital Textile Micro Factory - eine voll vernetzte, integrierte Prozesskette vom Kundenwunsch über das Design bis hin zum großformatigen digitalen Textildruck.

Der touchpoint textile repräsentiert die zunehmende Etablierung der drupa in neuen Märkten, die neben Textildruck Bereiche wie Verpackungsproduktion, Großformat- oder Industrie- und Funktionsdruck umfassen. Das Sonderforum beschäftigt sich mit den Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Textildrucks, bringt Aussteller, Industriepartner und Brandowner zusammen und bietet Raum für branchenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit, neue Projekte sowie Produkt- und Fertigungsideen. Die Deutschen Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF), als Europas größtes Textilforschungszentrum, sowie der europäische Verband ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association) sind die operativen Content Partner des touchpoint textile.

Digital Textile Micro Factory: On-Demand und virtuelle Produkte – auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion
Gemeinsam mit 12 Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung zeigt das DITF live auf der drupa eine Digital Textile Micro Factory und damit eine voll vernetzte integrierte Prozesskette vom Design bis zum fertigen Produkt. Diese präsentiert neue Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und direkten Kundeneinbindung, etwa in Form von 3D-Bekleidungssimulationen mit Vernetzung zu Design-Netzwerken für den kreativen Input. Digitale Workflows und virtuelle Produkte werden direkt in den Produktionsprozess integriert. Die Technologiepartner zeigen in der Microfactory eine automatisierte on-demand Fertigung, Textildruck, Zuschnitt und Absortieren – ohne manuelle Interaktion. Solche verteilten und digital vernetzten Design- und Produktionsketten werden es der Textilindustrie ermöglichen, in Zukunft gezielter auf Kundenwünsche und Trends zu reagieren: eine Zukunft ohne Ladenhüter. Für den gesamten Prozess von der virtuellen Entwicklung bis zum fertigen Produkt wird zudem der Carbon Footprint erstellt und auf der Messe dargestellt.

Erstmals wird 2024 der Design-Wettbewerb "drupa - textile design talents" stattfinden. Dieser wurde vom DITF konzipiert und durch den Partner Mitwill umgesetzt. Angehenden Textildesignern und Newcomern bietet sich dadurch die Chance, Ideen und Visionen einem professionellen Publikum zu präsentieren.

Unterstützung aus der Branche
Partner der Microfactory sind die Firmen Assyst/Deutschland (3-D Simulation digitaler Zwilling Bekleidung), Mitwill Textiles Europe/Frankreich (Kreatives Design-Netzwerk), D.G.I. Digital Graphics Incorporation/Südkorea, Multi-Plot Europe/Deutschland (großformatiger Textildruck), LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung/Deutschland, Zünd/Schweiz (digitaler Zuschnitt)/, robotfactory/Dänemark, Asco/Niederlande (mit einer innovativen Pufferlösung als Verbindung zwischen Digitaldruck und Zuschnitt, automatisiertes Absortieren der Zuschnittteile vom Cutter durch robotfactory) sowie Brother/Japan (für kleinformatigen Textildruck und Klebetechnologie). Als Sponsoren unterstützen Vaude und berger textiles den touchpoint. Weiterer wichtiger Partner ist die Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, die das Projekt konzeptionell unterstützt und sich den klaren Auftrag gegeben hat, diese neuen Themen in den Lehrplan zu integrieren. So werden die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen von morgen auf die neuen Herausforderungen vorbereitet.

Als weiterer Partner des touchpoint textile ist die European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association (ESMA) für das Vortragsprogramm verantwortlich. ESMA vertritt den industriellen, funktionellen und Spezialdruck und organisiert Bildungsveranstaltungen im Bereich Textildruck. Auf der drupa behandeln Referentinnen und Referenten aus Forschung, Entwicklung und Industrie unter anderem Fragen zu Druck- und Veredelungstechnologien, Workflows, Marktentwicklungen oder Nachhaltigkeit. Im Fokus stehen auch Trends und Anwendungen, die durch das Zusammenspiel von Digitaldruck und textilen Bedruckstoffen immer neue Potenziale erschließen. Die Vorträge gliedern sich in die Themenbereiche Research, Finishing, Print Systems & Hardware, Substrates, Inks & Chemistry und Software & Electronics. So hält zum Beispiel Assyst Vorträge über virtuelle Entwicklung von Bekleidung sowie das Forschungsprojekt ECOShoring, das durch die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU gefördert wird, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf On Demand und individualisierte und nachhaltige Fertigung. Adobe, Balta Group, Barbieri Electronic, Brother, Centexbel, CST, DITF, Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems, HS Albsig, Kornit Digital, Meteor Inkjet, Mimaki, Mitwill, Multiplot, Print-Rite, RWTH Aachen, Seiko Instruments, Tiger Coatings, Xaar und Zünd stellen ebenfalls hochkarätige Speaker für das Konferenzprogramm. Die Liste wird fortlaufend ergänzt.

