From the Sector

158 results

Hexcel Exhibits at Aero India 2019

Hexcel is exhibiting at the Aero India show for the sixth time, continuing to support customers in the Indian subcontinent and throughout Asia. This year’s show takes place in Bangalore from February 20-24 (Stand AB2.5D, Hall AB) to promote a range of carbon fibers and composites that are benefiting Indian aerospace manufacturers for commercial aircraft, helicopters and space programs.

To coincide with the show, Hexcel is announcing the opening of its new sales office, Hexcel Composites India LLP. The office is located in Bangalore and will be fully operational in March 2019. Mr Vijay Sharma, Sales Manager, and Mr Ram Kumar, Technical Representative, will manage the sales activities and support key customers in the region.

Hexcel has supplied carbon and glass fiber fabrics, prepregs, honeycombs and adhesives to Indian aerospace companies for more than 28 years, including Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), National Aerospace Lab (NAL), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and TATA Advanced Materials.

Hexcel is exhibiting at the Aero India show for the sixth time, continuing to support customers in the Indian subcontinent and throughout Asia. This year’s show takes place in Bangalore from February 20-24 (Stand AB2.5D, Hall AB) to promote a range of carbon fibers and composites that are benefiting Indian aerospace manufacturers for commercial aircraft, helicopters and space programs.

To coincide with the show, Hexcel is announcing the opening of its new sales office, Hexcel Composites India LLP. The office is located in Bangalore and will be fully operational in March 2019. Mr Vijay Sharma, Sales Manager, and Mr Ram Kumar, Technical Representative, will manage the sales activities and support key customers in the region.

Hexcel has supplied carbon and glass fiber fabrics, prepregs, honeycombs and adhesives to Indian aerospace companies for more than 28 years, including Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), National Aerospace Lab (NAL), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and TATA Advanced Materials.

Hexcel’s high strength and intermediate modulus carbon fiber range has been augmented by the launch of HexTow® HM63, a high modulus carbon fiber that has the highest tensile strength of any existing HM fiber. HexTow® HM63 provides outstanding translation of fiber properties in a composite, including superior inter-laminar shear and compression shear strength. HexTow® HM63 is therefore ideal for any high stiffness and strength-critical applications including space, satellites, UAV, commercial aerospace and helicopters.





JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.


JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

In 2019, 30 finalists have been selected by an international jury of experts from more than a hundred applications. They compete in 10 categories, among which the new 3D printing one. "The JEC Innovation Awards program is emblematic and recognizes pioneers in composite innovation. 3D printing plays a new role in our industry. The combination of lightweight, resistant materials that allow great design freedom, with a technology that allows complex shapes, is of interest to manufacturers. Many manufacturers have started using it to print automotive parts, aircraft parts, or building walls”, analyses Franck GLOWACZ, Innovation Content Leader at JEC Group. “Due to the very high level of the nominees, the JEC Innovation Awards ceremony should be very rich! ”



New Wave GmbH eröffnet neues Logistikzentrum (c) New Wave GmbH
New Wave GmbH eröffnet neues Logistikzentrum

New Wave GmbH: Neues Logistikzentrum mit angeschlossenem Showroom und Outlet

Ende Januar eröffnete die New Wave GmbH ihr neues Logistikzentrum in Geiselwind. Das Tochterunternehmen der schwedischen New Wave Group mit Sitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf schafft am neuen Standort reichlich Platz: Auf einer Lagerfläche von rund 11.000 m² mit rund 8.500 Paletten-Stellplätzen sowie insgesamt 33.000 Pickplätzen finden unter anderem Marken wie der schwedische Spezialist für Funktionsbekleidung, CRAFT, Platz. Ein 450 m² großer Showroom, in dem alle Marken der New Wave GmbH präsentiert werden, und ein 650 m² großes Outlet, das im Juni seine Pforten öffnet, machen den neuen Standort in Geiselwind zur Anlaufstelle für Fachhändler und Endkunden gleichermaßen.

Ende Januar eröffnete die New Wave GmbH ihr neues Logistikzentrum in Geiselwind. Das Tochterunternehmen der schwedischen New Wave Group mit Sitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf schafft am neuen Standort reichlich Platz: Auf einer Lagerfläche von rund 11.000 m² mit rund 8.500 Paletten-Stellplätzen sowie insgesamt 33.000 Pickplätzen finden unter anderem Marken wie der schwedische Spezialist für Funktionsbekleidung, CRAFT, Platz. Ein 450 m² großer Showroom, in dem alle Marken der New Wave GmbH präsentiert werden, und ein 650 m² großes Outlet, das im Juni seine Pforten öffnet, machen den neuen Standort in Geiselwind zur Anlaufstelle für Fachhändler und Endkunden gleichermaßen.

Neben CRAFT bietet die New Wave GmbH ein breites Portfolio an Textilien für verschiedene Bereiche. Egal ob textile Basics, Sport-, Business-, Arbeits- oder Golf- und Lifestyle-Bekleidung – für all diese Bereiche liefert das Unternehmen textile Lösungen, die auf Wunsch individuell via Druck oder Stick veredelt werden können. Um der steigenden Nachfrage und dem neuen, erfolgreichen Engagement von CRAFT im Bereich Teamsport gerecht zu werden, fiel 2017 die Entscheidung auf Geiselwind als Standort für ein neues Logistikzentrum.

Nach dem Baustart im März 2018 werden nicht einmal ein Jahr später die ersten Bestellungen vom neuen Standort in Unterfranken verschickt. Ebenso ist der 450 m² große Showroom komplett eingerichtet und präsentiert die New Wave-Welt.

Andre Bachmann, Geschäftsführer der New Wave GmbH, freut sich: „Es ist unglaublich, in welch kurzer Zeit das alles hier entstanden ist. Gefühlt habe ich immer noch den Sand vom Spatenstich in den Schuhen. Dabei stehe ich nicht mal ein Jahr später hier in unserem neuen Wohnzimmer – unserem komplett eingerichteten New Wave Showroom. Zum ersten Mal überhaupt wird unser komplettes Portfolio an einem Ort präsentiert. So schnell funktioniert das wirklich nur wenn alle Zahnräder ineinandergreifen – von unserem Mutterkonzern in Schweden, über die Behörden vor Ort, allen am Bau beteiligten Unternehmen und nicht zuletzt bis hin zu sämtlichen Mitarbeitern der New Wave GmbH. Wir waren schon in der Vergangenheit sehr gut aufgestellt, was die Lieferfähigkeit angeht. Mit dem neuen Lager können wir uns noch weiter verbessern.“


Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

Olli Brüssow (c) CRAFT
Olli Brüssow

CRAFT setzt auf Schuhe und verstärkt sich im Süden

Bei CRAFT läuft es!

