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5 Ergebnisse

Freudenberg Performance Materials: Neue Marke für Filtermedienlösungen

Auf der Filtech 2023, der internationalen Fachmesse für Filtrationstechnik in Köln, präsentiert Freudenberg Performance Materials erstmals Filtura, seine neue Produktmarke für Filtermedienlösungen. Filtura umfasst ein leistungsstarkes, umfassendes Produktportfolio an innovativen Hochleistungs-Filtermedien und Lösungen für die Luft- und Flüssigkeitsfiltration.

Die etablierten Filtermedienmarken Colback®, Enka®solutions, Evolon®, Karbofil und Lutradur® von Freudenberg Performance Materials gehen in der neuen Marke auf. Das Unternehmen will sein Know-how über die Produktlinien hinweg effektiver bündeln und Innovationen für den Filtermedienmarkt verstärkt vorantreiben. Freudenberg Performance Materials beabsichtigt, mit diesem Schritt seine Position im Filtermedienmarkt auszubauen.

Auf der Filtech 2023, der internationalen Fachmesse für Filtrationstechnik in Köln, präsentiert Freudenberg Performance Materials erstmals Filtura, seine neue Produktmarke für Filtermedienlösungen. Filtura umfasst ein leistungsstarkes, umfassendes Produktportfolio an innovativen Hochleistungs-Filtermedien und Lösungen für die Luft- und Flüssigkeitsfiltration.

Die etablierten Filtermedienmarken Colback®, Enka®solutions, Evolon®, Karbofil und Lutradur® von Freudenberg Performance Materials gehen in der neuen Marke auf. Das Unternehmen will sein Know-how über die Produktlinien hinweg effektiver bündeln und Innovationen für den Filtermedienmarkt verstärkt vorantreiben. Freudenberg Performance Materials beabsichtigt, mit diesem Schritt seine Position im Filtermedienmarkt auszubauen.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

Freudenberg Vliesstoffproduktion (c) Freudenberg
Freudenberg Vliesstoffproduktion

Freudenberg startet Masken-Produktion

  • In der Krise Kräfte gebündelt

Weinheim - Das globale Technologieunternehmen Freudenberg hat mit der Produktion von Mund-Nase-Masken für Endverbraucher begonnen. Diese sind ab dem 11. Mai unter dem Markennamen „Collectex“ – zunächst nur für Deutschland – im Vileda-Online-Shop und über Handelspartner der Geschäftsgruppe Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions (FHCS) erhältlich.

In den vergangenen Wochen haben drei Geschäftsgruppen der Freudenberg Gruppe – Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions und Freudenberg Performance Materials – ihre Expertise in technischen Vliesstoffen, Filtermedien und Distribution gebündelt. Gemeinsam haben die Freudenberg-Spezialisten in kürzester Zeit eine eigene Maskenfertigung aufgebaut und zuerst die Freudenberg-Standorte mit den nötigen Mengen versorgt. „Ziel war es, unserer Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Mitarbeitern und der Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden. Wir haben schnell gehandelt, unsere Kapazitäten ausgebaut und in Produktionsanlagen für die Konfektionierung von Mund-Nase-Masken investiert“, so Dr. Mohsen Sohi, CEO der Freudenberg Gruppe.

  • In der Krise Kräfte gebündelt

Weinheim - Das globale Technologieunternehmen Freudenberg hat mit der Produktion von Mund-Nase-Masken für Endverbraucher begonnen. Diese sind ab dem 11. Mai unter dem Markennamen „Collectex“ – zunächst nur für Deutschland – im Vileda-Online-Shop und über Handelspartner der Geschäftsgruppe Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions (FHCS) erhältlich.

In den vergangenen Wochen haben drei Geschäftsgruppen der Freudenberg Gruppe – Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions und Freudenberg Performance Materials – ihre Expertise in technischen Vliesstoffen, Filtermedien und Distribution gebündelt. Gemeinsam haben die Freudenberg-Spezialisten in kürzester Zeit eine eigene Maskenfertigung aufgebaut und zuerst die Freudenberg-Standorte mit den nötigen Mengen versorgt. „Ziel war es, unserer Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Mitarbeitern und der Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden. Wir haben schnell gehandelt, unsere Kapazitäten ausgebaut und in Produktionsanlagen für die Konfektionierung von Mund-Nase-Masken investiert“, so Dr. Mohsen Sohi, CEO der Freudenberg Gruppe.