Die drupa findet vom 28. Mai bis 7. Juni 2024 auf dem Düsseldorfer Messegelände statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

Kornit Digitaldruck für Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe (c) Kornit
Kornit Atlas MAX Poly

Kornit Digitaldruck für Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe

  • Kornit Digital bringt digitale Produktionslösung für den Druck dekorativer, farbbrillanter Designs in hohen Stückzahlen auf Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe auf den Markt
  • Kornit Atlas MAX Poly transformiert den Textilmarkt für Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung mit farbenprächtigen Designs

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab die Markteinführung seines Kornit Atlas MAX Poly-Systems bekannt. Das Textildirektdrucksystem (DTG-System) ermöglicht die digitale Veredelung von Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe mit farbenprächtigen Designs.

Die Atlas MAX Poly von Kornit soll der steigenden Nachfrage nach modischer Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung nach individuellen Kundenwünschen gerecht werden. Da sich die Textilindustrie allmählich von der Pandemie erholt, in der Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung zum Mainstream wurden, steigt nun die Nachfrage nach Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe mit attraktiven Designs in vielen Farben.

  • Kornit Digital bringt digitale Produktionslösung für den Druck dekorativer, farbbrillanter Designs in hohen Stückzahlen auf Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe auf den Markt
  • Kornit Atlas MAX Poly transformiert den Textilmarkt für Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung mit farbenprächtigen Designs

Kornit Digital Ltd. gab die Markteinführung seines Kornit Atlas MAX Poly-Systems bekannt. Das Textildirektdrucksystem (DTG-System) ermöglicht die digitale Veredelung von Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe mit farbenprächtigen Designs.

Die Atlas MAX Poly von Kornit soll der steigenden Nachfrage nach modischer Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung nach individuellen Kundenwünschen gerecht werden. Da sich die Textilindustrie allmählich von der Pandemie erholt, in der Sport- und Freizeitbekleidung zum Mainstream wurden, steigt nun die Nachfrage nach Textilien aus Polyester und Polyestermischgewebe mit attraktiven Designs in vielen Farben.

Die bei der Kornit Fashion Week 2022 in Tel Aviv erstmals präsentierte Atlas MAX Poly verfügt über die praxiserprobte MAX-Technologie zur Veredelung, Prozessautomatisierung und intelligenten, autonomen Qualitätssicherung. Mit den dekorativen Anwendungen der XDi-Technologie von Kornit unterstützt die Atlas MAX Poly endlose Designvielfalt und Kreativität auf Polyester, neuartige Stile mit zahlreichen Effekten und unbegrenzte Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, wie u. a. die Simulation von Stickeffekten, hochdichtem Druck, Vinyl und 3D-Effekten.
Die Lösung ist mit Maschen- und Glattgewebe, einschließlich gebürstetem Polyester, kompatibel und sorgt dafür, dass das Gewebe strapazierfähig und atmungsaktiv bleibt. Sie bietet einen hohen Durchsatz für die On-Demand-Veredelung von Textilien aus Polyester und steigert die Rentabilität durch geringere Betriebskosten. Die Pantone-Farbabstimmung und der größere Farbraum, einschließlich Neonfarben für farbenprächtige Drucke, und den effizienten Produktionsprozess in einem Arbeitsschritt, verringert deutlich die Umweltbelastung.

Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten:

  • ActiveLoad von Kornit zum automatischen Anlegen von Kleidungsstücken und Anpassen der Palettengröße. ActiveLoad sorgt für zuverlässige Spitzenleistung mit hoher Qualität und Präzision und minimalen Fehlern, erübrigt die Einführungs- und Bedienerschulung und erhöht den Durchsatz um bis zu 20 %.
  • Nahtlose Integration in ein globales KornitX Fulfillment-Netzwerk – vom Eingang der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung an den Kunden. Dadurch werden ungenutzte Nachfragemöglichkeiten nach personalisiertem Textildruck auf Polyester in kleinen Stückzahlen erschlossen und völlig neuartige Geschäftsmodelle (Direct-to-Fan und Direct-to-Recreational) unterstützt.
  • Integration in das Workflow-Ökosystem von KornitX und das Kornit Konnect™-Dashboard zur Optimierung der Transparenz und Steuerung von Geschäfts- und Produktionsprozessen durch zusätzliche datengestützte Einblicke.
Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand (c) Kornit Digital
Kornit XDi at Snuggle

Snuggle Implements Kornit Atlas MAX Systems to Support Sustained Growth in Sustainable, Efficient Production on Demand

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

  • “The Atlas MAX technology provides a marked improvement in quality; it gives you that edge and something different."