Bei CRAFT läuft es!

Der schwedische Spezialist für Funktionsbekleidung, CRAFT, verstärkt sich aus den eigenen Reihen: Der langjährige Außendienstmitarbeiter Oliver Brüssow übernimmt ab sofort, zusätzlich zu seinen Aufgaben als Außendienstmitarbeiter im Gebiet Nordrhein-Westfalen, die Position des Brandmanagers Footwear. Zudem begrüßen die Schweden Alexander Leipold als neuen Außendienstmitarbeiter im Gebiet Südbayern.
"Der Bereich Schuhe entwickelt sich bei uns sehr positiv – unsere Running-Partner können sich hier in Zukunft auf viel Neues aus dem Hause CRAFT freuen. Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass wir auf die Kompetenzen und das Know-how aus unseren eigenen Reihen zurückgreifen können. Mit Olli Brüssow (links) setzen wir auf einen erfahrenen Brandmanager, der seine Kompetenzen im Bereich Schuhe ab sofort voll ausspielen kann“, sagt Andre Bachmann, Geschäftsführer der New Wave GmbH.
Der 44. Jährige ist bereits seit 8 Jahren für CRAFT unterwegs und war federführend an der Markteinführung der ersten Laufschuhe von CRAFT beteiligt.
Ein neues Gesicht im CRAFT Außendienst begrüßen die Schweden mit Alexander Leipold (rechts). Der branchenerfahrene 39-Jährige war rund acht Jahre als Führungskraft bei Karstadt tätig, Inhaber zweier Sport- und Mode-Stores in München sowie Rosenheim und zuletzt als Außendienstmitarbeiter in der Sportbranche tätig. Leipold übernimmt das Gebiet Südbayern von Toni Resch, der zum 31.12. nicht mehr für CRAFT tätig ist.      

"Toni war lange Zeit für CRAFT unterwegs und hat einen top Job gemacht. Leider ist es ihm aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht möglich weiter für uns zu arbeiten, was wir sehr bedauern. Wir sind uns sicher, in Alex einen kompetenten Nachfolger gefunden zu haben, der sich bestens mit unseren technischen Produkten auskennt“, so Bachmann.


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Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

Fast Concept - Paper leather jacket, by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy UAL (c) RISE AB
Fast Concept - Paper leather jacket, by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy UAL

New research pushing the limits for ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion towards a sustainable, circular future

  • conceptual and commercial garments presented at exhibition in London

After two years of research Mistra Future Fashion is honoured to present, in collaboration with Centre for Circular Design at University of the Arts London and Filippa K, an exhibition pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion. Started in 2017, the industry-embedded project Circular Design Speeds takes a unique systemic approach, showcasing what could be accomplished using existing value chains as well as what the future of sustainable fashion holds. Ground-breaking textile research from University of the Arts London is questioning normative use and design of garments in creating prototypes to be worn across a spectrum of 24 hours to 50 years. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K have produced a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The research results and garments will be presented at the launch event at the University of the Arts London, on November 23rd and open to public on the 24th and 25th of November.

  • conceptual and commercial garments presented at exhibition in London

After two years of research Mistra Future Fashion is honoured to present, in collaboration with Centre for Circular Design at University of the Arts London and Filippa K, an exhibition pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion. Started in 2017, the industry-embedded project Circular Design Speeds takes a unique systemic approach, showcasing what could be accomplished using existing value chains as well as what the future of sustainable fashion holds. Ground-breaking textile research from University of the Arts London is questioning normative use and design of garments in creating prototypes to be worn across a spectrum of 24 hours to 50 years. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K have produced a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The research results and garments will be presented at the launch event at the University of the Arts London, on November 23rd and open to public on the 24th and 25th of November.

On Friday November 23rd the exhibition Disrupting Patterns: Designing for Circular Speeds opens up at University of the Arts London. The exhibition is the results of a two-year research project called Circular Design Speeds aiming at pushing the limits of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ fashion by testing new concepts for sustainable design in an industry setting. On display are exploratory prototypes, as well as commercial garments produced by industry partner Filippa K using existing value chains. In addition, research results on innovative materials, consumer acceptance, composting studies and Life Cycle Assessments are presented. The aim of this project is to implement research results in a real fashion industry context, focusing on speed of use and maximising fabric value retention in products.

The Service Shirt developed by Professor Rebecca Earley is designed to last for over 50 years. The concept garment explores the multiple complexities, challenges and opportunities associated with design for circular business models in extended use contexts. The Service Shirt was designed as a ‘deliberate extreme’ to have a total lifecycle of 50 years. This lifecycle includes in-house and external remanufacturing processes, as well as various use cycles – often moving between single ownership and rental and sharing contexts. It becomes the lining for a jacket and then crafted in to fashion accessories, before finally being chemically regenerated in the year 2068.

On the opposite side of the spectrum the Fast-Forward concept, developed by Prof Kay Politowicz and Dr Kate Goldsworthy, explores alternative modes of production and use for a sustainable ‘fast-fashion’ application. Advantages with regards to climate impact are enabled through lighter material choices, nonwoven fabric production, no launder, clear routes to recovery and redistributed manufacturing systems. A sliding scale of ‘speed’ from ultra-fast forward through to a more widely accepted length of use, with adaptations to production processes and end of life, is presented. The prototypes are made from a new bio-based nonwoven material co-developed with Dr Hjalmar Granberg at RISE Research Institute of Sweden & University of the Arts London. The composition of the paper is a mix of cellulose pulp and bio-based PLA fibre, making the garment 100% biodegradable or recyclable in existing paper recycling systems.

Working closely with industry partner Filippa K made commercial testing possible. By implementing research into existing value chains, Filippa K was able to produce a coat that is 100% recycled and recyclable, as well as a concept dress that is 100% bio-based and biodegradable. The garments are a part of Filippa K’s Front Runner series and will be available in selected stores on November 26th. With a focus on products’ length of use and maximizing fabric value retention, Filippa K are dedicated to becoming fully circular by 2030.