Neben der Qualität der Masken ist Freudenberg eine faire und bedarfsorientierte Verteilung wichtig. Dies soll durch den Verkauf über den Vileda-Online-Shop und einer Maximalbestellung von

zwei Verpackungseinheiten pro Online-Besteller sichergestellt werden. Dies ermöglicht eine breite Streuung, so dass möglichst viele Menschen Masken erhalten können.

Die Produktion findet in Deutschland statt und läuft seit Ende April. Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions vertreibt die Masken unter dem Namen „Collectex“. Im Gegensatz zu den inzwischen häufig vorkommenden industriell oder privat gefertigten Baumwollmasken werden die Freudenberg-Masken aus einem hochwertigen, dreilagigen Filtermedium hergestellt.

Dieses Filtermedium besteht aus hochtechnischen Vliesstoffen, die ebenfalls in Deutschland hergestellt werden. Die Materialien werden in neu angeschafften, sukzessive anlaufenden Konfektionierungsanlagen zu Masken weiterverarbeitet – zunächst für den deutschen Markt. Freudenberg plant, die Kapazität in den nächsten Wochen weiter auszubauen, so dass schließlich täglich rund eine Million Masken im Vierschichtbetrieb rund um die Uhr an sieben Tagen die Woche hergestellt werden können. Darüber hinaus liefert das Technologieunternehmen weiterhin Flächenware an professionelle Konfektionierungsfirmen und bestehende Kunden.

Derzeit laufen Vorbereitungsarbeiten, um auch in Nordamerika Masken für den dortigen Markt zu produzieren. Die Freudenberg-Geschäftsgruppe Japan Vilene Company fertigt seit jeher Masken für den asiatischen Markt, allem voran Japan. Allerdings unterliegen diese Produkte den COVID-19 geschuldeten Ausfuhrbeschränkungen der jeweiligen Länder.


Freudenberg & Co. KG

(c) Koch Membran Systems

KMS Installs PURON® PLUS Package System in Canada Featuring PULSION® MBR

Koch Membrane Systems (KMS), a global leader in the development and manufacture of membrane-based filtration technologies, announces the commissioning of a PURON® PLUS packaged MBR system in Saskatoon, a city within the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

The PURON® PLUS system provides a compact and turnkey wastewater treatment solution that is fully automated and provides consistent high-quality effluent for safe discharge or reuse.
Due to Canada’s challenging climate and dispersed populations outside of city areas, simple and reliable decentralized treatment systems are often preferred to treat municipal wastewater streams. As a differentiated membrane and system provider, KMS has been selected for this project due to their ability to provide a comprehensive solution with market leading technology.
For this project, KMS partnered with Proteus Water Inc., a Canadian company focused on providing integrated wastewater treatment solutions for small communities.

Koch Membrane Systems (KMS), a global leader in the development and manufacture of membrane-based filtration technologies, announces the commissioning of a PURON® PLUS packaged MBR system in Saskatoon, a city within the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

The PURON® PLUS system provides a compact and turnkey wastewater treatment solution that is fully automated and provides consistent high-quality effluent for safe discharge or reuse.
Due to Canada’s challenging climate and dispersed populations outside of city areas, simple and reliable decentralized treatment systems are often preferred to treat municipal wastewater streams. As a differentiated membrane and system provider, KMS has been selected for this project due to their ability to provide a comprehensive solution with market leading technology.
For this project, KMS partnered with Proteus Water Inc., a Canadian company focused on providing integrated wastewater treatment solutions for small communities.
“We decided to go with KMS modules due to their reliable, compact and efficient MBR solutions,” said Jason Tratch, president and CEO of Proteus Water. “Compact MBR systems are the only answer for the small municipalities in Canada, meeting the financial expectations as well as the technical challenges. The PURON® PLUS system featuring PULSION MBR membranes is here with a very promising solution due to its increased efficiency and its decreased footprint.”
Capable of treating an average design flow of approximately 100,000 gpd (375 m3/d) of municipal wastewater, the PURON® PLUS P-100 system selected for this project features KMS’ latest innovative and patented PULSION® MBR technology. The benefits of PULSION® MBR offer best in class reliability and productivity with the lowest energy consumption.
“The efficiency and the reliability of MBR systems has been proven in thousands of places all over the world and it will be the best applicable solution for the Canadian market,” said Jack Noble, general manager Water and Wastewater (EMEA) of Koch Membrane Systems.



Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR Product Selected for one of the Largest MBR Projects in China

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (Koch), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced its PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules have been selected for the Ji’nan Wastewater Treatment Plant I and Plant II Expansion Project. Each plant will have 100,000 m3/day treating capacity. The site is located in the Shandong province, which is China’s second-most populated province, with over 100 million people. This project continues the strong presence of Koch’s PURON® MBR in various municipal and industrial wastewater treatment projects in China, demonstrating exceptional performance and creating value to clients.

Strict new discharge requirements by the Chinese government are forcing municipalities to upgrade or build their wastewater treatment plants using new technologies. PURON® MBR technology was selected for these two new plants for its reliable and consistent effluent quality, adherence to new discharge limits, and reduced footprint compared to conventional wastewater treatment technology.

These wastewater treatment plants will be built and operated by China Everbright Water Limited Co. Ltd, a company principally engaged in construction and operation of integrated environmental water services. The project is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.

“We have had good experience with Koch Membrane Systems PURON® MBR technology in the 55,000 m3/day Beijing Daxing Tiantanghe Waste Water Treatment Project,” said Mr. Wang Huailin, president of Jiangsu Kaimi Membrane Technology Co. Ltd, who will design, build and supply the membrane system for these plants. “Since the 2016 Beijing plant startup, the PURON® membranes have been used in an underground construction model to provide a pollution-free installation. We have been impressed with the low fouling and low operating costs from the PURON® product, due to its unique single header and central aeration design features and the process expertise Koch brings to the table.”

“Koch has developed advanced membrane solutions for the municipal and industrial market segments,” said Mr. Manny Singh, president of Koch Membrane Systems. “Unique features of our PURON® product help the market treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets with a low cost of ownership. We are excited that Everbright Water Group recognized the benefits of our PURON® product in their existing plant and selected us for their flagship new projects.”


Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.

(c) Koch Membrane Systems

KPR Mill Switched to KMS PURON® MBR Technology

Wilmington, MA – March 1, 2018 - Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced today that it has provided PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules as part of a system upgrade to the wastewater treatment facility of KPR Mill Limited. KPR Mill is one of the largest apparel manufacturing companies in India. KPR Mill decided to upgrade their wastewater treatment facility from an old conventional plant to an advanced MBR technology due to its environmental commitment to ensure zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by recycling 100% of their wastewater. Among the key reasons for selecting the PURON® MBR modules are its unique design, including single header and central aeration, reliable and consistent operation, and strong after-market support from KMS.

Wilmington, MA – March 1, 2018 - Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, announced today that it has provided PURON® Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) modules as part of a system upgrade to the wastewater treatment facility of KPR Mill Limited. KPR Mill is one of the largest apparel manufacturing companies in India. KPR Mill decided to upgrade their wastewater treatment facility from an old conventional plant to an advanced MBR technology due to its environmental commitment to ensure zero liquid discharge (ZLD) by recycling 100% of their wastewater. Among the key reasons for selecting the PURON® MBR modules are its unique design, including single header and central aeration, reliable and consistent operation, and strong after-market support from KMS.
KPR Mill has been using a conventional Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).  Their old technology involved high chemicals consumption which required high maintenance levels, resulting in frequent production shut downs due to ETP failures.  The new MBR plant is designed to handle 3000 m³/day of textile effluent, utilizing two MBR trains. Initial results show that KPR Mill has reduced chemical costs and eliminated downtime, maximizing textile production. In addition to savings in operational cost and production optimization, KPR strives for an eco-friendly textile processing system. KPR’s selection of PURON® membranes help them achieve their goals of environmental sustainability.
“The membrane bioreactor technology from KMS operates very reliably and has resulted in a significant reduction of chemical, operating and maintenance costs of about 10%,” said Mr. C.R. Ananda Krishnan, executive director of KPR Mill Limited. “And as we are a trend setter in using eco-friendly advanced technologies, we were happy to have PURON® MBR as a technology partner who fits our needs and our vision.”
“KMS has developed advanced membrane solutions for the textile industry,” said Mr. Manny Singh, President of KMS. “Our products and services help the industry treat wastewater to meet strict discharge and reuse targets, and create value through various chemical recovery processes.”


Rob Carlton, Koch Membrane Systems