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in sustainable, on-demand, digital textile production technologies, announced today that Peterborough, United Kingdom-based print provider Snuggle has installed two Kornit Atlas MAX systems for superior versatility in their on-demand fulfilment production operations. A Kornit customer since 2017, the addition of Kornit’s most advanced direct-to-garment production systems reflects Snuggle’s sustained profitability and growth since that time.

Kornit Atlas MAX is the first digital direct-to-garment production system to feature XDi technology, which empowers users to simulate embroidery, dye sublimation, vinyl heat transfer, and 3D graphic effects with one single-step platform, using Kornit’s eco-friendly NeoPigment™ inks. Delivering superior graphic detail, consistent retail quality, and low and consistent cost per print to ensure profitability in any quantity, the system is engineered for adaptability to long-term automation needs, which helps businesses like Snuggle address the ongoing labour shortage.

With seven Kornit Digital systems in total, Snuggle is now able to produce up to 12,000 units daily, and has expanded its production space more than threefold since first investing in the technology. While the business does include an embroidery unit, Snuggle rejected screen printing due to its slow setup process, inefficient sampling for bulk orders, and the inability to generate profit from smaller custom orders. Furthermore, digitally-enabled production on demand was critical to their adapting when the pandemic economy caused many customers to cancel bulk orders suddenly.

Weitere Informationen:
Kornit Digital Atlas MAX

Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6 (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital: Vic Bay Apparel implemented Kornit Storm HD6

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital, specialised in digital textile printing technology, announces Johannesburg, South Africa-based apparel decorator Vic Bay Apparel has implemented two Kornit Storm HD6 systems for sustainable, single-step production on demand. This installation answers increased demand for small orders and high-colour graphic designs, resulting from a dramatic growth in their e-commerce operation.

Vic Bay Apparel has been a manufacturer, supplier, and wholesaler of basic t-shirts and golf shirts for 25 years, supplying blank apparel to decorators and resellers of promotional clothing. They predominantly service resellers in the tourism, workwear, printing, embroidery, and advertising markets.

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Introducing Kornit Atlas MAX and ActiveLoad Automation
Kornit also debuted the ActiveLoad Automation technology, a new robotic system to significantly ease the burden of manual and labor-intensive media handling in the textile decoration industry. This increases total output per shift while ensuring minimal downtime and exceptional reliability. The new patent pending ActiveLoad Automation technology ensures continuous production and consistency, while decreasing human error and fatigue, regardless of employee experience and training, for ultimate results and best operational efficiency.

The first product with MAX technology is now commercially available in the Kornit Atlas MAX, a carbon-neutral, industrial-scale DTG production system, providing unsurpassed retail quality, exceptional color-matching capabilities, and a wide, vivid color gamut, with exceptional durability. The Atlas MAX is delivered with the new XDi technology built in, for 3D printing capabilities.


Brodelec uses Direct-To-Fabric Printing with Kornit Digital Printing Technology

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

Brodelec chose to broaden its scope of activity by investing in the Kornit Presto S.

Dominique Willems, CEO at Brodelec, comments: "We had already seen a strong trend for personalized items, whether in the furniture or fashion sector, but since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a strong growth in requests for small-scale personalization. And that's exactly where Kornit offers us a solution with incredible durability and quality, perfectly suited to our needs."

He continues: "The Kornit Presto S has allowed us to bring our latest project to life: the creation of a website entirely dedicated to ordering custom masks. Thanks to an online editor and our 200 models, our customers can order their masks in quantities ranging from 1 to several thousand pieces if necessary. As the Kornit Presto is free of certain technical and chemical constraints and has adapted perfectly to Brodelec's workflow system; we are currently printing more than 10,000 masks per week and can respond to requests within extremely short deadlines while guaranteeing quality and sharpness of detail. The masks meet the recommendations of the AFNOR and are designed with a fabric that filters out particles in the air by over 90%! Therefore, the designed and printed fabric masks are designated as category 1 and meet the UNS1 standards. They are distributed after testing for 60 washes."