“Being part of the fashion industry comes with many challenges, especially when considering the fact that we are the second most polluting industry after oil. Our industry needs to change and we believe adapting to circular models, like nature’s ecosystem, is one important solution. We want to be able to offer beautiful clothing and to make business within the planetary boundaries.”
- Elin Larsson, Sustainability Director, Filippa K

To validate the design research presented, a Life Cycle Assessment was performed on the prototypes. Mistra Future Fashion affiliated Dr. Greg Peters, Chalmers University of Technology, together with additional LCA Researchers at RISE, conclude that the production of fibres and fabrics are the main processes impacting the environment during the garment life cycles. Therefore, to extend the lifetime of existing garments and design for re-use, as done in the Service Shirt, is indeed the superior alternative compared to a reference garment.

“Compared with garments of the same mass, the extended life garments represent a large improvement in environmental performance over the reference garments, outperforming the reference garments in all effect categories. This superiority is primarily a consequence of avoiding garment production via reprinting and reassembly of the initial garment to extend its useful life.”
- Dr Greg Peters, LCA Researcher at Chalmers University of Technology

Another way to circumvent the impacts of fast fashion is to develop materials with considerably lower impacts during production, and which also avoid the barriers to recycling faced by conventional garments. Instead of hinder consumers from buying new, the act of acquiring a new garment could in fact be sustainable. The paper-based short life garments considered in this assessment show considerable impact savings when compare to the benchmark garment. Dr. Peters says,

“The paper-based garments benefit from the lower impacts of the material (fibre production, spinning and knitting) compared with conventional cotton, from their relatively light weight and also on account of the lower impacts in garment production and use.”


12 Composites Innovators to receive a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul next November 15, 2018

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Winner: CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (India)

Most of the composite structures for aircraft are made of carbon-epoxy composites, which can withstand a maximum service temperature of 130°C. As a consequence, carbon-epoxy materials cannot be used in hot zones like engine vicinity areas. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and CSIR-NAL took up the challenge of developing high temperature resistant composites for use in hot zones of light combat aircraft, which would result in significant weight and cost savings, as well as a considerable reduction in the meantime between failures (MTBF) due to thermal ageing.

The first task was to choose a material system with a service temperature of about ~ 200°C. During the material selection process, it was found that BMI resins are a relatively young class of thermosetting polymers. Hence, a carbon-BMI prepreg was selected due to a number of unique features including excellent physical property retention at elevated temperatures and in wet environments.

It was realized that weight savings and performance can be maximized using co-curing technology. This results in a large reduction of fabrication cycle times, costs and weight. Co-cured structures have fewer fasteners, which results in shorter assembly cycle times and also reduces sealing issues.

A prototype engine bay door assembly was built and tested at 180°C for flight certification. The engine bay door consists of an inner skin and co-cured outer skin assembly with eight transverse stiffeners. The stiffeners were designed with ‘J’ sections. The door size was 1.5 m length, 1 m width and 0.4 m overall depth. The co-cured door was developed using autoclave moulding. Two doors were installed in prototype aircraft and successfully flown.


CRAFT wird Ausstatter des UCI-Pro-Teams Sunweb

Neuer Partner an der Radsport-Spitze

Ab der Saison 2019 gehen die Profis des UCI-Radrennstalls Sunweb in CRAFT an den Start. Der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialist arbeitet schon über Jahre hinweg erfolgreich mit unterschiedlichen Radrenn-Mannschaften zusammen. Nun werden die Schweden offizieller und langfristiger Ausrüstungspartner des deutschen UCI-World-Tour-Teams mit Sitz in den Niederlanden.

Funktionsunterwäsche, Rennbekleidung und Freizeitbekleidung: Ab dem 01. Januar 2019 kleidet CRAFT sowohl Herren-, als auch Damen- und Nachwuchsteam von Sunweb von Kopf bis Fuß ein und stimmt dabei alles individuell auf die Athleten ab.

Neuer Partner an der Radsport-Spitze

Ab der Saison 2019 gehen die Profis des UCI-Radrennstalls Sunweb in CRAFT an den Start. Der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialist arbeitet schon über Jahre hinweg erfolgreich mit unterschiedlichen Radrenn-Mannschaften zusammen. Nun werden die Schweden offizieller und langfristiger Ausrüstungspartner des deutschen UCI-World-Tour-Teams mit Sitz in den Niederlanden.

Funktionsunterwäsche, Rennbekleidung und Freizeitbekleidung: Ab dem 01. Januar 2019 kleidet CRAFT sowohl Herren-, als auch Damen- und Nachwuchsteam von Sunweb von Kopf bis Fuß ein und stimmt dabei alles individuell auf die Athleten ab.

CRAFT-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann freut sich auf die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit: „Der Radrennsport ist tief in den Genen von CRAFT verankert. Daher freuen wir uns ganz besonders, ein so spannendes und dynamisches UCI-Team wie Sunweb mit unserer Bekleidung zu unterstützen. Mit Fahrern wie Tom Dumoulin, der in diesem Jahr Zweiter bei der Tour de France wurde, dem Sprinter und zweimaligen Etappensieger der letztjährigen Frankreichrundfahrt, Michael Matthews, oder den deutschen Fahrern  Nikias Arndt und Nachwuchstalent Lennard Kämna zeigt das Team großes Potenzial, um auch in Zukunft ganz oben angreifen zu können. Wir sind gespannt auf die Zusammenarbeit und fiebern der neuen Saison schon jetzt entgegen!"

Bei der Entwicklung neuer, technischer Produkte vertraut CRAFT zudem auf die langjährige Erfahrung der Sunweb-Profis und bindet sie daher eng in den Prozess mit ein. Das Zusammenspiel Ihrer praktischen Expertise mit dem technischen Knowhow der Marke spiegelt sich in den neuen Bike-Kollektionen der Schweden wider

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Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

(c) Bally

Bally x Swizz Beatz x SHOK-1

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

A founding member of the street art movement and a scientist with a degree in Applied Chemistry, SHOK-1 selected three key icons from his back catalogue - X-ray paintings of a hand gesture, a fly and ’The Consumer’ - that symbolise subcultures from his youth that also connect to Bally’s past. The artworks are represented across shoes, accessories and ready to wear. Talking about his vision for the project, SHOK-1 explained that he wanted ‘the collection to speak to the longstanding tradition of subcultures co-opting brands that weren’t meant for them.’ ‘I strongly believe that quality and excellence are universal concepts that can transcend class and cultural boundaries. The Bally that I remember as a kid has this fantastic relationship with subculture. It’s also a brand that has the same kind of attention to detail and production values that I aspire to in my own work, so there was a synergy there.’ Familiar with SHOK-1’s work, Swizz Beatz saw the potential and contacted him to discuss the opportunity: ‘SHOK-1 is a master artist and I chose him because our focus for this capsule was on exploring the art of X-ray and he’s a legend at his craft.’

As with all Bally collaborations, the metamorphosis that naturally evolves from creative cooperation is integral to the process.  Part of the ‘Bally Collective, curated by Swizz Beatz’, this collaboration continues the brand’s commitment to creating a platform to playfully empower artistic license across emerging and established talent.

The exclusive collection will launch in Bally stores worldwide and in October 2018.

Clean Green certification (c) TRSA
Clean Green certification

Handcraft Linen Services Achieves Clean Green Certification

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents
•             Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
•             Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
•             Recycling programs
•             Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
•             Spill prevention plans
The Clean Green certification is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud Handcraft Linen Services for their sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”




Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen (c) VDMA. Eric Otto, Susanne Fischer, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Peter D. Dornier (Chairman Walter Reiners-Stiftung), Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram (left to right)

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

In his dissertation "Development of graphene-modified multifilament yarns for the production of textile charge storage devices", laureate Dr Benjamin Weise developed novel fibres made of polyamide and graphene and further processed them into textile surfaces. The newly developed polyamide graphene fibres are featuring a multitude of advantages:

  • Due to their high performance in the charge storage area, they are predestined for use in double-layer capacitors, so-called super capacitors, or supercaps in short. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, supercaps offer significantly higher power density and a longer lifetime as no chemical reactions are taking place. towing to the graphene platelets in the filaments, it is now possible for the first time to integrate a charge storage device directly into a textile without having to sew in a rechargeable battery. This new fibre is therefore suitable for prospective use in smart textiles, for instance in a textile defibrillator.
  • The new graphene-modified polyamide fibres can attenuate inident terahertz radiation up to 25 % of their original intensity. Terahertz radiation, for example, offers transmission rates of 100 Mbit/sec and is therefore of high interest for high-performance wireless communication. However, the radiation could damage sensible electronics as in aircrafts if this technology will be used widespread. Consequently, the shielding of the radiation is of high importance, e.g. in the form of fibre composite components in the aircraft, which protect the on-board electronics.
  • As the fibres are showcasing a dissipative electrical conductivity, personal protective equipment is another prospective field of application.  

The development of a pilot process for graphene-modified fibres and the production of textile demonstrators are novel and disruptive attainments of Dr Weise’s PhD thesis and the reason for the award ceremony to him. Due to its outstanding properties, the European Union is funding research on graphene within the frame of the "Graphene Flagship" with an overall budget of one billion Euro (source:

Modular product design of 4D products is now possible in simplified form

How can three-dimensional products change their shape over time and thus become "four-dimensional"? The students Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal provide answers to this question in their project work "Leitfaden zur Auslegung hybrider morphender Textilien am Beispiel eines Scharniers" (Guidelines for the Design of Hybrid Morphing Textiles Using the Example of a Hinge), for which they were awarded the creativity prize. In their work, the students offer a guideline for the development of a four-dimensional textile from the idea to the demonstrator. Four-dimensional textiles, for example, consist of a hybrid material of elastic textile on which three-dimensional structures are printed. The fourth dimension describes the change in shape and/or a property over a defined period of time (= morphing).  This change is caused by external influences such as light and heat.

Every year, the Foundation of the German Textile Machinery awards prizes for the best dissertation, diploma or master's thesis and the creativity prize for the smartest student research project. Further prizes were awarded to Eric Otto, ITM Dresden, and Susanne Fischer, Reutlingen University.


Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


METALBOTTONI  presents the new collection VÀNITA (c) METALBOTTONI

METALBOTTONI presents the new collection VÀNITA

  • Italian expertise, research and green innovation.
  • METALBOTTONI ups the stakes with one-of-a-kind interpretations, to enhance its market presence.

At Première Vision Accessories (Paris, 19-21 September) the company presents the new collection VÀNITA, a mix of leatherwear and sportswear, based on Made in Italy craft, with an increasingly wide and coordinated range.

Based on product experience, combining new trends in accessories. The METALBOTTONI strategy is enriched with product novelties which aim at exploring new existing market segments. A strategy which increasingly leads great artisan production skills to meet constant research and expansion of the range, with the world of sportswear becoming more and more pivotal; without forgetting the important sustainable innovations of the NO IMPACT protocol.

No Impact becomes “Committed Accessories”

  • Italian expertise, research and green innovation.
  • METALBOTTONI ups the stakes with one-of-a-kind interpretations, to enhance its market presence.

At Première Vision Accessories (Paris, 19-21 September) the company presents the new collection VÀNITA, a mix of leatherwear and sportswear, based on Made in Italy craft, with an increasingly wide and coordinated range.

Based on product experience, combining new trends in accessories. The METALBOTTONI strategy is enriched with product novelties which aim at exploring new existing market segments. A strategy which increasingly leads great artisan production skills to meet constant research and expansion of the range, with the world of sportswear becoming more and more pivotal; without forgetting the important sustainable innovations of the NO IMPACT protocol.

No Impact becomes “Committed Accessories”

The guideline for restyling the METALBOTTONI range over the past two years has been the recent implementation of the NO IMPACT corporate sustainability protocol, which has just acquired a new “dress”, associated with the following pay-off: “Committed Accessories”. It is a way of underscoring the constant green development of the company over the past few years, in terms of process and product: use of recycled raw materials, development of finishing without chemicals, implementation of processes which today have allowed to reduce electricity and water consumption to almost zero.