(c) Kornit Digital

Creazioni Digitali Implements Kornit Presto S

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

Kornit Digital announced Italy-based Creazioni Digitali, a printing service provider to some of the most prominent names in high-end fashion, is installing the Kornit Presto S with Softener Solution for rapid, pigment-based production on demand involving multiple fabric types in any quantity.

In addition to sublimation and acid and reactive dyes, Creazioni Digitali was one of the first textile providers to bring pigment printing to Italian fashion houses. In addition to providing more eco-friendly production processes, a shift towards pigment-based production is key to their expansion and industrial plans for 2021 to 2025.

Print-on-demand business models and pigment-based production are both effective means of reducing water use, and empowering fashion brands to align with international sustainability imperatives.

“We believe eco-friendly, pigment-based printing offers a wealth of possibilities for high fashion, and selected the Kornit Presto S based on its ability to deliver brilliant, high-quality imagery using the broadest color gamut, without need for pre- and post-treatments,” says Roberto Lucini, Owner and CEO of Creazioni Digitali. “We intend to grow our business as brands see what this technology can do, with the old calculations of quality versus responsible production practices giving way to a new landscape in which you can truly have both. This installation is one of more to come.”

Rafa's Textiles Grows On-Demand Production Business with Kornit Digital (c) Kornit Digital

Rafa's Textiles Grows On-Demand Production Business with Kornit Digital

Kornit Digitala announced Valencia, Spain-based Rafa’s Textiles has acquired a third Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for single-step, on-demand direct-to-garment (DTG) digital production, spurred by business growth resulting from increased e-commerce engagement in the past year.

Rafa’s Textiles personalizes t-shirts and all kinds of clothing with screen printing, direct (digital) printing, silkscreen transfer, sublimation, and embroidery, serving European-based B2B clients who sell via web stores, both integrated with Amazon and independently. There are no colour limitations, and handfeel and durability are retail-quality. On a typical day, they will handle 200-300 print-on-demand orders, though those numbers spike with key holidays; this past Christmas, for example, saw a peak of 1,300 orders in a single day. Regardless of volume, with digital production capabilities in house, these orders are printed individually within 24 hours and shipped directly to all customers.

Kornit Digitala announced Valencia, Spain-based Rafa’s Textiles has acquired a third Kornit Avalanche HD6 system for single-step, on-demand direct-to-garment (DTG) digital production, spurred by business growth resulting from increased e-commerce engagement in the past year.

Rafa’s Textiles personalizes t-shirts and all kinds of clothing with screen printing, direct (digital) printing, silkscreen transfer, sublimation, and embroidery, serving European-based B2B clients who sell via web stores, both integrated with Amazon and independently. There are no colour limitations, and handfeel and durability are retail-quality. On a typical day, they will handle 200-300 print-on-demand orders, though those numbers spike with key holidays; this past Christmas, for example, saw a peak of 1,300 orders in a single day. Regardless of volume, with digital production capabilities in house, these orders are printed individually within 24 hours and shipped directly to all customers.

For Rafa’s Textiles, implementing Kornit’s digital production technology was simply the best means to meeting the challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities of the e-commerce age. Sergio attributes his business’s success despite recent market disruptions to their focus on e-commerce, which aligns with buyers’ increased preference for web-based purchasing.

Kornit Wins 2020 EDP Award for its NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Wins 2020 EDP Award for its NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener

Kornit Digital is named among 29 winners of the 2020 EDP Awards, presented by the European Digital Press Association (EDP). The company’s NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution, which ensures superior hand feel for substrates imprinted using the Kornit Presto system for roll-to-roll, direct-to-fabric digital production, was selected “Best Coating and Varnish” in the Consumables category.

Kornit Digital is named among 29 winners of the 2020 EDP Awards, presented by the European Digital Press Association (EDP). The company’s NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution, which ensures superior hand feel for substrates imprinted using the Kornit Presto system for roll-to-roll, direct-to-fabric digital production, was selected “Best Coating and Varnish” in the Consumables category.