Moreover the range of NO IMPACT proposals for this season has expanded to include not only new metal finishing but also leather label completely made from processing scrap, thus establishing Metalbottoni as “partner for branding elements” also in terms of sustainability. Pure Made in Italy and constant expansion of collections towards sportswear The great skill in metal processing, which for sixty years now has characterised the top-of-the-range quality of METALBOTTONI products, is now combined with constant research work conducted by our in-house Style Office, resulting in new collections which are more and more in line with the trends emerging from major trade fairs. Maintaining a presence on strong markets (central Europe, Northern Europe and United States), increasing the depth of segments and intercepting new ones. This is the main goal also chosen for the Première Vision Accessories Exhibition where, alongside the autumn-winter 2019/2020 collections, there will be a preview of VÀNITA, the new collection dedicated to leatherwear and more.

METALBOTTONI is proving to be one of the most dynamic companies in the accessory industry.

Over the past two years, in fact, it has introduced numerous product and process innovations, aiming at increasing its range especially as regards sportswear accessories. This trend was driven by a substantial increase in demand by read-to-wear and luxury brands in the past two seasons, and today it means new proposals which account for 35% of the range for METALBOTTONI. New collections have been presented in the past two seasons expressly dedicated to the sportswear world, namely GRAVITA, the first line designed by the company for pressure buttons, and MÀRYA, the new beachwear collection. Also the line called LABORA, the classic collection of accessories for fashion and ready-to-wear has been constantly enhanced with proposals combining style and technical performance. This mix of fashion and sport elements is increasingly evident in the company’s product range, for example in the combination of different materials, using metal with nylon or other resins to create new and unique accessories.

Vànita: beyond leatherwear, a world of accessories

The meeting between fashion, luxury and sportswear has produced VÀNITA, the brand new collection which presents a new approach to accessories dedicated to leatherwear, from an allround perspective from luxury to sportswear. Developed starting from solid product research by the company’s in-house Style Office, VÀNITA is a true meeting of styles and elements, a combination of high product standards with unique elegance. This line introduces one-of-a-kind visions for accessories, exploring highly original pathways dedicated to the world of leather. The VÀNITA proposal ranges from accessories for leatherwear and small leatherwear, to those for shoes, bags and the sportswear worlds. There are two main lines within this collection: one is expressly designed for the world of luxury, the other has a more technical and sporty approach. A true mix between artisan metal processing, based on the great METALBOTTONI expertise in this sector, and “ingredients” such as nylon, rubber finishes or innovative 3D processing, which are often combined together.

“Our goal is to offer an increasingly comprehensive range which allows us to explore new segments on the markets where we are present” - says Gregorio Valli, CEO and President of METALBOTTONI S.P.A – “a ‘recipe’ which should be able to integrate our unmatched product expertise with a constant expansion of our range and continuous implementation of our pathway towards corporate responsibility and sustainability”.

More information:
Metalbottoni Leather Accessoires

Menabò Group s.r.l

Hexcel’s Acousti-Cap® technology (c) Hexcel Corporation

Hexcel’s Acousti-Cap® Technology Helping to Reduce Aircraft Noise in NASA-Boeing Flight Test

Because aircraft engine noise contributes to environmental noise around airports and populated cities, the aerospace industry has been working on new aircraft designs that will emit less noise so they can meet the ever-increasing requirements imposed on the industry to reduce noise pollution. Shielding and absorbing aircraft engine noise at the source represents one of the most effective ways to address this issue.

Because aircraft engine noise contributes to environmental noise around airports and populated cities, the aerospace industry has been working on new aircraft designs that will emit less noise so they can meet the ever-increasing requirements imposed on the industry to reduce noise pollution. Shielding and absorbing aircraft engine noise at the source represents one of the most effective ways to address this issue.

Hexcel, a global leader in advanced composite technology, has been at the forefront of acoustic technology development with its Acousti-Cap® broadband sound-reducing honeycomb, which enables engine designers to reduce the noise from takeoffs and landings yet without adding significant weight to the aircraft.
“Hexcel has continued investing in the evolution of Acousti-Cap® product technology to improve performance and reduce cost,” said Imad Atallah, Group Product Manager for Honeycomb at Hexcel. “Collaboration with industry leaders, including NASA and Boeing, has been key to that development,” he added.
The 2DOF (Two Degrees of Freedom) honeycomb core acoustic liner was introduced in 2008 and was subsequently adopted and installed on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner inlet, the Boeing 747-8 inlet and transcowl, and more recently on the Boeing 737 MAX inlet. This success enabled continued technology development and evolution in MDOF (Multi-Degrees of Freedom) where the acoustic septum is inserted in the honeycomb cell at different heights, as well as having two septums in honeycomb chambers. This type of technology allows for improved acoustic attenuation at a broader frequency range, as well as increased absorption.
“Hexcel’s Acousti-Cap® technology has shown great performance benefits over competing technologies from the beginning” said Clark Smith, Director of Technology -- Core Products at Hexcel. “We have continued to improve the technology through taking advantage of the single cell treatment concept, by adding capability that the industry was looking for,” he added.   
Hexcel’s latest Acousti-Cap® technology was recently tested in a joint NASA-Boeing flight test on a B737 MAX test platform, and the results beat expectations as reported by Aviation Week. Collaboration between Hexcel and NASA over several years on the development of MDOF technology led to the successful test results on this latest flight test.
The ability to attenuate a broader noise frequency range and increase acoustic absorption with the Hexcel liner has allowed an optimized design of the overall inlet that reduces drag and improves noise attenuation. Hexcel continues to invest in acoustic liner technology and is proud of the positive results of this NASA-Boeing flight test.

More information:
Hexcel Boeing

AGENCE APOCOPE for Hexcel Corporation


Texworld - Summer SPOTLIGHT: Findings, Trims & Accessories

  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




More information:
Texworld Trims Accessoires

Messe Frankfurt

New Wave Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann (2. v.l.) neben Geiselwinds Bürgermeister  Ernst Nickel (2. v.r.) und Landrätin Tamara Bischof (r.) Bildrechte: Stefan Roller-Aßfalg
New Wave Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann (2. v.l.) neben Geiselwinds Bürgermeister Ernst Nickel (2. v.r.) und Landrätin Tamara Bischof (r.) Bildrechte: Stefan Roller-Aßfalg

CRAFT: New Wave Deutschland / CRAFT baut zusätzliches Logistik-Zentrum

New Wave Deutschland / CRAFT baut zusätzliches Logistik-Zentrum
Noch Näher am Kunden

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

New Wave Deutschland / CRAFT baut zusätzliches Logistik-Zentrum
Noch Näher am Kunden

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

Dr. Johann Killinger, Geschäftsführer der Ixocon Immobilien GmbH und verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des neuen Logistikzentrums, lobte beim offiziellen Spatenstich die gute Zusammenarbeit mit New Wave und die schnelle Realisierung des Projekts: „Das Tempo, das von allen Beteiligten bisher an den Tag gelegt wurde ist rekordverdächtig und wir machen genauso weiter. Die Fertigstellung des Logistikzentrums, das wir nach den Richtlinien der DGNB für nachhaltiges Bauen errichten, ist für Ende 2018 vorgesehen.

Auch Bachmann betonte in seiner Rede, dass der Standort Geiselwind für den New Wave Konzern von Anfang an die optimale Lösung war: „Die Planung zum Bau eines neuen Logistikzentrums gehört nicht unbedingt zu den alltäglichen und einfachsten Aufgaben. Es müssen viele Parameter berücksichtigt werden. Mit dem Standort Geiselwind haben wir die perfekte Lösung gefunden. Unmittelbar an der A3, nicht weit zur A7, direkt in der Mitte Deutschlands und für uns zum Glück immer noch in Bayern“, so Bachmann mit einem Augenzwinkern.

„Daher freut es mich ganz besonders, dass wir heute, nur 12 Monate nach unseren ersten Gesprächen mit Bauherren und Vermieter, hier gemeinsam in Geiselwind zum Spatenstich für das neue Logistikcenter der New Wave GmbH stehen“, sagt Andre Bachmann. Nicht nur die Teamsport-Kollektion der schwedischen Sportbekleidungs-Marke CRAFT wird in Geiselwind untergebracht. Neben der neuen Schuhkollektion finden mit Clique, Printer, J. Harvest & Frost sowie der Arbeits-Bekleidungsmarke Projob weitere Marken der New Wave GmbH Platz im Hochregallager. Auf einer Fläche von knapp 1.000 Quadratmetern werden in Showroom und Outlet sämtliche Marken vertreten sein. Der Customer-Service bleibt weiterhin im bayerischen Oberaudorf.

Der Bürgermeister der Marktgemeinde Geiselwind, Ernst Nickel, sowie die Landrätin des unterfränkischen Landkreises Kitzingen, Tamara Bischof, betonten beim Spatenstich am 13. Juni ebenfalls das schnelle Verfahren sowie die Vorzüge der Region. „Als familienfreundliche Gemeinde freuen wir uns ganz besonders über den Zuwachs im Inno Park Geiselwind und die damit entstehenden neuen Arbeitsplätze“, sagte Nickel. Dem fügte Landrätin Tamara Bischof hinzu: „Die Voraussetzungen für ein Logistikzentrum sind im Landkreis Kitzingen optimal. Gute geografische Lage im Herzen Deutschlands sowie eine perfekte Infrastruktur. Da kann es dann auch mal ganz schnell gehen, da ist der Projektverlauf der New Wave GmbH das beste Beispiel.


Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR


New Wave Deutschland / CRAFT: zusätzliches Logistik-Zentrum

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

Mit dem Spatenstich am 13. Juni 2018 startete die New Wave GmbH den Bau eines neuen Hochregallagers in Geiselwind (Franken). Der schwedische Konzern mit Deutschlandsitz im bayerischen Oberaudorf ist Mutter von Marken wie CRAFT, Clique oder J. Harvest & Frost. Im neuen Lager werden unter anderem die Produkte der neuen Teamsport-Kollektion von CRAFT Platz finden. Die Eröffnung ist für Januar 2019 terminiert. Ein repräsentativer Showroom sowie ein Outlet für alle Marken sind ebenfalls geplant.

Hohe Lieferbereitschaft ist im Teamsport-Markt ein Muss. Derzeit verfügt New Wave in Oberaudorf über eine Lagerfläche von insgesamt 1700 Quadratmetern. „Damit befinden wir uns ziemlich am Anschlag“, so Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. „Mit dem neuen Lager in Geiselwind haben wir eine zusätzliche Fläche von 10.500 qm für sofort lieferbare Ware. Damit können wir unseren Kunden einen noch besseren Service bieten. Unser Ziel ist es, NOS-Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu liefern."

Dr. Johann Killinger, Geschäftsführer der Ixocon Immobilien GmbH und verantwortlich für die Entwicklung des neuen Logistikzentrums, lobte beim offiziellen Spatenstich die gute Zusammenarbeit mit New Wave und die schnelle Realisierung des Projekts: „Das Tempo, das von allen Beteiligten bisher an den Tag gelegt wurde ist rekordverdächtig und wir machen genauso weiter. Die Fertigstellung des Logistikzentrums, das wir nach den Richtlinien der DGNB für nachhaltiges Bauen errichten, ist für Ende 2018 vorgesehen.

Auch Bachmann betonte in seiner Rede, dass der Standort Geiselwind für den New Wave Konzern von Anfang an die optimale Lösung war: „Die Planung zum Bau eines neuen Logistikzentrums gehört nicht unbedingt zu den alltäglichen und einfachsten Aufgaben. Es müssen viele Parameter berücksichtigt werden. Mit dem Standort Geiselwind haben wir die perfekte Lösung gefunden. Unmittelbar an der A3, nicht weit zur A7, direkt in der Mitte Deutschlands und für uns zum Glück immer noch in Bayern“, so Bachmann mit einem Augenzwinkern.

Nicht nur die Teamsport-Kollektion der schwedischen Sportbekleidungs-Marke CRAFT wird in Geiselwind untergebracht. Neben der neuen Schuhkollektion finden mit Clique, Printer, J. Harvest & Frost sowie der Arbeits-Bekleidungsmarke Projob weitere Marken der New Wave GmbH Platz im Hochregallager. Auf einer Fläche von knapp 1.000 Quadratmetern werden in Showroom und Outlet sämtliche Marken vertreten sein. Der Customer-Service bleibt weiterhin im bayerischen Oberaudorf.