Kornit’s Softener solution is applied seamlessly during the printing process. No additional time, labor, or equipment is needed, and most importantly, it is a sustainable solution carrying Eco Passport certification and GOTS verification.
“Kornit Presto with Softener is changing the game for on-demand production, making pigment-based digital print a serious contender for even the most demanding fashion houses,” says Chris Govier, KDEU Managing Director. “Kornit is proud to be recognized for its innovations, and we strive to continue exceeding the market’s demands for efficient, eco-friendly, profitable solutions regardless of the new trends and challenges facing the textile industry.”



Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership (c) Kornit
Kornit Digital by Kfir Ziv

Grup Transilvae moves into textile printing sector with Kornit partnership

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

  • "We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our selected customers into the future of textile print on demand.”
  • Responding to market needs for textile print on demand

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, continues to expand its market reach through Grup Transilvae partnership.

Founded in 1993 in Cluj, Grup Transilvae later expanded its reach nationally with a move to Bucharest. It has since developed into a complete solutions and services provider following partnerships with key industry manufacturers such as HP, MGI Digital Graphic Technology, Canon, Esko, Caldera, Efi, X-Rite - Pantone and Fotoba International etc. It has also more recently agree to support Matic, Highcon, Xlam, Sefa, Chemica and PlastGrommet. Now the company is increasingly focusing on the textile industry which is why it is partnering with Kornit.

CEO Bogdan Vasilescu explains: "We started with color management solutions, working on demand for Fogra with digitally printed DMI colors on textiles. We have also worked with Mimaki, Roland, Epson and Vutek on various projects including Eurotex Iasi, Zara and Rofobit in Bucharest. Eager to continue our growth spurt in the textile printing industry, we were looking for a trusted partner and Kornit was the obvious choice.”

"The collaboration with Kornit began officially in September and is a natural progression,” Vasilescu adds. “For a number of years, we have been considering ways to improve our offering by moving into textiles in the same way that we did for sign and display, home decor or packaging. We were just waiting for the right partner. We are always looking to collaborate with market leaders and we wanted to work with Kornit to tap into the potential of the print on demand textile market with an extensive textile printing portfolio.”

Grup Transilvae will represent all Kornit’s textile solutions, including Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric, particularly for T-shirts, activewear, denim, fashion, beachwear, home textiles and fabrics.

Vasilescu continues: “We are looking forward to showing our existing customers how they can take advantage of the Covid 19 accelerated trends in digital print-on-demand and short-run print jobs. We will signpost how they can expand their application range, grow volumes and experience better ROI.”

Vasilescu concludes: “We only promote products that we like and Kornit is offering a line up of technologically advanced equipment that can take our valued customers into the future of textile print on demand.”

Omer Kulka, CMO at Kornit Digital states: “We are delighted to announce another great partnership with a distributor that is as passionate about our products and the textile printing industry as we are. Grup Transilvae has a long history of successfully entering new markets with leading manufacturers. We look forward to a long and happy partnership.”


Textil del Valle Selects Kornit Digital for Direct-to-Garment Printing

Peruvian print business delivering DTG capabilities for prestigious apparel brands worldwide

Kornit Digital announced that Textil del Valle South America, a vertically integrated garment manufacturing company based in Peru, has chosen to implement Kornit’s digital direct-to-garment (DTG) printing technology at its 1.1 million-square-foot facility in Lima, Peru.

Textil del Valle services many of the world’s most prominent apparel brands, including global leaders in sports and athleisurewear.

Peruvian print business delivering DTG capabilities for prestigious apparel brands worldwide

Kornit Digital announced that Textil del Valle South America, a vertically integrated garment manufacturing company based in Peru, has chosen to implement Kornit’s digital direct-to-garment (DTG) printing technology at its 1.1 million-square-foot facility in Lima, Peru.

Textil del Valle services many of the world’s most prominent apparel brands, including global leaders in sports and athleisurewear.

“Kornit’s sustainable print technology provides the last piece of the puzzle, so we have the ‘full package’ for manufacturing the garment itself, imprinting it on demand based on the customer need, and shipping it ourselves, all from a single location,” said Juan Jose Cordova, General Manager at Textil del Valle. “Our market has been veering away from stocking shelves with inventory that may or may not sell, and the Kornit solution helps our business and customers eliminate that uncertainty and risk. We are the most sustainable textile plant in the world, and Kornit enables us to continue answering market demands in an efficient, responsible manner.”



Kornit Digital Unveils the Kornit Presto System, a Solution for Digital Direct-to-Fabric Printing

The innovative technology addresses the growing need for on-demand textile design and production

Kornit Digital, a global market leader in digital textile printing innovation, has announced the introduction of the new Kornit Presto, the only industrial single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing. The Kornit Presto solution eliminates the need for pre and post treatment of fabric and allows for high-quality printing on a broad variety of fabric types and applications. The Kornit Presto does not consume water in the printing process, making it a environmentally friendly solution.