More information:
CRAFT New Wave

Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

Markus Müller, CRAFT Marketing (c) CRAFT / NEW WAVE GmbH
Markus Müller, CRAFT Marketing

CRAFT Marketing: Markus Müller folgt auf Bernhard Haberzett

Wechsel im Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungsherstellers CRAFT:  Zum 1. Juni 2018 übernahm Markus Müller die Stelle als Marketing Manager und löst damit Bernhard Haberzett ab, der das Unternehmen nach vier Jahren einvernehmlich verlässt.
Als Kommunikations-Spezialist war Müller, 29, bereits über zwei Jahre auf Agenturseite bei Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von CRAFT zuständig und bringt reichlich Erfahrung aus der PR-Branche mit. Nach einer kurzen Zwischenstation bei einer Münchner Digital-Agentur zog es Müller jetzt direkt zu CRAFT.

Seit dem 1. Juni ergänzt er das Marketing-Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialisten und übernimmt die Stelle von Haberzett. Markus Müller hat Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Salzburg studiert und freut sich auf die neue Aufgabe: „CRAFT arbeitet seit jeher sehr eng mit Athleten zusammen. Seit Anfang des Jahres bringt CRAFT dieses Knowhow aus 40 Jahren technischer Sportbekleidung nun auch in den Teamsport und die 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. Dadurch wird erstmals eine ganz neue Zielgruppe angesprochen. Auf diese ‚Teamarbeit‘ freue ich mich besonders."    

Wechsel im Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungsherstellers CRAFT:  Zum 1. Juni 2018 übernahm Markus Müller die Stelle als Marketing Manager und löst damit Bernhard Haberzett ab, der das Unternehmen nach vier Jahren einvernehmlich verlässt.
Als Kommunikations-Spezialist war Müller, 29, bereits über zwei Jahre auf Agenturseite bei Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von CRAFT zuständig und bringt reichlich Erfahrung aus der PR-Branche mit. Nach einer kurzen Zwischenstation bei einer Münchner Digital-Agentur zog es Müller jetzt direkt zu CRAFT.

Seit dem 1. Juni ergänzt er das Marketing-Team des schwedischen Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialisten und übernimmt die Stelle von Haberzett. Markus Müller hat Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Universität Salzburg studiert und freut sich auf die neue Aufgabe: „CRAFT arbeitet seit jeher sehr eng mit Athleten zusammen. Seit Anfang des Jahres bringt CRAFT dieses Knowhow aus 40 Jahren technischer Sportbekleidung nun auch in den Teamsport und die 2. Fußball-Bundesliga. Dadurch wird erstmals eine ganz neue Zielgruppe angesprochen. Auf diese ‚Teamarbeit‘ freue ich mich besonders."    

Markus Müller berichtet an Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann. Der sagt: „Wir kennen Markus gut und schon seit langem. Wir schätzen ihn menschlich wie fachlich sehr. Das Bewerbungsgespräch dauerte daher nicht sehr lang. Das passt einfach."



Richmond-based HandCraft Linen Services Recertified Hygienically Clean

Richmond-based HandCraft Linen Services Recertified Hygienically Clean

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing
HandCraft Linen Services’ Richmond, Virginia laundry has had their certification renewed for Hygienically Clean Healthcare, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

•             Employees are properly trained and protected
•             Managers understand regulatory requirements
•             OSHA-compliant
•             Physical plant operates effectively

Emphasis on Process, Third-party Validation and Outcome-based Testing
HandCraft Linen Services’ Richmond, Virginia laundry has had their certification renewed for Hygienically Clean Healthcare, reflecting their commitment to best management practices (BMPs) in laundering as verified by on-site inspection and their capability to produce hygienically clean textiles as quantified by ongoing microbial testing.

The laundry was first certified in 2014. Recertification confirms the organization’s continuing dedication to infection prevention, compliance with recognized industry standards and processing healthcare textiles using BMPs as described in its quality assurance documentation, a focal point for Hygienically Clean inspectors’ evaluation. The independent, third-party inspection must also confirm essential evidence that:

•             Employees are properly trained and protected
•             Managers understand regulatory requirements
•             OSHA-compliant
•             Physical plant operates effectively

To achieve certification initially, laundries pass three rounds of outcome-based microbial testing, indicating that their processes are producing Hygienically Clean Healthcare textiles and diminished presence of yeast, mold and harmful bacteria. They also must pass a facility inspection. To maintain their certification, they must pass quarterly testing to ensure that as laundry conditions change, such as water quality, textile fabric composition and wash chemistry, laundered product quality is consistently maintained. Re-inspection occurs every two to three years.

This process eliminates subjectivity by focusing on outcomes and results that verify textiles cleaned in these facilities meet appropriate hygienically clean standards and BMPs for hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities.

Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification acknowledges laundries’ effectiveness in protecting healthcare operations by verifying quality control procedures in linen, uniform and facility services operations related to the handling of textiles containing blood and other potentially infectious materials.

Certified laundries use processes, chemicals and BMPs acknowledged by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American National Standards Institute and others. Introduced in 2012, Hygienically Clean Healthcare brought to North America the international cleanliness standards for healthcare linens and garments used worldwide by the Certification Association for Professional Textile Services and the European Committee for Standardization.

Objective experts in epidemiology, infection control, nursing and other healthcare professions work with Hygienically Clean launderers to ensure the certification continues to enforce the highest standards for producing clean healthcare textiles.

Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

Chomarat North America awarded as 9100 certification for the aerospace industry

CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.


CHOMARAT North America has just been awarded AS 9100 certification. CHOMARAT Group’s US facility that specializes in Advanced Composites reinforcements is located in Williamston, South Carolina. The new certification covers aerospace quality management systems and follows the Group’s development strategy relative to quality and risk management. “Our North American plant’s new AS 9100 certification proves our organisational maturity and provides a vital asset to enable us to become a leading aerospace supplier,” said Michel COGNET, Group Managing Director at CHOMARAT.

With this certification, CHOMARAT North America is following in the footsteps of the Group’s French plants that were certified to ES 9100 in 2012. The facility now meets the strict criteria set by the market for high performance composites reinforcements for the aerospace industry. The quality system and risk management standards are recognised by purchasers worldwide and is in line with the Group’s growth strategy for the aerospace market. “We are proud of this AS 9100 certification that clearly demonstrates our commitment to quality management and reliability. This accomplishment now allows us to compete as an international aerospace supplier from multiple continents!” said Brian LAUFENBERG, President of CHOMARAT’s NA business.