The new Kornit Presto comes with the NeoPigment Robusto, a Pigment-based ink. Implemented into the Kornit NeoPigmentTM process, the Robusto provides above industry standard wash and rub results and exceptional color fastness across a wide fabric and application range. The Robusto enjoys faster physical and chemical bonding characteristics, enabling a significantly shorter curing time, while providing quality and a wide color gamut.

The innovative technology addresses the growing need for on-demand textile design and production

Kornit Digital, a global market leader in digital textile printing innovation, has announced the introduction of the new Kornit Presto, the only industrial single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing. The Kornit Presto solution eliminates the need for pre and post treatment of fabric and allows for high-quality printing on a broad variety of fabric types and applications. The Kornit Presto does not consume water in the printing process, making it a environmentally friendly solution.

The new Kornit Presto comes with the NeoPigment Robusto, a Pigment-based ink. Implemented into the Kornit NeoPigmentTM process, the Robusto provides above industry standard wash and rub results and exceptional color fastness across a wide fabric and application range. The Robusto enjoys faster physical and chemical bonding characteristics, enabling a significantly shorter curing time, while providing quality and a wide color gamut.

The Kornit Presto solution suits a wide range of business and application needs in a variety of industry segments, including fast growing segments within the on-demand fashion and home décor markets. It is a highly productive solution, available in multiple configurations and able to print 450 square meters per hour.

Gart Davis, CEO at Spoonflower, the world’s first web-based service for custom, on-demand fabric and design creation and a long-time Kornit customer, commented, “We were thrilled to be able to test the new system and found the Presto to be in a class by itself; it prints beautifully on all kinds of fabrics, in a single-step, with an environmentally friendly dry process, and now at a multiple of productivity.  Our partnership with Kornit continues to be fundamental to our mission to make custom fabric accessible to designers, creative individuals and small businesses all over the world. We can’t wait to get going.”


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Kornit Digital Ltd.


Kornit Digital Reinvents Industrial Polyester Printing

  • New game-changing Kornit NeoPoly Technology with industry-first innovation for industrial polyester printing that prevents dye migration.
  • New Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro system unveiled at events during April, commercially available immediately.

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a global market leader in digital textile printing innovation, unveiled the game-changing Kornit NeoPoly Technology, which is the industry’s first digital, industrial process for high-quality printing on polyester.

Polyester is the second largest category in the overall T-shirt market, it is key in the sport segment, and is growing in the athleisure and functional apparel segments. Currently polyester is printed predominantly by analog solutions, which creates major technological, cost and sustainability challenges.  

The new ground-breaking Kornit NeoPoly Technology addresses these challenges with a new process and ink set implemented in the renowned Kornit NeoPigmentTM process. Kornit’s new process handles polyester applications without compromising on design, run size, substrate or labor.

  • New game-changing Kornit NeoPoly Technology with industry-first innovation for industrial polyester printing that prevents dye migration.
  • New Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro system unveiled at events during April, commercially available immediately.

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a global market leader in digital textile printing innovation, unveiled the game-changing Kornit NeoPoly Technology, which is the industry’s first digital, industrial process for high-quality printing on polyester.

Polyester is the second largest category in the overall T-shirt market, it is key in the sport segment, and is growing in the athleisure and functional apparel segments. Currently polyester is printed predominantly by analog solutions, which creates major technological, cost and sustainability challenges.  

The new ground-breaking Kornit NeoPoly Technology addresses these challenges with a new process and ink set implemented in the renowned Kornit NeoPigmentTM process. Kornit’s new process handles polyester applications without compromising on design, run size, substrate or labor.

The breakthrough technological innovation is achieved by an innovative ink set and a physical and chemical process specifically developed for low temperature curing, and polyester enhancing functionalities developed to maintain fabric characteristics and provide superior fastness. This unique process prevents dye migration on polyester.  The inks are Oeko-Tex and Eco-Passport certified and do not contain PVCs or other toxic ingredients.

The first system equipped with the Kornit NeoPoly Technology is the new Kornit Avalanche Poly Pro, a member of Kornit’s world-class reliable, highly productive industrial platform. The single-step Poly Pro is the perfect system for the industry, enabling easy and cost effective short-runs and on-demand printing on polyester garments.

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Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Ltd.