CHOMARAT has already made a name for itself in the aerospace market with fabrics, tapes and multiaxial carbon reinforcements, particularly its C-PLY™ range. These materials are designed for primary and secondary structures as well as aircraft interior parts. These highly modular materials offer great angle and ply flexibility and open up new opportunities for designing lighter, more efficient and lower cost composite parts. This is a huge advantage in a market with high productivity demands.
This is why C-PLY™ was recently chosen by VX AEROSPACE for their foldaway drone, which can be stowed inside a cylindrical container and deployed from a tactical aircraft. The carbon multiaxial material is used in the construction of the wing, the horizontal stabilizers, the vertical fin and all of the control surfaces. “There is no better material! The extremely thin multiaxial reinforcement is perfect, because strength and stiffness are tailored according to demand. It offers extremely high performance at a reduced cost.” said VX AEROSPACE Chief Engineer Bob SKILLEN.





TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

TRSA, the global association for the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and the creator and administrator of the Hygienically Clean Certification announced today its 2018 Hygienically Clean Healthcare Advisory Board slate of members.

“The board is responsible for administering, enforcing, and revising TRSA’s Hygienically Clean Healthcare (HCH) Standards. Additional duties include establishing and maintaining criteria and procedures for the certification of healthcare textile processing in commercial, cooperatives, and in-house healthcare laundries and facilities. These subject matter experts will provide guidance regarding best management practices (BMPs), inspections and testing to ensure that the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification Program benefits consumers, laundry-processing facilities and textile services customers,” said Joseph Ricci, President and CEO of TRSA.

Members of the newly formed board of directors, who represent the entire industry -- linen, uniform and facility service companies, large central laundries, healthcare linen, uniform and facility services customers of TRSA members, suppliers, and experts from related healthcare and other professional organizations -- will serve a three-year term:

Randy Bartsch
CEO, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service Inc.

Rick Kislia
Chief Operating Officer
Crescent Laundry
Vice Chairman

David J. Stern
President & CEO, Paris Companies

Greg Anderson
CEO, Campus Laundry

Angela Becker
Senior Program Leader, Textile Care RD&E, Ecolab

Murray L. Cohen, PhD, MPH, CIH
Owner, Consultants in Disease and Injury Control (CDIC)

Dr. Alexis M. Elward, MD
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Eoin Flavin
Director, European Operations, WSI

David F. Goldsmith, MSPH, PhD, LLC
George Washington & Georgetown Universities

James Hall
CEO, Northwest Health Care Linen

Tony Long
VP, Risk Management, Angelica
Lynn A. Moreau, RN, BSN
Clinical Liaison Manager
HandCraft Linen Services

Michael Potack
Chairman, Unitex

Robert Raphael
Service Linen Supply Inc.

Liz Remillong
Vice President, Strategic Alliance
Crothall Healthcare

Douglas Waldman
President, Superior Linen Service

Charles Rossmiller
Director Laundry Programs
Textile Sales
Medline Industries, Inc.

Thomas Smith
Director, Safety & Training
Foussard Montague Associates, Inc.



Heimtextil India and Ambiente India 2018 launch Bespoke Living in their fifth edition

  • Special display arena will showcase exquisite signature collections from interior décor and home textile sectors

India’s premium fairs for home textiles, homeware and interior décor, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India have launched Bespoke Living, an exclusive product showcase space dedicated to companies dealing with signature collections at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 27th – 29th June 2018.

With four successful editions in a row, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India also slated on the same dates, have become the country’s leading business trade fairs to showcase the finest quality of dining, living, giving and home textiles. The launch of Bespoke Living aims to highlight one of a kind brands who deal with uniquely crafted designs that will range from plush statement pieces to extensive signature collections for home and retail furnishing.

  • Special display arena will showcase exquisite signature collections from interior décor and home textile sectors

India’s premium fairs for home textiles, homeware and interior décor, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India have launched Bespoke Living, an exclusive product showcase space dedicated to companies dealing with signature collections at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 27th – 29th June 2018.

With four successful editions in a row, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India also slated on the same dates, have become the country’s leading business trade fairs to showcase the finest quality of dining, living, giving and home textiles. The launch of Bespoke Living aims to highlight one of a kind brands who deal with uniquely crafted designs that will range from plush statement pieces to extensive signature collections for home and retail furnishing.

The term luxury décor is not restricted to brand names anymore. With trends like fully furnished luxury houses, theme dominated homes and tastefully designed retail showrooms rapidly picking up in the country, consumers are open to different styles and unique designs.
Be it the very popular Scandinavian themed houses to colourful cultural artefacts creating a soothing aura, Indians now want their homes and businesses to reflect their personal style with statement interiors.

Halls dedicated to Bespoke Living will feature selected designer brands from India and around the world showcasing their premium collections. This product showcase arena will be beneficial for interior designers, architects, hotel buyers, buyers of luxury goods and luxury homes developers. Business visitors can gain knowledge about the upcoming trends, source timeless pieces, build new connections with people sharing the same interest and experience the quality of the products in person. Exposure to best in class products and latest trends presented here will help them create a better home design experience for their clients.

Excelling in statement leather pieces the brand Three Sixty will showcase their latest leather collection that comprises of rugged travel accessories and signature furniture pieces. Inspired by the world’s deserts and explorers who traversed them, the brand designs fully customisable handmade products which are available in beautiful shades of tan, sure to up the sophistication quotient of home and retail interiors.     
“Our latest collection at Bespoke Living will showcase our ever evolving tastes and designs. We believe luxury need not be synonymous with breaking open the bank. Traditional Indian craftsmen can craft the most beautiful signature pieces and provide quality beyond compare, shared Mr Vikash Gupta, CEO, Three Sixty. International exhibitors present at the show will showcase exquisite artefacts like decorative ceramics with glaze, handmade clay wreaths with metal leaves, ceramic vases and other decorative items to make every home unique.

Apart from this specially curated design platform, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India 2018 will host the Interior Lifestyle Awards that will bring creative masters from the interior decor and home textile sectors together by recognising their art and giving them an international platform to showcase their designs.
The trade fair will also organise the Hospitality Day, a hospitality and retail procurement programme that will bring top class purchase managers from the industry to build new contacts and source quality products. Together, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India together will host over 100 companies from countries like India, Indonesia, Switzerland and Thailand showcasing trendsetting designs in the interior décor and home textile industry.


Messe Frankfurt